CAS-CERN Accelerator School - Cyclotrons and Linacs (And Applications) PDF
CAS-CERN Accelerator School - Cyclotrons and Linacs (And Applications) PDF
CAS-CERN Accelerator School - Cyclotrons and Linacs (And Applications) PDF
P.M. Lapostolle
The history of linear accelerators is now more than 50 years old and
after a difficult start presented many remarkable successes. Theory and
technology encounter difficult problems briefly presented here with the
solutions so far developed on orbit stability, focusing, RF structure and
beam dynamics computations. Questions still remain however about
high intensity limits which, when answered, might still open a more
brilliant future for these types of machine.
The first accelerators built for nuclear physics were of electrostatic type; such machines
were efficient but limited in voltage due to electrical breakdown.
In 1924 a proposal was made by Ising to add several accelerations without having
anywhere the total voltage.
The method was based on the use of drift tubes and time varying fields, as sketched in Fig. 1.
Along the axis of metallic tubes, charged particles can drift without being subject to any
electric field except at their ends, in the gaps between two consecutive drift tubes, according to
their respective voltage V. If an accelerating voltage is applied initially to all the tubes and is
switched off on each of them between the time of entrance and exit of a charged particle, the
particle will receive in each gap a succession of accelerations. In practice, voltage pulses are
more appropriate, as used in present day induction linacs; needless to say, however, that at the
time of the proposal shape and timing of high voltage pulses were not good enough to produce
a useful operation.
In 1931 Sloan and Lawrence built a real linac of 30 drift tubes giving to Hg ions an
energy of 1.25 MeV; lengthening it later in 1934 to 36 drift tubes and increasing their voltage
they reached 2.8 MeV. the intensity was of course very low and the beam quality not specified:
R.F. voltage differed from Ising pulses, having no real flat top, phase stability (see Section 2)
was not yet discovered and focusing was not ensured, except maybe by ES lens effect (see
Section 5).
No further development occurred until the war, due to the lack of proper high power RF
technology (limited then to 10 MHz) and to the discovery of the cyclotron. The length of the
Sloan and Lawrence machine approached 2 m with a max of only a few thousandths; with the
1) More details on the subject can be found in a Los Alamos report LA 11601 MS, Proton Linear Accelerators,
or in a CERN Yellow Report (in French) CERN 87-09
same RF wavelength of 30 m acceleration of protons would have led to a prohibitive length. In
cyclotrons, on the contrary, the spiralling of the trajectories together with some focusing effect
allowed the succession of many accelerations over a limited extent, leading to the possibility of
producing 10 MeV protons.
The development of radars offered, after the war, pulsed high voltage equipment in the
metric and centimetric wave ranges; science and technology of electromagnetism and beam
dynamics of already high level were then available.
For a given geometry of the drift tubes which corresponds to a certain rate of acceleration,
particles must receive at each gap an exact energy gain and the voltage must have an exact value.
The RF voltage V applied is larger and there are two phases per RF period for which the
voltage has the right value Vs (see Fig. 2). When the field is rising the phase is stable since a
particle arriving too early will be less accelerated and slip slightly in phase until the next gap;
vice versa for a late particle. The other phase is unstable. The stable phase is called the
synchronous phase s and one has
V s = Vcos s
and putting
= s
one can write, following the path of a particle, along the axis
m0 c 2 d ( ) qET
w ds
(cos cos s )
d 1 1
= =
ds c s c s3 s3
d s3 s3 d
m0 c3 = qET (cos cos s )
ds ds
2qET s3 s3
2 +
m0 c
(sin cos s ) = Ct
(sin cos s )
H= 3 3
c 2 s s m0 c 2
Neglecting the change in s is only valid for heavy particles (protons and ions) for which
it is slow enough. It corresponds to an acceleration fighting against a constant breaking force
(or to a forced pendulum model as often presented for circular machines).
One gets from it the usual stability bucket of Figs. 3 and 4; Fig. 5 shows the phase space
plot relative to an operation with s = 0 (fixed point as used by Sloan and Lawrence).
Taking into account the change in s opens up the bucket and gives the so-called golf
club, see Fig. 6 (notice that the coordinates used are not conjugate).
Fig. 3 Classical stability bucket
For electrons increases very rapidly and becomes close to 1 over a short distance.
Most of the accelerating structure (apart from a buncher) is a constant velocity = 1 structure.
(cos cos 0 )
= 2 1 =
1+ m0 c
where refers now to a 0 of the field expressed as ET sin (electron linac convention).
Figure 7 shows a corresponding phase space plot. One may notice that the 0 of a curve
corresponds to its position for .
one can see that for 2 the curve corresponding to 0 = /2 which provides the maximum
acceleration can start from W = 0. For < , however, there can be low energy electrons just
slipping in phase and not accelerated (Fig. 7).
The fields at the entrance and exit of a gap produce focusing and defocusing actions (see
Fig. 8). If the field is rising the overall effect is defocusing.
Calling on the travelling wave accelerator concept one may transform the EM field of the
synchronous wave in a frame moving at the same velocity (supposed constant). A TM
accelerating field becomes electrostatic. Then
Ez E Ey E
= x = 2 r
z x y r
This has been a strong handicap for ion linacs until AG focusing was invented and
applied (thin foils were destroyed by breakdown and thick wire grids, if transparent enough,
introduced bad aberrations). New methods exist now, in particular the RFQ principle for low
For electrons, which become very quickly relativistic, the transverse effects are very
(Only a general review is given here; details can be found in more specialized lectures, in
particular on ion linacs.)
In a circular waveguide, the phase velocity of the waves ph is always larger than 1. It is
then necessary to slow them down. Periodic loading is used and/or field concentration or
reorientation via drift tubes.
The structure must also provide space to install quadrupole focusing (at least at low for
ions and protons).
H-type structure (see Fig. 9b); the field of the transverse electric mode is made
accelerating through the drift tube configuration; since there is not much space for focusing, the
fixed point operation (see Fig. 5) is used, with focusing and rebunching from place to place
(frequency up to 100 MHz).
Fig. 9a Fig. 9b
Quasi Alvarez structure (see Fig. 10); the large drift tubes (almost 2 long) can house
quadrupoles; the rate of acceleration is lower than with the H-type structure (frequency up to
200 MHz); high intensities can be accelerated.
Fig. 10
Alvarez structure (most common for protons, see Fig. 11); a quadrupole is put in each
drift tube. Such a structure allows very large intensities (frequency between 100 and
400 MHz). For approaching 0.5 the RF losses increase, the drift tubes becoming resonant
like /2 antenna.
Fig. 11
> 0.4 (protons)
Side-coupled cavities (Fig. 12). At this the focusing is installed in between sections of
cavities (frequency from 600 to 1200 MHz).
Fig. 12
= 1 (electrons)
Iris-loaded cavity (Fig. 13) with three or four irises per wavelength (frequency usually
3 GHz).
Fig. 13
RFQ (low- protons and ions): cavity excited on a quadrupolar EM mode with profiled
vanes or rods to provide acceleration.
Acceleration through a gap
Transit time factor
Simulation codes
The initial approach (Panofsky equations) was developed from the experience gained on
electron beam tubes with grids (see Fig. 14). In the case of grids the field in a gap can be
uniform of value E0. With open holes on the contrary it penetrates inside and can have, on the
axis, a distribution as shown on the figure.
With the initial approach (with grids) if one assumes a particle crosses the gap with a
constant velocity v with the phase in the middle, the energy gain is:
+g/ 2
W = q E0 cos + dz = qVT cos
g/ 2
V = E0 g
sin / 2
= g / v
is the transit time (in phase) through the gap and T is called the transit time factor (always
< 1): it is the reduction in acceleration with respect to what the voltage V would give.
In the real case (without grids) it is possible to express the amplitude of the field Ez (z) on
the axis (as obtained from measurements or rather from a computer) with the help of a Fourier
T (kz ) cos kz z dz
Ez ( z,r = 0) =
with the inverse relation
VT ( kz ) = Ez ( z,0) cos kz z dz
from which
dT ( kz ) +
V = zEz ( z,0) sin kz z dz
In such an expression the field is represented as the sum of an infinite set of travelling
waves of amplitude proportional to T(kz) (in a standing wave configuration only two waves are
present). Each wave T(kz) is an EM wave the complete distribution of which can be known
from Maxwell's equation (assuming circular symmetry) in such a way that the complete field
distributions can be derived throughout the gap inside of a cylinder of radius a, the hole radius:
T (kz )I0 (kr r ) cos kz z cos (t + )dkz
Ez ( z,r,t ) =
T ( kz ) z I1 ( kr r ) sin kz z cos ( t + )dkz
V k
Er ( z,r,t ) =
2 kr
T ( kz ) I1 ( kr r ) cos kz z sin ( t + )dkz
V w
cB ( z,r,t ) =
2 ckr
kr2 = kz2 2 / c 2
With such expressions, making use of inverse Fourier relations, one can easily compute
the energy gain. Along a parallel to the axis, at the distance r, one has:
W = qVT ( kz ) I0 ( kr r ) cos
where kz = /v and T(kz) is the amplitude factor relative to the synchronous wave; the fact
that only the synchronous wave interacts justifies the approach used in Section 2. It also
explains a correction often introduced in the expression of the transit time, as follows:
sin / 2 I0 ( kr r )
/ 2 I0 ( kr a)
with, for , a slight correction to take into account the effect of the chamfer of the hole.
With the field equations above one can compute the phase change across the gap,
accounting for the change in velocity, and the transverse motion. It is also possible to consider
a trajectory with a slope, such that
r = r0 + r'0 z
Such integrals lead to expressions involving T(kz) and its first and second derivatives with
respect to kz, according to the relation given above (see the report LA-11601-MS, page 80).
These expressions are used in common codes like PARMILA and MAPRO, valid
however only for protons and ions.
A more recent code, DYNAC, valid for all particles (including electrons), with a better
accuracy, introduces instead of the radius r the reduced radius
R = r z with R' =
leading, in the paraxial approximation, to:
q 1 Ez q 2 +2 2
R"R + R Ez = 0
2m0 c3 3 3 t 2m0 c 2 4 4
such that R and R' are conjugate (which was not the case for r and r').
This equation shows, in addition to the phase dependent term usually defocusing (see
Section 3), a focusing term of the electron lens type, mainly important for electrons but also for
very low velocity particles (explaining probably the weak focusing observed by Sloan and
Lawrence, see Section 1).
Such a term for a uniform field just leads by integration to the classical solution and the
relation between r and R; it can however in the case of localized fields (gaps) exhibit an
appreciably enhanced effect, not at all in contradiction with the considerations developed in a
moving frame at constant velocity.
The derivation of the equation in R, not given in the report LA-16601-MS, is developed
in the Appendix.
Particles of the same charge repel each other. Space charge field tends to increase the
beam size and hence entails a risk of loss.
The only solution for a uniform density, only possible for a continuous beam is the so-
called Kajchinsky-Vladimirsky (K.V.) distribution, which is a surface distribution in the 4D
space. Such a distribution is, of course, not very physical but fortunately it happens, from
energy consideration, that the K.V. beam equations are satisfied approximately (over short
enough distances) by r.m.s. dimensions (size and emittances) for all distributions (for a K.V.
distribution r.m.s. dimensions are half the real ones and r.m.s. emittances one quarter of the
real ones). Such a property is extremely useful, in simulation studies for instance, for finding
good matching conditions.
When the intensity increases, various phenomena occur, due to the non-linear character of
space charge forces.
Beam emittance can transfer from one coordinate to another and total emittance tends to
Around the beam core a "halo" develops; when trying to scrape it, it reappears. Even if
such a halo contains only one or a few per cent of the particles or even less this can be a very
serious problem for large intensity machines.
For small average intensity on the other hand, the emittance (beam quality) is the main
concern. A practical recipe which leads to good operation is as follows:
AG focusing is usually specified by the phase advance per focusing period of the
incoherent oscillations; calling 0 the value for zero intensity and for full beam
one must have 0 < 90 and usually 0 in the range of 60 or 70 with /0 > 0.4.
Several simulation codes are available to study numerically the space charge effects. The
beam is represented by a few thousand of macroparticles and several methods are used to
compute their space charge field:
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) routine to solve Poisson's law when one can
assume a circular symmetry for the bunch (PIC, particle in cell code)
A point-to-point computation which does not make any assumption on the geometry
but requires some care to avoid "collisional effects" (Particle-to-particle interaction
code); this last code is much slower when increasing the number of macroparticles.
Present theoretical approaches to study the details and analyze the phenomena strongly
related to highly non-linear space charge fields are making use of the modern theories of
stochasticity with resonance overlap effects and Arnold's diffusion. They are still under
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The equation
d ( mvr )
= q( Er vz B ) (A.1)
can be written
d (r' ) =
m0 c
( Er cB )dt = k (r, z,t )dt (A.2)
( )
1/ 4
R = r = r 2 1 and R' = dR / dz (A.3)
one has
5/ 4 d
( ) ( )
1/ 4 R
r' = R' 2 1 2 1 (A.4)
2 dz
(r' ) = R" 2 1 )
1/ 4
7/ 4 d 2
( ) ( )
3/ 4
+ 2 1
R 3R 2 2
+ 1 (A.5)
2 4 dz
3/ 4 d 2
2 1
dz 2
Now, from Eq. (A.2), in the paraxial approximation
q Er B
k (r, z,t ) = k ( z,t )r = c r (A.6)
m0 c r r
Er 1 Ez B 1 Ez
= and = 2 (A.7)
r 2 z r 2c t
But one has from Eq. (A.2)
(r' ) = ( )
d k r, z,t
dr c
and, for the longitudinal motion
m0 c 2 = qEz (A.9)
so that one also has
d 2 dEz E q Ez
m0 c 2 2 =q =q z + (A.10)
dz dz z c t
The operating principles of ion RF linear accelerators are described,
based on the concept of 'slow waves' generated in 'loaded cavities'.
Fundamental cavity parameters are presented, and equations
describing the action of electromagnetic fields on the particles are
given. Space charge influences are touched upon only briefly. Various
types of linear accelerators are introduced according to their use at
different particle energies and frequencies.
Linear accelerators (linacs) accelerate particles on a linear path. Usually linacs operate
with sinusoidally varying electromagnetic fields and are called RF linear accelerators. RF
fields are created in a bounded volume, known as cavity, and the cavity operates either as a
waveguide (the electromagnetic energy enters the cavity at one end, is dissipated partly along
the cavity walls which are of finite conductivity, and exits at the other end to be dissipated in
a matched load), or as a resonator (the electromagnetic energy is reflected back and forth on
the end walls). Accelerators working on these principles are called travelling- and standing-
wave linacs, respectively. RF linacs operate in the frequency range of a few MHz up to
several GHz. They are suitable for the acceleration of light particles, like electrons (at
10 MeV electrons already have the relativistic velocity = 0.999), as well as of heavier
particles, ions (protons at 10 MeV have = 0.145). Ions are slow particles and ion linacs
usually operate in the MHz region whilst electron linacs operate in the GHz region. The
structure of the cavity differs when used for slow or rapid particles. However, the basic
principles of operation are always the same. This paper deals with ion linacs which have a
vast field of applications, such as physics research, nuclear waste transmutation, breeding of
nuclear fuel, materials study (neutron spallation sources) and medical applications (cancer
Sections 2 and 3 are essential for understanding the principles of operation of linear
accelerators with RF electromagnetic fields. The accelerating structures have been treated as
lossless for better clarity; lossy structures would be treated in a similar way. Section 4
outlines the basic cavity parameters, whilst Sections 5 and 6 deal with some more common
accelerator types. Section 7 shows how the action of electromagnetic fields on particles is
computed, and Section 8 touches the problem of space charge influences and the beam
loading of cavities. Section 9 treats a particular accelerator called the radio-frequency
quadrupole (RFQ), which is in wide use all over the world. Section 10 gives some concluding
2 Ez 1 Ez 1 2 Ez
+ r =0.
z2 r r r c2 t 2
The solution is usually given in the form of a product of functions of one variable:
Ez (z,r,t) = Z(z) R(r) T(t) ,
where the functions Z(z) and T(t) are of the form:
t kz = 0 ,
remains satisfied. One has
= = ph > c,
t k
as we already know. Inserting the assumed solution for E z into the wave equation, one
obtains an equation for R(r) :
d 2 R 1 dR 2
2 + + 2 k2 R = 0 .
dr r dr c
K r2
This is the Bessel equation of zero order (due to the assumed field symmetry), and the
solution is given by the Bessel function of first kind and zero order:
R(r) = AJ0 (Kr r) .
At the boundary (cylinder of radius Rmax = a), Ez (z,a,t) must be zero, hence:
= K2 + k2 .
c r
This is the very important dispersion relation for empty cavities and for a given wave type
and mode. Plotting = f (k), we obtain the dispersion or Brillouin diagram presented in
Fig. 2.
ph =
g =
ii) The complicated boundary conditions cannot be satisfied by a single mode, as was the
case with an empty cavity, but by a whole spectrum of space harmonics, which is in fact a
Fourier series applied to a periodic case. We now have:
Introducing these expressions in the wave equation for rotationally symmetric waves we
n d 2 an (r) 1 dan (r)
e jt e j(k +2 n/ L)z 2 + + Krn
an(r) = 0 ,
dr r dr
2 2 n 2
Krn = k+ ,
c L
ph = = .
k + 2 n / L kn
For each n we have a travelling wave with its own velocity ph, which is slowed down
compared to the case of an empty cavity. In principle we can find an n such that ph = p ,
which is what we wanted. For ph < c, one has Krn
< 0 and so Krn = jkr . The solution of the
Bessel equation is now expressed by the Bessel functions of imaginary argument, which are
called modified Bessel functions:
an (r) = An I 0 (kr r)
where A n is a constant.
It is not easy to find the functional relationship between and kn for the dispersion
diagram of a periodic structure. However, this diagram must reflect the periodicity of the
structure and it will be drastically different from that of an empty cavity, even in the region of
n = 0. Figure 4 shows the dispersion diagram of loaded cavities.
i) for a given wave type and mode, there is a limited passband of possible frequencies from
c to ; at both ends of the passband, the group velocity g is zero;
ii) for a given frequency, one has an infinite series of space harmonics, from n = to n =
+. All space harmonics have the same group velocity, but different phase velocities;
iii) when the electromagnetic energy propagates only in one direction (full curves on
diagram), we have a travelling wave accelerator (TW); when the energy is reflected back
and forth at both ends of the cavity (full and dotted curves), we have a standing wave
accelerator (SW).
vi) the group and phase velocities do not have to be in the same direction; if they are, one has
a forward wave and if they are in opposite directions, one has a backward wave.
i) Transit-time factor T
L j( z / p )
0 Ez (z,0)e dz
T= L .
0 Ez (z,0) dz
The transit-time factor T indicates how well a field Ez accelerates particles. The integral in the
denominator is equal to E0 L, where E0 is the average field in a cell, and L the cell length. The
significance of the transit-time factor will became clearer in Section 7.
ii) Effective shunt impedance per unit length Zseff
Zseff =
( E0T )2 [M m 1 ] .
dP / dz
The effective shunt impedance indicates how efficient the acceleration for a given dissipated
RF power dP/dz is, where P is the power flowing in the structure and E 0 T is the amplitude of
the relevant space harmonic.
v) Frequency f
The choice of the frequency of an accelerator depends on many factors. In general, with
higher frequencies one has a better Zseff (Zseff 1/2 ), but the aperture for the beam gets
where cos kz has replaced the exponential function because Ez is an even function of z and
1/ 2
2 2
kr = k
By inversion of the Fourier integral one gets
Ak I0 (kr r) = Ez (r, z) cos kz dz .
To determine the constant Ak , we shall assume that at the drift tube bore radius a, the Ez
field has a constant value in the gap, and zero within the drift tube:
g g
Ez (a, z) = const = E , z .
2 2
Solving the integral we get
Eg sin ( kg / 2) 1
Ak = ,
2 kg / 2 I0 (kr a)
and for the field
Eg sin ( kg / 2) I0 (kr r)
Ez (r, z) = cos kz dk .
2 kg / 2 I0 (kr a)
The gain in energy of a particle q, when passing through the i-th cell of the DTL, is computed
as follows:
Wi Wi1 = q LLi / 2/ 2 Ez (r, z,t) dz = q LLi / 2/ 2 Ez (r, z) cos ( t + ) dz ,
i i
where L i is the cell length and is the RF phase (counted from the crest of the wave) when
the particle crosses the mid gap (t = 0). At a given time t, the particle will be at the position z
given by
z = p t ,
where p is the velocity of the particle, considered here as constant. Substituting t = z/p in
the integral one gets
z z
Wi Wi1 = q LLi / 2/ 2 Ez (r, z) cos cos sin sin dz .
p p
We recognize that the first term under the integral gives the inverse Fourier integral
multiplied by cos , and the second term is zero, as the even function Ez is multiplied by the
odd function sin z/p . As the inverse Fourier integral has already been computed (note that k
= / p ), we have
sin ( kg / 2) I0 (kr r)
Wi Wi1 = q Eg cos .
kg / 2 I0 (kr a)
The result is interesting: q Eg cos would be the energy gain due to an alternating
voltage Eg traversed at a phase from the peak; the factor
sin ( kg / 2)
kg / 2
indicates the reduction in the energy gain due to the finite time the particle travels across the
gap; the factor
I0 (kr a)
is the additional reduction due to the fact that the field Ez on the axis penetrates into the drift
tube aperture and is weaker than E, the field at the drift tube bore radius. Of course
L / 2 Ez (0, z) dz = Eg .
The field off axis is always stronger than the field on axis [factor I 0 (kr r)].
Substituting Eg with E0 L (E 0 is the average longitudinal field on axis in a cell), we
finally get
Wi W i1 = q E0 L T(k,r) cos ,
sin ( kg / 2) I0 (kr r)
T(k,r) = = T(k) I0 (kr r) .
kg / 2 I0 (kr a)
T(k,r) is the transit-time factor off axis (on axis it is T (k)). The transit-time factor makes it
possible to compute the energy gain in the whole gap, without the necessity of integrating the
motion of particles point by point.
Knowing E z , one can compute the other electromagnetic field components: E r with the
divergence theorem
r 1 E
div E = (rEr ) + z ,
r r z
1 r Ez
Er (r ) = r dr ,
r 0 z
and B via
v 1 E
rot B = 2 ,
c t
B 1 Er
= 2 .
z c t
One also has to make use of a property of Bessel functions:
x I 0 (x)dx = xI 1 (x) .
The formulae for all the TM010 field components are written below:
E0 L
Ez (r, z,t) = T(k)I0 (kr r) cos kz cos( t + ) dk
E L k
Er (r, z,t) = 0 T(k) I1 (kr r) sin kz cos( t + ) dk
2 kr
E0 L 1
B (r, z,t) = T(k) I1 (kr r) cos kz sin ( t + ) dk .
2 kr
The components Er and B produce a radial force on the moving particle. The change
of the radial momentum pr of the particle in a cell is
z z dz
pr,i pr,i1 = q LLi / 2/ 2 Er (r, z) cos + p B (r, z) sin + .
p p p
The computation proceeds in an analogous way as with Wi W i1.
In Section 7 we have seen how the electromagnetic field in the cavity acts on particles.
Particles also act on the fields, and this interaction between beam and cavity is called beam
loading of the cavity [10]. For reasons of phase stability [11,12], the beam bunch (particles in
the linac are grouped into bunches) and the RF field are not in phase: the bunch crosses the
gap before the crest of the electric RF field. Therefore beam loading has a resistive as well as
a capacitive component. The RF power supplied by the RF generator must, in addition to
structure losses, cover also the 'beam loading losses'. During the passage of the beam in the
cavity, an RF amplitude and RF phase control is in action, and additional RF power is
correctly supplied to keep the original pattern of the electromagnetic field in the cavity. A
feedback system acts on the tuners to keep the operating frequency stable.
The space charge of the beam which loads the cavity also produces a repulsive action
between particles. As the charge distribution in the beam is not uniform, the space charge
forces are non-linear. The question arises: how can one match a beam with non-uniform
forces to a structure where the forces (as for example of focusing quadrupoles) are
predominantly linear? The answer is that it can be done provided one considers the root-
mean-square (r.m.s) values of the particle distribution in phase space. Without going into
much detail here, we just mention that Sacherer [13] has demonstrated that the evolution of
r.m.s values depends only on the linearized part of self forces, and that all beams having the
same intensity and the same r.m.s values behave in the same way. Therefore, once we know
the r.m.s values of a real beam it can be replaced by an equivalent one having the same r.m.s
values, but a uniform density distribution. Such a beam can be matched.
The r.m.s beam sizes are computed via the second momenta of a normalized
distribution function f(x,x,y,y,z,z)
( )
1/ 2
x = x 2 = ... (x x)2 f (x, x , y, y , z, z ) dx dy dz dx dy dz ,
where x is the first moment (average value), usually zero. The same is valid for other phase
space coordinates. The r.m.s beam emittance in the phase plane (x,x) is defined as
[ ]
1/ 2
rms = x 2 x 2 (xx )2 .
1 U 1 2U 2U
r + 2 + =0 .
r r r r 2 z2
The general solution of this equation has the form:
V n n l
U(r, , z) = [ Aon r 2n cos2 n + Aln I2n (lkr) cos2 n cos lkz] ,
l + n = 2p + 1, p = 0,1,2,...
V/2 is the electrode potential with respect to the axis
I2n (x) is the modified Bessel function of order 2n
k = 2/ is the relativistic factor and the wavelength
The general solution contains all the harmonics in an infinite series, but an RFQ is usually
well described with only a few harmonics. The lowest-order solution has only two terms, one
of each infinite series:
U(r, , z) =
[ ]
A01 r 2 cos2 + A10 I0 (kr) cos kz .
The first term is the potential of an electric quadrupole (focusing term); the second,
containing cos kz, is linked with the acceleration. Constants A01 and A10 are determined by
imposing that the potential U along the electrode stays constant and equal to V/2:
m2 1
A10 = ,
m 2 I0 (ka) + I0 (mka)
A01 = 2 [1 A10 I0 (ka)] = 2 .
a a
The constants A 10 and A 01 are expressed by geometric parameters, a, the minimum distance of
the electrode from the axis, and m , the modulation factor. Increasing m one gets more
acceleration; decreasing a one gets more focusing. Multiplying the equation for A 01 by V one
V + A10 I0 (ka)V = V .
This equation tells us that part of the electrode voltage V is required for focusing ( V), and
another part for acceleration [A10 I 0 (ka)V]. As the electrode modulation can be produced in a
very precise manner (e.g. by a numerically-controlled milling machine), we can obtain fields
which act on the beam as we want. The field components, derived from the two-term
potential function, are:
= [2 A01 r cos2 + kA10 I1 (kr) cos kz ]
Er =
r 2
1 U
E = = V A01r sin 2
Ez = = kA10 I0 (kr) sin kz .
z 2
In addition, all these fields have to be multiplied by a time factor, such as sin ( t + ), to take
care of their a.c. character. The computation of the energy gain per cell is done as with the
DTL linac. The RFQ operates with a phase advance per cell of , hence the cell length is
/2, i. e. the particles cross it in half of the RF period.
9.2 Electrodynamics
For the beam dynamics it was sufficient to consider a small region around the axis and
deal with the Laplace equation. For the electrodynamics one has to consider the whole cavity
and solve the wave equation. The RFQ operates with the TE210 field configuration, which is
schematically shown in Fig. 17, for an empty cavity as well as for a loaded cavity (electrodes
of such a shape are called vanes). The modulation of the vanes is neglected as it has little
effect on the design of the cavity. The electric field is transverse, and the magnetic field is
longitudinal and of opposite sign in adjacent quadrants. An electric equivalent scheme for the
four-vane RFQ is shown in Fig. 18. To compute the cavity with a 2-D program like
SUPERFISH, it suffices to consider, due to symmetry, only one half of a quadrant (see
Fig. 19). In the region where the fields have to be known with a greater precision, the mesh is
[1] C. Ramo, J.R. Whinnery and T. van Duzer, in Fields and waves in communication
electronics (John Wiley, New York, 1965) p. 374.
[2] J.C. Slater, in Microwave electronics (D. van Nostrand, New York, 1951) p. 395.
[4] G.A. Loew and R.B. Neal, Accelerating structures, in Linear Accelerators, eds.
P.M. Lapostolle and A.L. Septier (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1970), pp. 4752.
[5] G. Dme, Review and survey of accelerating structures, in Linear Accelerators (see
Ref. [4]).
[6] E.A. Knapp, High energy structures, in Linear Accelerators (see Ref. [4]), pp. 601616.
[7] K. Halbach and R.F. Holsinger, Superfish A computer program, Part. Accel. 7 (4)
(1976) pp. 213222.
[9] P. Lapostolle, Introduction la thorie des acclrateurs linaires, CERN 8709 (1987).
[10] D. Boussard, Beam loading, Proc. CAS, Queens College, Oxford, 1985; CERN 8703
[13] F. Sacherer, RMS envelope equations with space charge, CERN/SI/Int. DL/7012.
[15] M. Weiss, Radio frequency quadrupole, Proc. CAS, Aarhus, Denmark,1986; CERN 87
10 (1987).
[16] R.H. Stokes et al., The radio frequency quadrupole, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on High
Energy Accelerators, Geneva, 1980 (Birkhauser, Basle, 1980).
[17] R. Klatt et al., Mafia A three dimensional electromagnetic CAD system, Proc. Linear
Accelerator Conf., 1986, SLAC report 303, pp. 276278.
[18] A. Schempp et al., Zero-mode RFQ development in Frankfurt, Proc. Linear Accelerator
Conf., Seeheim, Germany, 1984, ed. N. Angert (ISSN: 01714546, GSI8411, 1984)
p. 338.
[19] A. Lombardi et al., Comparison study of RFQ structures for the lead ion Linac at
CERN, Proc. EPAC, Berlin, 1992, eds. H. Henke, H. Honeyer and C. Petit-Jean-Genaz
(Editions Frontires, Gif-sur-Yvette, 1992) pp. 557559.
W. Pirkl
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
An overview of RF systems for linacs is given, problems associated
with beam loading are discussed and examples of RF system
installations presented.
In linear accelerators the beam has to gain its energy during a single pass through the
structure. This leads to high requirements on accelerating fields and on overall RF power. A
typical linac has therefore installed RF power in the range of tens to hundreds of Megawatts. It
is then justified to consider linacs as RF-oriented machines, in contrast to circular accelerators
which are rather magnet-oriented.
In the present context the RF system proper starts at the RF connection to the structure.
The latter can be of the standing- or travelling-wave type, but whatever the mechanisms of
power build-up and energy transfer to the beam may be there are two distinct requirements to be
covered: delivering power to create and maintain a well defined field pattern in the structure
(wall power Pwall), and replacing the power transmitted to the particle beam (beam power
Pbeam), i.e.
All wall losses can be thought of as concentrated in a single resistor, the "shunt impedance" r
defined as
r = Uge
/ (2 * Pwall )
where U ge is the effective structure voltage seen by a beam of given velocity, i.e. taking into
account the transit time factor T that expresses the voltage reduction due to the sinusoidal field
variation during beam-passage time. This is the "equivalent circuit" definition of the shunt
impedance hence the factor of 2 in the denominator which stems from the fact that the power
generated by a sinusoidal RF voltage is a factor of two smaller than the power generated by
On the other hand, the beam power is given by
Pbeam = Uacc * I1 / 2
Uacc = Uge * cos
where Uacc is the average energy gain of the beam expressed in eV, the stable phase angle
and I1 the spectral component of the beam current at the RF frequency. For short bunches this
component is close to twice the DC current I0 so that the beam power is approximately Uacc*I0.
To study the effects of beam-structure interaction from the external RF system point of
view the equivalent circuit of Fig. 1 below is often used, idealizing the structure as a resonator
with a single accelerating gap across which the full effective gap voltage U ge is applied. This
resonator is driven by two sources, namely the RF system and the beam, which are supposed
to act all directly on the gap plane. While this model is a fairly accurate representation of a
simple buncher or even a complete standing wave tank it is not directly applicable to standing-
wave structures.
The corresponding phasor diagram is given in Fig. 2 for a data set corresponding
approximately to the conditions of Tank 1 at the CERN linac 2. As phase reference the
effective gap voltage has been chosen and positioned at 0 in the first quadrant. For phase
stability reasons the center of the bunch crosses the midplane of the accelerating gap(s) not at
the instant of maximum voltage Uge but at some time before. This time corresponds to the
"stable-phase angle" of the RF, whose value according to the "linac" definition which counts
this phase from the top amounts to -30 in the example. (The beam current is situated in the
third quadrant due to the sign convention in the diagram defining it as a generator rather than a
where I loss stands for the loss current (in phase with the voltage causing driving wall losses)
and Ireact the reactive current of the cavity (orthogonal to voltage causing lossless reactive
power exchange). This is represented by the phasor triangle in the fourth quadrant. Since the
amplifier requires a resistive load for optimal working conditions, the cavity is intentionally
detuned to provide a reactive component that just cancels the reactive component of the beam
current. This sets the necessary angle of detuning (47.3 in the example, i.e. slightly higher
than one half-bandwidth).
Now that the complex impedance of the detuned resonator is determined one can also, as
an alternative, analyze the circuit by superposition of the voltages. Responses of the resonator
to the amplifier current alone (Uamp) and to the beam current alone (Ubeam) are combined to
give again the effective gap voltage U ge as shown by the phasors in the first quadrant. (It is
assumed here for simplicity that the generator is of infinite output impedance, i.e. that it acts as
an ideal current source.)
It can be seen that the amplifier with unchanged drive would induce, in the absence of the
beam, a resonator voltage Uamp that is grossly out of amplitude and out of phase. After the
beam has arrived the resonator voltage would only gradually approach the wanted voltage U ge
in a (spiral) trajectory that takes several cavity time constants to complete. During this transient
the beam would not receive the proper energy gain and be useless.
Fig. 2 Phasor diagram for the cavity
change the amplifier drive in amplitude and in phase such that it results in Icav before the
beam arrives and in Iamp thereafter,
set a cavity tuning angle that compensates the reactive part of the beam current.
These tasks are normally covered by three different regulation systems or servos, namely for
amplitude, phase and tuning. Combining amplitude and phase servos by a single overall RF
feedback is in principle possible (and applied in circular accelerators) but has not yet found
wide application in linacs.
A low-level RF signal of about 2 W arrives at the input plane with a well-defined phase
from the phase reference line. The signal then travels through the detector box, 6-bit phase
shifter, phase and amplitude modulator, is gradually amplified in the transistor amplifier, power
amplifier, drive amplifier and final amplifier before arriving at the feeder loop of the resonator at
sufficiently high power to cover tank requirements. Somewhere in the forward RF path there
have to be means to adjust output phase and amplitude at high speed in response to the electrical
correcting signals out of the servos. This is straightforward for the phase which is in general
well transmitted through almost any amplifier chain so that a low-level phase shifter can be used
at the input. However, the amplitude modulation is quite critical since most high power
amplifiers exhibit some kind of saturation and over saturation, where the RF output stalls or
even decreases for increased drive. In the present case these adverse effects are avoided by a
special current stabilisation in the final amplifiers so that the amplitude modulator can be
implemented as a low-level device at the input of the chain. In other machines the amplitude
linearity problem is solved by controlling the RF output amplitude via the plate supply voltage
using a high-voltage floating modulator with one or more series tubes.
A sample of the tank RF field is taken from the tank via a coupling loop, cleaned in a
bandpass filter and routed to the detector box ( lines in Fig. 3). It carries information on
tank amplitude as well as tank phase. Both are demodulated in the detector box and appear at
the output in the form of video signals (A (amplitude) and (phase with respect to the input
plane)). In the feedback control module they are compared to the command value ATANK for
tank amplitude generated in the control system, and to 0 as implied command value for the tank
phase. The resulting error signals are amplified and fed to the amplitude and phase modulator,
thus closing the loop.
For constant beam current the amplitudes of the error signals are predictable so that
computer-generated "feedforward" signals can be injected for open-loop correction. This can
also reduce the transient at the start of the beam. Inputs for such feed-forward signals are
provided at the feedback control, but not used in normal operation. The absolute phase of the
tank with respect to the input plane is stabilized to some value that depends on the phasing
between cavity and detector box. Phase adjustment could be implemented by an adjustable
phase shifter in this line, but the unavoidable mismatches would also produce unwanted
amplitude variation at the same time. It is therefore preferable to set the operating phase by #1
in the reference signal phase feeding the chain. A motor-driven line stretcher "trombone" with a
resolution of 0.25 degrees is foreseen for this purpose.
The 6-bit digital phase shifter #2 is provided to center the initial phase of the main signal
path within the limited operating range of the fast phase modulator.
3 . 3 Tuning servo
To sense the tuning state of the resonator the phase of the voltage across its gap(s) has to
be compared with the phase of the forward wave in the feeder line. This information is
extracted by a directional coupler and fed via a low-pass filter and 6-bit phase shifter #2 to the
detector box where information on resonator phase is already available. An error signal is
generated and fed to the tuning control, which in turn actuates the tuner motors if the tuning
state is outside an adjustable error band. Phase shifter #3 allows setting of the tuning angle in
5.6 steps to optimize the power transfer between amplifier and cavity; it has virtually NO
influence on the phase seen by the beam due to the action of the phase servo.
The individual RF chains have to be linked together with constant phase-relationship that
should be unaffected by manipulations on any of its members. This is achieved by a phase
reference line whose outputs are strongly decoupled from each other, preferably through
directional devices to keep the power loss in reasonable limits. Figure 4 shows the overall
structure of CERN linac 2. Each chain receives its input signal via a directional coupler of
20 dB coupling and 40 dB directivity, such that the effective separation is as high as 60 dB.
The phase reference line is running in along the tanks, with couplers mounted in close
proximity to the outputs of the return loops. The two cables carrying respectively the reference
and the return signals are of the same type, tied and laid together so that a common variation in
length due to temperature differences will not influence the phasing of the resonator.
The power stages for Tanks 2 and 3 deserve special mention since there are two identical
amplifiers with separate feeder lines and coupling loops to work into a single tank. This
configuration has been chosen in order to provide two feed points into the relatively long tanks
and to improve this way the inter-tank transient conditions under heavy beam loading. From a
purely RF-plumbing point of view the two amplifiers could also have been connected to the
tank by a dedicated combiner, as explained in section 5.4 below.
the three cylinders to the right are the covers of identical triode power amplifiers used as
driver and composite final stage for tank 2. The height of these amplifiers is over three
meters, their lower part extends into a service gallery that also contains the infrastructure
(water supplies, blowers etc.) as well as the RF feeder lines and high-power phase
shifters (trombones).
the enclosure against the right wall contains the HV modulator for the final stages which
is implemented as a pulse-forming network discharged by an ignition.
The layouts for tanks 1 and 3 are similar. Buncher and debuncher chains consist only of
the four standard racks since the power delivered by the "predriver" is sufficient to power the
corresponding resonators.
Now that a general picture has been obtained some special topics can be discussed that
influence the performance of the RF system.
We consider as approximation a servo system with a single time constant, together with
an overall time delay delay (caused by amplifiers, RF feeder lines, structure, return cable etc.).
The only limit on servo performance is then the overall loop delay delay. It is well known from
the theory of servomechanisms that a certain "phase margin" is needed at the unity-gain
frequency to assure satisfactory transient behaviour and to avoid instabilities. Assuming a
permissible phase margin of 45, the total phase at unity gain frequency must not exceed
(180 - 45) = 135 from which 90 are already reserved for the 6db/octave "rolloff" from the
leading time constant (the cavity in most cases). In other words the unity-gain frequency fug is
limited to a value where the delay contributes no more than about 45, i.e. since
f ug * delay * 360 = 45
( )
f ug < 1 / 8 * delay .
Knowing fug one can derive servo, the servo time constant after which a step perturbation is
reduced by a factor of e = 2.718. Theory of the simple model then predicts
( )
servo = 1 / 2 * * f ug = 8 * delay / (2 * ) 1.3 * delay .
Hence the servo time constant is always somewhat longer than the overall delay in the loop, a
result that is also intuitively evident.
Phase and amplitude servos are not independent as can be seen in the phasor diagram
Fig. 6a (left). The two components of the gap voltage, induced by amplifier and beam, are
presented in the same form as earlier in Fig. 2. Suppose that a test signal is injected in the
amplitude loop so that the voltage Uamp generated by the amplifier is (slowly) varied with
Fig. 6 Cross-coupling of servos
constant phase. The resulting gap voltage U ge will however not only have a component in
amplitude A' but also in phase '; an unwanted return signal will therefore be seen in the
phase servo.
Similarly, a pure phase variation of the RF drive as in Fig. 5b (right) will lead to wanted
phase component " together with unwanted cross-coupling amplitude component A".
Another source of cross coupling of amplitude and phase is inherent in most high power
amplifiers due to non-linearities.
Since both servos have to react equally quickly they need similar cut-off frequencies.
Cross-coupling introduces additional phase shifts at these critical spots with the result that the
achievable frequency limit for both servos combined is much lower than for one servo alone.
The tuning servo, as the third element in the regulation system can fortunately be designed for
significantly slower response since it has only to cope with temperature drifts or air pressure
variations. Its crossover frequency is therefore much lower and will not interfere with the fast
All power amplifiers have a tendency to saturate at the upper end of their operating range
i.e. their differential amplification is reduced or may even change sign. The loop amplification
of the amplitude servo varies accordingly. Despite linearization circuits in the feedback
controller there remains a residual effect that sets an upper limit to the applicable loop gain.
Due to the effects described above, the practical performance of the servomechanisms is
an order of magnitude lower than the theoretical limit set by the loop delay alone. Typical loop
gains are in the range of 20 40 dB, together with time constants of the order of microseconds.
This leads to operating precision of about 1% in amplitude and 1 in phase even under heavy
beam loading.
It has been seen that the RF system of a linac is comprised of a number of individual RF
chains of very different output power requirements. It is then useful to keep the same basic
structure (like interlocks, computer controls, servomechanisms, etc.) for all these individual
chains and provide a set of modular amplifier blocks that are combined to provide the necessary
output power. A short overview of industrial power amplifier elements is presented in Fig. 7.
Legal power limits for different TV and broadcast services are also indicated since industry
Fig. 7 Approximate RF average power limits of different active devices (source: VALVO
designs the main line of readily available off-the-shelf components within these limits. Letter
codes for main radar bands have been added since related equipment is and was the
crystallisation point for many linac RF systems. It may be worth remembering that the very
widespread operating frequency of 202.56 MHz had initially been chosen because of the
availability of surplus World War II radar components.
5.2.1 Semiconductors
The "Transistor amplifier limit" is a quickly moving target since semiconductor amplifiers
with bipolar or FET-devices are in constant progress. They have replaced most of the tube
circuitry in all preamplifier stages and are gaining acceptance as final stages for certain
applications such as bunchers and debunchers. From the point of view of circuit design they
are low-voltage, low-impedance, low-Q devices.
Advantages: compact and reliable packages with virtually no maintenance; very wide
bandwidths possible.
Disadvantages: Tend to have high electrical delay times; are radiation sensitive (less important
in linacs than in other accelerators).
A typical tube circuit provides coaxial input and output resonators to tune out the tube
capacitances over a relatively small bandwidth. The two resonators are often implemented in
"reentrant" configuration, i.e. they share one cylindrical metallic wall with inner/outer faces
assigned to inner/outer resonator (Fig. 8). It is of course the skin effect that separates the two
circuits at RF frequencies although they are at DC, galvanically connected by the conducting
5.2.3 Klystrons
Klystrons are the active elements of choice for the higher linac frequency bands. They
overcome the limits of gridded tubes by the use of velocity modulation (rather than density
modulation). The internal electron beam is initially directed through a pillbox-type cavity where
its velocity is modulated with the frequency of the input signal. After a certain drift space the
faster electrons overtake the slower ones and create regions of higher density. Passive RF
cavities provided at these regions further enhance the beam structure by the self-induced electric
field. The RF beam power is finally transferred to an internal RF cavity from where it is
extracted to the external load.
Klystrons are very high voltage, high-Q devices. The long internal drift space of the
beam needs transverse focusing by solenoids or permanent magnets. As the length of this drift
space increases with the RF wavelength there is a practical lower limit for the operating
frequency. Figure 9 shows the "Klystron Skyline", the pictorial representation of the units
from one large European manufacturer. Also shown is the largest commercially available
klystron, almost 6 m in length for operation at 200 MHz. The large dimension has so far
hindered its use in low-frequency linacs.
Disadvantages: Supply voltages of 100 200 kV necessitate special technology; X-ray hazard
exists if not properly shielded; pulsed high-power klystrons tend to be noisy electrically and
acoustically. In general only moderate DC-to-RF conversion efficiency ~ 50%.
The upper power limit in klystrons is ultimately determined by the output resonator. Its
dimensions scale directly with the wavelength for a given cavity mode; at higher frequencies
some critical part (usually the coupling slot) becomes breakdown-limited due to the small
dimensions involved. Gyroklystrons, gyratrons and similar construction principles push this
limit upwards by the use of transverse rather than longitudinal extraction mechanisms which
allow larger cavity dimensions; their development is in full swing.
Two-beam accelerators first generate an auxiliary beam which runs in parallel with the
physics beam and serves as a distributed power source. A prominent example for extremely
high operating frequency is the CERN CLIC proposal which is presented in section 6.3.
According to a well known theorem in circuit theory, maximum power transfer between
source and load occurs if their impedances are complex conjugate to each other. This is
perfectly valid for low-level, linear circuitry but additional constraints of dynamic range have to
be considered at high power. Take for example an amplifier for P = 100 kW whose tube as
active element presents 15 k internal (source) impedance and supports a maximum RF
voltage U = 10 kV. 15 k is the optimum load at low level, but only up to the output voltage
limit of 10 kV corresponding to 5 kW. Beyond this point the load impedance has to be reduced
to avoid saturation and sparking; full power can only be achieved at a load impedance of
U2/(2*P)= 500 with drastically reduced amplification.
In virtually all active elements the optimal load resistance for maximum output power
differs by one or two orders of magnitude from the internal source resistance. Looking back
from the feeder line into the amplifier, this internal source impedance appears at a voltage-
standing-wave ratio (VSWR) of 10 to 100. It is assumed that the tube-to-feeder coupling is
arranged such that the optimal load for maximum output power corresponds to the characteristic
impedance of the line.
The load impedance of cavities and tanks is not constant but exhibits a sharp resonance in
the frequency domain. It is customary to refer to cavity impedances at the "Detuned Short"
(DS) plane of the feeder line. This has been implicitly been done in Fig. 1. The input
impedance begins and ends at 0 for the fully detuned cavity, and describes the well known
Fig. 9 The 'klystron skyline' of one European manufacturer
circle going through the center of the Smith-diagram for perfect match at the resonance
frequency (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10 Influence of the line length between amplifier and cavity: maxi Q/mini Q
Fourier transform allows one to derive the behaviour in the time domain for transient
conditions, i.e. for abrupt switching-on of the cavity by a gated sinusoid at the resonance
frequency. The apparent instantaneous cavity impedance is zero at the beginning, follows the
real axis, and finally stops at the steady-state resistance after several cavity time constants.
If the transformed source impedance is situated on this low-impedance part of the real
axis (Fig. 10 middle), then there is perfect match at least at one moment of the transient. The
overall average power transfer during the filling phase is optimal and the fastest possible
risetime results. In the frequency domain, the bandwidth is widest due to the strongest
damping of the resonator by the amplifier. The term "Mini-Q" has been coined for this regime
Inversely, if the transformed source impedance is on the high-impedance part of the real
axis, there is never a perfect match; the average power transfer is worst; the risetime is slowest;
the bandwidth smallest. This is designated as "Maxi-Q". These two extreme cases represent
the only two points where the overall system is at "resonance", i.e. where the amplitude
response in the frequency domain peaks at the operating frequency and where there is no
beating in time domain. These conditions should be set for best overall performance. The
"Mini-Q" point is the preferred mode of operation, but is there is a tendency for amplifier
sparking in case of cavity breakdowns. Therefore the more forgiving "Maxi-Q" mode has
sometimes to be set during conditioning.
It should be pointed out that the above qualitative description is strictly valid only for low-
level conditions. Saturation effects modify more or less the behaviour at nominal operating
levels but the basic effects remain valid. As a practical consequence, a high-power phase
shifter (trombone) is in general necessary between amplifier and cavity for the optimisation of
transient behaviour (and not to adjust the overall phase at an ill-conditioned spot as is
sometimes suspected).
5 . 4 RF plumbing
The RF feeder line between the power amplifier and the structure transports in general
considerable RF power and has to be designed with some precaution. Except for very high
duty cycle it is the peak-pulse power rather than the average power that sets the limits.
In coaxial systems the support of the inner conductor is often the weakest spot.
Accumulation of dust and metallic particles, e.g. stemming from contact wear on phase shifters
(trombones), may substantially reduce the flashover rating in particular on horizontally oriented
disks. The use of metallic /4 stubs eliminates this problem altogether since there are no
insulating surfaces to be contaminated. It is of course prudent to choose the largest line
diameter possible. This is more an economic than a technical problem, since coaxial line
diameters of up to 300 mm having peak-power capabilities of tens of Megawatts can be used
around 200 MHz without problems from higher-order modes. Contact erosion from RF
currents has been a problem at some machines, this is again alleviated by large diameters
resulting in lower current densities. Pressurisation by air or SF6 is sometimes used to increase
the peak power capability, at least permanent venting with dry air is advisable as a preventive
measure. This complicates the mechanical design since continuity of the air channel has to be
assured and excessive leaks avoided.
It may occur that a single generator cannot provide the required output power; power
combining using several sources is then a solution. This method is the rule in semiconductor
amplifiers where a great number of individual, identical output stages are working together in
one common output. Another example is a 200 MHz RF installation at CERN, delivering
1 MW continuous power combined from 32 commercially available TV transmitters.
Conversely, one large klystron may be able to feed several accelerating sections; power
splitting is then the answer. This is the case in most electron machines.
The preferred basic building block for both power combining and splitting is some
directional device in the form of a "bridge transformer", "directional coupler", "magic tee",
"decoupled junction" etc. which exists in many coaxial or waveguide variants. If correctly
imbedded in the circuit they can either provide virtual independence between the individual
sources or loads, or can implement matched source or load conditions even if assembled from
fully reflecting devices. One or several absorbers (also called terminations or loads) are
necessary to annihilate the unwanted reflections. Detailed descriptions can be found in
microwave textbooks; practical examples are given below in the paragraph describing other
The majority of Linacs are used at the relatively low duty cycle of a few per mil or per
cent, where the generators are operated up to the permissible peak power but may still have
considerable reserves in terms of average power (i.e. pulse length). One approach is then to
generate a longer pulse than ultimately needed and compress it in time, thus trading excess
pulse length for additional peak power. An original scheme to achieve pulse compression in
accelerator environment was devised by Z.D. Farkas at SLAC under the name of SLED, a
scheme now in widespread use in many Linacs under different names.
Its function is best explained by a DC analogy (see Fig. 11): Imagine a DC generator
charging a capacitor. Reversing the polarity between generator and capacitor, in other words
changing the generator phase by 180, provokes a transient whose peak amplitude can attain
many times the current available from the generator alone.
6 . 1 LIL
LIL is the acronym for the LEP Injector Linacs providing 500 MeV electrons and
positrons for LEP, the world's largest accelerator (27.2 km ring circumference). The RF
system is typical for electron machines, with high RF frequency (2998.55 MHz), short pulse
length (4.5 microseconds) and relatively high pulse rate (100 Hz).
Figure 12 shows the overall structure: A phase reference line working at high power
feeds six active klystron lines through directional couplers, via amplitude and phase control
circuitry. Due to the high gain of the klystrons no intermediate amplifier stages are necessary;
on the other hand, their strongly non-linear characteristics together with the short RF pulse
length and the delay time in the travelling-wave structure precludes fast closed-loop control.
The first RF line (MDK 03) feeds standing-wave prebuncher and buncher cavities
exhibiting a sizeable transient; the klystron is therefore protected from load reflections by a
circulator. The following lines (MDK 13, 25, 27, 31, 35) are in principle designed for the
pulse compression scheme, even though lines MDK25 and 35 are only prepared for, but not yet
equipped with, the device. SLED has by the way been rebaptised LIPS (LIL Power Saver) in
the CERN environment. Since the accelerating structure is of the travelling-wave type with
relatively large bandwidth, the transient is sufficiently mild that these klystrons can be
connected directly without circulator. A single klystron feeds two or four segments of the
accelerating structure; the RF power is distributed in "canonical" way, i.e. by sets of 3-dB
couplers arranged in N layers with 2N output ports of equal power (here N = 1 or 2, for two or
four outputs). Figure 13 shows the klystron and Table 1 its characteristics.
Fig. 13 Valvo 3-GHz for LIL. Upper part: RF output above drift tube surrounded by
focusing solenoid (X-ray shield removed). Lower part: klystron cathode with filament
transformer (normally immersed in tank with insulating oil).
Table 1
Main electrical characteristics of Thomson TH 2094 or Valvo YK 1600 klystrons
6 . 2 TESLA
The object of the TESLA study is the proposal for a superconducting linear collider with
the highest accelerating gradient that can be obtained with present-day technology. Figure 14
shows a schematic diagram for the proposed test facility (TTF) consisting of two cryo units.
Each cryo unit carries eight cavities which in turn comprise nine RF cells fed by a common
power coupler. A single klystron is foreseen as RF source, its power has to be equally
distributed to the 16 cavities that form the load. Due to their very high Q a circulator is
mandatory to assure acceptable loading conditions to the klystron. The machine will work in L-
band at 1300 MHz; this frequency is unusual for accelerators but heavily used for long-range
radar so that high-power components are available. The klystron is provided by Thomson, a
major European manufacturer. Its data are given in Table 2.
Fig. 14 Layout of the RF distribution in the Tesla Test Facility (TTF). One 5-MW klystron
feeds two cryo units. (Source: A. Gamp, report TESLA 93-43).
Table 2
Measured parameters of the TH 2104C klystron
The number of load points, 16, is the 4th power of two and would therefore permit a
four-layer "canonical" power distribution with 3-dB couplers as in the LIL machine. Another
method is proposed instead that allows a much cleaner physical layout: after one initial split
into two branches by a "magic tee" the power is further distributed by in-line directional
couplers that run along the accelerating structure similar to a phase reference line. A minor
disadvantage of this approach is the necessity of couplers with unequal coupling factors, which
can however be easily implemented considering the very small bandwidth required.
6 . 3 CLIC
A radically different way to create the required RF power is used in CLIC (CERN Linear
Collider), a CERN proposal for the next generation of linear colliders. There are strong
arguments in favour of increasing the operating frequency for such machines: firstly, the
permissible gradient increases with the frequency according to Kilpatrick's sparking criterion;
secondly, for fixed total voltage and length, the average RF power consumption for copper
structures at room temperature scales as 1/f2. Arguments against high frequency include
undesirable wake-field effects and alignment difficulties due to the small dimensions involved.
The frequency of 30 GHz is proposed as a compromise on the high side of the spectrum. The
required RF power is as high as 40 MW per accelerating segment.
Standard generator tubes are ruled out as energy sources at this frequency, but the two-
beam accelerator approach is a valid alternative (Fig. 15). A high-intensity, low-energy drive
beam of very short bunches is generated in a dedicated drive linac, transported in parallel to the
main structure and used as distributed energy source. Transfer units extract 30 GHz energy for
the accelerating structure proper at regular intervals. In some project versions for a long
collider, superconducting reacceleration units are foreseen to restore the average energy lost
after several hundred segments. This assembly is equivalent to a conventional RF system in its
function as power source.
RF systems for linacs come in a large variety of structures. Their output power is
generally pushed to the maximum limit feasible by state-of-the-art RF technology, with a
general trend towards higher frequencies. Extensive closed-loop control is applied wherever
component characteristics and signal time delays permit.
Fig. 16 Proposed layout of CLIC. One transfer structure of the drive beam (rear) feeds two
accelerating structures for the main beam (front).
* * *
S. Turner [ed.], RF Engineering for Particle Accelerators, Proc. CAS CERN Accelerator
School, Oxford, 1991, CERN 92-03.
J. de Mascureau
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, CESTA, France
Induction linacs represent a somewhat unusual way of accelerating to
medium energies particle beams of extremely high intensities. They
generally operate in long-pulse mode where applications require high
power beams. In this chapter we shall present the principle and main
features of induction linacs and give information on the related problems
of beam transport and the means to diagnose them. Some specific
applications will be briefly reviewed.
Development of induction linacs to accelerate very high current particle beams (multi kA)
to energies in the tens of MeV range is a relatively recent outcome of a principle which was
expressed before the last world war. In fact the idea was discussed by Bouwers in 1939 [1] but
the first realization was achieved by N. Christofilos in 1964 at LLNL [2]. This Astron
accelerator provides a 5 MeV, several hundred amperes electron beam to confine plasmas for
the magnetic fusion program. During the early 1970's at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
(LBL) was built the Electron Ring Accelerator (ERA) for the goal of proton acceleration.
Meantime significant technological development has also occured in the Soviet Union in the
induction accelerator field [3]. Other machines were built during the seventies and the eighties at
LLNL and among them the Experimental Test Accelerator (ETA) and the Advanced Test
Accelerator (ATA). The last one, designed for beam propagation studies, was a 50 MeV,
10 kA, 50 nsec, device with burst-mode capability up to 1 kHz.
It must be noted that the LLNL has been during nearly twenty years a leading laboratory
for linear induction accelerator development. This was closely related to the progress of the Free
Electron Laser (FEL) program in this laboratory [4]. The last device built at LLNL is the
ETA II/ETA III accelerator operated in an FEL experiment aimed towards high power
microwave production for the MTX Tokamak magnetic fusion facility [5]. ETA III is a 6 MeV,
2 kA accelerator capable of multiburst operation (up to 50 pulses at 2 kHz) with improved
characteristics (beam quality and reliability). During the same period other laboratories were
involved in the development of induction linac technology and namely the Naval Research
Laboratory (NRL) and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) [6].
More recently, during the last decade, new developments have appeared in China and in
Japan at ILE, KEK and JAERI[7,8,9]. In France, since 1988, the Commissariat a l'Energie
Atomique (CEA) has undertaken an induction linac development program at the CESTA
laboratoy, first for FEL application with the LELIA facility (2.5 MeV, 1 kA, 50 ns) [10,11] and
then for Flash - Radiography with the AIRIX project now under construction (16 MeV,
3.5 kA, 60 ns) [12]. Many papers have been published on the subject of designing induction
linacs in conference proceedings or elsewhere. Some of them are listed in treferences [1316].
In principle the accelerating unit consists of an induction cell that provides the particle
beam passing through with an eV energy increase and an electric generator supplying the cell
with a High Voltage (HV) pulse of V amplitude. By simply stacking n induction cells (and n
HV pulse generators) the incoming beam with an eVo energy exits with an e(Vo+nV) energy
according to the schematic drawing (Fig. 1). Induction linacs allow beam acceleration up to
several tens of MeV by using HV pulse generators operating at a few hundred kV voltage. As
we shall discuss further, the main advantage of induction linacs is their ability to accelerate
long-pulse (tens of ns to s) high-intensity (multi-kA) beams. Another specific feature is the
total electrical insulation of the apparatus, the high voltage appearing only inside the induction
An induction cell looks like a cylindrical metallic box with a hollow center where the beam
is transported and accelerated under vacuum. As shown in Fig. 2 the HV from the electrical
generator is applied to a circuit containing magnetic cores. The electrical insulation is obtained
via a concentric gap area and a ring ensuring both electrical and vacuum insulation of the beam
pipe, which is under vacuum, from the oil-cooled magnetic cores. Moreover a guiding magnet
is enclosed in the box to allow beam focusing while two trim coils permit small beam position
In order to understand the induction cell principle, the analogy of the 1:1 transformer is
usually presented as a first approach. In this comparison the primary winding is the metallic
structure of the cell, the beam itself playing the part of the secondary winding. When a square
pulse of V o voltage and t duration is applied to the cell a magnetic field is created into the
cores that induces on the beam an accelerating voltage of the same amplitude and duration.
When n cells fed by identical electric pulses are coupled, the beam is given an nVo accelerating
voltage as in a transformer with n primary windings and a single secondary. With this analogy,
represented in Fig. 3, we can understand how, in an induction linac, a high accelerating voltage
can be reached by simply stacking along the beam axis many cells fed by a pulse of moderate
However only the gross electric balance is concerned by this approach. To go further in
the design of the cell and the magnetic cores we have to study the current and voltage
distribution in the accelerator.
When the high voltage pulse (Vo, t) from the coaxial transmission line enters the cell, it
meets on the one hand a capacitive element constituted by the accelerating gap, and on the other
hand an inductive element constituted by the magnetic material. The I supply current is then
divided into an Ib charging current flowing into the gap and the inner wall of the cell, and an Im
magnetization current flowing around the magnetic cores (see Fig. 4). If these cores have been
properly magnetized before the pulse, they present a large inductance Zm limiting the evolution
of the Im current and preventing the line from being short-circuited on the electric ground.
The Ib charging current equals the beam current and therefore is limited by its impedance
which depends on the upstream diode characteristics. It has to be noticed that this current loops
in the HV generators by the means of coaxial cables. It never surrounds the magnetic cores
unlike the transformer analogy has assumed.
Let us now consider the voltage distribution at different places of the apparatus and to
begin with, at the cable meeting point with the cell, assuming the HV generator and the cell are
Fig. 4 Current distribution
impedance matched. The potential difference between the power supply point (A) and the
ground (B) then equals the Vo voltage delivered by the HV generator.
V A-VB = 0
The same potential difference is obtained by computing the line integral of the E electric
field along the loop along which the Im current flows.
r r
Vo = E.dl
where S is the sectional area of the magnetic cores and B the magnetic induction produced by
the Im current. This last equation shows that the Vo cell voltage is linked with the magnetic and
geometric characteristics of the cores. If we neglect the radial variations of B the integration of
the Eq. (1) between to and to +t leads to :
We know that the magnetic induction inside the cores varies according to a hysteresis
cycle as shown in Fig. 5. Taking care to preset the cores at the Br remanence field before each
pulse, it is possible to get a maximum variation
Bs = Br + Bs
where Brs is the value of B at saturation.
Vo t S. Bs (3)
This can be used for the dimensioning of the magnetic cores according to the high voltage pulse
Ferrites are often used as magnetic material for their mechanical and magnetic
characteristics. Other materials have been used and among them Fe-Ni alloys and Metglass
(from Allied Chemical). We currently have used PE 11B Ni-Zn ferrites from TDK. The
maximum B s for this material is 6 kG. New PE 16 ferrite allows larger B s of the order of
7 kG. For Metglass 2605 SC the Bs value is much larger (~ 25 kG) but this material has to
be used in ribbons of small thickness (~ 20 m) with Mylar insulation between consecutive
The role of the magnetic material is essential in the induction cell operation. Let us try to
see how it is possible to dimension these cores. If we consider the area they fill in the cell, it
could be regarded as a coaxial transmission line of length l ended by a short circuit Fig. 6. The
internal conductor of the line is formed by the cylinder of radius ri, the external conductor by the
cylinder of radius re and the short circuit by the SC plate. In this line, at point A, enters the
voltage wave (Vo,) associated with current Im such that :
Im = (4)
t 2l (5)
where and are respectively the dielectric constant and permeability of the magnetic material.
On the other hand the pulse duration must not be shorter than a single transit time of the
wave, otherwise some magnetic cores would not see the pulse and would be useless. This
condition can be expressed by
t l (6)
It must be pointed out that Eqs. (5) and (6) hold only when the Im magnetization current
remains smaller thant the Is saturation current. If not, a saturation wave is created with a
velocity larger than the electromagnetic wave velocity, and the magnetic cores get saturated in a
time shorter than the pulse duration.
H m = Hs (7)
Im Log(re / ri )
Hm = (8)
2 re ri
L= Log(re / ri ) (9)
Vo = L (10)
and Eq. (10) leads to
Vo t L. Is
Vo . t Hs l (re ri )
Vo t S. Bs
The meaning of Eq. (3) is now clearer: when cells are dimensioned in such a way that this
condition is fulfilled, then saturation of the magnetic cores is prevented during the high-voltage
pulse by keeping the magnetization current lower than the saturation current.
To sum up, the transmission line analogy allows a better understanding of the phenomena
occuring in the magnetic cores which play a double part:
- holding the gap at the charging potential by delaying the cell short circuit,
- keeping the cell external structure at the ground potential during the whole high voltage
During the flat top of the voltage pulse, the current from the HV pulse generator is divided
into two lines in the cell. The efficiency can be expressed as :
Ib + I m
This efficiency is good provided that Zm is large compared to R. According to Eq. (9)
one condition is to get as large as possible. Another condition is to improve the re / ri ratio,
but this ratio also depends on other requirements. However the true effciency is lower due to
another resistance which is added in parallel with the cell in order to protect it against over
voltages. Indeed if operational problems occur, for example if the beam gets out of step with the
high voltage pulse, this additional resistance (we call it the "Ballast" resistor) prevents the gap
from seeing an over voltage which could result in damaging breakdown. The actual efficiency
can drop off to values under fifty percent.
This aims at providing the induction cell with HV pulses having specific characteristics:
If high repetition rate operation is not required, classical technology with charged
Blumlein and spark-gap is available. As an example Fig. 7 shows the result obtained with the
HV voltage pulse generator developed in our laboratory for the AIRIX program and designed
for a 250 kV standard operation with a 1% flatness over 70 ns.
If high repetition rate operation is needed, then the use of a generator with magnetic
switches instead of spark-gaps appears unavoidable. These magnetic switches are made with
magnetic cores which operate as saturable materials. They again use ferrites or Metglass and
present the advantage of a low jitter operation up to a few kHz. Moreover by placing several
magnetic switches in series a pulse compression can be realized.
The problems arising from beam transport along the induction linac are mainly due to its
specific characteristics :
We briefly give some results concerning these phenomena and what can be done to
minimize their effects.
The quantity in square brackets represents the variation of the electrostatic energy. As the
beam travels through the accelerator the beam profile has the tendency to get uniform which
implies that U(z) goes to zero.
In order to minimize these effects which appear mainly in the case of high currents at low
energy the obvious solutions consists in:
- injecting into the linac particles with as high an energy as possible (large )
- transporting a small radius beam.
But in the present case it is not possible to minimize I since it is a major feature of the induction
linac. Another way is to consider the injection of an electron beam with a uniform radial
distribution, but this is a characteristic of the injector. In practice this effect is generally
important only at the entrance of the linac and compared to the following effects becomes
negligible as the energy increases.
3 . 2 Chromatic effects
The result is a motion of the beam centrod. Due to the length of the particle pulse in an
induction linac, it induces a global emittance growth when this effect is integrated over the
whole pulse duration.
In order to minimize these effects care has to be taken of the beam quality with regard to
its energy spread over the pulse duration. This is why we specify a E 1% for the electron
beam injected in to our AIRIX induction linac.
Another consequence is the need for an excellent quality focusing system along the
accelerator. As was indicated in Fig. 2 each induction cell has to be provided with a guiding
magnet. An example is shown in Fig. 8 representing the focusing magnet design of the AIRIX
induction cells. As can be seen in this figure soft-iron homogenizer rings mechanically
concentric to the beam pipe have been introduced. The effect is to reduce the transverse
component of the magnetic field inside the solenod. Measurements have shown an
improvement in the ratio of the transverse-to-axial components which reduce to values under
10-4 all over the solenod axis.
Fig. 8 Focusing magnet design of the AIRIX induction cell
In the same way, the mechanical design of the cells is an important concern in that the
mechanical axis has to be aligned with the magnetic axis since only the latter has an influence on
the beam. Moreover all the cells must be aligned together in order to minimize the dispersion of
their axes not only for off-axis displacements but also for tilt effects. These considerations of
cell alignment are also concerned with beam break-up instabilities.
This comes from the interaction of the beam with transverse electromagnetic fields in the
gap cavities. The BBU mechanism can be briefly summarized as follows:
- an off-axis beam propagation in the induction cell induces the excitation of transverse
electromagnetic fields in the gap cavity.
- These electromagnectic fields then react on the beam to induce transverse motions at the
frequencies of the electromagnetic modes. Consequently the next cavities get excited
from step to step.
In order to prevent the growth of BBU instabilites or to minimize their effects the
following recommendations must be taken into account:
This impedance depends on the dielectric constant of the insulator. A smaller leads to
lower values of Z . For this purpose a plastic insulator, like Rexolite ( 2.5) must be
preferred to an alumina insulator ( 9).
This is not the place to deal with the accelerator diagnostics in general. But, as we have
seen previously, induction linacs are characterized by very high intensity beams and long
pulses. These specific features induce some problems of beam transport along the apparatus. In
order to minimize the effects according to the recommendations given in the last section the
accelerator designers are required to accurately measure some important parameters of the beam
and namely the beam emittance, the electron energy and energy spread, the beam position and
profile, and the beam current. As we have seen they also have to take care about the alignment
of each component (guiding magnet and cell) and of the whole apparatus.
To give an example, the 60 cells of the AIRIX induction linac have been designed and
will be built and aligned in order to allow the 60 corresponding magnetic axes to be held in a
100 m radius cylinder and a 500 rad half-angle cone. These specifications involve
sophisticated means of machining, assembly and alignment.
Fig 9 Transverse impedances of AIRIX cells calculated with the PALAS code
An original method for checking the possible discrepancy between the mechanical and
magnetic axes of a cell is the so-called stretched-wire technique. It uses a conductive thin wire
perfectly aligned on the mechanical axis of the cell. A short electric pulse is injected at the input
of the wire. When this pulse goes across the magnetic field area inside the cell it encounters a
magnetic force which induces in the wire a small oscillation. The observation of this small
displacement with an adequate motion detector at the other end of the wire gives a signature
closely related to the kind of misalignment between the magnetic field lines of the solenod and
the mechanical axis of the cell. This technique is schematized in Fig. 10.
As induction linacs are often single-pulse machines, the usual scanning-wire techniques
cannot be employed. A good time resolution is required to analyse the evolution of the
phenomena during the pulse since high frequency modes (BBU) are likely to develop.
In fact most of the beam diagnostics consist of the optical observation of the interaction of
the (electron) beam with a specific target. The definition of the interaction and hence of the
target is related to the desired efficiency, directivity, spatial resolution, and temporal
resolution of the optical phenomena which often depend on the energy and intensity of particles
in the beam. Commonly used interactions are scintillation and Cerenkov radiation, but for high
energy beams, that is to say E 10 MeV, Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) presents
advantages as far as time resolution and directivity are concerned. Moreover scintillation and
Cerenkov radiation involve volume interaction and therefore can use beam disturbing converters
while OTR is a surface phenomenon, induced by an index step, and is likely to use thin
windows transparent to high-enough energy particles. But further studies have to be carried
through before the use of OTR can be generalized.
high resolution ( E ~ 4 keV) in a chosen domain of the spectrum. This zoom effect appears
very usefull for adjusting the flat-top part of the electron pulse injected into the AIRIX linac.
The other basic diagnostic tool for induction linac users is the emittance meter. We use the
well-known pepper-pot technique with a thin (0.5 mm) Bicron scintillator as analyser and a
gated camera to record the optical information as a two-dimensional image with a 5-ns
resolution. At LANL a streak camera is used giving the evolution of one spatial dimension
versus time. The same technique of recording can lead to the measurement of the beam position
and dimension with time resolution using Cerenkov or scintillation converters.
The beam intensity, and the position of the beam centrod, can be reached from B-loop
measurements. This device uses a small loop placed on the beam pipe, perpendicular to the
field of the electron beam. By integrating the loop signals to obtain the sum or the difference of
diametrically opposite loops it is possible to measure the total beam current or the beam centrod
displacements (charge density center) versus time. These so-called Beam Position Monitors
(BPM), can, if carefully designed and built and accurately calibrated, lead to high-resolution
time measurements of the beam-centrod motions closely related with the chromatic effects or
even with the high frequency modes of the BBU instabilities.
The specific applications of induction linacs result form their main characteristics:
Since the first machine, built in 1964, many applications of the induction linacs have been
developed. As we have seen in the first section they mainly concern the USA and the USSR but
more recently important programs began in eastern Asia (China, Japan, Corea) and in Europe
(France). We will not review here all the facilites and all the subjects of interest but only give an
overview of the main applications and focus attention on two particular subjects (see 5.1 and
At LLNL first studies were carried out for the goal of beam propagation in the atmosphere
(ATA) but programs rapidly turned to FEL applications.
Research on magnetic confinement fusion was concerned at the beginning with the
ASTRON program and recently with the MTX experiment. At LBL an ion induction linac is
being developed for inertial confinement fusion. At LLNL the FXR facility was built for high
power flash-radiography application [17] and at Los Alamos the DARHT induction accelerator
is designed to improve significantly the performances of FXR [18]. At CESTA, the CEA is
now designing and building the new AIRIX induction linac, similar to DARHT, for flash
But potential applications of the induction linac are not so limited: New studies are going
on for the injector of the future CLIC (CERN Linear Collider) where an induction linac could be
used as a drive beam in a Two-Beam Accelerator (TBA) concept [19]. At the other extremity
industrial applications can be developed where high brightness beams are required which cannot
be reached with classical diode-type generators. They include all kinds of irradiation of
materials and particularly sterilization [20].
The induction linac is a good driver for FEL experiments where high power output
radiation is required. Since the FEL wavelength depends on the electron energy and the wiggler
parameters ( w , w ) according to the equation
1 eB
= w2 1 + w w (17)
2 2 2 mc
in most cases the resulting wavelength is in the microwave or Infrared (IR) domains. In these
conditions induction linac characteristics (small emittance and energy spread) can lead to a good
efficiency in the FEL interaction. Moreover the high beam intensity and brightness with high
repetition rate capability can lead to high peak power and high average power radiation
An example of an induction linac FEL application was the MTX Tokamak experiment at
LLNL. The microwave radiation at 140 GHz from the ETA II induction linac driven FEL was
used to heat the plasma of the MTX Tokamak. In this experiment the ETA II accelerator has
been improved (ETA III) in order to generate up to 50 pulses at a 2-kHz repetition rate. The
FEL used the IMP wiggler in the amplification mode of a gyrotron source at 140 GHz. The
accelerator operation was stable enough to allow 25 microwave pulses to be injected in the
Tokamak with a 1-GW power.
5 . 2 Flash radiography with induction linacs
Electron induction linacs can generate a powerful flash of hard X-Rays in order to make
high quality radiographic images of dense, rapidly-moving objects. Here the goal is to produce
a large amount (dose) of X-Rays by focusing on a small spot ( ~ 2 mm) into a conversion
target a high intensity electron beam of convenient duration ( t ~ 100 ns).
The quality of the radiographic source is given by a figure of merit (FM).
FM (18)
where D is the dose of X-Rays and the diameter of the X-Ray source.
As the dose is proportional to the beam intensity, multi-kiloampere induction linacs can be
used where other accelerators cannot produce a good quality beam with a sharp focusing ability.
For Bremsstrahlung radiation from a target of Z atomic number the dose is approximated by
where V is the electron energy on the target and which has to be high enough to produce the
desired dose of X-Rays on the object.
Small emittance is needed to achieve a good quality beam. We have seen that, in order to
limit the emittance growth along the accelerator care has to be taken to reduce the chromatic
effects and the BBU instabilities. The pulse duration is a compromise between dose and
blurring due to the object velocity. Two new accelerator projects for this purpose are now in
progress: DARHT at Los Alamos USA, and AIRIX at CESTA near Bordeaux, France.
[5] C.J. Lasnier et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) vol II, p. 1554.
[7] T. Akiba et al, Proc. Int. Conf. on High Power Particle Beams, Kobe (Japan) 1986.
[8] J. Kishiro et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) Vol I, p 673.
[9] S. Kawasaki et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) Vol I, p. 676.
[10] J. Bardy et al., Proc. of the 12th Int. FEL Conf., Paris 1990 (North Holland, 1991)
p 311.
[11] Ph. Eyharts et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) Vol I, p 670.
[12] J. de Mascureau et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) Vol I, p 697.
[15] C.A. Kapetanakos and P. Sprangle, Physics Today, February 1985, p 58.
[17] B. Kulke et al., LLNL, Proc. 15th IEEE Power Modulator Symposium,
Baltimore 1982.
[18] M. Burns et al., Proc. Int. Conf. on High Power Particle Beams, Washington 1992
p 283.
[20] Y.S. Cho et al., Proc. of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington 1993
(IEEE 1993) Vol I, p 679.
Y. Jongen and S. Zaremba
Ion Beam Applications s.a.
Avenue Jean Lenoir 6
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Dierent aspects of a cyclotron magnet design, and not only calcula-
tions, are reviewed. The design is an iterative process starting from
a simple model which requires a vision of the complete cyclotron
and an integration of all subsystems. Finally detailed cyclotron
magnet calculations are described.
Many accelerator physicists tend to merely reduce the cyclotron design to cyclotron
magnet calculations. This quite common error should be avoided. Therefore major issues
of cyclotron magnet design, not only calculations, will be discussed in this paper. The
type of cyclotrons discussed here are xed eld, xed frequency machines with azimuthally
varying magnetic eld (hills and valleys) provided by sectors (poles) and such as described
in textbooks, for example, in [1].
Cyclotron magnet design requires a vision of the complete cyclotron. Dierent sub-
systems of cyclotron (RF (radiofrequency) system, vacuum, injection, extraction) interact
with each other and always interact with the magnet. Constraints imposed by a previ-
ously completed design of the cyclotron magnet can create enormous diculties later
when designing other elements.
Like any other design it is natural to start with a crude and simple model which
is iteratively rened as the design process converges. Finally very detailed and time-
consuming calculations and an optimization of the cyclotron magnet are performed.
B = 3001 Z T 2 + 2 T E0
h i
B - magnetic eld (Tesla);
- bending radius (m);
Z - charge state of particles, with respect to electron charge;
T , E0 - kinetic energy and the rest mass (MeV).
Ions should stay synchronized with a given phase of the cyclotron RF system during
acceleration. Therefore the magnetic eld should ensure a constant rotation period of ions
in the cyclotron. The magnetic eld with this feature is called isochronous.
The isochronous average magnetic eld increases with radius r.
B (r) = B0
(r) = B0 t1 + 2(r) (2)
1 2(r)
(r) = v(r)=c; c - light velocity and
(r) = 1 + T (r)=E0;
B0 - the magnetic eld in the center of the cyclotron.
The requested shape of the magnetic eld can be obtained by dierent methods:
using steel;
The increase of a ratio hill/valley with radius r (increase of the azimuthal length
of sectors) is the easiest way to obtain the isochronous magnetic eld. Another
possibility is to decrease the gap between poles with radius r (azimuthal shims) but
it is not recommended when a high beam intensity is required.
Pre-processor 2.3
Figure 1: The removable pole edge attached to the magnet sector of the IBA C30 cy-
clotron. The mesh grid size is smaller in regions where high magnetic eld gradients are
Magnet pole edges that can be dismounted, mechanically corrected and once again
assembled, provide a very eective way to produce the isochronous magnetic eld
shape, as in gure 1. This method almost always guarantees the convergence to the
isochronous magnetic eld when applied as an iterative process consisting of three
steps: (1) magnetic eld measurements, (2) correction calculations, (3) pole edge
mechanical correction. The correction of pole edges at the given radius r is based
on the relation between the relative frequency error of the particles and the relative
tolerance of the magnetic eld
Pre-processor 2.3
Figure 2: Moveable radial shims are placed in the middle of two opposite valleys, parallel
to the cyclotron median plane. Shims close to or far from the cyclotron median plane
produce the magnetic eld for H or D ions respectively.
using trim-coils;
exibility of the magnetic eld modied by trim-coils permits the acceleration
of dierent types of ions to dierent nal kinetic energies with the beam extraction
at the same nal radius. The extraction of particles by the electrostatic de
is often preferred in this case.
Trim-coils require careful tuning using an adequate number of power supplies. The
cyclotron is more complicated so its reliability diminishes. It is also more expensive
and usually consumes more power.
2.3 Axial (vertical) and radial focusing of the beam avoiding dangerous res-
Axial (vertical) focusing of the beam can be provided by:
negative eld index i.e., the magnetic eld decreasing with the radius;
azimuthally varying magnetic eld i.e., magnet sectors creating hills and valleys
of the magnetic eld;
spiralization of magnet sectors.
The betatron frequencies can be approximated by the following equations [2] :
z2 = k + N N
2 1
F 1 + 2 tan2 (5)
The presented analytical formulas 5{7 are approximative. Correct values of the
betatron frequencies have to be calculated by programs tracking particle trajectories.
2.4 Resonances
Resonance is encountered when
K r + L z = P (8)
where K , L and P are integers. P is the symmetry of the driving term and the sum
jK j + jLj is the order of the resonance. Resonances of order 1, 2 or 3 are driven by a dipo-
lar, quadrupolar or sextupolar component of the guiding magnetic eld respectively.
The amplitude of betatron oscillations grows at a resonance. Imperfection resonance
(K r = P , L z = P ) eects are dependent on the amplitude and the radial extension
of imperfection in the cyclotron. Coupling resonances (K; L 6= 0) are important when
large radial oscillations are generated. The axial acceptance of the cyclotron is generally
much smaller than the radial and the beam is easily lost. The third order coupling
Walkinshaw resonance r 2z = 0 frequently encountered in cyclotrons is considered
as one of the most destructive.
The operation point (r ; z ) moves as the particle kinetic energy increases and can
cross the resonance line(s). Resonances are dangerous when the crossing is slow (low
kinetic energy gain per turn) and/or when the driving term is large but the fast passage
through the resonance zone does not greatly deteriorate a beam quality.
It is possible to show (e.g. [1]) that the eld index is k =
2 1, when the magnetic
eld is isochronous. Therefore the radial betatron frequency r (equation 6) can be
expressed as r
+ , where dots replace terms dependent on N , F and .
Fundamental resonances given by the equation r = N=2 determine the minimum
number of symmetry periods (sectors) of the cyclotron. The frequency of radial betatron
oscillation starts from the value of 1 (
= 1) at the cyclotron center. Cyclotrons with
N = 2 sectors will be unstable from the center and therefore they do not exist.
Due to the same fundamental resonance the theoretical maximum kinetic energy
of protons is limited to 469 (
= 3=2) and 938 MeV (
= 4=2) for cyclotrons with
3 or 4 symmetry periods (sectors) respectively. Practically the maximum kinetic energy
of particles will be smaller because terms dependent on N , F and increase the radial
betatron frequency r .
Very high kinetic energies require more symmetry periods in the cyclotron. To avoid
the fundamental resonance r = 3=2, it was necessary to mill a deep groove in each of three
sectors of the AGOR cyclotron [3]. This ingenious solution multiplied by two the number
of sectors, without a signicant decrease of the average magnetic eld in the cyclotron.
3.1 Decision strategies
Decisions need to be taken concerning the choice of:
gap between magnet poles (hills of the magnetic eld);
magnetic eld level between magnet poles (hills of the magnetic eld);
magnet pole radius;
gap in the valleys;
number of symmetry periods (sectors).
Linear elements
20.0 Axi-symmetry
Modified R*vec pot.
Magnetic fields
5796 elements
15.0 3018 nodes
30 regions
1065.0 1075.0 1085.0 1095.0 1105.0 1115.0
R [MM]
Pre and Post-Processor 1.1
Figure 3: The detailed discretization of the elliptic gap between cyclotron magnet poles
in the 2-D model. The cyclotron median plane determines a lower boundary line of the
3.5 Detailed magnet calculations
Detailed magnet calculations, using a nite elements method | or a similar method
with the same kind of accuracy | must rst conrm the validity of the initial design.
They are then mainly used to uncover weak points of the design and help correcting them.
Finally, they can serve to optimize the design taking into account all important and re-
quested particular characteristics of the magnet. Detailed magnet design and calculations
require the use of two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) computer codes.
The list of available programs is presented in [4],[5].
The maximum number of elements in two- and three-dimensional calculations is
of the same order. The two-dimensional model is only the plane and the three-dimensional
model should be a volume comprising the symmetry period of the cyclotron (a part
of it, when mirror symmetries are possible). Hence two-dimensional calculations oer
the possibility of creating elements having much smaller grid size than three-dimensional
ones and ensure a better accuracy of cyclotron magnet details. Even with smaller grid
size of the 2-D model fewer nodes will be used than in the 3-D model.
Figure 3 presents the part of the two-dimensional model mesh in the IBA C235
protontherapy cyclotron with the closed elliptic gap. The same geometry model was
developed and calculated in three dimensions. The analysis of the same plane in the 3-D
model shows that one element only represented the part of the cyclotron magnet pole
between radii 1100 and 1105 mm and up to 6 mm from the cyclotron median plane.
The execution time of programs 2-D and 3-D is proportional to n3 where n is the
number of created node points. Only application of all possible symmetries of the cy-
clotron magnet signicantly contributes to a decrease of the total number of nodes in the
3-D model. Sometimes the construction of 3-D models which do not respect strictly
model symmetries can decrease the number of created nodes and the computing time
but the solution should be treated with limited condence. Often excessively long com-
puting times (tens of hours) and the impossibility to create more accurate model due to
a lack of computer memory, encourage designers to develop more exactly two-dimensional
Conductors created in two-dimensional calculations are very simple and their mag-
netic eld is calculated very quickly. Programs 3-D oer, except for a library of the
standard shape conductors, practically unlimited possibilities for creating shapes of con-
ductors as a sequence of bricks with variable cross-section. The magnetic eld of coils
having very exotic shapes (e.g. particular trim-coils) can be calculated this way but take
a hopelessly long time (tens of hours).
2-D codes essentially solve x-y problems in which the third dimension is innite or at
least long enough to be considered as innite. Programs 2-D serve also to solve axisym-
metric (cylindrical) three-dimensional problems. Cyclotrons with an azimuthally varying
eld are hardly axisymmetric, but the method of stacking factors can be used in regions
where the magnet structure diers from axisymmetric (sectors and valleys, important
holes in the yoke). Figure 4 shows the application of this method. The stacking factor
SF is dened as the fraction of the circle occupied by the real ferromagnetic material.
Properties of the pseudo-material lling regions with the stacking factor are given by the
B-H curve equation [6]:
Bpseudo = 0 H + (B 0 H ) SF (10)
where B and H are related by the curve of B-H for the real ferromagnetic material.
Programs 2-D are useful to study details or local modications which produce local
eects. At rst the large model solution is calculated. Then a zoom of the area of interest
from the large model is made (as e.g. in gure 3). Vector potential values corresponding to
the large model are assigned to boundary points of the zoomed model. The analysis of the
eects of perturbations has to take into account the conservation of the total magnetic
ux which results in a balance of a magnetic eld increase at some places and a magnetic
eld decrease somewhere else in the model.
Three-dimensional calculations are more time and memory-consuming than two-
dimensional. Three-dimensional models are the closest to reality. Therefore results of mea-
surements are expected to be close to results of calculations. It was observed in many
cases that absolute results of calculations and measurements dier by 2 3%. This dier-
ence can be explained by the absolute numerical precision of the software, by dierences
of the B-H curves and still some geometrical dierences between the model and the real
cyclotron magnet. Grid size dimensions are smaller in regions where high magnetic eld
gradients are expected (see e.g. gures 1, 2). Despite grid size variations small disconti-
nuities of the magnetic elds are sometimes observed due to the limited number of nodes
in the model mesh.
800.0 UNITS
Length : MM
Z [MM] Flux density : TESL
Field strength : AM
700.0 Potential : WBM
Conductivity : SMM
Source density : ACM2
Power : WATT
600.0 Force : NEWT
Energy : JOUL
Mass : KG
Linear elements
400.0 Axi-symmetry
Modified R*vec pot.
Magnetic fields
5796 elements
300.0 3018 nodes
30 regions
0.0 100.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 900.0 1100.0
R [MM]
Pre and Post-Processor 1.1
Figure 4: Dierent stacking factors in distinct regions simulate the variation of the
hill/valley ratio of the IBA 235 MeV protontherapy cyclotron featuring an elliptical gap
between its poles.
The comparison of dierences between calculations of two similar models and two
corresponding measurements (e.g. dierent coil current, shift of movable shims) very often
shows a perfect agreement [7],[8].
Results of 2-D and 3-D magnetic eld calculations are used to create maps of the
magnetic eld in the cyclotron median plane or in three-dimensions around this plane.
Then the map of the magnetic eld becomes a part of input data to programs calculating
trajectories of particles and properties of the magnetic eld [5], [9]. The most important
part of the output of these programs present values of the frequency error, the integrated
phase shift of particles and betatron frequencies. The magnet model has to be changed
when one or more parameters are not acceptable. Our experience shows that during the
creation of the 3-D model one should foresee possibilities of unexpected changes of the
model geometry without the necessity to construct the model from scratch once again.
Fully acceptable values of the frequency error and the integrated phase shift of par-
ticles ensures the isochronism of the magnetic eld. Correct values of betatron frequencies
conrm the focusing properties of the magnetic eld and the absence of dangerous reso-
nances during acceleration.
Magnetic calculations are followed by the analysis of mechanical deformations due
to the weight of magnet elements, magnetic forces between them and forces of the air
pressure when the vacuum is produced in a cyclotron vacuum chamber. The request
for minimal deformation and practical aspects of handling determine the partition of the
[1] J. J. Livingood - Principles of Cyclic Particle Accelerators; D. Van Nostrand Comp.,
[2] H. L. Hagedoorn and N. F. Verster - Orbits in an AVF Cyclotron; Nuclear Instru-
ments and Methods 18,19 (1962) 201{228; North-Holland Publishing Co.
[3] A. Laisne - The realisation of the magnetic circuit of the AGOR cyclotron; Pro-
ceedings of the 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 90, Nice, June
12{16, 1990, p. 1172{1174.
[4] G. G. Molinari - Existing Commercial Tools and Criteria of Selection; in Short Course
Computer Aided Electromagnetic Analysis and Design: a Technical Introduction,
Munich, November 1990.
[5] Computer Codes for Particle Accelerator Design and Analysis: A Compendium; LA-
UR-90-1766, Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group, Second Edition, May 1990.
[6] W. Beeckman - PE2D Modelling of the Cyclone230 Cyclotron; part of Cyclotron De-
sign with PE2D and TOSCA softwares at IBA; Proceedings of VECTOR FIELDS Eu-
ropean User Meeting, Ion Beam Applications, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September
[7] S. Zaremba - TOSCA Modelling of the Cyclone30 Cyclotron; part of Cyclotron Design
with PE2D and TOSCA softwares at IBA; Proceedings of VECTOR FIELDS Euro-
pean User Meeting, Ion Beam Applications, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September
[8] W. Beeckman and D. Vandeplassche - private communication.
[9] M. M. Gordon - Computation of Closed Orbits and Basic Focusing Properties for
Sector-Focused Cyclotrons and the Design of \CYCLOPS"; Particle Accelerators,
vol. 16, p. 39{62, 1984.
P. Mandrillon
Laboratoire du cyclotron, Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, France
A great variety of injection processes exist depending on the type of
cyclotron considered. Designing the central region where the injection
is achieved requires careful studies which are briefly presented.
Among the possibilities for external injection in compact machines, the
axial method which is frequently used is discussed in more detail.
Most of the early cyclotrons and synchrocyclotrons were equipped with internal ion
sources of the open type, as shown on Fig. 1, located below the median plane of acceleration of
the particles. This early "axial injection" mode gave a very poor beam quality.
Therefore the early selected points of
attack for a great improvement of the internal
beam quality of cyclotrons was the central
region including the internal source itself and its
immediate surroundings. It was rapidly
understood that a spatially-defined, hooded-arc
source (Fig. 2a and 2b) permits the dee and
dummy dee electrodes to be brought very close
to the source slit, leaving a sufficiently narrow
acceleration gap to allow full initial energy pick-
Fig. 1 Old open source of the CERN Synchrocyup. This improvement programme was carried
out at the CERN 600-MeV synchrocyclotron and brought outstanding performances: the
internal beam intensity was increased by a factor 10 (the repetition rate of the frequency
modulation programme was also increased), the radial oscillation amplitude was reduced by
another factor 10. The resulting extraction efficiency was therefore raised from 3% up to 70%.
The acceleration of heavy ions or polarised particles which require ion sources which
could not be confined in the median plane of the cyclotron led to external injection by: either
entering the cyclotron perpendicular to the median plane, the so-called axial injection, or
reaching the central region of the cyclotron in the median plane, the so-called horizontal
Nowadays many types of cyclotrons are running, dedicated to specific aims. Even
cyclotrons could be used as injectors, bringing the beam in on the inner radius of separated-
sector booster cyclotrons. The PSI four-separated-sector-injector cyclotron [1] which produces
a 72-MeV, 1.5-mA proton beam to feed the 590-MeV, 8-sector ring cyclotron is certainly the
best example of what could be achieved as a sophisticated high energy injection process.
The injection process should bring the beam into the central region of the cyclotron where
the transfer of the injected beam into the cyclotron stable-acceleration region should be
Fig. 2a Vertical cross section of the central Fig. 2b Horizontal motion of the reference
region of the improved CERN SC particle in the equipotential
distribution of the confined central
region of the CERN SC
achieved. It is the region where the beam quality is defined. The design of this region requires
careful studies which are briefly presented here.
This region extends to a radius where the beam dynamics are no more governed by the
complex 3-dimensional electric field produced by the accelerating electrodes but mainly by the
properties of the magnetic field which are not phase-dependent. Therefore the quality of the
beam produced by a cyclotron is the result of the careful design of this most critical part of this
type of accelerator. Of course the design and the studies to be carried out are strongly
dependent on the injection energy. Hence two kinds of central region should be considered
depending on the type of cyclotrons: Compact machines where the injection process is at low
energy and separated-sector machines where it occurs at high energy.
2 . 1 Compact cyclotron
Several steps are required to design the geometry of the central region.
The initial arrangement of the electrodes (the so-called dees and anti-dees) is defined,
assuming hard-edge accelerating gaps with a uniform electric field and a uniform central
magnetic field.
d 2 x qE0 qB dy
2 = sin cos +
dt m m dt
d 2 y qE0 qB dx
= sin sin
dt 2 m m dt
where h = harmonic number =
= angular phase = t
= electric phase = h + 0
= argument of the electric field
= +
2 2
= angular aperture of the dee
+ iZ = Kei cos(h + 0 ), K = cste (2)
The motion of the centre of curvature C could be easily interpreted:
dZ dZ
= i(Zc Z) iZc = + iZ (3)
d d
Figure 4 presents the results of these simple hard-edge geometrical constructions in the
median plane of a three-dees geometry. The injection point I (Fig. 4, top) could be easily
determined by minimizing the distance of the barycentre of the centres of curvature motion
(Fig. 4, bottom) to the machine centre.
With these initial gap positions a geometry is constructed and the distribution of the
equipotential is calculated using a 3-dimensional Laplace equation solver. A convenient method
[2, 3] to calculate the orbit in the complex electric field distribution is to make use of the
equipotential-lines distribution instead of calculating the components of the electric field. The
acceleration gap is decomposed into micro-gaps defined by two adjacent equipotential lines in
the median plane, the direction (but not the module) of the electric field is calculated and the
motion of the orbit centre within the micro-gap is deduced by a simple geometrical construction
as shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 4 Orbit and centre-of-curvature motion in the hard-edge gap
approximation of a three-dees geometry
= Vii+1 cos (h i + i )
2 2Egi E0
i+1 = i + B2 c 2
C C perpendicular Er P
i i+1 ( i+1 )
i+1 = i + h i
Fig. 5 Micro-gap traversal E0 = rest mass of the particle
c = velocity of light
Fig. 6 Horizontal motion of three particles in the real gaps of a three-dees geometry (the
reference central trajectory and the 50 mrad orbits)
2.1.3 Last phase: Vertical motion
The electric axial focusing or defocusing is strong in the injection region where the
velocity of the particle is small. These effects are strongly dependent on the phase of the ions
with respect to the RF voltage. They have been analysed in many basic papers using the thin-
lens approximation in a 2D geometry.
The two types of effects which should be considered for the vertical motion during a dee
traversal are presented in Fig. 7. The spatial effects due to the typical equipotential distribution
are shown in the vertical cross section of the dee-dummy dee system (top). When the particle
enters the gap (point E) the field is focusing. The time variation effect of the electric field
during the gap traversal is shown on the bottom figure. For a given dee aperture and an
acceleration on the harmonic mode h, the superposition of these two effects could be interpreted
as a succession of alternatively focusing and defocusing thick lenses.
The precise analysis of these effects requires a detailed knowledge of the 3-D potential
distribution. The discretisation method for the horizontal motion (micro-gaps) has been
extended by J.P. Schapira to 3-dimensions in the framework of the AGOR superconducting
cyclotron central region studies.
The complete analysis of the vertical motion requires detailed knowledge of the magnetic
field map. Local modifications of this field might be necessary to increase the magnetic
focusing in the first turns of the injection region (the so-called field bump, centring coils etc.).
Therefore, in the final phase of the central-region calculations, the adjustment of the magnetic
field will imply slight modifications of the gaps.
2 . 2 Separated-sector cyclotron (SSC)
The isochronous cyclotrons considered here consist of magnet sectors separated by empty
valleys. The radiofrequency accelerating structures, which could be either delta (providing two
gaps) or single-gap cavities, are situated in the valleys, between the magnets. Therefore the
magnet gaps could be quite small. This fact improves the vertical focusing properties. The
SSC require an injected beam at low energy and are proposed when a multi-stage acceleration is
necessary. A great variety of injectors are still existing for separated sector cyclotrons: external
sources at high voltage (e.g. the Cockroft-Walton at PSI), tandem Van de Graff (e.g. the
injector of the HMI SSC in Berlin), together with cyclotrons (the injector of the GANIL SSC in
France or the injector of the 200-MeV SSC in South Africa), etc.
The injection in these machines should bring the beam through a magnetic field-free
central region and then guide it into the first centred orbit. The injection process is often quite
difficult because the magnetic field should bend the injected beam more than the internal beam.
The injection layout is made of different kinds of channels: either electrostatic channel or
magnetic channel to bend the beam on the first trajectory. In this type of cyclotron, the large
space available between the sectors provide the necessary space to house powerful accelerating
structures and the radial separation between the injected orbit and the inner turn in the cyclotron
is sufficiently large to install injection septa.
Therefore to optimise the layout of the injection systems it is necessary to study the
following aspects.
beam optics and matching between the injector and the accelerator: the matching of the
injected beam properties to the so-called eigen-ellipses of the betatron transverse phase
space of the cyclotron orbit, is an essential condition for getting a good beam quality.
Figure 8 presents the typical eigen ellipses for a four-sector magnet cyclotron at the centre
of the hill and at the centre at the valley.
Figure 9 shows the typical example of the central region layout of the four separated-
sector 200-MeV cyclotron in Faure [4] (NAC, South Africa). The beam is pre-accelerated by
an 8-MeV compact cyclotron and is injected radially along a valley into the central region. The
injection system consists of three injection elements: two bending magnets (BM1 and BM2)
and a magnetic inflection channel (MIC) which is mounted in the pole-gap of a sector magnet.
Since the eigen-ellipse transformation and the position of the injected equilibrium orbit are
defined by the magnetic properties of the sector magnet, it is important to inject the beam with a
phase ellipse (for the two transversal phase spaces) corresponding to an eigen-ellipse, exactly
onto this orbit to obtain the best quality. This ensures periodic beam envelopes inside the
cyclotron with a minimum of amplitude modulation and a good matching of the injected beam
[5] to the acceptance of the cyclotron.
Numerical orbit calculations take into account that fringe fields and trajectories could be
traced backwards from the centred orbits in the cyclotron, e.g. at the first valley centre line.
For the geometry shown in Fig. 9 the phase ellipses at three angles ( = -45, 0 and 45) are
presented in Fig. 10.
The need to inject beams of heavy ions, negative ions and also polarised ions has led to
many different injection concepts, either in the median plane of the cyclotron or axially. High-
energy injection, heavy ions can be injected in the horizontal plane to reach the required radius
and then be stripped and placed onto the stable orbit from which they can be accelerated. This
method, proposed by C. Tobias [6] was developed at Orsay [7]. It is still successfully used
[8, 9] for injecting heavy ions from a tandem into a superconducting cyclotron.
In this section the axial method which is widely used will be discussed in more detail.
Horizontal injection processes are also presented.
Fig. 10 Phase ellipses along the injection trajectory of the NAC SSC
3 . 1 Axial injection
The first successful axial injection was achieved by Powell [10] at the Birmingham
isochronous cyclotron. It is now widely used [11] for various reasons:
the emergence of new sources: ECR source which produces heavy ion beams with
higher charge states than the traditional internal PIG sources, polarised ions source and
multicusp for the production of negatively charged ions which are cumbersome and
therefore which could not be installed in the central region of the cyclotron.
increasing the reliability of the cyclotron: better vacuum for H- life-time of the ion
the external beam transport from the ion source up to the top of the magnet yoke, i.e. a
region where the stray field of the cyclotron is negligible.
the transport inside the yoke where the solenoidal field of the cyclotron should be
the inflector and the central region of the cyclotron where the beam is bent into the median
plane and further accelerated. These two regions should be considered together.
3.1.1 The external transport line
Optical systems used for beam transport and matching are standard. Nevertheless
provision should be made not only for achromatism but also for beam emittance matching to the
eigen-ellipse at the entrance of the magnet yoke.
This transport line is made of a bunching section and of focusing elements. The axial
magnetic field should be taken into account. In the design phase this field could be obtained
with a fairly good accuracy by using the POISSON programme for solving this 2-D cylindrical
magnetostatic problem.
Several problems occur during this transit through the yoke, mainly a degradation of the
beam emittance due to the coupling of the two transverse motions and some debunching effects
because of the different length of orbit between the buncher and the median plane due to the
helical motion of particles in the axial field. For a high quality injected beam, short bunching
distances and low divergence are recommended. Figure 11 shows the axial injection layout of
the MEDICYC cyclotron in Nice.
3.1.3 The inflectors
Three types of electrostatic inflector could
be considered:
the electrostatic mirror which is made of
two plates inclined at about 45. An
opening must be provided in one of the
electrodes for the entrance and the exit of
the beam. In this type of inflector the
particle does not travel on an equipotential
plane and therefore the velocity changes
during the transit.
the spiral inflector developed in Grenoble
by Pabot-Belmont [12] is in fact a rotating
cylindrical deflector to take into account
the magnetic field of the cyclotron. The
velocity remains constant as the particle lie
on an equipotential surface, the electric
field being always perpendicular to the
the hyperboloid inflector proposed by
Muller [13] which is the simplest of a
family of second-order surfaces. Here
also the velocity is constant.
For each type of inflector the central
trajectory of the particle is obtained by the
integration of the general equation:
F = q E+ q v x B (5)
the electric field E required to bend an ion
(q, m) is given by :
Fig. 11 The MEDICYC axial injection line qB2 F( ) / m
By analytical integration of Eq. (5) with B, E y and Ez constant we get the parametric
equations of the central trajectory.
x = Ey B ( t sin t)
y = Ey B (1 cos t) (7)
z = ( / 2B)Ez t 2 v0t + z0
with = qB m
The projection on the horizontal plane x0y is a part of a cycloid generated by the circle of radius
Ey B. For a +90 bend where z = z' = 0 at the exit of the mirror, the geometry is fixed by
the two parameters (angle respect to 0z) and the height h = z0 of the entrance point.
Ey sin 2
tg = =
Ez 2 (8)
h = z0 =
The beam entering the inflector is characterised by trajectories dispersed in position, angle,
energy and time with respect to the central ray given by (7). Therefore the beam is specified by
six parameters (two transversal and the longitudinal planes). The transfer matrix is given by
S 0 c 2 s 0 0
c s
0 c st 0 t
2 0 0 0 0
T= s
2t 1
2s 2st
0 0 0
c 2s s 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
Where s = sin 2, c = cos 2, t = s / c..
The electrostatic mirror is attractive for its simplicity (easiness of construction) and for the small
space required to house it in the central region of the cyclotron. This last property could make it
a good choice for a superconducting cyclotron where the available space is small.
This is characterised by the fact that in the vertical plane, the electric field is radial and
perpendicular to the velocity. Under the influence of the vertical magnetic field this plane
rotates. Integration of (5) gives:
a 2 cos(K + 1) cos(K 1)
x= 2 +
2 1 K K +1 K 1
a sin(K 1) sin(K + 1) (10)
2 K 1 K + 1
z = a(1 sin )
Where a = radius of curvature of the electric field:
= vertical angle
The first-order optical properties of the spiral inflector could also be derived by using a
transfer matrix [15] which is more complicated to obtain than in the case of the mirror. The
equations cannot be integrated analytically and are calculated by numerical methods. The
s s 1
transfer matrix F for a small step becomes 1 + F.s where C = cos , S = sin , k =
a a
0 1 Ck 0 0 0
S 2 k 2 0 Sk a 0 0 Sk
Ck 0 0 1 0 0
0 2 a
Sk a 0 0 0
Sk 0 1 a 0 0 1
Ck a 0 0 1 a 0 0
1 1
V= KZ 2 Kr 2 (12)
2 4
constant is the simplest potential which satisfies V = 0 and which possesses a radial
symmetry. The parametric equations of the central trajectory which is on an equipotential
surface are
{ }
1/ 2
r = r0 1 + 1 / 2sin 2 ( kt )
( )
= 6 / 2 kt tan {(
) }
6 / 2 tan( kt ) (13)
z = (1 / 2)r0 sin( kt ), (0 kt / 2)
where t is the independent time variable, and v0 and k are constants which are determined by
the constraints
r0 = 2 6 ( mv0 ) / qB = 2 6Rm
k = qB / m 6 = / 6
where m is the ion mass, q is the ion charge, and v0 is the injection velocity of the ion.
The main advantage of this inflector is its simplicity and good optical properties. It has a
fixed transit time and then only one adjustable parameter. Therefore it is often used with an off-
axis injection. Its dimensions are much larger than the dimensions of the two other inflectors
and require more space in the central region. Usually it cannot be used in superconducting
compact cyclotrons.
3 . 2 Horizontal injection
Among the possibilities for injection in the median plane of compact cyclotrons are high-
energy injection of heavy ions by change of charge in the central region, cyclodal motion along
a sector edge, while another simple possibility for injecting protons or deuterons is neutral
beam injection.
3.2.1 Injection of heavy ions by stripping
The principle of this method is quite simple
and is illustrated in Fig. 12. The parameters
of this injection method could be very easily
calculated using a hard-edge approximation
which assumes a uniform field B in the disk
of radius R e corresponding to the extraction
radius. A beam of ions (mass A, charge Zi)
is injected with an incident angle . If we
assume a non-relativistic beam, we obtain
the following equations:
Stripping radius rs = Re
Zs R2 + rs2 (2Zs / Zi 1)
Fig. 12 Injection of heavy ions by stripping i = r s ; sin = e
Zi 2Re rs Zs / Zi
with Zs the electric charge after stripping and Zi the electric charge before stripping.
The author is grateful to N. Fietier for reading the manuscript and is very much indebted
to C. Armando, P. Montalant and C. Bajard for their help in preparing the manuscript.
[1] S. Adam et al., The commissioning of PSI Injector 2 for high intensity, high quality
beams, Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons, Vancouver, July 1992, p. 36
[2] P. Mandrillon , Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conf. on cyclotrons, p. 307 and internal
report IPNO-GTA/85-01, IPN Orsay, France.
[3] P. Mandrillon and J.P. Schapira, 10th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their applications,
East-Lansing, April 1984, p. 332.
[4] National Accelerator Centre, South Africa, Annual Report, NAC/AR/80-01.
[5] A. Chabert et al., Chromatic correlations at injection and related ejection problems in
separated sector cyclotrons, IEEE Vol NS-26, N3, June 1979.
[6] C. Tobias, Phys. Rev. 85, 764 (1952).
[7] A. Cabrespine, Eindhoven Colloquium on AVF Cyclotrons, April 1965.
[8] F. Alessandria et al., Status report on the heavy ion facility at LNS, Proceedings of the
13th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons, Vancouver July 1992, p. 90.
[9] C.B. Bigham et al., First operation of the Chalk River superconducting cyclotron NIM,
A254, p. 237 (1987).
[10] A. J. Cox et al., Nucl. Instr. and Methods, 18, 19 (1992).
[11] G. Ryckewaert, Axial injection systems for cyclotrons, 9th Int. Conf. on cyclotrons and
their applications, Caen, Sept. 1981, p. 241.
[12] J.L. Belmont, Axial injection and central region of the AVF cyclotron, Summer school on
accelerator technology, 1986 RCNP-Osaka.
[13] R.W. Mller, Novel inflectors for cyclic accelerators, NIM 54, 29 (1967).
[14] J.P. Schapira, Proprietes optiques du miroir electrostatique, Rapport interne Orsay,
[15] R. Baartman, Matching of ions sources to cyclotron inflectors, EPAC, Rome, June 6-10,
1988, p. 947-948.
[16] V.A. Gladyshev et al., Sov. Atom. Ener. (trans.) 18, 3, 268 (1965).
[17] P. Mandrillon et al., A compact facility for high energy proton therapy based on a
superconducting cyclotron, EPAC 94, London, 27 June to 1 July 1994.
Several methods of extraction of ions in cyclotrons, such as stripping
extraction and resonance extraction, are considered. An extraction
efficiency of nearly 100% can be achieved by providing a very high
energy gain per turn or alternatively, for H- cyclotrons, by stripping.
Only simple models are used to explain certain extraction features.
Orbit centre coordinates are introduced. Examples of extraction devices
for several cyclotrons are given.
There are various types of cyclotrons for different applications. Extraction mechanisms
and extraction devices are naturally adapted to the specific use of these cyclotrons. One may
differentiate between stripping extraction for H- cyclotrons and the extraction of positive ions
employing an electric septum and a magnetic channel. In general, positive-ion cyclotrons for
analytical purpose such as element analysis or material characterization, or for nuclear physics,
do not require a large beam current but, instead, need a good beam quality and energy
resolution. Here mostly resonance extraction methods are employed.
For the production of short-lived radionuclides high beam currents are neccessary, not
only because of favourable cost per unit of product, but also because of the short lifetime.
Compact cyclotrons that accelerate positive ions for isotope production generally have a limit in
extracted beam current of about 100 A. (Separated-sector cyclotrons can generate a much
higher external current.) The internal beam of such a cyclotron yields a spot of a few mm2 on a
target. This means that with an energy of 30 MeV a beam power of 3 kW may hit the
electrodes. Given the geometry of the extraction electrodes this approaches the maximum
allowable output, certainly if one wants to have a high reliability of machine operation. The
availability of negative ion sources with high output has given the opportunity to accelerate
beams with high intensities e.g. 500 A, and extract them via stripping. Here, in general,
requirements on beam quality are less important than for cyclotrons for analytical applications.
We consider several methods of extraction, using only simple theory, and we give
examples of extraction devices. The general discussion is restricted to isochronous cyclotrons,
unless synchrocyclotrons are mentioned explicitely. We will start, however, with an older idea
of extraction for early synchrocyclotrons.
It may be noted that because of the expanding orbits, extraction from cyclotrons in general
has somewhat different aspects than for example fast and slow extraction techniques for
synchrotrons, although resonances are often exploited in both cases. Slow extraction for
synchrocyclotrons does have similar features to that for synchrotrons, however.
General theory and information on extraction from cyclotrons has been given by
Heikkinen, Joho, Hagedoorn and others [13].
In this section we briefly consider a paper from 1951 by Hamilton and Lipkin [4], with
the title given above, in which a method was proposed for extraction from early
The synchrocyclotrons used until then, with a purely rotationally symmetric magnetic field
falling off slowly radially, had a low dee voltage, with a subsequent small turn separation. By
providing a coherent precessional motion of the orbits (i.e. the orbit centres move slowly about
the magnet axis) via a field error or via mispositioning of the ion source, a larger orbit
separation near the deflector was obtained and an extraction efficiency (i.e. the ratio of extracted
to internal current) of typically 10% was achieved. The precessional motion leads to a large
energy spread of the extracted beam, via high frequency phase mixing (see section 4.4).
For a cylindrically symmetric field, radial and axial particle motion are governed by the
well known relations of Kerst and Serber, yielding stable motion for 0 < n < 1, with n the field
n= 0
r dB
B(r0 ) dr r0
where B(ro) is the axial field at radius ro [5]. Hamilton and Lipkin made a plot of B(r)r versus r
for the synchrocyclotron. The top of the curve represents the highest energy attainable, and also
gives the radius for which n = 1. They proposed to accelerate beyond the point n = 1, to utilize
the inherent radial instability beyond this, so that orbits are automatically radially separated.
Now consider radial oscillations. It is easy to show that for radial oscillation of particles
about an equilibrium orbit at radius ro and with maximum and minimum radius rb and ra
i.e. the particles have equal areas at either side of ro in the Br versus r plot (Fig. 1a). Particles
for which equal areas do not exist, such as in Fig. 1b, are extracted at escape point re. This can
also be seen in Fig. 2, in which the equivalent potential well for radial oscillations is drawn.
The 'energy levels' correspond to amplitudes of radial oscillations.
Fig. 1 (Br) versus r for the synchrocyclotron, with ranges of radial oscillations (see text)
Hamilton and Lipkin argued that the best situation is the one in which no coherent radial
oscillations exist throughout acceleration from source to final radius. This would lead to equal
escape points for all particles, and equal final energy. As an example, for their cyclotron the
value of Br at the n = 1 point is 8.5% above the value at n = 0.2 for which r = 2 z , with
r and z the radial and axial oscillation frequencies. (This coupling resonance could not be
passed using the precessional extraction method because of energy exchange from radial to
vertical motion and consequent beam loss.) Accordingly their final energy was higher. In
present day thinking, for extraction one would provide a coherent oscillation amplitude near the
n = 0.2 point, lifting the oscillation energy level from 1a to 1b in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Equivalent potential well for radial motion, and energy levels corresponding to situation
in Figs. 1a and 1b.
During the last years the vast majority of commercially available cyclotrons serve to
deliver proton beams in the energy range of 3 to 30 MeV [6]. They are mostly used for the
production of short-lived radio-isotopes for medical diagnosis and for positron emission
tomography. New areas of applications, such as neutron radiography, are being explored.
Cyclotrons for pure nuclear physics are hardly built anymore, and if so their design is guided by
the receiving laboratory. For these commercially available cyclotrons, it is advantageous to
accelerate H- beams, where convenient use can be made of stripping extraction, and where
intensity problems, typical for the cyclotrons for analytical purposes or for nuclear physics,
have been resolved. H- cyclotrons are capable of accelerating particles with beam currents in
excess of several 100 A. Since 1975 the TRIUMF cyclotron, 520 MeV, 200 A, is the well
known big machine accelerating H - beams, and employing extraction by stripping [7]. It is a
major example in demonstrating the feasibility of H- acceleration for isotope production
In the extraction process the negative hydrogen ion beam simply passes a thin carbon foil
(e.g. pyrolytic graphite, typically 50 to 200 g/cm2), which strips off the electrons. Figure 3
shows extraction orbits for the IBA Cyclone 30 cyclotron [8].
Fig, 3 Extraction orbits in the IBA Cyclone 30
3 . 2 Energy spread
The energy spread of the extracted beam of H- cyclotrons may be estimated as follows.
Consider a radial phase space area at a radius r in the cyclotron, belonging to a kinetic energy T.
This area just touches the stripper foil, see Fig. 4. We assume a good centreed beam in an ideal
isochronous field. Particles lying in the part of the phase space area that overlaps with the foil
are stripped and extracted from the cyclotron. Other particles have to make more revolutions to
reach the stripper, and gain extra energy. As the energy is proportional to the radius squared
[5], the energy spread of stripped particles is given by T / T = 2r / r with r the radial width
of the phase space area. As an example, for r = 5 mm at a radius of 500 mm the relative
energy spread is 2%. Hence for achieving a small energy spread of the external beam it is of
importance to have a good internal beam quality.
Fig. 4 Radial phase space area reaching the stripper foil
4 . 1 Orbit separation
Now we consider the extraction from cyclotrons with the help of extraction devices such
as an electrostatic deflector, to direct the accelerated particles away from the cyclotron magnetic
field. A large separation between successive turns is desired for reaching the highest extraction
efficiency. In this section we give a simplified picture of orbit separation in a cyclotron, and we
consider some methods to increase the separation [3,9].
where ro( ) is the radial position of the equilibrium orbit at that azimuth, x( ) is the radial
oscillation amplitude, and 0 is an arbitrary phase angle. For incoherent oscillations the
amplitude x( ) is given by
r0 ( ) x ,
with r0 ( ) the radial beta function for radius r0 and at azimuth and x the radial emittance.
However, we now look at the radial position of the centre of the beam for a coherent oscillation,
which has been induced by creating a field perturbation. Moreover we consider this at a fixed
azimuth i , i.e. the azimuth of the extractor entrance position. We restrict ourselves to the
case of vr near 1; as vr for isochronous cyclotrons, with the relativistic factor, this is the
case for most cyclotrons. (The analysis can be adapted easily for the case of higher values of vr
e.g. near 1.5 or 2.)
r ( i ) = r0 ( i ) + x sin(2 n(vr 1) + 0 ),
+2 (vr 1) x cos(2 n(vr 1) + 0 ) .
In this equation the three terms on the right-hand side represent the orbit separation due to
different effects. We discuss them briefly, below.
The first term in Eq. (3) gives the orbit separation due to acceleration. The kinetic energy
T of accelerated particles in the cyclotron is given by
T r 2B2 ,
with r and B the average radius and field. Hence, neglecting the increase in the magnetic
field, the turn separation due to acceleration is
r 1 T
r 2 T
where T is the energy gain per turn. As an example for a final energy of T = 30 MeV,
T = 100 keV, and an extraction radius of 0.5 m, we find r = 0.83 mm. This is a rather
small number, e.g. when compared with a radial beam width of for instance 4 mm.
Especially in separated sector cyclotrons with a high energy gain per turn, the turn
separation near extraction due to acceleration may be sufficient. The PSI Injector II cyclotron
[10] is a good example of this. At the extraction energy of 72 MeV the orbit separation is
1.9 cm, with an energy gain per turn of 1 MeV. In fact the large turn separation is also crucial
as the machine is designed to handle currents in excess of 1 mA (the use of a flat-top cavity is
also important here).
Apart from the turn separation by acceleration which is automatically present, there are
two other mechanisms of forced separation which Eq. (3) reveals. The second term on the
right-hand side in this equation gives the orbit separation by an increase in the oscillation
amplitude. This can be accomplished by creating first or second harmonic magnetic field
perturbations in a region where vr is close to 1:
Bp ( x, ) = C1 (r ) cos( 1 (r )) + C2 (r ) cos(2 2 (r ))
where e.g. C1 and 11 are the amplitude and phase of the first harmonic. This method can be
regarded as providing dipole errors with closed-orbit distortions growing for tune values near
integers, or providing gradient errors being most sensitive and leading to an increase in the beta
function for half integer tune values [11]. This last method is the regenerative extraction method
[12-14], and has been proposed and applied for synchrocyclotrons. Magnetic components
called peeler and regenerator with positive and negative field gradients are introduced on certain
azimuths in the cyclotron, and the tune enters the vr = 1 stopband. Moreover, in
synchrocyclotrons one can program the RF such that the beam is stretched and that slow
extraction can be applied [15]. So-called second harmonic extraction has been applied in a
14.5 MeV compact isochronous cyclotron [16], where the number of turns in the fringe field,
where vr < 1, was too small to allow making efficient use of the forced orbit separation
enhancement mechanism discussed below.
4.4.1. Precessional extraction [3,17,18]
The coherent oscillation as given by Eq. (2) describes a precessional orbit motion with
oscillation amplitude x. The turn separation due to precession is given by the third term on the
right-hand side of Eq. (3); the maximum turn separation is given by 2(vr-1)x. The effect is
fully exploited by accelerating the beam far into the fringe field of the cyclotron, where (vr-1)
has a substantial value. The side effect is that a higher final energy is reached in a given
cyclotron field. As an example: when a coherent oscillation amplitude x of 3 mm has been built
up (e.g. by a first harmonic perturbation near vr = 1) and acceleration takes place until vr = 0.8,
the maximum turn separation due to precession is 3.8 mm. This can be added to the value of
0.83 mm of the example of separation by energy gain.
Accelerating the beam far into the fringe field often means passing the vr = 2 v z coupling
resonance. Energy can be exchanged from the radial to the vertical motion, blowing up the
beam vertically and leading to beam loss. If the radial oscillation amplitude is not too large, and
if the resonance is passed in only a few revolutions, vertical amplitude increase is avoided [3].
In practice, a coherent radial oscillation amplitude of the same size as the incoherent amplitude,
is a good criterion for efficient extraction. Another reason for requiring not too large radial
oscillation is avoiding strong non linear effects.
Radial oscillations of particles w.r.t. the equilibrium orbit can conveniently be described
by the movement of their orbit centres, see Fig. 5. (In a Hamiltonian formulation of betatron
oscillations in cyclotrons the orbit centre coordinates are the canonical coordinate and
Fig. 5 Relation between orbit centre coordinates and position and radial momentum deviation of
the particle from the central orbit
We give an expression for the radial oscillation amplitude induced by a first harmonic
field perturbation. Let a positive magnetic field bump B extend over an azimuthal interval
along the negative x-axis, let the particle motion be anticlockwise, and let vr > 1 (see Fig 6).
Fig. 6. Orbit centre shift y due to a magnetic field bump along the negative x-axis
y2 = 2 (vr 1) A .
When y1 = y2 one finds a new equilibrium orbit, because the orbit is closed. The orbit
centre of this equilibrium orbit (middle of the closed curve) is given by x = A. The beam
starts oscillating around the new orbit centre. One finds:
1 B
x = R
2 (vr 1) B
R 1
= 1 (vr 1)
in which 1 is the relative first harmonic 1 = A1/B.
1 R
x =
vr2 1
is given. Since ( r - 1) is small, this is about the same.
As an example: taking 1 = 10-4, R = 1 m and r - 1 = 0.01, one finds an orbit centre
shift, i.e. a radial oscillation amplitude, of x = 5 mm.
4 . 4 HF phase mixing
When a coherent oscillation amplitude is given to the beam in the centre of the cyclotron,
e.g. by an ion source position error, orbit centres at the final radius for particles with different
HF phases (HF) lie on a circular band. After n turns the orbit centre of a particle shifts by an
= 2 (vr 1) dn .
Particles with different HF phases have to make a different number of turns to reach the
final radius. Hence the corresponding orbit centres have a different azimuth. This is the
phenomenon of HF phase mixing. It implies a deteriorated beam quality and an increased
energy spread of the extracted beam (see section 3).
Fig. 8 Radial scans for the TRIUMF cyclotron using a differential probe showing the beam
density pattern for an optimized phase band and for a phase band off-set by 24. Phase
dependent amplitude growth at the r =3/2 resonance and a cos dependence in the rate of
advance of the precession centre account for the difference.
The equations of motion are integrated up to the extraction radius, starting before the
vr = 1 radius. The measured magnetic field data are used, and a first harmonic field
B(r, ) = C1 (r ) cos( 1 (r ))
is included to provide a coherent oscillation at vr = 1. The tune diagram for the machine is given
in Fig. 9, in which the average radius is indicated. The beam is extracted at and the calculations
start at r = 48 cm.
Fig.9 Tune diagram for the Eindhoven cyclotron, with the average radius indicated
It is seen that several resonances are passed during the extraction process, of which
vr = 1 and vr = 2vz are the most important ones. Figure 10 gives the motion of a grid of
particles in radial phase space.
Fig. 10 Precessional extraction. Evolution of particles with HF = 30 in radial phase space for
the Eindhoven cyclotron. The extractor aperture in phase space has been calculated (solid
aperture); an optimum location is indicated (aperture in broken lines).
Figure 11 shows a differential probe measurement for this cyclotron in the extraction
region. The separation between the probe fingers is 2 mm. The figure reveals the radial
oscillation near extraction.
Fig. 11 Differential probe scan near extraction for the Eindhoven cyclotron
In general, particles with a different value of the HF-phase complete a different number of
revolutions before reaching the extraction septum and having the final energy. In a purely
isochronous machine the HF phase of a particle remains constant, which explains this. This
leads to multi-turn extraction. For the Eindhoven cyclotron, as an example, the number of turns
may vary by about 30, with a total number of about 300. Single-turn extraction on the other
hand can be obtained when the HF phase width is restricted, e.g. with the help of slits in the
centre of the cyclotron. This leads to a reduced energy spread of the extracted beam. Multi-
and single-turn extraction has been described by several authors [21, 22].
The kinetic energy T and the radius r of particles on equilibrium orbits after N turns is
given by:
T = T0 (1 1 / 2 2 ) ,
r = r0 (1 1 / 4 2 ) ,
where T 0 and r0 belong to a central HF phase 0, and where is the phase difference with
respect to 0. A plot of the energy for orbits near the extractor as a function of HF phase is
given in Fig. 12. This figure also shows the energy levels belonging to the extractor opening,
i.e. of the septum and the electrode. The top of the paraboles is shifted due to the effect of the
fringe field. It is seen that several turns get extracted, with an energy pattern for the external
beam as given in Fig. 13. Single-turn extraction is obtained for a phase width restricted to =
2 - 1 (see Fig. 13), or for || < arccos(N/N + 1).
For example with N = 180, || < 6, single-turn extraction for a wider phase range and
with a small resulting energy spread can be obtained by applying a higher harmonic cavity in
addition to the fundamental RF frequency. This is the flat-topping principle [5]. Important
examples of this are found in the PSI injector II and ring cyclotrons [10,23]. The additional
advantage is of course the possibility to extract the beam with 100% efficiency. In Eindhoven a
special minicyclotron (ILEC) has been constructed with an RF phase acceptance five times
larger due to the flat-topping technique, and an energy spread less than 0.1% [24]. This
machine serves especially for PIXE and PIXE microbeam applications.
For the main Eindhoven cyclotron, which is a multiturn machine, single-turn experiments
have been made by restricting the RF phase width with radially selecting slits in the cyclotron
centre [25]. The accelerating voltage was set to have about 180 turns, hence the phase width
had to be within 12. Single-turn extraction was found by observing 100% variation in the
external beam current as a function of the accelerating voltage, see Fig. 14. This implies that the
Fig. 14 Single-turn extraction demonstrated by 100% external beam variations as a function of
accelerating voltage
number of turns in the cyclotron can be selected. In this situation the FWHM relative energy
spread of the external beam is 0.85 10-3, compared to 0.310-2 for multiturn extraction. The
single-turn effect is extremely sensitive to variations in the magnetic field, e.g. a variation of
B/B = 2.10-4 of the main magnetic field destroys the single-turn extraction. However, in this
situation the effect of a first-harmonic field perturbation in the centre of the cyclotron created by
the inner harmonic coils, could be compensated rather completely by a first harmonic of the
outer harmonic coils. Increasing the beam current through the slits destroys the single-turn
extraction: space charge effects at low energy increase the RF phase width.
Smith and Grunder [26] have given a criterion for the product of electric field E and
potential V for a cyclotron deflector in order to avoid electric discharges: VE < 1.5 104
(kV)2/cm. This is shown in Fig. 15 together with deflector voltage values for several
cyclotrons. The maximum sustainable voltage in a magnetic field is 20-30% lower than without
magnetic field [27].
Fig. 15 Maximum electric field and voltage as a function of the deflector gap for cyclotron
deflectors. The operating deflector voltage for several cyclotrons has been indicated.
In order to reduce the cyclotron magnetic field along the extraction paths and to provide a
horizontally focusing action for compensating the defocusing action of the cyclotron fringe
field, passive [28] or active [29] magnetic channels are employed. In the design of a magnetic
channel it is important that it's magnetic field is strongly decreased in the area of the last
accelerated orbits.
Figure 16 shows a passive magnetic channel which is housed within the accelerating
electrode of the ILEC cyclotron [24]. Figure 17 shows the extraction elements in the AGOR
cyclotron [30], consisting of an electrostatic deflector ESD, an active normal conducting
channel EMC1, and a superconducting channel EMC2. Moreover two superconducting
focusing and steering elements are located on the passage of the magnet yoke. Figure 18 gives
the conductor arrangement for the EMC1.
Fig. 16 Calculated magnetic field and its gradient as produced by a passive magnetic focussing
channel in the ILEC cyclotron. The figure also shows a vertical cross-section through the
Fig. 17 Median plane view of the AGOR cyclotron with its extraction elements
Fig. 18 Cross-section of the conductors of EMCl. The cyclotron centre is at the left, the circle
marks the axis of the extracted beam. The distance between conductors 4 is about 1.5 cm
4: deflecting coil B 0.2 T; 2: gradient coil dB/dx 13 T/m; 3: compensation of stray field
at long range; 1: compensation of stray field at short range
Several methods of extraction from (isochronous) cyclotrons have been discussed. Most
important are stripping extraction, resonance free and precessional extraction. Some hardware
aspects have been given.
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[27] F. Broggi et. al., The electrostatic deflectors for the Milan superconducting cyclotron, 12
Int. Conf. on Cycl., Word Scientific, (1991), 350.
[28] G. Bellomo, Design of passive magnetic channels, 13 Int. Conf. on Cycl., World
Scientific, (1992), 592.
[29] K. Pieterman et. al., The AGOR superconducting extraction channel EMC2, ibid., 585.
[30] H.W. Schreuder, The AGOR cyclotron past the half-way mark, 13 Int. Conf. on Cycl.,
World Scientific, (1992), 21.
A.Wambersie* and R.A. Gahbauer**
The role of radiation therapy in cancer management is first defined:
today among the cancer patients who are cured ( 45 %) about one half
are cured by radiation therapy applied alone or in combination with
surgery or chemotherapy. The experience accumulated in decades
shows that, to be efficient, the radiation treatment must be delivered
with a high physical selectivity. At present, electron linear accelerators
are the primary equipment of a modern radiotherapy department, and a
large proportion of the patients are treated with a linear accelerator for at
least part of the treatment. Photon beams of about 6-20 MV have, in
general, a sufficient penetration in the tissues to treat most of the
tumours with an adequate physical selectivity. A single beam is never
used alone, but a combination of several beams adequately oriented
allow the radiation-oncologist to deliver the prescribed dose to the target
volume without exceeding the tolerance of the surrounding normal
tissues. Modern linear accelerators also allow us to apply electron
beam therapy. Electron beam therapy is suitable for the treatment of
superficial lesions (e.g., skin tumours) and is also the best available
irradiation treatment for Intra-Operative-Radiation-Therapy (IORT).
Finally, conformation therapy, which is developed in many well-
equipped and well-staffed centres, will probably further improve, in the
near future, the efficiency of linear accelerators at least for some tumour
Electron linear accelerators today constitute the core of the equipment of a modern
radiation therapy department. Nowadays, the majority of the patients referred to a radiation
therapy department are treated with a linear accelerator for at least part of their treatment. It is
likely that this will remain true for the foreseeable future. Linear accelerators thus play, and will
keep playing, a significant role in cancer management in general and are responsible for the
therapeutic success obtained in many tumour treatment. To illustrate the situation, Table 1 gives
the number of linear accelerators at present used in France for radiotherapy applications (their
type and energy). The numbers of the other radiotherapy units are also given for comparison
Cancer has an increasing impact on the death rates in the Western world, as well as in the
developing countries. For example, in 1980, 730 000 deaths were attributed to cancer in the
countries of the European Union and there were 1 186 000 new cancer cases diagnosed in that
year alone [2, 3]. These estimates exclude non-melanoma skin cancer, which, although a rare
cause of death, nevertheless demands medical care. Even with the current prevention programs,
the numbers will further increase within the next two decades. Similar figures have been
published for North America.
Table 1
Number of radiotherapy units in France, on 1 January 1994 1)
GECGR Mev Other companies Total
4-6 MV NEPTUNE 6 18 Philips (SL 75/5) 8
ORION 5 Clinac 600 C 4 31
10 MV NEPTUNE 10 27
15 MV SATURNE 15 5
SATURNE 1 9 Philips (SL 18) 4 34
20 MV SATURNE 20 9 Philips (SL 75/20) 3
SATURNE 11 9 Siemens Mevatron 19
SATURNE 42 4 Clinac 2100 C 4 48
25-40 MV SAGITTAIRE 32 MV 10
20-25 MV SATURNE 111 4 4
25 MV SATURNE 43 35 Philips (SL 75/25) 9 44
Total Linear Accelerators 157 51 208
(+ 19)
RX 50-100 kV 116 (-6)
RX 150-305 kV 34 (-8)
Cobal Units (including 1 gamma knife) 144 (-19)
Betatrons 1 (-2)
Cyclotron neutron therapy 1
Cyclotron neutron + protontherapy 1
Synchrotron protontherapy 1
1) The differences since 01.01.1993 are given (+) or (-)
Today, at the first consultation, approximately 65% of the patients have apparently
localized tumours. About 2/3 of these are cured either by surgery, radiotherapy, or a
combination of both treatments. In this group of patients with probable but unproved subclinical
metastatic disease, chemotherapy used as an adjutant treatment may prolong life and maybe cure
some additional patients.
Among the other 35% of patients arriving at the first consultation with already inoperable
or metastatic disease, only about 5% will be cured by combined treatment including
chemotherapy and immunotherapy as well as radiotherapy and/or surgery (Table 2). Although
there is promising progress in the field of medical oncology, this cure rate is largely limited to
solid paediatric tumours, leukaemias, lymphomas, and testicular tumours. These tumours
represent only about 5% of all cancers seen in a general population [4-6]. Although these
percentages [5] are useful as an indication of the contribution of the different techniques to
cancer cure, they will become progressively less relevant to the extent that combination of these
different techniques is more and more successfully applied.
It is axiomatic that one must control the local disease if one aims ultimately at curing any
cancer patient. In fact, it has been shown that 1/3 of the patients who die of cancer had
uncontrolled local disease. If local failure could be reduced by 50%, one could expect a
10-15% improvement in cure rate [7].
Surgical techniques have already reached a very high level. Further improvement will be
seen in a reduction of mutilating procedures (limb-sparing operation, breast-conserving therapy,
reduction of colostomies, and urinary diversions). On the other hand, wider excisions are still
foreseeable as a result of safer anaesthesiology, intensive care support, and improvement in
reconstructive surgery.
Table 2
Summary of the present situation concerning cancer cure rate
Furthermore, the combination, on a wider scale, of surgery with irradiation will help to
increase the local control rate. In that respect, Fletcher (M.D. Anderson Hospital, Houston) has
shown that, after radical surgery, doses of 50 Gy given over 5 weeks are able to eradicate
expected occult infestation ("subclinical disease") in the lymphatic nodes for cancer of the breast,
upper respiratory and digestive track and some pelvic tumours, in more than 90% of the cases.
Doses of 50 Gy do not exceed the tolerance limit of many normal tissues.
Today, about 70% of the cancer patients are referred to a radiation therapy department,
either for a radical treatment (aiming at a local control) or after surgery (also aiming at a local
control) or for a palliative treatment often in combination with chemotherapy (e.g., a painful
bone metastasis) [8].
Soon after the discovery of x-rays by Rntgen in 1895 and of radium by Marie Curie in
1898, it became evident that ionizing radiations could sterilise malignant tumours and thus cure
cancer patients. It also became rapidly evident that, above a certain dose level, x-rays induce
damage to the normal tissues they traverse.
The effects produced by radiation are not instantaneous. In particular, tumour shrinkage
after irradiation is a process extending over weeks or even months. This is due to the fact that
cells, doomed to die, do not disappear immediately: they remain present for hours or days;
sometimes they are able to undergo a few divisions before disintegration and elimination. This
progressive tumour shrinkage reduces the risk of acute complications, such as haemorrhage after
electro-coagulation. It is a major advantage of irradiation for cancer management [9].
Since local control probability increases with dose, radiation must reach the whole
volume(s) of tissues invaded by malignant cells at a sufficiently high dose level to be effective.
This goal must be reached without inducing severe and irreversible sequelae in the surrounding
normal tissues. A first approach to reach this goal is the improvement of the physical selectivity.
2 . 1 Physical selectivity of a therapeutic irradiation
The physical selectivity of irradiation is defined as the ratio of the dose to the "tumour"
relative to the dose to the surrounding "normal tissues". It can be improved by varying the
nature and energy of the radiation or the beam arrangement (number and orientation of the
beams, and their size and shape as in conformation therapy).
The best historical illustration of the importance of the physical selectivity in radiation
therapy is the impressive improvement in the clinical results achieved in the 1950's60's when
200 kV x-rays (orthovoltage) were replaced by cobalt-60 gamma rays and high-energy x-rays,
as shown in Table 3. The high-energy x-rays mentioned in this table are x-rays ( 23 MV)
produced by Van de Graaff machines, betatrons or electron linear accelerators. Linear
accelerators have played an important role in the improvement of the physical selectivity in
radiation therapy in the last decades, as will be discussed in detail in the following sections.
Table 3
Improved survival of patients with several types of cancer treated with megavoltage radiotherapy
Today, with modern techniques, most critical normal tissues such as brain, eyes, spinal
cord, kidneys, liver, etc. may be completely avoided or at least irradiated at levels well below
tolerance (except, of course, in special cases depending on the tumour location: e.g. the normal
brain is the normal tissue at risk when a brain tumour is treated, similarly the spinal cord is the
normal tissue at risk when some cervical or mediastinal tumours are treated, etc.).
The real situation is however more complex. Outside the limits of the detectable tumour
(i.e. the "gross tumour volume" as defined below), there is in general some "subclinical"
involvement. A larger tissue volume must then be irradiated: not only the gross tumour volume
itself but also a surrounding safety margin and, in some cases, the regional lymph node areas.
Several types of volumes thus have to be defined and identified.
2 . 2 Concepts and definitions of volumes used in radiation therapy
Radiation oncologists first identify the gross tumour volume (GTV), which is the gross
palpable or visible extent and location of the cancer disease (ICRU Report 50, [10]). The shape,
size and location of the GTV is determined by means of different diagnostic methods such as
clinical examination (e.g., inspection, palpation, endoscopy) and various imaging techniques
(e.g., x-ray, CT, ultrasound, MRI, etc.). The gross tumour volume consists mainly of
malignant cells, connective tissue and blood vessels, and necrotic areas.
In addition to the safety margin around the tumour, other volumes with presumed or
proven subclinical spread (such as regional lymph nodes) may also require irradiation. The
Clinical Target Volume is thus the tissue volume that contains a demonstrable GTV and/or
presumed/proven subclinical microscopic malignant disease. This volume must be treated at an
adequate dose level (and time-dose pattern) to achieve the aim of therapy, cure, or palliation.
To ensure that all tissues included in the CTV receive the prescribed dose, one has, in
principle, to plan to irradiate a volume geometrically larger than the CTV. It is the Planning
Target Volume or PTV.
The additional safety margin, included in the PTV, results from a number of factors:
- movements of the tissues which contain the CTV (e.g., with respiration), as well as
movements of the patient.
- variations in size and shape of the tissues that contain the CTV (e.g., different
fillings of the bladder, rectum, stomach).
- all variations and uncertainties in beam geometry and patient-beam geometry. There
are some uncertainties in the beam sizes, shapes and directions, as well as in the
relative position of the beam with respect to the patient, the CTV and the normal
Delineation of the PTV is a matter of compromise and depends upon the judgement of the
radiation-oncologist, who ultimately bears the responsibility for this decision. In particular, too-
large safety margins will result in unnecessary side effects and complications.
As defined above, the safety margins contained in the CTV and in the PTV consist
primarily of normal tissues and, only for a small proportion, of invading cancer cells. Because
of the presence of these cells, the safety margin should be irradiated in principle to the highest
possible dose to prevent a local recurrence, but the tolerance of the normal tissues included in the
safety margin limits the dose which can be prescribed.
The difficulty cannot be solved by improving the physical selectivity of the irradiation; it
requires an improvement of the differential effect, and this brings us from the field of physics to
the field of radiobiology. Improvement of the differential effect implies, for a given (physical)
dose, increasing the effect of the cancer cell population and/or reducing the effects on the normal
tissues [11, 12].
The possibility of improving the differential effect by adequately selecting the irradiation
parameters is the third advantage of radiation therapy for cancer management.
Historically the first, and presently the most efficient, method for improving the
differential effect was the fractionation of the dose, as initiated in 1919 by Regaud, Ferroux and
Coutard at the Fondation Curie in Paris. Today, five fractions of 2 Gy each per week are used
as the conventional fractionation for most treatments.
A third possibility for improving the differential effect is to replace x-rays (and other low-
LET radiations) by high-LET radiations (ICRU Report 45 [10]). High-LET radiations bring a
benefit for well-differentiated, slowly growing tumours and/or for tumours containing a large
proportion of hypoxic cancer cells [13-15].
Whatever the improvement in the radiobiological differential effect, the doses which are
needed to control a malignant tumour are often of the same order of magnitude as the tolerance
doses for the normal tissues. In addition, radiobiological and clinical evidence indicates that the
dose-effect relations for tumour control are steep (Table 4) [1618]. For some tumours, a dose
variation of a few percent can modify significantly the observed local control rate. The dose-
effect relations are even steeper for normal tissue complications (Table 5) [17]. For these two
reasons, accurate dosimetry is needed, and, in 1976, the ICRU made the following
recommendations: "the available evidence for certain types of tumours points to the need for an
accuracy of 5% in the delivery of an absorbed dose to a target volume if the eradication of the
primary tumour is sought" (ICRU Report 24 [10]). More recently (1987), Mijnheer et al. [17]
recommended an accuracy in absorbed dose delivery of 3.5% (one standard deviation, for the
dose at the specification point, for radical treatment).
Over the years, the ICRU has played an important role in the world-wide improvement of
dosimetry in radiation therapy. An important step in that direction was the definition of
quantities and of a system of units (ICRU Report 33 [10]). Besides quantities and units, the
ICRU has focused a great part of its efforts on the selection of procedures suitable for the
measurement and application of these quantities. This implies a critical review of the existing
procedures, value judgement, and finally the recommendation of selected procedures. These
should be well described and codified, and widely accepted in the different countries.
Several ICRU Reports have dealt with dosimetry protocols for photon therapy: Reports
14, 17, 23, 24 and 42 [10]. For electron beam therapy, Report 35 remains a world-wide
reference. Other ICRU Reports have contributed to a better accuracy and uniformity of
dosimetry procedures in radiation therapy: Reports 44, 46 and 48.
Table 4
Relative steepness of the dose-effect curve for local tumour control. The steepness is expressed
as the relative increase in absorbed dose (in %) producing a change in tumour control probability
from 50 to 75%.
Table 5
Relative steepness of the dose-effect curve for normal tissue reaction The steepness is expressed
as the relative increase in absorbed dose (in %) from 25% to 50%
All modern medical electron linacs employ an isocentric gantry. The accelerator wave
guide is mounted in the gantry, either (relatively) parallel to the gantry axis if a beam bending
magnet is employed, or perpendicular to the gantry axis if a beam bending magnet is not
required (low energy, e.g. 4 MV x-ray beam). A simplified block diagram of a medical linear
accelerator is presented in Fig. 1.
More and more modern linear accelerators are equipped with a multileaf collimator which
typically consists of two sets of 20 leaves which can be moved independently allowing the
application of irregularly-shaped beams better adapted to the complex shape of the target volume
(Fig. 2) [20].
The most important characteristics of a therapeutic photon beam are the penetration in the
irradiated tissues (depth/dose curve), the skin sparing effect and the penumbra. For clinical
applications, a single beam is seldom applied; and, for each patient, the optimal combination
involving several (or many) photon beams has to be selected.
Fig. 2 Principle of a multileaf collimator. It consists of two sets of 20 leaves which can be
moved and adjusted independently. As a result, beams of any shape can be applied to closely
match the shape of the target volume. Target volumes with complex shapes can be treated with
minimum irradiation of the surrounding normal tissues [20].
The penetration of the beam increases with energy (Fig. 3). The depth/dose curves
describe the variation of absorbed dose (relative to the maximum dose) as a function of depth, in
the irradiated medium, on the beam axis.
Fig. 3 Depth/dose curves for therapeutic photon beams of different energy. Low-energy x-ray
beams (100 kV) are still in use and are suitable for treating skin lesions. Orthovoltage x-rays
(200-500 kV) are totally inadequate to treat deep seated tumours; they are nearly completely
abandoned. Cobalt-60 is satisfactory for many clinical situations but x-ray energies between 8
and 24 MV are needed to obtain adequate depth dose/curves. In addition to an improvement of
the beam penetration with energy, there is a sparing effect which also increases with energy.
Epidermis only is spared with cobalt-60 but the subcutaneous tissues are also protected with 8-
24 MV photons.
X-rays of about 100 kV ("low-energy" x-rays) are still in use, but only for the treatment of
superficial (skin) lesions. Conventional x-rays ("orthovoltage", 200-250 kV) were the only
treatment available up to 19551960, before cobalt-60, betatrons and linear accelerators were
Cobalt-60 provides irradiation conditions which are satisfactory for a large proportion of
clinical situations. Cobalt-60 emits gamma rays at 1.17 and 1.33 MeV respectively. Due to the
simple construction of the machine, cobalt units are the ideal equipment for developing
Linear accelerators of about 8 MV and above allow most of the tumours to be treated with
good physical selectivity. There is no clear advantage in increasing the x-ray beam energy
beyond 20-24 MV.
The importance of beam energy in irradiating deep seated tumours is better illustrated on
Fig. 4, where the doses are normalized at the depth of the centre of the target volume.
Fig. 4 The depth/dose curves for different photon beam energies are normalized at 12 cm in
depth (e.g. difficult situation for an obese patient). This presentation better illustrates the
excessive dose delivered to the normal tissues located in front of the PTV when 200 kV x-rays
or (to a lesser extent) cobalt-60 are used.
4 . 2 Skin sparing
When only 200 kV x-rays were available, the acute skin reactions often prevented the
radiation-oncologist from delivering the appropriate dose to the deep seated tumours.
For photon energies higher than 23 MV, the maximum absorbed dose is not observed at
the surface of the irradiated medium, but a few millimetres below the surface. This skin sparing
effect is due to a lack of "electronic equilibrium" (ICRU 24 [10]).
For cobalt-60, the acute skin reactions are dramatically reduced. Furthermore, for photon
energies of about 8 MV and above, there is a significant reduction of the absorbed doses at the
level of the subcutaneous tissues which reduces the risk of late fibrosis. A reduction of the
absorbed dose at the level of the subcutaneous tissues also facilitates healing of the surgical
wound if surgery is needed after irradiation.
4 . 3 Penumbra
Ideally, the absorbed dose within the geometrical limits of the photon beam should be
homogeneous and the absorbed dose outside the beam as low as possible. Unfortunately, at the
border of the beam, there is a narrow region with a steep dose gradient: it is the "penumbra
The penumbra width is defined, at a given depth, as the distance between two selected
isodose levels, i.e., between the 80% and 20% isodoses or between the 90% and 10% isodoses
(100% being the maximum absorbed dose on the beam axis at that depth). In all cases, the two
isodose levels used for defining the penumbra should be specified (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 Dose distribution obtained with a single 8 MV photon beam (beam size 10 cm x 10 cm).
Transverse section through the patient body; the planning target volume (PTV) is indicated by
the hatched area. The dose is specified at the centre of the PTV (100%), it varies within the
PTV from 114% to 86%. From ICRU 50 [10].
4 . 4 Beam combination
An acceptable dose distribution cannot be achieved with only a single photon beam. The
normal tissues in front of the target volume receive too high a dose, and the normal tissues
behind the target volume also receive a significant dose (see again Figs 3 and 4).
In the "cross-fire" technique, several beams that intersect at the level of the target volume
are used; as a result, the surrounding normal tissues at risk are irradiated only by one beam.
The number and the orientation of the beams are selected by the radiation-oncologist; it is a
matter of judgement and experience to select the optimal beam arrangement for each particular
patient. Some examples of treatment schemes are presented in Figs 69.
Fig. 8 Three equally weighted 8-MV photon Fig. 9 Irradiation of a lateral lesion (e.g.
beams are converging towards the centre of floor of the mouth). Two orthogonal 8-MV
the PTV. Wedge filters (45 ) are used for beams with 45 wedge filters are used.
beams # 2 and 3 to achieve a homogeneous From ICRU 50 [10].
dose distribution throughout the PTV. From
ICRU 50 [10].
5 . 1 Electron beams
The penetration of the electron beams in the tissues is much shallower than that of the x-
ray beams and, in addition, can be adjusted by varying the energy of the incident electrons
(Fig. 10). Therefore, electron-beam therapy is used to treat superficial or semi-deep-seated
tumours extending (close) to the skin surface. Beyond the depth of the maximum, the dose falls
off rapidly (but to a lesser extent when the initial energy increases). Figure 11 presents, as an
example, the dose distribution for a 20 MeV electron beam. Treatment energies range from
about 4 to 2025 MeV, but some accelerators reach higher energies (e.g., 35 MeV for a
Sagittaire and 50 MeV for the race-track microtron).
Fig. 10 Central-axis depth/dose curves for Fig. 11 Isodose curves for a 20 MeV electron
electron beams of different energy, from 6 beam in a water phantom (10 x 10 cm;
to 22 MeV (field size: 10 cm x 10 cm; source/skin distance: 100 cm). Scattering of
source/skin distance: 100 cm). The steep the electrons in the medium is responsible for
fall-off of the dose, especially at the low the widening of the isodose curves with
energies, protects the normal tissues located increasing depth.
beyond the PTV.
Electron beams are used for 1025 % of the patients referred to the radiation therapy department,
this proportion varying from country to country and from centre to centre depending on the local
treatment policy. Electrons are often used in combination with photon beams (e.g., as a boost
against the residual tumour). Two specific applications of electron beams deserve to be
A skin cancer, mycosis fungoides, is most often treated in this way. The aim of the basic
treatment is to irradiate the total skin envelope as homogeneously as possible. The depth of the
lesions suitable for this type of treatment varies with the stage and type of disease and/or the
body surface. This may lead to the use of different beam penetrations. When tumourous
lesions are present, there may be a need for a special boost and/or shielding.
The maximum depth of the PTV varies from approximately 5 to 15 mm in most of the
lesions. For the most frequent indications, with localised and even generalized plaques, the
PTV is located within the first 5 mm. Infiltrated plaques, ulcerations, and tumourous lesions
justify an individual estimate of the thickness of the lesions whenever possible.
Different technical approaches have been developed using multiple fields, arc therapy,
patient rotation, patient translation, according to the available local equipment and facility
(Figs 12, 13) [21]. In the past, low-energy x-rays were the only possibility, but they tend to be
less frequently used since the implementation of low-energy electron beam techniques using
linear accelerators. As a general rule, the integral dose should be kept as low as possible.
Usually, the incident electron beam energy at the level of the patient skin ranges from 3 to 7
MeV with nominal energy ranging from about 4 to 10 MeV (i.e., accelerator energy at the exit
window). Such energy losses are due to the material in the treatment head, the air gap between
the exit window and the patient, and the use of scattering screens. The use of scatter energy
degrader (typically a 1 g. cm-2 lucite panel) close to the patient improves dose uniformity,
particularly on oblique body surfaces, and results in a higher surface dose and shallower depth
dose due to the increase of the angular spread of the original electron beam.
Fig. 12 Total skin electron therapy six field Fig. 13 Total skin electron therapy. Patient
arc therapy. Geometry of the treatment set-up stances for the anterio, posterior, and two
of electron arc therapy, showing the arc of the angled dual-field exposures.
direction. Distribution of the six fields for full
circumferential coverage is also indicated on a
typical transverse section.
With this technique, electron beams are used to deliver a large single-dose fraction during
surgical procedure to a well defined PTV. The dimensions of the CTV are defined accurately by
the surgeon and the radiation oncologist together. During the procedure, mobile sensitive
tissues are displaced out of the beam using localizers, in order to decrease normal tissue toxicity.
The purpose of the procedure is usually to treat presumed subclinical disease after
macroscopically radical resection. The exact shape, size and location of the CTV can thus only
be defined during surgery.
Different types of localizers have been described, according to the local equipment and
facilities. The dose distribution depends strongly on the design of such localizers, applicators,
and other accessories, as well as on patient/beam positioning accuracy. Most irradiation
techniques involve lucite applicators linked physically to the head of the treatment machine
(docking system), but systems using laser beams and an optical set up (non-docking system) are
also in use (Figs 14, 15).
In general, the nominal incident electron beam energy ranges from 6 to 20 MeV (beam
energy at the exit window), giving energies between 3 and 15 MeV at the patient surface.
Flattening filters are used to provide a homogeneity of 10 % within the geometrical beam; they
also act as scattering foils leading to additional decrease in the beam energy at the patient level.
Nominal energy thus becomes irrelevant, and beam quality can only be described using
depth/dose distribution on the geometrical axis of the beam (assuming an homogeneous phantom
parallel to the applicator end). In some cases, combination of adjacent beams has to be used to
treat a PTV larger than the available localizers.
Several attempts have been made to improve the "radiobiological differential effect":
combining radiation with new radiosensitizing drugs, but also selecting their optimal
combination (e.g., time schedule for administration of both radiation and drugs).
However, it is probably through the development of new irradiation techniques that the
most significant progress may be expected. An increase in total dose to the target volume,
without exceeding the tolerance dose of the surrounding normal tissues, has always been the key
to a better clinical result [7, 16, 18].
A promising approach is the replacement of conventional x-rays by new types of radiation,
at least for some tumour sites. Among them, fast neutrons and protons are the most commonly
used, and, to a lesser extent, heavy ions.
Fast neutrons, which are high-LET radiation, aim at improving the differential effect
(ICRU Report 46 [10]). Radiobiology has shown that they are specifically efficient against
hypoxic (cancer) cells or against cells which accumulate in the resistant phases of the mitotic
Recently, clinical observation has shown that neutrons bring a benefit for the treatment of
some well-selected types of tumours [13, 14, 22]. The most convincing results were obtained
for locally-extended inoperable salivary-gland tumours for which the conclusions of a NCI
study are summarized as follows: "fast neutron radiation therapy alone is the treatment of choice
for salivary-gland tumours that cannot be completely resected and/or where the surgical risk of
facial nerve damage is high" [15, 23]. Also, for locally extended prostatic adenocarcinoma, two
randomized trials, initiated by the RTOG in the US, have shown the superiority of fast neutrons
(used alone or as "mixed schedule") compared to conventional x-rays [23, 24].
Proton-beam therapy improves the physical selectivity of the irradiation, but no benefit is
to be expected from an improved differential effect [7]. However, the impressive clinical results
obtained for selected tumour sites (in particular, uveal melanoma) by the pioneer centres have
encouraged several other centres to initiate proton therapy programs. The number of proton-
therapy facilities is increasing: 4 in 1980, 6 in 1985, 10 in 1990, and 16 in 1994. Other
facilities are planned.
Technological development has allowed the engineers to offer cyclotrons that are compact,
reliable, and affordable. These compact cyclotrons, superconducting or based on conventional
technology, can be installed within the hospital. They will soon certainly facilitate the
development of neutron- and proton-beam therapy.
Heavy ions combine the advantages of neutrons and protons: they enable the radiation
oncologist to deliver a high-LET therapeutic irradiation with an excellent physical selectivity
comparable to that of proton beams. Heavy ions were applied at the Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, where 299 patients were treated with neon ions. Unfortunately, the facility was
closed recently. However, an ambitious heavy-ion therapy program was started at the NIRS in
China, Japan, in 1994. A third program will start at the GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1996.
Unfortunately, for the present and the near future, the number of patients who could
benefit from these new types of beams will be limited. Therefore, it is important to improve and
to optimize the available techniques. In that respect, stereotactic radiosurgery, conformation
radiotherapy, intra-operative radiotherapy, total skin irradiation, and modern developments in
brachytherapy have already brought encouraging results for some tumour types. These
techniques are being applied in an increasing number of large, well-equipped and well-staffed
radiotherapy departments. Their safe application requires accurate dosimetry and careful quality
control procedures. Some of these approaches (e.g., stereotactic radiosurgery and conformation
radiotherapy) involve optimizing the use of linear accelerators and improving their technical
Stereotactic radiosurgery is used mainly for the treatment of lesions limited in size and
located in the head (e.g., tumours of the base of the skull). By using a large number of narrow
beams intersecting at the level of the lesion or by using arc therapy, high doses can de delivered
to the lesion while keeping the dose to the surrounding normal structures relatively low. This
procedure requires accurate localization of the lesion, accurate dose computation, and accurate
beam/patient positioning (Fig. 16) [25].
Conformation therapy can be defined as an effort to optimize the treatment by adequately
selecting the number and orientation of the beams, their size and shape. In other words, the
volume of tissues actually irradiated should match as closely as possible the PTV, even if it is
complex in shape.
Since the early days of radiation therapy, some kind of conformation therapy was an
objective. Impressive examples were given already in the forties, for example by Baclesse and
his colleagues at the Fondation Curie in Paris, especially for some tumours of the head and neck
area. However, the poorly penetrating beam available at that time prevented the full success of
these efforts.
a) b)
Fig. 16 Stereotactic radiosurgery. a) Overview of patient treatment. A special collimator and an
accurate head support system is added to the linear accelerator. Treatment uses both gantry and
turntable rotation. b) Head schematic showing the three coordinate axes and the four arcs of a
typical cranial treatment [25]
a) complete patient data: typically in the form of a series of CT slices with detailed
anatomical information (MRI or other imaging techniques). The location, extent and
position of the target volume relative to the organs at risk or anatomical reference points
can be known accurately.
b) with high-energy, penetrating x-ray beams, it is possible to reach any point in the body,
even in depth. Furthermore, the beams are well collimated; their size and shape can be
adapted to the target volume. With complex beam arrangements, different beam shapes
can be applied.
c) with the modern treatment planning systems (3-D), it is possible, even for a complex
treatment, to visualise rapidly the resulting dose distribution and thus to optimize the beam
arrangement based on reliable information.
d) lastly, with some sophisticated equipment, the treatment machine can be driven
automatically by the computer of the treatment planning system.
An example of the possible development in the field of conformation therapy is given in
Fig. 17 where the target volume consists of the iliac and para-aortic lymph node areas. In
different transverse planes, the shape of the target volume and its position relative to the patient
contour and reference anatomical points vary significantly. This implies that the optimum beam
arrangement (number and orientation of the beams) may be different within the different
transverse planes. Furthermore, in a given plane, since the target volume is not spherical in
shape, the size and shape of the beams should be different according to their orientation [26].
Other approaches are possible, combining for example beams which are no longer coplanar.
* * *
[3] L. Davis, D. Hoel, J. Fox and A. Lopez, International trends in cancer mortality in
France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, England and Wales, and the USA, The Lancet, 336,
474-481, August 25, 1990.
[4] V.T. Devita, Progress in cancer management, Cancer, 51, 2401-2409, 1983.
[5] V.T. Devita and D. Korn, Progress against cancer, New Engl. J. Med., 315, 964, 1986.
[6] R. Doll, Are we winning the fight against cancer? An epidemiological assessment, EACR
- Mhlboch Memorial Lecture, Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 26, No. 4, 500-508, 1990.
[7] H.D. Suit, Potential for improving survival rates for the cancer patient by increasing the
efficacy of treatment of the primary lesion, Cancer, 50, 1227-1234, 1982.
[8] Commission of the European Communities, Concerted action: cancer treatment with light
ions in Europe - EULIMA, Final Report - Part 1: General Feasibility Study; A.
Wambersie, P. Chauvel, G. Gademann, J.P. Gerard, R. Sealy, Socio-economic study,
pp. 2-39, CEC, rue de la Loi 200, 1049, Brussels, 1992.
[9] A. Wambersie and G.F. Whitmore, Radiation therapy, ICRU News, International
Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), Inc., 1, 15-20, 1995.
[11] M. Tubiana, J. Dutreix and A. Wambersie, Radiobiologie, Hermann Ed., Paris, 1986.
[15] G.E. Laramore, J.M. Krall, T.W. Griffin, W. Duncan, M.P. Richter, K.R. Saroja, M.H.
Maor and L.W. Davis, Neutron versus photon irradiation for unresectable salivary, gland
tumors: final report of an RTOG-MRC randomized clinical trial, Int. J. Radiation
Oncology Biol. Phys., 27, 235-240, 1993.
[16] R.C. Ultrasun, Does improved depth dose characteristics and treatment planning correlate
with a gain in therapeutic results? Evidence from past clinical experience using
conventional radiation sources, Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol.Phys., 22, 235-239,
[17] B.J. Mijnheer, J.J. Battermann and A. Wambersie, What degree of accuracy is required
and can be achieved in photon and neutron therapy? Radiotherapy and Oncology, 8, 237-
253, 1987.
[18] H.D. Thames, T.E. Schultheiss, J.H. Henry, S.L. Tucker, B.M. Dubray and
W.A. Brock, Can modest escalations of dose be detected as increased tumor control? Int.
J. Radiation Oncology Biol.Phys., 22, 241-246, 1992.
[19] C.J. Karzmark, S. Nunan and E. Tanabe, Medical Electron Accelerators, McGraw-Hill,
Inc., Health Professions Division, New York, 1993.
[20] A. Brahme: Optimal setting of multileaf collimators in stationery beam radiation therapy.
Strahlentherapie und Oncologie, 164: 343-350, 1988.
[21] AAPM, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, C.J. Karzmark (ed): Total skin
electron therapy; technique and dosimetry, Report # 23, American Institute of Physics,
New York, 1987.
[22] W.J. Koh, J.M. Krall, L.J. Peters, M.H. Maor, G.E. Laramore, C.M. Burnison,
L.W. Davis, S. Zink and T.W. Griffin, Neutron vs. photon radiation therapy in
inoperable regional, non-small cell lung cancer: results of a multicenter randomized trial,
Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., 27, 499-505, 1993.
[23] National Cancer Institute (NCI), Fast neutron radiation therapy in the United States: a
twenty-year NCI sponsored research program (NTCWG annual report, 1991), National
Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA, 1991.
[25] W. Lutz, K.R. Winston and N. Maleki: A system for stereotactic radiosurgery with a
linear accelerator Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol.Phys., 14, 373-381, 1988.
[26] L.M. Chin, P.K. Kijewski, G.K Svensson, J.T. Chaffey, M.B. Levene and
B. Bjarngard: A computer-controlled radiation therapy machine for pelvic and paraaortic
nodal areas. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol.Phys., 7, 61-70, 1981.
High intensity linear H- accelerators are at present studied for
applications in pulsed neutron spallation sources. The time structure
imposed on the linac beam offers the possibility of time-of-flight
measurements in neutron scattering and allows large peak intensities.
For the production of extremely short neutron pulses (sec) a
combination of a linac with a high intensity accumulator or accelerator
ring must be used. Low loss injection in the ring asks for acceleration
of H- ions instead of protons. The planned European Spallation Source
(ESS) is taken as an example for discussing the specific problems and
the design principles of a pulsed high intensity H- linac.
High intensity proton and deuteron linacs have found during the last years a renewed
interest for pulsed neutron spallation sources [1], fusion material studies and nuclear waste
transmutation [2] or energy production. Peak intensities reached already 20 years ago in the
most powerful low energy proton linacs (~ 100 mA) would be almost adequate for these
applications but average intensities are low by a large factor. The most powerful high energy
proton linac in operation is LAMPF at Los Alamos with a peak intensity of 17 mA and an
average intensity of about 1 mA at 800 MeV. A considerable increase of peak and average
intensity will be necessary for the new applications considered.
Neutron scattering and synchrotron radiation have led in the past to major breakthroughs
in the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter. In Table 1 a few characteristic
properties of both types of radiation are given and their complementary for the study of
condensed matter appears clearly. Neutron scattering has found applications in a wide range of
condensed matter studies such as [3]
Table 1
Comparison of neutron scattering and synchrotron radiation
Weak interaction, large penetration depth Small penetration depth, interaction mainly
in matter, bulk properties can be studied; concentrated near surfaces
complex sample environment is possible,
small radiation damage in biological substances
For many years nuclear reactors have been the main source of neutrons, producing a
continuous flow of particles. This line of sources has culminated in the construction of
dedicated high flux reactors. As an example one may mention the ILL reactor at Grenoble with
a thermal power of 58 MW and a useful neutron flux of 1015n/cm2xs. However, as fission is a
highly exothermic effect releasing about 200 MeV of energy for every useful neutron (i. e. not
needed to sustain the chain reaction) very high power densities are produced in the reactor core
and limit ultimately the obtainable neutron flux. High flux reactors are near the end of their
development potential and one does not expect neutron fluxes an order of magnitude above the
ones reached at the ILL-reactor.
During the last years another type of neutron source has found growing interest: the so
called spallation source. Neutrons are produced by high energy protons (~ 1 GeV) hitting a
heavy metal target and exciting nuclei to energies where neutrons are "evaporated" (spallation).
Typical production rates for 1 GeV protons are of the order of 25 neutrons per incident proton
(in Pb) and correspond to an energy consumption of about 40 MeV per neutron.
Neutrons are produced in a large range of energies reaching up to the energy of the
incident protons and have to be slowed down in a hydrogen rich moderator to energies
adequate for the study of condensed matter (Table 2). They emerge from the moderator with a
"white" Maxwellian velocity distribution and a wide range of wavelengths.
Table 2
Typical parameters of neutrons for condensed matter studies
One of the most important advantages of spallation sources is that one can impose on the
proton beam, and thereby on the neutron flux, almost any time structure.
Compressing the neutron pulse in a short time interval allows at given average power
an increased peak power. This is a considerable advantage for most types of n-scattering
instruments where performances have been often intensity limited in the past. If the proton
pulse is made sufficiently short, the neutron pulse can be used as a primary resolution element:
by using time-of-flight methods each neutron arrives at the detector with a time tag related to its
energy. In this way a band of neutron energy can be used simultaneously. It avoids the
neutron monochromatisation applied with CW sources which decreases considerably neutron
intensities at the detector and it allows a more efficient use of the primary neutron pulse. This is
illustrated conveniently in a time of flight diagram for the neutrons shown in Fig. 1. One
concludes from this figure that:
a small pulse length should be used for increasing the time resolution of measurements.
Arguments based on the slowing down and lifetime of neutrons in the moderator show that
it is desirable to keep pulse durations below a few sec;
small repetition rates of pulses (typically 50 Hz) should be used in order to avoid the
overlap of slow neutrons from one pulse with fast neutrons from the next pulse (frame-
overlap). This is particularly important for cold neutrons.
Detectors can work with a fixed geometry because angular scans are replaced by energy
(time) scans. Gating out the highly penetrating background of fast neutrons time-correlated to
the short proton pulse improves the signal to background ratio of detectors. It is today accepted
that most of neutron scattering instruments can profit from the time structure of neutron pulses
and that short pulses will trigger new developments and improvements of the existing
Over the past ten years [1] a number of pulsed and CW spallation sources have become
operational (Table 3). We mention in particular the most powerful pulsed spallation source
ISIS at the Rutherford Laboratory (UK). It combines a 70 MeV linac with a 800 MeV rapid
cycling synchrotron and has reached a beam power of 160 kW with 450 nsec pulses. A similar
source (AUSTRON) is at present under planning in Austria [4].
The SINQ spallation source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (CH) is a CW source operated
with a 590 MeV isochronous cyclotron and is laid out for a maximum beam power at the target
of ~ 900 kW [5]. Powerful pulsed spallation sources are also under study at ANL (Argonne)
and at LAMPF (Los Alamos) where a beam power of about 1 MW is considered. Recently a
Fig. 1 Time-of-flight diagram of neutrons produced by a short proton pulse and their velocity
(time) distribution at the detector
two year research study / supported by the European Community / has been started for an even
more ambitious project: A European Spallation Source (ESS) with the following design
parameters [6]:
5 MW average beam power at the target(s), corresponding to the average flux of the high
flux reactor at ILL, Grenoble
~1 sec pulse length
10 and 50 Hz repetition rate at two target stations, respectively.
Table 3
A few existing and planned pulsed and CW spallation sources
60 12 80 7
LANCSE, 800 MeV Linac 5x1013
Los Alamos
+ storage ring
Presently this goal cannot be realised by a linear proton accelerator alone. One therefore
considers the use of a pulsed linac combined with a accumulator or an accelerator ring filled by
multiturn injection and emptied by fast one-turn ejection for reaching the desired peak power
and pulse lengths (Fig. 2). The beam power of 5 MW at the target can be produced by an
adequate combination of proton energy and average current; an energy range of 0,8 to 3 GeV is
at present under discussion.
Recently a very first parameter set for ESS has been proposed; it combines a H-linac of
1.33 GeV with two accumulator rings in parallel. A few parameters are given in Table 4 and a
schematic view of the linac is given in Fig. 3.
The parameter range is amongst others restricted by the following constraints:
A high average beam power and a low duty cycle for the neutron scattering experiments
Beam dynamics especially at low energy where the beam is heavily space charge dominated
The use of high intensity accumulator rings for compressing pulses to ~ 1 sec
Fig. 2 Schematic view of a pulsed neutron source
a) 1) H--ion source, 2) RFQ, 3) Drift tube-linac, 4) High energy linac, 5) Accumulator ring
with H--charge exchange injection, 6) Beam transport to target, 7) Target, 8) Moderators,
9) Neutron channels
b) Time structure of beams at linear accelerator and at target
Table 4
Tentative parameters for ESS
Present experience with high intensity proton and deuteron linacs makes it advisable not
to exceed a peak current per rf pulse of about 100 mA. This value is also limited by the
performance of present H- sources and requires already the use of two H- sources in parallel.
Similarly the low energy section up to about 7 MeV is doubled, necessitating the use of a beam
The use of high intensity accumulator rings asks for very low injection losses down to a
level of kW only. This is the reason for using charge-exchange (H- --> H+) injection by a thin
stripping foil; it implies of course acceleration of H- in the linac [7]. The application of a low
loss H--injection limits the number of injection turns per pulse to about 1000. This keeps the
average number of passages of a given particle through the stripping foil sufficiently low (about
1.5 to 2!). Another limit is given by fast growing instabilities in the high intensity rings with
2.6 x 1014 circulating protons (exceeding by a factor 10 the corresponding figure at ISIS). As
a consequence the linac pulses should not exceed a length of about 1 to 2 msec. The
combination of this pulse length with a repetition rate of 50 Hz leads to a duty cycle around 5 to
10 %. A direct use (without rings) of linac pulses at a third target station is considered. For
increased flexibility it is planned to design the linac for a somewhat larger duty cycle.
One turn ejection by a fast kicker needs a time gap in the circulating proton current of
about 200 nsec and requires therefore chopping of the linac H- beam. The chosen time
structure is 400 nsec/270 nsec with a chopping efficiency of 60 %.
In order to keep the ring aperture (and ring costs) as small as possible, emittance increase
along the linac should be kept as small as possible.
The high average beam power of 5 MW asks for a careful choice of particle energy. The
chosen proton energy arises from a compromise between many conflicting requirements
amongst others average beam current, power density and radiation damage at target
components, target (neutron) efficiency and overall cost. A first choice is 1.33 GeV but it may
still be changed by the requirements of target performances and component life time. Whatever
the choice of energy is, the large beam power of 5 MW implies two more important design
A high acceleration efficiency, especially for the high energy part of the linac
Very small relative beam losses for keeping activation of linac components below a level
where "hands on" maintenance and repair will still be possible without intolerable time
Behind the H- ion sources with a maximum current output of 60 to 70 mA one or two
RFQ's may be used for an adequate acceleration, focusing and bunching of the beam and its
shaping for the following DTL. Because of low energies, beam losses of the order of 10 % can
be tolerated in this section. Two more beam elements a chopper and a funnel have to be
integrated in the low energy lines.
The beam chopper will be a pulsed deflecting device, whereas the beam funnel will be a
deflecting cavity operating at the same frequency as the RFQ's and at half the frequency of the
following DTL. RFQ's, chopper and funnel have to be integrated in the beam lines with
focusing elements. As can be seen from Fig. 4, longitudinal and lateral space will be at a
premium in such a layout, especially for longitudinal focusing. More studies and tests will be
needed to arrive at a satisfying layout for the low energy sections. A classical drift tube linac
(DTL) operated at 350 MHz will be used for acceleration between 5 and 100 to 130 MeV.
Because of the large duty cycle of 5 to 10 % a careful design of drift tube and quadrupole
cooling will be necessary.
For the acceleration above 130 MeV up to 1.33 GeV ( = 0.5 to 0.9) two possibilities are
A normal conducting version with side coupled cavities of the type developed for LAMPF
and operated extensively since 1972. A frequency of 700 or possibly 1050 MHz is under
discussion. The possible use of disk-and-washer cavities or of annular coupled
structures is considered
A superconducting version with iris loaded cavities. This cavity type is already used
extensively in large e storage rings but has not yet been developed and used for the
velocity range = 0.5 to 0.9. Sc cavities could present the following advantages: If a
frequency of 350 MHz is used a frequency jump always a source of increased beam
losses can be avoided between DTL and the high energy section. A much larger iris
opening could be used (e.g. 12 cm as compared to few cm for a 700 Hz side-coupled
cavity). Although we cannot yet predict quantitatively the decrease of activation by beam
losses at larger iris openings one may hope that large openings combined with strategically
placed scraper families may offer more flexibility for reducing beam losses inside sc
cavities and other beam components. Sc cavities will also allow to increase the acceleration
efficiency [9] because of their low losses. For typical nc and sc cavity parameters and CW
currents of the order of 100 mA the gain may be as high as a factor 2. The picture does
however look less promising if only short pulses (msec) can be used.
Fig. 4 Possible layout of a 2.5 MeV transport line between an RFQ and a DTL with periodic
focusing and bunching. The position of quadrupoles (Q), quadrupoles triplets (T),
bunches (B), a chopper (CH) and its beam collector (C) is indicated. Above, the
transverse and longitudinal beam envelopes. Note that the chopper and collector are
placed at a triple waist of the beam envelope [8].
The filling times of sc cavities under ESS conditions are of the order of msec and rf
pulses have to be made longer for reaching adequate phase and amplitude stability during
the beam pulses.
One of the most important design aspects of high intensity proton accelerators is to
produce small beam losses; component activation along the linac should be kept sufficiently low
to permit maintenance and repair with short notice access.
At energies above 120 MeV activation is mainly produced by spallation neutrons and is
proportional to E0.9. At energies between ~10 and 120 MeV activation is lower but depends in
a complex way on the energy and nuclear cross sections of the material. The range of protons
in Cu or Nb is approximately:
at 10 MeV 0.3-0.4 mm
at 100 MeV 11 - 13 cm
at 1 GeV 60 cm
There exist reliable data on beam losses and component activation at LAMPF [10]. For
the high-energy part of the accelerator beam losses are kept below 1 nA/m, corresponding at
800 MeV and after 1 day of deactivation to a dose rate near the cavities of 20 mrem/h. This
dose rate will already limit exposure times of persons to a few hours. In copper cavities the
main activity is due to Cu64 with a half-life of 13 h. Activation in Nb components decays with
a half-life of about 1 month.
Beam losses in high intensity linear accelerators are today under intensive study. One
uses multiparticle tracking codes and tries to describe losses and in particular halo formation by
additional analytical modelling. Codes taking into account space charge forces in a (simplified)
transverse and longitudinal focusing channel can predict today relative beam losses down to
about 10-3. A much better understanding of beam behaviour, in particular halo formation will
be needed to cope with relative beam losses in the range of 10-4 to 10-5 needed for the ESS
linac. Avoiding beam losses at this level will be a major challenge for the realisation of high
intensity accelerators.
Mismatches and misalignments are major sources for emittance growth and particle losses
(Figs. 5, 6). Changes in rf frequency and cavity type are particularly prone to mismatches.
Non-linear forces always produce filamentation of beams and the concomitant increase of
effective emittance is particularly large if mismatches are involved. Compared to the LAMPF
accelerator a much more careful matching at all stages of acceleration is foreseen for keeping
beam losses at ESS small.
Fig. 5 Beam loss along the LAMPF linac as a function of proton energy. Maxima of beam
losses occur at transition DTL-SCS (201 MHz --> 805 MHz, 100 MeV) and at change
of transverse focusing (212 MeV) [10].
Fig. 6 Activation versus distance from the start of the LAMPF SCS. As expected the loss is
greatest at the quadrupole doublets where the beam diameter are largest [10].
7. A SPECIAL PROBLEM IN A H- BEAM: Lorentz-stripping
In a spallation source the injection from a linac into the ring accelerator is done by
stripping of H- ions because this process permits small injection losses. Consequently one has
to produce and accelerate H- ions in the linac. As the extra electron in the H- ion is very weakly
bound it can be dissociated by the electric field created in its rest-system by an external magnetic
field and in particular by bending magnets and by the quadrupole fields needed for focusing
along the linac. The probability of neutralisation [11] depends on the H - kinetic energy and on
the strength of the quadrupole field which increases linearly with the distance from the axis.
For a typical focusing quadrupole in the high region one needs a gradient of about 20 T/m and
a quadrupole length of 30 cm (independently of the use of nc or sc cavities). In Fig. 7 the loss
rate per quadrupole doublet as a function of H- kinetic energy and of the distance from the axis
is shown [12]. This loss rate should not exceed a value of about 1 nA/m at each doublet. With
an average current of 3.8 mA at 1.33 GeV this corresponds to a loss rate per doublet of 0.25 x
10-6 and forces one to keep the beam radius at the doublets well below 2 cm. With focusing
quadrupoles between all cryostats the large iris openings of sc cavities cannot be exploited for
larger beam dimensions because of Lorentz-stripping. To alleviate the problem the use of
doublet focusing between cavities has been proposed.
Pulsed accelerator driven spallation sources for neutron scattering are a promising
alternative to CW reactor sources, because they allow high peak neutron intensities to be
reached and a more efficient use of neutrons by time of flight methods. This is an important
advantage for a field which has been traditionally intensity limited. There exist already a
number of pulsed spallation sources and plans for even higher intensity sources with beam
powers of the order of MW, the most ambitious being the European Spallation Source (ESS)
with a beam power of 5 MW, a pulse length of ~ 1 sec and a repetition rate of 50 Hz. With
present day technologies this can only be obtained by a combination of an RF-linac and an
accumulator or accelerator ring. For the linac peak and average currents of 100 mA and a few
mA resp. at 1 GeV will be needed, well exceeding performances of existing proton linacs.
Because of space charge limits the low energy section of the linac will consist of two
beam lines combined by funnelling. The high energy end may use either normal conducting or
superconducting accelerating cavities. Special problems arise because H- ions instead of
protons have to be produced and accelerated so that a low-loss charge-exchange injection into a
ring can be applied. Fast one turn ejection from the ring also necessitates a chopped beam in
the linac. Besides avoiding emittance increase by space charges, low beam losses and a high
acceleration efficiency will be dominating design criteria for the linac and the ring.
The high intensity linac can be considered for many aspects as a prototype for linacs to be
used in nuclear waste transmutation and energy production. Although there much higher
average beam currents are considered (100 mA) problems would be somewhat alleviated
because CW operation with protons will be possible.
I would like to thank my colleagues from the ESS group, in particular K. Bongardt and
M. Pabst, for many fruitful discussions.
* * *
[4] H. Aiginger et al, EPAC Berlin (1992) and M. Regler, private communication
[6] H. Lengeler, Proc. ICANS XII, Abingdon, May 1993, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Report 94-025, volume II, p-1
[7] G.H. Rees, CAS, 5th General Acc. Phys. Course, Jyvskyl, Finland, 1992, CERN
94-01 p. 731
[10] Proceedings: Technical Review for Next Generation Spallation Neutron Source, Los
Alamos 1993, p. 68
[11] A.J. Jason, D.W. Hudgings and O.B. van Dyck, IEEE NS -28 (1981) 2704
Radiation therapy is one of the most frequently used methods for treating
cancer patients. Therefore improving the quality of the treatment by
using new irradiation technologies is one of the radiotherapist's constant
concerns. The use of accelerators for delivering protons, heavier
charged particles and secondary beams such as neutrons brings further
improvement in dose distribution and in interesting biological properties
for radiations producing a high Linear Energy Transfer (LET).
Cyclotrons have been present in this field since the early history of
radiotherapy and they could play a major role for future dedicated
hospital-based facilities which include not only an accelerator but also
specific beam-transport and beam-delivery systems. Modern cyclotron
technology exists today to meet all of the requirements within a
reasonable budget. Specific performances and several cyclotron designs
are presented.
Heavy particles (protons, light ions, neutrons) offer a unique opportunity for improving
the quality of radiation therapy. Their use has been pioneered over four decades at Berkeley
where there was a very active collaboration between nuclear physicists, cyclotron designers,
physicians and biologists and this fact is well illustrated by the early history of the cyclotron and
its application in radiotherapy.
Ernest Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron, started in the late thirties a collaborative work
with his brother John [1], a young physician, Paul Aebersold and Richard Stone [2] on the use
of neutrons in the treatment of cancers. But there was at this time no basic biological
information available to provide a rationale for the use of neutrons in preference to X-rays.
Therefore an unexpectedly high incidence of late morbidity appeared. A renewed interest
occurred in the early sixties following a great deal of radiological work carried out by
M. Catterall [3] and D. Bewley in the Hammersmith Hospital in London. This work explained
the radioresistance of tumours and the role of the LET. Therefore the specifications required for
neutron therapy are now well known and modern cyclotrons are the standard tool for this
In 1946, Robert Wilson [4] mentioned that the properties of beams of mono-energetic
charged particles such as protons and ions (deposition of a large fraction of their kinetic energy
in a small volume at the end of their range (Bragg peak and distal dose fall off), small lateral
scattering) could lead to a new radiotherapeutic tool. Again the high energy cyclotrons in
Berkeley [5-6] were used for the first treatment with charged particles.
(1) From 1975 to 1987 the old pioneer 184-inch synchrocyclotron was also used for AVM treatment and
earlier for pituitary irradiations.
(2) The old 185 MeV synchrocyclotron has been converted into a 200 MeV sector-focused synchrocyclotron
(3) These modern lower energy isochronous cyclotrons are also used for neutron therapy.
(4) Old synchrocyclotron improved in 1973. The maximum energy ( 200 MeV) will be used in the future for
large-field treatment. It is presently used at lower energies (73 MeV) for eye treatment.
Table 2 presents planned facilities and new designs based on cyclotrons for high energy
proton therapy. The PSI (Switzerland) facility will be operational in 1994. Proton therapy is
also scheduled or proposed in several nuclear physics research centres using sophisticated
variable-energy cyclotrons. The four last lines present new designs for dedicated hospital-based
cyclotrons which are proposed by research centres and European industrial companies (IBA-
Belgium and SIEMENS-Germany). The characteristics of these designs are presented in the last
Table 2
Planned facilities and new designs for proton therapy based on cyclotrons
To date the cyclotrons which were used for medical purposes have been machines originally
built for nuclear physics research. It is time now for accelerators dedicated to medical use, with
sufficient energy to reach deep-seated tumours. Modern cyclotrons associated with specific
beam delivery systems could play a key role for the development of hospital-based facilities
aiming at treating a large number of patients.
Therapy with heavy particles (protons, light ions, neutrons) is based on two factors:
- improved physical selectivity for charged particles, which means the delivery of a
homogeneous dose to the tumour volume while minimizing the dose to the surrounding
healthy tissues.
- improved biological effectiveness for light ions and neutrons due to the dense ionizing
tracks produced by these particles.
2 . 1 Physical selectivity
2 . 2 Biological effectiveness
Densely ionizing tracks produced by light ions or by neutrons, when they hit a cell,
produce more concentrated local damage and have a more immediately lethal effect than the
scattered minor lesions inflicted by weakly ionizing particles. As a result, these high-LET
radiations exhibit differences in their biological properties when compared to low-LET radiation
(photons and protons) which may be summarized as follows:
a) Reduction in the differences in radiosensitivity for different types of cell.
b) Reduction in the differences in radiosensitivity related to the phase of the cell in the mitotic
c) Less repair phenomena and, as a consequence, less difference between the responses of
the cell populations to fractionated irradiation.
Therefore all cell populations, in all conditions, tend to respond in a similar way when exposed
to high-LET radiation. This has important consequences for hypoxic cells, less sensitive to
radiation, and often present at the centre of large, poorly-vasculated tumours. (Radiochemical
reactions in water are in many cases mediated by free-radical oxygen atoms, so it is not
surprising that the absence of molecular oxygen reduces the sensitivity.) The effect of oxygen is
less important for high-LET particles.
It follows that high-LET (light ions and neutrons) treatment is particulary useful for
radioresistant tumours, insensitive to normal X-rays. These will often be large,
deoxygenated tumours with slowly growing cells.
Energies, magnetic rigidity for 20 cm range and intensities (pps) required to deliver a dose
of 5 Gray over a volume of two litres in one minute are listed in Table 3. From the energy
required it is clear that the proton machines and light-ion machines will be quite different in size
and cost: the cyclotron is a good competitor with linacs and small synchrotrons for proton
therapy, it is close to the limit for carbon and the synchrotron is the best candidate for neon.
Table 3
Energy, magnetic rigidity for 20 cm range and intensities required to deliver
a dose of 5 Gray over a volume of 2L in one minute for different particles
Many aspects need to be considered in order to specify the characteristics of the accelerator
and the most relevant are summarised below:
Depth dose distribution: the 50% isodose should be, at least, at 15 cm depth (see Fig. 3)
treatment time not exceeding 4 minutes to obtain treatment conditions similar to photons.
Taking into account the geometry of the collimator which defines the distance between the
target and the patient, this condition fixes the intensity of the beam delivered on the target.
The development of radiotherapy with proton beams in the 200-250 MeV range is a
challenge to the accelerator community. Designing a cost effective accelerator, easily installed in
a hospital and simple to operate is an overriding concern. A small footprint of the accelerator
and its associated switchyard and gantries is an important factor to reduce the total cost of the
facility. Therefore cyclotrons are good competitors with synchrotrons and linear accelerators for
reasons of energy, magnets, intensities and operation, and these aspects will be described in the
following sections.
4 . 1 Energy
The choice of a fixed energy makes the design simple. The magnet can then be optimised
and trimming coils are not necessary. The accelerator is at a fixed radio frequency and all the
settings of the beam lines are fixed.
4 . 2 Magnet
In order to reduce the dimensions of the cyclotron a high magnetic field should be chosen.
This choice has two important consequences :
Superconducting magnets are attractive because they are about half the weight of room
temperature magnets.
4 . 3 Intensity
An isochronous cyclotron provides a continuous beam with ample intensity. This is a key
factor for reliability. Also the beam intensity is easily controlled. The beam can be very stable
and this is an important advantage for a dynamic beam-spreading system. To fully benefit from
these advantages an external injection system makes the cyclotron very flexible. On the
MEDICYC cyclotron which uses an axial injection at 33 kV for the H- beam, a feedback control
of the extracted beam intensity is installed using a few volts on the bunching cavity. A beam
stability better than 1% could be easily achieved (cf. Fig. 4).
4 . 4 Operation
The main characteristics of a cyclotron beam are its continuous time structure (apart, of
course, from the RF structure at several tens of MHz) and the good extracted beam emittances
and energy dispersion. These properties have important consequences for the beam delivery
system and for the equipment, the so-called rotating gantry, which provides entry of the beam
into the patient from any arbitrary direction specified by therapy planning.
Fig. 4 MEDICYC intensity fine adjustment ( ) and control (V)
The acceleration of particles takes only 10 to 20 microseconds. So the beam can be turned
on and off rapidly by acting on the injection process (the device needed can be extremely
simple if one uses an external injection line). Furthermore it is possible to set up a dynamic
control of the beam intensity with reference to a fast ionisation chamber in the extracted beam
[7], with the effect that the beam can be stabilised at any required level with a response time of
less than 100 microseconds. Therefore the beam intensity could be strictly constant to better
than 2% over short and long periods, and it can be set to any desired level from a few percent to
the nominal level. This process can be fully automatic, a separate safety circuit ensuring that no
misoperation of this servomechanism can lead to an overdose for the patient. If a failure is
detected the beam can be turned off in less than a few tens of microseconds.
These characteristics have important consequences for the beam delivery systems
associated with a cyclotron. Any-beam delivery system must accomplish a three-dimensional
scanning of the tumour which requires:
The lateral deflection of the beam for irradiating large fields can be obtained either by
passive scattering using a contoured scatterer (cf. Fig. 5b) following the methods and results of
B. Gottschalk [8] or by active methods using a magnetic field to deflect the beam. Figure 5a
shows the price to pay for that method which leads to increasing the cyclotron energy to
compensate for the range losses in the scatterer.
F. Farley [9] has proposed a very simple method which is easy to implement with a
cyclotron and is shown in Fig. 6. It uses a dynamic beam spreading mode by a deflecting
magnet and requires:
Fig. 5a Performance of beam-spreading methods for illuminating a given field
A magnet which scans this spot linearly along a line perpendicular to the axis at a low
frequency (1 Hz typical, so only a low power is needed in the magnet which has a small
gap because the deflection is in one plane only).
The patient is displaced steadily at 5 mm/sec. The combination of these two effects creates a
raster scan with uniform intensity. Of course the usual patient collimator and bolus move with
the patient.
This simple method is not difficult to implement and could be easily extended to spot
scanning and conformal therapy, due to the simplicity of intensity control of the cyclotron which
has the advantage of using a rapid feedback for eliminating fluctuations and for varying the
intensity under computer control of the intensity on the injection line. At PSI [10] a discrete spot
scanning technique has been developed. For each position the dose is applied by switching on
and off the beam with a kicker magnet which is located within the gantry.
5 . 2 Rotating gantries
In order to reduce the dose to the surrounding healthy tissue a standard technique
conventionally used in radiotherapy is to treat the tumour several times with beams coming from
different directions. This device is called a rotating gantry: the beam comes in along the axis, is
guided away from the centre and bent back towards the axis to cross it orthogonally. If the beam
line ends at the axis (i.e. the patient is located on the axis) the gantry is said to be isocentric.
This component represents a significant fraction of the total cost of the facility. The energy of
the beam extracted from the cyclotron is degraded at the exit of the gantry, so the settings of all
the magnets are fixed. In contrast with a synchrotron where the energy is changed at the
accelerator this whole beam line needs to be reset exactly. This factor could reduce the costs of
this equipment.
Several types of gantry have been studied in the past years, Fig. 7 shows schematically
their main properties and typical dimensions.
Fig. 7 Various gantry designs
The high intensity required for this radiotherapy is easily achievable from isochronous
cyclotrons. Figure 8 shows the median-plane view of the 65 MeV room temperature cyclotron
designed and installed in Nice. Use has been made of H- acceleration to facilitate the extraction
system [11]. A 62-MeV commercial cyclotron designed by Scanditronix is installed in the
Clatterbridge Douglas Centre. A compact superconducting cyclotron rotating around the patient
has been constructed by H.G. Blosser [12] and is running in the Harper Hospital in Detroit
(USA). The 40 MeV deuteron maximum energy orbit has a radius of only 30 cm (cf. Fig. 9).
The structure of this cyclotron weighs less than 25 tons and this allows the entire cyclotron to be
mounted directly on a rotating gantry so that neutrons produced in an internal target can be
directed at a supine patient from any direction.
For proton therapy at 6090 MeV, useful for treatments such as the ocular melanoma,
several medium-energy cyclotrons are operating. This energy domain is close to that of neutron
therapy and therefore several cyclotrons are running both programmes; Clatterbridge (UK) and
Nice (F) which are fully dedicated machines, Louvain-la-Neuve (B) which is running part time
for medicine, are typical examples.
There is now an increasing number of new projects aimed at treating many tumour types at
any depth and therefore cyclotrons in the 200 MeV range are good candidates. These machines
could use either a room-temperature magnet or a superconducting magnet. The characteristics of
four designs are presented below.
A commercial design [13] by the Ion Beam Applications company in Belgium has chosen a
high field (2.15 Tesla on the extraction radius) produced by conventional coils (cf. Fig. 10 and
Table 4). This cyclotron and the associated gantry will be installed in the coming years in the
new proton therapy facility to be built at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (USA).
Fig. 8 Median-plane view of the Fig. 9 Median-plane view of the
MEDICYC 65-MeV cyclotron rotating cyclotron in Detroit
Number of sectors 4
Yoke external diameter 4.30 m
Current density in the coil 155 A/cm2
Total weight 220 tons
Power 200 kW
Two dees in opposite valleys
Frequency 107.17 MHz
Harmonic mode 4
Dee voltage injection 60 kV
Dee voltage extraction 130 kV
RF power 85 kW
Fig. 10 IBA 235-MeV, room-temperature Injection: Internal
cyclotron. source
Table 4
6.2.2 Compact superconducting cyclotron designs
Table 5
Main characteristics of the CAL/SIEMENS 238-MeV superconducting cyclotrons
Number of sectors 3 i.e. "pseudo 6 sectors"
Yoke external diameter 3.10 m
Current density in superconducting coil 6800 A/cm2
Total weight 80 tons
Power including refrigerator 35 kW
3 dees in galvanically connected
Frequency 110MHz
Harmonic mode 3
Dee voltage injection 80 kV
Dee voltage extraction 130 kV
RF power 120 kW
Injection: Two options axial or radial
(neutral beam + central stripper)
H.G. Blosser from Michigan State University (USA) has designed a 250-MeV four-
sector, compact, superconducting cyclotron for proton therapy [15]. Figure 12 shows a
horizontal section of this machine where magnet hills and dees repeat with 90 spacing. Protons
are produced by an internal ion source.
Fig. 12 The MSU 250-MeV superconducting cyclotron
The system is safe because in the case of a failure or danger condition the beam can be
turned off in less than 20 microseconds by cutting the injected beam. During this delay the
patient would receive at most one millionth of the standard dose.
7 . 2 Costs saving
A standard proton therapy facility based on a cyclotron (small footprint of the equipment)
reduces the cost of the building. To this end a superconducting cyclotron in addition to a
compact gantry is attractive. In addition the running costs are reduced when using a
superconducting coil (total power in the magnet about 30 kW).
A fixed frequency isochronous cyclotron, giving a fixed energy to the accelerated ions, is a
simple accelerator to operate: a PC is sufficient to tune and control the cyclotron.
[1] J. Lawrence and E. Lawrence, "The biological action of neutron rays" Proc. National
Acad. Sciences 22: 124-133 (1936)
[2] R. Stone, J. Lawrence and P. Aebersold, "Preleminary report on use of fast neutrons in
treatment of malignant disease" Radiology 35: 322-327 (1940)
[3] M. Catteral, "Fast neutrons in oncology", British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 12,853-
860 (1974)
[4] R. Wilson "Radiological use of fast protons "Radiology 47, 487 (1946).
[5] C. Tobias, H. Anger and J. Lawrence, "Radiobiological use of high energy deuterons and
alpha", American Journal of Roentgenology 67: 1(1952).
[6] C. Tobias, J. Roberts and J. Lawrence, "Irradiation hypophysectomy and related studies
using 340 MeV p and 190 MeV d" Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Peaceful uses of
Atomic Energy held in Geneva in the United Nations.
[7] F. Farley, Oral presentation : "Supertwist gantry and dynamic beam spreading".
XIXth PTCOG, October 31 to November 2, 1993, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
[8] B. Gottschalk and M.S. Wagner, "Contoured scatterer for proton dose flattening",
Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory, a preliminary report 3/29/89 (1989)
[10] E. Pedroni et al., The 200 MeV proton therapy project at PSI: conceptual design and
practical realisation, to be published in Medical Physics, NS 94022
[13] Y. Jongen et al., "Cyclotron based proton therapy system including a new design of large
throw gantries", to be published in the Proc. of the Como Conference on hadron therapy.
[14] P. Mandrillon et al., A compact facility for high energy proton therapy based on a
superconducting cyclotron, to be presented at EPAC 94 in London.
[16] H.N. Jungwirth and J.G. de Villiers, 13th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their
Applications, Vancouver 1992, 709-712.
[17] P. Mandrillon and F. Farley, Cyclotrons as booster for high energy proton therapy, to be
V. Bechtold
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Hauptabteilung Zyklotron, Karlsruhe, Germany
In the last two decades cyclotron produced isotopes have gained
increasing importance in nuclear medicine diagnosis. The lecture will
cover aspects on target technology with regard to production efficency,
quality, reliability and automation. The production methods for the
most commonly used radionuclides will be described. An example for
two routine production systems based on gas target technology for I-
123 and Rb-81/Kr-81 are presented.
The radioisotopes produced for medical applications are used in nuclear medicine for
diagnosis. In contrary to X-ray studies where only static information can be obtained, nuclear
medicine provides dynamic information and hence allows time-dependent studies of the
function of organs. The labelled biomolecules and the radioisotopes involved should have the
following ideal characteristics:
no - particle
short effective half-life
-energy in the range between 100 and 300 keV.
The above characteristics result in a maximum efficiency in the diagnosis and a minimum
radiation dose to the patient. For example, Fig. 2 shows a comparison between I-131 and
I-123. The physical properties show that the cyclotron produced I-123 (-energy 159 keV; no
-; short half-life) is more favourable than the reactor produced I-131 (-energy 364, 637; --
emission, long half-life) for use in nuclear medical diagnosis.
The production of radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine can be made with solid,
gaseous and liquid targets. Figure 3 is an example for a solid target for 30 MeV protons and a
current of 200 A. The target material which is electrochemically plated on a solid copper
backing is hit directly by the beam. The dissipated beam power of 6 kW can be removed by
enforced cooling from the back-side of the target. To keep the power density low the beam
strikes the target under an angle of 57. Thus the temperature on the target surface is kept
below 150 C.
Figure 4 shows a target layout for gaseous or liquid target material. In contrary to the
solid target the beam cannot hit the target material without entering the target vessel through a
thin metal window. The target vessel itself has to be water-cooled as well to cool down the
liquid or the gas.
Fig. 4 Layout of liquid or gas target
The choice of material for both the target body and window is dependent on the particular
nuclide production process. Although a general rule does not exist, there are some aspects of
the target bodies like activation, contamination, corrosion and cooling, which have to be
considered [3, 4]. The parameters are influenced by the choice of bombarding particle, beam
energy, beam current, material and solvent. The criteria for target-window materials should be
the following:
thickness of 1 200 m
pin-hole free
high mechanical strength
good thermal conductivity
high melting point
chemical resistance to oxidation
The target windows can be sealed either by 0-ring or welding. This depends on the
particular boundary conditions of cooling, temperature, pressure and radiation effects.
When irradiating a target material with charged particles from a cyclotron, the
disintegration rate D of a produced radionuclide is:
D = IN 1 e t )
After irradiation the produced isotope is still in the target matrix (solid) or inside the target
vessel (gas or liquid). In both cases the activity has to be transferred from the irradiation station
into a hot cell for further processing. This transfer must be safe, reliable and sometimes fast
and can be done either manually or automatically. For dose considerations and for safety
reasons an automatic transfer is recommended. The commonly used transport systems are
rabbit or conveyer devices (for solid targets) and pipelines (for liquids and gases).
6 . 1 Thallium-201
Half-life: 73.1 h
Nuclear reaction: Tl-203(p,3n)Pb-201
Proton-energy: 29 MeV
Type of target: solid target, Tl-203 electroplated on target backing
Target material: Tl-203 > 90% enriched
Activity transfer: rabbit or conveyer (irradiated target)
Separation: chemical (Tl-203 from Pb-201; Pb-201 from Tl-201)
Production process
Immediately after the end of bombardment (EOB) the enriched Tl-203 is dissolved in acid
and Pb-201 is isolated by the ion-exchanger method. The Tl-203 is retained on the column for
the further recovery process. Pb-201 is then absorbed on another ion-exchange column and
enough time is allowed for Pb-201 to decay to Tl-201. Tl-201 is then eluted as thallous
chloride in carrier-free form.
Half-life: 67.2 h
Nuclear reaction: Cd-112(p,2n)In-111
Proton energy: 22 MeV
Type of target: solid target, Cd-112 electroplated on target backing
Target material: Cd-112 > 90% enriched
Activity transfer: rabbit or conveyer (irradiated target)
Separation: chemical (Cd-112 (extremely toxic) from In-111)
Production process
After irradiation the enriched Cd-112 target is dissolved in acid. The solution is passed
through an ion-exchange resin. In-111 is removed by elution. Cd-112 stays on the column
and is used for further recovery.
Cd-112, In-111
target dissolved
separation by ion-exchange column
6 . 3 Gallium-67
Half-life: 78.3 h
Nuclear reaction: Zn-68(p,2n)Ga-67
Proton energy: 25 MeV
Type of target: solid target, Zn-68 electroplated on target backing
Target material: Zn-68 98 % enriched
Activity transfer: rabbit or conveyer (irradiated target)
Separation: chemical (Zn-68 from Ga-67)
Production process
When the irradiation of the enriched Zn-68 target is finished the target is dissolved in
acid. The solution passes an ion-exchange column, where Zn-68 is kept back on the resin
while the Ga-67 passes through.
Ga-67 recovery
6 . 4 Fluorine-18
The F-18 produced during irradiation is dissolved in the target water. Separation of F-18
from water is done via ion exchange column.
6 . 5 Iodine-123
Half-life: 13.2 h
Nuclear reaction: Xe-124(p,2n)Cs-123 Xe-123 I-123
Proton energy: 30 MeV
Type of target: high pressure gas target
Target material: Xe-124>99.8 % enriched
Activity transfer: pipeline (I-123 activity dissolved in water)
Separation: physical (Xe-gas from solid I-123)
Production process
For a period of 6 hours after the end of bombardment the Xe-123 is still kept in the target
to allow Xe-123 to decay to I-123. In a next step the Xe gas is cryogenically pumped out of the
target into a storage vessel for reuse. The I-123 is dissolved in water and rinsed out of the
Xe-124, Cs-123, Xe-123, I-123 at EOB
6 h decay in target
I-123 (I-form)
An example for a gas target arrangement for routine production is the Karlsruhe Isotope
Production System KIPROS (Fig. 6). This system provides ultra pure iodine-123 in large
batch sizes (1 - 4 Ci in 6 h). Iodine-123 has begun to replace the reactor isotope iodine-131
(half-life: 8.05 days) used until now.
Up to now, all the known iodine-123 production methods produce large amounts of
undesirable by-products in the form of iodine-124 or iodine-125. Both these isotopes posses
disadvantages comparable to those of iodine-131. With the aim to produce iodine-123 with as
little impurity as possible, a new production method via the Xe-124(p,2n)Cs-123 reaction was
Fig. 6 High pressure gas target system KIPROS for the production of ultra-pure I-123. A
sophisticated beam diagnostic system in front of the target assures a proper alignment
of the beam. KIPROS is completely operated with a Simatic S-135 microprocessor
The production of the ultra-pure iodine-123 requires a very highly enriched Xe-124 gas
as target material. In the procedure described here, Xe-124 with an enrichment > 99.8%
(natural abundance 0.1%) is used, with the consequence that the end product iodine-123 has
only a contamination for I-125 of 4 x 10-5 and I-124 of 5 x 10-7 at 24 h after EOB.
As the cost of a litre of enriched Xe-124 is very high it is important to keep the target
volume as small as possible and at the same time be able to control the beam power,
50 A x 30 MeV = 1.5 kW, generated during irradiation.
KIPROS consists of a high pressure gas target, a sophisticated diagnostic system for
proper adjustment of the beam onto the target and a chemistry unit for the delivery of I-123 as
iodide in 0.02 N Na0H. The target body is made out of nickel-plated aluminium to reduce
activation and radiochemical contamination, and to assure proper cooling. The target is
operated at a pressure of 14 bars with beam currents up to 50 microamperes. The production
yield for I-123 with 30 MeV protons is 10 mCi/Ah.
To prevent gas losses in case of target window ruptures a dedicated safety system is
provided. It consists of a safety chamber in front of the target and a fast closing valve (12 ms
closing time) about 8 m upstream in the beam line. The target window can be changed
remotely with a robot (Fig. 7) so that a foil rupture during irradiation does not considerably
influence the production schedule.
Fig. 7 Nickel-plated aluminium target with window flange in front. A robot changes
automatically the target window in case of foil rupture. As part of the target
volume there is a cold finger for cryogenic gas transfer from the storage vessel
into the target (left side).
After an irradiation cycle the xenon gas is cryopumped out of the target and subsequently
the iodine-123 deposited on the cooled walls is washed out by means of 40 ml of distilled
The hardware configuration of the chemistry unit for the production of I-123 is shown in
Fig. 8 while the flow diagram which illustrates the function of the concentration process is
shown in Fig. 9. At the end of the target wash-out procedure the active solution is purged from
the target into the glass vessel inside the hot cell. An additional vacuum vessel traps the small
amounts of radioactive gas coming from the target. The active solution is pumped through the
ion-exchanger column where Bio Rex 5 is used as the column resin with an absorption
efficiency > 99%. After the loading procedure the I-123 is eluted with 0.02 N NaOH from the
column into the glass vial. The flow direction through the column during the elution process is
opposite to the loading direction.
Fig. 8 Chemistry unit for the concentration of the iodine washout from 40 ml to 1.6 ml
(0.02 N NaOH). An ion-exchanger with a special resin is used. The loading
and reloading of the ion exchanger is carried out by HPLC pumps which allow
precise control of the flowrates. In process measurement of the iodine activity is
possible with small GM counters.
The chromatography pump keeps the flow rate constant, which can be preset before the
loading or elution process starts. At the end of elution the main part of the activity (> 90%) is
dissolved in a final process volume of < 1,6 ml of 0.02 N NaOH. The whole process from the
beginning up to the point when the final product is inside the glass vial can be controlled either
manually or fully automatically. Valves, pumps, cylinders, positions switches and sensors are
connected to the processor (see Section 7.3). The activity is monitored with small GM sensors
at a few positions to guarantee a reliable automatic process, which can be stopped in case of a
system failure (for example: an accidental column breakthrough during the loading procedure).
Fig. 9 Flow diagram of the I-123 concentration unit
The configuration of the multiport valves enables different samples to be obtained during the
automatic run. The samples are used for the quality control.
The quality control includes tests for the product identity, the radionuclide purity, the
radiochemical purity and the pyrogen concentration. The radionuclide purity is measured with a
Ge detector while the radiochemical purity is determined by the thin-layer-chromatography
method. The pyrogen concentration is checked with the Limulus-test.
7 . 3 Control system
The control system consists of the programmable controller type Simatic S5-135 U, the
communication station with monitor and keyboard and the printer station (Fig. 10). The
controller crate contains the following modules necessary for the operation of the production
Central processing unit (CPU) with a 16-bit microprocessor, internal memories, data
organisation and an external memory for the user software
Communication processor 525 for the process documentation which enables the data
transfer of all the various process parameters to a printer station
Communication processor 526 for the communication between the controller and the
terminal. Process commands can be entered via a keyboard, while status information (for
example: position of valve) and system messages are displayed on the monitor
Fig. 11
Analog input modules for the measurement of analog process values
- Digital input modules for the connection of status indication signals
Digital output modules for the connection of switching components.
The user software for the sequential and logical run of the process is written in a special
language, called "STEP 5", which is optimized for the S5 Simatic controllers. The user
software for the communication processors (CP 525 and CP 526) is written by entering values
in the different masks which are created by the COM 525 and COM 526 system programs.
Fig. 10 Configuration of gas target control system
If RAMs are used as the external storage medium, the memory is buffered by a back-up
battery in the central crate of the S5-135 U controller. The typical cycle time for the CPU is
3-100 ms, which depends on the user program volume. The edition and the transfer of the user
program to the processor modules are performed with the programmer unit S5-PG 685 which
can also be used for an on-line test of a running program. The status picture (Fig. 11) indicates
the number of the current running program step, the start condition for the next step, a general
description of what is carried out in each step, the activated components and the current value of
a running timer. If the program is automatically stopped by an interlock, the reason is
displayed in the lower part of the status picture, which is reserved for error messages and
system information. At the end of the program the <Program End> information is displayed
and the processor automatically switches back to the initial state. The processor allows a
simultaneous run of two programs. The processor control enables the operation of the target
system with a minimum of manpower and guarantees a reproducible production process and
finally a reproducible quality of the final product.
The radionuclide Kr-81m (half-life: 13 s), which is the daughter of Rb-81 (half-life
4.65 h), has gained increasing importance for lung function diagnosis over the last years. The
essential advantages of this radioisotope compared to the other radioisotopes used in this field
today are:
minimal radiation dose for the patient and hospital personnel,
static and dynamic ventilation studies,
no exhaust problems and also no risk of contamination.
The Kr-82 (p,2n) Rb-81 reaction is used for the production. During irradiation the Kr-82
gas (pressure: about 20 bars) is contained in a pressure vessel, which is sealed by a thin
molybdenum-steel entrance window.
Fig. 11 Colour monitor with keyboard for the communication with the control processor
The target arrangement is similar to the Xe-target. The Rb-81 produced during
irradiation, deposits on the cooled walls of the target vessel and is removed after the end of
bombardment by means of sterile water. The Rb-81 is then pumped 15 m via a stainless steel
pipeline to a hot cell located outside the irradiation room. There the Rb-81 dissolved in water is
purged through a special ion exchanger which traps the Rb-81. This so-called generator is then
fitted into a transportable lead shield and a complete quality test is carried out. The KfK
possesses a pharmaceutical manufacturing permit for the Rb-81/Kr-81m generator according to
paragraph 13 AMG. For the application of the generator in the hospitals it was imperative to
develop a simple application system. The "Kryptovent II" system, (Fig. 12) which has been
developed at KfK, is offered with the generators as a complete inhalation system.
The high pressure gas target system KIPROS is usable for highly-enriched target gases in
particular, where it is necessary to minimize gas inventory and gas losses. This system is used
for the production of ultra-pure I-123, Rb-81 and Br-77 at different production facilities in
Europe, USA and Japan. The appropriate choice of nuclear reaction adapted to a compact
cyclotron (maximum energy 30 MeV protons) combined with a sophisticated technique and a
microprocessor controlled process, guarantees a reliable and cost-effective production of
radioisotopes with high yields and constant product quality.
Fig. 12 Rubidium-81/Krypton-81 m generator and Kryptovent II for ventilation diagnostic
[1] V. Bechtold, Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications
Vancouver, July 6-10 (1992) p. 110
[2] F. Helus (Ed.), Radionuclides Production Vol I+II, CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton Florida
[3] F. Helus and T.J. Ruth, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Targetry and Target
Chemistry, Heidelberg 4-7 October 1985, DKFZ press Dept.
[4] F. Helus, S.A. McQuarrie, T.J. Ruth, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Targetry
and Target Chemistry, Heidelberg, 22-25 September, 1987, DKFZ press Dept.
Dewi M Lewis
Amersham International, Amersham, UK
The physics concepts and methodology of designing a radioisotope
production facility based on a cyclotron is discussed with particular
reference to manufacturing commercially useful isotopes known as
radiopharmaceuticals. Commercially available cyclotron systems will
be discussed and a conceptual facility will be described; the isotope
most used in nuclear medicine, thallium 201, a heart imaging agent,
will be used as a case study isotope. The requirements of Good
Manufacturing Practice for the isotope products and the necessary
compliance with regulatory approvals will be outlined.
Therefore, a present-day production facility will consist of a cyclotron, several beam lines
and mechanical transport systems and a target arrangement which is custom built to be handled
in the different chemical extraction processes for producing pure radiochemicals and then in the
pharmaceutical production systems for producing sterile, injectable materials which comply
with the pharmaceutical or drug licensing requirements of many countries. The underlying
physics and chemistry of producing cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals will be discussed and a
design of a conceptual facility will be developed within the text.
Present-day radiopharmaceutical grade cyclotron isotopes are used for imaging and
diagnosis at nuclear medicine centres worldwide. A typical three-dimensional tomographic
heart image section is shown in Fig. 1 using thallium-201. Some 2-3 million patient
procedures are undertaken each year using materials produced from cyclotrons. The most
common cyclotron produced isotopes are given below in Table 1.
Table 1
Applications of cyclotron produced isotopes
Isotope Half Life Application
Although even shorter-lived isotopes are also produced by a cyclotron, for the purpose of
this discussion these very short lived isotope (PET or Positron Emission Tomography isotopes,
Table 2) will not be discussed since their commercial usage and distribution have not yet been
realised. In general most of the commercially useful radiopharmaceutical isotopes have half
lives of the order of 1-7 days and their production reactions are given in Table 3.
Table 2
Common PET isotopes
Table 3
Isotope production reactions
Tl-203 (p,3n) Pb-201 Tl-201
Zn-68 (p,2n) Ga-67
Cd-112 (p,2n) In-111
Xe-124 (p,2n) Cs-123 Xe-123 I-123
Kr-82 (p,2n) Rb-81 Kr-81m
Ni-58 (p,2n) Co-57
radionuclidic impurities must usually be less than 1-2% since any longer half-life isotopes
contribute to increasing patient radiation dose and to blurring of images.
half lives are approximately 3 days, which is a convenient time period for the
manufacture, delivery and administration of the material to the patient.
the specific activity of the isotope must be high enough to produce sufficient events or
counts in the required organ using a gamma camera imaging system.
the specification and manufacturing protocols must comply with approved drug licence
conditions issued by the appropriate Government bodies.
For the purpose of this section the heart imaging agent thallium-201 will be used as a
'case study'; the overall production of this isotope will include the following steps:
Other important isotopes such as gallium-67, iodine-123 and indium-111 are produced by
very similar manufacturing processes. The preferred production reaction for producing
thallium-201 is shown below; in fact lead-201 is generated first.
Thallium-203 (p,3n) Lead-201 Thallium-201
The excitation cross sections for proton bombardment of thallium-203 are given in Fig. 2,
indicating peak energies for the reactions (p,n), (p,2n) and (p,3n) etc. In addition, similar
production cross sections exist for protons bombarding thallium-205 indicating that even a trace
impurity level of thallium-205 within the target material thallium-203 will lead to radioactive
impurity species in the final product. The competing reactions are given below in Table 6.
Table 5
Enrichment of isotopes
Isotope Other % naturally % radio- Electro- Approx. cost
naturally occurring pharmaceutical magnetic (M$/kg)
occurring specification separator
isotopes production
(hours per kg)
Tl-203 Tl-205 29.5% 98% 20,000 2.5
Zn-68 Zn-64, Zn- 18.6% 98% 65,000 4.5
66, Zn-67,
Zn-68, Zn-70
Cd-112 Cd-106, Cd- 24.1% 96% 55,000 3.5
108, Cd-110,
Cd-114, Cd-
Xe-124 Xe-126, Xe- 0.095% >20% Gaseous 0.1
128, Xe-130, diffusion per litre
Xe-132, Xe-
134, Xe-136
The minimum bombardment energy or exit energy of the proton beam is similarly
constrained by the impurity radionuclide lead-202m created by the reaction (p,2n), the resultant
daughter product Tl-202 has a half life of 12 days and a -emission of 1.0 MeV; the minimum
energy at the exit of the enriched Tl-203 material is similarly fixed at 22 MeV.
Table 6
Competing reactions - thallium bombardment
Reaction Initial material Radioactive products Half life
(p,4n) Tl-203 Pb-200 21.58 hours
Tl-200 26.1 hours
(p,3n) Tl-203 Pb-201 9.4 hours
(p,5n) Tl-205 Tl-201 73.1 hours
(p,2n) Tl-203 Pb-202m 3.62 hours
(p,4n) Tl-205 Tl-202 12.23 days
(p,n) Tl-203 Pb-203 51.9 hours
(p,3n) Tl-205 Tl-203 stable
(p,2n) Tl-205 Pb-204m 1.1 hour
Pb-204 17
>1.4x10 yrs
(p,n) Tl-205 Pb-205 7
1.5x10 yrs
The energy of the proton beam is reduced during passage through the target and energy is
lost by elastic collisions, atomic excitation and ionisation. Using the Bethe model for
relativistic velocities the expression for energy loss can be shown to be:
= 4.58 10 12 ln(1.82 10 30 v 2 / I ) ln(1 2 ) 2
dx v2
in units of where:
N the number of atoms per unit volume of target material
Z the atomic number of the target material
v proton velocity
I effective ionisation potential of target material
The stopping power in thallium is shown in Fig. 3 and the computed range of protons in
thallium as a function of energy can be derived as in Fig. 4.
Table 7
Summary table of yield values (Ao) protons on thallium
design requirements for thallium bombardment can be derived. The model also predicts the
impurity levels for the other radionuclides and also the production level of Zn-65 (half life 265
days) produced by the reaction which creates a waste disposal problem due to its 1.12 MeV
gamma ray.
Zn-65 is produced by the reaction:
Cu-65 (p,n) Zn-65
This model assumes that the remainder of the energy is deposited within the target base; the
stopping power calculation can also be used to estimate the required thickness of this copper
base to ensure full proton absorption and no penetration into the cooling liquid which is usually
For a given set of irradiation conditions the activity produced is:
At = AoIt I-et
where At is the activity in Curies at time t
I is the beam current in mA
t is the bombardment time in hours
is ln(2)/T
T is the half life of the isotope produced
In general, for solid targets the target materials are electroplated onto metal bases, usually
having good conduction characteristics, such as copper, silver or aluminium and proprietary
electroplating methods are often used ensuring that the starting raw materials comply with the
conditions laid down in the Drug Master File, i.e. the manufacturing protocols authorised
according to the drug licence. Criteria for electroplating include:
In commercial manufacturing of cyclotron isotopes, the key parameter for target design
is the beam current acceptance. Historically, production targets have been located either inside
cyclotrons as internal, glancing-angle targets on the external orbit of the correct energy or as
external targets bombarded at the end of beam lines. For industrial operation, the heat transfer
problem of this large energy density deposition has been addressed by either adjusting the
glancing angle in the range 4-15 for incidence on a static target or presenting circular
Table 10
Heating calculations for a stationary target
a. 1/2 beam height(m) = 0.0094 Copper/water heat transfer The peak surface temperature
2 is calculated from the cooling water
b. 1/2 beam width(m) = 0.0009 coefficient (W/m K) = 60800 temperature plus three additional
temperature rises.
Beam current (A) = 150 cp. Specific heat of water
o o
at 20 C (J/kg K) = 4186 1. Water-copper ( C) = 44.8
Energy (MeV) = 29
nb. Viscosity of water at o
Q. power of beam (W) = 4350 o 2. Copper ( C) = 16.5
20 C (J/kg K) = 0.001
A. projected area of beam o
2 lb. Thermal conductivity of water 3. Plated target layer ( C)
on target (m ) = 0.0025 o = 6.7
at 20 C (W/m) = 0.602
q(m). Mean heat flux o
2 Pr. Prandtl number = 6.95 Total temperature rise ( C)
(W/m ) = 1710817 = 68.0
q. Peak heat flux d. Depth of water channel (m)
(W/m ) = 3934879 = 0.00375 Chilled cooling water temperatur
= 13.0 C
TARGET PLATING PARAMETERS w. Width of water channel (m)
= 0.025 Therefore, final peak target
l3. Thermal conductivity of surface temperature
plating material = 44 M. Water flow rate (kg/s) o
(W/m K) = 1.65 = 81.0 C
= 44
m. = M/(d*w) mass flux of cooling
X3. Plating thickness (m) 2
= 0.00010 water (kg.m s) = 17600
geometry rotating targets at high speed to ensure optimum heat transfer. Current commercially
available cyclotrons are capable of producing external beams with good emittance control for
the current range 150 - 400 A per beam on target. For the purposes of this 'case study' it will
be assumed that a beam current of up to 200 A external beam will be incident on a static target
at a glancing angle. Typical beam emittance is of the order of 5 to 10 mm.mrad which
translates to available beam spot dimensions of the order of 3 - 20 mm in either dimension.
Early experimental measurement and heat conduction calculations published by Pinto (Table 10)
indicated that a temperature rise of 150C would occur with an incident proton beam of
30 MeV, 200 A on a target with no electroplated material but designed for optimum cooling.
He concluded that for production targets, temperature rises could be limited to about 150C
even with electroplated target material; this temperature is lower than the melting point of
thallium metal and would guarantee integrity of the targetry and retention of the expensive raw
material on the target surface. This calculation was substantially improved by Forrest to allow
for the heat transfer across the interface between the electroplated layer and the base material for
several different materials. The model also allowed for defining the optimum target inclination
angle for a given beam spot size and Table 11 indicates computed surface temperature increases
for different glancing angles based on the following assumptions:
Optimum target mechanical design to stimulate turbulent flow with water cooling,
Uniform electroplated material,
Table 11
Target Heating calculations for different metals and beam incident angles
The computed surface temperatures for different incidence angles are given for typical
initial raw materials used in radiopharmaceutical production with the requirement that the
surface temperature never exceeds the melting point of the material at the reduced vapour
pressure within the target enclosure. In general, optimisation of computed models and practical
experimentation result in the 'typical' target specification, shown in Table 12.
Table 12
Target specification
Due to the relatively high radioactivity activation levels of production targets, well
designed, remote controlled mechanical transport systems are necessary to ensure that target
integrity is maintained otherwise local contamination of radioactivity and loss of valuable
enriched isotopes could occur. Two approaches are now used:
Compact target transfer by pneumatically operated rabbit systems the system designed
by TRIUMF is shown in Fig. 6.
Railway transfer systems which remove the target assembly from the cyclotron into a
demounting station.
Clearly the above requirements for commercial isotope production are well met by the
general system specifications of the Cyclone-30, viz
Again, the Cyclone-30 performance meets these requirements although it is essential to ensure
that the beam size at the target location can be controlled within the "footprint" of the material on
the target thereby minimising the usage of the expensive enriched isotope material. Figure 8
shows a typical TRANSPORT generated computer calculation of beam line optimisation for a
possible Cyclone-30 beam to give a minimum 'image' size of 20 mm x 4 mm onto an inclined
target footprint of 20 mm x 40 mm, and using the minimum length of beam line yet allowing
sufficient space for shielding between cyclotron vault and target vault. For this particular
example the beam optics show a very large vertical beam dimension. Beam line design for
commercial operation has to satisfy two conflicting demands:
a small beam size at the target to minimise the usage of expensive enriched isotopes
a short beam line length to limit the construction costs of the facility.
The final design is a compromise ensuring that beam loss in the beam lines does not lead
to excessive radiation and activation of equipment.
Fig. 8 Cyclone-30 beam optics calculated with the TRANSPORT program
In cyclotron systems, the amount of isotope generated in the targets is determined by the
sum effect of the physical processes described earlier. Extraction of the radioisotope from the
targets is achieved by chemical or radiochemical methods. For example, in order to achieve the
correct radiochemical formulation for thallium-201, the following processes are required:
First chemical separation: Acid extraction of the primary product lead-201 from the initial
thallium-203 and the target base material, e.g. copper.
Second chemical separation: Ion exchange to remove the secondary product thallium-201
from the primary product lead-201.
Chemical recovery of the original thallium-203 from the aliquot of lead and thallium
isotopes as well as the copper impurities.
Possible removal of the radioactive zinc-65 from the copper material in the target base
since this radionuclide constitutes a severe radioactive waste disposal issue.
The graph of Fig. 9 shows the change in radioactivity during the manufacture of Tl-201
during bombardment, the first and second chemical separations, pharmaceutical production, the
decay of Tl-201 to the reference date of the product and to the expiry date of the material.
The majority of other isotopes using solid targets, e.g. Ga-67, In-111, etc. are produced
by similar techniques although some processes may employ organic solvent extraction
chemistry. The main exception is I-123 which is usually produced by dedicated bombardment
and processing equipment such as the gas system using Xe-124 as developed at KF Karlsruhe.
These chemical processes are performed within a facility dedicated for the production of
radiochemicals and containing heavily shielded production plant or cells with shielding
equivalent to 10 or 20 cm lead. Each plant is usually equipped with:
a set of manipulators,
leaded-glass window,
in-plant chemical equipment,
front-panel controls for electrics and pneumatics,
transfer ports for product flow, waste materials,
air flow into filtered air handling unit.
The radiochemical produced has the correct chemical ingredients but not necessarily the correct
concentration, and is not sterile enough for drug purposes.
Fig. 9 Activity of thallium-201 during production, delivery and use
The detailed steps in this manufacturing procedure have to comply with the principles of
"Good Manufacturing Practice" (GMP). All steps are defined in extensive documented
procedures within a Drug Master File. This is the legal document binding the manufacturers'
operations to the conditions of the pharmaceutical licence which is awarded by Government
Regulatory bodies such as CPMP (Europe), FDA (USA). In this way Regulatory Authorities
strive to guarantee the safety of the product and the reproducibility of the manufacturing
In order to comply with the regulatory requirements for these small volume 'parenterals',
special attention must be paid to ensure that the products are:
pyrogen free,
free of particulate material etc.
To achieve this careful control is required of:
the manufacturing environment,
the manufacturing processes,
the product containers.
In addition there is also a requirement that manufacturing operations are performed in a manner
that minimises the risk of:
cross contamination of one product by another,
incorrect labelling of product containers etc.
A system of Quality Assurance must be in place to ensure that all processes are
documented, validated and performed repeatably in accordance with written instructions. All
batches of materials used in processes must be tested to ensure conformance with specification;
traceability of materials through to the finished product must be maintained and batches of final
product for sale must be tested/inspected to demonstrate conformance with specification. All
production facilities must be regularly monitored to ensure continuing performance to
specification, e.g.
water quality in purified supplies
air quality in clean rooms
performance of sterilisers
integrity of air filters
calibration of measuring instruments
During the development phase of a new product, all processes must be systematically
validated to show that the process will produce the specified output for all inputs at the upper
and lower limits of their specification ranges. This will include a demonstration that the product
remains stable throughout its shelf life for specified storage conditions. All experimental and
test data must be retained and is liable to inspection by the Regulatory Authority. The finished
product must be stored and shipped in a manner that ensures that product deterioration does not
occur. Finally, the selection and training of staff is vital to the maintenance of GMP.
A validated waste disposal system with facility monitoring for unacceptable levels of
background radiation and contamination is necessary which includes:
solid waste disposal and compaction of target and ancillary cyclotron components
removal of effluent generated in the radiochemical and pharmaceutical areas
The large manufacturers who have existing approved drug licences and large sales
organisations capable of distributing the products too numerous hospitals and medical
centres, or
Government sponsored laboratories who usually have their capital expenditure covered
by central funds, and are allowed to operate on a cost recovery basis by producing small
volume niche products or radiochemical materials which are used by the larger
commercial manufacturers.
Although cyclotron isotopes production is essentially a commercial operation, the total
manufacturing process encompasses fundamental accelerator physics, radiochemistry and
industrial pharmaceutical technology. This presents a very rewarding occupation to the people
working in the industry producing very valuable materials which are used by clinicians to
diagnose illness and to alleviate the suffering of many millions of people every year.
T J Ruth, The Production of Radionuclides for the Biosciences, Proc. 13th Int. Conf.
Cyclotrons & Applications, Vancouver (World Scientific, 1992) p.206.
J Lamb, Commercial production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine 1970-1980, IEEE Trans.
Nucl. Science (April 1981), Vol NS-28 No.2, p.1916.
J Tracy, Isotope separation program - present and future, Nucl. Inst. & Methods in Physics
Research, 282 (1989) p.261.
G Pinto, M Straatman, D Schyler, S Curris and G O Hendry, Target systems for radioisotope
production, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science (April 1983), Vol NS-30 No.2, p.1797.
EBCO Industries Inc., 7851 Aldebridge Way, Richmond, BC, Canada V6X2A4.
L. Rinolfi
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Based on the method generally followed for an accelerator design, this
contribution describes some of the computational tools which can be
used. A brief review is given for simulation codes related to the design
of accelerator components and those related to the beam dynamics
with emphasis on electron linacs.
The title of this contribution is rather ambiguous. Indeed it could imply that all
computational tools available for accelerator design are described. Although the purpose is to
describe the codes running on various computers, and probably not the machines themselves, it
would be hard to cover all the codes currently available, even if we restrict ourselves to the
field of linacs and cyclotrons.
Therefore we will focus on the method which can be applied in the design of any
accelerator and after that on the codes which have been found to be particularly useful in the
analysis and design of accelerators. If some readers do not find mention of their favorite codes,
this is possibly due to limitations of knowledge or of room to describe them.
A deliberate choice is also made to avoid detailed description of the physics of the codes.
In the references and bibliography given at the end, the reader will find more information about
existing and known codes and the related physics.
ii) check the orders of magnitude for the main parameters and see if the beam
performance is achievable
iv) realise the next model either from existing simulation codes or from a new one to
be written in order to model the real machine as well as possible
v) improve the model by including new factors and new effects if necessary.
These general rules have to be taken as advice and will avoid disappointment to the
accelerator designer tempted to jump directly to calculations with a 3-D code!
To illustrate the different phases, the following tool list is proposed:
i) pencil + paper
ii) pocket calculator
iii) desktop computer
iv) large computer.
Emphasis will be made on some existing simulation codes for linacs. Among the pro-
posals for the future linear accelerators, there is the CLIC (CERN Linear Collider) which is
foreseen beyond the year 2000. A small linear accelerator CTF (CLIC Test Facility) has been
installed at CERN and has been running for several years. It will be used, as an example, to
illustrate this contribution.
0 = 2 30 GHz
r0' = R' Q = 26 . 2 k m
vg c = 0 . 082
Q = 4 224
l = 0 . 287 m
Tf = l v g
= 0 . 92
By virtue of (3):
E 2 = 1.755 x 1015 q F().
q F() 46 nC.
Table 1 gives the results of the rough estimations if the form factor is equal to 1.
Table 1
Electric fields and power for CTF
Charge q 46 nC
Power P10 63 MW
From these rough estimations, one can imagine that a single bunch of 46 nC with a form
factor close to 1 (i.e. bunch length [FWHH] of 5 ps) will not be easy to produce and transport.
Also a peak electric field of more than 100 MV/m on axis is not a current value for an RF
structure and will require a careful design. A pocket calculator is sufficient to estimate the
main parameters at this step of the accelerator design.
4 C EL L
It is worthwhile to mention another problem for this facility. Although the different steps
were respected in the design of such a linear accelerator, it was found experimentally that it is
still not straightforward to reach the goals. Several effects were not taken into account in the
various simulation codes (high current density on the photo-cathode, beam loading, wake
fields, misalignments, ...). Therefore, a new idea was proposed, to produce long pulses at the
source with high charges, accelerate them, and compress afterwards in a bunch compressor.
After some studies of existing devices (three dipoles, magnet, wiggler) and after rough
calculations, the conclusion for the best solution seems to be the magnetic bunch compressor
with three dipoles. An analytical model was developed. Figure 4 gives the trajectory of the
reference particle inside the bunch compressor.
x 1 4 tan + 2 d / cos2 0 0 x
x' x'
0 1 0 0
l = 0 0 1 4 (tan ) + 2 d tan
2 l
p p
p 0 0 0 1 p
output input
For this sub-system, after having developed the analytical model, one can use a tracking
program to optimise it (see 8.1.3).
Fig. 6 Transverse phase space at the bunching system output calculated with PARMELA
TRANSPORT [10] computes the transfer matrix of a beam line (first order up to the
third order). Elements of the line could be dipoles, quadrupoles, sextupoles, octupoles,
solenoids and accelerating cavities. Starting from an ellipse in the transverse planes, one can
perform the calculations all along the line for a given energy. As soon as particles are ultra-
relativistic one can forget the space-charge effects. This is the case, in general, at the bunching
system exit. However if the charge is high in the accelerating structures, another phenomenon
appears: beam loading. By simulation of the extreme energies, TRANSPORT can simulate the
beam loading effects in the electron linacs. From the output data one can plot the beam
envelopes, the energy gain, the beta functions, the dispersion function. Figure 7 shows an
example of half-beam envelopes. The initial conditions are taken from PARMELA output and
an ellipse of emittance is defined for 90% and 50% of particles and for a given distribution.
Then the optimisation of the optics is made in such a way to obtain 100% transmission.
TRANSPORT includes fitting conditions which, for example, allow either to obtain a given
beam radius (in the RF structure) or a minimum spot size (on the positron target). It is also
possible to obtain an ellipse of emittance for the following transfer line or the following
Fig. 8 Longitudinal phase space at the buncher input for low charge
Figure 8 gives the distribution of 100 particles before the bunch compressor (Fig. 4).
One can derive the phase extension (12 ) and the energy spread ( 1 %) of the bunch. Figure 9
shows the same distribution after the bunch compressor. The bunch length becomes (2 ) and
the energy spread remains the same as predicted by the analytical calculations. Both figures are
plotted from PARMELA output for a very low charge. With high charge, the lower energy
particles in the head of the bunch are accelerated by the space-charge forces and therefore gain
energy while the higher energy particles in the tail of the bunch are decelerated and lose
energy. The global result is a decrease in energy spread and can be evaluated only with a
sophisticated code.
Fig. 9 Longitudinal phase space at the buncher output for low charge
8.2 Component design simulation codes
In all accelerators, there are several types of components and devices which perform
various functions: acceleration, bunching, focussing, injection, extraction, monitoring. As for
the beam dynamics one can divide the components into two main families; one deals with the
longitudinal plane and the other with the transverse planes. To illustrate such simulation codes,
one example of each family will be considered.
8.2.1 RF cavity design: SUPERFISH code [11]
This simulation code evaluates the eigenfrequencies and the fields for arbitrarily-shaped
two-dimensional waveguides in Cartesian coordinates, and three-dimensional axially-
symmetric RF cavities in cylindrical coordinates. SUPERFISH calculates time varying fields
and spatial RF fields. It can also calculate quantities which are relevant for the design of drift-
tube linacs (transit-time factor, power losses, ...). It contains subroutines to generate the mesh,
to define the lattice, to solve the equations and to plot the fields. Figure 10 shows the electric
field calculated by SUPERFISH for the RF gun of the CTF. It is a standing-wave structure
with cylindrical symmetry. The density of the field lines can be changed according to the needs.
From the output of SUPERFISH, the following parameters are deduced: the quality
factor Q, the shunt impedance Rs, the power P, corresponding to the requested electric field
Ez, and the stored energy. Also the ratio of the peak electric field to the accelerating electric
field is given. For example, the RF gun shown in the Figure 10, has a shunt impedance of
1.6 M. For the nominal peak electric field on the photo-cathode of 100 MV/m, the requested
RF power is 5.5 MW. From this data, one can calculate the necessary power that a klystron
should deliver according to the loss along the RF line.
8.2.2 Magnet design: POISSON code [12]
This simulation code is a finite-element triangular-mesh which performs two-dimensional
calculations for electrostatic, magnetostatic and temperature distribution problems. The code
solves Poissons or Laplaces equations in 2-D regions and handles problems with finite
permeability iron but not with permanent magnets. Several laboratories have made
improvements (LANL, BNL, LBL, Texas Accelerator Center, CERN, ...). The code contains
sub-routines like AUTOMESH, LATTICE, which give to the user more control over the type
of mesh to be generated. Different mesh sizes can be used at any number of places. Figure 11
gives an example of a mesh for a solenoid. The mesh is finer where the beam passes. Figure 12
shows a plot of the magnetic flux lines.
Table 2
Some current simulation codes
Use Codes
Beam Dynamics:
- Cyclotrons NAJO, RELAX 3D, ...
- Circular machines ABCI, MAD, PATRAC, PATRICIA, SAD, ...
- Transfer lines TRANSPORT, TURTLE, ...
Component design
- RF cavities MAFIA, SUPERFISH, ...
- Magnets PE2D, POISSON, TOSCA, ...
- Ions and e- sources AXCEL, EGUN, ...
- Klystrons RMKT, ...
For the design of the next generation of high energy accelerators, there is a strong wish
to establish an international collaboration and even an international center for accelerator
codes. However it is not obvious how such collaborations can deal with the various types of
machines and with the different types of particles. For the time being, each laboratory involved
in the design of accelerators uses the widely distributed codes like TRANSPORT,
SUPERFISH, POISSON, and develops its own codes for the specific applications. A
compendium has been published by the Los Alamos Accelerator Code group [13] which gives
a description of 203 codes used in 10 laboratories around the world. Though it is not an
exhaustive list, it represents a useful document for those who are looking for existing
simulation codes which could cover the specific problem they have to deal with. Some new
improvements are not reported in [13]. For example, starting with the same approach as
MAPRO and PARMILA (protons and ions), the code DYNAC [1] provides a better accuracy
and can also be applied to electrons.
Whatever accelerator design one has to elaborate, it will always be necessary to use a
pencil and paper to express the basic ideas to be submitted to discussion and critics.
It is fundamental to develop analytical models in order to understand the simple physics
principles and for that a pocket calculator will always be useful and sufficient.
Finally when the physics is sufficiently understood, it is time to move to a desktop
computer or a large computer to run sophisticated codes which, when they are correctly used,
allow a rather good description of the new accelerator design and save time since it is not
necessary to build a prototype (magnet for example).
The door is still open to develop new simulation codes to take into account the very high
charges with their related effects, the superconductivity in linacs, cyclotrons and other circular
machines, and the high energies of the future accelerators.
My thanks go to F. Chautard, D.J. Warner and M. Weiss for their valuable comments on
this paper and to S. Turner for the careful reading of the text.
[7] W. Schnell, Consideration of a two beam RF scheme for powering an RF linear collider,
CLIC note 7, November 1985.
[8] W.B. Herrmannsfeldt, EGUN-An electron optics and gun design program, Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center, report 331 (1988).
[10] K.L. Brown, F. Rothacker, D.C. Carey and C. Iselin, TRANSPORT: A computer pro-
gram for designing charged particle beam transport systems, CERN report 80-04.
[11] K. Halbach and R.F. Holsinger, SUPERFISH-A computer program for evaluation of RF
cavities with cylindrical symmetry, Particle Accelerators 7 (4), 213-222 (1976).
[12] R.C. Iselin, Solution of Poisson's or Laplace's equation in two-dimensional regions,
CERN long write up T604
[13] H. Deaven, and K. Chan, Computer codes for particle accelerator design and analysis,
Los-Alamos, LA-UR-90-1766.
S. Turner, ed., RF engineering for particle accelerators CAS, Oxford 1991, CERN 92-03
S. Turner, ed., Magnetic measurement and alignment, CAS, Montreux 1992, CERN 92-05
M. Weiss
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
When a task or a project calls for the use of accelerators, these
have to be chosen in such a way as to match best the requirements.
The procedure applied in such cases is outlined in an example of a
medical facility for cancer treatment.
The choice of an accelerator for a given facility is not a simple affair, it requires a good
knowledge of several types of accelerator, which can be quite different in the way they
operate. In a course like the present Applications of Cyclotrons and Linacs, it would have
been natural to try to compare these two types, and figure out which one is better suited for a
specified task. But, even among cyclotrons, various types exist, and the same is true for
linacs. In practice, one would require different specialists to analyse, compute, and optimize
different types of accelerators and, in the end, one would have to choose the best solution,
which is usually possible only after long discussions. To simplify things, this paper deals only
with linear accelerators, but nevertheless establishes procedures by which different types of
linac are chosen to form an accelerator complex best suited to the task.
In Section 2 the task is specified, in this case a compact accelerator for medical
purposes. Section 3 gives some preliminary design considerations, while Section 4 outlines
the design method and gives some results. In Section 5 the solution is discussed, and
Section 6 gives the concluding remarks.
Peak intensity in pulsed beams: the average current corresponding to the required
2 10 particles per second is very small, approximately 3 nA (linacs can handle
100 mA and more); therefore, to save RF power, one can operate the linacs in a
pulsed regime. For pulsed beams, a minimum repetition rate of 100 Hz is required by
the physicians; if the beam pulse is 3 s long the peak current in the pulse is:
= 10 A ,
100 Hz3 s
which is again very small, even if one includes a safety factor in the peak current.
Approximate compact linac length: at this stage, we do not distinguish between the
various types of linacs used in the accelerator and apply the simple formula:
200 MeV
L= ,
qE0 T cos s
where q is the charge of the proton, E 0 T is the effective accelerating field which we
assume to be 10 MV/m, s is the synchronous phase, 20o , and L is the
approximate accelerator length, for which we get 22 m. Adding 20% to this length for
drift spaces between linac tanks, etc., we see that the accelerator will be about 27 m
RF and mains power: again we do not distinguish between the various parts of the
compact accelerator and apply the following formula for the peak RF power required
to cover dissipation losses in the structure
Pp =
( E0 T )
L ,
where Zseff is the effective shunt impedance per unit length [1], assumed here to be
about 50 M/m; one obtains Pp = 45 MW. (The additional power which is delivered
to the beam being accelerated is neglected because of the very small beam current.)
The average RF power is, of course, much lower, and is obtained by multiplying Pp
by the RF duty factor (product of the repetition rate, 100 Hz, and the RF pulse length,
10 s [beam pulse length, 3 s, + RF field build up, 7 s]):
Pa = 45 kW .
Assuming that the efficiency of the RF power production is 40%, we would require a
mains power of
Pmains 115 kW .
Elements of the accelerator complex: the first linac in the complex is the radio-
frequency quadrupole (RFQ) [24], which accepts protons with input energies as low
as a few tens of keV, and then accelerates them to a few MeV. Protons gain their
input energy in an electrostatic accelerator. At high energies (from about 100 MeV
on) the side-coupled linac (SCL) [5] is a very suitable structure, operating efficiently
at very high frequencies, such as 3 GHz. For intermediate energies, between for
example 5 and 100 MeV, one uses the drift-tube linac (DTL) [6], which usually
operates in the frequency range of a few hundred MHz. Figure 1 shows schematically
the layout of the linacs, also including the ion source with the electrostatic accelerator
and the beam transport and matching lines.
Phase acceptance and phase damping: a linear accelerator, apart from the RFQ,
accepts bunches with a phase spread of up to three times the synchronous phase angle
with which the linac operates. In linacs the phase extension of the bunch is damped
proportionally to ( )3/4. When passing to a higher frequency linac in a chain of
accelerators, one must make sure that the phase spread has been sufficiently damped
beforehand, because it will be increased by the ratio of the higher to the lower
Our design method is to analyse separately the various linacs composing the compact
accelerator, and then try to match them to each other. It is convenient to start with the most
important linac, which in our case is the SCL. The SCL is the last accelerator in the chain,
which will bring the particles to 200 MeV; we shall operate it at the high frequency of 3 GHz.
The design of a linac is always an iterative process, as the optimization depends on
many parameters, which are interrelated.
Fig. 6 Accelerating cells of the SCL as computed by SUPERFISH (presented with and without the triangular
mesh of variable size).
Fig. 7 Beam profiles plotted against tank numbers along the TERA SCL. The display at the top shows the
horizontal (x) coordinates of the beam; the centre display shows the phase spread of the beam; and the
bottom display shows the energy spread.
Fig. 8 Input (upper three displays) and output (lower three displays) phasespace projections of the beam in the
TERA SCL: xx', yy', and ddW.
Table 1
Design parameters of the SCL
Fig. 10 Beam profiles along the RFQ; the top two displays show the horizontal and vertical beam envelope; the
third display shows the phase spread and the fourth one the energy spread.
Fig. 11 The evolution of the longitudinal phase plane in the RFQ: the separatrix and the longitudinal beam
Fig. 13 Beam sizes along the DTL in the horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal direction.
The accelerator complex, including the ion source and the matching lines, is about 30 m
long. To place the accelerator more conveniently in a room, one would envisage a 180o bend
after the DTL. In this case, the two parts of the compact accelerator, about three to four
metres from each other, would leave enough space to place all the electronics and additional
equipment between them. The peak RF power consumption at 3 GHz is about 26 MW, and at
750 MHz it is about 10 MW. The bigger power consumption at the higher frequency is due to
the much higher field E0 in the SCL, chosen in order to shorten the accelerator complex.
The RF power generation at 750 MHz is much less developed than at 3 GHz, and in
addition it is expensive. It would be advantageous for the medical accelerator to find means to
switch to the higher frequency at a lower energy and drastically reduce the power
consumption at 750 MHz. This has in fact been done for the TERA project... but that is
another story.
The design of an accelerator complex, apart from the electrodynamics and beam
dynamics problems treated in this paper, of course involves other subjects which have to be
properly dealt with. The mechanics has to provide a rigid structure, easy to align, and
thermally stable (water cooled, if necessary); the RF has to be properly fed into the cavity, so
that the latter is matched to the RF line, and the amplitudes and phases of the fields in the
cavities have to be kept in tight tolerances. The vacuum system has to provide the required
operational pressure (in the range of 107 Torr) and the control system must be capable of
handling remotely all of the major parameters. The diagnostics equipment plays an important
role in the commissioning of the accelerator, as well as in its operation.
A. Lombardi's help with the computations was greatly appreciated.
[2] R.H. Stokes et al., The radio frequency quadrupole, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on High
Energy Accelerators, Geneva, 1980 (Birkhauser, Basle, 1980).
[3] M. Weiss, Radio frequency quadrupole, Proc. CAS, Aarhus, Denmark, 1986; CERN
8710 (1987).
[4] A. Schempp et al., Zero-mode RFQ development in Frankfurt, Proc. Linear Accel.
Conf., Seeheim, Germany, 1984, ed. N. Angert (ISSN: 01714546, GSI8411, 1984),
p. 338.
[5] E.A. Knapp, High energy structures, in Linear Accelerators, eds. P.M. Lapostolle and
A.L. Septier (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1970), pp. 601616.
[6] P. Lapostolle, Introduction la thorie des acclrateurs linaires, CERN 8709 (1987).
[7] G.A. Loew and R.B. Neal, Accelerating structures, in Linear Accelerators (see
Ref. [5]), pp. 4752.
[8] W.D. Kilpatrick, Criterion for vacuum sparking designed to include both RF and DC,
in The Review of Scientific Instr., Vol. 28, number 10, October 1957, pp. 824826.
[9] K. Halbach and R.F. Holsinger, SUPERFISH a computer program, Part. Accel. 7 (4)
(1976) pp. 213222.
O. Barbalat
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Particle accelerators originated from research for nuclear physics but they have now
found many applications in research, industry and medicine. The extent of some of these
applications is now wide enough to have a number of firms producing commercial machines
adapted to the needs of this growing market. This report briefly reviews the machines made or
commercialized by European companies.
As the parameters and performance figures may sometimes vary substantially it has
seemed preferable to advise the interested reader to consult directly the firms concerned. Their
addresses are given in Appendix.
The bulk of radiation therapy for cancer treatment is today achieved through the use of
electron accelerators. Because of their higher cost, the use of ions is still limited to a very small
number of facilities.
Linear electron accelerators for cancer therapy are machines mounted in a mobile gantry
which also includes a beam transport system to deliver with precision the radiation to the area
requiring treatment. Depending on the type of treatment the system can work either in the
electron beam mode or in the photon mode (photons are produced by bremsstrahlung on a
The machines can work at different energies, adjustable from 6 to 25 MeV depending on
the depth of the tumour.
Manufacturers such as General Electric Medical Systems* (FR), Philips (NL) and
Siemens (DE) offer not only the accelerator but complete diagnostics and therapy systems
combining, in a single computer assisted facility, the diagnostics device (X-ray scanner or
Magnetic Resonance Imager) and the accelerator for radiation therapy.
Scanditronix (SE) is also manufacturing medical electron accelerators but they are based
on the microtron principle. They offer machines capable of reaching 50 MeV.
The applications of these machines range from the treatment of polymer cable insulation
to increase the heat resistance to food processing to improve preservation, sterilization of agro-
industrial effluents or inactivation of medical waste and many others.
The present market for radiation beam processing is however still rather limited and while
capable of adapting their medical machines, major manufacturers like Philips and Siemens do
not mention this application in their catalogues. However General Electric has created in France
* The company is the successor of CGR (Compagnie Gnrale de Radiologie), a long established
French manufacturer of medical equipment
a subsidiary with former CGR people, called MeV Industrie SA, for this particular market.
Their standard machine has an energy of 10 MeV with a beam power of 20 kW.
The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Russia has commercialized two lines of
machines. One is based on a high voltage rectifier for energies up to 2 MeV and another uses
radio frequency resonators for energies up to 3 MeV.
Scanditronix (SE) is also producing electron microtrons for these types of industrial
Ion Beam Applications (IBA) in Belgium is developing an electron machine for high
power applications (100 kW), the Rhodotron, on the basis of a novel design from CEA Saclay.
The implantation of ions for semiconductor manufacturing is with radiation therapy the
largest application of particle accelerators. However there does not seem to be any European
Ion implanters for the modification of properties of the materials, in particular metals, are
proposed by Danfysik (DK) and Whickham Ion Beam Systems (UK).
These machines are limited to the few hundreds of keV range and use high voltage
While in the past a number of companies (Philips, CGR, Scanditronix) did manufacture
cyclotrons, the only present producer is IBA (BE) which has developed several lines of
compact and efficient ion accelerators ranging from 5 to 30 MeV, both for general purpose
medical products and for short- lived positron emitting isotopes used for tomography (PET
imaging). IBA is also offering higher energy cyclotrons (200/500 MeV) for proton therapy.
Oxford Instruments (UK) has developed a compact 12 MeV cyclotron for PET applications.
Oxford Instruments has also designed and built a compact 700 MeV electron synchrotron
(using superconducting magnets) to produce synchrotron radiation for micro-lithography.
Medium and high energy research accelerators have traditionally been designed and built
by the laboratory which intends to use them. However there are now a few commercial firms
which can take this activity over at least for machines having parameters (energy/beam power)
which do not require substantial developments.
One can mention in particular Euro-MeV (FR) and Scanditronix (SE) for electron
accelerators and IBA (BE) for cyclotrons.
Low energy accelerators and the associate systems (ion sources, beam lines and
monitors) used in particular for research in material science through various ion beam analysis
techniques are manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Europa (NL). The machines, called
Tandetrons, use a high voltage multiplier-rectifier stack with negative ion sources combined
with charge exchange. They can reach energies up to 15 MeV.
Medical machines are characterized by energies in the tens of MeV range and beam power
levels of a few kW. Present radiation processing applications require beam power of a few tens
of kW. The new applications will require energies in the GeV range and megawatts of beam
power. They will need high efficiencies, both in term of power conversion from electric mains
to beam and in terms of beam loss to keep induced radioactivity to a manageable level. It will
be a challenge both for the accelerator designers as well as the industrialists, but it is also a
highly promising perspective.
Accelerator manufacturers have kindly supplied information and data sheet concerning
their products.
John Gordon et al., Atom smashers for profit and pleasure, Physics World, June 1994.