Demonstrating A Skill

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Demonstrating a skill

Everybody has heard the old saying that a picture paints a thousand words.
Demonstration is a very important component coaching and coaches need to
be aware of some important guidelines when attempting demonstrations.

POSITION through of the arms. However, show the pass

several times first and again after the separate
1. Can you see the group? Can they see you? parts.
Face the group away from distractions such as 6. Demonstrating technique is important as is
the sun, traffic or other groups. allowing opportunities to develop skill. Game
2. There are several ways you can arrange the Sense training allows players to translate
demonstration. This could range from having technique into skill execution and decision
the group huddled together to being spread out making.
in positions on the court. As coach you must 7. Allow time for players to practice what they
ensure players can see and hear when the have just seen. You may need to revisit the
demonstration takes place. demonstration again and repeat this process
when necessary


1. Often players in your team will exhibit correct 1. Observation is critical, look out for
technique or skill execution, use them as opportunities to make players and the team
demonstrators when possible. Failing this, the aware of areas to improve.
coach or an expert may be used to 2. Questioning allows players to reflect on errors
demonstrate. and think of ways to improve. This is a more
2. Keep your explanations simple and brief. Try effective method than telling players what to
not to give players more than two or three main do.
points at a time. 3. Be positive and approachable when discussing
3. Speak clearly players areas of development.
4. Avoid pointing out things not to do as this will 4. Discrete coaching allows coaches to work with
complicate the demonstration. players on a 1 on 1 basis whilst the rest of the
5. It is all right to break the skill into separate group continue the activity.
components for the purpose of the 5. Always show the correct skill last. If you are
demonstration but, if this is going to be done, showing a player the difference between what
demonstrate the complete skill at normal speed they are doing and what you want them to do
before and at the end. For example, if you are demonstrate the correct skill after you have
discussing the skill of passing, it may be shown them their current method.
beneficial to demonstrate separately the 6. Let the player have a few more tries before
placement of the feet, the position of the hands doing any more error-correction.
on the ball and finally the movement and follow

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