Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls MT
Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls MT
Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls MT
1. Debtor's name Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Religious Corporate Sole
3. Debtor's federal
Employer Identification 81-0302011
Number (EIN)
4. Debtor's address Principal place of business Mailing address, if different from principal place of
6. Type of debtor Corporation (including Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP))
Partnership (excluding LLP)
Other. Specify:
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (if known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
C. NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 4-digit code that best describes debtor.
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (if known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (if known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement in connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or
imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152, 1341, 1519, and 3571.
I have examined the information in this petition and have a reasonable belief that the information is trued and correct.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Title Bishop
18. Signature of attorney X /s/ Bruce A. Anderson Date March 31, 2017
Signature of attorney for debtor MM / DD / YYYY
Bruce A. Anderson
Printed name
Bar number and State
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 4
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An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit this
form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document, and any
amendments of those documents. This form must state the individuals position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the document,
and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011.
WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152, 1341,
1519, and 3571.
I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or another
individual serving as a representative of the debtor in this case.
I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Michael W. Warfel
Printed name
Position or relationship to debtor
Official Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors
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A list of creditors holding the 20 largest unsecured claims must be filed in a Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 case. Include claims which the
debtor disputes. Do not include claims by any person or entity who is an insider, as defined in 11 U.S.C. 101(31). Also, do not
include claims by secured creditors, unless the unsecured claim resulting from inadequate collateral value places the creditor
among the holders of the 20 largest unsecured claims.
Name of creditor and Name, telephone number and email Nature of claim Indicate if claim is Amount of claim
complete mailing address, address of creditor contact (for example, trade contingent, If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only unsecured
including zip code debts, bank loans, unliquidated, or claim amount. If claim is partially secured, fill in total
professional services, disputed claim amount and deduction for value of collateral or
and government setoff to calculate unsecured claim.
contracts) Total claim, Deduction for Unsecured claim
if partially value of
secured collateral or
34 Abuse Claimants Milt Datsopoulos and Molly Abuse Claims Unliquidated Unknown
"Doe Group" Howard against the
Datsopoulos, MacDonald and Debtor.
Lind Claimants names
201 W Main St, Ste 201 and addresses to
Missoula, MT 59802 be filed under
(406) 728-0810 seal, after
Bryan Smith and motion, notice
Vito de la Cruz and hearing
Tamaki Law Offices allowing sealing
1340 N 16th Ave, Ste C and
Yakima, WA 98902 confidentiality of
(509) 248-8338 identities of
Official form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured claims page 1
Software Copyright (c) 1996-2016 Best Case, LLC - Best Case Bankruptcy
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (if known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
Name of creditor and Name, telephone number and email Nature of claim Indicate if claim is Amount of claim
complete mailing address, address of creditor contact (for example, trade contingent, If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only unsecured
including zip code debts, bank loans, unliquidated, or claim amount. If claim is partially secured, fill in total
professional services, disputed claim amount and deduction for value of collateral or
and government setoff to calculate unsecured claim.
contracts) Total claim, Deduction for Unsecured claim
if partially value of
secured collateral or
38 Abuse Claimants Milt Datsopoulos and Molly Abuse Claims Unliquidated Unknown
"Becker Group" Howard against the
Datsopoulos, MacDonald and Debtor.
Lind Claimants names
201 W Main St, Ste 201 and addresses to
Missoula, MT 59802 be filed under
(406) 728-0810 seal, after
Timothy Kosnoff motion, notice
Kosnoff Law and hearing
Metro Office Park, Metro Park 7 allowing sealing
Street 1, Ste 204 Guyanabo and
San Juan, Puerto Rico 0096br confidentiality of
(425) 830-8201 identities of
Daniel Fasy
Fasy Law
1752 NW Market St, #1502
Seattle, WA 98107
(206) 450-0175
Official form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured claims page 2
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
2. Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 206D)
Copy the total dollar amount listed in Column A, Amount of claim, from line 3 of Schedule D.................................... $ 0.00
3. Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206E/F)
Official Form 206Sum Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals page 1
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. At the top of any pages added, write
the debtors name and case number (if known). Also identify the form and line number to which the additional information applies. If an
additional sheet is attached, include the amounts from the attachment in the total for the pertinent part.
For Part 1 through Part 11, list each asset under the appropriate category or attach separate supporting schedules, such as a fixed asset
schedule or depreciation schedule, that gives the details for each asset in a particular category. List each asset only once. In valuing the
debtors interest, do not deduct the value of secured claims. See the instructions to understand the terms used in this form.
Part 1: Cash and cash equivalents
1. Does the debtor have any cash or cash equivalents?
No. Go to Part 2.
Yes Fill in the information below.
All cash or cash equivalents owned or controlled by the debtor Current value of
debtor's interest
Payroll Checking
3.2. U.S. Bank Account 8267 $9,723.16
Diocese of Great
Falls-Billings Merchant
3.4. First Interstate Bank Account 8305 $12,258.01
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 1
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
See Exhibit 1
No. Go to Part 3.
Yes Fill in the information below.
8. Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent
Description, including name of holder of prepayment
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 2
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
No. Go to Part 4.
Yes Fill in the information below.
Part 4: Investments
13. Does the debtor own any investments?
No. Go to Part 5.
Yes Fill in the information below.
15. Non-publicly traded stock and interests in incorporated and unincorporated businesses, including any interest in an LLC,
partnership, or joint venture
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 3
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
16. Government bonds, corporate bonds, and other negotiable and non-negotiable instruments not included in Part 1
RCB from Estate of Jacquelyn Swan - Series EE US
Savings Bonds
16.1. Unrestricted $13,785.98
No. Go to Part 6.
Yes Fill in the information below.
Part 6: Farming and fishing-related assets (other than titled motor vehicles and land)
27. Does the debtor own or lease any farming and fishing-related assets (other than titled motor vehicles and land)?
No. Go to Part 7.
Yes Fill in the information below.
No. Go to Part 8.
Yes Fill in the information below.
General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of
debtor's interest for current value debtor's interest
(Where available)
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 4
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
42. Collectibles Examples: Antiques and figurines; paintings, prints, or other artwork;
books, pictures, or other art objects; china and crystal; stamp, coin, or baseball card
collections; other collections, memorabilia, or collectibles
42.1. Misc. RCB collectible items $0.00 Estimated $5,000.00
44. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 7?
45. Has any of the property listed in Part 7 been appraised by a professional within the last year?
No. Go to Part 9.
Yes Fill in the information below.
General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of
Include year, make, model, and identification numbers debtor's interest for current value debtor's interest
(i.e., VIN, HIN, or N-number) (Where available)
47. Automobiles, vans, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, and titled farm vehicles
48. Watercraft, trailers, motors, and related accessories Examples: Boats, trailers, motors,
floating homes, personal watercraft, and fishing vessels
52. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 8?
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 5
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
53. Has any of the property listed in Part 8 been appraised by a professional within the last year?
55. Any building, other improved real estate, or land which the debtor owns or in which the debtor has an interest
Description and location of Nature and Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of
property extent of debtor's interest for current value debtor's interest
Include street address or other debtor's interest (Where available)
description such as Assessor in property
Parcel Number (APN), and type
of property (for example,
acreage, factory, warehouse,
apartment or office building, if
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 6
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
57. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 9?
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 7
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
58. Has any of the property listed in Part 9 been appraised by a professional within the last year?
General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of
debtor's interest for current value debtor's interest
(Where available)
65. Goodwill
67. Do your lists or records include personally identifiable information of customers (as defined in 11 U.S.C. 101(41A) and 107?
68. Is there an amortization or other similar schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 10?
69. Has any of the property listed in Part 10 been appraised by a professional within the last year?
Current value of
debtor's interest
Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
77. Other property of any kind not already listed Examples: Season tickets,
country club membership
79. Has any of the property listed in Part 11 been appraised by a professional within the last year?
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 9
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Case number (If known)
Montana Religious Corporate Sole
In Part 12 copy all of the totals from the earlier parts of the form
Type of property Current value of Current value of real
personal property property
85. Farming and fishing-related assets. Copy line 33, Part 6. $0.00
87. Machinery, equipment, and vehicles. Copy line 51, Part 8. $153,029.92
89. Intangibles and intellectual property. Copy line 66, Part 10. $0.00
90. All other assets. Copy line 78, Part 11. + $1,862,866.00
91. Total. Add lines 80 through 90 for each column $6,958,909.11 + 91b. $13,792,283.00
92. Total of all property on Schedule A/B. Add lines 91a+91b=92 $20,751,192.11
Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property page 10
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
No. Check this box and submit page 1 of this form to the court with debtor's other schedules. Debtor has nothing else to report on this form.
Yes. Fill in all of the information below.
Official Form 206D Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property page 1 of 1
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
No. Go to Part 2.
Yes. Go to line 2.
3.1 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
34 Abuse Claimants "Doe Group" Contingent
Bryan Smith and Vito de la Cruz Unliquidated
Tamaki Law Offices
1340 N. 16th Avenue, Suite C
Yakima, WA 98902 Abuse Claims against the Debtor. Claimants names
Basis for the claim:
3.2 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
38 Abuse Claimants "Becker Group" Contingent
Timothy Kosnoff, Kosnoff Law Unliquidated
Metro Office Park, Metro Park 7
Street 1, Suite 204 Guyanabo
San Juan, PR 00968 Abuse Claims against the Debtor. Claimants names
Basis for the claim:
3.3 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Blessed Sacrament Parish Contingent
630 Cheyenne Ave Unliquidated
Lame Deer, MT 59043 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
Official Form 206E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims page 1 of 16
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3.4 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Catholic Foundation of Eastern MT Contingent
P.O. Box 1345 Unliquidated
Great Falls, MT 59403-1345 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: Unpaid Invoices and Other
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.5 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Christ the King Contingent
13268 S 5TH St Unliquidated
Busby, MT 59016 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.6 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Corpus Christi Parish Contingent
410 22nd Ave NE Unliquidated
Great Falls, MT 59404 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.7 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. $14,785,516.48
General Unsecured Creditors Contingent
All in Care-Diocese of Great Falls Unliquidated
121 23rd St S Disputed
Great Falls, MT 59401
Basis for the claim: Unpaid Wages, Commissions or Salaries, Other, see
Date(s) debt was incurred
Exhibit 11
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.8 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Holy Family Contingent
530 Main St Unliquidated
Winifred, MT 59489 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.9 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Holy Family Contingent
102 1st Ave N Unliquidated
Glentana, MT 59240 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.10 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Holy Spirit Church Contingent
201 44th St S Unliquidated
Great Falls, MT 59405 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
Official Form 206 E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Page 2 of 16
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3.11 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Holy Trinity Church Contingent
692 Stockett Rd Unliquidated
Centerville, MT 59480 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.12 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Immaculate Conception Parish Contingent
513 Dawson St Unliquidated
Wolf Point, MT 59201 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.13 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Immaculate Conception Parish Contingent
509 N 12th Ave Unliquidated
Forsyth, MT 59327 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.14 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Immaculate Conception Parish Contingent
1223 16th St Unliquidated
Fort Benton, MT 59442 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.15 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Mary Queen of Peace Contingent
3411 S 34th St Unliquidated
Billings, MT 59101 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.16 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Our Lady of Loretto Parish Contingent
11723 E Helen St Unliquidated
Lodge Grass, MT 59050 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.17 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Our Lady of Lourdes Contingent
409 13th St S Unliquidated
Great Falls, MT 59405 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
Official Form 206 E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Page 3 of 16
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3.18 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Contingent
105 F St W Unliquidated
Poplar, MT 59255 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.19 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Our Lady Of Mercy Mission Contingent
121 6th Ave W Unliquidated
Melstone, MT 59054 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.20 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Our Lady of Ransom Contingent
201 2nd St Unliquidated
Hingham, MT 59528 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.21 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Queen of the Angels Contingent
206 Hobart Unliquidated
Nashua, MT 59248 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.22 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Contingent
P.O. Box 236 Unliquidated
Fort Belknap, MT 59526 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.23 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Mission Contingent
22 2nd St NW Unliquidated
Cascade, MT 59421 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.24 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Mission Contingent
314 Clinton St Unliquidated
Bainville, MT 59212 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
Official Form 206 E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Page 4 of 16
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3.25 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Mission Contingent
630 Main Ave Unliquidated
Inverness, MT 59530 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.26 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Mission Contingent
100 2nd Ave E Unliquidated
Hobson, MT 59452 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.27 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Mission Contingent
225 2nd Ave E Unliquidated
Dodson, MT 59524 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.28 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Parish Contingent
209 S 4th St Unliquidated
Bridger, MT 59014 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.29 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Parish Contingent
120 N Montana Ave Unliquidated
Miles City, MT 59301 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.30 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Parish Contingent
316 W Benham St Unliquidated
Glendive, MT 59330 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.31 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Sacred Heart Parish Contingent
302 S McDonald Ave Unliquidated
Terry, MT 59349 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
Official Form 206 E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Page 5 of 16
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3.32 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Contingent
41546 Mondel Ave Unliquidated
Wyola, MT 59089 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.33 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
SS Cyril and Methodius Contingent
16 South Corner Rd Unliquidated
Ballantine, MT 59006 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.34 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Aloysius Parish Contingent
112 W Main St Unliquidated
Winnett, MT 59087 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.35 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St David Parish Contingent
225 N Wilber St Unliquidated
Broadus, MT 59317 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.36 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Francis De Sales Mission Contingent
301 S Main St Unliquidated
Richey, MT 59259 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.37 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Francis Of Assisi Parish Contingent
500 Wilson Ave Unliquidated
Saco, MT 59261 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.38 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St John The Evangelist Parish Contingent
210 W Center Ave Unliquidated
Baker, MT 59313 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.39 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Margaret Parish Contingent
623 Brewster St Unliquidated
Geraldine, MT 59446 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.40 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Mary Parish Contingent
101 S 7th St W Unliquidated
Malta, MT 59538 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.41 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Mathias Parish Contingent
310 2nd St NE Unliquidated
Moore, MT 59464 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.42 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St Philip Bonitus Parish Contingent
404 Timmons St Unliquidated
Scobey, MT 59263 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.43 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Agnes Parish Contingent
1 N Word Ave Unliquidated
Red Lodge, MT 59068 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.44 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Albert Contingent
304 Minnesota Unliquidated
Hinsdale, MT 59241 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.45 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Ann Cathedral Contingent
715 3rd Ave N Unliquidated
Great Falls, MT 59401 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.46 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Ann Mission Contingent
13327 Mt Highway 200 Unliquidated
Fort Shaw, MT 59443 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.47 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Ann Mission Contingent
102 Shell St Unliquidated
Vida, MT 59274 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.48 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Anthony Catholic Church Contingent
235 Main St E Unliquidated
Box Elder, MT 59521 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.49 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Anthony Mission Contingent
1100 Main St Unliquidated
Denton, MT 59430 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.50 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Anthony Parish Contingent
413 3rd Ave W Unliquidated
Culbertson, MT 59218 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.51 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Anthony Parish Contingent
700 Third Ave Unliquidated
Laurel, MT 59044 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.52 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Benedict Parish Contingent
503 Main St Unliquidated
Roundup, MT 59072 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.53 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Bernard Mission Contingent
301 Road 148 Unliquidated
Charlie Creek, MT 59270 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.54 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Bernard's Parish Contingent
226 Wicks Lane Unliquidated
Billings, MT 59105 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.55 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Catherine Mission Contingent
317 7th St W Unliquidated
Fairview, MT 59221 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.56 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Charles Borromeo Mission Contingent
21228 S Pryor Gap Road Unliquidated
Pryor, MT 59066 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.57 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Cyril Parish Contingent
100 Hill Ave Unliquidated
Geyser, MT 59447 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.58 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Dennis Parish Contingent
76 Highway 1 Unliquidated
Crow Agency, MT 59022 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.59 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Francis Xavier Parish Contingent
1100 C Ave Unliquidated
Circle, MT 59215 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.60 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Gabriel Parish Contingent
404 8th St W Unliquidated
Chinook, MT 59523 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.61 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Honorata Mission Contingent
22 3rd Ave Unliquidated
Musselshell, MT 59059 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.62 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joan of Arc Parish Contingent
100 Church Ave Unliquidated
Ekalaka, MT 59324 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.63 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. John Church Contingent
404 W Central St Unliquidated
Joliet, MT 59041 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.64 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. John the Baptist Contingent
412 Leavitt Ave Unliquidated
Jordan, MT 59337 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.65 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Contingent
206 Orchard Ave Unliquidated
Hysham, MT 59038 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.66 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Contingent
331 Moccasin Unliquidated
Frazer, MT 59225 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.67 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Mission Contingent
202 N Montana St Unliquidated
Fromberg, MT 59029 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.68 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Parish Contingent
716 N Custer Ave Unliquidated
Hardin, MT 59034 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.69 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Parish Contingent
301 N Main St Unliquidated
Plentywood, MT 59254 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.70 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Joseph Parish Contingent
910 McLeod St Unliquidated
Big Timber, MT 59011 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.71 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Jude Thaddeus Parish Contingent
624 4th St Unliquidated
Havre, MT 59501 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.72 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Labre Parish Contingent
Tongue River Road Unliquidated
Ashland, MT 59003 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.73 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Leo the Great Parish Contingent
102 W Broadway St Unliquidated
Lewistown, MT 59457 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.74 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Margaret Mary Parish Contingent
400 Johannes Unliquidated
Big Sandy, MT 59520 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.75 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Margaret Mary Parish Contingent
320 Water Ave Unliquidated
Colstrip, MT 59323 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.76 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Margaret Parish Contingent
206 1st Ave N Unliquidated
Clyde Park, MT 59018 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.77 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mark Parish Contingent
128 Castner St Unliquidated
Belt, MT 59412 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.78 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mary Contingent
212 4th Ave Unliquidated
Custer, MT 59024 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.79 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mary Catholic Church Contingent
11 W Quincy Ave Unliquidated
Chester, MT 59522 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.80 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mary Mission Contingent
100 Main St Unliquidated
Raynesford, MT 59469 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.81 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mary Parish Contingent
511 S F St Unliquidated
Livingston, MT 59047 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.82 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mary Parish Contingent
240 N Fourth St Unliquidated
Columbus, MT 59019 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.83 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Mathias Contingent
305 Kemp St Unliquidated
Ryegate, MT 59074 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.84 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Matthew Parish Contingent
219 7th St SE Unliquidated
Sidney, MT 59270-5034 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.85 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Michael Contingent
307 S Woodard St Unliquidated
Absarokee, MT 59001 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.86 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Michael Mission Contingent
120 2nd Ave Unliquidated
Savage, MT 59262 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.87 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Patrick Contingent
401 Main St Unliquidated
Medicine Lake, MT 59247 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.88 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Patrick Co Cathedral Contingent
215 N 31st Unliquidated
Billings, MT 59101 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.89 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Paul Indian Mission Contingent
#1 Mission Dr Unliquidated
Hays, MT 59527 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.90 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Peter Contingent
312 W 1st Ave S Unliquidated
Wibaux, MT 59353 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.91 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Philip Contingent
61 Lamesteer Rd Unliquidated
Wibaux, MT 59353 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.92 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Pius X Catholic Church Contingent
717 18th St W Unliquidated
Billings, MT 59102 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.93 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Raphael Parish Contingent
412 3rd Ave N Unliquidated
Glasgow, MT 59230 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.94 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Rose of Lima Church Contingent
101 4th St W Unliquidated
Stanford, MT 59479 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.95 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Theresa Mission Contingent
212 N Main St Unliquidated
Lambert, MT 59243 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.96 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Theresa of the Little Flower Contingent
16638 Iowa Unliquidated
Broadview, MT 59015 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.97 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Thomas Aquinas Contingent
10610 Wing Rd Unliquidated
Hogeland, MT 59529 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.98 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Thomas Mission Contingent
201 W Conser Ave Unliquidated
Plevna, MT 59344 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.99 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Thomas Mission Contingent
3022 BIA Road 173 Unliquidated
Brockton, MT 59213 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.100 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Thomas the Apostle Contingent
210 1st Ave SE Unliquidated
Harlem, MT 59526 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
3.101 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. Thomas The Apostle Contingent
2055 Woody Dr Unliquidated
Billings, MT 59102 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
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3.102 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Unknown
St. William Mission Contingent
705 Scott St W Unliquidated
Gardiner, MT 59030 Disputed
Date(s) debt was incurred
Basis for the claim: CASC/DLF Interest
Last 4 digits of account number
Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes
4. List in alphabetical order any others who must be notified for claims listed in Parts 1 and 2. Examples of entities that may be listed are collection agencies,
assignees of claims listed above, and attorneys for unsecured creditors.
If no others need to be notified for the debts listed in Parts 1 and 2, do not fill out or submit this page. If additional pages are needed, copy the next page.
Name and mailing address On which line in Part1 or Part 2 is the Last 4 digits of
related creditor (if any) listed? account number, if
4.1 Daniel Fasy
Fasy Law Line 3.2
1752 NW Market St, #1502
Not listed. Explain
Seattle, WA 98107
Official Form 206 E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Page 16 of 16
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
2. List all contracts and unexpired leases State the name and mailing address for all other parties with
whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired
Official Form 206G Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Page 1 of 1
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Fill in this information to identify the case:
Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, copy the Additional Page, numbering the entries consecutively. Attach the
Additional Page to this page.
No. Check this box and submit this form to the court with the debtor's other schedules. Nothing else needs to be reported on this form.
2. In Column 1, list as codebtors all of the people or entities who are also liable for any debts listed by the debtor in the schedules of
creditors, Schedules D-G. Include all guarantors and co-obligors. In Column 2, identify the creditor to whom the debt is owed and each schedule
on which the creditor is listed. If the codebtor is liable on a debt to more than one creditor, list each creditor separately in Column 2.
Column 1: Codebtor Column 2: Creditor
2.2 D
Street E/F
2.3 D
Street E/F
2.4 D
Street E/F
Part 1: Income
Identify the beginning and ending dates of the debtors fiscal year, Sources of revenue Gross revenue
which may be a calendar year Check all that apply (before deductions and
2. Non-business revenue
Include revenue regardless of whether that revenue is taxable. Non-business income may include interest, dividends, money collected from lawsuits,
and royalties. List each source and the gross revenue for each separately. Do not include revenue listed in line 1.
3. Certain payments or transfers to creditors within 90 days before filing this case
List payments or transfers--including expense reimbursements--to any creditor, other than regular employee compensation, within 90 days before
filing this case unless the aggregate value of all property transferred to that creditor is less than $6,425. (This amount may be adjusted on 4/01/19
and every 3 years after that with respect to cases filed on or after the date of adjustment.)
Creditor's Name and Address Dates Total amount of value Reasons for payment or transfer
Check all that apply
Various Payments $5,781,438.42 Secured debt
See Exhibit 12 Unsecured loan repayments
Suppliers or vendors
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
4. Payments or other transfers of property made within 1 year before filing this case that benefited any insider
List payments or transfers, including expense reimbursements, made within 1 year before filing this case on debts owed to an insider or guaranteed
or cosigned by an insider unless the aggregate value of all property transferred to or for the benefit of the insider is less than $6,425. (This amount
may be adjusted on 4/01/19 and every 3 years after that with respect to cases filed on or after the date of adjustment.) Do not include any payments
listed in line 3. Insiders include officers, directors, and anyone in control of a corporate debtor and their relatives; general partners of a partnership
debtor and their relatives; affiliates of the debtor and insiders of such affiliates; and any managing agent of the debtor. 11 U.S.C. 101(31).
Insider's name and address Dates Total amount of value Reasons for payment or transfer
Relationship to debtor
4.1. Various Parishes Various - See $18,899,779.64
See Exhibit 13 Exhibit 13
Creditor's name and address Describe of the Property Date Value of property
6. Setoffs
List any creditor, including a bank or financial institution, that within 90 days before filing this case set off or otherwise took anything from an account
of the debtor without permission or refused to make a payment at the debtors direction from an account of the debtor because the debtor owed a
Creditor's name and address Description of the action creditor took Date action was Amount
7. Legal actions, administrative proceedings, court actions, executions, attachments, or governmental audits
List the legal actions, proceedings, investigations, arbitrations, mediations, and audits by federal or state agencies in which the debtor was involved
in any capacitywithin 1 year before filing this case.
Case title Nature of case Court or agency's name and Status of case
Case number address
7.1. Susan Shannon vs. Holy Civil - Montana Eighth Judicial Pending
Spirit Catholic School, et al. Discrimination Dist, Cascade Co On appeal
BDV-13-241 415 2nd Ave North
Great Falls, MT 59401
7.2. Wilcox v. DGFB, et al. Civil - Accident Montana Thirteenth District Pending
DV 16-1309 Court On appeal
217 N 27th St
Billings, MT 59107
7.3. Kelly Parks v. Holy Spirit Civil - Montana Human Rights Pending
Catholic School Discrimination Bureau On appeal
P.O. Box 1728
Helena, MT 59624
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Case title Nature of case Court or agency's name and Status of case
Case number address
7.5. Does v. Diocese of Great Tort - Sexual Montana Eighth Judicial Pending
Falls, et al. Abuse District On appeal
Adversary 11-1078 Cascade County
415 2nd Ave North
Great Falls, MT 59401
9. List all gifts or charitable contributions the debtor gave to a recipient within 2 years before filing this case unless the aggregate value of
the gifts to that recipient is less than $1,000
Recipient's name and address Description of the gifts or contributions Dates given Value
10. All losses from fire, theft, or other casualty within 1 year before filing this case.
Description of the property lost and Amount of payments received for the loss Dates of loss Value of property
how the loss occurred lost
If you have received payments to cover the loss, for
example, from insurance, government compensation, or
tort liability, list the total received.
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Description of the property lost and Amount of payments received for the loss Dates of loss Value of property
how the loss occurred lost
If you have received payments to cover the loss, for
example, from insurance, government compensation, or
tort liability, list the total received.
Who was paid or who received If not money, describe any property transferred Dates Total amount or
the transfer? value
11.1. 7/31/2015 -
10/26/2016 -
Elsaesser Jarzabek Anderson 2/17/2017 -
320 East Neider Avenue $28,998.37
Suite 102 3/28/17 -
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 $85,092.53 $122,015.90
11.2. 3/2/17
Pachulski, Stang, Ziehl $45,000.00 -
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. See
13th Floor Attached
Los Angeles, CA 90067-4003 Exhibit 14 $102,180.04
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 4
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Name of trust or device Describe any property transferred Dates transfers Total amount or
were made value
Who received transfer? Description of property transferred or Date transfer Total amount or
Address payments received or debts paid in exchange was made value
13.1 John and Karen Switzer Unused Residence Owned by RCB
. 34 Yellowstone 34 Yellowstone
Billings, MT 59101 Billings, MT 59101 05/2016 $386,100.00
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 5
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Who received transfer? Description of property transferred or Date transfer Total amount or
Address payments received or debts paid in exchange was made value
13.7 Formerly Leased Vehicle Transferred to
. Fr. Jose the Lessee Priest
c/o Great Falls-Billings 2012 Ford Escape 06/2016 $0.00
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
No. Go to Part 9.
Yes. Fill in the information below.
Facility name and address Nature of the business operation, including type of services If debtor provides meals
the debtor provides and housing, number of
patients in debtors care
16. Does the debtor collect and retain personally identifiable information of customers?
Yes. State the nature of the information collected and retained.
17. Within 6 years before filing this case, have any employees of the debtor been participants in any ERISA, 401(k), 403(b), or other pension or
profit-sharing plan made available by the debtor as an employee benefit?
No Go to Part 10.
Yes. Fill in below:
Name of plan Employer identification number of the plan
Clerical Benefit Association Retirement Fund EIN: Debtor Serves as Administrator
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 6
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Part 10: Certain Financial Accounts, Safe Deposit Boxes, and Storage Units
Financial Institution name and Last 4 digits of Type of account or Date account was Last balance
Address account number instrument closed, sold, before closing or
moved, or transfer
18.1. First Interstate Bank XXXX-9405 Checking 04/28/2016 $165.64
2601 10th Ave S Savings
Great Falls, MT 59405
Money Market
Depository institution name and address Names of anyone with Description of the contents Do you still
access to it have it?
Facility name and address Names of anyone with Description of the contents Do you still
access to it have it?
Part 11: Property the Debtor Holds or Controls That the Debtor Does Not Own
Owner's name and address Location of the property Describe the property Value
Diocese of Great Falls-Billings Various cash accounts, see $2,508,089.29
121 23rd St S Exhibit 1
Great Falls, MT 59401
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 7
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Owner's name and address Location of the property Describe the property Value
Diocese of Great Falls-Billings Various investment accounts, $15,004,708.2
121 23rd St S see Exhibit 3 9
Great Falls, MT 59401
Site means any location, facility, or property, including disposal sites, that the debtor now owns, operates, or utilizes or that the debtor formerly
owned, operated, or utilized.
Hazardous material means anything that an environmental law defines as hazardous or toxic, or describes as a pollutant, contaminant, or a
similarly harmful substance.
Report all notices, releases, and proceedings known, regardless of when they occurred.
22. Has the debtor been a party in any judicial or administrative proceeding under any environmental law? Include settlements and orders.
Yes. Provide details below.
Case title Court or agency name and Nature of the case Status of case
Case number address
Holy Cross Cemetery Yellowstone Dumping of Topsoil Pending
c/o Great Falls Diocese Conservation District On appeal
YE-21-16-C 1371 Rimtop Drive
Billings, MT 59105
23. Has any governmental unit otherwise notified the debtor that the debtor may be liable or potentially liable under or in violation of an
environmental law?
Yes. Provide details below.
Site name and address Governmental unit name and Environmental law, if known Date of notice
24. Has the debtor notified any governmental unit of any release of hazardous material?
Yes. Provide details below.
Site name and address Governmental unit name and Environmental law, if known Date of notice
Part 13: Details About the Debtor's Business or Connections to Any Business
25. Other businesses in which the debtor has or has had an interest
List any business for which the debtor was an owner, partner, member, or otherwise a person in control within 6 years before filing this case.
Include this information even if already listed in the Schedules.
Business name address Describe the nature of the business Employer Identification number
Do not include Social Security number or ITIN.
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 8
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
26b. List all firms or individuals who have audited, compiled, or reviewed debtors books of account and records or prepared a financial statement
within 2 years before filing this case.
26c. List all firms or individuals who were in possession of the debtors books of account and records when this case is filed.
26d. List all financial institutions, creditors, and other parties, including mercantile and trade agencies, to whom the debtor issued a financial
statement within 2 years before filing this case.
27. Inventories
Have any inventories of the debtors property been taken within 2 years before filing this case?
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 9
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Yes. Give the details about the two most recent inventories.
Name of the person who supervised the taking of the Date of inventory The dollar amount and basis (cost, market,
inventory or other basis) of each inventory
28. List the debtors officers, directors, managing members, general partners, members in control, controlling shareholders, or other people
in control of the debtor at the time of the filing of this case.
29. Within 1 year before the filing of this case, did the debtor have officers, directors, managing members, general partners, members in
control of the debtor, or shareholders in control of the debtor who no longer hold these positions?
Yes. Identify below.
Yes. Identify below.
Name and address of recipient Amount of money or description and value of Dates Reason for
property providing the value
30.1 Michael Warfel
. 121 23rd St S $31,467.00 Fiscal Year
Great Falls, MT 59401 Salary 2017
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Vicar General
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 10
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Debtor Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Case number (if known)
Religious Corporate Sole
Name and address of recipient Amount of money or description and value of Dates Reason for
property providing the value
30.3 Darren Eultgen
. 121 23rd St S $66,040.00 Fiscal Year
Great Falls, MT 59401 Salary 2017
Relationship to debtor
Relationship to debtor
Financial Officer
31. Within 6 years before filing this case, has the debtor been a member of any consolidated group for tax purposes?
Yes. Identify below.
32. Within 6 years before filing this case, has the debtor as an employer been responsible for contributing to a pension fund?
Yes. Identify below.
WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both.
18 U.S.C. 152, 1341, 1519, and 3571.
I have examined the information in this Statement of Financial Affairs and any attachments and have a reasonable belief that the information is true
and correct.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Are additional pages to Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy (Official Form 207) attached?
Official Form 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 11
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B2030 (Form 2030) (12/15)
United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Montana
Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Religious
In re Corporate Sole Case No.
Debtor(s) Chapter 11
5. I have not agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with any other person unless they are members and associates of my law firm.
I have agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with a person or persons who are not members or associates of my law firm. A
copy of the agreement, together with a list of the names of the people sharing in the compensation is attached.
6. In return for the above-disclosed fee, I have agreed to render legal service for all aspects of the bankruptcy case, including:
a. Analysis of the debtor's financial situation, and rendering advice to the debtor in determining whether to file a petition in bankruptcy;
b. [Other provisions as needed]
Pre-filing preparation and filing of petition, schedules and statement of financial affairs which may be required.
7. By agreement with the debtor(s), the above-disclosed fee does not include the following service:
Any post-petition work.
I certify that the foregoing is a complete statement of any agreement or arrangement for payment to me for representation of the debtor(s) in
this bankruptcy proceeding.
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Name and last known address or place of Security Class Number of Securities Kind of Interest
business of holder
I, the Bishop of the corporation named as the debtor in this case, declare under penalty of perjury that I have read
the foregoing List of Equity Security Holders and that it is true and correct to the best of my information and belief.
Penalty for making a false statement of concealing property: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years or both.
18 U.S.C. 152 and 3571.
I, the Bishop of the corporation named as the debtor in this case, hereby verify that the attached list of creditors is true and correct to
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38 Abuse Claimants "Becker Group" Holy Spirit Church Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Timothy Kosnoff, Kosnoff Law 201 44th St S 105 F St W
Metro Office Park, Metro Park 7 Great Falls, MT 59405 Poplar, MT 59255
Street 1, Suite 204 Guyanabo
San Juan, PR 00968
Blessed Sacrament Parish Holy Trinity Church Our Lady Of Mercy Mission
630 Cheyenne Ave 692 Stockett Rd 121 6th Ave W
Lame Deer, MT 59043 Centerville, MT 59480 Melstone, MT 59054
Sacred Heart Parish St John The Evangelist Parish St. Ann Mission
120 N Montana Ave 210 W Center Ave 102 Shell St
Miles City, MT 59301 Baker, MT 59313 Vida, MT 59274
St. Bernard Mission St. Joan of Arc Parish St. Jude Thaddeus Parish
301 Road 148 100 Church Ave 624 4th St
Charlie Creek, MT 59270 Ekalaka, MT 59324 Havre, MT 59501
St. Catherine Mission St. John the Baptist St. Leo the Great Parish
317 7th St W 412 Leavitt Ave 102 W Broadway St
Fairview, MT 59221 Jordan, MT 59337 Lewistown, MT 59457
St. Charles Borromeo Mission St. Joseph St. Margaret Mary Parish
21228 S Pryor Gap Road 206 Orchard Ave 400 Johannes
Pryor, MT 59066 Hysham, MT 59038 Big Sandy, MT 59520
St. Francis Xavier Parish St. Joseph Parish St. Mark Parish
1100 C Ave 716 N Custer Ave 128 Castner St
Circle, MT 59215 Hardin, MT 59034 Belt, MT 59412
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St. Mary Catholic Church St. Patrick Co Cathedral St. Thomas Aquinas
11 W Quincy Ave 215 N 31st 10610 Wing Rd
Chester, MT 59522 Billings, MT 59101 Hogeland, MT 59529
St. Mary Mission St. Paul Indian Mission St. Thomas Mission
100 Main St #1 Mission Dr 201 W Conser Ave
Raynesford, MT 59469 Hays, MT 59527 Plevna, MT 59344
St. Mathias St. Pius X Catholic Church St. Thomas The Apostle
305 Kemp St 717 18th St W 2055 Woody Dr
Ryegate, MT 59074 Billings, MT 59102 Billings, MT 59102
Schiff Harden
Everett Cygal
233 South Wacker, Ste. 6600
Chicago, IL 60606
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Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 7007.1 and to enable the Judges to evaluate possible disqualification or
recusal, the undersigned counsel for Roman Catholic Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, a Montana Religious Corporate
Sole in the above captioned action, certifies that the following is a (are) corporation(s), other than the debtor or a
governmental unit, that directly or indirectly own(s) 10% or more of any class of the corporation's(s') equity interests, or
states that there are no entities to report under FRBP 7007.1:
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