4 - Modul Bahasa Inggris Elektro

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Bahan Ajar Dikompilasi Oleh:

Nur Endah Nugraheni, S.S., M.A.


1. Anonyme. Collins English for Exams: Skills for the TOEIC Test Speaking and
Writing. UK:Harper Collins. 2012
2. Anonyme. Collins English for Exams: Skills for the TOEIC Test Listening and
Reading. UK: Harper Collins. 2012

Digunakan Hanya di Lingkungan Terbatas untuk Kepentingan


Table of Contents

TOEIC Test Listening Part 1: Photos..............................................................................................1

TOEIC Test Speaking Question 1-2 : Read a Text Aloud.............................................................23
TOEIC Test Speaking Question 3 : Describe a Picture.................................................................37
TOEIC Test Listening Part 2 : Question-Response.......................................................................47
TOEIC Test Speaking Questions 4-6 : Respond to Questions......................................................66
TOEIC Test Speaking Questions 7-9 : Respond to Questions Using Information Provided ........77
TOEIC Test Listening Part 3 : Conversations...............................................................................92
TOEIC Test Speaking Question 10 : Propose a Solution............................................................115
TOEIC Test Listening Part 4 : Talks...........................................................................................130
TOEIC Test Speaking Question 11 : Express an Opinion..................................................... ......148
TOEIC Test Part 1: Photos
On Part 1 of the TOEIC Listening test, you will see ten photos. They may be photos
of indoor or outdoor scenes, with or without people. For each photo, you will hear
four statements about that photo. The statements may be about people, objects,
activities, or locations. You will need to identify which one of the four statements
correctly describes the photo.

Photo scenes for Part 1 may include:

Restaurants or cafes Offices

Airports, trainstations, or subway stations Factories

Hotels Streets,sidewalks, or parking lots



Definition Part 1 is a test of your listening comprehension. It requires you to identify details
about photos and listen for the statements that correctly describe those details.

Targeted Skills In order to correctly choose descriptions for Part 1 photos, you must be able to:
identify people, objects, activities, and locations in photos.
understand descriptive statements using present continuous, simple present
and past tenses, There is/There are statements and other expressions.
distinguish between correct and incorrect descriptions of photos according
to word meanings and sounds.

Statement You will hear four statements. You must listen for the statement that correctly
Types describes the photo. Statements like the following will be used:
Activities: Theyre drinking coffee.
Conditions: Theres a package on the desk.
Location: The car is next to the tree.

Things to Distracters, or incorrect answer options, which may include the following:
Watch For Incorrect Information: Statements may correctly identify people or objects
in the photo but give incorrect information about them.
Similar-Sounding Words: Some statements may confuse you by using
words that sound similar to words that correctly describe the photo but
that are incorrect.
Incorrect Meaning: Some statements may include similar words with
incorrect meanings based on the context of the photo.



A What Youll See
In Part 1, you will see the directions and a sample photo on the first page and only the photo
thereafter. Read the sample directions below. Look at the photo and identify what you see.
Who are the people? What are they doing? What objects do you see? What is the location?

Part 1: Photos
Directions: Look at the photo. You will hear four statements about the photo. The statements are
not in your book. Mark the letter of the statement that best describes the photo. You will hear each
statement only once.

You have only five
seconds between each
set of statements!
You must make your
decision and be ready
to listen for the next
answer options at this
time. Also remember
that the words
photograph or picture
can also be used for a

B What Youll Hear

You will hear four statements about each photo. Look at the sample script. Then listen to the
audio as you read along in the sample script. Underline people, objects, or activities that you
see in the photo above, (") Track 1-01 ____________
SAMPLE SCRIPT Narrator: Look at the photo marked number 1 in your test book. Cl POWERED BY C O BU ILD

(script not available Theyre looking for seating. seating: the seats in a
in test) place
(B) Theyre having a meeting.
meeting: an event in
(C) Theyre reading newspapers.
which a group of people
(D) Theyre eating a meal. come together to discuss
things or make decisions

C What Youll Do
In the test, you will choose the letter of the statement that best describes the photo. Look at
the photo above and listen to the statements again. Choose the statement that best describes
the photo. Use the information you underlined in Part B if needed. Track 1-01

2 7

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

In Part 1 of the Listening test, you will hear several different statement types that
describe the photos you see, including statements about activities, condition, or

Statements About Activities

Some statements in Part 1 describe an activity in the photo. These statements often use the
present continuous tense: be + verb + -ing.

Sample statements about activities:

Theyre shaking hands. The d o c to r is talking with the patient.

H e s reading the menu. S h es buying a train ticket.
TIP Identify verbs that might describe activities in the photo. When you first look at the photo,
Look through a
quickly identify any activities you see. Then when you hear the statements, listen carefully for present
magazine and practice
continuous forms of the verbs that correctly describe these activities. This will help you find the right
using English to identify
people, things, and
actions in the photos TASK Look at the photos. Think of verbs that describe the activity you see. Then choose a verb from the
you see. This will box to complete each statement so that it correctly describes the photo. There are three extra verbs.
help you get used to
checking climbing dialing opening pulling pushing talking
identifying the content
of photos quickly.

1. Shes on the phone.

8 3


2. Theyre ______________their luggage behind


3. Hes ______________a cart loaded with


4. Theyre _____________ the stairs.


4 9

Statements About Condition

Some statements in Part 1 describe the condition of objects in the scenewhat they are,
where they are, or what they are like. These statements may use the expression there is/are
or the verbs is/are or has/have.

Sample statements about condition:

There are books on the shelf. The house has tw o windows.

The d o o r is open.

TIP Identify objects and their condition as soon as you see the photo. When you first look at
There may be types of the photo, quickly identify any objects you see. Think of sentences that could describe the objects
statements on the test condition. Then when you hear the audio statements, listen carefully for the names of the objects. This
other than the ones can help you identify the correct statement.
you see in this book,
TASK Look at each photo and the list of words next to it. Circle the words for the objects that you see in
but the examples given
the photo. Then listen to two statements. Mark the letter of the statement that correctly describes the
here are the types of
photo. Track 1-02
statements you will
most likely hear.

1. clipboard boxes glasses

newspapers pens clocks

Statement (A) Statement (B)

2. menus tablecloths trays

trees plates chairs

Statement (A) Statement (B)

10 5

3. vase printer phone

clock chair drawers

Statement (A) Statement (B)

Statements About Location

Some statements in Part 1 describe the location of objects or people in the photograph. These
statements use prepositions of place, such as in, on, under, over, above, next to, beside,
between, behind, and in front of.

Sample statements about location:

The com puter is on the desk. The car is in front o f the building.
The glass is next to the m a n s hand.
Remember! Answer
options may include Prepositions of location describe where things are. Here are some common prepositions.
different types of
statements. You could
hear statements about
activities, conditions,
and locations for the
same photo. Practice
checking what you are
hearing with what you
see in the photo. You
may need to check for
several different things
for one image.

over/ above

6 11

next to / beside

TIP Identify objects and people and their locations in the photo. When you first look at the photo,
quickly identify where any objects or people are located. Then you can listen for prepositions that
correctly describe the location. This will help you choose the correct answer.

TASK Complete each sentence with a preposition that correctly describes the photo. The preposition
may be a phrase, and there may be more than one correct answer.

1.The lamp is ___ the beds.

2. The pictures are ___ the beds.
3. The pillows are _ the beds.

4. The car is parked the

5. The trees are___ the building.

12 7

6. The flowers are the vase.

7. The pen is ____ the book.
8. The computer monitor is . the


In Part 1 of the Listening test, only one of the statements you will hear correctly describes
the photo. You must learn to listen for the most common types of distracters, or incorrect

Incorrect Information
Incorrect statements often contain information that seems correct but is not. Statements with
incorrect information are common distracter types in Part 1.

TIP Watch out for "partly" correct information. One type of distracter has some false information in
the statement. A statement may correctly identify a person or an object in the photo, but the statement
does not match the details in the photo. Here are some examples.

D istracters w ith Incorrect In fo rm atio n

Problem s E xplanations Examples
Wrong preposition The statement misidentifies the Incorrect: The book is on the desk.
or location location of a person or an object.
Correct: The book is on the floor.
QUICK TIP Wrong condition The statement incorrectly describes Incorrect: The glass is empty.
Statements with some the condition of a person or an
correct information object. Correct: The glass isfull.
along with some Wrong activity The statement misidentifies an Incorrect: Shes carrying the box.
incorrect information activity.
Correct: Shes opening the box.
are among the most
common distracter
Wrong person The statement correctly identifies an Incorrect: The man has a clipboard.
activity, location, or condition but
types in Part 1.
attributes it to the wrong person. Correct: The woman has a clipboard.
Wrong description The statement incorrectly describes Incorrect: The man has a mustache.
the appearance of a person or an
object. Correct: The man has a beard.

8 13

TASK Read the incorrect statements about each photo. Change the underlined words to make each
statement correct.

1. The woman is holding a book.

2. The man has glasses________

3. The computer is closed------------
4. The woman is writing the book.

5. The book is under the computer.

6. The woman has dark hair.____

7. The mans hat is in his hand_______

8. Theyre waiters______________
9. Theyre in the dining room. ________
10. One man is pouring water from a got.

11. Theyre eating a meal____________

12. The plates are full-------------------------

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen to the audio and circle the people

and things in the photo that you hear. Next,
read the answer options and mark the
statement that best describes the photo.
Then write what the problem is for each
of the three incorrect options. (Look at the
chart on page 13 if needed.) Track 1-03

ANSWER OPTIONS (A) Hes pointing at the screen. _

(script n o t available (B) The computer is closed.----
in test)
(C) Shes looking at the screen.
(D) Hes buying a computer___

14 9

Similar-Sounding Words
In Part 1 of the Listening test, a distractor may use a word that sounds like, but is not exactly
the same as, a word that would correctly describe the photo. These distracters are often
words that rhyme or contain some similar sounds. Look at the example in the Walk Through
exercise on page 7. Notice that the three incorrect statements all include a word that sounds
similar to meeting, including seating, reading, and eating.

TIP Watch out for words that sound like the things you've identified in the picture. Here are some
examples of common similar-sounding words that you may hear in Part 1.

Sim ilar-Sounding W ords

meeting, greeting, seating, eating, reading called, cold, told
QUICK TIP rain, train, plane, cane, chain marry, merry, ferry
You can often recognize hair, chair, fare, pear, stair tell, hotel, bell
distracters with look, cook, book, hook, notebook baggage, package
similar-sounding words shake, make, take, cake lift, left, gift
because the answer drink, think coffee, coughing
option may not make coat, boat, note warm, warn, form
sense in relation to the smile, file, pile, aisle white, wait, way
photo, or it may talk
about something that is TASK 1 Look at the photo and read the four statements. Underline the words in the statements that
not in the photo at all. sound similar to things that are in the picture. Then mark the statement that best describes the photo.
If you hear something
that seems really off
topic, it is probably

(A) He has a stomachache.

(B) Hes eating a steak.
(C) Hes cutting a piece of cake.
(D) Hes sitting by the lake.

10 15

TASK 2 Listen to each statement. Circle the word that you hear. Track 1 -04

1. thinking drinking
2. pile aisle
3. train plane
4. warning warming
5. meeting eating
6. package baggage
7. coffee coughing
8. coat boat

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen and circle things in the photo that you hear mentioned in the four statements. Next,
mark the statement that best describes the photo. Then underline the incorrect similar-
sounding words in the three incorrect options, f t Track 1 -05

ANSWER OPTIONS (A) She has a big smile.

(script n o t available (B) The aisle drawer is empty.
m test) (Q) 2 hes looking at the files.

(D) The pile is very high.

Similar-Sounding Words with Incorrect Meanings

English has many words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently, words with the
same spelling but different pronunciations, and words that are spelled and pronounced the
same but with com pletely different meanings. Incorrect statements about the Listening test
Part 1 photos may use any of these types of words.

16 11

TIP Watch out for words that have the wrong meaning but sound similar. Here are a few of the
many examples in English.

W ords w ith Sim ilar Sounds b u t D ifferent M eanings

W ords D efinitions W ords D efinitions
right correct wave move the hand
right opposite of left wave movement of water
Distracters can be write make marks on paper
tricky! Be sure to left past tense of leave bat a type of animal
look carefully at the left opposite of right bat a large stick of wood
distracters in the glasses items used to correct vision ring jewelry for the finger
Part 1 Progressive glasses items used for drinking ring a circle
Practice and the ring a sound made by a bell
Practice Test. Try wring twist
identifying distracters close shut pain hurt
with incorrect clothes things to wear pane a piece of glass in a window
meanings, similar- cross a shape like an X weigh measure how heavy something is
sounding words, and
cross go from one side to the other way method
cross in a bad mood way path or direction
words with similar
sounds but different
change make different weight measurement of heaviness
change coins wait expect or hope for something
ate past tense of eat rose past tense of rise
eight the number after seven rose a kind of flower
rows lines
record the best of something read present tense of read
record set down in permanent form read past tense of read

TASK Look at the photo and listen to the two statements. Mark the letter of the statement that best
describes the photo, Track 1-06


12 17

2. (A)


3 -(A)


4. (A)


18 13

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen and circle things in the photo that you hear mentioned in the four statements. Next,
mark the statement that best describes the photo. Then underline the incorrect similar-
sounding words in the three incorrect options. Track 1-07


(script not available (B) Hes
in test)
(C) Hes
(D) Hes

14 19


A Look at each photo. Quickly identify the people and objects, and think about their actions, location and
condition. Then read and listen to the four statements. Mark the letter of the statement that best de
scribes the photo. Remember, you will not be able to read the statements on the test. Track 1 -08

(A) The lamps are over the bed.
(B) The curtain is open.
(C) The phone is next to the lamp.
(D) The pillows are on the floor.

(A) Theyre looking at a book.
(B) Theyre trying to cook.
(C) Theyre reading a newspaper.
(D) Theyre greeting each other.

(A) Theres a clock on the wall.
(B) The book is open.
(C) There are words on the monitor.
(D) Someone is sitting in the chair.

20 15

(A) The men are taking cans.
(B) The men are waving at each other.
(C) The men are wearing glasses.
(D) The men are shaking hands.

B Now check your answers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis boxand examine theanswer
options in Part A again. Note why each statem ent is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn
to identify incorrect answer options.

X (A) The lamps are next to, not over, the bed.
X (B) The curtain is closed, not open.
(C) On the bedside table, there is a phone next to the lamp.
X (D) The pillows are on the bed, not on the floor.

(A) A man and a woman are looking at a book together.
X (B) They have a book, and the word cook sounds similar to this.
X (C) Theyre reading a book, not a newspaper.
X (D) Theyre reading, and the word greeting sounds similar to this.

X (A) There is a clock on the desk, not on the wall.
(B) There is a book on the desk, and it is open.
X (C) There are no words on the monitor; it is blank.
X (D) The chair is empty; no one is sitting in it.

X (A) The phrase taking cans sounds similar to the correct answer, shaking hands.
X (B) This is an incorrect activity; the men are shaking hands, not waving them.
X (C) A woman is wearing glasses, but the men arent.
(D) Two businessmen are shaking hands with each other.

16 21


A Look at each photo. Quickly identify the people and objects and think about their actions, location and
condition. Then listen to the four statements. Mark the letter of the statement that best describes the
photo. Track 1-09





2. (A)




3. (A)




22 17

18 23

B N o w c h e c k y o u r a n sw e rs. L o o k a t th e s ta te m e n ts fo r e ach q u e s tio n in th e s c rip ts a t th e b a c k

o f th is b o o k. Then lo o k a t th e e x p la n a tio n s in th e A n s w e r A n a ly s is b o x. W rite th e le tte r o f each
a n s w e r o p tio n fro m P a rt A n e xt to th e reason w h y it is c o rre c t o r in c o rre c t. T h is w ill h e lp yo u
learn to id e n tify in c o rre c t a n s w e r o p tio n s .

_____ X The tray is empty because the man has removed the plate and is putting it on the table.
_____ / A waiter is putting a plate of dessert on the table in front of the woman.
_____ / There are several items on the table that are associated with having a meal, but none of themis a cup.
_____ X The word water sounds similar to waiter. There is a waiter in the picture, but thereis no water.

_____ X The photo shows a park, but there are no people walking through it.
_____ X Dark sounds similar to park, but the photo shows a bright day, not a dark night.
_____ X The bench is empty, so there is plenty of room to sit on it.
_____ / The photo shows a scene of a bench in a park.

_____ X Plane sounds similar to train. The photo shows a train.
_____ X Rain sounds like train. This is an indoor scene, so it is impossible to see rain in it.
_ _ / The photo shows a subway train in the station.
_____ X We can see passengers on the platform but not on the train.

_____ / Two women are crossing the street at a crosswalk.
_____ X This confuses the meaning of cross. The women want to crossthe street. They dont look cross, that is, angry.
_____ X Steep sounds like street. We can see part of a street in thephoto, but there is nothing steep.
_____ X The womans bag is on her arm, not in a car.

_____ X Farm sounds similar to car, but the man is working on a car, not at a farm.
_____ A man is working on a car engine, so he is fixing the car.
_____ X Mixing sounds similar to fixing, and good sounds similar to hood. The man is under the hood fixing the car.
_____ X The man is not opening the hood; the hood is already open.

_____ X Door sounds similar to floor. The rug is on the floor, not under the door.
____ _ X Stairs sounds similar to chairs. The chairs, not the stairs, are in front of the sofa.
_____ X The lamps are on tables, not on the wall.
____ _ / A picture hangs on the wall over the sofa.

24 19


Directions: Look at each photo. You will hear four statements about the photo. The statements are not
in your book. Mark the letter of the statement that best describes the photo. You will hear each statement
only once, f t Track 1-10

1- (A)



2 -(A)




3. (A)




20 25

4. (A)




5. (A)




6. (A)




7. (A)




26 21

8. (A)



9. (A)




10. (A)




22 27
Questions 1-2: Read a Text Aloud

TOEIC Test Speaking

Questions 1- 2
For Questions 1 and 2 of the Speaking Test, you will read a short text aloud. The text will
be written in common everyday language and will deal with familiar topics, such as travel,
shopping, work, and so on. When you see the text, you will have 45 seconds to prepare
and 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

Possible topics may include:

Advertisements, announcements, and news broadcasts

Tour information, traffic reports, and weather reports

Entertainment, health, housing, shopping, and travel

QUICK GUIDE: Read a Text Aloud

Definition Questions 1 and 2 test your ability to pronounce words clearly and speak English
in a comprehensible way. You will read a short text aloud, and your reading of
the text will be recorded for scoring.
Targeted Skills In order to do well on Questions 1 and 2, you must be able to:
pronounce common words correctly.
use correct intonation when reading sentences.
use correct stress on syllables and words.
Text Types The length of each text is approximately 100 words. The texts represent
something that would normally be read aloud, such as an announcement, a
radio or television advertisement, or the introduction of a speaker.
A Good A good response will:
Response reflect an accurate pronunciation of the words.
contain smooth connections between words.
contain accurate phrasing of groups of words and chunks of language.
include correct stress for emphasis, new information, and contrast.
include appropriate intonation to indicate the attitude or tone of the text.
Things to 1. Scan the entire text before reading so you have an idea of the content.
Remember 2. Read clearly and in a voice that can be easily heard.
3. Remember to pause for commas and periods.
4. Be sure to use intonation that matches the meaning of the sentences.
5. Be careful to pronounce the words correctly.


WALK THROUGH: Read a Text Aloud

A What Youll See and Hear
For Questions 1 and 2, you will see and hear the directions, and you will see a text that you
festival: an organized will read aloud. Listen to the directions as you read along. Then quickly scan the text to get an
series of events, such as idea of its content. f t Track 01 - 02.01
music concerts or drama
Speaking Test
discount: a reduction
in the usual price of Q uestion 1 (or 2) o f 11

available: used to Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud

describe something you
can find or obtain Directions: In this part, you will read a text aloud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds
to read the text aloud.

The citys annual summer festival will take place next Saturday and Sunday. There will be
activities that are fun for the whole family. You can try a variety of food, hear different
kinds of music, and enjoy games for all ages. Tickets cost fifteen dollars at the gate.
However, if you buy your ticket in advance, you will get a ten percent discount. Tickets are
available at many local stores, as well as at City Hall. Dont miss this fun event!

QUICK TIP Preparation Time: 45 seconds

While you prepare your Response Time: 45 seconds

response, scan the
reading for important
words. They may
B What Youll Do
be nouns, verbs, or For Questions 1 and 2, you will read a text aloud. Time yourself while you read the text
adverbs. These words above. Read clearly and in a voice that can be easily heard. Try to read the text in no more
will require accurate than 45 seconds. Then listen to the model text on the audio. Listen carefully to the speakers
pronunciation and pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Then try reading aloud along with the model.
stress. Pronouncing f t Track 01-02.02

them correctly will help

make your reading be
more understandable.

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Questions 1 and 2 on the Speaking Test are scored on a scale from 0-3. Your
recorded responses will be graded based on pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
Pronunciation refers to how we produce the sounds of words. In the dictionary, you
will see the correct pronunciation of a word using a modified version of the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The dictionary gives examples of the general or standard
pronunciations of a word. Listen to two correct ways to pronounce the word pronunciation.
In the first one, you hear just the n in the middle of the word. In the second one, you hear nt.
The dictionary shows the t in parentheses because it is optional, f t Track 01 - 02.03
pronun-ci-a*tion (noun) pr0 -,n 8 n(t)-se-'a-shen

24 3

Stress is how we emphasize certain syllables when we pronounce a word. For example, we
stress the first syllable of the word syllable (SYLL-able). We also use stress in our sentences
to help us link phrases together and put emphasis on important focus words. Listen to the
way the speaker stresses key words in the sentence below to show their importance.
Q Track 01-02.04

The meeting will be in the conference room.

Intonation refers to the pitch levelthe rising and fallingof speech. There are two kinds
Pronunciation varies
of intonation in spoken English sentences: rising-falling and rising. We use rising-falling
among different in most statements and information questions. We use rising intonation to form yes-no
English-speaking questions. Track 01-02.05
countries. American
Rising-Falling: We have a meeting on Tuesday.
English has been used
Well be talking about sales, earnings, and future plans.
in these examples, W hat time is the meeting?
but the audio includes
Rising: Is the meeting at 2:00?
English speakers
from other countries Read and listen to an example of an effective reading of a text from Questions 1-2 of the
as well. All accents Speaking Test. As you listen, pay special attention to the highlighted words and phrases.
are acceptable on the These are stressed words and phrases or especially tricky words. Then listen again and read
TOEIC test! aloud with the audio. Q Track 01 -02.06
Speaking Test volume ,

Could we have your attention, please? Wed like to take this time to thank you for
attending this athletic banquet. This has been a fantastic year for our team and
our athletes. We now hold a new record for most wins in our states division. Your
support has allowed us to purchase new uniforms and a new scoreboard for our
field. To show our appreciation for the coaches, the staff, and our fans, wed like
QUICK TIP to invite you to view the new scoreboard, enjoy some refreshments, and meet the
Familiarize yourself team. Tets give a round of applause for the three candidates for player of the year.
with the most common
letter combinations and
their sounds, such as
ou, ai, ea, oa, au, oy /oi, PRONUNCIATION
wh, ch, sh, ng, ch / tch,
th, ge, and tion / s/'on.
TIP 1 Practice correct pronunciation and learn to recognize tricky sounds. One of the main
points for Questions 1 and 2 is to test your ability to correctly pronounce both known and unknown
Practice these by
words. Learn to recognize the most commonly mispronounced sounds, and practice them as much as
listening to audio in
this book and reading
along. This will help you Look at the chart of commonly mispronounced words and sounds. The sounds and problem
make strong spelling- combinations are boldfaced in the words. Listen to the correct pronunciations of the words and sounds.
sound connections and Then play the audio again and repeat each word and sound. Q Track 01 - 02.07
help you pronounce
unfamiliar words.


Commonly Mispronounced Words and Sounds

Words Sounds Why They Are Tricky Words Sounds Why They Are Tricky
thing /0/ or The /0/ sound alone or zero i y or The i y sound is similar
athlete /th/* with other sounds is wisdom /Z/* to the Isl sound, but Izl is
throw mi difficult for many speakers wins voiced, which means the
months /0r/ because of the tongue- vocal cords are vibrating.
/0s/ teeth movement needed.
then /a/ The /5/ sound is similar window /w/ The /w/ sound requires a
clothes to /0/, but /5/ is voiced, wagon strong lip movement that
which means the vocal can be troublesome for
cords are vibrating. some speakers.
clear /kl/ The combination of /k/ shield /[/or The Ishl sound uses
create /kr/ with /l/ or /r/ can be motion /sh/* the tongue, lips, and
difficult to say. wish teeth, which can make it
like III The /l/ sound requires a child /t// or The /tj/ sound uses the
whole movement between the lunch I chi* tongue, lips, and teeth,
shelf tongue and teeth that can watch which can make it
fla k e make it difficult at the difficult.
place start or end of words or in
blend consonant combinations.
repair Irl The Irl sound requires an jum p 5
I& I or Like /tj/, the M3/sound
QUICK TIP server entire mouth movement dodge 1)1* uses the tongue, lips, and
Decide which sounds trip at the start or end of lounge teeth, but M3/is voiced,
prescribe words or in consonant which means the vocal
you find most difficult,
clerk combinations. The actual cords are vibrating.
and practice them as
course sound varies considerably
much as possible before depending on its position.
the test. Practice saying
silence Is/ The Is/ sound is made volume M The /v/ sound requires
the problem sounds by ceremony by blowing air lightly curve the same movement as
themselves and within study through the teeth. It ap shelves Iflplacing the teeth on
words. Remember, streets pears in many clusters the lower lipbut /v/ is
pronunciation is part of script with no vowel sound voiced, which means the
your score.
before it. vocal cords are vibrating.
^modified IPA as used in many dictionaries

TASK 1 Listen to each consonant sound and word. Circle the word that you hear. Then listen to the
audio again and repeat all of the words. Q Track 01 - 02.08

1. thin then 8. Esther stare

2. laughed raft 9. shell zeal
3. sip zip 10. watch wash
4. clothes close 11. fans vans
5. junk chunk 12.veer were
6. lunch lunge 13. zinc sink
7. blight bright 14. tan than

26 5

TASK 2 Listen and number the words in the order you hear them. Then play the audio again and repeat
the words. Repeat as many times as needed until you can match the pronunciation in the audio.
O Track 01-02.09

___ though ___ light ___ den

___then ___clean ___ vend

___right ___ cream ___ think

___ sink ___tow ___ wind

TIP 2 When you look up the pronunciation of a word, also learn the number of syllables. The
dictionary uses special punctuation to mark each syllable in a word. Look for a dot () or bar (I) in the
main entry and a hyphen (-) or period (.) in the pronunciation. It is important to learn the number of
syllables for every new word because many English words have more or fewer syllables than they seem
QUICK TIP to. Say the word aloud several times to reinforce the correct syllable use.
Some words have TASK 1 Look at the words. How many syllables do you think each word has? Write the number for your
more than one way to guess for each word in the first column. Then listen and write the number of syllables you hear on the
pronounce the syllables. audio in the second column. Was your first guess correct? Track 01 - 02.10
Corporate can have two
1. corporate 6. frequently
or three syllables, and
2. invaluable 7. cooperation
invaluable can have
four or five. A dictionary 3. February 8. athletics
shows the most com 4. automatically 9. librarian
mon pronunciation first. 5. candidate 10. unfortunately

TASK 2 Look at the words. Draw lines to divide each word into syllables. Then listen to the audio to
check your answers. While you listen, repeat the pronunciation of the word. Track 01 - 02.11

Example: calendar cal/en/dar

1. career 7. asked
2. carrier 8. intelligent
3. advertisement 9. dependability
4. improbable 10. acquisition
5. corporation 11. regional
6. clothes 12. liability

Stress is important in words and sentences. Knowing whether a syllable is stressed or
unstressed is an important part of pronouncing a word correctly. For example, re-CORD and
REC-ord have two very different meanings, but they have the same spelling, record. Correctly
stressing words and phrases gives rhythm to a sentence, and it signals the importance of
some information.


TIP 1 Learn stress in order to pronounce words correctly. All words with more than one syllable
have stressed and unstressed syllables. Knowing which syllables are stressed will help you pronounce
words correctly and convey the correct meaning.
In nouns and adjectives with two syllables, the stress usually falls on the first syllable. For verbs with
two syllables, the stress usually falls on the second syllable. Listen and read the words in the chart.
QUICK TIP Then listen again and practice saying them with the audio. Track 01 - 02.12

Make sure you Nouns / Adjectives Verbs Nouns / Adjectives Verbs

can identify nouns, CONduct conDUCT PERmit perM IT
adjectives, and verbs in CONtest conTEST PROduce proDUCE
a sentence. Nouns are EXport exPORT OBject obJECT
often preceded by an IMport imPORT SUBject subJECT
article or an adjective. INcrease inCREASE SURvey surVEY
Adjectives precede PROject proJECT REfund reFUND
nouns and follow
helping verbs like be TASK 1 Write down whether each underlined word is used as a verb or a noun. Try to pronounce the
or feel. Verbs usually word. Then listen to check your answers. Q Track 01 - 02.13
follow the subject of a 1. You really need to learn how to conduct yourself in a meeting________________________________
sentence. Try reading
2. There are several important projects coming up____________________________________________
these sentences. Stress
3. We have to address the problems to avoid issues later______________________________________
the boldfaced syllables.
4. They import most of their auto parts_____________________________________________________
The new managers
5. He set a new sales record last month____________________________________________________
frequently conduct
meetings a t the plant. 6. Weve made most of our money in produce_______________________________________________

All employees must

7. Business is set to increase next year.____________________________________________________
follow the code of 8. She decided to contest the decision to fire the people------------------------------------------------------------------
conduct as stated in Knowing suffixes (the small parts that come after the root of the word) can help you predict the
the Conduct Handbook. stress pattern of a word.
For nouns that end in -ion, -sion, -tion, or -ic, the stress will be on the syllable right before the suffix:
nation, conversion, graduation.
For verbs with -ize or -ate suffixes, the stress will be on the first syllable of a three-syllable word or
the second syllable of a four-syllable word: specialize, anticipate.
For words ending with -cy,-ty, -phy, -gy, or -at, the stress will be on the third syllable from the end:
democracy, photography, university, geography, principle.
TASK 2 Look at the words and analyze the suffixes. Underline the syllables that you think are stressed.
Then listen to the audio to check your answers. Listen to the audio again and repeat the words.
Q Track 01-02.14

1. authorize 8. appreciate 15. cooperate

2. interruption 9. accommodations 16. direction
3. recreation 10. estimate 17. evaluate
4. validate 11. interpretation 18. recognize
5. version 12. notarize 19. suspension
6. geography 13. policy 20. charity
7. geographic 14. location 21. democracy

28 7

Knowing prefixes (the small parts that come before the root of the word) can also help you predict
the stress pattern of a word. When the word is a verb or has more than two syllables, the stress is
usually on the second syllable of the word. Here are examples of some common prefixes.

Prefixes Examples Prefixes Examples

con- / com- conTRACT in- / im- inSPIRE
de- deCIDE pro- proTECT
dis- disAble re- reMODel
ex- exPECT pre- preVENT
be- beCOME re- reDO
over- overLOAD out- outLAST
under- underSTATE un- unSTAble

TASK 3 Look at the words and analyze the prefixes. Underline the syllables that you think are stressed.
Then listen to the audio to check your answers. Listen to the audio again and repeat the words.
Q Track 01-02.15

QUICK TIP 1. descendent 7. dislocate 13. redundant

2. underestimate 8. extract 14. inspect
Sometimes words have
3. overuse 9. outstanding 15. unusable
both a prefix and a
4. belated 10. completely 16. contented
suffix. In these cases,
the word may have a
5. renew 11. unable 17. reduction
primary and secondary
6. extensive 12. respectable 18. complaint
stress, but whichever
syllable is later in TASK 4 Read the sentences and notice the boldfaced words. Circle the boldfaced words that are
the word is usually
nouns, and underline the boldfaced words that are verbs. Then double-underline CJ the stressed
stronger. For example,
syllables in the boldfaced words. Listen to check your answers, and repeat the sentences to practice.
Q Track 01-02.16
comPATible -
compatiBILity 1. Please use this software to record the days sales.
decision - indecision
2. All employees are expected to follow the company code of conduct.

3. Lets not overestimate the amount of work we can do.

4. Before we create our business plan for the month, lets coordinate our schedules.

5. Prosperity is the goal of all nations.

6. After you receive your pass code, you will have authorization.

7. This year, we decided to recognize our supervisor for his 10 years of service.

8. We project that our product sales will increase over the next two years.

9. It was a great comfort to receive your letter.

10. She studied biology at the university.

11. As we progress with this project, we will give everyone a monthly report.

12. The marketing team really outdid themselves with this detailed explanation.


TIP 2 Stress words in sentences to emphasize or contrast information. Use stress within a
sentence to show that certain information is new or important. You can also use stress to contrast
information. For example, listen and read the conversation below. Notice how Speaker B uses stress to
(1) add new and important information, and (2) contrast information. ^ Track 01 -02 .17
A: Would you like som e tea?

QUICK TIP B: I d like som e black (1) tea.

Remember, you can A: Sure, here you are.
learn which syllables B: Sorry, but this is green (2) tea. I asked fo r black (2) tea.
are stressed by looking
You should also use stress to give more emphasis to the words that naturally carry meaning in
in the dictionary. For
sentences the content words. Function words, or the words in a sentence that are used to give
example, dis-a-PPOINT-
grammatical structure, dont usually receive as much stress unless the speaker wants to give some
ing or dis/a/DPoint/ina. sort of contrast or emphasis. Listen and notice the stressed content words below. Track 01 - 02 . 18
However, syllable stress
The employees are the ones to thank.
sometimes changes in
context due to word or
Theres really not a lot to say about that.

sentence stress. For Finally, adverbs are frequently stressed to add emphasis. Listen and notice the stressed adverbs below.
example, Q Track 01-02.19

It was a very We really dont have much time.

DIS-appointing result
I completely forgot the conference.
TASK 1 Listen to the sentences as you read along. Underline the words that receive the most stress.
Then listen and practice. Q Track 01 -02.20

1. The correct numbers are 13 and 17, not 30 and 70.

2. We strongly suggest that you back up your computer files at the end of the day.
3. Our genealogists will conduct a very thorough search of your family tree.
4. On the new schedule, you will see that the bus departs on Tuesday at 1 p.m.
5. Your estimated wait time to speak to a representative is ten minutes.
6. The parking spaces are clearly marked visitor.

TASK 2 Read the sentences. Which boldfaced words do you think should be stressed? Underline your
choices. Then listen and check your answers. Q Track 01 -02.21

1. The real estate office is located in the green house on the left.
2. You will receive a credit card within ten days after receipt of your application.
3. The message said to phone their office between 9 and 5, Monday to Friday.
4. We are currently reviewing your request and will respond within 30 days.
5. Please turn down the volume on the TV, not up.

30 9


Sentence intonation helps the listener understand the speakers meaning, in addition to the
speakers attitude or mood. The most common intonation patterns are rising-falling for
statements and information questions and rising for yes-no questions.
TIP 1 Use correct intonation for phrasing in statements. Statements typically have falling
intonation, meaning the speakers voice lowers slightly at the end of the sentence. Listen to the
statements below and notice the intonation, f t Track 01 -02.22
Weve had a lot o f success with the new plan.
There are a multitude o f reasons fo r the problem.
She really hasnt done much in her new position.

However, within a sentence, speakers may use rising or higher intonation in different situations. When
giving a series of numbers or a list of three or more items, the speaker will often use rising intonation to
let the listener know there is more to come. The speaker will then usually use falling intonation on the
last item to indicate the list is complete. Listen to the examples below and notice the intonation.
f t Track 01-02.23

The key points here are time, expense, and quality.

Hotel management, health care, accounting, and education are all good career options.
Our new num ber is 218-555-3675.
These common words
and phrases are often Speakers will also use rising or higher intonation when there are clauses in a statement to show
used as signposts to that more information is to come. Listen to the examples below. Notice the underlined clauses, the
join sentences and boldfaced signpost words used to introduce them, and how the clauses affect intonation.
paragraphs together: f t Track 01-02.24

Additionally, As a result Because we dont have the reports y e t we can t have the meeting.
of this, In comparison, We really wanted to leave at 5:00; however, the plane was delayed.
For example, In other I really wanted to go to the conference, until I saw the huge entry fees.
words, Finally, First /
Although I usually enjoy mv job, this past month has been tough.
Next / Then
TASK Listen and mark the phrasing of each sentence with rising or falling intonation marks. Then
The word or phrase
listen again and repeat to practice. Be careful to model the phrasing you hear, f t Track 01 -02.25
will usually have
rising intonation. The 1. We will need ushers, ticket takers, and box office staff at the theater this weekend.
sentence or clause that 2. At this time, there is no one available to take your call. Please leave a message after the beep.
follows usually ends 3. Our number is 202-555-4567. Please call if you have any problems.
with falling intonation. 4. Because the application forms were late, well need to adjust the start date.
5. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers before the movie begins.
6. In conclusion, wed like to thank all of our guests for their participation.


TIP 2 Use correct intonation for questions. Information questions usually start with the word Who,
What, Where, When, Why, or How. These types of questions have falling intonation at the end of the
sentence. Listen to the information questions below and notice the intonation. Q Track 01 - 02.26
W hat did you do last weekend? When do we need to be there?
W here is the meeting? How many people are coming?
Why didnt he call? How much does it cost?

Yes-No questions usually start with some form of an auxiliary verb, such as do, have, can, or be. These
types of questions, including tag questions at the ends of sentences, have an up intonation. Listen to
the yes-no questions below and notice the intonation. Q Track 01 -02.27
Do you want to join the call? Those are my files, arent they?
Have you seen the report? Could you open that file?

TASK Do these questions have rising or falling intonation? Write 71 for rising intonation or for falling
intonation. Then listen to check your answers and practice. Track 01 -02.28

1. What do you think?

2. If Friday is not a good day, can we meet on Saturday?
3. Im sorry, could you repeat that, please?
4. We didnt hear that. What did he say?
5. What did John bring to the party?
When you make a polite
6. How can I help you today?
request by asking a
7. Is this your first day here?
rhetorical question, or
one that people dont
8. Have you sent the latest market reports?
really need to answer, TIP 3 Punctuation indicates where to pause. Commas and periods are used to show where a writer
intonation will fall. would like to break a sentence or a thought. Be sure to include a slight pause between sentences
and after commas, colons, and semicolons. Listen to the sentences below and notice how the written
Can you please listen
punctuation is reflected in the audio pauses. Q Track 01 -02.29
carefully? According to the monthly report, our production has increased 300% over the past five years.
Theres only one group to thank fo r this: you. Our support staff and team m em bers have done
so much to help over the past year; we couldnt have done it without you. Our thanks go out
to everyone. We really appreciate it.
You should also pause after transitions and prepositional phrases that introduce a sentence. Notice that
the comma gives a second clue to the pause. Listen to the sentences below and notice the underlined
transitions and prepositional phrases. Q Track 01 -02.30
Nonetheless, he got the prom otion.
Unfortunately theres nothing m ore we can do.
By the time we got to the airport, the plan e had gone.
As a result o f the sale, we all got raises.
TASK Listen to the audio as you read the sentences. Mark the rising intonation with 71. Mark the
falling intonation with i l . Track 01 -02.31

1. They have not yet determined what the problem was.

2. Would you like the three-month or the six-month plan?
3. Do you know what time it is?
4. You wouldnt have an extra pencil, would you?
5. Would you mind closing the window?
6. When you need a reliable copy service, Tip Top Copy Shop has everything you need. 11


A Read the texts. Notice the markings and notes for pronunciation, intonation, and
stress.* Think about how the words should sound. Then listen to the audio. Listen
again and read aloud with the speaker.
Q Track 01-02.32

Speaking Test VOLUME^

Text 1
QUICK TIP Relcom* to sunny Yorktown and thank you for joining us today at our first na/

For Questions 1 and 2, tion/al pw Mar/ke/ters training con/fer/ence. Please make sure to check in at
the boot] i so that we can re/cord your a/tten/dance. The trainers will be on hand
you will have
to con/d]act tours of the fa/cU/i/ties. You will be given a training hand/book
45 seconds to prepare
and a ne1w em/ploy/ee pack/et. At the end of todays train/ing se/ssion, well be
to read aloud. First, handing out sur/veys. Does a/ny/one have any ques/tions? f
look for words you
t 1

dont know and try --------------------------------------------------- 1------------------|

to figure out the ch rising sh
pronunciation and
syllable stress. Then
look for key words Q Track 01-02.33

that might need more

r not I r jsing silent w
stress for importance
or contrast. Finally, look Speaking Test VOLUME^

for question marks,
lists, punctuation that
indicates pauses, Text 2
and signpost words Have: you ever been late for work or ari ap/point/ment because vpu couldnt find
that indicate rising a pai"k/ing space? If you said yes, then Stop and Park is the an/s\ver to all your
intonation. parking pro/blems. Just call us or go o]nline and tell us your car size and mo/del
give us the ad/dress of your des/tin/a/tion, and your es/ti/mat/ec1time of ar/n/vcd.
WellI find a parking space for your cai'1W hin walking dis/tance and hold it for *k
you iuntil you ar/rive. For your parking; needs, Stop and Park is your best bet!

r not sh r then I

* key
/ = syllable break
= stress


B Listen to the model answers and read the texts in Part A again. Notice how the parts
with markings and the problem words sound when read. Then listen to the pronuncia
tion of the words and phrases below. Repeat and practice.

Textl Q Track 01 -02.34

1. thank you 7. record 13. training se

2. national 8. attendance 14. surveys
3. marketers 9. conduct 15. anyone
4. conference 10. facilities 16. questions
5. sure 11. handbook
6. both 12. employee packet
Text 2 Q Track 01-02.35

1. late 6. problems 11. arrival

2. appointment 7. model 12. within
3. parking 8. address 13. distance
4. park 9. destination 14. for you
5. answer 10. estimated 15. arrive
C Read the texts in Part A aloud and record yourself. Compare your recordings with
the models and note any mispronunciations or incorrectly stressed words in your
recordings. Record your responses again if needed.

D Now listen to your recordings. Then read the statements below. How well did your
responses meet the scoring criteria? Check ( / ) Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of
your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 1 and 2

Yes No
1 .1 spoke clearly and evenly, without hesitating.

2 .1 used correct pronunciation and syllable stress.

3 .1 used rising intonation and falling intonation where needed.

4 . 1 stressed words for emphasis where needed.

5 .1 paused at the correct points in the text.

34 13


A Pre-read the texts and notice the underlined words that might be challenging. To
help you prepare to read the texts aloud, make notes about pronunciation, word and
sentence stress, and intonation.

Text 1
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the county fair! Its wonderful to have you
here today as we celebrate the 120thanniversary of our city. We commemorate this day
with great pride. Please make sure you visit the exhibits and game booths. Later today
there will be competitive events, such as our famous pie-baking contest. I strongly
suggest that you get over to the pie table early, or there might not be anything left. It is
also my pleasure to introduce you to our mayor, Mr. James Moon. Mr. Moon will lead us
in singing our national anthem. Then well begin the festivities.

Text 2
Are you ready for an adventure? Extreme Sports Center offers the latest in adventurous
outdoor sportsskydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, or rock climbing. We can expedite
the process of getting you a scuba diving permit and train you to dive in just a few
intensive sessions. Our specialized training sessions with expert instructors will give you all
the basics. We also organize packages for extreme sport vacations. So wherever you want to
go, well take you there! Go Extreme!

B Listen to the model answers and read the texts in Part A again. Then read the texts in
Part A aloud and record yourself. Compare your recordings with the models and note
any mispronunciations or incorrectly stressed words in your recordings.
Q Track 01-02.36 and 01-02.37

C Now listen to your recording. Then read the statements below. How well did your
responses meet the scoring criteria? Check { /) Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of
your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 1 and 2

Yes No
1 .1 spoke clearly and evenly, without hesitating.

2 .1 used correct pronunciation and syllable stress.

3 .1 used rising intonation and falling intonation where needed.

4 .1 stressed words for emphasis where needed.

5 .1 paused at the correct points in the text.



Time yourself as you prepare. Then time yourself as you record your responses.


Speaking Test VOLUME^

Question 1 of 11

f t Track 01-02,38 ~ t A ,
1' Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud

Directions: In this part, you will read a text aloud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and
45 seconds to read the text aloud.
Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Faraway Spa and Resort. Wed like to call your
attention to a few important items. Make sure you register at the front desk and pick
up your room keys and introductory packets. Next, you will receive a complimentary
certificate for dinner at our gourmet restaurant. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
In your room, you will find a robe, towels, and a gift basket of products, such as bath soaps
and lotions. Please feel free to contact us if you have forgotten to bring any personal items
with you. We hope you find your stay at Faraway Spa and Resort relaxing and enjoyable.

Preparation Time: 45 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

Preparation Time Used:______seconds Speaking Time Used: _ _ _ seconds


Speaking Test

Question 2 of 11

f t Track 01-02.39
Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud

Directions: In this part, you will read a text aloud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and
45 seconds to read the text aloud.
Could I have everyones attention, please? Due to mechanical problems, this bus will now
be taken out of service. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you. Please
exit the bus safely by using the front or back doors and stepping away from the side of the
road. We have contacted the main bus depot, and a shuttle bus is presently en route to our
location. The shuttles approximate arrival time is fifteen minutes. Again, we apologize for
the delay and appreciate your patience. All connecting buses will be held at the station
until our bus arrives. Are there any questions?

Preparation Time: 45 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

Preparation Time Used:______seconds Speaking Time Used:_____ seconds


36 15
escribe a Picture

TOEIC Test Speaking

Question 3
On Question 3 of the Speaking Test, you will see a photo and describe it. The photo will
show a person or people involved in a common everyday activity in a familiar setting.
When you see the photo, you will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45
seconds to give your response. The photo will remain on the screen as you prepare and
give your response. As in Questions 1 and 2, you will be evaluated on pronunciation,
intonation, and stress. In addition, you will be evaluated based on your use of appropriate
vocabulary, correct sentence structure, and the cohesion of your response. Photos will
show common everyday situations.

P ossible p h o to typ es m ay include:

Dining o u t a n d sh opping E ntertainm ent a n d leisure activities
Health care settings O u td o o r a n d street scenes
H ousehold chores Travel

QUICK GUIDE: Describe a Picture

Definition Question 3 tests your ability to speak about everyday situations in a clear and
comprehensible way. You will describe a photo, and your description will be recorded.
Targeted In Question 3, you should be able to:
Skills pronounce common words correctly.
use correct stress on syllables and words.
identify the important features of a photo.
describe a photo using appropriate vocabulary.
describe a photo using correct sentence structure.
A Good You will be scored based on your ability to describe the photo accurately and
Response comprehensibly. In order to do well, you need to speak clearly. You also need to
accurately describe the people, activities, and objects in the photo. To achieve a
good response, you should use vocabulary that accurately describes the photo, as
well as correct grammar and sentence structure.
Things to 1. First, scan the photo. What information will you need in your response?
Remember Brainstorm quickly when you see the image.
2. Next, think about what you want to talk about and how you want to say it. You
have 30 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to respond.
3. You will hear a beep signaling when to start. Begin your answer with a sentence
starter, such as In this p h o to g ra p h , there are . . . or In this p ictu re , 1 see . . . .


WALK THROUGH: Describe a Picture

A What Youll See and Hear
For Q uestion 3, you will see a photo with one or m ore people. As soon as you see the
photo, try to identify the main subject. W hat are the im portant details in this photo?
Track 03.01

Question 3: Describe a picture

Directions: In this part, you will describe the photo on the screen with as much detail as possible. You
will have 30 seconds to prepare. You will have 45 seconds to describe the photo.

While you prepare your
response, ask yourself
about the people in
the photo and think Preparation Time: 30 seconds
of possible nouns, Response Time: 45 seconds
adjectives, verbs, and
adverbs to describe the
B What Youll Do
For Q uestion 3, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Tim e yourself
w hile you brainstorm ideas. Look closely at the photo and identify the people. Look
at the photo in Part A. Think about w h at the peop le are doing. Listen and notice how
the s p eaker organizes his response. Listen carefully to the sp eak ers pronunciation,
intonation, and stress. Q Track 03.02

SAMPLE RESPONSE Well, there are two people inside a bakery in this photo. The wom an who is facin g us is probably
a baker because shes wearing a white uniform and a black hat to cover her hair. And shes
coming out o f the kitchen carrying bread. It looks like she has just taken the hot bread out o f
mmsmEmam the oven, and shes carrying the tray to the counter. We can see the oven behind her. The bakery
rack: a frame or shelf, looks very modern. I d guess that the baker is going to put the bread on som e kind o f bread rack
usually with bars or hooks, or a sh elf to cool so that people can buy it. Shes smiling at the customer. Um, next, shes probably
that is used for holding going to help the man in the blue shirt, w hos waiting in fro n t o f the counter. His back is to us.
things or hanging things on H es probably hoping to buy som e o f that delicious fresh bread.
tray: a flat piece of wood,
plastic, or metal, which
usually has raised edges
and which is used for
carrying things, especially
food and drinks

38 17

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Question 3 on the Speaking Test is scored on a scale from 0-3. Your response will be graded
based on the same criteria as for Questions 1 and 2 pronunciation, intonation, and stress.
You will also be graded on grammar, vocabulary, and cohesion.
Grammar is the way that words can be put together in order to make correct English
sentences. In this section of the test, your score will be based partly on how well you
use the correct forms of words and correct sentence structures to make a clear and
accurate description of the photo. You should also try to use a variety of different
grammatical structures.
Vocabulary refers to the number of words and the kinds of words you use to describe
the photo. You will be expected to use a variety of vocabulary to accurately talk about
what is in the photo.
Cohesion is how well the information in your description fits together in a clear and
$ easy-to-understand manner. A cohesive response uses conjunctions, references, and
^ other language tools to make a well-organized description.

Look at the photo again as you listen to

another good response below. As you listen,
QUICK TIP circle the nouns and underline the verbs. How
Organize your thoughts manY different nouns for people or objects did
around a main idea. you find? f t Track 03.03
Images usually have
a main subject. So
focus first on the main
subject of the image. Is
it a person? An object?
A location? Then fill in
what you know about
that subject Begin A Good Response: I see two people in this picture. I think this must be a bakery. Theres a man on the right
with his back to the camera. Hes wearing a blue shirt. He must be a customer because he seems to be at the
speaking first about counter waiting to buy something. Theres also a woman in the center of the picture. Shes facing the camera.
that main point. Then -s w earjng a w \]\\ q jacket or uniform and a black cap to cover her hair. Shes also carrying a large tray of
add details. rolls, so I think she must be a baker. It looks like she just took the tray of bread out of the oven. The oven is
behind her. The bread probably smells delicious. Maybe the customer was waiting to buy some of the delicious
fresh rolls, or maybe hes going to buy something else at the bakery.



To answer Question 3 effectively, you will need to know basic vocabulary (nouns, adjectives,
prepositions, verbs, and adverbs) and demonstrate the ability to use correct grammar by
structuring your sentences in a logical and coherent way.

TIP 1 Be sure to use the correct noun or pronoun and the correct verb form. You can organize
QUICK TIP your response by asking yourself: Who or what is the main subject in the photo? Be sure to vary your
Practice thinking response by using pronouns as well as different nouns to refer to the people and things in the photo.
of several different
If there is one person: If there are two or more
words to identify
specific people and
The first time you mention the man, the woman, the men, the women, the people,
objects. The woman
the person, people, or thing, the boy, the girl, the street the boys, the girls, the children,
in the sample photo
use a noun: the streets
can be referred to as
The second time, you can he, she, it (him, her, it; his, they (them; their)
woman, baker, she,
use a pronoun: her, its)
or her, depending on
context and grammar. TASK Look at the photo on page 18 again. Read each sentence below and fill in the blank with a correct
The man in the photo noun or pronoun from the box. Some sentences have more than one answer. Write all possible correct
can be referred to as answers, but be careful your choices must logically fit the context and sentence structures for the photo.
man, customer, he, or
baker bread customer man woman he it she
him. You can practice
describing magazine 1. The______________ is standing in the kitchen________________ is probably a baker.
2. The baker is going to put th e _______________on the rack________________ is still hot.
3. The_______________is waiting to buy something________________is standing in front of the counter.
4. The woman is carrying a tray of fresh bread_______________ is probably hot.
5. There is a ______________ standing behind the counter._______________ is holding a tray.
6. The______________ is wearing a casual shirt________________ is waiting to buy some bread.
7. The______________ probably goes to the bakery every morning before_______________ goes to
Remember that we use 8. The woman is a baker................... .......... works at the bakery every day.
simple present for
TIP 2 Use specific verb tenses and structures for basic descriptions. Make sure you are
actions that take place
comfortable with these tenses: simple present, simple past, and present and past continuous. Also,
every day. Use present
make sure you can use There is/There a re ....
continuous for actions
that are not complete Simple Present Simple Past + m ay b e/ Present and Past
p ro b a b ly Continuous
and are happening at
the moment.
Uses For repeated actions that To make guesses about For actions that are
exist now or occur daily, actions that may explain a happening at the moment,
The woman in the usually, or in general condition in the picture or now, or to make guesses
photo works in a about what happened before
bakery, (simple present) the picture was taken
Singular is; She is in the living room. was; Maybe it was rainy. is + verb + -ing; Hes talking
She is carrying a tray of
he /she / it to a friend. Perhaps he was
bread, (present
running late.
Plural are; They are teachers. were; They were probably are + verb + -ing; They are
they busy earlier. waving good-bye. Maybe
they were coming home.
40 19

There is / There are

There is a man / woman.
There are two people.

TASK Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Use
the simple present, present continuous, or There is/There are.
1. The woman______________ (stand) in the kitchen.
2. The man______________ (walk) to work every day.
3. He______________ (wait) for the baker to bring the bread.
4________________(be) two people in this photo.
5. The woman______________ (wear) a white coat and a black hat.
6________________(be) a man standing at the counter.

TIP 3 Use prepositions and adverbs to talk about location and how things move. Remember that
QUICK TIP prepositions and adverbs help specify location and direction.
Make sure your sub
Location (Prepositions) D irection (Adverbs)
jects and verbs agree. If
at the front; in the back forward; backward; toward; away from
your subject is singular
in front of; behind ahead; behind; toward the front / back
(a man, a woman), the
on the left / right; in the center (middle) to the left / right; toward the center
present form of the
below; above; at the top / bottom; underneath from above / below; under; over
verb needs -s. If the
next to; in the corner; at the corner; on the side next to; toward the corner; to the side
subject is plural (men,
women, people), no -s on top of / above
is needed.

Words and phrases like
a lot of, a few, some,
and many, as well as
numbers (one of the
loaves, two people),
can help you make your
TASK Look at the photo on page 18. Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct
response more detailed
preposition from the box.
and specific.

at the back of behind on in in front of

1. The baker is ______________ the counter.

2. The man is ______________ the counter.
3. The bread is _____________ - the tray.
4. The baker has a tra y______________ her hands.
5. The ovens are______________ the kitchen.
20 41

TIP 4 Use adjectives to give more information about people and objects. Adjectives describe
nouns, and more than one adjective can be used with a noun. Strings of adjectives follow a specific
order in English. In normal speech, English speakers rarely use more than two or three adjectives
to describe a noun. This chart will help you figure out the correct order, even if you use only two
adjectives together.

Typical Order of Adjectives in English

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Numbers and Size, Age, or Material or Origin or Type
Quantifiers Quality* Color Type Noun
two heavy red knit wool sweaters
several small white wooden colonial houses
a few enormous blue oil paint stains
a lot o f interesting international friends
a short blue-eyed American man

* Adjectives within categories have their own ordering as well.

QUICK TIP TASK Put each noun and group of adjectives in the correct order.
Adjectives have only 1. (big / three / cars / black)______________________________
one form in English. 2. (customer / dark-haired / tall / a)
You dont have to worry
3. (some / French / bread / fresh) _
about whether an ad
4. (shirt / blue / cotton / nice)_____
jective describes a man
or a woman or whether TIP 5 Use adverbs to give more information about verbs. Adverbs ending with -ly can specify how
a noun is singular or something happens (quickly; slowly. Other adverbs are used to describe how often something happens
(sometimes, usually, frequently or the level of certainty someone feels about something happening
{probably, possibly, supposedly.
TASK Circle the correct adverb in each sentence.
1. They are sitting ( quickly / quietly / sometimes) on a green blanket near the lake.
2. The man is ( probably / often / frequently) going to make a photocopy.
3. The customer is waiting ( usually / patiently / supposedly) to buy some fresh bread.
4. The man in the white shirt is from technology support. Hes working ( frequently / quickly / usually)
to fix the computer.
5. The baker has on a black cap that she ( probably / seldom / slowly) wears every day.


TIP 1 Organize your response in a clear way. For Question 3, refer to the photo, and focus on the
main subject. Describe what the person or people are doing or the condition of the main thing in the
image. Then describe how the action is taking place, where the person or thing is, and the focus of
the action or attention. Remember to use adjectives to describe the nouns and adverbs to describe the
verbs when possible.

You can follow a template like this to help you organize your response.

- Refer to the photo.

- Say who is in the photo.
- Say where the person or people are.
- Say w h at the person or people are doing.

42 21

TASK Look at the photo. Then read the sentences. Number the sentences from 1-6 to put them in the
correct order.
____So, finally, Id say that they might be colleagues at
the same company.
____The young woman is on the left, and shes wearing
a blouse and black pants. Shes holding a document.
____The man and the woman are standing in a mail
Dont forget to use
room or a copy room, in front of a photocopy
signposts and sentence
machine and near some mailboxes.
starters, such as First,
____And it looks like they have just made copies, which
Next, Well, It appears
theyre looking over.
that, I see, and There is /
There are.
____Next to the woman is a young man wearing a white shirt and casual slacks.
____Well, there are two people in the picture, a man and a woman.
TIP 2 Keep your responses coherent and easy to understand. Make your responses flow smoothly.
Use transitions and conjunctions like However, Apparently, and, but, although, and because, and use
phrases like It seems to me that, It seems like, and It appears that.

TASK Look at the photo above. Listen to a sample response for the photo. Then write the answers to the
questions. f t Track 03.04
1. Who is in the photo?_________________________________________________________________
2. Where are the people?_______________________________________________________________
3. What are they doing?________________________________________________________________
4. Other details?______________________________________________________________________

TIP 3 If you are not sure, make guesses. You can use adverbs or adjectives to express certainty or
uncertainty. You can also use modals of certainty. Look at the chart for examples.

Expressing Certainty /Uncertainty with Adjectives and Adverbs

^-Uncertain Somewhat Sure Very Sure->
QUICK TIP I m not positive. . . possibly Its certain (that) . . .
Its not likely (that) . . . probably Its likely (that) . . .
Remember to keep your
I m not sure, b u t. . . perhaps surely
responses relevant and
I m doubtful abou t. . . maybe undoubtedly
to focus on main ideas. might be most likely definitely
Dont get lost in small could be may be must be
details or talk about should be
insignificant things in
TASK Make these sentences less certain by adding adverbs or changing the underlined words. There is
the image.
more than one possible answer for each sentence.
1 .1think that the woman is the mans boss.
2. Im sure the man is waiting for a document.
3. The woman must be the childrens mother.
4. Its likely that the man is there to repair the computer.
5. The man and woman are definitely running in a race.
6. Undoubtedly, the man is a new employee at the company.



A Look at the photo. Write the number of the correct object next to each word.

glasses _

QUICK TIP computer

There are no right or cables__
wrong guesses about
older man
why the people in the
photo may be doing younger m an____
something. Use your B Listen to the sample response. As you listen, number the sentences from 1-6 in the
imagination, but try to order that you hear them. Q Track 03.05
be logical. On the left, there is a young man with a white shirt leaning over a desk. Hes probably a
technology expert.
An older man is sitting behind the desk. Hes wearing glasses.
There is a computer unit on the right side of the table.
The older man is watching the younger man fix his computer.
The computer cables are at the back of the computer unit, where the young man is working.
The younger man is connecting the computer cables.

C Create your own response using the template. Record your response if possible.

There __________________
QUICK TIP The younger man________
Remember that you will He____________________
be graded on intonation, The older man is _________
pronunciation, stress, The younger man is probably
and cohesion, as well
as on the completeness
D Think about your response or listen to your recording. Read the statements. How well
and relevance of your
did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check ( / ) Yes or No. Keep practicing
until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Question 3

Yes No

1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress.

2 .1 used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My response was easily understood.

4 .1 included details about the photo and described the main subject

44 23

PROGRESSIVE PRACTICE: Get Set______________

A Look at the photo. Think about how you would describe it. Then listen to the sample
response. Q Track 03,06

B Now listen to the sample response in Part A again for the answers to these questions.
Number the questions from 1-8 to put them in the same order as answers are
mentioned in the sample response. Q Track 03.06
____What are these people doing? ____Whats the weather like?
____How many people are in the picture? ____ What are the two people in the center holding?
____Where are the people? ____What is the woman on the right doing?
____What things do they have with them? ____ Who might the people in the picture be?

C Now create your own response using answers to these questions. Record your
response if possible.

Who is in the photo?_______

Where are they?___________
What are they doing?______
Whats the weather like?____
What do they have with them?

D Think about your response or listen to your recording. Read the statements. How well
did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check ( / ) Yes or No. Keep practicing
until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Question 3

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress.

2 . 1 used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My response was easily understood.

4 . 1 included details about the photo and described the main subject


PROGRESSIVE PRACTICE: Go for the TOEIC T e s t______


Speaking Test

Question 3 of 11

Q Track 03.07
Question 3: Describe a picture

Directions: In this part, you will describe the photo on the screen with as much detail as
possible. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. You will have 45 seconds to describe the photo.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

Preparation Time Used:______seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____seconds

46 25
TOEIC Test Part 2:
Part 2 of the TOEIC Listening test consists of 30 questions or statements. Each
question or statement is followed by three possible responses. You will choose the most
appropriate response. Everything is spoken; there will be nothing for you to read on the
page. The questions or statements are things you might hear in a conversation among
colleagues, customers, clients, friends, or relatives. Questions might be requests for
information or for assistance, and statements might be about needs, plans, or feelings.

Topics for Part 2 questions or statements may include:

Work Transportation Weather
Shopping Movies, theater, concerts Entertainment
Travel Health Banking

QUICK GUIDE: Question-Response

Part 2 is a test of your listening comprehension. You will listen to a line from a
conversation and identify an appropriate response.
Targeted Skills In order to correctly choose responses to Part 2 questions and statements,
you must be able to:
distinguish between a question and a statement.
understand the content of a line of conversation.
distinguish between correct and incorrect conversational responses.
Question and Question or statement types will include the following:
Statement Information Questions: Where is your office?
Types Yes-No Questions, Embedded Questions, and Polite Requests: Has the
meeting started yet?
Embedded Questions: Can you tell me what time it is?
Polite Requests: Could you open the door for me?
Questions with or, Tag Questions, and Statements: Did she call last night
or this morning?
Tag Questions: You work in this building, dont you?
Statements: Its cold in here.

Things to Distracters, or incorrect answer options, may include the following:

Watch For Similar-Sounding Words: Some responses use words similar to a word in the
question, but that are homonyms, or have the wrong meaning.
Other Distracter Types: Some distracters use repeated words, or the same
word as the question, but in the wrong context. Some distracters use related
words, or words associated with something in the question, but in the wrong
context. Other distracters may include yes-no responses to information
questions. There are also distracters that use the wrong verb tense.

WALK THROUGH: | Question-Response

A What Youll See
In Part 2, the only things you will see are the directions and instructions to mark your answer
sheet. The questions and answer options are not on the page.

Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: Listen to the question or statement and three possible responses. You will hear
them only one time, and they are not in your book. Choose the best response, and mark the
corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

B What Youll Hear

You will hear a question or statement followed by three possible responses. Look at the
sample script. Then listen to the sample questions and responses. Underline the question
words in the script. Then underline words in the possible responses that could help you
answer that question, Track 2-01


(script not
Where should I put this package?
available in test)
(A) Its from the Tokyo office.
(B) On that table over there.
(C) Ms. Jones sent it.


Number 2. package: a small

Who made these photocopies? parcel

(A) Peter made them. photocopies: copie

of a document made
(B) He made ten copies. using a machine
(C) The copies are on your desk.

C What Youll Do
In the test, you will listen to the audio and choose the best response to each question. Now
listen to the audio and choose the best response. Use the information you underlined in
Part B if needed, but remember that you wont have the scripts on the test! Track 2-01

48 29

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Information Questions
Information questions are also called wh- questions. These are the questions that begin with
question words (or phrases), such as Who, Whose, What, When, Where, Which, Why, and How.
Each different question word asks for a different type of information.

Q uestions In fo rm atio n requested Sam ple Responses

Who put the package on my desk? Person John did.
Whose car is this? Owner Its Ms. Parks.
What did you buy? Thing A new computer.
What did they do last night? Activity They had dinner at a restaurant.
QUICK TIP When/What time did they arrive? Time Late last night.
Be careful not to Where is your office? Location On the third floor.
confuse Whose and
Which desk do you want? Choice I ll take the one by the window.
Whos. They sound
Why was he late? Reason His car broke down.
the same but ask for
How do you get to work? M anner or method By bus, usually.
different information.
Whose is followed by a How many people work here? Quantity Only three.
How much paper do we need? About twenty sheets.
noun and a verb, often
How often do you get paid? Frequency Every two weeks.
is or are. The correct
answer will usually
include a possessive. TIP 1 Identify any question words you hear. When you correctly identify the question word, you will
I/Wios means Who is. know what type of information to listen for when you hear the possible responses.
The correct answer will
TASK Listen to each question. Circle the question word(s) that you hear. Track 2-02
usually be a person.
1. Where What When
2. Which Whose Who
3. How many How often How much
4. Where Why How
5. What When Who

TIP 2 Listen for the correct type of information. Be sure to listen for the type of information that the
question asks for. If you hear When, listen for time, if you hear Where, listen for a place, and so on.

TASK Read the possible responses in the box. Then listen to the questions. Write the letter of the correct
response next to the number of each question. There are two extra responses, f " } Track 2-02

a. My boss did. d. Just once a month. f. Usually in August.

b. Its Jims. e. There are about ten of them. g. Theres a cafeteria downstairs.
c. I prefer this one.

1____ 2____ 3____ 4-------- 5.

30 49

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and response options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in
the script. Underline the question word and think about what it is asking f o r - a thing, an
activity, or a time? Then choose the best response to the question. f"JTrack 203

SAMPLE SCRIPT What time does the train leave?

(script not available (A) The rain has stopped.
in test)
(B) Buy your ticket here.
(C) At ten oclock.

Yes-No Questions

In Part 2, some of the questions will be yes-no questions. Yes-no questions begin with
auxiliary verbs, such as is/are, was/were, do/does, did, have/has, or will. They might also
begin with negative forms of auxiliaries, such as wasnt, didnt, or wont. The correct response
usually begins with yes or no, but watch out! Sometimes the response will be a direct answer
to the question, without yes or no.

Yes-No Q uestions Possible Responses A uxiliary Verbs

Is this your desk? Yes. I like working by the window. Is/Are
No. M ines over there.
Are you going out fo r lunch? Yes, I think so.
Not today.
Werent you out o f town last week? Yes. I got back yesterday.
No. I was in the office all week.
Was that your new assistant? Yes. He started last week. Was/Were
No. Thats my boss.
Do you work here? I m the manager. Do/Does
No. I m a client.
Doesnt your wife work here, too? Yes, shes in the Legal Department.
She used to, but she got another job.
Did you sign the document? Yes, and then I p u t it on your desk. Did
I ll sign it right now.
Didnt you hear the news? Yes. It was terrible, wasnt it?
No. W hat happened?
Have you finished the report? I finished it last night. Have/Has
Not yet, but I ll finish it soon.
Hasnt John left fo r vacation yet? He left last night.
Hes leaving tomorrow.
Will you be at the staff meeting I plan to be. Will
tomorrow? No, I have another commitment.
Wont you be at the concert tonight? I ll be sitting in the fro n t row.
I wasnt able to get a ticket.

50 31

Embedded Questions
Some yes-no questions contain embedded questionsa question within a question.
For example: Can you tell me where the meeting is? Do you know when he arrived?

This type of question begins with a yes-no question but contains an embedded
question in subject-verb order. Although the first part of the question could be
QUICK TIP answered with yes or no, the answer to the embedded question is what the speaker
Simple and embedded
really asks for. The correct response must answer that part of the question.

yes-no questions have

rising intonation at the E m bedded Q uestions Possible Responses
end, but embedded Can you tell me where the bank is? Yes. Its on the next block.
wh- questions have I m sorry. I dont know where it is.
falling intonation. Pay Do you know what time the meeting starts? It starts at 9:15.
attention to whether the I m not sure, but I think before 10:00.
speakers voice rises or Do you think it will rain today ? It probably will.
falls at the end of the No. Theres not a cloud in the sky.
question to help find Do you remember how many people were at the I think about 25.
the correct response. meeting ? No. I dont remember at all.

Polite Requests
Polite requests are another type of yes-no question. Although they are structured like yes-no
questions, they usually arent answered with yes or no. Instead, the responses contain polite
phrases, such as Of course, Certainly, I d be glad to, I d be happy to, Im sorry, or 1 wish 1
could. Responses may consist of or include an explanation of when or how the request will be
QUICK TIP met, or an excuse for not fulfilling the request.

Listen for clues to

Polite Requests Possible Responses
polite requests.
Polite requests begin Can you copy these documents fo r me? O f course. I ll do it right away.
I m sorry. I m busy right now.
with certain modal
auxiliaries-can, will, Will you call me when your meeting is over? I d be glad to.
I m sorry, but I m not sure if I can.
could, would. When
you hear one of these Could you p u t these letters in the mail fo r me? I d be happy to. I m going by the post office now.
I wish I could, but I dont have time.
verbs, it may signal a
polite request. Would you show me how to use this machine? Yes, certainly. Its very easy to use.
I m busy right now, but I can show you later.

TIP 1 1dentify the type of yes-no question. This will help you choose the appropriate response.

TASK Listen to each question and circle the question type, f t Track 2-04

1. simple yes-no question embedded question polite request

2. simple yes-no question embedded question polite request

3. simple yes-no question embedded question polite request

4. simple yes-no question embedded question polite request

5. simple yes-no question embedded question polite request

32 51

TIP 2 Listen for an appropriate response option for the question type. A response to a yes-no
question does not necessarily begin with yes or no. The correct response to a simple yes-no question
will confirm or deny the information asked about. The response to a yes-no question with an embedded
question will address the embedded question. A polite request may be answered with a polite response.

TASK Read the possible responses in the box. Then listen to the questions and choose the correct
responses. There are two extra responses, f t Track 2-04

a. He knows how to do it. d. Not yet. It leaves at 5:15. f. No, she cant tell.
b. Yes. Theres one across the street, e. Of course. Ill put them ong.Yes. Hes in his office.
c. At 7:30,1think. your desk.

1------- 2-------- 3-------- 4____ 5.

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and response options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in
the script. Underline the word that tells you what type of question it is, and decide whether
the question needs a yes-no response, a response to an embedded question, or a polite
response. Then choose the best response to the question, f t Track 2-05

SAMPLE SCRIPT Will you be working this weekend?

(script n o t available
(A) Im not sure.
in test)
(B) Ill get it.
(C) Yes, it is.

Questions with Or
Just like simple yes-no questions, questions with or begin with auxiliary verbs. However, these
questions cannot be answered with yes or no. A question with or is about a choice, and the
response must indicate the speakers choice. Here are some sample questions and responses.
Questions with or will
usually have falling Q uestions w ith Or Possible Responses
intonation at the end. Are you traveling by train or by bus? Were leaving tonight on the ten oclock train.
If you hear falling
Do you prefer coffee or tea? Neither. I ll just have some water.
intonation and or, the
Will you make the call or shall I? I ll do it.
correct response is
Would you like to sit here or by the window? I think by the window is more comfortable.
likely a choice or an
Do you work the day shift or the night? I work nights until eleven p.m.

Tag Questions
Tag questions are like yes-no questions, but the yes or no option is at the end of the sentence.
In a tag question, an auxiliary verb and a pronoun are attached to the end of a statement. If
the statement is affirmative, the tag will be negative. If the statement is negative, the tag will
be affirmative. The responses for these can be either yes, no, or something addressing the
statement. Here are some sample tag questions and responses.

52 33

Tag Q uestions Possible Responses

You work in this building, dont you? Yes. My office is on the third floor.
John isnt your boss, is he? No, but we work in the same department.
Youll be at the party, wont you? I will if I dont have to work tonight.
M ary wasnt at the office yesterday, was she? She was at a meeting in London.
Jim has worked here quite a long time, hasnt he? He has, and he knows the company well.

Keep in mind that a
statement serves to In addition to questions, you will hear some statements in Part 2 of the Listening test. A
extend a conversation. statement may be about an opinion or a problem. The response may agree or disagree with an
The best response opinion or suggest a solution to a problem. Here are some sample statements and responses.
is usually one that
S tatem ents Possible Responses
will continue the
That movie was really funny. I know. I couldnt stop laughing.
Sam is a very hard worker. He is. He deserves a raise.
I dont understand how to use the fa x machine. I d be happy to explain it to you.
The printer has run out o f paper. Theres more paper in the supply closet.

TIP 1 1dentify the type of question or statement. This will help you choose the appropriate response.

TASK Listen to each question and circle the question type, Track 2-06

1. or question tag question statement

2. or question tag question statement
3. or question tag question statement
4. or question tag question statement
5. or question tag question statement

TIP 2 Listen for an appropriate response to the question type. The answer to an or question doesnt
use yes or no. The answer to a tag question may or may not use yes or no. The response to a statement
may agree or disagree or suggest a solution.

TASK Read the possible responses in the box. Then listen to the audio again and choose the correct
responses. There are two extra responses. Track 2-06

a. Neither. I come by subway. d. Yes. Its a beautiful city. f. Ill close the window.
b. Dont worry. I have a key. e. Actually, I prefer fish. g. It was very funny.
c. Ill take the red one.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the statement and response options. Then listen to the audio as you read along
in the script. Think about the kind of response the statement needs. Then choose the best
response. Track 2-07

SAMPLE SCRIPT These books are so heavy.

(script not (B) I can book a hotel room. (C) Ill carry them for you.
(A) I like to read books.
available in test)

34 53


Similar-Sounding Words
TIP 1 Beware of similar-sounding words in incorrect answer options. Just as in Part 1, an incorrect
response in Part 2 may use a word that sounds like, but is not exactly the same as, a word used in
the question. Here are some examples of similar-sounding words you may hear in Part 2 of the TOEIC
Listening test. (See page 15 for more examples.)

Sim ilar-Sounding W ords

weather, wetter dinner, thinner
father, farther, feather send, spend, lend, end, tend, mend, extend, men
department, apartment fine, time, dine, nine
tall, small, call, fall, ball, hall, mall, recall white, right, night, light, fight, sight, tight
tell, smell, fell, sell, yell met, bet, get, set
bought, brought, caught, taught ten, pen, men, again
phone, home, alone fire, hire, retire, expire, inspire
done, fu n cloud, crowd, loud, allowed

Be careful about homonyms and multiple-meaning words. Be especially aware of distracters that
have homonyms, or words that are spelled differently and have different meanings but that sound the
same. A word like weak might be used as an adjective in a question or statement and the noun form
used as a distracter in a response. Also watch out for distracters with the exact same word as the
question but with a different meaning. A word like room can mean space, or it can mean a part of a
building. Though the two meanings are close, they are not the same, and this is probably a distracter.
Here are some examples of homonyms and multiple-meaning words you may hear in Part 2 of the
Listening test. (See the chart on page 17 for more examples.)

H om onym s and M ultiple-M eaning W ords

W ords D efinitions W ords D efinitions
here in this place week seven days
hear perceive sounds weak not strong
blue a color meet come together
blew past tense of blow meat beef, chicken, pork, etc.
work have a job find discover
work function, operate fined past tense offine
room part of a building choose select
room space chews grind up with the teeth
suit a set of clothing read past tense of read
suit fit, be appropriate red a color
fall go down like be similar
fall autumn like enjoy something
order organization, arrangement sent past tense of send
order instruction cent 1/100th of a dollar
order ask for, demand scent odor

54 35

TASK Listen to the audio as you read each question or statement and the possible responses. Choose
the best response. In the incorrect answer options, underline the homonyms, similar-sounding words,
and words used with the wrong meanings, f j Track 2-08

1. Did you hear the news? 4. The weather is lovely today.

(A) Yes, hes here. (A) It is. We should walk in the park.
(B) Yes. Its very exciting. (B) Everything is getting wetter.
(C) Yes, theyre quite near. (C) I dont know whether shes here.

2. Its time to order more paper. 5. Choose anything you like from the menu.
(A) Yes, and we need some pens, too. (A) He always chews so loudly.
(B) Everything is in order. (B) It was an offer impossible to refuse.
(C) The border is closed. (C) Thanks. Ill have the baked fish.

3. Whos in charge of this department? 6. Do you prefer blue or red?

(A) They live in a large apartment. (A) I read that article, too.
(B) Theres one in that compartment. (B) The wind blew very hard.
(C) Ms. Brown is the supervisor. (C) I always think blue is nicer.

TIP 2 Watch out for other distracter types. Other distracters in Part 2 may include repeated words,
related words, yes-no answers to information questions, and answers using the wrong verb tense.

Repeated Words
An incorrect response may repeat a word used in the question or statement but in the wrong context. In
the example below, responses A and B repeat the word lunch but do not answer the question.

Where did you have lunch?

(A) It was a delicious lunch.
(B) I always have a sandwich for lunch.
(C) At the cafeteria downstairs.

Related Words
An incorrect response may use a word associated with something in the question or statement but in
the wrong context. In the example below, responses B and C use words associated with the word bus
fare and driver but are not appropriate responses.

Do you take the bus to work?

(A) No. I always drive my car.
(B) The fare is two dollars.
(C) Yes. He was a very good driver.

Yes-No Answers to Information Questions

Information questions cannot be answered with yes or no. In the example below, responses A and B
cannot be correct because they begin with yes and no.

What time does the movie start?

(A) Yes, I like movies.
(B) No. It wasnt early.
(C) At 5:00.

36 55

Wrong Verb Tense

An incorrect response may use the wrong verb tense. In the example below, responses A and C use
verb tenses that are not logical in this context.

Did you play golf last weekend?

(A) Yes, Ill play golf with you.
(B) Yes, I played at the club.
(C) Yes, I do.

TASK Listen to the audio as you read each question or statement and the possible responses. Write the
letter (a-d) of the distracter type next to each incorrect answer. The correct answer will not have a letter
for a distracter type. Then mark the correct response, Track 2-09

Distracter Types
a. repeated word c. yes-no answer to information question
b. related word d. wrong verb tense

1. Is the food at this restaurant good? 4. Which hotel did you stay at?
(A) Yes, its delicious. (A) Yes, it was a very nice place.
(B) I enjoy eating at restaurants. (B) The big one near the train station.
(C) No, I havent seen the waiter. (C) We had a room with a view.

2. When will you take your vacation? 5. Has the mail been delivered yet?
(A) No, it wasnt much fun. (A) Yes, I put it on your desk.
(B) I usually go tn the beach. (B) You can buy stamps downstairs.
(C) At the end of August. (C) No, that envelope is too small.

3. Who uses this desk?

(A) He sat there yesterday___
(B) Mr. Stephens works there.
(C) Its a very tidy desk___ _

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and answer options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in
the script. Underline the word that tells you what type of question it is. Then underline
distracters and mark the correct response, f") Track 2-10

SAMPLE SCRIPT Is the meeting tomorrow at nine?

(script not (A) Thats fine.
available in test)
(B) Yes, it is.
(C) Theres a meeting.

56 37


A Read and listen to the question or statement and three possible responses. Choose the best response,
and mark the corresponding letter. Remember, you wont be able to see the questions or responses in
the real TOEIC test! o Track 2-11

1. Whose purse is this?

(A) Shes a nurse.
(B) This is a purse.
(C) Its Marys.

2. Where can I park my car?

(A) In the garage.
(B) Lets walk in the park.
(C) Its not very far.

3. Its a very cold day.

(A) Yes, he sold it.
(B) Ill wear a coat.
(C) The meeting is today.

4. When is the party?

(A) At Peters house.
(B) Tomorrow at five.
(C) I like a good party.

5. Who took this phone message?

(A) I took it.
(B) The phone is ringing.
(C) Its in the book.

B Now check your answers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis box and look at the answer
options. Note why each response is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect
responses. Track 2-11

1. Whose purse is this?

(A) Shes a nurse.
(B) This is a purse.
(C) Its Marys.

/ (A) Nurse just sounds similar to purse.
X (B) This only repeats the word purse but doesnt answer the question.
/ (C) The possessive Marys answers the question Whose?

38 57

2. Where can I park my car?

(A) In the garage.
(B) Lets walk in the park.
(C) Its not very far.

/ (A) In the garage answers the question Where?
X (B) This uses park with the meaning of a natural area in a city rather than to put your car somewhere.
X (C) Far just sounds similar to car.

3. Its a very cold day.

(A) Yes, he sold it.
(B) Ill wear a coat.
(C) The meeting is today.

X (A) Sold just sounds similar to cold.
(B) Ill wear a coat is a logical response on a cold day.
X (C) Today just sounds similar to day.

4. When is the party?

(A) At Peters house.
(B) Tomorrow at five.
(C) I like a good party.

X (A) This would answer a question about Where?
/ (B) Tomorrow at five answers the question When?
X (C) This only repeats the word party.

5. Who took this phone message?

(A) I took it.
(B) The phone is ringing.
(C) Its in the book.

/ (A) I answers the question Who?
X (B) This repeats the word phone but doesnt answer the question.
X (C) Book just sounds similar to took.



A Listen to the question or statement and three possible responses. Choose the best response and mark
the corresponding letter. Track 2-12

1. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)

6. (A) (B) (C)

7. (A) (B) (C)

8. (A) (B) (C)

9. (A) (B) (C)

10. (A) (B) (C)

B Now check your answers. Look at the questions and responses in the scripts at the back of this book.
Then look at the explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option next to the
reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect responses, f t Track 2-12

_____ X Hurry just sounds similar to hungry.
_____ Telling someone to have lunch is a logical suggestion when that person is hungry.
_____ X Angry just sounds similar to hungry.

_____ X Check out is only related to hotel but doesnt answer the question.
_____ X Tell just sounds similar to hotel.
_____ / Very comfortable answers the question How?

_____ / Office supplies answers the question What?
_____ X Closed it just sounds similar to closet.
_____ X This repeats the word closet and is also a yes-no answer to an information question.

40 59

_____ / Yes, it was very interesting answers the question and explains why the speaker liked the museum.
_____ X This uses like with a meaning of similar to instead of enjoy.
_____ X This repeats the word museum but doesnt answer the question.

_____ X The possessive noun Johns answers the question Whose? not Whos?
_____ / My boss answers the question Who?
_____ / This just repeats the word there.

_____ / This is a yes-no answer to an information question.
_____ X Lost just sounds similar to cost.
___ _ / Ten dollars answers the question How much?

_____ / Of course is a polite response to a polite request.
_____ X Coughing just sounds similar to coffee.
_____X This only repeats the word cup but doesnt answer the question.

_____ X This only repeats New York but doesnt answer the question.
____ / Im leaving tomorrow answers the question about going to New York.
_____ X Noon just sounds similar to soon.

_____ / Yes, Ill see her correctly answers the future tense question.
_____ X This only repeats the name Susan but doesnt answer the question.
_____ X This past tense answer isnt a logical response to the future tense question.

_____ X The word deck just sounds similar to check.
_____ / This answers the yes-no question about payment methods.
_____ X This uses check with the meaning of look at rather than payment method.

60 41


Directions: Listen to the question or statement and three possible responses. You will hear them only
one time, and they are not in your book. Choose the best response, and mark the corresponding letter on
your answer sheet, f t Track 2 -1 3

1. (A) (B) (C) 11. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C) 12. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C) 13. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C) 14. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C) 15. (A) (B) (C)

6. (A) (B) (C) 16. (A) (B) (C)

7. (A) (B) (C) 17. (A) (B) (C)

8. (A) (B) (C) 18. (A) (B) (C)

9. (A) (B) (C) 19. (A) (B) (C)

10. (A) (B) (C) 20. (A) (B) (C)

42 61
TOEIC Test Speaking
Questions 4 -6
Questions 4 -6 of the Speaking Test feature a short prompt followed by three related
questions. The questions will appear on-screen and will be read by a narrator. There
is no preparation time allowed. You will be tested on your ability to comprehend the
questions and respond. For Questions 4 and 5, you will have 15 seconds to answer
each question. You will have 30 seconds to answer Question 6. Your responses will
be evaluated based on pronunciation, intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary,
cohesion, and relevance and completeness of content.

Possible topics may include:

Personal and social interests Community life (environment, banking, housing)
(entertainment, travel, hobbies) Marketjng research and consumer practices

QUICK GUIDE: Respond to Questions

Definition Questions 4-6 test your speaking skills about personal experiences and familiar topics.
The questions require you to respond with two short personal answers and one longer
opinion or description. You will state a preference, use descriptive language, offer
reasons and explanations, state an opinion, and support your answers with details.
Targeted In Questions 4-6, you should be able to:
Skills express your opinion clearly, supporting it with details.
understand the main topic and identify key words.
select and use appropriate vocabulary.
describe frequency or duration of events or activities.
provide details and explanations about your opinion.
Question Here are examples of questions you might find on the test.
Types Personal and Social Interests: W hat kinds o f s p o rts d o y o u like?
Community Life: W hat type o f transportation d o yo u use every day?
Marketing Research: W h a ts y o u r favorite fo o d ? W hy?
A Good A good response will accurately and fluently address everything asked about in
Response the prompt within the time provided. It will also demonstrate organizational skills,
answer the question fully, and include supporting details.
Things to 1. First, quickly analyze the prompt and questions. What key words are in the prompt?
Remember What do the questions ask for? What information do you need in your responses?
2. Next, think about what you want to talk about. You should immediately think of key
words that will help you answer quickly.
3. You will hear a beep signaling when to start. Begin your answer with a topic
sentence that restates the prompt and adds your own information.
4. Be sure to explain the main reason for your answer and provide personal details
to support this reason.


WALK THROUGH: Respond to Questions

A What Youll See and Hear
In Questions 4-6, you will hear an introductory statement. Then you will respond to three
questions. Read along as you listen to the sample introductory statement and questions
below. What types of information are the questions asking for? Track 04 - 06.01

Read and listen carefully
to the introductory
Questions 4-6: Respond to questions
statement made by the
narrator. This statement Directions: In this part, you will answer three questions. Begin responding as soon as
sets the situation and you hear the beep for each question. You will have 15 seconds for Questions 4 and 5 and 30
will help you determine seconds for Question 6. There is no preparation time.
what the speakers are
Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country You have
talking about. The key
agreed to participate in a telephone survey about food shopping.
words should im
Question 4: What types of food stores are there in your neighborhood?
mediately prompt you
to think of specific Question 5: How often do you go food shopping and when do you usually go?
vocabulary related to the Question 6: Describe what you buy and why you make those purchases.
main topic. For example,
food shopping should
immediately make you
B What Youll Do
think of grocery stores,
shops, supermarkets,
Below are sample responses for the questions in Part A. Listen and notice how the speaker
organizes his response to each question. Then try to answer the questions in Part A using
and food.
your own information. Q Track 04 - 06.02

SAMPLE RESPONSES Question 4: Well, there are a lot o f small general stores and som e specialty m eat shops in my
neighborhood, but I usually like to go to a big superm arket thats not fa r fro m where I live.
Question 5 : 1 usually go fo o d shopping once or twice a week, and most o f the time, 1 go on
Thursday evening. I try to get there between 8 and 9 p.m., when its not so busy.
organic: methods of
Question 6: Well, there are so many thingsmostly, I like to buy fresh fru it and vegetables and
farming and gardening
that use only natural
organic foods. I like to eat healthy foo d , so I think its really important to shop fo r natural
animal and plant products, products. Thats what I usually buy. I also like to purchase things on sale, so sometim es I stock
rather than chemicals, to up on canned goods and frozen foods.
help the plants or animals
grow and be healthy

stock up: buy a lot of

something in case you
cannot get it later

63 27

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Questions 4-6 on the Speaking Test are scored on a scale from 0-3. Your responses will be
graded based on the same criteria as Questions 1 -3 -pronunciation, intonation and stress,
grammar, vocabulary, and cohesion. You will also be graded on relevance of content and
completeness of content.
Relevance of content is how well you connect your response to the topic. If the question
asks, Whats your favorite kind of museum and why do you like it?, you must explain what
kind of museum it is (for example, a museum of modern art, natural history, aerospace, film,
sports, or photography). You must also say what you like about that museum (for example,
its large collection, architecture, or sports trophies). You must avoid talking about unrelated
topics, as that can negatively affect your score.
Completeness of content is how fully you answer the question. Some questions may have
more than one part. For example, for the question Whats your favorite kind of museum
and why do you like it?, you must talk about two things in order to answer the question
completely: (1) what your favorite museum is, and (2) why you feel that way.
Read along as you listen to this sample response. Q Track 04-06.03

A Good Response: My favorite kind of museum to visit is a natural history museum. I really enjoy seeing
exhibits related to Earth, dinosaurs, different animals, and things like geology. Forme, those are the most
interesting exhibits. I usually spend hours looking around in that kind of museum.
Analysis: The speakers answer is completely related to the question. The speaker also remembers to answer
the second part of the question, why do you like it?

speak from your own
Questions 4 -6 ask you about your preferences and habits, or they ask for a description
point of view. If you
or an opinion about a topic. Questions 4 and 5 are usually Wh- questions that ask you
dont feel you have
who, what, where, why, or how often / much. Question 6 may ask you to offer a longer
enough personal
description of something or give a more detailed opinion.
experience with a topic,
use your imagination.
Possible Questions
Stating and describing preferences: Extended description / defend an opinion:
Where do you usually watch TV? Describe your favorite vacation spot.
What kinds of TV shows do you like and why? Describe what you like best about. . .
Duration and frequency: Opinion:
How much time do you get for vacation? How important is it to buy things on sale?
How often do you go to the gym? What do you think is the best way to travel?
How long have you been living in your


TIP 1 Become familiar with the types of prompts. The introductory statements that you hear
before the questions, called prompts, are often about a survey. You should imagine that a marketing
firm is asking you for information about yourself and your preferences. As you read and listen to the
introductory statement, notice what topic the survey is about, such as films, sports, or television
programs. Then focus on keeping your responses directly related to that topic.
TASK Practice identifying content that is relevant to a topic. Look at the chart. Read the topic in bold on
the left. Then circle the word or phrase that is NOT relevant to the topic.

1. sports soccer swimming tennis gardening

2. movies drama comedy photography horror
3. emergency services ambulance limousine fire station police station
4. public parks school national park state park community park
5. materials to read for novels newspapers magazines employee
enjoyment handbooks

TIP 2 Become familiar with the types of questions you might hear. There are several different
question types that you may hear in this part of the TOEIC test. Look at the chart for some examples
of the types of questions you may encounter, what they are asking for, possible structures to use, and
ways to answer them.

Question Types What Theyre Possible Structures Sample Responses

Asking For for Responding
What kinds of a type, description, or I like + nouns or I like mysteries and
Remember to scan the thrillers.
[movies] do you like? preference adjectives with nouns:
questions immediately. comedies, classic
Look for the type of horror films, dramas,
Wh- question asked romantic movies
in Questions 4 and Why do you [like that a reason subordinating clauses, I watch mysteries and
5 so you will know kind o f movie]? transition words: thrillers because I
how to approach your because, since, however enjoy getting scared.
However, sometimes I
have bad dreams.
How often do you frequency adverbs of frequency, I like to go to the
[watch movies]? time expressions: movies about once
usually, on the every two months.
weekends, once a week,
every day
How long have you duration time expressions: fo r X I ve been interested
[been interested in years, fo r a long time, in movies for many
movies]? fo r a short time, since years.
What do you think opinion opinion verbs: think I think that movies
about [the price (that), believe (that), have become too
o f movies in your feel (that) expensive.

65 29

TASK Complete each question with the best Wh- phrase from the box. Then decide how you would
answer each question. Write down your key ideas.

What kind of What is What do you Where do you Why do you

1. go to get exercise?
2. your favorite type of exercise?
3. usually do for exercise?
4. enjoy this type of exercise?
5. exercise do you usually do?

TIP 3 Question 5 often asks you to talk about how long something lasts (duration) or how often
something happens (frequency). To answer, you will need to think about numbers, times of day, or
details relating to days of the week or dates. These types of questions can also ask you about how
QUICK TIP much time or how many hours or days you spend doing something.
Sometimes there are TASK Complete the questions about duration, frequency, or amount of time. Use the correct phrases
two parts to one of the from the box. Then decide how you would answer each question. Write down your key ideas.
questions. Be sure to
address both parts so How long How many How much How often When
that your response is
1. . do you go to sports events?
complete. For example:
Whats your favorite TV
2. . time do you spend at the grocery store?
show and why? 3. . hours a week do you exercise?
W here and when did 4. . do you usually shop for clothes?
you last go shopping? 5. . have you lived in your neighborhood?

TIP 4 Learn to recognize questions that ask for extra information. Some questions may ask you to
expand on a description of something. You may also be asked to give your opinion about a topic, defend
your choice about why one thing is better than another, or state how you can improve something.
TASK Complete the sentences about describing something or defending an opinion. Use any appropriate
phrase from the box. More than one answer may be possible. What types of information are they asking for?

Do you believe it Describe How important is it What kind of

What do you think How do you think

1 ______________ community center would you like to see built in your neighborhood?
2______________ to buy clothes at a bargain price?
3______________ one way that you think education could be improved.
4______________ your neighborhood could be improved?
5______________ about public transportation in your city?
6______________ is a good idea for children to participate in after-school activities?


Structuring your response correctly is important to your score. A good way to do this is
to follow a template, or a set of structured ideas. This will help you answer the question
completely and in a clear way. For Wh- questions, the following template can help you
give a clear and complete answer.

- Restate the question

- Give supporting information - idea 1
- Add details - detail 1
- Give supporting information - idea 2
- Add details - detail 2

Notice how this response fits the template. Read along as you listen to this
sample question and response. Track 04-06.04

Sample Question: Whats your favorite place to buy clothing?

Sample Response: My favorite place to buy clothing is Dels Department Store. I like it because the prices
are good and the selection is nice. Last year, I got a new winter coat for only $30.1also like it because the
clerks there are very friendly. They always say hello and are really helpful.

For questions that ask for a description or opinion, the following tem plate can
help you give a clear and com plete answer.

- Restate the topic w ith an opinion or general description

- Give supporting information - idea 1
- Add details - detail 1
- Give supporting information - idea 2
- Add details - detail 2

Notice how this response fits the template. Read along as you listen to this
sample question and response. Track 04 - 06.05

Sample Question: Describe your favorite restaurant

Sample Response: My favorite restaurant is really cozy and nice. Its in an old building, so the atmosphere
is really old-style. The walls are made of brick, and the restaurant is lit with candles. The restaurant serves
excellent Italian food. The lasagna is my favorite.

Rem ember to add more supporting information and details for Question 6 and for
questions with two parts.
TIP 1 Start your response by restating the question. Begin your response by restating or rephrasing
the question. For example, if the question asks, How often do you play sports?, your answer should
start with a restatement of the prompt. For example, I usually play sports about [three times a week].

Questions Restated Responses

What type o f music do you like? I like [rock and roll] music.
How long does it take you to get to your job? It usually takes me [five minutes] to get to my
Describe your favorite restaurant. My favorite restaurant is [a small Italian
restaurant called Piccolo],

67 31

TASK Read each question. Then write the first sentence of your response by restating the question.
1. What is your preferred method of transportation?

2. Where do you usually do your food shopping?

QUICK TIP 3. Describe the kind of music you usually listen to.
You will hear key
words and phrases
4. How long have you lived in your current residence?
in Question 6. For
example, Describe
one way em ergency TIP 2 Learn set phrases to answer, give supporting information, and add information. Learn
services in your common phrases that you can use to state preferences, offer opinions, and answer questions about
neighborhood duration, frequency, or quantity. Other expressions are helpful for adding information. Providing
could be improved. information to support your answer and adding personal or additional details make your answer more
Immediately restate complete. This chart gives examples to help you state your preferences or likes.
the question and
Stating Preferences or Likes in Responses to Wh- Questions
think of noun phrases
Stating Preferences Expressing Likes
that support your
I really lik e. . . I enjoy. . .
opinion. For example,
I prefer X over Y. For me, the best kind o fX is . . .
Em ergency services
in mv neighborhood My favorite kind o fX is . . . When it comes to X, Y is my favorite.

could be improved
The vocabulary and expressions in this chart may be useful when you respond to questions about
by speeding up their
duration, frequency, or quantity.
response tim e .
Common Expressions for Duration, Frequency, or Quantity
Duration Frequency Quantity
(How long. . . ?) (How often . . . f) (How m any. . . ?)
since I was young, since four all the time, always, regularly, several, a lot, many, some, a
oclock, fo r several hours, fo r a usually, often, very often, few, a couple, not many, hardly
long time, fo r six months, fo r a from time to time, several times any, none
year a week, hardly ever, rarely,
Write out a 30- to The following sentence starters may be useful for offering or supporting opinions and giving reasons in
35-word response to a response to Question 6 or for defending Why questions in Questions 4,5, or 6.
question like, What is
your favorite TV show?
Common Sentence Starters for Offering or Supporting Opinions and Giving Reasons

Why? Then set a timer Offering Opinions Supporting Opinions / Giving Reasons
for 15 seconds. Record (What is your opinion o fX ? ( Why do you like X?
What do you think about X f) Why do you think X is importantf)
yourself and make sure
you can respond in 15 I think. . . The reason I say this is . . .

seconds. Keep practic In my opinion. . . This is necessary because. . .

ing until you can answer I would say that. . . Due to the fact that. . .
completely in the right I really believe that. . . Because o f t h e . . .
amount of time. The best way to . . . By [doing X], we could improve. . .
It seems to me that. . . X is important because. . .

32 68

Finally, you can use expressions like these to add information or expand your answer.

Common Phrases for Adding Information and Expanding On Your Answer

A l s o t o o . Another thing i s . . .
Finally. . . (for adding the last piece of
In addition . . .
Plus . . .

TASK 1 Read each question and write numbers to put the sentences into the best order for a response.

Question 4; Whats your Question 5: How often Question 6: What do you think
favorite restaurant? Why? do you eat at this about the service at this
restaurant? restaurant, and how could it be
I think they have the best Thats because it has If they want to maintain the
cannoli in town. become very popular. restaurants popularity, they should
I would have to say my I usually eat at this make those changes.
favorite restaurant is Piccolo restaurant once a week. But sometimes the service is
restaurant. So now I go only if I can slow because the restaurant is so
Another thing is that the get a reservation. crowded.
food is really delicious. I would go more often, One thing I think they could do to
I like it because I enjoy the but its difficult to get a improve the restaurant is to hire
relaxing atmosphere. table. more servers.
Most of the time, I think the service
there is excellent.
Another suggestion is that the
QUICK TIP servers could bring more bread
Write out a 50- to while you wait for your meal.
60-word response to a
question like, Do you
think learning a second TASK 2 Read each question and create a two-sentence answer that gives one piece of supporting
language is important? information and adds one detail. Use the vocabulary given.
Why do you think so?
Example: What kinds of movies do you like? [science-fiction films / interesting / Avatar]
Set a timer for
30 seconds. Try I like science-fiction films because theyre so interesting. One of my favorites is Avatar.
recording yourself, and
make sure you can 1. What kind of music do you like? [rock / great lyrics / sing along]
respond in 30 seconds.
Keep practicing
until you can answer
2. What is your favorite place to go on vacation? [beach / Australia / swimming]
completely in the right
amount of time.

3. What is a popular place to meet friends in your neighborhood? [neighborhood cafe / great
atmosphere / good food]

69 33

TIP 3 Answer completely and keep your response relevant. Stay focused on the topic, but give as
many details as you can. Going off topic can negatively affect your score. If you dont answer all parts of
the question, you will lose points on your score as well.
TASK 1 Read each question and circle the response that is NOT connected to the topic.
1. Whats your favorite type of literature?
QUICK TIP a. I like historical novels.
When you are not b. My favorite type of literature is fiction.
sure what to say or
c. I would have to say that biographies are my favorite type of literature.
if you need some
d. I like to read sports statistics in the newspaper.
time to think of your
answer, you can use 2. What kind of dessert do you like best?
special phrases called a. My favorite kind of dessert is chocolate ice cream.
hedges. Hedges can b. I think that vanilla cake with chocolate frosting is my all-time favorite dessert.
fill a small gap in your
c. I like to eat potato chips for a snack right after dinner.
response while you
d. The kind of dessert I like best is apple pie. It is really delicious with ice cream on top.
think. Here are some
examples. 3. What is your favorite season? Why?
U r n ... a. My birthday is my favorite day because I love to have a big party.
Lets see he re . . . b. I would say that fall is my favorite season because I enjoy the colors of the leaves.
Let me think about c. My favorite time of year is winter because I enjoy winter sports, like skiing and ice-skating.
t h at . . . d. I like summertime the best of all. I love to be near the ocean and spend my day on the beach.
I would have to s a y . . .
TASK 2 Read each question and its possible responses. Write correct under the best response to the
question. Then decide why the other two answers are not as effective. Is the answer off topic, or is it not
complete? Write off topic or not complete under the ineffective answers.

Question 4: Do you think it is Question 5: How often do Question 6: What could be

important to have a park in you visit a park in your done to improve the park in
your community? Why? community? your community?
A I think parks are very impor A I like to go to the park at least A I think that a park would im
tant because they keep the air once a week, but sometimes I prove my community. It would
fresh and they are good for the go more often. give kids a place to play and be
animals. a pretty place.

B I think it is important to have a B A lot of people like to go to B If my community wanted to

park in my area. the park in my community. My improve the park, they could
community is very active, and put benches in the shade, add
the people are nice. picnic tables, and have more
drinking fountains.

CI would have to say that I like C If I have time, I take a walk C I think the park needs
parks because I can be around downtown every day in the improvement. Its really dirty
nature, have picnics, and get morning before I go to work. now, and theres no playground.
exercise. I dont like to go there at all.



A Read along as you listen to the speaking prompt and three questions. Then, for each
question, check [S) one response that restates the prompt and two supporting details
that could be included in the response. Track 04-06.06

Imagine that a Canadian market research company is conducting a survey about

preferred methods of public transportation.

Question 4: What kind of Question 5: How long is your Question 6: Describe one
transportation do you take commute to work every method of public transportation
most often? Why? day? in your city and why it is the
best way to travel.
1dont take public The city has a lot of The subway is the fastest and
transportation. problems with the buses easiest method of travel.
1usually take the subway. being late. 1think this because there are
The subway is very It usually takes me many lines, and every stop is
inexpensive. 45 minutes to get to work close to major city areas.
And it is not far from my every day. The city needs to invest more
house, which makes it very It takes a long time for me money in transportation.
convenient. to get to work because 1live The subway is the quickest way
outside of the city. to get around, especially when
My commute to work is there is a lot of traffic.
really long.

B Listen to the sample responses for Questions 4, 5, and 6. Notice the words and phrases
the speaker uses to introduce her response, give reasons, and give supporting details.
Then listen again. Write the number of the correct purpose for each sentence in the sample
responses. Use the purposes in the box. Q Track 04-06.07

1. Restates the question or topic 3. Detail 1 5. Detail 2

2. Supporting information 1 4. Supporting information 2 6. Additional details

Question 4: What kind of transportation do you take most often? Why?

J_The kind of transportation I take most often is the subway.___For me, the subway is a convenient and
inexpensive way to travel.___I saved a lot of money last year when I stopped driving to work.___ I also
like the subway because I can read while I travel.___Reading helps me relax on the way to work.

Question 5: How long is your commute to work every day?

___My commute to work only takes me 30 minutes in total every day.___ Its a short walk from my house
to the subway stop.___So I think its very convenient and the best way for me to travel.___ In addition,
the subway stop where I get off is close to my job.___Id have to walk farther to my office if I drove
because the nearest parking lot is several blocks away.

71 35

Question 6: Describe one method of public transportation in your city and why it is the best way to
___I think the best method of public transportation in my city is the subway.___ The subway is much
faster than driving.___Because of the heavy traffic downtown, it can take twice as long to get anywhere
with a car or in a taxi or bus.___Also, the subway operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so that
makes it really convenient.___The buses stop running at midnight most nights, so you would have to pay
for a taxi instead. _ _ Plus, the subway stops are close to all the major places in the city.___If you look at
a map, you dont have to walk more than a few blocks to catch the subway in most areas.

C Now use your own words to complete the templates or use another piece of paper.
Then practice your responses aloud. Record your responses if you can.

Question 4: What kind of transportation do you take most often? Why?

[Restate the question] The kind of transportation I take most often is ________

[Give supporting information - idea 1] For me, its

[Add details - detail 1] The reason I say this is because

[Give supporting information - idea 2] I also think that taking the

is good because________________________
[Add details - detail 2] This is due to the fact that

Question 5: How long is your commute to work every day?

[Restate the question] My commute to work every day is about _

[Give supporting information - idea 1] It takes me this long because

[Add details - detail 1] I usually_____________________

during my commute. It makes the commute__________
[Give supporting information - idea 2] I think my commute is
[Add details - detail 2] The reason I say this is __________


Question 6: Describe one method of public transportation in your city and why it is the best
way to travel.
[Restate the topic] I think the best method of public transportation in my city is ___________ _ _
____________________________________ because________________________ ___________ _

[Give supporting information - idea 1] For me, its

[Add details - detail 1] The reason I say this is because

[Give supporting information - idea 2] I also think that

is good because___________________________
[Add details - detail 2] In addition, I feel th a t______
is the best method of transportation because___

[Add more details] And finally,


D Now think about your responses or listen to them again if they were recorded. Then
read the statements below. How well did your responses meet the question scoring
criteria? Check ( / ) Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 4 - 6

Yes No
1 . 1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My responses were
easily understood.

2 .1 used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My responses were well paced. They were neither too fast nor too slow, and
I spoke for the full amount of time.
4. My responses were thorough, complete, and appropriate for the questions.
I answered the prompt directly and did not include unnecessary information.
5 .1 included reasons, examples, opinions, and supporting details in my

73 37


A Read along as you listen to the speaking prompt and questions. Think about what
you might say. Next, listen to the sample responses. Write the letters of the correct
sample responses in the boxes. Last, check your answers by listening to the sample
responses in order. Track 04-06.08 to 04-06.1 o

Imagine that a European marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a phone survey about how people spend their free time.

Question 4: What is your Question 5: How much free Question 6: How do you think
favorite thing to do when you time do you have during the the quality of your activities
have free time? week, and where do you during your free time could
spend your free time? be improved?

B Now plan your own responses to the same prompt and questions. The bulleted questions
below each question can guide you. Then use the templates and your own words to create
a response to each question. Practice giving your responses to Questions 4 and 5 in
15 seconds and to Question 6 in 30 seconds. Record your responses if you can.
Imagine that a European marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a phone survey about how people spend their free time.

Question 4: What is your Question 5: How much free Question 6: How do you think
favorite thing to do when you time do you have during the the quality of your activities
have free time? week, and where do you during your free time could
spend your free time? be improved?
What is the activity? Do you have a lot of free time What kinds of things could
How often do you do the or a little? you do to better use your free
activity? When is your free time? time?
Do you do it alone or with Is it the same every week or Where would it be better for
friends? does it change? you to spend your free time?

[Restate the topic]

[Give supporting information - idea 1]

[Add d e ta ils -d e ta in ]

[Give supporting information - idea 2]

[Add details - detail 2]

[Add more details to Question 6]

38 74

[Restate the topic]

[Give supporting information - idea 1]

[Add details - detail 1]

[Give supporting information - idea 2]

[Add details - detail 2]

[Add more details to Question 6]

[Restate the topic]

[Give supporting information - idea 1]

[Add details - detail 1]

[Give supporting information - idea 2]

[Add details - detail 2]

[Add more details to Question 6]

C Now think about your responses or listen to them again if they were recorded. Then read
the statements below. How well did your responses meet the question scoring criteria?
Check K ) Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 4 -6

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My responses were
easily understood.

2. I used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My responses were well paced. They were neither too fast nor too slow,
and I spoke for the full amount of time.
4. My responses were thorough, complete, and appropriate for the questions. I
answered the prompt directly and did not include unnecessary information.
5 . 1 included reasons, examples, opinions, and supporting details in my

75 39



Speaking Test ^ L

Question 4 of 11

Q Track 04-06.11

Questions 4 -6 : Respond to questions

Directions: In this part, you will answer three questions. Begin responding as soon
as you hear the beep for each question. You will have 15 seconds for Questions 4 and
5 and 30 seconds for Question 6. There is no preparation time.

Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to
participate in a survey about live music and concerts.
Question 4: What kinds of concerts or live music performances do you attend?
Question 5: How often do you listen to live music?
Question 6: Describe where you go to listen to live music and why you like it there.


40 76
Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided

TOEIC Test Speaking

Questions 7 -9
This part of the Speaking Test provides information in the form of a schedule or an
agenda followed by three questions. You will have 30 seconds to read the information.
Then you will hear each question and respond. You will hear each question only once,
and you will not be able to read the questions. You will have 15 seconds to respond to
Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Your responses will be
evaluated on pronunciation, intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, and
completeness and relevance of content.

Possible topics may include:

Meeting agendas Conference schedules
Travel itineraries Tour schedules

QUICK GUIDE: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided

Definition Questions 7-9 test your ability to understand and convey information in a
clear and cohesive manner. You will explain concrete details and summarize
information in response to questions about information provided.

Targeted Skills In order to correctly answer Questions 7-9, you should be able to:
locate relevant information on a written schedule or agenda.
summarize several connected pieces of information.
understand embedded questions.
use appropriate vocabulary and correct grammatical forms.
convey requested information clearly and coherently.

Question Types Detail: Could you tell me the cost o f the tickets?
Confirmation: I heard that the play begins at 8:00. Is that correct?
Open-ended: What other kinds o f workshops will there be?

A Good A good response will give accurate and complete information in a clear and
Response cohesive manner. It will also use appropriate language for the situation.

Things to 1. Read the title to identify the type of information provided.

Remember 2. Scan the information for the main idea and to get a general sense of how
the information is organized.
3. As you listen to each question, skim the information for the answer. Start
speaking as soon as you hear the beep.
4. When you are speaking, use expressions like Lets see to give yourself time
to find the information you need to provide.

77 41

WALK THROUGH: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided

A What Youll See
For Questions 7-9, you will see the directions and a schedule or an agenda. Read the directions
and sample schedule below. What is the schedule for? What activities does it include?

Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided

Directions: You will answer three questions based on information on the screen.
You will have 30 seconds to read the information. You will have 15 seconds
to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and you will have 30 seconds to respond to
Question 9. For each question, begin to answer as soon as you hear the beep. No
preparation time is provided.

S p e ak in g Test

Danville City Tours

All tours leave from the front of the Piedmont Hotel. Reservations must be made in
advance by calling the Tour Office at 593-555-9694. Cost: $75 (adults), $50 (children
under 12, must be accompanied by an adult)
10:00 Bus leaves from the main entrance of the hotel
10:00-11:00 Bus tour of downtown Danville
11:00 Arrive at Danville Museum of History
11:00-1:00 Guided museum tour
1:00-2:00 Lunch at the museum cafe
2:00-3:30 Walking tour of Danville City Park and Gardens
3:30-5:00 Bus tour of Danville waterfront
5:15 Arrive back at the Piedmont Hotel
6:00 Optional dinner at the hotel*
*Must be reserved and paid for when you book your tour tickets. Add $25 per person to
QUICK TIP the cost of your tour ticket.
Pay attention to
asterisks (*). These
symbols point to
B What Youll Hear
footnotes with For Questions 7-9, you will hear someone calling to ask for information about an event. The
information that may event is related to the schedule or agenda on the screen. You will then hear three questions
be needed to answer a from the caller. Your answers will be based on the information you see on the screen. Listen to
question. ^ e audio as you read along in the sample script. Q Track 07 - 09.01

SAMPLE SCRIPT Hello. I m interested in taking a tour o f Danville, but I m afraid it might be a bit too expensive.
(script not
Question 7: Can you tell me how much it costs to take the tour?
available in test)
Question 8: I heard that the tour includes dinner as well as lunch. Is that correct?
Question 9: Does the tour take place mostly in the morning, or will we also visit som e places
after lunch?

42 78

C What Youll Do
You will use the information provided to answer each question. Listen to the sample responses
to the three questions. Then use the information in Part A to answer the three questions in your
own words. Track 07-09.02

SAMPLE RESPONSES Question 7: Sure. Let m e check the information on the schedule. The tour costs 75 dollars fo r
adults, and fo r children under 12, the cost is 50 dollars.
Question 8: Lets see. According to the schedule, theres an optional dinner at the end o f the
tour. This costs an extra 25 dollars over and above the cost o f your tour ticket.
o v e r and above: more Question 9: Yes, the tour includes visits to several places after lunch. First, theres a walking
than the normal amount tour o f Danville City Park and Gardens, which begins at two oclock. Then after that, at three
or to offer something in
thirty, the tour goes by bus to the Danville waterfront. Then y o u ll get back to the hotel by five
addition to it
g e t back: to return to the
state someone was in before

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Questions 7-9 on the Speaking Test are scored on a scale from 0-3. Your responses will be
graded based on the same criteria as Questions 1 -6 pronunciation, intonation and stress,
grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance of content, and completeness of content. You will
also be graded on your ability to politely convey accurate information.
Conveying information accurately and politely is very important for Questions 7-9. For
these questions, you are expected to speak politely to a person calling to ask questions
about an event or a plan. You should try to use language that is appropriate for speaking
with someone you dont know and avoid speaking too informally or being impolite. More
importantly, you need to be sure your information is correct and is what the caller is asking
for. Giving the wrong information or information that is not relevant to the callers question
will negatively affect your score. To do well, you must quickly find the information needed.
You must then effectively change the information from written to spoken language that is
appropriate and easily understood. Listen to the audio as you read an example of a good
response. Then read the analysis of the response. Q Track 07-09.03

A Good Response: Just a moment, sir. Let me check that for you. Im really sorry, but the 3:00 presentation
has been canceled. Theres a similar presentation at 2:00. It covers increasing sales, motivating employees,
and improving your work environment. I can give you more information on that, if youd like.
Analysis: Here, the speaker answers very politely and apologizes for the change to the presentation schedule.
The response also offers a possible solution with accurate information to help solve the callers problem.


Questions 7 -9 are usually questions from a caller. The questions ask for more
information about events, schedules, or agendas that you see on the screen.
Questions 7 and 8 are often more basic questions asking for specific or detailed
information. Question 9 may ask you to offer a longer description or explanation
of something or to give more detailed information.

79 43

Possible Basic or Simple Detail Questions:

What time does the media presentation start, and what does it cover?
I heard that the conference includes a question and answer session with the CEO. Is that true?
Could you please confirm a couple of details forme? What airport do we fly into, and what time does
the flight leave?

Possible Extended Description / Explanation / Detail Questions:

I can attend only the morning session. What kinds of presentations will there be then?
Other than the daytime tours, what other types of activities are offered?
We have meetings all day on the third, but Id like to know whats planned for the fourth.

TIP 1 Familiarize yourself with the types of information texts you may find on the test. The types of
information texts you see before the questions are usually some sort of schedule, agenda, announcement,
invitation, advertisement, or itinerary. See below for examples of the types of information texts you may

Text 1

Drilling Site Tour

Daily at 11:00 a.m. No tours on weekends.
Safety equipment required for all participants!

10:45 a.m. Meet at tunnel entrance

11:00-12:00 Walking tour (with guide) of finished part of the tunnel
12:00-1:00 Lunch in underground break room
1:00-1:30 Talk about drill site safety
1:30-2:30 Open viewing of drill area (guide available)
3:00 Return to base camp

Text 2

International Writers Conference

Date: Tuesday, March 15,10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Location: Carver Hall, Thorpe Center, West University Campus
Guest Speakers: Jenny Hill, President, Freelance Writers League, 10:00 a.m., Room 17
Marlon Thomson, Publishing Manager, Horton Publishing, 1:00 p.m., Room 21
Angela Moeller, CEO, Editorial Advisory Group, 3:00 p.m., Room 12
Activities and Events: Publisher exhibits: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Carver Reception Hall. Browse
through our booths offering valuable information on how to get published,
whats new in the field, and where to send your work.
Open forum with guest speakers: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Room 2. Have a
chance to ask questions and gain from the expertise of our guest speakers.
Registration Cost: $26 per person; fees must be received by March 13


Text 3

Itinerary for Southeast Delegation

7:00 a.m. Arrive at New York La Guardia Airport on Flight 681; Pick-up by Secretary Sullivan
8:15 a.m. Arrive at Hotel Compton for check-in; One hour free
9:15 a.m. Leave for Government Center
9:45 a.m. Arrive Government Center
10:00 a.m. Meet and greet with team members, Webber Room
10:30 a.m. Presentation, Global Environmental Issues: The Way Forward
11:30 a.m. Taxi to North Surfside restaurant
12:00 p.m. Lunch with CEO, HCG Inc.*
1:45 p.m. Taxi to Government Center
2:30 p.m. Presentation, Solar Energy and Why We Need It
4:00 p.m. Depart for New York La Guardia Airport with Secretary Sullivan
7:00 p.m. Depart New York on Flight 682 for Los Angeles
*Lunch may be shortened if presentation runs over.

TASK 1 Read the definitions of text types below. Then write the number of the correct information text
example in TIP 1 next to each text type.
a. An itinerary is a plan for a trip, including the travel and hotel arrangements and theplaces that will
be visited_____
b. An announcement, invitation, or advertisement gives details about an event_____
c. A schedule or agenda is a list of things that will happen and when________

TASK 2 Look at the three information texts in TIP 1, What is the main focus of each text?Circle the
correct focus.
Text 1: a conference schedule / a self-guided tour / a tour of a work site
Text 2: a gathering of professional writers / a party for a publisher / an exhibition of books
Text 3: a meeting at Government Center / a presentation schedule / travel plans for a speaker
TIP 2 Practice scanning for detailed information. You have 30 seconds to scan the text before
answering the questions. During this time, you should scan for the kinds of important information
you may need to answer the questions. For example, you should locate or note any prices, dates,
times, activities, or other information the caller might ask about. This way you will be prepared to find
information quickly when answering questions.

QUICK TIP TASK Look at the information texts in TIP 1 and answer the questions below.
Pay attention to infor Text 1
mation not included in 1. When can someone take the tour?____________________________________________________
the body of the text! 2. How long does the tour last, and what do you see?______________________________________
Remember that some
Text 2
information is noted
1. Who are the main speakers at the conference?_________________________________________
only with an asterisk
and a footnote. If you
2. What things can a person do in the afternoon?__________________________________________
have trouble finding Text 3
an answer, look at the 1. What time does the delegation arrive, and whos picking them up?_________________________
bottom of the text. The 2. How long does the delegation have for lunch?__________________________________________
answer might be there.

81 45

TIP 3 Get to know the types of introductions and questions you m ight hear. You will usually
hear a short introductory statement by the caller before you hear the questions. This often gives
general information about the situation. As you listen to the statement, think about the types of related
information that the caller might ask for. After that, you will hear the first question.
There are several types of questions you might hear, but the most important thing to do is listen for the
key words. These tell you the main information to find so you can scan the information text in more
detail. Remember, you will only hear the questions you will not see them on-screen. Therefore, it is
important to listen carefully and not get distracted by looking at the information text! Here are some
common question types you may hear.

Question Types Examples

Information Questions When does the flight arrive?
I m getting in late. W hos picking me up?
W here are we having lunch?

Yes-No Questions Can I get an earlier train?

Are there any fees involved?
I d like to stay with friends. Do we have to stay at the hotel?
Will we have a break fo r coffee?

Embedded Questions Could you please let me know what time it starts?
I d like to meet other attendees. Do you have any idea what there is to
do in the evenings?
Would you be able to tell m e if there are any seats left?

Tag Questions There are supposed to be speakers all day long, arent there?
There wont be a problem with coming early, will there?

QUICK TIP TASK Look at the questions in the chart in TIP 3. Circle two or three key words or phrases in each
You may hear additional question that may help you find the answer. Then listen to some more questions. Write down two or
polite questions that three key words for each. Q Track 07 - 09.04
use phrasal expres 1 ______________________________________________________________________
sions. These are often
answered with Yes or
No. 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4_________________________________________________________________________________ -
Would it be possible
to... 5_______________________________________________________________________________-
Would I be able t o . . . 6______________________________________________________________________ ___
Does anyone mind if I . . . 7__________________________________________________________________________________
May I ask i f . . . 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- ____________

10_____________________________________________________________________ ___



There are a variety of possible responses to Questions 7 -9 , depending on the
information text. However, there are some templates that might help you structure
your responses. For Questions 7 and 8, which require a shorter response length
(15 seconds), try the following tem plate format.

- Politely acknowledge the question.

- Use a phrase for getting tim e to find the answ er (if needed).
- Answer the question.
- Explain or give a reason (if needed).

Listen to the audio as you read the sample question and response. Q Track 07 - 09.05

Sample Question 7 or 8: Can you tell me how much it costs to attend the conference?
Sample Response: Certainly, sir. Let me check for more information on that. Lets see, it looks like one-day
registration will cost $235.

Question 9 requires a longer response length (30 seconds) and often requires you
to find more information or information in more than one place in the text. For
Question 9, try the following tem plate format.

- Politely acknowledge the question.

- Use a phrase for getting tim e to find the first answ er (if needed).
- Answer the first question.
- Give additional information or an explanation.
- Use a phrase for getting tim e to find the second answer (if needed).
- Answer the second question.
- Give additional information or an explanation.

Now listen to the audio as you read a sample question and response for Question 9.
Q Track 07-09.06

Sample Question 9: What other events are happening in the evening, after the conference?
QUICK TIP Sample Response: Hmm... thats a good question. Let me see here. Ive got a schedule in front of me. It
You can often restate
looks like theres a reception for the attendees on Tuesday. That starts at 5:00 and goes until 7:00. Its in the
lobby. Then on Wednesday evening theres a dinner in the main dining room. That starts at 7:30.1hope that
basic information from
answers your question.
the information text and
add a subject and verb
to m ake a complete,
TIP 1 Learn useful phrases to acknowledge questions, get time to find the answers, and
introduce responses. Here are the steps you can follow: 1) When the caller is finished asking a
grammatically correct
question, acknowledge that you heard the question. You can do this by responding to the question
spoken response.
directly, repeating a key word, or restating the question. 2) If needed, you can then follow with a general
Inform ation Text: $235 filler phrase to get time to find the answer. 3) Finally, start your actual response with an introductory
per person; advanced phrase.
registration required
These steps are especially important if the answer to a request is no or if the information is different
Response: The fee from what the caller is expecting (for example, if something has been canceled). The three charts that
is $235 per person, follow show ways to acknowledge caller questions, expressions to get time to look for answers, and
advanced registration ways to introduce your responses.

83 47

Question Types and Strategies Phrases to Acknowledge

Examples the Questions
Information Questions: Repeat the key word or The registration fee? I ll have to check on
How much is the phrase from the question that fo r you . . .
registration fee? using either question intona
tion or statement intonation The registration f e e . . . let me find out
and a pauseand follow with how much that is.
a phrase to get more time.
Yes-No Polite Questions: Respond politely and follow O f course I can, sir/ ma'am. Let me see
Can you tell me what with a phrase to get more here. . .
time my plane arrives and time.
QUICK TIP when the meeting starts? Sure, no problem. I ll just have a lo o k . . .
Remember, it is
Statement with a Rephrase and repeat the I see. So youd like some more information
important to be polite Question: I have comment and question to about morning events. Lets see what I can
at all times. Do not use some free time in the confirm understanding (best find...
slang or words that mornings. What else is for Question 9) and follow
might offend anyone. happening then? with a phrase to get more OK. Lets see whats happening in the
time. morning. I ll take a look at the schedule. . .
Expressions like the
ones below can also
Phrases to Get Time to Find Information
help you sound polite.
Um . . . let me check that fo r you. I ve got a schedule / agenda / itinerary right here.
/ see, sir I m aam. Give me just a minute to look into that, sir / m aam. I have that information right here in front o f me.
Hmm . . . I ll need a moment to fin d that Just a minute. I d like to check something. . .
I d be happy to help.
information fo r you. I m not certain. I ll have to look into that.
I hope that answers Lets see here. /Let me have a l o o k . . .
your question.

Phrases for Introducing a General Response Phrases for Introducing a No or an

Unexpected Response
It looks like thats . . . I m really sorry, bu t. . .
It appears that X is . . . Unfortunately. . .
According to the schedule / agenda / itinerary. . . I apologize, but . . .
I m afraid that. . .

TASK Listen to the questions again from the TIP 3 TASK on page 46. Then write the numbers of the questions
Sir is the polite way next to the correct responses. Listen to the audio more than once if you need to. f t Track 07 - 09.04
to address a man
a. Yes, I have that information right here. Its $240_____
whose name you
do not know. The
b. No, they dont. Unfortunately, everyone is busy at that time_____
polite way to address c. On Thursday? Let me see here. Im afraid shes busy that day_____
a woman is either d. So you need to keep up with your regular work. Let me look at the schedule. Yes, youll have time.
madam or m aam. Theres a break from 4:30 to 5:30_____
Madam is correct but e. In the afternoon? Let me check that for you. He has time at 3:45_____
is often considered f. No, you dont. You can leave whenever you want_____
old-fashioned and g. In the morning session? Just a minute. Let me check for you. Its Dr. Williams_____
too formal. M a am
h. Certainly. Just give me a minute to check. Theyre $65 each_____
(pronounced /maem/)
i. So youd like to see Professor Hunter speak. Let me check that for you. Hell be speaking at 1:00 on
is more common today
Thursday and 8:00 on Friday_____
and is the shortened
j. I dont know. Let me check that for you. Yes. You can pay those when you arrive on the first day---------
form of madam.
48 84

TIP 2 Practice talking about times, dates, locations, and costs. Questions 7-9 are often about
schedules and agendas, so you should become familiar with useful phrases for providing details shown
in the text. You should also practice making full sentences from the shortened information you will see
in agendas, schedules, itineraries, and so on. This chart shows some useful responses and alternatives
for giving times, dates, locations, and costs.

Text Information Information Sample Responses

In some questions, you
6:00 a.m. Tour Start Start time The tour starts at six a.m.
will need to say no to a
You should be there by six in the morning.
request. When this hap
7:15-7:45 Meeting Start and The meeting will begin at seven fifteen / a quarter
pens, try to explain why
finish time past seven.
the request cant be It should be over at seven forty-five / a quarter to eight.
met. Use expressions 9:10-9:50 Presentation Duration The presentation will last f o r forty minutes.
like these. The presentation will last fro m 9:10 to 9:50.
The presentation will take forty minutes.
Im sorry. Thats not
6:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. / Time of day The conference takes place in the morning/
possible because. . .
12:01 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. / afternoon / evening.
Wed really like to help, 5:01 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The first event starts at noon.
but we cant. The rea 12:00 p.m. There are no meetings at night.
son i s . . .
About 7:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. You '11get home at midnight.
12:00 a.m.*
Days, Dates, Years
Tuesday, October 1 Day and date The event is on Tuesday.
The event is on October first.
Its on Tuesday, October first.
June 2014 Month and Its in June.
year Its in 2014. [twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen]
Its in June 2014.
Practice different ways
to say times. For Evans Building, Room B Place The meeting will be held at the Evans Building in
Room B.
7:00 p.m., most English
The meeting will be held in Room B o f the Evans
speakers will say seven
p.m. rather than the
Costs and Fees
longer, considerably
Registration Fee: $26.90 Amount The registration fe e will be twenty-six dollars and
more formal seven
ninety cents.
oclock p.m. You could The registration fe e will be twenty-six ninety.
also say seven in the
'Except for the military, the United States does not use a 24-hour clock.
evening because the
use of p.m. means the
event takes place in the
evening or at night.

85 49

As you can see, you will likely need certain grammatical forms to make your sentences. Here are some
helpful grammatical forms to practice.

Grammar Forms Sample Responses

Future Forms You will be leaving at 3:00 p.m. on March 6th.
Theyre going to have a reception at 6:00.
QUICK TIP Theyre offering a free lunch to all attendees on the 22nd.
Information texts often There is / There are Theres a lecture at 2:00.
drop things like articles Statements There are several people attending that day.
and prepositions. Be Modals You should call the office no later than 2:00.
sure to add them back
There may be a slight delay because o f rain.

in when you change Passive Forms Shes supposed to be picked up by Mr. Smith.
The conference will be held in August o f this year.
the information from
written form to spoken TASK Look at the three information texts on pages 44 and 45. Use the information in the texts to
form! answer the questions below. Write complete sentences. Then practice saying your answers out loud.
T e xtl
1. What time do we need to meet for the tour?___________________________________________

2. What exactly will we do on the tour?


It is not necessary to 1. Can you please tell me who Angela Moeller is and where she will be speaking?
include a polite closing
statement for Question
9. However, if you find
2. What can you do at the exhibits?
that you have answered
completely and still
have time left, you Text 3
can add something to 1. This is Mr. Gibson. Whos taking the Southeast delegation to the airport, and what time is the flight?
make your answer a bit
longer and more polite.
For example, I hope I ve
2. What is the delegation doing between presentations?
answered all of your

50 86


A Practice quickly finding the topic of the schedule. Scan the schedule. Then answer
the question below.
Speaking Test VOLUME 1

National Association of Business Professionals (NABP)

Annual Awards Banquet
December 12,7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Radford Hotel, Los Angeles

7:00 Beverages and appetizers served in the Green Room

8:00 Dinner served in the East Dining Room
9:00 Awards Ceremony
- Welcome speech: Peter Harris, Association Membership Secretary
- Presentation of award to Rose Smith
- Slide show of highlights from last years ceremony
10:00 Music and dancing with the Moonlight Swing Band
11:00 Closing speech: Arthur Cummings, Association President

What is this information mainly about?

(A) Dining room service hours
(B) A special dinner
(C) A business meeting
B Read each question. Scan the schedule above to find the information requested.
Circle the information on the schedule. Then check ( / ) the correct answer.

Question 7: Where will appetizers be served?

Appetizers will be served in the Green Room.
Appetizers will be served in the hotel lobby.
Appetizers will be served in the East Dining Room.

Question 8: Will there be dancing immediately following dinner?

Yes. Peter Harris will lead the band.
No. There will be an awards ceremony first.
No. There wont be any music or dancing.

Question 9: Will there be any speakers during the banquet?

No. But there will be a slide show.
Yes. There will be five speakers.
Yes. Both the membership secretary and the president will speak.

Now listen to the questions and sample responses to check your answers. Notice how the speaker
incorporates the information from these answers into the responses and adds more relevant
information. Q Track 07 - 09.07
87 51

C Read each question below and scan the schedule from Part A to find the information
requested. Then complete the template to answer the questions. Practice your responses
aloud and record them if you can. Be sure to check the amount of time you use!

Question 7: When will the main meal begin?

The_________________________________ ? Just let me check that for you. OK.
________________________________ will be served in the East Dining Room at

Question 8: Will the Radford Orchestra provide the music?

No, I dont think so, but lets see here. There will be music and dancing, but the music will be played by

Question 9: What will happen during the awards ceremony itself?

So youd like to know what will happen during the ceremony? OK. Well, let me take a look. There
are several parts to the ceremony. First, there will be a ________________________________
by________________________________ Then_________________________________
will________________________________ Finally, everyone will enjoy a
________________________________ I hope that answers your question.

D Now think about your responses or listen to them again if they were recorded. Then
read the statements below. How well did your responses meet the scoring criteria?
Check ( / ) Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 7 -9

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My responses were
easily understood.

2 .1 used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My responses were well paced. They were neither too fast nor too slow,
and I spoke for the full amount of time.
4. My responses were well organized, socially appropriate, and polite.

5 .1 accurately provided the information that was requested.



A Scan the schedule. What is the information mostly about?

Speaking Test volum eI s

Barkbury International, Inc.

Itinerary for the visit of Mr. Ronald Green of the London office to New York headquarters,
April 15-16,2012

April 15
5:00 p.m. Arrive at airport; transfer to Hotel Dominion by company car
7:00 p.m. Dinner with CEO Alex Chavez, Hotel Dominion Dining Room

April 16
10:00 a.m. Breakfast meeting with Marketing Director Jane Fisher, Conference
Room 15
12:00 p.m. Lunch and meeting with Board of Directors, Pearl Restaurant
4:00 p.m. Reception for all office staff, Hotel Dominion Reception Room
7:00 p.m. Private tour of the City Museum of Art
9:00 p.m. Return to hotel

B Listen to the questions. As you listen to each one, scan the schedule in Part A and circle
the information you will need for your answer. Can you find all the information needed for
each response? Listen to the model responses to check your answers. Q Track 07-09.08
and 07-09.09

C Listen to the questions in Part B again and complete the templates to answer the
questions. Then practice your responses aloud and record them if you can. Be sure to
check the amount of time you use! Track 07-09.08

Question 7:

[Acknowledge question]

[Use phrase to get time (if needed)]

[Answer question]

[Give additional information (if needed)]

89 53

Question 8:

[Acknowledge question]____________

[Use phrase to get time (if needed)]___

[Answer question]_________________

[Give additional information (if needed)]

Question 9:

[Acknowledge question]________

[Use phrase to get time (if needed)]

[Answer first question]_________

[Give additional information]_____

[Use phrase to get time (if needed)]

[Answer second question]_______

[Give additional information]____

D Now think about your responses or listen to them again if they were recorded. Then read
the statements below. How well did your responses meet the scoring criteria? Check ( /)
Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Questions 7 -9

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My responses were
easily understood.

2 .1 used correct grammar and vocabulary.

3. My responses were well paced. They were neither too fast nor too slow,
and I spoke for the full amount of time.
4. My responses were well organized, socially appropriate, and polite.

5 . 1 accurately provided the information that was requested.




Speaking Test VOLUME^

Q Track 07-09.10

Questions 7 -9 : Respond to questions using information provided

Directions: You will answer three questions based on information on the screen. You will have
30 seconds to read the information. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8, and
you will have 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. For each question, begin to answer as soon as
you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided.

Speaking Test VOLUME^

Outdoor Shakespeare Theater Festival

Outdoor Theater, City Park*
Schedule of Performances
All performances begin at 7:00 p.m.

July 10 Romeo and Juliet

July 17-19 Macbeth
July 24-26 King Lear
July 31 Romeo and Juliet
August 7-8 The Tempest
August 14-15 Comedy o f Errors
August 21 King Lear

*In cases of inclement weather, performances will be moved to City Auditorium

on 12thStreet. Call the City Recreation Department for further information.

Question 7 of 11 Response Time Needed: 15 seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____seconds

Question 8 of 11 Response Time Needed: 15 seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____seconds

Question 9 of 11 Response Time Needed: 30 seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____seconds


91 55
TOEIC Test Part 3:
Part 3 of the TOEIC Listening test features ten conversations. Each conversation is
followed by three questions that you will hear and see on the page. The conversations
are quite short and last only about twenty-five seconds. The subject matter of these
conversations can cover a range of topics, from standard business interactions to
personal topics.

Conversation topics for Part 3 may include:

Deadlines, documents, and equipment Restaurants, real estate, and retail

Raises, promotions, and training Travel, hotels, or free-time activities
Contracts, sales, and expenses

QUICK GUIDE: Conversations

Definition Part 3 is a test of your listening comprehension. The questions focus on your
ability to find central ideas and basic details. They also require that you make
informed guesses based on the language used or the situation.
Targeted Skills In order to correctly answer Part 3 questions, you must be able to:
understand the main idea of a conversation,
identify key facts from a conversation,
make conclusions based on details,
understand paraphrased language in answer options,
pre-read questions to predict important information.
Question Types Topic / Main Idea: Where are the speakers?
Detail: When are they going to meet?
Inference: What will probably happen next?

Answer Options Topic / Main Idea Questions: locations, occupations, activities, topics, etc.
Detail Questions: time, reasons, plans, problems, suggestions, opinions, etc.
Inference Questions: contexts, feelings, meanings, etc.

Things to Conversation Distracters: Sometimes there is information in the

Watch For conversation that will mislead or confuse you. Dont choose an answer just
because it includes a word from the recording!
Vocabulary Clues: Some correct answers are not stated directly in the
conversation. You must listen for vocabulary clues and for paraphrased or
slightly changed information to find the answer.

92 43

WALK THROUGH: Conversations

A What Youll See
In Part 3, you will see the directions, the questions, and the answer options on the page. Look
at the sample questions below. Think about the types of information the questions are asking
for. Is each answer related to an action? A time or date? A topic? Look at the answer options.
What kinds of key words might you listen for to choose the answer for each one?

Read the questions Part 3: Conversations
and answer options Directions: Listen to a conversation between two speakers. Then choose the correct answers to
before you hear the the three questions about that conversation. Fill in the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each
conversation. This conversation only once.
will help you predict
What problem are the speakers discussing? 3. What will the speakers probably do next?
the context of the
(A) A missing document (A) Call a different technician
conversation and help
(B) Some presentation errors (B) Delay the presentation
you choose the correct
(C) A broken copier (C) Pay for a new printer
answer option!
(D) Rising printing costs (D) Go to a professional printer

When is the speakers meeting?

(A) This afternoon
(B) Tomorrow
(C) This Friday
(D) Next Monday

B What Youll Hear

You will first hear a conversation and then three questions about it. Listen to the audio for the
questions in Part A and read along in the script. Underline important information that may help
you answer the questions. Circle and look up any words you dont know. Track 3-01

SAMPLE SCRIPT Man: Has the copier at the reception desk been fixed yet?
(script not
Woman: No. I called the technician, but he cant make it out here until next M onday at the
available in test)
Glossa Man: We have a meeting on Friday, though. We cant do our presentation unless everyone
d POWERED BY CO BU ILD has copies of our work.
technician: a person Woman: Well have to get them done by a professional. Ill ru n to the copy shop tomorrow.
whose job involves skilled
Itll cost a little extra money, but we wont have to delay our presentation.
practical work with
scientific equipment

professional: a person
or group producing work of
C What Youll Do
a very high quality or level
In the test, you will listen to the audio and choose the best answer for each question.
Listen to the recording again and answer the questions in Part A. Use the information
you underlined in Part B if needed. ^ Track 3-01

44 93

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Topic / Main Idea Questions
Topic / main idea questions require you to look at the details and context of the conversation
to find the main theme the speakers are talking about.

Possible topic / main idea questions:

W hat is the p ro b le m ? W hat issue are the speakers discussing?

W hat are the p e o p le talking a b o u t? What does the wom an w ant the m an to do?

TIP 1 Pay attention to the beginning of the conversation. Listen carefully to the information given early in
the conversation. These requests or pieces of information often give clues to the main idea. You can then look
for answer options that have the same information or requests that match the context of the conversation.

TASK Listen to the start of each conversation. Then choose the main idea of the exchange. Track 3-02

1. What are the speakers talking about? 3. What problem are the speakers discussing?
(A) Checking into a hotel (A) A delayed flight
(B) Getting a new room key (B) An expensive limousine
(C) Changing hotel rooms (C) A late driver
(D) Looking for lost identification (D) A car accident

2. What is the woman teaching the man?

(A) How to use the copier
(B) Which printer to connect
(C) Where the supply room is
(D) What type of paper to use

TIP 2 Use vocabulary clues. Speakers will not directly say the main idea. Instead, they will often use words
associated with a specific context to talk about the situation or problem. You must use this information to
decide what they are discussing. Listen for vocabulary clues like the ones in the chart to help you determine
what the speakers are talking about. Use a dictionary to look up any words you don't know.

Possible Vocabulary Clues for Places, Activities, and Jobs

warehouse shipment, forklift, inventory, stack, delivery, package, load, unload, invoice, drop off,
Stocker, supervisor, loader, driver
office department, accounting payroll, sales, budget, paycheck, raise, bonus, interview, hire, fire,
let go, project, manager, co-worker, employee, boss, applicant, interviewer, CEO, accountant
doctors office examination, appointment, medicine, prescription, dose, pill, injury, pain, cold, sick,
recover, check-up, doctor, nurse, patient
laboratory lab, test results, microscope, test tubes, lab coat, sample, report, scientist, test subject
airport check in, baggage, luggage, boarding pass, seat assignment, overhead bin, baggage
claim, board, depart, pilot, ticket agent, passenger, flight attendant
hotel front desk, room service, room key, room number, check in, check out, concierge,
desk clerk, guest, visitor, tourist
police station car accident, crime, victim, stolen, lost, arrest, crash, detain, cell, police officer

94 45

Possible Vocabulary Clues for Places, Activities, and Jobs

taxi take me to, headed to, comingfrom, fare, tip, change, take the, meter, driver, passenger
theater ticket, seats, sold out, refreshments, play, movie, opera, performance, actor, singer, attendant
train station ticket, depart, arrive, catch, track number, destination, conductor
retail store charge, total, pay, credit card, cash, sale, discount, clerk, customer, cashier, return
bank account, checking account, savings account, debit card, credit card, withdraw, deposit,
loan, mortgage, teller, account holder, ATM, fees
post office letter, package, ship, send, mail, stamp, by air, overnight, mail carrier, postal worker
restaurant menu, order, appetizer, beverage, party, reservation, dish, bill, check, table, waiter,
server, host, hostess, chef
real estate apartment, condo, home, lease, move in, move out, close on, deposit, landlord, renter,
agency homeowner

TASK Listen to the audio as you read along in the script. Circle vocabulary clues that may help you
understand the place, job, or activity the people are talking about. Then answer the question, Track 3-03

1. Man: Your total comes to ten fifty. Will you be paying with cash or credit?
Woman: Actually, Id like to pay with a debit card, if I can.

Where are the people?

a. A store b. A bank
2. Woman: Hello, sir. Welcome to the Broadwater Inn. Are you ready to check in?
Man: Uh, yes, but first I need to speak with the concierge about getting some tickets for tonight.

What is the womans job?

a. Real estate agent b. Front desk clerk

3. Man: Youve reached the front desk. This is Paul speaking.

Woman: Yes, this is Ms. Aimes in Room 114.1 need a m enu for room service.

What is the womans problem?

a. Her dinner is taking too long to arrive. b. She does not have a room service menu.

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen to the audio as you read along in the script. As you listen, underline main information
or requests that come early inthe conversation.Circle vocabulary clues that might help you
identify the main idea. Thenanswer the question, f } Track 3-04
SAMPLE SCRIPT Man: G ood afternoon. Ive got a delivery for Shannon Meyers.
(script not
available in test)
Woman: Oh, this is Ms. Meyer ss office, but shes out on a business lunch with a client. Can
you leave it with me?
Man: Thats no problem. Ill need you to sign for it, just so we have proof that someone was
here when it was dropped off.
Woman: O f course. If youll put the box by that office, Ill get a pen.
What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A food delivery (C) The missing signature
(B) A damaged shipment (D) The arrival of a package

46 95

Detail Questions
Detail questions require you to listen carefully for key items in a conversation. You will need
to answer questions about specificnot general information. Anything discussed in a
conversation can be the basis of a detail question, including time, reasons, plans, problems,
suggestions, opinions, and other items.

Possible topics for detail questions:

Plans, problem s, requests, o r Times
suggestions identifying p e o p le a n d places
Causes a n d effects Duration, frequency, o r quantity

Detail Questions About Plans, Problems, Requests, or Suggestions

These types of detail questions test your understanding of basic information that comes out in a
conversation. They often ask for information about what a speaker will do in the future, an issue
the speakers have, something the speakers want, or something the speakers want others to do.

Possible detail questions about.. .

plans: requests:
What does the woman hope to do? What does the woman ask the man to do?
What will the man do tomorrow? What is the man asking the company to
What are the speakers going to do next? change?
problems: suggestions:
What is the mans problem? What does the man suggest the woman do?
What are the people looking for? What does the woman suggest as a
What wont the woman be able to do? solution?

TIP 1 Learn to recognize common expressions and paraphrases for plans, problems, requests, or
suggestions. The correct answers for detail questions will usually be phrased in a different way from
the conversation. This is called paraphrasing. Listen for common expressions like the ones below. This
will help you recognize key information for suggestions, requests, problems, and plans. You can then
more easily identify which answer options paraphrase the key related points.

Common Expressions for Requests and Suggestions

Requests Suggestions
Would you please. . . ? Why dont you ...?
Do you think you can . . . ? Maybe we can . . .
Would it be possible for you to . . . ? I bet we could. . .
Can you g e t. . . ? It might work i f . ..
Common Expressions for Problems and Plans
Problems Plans
The X is broken again. I need to . . .
We dont have enough X t o . . . I ll j u s t . . .
Were not going to be able to . . . The first thing we should do is . . .
I cant find m y . . . Im going to . . .

96 47

TASK Read a sentence from a conversation. Then read the question and choose the answer that
correctly paraphrases the sentence.
1. Woman: Maybe you can borrow a notepad from the secretary.
What does the man suggest the woman should do?
a. Use another persons office supplies. b. Write down the instructions.
2. Man: I cant find my car keys anywhere.
What problem does the man have?
a. The man has lost his keys. b. The man needs a ride.
3. Man: Can you get that budget done by this W ednesday instead of this Friday?
What is the man requesting?
a. That they complete the financial plans early.b. That they start work on a different project.

TIP 2 Watch for the correct speaker in the answer options. Incorrect answer options may include
correct information from the conversation but will apply it to the wrong speaker. Determining whether
the question is about the man or the woman will help you identify the correct answer.

TASK Listen to the speakers. Check ( / ) the correct column to identify which speaker mentions each
detail, f t Track 3-05

1. Detail Man Woman

The bank
For questions that ask
The downtown train station
what the speaker will
Being new to the area
do next, listen carefully
The time it takes to get to the station
to the last part of the
conversation to find the 2. Detail Man Woman
answer. Old accounts
A new file cabinet
Leaving files on a desk
Checking for orders

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen to the audio as you read along in the script. Then look at the question and answer
options. Underline one answer option that paraphrases content from the script. Draw a line
through one answer option that applies information to the wrong speaker. Then answer the
question, f t Track 3-06

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Hi, I just saw a movie here. But when I got to my car, I realized I didnt have my keys.
(script not Man: Im sorry. Do you think they fell out during the movie?
available in test)
Woman: Maybe. But I also bought candy. So they could have fallen out w hen I pulled my
wallet out of my purse.
Man: OK. If you still have your ticket, I can let you in to search the theater. Ill check at the
refreshm ent stand.

What problem does the woman have?

(A) She lost her wallet. (C) She misplaced her keys.
(B) She needs a ticket. (D) She cant find her car.

48 97

Detail Questions About Causes and Effects

Questions about causes and effects require you to identify why something happened or how
an event changed a situation. These questions test your understanding of why a speaker is
addressing the other person, why a change occurred, or why a request was made.

Possible cause and effect questions:

W hy does the m an ask to leave the office? W hy is the w om an going to C hicago?
W hy was it necessary to increase the bu dg et?
You will have a few
seconds between TIP 1 Look for infinitives (to + verb) when pre-reading to recognize cause and effect questions.
each test conversation As you pre-read the questions, look in the answer options for to + verb (e.g., to leave, to increase). This
Take this time to look may signal that the question is asking for the reason someone did something. When you see to + verb,
at the questions and be sure to listen carefully for reasons and explanations.
answer options before TASK Listen to each exchange. Then fill in the blank with the correct form of a word from the box to
the listening and think make a correct response. There are two extra words, fj
Track 3-07
about the information
you need. call cut complete start visit withdraw

1. Why did the woman miss the conference?

She had______________her mother.
2. Why was the purchase request denied?
They were forced______________the budget.
3. Why is the woman in the office on a weekend?
She needs______________a project.
4. Why was the woman charged ten dollars?
She used her credit card__________ money from an ATM.

TIP 2 Listen for words and expressions about causes and effects. Some words and phrases
introduce the effects of an action. Others introduce the causes of something. Listen carefully for
expressions like the bold ones below to find the answers to cause and effect questions.

Examples of Cause and Effect Expressions

As a result o f (a cause), we need to fan effect). In order to (an effect), were going to (a cause).
Because (a cause), we will (an effect). Since (a cause) happened, we have to (an effect).
For this reason, (an effect) will happen. (A cause) isnt going well, so we have to (an effect).

TASK Listen as you read each conversation. Circle the expressions for causes and underline the
expressions for effects. Then answer the question, Track 3-08

1. Man: Carol, why arent the June sales figures on my desk? I asked for them yesterday.
Woman: Im sorry, Mr. James. I still havent been able to print them, since the printer is broken.

Why didnt the man receive the sales figures?________________________________________

2. Woman: Its hot in here. W hy dont we tu rn on the air conditioning?

Man: Weve been asked to open windows instead because the electricity bill was too high.
Why dont the speakers turn on the air conditioning?___________________________________

98 49

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and circle the infinitives in the answer options. Notice the verbs that
follow to. Then listen to the audio as you read along in the script. As you listen, underline
signal words for a cause or an effect. Then answer the question. Track 3-09

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Mr. Anderson, is it OK if I get out of the office a little earlier than usual?
(script not Man: Well, Im expecting a few im portant phone calls. A nd the docum ents for the Howard
available in test)
presentation arent prepared. Is it an emergency?
Woman: No, its not like that. I just have to go to my optom etrist because my glasses need to
be adjusted.
Man: I see. I guess its all right. But make sure those docum ents are prepared tom orrow
m orning. I dont want us making copies just before Mr. Howard arrives.

Why does the woman ask to leave?

(A) To visit an eye doctor (C) To make copies
(B) To place a phone call (D) To pick up a client

Detail Questions About Duration, Frequency, or Quantity

These types of questions ask you to find key details about how long something lasts (duration),
how often something happens (frequency), or the amount of something (quantity). These questions
usually require that you listen carefully for numbers, times, or details relating to days or dates.

Possible duration, frequency, or quantity questions:

H o w long will the w om an b e in China? H o w often sh o u ld the w om an take h er
Read the answer
H o w m a n y tim es sh ould the w om an call m ed icine ?
options for cause
the client? H o w m uch o f a d isco u n t will the m an
and effect questions
carefully. The
correct choices are
TIP 1 Learn to identify conversation distracters about duration, frequency, or quantity. The
often significantly
incorrect answer options for duration, frequency, or quantity questions can be difficult to determine. For
paraphrased. For
example, if the speakers discuss the length of a store sale, you will likely hear several different time,
example, a speaker
day, or number references. Notice the bold distracters (irrelevant information) in the sample statement.
might say: We hired a
The sale was supposed to go for the first three weeks of August. However, sales in the first week
new accountant to fix
of the month were stronger than we expected, and we reached our goal in just seven days. So we
our payroll problem. If
decided to end it after just two weeks.
the question asks: Why
To help identify the correct answer, listen for transition words like the underlined word above. Transition
was the accountant
words often signal a complete change in what a speaker is talking about or planning, so pay careful
hired?, the correct
attention to the information that follows these words. This will help you identify the key point of the
answer could be
paraphrased as: To
address a financial Important Transition Words
problem. instead unfortunately therefore
nevertheless of course conversely as a result
still but consequently for that reason

50 99

TASK Listen to each conversation and choose the correct answer. Be sure to watch out for conversation
distracters! ("J Track 3-10

1. How much of a discount will the man receive after eight months?
(A) Ten percent (B) Five percent

2. How long is the mans trip?

(A) One week (B) Two weeks

3. How often should the woman take her medicine?

(A) Once every four hours (B) Once every six hours

TIP 2 Learn to identify paraphrases for questions about duration, frequency, or quantity.
Paraphrases of duration, frequency, or quantity can be very tricky because they make the words in the
answer options different from the words in the conversation. Look at the examples in the chart.

Typical Paraphrases for Duration, Frequency, or Quantity Questions

What You Might Hear What the Question Might Ask What the Correct Answer
Option Might Show
We hold the meeting every How often is the meeting held? Once every two weeks
other Friday.
Were up to a dozen employees. How many people are in the Twelve
I m going for a week. How long is the mans vacation? Seven days

TASK Read the phrases used to indicate duration, frequency, or quantity. Match each phrase to the
correct paraphrase.
1. once a year a. seven days
2. every other day b. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
3. fifty percent c. annually
4. weeklong d. half
5. twenty-five percent e. a quarter

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Listen to the audio as you read along in the script. As you listen, circle the transition words
in the script. Then answer the question. Review the answer options and underline the part of
the script that the correct answer paraphrases, Track 3-11

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Michael, are you going to Carls retirem ent party? Its on Friday the tenth, two weeks
(script not from now.
available in test)
Man: I wish I could. But Im meeting new clients in Mexico the day after. Ill be getting ready
for that trip.
Woman: Oh, too bad. It would be great if you could come, even if you only stayed for an hour
or two.
Man: I wanted to do that. Unfortunately, because its a weeklong trip, Ill need time to pack.
Ive been working on this account for a m onth, and I want everything to go perfectly.

How long will the man stay in Mexico?

(A) A few hours (C) Two weeks
(B) Seven days (D) One month

100 51

Detail Questions About Time

Questions about time require you to recall when a certain event occurred in the past or when it will
occur in the future. The answer options can include specific times of day, as well as longer time
periods, such as hours, days, weeks, or months.

Possible time questions:

W hen w ill the speakers m ee t? W hen is the w o m a n s m eeting?
W hen d id the m an visit the office? W hat tim e is the m a n s a p p o in tm e n t?

TIP 1 Eliminate answer options that do not relate to the question. Pre-read the questions to
determine what event they are asking about. This is important because the conversation may include
times for other events. When you know which event the questions are about, you can eliminate
unrelated times.

TASK Read each question and circle the event that the question is asking about. Then listen to the audio
as you read along in the script. Cross out the times in the script that do not relate to the subject of the
question. Then answer the question. Track 3-12

1. What time will the meeting occur?

(A) 4:00
(B) 5:00
(C) 6:00
(D) 6:30

Man: So is the meeting for 6:00 still on?

Woman: No. M ary has dinner plans at 6:30. A nd Tim has an appointm ent with his doctor
at 5:00.
Man: OK. Can everyone make it if we have it earlier?
Woman: Yes. We moved it to 4:00.

2. When will the speakers meet?

(A) Today
(B) Monday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Friday

Woman: Michael, Im so sorry, but Ill have to cancel our meeting today.
Man: Oh, thats no problem. Should we reschedule for tomorrow?
Woman: Actually, I think next Wednesday is best. We just had a major deadline moved up
to this Friday.
Man: I understand. Ill call you on M onday to set up a time.

TIP 2 Learn to understand paraphrases for questions about time. Paraphrases of time can be
very tricky because they make the words in the answer options quite different from the words in the
conversation. Look at the examples in the chart on page 53.


Typical Paraphrases for Time Questions

What You Might Hear What the Question What the Correct Answer
Might Ask Option Might Show
I ll arrive at the airport at noon. When will the man arrive? 12:00 p.m.
I ll finish the report next When will the woman complete Next week
Monday. the report?
Lets meet at a quarter to one. When will the speakers meet? 12:45
I called her at halfpast eight. What time did the man call? 8:30

TASK Read the time phrases. Match each phrase to the correct paraphrase.
1. noon a. 1:45
2. half past one b. last week
3. a quarter to two c. next week
4. the following Monday d. 1:30
5. the Friday before e. 12:00

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question to find out what event it is asking about. Then listen to the audio as
you read along in the script. As you listen, cross out times given as distracters in the script.
Then answer the question. Track 3-13

SAMPLE SCRIPT Man: Grace, has that shipment of lab equipm ent arrived? It was supposed to arrive this
(script not afternoon.
available in test)
Woman: No, Im sorry. The m anufacturer called this m orning and said there was a delay.
Didnt you get my e-mail about it?
Man: I m ust have missed it. So when will it arrive? I need those tests completed by Friday.
Woman: The clerk I spoke with said it was coming tomorrow.

Wfhen will the shipment arrive?

(A) This morning (C) The next day
(B) This afternoon (D) By Friday

Detail Questions About Identifying People or Places

Questions about identifying people require you to figure out several things. You must sometimes
find out which person or group will do a task, caused an event, or is talked about in a conversation.
The correct answer can be one of the speakers, or it can be another person or group the speakers
talk about. This question type usually begins with Who.

Questions about places require you to identify what location a speaker is going to or came from.
These questions may also be about the location where an event occurred or will occur in the
future. This question type usually begins with Where.

Possible questions about identifying people or places:

W ho will call the supplier? W ho su g g e ste d the b u d g e t change?
W here w ill the p a rty b e held? W here d id the m an lose his p h o n e ?

102 53

TIP 1 Identify the event or action in the question during pre-reading. After you have done this,
listen for information about that event or action in the conversation. You will usually hear the person or
group associated with the event or action just before or after it is mentioned. This will help you identify
the people involved.

TASK Circle the action as you pre-read each question. Then choose the statement that gives the correct
associated information. Remember! Look for words with the same or similar meaning.
If you know what event 1. Who will contact the woman? 3. Who will increase the budget?

or action is being asked a. Mr. Peters, you need to call Ms. North about a. The COO hasnt approved the budget yet.
about, it is easier to the contract right now. b. The Accounting Department is reviewing
listen for it and identify b. Ms. North will replace Mr. Peters. the budget.
related information. c. Mr. Peters will help Ms. North with the contract. c. The Board of Directors agreed to raise the
2. Who wants to speak to the manager?
a. John, do you know where the manager is?
b. Id like to have a word with your manager.
c. Is this the managers office?

TIP 2 Learn to identify conversational distracters about other people orgroups.Conversations in

this part of the test often include several names or group references. This can beconfusing whenyou
are trying to identify who did something.

TASK 1 Pre-read the question below. Next, read the sample script. Notice the bold distracters. Then
answer the question.
QUICK TIP Who will receive the finished budget report?
Listen carefully to see (A) The man
if the who that the
(B) The woman
question asks about is
(C) Susan
one of the speakers or
(D) Carlos
a different person. This
will help you reduce Woman: Susan will be out today, so I need you to fill in for her. Talk to Carlos, her
the number of possible supervisor, to find out where her files are. Then find her copy of the budget report,
answers. finish it, and bring it to me by the end of the day.

TASK 2 Pre-read the questions. Then listen to the audio as you read along in the script. Cross out any
distracters and circle the correct answers in the script. Then answer the questions, f t Track 3-14

1. a. Who will meet with a realtor?_______________

b. Who will cancel the conference call?

W om an: I have a meeting with my realtor at noon, so I dont think Ill be able to make that
conference call with Mr. Jackson at 12:30.1 need to cancel it.
M an: Yes, Ms. Adams. Ill take care of that for you.

2. a. Who will pick up the pamphlets?______________

b. Who will work on the presentation?

M an: The printer just called, and our pam phlets are ready for pickup. Should I go get them?
W om an: I wouldnt do that. Just send Robert. I need you to work on the presentation for
Ms. Anderson.
54 103

TIP 3 For questions about places using Where, carefully pre-read to recognize what the question
relates to. This can help you decide which person or thing the question is asking about. Notice how
similar the two questions with Where are below. In this case, being certain about the person or thing to
listen for will help you identify the correct answer.
Person: Where is the woman going?
Thing: Where is the meeting going to take place?

TASK Pre-read each question and circle the person or thing it asks about. Then listen to the exchange
as you read along. Underline information about the person or thing in the question. Answer the question.
^ Track 3-15

1. Where is the man going?

a. The bank b. A meeting

Woman: Hi, John, its Carol Murphy. Can we set up a m eeting for later today?
Man: Actually, Im on my way to the bank right now. Can I call you back?

2. Where will the package be delivered?

a. The managers office b. The receptionists desk

Man: Excuse me. I have a delivery for M artin Allen. Do you know where his office is?
Woman: Oh, hes the manager. Its upstairs, but I forget the number. Just ask M ary at the
receptionist s desk, and shell let you know.

TIP 4 Learn to identify conversational distracters about other places. Conversations in Part 3 often
include several locations. Try to quickly identify where someone is going or where something happened.

TASK 1 Look at the question and script below and notice the bolded distracters. Then answer the question.

Where is the package?

(A) The Shipping Department
(B) The office
(C) The factory
(D) The warehouse

Man: W heres that package weve been expecting?

Woman: Tom in the Shipping D epartm ent told me that the package wont get to our office
on time. I guess th e factory was running behind schedule. So all deliveries, including
ours, are stuck in their warehouse.

TASK 2 Read the question and circle the person or thing it is asking about. Then listen to the conversation and
check () the correct answer. Listen again and match the location details to the correct cities, Track 3-16

Where is the womans family?

New York:____ a. the location of the speakers
Boston:____ b. the new location of the meeting
Chicago:____ c. the location of the womans family
Los Angeles:____ d. the original location of the meeting

104 55

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and circle the name of the person it is asking about. Then listen to
the audio as you read along in the script. As you listen, underline any locations you hear.
Then answer the question. After you have found the correct answer, cross out the distracter
locations in the script. ("J Track 3 -1 1

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Youve reached the office of Harold Crane. How can I help you?
(script not Man: Hi, Joe Hewett speaking. Im down in the warehouse, and I have to check with
available in test)
Mr. Crane on an order.
Woman: Hes actually on his way to corporate headquarters downtown. Can I take a message?
Man: Sure. Weve got a delivery for State Hospital. But it doesnt say which departm ent to
send it to.
Where is Mr. Crane going?
(A) To his office (C) To the city
(B) To the warehouse (D) To the hospital

Inference Questions
Inference questions require you to gather clues in order to make a conclusion about
something. One type of inference question asks you to make inferences about who a person
is. A second type asks you to make inferences about where someone is. Some inference
questions ask how a person might feel. Remember! The correct answer to an inference
question is NOT stated directly. You must decide what the answer is based indirectly on
information in the conversation.

QUICK TIP Possible inference questions:

In many cases,
W ho m o s t likely is the m an? W here m o s t likely are the speakers?
inference questions
W ho are the speakers? W here does this conversation p ro b a b ly
include the words most take p lace ?
likely or probably.
TIP 1 Pay attention to details given about location or speakers. A place or an occupation may not
be stated directly in the conversation, but the speakers will give clues. These clues are found throughout
the conversation and are phrases or requests that are common in certain locations or occupations.
Listen for these clues to determine where or who the speakers are. Review the chart on pages 45 and
46 for place and occupation words.

TASK Listen to each exchange as you read along. Circle key words in the script that give clues where
the conversation takes place or who the speakers are. Then answer the question. f " J Track 3 -18

1. Man: Are you ready to order, maam?

Woman: Ill need another few minutes with the menu, thanks.
Man: O f course. Can I get you som ething to d rink in the meantime?
Woman: Yes, a glass of water, please.

Where are the speakers?

56 105

2. Woman: OK, heres your room key. Youll be staying in Room 117. Its just past the pool and
vending machines.
Man: Great, thanks. Is the kitchen still open? Im starving.
Woman: It is. Room service is available until 10:00. You can charge it to your room or pay
with a credit card.
Man: Ill just put it on the bill for the room, thanks.

Where are the speakers?______________

TIP 2 Pre-read questions and answer options to predict key words to listen for. When you pre-
read the question and answer options, think about the kinds of words that you might associate with
each answer option. Then listen for those key words in the conversation. For more information about
common place and occupation words, go to the chart on pages 45 and 46.

TASK Read the question and answer options. Then write two potential key words from the box next to
each answer option. There are two extra words.

copy machine doctor firefighter flight mail

package patient salad secretary ticket
Expanding your
vocabulary will help you Where most likely are the speakers?
identify key words for
Answer Options Potential Key Words
locations and people.
A post office
Study the chart on
A hospital
pages 45 and 46. Add
words to the chart An office
and create your own An airport
charts with different
categories of words. Try a TOEIC Test Question
You can also look for
lists of similar words on Read the question and answer options, and think about key words that might guide you to the
the Internet. correct answer. Then listen to the audio as you read along in the script. As you listen, underline
the key words that can help you answer the question. Circle key details about location or
speaker. Answer the question. Track 3-19
SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Hello, Im here to see Principal Henderson.
(script not Man: Do you have an appointment?
available in test)
Woman: Yes, Im Amy Reynolds. Im her 3:00 interview for the chem istry teacher position.
Man: OK. Please take a seat. Ms. H enderson is meeting with the library staff. Shell be out

Where does the conversation take place?

(A) In a school
(B) In a factory
(C) In a library
(D) In a doctors office

106 57


Practice Set 1
A Pre-read the questions and answer options below. Think about what type of information you should listen
for to answer each question. Circle the correct information type from the options given. Then listen to the
conversation and mark the correct answers. Track 3-20

1. What are the speakers talking about? Information Type: Place Topic
(A) Canceling an appointment
(B) Negotiating a bill
(C) Leaving a hospital
(D) Scheduling a meeting

2. Who most likely is the woman? Information Type: Occupation Location

(A) A doctor
(B) A patient
(C) A secretary
(D) A new client

3. When is the mans meeting with the clients? Information Type: Reason Time
(A) This morning
(B) At noon
(C) In twenty-four hours
(D) Later this week

B Now check your answers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis boxes and look at the answer
options. Note why each answer option is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect
answer options.

1. What are the speakers talking about?

(A) Canceling an appointment
(B) Negotiating a bill
(C) Leaving a hospital
(D) Scheduling a meeting

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Topic

(A) The man calls and states that he cannot make it to a morning appointment.
X (B) The woman says there will be a cancellation fee but does not discuss the bill. The man does not negotiate.
X (C) The man states that he will be unable to leave work, not a hospital.
X (D) The man states that he has a meeting today and mentions calling later to discuss rescheduling.

2. Who most likely is the woman?

(A) A doctor
(B) A patient
(C) A secretary
(D) A new client

58 107

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Occupation

X (A) The doctor is mentioned but is not one of the speakers. The woman works for Healthcare Associates but is probably not
a doctor.
X (B) The woman answers the phone as an employee, so she cannot be one of the doctors patients.
(C) The woman answers the phone and talks about appointments, fees, and policies, all of which are duties of a secretary.
X (D) The man mentions that he must meet with new clients, but the woman is not one of them.

3. When is the mans meeting with the clients?

(A) This morning
(B) At noon
(C) In twenty-four hours
(D) Later this week

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Time

X (A) The man states that his appointment with the doctor, not his meeting with the clients, is in the morning.
(B) The man says that he is meeting new clients at 12:00, which can be paraphrased as noon.
X (C) The woman says there is a fee if appointments are canceled with fewer than twenty-four hours notice, not that a
meeting will occur.
X (D) The man says he will call back later this week to talk about rescheduling.

Practice Set 2
A Pre-read the questions and answer options below. Think about what type of information you should listen
for to answer each question. Circle the correct information type from the options given. Then listen to the
conversation and mark the correct answers. Track 3-21

1. Where most likely are the speakers? Information Type: Person Place
(A) An optometrists office
(B) A print shop
(C) A pharmacy
(D) A repair shop

2. How often should the man come in? Information Type: Frequency Topic
(A) Every other day
(B) Once a month
(C) Every year
(D) Every two years

3. What did the man have trouble with? Information Type: Location Problem
(A) Reading a document
(B) Finding the office
(C) Fixing his computer
(D) Completing the chart

108 59

B Now check your answers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis boxes and look at the answer
options. Note why each answer option is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect

1. Where most likely are the speakers?

(A) An optometrists office
(B) A print shop
(C) A pharmacy
(D) A repair shop

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Place

(A) The woman is a doctor, and the man describes glasses and vision problems. An optometrist is an eye doctor.
X (B) The man discusses small print, but neither speaker talks about printing.
X (C) The man refers to his prescription, but it is for glasses, not medication.
X (D) The man says he is having trouble reading print on his computer, but that is due to hisvision, not a screen problem.

2. How often should the man come in?

(A) Every other day
(B) Once a month
(C) Every year
(D) Every two years

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Frequency

X (A) The man talks about day-to-day tasks, but it's not in reference to his appointments.
X (B) The man noticed the problem about a month ago, so this is not relative to the question.
(C) The woman recommends coming in annually, which is the same as every year.
X (D) The man says he has not been in to see Dr. Grant for two years, it's not that he should come every two years.

3. What did the man have trouble with?

(A) Reading a document
(B) Finding the office
(C) Fixing his computer
(D) Completing the chart

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Problem

(A) The man states that he had trouble reading a report he typed at home.
X (B) The woman states that the man has not been in for a long time. She doesnt say that he couldnt find the office.
X (C) The man had trouble reading the print on the screen but not because of a computer problem.
X (D) The woman mentions the mans chart, but there is no mention of completing anything.



Practice Set 1
A Pre-read the questions and answer options below. Think about the type of information needed to answer each
question. Then listen to the conversation and mark the correct answers, f t Track 3-22
1. Where most likely are the speakers? 3. Why does the man ask for the box?
(A) On a boat (A) To check it for damages
(B) In a post office (B) To mark the delivery method
(C) In an airplane (C) To attach the correct postage
(D) At a birthday party (D) To see how much it weighs

2. How long will it take for the gift to arrive by express delivery?
(A) Two days
(B) Four days
(C) Seven days
(D) More than a week

B Now check your answers. Look at the conversation in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at
the explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to the
reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.

_____ / The man mentions items traveling by air, but this isnt enough information to infer that they are flying.
_____ X The woman talks about her friends birthday, but she and the man are not at a party during the conversation.
_____ The woman and man talk about mail and postage, which leads to the inference that they are in a post
_____ / The woman mentions sending a gift overseas, but this isnt enough information to infer that the speakers are on a

_____ The man says express delivery takes two days, and the woman selects express delivery.
_____ X The man says standard delivery takes more than a week, but the woman does not select that option.
__ _ / The man says priority delivery takes four days, but the woman does not select that option.
_____ X The woman says her friends birthday is in a week, but no delivery method mentioned takes seven days.

_____X The man says he will determine the postage but never talks about putting it on the box.
_____ X Neither of the speakers mentions the box being harmed in any way.
____ _ X The man discusses delivery methods, but he never talks about writing on the box in any way.
_____ / The man says that in order to determine the correct postage, he must find out how much the box weighs.

110 61

Practice Set 2
A Pre-read the questions and answers below. Think about the types of information needed to answer each
question. Then listen to the conversation and mark the correct answers. Track 3-23

1. What is the woman concerned about? 3. Who will the man talk to?
(A) Replacing lost medicine (A) A doctor
(B) Getting sick on a trip (B) A secretary
(C) Refilling a prescription (C) A pharmacist
(D) Correcting a prescription error (D) A business partner

2. Where is the woman going next week?

(A) To her doctors office
(B) On a family vacation
(C) To the pharmacy
(D) On a business trip

B Now check your answers. Look at the conversation in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at
the explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to
the reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.

_____ X The man says a secretary made an error, but the error did not involve the prescription, nor does the woman bring
up any error.
_____ X The woman does talk about taking a trip in the future. However, she doesnt mention feeling or becoming ill.
_____ The woman says she wants to refill her prescription early because she wont be able to refill it next week.
_____ X The woman wants to refill a prescription but not because her medicine was misplaced.

_____ The woman says that she will be taking a trip with her children the following week.
_____ X The woman states that she was directed to a pharmacy by a secretary, but she is already thereand makes no
statements about returning.
_____ X The woman does mention that she is taking a trip, although she says it will be with her children.She talksabout
business only when talking about a phone call.
_____ X The woman talks about her doctors office but never states at any point that she is going there.

_____ X The woman explains that she was told by this person that she could fill her prescription early, but the man says
this was incorrect. He does not say he will contact her.
_____ X The woman, not the man, talks about making a business phone call.
_____ X The man is a pharmacist and cannot change prescriptions. Otherwise, he would have done so himself.
_____ The man says that only the primary physician can change the prescription, so that is the person he must

62 111

Practice Set 3
A Pre-read the questions and answer options below. Think about the types of information needed to an
swer each question. Then listen to the conversation and mark the correct answers, f"} Track 3-24

1. What are the speakers discussing? 3. Who was supposed to complete the report?
(A) A late assignment (A) The man
(B) A weekend meeting (B) The woman
(C) A budget increase (C) Mr. Jenson
(D) A missed e-mail (D) The CEO

2. How did the woman deliver her message?

(A) She sent an e-mail.
(B) She called his phone.
(C) She left him a note.
(D) She mailed him a report.

B Now check your answers. Look at the conversation in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at the
explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to the reason
why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.

_____ / The woman asks why the budget proposal was not turned in on time.
_____X The man missed a voicemail message, not an e-mail.
_____X The CEO has a meeting during the week, and the man talks about the weekend, but no weekend meetings are
_____X The woman talks about a budget proposal, but there is no discussion of increasing a budget.

_____ X The woman mentions voicemail and a proposal but never a report or mail.
_____ X The woman mentions a voicemail, not an e-mail.
_____X The woman left a message, but it was not written.
_____ The woman says she left a message on the mans voicemail, which is only on a phone.

_____ X The woman checks why the proposal was not completed and knows what the deadline was, but she told the man
to do it.
_____ The woman asks the man why he did not complete the proposal, which shows that he was responsible.
_____X The CEO is mentioned only in connection to a meetingwithMr. Jenson, never in connection with the proposal.
_____X Mr. Jenson is the person who was supposed to receivetheproposal, not complete it.

112 63


Directions: Listen to a conversation between two speakers. Then choose the correct answers to the three
questions about that conversation. Fill in the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each conversation only
once. Track 3-25

1. Where does the conversation take place? 7. Who most likely is Jim Carter?
(A) In a hotel (A) A secretary
(B) In a restaurant (B) A real estate agent
(C) In an airport (C) A doctor
(D) In an office (D) A salesman

2. What does the man want? 8. When does Mr. Carters meeting end?
(A) A new printer (A) At 10:00
(B) A boarding pass (B) At 10:15
(C) Some identification (C) At 10:30
(D) Another room key (D) At 11:00

3. What will the man likely do next? 9. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Get on a plane (A) Give a message to his boss
(B) Pay his bill (B) Cancel a meeting that morning
(C) Ask for directions (C) Schedule an appointment with a doctor
(D) Show his identification (D) Call her back in ten minutes

10. What are the speakers talking about?

4. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) Next years budget
(A) Treating an illness
(B) A job interview
(B) Taking a vacation
(C) A new employee
(C) Completing a co-workers assignments
(D) An accounting error
(D) Hiring an assistant for the office

5. What does the woman offer to do? 11. Why did the funding change?
(A) Cancel a meeting (A) The company lost money.
(B) Assist the man (B) Fewer equipment purchases were approved.
(C) Replace broken equipment (C) The retail department is expanding.
(D) Find new clients (D) Several clients were added.

6. When is the mans meeting? 12. What will the man likely do next?
(A) Tomorrow (A) Visit the Accounting Department
(B) Wednesday (B) Check on a client
(C) Next Monday (C) Interview applicants
(D) Later next week (D) Look at computer prices

64 113

13. What problem do the speakers discuss? 16. Where are the speakers?
(A) A missed delivery (A) In a restaurant
(B) A price increase (B) At a train station
(C) A drop in sales (C) In a hotel
(D) A rescheduled meeting (D) On a street corner

14. What does the man want to do? 17. Why does the woman ask for advice?
(A) Find a new supplier (A) To get directions
(B) Reduce purchases by 10 percent (B) To choose transportation
(C) Compare sales teams numbers (C) To get food recommendations
(D) Raise the companys rates (D) To select the right train

15. What will the woman probably do next? 18. How will the woman get to the convention center?
(A) Increase their rates (A) On foot
(B) Meet with the sales team (B) By car
(C) Contact a different supplier (C) By taxi
(D) Order more paper (D) By train

114 65
Question 10: Propose a Solution

TOEIC Test Speaking

Question 10
In Question 10 of the Speaking Test, you will hear a voicemail message that describes
a problem and you will be asked to suggest a solution. The problem will be in the
form of a complaint or a request. The message will not appear on the screenyou
will only hear it. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds
to speak. Your response will be evaluated on pronunciation, intonation and stress,
grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, and relevance and completeness of content.

Possible topics may include:

Problems with rental housing or office space Customer service requests
Problems with deliveries Requests for information about classes
Travel-related issues

QUICK GUIDE: Propose a Solution

Definition Question 10 tests your ability to restate a problem and present your ideas for a
solution in an organized, coherent way. You will summarize the problem and offer a
..... ...... . solution.....
.......... .......
to . it. .....
...______............ ........................ ..... ................... . .......... ...................................... ...... ........______ _______ __ _____ ___________ __________ ___ ......... ...4

Targeted In order to answer Question 10 effectively, you should be able to:

Skills understand what a speaker is asking for.
summarize a problem clearly and briefly.
come up with a solution to a problem.
organize your ideas while speaking.
select and use appropriate vocabulary and correct grammatical forms.
speak clearly.
Question There are no specific question types for Question 10. You will be expected to simply
Types restate the problem that you hear and suggest a solution.
A Good A good response will demonstrate that you understand what the complaint or
Response request is about and are able to propose a solution that is clear and well organized.
Your response will have clear delivery, use an appropriate level of formality, be well
paced, and be understood by the listener with little effort.
Things to 1. First, listen carefully to the message to understand what the problem is and what
Remember the listener is asking for.
2. Next, think of a reasonable solution. It doesnt have to be complicated. It just has
to make sense and be something you can explain.
3. Imagine you are leaving a voicemail. Include a greeting, and be sure to introduce
4. Apologize for the problem, or show that you understand the reason for the request.
5. Explain your solution step-by-step.

56 115

WALK THROUGH: Propose a Solution

A What Youll See
In Question 10, you will see directions and a sentence telling you what role to assume. You will
also see a reminder about what to include in your response. Read the directions and sample
voicemail below. What is the message about? What role are you told to play?
Speaking Test VOLUME

Listen carefully to the

first two sentences of Question 10: Propose a solution
the voicemail message.
Directions: In Question 10, you will hear a problem and you will propose a solution. You will have 30
The speaker will usually
seconds to prepare your response. You will have 60 seconds to speak.
state the problem there.
Respond as if you are the building manager.
In your response, you should
rustration: something show that you understand the problem.
hat upsets or angers you propose a solution for the problem.
ecause you are unable
o do anything about the
iroblems it creates B What Youll Hear
ileasant: describing You will hear a voicemail message about a problem or a request. Listen to the audio as you
omething that is nice,
njoyable, or attractive
read the sample message. What is the callers complaint? In the script, underline the sentence
where the caller first identifies the problem. Track 1 0.01
f t

SAMPLE MESSAGE Hi. This is Chris Robertson in Apartm ent 314. I m calling about the elevator, which doesnt seem
(script not available to be working again. This afternoon, when I got home, I pushed the button to call the elevator,
in test) but nothing happened. I waited and waited and pushed the button several times, but the elevator
never arrived. I h ad a heavy bag o f groceries with me, and I, you know, had to carry them all
the way up the stairs to my apartm ent on the third floor. Can you let me know whats going to be
done about this situation? Using the stairs isnt easy f o r m e because I have a b ad backand its
especially hard when I m carrying groceries or packages. Its really an inconvenience, and this is
the third time this y ear that the elevator has broken down. I hope it can be repaired soon. Again,
this is Chris Robertson fro m num ber 314. Thank you.

C What Youll Do
You will respond by showing you understand the problem and by proposing a solution.
Below is a sample response to the message in Part B. Read along as you listen to the sample
response. Notice how the speaker organizes her response. Then use the sample response to
practice responding to the question with your own ideas. Track 10.02f t

SAMPLE RESPONSE Hello, Mr. Robertson. This is Tara Conner from Rental Management. I understand you had a problem
with the elevator this afternoon. I m very sorry fo r the inconvenience. I know its difficultfo r you
because o f your back. I also understand that it isfrustrating because it has happened before. I think
youll be happy to know that we plan to replace the elevator. The new elevator will be installed early
next week. After that, there wont be any problems with the elevator breaking down. In the meantime,
I invite you to use the service elevator. Its near the entrance to the stairs. I know its not as nice as the
passenger elevator, but I think it will be easier fo r you than the stairs. Then next week youll be able to
use the new passenger elevator. Please let me know if you have any questions.

116 57

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Question 10 on the Speaking Test is scored on a scale from 0-5. Your response will be
graded based on the same criteria as in Questions 1-9: pronunciation, intonation and
stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance of content, and completeness of
content. As in Questions 7 -9, it is important that you speak politely and use language that
is appropriate for the situationin this case, leaving a message for someone you dont
know. In your response, you must acknowledge the problem and propose a solution for
dealing with it.

Look at this response to a problem about a late delivery of a package needed for a party.
The person is responding as a customer service representative. Q Track 10.03

A Good Response: Hello, Ms. Jones. This is Marco with Sunco Products returning your call. Were very sorry
to hear that your package is late. We understand how frustrating that is, especially because you want it for a
party this weekend. I checked into the problem. It appears that the delivery person tried to deliver the package
three times. Unfortunately, there was no one at home at the time. Id like to suggest that we set up a time this
week when you know you will be home. Then we can try to deliver the package again. That way, we should be
able to get your delivery to you before the weekend. Let me know if this will be OK with you or if you have any
questions. And again, were very sorry about the delay.
Analysis: The speakers answer is well organized, and it completely addresses the task. First, the speaker
greets the person, introduces himself, and says why he is calling. He also apologizes for the problem. He then
gives an explanation for the problem and makes a clear, detailed suggestion about how to solve it. During the
call, he uses polite language, speaks clearly, and uses appropriate and varied grammar and vocabulary.


Question 10 begins with a voicemail message from a caller who makes a complaint,
makes a request, or does both. These voicemail messages are structured like real
QUICK TIP messages.
Remember, your The messages usually start with a short greeting and introduction by the caller. This
solutions and is followed by a statement about the complaint or the request. The caller then gives
explanations for some details about what happened and what he or she would like done. This part often
problems dont have to indicates why it is a problem or why the person has the request. Often, the caller mentions
be complicated. Propose a deadline or an urgent need. The end of the voicemail usually includes a restatement of
something you know the persons name and, sometimes, the persons contact information.
you can explain. Use
TIP 1 Learn to recognize the basic types of voicemail messages you may hear. The types of
grammatical structures
voicemail messages will vary, but the caller will have some fairly common problem or request. It is
you are comfortable with.
important to listen for key words that give you clues as to whether the caller has a complaint, a request,
or both. The chart on the next page gives examples of some expressions that can give you clues about
the reason for the call.


Expressions for Making Complaints Expressions for Introducing Requests

I m calling about a problem / issue that I have Id like you to . . .
(with) . . . Could I /you (please) . . . ?
Theres something wrong with . . . I want / need . . .
X isnt working. I was wondering if you could. . .
I m sorry to say (that) . . . What I d like you to do i s . . .
QUICK TIP I have a complaint about. . . Is there any way that you could. . . ?
For Question 10, dont I m very disappointed (with X. / that Y happened.) I d appreciate it if you . . .
worry about all the There seems to be something wrong with . . . Do you think you . . . ?
details. Sometimes
I m sorry to have to say this, b ut . . . Would you min d. . . ?
I need X taken care o f right away. I d like some help with . . .
the caller will give
X was supposed to b e . . . , but its . . . I know you dont usually do this, but could y o u . . . ?
addresses, telephone
numbers, or other TASK Listen to each message. Does the caller have a complaint, a request, or both? Circle the correct
minor details. These are answer. Track 10.04
not usually needed for 1. complaint request both
your response. Focus 2. complaint request both
on understanding the 3. complaint request both
TIP 2 Listen carefully for key information about the person, situation, or request. For an effective
Whos calling? response, you will need to include some key information. Listen for these types of information.
Whats the complaint The name of the person calling
or request? Specific information about the problem
Why is it a problem? What happened or what the person needs
What does the caller Any special requests or conditions
want done?
The chart includes some expressions that give clues to important information.

Giving Names and Describing Complaints Describing Requests

Information Goods Services
My name i s . . . not working didnt do a good job urgently
This is . . . broken / did a bad job right away
I m calling about. . . damaged / crushed / didnt fix / wasnt as soon as possible / ASAP
I d like to speak with. . . ruined / defective / fixed properly a (special) favor / request
I m a custom er/ resident imperfect hasnt been fixed IfX happens again, then
/ tenant / guest / missing yet
member / visitor, a n d . . . wrong color / type / did X incorrectly / IfX doesnt get fixed /
I m in Apartment / size /package wrong resolved, then . . .
R oom . . . delayed got X wrong I d like . . .
something wrong with came / arrived / got I m hoping that. . .
unusable here late Its very important th at. . .

118 59

TASK Listen again to the messages from the TIP 1 TASK on page 59. Use the templates below to take
notes on key information, f t Track 10.04

Message 1:

Name of the person:

QUICK TIP Main problem:____
Sometimes the caller will What happened:
give similar information Why it is a problem:___
or talk about information Special requests (if any):
that is not related to
the problem. Ignore
Message 2:
information that is not
relevant. Look at the
Name of the person:___
example below. The
Main problem:________
information that is not
needed is crossed out.
What happened:______
Notice the boldfaced Why it is a problem:___
words that are similar to Special requests (if any):
information you do need.

Im missing the Message 3:

connector cable. The-
plug, battery, and other
Name of the person:.
parts are all here.
What happened:.
Why it is a problem:
Special requests (if any):


Structuring your response well is important because your message should be clear
QUICK TIP and easy to understand. It is also very important that you show you understand
Remember to respond in
the problem well and offer a detailed solution to help the caller. For Question 10,
the following templates will work for most messages, but you may need to adjust
the role indicated on the
them to fit the situation.
screen in the line after the
directions. For example, COMPLAINTS REQUESTS
the line might tell you to - Greeting and introduction - Greeting and introduction
answer as if you work - Apologize / Show understanding - Acknowledge request
- Possible explanation - Respond to request
at the bank. This tells
- Proposed solution 1 - Explain reasons or conditions
you immediately that the - Details 1 - Give solution or option 1
problem is about some - Proposed solution 2 (where needed) - Details 1
- Details 2 - Give solution or option 2 (where needed)
thing relating to a bank. - Closing statem ent - Details 2
- Closing statem ent


Listen and read the sample message and response about a complaint. Notice the way the
response follows the template for a complaint. Q Track 10.05
SAMPLE MESSAGE: Hi, this is Sarah Brown. Id like to make a complaint about a problem Ive been having with my
new stove. Wejust bought it two weeks ago, but the last few times Ive turned it on, nothing has happened. Then,
when I try again, it works. I dont know what the issue is, but I need to get it fixed right away. I have people coming
over for dinner on Friday night, and its already Tuesday. I really need someone to come out and have a look at it. Id
prefer it if someone could come today or, at the latest, tomorrow. Please call me back as soon as possible. Sarah
Brown at 906-555-7272. Thank you.
SAMPLE RESPONSE: Hello, Ms. Brown. My name is Brenden, and Im with Miller Stoves. Im returning your call from
this morning. Were very sorry that youre having problems with your stove. I know youre worried about your dinner
party, so well try to fix the stove right away. The problem could be that the stove was damaged in shipping, so well
have to come and take a look at it. I need to check with our repair department first, but they might be able to come
this evening. If they cant come today, we should be able to come tomorrow. Ill call back later this afternoon to check
what times you are available. Thanks again for your call, and again, were very sorry about the problem with the stove.

TIP 1 Learn set phrases for greeting the person, introducing yourself, and apologizing for the
problem or acknowledging the request. After you hear the message, you will have 30 seconds to
organize and prepare your response. The first parts of an effective response can include set or basic
expressions. You can practice these in chunks. Here are some basic expressions for greeting the caller
and introducing yourself.

Greetings and Introductions

Hi, [name of caller]. This is [your invented name], and I m returning your call.
Hello. I m callingfo r [name of caller]. I m [your invented name] with [name of
company], and we just got your message.
Good morning, [name of caller]. My names [your invented name]. I just wanted to
get back to you about your message.
Hello. I would like to leave a message fo r [name of caller]. I m calling from [name of
company]. My name is [your invented name].

As part of your apology or to show you understand, you can just say, Im very sorry about the problem.
However, if possible, you should say something specific. To do this, you can use set phrases with more
If you want to add a details added. Look at the examples in the chart.
company name, you
can easily make one up J Apologizing for Complaints
by adding a last name Set Phrases* Detail Formats Examples
before a product name. Were sorry to hear that. . . a complete sentence We're sorry to hear that your stove
restating the problem is broken.
For example:
I m sorry to hear that. . . I m sorry to hear that youre
Johnson Dishes unhappy with your purchase.
Lee Apartments Were very sorry fo r / about. . . a noun or gerund phrase Were very sorry about the late
Cortez Construction delivery.

Id like to apologize fo r / abou t. . . I d like to apologize for getting

your reservation wrong.
Please accept our apologies fo r / Please accept our apologies for
about. . . the error.

120 61

Acknowledging Requests
Set Phrases* Detail Formats Examples
Thank you very much fo r asking a noun or gerund phrase Thank you very much for asking
about. . . about our services.
I understand that youre I understand that youre
interested in . . . interested in getting a delivery.
So it seems the main thing you a noun phrase So it seems the main thing you
need i s . . . need is your home painted.
*You can speak as an individual (I I me I my) or for the company (we / us / our).
You should also try to add to your response any information from the callers description of the problem.
This will help show you understand how the issue might affect the caller and help you give a more
complete answer. See the examples in the chart.

Showing Understanding of the Problem

Set Phrases* Detail Formats Examples
We know you need / w ant. . . noun or infinitive phrase We know you need to get up early
fo r the meeting.
I know you want the repairs done
by Sunday.
I know this is especially a problem sentence giving a special I know this is especially a problem
because . . . condition mentioned in because youre having a dinner
call party this weekend.
We know youre really worried
about this, since. . . We know youre really worried about
this, since the broken vase is a gift.
I understand that. . . , so we
want to help. I understand that you have a bad
back and cant carry things, so we
want to help.
*You can speak as an individual (I / me I my) or for the company (we I us I our).
QUICK TIP TASK 1 Listen to the partial responses to the problems from the TIP 1 TASK on page 59. Write the
Remember that to be expressions used to greet and introduce, apologize for problems or acknowledge requests, and show
polite, your greeting understanding. Q Track 10.06
should use the callers
full name or one of the
Expressions to greet and Expressions to apologize or Expressions to show
introduce acknowledge requests understanding (if any)
following titles and the
last name.
Mr. (mis-ter) for a man 2.
Ms. (miz) for a woman 3.
If the caller gives a TASK 2 Now use the expressions from TASK 1 above to greet the caller and introduce yourself,
professional title (e.g., apologize for a complaint, or acknowledge a request. Make notes and then practice aloud. Use the
Doctor, Professor), information given in parentheses.
use that title with the 1. Greeting and introduction (Susan Jones / your invented name)___________________________
last name. 2. Apologize for a complaint (missing computer p a rt)_____________________________________
Do not use Mr., Mrs., or 3. Acknowledge a request (wants to take a driving course)
Ms. with a first name!
TIP 2 Learn set phrases for explaining reasons and responding to difficult requests. For
Do not use Mrs. unless
complaints, after you introduce yourself and apologize, you should try to offer at least one possible
the caller has used
reason for the problem. This will help expand your answer and show you understand what is wrong. It is
Mrs. Use Ms. instead.
fine to invent a reason, but your reason should be realistic.

Question 10 requests will often be very urgent or difficult to do. Therefore, you should be prepared to give
an apologetic response or say no to the caller and explain the reason why. Here are some expressions to
explain reasons for problems and respond to difficult requests.

Giving Reasons for Problems

Set Phrases Detail Formats Examples
Its /It was most likely /probably a person, place, thing, or event Its most likely a problem with
a problem with . . . the connection.

It could be / may be / might It could be a loose wire.

It could / must / might / may past participle (passive verb); a It could have been sent to the
have been . . . person, place, thing, or event wrong address.

It must have been a bank error.

There could / must / might / noun phrase There could have been a prob
may have been . . . lem in shipping.

There must have been something

wrong with the phone system.
It seems / appears th at. . . sentence explaining the It seems that the booking didnt
problem go through.
Responding to Difficult Requests
Set Phrases Detail Formats Examples
I m afraid theres a problem with sentence explaining the I m afraid theres a problem
that because. . . problem with that because we dont offer
that service.
Unfortunately, its not our policy verb phrase Unfortunately, its not our
to... policy to accept students with
out applications.
As you mentioned /know, . . . , sentence giving a condition As you mentioned, the morn
so we wont be able to . . . stated in the message; verb ing course is full, so we wont be
phrase able to enroll you in that course.

TASK 1 Listen to the full responses to the problems from TIP 1 TASK 1 on page 62. Circle the expression
you hear each speaker use to give a reason for a problem or respond to a difficult request. Q Track 10.07
1. a. As you know, we dont . . . b. Im afraid theres a problem with that.
2. a. It could have been . . . b. It was probably a mistake with . . .
3. a. It must have been . . . b. It seems t hat . . .

TASK 2 Read each complaint or request. Think of at least one reason why the problem could have
happened or why the request is difficult. Then write sentences to explain the reason or respond to the
difficult request. Use the expressions from the chart above. Then practice saying the responses aloud.

1. A womans dress was ruined by a greasy elevator._________________________________________

2. A man wants to get a doctors appointment today, but there isnt one available.

122 63

3. A taxi that a man ordered is late.

TIP 3 Learn set phrases for offering solutions, proposing options, and ending the call. After you
introduce yourself, apologize, and explain possible reasons for the problem or difficulties with the
request, you should offer at least one detailed suggestion to resolve the problem or address the request.
For complaints, this can include actions that you or the customer can take to solve the problem. It can
also include options for solving the problem or meeting the request. This chart has useful expressions for
offering solutions and options.

Offering Solutions
Set Phrases Detail Formats Examples
I d like to suggest that. . . sentence offering solution Id like to suggest that you let us know
a time when youll be home.
Were going to . . . verb phrase offering solution Were going to send another one out to
you right away.

I l l . . . Ill check with our ordering


We might /should be able We might be able to resend the

to... package today.
I can arrange f o r . . . noun phrase with a solution I can arrange fo r another delivery.

noun + infinitive phrase and We can arrange for the cleaning to be

solution reimbursed.

I can arrange t o . . . infinitive verb phrase I can arrange to get you a new one.
In order to , lets / we verb phrase explaining In order to get the book to you quickly,
can... desired result; verb phrase lets send another package through
offering solution express mail.
We just need to . . . , and a requirement; verb phrase I just need to check with the order
then we can . . . with solution department, and then we can send a
new one to you.
Expressions for Offering Options
Set Phrases Detail Formats Examples
I f you can / could. . . , cause with requirement; I f you can be here at 2:00, we can see
(then) we can / could. . . effect with solution you today.
If you could tell us when you ordered
the product, then we could check our
delivery records.
One thing we could do verb phrase offering solution One thing we could do is replace the
is. . . damaged shirt.
Another option would be Another option would be tofix the
to... shirt you have.
I f youd prefer, we cou ld . . . I f youd prefer, we could send you
another book.
I / You / We could also gerund or infinitive with You could also try washing it yourself.
try. . . option
I could also try to place the order again.


For some complaints or requests, the response may need to make an exception. When a complaint cant
be fixed, you could offer compensation, such as a discount, a free item, or an upgrade. You might also
offer suggestions for avoiding the problem in the future. Finally, you should end your call with a closing
statement that apologizes again for the situation or explains the next steps. See below for expressions
for making exceptions, offering benefits, making suggestions for the future, and ending the call.

Expressions for Possible Benefits Possible Suggestions Expressions for

Making Exceptions and Compensations for the Future Ending the Call
Because youre an . . . wed like to offer. . . Next time, please Thanks again fo r calling.
important remember t o . . . We really appreciate
a 20 percent discount,
customer,. . . your business.
a free [room /package / call earlier.
We really appreciate etc.]. let us know as soon as Please let us know
your business, so . . . a reduced rate, possible, if you have any
a replacement [stove / give more notice, questions. And again,
Normally we dont do
computer /etc.]. allow more time, were very sorry fo r any
this, b ut . . .
reimbursement fo r your call customer service inconvenience.
QUICK TIP For your [cleaning costs / right away,
Please contact me at
Use modal verbs to inconvenience,. . . travel costs/etc.]. check the website
[phone number] fo r
show how certain or to pay fo r your first fo r more
more information.
uncertain things are. [cleaning costs / information.
travel costs / etc.].
The words can and will
mean certain or nearly TASK 1 Listen again to the complete responses from TIP 2, TASK 1 on page 63. Circle the two
certain. May, might, expressions each speaker uses to offer solutions or options. Track 10.07
could, and should mean 1. a. I can arrange f o r . . . b. One option would be . . . c. If we did that, then . . .
possible. 2. a. I can arrange f o r . . . b. Were going to . . . c. In order to . . . , lets . . .
You can add these 3. a. I just need t o . . . b. Ill give you . . . c. We should be able to .. .
words to show an
TASK 2 Read the complaint or request. Think of one possible solution for the problem or one possible
option is certain:
way to deal with the request. Then think of one way to compensate the caller. Write sentences with your
definitely, absolutely.
ideas. Practice saying them aloud.
You can use these
words to show an option 1. A DVD someone ordered is a week late___________________________________________________
is less certain: possibly,
probably, maybe.

2. A person wants to reschedule a meeting for the next day.

3. A resident has a broken lock on her apartment door.

4. A woman received a repair bill, but the charges are much higher than she expected.

5. A mans Internet is off, and he needs to get it back on right away.

124 65


A Listen to the voicemail message as you read along in the script. Then answer the
questions. Q Track 10.08

SAMPLE MESSAGE G ood morning. My nam e is Marty Jones. I signed up to take the advanced Spanish course that
(script not meets on Saturday mornings. However, I just fou n d out that I ll be starting a new jo b this week,
available in test) and my work schedule will include Saturday mornings. So I wont be able to take that class.
Could I take it at another tim e? I m fr e e most evenings during the week and on M onday and
Tuesday afternoons. I f theres an advanced Spanish classthat meets at one o f these times, maybe
I could transfer into it. Please let m e know. I can be reached at 403-555-1212.Thanks.

1. This call is about

a. a request.
b. a complaint.
c. both a request and a complaint.

2. What is the callers main problem?

a. He cant study, because he is too busy at work.
b. He thinks the class level is too advanced.
c. He cant go to class at the scheduled time.

3. What does the caller want?

a. His money to be returned
b. A transfer to a different class
c. Extra help with his classwork
B Listen to the sample response as you read along in the script. Notice the words and
expressions the speaker uses to recognize the problem and offer a solution. Then
listen again. Write the numbers of the purposes next to the correct sentences in the
sample response. Use the purposes in the box. Q Track 10.09

1. Proposed solution 4. Closing statement
2. Greeting and introduction 5. Reasons or conditions
3. Acknowledgement of request 6. Response to request

2 Hello, Mr. Jones. My name is Kim.____ I understand that you cant take the Saturday morning
Spanish class because of your new work schedule. Im sorry that the class schedule doesnt work for you.
I know that it can be complicated to try to study and work at the same time.___ However, this problem is
very easy to solve. We do have another advanced Spanish class. It meets on Tuesday afternoons, and theres
still room for another student in i t . ___ Ill put your name on the list for that class, so all you have to do
is show up next Tuesday afternoon at two oclock.___ Please let me know if you have any problem with
this.___ Otherwise, we hope to see you next Tuesday.


C Now complete the response template below or use another piece of paper to create a
response to the message in Part A. Then practice your response aloud. Record your
response if possible.

Thank you for calling,_______________________________________________________________ .
Your message said that you cant _____________________________________________________
_________ because of your____________________________________ _ _ _ _ _____________
_____ . Im sorry to hear about this difficulty with your______________________________________
_________________________ , but I think this problem is easy to solve. You said that youre available
on_______________________________________________________________ and___________
____________________________________________________ afternoons. We have an advanced
Spanish class you can attend on either of those days. Please choose which day you want and let me
know. I hope this will work well for you.

D Now think about your response or listen to it again if it was recorded. Then read the
statements below. How well did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check ( / )
Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Question 10

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My response was
easily understood. -

2 .1 used correct and varied grammar and vocabulary.

3. My response was well paced. It was neither too fast nor too slow, and I
spoke for the full amount of time.

4. My response was clear and well organized.

5 . 1 gave a summary of the problem.

6. I apologized for the problem and expressed sympathy.

7 . 1 provided at least one solution for the problem.

8.1 spoke politely and used language appropriate to the situation.

126 67


A Listen to the voicemail message and make notes about the content. O Track 10.10

1. Name of caller__________________________________________________________
2. Is it a request or a complaint (or both)?______________________________________
3. Main problem___________________________________________________________

4. What happened_________________________________________________________

5. Why it is a problem___

6. Special requests (if any)

Listen to the model response to the message in Part A. Notice how the person organizes
the response. Then listen again and complete the sentences below. Q Track 10.11

1. Apologize and show understanding of the problem.

QUICK TIP I understand that you havent been able to _____________________________________________
Remember, if you cant ________________________ I realize how____________________________________________
think of a solution, use ________________________ this must be.
your imagination. Even 2. Give a possible explanation.
if your solution isnt
There could be__________________________________________________________________
completely realistic, it
is better than no solu
tion at all!

3. Summarize the two solutions in your own words,



4. Give a closing statement.

Thanks so much fo r_____

and please accept our apologies for the


C Listen to the message in Part A again. Then complete the template below to respond
to the message. Use phrases from Part B or your own ideas. Practice your response
aloud, and record it if possible. Be sure to check the amount of time you use!

[Greeting and introduction]______________________________________________________

[Apologize / Show understanding]______________________________________________

[Possible explanation]

[Solution 1 / Details 1]

[Solution 2 / Details 2]

[Closing statement]

D Now think about your response or listen to it again if it was recorded. Then read the
statements below. How well did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check ( / )
Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Question 10

Yes No
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My response was
easily understood.

2 .1 used correct and varied grammar and vocabulary.

3. My response was well paced. It was neither too fast nor too slow, and I
spoke for the full amount of time.

4. My response was clear and well organized.

5 . 1 gave a summary of the problem.

6 .1 apologized for the problem and expressed sympathy.

7. I provided at least one solution for the problem.

8 .1 spoke politely and used language appropriate to the situation.

128 69



Listen to the message and then give your response. Time yourself as you speak, and
record your response if possible.

Q Track 10.12
Question 10: Propose a solution

Directions: In Question 10, you will hear a problem and you will propose a solution. You will have
30 seconds to prepare your response. You will have 60 seconds to speak.

Respond as if you are a businessperson.

In your response, you should
show that you understand the problem.
propose a solution for the problem.

Preparation Time Used:______seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____seconds
Refer to the countdown
clock from time to time
while you are giving
your response. Make
sure youre not spend
ing too much time on
any one part of your
response. Dont risk
running out of time be
fore you can give your

TOEIC Test Part 4: Talks
Part 4 of the TOEIC Listening test is very similar to Part 3. The main difference is that
Part 4 features ten talks by a single speaker instead of conversations between two or
more speakers. Each talk is followed by three questions that you will look at on the
page as you listen. The talks are quite short and often last less than a minute each.

Topics for talks in Part 4 may include:

Weather and news reports Office schedule listings

Airport and train station announcements Store sale announcements

Voicemail messages Speeches about business advice



Definition Part 4 is a test of your listening comprehension. It requires skills similar to
those used in Part 3. You will listen to short talks by a single speaker, answer
questions about central ideas and basic details, and draw conclusions based
on the information you hear.

Targeted Skills In order to correctly answer Part 4 questions, you must be able to:
understand the topic / main idea of a talk,
identify key facts from a talk,
make conclusions about a talk based on details,
understand paraphrased language in answer options,
pre-read questions to predict important information.

Question Types Topic / Main Idea: Who is this talk for?

Detail: What time does the train leave?
Inference: What can be inferred from the talk?

Answer Options Topic / Main Idea Questions: locations, occupations, audience,

topics, etc.
Detail Questions: suggestions, instructions, times, quantities, etc.
Inference Questions: audience, contexts, feelings, meanings, etc.

Things to Watch Talk Distracters: Answer options may repeat words or use words that
For sound similar to words used in the talk. Be careful! These types of words
are often used to distract you from the correct answer option.
Vocabulary Clues: As in Part 3, some correct answers are not said
directly in the talk. You must listen for vocabulary clues and paraphrased or
slightly changed information to find the answer.


A What Youll See
In Part 4, you will see the directions, the questions, and the answer options on the
page. Read the sam ple questions below. Think about the types of information the
questions are asking for. Is each answer related to an action? A location? A tim e or
date? Look at the answer options. W hat kinds of key words might you listen for to
choose the answer for each one?

Part 4: Talks
As in Part 3, in
Directions: Listen to a talk. Then choose the correct answers to the three questions about that talk.
Part 4 you should
Fill in the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each talk only once.
quickly pre-read
the questions and 1. Where is the speaker? 3. What will happen next?
answer options (A) In Los Angeles (A) There will be a sightseeing trip.
before you hear (B) On an airplane (B) A movie will be shown.
the talk. This will (C) At the airport (C) The plane will be serviced.
help you decide (D) At a travel agency (D) Drinks will be served.
what types of
2. How long will the trip take?
information to
(A) Three hours
listen for.
(B) A little less than four hours
(C) A little more than four hours
(D) Eleven hours

B What Youll Hear

You will first hear a short talk and then three questions about it. Listen to the sam ple
talk as you read along in the script. Underline the im portant information in the script.
Circle and look up any words you dont know, f"} Track 4-01

SAMPLE SCRIPT Man: Good m orning and welcome to Flight 83 to Los Angeles.
(script not O ur trip today should take just under four hours, and well
available in test) be arriving at Los Angeles International Airport at eleven approach: get closer to
o clock local time. We have clear skies today and should be
able to have a good view of the Rocky Mountains. Ill point attendant: someone whose
them out, as well as other sights of interest, as we approach job is to serve or help people in
them. For your entertainment, well be showing an in-flight a place, such as a gas station,
parking lot, or coat room
movie in about an hour. In a minute, the flight attendants
will begin the beverage service, so sit back, relax, and enjoy beverage: any kind of drink
your trip.

C What Youll Do
In the test, you will listen to the audio and choose the best answer for each
question. Listen to the recording again and answer the questions in Part A. Use the
information you underlined in Part B if needed. Track 4-01

131 67

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Topic / Main Idea Questions
As in Part 3, topic / main idea questions in Part 4 of the Listening test require you to look at
the details and context of the talk to find the main theme the speaker is talking about. Here are
some possible topic / main idea questions.

Possible topic / main idea questions:

W hat is this re p o rt a b o u t? W here w ould you hear this announcem ent?

W ho is this m e ssa ge for? W hat is the p u rp o s e o f this talk?

TIP 1 Pay attention to the beginning of the talk. Just as in Part 3 conversations, important
information about the main idea may be stated at the beginning of the talks in Part 4. The first one
or two sentences set the context for the talk. Listen carefully to the beginning sentences in a talk, as
they often give clues to the main idea. You can then look for the answer option that includes this same

TASK Pre-read the questions and answer options. Then listen to the start of each talk. Choose the topic
or main idea of the talk, f t Track 4-02

1. Who is this message for?

(A) Computer technicians
(B) Telephone operators
(C) Electron Company staff
(D) Computer users

2. Where would you hear this talk?

(A) At a museum
(B) On a tour bus
(C) In a paint store
(D) In an art class

3. What problem is the show about?

(A) Dream analysis
(B) Job hunting
(C) Employment policy
(D) Dressing for work

TIP 2 Learn to recognize synonyms. The talk may not use any of the exact words you see in the
answer options. Instead, the answer to a main idea question may contain a synonym of a word used by
the speaker. A synonym is a word or expression that means the same as another word or expression.
Learning to recognize common synonyms for words related to topics covered in Part 4 of the TOEIC test
will help you find the correct answer choices. See the examples in the chart on page 69.

68 132

Examples of Synonyms Related to Common Topics

Topic Topic-Related Words and Synonyms
Shopping store: shop, retailer, boutique, outlet, department store
clerk: salesperson, sales rep
shopper: buyer, consumer, customer
Dining out restaurant: cafe, coffee shop, cafeteria, deli, bistro
eat: have, consume, snack on, dine
meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snack, a bite to eat
Work job: employment, position, work
employer: boss, supervisor, manager, CEO, department head
Traveling trip: journey, vacation, excursion, tour
travel: go, visit, see, tour
arrive: get to, land, disembark
leave: depart, take off, board
Health healthy: well, fit
sick: ill, unwell, not well
sickness: illness, disease
medicine: pills, drugs, prescription, medication
Clothes clothes: clothing, garment, attire, dress, outfit
wear: have on, be dressed in
Music concert: recital, musical performance
musician: performer, instrumentalist, accompanist

TASK Read the word and write at least one synonym for it.

1. musical performance______________ 5. consume_______________

2. disease______________ 6. retailer_______________
3. excursion______________ 7. garment_______________
4. department head______________ 8. depart_______________

TIP 3 Learn key words that may give clues to topics and main ideas. Some other topics often
found in Part 4 of the TOEIC test are weather, sports events, news, prices, and business. Keep a list of
the types of words associated with these topics. Then use a thesaurus to learn common synonyms for
words related to those topics.

TASK Pre-read each question and its two answer options. Then listen to part of a talk as you read along
in the script. Circle one word in the script that is a synonym of a word in one of the answer options.
Then answer the question, f t Track 4-03

1. Where would you hear this announcement?

a. in a store b. in a park

Man: Welcome to Park Place, the citys largest retailer, where we treat our customers like

2. What is this review about?

a. a play b. a restaurant

W om an: If youre looking for an inexpensive place for a delicious post-theater dinner, the
Riverview Cafe might well suit your needs.
133 69

3. Who is this talk for?

a. vacation planners b. shoppers

Man: Do you need an escape from the stresses of work? Sign up for one of our weeklong
excursions to the beaches of Mexico.

Try a TOEIC Test Question

P re-read the question and answ er options. Then listen to th e audio as you read along in the
script. In th e script, underline im portant inform ation given at th e start. Circle one or m ore
w ords in the script th at are synonym s fo r w ords in one of th e answ er options. Then answ er
the question. Track 4-04

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: The annual City Festival of Music will take place next weekend at the National
(script not available Theater. The doors open on Sunday m orning at 9:00 a.m., and there will be musical
in test) perform ances by local and national orchestras and bands all day until eight in the evening.
This one-day-only event is a unique opportunity to hear perform ances by some of the
countrys top musicians. Dont miss it. Tickets are on sale at the National Theater box office.
O rder your ticket today.
1. What is this announcement about?
(A) A school party (C) A music school
(B) A musical (D) A day of concerts

Detail Questions
As in Part 3, Part 4 of the Listening test detail questions require you to listen carefully for key
information in a talk. These questions are about specific rather than general information. Anything
m entioned in a talk can be the basis of a detail question, including suggestions, instructions,
tim es, quantities, and other items. The answ er information is usually clearly stated in the talk.

QUICK TIP Possible topics for detail questions:

Practice taking notes!
Suggestions, advice, instructions, o r requests Reasons o r p u rpo se s
Detail questions
D uration, frequency, quantity, o r tim es Locations
are one of the most
common question types
Detail Questions About Suggestions, Advice, Instructions, or Requests
for Part 3 and Part
A speaker may instruct or advise listeners to do something, or the speaker may make a specific
4 of the TOEIC Test.
suggestion or request. Detail questions may ask about this type of information.
Practice listening for
details and taking notes Possible detail questions about. . .
whenever possible
suggestions or advice: requests:
before you take the
What does the speaker suggest people do? What is the speaker asking people to get?
test. What does the speaker offer as a solution? What does the announcement ask people to do?
What is the first step in the process?
What does the speaker say NOT to do?

70 134

TIP Recognize words and expressions used for suggestions, advice, instructions, or requests.
Certain words and expressions are used to give advice and instructions or to make suggestions and
requests. For example, the word please is often used with requests and instructions. Listen for words
and expressions such as these as they may help you recognize key information.

Common Words and Expressions Used for Suggestions, Advice, Instructions, or Requests
Words or Expression Types Examples
please Please line up at the gate.
We ask that you please present your ticket.
Imperative verbs Drive carefully.
Dont forget to visit our snack bar.
Modals should and must You should pay for your ticket ahead of time.
Customers must pay with cash.
Certain expressions, such as youd better, its Its a good idea to call before 9:00.
better, its a good idea Its better to make a reservation first.
Certain verbs, such as suggest, recommend, We suggest arriving early.
advise, want, tell, ask, request We are asking all passengers to remain seated.

TASK Read parts of talks. Underline one suggestion, piece of advice, instruction, or request in each.

1. Woman: We will allow first-class passengers to board first. Show your ticket to the gate agent when
boarding the train.
2. Man: The icy weather has made road conditions very dangerous, and several accidents have
already been reported. If you witness an accident, you should report it immediately to the local
3. Woman: Its a good idea to buy your ticket before the end of the month because the company will
give you a ten percent discount.
4. Man: Please have your money ready for the cashier before you reach the head of the line. This will
help the line move faster.
5. Woman: Visitors are asked to register with the receptionist before going upstairs. A visitors pass
will be issued at that time.

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read the question and answer options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in the script.
Underline one suggestion. Then answer the question, Track 4-05

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Dont know what to get your loved one for Valentines Day? Then we have the
(script not available answer for you! Stop by Norbys departm ent stores annual jewelry sale! Today were
in test) featuring any num ber of great deals on necklaces, earrings, and even diam ond rings.
They make great gifts that let your loved one know just how you feel. Norbys departm ent
storegift solutions for people who really care.

What does the speaker NOT suggest people do?

(A) Buy their loved ones a gift (C) Feature great deals
(B) Go shopping at Norbys department store (D) Show people they care

135 71

Detail Questions About Duration, Frequency, Quantity, or Time

These types of questions ask when, what time, how many, how much, how often, or how long.
W hen you see these kinds of questions, you need to listen carefully for numbers, times, or other
key details. As in Part 3, the information needed to answer these questions in Part 4 may be
paraphrased or restated in different ways.

Duration: Quantity:
How long will the road be closed? How many tickets are available?
How long must the people wait? How much are winter coats discounted this week?
Frequency: Time:
How often do the trains leave? When is the office open?
How many times a month does the club meet? What time will the program begin?

TIP Learn to distinguish between similar-sounding numbers and words. Incorrect answer options
may include numbers, days, quantity expressions, or time expressions that sound similar to the correct
QUICK TIP answer. Watch out for them! Here are some examples of commonly confused quantity and time words.

Listen to different Commonly Confused Numbers and Time Words

varieties English as
seven / eleven sixteen / sixty Sunday / Monday
often as possible.
thirteen / thirty seventeen / seventy Tuesday / today / two days
There are a few
fourteen /forty eighteen / eighty Wednesday / one day
different speaker
accents on the TOEIC fifteen / fifty nineteen / ninety fifth / sixth
test. Most of the
TASK Listen to parts of talks. For each talk, circle the word you hear. Track 4-06
speakers are American
or use American 1. (A) Sunday (B) Monday

English grammar 2. (A) 50 (B) 60

and vocabulary, but
3. (A) Two days (B) Tuesday
you may hear British,
Australian or other 4. (A) 13 (B) 30

Englishes as well. 5. (A) Fifth (B) Sixth

Try a TOEIC Test Question

Pre-read th e question and answ er options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in the
script. Underline one request. Next, circle one incorrect answ er option w ith a num ber th at
sounds sim ilar to the correct answer. Finally, answ er the question. ^ Track 4-07
SAMPLE SCRIPT Man: For all passengers traveling on the 10:14 train to Cambridge, the train has been delayed
(script not 15 minutes due to engine problems. Repeat, the 10:14 train to Cambridge has been delayed
available in test) 15 minutes and will now be departing at 10:29 a.m. Please adjust your travel plans accordingly.
1. How late is the train?
(A) 10 minutes (C) 15 minutes
(B) 14 minutes (D) 50 minutes

72 136

Inference Questions
Like Part 3, Part 4 of the Listening test has inference questions. This type of question asks you
to m ake a conclusion based on facts and details from the talk. Inference questions often ask
you to infer w ho a person is, w here the speaker m ight be, or w h at m ight happen next. As in
Part 3, the answ ers to these questions are usually not stated directly. You have to listen and
choose the best answ er using the inform ation given.

Possible inference questions:

W ho is p ro b a b ly giving the sp eech? W hat w ill p ro b a b ly happen a fte r the talk?

W here m ig h t yo u he a r this inform ation?

TIP Use vocabulary clues from the answer options and the audio to find the correct answer.
Before you listen, pre-read the questions and answer options and think about the kinds of vocabulary
you might hear for each option. Then listen carefully to the talk. Pay attention to the vocabulary clues
given in the talk to help you answer inference questions. Remember, words can be used in more than
one context. See pages 45,46, and 69 for more information about topic-related vocabulary clues.

TASK Pre-read each question and its answer options. Notice the words in parentheses after each
answer option these are some vocabulary clues you might hear for that option. Then listen to part of a
talk as you read along in the script. Circle the words in the script that match the three vocabulary clues
in the correct answer. Then answer the question, f " } Track 4-08

1. Where might you hear this announcement?

a. An airport (gate, board, boarding pass)
b. A train station (track, board, ticket)
c. A school (bell, bus, line)
d. A bus (fare, seat, driver)

Woman: Northeast 1782 to W ichita is now ready to board at Gate 17. Remember, only two
carry-ons per passenger are permitted. Please have your boarding pass out and ready to
present to . . .

2. Who is probably giving the talk?

a. A salesperson (customers, marketing, sell)
b. A secretary (phone calls, desk, messages)
c. A consumer (buy, discount, cash)
d. An accountant (totals, profit and loss, monthly report)

Man: Thank you very much for joining us today on Where to Get Great Deals! Im Herb
Niedermayer, and Im here to teach you how to buy what you want for less. One great
trick is to always offer cash. By offering cash, many stores will offer you a discount
sometimes up to 25 percent! You can also save m oney by shopping during sales. Be
sure to read your local newspapers to find out which stores are having sales right now.
A nother thing that can help is to . . .

137 73

Try a TOEIC Test Question

P re-read the question and answ er options. Then listen to the audio as you read along in
th e script. As you listen, circle three vocabulary clues in the script th at help you identify th e
correct answer. Then answ er the question, f } Track 4-09

SAMPLE SCRIPT Woman: Hi, this is Jennifer Leska speaking. Im calling to let you know that Im very upset
(script not available with the service I received at your store last week. I wanted to exchange a birthday gift I
in test) had gotten from a friend, but the salesperson who helped me was terrible. He had no
idea what to do! It took about an hour, and in the end I still didnt get my gift because he
couldnt find the right color and size. Im extremely dissatisfied, so Id like to speak with a
manager. Please call me a t . . .

What can you infer from this message?

(A) The salesperson was successful.
(B) The customer is not happy.
(C) The sales manager is not happy.
(D) The customer sent her friend a birthday gift.

In Part 4 of the Listening test, you will hear different types of talks. Knowing w h at ty p e of talk
you are listening to will help you identify the inform ation you need. Read the chart below to
fam iliarize yourself w ith the types of talks you m ight hear in Part 4, along w ith a description of
each type and sam ple audio and questions.

Types of Talks D escriptions Sam ple Phrases Sam ple Test

Q uestions

Announcements These give specific infor May I have your Where would
mation listeners need. attention, please? you hear this
They may be related to announcement?
travel, business, shopping,
or other contexts. Flight 10 will be leaving What are
in fifteen minutes. passengers asked
to do?

Speeches These are short talks Welcome to the fifth What is the speech
that you might hear at a annual Business about?
meeting or conference. Professionals Conference.

I am happy to have the What will the

opportunity to speak person talk about
with you today about a next?
very important issue.

Tours These are informational Welcome to the City How long will the
talks by tour and Museum of Art. tour last?
museum guides.
We will begin our tour in How much do the
just a few minutes. tickets cost?
74 138

Types of Talks Descriptions Sample Phrases Sample Questions

Advertisements These usually promote We are pleased to When is the sale
stores or products. They announce a storewide over?
may contain information sale.
about special sales.
We look forward to How much are
seeing you at our store. prices reduced?
Reports These are short bits This is your morning When will the
of information about weather update. weather change?
weather, traffic, news, or
business. City officials met What happened last
yesterday to discuss the Monday?
current budget crisis.

Introductions These short talks may Our speaker today is an What is the speak
introduce a speaker or expert in international ers occupation?
radio show guest. economics.

We are fortunate to What will the guest

have a very special guest talk about?
with us tonight.

Voicemails These may be outgoing Press one to hear our How can a caller
phone messages or hours. find out about the
phone messages left by a schedule?
Please leave your name, What happens after
number, and a brief a caller leaves a
message. message?
Instructions / These may be advice or These tips will help you What advice does
Lectures information on topics, achieve your goals. the speaker give?
such as business, health,
or travel. Contact your bank What is the first
immediately if you lose step to take?
your credit card.

TASK Listen to parts of eight talks and scan the information about talks. In the chart on pages 74 and
75, write the number of each talk next to the correct type of talk. Track 4-1 o

139 75


Practice Set 1
A Pre-read the questions and answ er options. Think about w h at ty p e of inform ation you should listen for to
answ er each question. Circle the correct inform ation type from th e options given. Then listen to th e talk
and m ark the correct answ ers. Track 4- 11

1. What is the weather like now? Information Type: Weather Condition Temperature
(A) Clear
(B) Cloudy
(C) Rainy
(D) Cold

2. What will the high temperature be today? Information Type: Temperature Forecast
(A) 8 degrees
(B)9 degrees
(C) 14 degrees
(D) 40 degrees

3. When might it snow? Information Type: Weather Condition Day or Time

(A) This afternoon
(B) Tomorrow
(C) Sunday
(D) Monday

B N ow check your answ ers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis boxes and look at the answ er
options. N ote w hy each answ er option is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect
answ er options.

1. What is the weather like now?

(A) Clear
(B) Cloudy
(C) Rainy
(D) Cold

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Weather Condition

(A) The speaker says the sky is sunny, and there is not a cloud to be seen. For weather, that is the meaning of clear.
X (B) The speaker says the word cloud, but that does not describe the weather now.
X (C) This is what the weather will be like later in the day.
X (D) This is how the weather will be on the weekend, and it contradicts the speakers statement that the current
temperature is relatively warm.

2. What will the high temperature be today?

(A) 8 degrees
(B)9 degrees
(C) 14 degrees
(D) 40 degrees

76 140

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Temperature

X (A) This confuses the number eight with the similar-sounding word late.
X (B) The speaker says the next weather report will be at 9:00, not that the temperature is 9 degrees.
X (C) This confuses the number 14 with the similar-sounding correct temperature, 40.
(D) The speaker states that the temperature will reach a relatively warm 40 degrees.

3. When might it snow?

(A) This afternoon
(B) Tomorrow
(C) Sunday
(D) Monday

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Day or Time

X (A) This is when it will rain.
X (B) This is when the rain will continue.
(C) The man says there may be some snow late in the weekend, and this is the second day of the weekend.
X (D) This day is not mentioned, but it sounds similar to the correct answer.

Practice Set 2
A Pre-read the questions and answer options. Think about what type of information you should listen for to
answer each question. Circle the correct information type from the options given. Then listen to the talk
and mark the correct answers, Track 4-12

1. Who is this announcement for? Information Type: Persons Name Occupation Title
(A) Flight attendants
(B) Airline passengers
(C) Airplane pilots
(D) Boat passengers

2. How long will the trip last? Information Type: Time of Day Length of Time
(A) 15 minutes
(B) 50 minutes
(C) 3 hours
(D)4 hours

3. What does the speaker ask listeners to do? Information Type: Request Quantity
(A) Stay in their seats
(B) Check the schedule
(C) Read a magazine
(D) Get up and move around


B Now check your answers. Read the explanations in the Answer Analysis boxes and look at the answer
options. Note why each answer option is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect

1. Who is this announcement for?

(A) Flight attendants
(B) Airline passengers
(C) Airplane pilots
(D) Boat passengers

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Occupation Title

X (A) Part of the announcement informs listeners what the flight attendants will do, so it is probably not for flight attendants.
(B) The words flight and flight attendant suggest that the announcement is on an airplane. The speaker also
mentions beverage service, or drinks given to airline passengers.
X (C) This is probably the occupation of the person who is making the announcement, not who is listening to it.
X (D) The words aboard and landing could be used about a boat, but the word flight could not.

2. How long will the trip last?

(A) 15 minutes
(B) 50 minutes
(C) 3 hours
(D)4 hours

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Length of Time

X (A) This is how much ahead of schedule they will arrive at their destination.
X (B) This number sounds similar to 15 but is not mentioned.
(C) The speaker says that the flight will take three hours.
X (D) This sounds similar to the word before (fifteen minutes before our scheduled arrival time).

3. What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(A) Stay in their seats
(B) Check the schedule
(C) Read a magazine
(D) Get up and move around

ANSWER ANALYSIS Information Type: Request

(A) The speaker says, We ask you to remain seated. The correct answer is a paraphrase of this.
X (B) The speaker says the word scheduled (fifteen minutes before our scheduled arrival time"), but it is not used to make
a request.
X (C) This is something the passengers may do if they want to, but it is not a request.
X (D) This is what the passengers may do later if they want to, but they are requested not to do it now.

78 142


Practice Set 1
A Pre-read the questions and answer options. Think about the type of information needed to
answer each question. Then listen to the talk and mark the correct answers. Track4-13

1. What time did the speaker call the doctors office? 3. When will the speaker call back?
(A) 2:00 (A) This afternoon
(B) 7:00 (B) Wednesday morning
(C) 7:30 (C) On Saturday
(D) 11:30 (D) Next week

2. Why did the speaker call?

(A) To make an appointment
(B) To cancel an appointment
(C) To speak with the doctor
(D) To arrange a trip

B Now check your answers. Look at the talk in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at the
explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to the
reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.

_____ / This is the time the caller says.
_____ X This is the time of the callers appointment, not when the person called.
_____ X This time is close to the correct answer, but it is wrong by half an hour.
_____ X This sounds similar to the correct answer, but the caller does not mention this time.

_____ X This is confused with the reason the caller cant go to her appointment.
_____ / The speaker says she is calling about her appointment and that she wont be able to make it, which means that she
has to cancel it.
_____ X This repeats a word from the message, but the speaker says she will call back to do this next week.
_____ X The speaker mentions Dr. Kim, but she does not say that she wants to talk to the doctor directly.

_____X The speaker mentions this in the message, but it is given as the current time, not when she will call back.
_____ X This is the time period of the appointment that the speaker needs to cancel.
_____ X This is when the speaker will return from her trip.
_____ / The speaker says that she will call again at this time to reschedule.

143 79

Practice Set 2
A Pre-read the questions and answ er options. Think about the type of information needed to
answ er each question. Then listen to the talk and m ark the correct answers. n Track 4-14

1. What is being advertised? 3. When is the sale over?

(A) Business suits (A) Sunday
(B) Office supplies (B) Monday
(C) Luxury cars (C) Tuesday
(D) Dream homes (D) Today

2. How much is the discount?

(A) Ten percent
(B) Fifteen percent
(C) Twenty percent
(D) Twenty-five percent

B Now check your answers. Look at the talk in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at the
explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to the
reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.


_____ X The speaker mentions this at the very beginning of the talk, but it is used to make a comparison.
_____ / The speaker mentions special prices on automobiles and vehicles, which are synonyms for cars.
_____ X This repeats a word from the last line of the talk, but it is mentioned as the place people can drive to in their new cars.
_____ X This repeats two words from the talk, but the speaker does not use these words together.


_____ This is what the speaker says is the discount on luxury vehicles.
_____ X The speaker suggests several possible discounts. Thisis the first one.
_____ X The speaker suggests several possible discounts. Thisis the second one.
_____ X The speaker suggests several possible discounts. Thisis the third one.

_____ X This is when the speaker says that listeners should come on down, that is, visit the dealership.
_____ X This day is not mentioned specifically.
_____ X This day is not mentioned specifically.
_____ The speaker says that the deals are good only through this day.

80 144

Practice Set 3
A Pre-read the questions and answer options. Think about the type of information needed to
answer each question. Then listen to the talk and mark the correct answers, f t Track 4-15

1. How much do tickets cost? 3. What does the guide suggest?

(A) $0 (A) Eating
(B) $1 (B) Drinking
(C) $2 (C) Taking pictures
(D) $3 (D) Buying souvenirs

2. Where does the tour take place?

(A) In a museum
(B) In a factory
(C) At a harbor
(D) On a boat

B Now check your answers. Look at the talk in the scripts at the back of this book. Then look at the
explanations in the Answer Analysis box. Write the letter of each answer option from Part A next to the
reason why it is correct or incorrect. This will help you learn to identify incorrect answer options.

_____ X When talking about tickets, the speaker says that listeners must have one. This confuses a pronoun with a price information.
_____ X This number sounds similar to the word few, as when the speaker says the tour will begin in just a few minutes.
_____ / The speaker says that tickets are free. This means there is no cost.
_____ X This number sounds similar to the word free, which is the correct answer.

_____ X This is something visitors will see in the second exhibit, not where they will be.
_____ X This is the subject of the first exhibit, not where the tour takes place.
_____X This is the subject of the second exhibit. Visitors are in a building, not at the water.
_____ / The speaker mentions the word museum. She also mentions artifacts, exhibits, and gift shop, which are
associated with museums.

_____ X This is incorrect because the speaker says that photographing the exhibits is not permitted.
_____ / The speaker invites listeners to visit the gift shop to purchase pictures and souvenirs. Buy is a synonym for purchase.
_____ X This is incorrect because the speaker says that drinks are not permitted.
_____X This is incorrect because the speaker says that food is not permitted.

145 81


Directions: Listen to a talk. Then choose the correct answers to the three questions about that
talk. Fill in the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each talk only once. Track 4-16

1. What time does the bank close on Saturday? 7. What is this talk about?
(A) 5:00 (A) Nutrition
(B) 8:00 (B) Exercise
(C) 9:00 (C) Office work
(D) 12:00 (D) Weight loss

2. How can you find out how much money is in your bank 8. According to the speaker, what should you eat for
account? breakfast?
(A) Press 1 (A) Sweets
(B) Press 3 (B) Fruit
(C) Hold the line (C) Meat
(D) Call back later (D) Pastries

3. Who should press 2? 9. What does the speaker advise?

(A) Customer service representatives (A) Avoid the elevator
(B) People wanting to borrow money (B) Eat lunch in the park
(C) People wanting to invest money (C) Move slowly
(D) Owners of small businesses (D) Take the bus

4. Who is Mr. Peterson? 10. What event is this report about?

(A) A nature photographer (A) A fire
(B) A radio announcer (B) A traffic jam
(C) A magazine editor (C) A car accident
(D) A travel agent (D) A hospital closure

5. What will Mr. Peterson talk about? 11. What time did it happen?
(A) His education (A) 3:00
(B) His awards (B) 6:00
(C) His book (C) 8:00
(D) His trip (D) 10:00

6. What will happen in the second half of the show? 12. Who talked with a reporter?
(A) A new guest will speak. (A) A doctor
(B) There will be a news report. (B) A firefighter
(C) The conversation will begin. (C) A truck driver
(D) Mr. Peterson will answer questions. (D) A police officer

82 146
13. What has caused the train delay? 16. Where would you hear these instructions?
(A) Rain (A) In a store
(B) Snow (B) In a hotel
(C) Repairs (C) In a bank
(D) An accident (D) In a garage

14. When will the train leave? 17. What should the customer do first?
(A) 8:30 (A) Show a ticket
(B) 9:00 (B) Sign something
(C) Around noon (C) Set a purchase on the counter
(D) It is uncertain. (D) Put a credit card in the machine

15. What are passengers asked to do? 18. How can the customer ask for help?
(A) Buy tickets (A) Use the star key
(B) Have breakfast (B) Insert a card
(C) Pay for their meal (C) Press the beeper
(D) Speak with the crew (D) Turn on a light

147 83
Question 11: Express an Opinion

TOEIC Test Speaking

Question 11
In Question 11 of the Speaking Test, you will be asked to state your opinion about a
topic. You will be asked to agree or disagree with a statement, explain a preference,
or discuss your opinion of a situation. The question will appear on-screen and will
be read by a narrator. You will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 60
seconds to speak. You will be scored on your ability to respond appropriately to the
task, state your opinion clearly, and support it with examples. In addition, you will be
evaluated on pronunciation, intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion,
and relevance and completeness of content.
You may be asked to express an opinion on such things as:
Transportation Friendships
Housing Shopping
Work Travel

QUICK GUIDE: Express an Opinion

Definition Question 11 tests your ability to express an opinion about common topics.
You will state your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.
Targeted Skills In order to answer Question 11 effectively, you should be able to:
express your opinion clearly.
support your opinion with reasons and examples.
select and use appropriate vocabulary.
use correct and varied grammatical structures.
speak clearly.
Question Types Preference: W hich d o y o u p re fe r a n d w h y?
Agreement: D o y o u ag re e o r d isagree w ith this sta te m e n t?
Opinion: W hat is y o u r opinion o f this issue? D o y o u s u p p o rt o r o p p o se this plan?
A Good A good response is well developed and expresses a clear opinion,
Response supporting details, and clear relationships between ideas. Speaking is easily
understandable, vocabulary is appropriate, and grammatical structures are
correctly used.
Things to 1. First, form an opinion statement.
Remember 2. Next, think of three or four key points that support your opinion.
3. Begin your answer by stating your opinion.
4. Then list your supporting key points.
5. After each key point, give additional details about it, including personal
information, reasons, and examples.

148 71

WALK THROUGH: Express an Opinion

A What Youll See and Hear
In Question 11, you will see directions and a question asking you to give an opinion about
something. Read and listen to the sample task and questions below. Circle the two main
questions being asked. Then think about your own personal opinion on the topic and three or
four reasons to support it. Q Track 11 .01

B What Youll Do
You will respond by showing you understand the question and by expressing your opinion
about the matter. Below is a sample response to the question in Part A. As you listen to the
audio, notice how the speaker organizes the response. Q Track 11.02

SAMPLE RESPONSE I would definitely prefer to live in a big city. I like the excitement o f city life. There are always so
many interesting activities to do, like different kinds o f theater, concerts, classes you can take,
and so on. You can also m eet a lot o f different kinds o f people in your daily lifepeople fro m all
different places with all different kinds o f interests. In addition, its much easier to fin d job s in
restrictive: describing a city than it is in a small town. Thats really important. You have to work, right? So you want
something that prevents
to live in a place where you have a chance o f finding a good job. I think life in a small town is
people from what they want
to do or from moving freely
very restrictive. There arent many options fo r entertainment, and you dont com e across many
different kinds o f people. I would be really bored i f I lived in a small town.
come across: find
something or someone or
meet someone by chance

GET IT RIGHT: Tips and Tasks for Answering Correctly

Question 11 on the Speaking Test is scored on a scale from 0-5. Your response
will be graded based on the same criteria as Questions 1 -1 0 pronunciation,
intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance of content, and
completeness of content. However, your response to Question 11 will be graded
on two additional points: your ability to give a clear and relevant opinion, and your
ability to support that opinion with reasons, details, and examples.

Read and listen to the question and a good response. Then read the analysis,
which explains what makes the response a good one. Q Track 11.03

Question: Some people enjoy jobs in which they do the same work every day. Others enjoy jobs that involve
changing from project to project. Which type of job would you prefer and why?
A Good Response: I would prefer a job that involves changing from project to project. I feel this way for a
number of reasons. First of all, I dont really like doing the same thing every day. I like change and need some
variety in my life. Second, I like to meet new people. Working on different projects would give me a chance to
make a lot of new friends and contacts. Finally, I think doing the same thing all the time could be really boring. If
I did the same thing every day, I might never learn new things. In my opinion, a job that involves changing from
project to project wouldjust be more exciting.
Analysis: The speakers answer is well organized, and it answers both parts of the question what she
prefers and why she prefers it. She then supports her opinion with three personal reasons. She also adds some
additional explanation about why she feels that way. She then offers an example of what might happen if she
worked in the other type of job. Finally, she restates her opinion.
Many of the questions
begin with a scenario. A
that sets the scene
Question 11 will ask you for your opinion on a subject, if you agree or disagree with a
for the question. This statement, or if you have a preference between two or more things. It will most often be
type of question often personal and designed to allow you to state your own ideas in a number of different areas.
mentions you or your, The question will remain on the screen as you respond, so you can refer to it as you speak.
but it doesnt really refer
to you specifically. The TIP 1 Familiarize yourself with the question types. There are three main types of questions that you
scenario simply tells you
can expect to see on the test: opinion, agreement, and preference. It is important to familiarize yourself
with the types of questions you may encounter so that you can quickly prepare a response that is
what to imagine. Look
relevant and addresses the question correctly. Learn to watch for key questions, words, and phrases to
at these two examples.
tell you what the question is asking for.
Your city plans to build
a new stadium in your Question Examples of Typical Questions Key Questions, Words,
Types and Phrases
Opinion Many people think that electric cars will solve the What do you think?
Your boss asks you to worlds pollution problems. What is your opinion on this
What is your opinion?
choose more vacation issue? Give reasons and details to support your answer.
time or a raise. issue
Some people think that living in an apartment is
better than living in a house. What do you think?
. . . people think that. . .
Give reasons for your choice.
Agreement Do you agree or disagree with the following Do you agree or disagree. . . ?
statement? If you work hard, you will be successful.
Would you be in favor o f . .. ?
Give reasons and details to support your answer.
Your company is planning to lay off several older
employees. They want to do this so they can hire more
new employees at lower salaries. Would you be in favor
of this plan? Give reasons and examples to support
your choice.
Preference Some people want to work at home. Some people Which do you think is better
prefer to work in an office. Which type of job would and why?
you prefer and why?
Which do you prefer and why?
Would you rather work for a big corporation or in Would you rather X or Y?
a small company? Give reasons and examples to
support your answer. Do you prefer X or Y?
So m e. . . So me . . .

150 73

TASK Read each question or statement and choose the letter of the next part.

1. Some people like working at home better than a. People should get a pay raise every year, even
working in an office._____ if they dont perform well.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following b. Would you be in favor of the planned tax
statement?_____ increase? Give reasons and details to support
3. Would you rather shop online or go to a store? your answer.
c. Whats your opinion about free education?
4. There is a plan to offer free wireless service in
Support your answer with reasons and details.
your city, but there will be a slight tax increase
as a result._____ d. Give reasons and examples to support your
5. Many people feel that taking time to relax is shopping preference. {
the key to being productive at work and at e. How do you feel about taking time to relax?
home._____ Does it make people more productive? Use
6. Some people think that all young people should reasons and examples to support your opinion.
be able to attend college for free._____ f. Which work environment do you prefer and why?

TIP 2 Think about what the question is mainly asking for and how you feel about it. You have only
15 seconds to prepare your response, so you need to quickly form an opinion. Therefore, it is important
to be able to understand exactly what the question is asking for as soon as possible. That way you will
have time to think about key supporting points and how you will organize your response.

TASK Read the questions from the TIP 1 TASK above. As quickly as possible, circle the letter of the main
information each question is asking for. Then think about your own opinion on the topic.

1. a. My opinion about working at home 5. a. Would I like having more time to relax at work
b. Would I like to work at home or in an office b. Would I agree or disagree that relaxation at
c. If I agree that working at home is better work is good
2. a. Would I like a pay raise every year, even if c. My opinion about taking time to relax to
I dont perform well increase productivity
b. My opinion about giving a pay raise every year 6. a. My opinion about offering all young people a
c. If I agree or disagree that yearly pay raises free college education
should not be based on performance b. Would I agree that young people want a free
Remember, for a good college education
3. a. If I like to shop at home or in stores
score, you must give
b. If I agree or disagree that online shopping is c. Would I like to attend college for free
reasons, examples,
more popular
and details to support
c. My opinion about online shopping
your opinion. As
4. a. My opinion about free wireless services
soon as you are sure
offered by cities
you understand the
question, start thinking
b. Would I like free wireless in my city or a
slight tax increase
of key points to express
how you feel and how
c. If I would agree or disagree to pay more
taxes for free wireless Internet
you will support your



Structuring your response correctly is important to be sure your answer is well
organized and easily understood. It will also help ensure you address all points in the
prompt. For Question 1 1 , the following tem plate will work for most messages.
- State opinion
- Introduce supporting information
- Key point 1
- Supporting details 1
- Key point 2
- Supporting details 2
- Key point 3
- Supporting details 3
QUICK TIP - Restate opinion
Choose your opinion
wisely. Think about Read and listen to the question and sample response. Notice the way the response
what kind of opinion follows the template. Track 11.04
you can support easily
in the given time, even
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Its more important to eat a good diet than
to exercise a lot. Support your choice with reasons and details.
if its not your personal
Sample Response: I disagree with the statement, Its more important to eat a good diet than to exercise a lot.
belief. The graders
There are several reasons for this opinion. For one thing, exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.
arent scoring your Its good for your heart, your muscles, and for controlling your weight. Another reason exercise is important is that
opinion, but how well its fun. Playing sports and moving your body can make you feel happier and feel better. Finally, eating a good diet
you support it. can be healthy, but if you dont move your body, it will become weak. Good nutrition will give you energy, but you
should use that energy to move! In conclusion, I have to say exercise and diet are equally important.
Analysis: The speakers answer is well organized and clearly relates to the question. The speaker begins by
clearly stating his opinion. He then introduces his reasons for feeling this way and includes several details and
personal experiences to support them. After speaking for the required length of time, he then closes with a
statement restating his opinion.

TIP 1 Start by giving a basic statement of your opinion and introducing your supporting
statements. You can start your answer by restating the question and then adding your opinion. You
QUICK TIP will often be able to use the same verb and many of the same words that are in the prompt. This helps
Remember how to use make a strong opening statement and shows that you understand what the question is asking. Look at
gerund and infinitive the sample questions and statements of opinion in the chart. Notice the expressions used to introduce
forms. You may need the opinions and the changes to form to add an opinion.
to change some verbs Questions Statements o f Opinion
to nouns to make Many people think that electric cars will solve the I think that electric cars will probably not solve
supporting sentences. worlds pollution problems. What is your opinion the worlds pollution problems.
on this issue? Give reasons and details to support
Some people go to I dont believe (that) electric cars will solve the
your answer.
offices. I would prefer worlds pollution problems.
to go to the office. / Some people think that living in an apartment is In my opinion, living in a house is better than
better than living in a house. What do you think? living in an apartment.
going to the office.
Give reasons for your choice.
Your company is Do you agree or disagree with the following state I (strongly / kind of) disagree with the opinion
planning to lay off ment? If you work hard, you will be successful. that if you work hard, you will be successful.
several people. / Give reasons and details to support your answer.
I dont agree with the statement, i f you work
would not be in favor of hard, you will be successful.
laying o ff people. (continued)
152 75

Your company is planning to lay off several I would not be in favor o f this plan.
older employees. They want to do this so they
I would be against laying o ff several older
can hire more new employees at lower salaries.
Would you be in favor of this plan? Give reasons
and examples to support your choice.
Some people want to work at home. Some I would prefer to work at home.
people prefer to work in offices. Which type of
I would prefer working at home to working
job do you prefer and why?
in an office.
Would you rather work for a big corporation or I would rather work fo r a small company.
in a small company? Give reasons and examples
to support your answer.

TASK Change the questions into statements giving your opinion.
Use adverbs to -j _ Your boss has said that all employees must attend a three-day company trip every year. How would
strengthen or soften you f e e | a b o u t th js ?
your statements of
agreement and dis
2. If you were planning a vacation, would you prefer to go to the beach or to the mountains?
Strengthen: strongly, -------------------------
really, completely, totally, 3 i Your company offers you the option to receive a raise in exchange for getting fewer vacation days.
absolutely Whictl wou,cl you prefer 9ettin9 a PaV raise or keePin9 yur vacation days?
Soften: kind of, a little, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sort of, a bit, partly, 4. Some people think that young people should not be able to drive until they are 21. What do you think?
somewhat, rather _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

TIP 2 Follow up with a statement to introduce your main points. When possible, you should follow
your statement of opinion with a sentence that introduces the main points to support your opinion. This
helps organize your response and gives you time to think. Use expressions like the ones in the chart to
introduce what you will be talking about.

Introducing Support
QUICK TIP Opinion Questions Agreement Questions Preference Questions
I feel this way fo r several I agree with this statement be I prefer / dont prefer X f o r a few
Getting started on
reasons. cause o f the following reasons. different reasons.
your response can be
I have this opinion fo r the I disagree with this fo r several I know that some people like X,
difficult. Remember
following reasons. reasons. but personally, I prefer Y.
to use hedges (filler
There are a number o f reasons This would be a good / bad idea Although some people may think
expressions) to get time
I feel this way. fo r a number o f reasons. X is better, I dontfeel that way.
to think!
There are advantages and
Here are a few
disadvantages fo r both, but I
think X is better because. . .
Thats a good
I guess I would have
TASK Write statements introducing support to go with your statements of opinion in the TIP 1 TASK
to s a y . . .
above. Use expressions like those in the chart above.
Gee, Im not sure
about that. I guess. . . 2 .

TIP 3 Support your opinion with three key points with additional details. In order to score well on
Question 11, you must include support for your opinion. You can do this by giving key points that offer
reasons for an opinion or arguments for or against a viewpoint. This chart gives some basic phrases for
introducing key points.

Offering and Supporting Key Points

General Giving Reasons Giving Examples
For one thing,. . . The main reason i s . . . For example,. . .
For another thing, . . . Another reason that I think this Take X, fo r example.
First,. . . / First o f all,. . . is... Let me give you an example
Second(ly),. . . / Third(ly),. . . My first / second / third reason o f what I m talking about.
To begin with,. . . fo r thinking this is (that) . . . Heres one example.
Additionally,. . . / Also,. . . My last /final reason fo r this And heres another example o f
Next,. . . view i s . . . what I m talking about.
Furthermore,. . . For example, in my
Finally, . . . country. . .

After you state a key point, you should also give additional details about the key point to provide further
explanation. You can do this by:
adding personal details that relate to your experiences or why you feel a certain way.
giving explanations of the key points.
adding examples or other supporting details to reasons.

TASK Listen to the complete responses to the questions in the TIP 1 TASK on page 74. Write three key
points used to support each opinion. Then think of three key points to support your own opinions for the
QUICK TIP questions. Write your notes on a separate sheet of paper.
You can also compare
1. In my opinion, taking time to relax is the key to being productive.Q Track 11.05
and contrast both sides
of the issue to support Key point 1 :__________________________________________________________________
your point. Use words Key point 2 :____________________________________________________________________
like but, however, on Key point 3:__________________________________________________________________
the other hand, or 2. I guess I prefer to shop online rather than shop in the store. Track 11 .06
Key point 1 :__________________________________________________________________
Working a t home may Key point 2 :____________________________________________________________________
be a good idea for some Key point 3:__________________________________________________________________
people, b u t its just not 3. I strongly disagree with the statement, People should get a pay raise every year, even if
right for me. they dont perform well. Q Track 11.07

Although free Internet Key point 1 :__________________________________________________________________

service may help some Key point 2 :____________________________________________________________________
businesses, I dont want Key point 3:__________________________________________________________________
to have to pay for it.
I guess I would prefer to work at home. Q Track 11 .08

Key point 1 :____________________________________

Key point 2 :____________________________________
Key point 3 :____________________________________

154 77

5. In my opinion, all young people should be able to attend college for free. Track 11.09

Key point 1 :_______________ ______________________________________________

Key point 2 :_____________ _______ _________________________________________
Key point 3 :______________________________________________________________
6. I would not be in fa vor of the planned tax increase. Q Track 11.10

Key point 1: ______________________________________________________________

Key point 2 :_______________________________________________________________
Key point 3 :_______________________________________________________________
TIP 4 Close with a restatement of opinion. If you have time left after giving your supporting
Remember to stay information, bring your response to a conclusion. Restate your original opinion and recap the main key
focused. Be sure not points. Use phrases like those in the chart,
to move away from
your opinion or include Making Restatements o f Opinion
information that is not In general, I think t hat . . . As you can see, there are a lot o f reasons w hy. . .
relevant to the ques So basically, I would have to say t hat . . . Overall, I would sa y . . .
tion. This could use up In conclusion,. . . All in all, I d have to s a y . . .
time and make your The main point / thingfo r me i s . . .
answer unclear.

TASK 1 Write concluding statements for these opinions.

1. _____________________________________________________ I think that electric cars will not
solve the worlds pollution problems.
2. _____________________________________________________ I agree that if you work hard, you
will be successful.
3. _____________________________________________________ I would rather work for a small

TASK 2 Listen to the audio for the completed questions and statements that go with the TIP 1 TASK on
page 74 one at a time. Try to respond to the questions and statements completely yourself. Use your
notes and previous answers to help you. Record your responses if possible. Q Tracks 11.11 to 11 .16



A Read and listen to the sample question. Then choose the correct answer to the
question. Q Track 11.17

Some people enjoy cooking and eating most of their meals at home. Other people would rather eat out at a
restaurant most of the time. Which do you prefer? Use specific examples to support your answer.

The main thing this question asks about is

a. agreement with an idea
b. preferences about something
c. support or opposition to an idea

B Read and listen to the sample response. Notice the words and expressions the
speaker uses to give an opinion and supporting details. Then listen again. Write the
number of the correct purpose next to each sentence in the sample response. Use the
purposes in the box. Q Track 11.1 8

1. Key point 1 5. Key point 2
2. Supporting details 2 6. Supporting details 1
3. State opinion 7. Key point 3
4. Supporting details 3 8. Introduce supporting information

3.. I prefer to eat out at restaurants most of the tim e.___I feel this way for several reasons.____ The
main reason for this is that I dont know how to cook very w ell.___If I eat at a restaurant, the food always
tastes better than food I cook myself. ___I also eat more of a variety of food at restaurants.____ This
is because I only know how to cook a few things.___Finally, there are a lot of good restaurants in
the neighborhood where I live .___I have lots of choices for places to eat, and the food at each one is

156 79

C Now complete the response template below or use another piece of paper to create
a response to the question in Part A. Then practice your response aloud. Record your
response if possible.


I think I would prefer to _____________________________________________ ______________

I have several reasons for this. First, I think the food tastes better a t__________________________

This is because_________________________________________________________________
In addition to that, I think it is more enjoyable to eat a t____________________________________
__________________ because____________________________________________________
Finally, I think___________________________________________________________________
The reason I feel this way is________________________________________________________

D Now think about your response or listen to it again if it was recorded. Then read the
statements below. How well did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check { /)
Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

Response Checklist: Question 11

1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My response
was easily understood.

2 .1 used correct and varied grammar and vocabulary.

3. My response was well paced. It was neither too fast nor too slow, and
I spoke for the full amount of time.

4. My response was clear and well organized.

5 . 1 stated my opinion clearly.

6 .1 gave reasons for my opinion.

7 . 1 supported my reasons with details.

80 157


A Read and listen to the sample question. Then answer the questions that follow to help
prepare for your response, f t Track 11.19

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should not be allowed to drive cars
until they are twenty-one years old. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1. This question is asking for ( preference / agreement / support or opposition).

2 . 1( agree / disagree) with the statement. I believe that young people should

3. The main reasons, details, and examples to support my opinion are

B The sample response below is not in the correct order. Write numbers to order the
sentences from 1-9 . Then listen to check your answers, f t Track 11.20
_____ In the first place, many young people are careless, but a car can be a dangerous machine.

_____ They should learn to use public transportation until they can afford a car of their own.

_____ I strongly agree with the statement that people should not be allowed to drive until they
are 21.

_____ Another reason is that most young people dont have enough money to buy and maintain a

_____ Finally, many young people probably dont really need to drive a car.

_____ In my country, you can get a drivers license at age 18, but most people dont start driving
regularly until theyre married and have families of their own.

_____ It isnt safe to let someone have the responsibility of driving such a dangerous machine
until theyre mature enough to be serious and careful about it.

_____ I agree with this because of the following reasons.

_____ So basically, it isnt always safe for young people to drive cars, they cant afford it, and they
usually dont need to, anyway.

158 81

C Read and listen to the question in Part A again. Then complete the template below to
respond to the question. Use your notes from Part A, phrases from Part B, and your
own ideas. Practice your response aloud and record it if possible. Be sure to check
the amount of time you use! Q Track 11.19

[State opinion]____ ________________________________________________________

[Introduce supporting information]

[Key point 1]

[Supporting details 1]

[Key point 2]

[Supporting details 2]

[Key point 3]

[Supporting details 3]

[Restate opinion]

Now think about your response or listen to it again if it was recorded. Then read the
statements below. How well did your response meet the scoring criteria? Check (S)
Yes or No. Keep practicing until all of your answers are Yes.

QUICK TIP Response Checklist: Question 11

Remember, if you dont Yes No
have a strong opin
1 .1 used correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress. My response was
ion, or if you have a easily understood.
complicated view on
2 .1 used correct and varied grammar and vocabulary.
something, use your
imagination to respond. 3. My response was well paced. It was neither too fast nor too slow, and I
spoke for the full amount of time.
Its better to have a
strong, clear, simple 4. My response was clear and well organized.
answer than a more
5 . 1 stated my opinion clearly.
complex one that is
poorly organized or not 6 .1 gave reasons for my opinion.
7. I supported my reasons with details.



Listen to the question and then give your response. Time yourself as you speak, and


record your response if possible.

Speaking Test VOLUME^

Question 11 of 11

Track 11.21
Question 11: Express an opinion
You dont always need
to have three support
Directions: In Question 11, you will give your opinion about a topic. You will have 15 seconds
to prepare your response. You will have 60 seconds to speak. Say as much as you can in the
ing statements; you can
time you have.
have two statements
with more supporting
details if you prefer.
Imagine that there is a plan to build a large shopping mall in your neighborhood. Do you
support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Preparation Time Used:______ seconds

Speaking Time Used:_____ seconds


160 83

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