Invasion of Robloxia: Chapter 1: Sample

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Invasion of ROBLOXia

Chapter 1: Sample
Months ago, the science club "Dappernarwhal's Science Club" launched an
experiment, and a project.

They first launched a machine that would record a video of what is happening
through the lenses of the machine. It was also packed with an apparatus
designed to measure radial velocity, which is also connected to a computer,
previewing spectral lines, so it could detect the mass of the planet,...

But not only was it showing spectral lines, but it also had a high signal-to-
noise ratio, which was needed, along with the high signal-to-noise ratio, they
also had an apparatus designed as a pulsar timer.

And through all of the scanning, they actually found one exoplanet, detected
by the radial velocity detector, and they also did transit photometry to
measure the radius.

This is where they launch the so called "Light Weight Unknown Exoplanet
Exploration Rover" also known as LWUEER. This is where they use a capsule
in which the whole LWUEER is put in, going by the name " Exploration Rover
Convulsion Capsule" aka ERCC.

The ERCC was designed so that it was very light-weight, and so that it could
travel to the exoplanets.

The process took about 40 to 50 days.

Due to the preview scanner (the robot that recorded exoplanets, along with
detection) not being strong enough to handle falls, or even drive around so it
could explore ground.

The LWUEER grabbed a sample of the ground, and some shiny glass-like

The scientists were excited to see what the "shiny glass-like" objects are,
presuming it's just a form of crystal.

After the process of the rover coming back, they noticed that the crystals or
"glass-like" objects seem to be non-baryonic, which was interesting, cause all
of the ordinary stuff is baryonic.

They wanted to analyze it using mass spectrometry, but it couldn't analyze it

due to it being exotic matter, the ordinary spectrometer attempted to ionize
the exotic matter, but failed.

This is when the scientists want to start making the "Anti-Mass

Spectrometer", or even "Exotic-Mass Spectrometer", but the first name is
more favorable by the scientists.

Chapter 2: Horrifying Consequence

They made the spectrometer, but they weren't sure cause they were doing
something a bit more "than what was expected.".

The government funded the project, due to seeing the project interesting.

Some scientists weren't sure about the project, worrying that they may cause
a horrifying event, but they decided to continue due to the successful

The crystals were all put together into a bowl, a metal bowl, smaller pieces,
bigger pieces.

And, they thought the idea of making a robotic arm to push the antimass
towards the analyzer, but, to save time, they used a ROBLOXian instead.

The spectrometer was analyzing it, but, it flashed green colors.

The scientists put themselves in a glass barricade, so that they wouldn't get
hurt in the process.

The spectrometer rumbled, scaring the scientists, and eventually exploding

powerfully that the power went out, shutting down light sources.

The spectrometer turned green, and if anyone was in the sight of the
spectrometer, would've been teleported to a different universe, that would've
killed them due to unfitting atmosphere.

The atmosphere of both the unknown universe and the ROBLOXian universe
was not affected, there were no visual distortions except the spectrometer
teleporting weird creatures that were teleported everywhere, not just in the
testing chamber, but outside, inside control chambers, ...

And, it stopped.

Nothing was teleported into the test chamber, the power goes back on.

The ROBLOXian world was pretty normal, no one knowing what was
happening, until a scientist called the emergencies (military).

The constant rate of creatures spawning in was a fast rate.

Scientists getting controlled by creatures that asserted themselves to their
nervous system, manipulating their motor functions,...

The military came, and was barely holding on, due to biomechanical
dropships that dropped rock monsters,...

Well, during all of this, an empire decided to kick in after hearing about the
quantum event, due to them already slaving the unknown universe the
spectrometer opened up.

The empire was called "Imperium Rationis".

Chapter 3: Imperium Rationis

After the follow-up of the quantum event that happened after the insertion of
the exotic crystal that was supposed to be analyzed by the spectrometer, it
turned to an unforeseen consequence.

The city, called Roblock 17, was the main homeland for this empire.

The units appear to wear air-tight suits, gas masks, and certain colored eye

The IR, was strong enough to stop allowing access the unknown universe
access to ROBLOXia, and this is their chance to deploy an obelisk, in which
production of more units is possible.

The ripped portal that allowed the access from the IR Overworld.

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