Chapter III - Experimental Research Methodology
Chapter III - Experimental Research Methodology
Chapter III - Experimental Research Methodology
A. Objective of Research: . . . .
C. Research Method:
The research used an experimental method in which the independent variable was . . . .; and the
dependent variable was . . . .. The independent variable (experiment) was implemented through teaching
using . . . method and the control variable (learning result) classified into the achievement in . . .
D. Research Design
This research used a true experimental design in Pretest-Posttest Control Group type. Through
this type of design, the two randomized subjects, experimental and control groups, were given a pre-test
and post test. The pre-test was given in order to investigate whether there were significant differences
between the experimental and control group. However, after the pre-test, the experimental group were
given treatment through teaching using . . . method; while the control group were not. The effect of the
treatment was seen using the form: (Y2 Y1) (Y4 Y3). The design of research can be illustrated as
Group Pre-Test Post Test
(R Experiment
Y1 X Y2
(R Control
Y3 - Y4
? ? ?
t=r n1
1r 2
r = koef. Regresi
n = jumlah responden
t = uji hipotesis