Everyone Should Stay in School Until The Age of Eighteen

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Everyone should stay in school until the age of eighteen. To what extend do you agree
or disagree. (question number 4)

For these few years, government has implemented regulation concerning education. It is widely
known that proper education should be started since ages seven then students can graduate
from school at ages eighteen. Proper education is important preparing teenager before they
pursue higher studies or being skilled worker. I agree that everyone should be encouraged to
stay in school but it would be a mistake to make this compulsory as different people have
different needs and abilities. Therefore, there are another possibilities of other forms of
vocational training as another solution. It is debatable whether a proper education means having
to stay in school until you are 18.

Some people assert keeping youngsters in school until they become adults is good for
them in many ways. Firstly, it enables students to acquire sufficient education. As the current
society is extremely competitive, a graduate certificate will entitle young people become a
qualified job candidate in the future, allowing them to choose a desire career direction. If you
leave school early with only a basic education, you are unlikely to be able to find any skilled
work. Indeed, the education you receive between the ages of 16 and 18 is crucial for anyone
who does not want a lifetime of unskilled work in a factory. Since work requirement these days
have become more and more demanding, education until the highest level would surely ensure
one to have an almost guaranteed and secured job in the future. To be able to support oneself
with a stable career would only mean a stable life ahead.

Secondly, making school compulsory can effectively reduce juvenile delinquency. Lured
by material possessions and physical comfort, some juveniles may turn to illegal methods such
as robbery or steal to gain money if they leave high school. It all students remain in school
before they become mature enough, they are supervised by teachers and peers without falling
into temptation. By all means, the supporting elements present in school would help in the
process of moulding a good character of future generations. Since nowadays education system
require moral ethics to be taught in classes, this is a key ingredients to make sure that all the
juvenile will not end up behind bars. In a way, education is teaching good values of life and
moral ethic to the youngster as well as providing essential knowledge require for them to
succeed in the future undertaking.

Apart from that, without proper education people would be forced to do menial jobs. For
someone who comes from a middle class or upper class family, this would only mean one thing,
being a sole loser in the family or an under achiever. Im not saying that this is the standard for a
lower class family but that is the reality. In a manner of speaking, a high class family and a
middle class family is a category made or used to describe a decent family. By that I mean
family which have a stable income rate and a prosperous life. Compare to a lower class family
which struggle to make ends meet. In the aspects of education, one who do not thrive in school
would have a high chance to end up doing menial jobs. This is a hard labour work with almost
no special skills requirement and it is not an easy road to travel. That is why education is
important to secure a good job to ensure a stable family in the future.

Another compelling reason for remaining in school until 18 is that school provides moral

and social education too. This is particularly important for people between 16 and 18 who have

many temptations and benefit from the organised framework that school provides. Young people

who stay in school until the age of 18 tend to be more responsible and help build a stronger

society. To be able to work with everyone in the society and even give back to the community

will ensure a healthy and decent life. Since school provides the necessary skills needed to cope

with the norm of the people living around us, therefore teens who stay in school until the age of

eighteen have a higher chance to do well in the society.

There are, however, equally strong arguments against making school compulsory until

the age of 18. One such argument is that not everyone is academic and that some people

benefit more from vocational training. For instance, someone who wants to become a car

mechanic may find better training and more satisfaction in an apprentice scheme. Another

related argument is that, in todays world, young people are maturing ever more quickly and are

able to make their own life decisions by the age of 16.

Furthermore, there are some others claim that any adolescents are free to decide what
to do. To start with, it is a waste of time and money for those who dislike academic subjects. For
example, some students have no interest in high school maths or science and want to enter the
job market or go traveling. Once these people are required to stay in high school, they are not
willing to make an effort on their study, thereby ending up with no achievement and no

performance in class. Besides, there are some occupations such as chiefs or hairdressers do
not require a high school qualification. If some teenagers want to be the outstanding athletes in
the future, they will need to start a professional training with specialists at their early ages
without waiting til turning eighteen.

To sum up, although teenagers are encouraged to stay in school until 18, there are
exceptions for some students. Some students who know what to do and have a preset goals to
achieved in the future should be allowed to have their way. As a student myself before, I have
witnessed some schoolmates who drop out in high school but still make it big in what they do.
Hereby, I would say yes to staying in school until the age of eighteen but let those special one
have their way.


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