UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template
(G) understand
the general
meaning, main
points, and
important details
of spoken
language ranging
from situations in
which topics,
language, and
contexts are
familiar to
Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes
Students will be able to describe and record representations involving equal groups.
Students will be able to write a number story to match each an
Students will be able to build arrays using rows of language.
Assessment (Description/Criteria):
Students will be put into groups and will be assessed with a Kahoot.
Materials and Resources:
Stepping stone book pg. (170-171)
Connecting cubs
The Big Band book
Anchor chart
Technology Integration
Elmo to show things on the projector
Computer to play Kahoot assessment game
A student will be selected to read the lesson's objectives and how they will know they
have been achieved.
As a class, we will discuss, review, and add to our adding equal rows anchor chart.
rows and columns.
The students will then have hands on with cubes to show 20 cubes equally distrusted
into equal groups.
Students will share the different way they found to put 20 into equal groups.
Students will observe the cover of a book titled The Big Bug Band
The book The Big Bug Band will be read aloud to the students.
Students will talk with a partner about what they saw within the book.
Students will share their observations with the class.
Explain to the students that they will be creating their own marching bugs based off
pages 4&5 from the book using the cubes.
Explain to students that they will be using the cubes and these pages from the book to
write a math problem such as: __ rows of__ is __ and __+__= __
Explain to the students that they will be representing arrays by playing a human array
game. (repeat one more time if time allows)
Explain that they will name the parts of the picture such as: row, Colum, groups of ect.
Explain to students that they must get out their stepping stone book and turn to page
As a group, we will go over the step-in5 lesson and the step up lesson on page 170.
Students will be instructed to begin their step-up part 2 on page 171 indecently.
Students and teacher will go over instructions for both pages 170-171 together.
When students are complete they can move on to the step ahead for extra practice.
Once everyone has completed page 171 as a class we will work the problems out.
Students work will be observed while they are working to avoid any misconceptions.
Students will be put into 6 groups with 3 members in each to be assessed with an
overview of todays lesson with a Kahoot game.
Students will the say the objectives and what they are now able to do after this lesson.
Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness
Pretti Bell-Love
What worked: What parts of the lesson led to engagement and
student learning?
The students were engaged in the beginning of the lesson when they were
exposed to the anchor chart and allowing the students to make their own
connections. As a class the students discussed the vocabulary words that
was apricate for the lesson. The students clearly understood the objectives
of the day to help better understand what they would be doing and what
they should walk away with. The students knew they needed to provide
quality work for their math workbooks and during the instruction. The
students did great when listening to the book to help get a deeper
understanding of arrays. Having hand motions helped the students better
understand what rows and column are which help make the array. The
students really enjoyed building their own array with their bodies and
coming up with things they knew would show arrays. I personally believed
everything went great during the lesson I felt that everyone was engaged
throughout the lesson and everyone enjoyed creating their own stories.
During my lesson, I gave verbal description of all components, my
interactions were clear and instructional activities were organized. I feel
that what I had planned for the lesson worked just fine in my favor.
Improvements: How can you increase student learning,
engagement, etc., next time you teach this lesson?
If could teach this lesson again I would ask higher level questions to get the
students more involved. I think its important to allow students to make
connections to things around them, the students could make personal
connections by getting more involved with building human arrays. I will
make sure that I explain all directions the first time I give them out so that
students didnt ask a lot of question, or I could have them ask a friend at
their table before asking the teacher. I could make sure the students are
engaged more by allowing them to create their own anchor chart by using
them to write it down on the anchor chart, or allowing them to place their
sticky notes to create the chart. The next time I teach this lesson I will allow
my students to be even more rigorous than the time before by allowing
them to think harder. I would allow more time for students to get their work
done and make sure they fully understand whats going on. I would like for
my students to oversee asking questions and be in control of their learning.
When making the lesson plan next time I could make sure that it is easy to
read and in a better format such as bullet points instead of paragraphs. I
would have a conference with my students to go over their workbooks to
may sure they fully understand and talk about ways to improve their
thinking. I would also like to use more technology and labels to help my
students make greater connection with arrays and how they are used in the
real world.
Overall Implications for your teaching: What did you learn from
teaching this lesson that can apply to other lessons?
I learned that not everyone will understand your reasoning for your lesson
or what works best for you. I also learned that there is always room for more
improvement and that not everything will go as planned to the written
lesson. When teaching, your lessons stay calm and dont show your
emotions smile and push through. Agree to disagree with others and know
your students and their learning styles. I learned that I am very organized
and care a lot about my students and their needs, by putting them first
everything will go in your favor. Always do your best even when your best
isnt what you expect from yourself. I learned that Im a hard lover for being
a perfectionist and beat myself down for not meeting all the goals I have set
for my lesson. Overall I learned that being super confident about what your
teaching can go a long way, its okay to mess up because you will but push
through and make sure your students all end on the same track. Do whats
best for you and your students nothing else matters. If the students are
participating in hands on activity their engagement level increases. I will
plan higher level questions during other lessons created to set the
environment for deeper inquiry. I also learned that it is important that the
student is reminded that the product needs to be quality work every time
they complete an assignment. I have learned that the students have shown
progress when applying the skills often. I learned that because I love
helping those who struggle I forget that there are some students who work
hard and finish fast. Its best to have something to challenge your students
who may finish fast or who are more advanced than some students. Stay
calm and dont let your emotions show, admit to your mistakes and let
students know that its okay to mess up. I also learned to not overwhelm
your students or they will shut down on you. Its best to take your lesson one
step at a time. Think as if you are in the same seat as the students. Make
sure that you are teaching every learning style as much as you can, having
students give you examples are the best. Allow your students to do the
work and think outside of the box.