Lesson Plan Grade X Adjective in Series

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The lesson plan discusses teaching students about using adjectives in series and antonyms in English writing.

The lesson teaches students about using adjectives in series and antonyms.

The lesson discusses opinion adjectives and fact adjectives. Opinion adjectives express opinions while fact adjectives provide factual information about age, color, etc.

Lesson Plan

Subject: English

Date: 24 & 25 October 2012 School: SMK N 8 Jakarta

Grade/Semester: X AP / 1 Duration: 2 x 45 minutes

Skills: Writing

Grammar Focus: Adjective in Series and Antonyms

Standard Competence
1. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice

Basic Competence
1.3. Mendeskripsikan benda benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
- identify the series of adjectives and the antonymous adjectives.
- write a paragraph using adjective in series.

Stages Procedures Material

Introduction - Teacher greets students then explains lesson 5 min. PPT

objectives and the class agenda slides

- Students (Ss) work in group of 5 and seat 10 min. Markers,
together in a circle. paper.
To elicit students
- Ss should point out one object in the classroom
to list the
that they want to describe and write the name
adjectives that
of it in the top of given paper.
describe the
pointed objects. - In the circle, each student should list one
adjective of the object written on the paper
they hold. After that, they should give the
paper to the next student who should do the
same as the previous students.
(Teacher will play a song as the time limit).
- Teacher and Ss check the adjective list.
To know the - Teacher explains about the order of adjective in 20 min. PPT
order of series. slides,
adjective in - Teacher takes the adjective list of the students board,
series and what object in the previous activity as an example markers,
the antonym is. and writes them in the sentence. handout
- Teacher explains about the antonyms by (attached)
writing the negative form of the previous
sentence. Then, Ss are asked to mention the
appropriate adjectives that best replace the
previous ones if the sentence is negative.

- Students complete a worksheet about 15 min worksheet
adjectives order given by teacher. While (attached)
To check
working, they may discuss with their peers. LCD,
- Students and teacher discuss the worksheet. quiz.
- Students work in groups. They will have a quiz 10 min.
on the previous
(who wants to be a millionaire) and compete
with other groups.
Free control
practice: - Students write a description of an object and 25 min. worksheet
To apply the use they should use the correct order of adjective in (attached)
of the series of series in its paragraph. (they may choose the
adjective in object that they have used in the first activity)
writing a - Students submit the paragraph to the teacher.

Review and - Students and teacher review the lesson 5 min. paper
Reflection - Students ask to share their feeling, their
understanding and their difficulties during the
lesson in a piece of paper.
Assessment On-going assessment:
Worksheet , quiz, Q &A and discussion during the lesson

Jakarta, 24 October 2012

Master Teacher, Student,

Iszati Triwahyuni S., S.Pd. Diyah R. Laily


Adjectives Order

Sometimes we use two or more adjective together:

My parents live in a nice new house.

A dirty old black cat is wandering on the street.

A. Opinion Adjectives
Adjectives like nice and dirty are opinion adjectives. They tell us what we think
about somebody or something.

B. Fact Adjectives
Adjectives like new, old, black are fact adjectives. They give us factual
information about age and colour.

Fact adjectives always go after opinion adjectives

Sometimes we use two or more fact adjectives. We put fact adjectives in this
1. SIZE : How big? --> large, small, tiny, enormous
2. AGE : How old? --> new, young, old, ancient
3. SHAPE : What shape? --> square, round, rectangular, flat
4. COLOUR : What colour? --> blue, pink, yellow, crimson
5. ORIGIN : Where from? --> English, American, Chinese, French
6. MATERIAL : What is it made of? --> plastic, rubber, glass, wooden
7. PURPOSE : What is it used for? --> racing car, frying pan, rocking chair


An interesting old book

A delicious round chocolate cake
A nice small white Chinese laptop
A new black French frying pan

Adapted from www.tolearnenglish.com


Part A Put the adjectives below in order then rewrite the sentences!

1. At home, there is a wooden/beautiful/square table in the dining room.

2. I saw (a/an) old/American/interesting movie with my friends last night.

3. (A/an) shiny/Italian/new/racing car was parked opposite my house.

4. My sister has long/black/straight/beautiful hair.

5. Last week, I visited (a/an) old/lovely/little village in a remote place.


Part B Choose an object around the classroom. Make a meaningful paragraph that
describes the object. Use the correct order of 3 adjectives in series.

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