Objectives For Small-Hydro Technology PDF
Objectives For Small-Hydro Technology PDF
Objectives For Small-Hydro Technology PDF
Rapport correspondant la
lettre de commande 99 01
PART I Objectives for small hydro technology
Prof. J.-L. KUENY
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2. Condition of development of small hydro in developed countries ................................... 4
3. Condition of development of small hydro in developing countries and remote area......... 5
4. Integration of small hydro in the ecological environment................................................. 6
5. Relative importance of the different parts of a small hydro power plant : how to open
new markets for small hydro by reducing installed kWh costs................................................ 11
6. Civil engineering ............................................................................................................ 12
7. Hydropower as marginal equipment of existing device .................................................. 13
8. Electrical components ................................................................................................... 14
9. Turbine technology........................................................................................................ 15
10. Global integrated design............................................................................................ 17
11. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 18
12. Bibliography .............................................................................................................. 18
1. Introduction
Hydropower is a mature technology developed since more than 100 years. The criterion generally
adopted to define the type of hydroelectric power plant is as follows :
Hydro energy has very interesting properties compared to other sources of energy :
it is one of the cheapest renewable source of energy. Hydropower energy is mainly in
competition with thermal sources of energy. Because of falling prices on the electricity
market during the recent past years, small and medium-sized hydropower plants are
coming under increasing pressure
thanks to the good actual forecasting tools for hydrology resources, long-term planning
for hydro energy is possible and long-term assurance of viable payments for supply to the
network and stable costs can be guarantee, compared to fluctuating prices of the fossil
impact on environment is minimal if sufficient precautions are taken
due to the fast start or stop of hydraulic turbines and the large operating range of these
machines, hydro energy permit easy control of load on the grid. Comparable flexibility is
only possible with gas turbines
the possibility of energy storage in a reservoir permit to manage the production in the
best economical interests, to store energy during off-peak hours and to release it during
peak hours (these property is particularly interesting in complement of other sources of
energy like nuclear power or wind and solar energy, )
hydro plants are well adapted to decentralized energy production in remote area and
easily adjustable to local energy demand
hydraulic power permits very secure regulation techniques, that permits to guaranty high
quality of current in comparison of others sources like wind energy where rapid
unpredictable fluctuations are present
Future of Small Hydro is directly connected to need of new energy sources, to the relative
economical position of the Small Hydro energy to the other sources of energy and to the
importance of environmental concerns which are often contradictory between interest in
renewable energy and environmental values associated with rivers :
- a fundamentalist environmental policy is more and more creating obstacles to rational
and environmentally-friendly development of hydropower. However the contribution of
hydropower to sustainable and renewable energy is major and adequate solution can be
and must be founded to guaranty environmental protection and hydropower
- gigantic hydro projects built without regard to nature and man discredit hydropower and
reduce its international social acceptance; small and medium-sized hydropower plants on
the other hand can be extended in a sustainable environmentally-friendly and socially-
compatible manner
- complex and costly licensing and financing procedures designed for major projects
discourage potential builders of small and medium-sized power plants and not
infrequently result in the abandon of these projects which in fact make the best sense.
The legislators, authorities banks and financing institutes must simplify the procedures
and improve the background conditions, so contributing to the development of the great
potential which exists, especially in the developing countries
- the free access to the grid with the liberalization of the electricity market are threatening
the economic basis of even the large existing plants. Only far-reaching accompanying
measures (CO levies) can ensure the competitiveness of hydropower plants facing of
fossil fuel-fired plants in periods where gas or petrol prices are low. Nevertheless
investing in small hydro is not for fast money but for sustainable money.
In developed countries, the easiest part of the hydropower potential is exploited and the
corresponding unit energy costs competitive to other sources of energy . Without governmental
incentive the development of small hydro is directly connected to the energy unit cost of new
For instance in E.U. a prospect for Renewable Energy in 30 European Countries from 1995 to
2020 has been established by the TERES II group [1] . This analysis shows that Hydropower is
one of the few economically significant renewable source of energy (see table 1).
The hydropower potential in E.U. represent 11.8% (48.6 Mtoe) _ see figures 2 _ of the total
renewable energy potential. In 1995 total hydro energy represent 24.9 Mtoe (36.1% of exploited
renewable energy). Small hydro (<10 MW) accounted for about 3% of the total hydro capacity
only, i.e. 0.75 Mtoe The TERRES II group estimates that if the unit cost of small hydro energy
should decrease of 20% from here to 2020 the hydropower will represent 13% of the renewable
energy exploited, i.e. 29.6 Mtoe, what corresponds to an increase in 4.74 Mtoe. This growth is
only possible via small hydro owing to the fact that large possible hydro plant are at present
mostly in exploitation. That estimation correspond to about five time the actual small hydro
installed energy.
Figure 2 Potential and estimated evolution of renewable energy from 1995 to 2020 in E.U. (TERES II [1]).
The new market related to the 20% drop in hydro energy cost correspond mainly to low head
power plants and also to marginal hydro potential development such as the drinking water or
wasted water supply networks or complementary to irrigation or offshore turbines for see currents or very
large rivers (Darieus or propeller _see ANNEX I).
In region like Europe, many plants are relatively old and now arise the problem of the
rehabilitation of the existing plants. The technical-economical assessment of the period of
exploitation must then be carried out carefully. It is often noted that the existing power plants
are badly adapted to the hydrological potential of energy or to the request of energy on the grid,
the reason is that the corresponding hydrological and economic data evolved or moved since the
start-up of the power plant, or, and it is often the case, because these data were badly evaluated at
origin. The operating conditions must also be analysed to reduce to the maximum the costs of
maintenance and monitoring of the plant. In many cases these analysis justify a modernization of
the equipment and overall this market is interesting for the small-hydro manufacturers on the
condition of placing at their disposal the tools which make it possible to make a success of the
In the developing countries, isolated island and Eastern Europe, the growing demand for energy
is being met for the most part by thermal power plants; this has unforeseeable consequences for
the global ecological balance. Development of the vast hydropower potential all over the world
requires sensible statutory provisions, economic incentives and optimum financing potential. If
the technical point of view is considered, to allow the development of the small hydro power
plants, it is also necessary systematically to search a reduction of the costs of the equipment to
improve competitiveness and enlarge the economical market.
In remote area where the energy demand of rural communities is mostly limited, this need can
often be met more appropriately by small or micro schemes and is not adapted to large-scale
schemes. The plants are often operated in isolation or are connected to local grids. Small hydro is
well adapted to this local demand. In remote areas, the main competitor to small-scale
hydropower is mainly diesel generation. The oil price are usually very low but the critical
parameter are not only the price of oil, but the problem of maintenance , witch is a big difficulty
in many countries.
New researches are again necessary to adapt small hydro design to the local characteristics,
notably to reduce the economic limit for the head, that is a brake for many potential projects.
Many potential plants exist under this limit, for instance in Amazonian region, or for tidal energy
applications, where plenty of water is available, but with only very low head (1.5 to 2.5m) _ see
for instance ANNEX III a research project for economical tidal power with 1.8 to 2.5 m tidal
amplitude. If the interest of such kind of tidal power turbine is demonstrated many application
will be possible (50 to 100 in the Amazonia delta or in India or England or Canada ,
Past hydropower projects have disrupted fish runs, flooded fishing grounds, and turned rapids
and spectacular scenic areas into placid lakes. These excess are origin of the often too severe
Both renewable energy development and conservation of river resources are crucial to present
and future generations. It appears now that with some precautions, small hydro power can
respect environment and in many cases can improve it.
Searching a rational and beneficial balance must be the focus of broad public policy and site-
specific development decision. The level of market penetration of small hydro will also depend
on future policies particularly environmental and development of technologies which make it
possible to respect the ecosystem of the rivers.
All these procedures to preserve and ameliorate the river environment involve a loss of profit and
must be taken in account in the budget of the power plan.
Ecology and waterpower beyond the possible opposition of these notion, it is important to pay
attention on the global advantages coming out of their parity.
Decentralised way of electricity with care about the ecosystem-resource. Search of appropriate
solution for each case and positive motivation of the principal actors may help in minimising the
costs and amplitude of its realisation.
The goals for research and technology in Small Hydro is therefore not only to reduce the total
cost of the equipment, but also to propose technology adapted to the future environmental
The ecosystem of running water is based on succession of periodically flood and low water,
transport of sediments and organic matter, temperature variation between winter and summer.
These natural cycle allow the development of the vegetation and are the principal engines of the
dynamics of the rivers. High flows of matter and energy work quantity of micro-habitats whose
ecological conditions subjected to this dynamics change constantly, the development of vegetable
and animal community, precisely adapted to these permanent changes, is then possible.
With an hydro power plant, impact on the river ecosystem is not always full of consequence, but
become it if the river loses its functionality original.
Figure 3 Made-up counter-channel [11] . Figure 4 Prefabricated fish bypass.
Insofar as some place is available in the vicinity of the intake of water, the solution of a counter-
channel is quite preferable than a fish ladder, of the biological point of view (it is the most natural
solution), as from the financial one. The cost of the ground is very often relatively weak and the
design is simple and easily perfectible.
Everywhere where that is possible in the vicinity of the plant, one must also develop local
creation of micro-habitat favorable to the development of the aquatic life (vegetable ears and
spikes, bench of gravel, ). These installation can be decides and developed in collaboration with
local associations of fishermen.
The improvement of the watery life in the zone of the plant can often be obtained with less
expenses by creating for example favorable habitats in the feeder canal by revitalizing the banks
of the monotonous channels with alive vegetable materials such as willows laid out in the form of
fascines, cuttings ears, It is often enough to recopy the river upstream or downstream and to
maintain an permanent activity of open-plan offices of the river, in connection with the angling
associations, if possible.
Irregular turbine operating related to the management of the peak hours in some case causes
artificial fluctuations of the flows downstream of the restitution of the water, the effects of which
are measured on very long distance. The consequences are then the following ones: high and
low water of the wet surface of the riverbed, which causes the death of aquatic organisms being
abruptly put dry and artificial derives from the living organisms not resisting to the large quantity
of water evacuated at the time of the turbine operating.
Procedures must be developed to operate the reservoir to keep the changes of river eco-system
to a minimum and within an acceptable range.
Figure 6 Turbine used as re-oxyg enation device.
The management of the floating refuses accumulated at the water intake must also be taken in
account within the framework of the power plant operation by automatic or manual cleaning. It
must make it possible to leave a maximum of floating matters in the river necessary to the living
organisms. With adaptation of the river morphology it is also possible to limit the accumulation
of floating refuses like dead leaf on the water intake.
The determination of residual water flow imposed by legislation must also be defined on scientific bases and it would
perhaps be necessary to define norms on a scientific basis acceptable by all partners of the river.
A detailed attention relates also to the use of toxic or polluting products for the operations of
lubrication and cooling of the hydro and electro machines of the power plant. Eco-friendly
products on natural or synthetic base must be chosen and research. Use of rapidly biodegradable
lubricating fluids of water hazard category 0/1 is mandatory. If other toxic products exist in the
site, safety procedure must be clearly be established.
Some solution has been developed to disturb a minimum acoustical environment and efforts has
been done to reduce acoustic pollution of acceptable manner for sensible zones. The same
problem exist for visual pollution of environment and solution must be research to adapt as good
as possible the power plant to the landscape, for instance underground or integrated to landscape
plant can be designed.
Figure 8 Example of integrated of a power plant in the historical site of Heidelberg.
It is also important to underline to require the highest as possible quality of the studies of ground
and corresponding impacts. Errors in this field which can give place to irreversible damage,
which are harmful to the global small hydro image.
5. Relative importance of the different parts of a small hydro power plant :
how to open new markets for small hydro by reducing installed kWh
Typical costs of the different elements of a power plant are shown on table 7 below. Three type
of small hydro power plants are considered : a high head plant, a low head plant and a plant
corresponding to marginal hydro potential development (complementary to irrigation or an
industrial process or to drinking water supply or on sewer for waste water). These figures permit
to precise the crucial elements on which it is important to make efforts in particular via research
incentive actions, to make overall reduce the cost of the power plants.
The three example are typical small hydro plants : 1 to 2 MW for high head or low head plants
and roughly less for complementary hydro equipment added to an existing installation for
irrigation or drinking water supply or wasted water sewer.
For the three example, the power unit cost is about the same : ~105 /kW. The Energy unit cost
depends of the annual duration of production which is related to available hydrology.
The electrical equipments, generator, transformer, controller, protection system and access line,
has about the same weight for the three cases (25 to 30% of total plant cost). Civil engineering
has a preponderant part for the high head plants (60% of total cost) and the turbine represent
only 15%. For low head plants Civil engineering and turbine represent respectively 47% and
25%. For the third case Hydro power is only a marginal added device and civil engineering has a
minor role. In this case the turbine is the prime cost and must be adapted to the operation of the
principal objective of the plant.
6. Civil engineering
For high head plants the Civil Engineering represent about 60% of total cost. It mainly the
penstock cost which is preponderant (46,8%). Researches for lowering cost of this element
permit to influence directly the cost-effectiveness of this type of plant. One can for instance
report the development of fibreglass penstocks which are very interesting up to 2 MW power.
Technique to provide the economical diameter are now well used. For this type of installation
one can also search procedures to reduce the cost of the implementation of the penstock, which
represents also a considerable part of the price.
For many plants the sand decant device is also a very important equipment which must be well
dimensioned to be effective and avoid erosion problems and for minimizing maintenance.
For low head plants the dam or threshold represent this time the most important part of the Civil
Engineering (26% of Total plant cost). For this category of power-plant research efforts to lower
this element are profitable. Recently interesting solution are proposed by using inflatable
Figure 11 Inflatable threshold [6] and [9].
This type of device represent lower investment than classical threshold, but need control using
compressed air or water and financial balance taking in account maintenance must be considered.
For low head plants, the power house represent also an non negligible cost and adapted low cost
building must be chosen.
Figure 13 An adaptet plant for very low head : cheep turbine, shelter, civil engineering,
automatic control.
For these case, energy production is not the prime objective of the plant. Hydropower is only a
marginal equipment for instance of a dam constructed for agricultural irrigation, for dinking
water supply or other industrial equipment, for instance on figure 14, a brine energy recovery
Pelton turbine is adapted on a pressure feeding system for reverse osmosis.
For these plant cost of civil engineering are minimal and the major part of cost concern the
hydomechanichal and electromechanical elements. The installed power is rarely important.
Most of the time, the operating point and the operating range cannot be imposed by the turbine
and important flow or head fluctuation are present. For these type of application, variable speed
is often very well adapted.
Figure 14 Reverse osmosis plant equipped with a brine energy recovery Pelton turbine. [10]
8. Electrical components
The electrical fittings (transformer, controller, protection system and access line) represent about
15% of the total cost of classical small hydro power plants. These costs grow regularly owing to
the fact that the requirements for increasingly severe quality of supplied energy on the grid. The
filtering techniques to set up represent increasingly important costs.
For this domain, specific developments for small hydro with an effort of standardization is
The electrical generator represent a relatively low percent of the total power-plant cost. These
costs can be easily controlled via standardization of equipments. It is however very important to
adapt adequately this machine to the power of the turbine by taking in account all the
particularity of hydraulic turbines, for instance relative high runaway speed for instance up to 2
times the nominal speed for low head turbines (propeller or Kaplan turbines) and for instance
synchronous motors working as generators are seldom adequate. New interesting solution, in
connection with electro-technical component evolution, can now be proposed, in particular for
low head plants (see PART II).
9. Turbine technology
Among the different element of the plant, the turbine is at the earth of the energy production; its
the same for the electric generators. For these crucial elements witch are directly connected to the
positive column of the financial balance of the plant, its very important to search the highest
efficiency without weighed down the budget.
For high head plants the turbine represent only 15% of the total cost. For these turbines it is
therefore possible to adopt the highest as possible technology to improve efficiency. The
corresponding cost increase has minor importance if being reasonable.
For low head or for marginal equipment machines, the relative importance of the turbine is
respectively 25.4% and 31.3%. For these plants, cost corresponding to efficiency improvement
must be taken in account in the global financial balance and cheapest as possible technical
solution has to be searched. For instance, for drinking water supply turbines pump working as
turbine are often a very good solution to diminish the corresponding cost.
Turbine technology is now mature in small hydro. The analysis of concrete situations shows that
mini-turbines can be neither scale models of large machines nor an extension of very small ones
(pico-turbines) the constraints being different, exhaustive and systematic research is necessary in
order to optimise and produce the equipment specific to small power plants. This must comply
to the 3 fundamental conditions: simplicity (limited cost), high efficiency, maximum reliability
(minimum and easy maintenance).
Small hydro has now its own technique and methodology and many of the newly designed
turbines are a solution in search of a problem because they usually have substantial advantages
over traditional turbines. The orientation given in the last years permits to reduce costs of design,
manufacture, control and maintenance of turbine. Simplified and typical design has been adapted
for most of practical cases and operation range has been well defined. For instance, if speed
reduction is necessary, driving belt are systematically used instead of reduction gear box for
power less than 150 to 200kW. Drive wheel are often adapted to facilitate control for runaway
speed and damp down oscillation.
Many arrangement of small hydro turbine _see for instance ANNEX I _ are possible and the
advantages and disadvantages of all type are not totally known. Due to the fact that low-head
developments are inherently expensive because the high flows need large machines, important
efforts has been done on the design of low head turbines that minimize both civil and equipment
costs. Typical schemes are : Inverted Kaplan turbine (with fixed guide-vanes and an inverted
draft tube acting as a siphon), Semi Kaplan turbine (adjustable blades and fixed guide-vanes),
Straflow turbine, Right angle drive bulb turbine, Bulb, Tubular turbines, Open-flume Francis,
Vertical Kaplan, Francis, Banki-Mitchell, Impulse turbines (Pelton and Turgo), Derriaz turbine,
pumps operating as turbines, Free flow turbine (Darieus, Propeller, ), matrix turbines for
modular low head plants. For these machines many ideas exist. But the small hydro turbine
constructors dont have at present the adequate tools to choice the best adapted turbine for a
specific plant.
Standardization. or rationalization
In the past years, many companies developed the concept of standard design, that is the
production of a range of machines of identical design as is done with pump design. The difficulty
is that to cover the total operation range of small hydro and the opinion of G. Mc Hamissh at
the First Conference on Small Hydro organized in 1982 is always valid:
To cover the market you are talking about 100, 200 standard designs and, with the market
as it is at the moment one manufacturer can receive in one year an order for maybe 10 to 20
designs. As time goes on, he will change his idea about how to design those machines. So, if
he has already made 50 or 100 designs, many will already be obsolete before he has a chance
to use them. So I dont think it will be much benefit to the customer to write a specification
which is intended to take some advantages from standardization from a particular
Standard turbine can only be applicable to micro and mini turbines where cost is important and
efficiency is not.
In most cases, the end-user has no advantages of standardization, because standard design dont
fit well to the site characteristics and the consequence can be important losses of energy.
Rather than standardization, the key lies in rationalization. Where the design procedures, the
general arrangement and most of the elements are standardized but the global size and the
principal elements related to power production (turbine runner, high pressure part, ) are
individually calculated and manufatured to optimised the available potential. With computer and
CNC machinery, it is now possible to manufacture very rapidly, with cheep costs and global
standardization is no more needed to master and reduce costs.
One of the biggest difficulty in small hydro is to adapt the equipments to the specificity of the
plant : to the hydrology, the geology and topography of the site. The first difficulty is to collect
the detailed corresponding data. Error in these data or lack of data involve important risks for the
security of the plant (flooding, landslide, ) or under or over estimation of plant mean head and
mean flow discharge what involves a bad choice of the turbine and loss of profit due to non
optimal turbine efficiency. Longest as possible statistical hydrological series must be
systematically collect in all potential plants and/or completed in order to be able to construct
annual mean average river discharge series and decennial and centenary flooding levels. This type
of data exist in developed countries for most of rivers, but must be often precise for small hydro
potential plants. In developing countries, there is mostly very few available data and
correspondent risk are very important. International agencies should develop efforts to create
these hydrological data banks.
With the development of C.F.D., large hydro constructors has developed codes to help the
turbine designer [12]. These codes integrate statistical data to define the principal geometrical
parameters of all parts of the turbine and propose a geometry of all parts of the machine (spiral
casing, distributor, runner, draft tube). Automatic meshing procedures permit to calculate very
quickly the flow in all parts of machine and also mechanical stresses and strains. Analyses of flow
and mechanical defaults permits to the designer to modify easily the proposed geometry and this
numerical procedure permit to obtain the final acceptable design in 1 or 2 days. Small hydro
constructors dont have access to such kind of codes and are depending to large hydro designer
for runner and machine design. With the actual development of CFD on PC NT computer, its at
present possible to propose such kind of tools specifically developed for small hydro
turbines. These tools can integrate optimal design techniques in order to permit to obtain
automatically the best design corresponding to criteria defined by the user (cavitation, cost and
performance criteria).
These C.F.D. tools can also be extended to design civil engineering shapes like power-plant
feeder canal, inlet gate and grids, draft tubes,
The same kind of the previously presented tools can be proposed for rehabilitation project. For
these kind of project only one part of the machine is generally replaced (runner and high pressure
elements). The corresponding geometrical constraints can be taken in account in the proposed
numerical procedure and the initial geometry can be the old one acquired via reverse
engineering techniques.
The application of intelligent electronic devices (IED) for operation , closed loop control,
protection and monitoring offers cost effective solutions. The application of a wired or unwired
telecommunication link to a regional control center for remote control and monitoring enables
also the establishment of cost effective maintenance strategies. The well trained maintenance
crew needed and the storage of spares can also be located at one central place only.
Information technology also offers for small and medium size power plants new and
revolutionary approaches for operation, closed loop control and monitoring (see for instance
[2], [3], [4])
New materials
New adapted low cost materials has to bee research and used for small hydro. For instance rapid
machining steels adapted for C.N.C. machines and having good characteristic for cabvitation
and/or sand erosion, materials to re-cover sensible zones to erosion (ceramics, ), low cost
adapted elements of machines (plastic, glass-fibre, ). Some of these elements (spriral casing, )
could be standardized.
Today good efficiency can be obtained for small hydro turbine (85 to 92%) and important
reduction of the energy cost are no longer possible in improving the turbine design. On the other
hand, the operation and maintenance can be reduced in all new projects to its minimum, thanks
to an adapted design and remote control. What is necessary is to well adapt the machine
characteristics to the plant characteristics. If a good hydrologic data base is available with the
corresponding power load schedule of the plant, a global model based on simulation of all
possible components (hydromechanics elements but also electromechanical and electric
components) can be construct. This global model permit to optimise all elements of the plants
with the objective of the global performance and cost of the plant. Such kind of Computer Aid
Design software are in development _ see ref 4 and 5 _ fig. 8. Different operation mode can be
tested, such as variable or fixed speed, with different type of potential components, turbines
multiplier, generators, transformer, civil engineering The simulation on a typical hydrologic
year permit to determine the best arrangement.
Global integrated design is very important for small hydro and many examples can prove this
necessity. For instance if only the turbine cost is alone considered, one can prefer a scheme with
concrete duct instead of a metallic duct arrangement (see figure 16). In a precise case, this choice
has entailed an overcoats of 80 000 $ due to the fact of the complexity of the civil engineering.
Figure 16
11. Conclusion
To support the development of mini-hydro parallel to administrative and political inciting action
four points are important:
- to develop the integration of the power plant in the ecological environment
- to limit the costs and to improve the competitiveness compared to the others sources of
energy by developing adapted technology and procedure to small hydro
- to open new markets related to marginal hydro potential and improve rehabilitation
- to develop the adequacy of power plant related to the electric power needs and available
12. Bibliography
1. TERES II The prospects for Renewable Energy in 30 European Countries from 1995
2020, CEE Altener Program , 1996
2. Tolea, M.F., Kueny, J.L., Pierrat, L. ,Parametric analysis of the dynamic behavior of Francis
turbines A new approach, XIX IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and
Cavitation, Singuapore, 1998
3. TOLEA, M.F. ,KUENY, J.L.,PIERRAT, L.,A Novel Neural Network Based Application
for the Intelligent Control of a Hydro-Electrical Process , NEURAPT98 Symposium,
Marseille, 1998
4. L. Pierrat, J.L. Kueny, A.M. Phan, "Efficiency Improvement of a Variable Speed Turbine
generator Set: Losses Modelling and Test Validation", Modelling, Testing &Monitoring for
Hydro Power Plants II, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-11 July 1996, pp. 319-327
5. PAN ANH MINH, "Rgulation de turbines vitesse variable, modle technico-
conomique", thse INPG, 1998
6. IDEA, Manuales de Energias Renovables: n1 Minicentrales hydroelectricas Altener
Program, Madrid 1996
7. B. LEYLAND, Recent developments in machinery for small hydro-electric schemes,
Third international conference on small hydro, Watre Power, 1988
8. Jrg Krhenbhl Die Zukunft der Wasserkraft , Ausstellungskongress kleine und
mittelgrosse Wasserkraftanlagen, Berne 10-13 June 1997
9. ENGEL, Arnold P., Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung von Kleinkraftwerken,
Ausstellungskongress kleine und mittelgrosse Wasserkraftanlagen, Berne 10-13 June 1997
10. Avellan, F., Hydropower Rehabilitation, from large to mini-hydro power plants,
Ausstellungskongress kleine und mittelgrosse Wasserkraftanlagen, Berne 10-13 June 1997
11. 11. Pedroli J.C., Ecologie et force hydrauliqe, , Ausstellungskongress kleine und
mittelgrosse Wasserkraftanlagen, Berne 10-13 June 1997
12. Kueny J.L., Francis Turbine Design, Inter-universitary intensive course on Hydraulic
Turbine, EPFL-INPG postgrade course, http//www.epfl.ch/formation
Comparison of performances.
Francis vertical turbine.
Free flow turbines for small hydro in see current or very large river.
Darieus turbine.
ANNEX II BELEM tidal power turbine : a typical low head turbine project
1 To design a propeller turbine operating:
v at fixed speed (fans, fridge)
v at variable speed (electric batteries)
2 Machining a matrix -> local fabrication (20-
30 potential turbines)
3 Test
1. General concept of a mini-hydro plant
1.1 Hydro-mechanical constrains
1.2 Economical constrains
1.3 Functional constrains
2. A.C.current generators
2.1 General rules of dimensioning
2.2 Asynchronous generators
2.3 Synchronous generators
2.4 Choice criteria
Before beginning the discussions, I think it would be desirable to replace the subject in a general
context of a mini-hydro plant and speak about the following limitations:
First, we must mention that the exploitation of a hydro-plant is based on a cascade of two
energetical transformations: on one hand hydro-mechanical, on the other hand electro-
Because we must extract the available energy from a natural plant, its obvious that the electro-
mechanical conversion stage must have a designe that allows to obtain a maximum efficiency by a
minimum cost.
It results that, practically, there are the turbine characteristics (power, speed) which determine the
electrical generator ones however will be their nature.
The economical handicap that all the energetical plants are comming up against, is related to the
size effect; when the rated power of an energetical conversion equipment increases, its specifical
cost decreases and simultaneously its efficiency increases.
On one hand, the electro-mechanical conversion stage is not excepted from this tendancy
determined by the corresponding physical phenomena.
The situation is aggravated if we take also into consideration the other devices (monitoring,
control, governing, protection) whose cost is practically fixed indifferent from the plant size.
On the other hand, the design of a small hydro plant cant escape today from a technical-
economical approach based on the life cycle cost. So, the reliability is an important factor of the
functional availability and the maintenance and service cost must be minimized.
The design and the size of the actual small hydro plants are also determined by their purposes.
First, the technical performances related to the supply of the autonomous electrical networks
and/or public ones are determined by rules sometimes constraining for the operation of a small
Second, the exploitation ways depend on the hydrological variability and/or the environmental
All these functional constrains depending, partly, of an evolutive legislation, have an impact on
the size of the electro-mechanical components and on the complexity of the control, governing
and protection systems.
The asynchronous or synchronous generators must assure the power supply of an autonomous
network and/or a public one, maintaining a constant voltage and frequency independenly of the
load variations.
Generally, their size is based on common electro-magnetic similitude laws. But their supply and
absorbtion capabilities of the reactive power is different.
The active power (P) delivered by a rotating AC or DC machine is the product of the shaft
torque (T) by its angular rotation speed ():
For an electrical machine the torque (T) is approximately proportional to the volume (V) so, to
the cost (C) of the material used.
According to the economical point of view (investment cost), the use of a higher possible
rotation speed is advantageous.
Because this rotation speed is imposed to that one of the turbine, we can study the interest of a
mechanical gear ( in this case other aspects connected to the inertia moment of the turbine-
generator set can be considered).
The size effect occurs both on the power-to-volume ratio:
P/V*(P) 1/8
For the low rated power machines used in the small hydro domain, these contradictory effects
(related to active power and rotation speed) on the specific cost and efficiency, cant be
simultaneously compensated. Using more performant materials (i.e. permanent magnets for PM
synchronous machine) its a possible manner to improve the efficiency but the cost increases.
Another way for reducing the cost could be to increase the technical constrains on materials (i.e.
more efficient cooling and/or a higher operating temperature) but the efficiency decreases.
Taking into account their high similitude with the asynchronous motors currently used in
industry, these machines are the most robust and the less expensive ones ( cage rotor). However,
the gap thickness between rotor and stator must be sufficiently large in order to avoid the
mechanical failure which leads to a sensible diminishing of the machine efficiency and of the
power factor.
Their main limitation concern the reactive power: this reactive power necessary t o magnetize the
machine must be delivered by the public network and/ or by static capacitors.
They never can deliver a reactive power to an autonomous and/or a public network thats why a
decreasing of the sold energy value occurs (power factor too weak).
Their coupling to the network can be easily realised nearby at the same value of the synchronous
However, when these machines are associated to the capacitive compensation, the overcost of
these components must be considered as well as the functional constrains resulting from
(capacitive self-excitation, dielectric rupture of capacitors, limited operating ranges...)
This kind of machine having a rotoric excitation winding, allows the elimination of the
asynchronous generator limitations concerning the reactive power.
It results that the thickness of the gap between rotor and stator is always sufficient to avoid the
mechanical failures.
Besides, its efficiency is higher than the asynchronous generator, but its cost is higher because the
rotor configuration is more complex (windings on salient poles, excitation rings or brushless
excitation ).
The rotoric excitation control (reactive power delivered to the network or absorbed by the
machine) implies the use of a more complex regulating device so, more expensive.
To the rotoric excitation winding, permanent magnets can be replaced, but in this case, the
adjustment capacity disappears; this solution has no practical interest except the use of such a
machine associated to a frequency electronic converter in the variation speed domain.
The two types of generators have identical stators; only the complexity of their rotors is different
which explains the different costs. But their functional performances are also different and the
supplied network type (autonomous or public) is an important choice criterion.
It is well known that the adjustment of the turbine speed allows to maintain a maximum
efficiency however will be the operation conditions (flow, head).
But because the electrical power must be delivered at constant voltage and frequency, an
electronic frequency converter must be used.
This converter implies an investment overcost as well as compleme ntary losses and the
economical justification of such a solution must be very carefully studied function both of the
turbine characteristics and of the plant hydraulic variability.
In this case the frequency converter is an autonomous voltage converter which supplies an
autonomous and/or a public network.
A possible alternative consists of using a winded rotor for limitating the converter size, but this
machine has a higher cost and its rotoric rings diminish its reliability and increase the
maintenance effort. So, such a solution has no obvious interest in small hydro domain.
3.2. Synchronous generator:
In this case, the frequency converter is a self-inverted current converter associated both to the
machine and to the public network; in case of an autonomous network, only the network
converter must be replaced by an autonomous converter.
For the rated power and the voltage considered in a small hydro domain, the frequency converter
cost is not very strongly related to their complexity.
It results that the choice of a cage asynchronous generator associated to an autonomous
frequency converter using up-to-date semiconductor components of IGBT type ( Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistor) is probably a good solution.
We must point out that the speed variation of a small hydro set leads necessarily to the
modification of the classical voltage-frequency regulation but some advantages can result as for
instance the stability of the hydro-electric process.
Before beginning and orientating the discussions, I propose to tackle the following points; most
of them results from the previous considerations and the others have a more specifically
The design and construction of the small hydro plants come up against two difficulties: the weak
rated power of the equipments and the diversity of the component assembly.
Could-it be possible to reduce the investment costs b y using the mechanical integration concepts (turbine, generator,
gear, cooling, converter...) and component modularity (size and standardized configurations) ?
It is known that speed variation can increase the energetically efficiency of the turbine-generator
set but a technical-economical study must be done for justifying this choice.
So, the cost of a frequency converter is an important factor depending on technical solutions not
yet very well evaluated.
Could-it be possible to tackle the corresponding feasibility studies in order to define standardized solutions?
4.3. Control, Monitoring & Governing:
The device assembly where each one assures a distinctive function, is still a current approach in
this field.
Today, the development of the computer systems give the possibility of increasing the
performances and the functional complexity without increasing simultaneously the technological
complexity; this tendency would allow to reduce the fixed costs of the plants, integrating most of
the necessary functions.
Could it be possible, on one hand, to imagine the development of an adapted device for voltage-frequency regulation,
compatible with different possibilities of connecting a small hydro plant to public and/or to autonomous networks ?
Could it be possible, on the other hand, to reconsider the connexion problem of a small hydro plant to a public
and/or autonomous networks in today terms for simplifying the necessary devices (control, protections) and to
foresee the functional reliability?
Considering the weak rated powers of the small hydro, the rated voltage of the generators is
situated in the low voltage or medium voltage ranges (LV or MV).
Traditionally, a set-up transformer is inserted between the generator and the network.
Very recently, the direct connection of specific generator to the LV or MV network was
proposed but some arguments presented on this occasion dont seem to be credible, particularly
the aspect concerning the real advantage of the reactive power compensation.
Could-it be possible to obtain a realistic estimation of the investment profit brought by such a solution (transformer
suppression) in the power range concerning the small hydro?
Among the functions assured by the set-up transformer (when it is well designed and realised...)
we can point out the attenuation of the transient overvoltage generated by the network.
Could it be possible to guarantee the dielectric overvoltage strength of a generator directly connected to a high voltage
network in order to obtain a sufficient reliability?
It is not easy, a-priori, to elaborate a R&D best strategy concerning the electro-mechanical
domain. Indeed, in a small hydro project, all the concerned disciplines are interactive: technical
and/or technological progress can engender both marginal economical gains (but quantifiable)
and significant indirect gains (but, a-priori, more difficult to estimate).
The following strategy proposal must be considered as an expert advice and it has no pretention
of being the only one possible.
After that, one limitates to justify its objectives and formulate R&D proposals within a coherent
For complementary precisions, please contact the author:
L.P Consultant, PO Box 5042; 38821 Grenoble Cedex 02, France
The techno-economical improvement limits of the small hydro are well known for a long time.
The designer has at his disposal a catalogue of components available or specifically workable and
he tries to combine them in order to obtain the specifical performances for a minimum
investment cost.
Unfortunately, the physic laws of component dimensioning penalize intrinsically the considered weak powers and
the very large diversity of natural sites counterbalances a rational standardizing of the components.
Moreover, a lot of functions translates by fixed costs independently from their size (governor,
switchgear panel, protection equipment, automatic control, power station auxiliary equipment...)
and the part of the budget destined to the project study is always limited.
So that it is necessary to find an adequate strategy allowing to avoid these difficulties.
Even if significant gains could be obtained by using punctual technical and/or technological
innovations, this design methodology has its limits. Parallel, the actions which hold diverse
demonstration projects should be analysed of a more critical point of view. The underlying idea
consists of verifying, by a concrete realisation, that a certain concept is technically valid and,
eventually, economically acceptable.
In fact, this approach, except its incitating role, is globally expensive end less efficient because the transposition of
the experiments and their generalisation are not economically compatible with the number and the cases to be
Thats why I propose to orientate the R&D efforts to the following aspects:
- to reduce the diversity of projects by choosing a power domain and a type of small-
hydro plants having both common features and a sufficient energetical potential;
- to introduce right away and simultaneously all the technical and technological
innovations accessible in short and average term in hydro-electrical conversion domain (turbine,
generator, network, governing...);
- to integrate all the functions in only one set, having a good energetical performances, a
sufficient adaptation flexibility related to hydraulic and electric variability, a high operating
reliability and a weak impact on the environment.
This concept of integration and modularity constitutes an innovative response to the technical
standardization needs.
Such a standardization should have to allow the economical compensation of the intrinsic disadvantage of the size
effect by the the advantage of the series effect.
Starting from the above proposed orientations, the R&D program can be condensed in four
major headings;
- choice of the hydraulic site type, so the turbine nature and the project size;
- general specifications of the project in terms of reliability, technical performances,
standardization and specific cost;
- brief description of the notion of integrated hydro-electric group, of its functions and
- complementary studies allowing to valuate the R&D project.
The energetical potential of low head is important but slightly exploited in the world. According to
UNIDO definition, its about micro-hydro plant ranges (inferior to 100 kW) and small hydro plants (between
100 and 1000 kW) corresponding to low heads (inferior to 3 m).
A low voltage prototype group (triphase AC 230/400 V) of 30 kW (between 10 and 100kW)
corresponding to an easily accessible site (adequate location for an efficient and economical
coordination of the R&D program) would be a good compromise between the project cost and
its validity into the range1 up to1000 kW.
From this choice, practically results the type and the assembling of the low speed turbines:
Kaplan, propeller and cross-flow, outdoor integral intakes siphon units or bulb unit submerged in
the flow.
The group must be able to operate at a good energetic efficiency considering both the flow and
low head variabilities.
It also must be able to deliver easily the electric energy by automatic coupling to a public and/or
autonomous network.
Besides the basic function related to hydro-electrical conversion, the group must be able to
integrate more complementary functions (governor, protection...).
Its modularity and compact configuration must allow an easy installation by means of limited
Lastly, the choice of technical and technological solutions concerning its internal components should consider not only
their performances and reliability, but also the constrains related to a possible industrialisation and to the
corresponding series effect.
5.4.3 Concept of integrated variable speed group:
Besides the preliminary studies concerning the definition of the program, its logistic coordination,
the site choice, project evaluation, etc., the following points must be specifically studied:
- evaluation of the available low head hydraulic potential: energetical characteristics,
location and the nature of electrical consumption (public and/or autonomous network);
- objective evaluation of coupling criteria to the electrical networks concerning the small
hydro-plants automatically operating, in order to reduce some economical and technical
- evaluation of the concept indirect advantages on the other parts of the installation (civil
engineering, network coupling...).
5.5 Conclusions:
This innovating project would be the first step in a global strategy whose aim is the use of a
global methodology, giving the possibility of improving, in the average term, the small hydro
profitability and its insertion in the environment.
III Lists of proposals for R&D works in Small Hydro field.
I Due to the numerous ecological errors made in the past for large and small hydro projects, the
hydro-power media image must imperatively be improved and independently of any economic
analysis, it is essential to prove to leaders and population that the small hydro power can have an
important economic, sociological and environmental impact.
In parallel to political and quality regulation actions, new solution and demonstrators must be
proposed to improve small hydro impact on rivers (see Part I .4) :
- fish friendly turbines
- water quality improvement plants (air or anti polluting products injection, )
- transport of sediment control
- improvement of watery life near small hydro plants
II Global integrated design tools to define the best turbine characteristics in accordance with the
hydrology and electrical demand.
Such kind of codes exist or are in development and are used to define some equipments in a
power plant for different topics, Hydrology, Civil engineering, To optimize precisely all
components it is necessary to have access to a code taking in account all the plant elements, from
the civil engineering part to the grid connection with a precise modeling for each parts, in
particular the turbine in order to be able to simulate hourly output of the plant if corresponding
hydrological data are available or simulate. With such kind of tool, a non linear optimization
techniques can be applied to define the optimal equipments available in the data bank for a
specific plant. With this code, a small hydro designer could optimize the hydro plants using its
proper data base with its own technical elements and prices.
Broadly on the whole of the small hydro community, this type of code would make it possible to
improve in a significant manner the global profitability of new and refurbishing projects.
The development of this kind of code must be a shared project between specialists of each parts
of the power plant.
III In order to design easily with low engineer time costs specific design, the adaptation to small
hydro machines of advanced design techniques used for large hydro industry and introduction of
these techniques to SMEs will be a key point to lower costs and to improve quality and
performances of small hydro plants. The proposed numerical tools can be implemented on NT
platforms witch are typically the computer available now in SMEs companies and the actual
performances of these machines permit to implement design techniques, CFD and structural
analysis codes and automatic analysis procedure to permit to engineer with a minimal training to
develop high quality turbine design.
In small hydro, it has been seen in Part I that the potential of growth is especially dependent to
low head power plants. For these machines, the cost of electromechanical elements is important
and if a reduction of 20% of the cost is required, important research efforts has to be to provide.
The improvements will be obtain not only by optimizing the turbine, generator and all
electotechnical and control devices but also by researching a global integrated optimal power
plant (see II).
For the turbine, lower costs can be reached, while developing adapted design to the plant. By
developing new specific turbines, using optimal design codes and CNC techniques adapted to
these machines, by using well grounded tools and developing rationalization of all elements,
development times, study and manufacturing costs can be reduced in a significant manner. New
materials (plastic, glass fiber, ) can also be research to replace more expensive materials.
Specific electrical generators must be developed to permit better operating of low head turbines.
For instance compact generators with permanent magnet cooled by water can be developed with
specific power electronic to connect to the grid. Such kind of generator, working with high flux
and current density, rotates at sufficiently low speed (~300 rpm) to drive the turbine without
step-up gear. Some part of electrical protection and filters can be directly integrated in the power
electronics, so high quality of current can be guaranteed with in standard proposal, connection to
isolated or connected grid. The power electronic device permits also easier start-up of machine,
what makes it possible in some project to remove the control by the downstream vane and to
simplify the control process. By standardization of some specific generator in the range from 10
to 50 kW, it will be possible to significantly reduce prices of such kind of generators.