New Era of Life, Singularity and Pakistan: Hassan Rauf
New Era of Life, Singularity and Pakistan: Hassan Rauf
New Era of Life, Singularity and Pakistan: Hassan Rauf
This paper discusses the different era of life from the beginning of the universe and highlights the
previous eras. Previous eras represent their age limitations according to the evolutions made in human
history with the passage of time. In this paper the new upcoming era is also discussed that what will be it
in real? Technological singularity is hypothetical technological process to develop the artificial
intelligence smarter than human. In the field of artificial intelligence main purpose and target of all
studies and research to achieve it. This study also reports the position of Pakistan if singularity is achieved
then what will be the status of Pakistan in the worlds economy. Will Pakistan exist on the world map
after the achieving the technological singularity? Will Pakistan meet the world challenges and can move
besides of other countries? What is the role of Pakistan in the achievement?
Keywords: Spike Neural network, Neural Pattern, Molecular Nanotechnology, Genetic Engineering.
main substance or particle or say basic human, machines may learn from its
phenomenon is DNA of human and its experiences, may think as human do, make
working. Genetic information of human decision about any problem and solve it
body is stored in DNA. well.
Third Era (Human Brain): This era of life Singularity:
is mainly concern about complex living Sixth Era (The Transcendent of Human [1],
organism and evolution of life, which Genetic evolution through molecular
produce the fast control system for human to nanotechnology, [3] Reformation of Human
think about this universe and give raise the Brain or mind artificially [1]): After the
evolution of brain. With brain, organisms success of biological and technological
can change the behavior and can adjust the evolutions, the human civilization will move
environment, and brain learns from the past on towards the finding and exploring the
experiences, the working process of brain is universe, beyond the universe that what is
mind and it can control the whole body happening? and beyond the limitation of
system. In other words, mind is the main and human thinking, by development of artificial
executive control system of human body and and strong intelligence in machines. The
it works according to the neural patterns, the famous author, inventor, and futurist Dr.
relative change of neurons in the brain Raymond Kurzweil name this era of life is
which causes the cognitive process (which is Singularity. Singularity term is used in
the process of thoughts). The source and mainly physics and mathematics, in physics
storage area of information is neural it is used for the centre of black holes
patterns. which is centre of strong force which is
Forth Era (Engineering & Technology): attracting each and every thing towards itself
The climax of evolution of life is the and in mathematics it is used for the
evolution of brain. Brain causes to think function which is infinite in their behavior.
about the surroundings and make sense Singularity is combinations of many
about them by applying the experimental important, complexes, widely use
approach, and make useful technologies technologies and terminologies such as
from those results. Creation or development Artificial Intelligence, genetic engineering,
of technology design is also an evolution. direct brain-computer interfacing, reverse
Technology is dependent of hardware,
brain engineering and ultra high resolution
software, empirical studies and experimental brain scanning by using computer
approach. Currently we are passing in this emulation. Combination of above mentioned
era and now at very this time we are at technologies with different engineering
climax of this era. fields like electrical, mechanical,
Fifth Era (Mergence of Artificial Human mechatronics and biological will raise the
Intelligence in Machines): According to the threshold level of sophistication, which
futurists of science and technology, we have causes the creation of intelligence smarter
just entered in this stage in which than human.
technology will reach at its best level of Ray Kurzweil gives many postulates and
sophistication and become complex, laws for the singularity. One of them as
complicate and comparable to the biological stated, The Law of Accelerating Returns
organisms of human brain. At this stage, we implies exponential- and non-linear growth
are able to merge the human intelligence in in technological capabilities and human
to the machine to become it intelligent as knowledge. Information technologies are