Pgm2017 Pros

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File No.


Government of Kerala




Date of Approval : 02/03/2017

File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH


(Approved by Government as per G.O (Rt) No. /2017/H&FWD
dated 00.00.2017) (No.B2/24280/2016/DME.)
(Prospectus issued for previous years are not valid)

1, Preface

The Director of Medical Education, Kerala State conducts

Post Graduate Courses in various disciplines. A total of 533 seats in
P.G. Degree courses and 157 seats in Diploma Courses are available
in the Government Medical Colleges of the State including RCC.

The National Board of Examination, New Delhi has been

notified as the authority to conduct NEET PG-2017. The selection and
allotment of candidates in the State Quota of 263 seats in P.G. Degree
courses and 78 seats in P.G Diploma courses will be made from the
Rank list prepared by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations,
Kerala on the basis of the NEET PG 2017 Rank list prepared by the
National Board of Examination, Government of India, subject to
satisfying the eligibility condition as in Clause 4.

270 seats in P.G. Degree courses and 79 seats in P.G.

Diploma courses are set apart for All India Quota. Selection and
allotment to these seats will be conducted by the Director General of
Health Service, Government of India, New Delhi. All conditions
mentioned in the prospectus for the year are applicable to All
India Quota candidates also.

In addition to the above, allotment to all seats in the Self

Financing/Co-operative Medical Colleges will also be made from the
Rank list prepared by the Commissioner for Entrance Examination,
Kerala on the basis of the NEET PG-2017 conducted by the National
Board of Examinations, New Delhi subject to the eligibility conditions
i n Clause 4. The candidates are requested to visit the MCI
website for information regarding the status of seats (whether
recognized or permitted) before taking admission.

No t e : As per the letter No: V.11025/04/2016-MEP

dated:21/02/2017 from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India regarding the seat sharing in non-Governmental
Medical Colleges/Self-Financing Medical Colleges, it was stated that in
Sub-Clause VI of Clause 9 of the Post-Graduate Medical Regulations,
2000, it was mentioned as follows

In non-Governmental medical colleges/institutions

,50% (Fifty Percent) of the total seats shall be filled by the State
Government or the Authority appointed by them ,and the remaining
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50 % (Fifty percent) of the seats shall be filled by the concerned

medical colleges/institutions on the basis of the merit list prepared as
per the marks obtained in National Eligibility cum-Entrance Test.

2, Duration of the Course

The duration of the course including University

Examination is 3 years in the case of Degree Courses and 2 years in
the case of Diploma Courses. There shall be an exemption of one
year in the duration of PG degree courses in respect of candidates
who have done P.G. Diploma course of two years and awarded
Diploma in the same subject. The candidates must have acquired the
P.G. Diploma Pass Certificate on or before 30th April 2017 for being
eligible for reduction in the duration of the course. No other
reduction in the duration of the course shall be granted.
The date of commencement of the Course and the last
date of completion of admission process will be as per the time
schedule fixed by the Government of India/Medical Council of
India/Honble Supreme Court of India.

3, Fee Structure

3- 1. The fee structure applicable for Government Medical

Colleges is given below:

Serial Degree Diploma

No. Courses Courses
Rs. Rs.
1 Annual tuition Fees
50,000/- 45,000/-
2 Annual miscellaneous Fees Rs.10,000/-
Caution deposit (refundable) {for
3 recovery towards loss or breakag e of Rs.10,000/- Rs.10,000/-
laboratory equipments, books etc .}
As As
4 University Fees
applicable applicable

3- 2. The Fee structure for the Post Graduate Medical

Degree/Diploma seats of Self Financing Medical Colleges
will be issued separately before Centralised Allotment

3- 3. The University Fees will be collected from the Candidates

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and remitted through the Principals concerned.

3- 4. Tuition Fees will have to be remitted to the CEE Account

in specified branches of State Bank of Travancore notified by
CEE using the e-challan or through online payment facility
provided in the candidate portal of the official website of the
Commissioner for EntranceExaminations. Other fees remitted
in one college will be refunded/transferred to the last station
where the candidates fix their allotment through higher options.
The Fee for document verification will not be refunded /

3.5. Claims for fee concession

3- 5.1. Claims for fee concession to SC/ST and OEC

Candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe communities allotted against merit seats or
against the seats reserved for them are exempted from payment of
fees. Candidates belonging to Other Eligible Communities (OEC)
admitted against merit seats or against Government seats through
SEBC reservation are also exempted from payment of fees.[G.O (P)
No. 50/2009/SCSTDD dated 02/07/2009]. They should furnish Non-
Creamy layer Certificate obtained from the Village Officer concerned
in the prescribed format during online application process as per G. O.
(P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015. The List of OEC
Communities is given in Annexure XIV

3- 5.2. Claim for fee concession to candidates

belonging to communities
in Annexure XV :

Candidates belonging to the communities listed in

Annexure XV, whose family income is up to Rs. 6 lakhs are eligible
for educational concession as per G. O. (Rt) No.2319/2015/H&FWD
dated 21/07/2015. They should upload community and income
certificates (financial year 2015-16) from the village officer in the
prescribed format during the online application process.

Note : Income from Salary : In the case of candidates whose

parents are employed, the Basic Pay and and Dearness Allowance
of the employee(s) are to be taken into account for the purpose of
calculating total annual family income. Inclusion of Interim relief in
the annual income will be as per the orders of Revenue Department.
HRA, Special pay, Deputation pay, TA, PTA, honorarium etc. need
not be counted for calculating the annual family income.
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4. Eligibility for Admission

4- 1. Academic : Applicants should be in possession of MBBS

degree or provisional MBBS pass certificate recognized by
MCI with MBBS qualification registered permanently or
provisionally with MCI or State Medical Council and should
have completed one year of internship or likely to complete it
on or before 31st March 2017. Admission to such candidates
will be given only after obtaining registration of T. C. Medical

4- 2. Nativity: Applicants should have satisfied any of the

following conditions.

4- 2.1: Indian Citizens of Kerala origin. Persons of Indian

Origin (PIO)/Overseas Citizens ofIndia (OCI) will also
be treated at par with Indian Citizens for the limited
purpose of admission, provided they execute a bond to
serve as Senior Resident for 3 years as envisaged in
Clause 13.1.(b) of the Prospectus. However POI/OCI
candidates will not be eligible for any kind of

4- 2.2 : Candidates who are sons/daughters of Non-Keralite

parents, who have obtained MBBS Degree from any of
the Medical Colleges in the State of Kerala. But they
will not be eligible for Communal/Special/PD
reservation benefits.

4- 3 : Age:

4- 3.1 : There is no Upper age limit for admission to PG

Medical courses.

4- 3.2 : Under ordinary circumstance (i.e. for those Service

quota candidates, whose retirement age is 56 years) the upper age
limit for getting admission will be 49 years for Post Graduate Diploma
Courses as on 01-01-2017, for Service candidates. For those
candidates in the service of Director of Health Service, who submit a
bond (Rs.100/- non judicial stamp paper) at the time of admission, that
they shall serve the Government of Kerala in any capacity which the
Government deems fit after their retirement, up to the age of 60 years
as per the terms and conditions prescribed by the Government and that
they will not take up employment elsewhere during this period if the
Government has requisitioned their services, the upper age limit of
such service candidates drawn from Director of Health Service will
be 53 years for PG Diploma courses.
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4- 4. Qualifying Criteria:
All candidates seeking admission to Post Graduate
Medical Degree/Diploma courses in the State of Kerala for
the academic year 2017-18 shall have to qualify the National
Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Post-Graduate Courses
(NEET PG-2017) conducted by the National Board of
Examination, New Delhi. In order to be eligible for admission
in any Post Graduate Medical course in 2017-18, it shall be
necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of marks at 50th
percentile in the NEET PG 2017. However in respect of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled
Tribes (ST), Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
(SEBC), the minimum marks shall be at 40th percentile. In
respect of candidates with locomotory disability of lower
limbs, the minimum marks shall be at 45th percentile. (Refer
Clause 6)

Serial No. Category Qualifying Criteria

1 General 50th percentile

2 SC/ST/SEBC 40th percentile
3 PD 45th percentile

5. Distribution of Seats :
The distribution of seats under State Quota for
Medical PG Degree courses in various Medical Colleges for 2017-
18 academic year is given in Annexure I and that of Medical PG
Diploma seats is given in Annexure II. The distribution of seats under
various categories for Medical PG-Degree courses is furnished in
Annexure III and that of Medical PG Diploma courses in Annexure
IV. The college-wise distribution of seats for different categories for
Degree and Diploma is given in Annexure V. The course-wise and
college-wise distribution of the available seats in Self Financing
Medical Colleges for different categories will be furnished later
before the commencement of allotment process. The details regarding
recognized/permitted seats are available in the website of MCI.
Hence the candidates are requested to visit the website for the same.

Note: Allotment of seats from the rank list for all courses in Self
Financing Colleges will be made in accordance with the orders
of the Honble Supreme Court of India/ Honble High Court of
Kerala or the orders of the Government of Kerala/Government
of India as per the law in existence at the time of the Centralised
Allotment Process (CAP).
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6. Seats under General Merit Quota and other Reservation


6- 1. General Merit Quota - Leaving the seats set apart for

Persons with Disabilities and Ex-Service quota, 81% of the
remaining seats under State Quota will be allotted under General
Merit for degree courses. For Diploma courses leaving aside PD
and EX-Service reservation, 50 % of the seats are allotted for
General Merit, 10% of seats for SC/ST, 9% of seats to SEBC
and the remaining are reserved for Service Quota candidates

6- 2. Reservation of seats for Persons with Disabilities (PD).

Seats not exceeding 3% of the State Quota seats are

reserved for candidates with disabilities. The visually handicapped,
hearing disabled and locomotory disabled involving upper limb
are not eligible for admission.

Candidates with locomotory disabilities of lower limb

between 50% and 70% would be allowed the benefit of reservation,
provided that in case any seat in this 3% quota remains unfilled on
account of unavaiblility of candidates with locomotory disability of
lower limbs between 50% to 70%, then such unfilled seat in this 3%
quota shall be filled up by persons with locomotory disability of
lower limbs between 40% to 50% - before they are converted to
General Merit. For claiming reservation an attested copy of the
certificate of disability from the District Medical Board, certifying the
percentage of disability, issued not earlier than 3 months prior to the
last date for submission of application has to be uploaded during the
online application process. No document/certificate other than those
mentioned above will be considered for determining disability.

Based on such certificate candidates will be

provisionally included under the Persons with Disability category.
The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will publish the merit
list of these candidates. However the inclusion in this rank list is
strictly provisional. The selection of candidates under this category
will be based on the merit in the NEET PG -2017 and physical
suitability and not on the basis of the degree of disability. The
degree of physical suitability will be assessed by a State Medical
Board constituted by the Government of Kerala, with
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations as the convener,
before publishing the Rank- list.

case no qualified candidates are available
under PD category, the seats will go to General Merit. Seats
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under PD category, the seats will go to General Merit. Seats

will be earmarked for the PD category as per the order of
subjects shown in Annexure III and IV, on rotation basis, starting
from serial number 6 for Clinical and 5 for non- clinical Degree
courses (Annexure- III) and serial number 9 for Clinical
(Annexure IV).

6- 3. Ex-Service Quota (XS)

One seat in MS Obstetrics & Gynecology will be

reserved for Ex-Service candidates of Kerala Origin. They shall
execute a bond to the effect that they shall serve the Government of
Kerala for a minimum period of 3 years as Senior Resident as
envisaged in Clause 13.1 (c) of the prospectus. They should upload
the certificate of discharge from military service issued by the
competent authority during the online application process without
which such applications will not be considered under this quota. If no
qualified candidates are available, the seat will go to General merit.
One seat in Diploma in Ophthalmology is reserved for dependants
of Jawans killed in action and dependants of Ex-service man in that
order of priority. The selection will be on the basis of merit in the
NEET PG-2017. Certificate to these effects shall be obtained not
earlier than six months from the last date of submission of printout of
application from the Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer concerned. In case
no qualified candidates are available, the seat will go to General

6- 4. Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes Quota (SC/ST):-

Leaving the seats set apart for Persons with
Disabilities and Ex-Service, 10 % of the remaining seats under
State Quota, will be given to Scheduled Caste (8%) and
Scheduled Tribe (2%) candidates.

6- 4.1. Claim for Reservation under Scheduled Castes /

Scheduled Tribes
6- 4.1(1). Candidates claiming reservation under
Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes Quota should obtain the
Caste/Community Certificate from a Revenue Officer not below the
rank of Tahsildar and upload the same during online application
process. The Christian converts who have subsequently embraced
Hinduism should upload Caste/Community Certificate in the
prescribed format. The following certificate should also be got
recorded by the Revenue Official below the Certificate issued :-
The Certificate is issued after observing the guidelines issued in
Government Circular No. 18421/E2/SCST DD dated 15- 12- 1987
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The names of castes and communities are given in Annexure XII & XIII.
Community Certificate from Tahsildar XE "Tahasildar" is to be obtained in
the prescribed format and uploaded during the online application process.

6- 4.1(2). The applications for the reserved seats of

Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes candidates not supported with
SC/ST Certificates (Community Certificate) from the Tahsildar in the
prescribed form will not be considered on any account for claiming
community reservation against the seats reserved for SC/ST
candidates - vide G. O. (Ms) No. 31/1990/SCSTDD dated 25-05-
1990. The community certificate should clearly specify that the
candidate himself/herself (not the father or mother) belongs to the
Scheduled Castes/Tribes. The Community Certificates obtained earlier
for other purposes will not be accepted. The candidates who are
reconverted to Hinduism from Christianity of Scheduled Caste origin
should upload community certificate from the Tahsildar concerned
along with a copy of Gazette Notification regarding re-conversion.

6- 4.1(3). The claim for reservation under Scheduled

Caste/ Scheduled Tribes Quota will also be subject to verification and
clearance by the Screening committee constituted for the purpose by
Government vide G. O .(P) No.19/2002/SCSTDD dated 20-04-2002
and as authorized by section 6 of the Kerala (Scheduled Castes &
Scheduled Tribes) Regulation of issue of Community Certificates Act
- 1996 (Act 11 of 1996).

6- 4.1(4). The SC/ST claims in respect of those who

have migrated from one State to another will be subject to the
provisions of G. O. (Ms) No.10/1986/SCSTDD dated 12-02-1986.
Only the children of those who had migrated to this State before the
promulgation of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 and
the constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950, and ordinarily reside
in this State can claim SC/ST benefits from the State of Kerala. They
must be able to prove this if required.

6- 4.1(5). SC/ST status of children of parents

contracted inter-caste marriage will be subject to the
orders/clarification issued in G. O (Ms) No.11/2005/SCSTDD dated
22.03.2005, G. O (Ms) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005 and the
judgment dated 10.08.2005 of the Full Bench of the Honorable High
Court of Kerala in WP (C) No. 2483/2005 and connected cases. Their
SC/ST claim will be subject to verification and clearance by the
Screening Committee constituted by the Government vide G. O. (P)
No. 19/2002/ SCSTDD dated 20-04-2002. The online application of
such candidates for the reserved seats of SC/ST not supported with
Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned in the prescribed form will
not be considered on any account. The Community Certificate
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should clearly specify that the candidate himself/herself (not the

father/mother) belongs to the Scheduled Castes/Tribes. There is
no separate reservation quota for the children born of Inter-caste
married couples of whom one is a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled

6- 4.1(6). WARNING
Those who produce false SC/ST certificate for
claiming reservation under SC/ST quota shall be liable for the
penalties stipulated in section 15 of the act referred to in the clause 6-
4.1(3). Candidates and their guardians who make such applications are
warned that in addition to prosecution they will have to suffer the
following consequences in case the SC/ST certificate produced is
found to be false and the candidate does not belong to any SC/ST
Communities under Section 16 of the Act: Benefits secured on the
basis of false community certificates to be withdrawn.

6- 4.1(6)(i) : Whoever not being a person

belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
secured admission in any educational institution against a seat reserved
for such castes or tribes or secures any appointment in the
Government, Government undertakings, Local Authority or in any
other Company or Corporation owned or controlled by the
Government or in any aided institutions against a post reserved for
such castes or tribes or enjoys any other benefits intended exclusively
for such castes or tribes by producing a false Community Certificate
shall, on cancellation of the false Community Certificate, be removed
by canceling the irregular admission in the concerned educational
institutions, or as the case may be removed from the said service
forthwith and any benefit enjoyed by him as aforesaid shall be
withdrawn forthwith.

6- 4.1(6)(ii) : Any amount paid to such person by

Government or any other agency by way of scholarship, grant,
allowance, stipend or any other financial benefit shall be recovered as
if it is an arrear of public revenue due on land.
6- 4.1(6)(iii) : Any Degree, Diploma or any other
educational qualifications acquired by such person after securing
admission in any educational institution on the basis of a false
community certificate shall also stand cancelled on cancellation of the
community certificate obtained by him.

6- 4.2 : Un- availed seats of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled

The seats un-availed by the SC candidates will go
to the ST candidates and vice versa. The seats un-availed by both the
SC and ST candidates will go to OEC categories. OEC candidates
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should furnish Non- Creamy layer certificate obtained from the

Village officer concerned for the claim of Un- availed seats of SC
and ST candidates. The seats that still remain unavailed of, if any will
go to the General Merit Quota.

6.5 :.Reservation of Seats under SEBC Quota:

Leaving the seats set apart for Persons with Disabilities,

and Ex-Service, 9 % of the remaining seats under State Quota shall be
reserved for candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally
Backward Classes. The percentage breakup of seats as per the SEBC
reservation is as follows.

1. Ezhava (EZ) - 3%
2. Muslim (MU) - 2%
3. Other Backward Hndu (BH) - 1%
4. Latin Catholic (LC) - 1%
5. Other Backward Christian (BX) - 1%
6. Kudumbi (KU) - 1%

6- 5.1 : List of SEBC Communities is given in Annexure


6- 5.2 : Reservation to the Socially and Educationally

Backward Classes will be in accordance with the provisions in G. O.
(Rt) No.3742/2009/H&FWD dated 24.12.2009 and G. O (P)
No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015.

6- 5.3 : Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally

Backward Classes as per G. O. (P) No.208/1966/Edn. dated 2.5.1966
and G. O (P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015, should produce a
certificate to the extent that the candidates belongs to the community
which is designated as a Socially and Educationally Backward Class
and does not belong to the category of Creamy layer, in the proforma
given as Annexure XVII of the prospectus. Only the claims of the
candidates of those communities that are included in the SEBC list as
Annexure VII will be considered. Claims by candidates belonging to
other communities, which are not included in the list, will be rejected
even if certificates from the concerned Revenue Officers have been
obtained and uploaded during the online application process.

6- 5.4 : Candidates claiming reservation under SEBC Quota

should invariably upload Non-Creamy layer Certificate from the
Village Officer concerned. The above certificate should be obtained
in the prescribed format available in the website.

6- 5.5 : The candidature/allotment/admission of the

candidates who furnish fake Non-Creamy layer certificate is liable to
be cancelled. Such candidates are also liable to be debarred from
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appearing for the allotment/admission process for a period extending

up to two years.

6- 5.6 : Reservation under SEBC for children of inter-caste

married couples: Children of Inter caste married couple with either
the father or mother or both belonging to a community included in
SEBC list, are eligible for reservation under SEBC. Such candidates
should upload a Non-Creamy layer certificate specifying the
community of the candidate from the Village Officer in the prescribed
format. Candidates with father and mother belonging to different
communities, both of which are included in the SEBC list, can avail
communal reservation under any one of the communities of their
parents, to be mentioned by the candidate in the relevant column of
the online application. (For example a candidate born out of inter-caste
marriage between an Ezhava and a Muslim can claim the reservation
benefit applicable either to Ezhava or Muslim only and not against
both). The claimmade in the online Application will be final and
cannot be changed subsequently.

6- 5.7 :. Candidates who are children of Inter-Caste married

couple of whom one is SC/ST, will be eligible for educational and
monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per para 2 (ii) of GO (Ms)
No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.6.2005, and if eligible for reservation
under SEBC, will be granted the same, based on the Non-Creamy
layer certificate obtained from Village Officer in Annexure XVII and
the inert-caste marriage certificate in Annexure VIII of the prospectus
issued by Tahsildar and to be uploaded.

6- 5.8 : Un- availed seats of SEBC category:

The seats un-availed by the SEBC category candidates will be
transferred to General Merit.

6- 5.9 : The reservation benefits under SEBC are given to the

castes and communities listed in Annexure VII. Any candidate whose
community is not included in any of the categories belonging to
SEBC list will not be considered for reservation benefits.

6- 5.10 : Those candidates claiming reservation under SEBC

Quota the certificates in proof of the same shall be uploaded during
the online application process.

6- 5.11 : Reservation of Seats for Service Quota

candidates: All State Quota seats in PG Diploma courses other
than those mentioned in Clause 6 are earmarked for Service Quota
candidates. Seats as shown in Annexure IV are set apart for Health
Service Quota (HSQ) candidates sponsored by the Department SC/ST
candidates admitted under Service Quota are not eligible for any
exemption of fees.
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6- 5.12 : Eligibility for Service Quota :

6.5.12 (a) : The eligibility criteria for the service quota are
the same as laid down in Clause 4. The applicants under Service Quota
should have completed a minimum period of 3 years on duty under
regular appointment in the concerned Department to become eligible
to apply. Provisional service if any, before the regular appointment
will not be considered.

6.5.12(b) : The total service will be reckoned as on the

date of notification for inviting application by CEE for admission to
the courses. Unauthorised absence or absence due to Leave without
Allowance(including leave on medical ground) and the deputation
periods of the candidates will not be counted for the purpose of
calculating the minimum service.

6.5.12(c) : Preparation of Seniority list under Health

Service Quota:-The rank list for the eligible candidates in service
quota under HSQ will be prepared by the CEE strictly based on inter-
se-merit after awarding due weightage marks for Difficult and
Remote service, put in by the candidates qualifying the examination.

6.5.12 (d) : Difficult & Remote Service: In determining the

merit in the Entrance test for PG admission, weightage in the marks
will be given as an incentive at the rate of 10% of marks obtained for
each year in service in Difficult & Remote area up to a maximum of
30% of the marks obtained.

6- 5.13 : Application & Selection under Service Quota :

The service candidates should apply as stipulated in Clause 8 of this
Prospectus. The DHS will furnish the service in the Difficult Remote
areas rendered by the candidates who have applied for the PG course
to theCEE in order to award due weightage marks as stipulated in
clause 6.5.12 to the candidates who have qualified the Entrance
examination to prepare the final rank list of Health Service candidates.

6- 5.13 (a) : Declaration for Service Quota

Candidates :Service candidates who have selected/undergone PG
Diploma courseunder Service quota, earlier, will not be eligible for
selection under service quota for a second time. It is mandatory for
the service quota candidates to join the course to which they are
selected and if they do not join the course or discontinue the course
after joining, they will not be considered for selection to P.G. Course
under Service Quota in future .
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6- 5.13 (b) : Health Service Quota (HSQ) : Selection

to different categories of seats under Health Service Quota will be as
per Clause 6.5.12 & 6.5.13 The selected candidates for Post Graduate
Medical Degree/Diploma courses under Health Services Quota shall
submit a declaration to the effect that they will render their service in
Difficult &Remote Areas as defined by the State Government after
successful completion of the course for two more years ,failing
which they will have to pay liquidated damage of Rs.50 Lakhs.

6- 5.13 (c) : Application of Service Quota

candidates : In addition to the procedures mentioned in clause 7-2 and
7-3 the service candidates are also required to forward the printout of
the application form, along with all required documents, to the
Director of Health Services.

6- 5.13 (d) : Additional documents to be submitted

by the Service
Quota candidates

i. Declaration (in original) to the effect that he/she has not

undergone PG
Degree course under Service Quota.
ii. Service details, in original, from the Accountant General.
iii. Details of Service from the Head of the Department in
original in the
format prescribed.

1. The candidates who are applying only for Service quota need not
attach the certificates/documents mentioned in clause 7-4.4 and 7-
4.9 above.
2. Documents / Certificates furnished after the submission of the
application, will not be entertained under any circumstances. No
opportunity will be given to incorporate any details after the
submission of the application form.
3. Applicants claiming service quota should forward a copy of the
application to the Head of the Department (DHS).
4. If there is any doubt regarding the authenticity of any certificate
furnished by the candidates, such certificates will be accepted only
if found correct on further verification.
5. Admission even if given will be cancelled if it is found later that
false certificates have been produced or that the admission has been
secured by fraudulent means.
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7. How to apply:

7.1 : A qualified candidate in NEET PG-2017 seeking

admission to the courses should apply online through the website of the Commissioner for Entrance
Application fee for General candidates is Rs.1000/- (Rupees
Thousand only) and in the case of SC/ST candidates and those eligible
for SC/ST benefits as per G.O (Ms) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated
20.06.2005 is Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only). The hard copy of
application form and prospectus will not be available from the
Medical Colleges or from the office of the Commissioner for
Entrance Examinations.

7.2 : Step wise procedure for applying online:

There are 5 steps for the online submission of
application and all the steps are mandatory. Candidates should
complete all steps and the candidates are advised to keep the
printout of the application for future reference. For the online
submission of application, candidate has to visit the website where he/she can find the link PG Medical
2017 - Online Application.

7.2.1 : Step 1: Registration

This is a one-time process. Candidate should
provide NEET testing ID and Date of birth for entering the
registration page. Date of birth must be same as that of NEET
registration page. Candidates will be prompted to enter mobile
number and create a password and as outcome of the registration
process a system generated unique Application Number will be
displayed which the candidate has to note down and use for the rest of
the application submission process as well as the allotment process.
Candidates are advised to create a strong, unique password. The
requirements of a strong password are:
a minimum length of 8 characters
a minimum of one alphabet character [a-z or A-Z]
a minimum of one number (0-9)
a minimum of one symbol [!@#$%^&*]
The candidate has to re-enter the password for confirmation.

Dont use a shared password or disclose the password to others. Be

informed that the application number and password will be required
through the remaining stages until the end of the admission process
for accessing all the online facilities related to PG Medical 2017.
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7.2.2 : Step 2 : Fill Application

All the basic information required for processig your

application are to be filled in at this stage. Before filling the details,
please read the Prospectus carefully.

During the filling up of application, frequently click "Save" button

available in the home page to protect your data.

The data provided here will be used for processing the

application. Any mistake in filling this page or providing
false/incomplete/wrong information will affect the candidates
eligibility for admission XE "admission" or claim XE "claim" for
reservation under any category XE "category" . It is obligatory that
the candidate should fill all the mandatory items in the application.

Candidates should take utmost care while filling the

Online Application. Applicant should ensure that the data
provided are correct before proceeding to next step.

Final Submission of Application

If the candidate is sure that the information provided in step 2

are correct, click the link Final Submission.

Note : No modification will be possible after the Final


7.2.3 : Step 3: Pay Application Fee

Two payment methods are available for remitting the

application fee.
* Online Payment
* e-Challan

Online Payment:
The Application fee can be paid through online payment.
Those having an Internet banking account, Credit card or Debit card
can make use of this feature. Candidates availing this facility should
read and follow each of the instructions given in the website carefully
in order to ensure that the payment is successful. On successful
payment, the candidate will be guided back to the home page wherein
he/she will find the Payment tab at the top turned green and the
candidate can take printout of the application. If the payment
transaction was unsuccessful, a message to that effect will be
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transaction was unsuccessful, a message to that effect will be

displayed on the screen and the candidate would be guided back to the
homepage. On the other hand, if the candidate fails to receive the final
confirmation (success or failure) message and is uncertain about the
outcome of the transaction, due to communication failure or
otherwise, he/she can re-login to the home page and inspect the Pay
Application Fee tab at the top to see if its green or not. If it has not
turned green, the payment has not succeeded and the candidate may try
for online payment afresh or resort to the e-Challan payment mode. If
the candidates account is debited for an unsuccessful transaction, the
amount will be reverted to his/her account within five working days.

e- Challan Payment (Post Office):

When the mode of payment is e-Challan, the applicant
needs to take printout of e-Challan by clicking the link Print e-
Challan. Payment can be made in cash at any of the Head and Sub
Post Offices in Kerala. The e-Challan should be handed over to post
office counter along with the required cash.

The post offices official will make necessary entries

both in their online portal and e-Challan form. The counter foil of the
e-Challan must be collected back from the post office official. It must
be ensured that the official has recorded the Transactiion ID pertaining
to the payment on the counter foil of the e-Challan and put the office
stamp and his/her initials at the designated places on the counterfoil.

If the payment was successful, the Pay Application

Feetab in the candidates home page turns green.

Candidates are advised to login to the website and

examine the Pay Application Feetab to make sure that the fee status
has been updated by the post office official. If the payment tab has not
turned green, the candidate should immediately contact the concerned
post office and get the payment status updated. The list of Post
Offices for collecting application fee is published in the web site.
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7.2.4 : Step4: Upload Signature and certificates:

Upload Signature of Candidate

. * On a plain white sheet, the candidate should put his/her

signature with
black/blue ink. Scanned image of Signature must be

* Scan this signature and crop around the signature. Do

not scan the full sheet.
Scanned image file should be in jpg format. (Jpeg)

* Dimensions of the image of signature must be 150 pixels

width and
100 pixels height.

* File size should be below 30 KB.

Upload Documents/Certificates
* The uploaded document should be in PDF format.
* The file size must notexceed300 KB.
* The document should be clear enough to read.

Read before uploading documents/Certificates

* T he Originals of the uploaded documents should be
furnished before the
admitting authority as and when required.
* The uploaded documents will be verified with the original
by the admitting authority and the documents will be
accepted only
after this verification.
* It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the
correctness and
clarity of the documents uploaded.
* Uploading of any false or bogus documents may lead to
disqualification of the candidacy.

Certificates / Documents to be uploaded

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Each of the required Certificates must be scanned into a

PDF file and uploaded. The scans should be of the original
documents and in colour (if the original document was issued in

1. Nativity Proof: Uploading Nativity proof is

mandatory for all candidates. For details of Nativity
condition, see Clause 4.2 of the Prospectus.
(i). For Kerala Origin. ( See clause 4.2.1 of the
(a) Relevant page of the Secondary
School Leaving Certificate / Indian
Passport /Birth certificate of the
candidate or either of the parent
showing Place of birth in Kerala. In
case certificate of parent is attached,
corroborativecertificate to establish
the relationship between the parent and
the candidate should also be uploaded.


( b ) Nativity Certificate for Kerala

Origin, obtained from the Village
Officer to show that he/she or his/her
father/mother was born in Kerala.
(ii) For Non Keralites (See clause 4.2.2 of the

For non-keralite applicants who have

undergone MBBS course in the
Medical Colleges in Kerala, a
certificate (format is available for
download in the website) into that
effect obtained from the Principal of
the Medical College, where he/she has
studied, shall be uploaded. But they
will not be eligible for communal/PD
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reservation benefits.

2. Community or Non-Creamy Layer Certificate: It is

applicable only for those candidates who wish to avail any
communal reservation and/or fee concession. Such
candidates should upload Non-Creamy Layer Certificate
(for SEBC/OEC) or Community Certificate (SC/ST). See
Clause 6.4 and 6.5 of the prospectus for community
reservation details.
SC/ST candidates : Original Community Certificate
obtained from
Revenue officer not below the
rank of Tahsildar.

SEBC/OEC candidates : Original Non Creamy layer

Certificate obtained
from the Village Officer
concerned in the
proforma available.
Candidates belonging to the communities listed in
Annexure XV :

Original Community and Income

Certificates(Annual family income
is up to Rs.6 lakhs) from the village
officer in the prescribed format.

3. Income Certificate: Candidates belonging to the

communities listed in Annexure XV, whose family
income is up to Rs.6 lakhs are eligible for educational
concession. For claiming this, upload Income Certificate
obtained from the Village Officer. (See Clause 3.5.2 of the

4. Inter-Caste Marriage Certificate: Those candidates

who wish to avail inter-caste benefit as mentioned in the
Clause 6.5.6 & 6.5.7 of the Prospectus, need to upload the
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Inter-caste Marriage Certificate.

Candidates who are children of Inter-Caste married
couple of whom one is SC/ST, will be eligible for
educational and monetary benefits admissible to
SC/ST as per Para 2 (ii) of GO (MS)
No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005, based on the
original Inter-Caste marriage Certificate issued by
Tahsildar to be uploaded

Candidates who are children of Inter-Caste

married couple with either the father or mother
belonging to a community included in SEBC list:
Original Non-Creamy Layer certificate specifying
the community of thecandidate from the Village
Officerin the proforma to be uploaded.

5. Certificate for claiming Reservation for Persons with

Disabilities (PD): For claiming PD reservation as per
Clause 6-2, certificate of disability obtained from the
District Medical Board is required to be uploaded.

6. Certificate for claiming Ex-Service Quota: To claim

the reservation in Ex-service quota, upload the relevant
certificate. (See Clause 6.3)

7. Certificate for claiming Dependants of Jawans killed in

action/Dependents of Ex-Serviceman: Eligible candidates
should upload the relevant certificate. (See Clause 6.3)

Remember : The Originals of the uploaded documents will have to be

furnished before the admitting authority as and when required.

Step 5: Print Application

After completing the uploading of all necessary

certificate/documents, take a printout of the Application and the
uploaded documents by clicking on the link P rint Application.
Candidates are advised to keep the printout of the application for
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future reference. No need to send the hard copy of application

printout or any supporting documents to the CEE office.

For In- Service Candidates:- The print out of the application

(including printout of uploaded documents) along with the following
documents should be forwarded to the Head of the concerned

1. Declaration (in original) to the effect that she/he has not undergone
PG Degree Course under Service Quota.

2. Service details, in Original from the Accountant General.

3. Details of Service from the Head of the Department in Original in

the format prescribed.

4.Date of Birth Proof.

Do not send the printout of Application to the CEE Office

7.3 : Documents to be furnished before the admitting authority

Candidates should produce all the Original Documents at the time of


* First page of the Application Printout.

* Date of Birth Proof. : Secondary School Leaving Certificate

/Senior Secondary
Certificate /Indian Passport /Birth

* M.B.B.S. Degree/Pass Certificate.

* House Surgeoncy (CRRI) Certificate.

* In the case of candidates who are undergoing internship in

the Medical colleges of
the state, Certificate from the concerned Principal to the
effect that He/she will
complete internship by 31-03-2017 should be produced.

* NEET (PG)-2017 Score Sheet.

* Originals of all the uploaded documents/certificates.

Additional documents in original to be presented by the Service

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a. Declaration to the effect that he/she has not undergone PG Degree

under Service Quota.

b. Service Details from the Accountant General.

c . Details of Service from the Head of the Department in the format


8. Method of Examination and mode of selection:

All candidates seeking admission to P.G Medical (Degree/Diploma)

courses for the academic year 2017-18 will have to appear for the
NEET PG-2017 conducted by the National Board of Examinations.
The candidates are requested to refer the National Board of
Examination website for detailed schedule of PGM-2017.The
selection of the candidates shall be made from the ranklist prepared by
Commissioner for Entrance Examination, Kerala on the basis of
NEET PG 2017 ranklist subject to satisfying the eligibility conditions
as in Clause 4 of the prospectus.

9. Ranklist and Category List:-

The Commissioner for Entrance Examination, Kerala will prepare
and publish the rank list and category lists of candidates qualified in
NEET PG-2017 and who satisfy the eligibility conditions as in Clause
4 of the prospectus. The rank list will be made available in the website The selection under general merit quota
and SC/ST/SEBC/PD/Ex-Service/Health Service quota will be purely
on the basis of the rank list and category list prepared by the
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Kerala.

9.1 :Weightage to Service Quota Candidates:

The Medical Council of India (MCI) norms prescribes
weightage in marks for candidates in Government Services serving in
difficult and remote areas given as an incentive. In-service candidates
under Medical Education/Health Services/Insurance Medical
Service/Municipal Service, who have completed 2 Years of service
(Period necessary for completion of probation as Assistant Surgeon),
are therefore eligible for weightage of marks for the service rendered
in such areas. Therefore, weightage of marks shall be given to
following categories of service:

Remote & Difficult Area-

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Remote and Difficult areas are areas that are comparatively

inaccessible where civic facilities are less and overall quality of life
is lower. A list of such area prepared after considering these factors
is given as in Annexure X. A doctor working in the remote and
difficult area as per the list attached will be provided weightage of
10% for every completed year in that area subject to a maximum of
30% and that additional percentage received by the doctor will be
loaded on to the raw score obtained in the NEET and revised list
showing inter-se-merit included the weightage given shall be
published & selection shall be made in the inter-se-merit. Tie if any
will be resolved in favour of the candidate having the higher rank in
NEET PG 2017-18.

10. Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) and Online Submission

of Options :-
The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE)
will carry out a Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) of Service
Quota candidates under State system. Centralised Allotment Process
(CAP) will be done online to give allotments to the Medical PG
Degree/Diploma courses under General Quota and PG Diploma
Courses under Services Quotas
. Candidates will be allowed to exercise their option for
individual specialties/colleges as per their ranks. The allotment of
courses/colleges for the General Merit and reservation categories
will be strictly in accordance with the Merit list and Category lists
mentioned in clause 9.1 above. The CEE will notify the schedule of
activities, indicating important dates well in time. The number of
Centralized Allotment Process and spot allotment will be as
prescribed by the Supreme Court and Government of India from time
to time.

10- 1. General Merit Quota

10- 1.1 : The allotment to all the courses for all categories will be
made through a Centralized Allotment Process which is a Single
Window System (SWS) of Allotment to give allotments to the PG
Medical seats in the Medical Colleges based on the options submitted
online by the candidates who have been included in the Rank list
prepared by the CEE based on the NEET PG-2017 examination. The
Centralized Allotment is a simple and transparent process of allotment
to the courses and it gives the candidate opportunity to exercise
his/her options for colleges of his/her choice conveniently in the
order of his/her preference considering all those available to be
chosen from. The allotments will be strictly based on the options
exercised, the rank obtained and eligible reservations of the candidate.
Candidates should register options only to those courses and colleges
which they are sure to join on allotment. If the candidate fails to remit
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fee/join the college, he/she will not be eligible for any further
allotment to any course/college.

10- 1.2 : The Single Window System of Admission for the state
quota seats of PG Medical Courses 2017-18 will be done by the
Commissioner for Entrance Examination (CEE), Kerala, with the
technical support of the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

10- 1.3 : The Courses and the Seats in the Medical Colleges to be
allotted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will be
included in the SWS and will be done as per the provisions of

10- 1.4 : Candidate to register options: Options can be registered

only through the website, Candidates included
in the Rank list of NEET PG-2017 will have to register their options in
the Home Pageof the candidate through the website within the
stipulated time. Candidates can access this website and follow the
instructions given therein to register their options for courses and
colleges. Options submitted to the CEE by Fax, email, Post, Hand
delivery etc., will not be processed or considered on any account for
allotment of seats.

10- 1.5 : Time schedule for registering options: The facility for
registering of options will be available only during the period
specified in the notifications to be issued by the CEE. Wide publicity
will be given through electronic and print media regarding the
schedule and related matters. The facility will be withdrawn once the
time period is over and candidate will not have access to this facility
after the specified time. A candidate, not registering his/her options as
per the time schedule announced, will not be considered for
allotments against any of the seats available then, even if his/her is
included in the Rank List. No extension of time for Registering
Options will be granted under any circumstances.

10- 1.6 : Eligibility for registering options: Only those candidates

included in the Rank list of NEET PG-2017 are eligible to register
their options online. Moreover, the candidates registering their
options should satisfy all the eligibility conditions as per Clause 4 of
the Prospectus for Admission to Medical Post-Graduate Degree /
Diploma Courses 2017.
Principal/Head of the Institution will be personally responsible for
verification of eligibility conditions as prescribed in the
Prospectus,when the candidate reports for admission. Only those
candidates who are found to be qualified as prescribed shall be
admitted to the college/institution irrespective of the fact that he/she
has an allotment through the SWS.
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10- 1.7 : Essentials for registering options: In order to register

the options on the website each candidates should have particulars
such as Roll Number, Application Number , Key Numberand
Passwordassigned to them for NEET PG-2017. Key Number will be
provided to all candidates who are eligible to register options. The
candidates should not disclose their Key Number or Password to any
other person/persons which may lead to the misuse, for which the
CEE/Government will not be responsible. (All these numbers are
candidate specific and hence are available only to the candidate). The
candidate must also have access to internet facility. The candidate
should follow the procedure given below (11.1.9 - 11.1.15) for
registering options:

10- 1.8 : Accessing the website: The candidate can access the
website from any computer having internet
facility. The platform can be Windows-based or Linux-based and
browser can be Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox (version 7 and

10- 1.9 : Logging on to the Candidate's Home page: The

candidate can log on to his/her home page by entering the details (i.e.
Roll number, Application number, Key number and Password )
correctly. The Roll number of the candidate is a five-digit Number
allotted to the candidate. Application number of the candidate is a
seven-digit number assigned to the applicant while he/she submits the
online application to CEE for the PG Medical Courses 2017-18.
If the system finds that the one who has requested for
loginis genuine, the candidate will be directed to his/her Home
page. If any discrepancy is observed by the system on these
numbers, the candidate will not be permitted to proceed further in
which case the candidate may recheck the entries made or contact the
Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations for further

10- 1.10 : Courses and Colleges available for registering

options: The list of Courses and Colleges for allotments through the
SWS will be available in the Home page of the candidate. The
College Listlink when clicked will show all the Colleges and their
three-letter codes. A candidate may examine this list further to see the
courses and the number of seats for each category in these colleges
by clicking on the College Code. An overall idea of the Colleges and
their Codes will help the candidate to register his/her options without
any difficulty.

10- 1.11 : How to register options in his/her Home Page: By

entering the option number for a course-college combination the
candidate can fix his/her preference numbers for the course-college
combinations displayed in the Home Page. Here all the eligible
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options of the candidate will be displayed course-wise and the

candidate is expected to enter his/her preference number for a
particular combination.

10- 1.12 : Registering of the Options and saving/revising the

Options registered: All eligible options of the candidate will be
displayed on the Home Page. The candidate may follow the directions
given therein to register the options. The data entered may be saved
regularly by clicking the Savebutton, so that the data already entered
is not lost due to unexpected reasons. The candidate should enter only
those options in which he/she is interested. Candidates should also
note that he/she will be considered for allotment only to those
courses/colleges opted by him/her. So, a candidate who has not opted
for a college will not be considered for allotment to that college.
Existing options, registered by the candidate and available in the
Home Page, can be cancelled by entering the number '0' against that
particular option to be cancelled and by clicking the 'Update' button.
All options registered by the candidate will be processed. If a
candidate gets allotted to a particular seat, based on his/her option,
he/she is bound to accept it, failing which, he/she will lose that
allotment as well as his/her claims for any seat in any college. Such
candidates will not be eligible for any further online allotment in any

10- 1.13 : Option Work Sheet facility: If a candidate experiences

any difficulty in entering the data directly, he/she may first take a
printout of the work sheet showing all the options he/she is eligible
for, by clicking on the OPTION WORKSHEETlink on the page.
The desired entries may be made on this work sheet and the same may
be used for registering the options in the website. The preference
numbers may be fixed using this work sheet and the data may be
entered in the system subsequently. A candidate has the facility to
modify or rearrange his/her earlier options before the last date and
time fixed.

10- 1.14 : Viewing and Printing of the Option List based on the
options registered: Once the candidate completes the option entry,
he/she can view his/her options by clicking on the link provided. An
option list will be generated and the candidate can take a printout of
the same and keep it for future reference. If the candidate wants to
change his/her options already registered, he/she may revise the
options as desired and ensure that the option list has come as per
his/her preferences.

10- 1.15 : Loging off from the Home page: Once the candidate is
satisfied with the options registered, he/she should Log offthe
system by c licking on "logout" link. The process of Registration of
Optionsis complete when the candidate logs off. This action is
compulsory for preventing the misuse of his/her Home Page by
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10- 1.16. Processing of Options and Allotment:

10- 1.16 (1) : Allotment Schedule and Allotment Memo: After

the period earmarked for registering options, the options will be
processed and the allotment for all courses will be published on the
website,, on the date notified by the CEE. The
printout of the allotment memo can be taken from the website. The
details of the course and college to which the candidate is allotted and
the fees to be remitted for the course allotted will be shown in the
allotment memo. The schedule of allotment will be notified separately.
Necessary notification will be issued by the CEE.

10- 1.16 (2) : Remittance of Fee: The prescribed tuition fee for
the course will have to be remitted by the candidate by online payment
or to the CEE Account in specified branches of State Bank of
Travancore to be notified by the CEE, as per the time schedule
prescribed. After the candidate remits the fee in the first allotment, a
fee receipt will be issued by the bank as token of allotment and
remittance of fee.

Those candidates who do not remit the fee on or before

the date prescribed for the same will lose their allotment as well as
the eligibility for further online allotments. The second allotment will
be published on the date specified. Candidates who have not
received any allotment in the first allotment and who have received an
allotment in the second allotment will have to remit the prescribed fee
for the course allotted. If a candidate has a different allotment than
the one received in the first allotment, the fee for which is higher than
that remitted as per the first allotment, he/she will have to remit the
difference in fee. The amount to be remitted in this manner will be
shown in the allotment memo of the candidate. If the fee for the
course allotted in the second allotment is less than or same as the fee
remitted as per the first allotment, no further remittance is to be made
by the candidate. The same process will be repeated in the
subsequent allotments.

10- 1.16(3) : Admission to all courses: Candidates allotted to

courses, and who remit the fee as prescribed, should take admission
in the college allotted as per the schedule prescribed by the CEE.
Candidates who do not take admission will lose their allotment as well
as the claims for further allotments. No extension of time for reporting
to the college will be granted under any circumstances. The
candidates are liable to pay admission fee as prescribed by the
University concerned at the time of admission.

10- 1.16(4) : Confirmation of required Options/ Cancellation

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of unwanted options/Rearrangement of higher order options

before each allotment:
Online facility for Confirmation/ Cancellation/ Re-
arrangement of Higher order option will be active for a stipulated
period of time leading to each phase of CAP subsequent to the initial
phase. A candidate who does not visit his/her home page and confirms
the higher order option by clicking the confirm button available on
his/her homepage will be excluded from the next phase of allotment.

Candidates who have not got allotment in the previous

allotment phases as well as those who have remitted the fees as per
each allotment within the prescribed time limit may have the facility to
cancel/alter the priority of their higher order options in the list of
options registered by them before the next allotment, if notified by the
CEE. This facility will be activated in the Home Pageof the
candidates on the dates notified.

10- 1.16 (5) : After each allotment, the options below the
allotted oneof the candidate will automatically be removed from the
option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered
10 options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 5th option, all options
from 6 to 10 will be removed from the option list. Since the 5th option
is the allotted one, it will not be seen in the option list. Options from 1
to 4 only will remain valid and will be considered for future allotments.

10- 1.16 (6) : If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and

does not want to be considered against his/her remaining options,
he/she will have the facility to cancel all the remaining options. He/she
may also cancel specific options among the remaining options as per
his/her desire. The candidate will also have the facility to alter the
priority of the remaining options. But the candidate will not be
permitted to register any fresh options to the existing ones.

10- 1.16(7) : The facility for cancellation/deletion/alteration

will be available as notified, after which the facility will be withdrawn.
A candidate retaining all or any of the option after each allotment is
bound to accept the next allotment, if any, given to him/her. If the
candidate fails to accept the allotment, he/she will lose all the
allotments/admission and will not be considered for any further online
allotments to any course or college.

10- 1.17 : Further Allotments: Details regarding further allotments

after the first allotment will be notified by the Commissioner for
Entrance Examinations. Additional seats, if any, added/sanctioned
during the validity period of the rank list will be filled in the final CAP
on the basis of rank.

10- 1.18 : Spot Allotment: This does not form the part of CAP. On
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the Spot allotment/admission for filling up the remaining vacant seats

alone, if any, may be conducted after the completion of the online
allotment process. A candidate who figures in the Rank list/Category
lists prepared as per clause 10 of the Prospectus for Admission to
Medical PG Degree/Diploma Courses-2017-18 but not joined under
All India Quota seats alone is entitled to attend the Spot
allotment/admission process. Candidates who have obtained admission
in Government merit seats for a course in any of the Government
Medical colleges shall not be eligible to participate in the Spot
Allotment for the same subject in other Government Medical colleges.
Similarly candidates who have obtained admission in Government
merit seats for a course in any of the Self Financing Medical colleges
shall not be eligible to participate in the Spot Allotment for the same
subject in other Self Financing Medical colleges. However a
candidate who got admission in Government merit seat of a Self
Financing Medical College shall be permitted to take admission in the
same/other subject in a Government Medical College through spot
Candidates already holding a PG seat can
participate in the spot allotment only after surrender of the seat
held by them on or before the date prescribed by a notification to
be issued by the DME/Government of Kerala. Course once
allotted in the spot admission shall be final. Mere
surrender/Exchange of seat in the spot admission will not be

10- 1.19 : Allotment of seat s under Service Quota: All the

conditions mentioned in the clause 10-1 are also applicable to Service
quota candidates. The Service Quota candidates can opt for the seats
which are earmarked for the respective Departments.

* Additional service quota seats, if any, sanctioned

during the validity of the
rank list will be filled in the final CAP.
* Any vacancy that may arise after the cut-off date for
admissions prescribed
by the Government of India/Supreme Court will be
considered as
lapsed and no allotment/transfer will be made to these
seats under any
* No allotment/transfer to PG Medical courses will be
done under any
circumstance after the last date of admission
prescribed by the Government
of India/Supreme Court.
* Changes, if any effected by the Honble Supreme
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Court/DGHS, New Delhi,

in the time schedule for admission process will be
applicable for the State
Self Financing Colleges also.

10-2 : Documents in original to be produced at the time of Admission

1)Admit Card issued by the National Board of Examination,
New Delhi.
2)Allotment memo issued by Commissioner for Entrance
3)Document to prove date of birth.
4)Pass/Degree certificate of the qualifying examination (MBBS
5) Permanent Registration Certificate from T.C. Medical
6)CRRI Certificate.
7)Certificate of Eligibility/Equivalency certificate from KUHS
for candidates
who have passed the qualifying examination (MBBS Degree)
Universities outside Kerala.
8)Required bonds duly filled up and signed by candidates and
9) Any other documents mentioned in the allotment notification.

Note: Originals of all the uploaded documents will have to be

produced before the admitting and/or allotment authority as and
when demanded

11. Distribution of un- availed seats under All India Quota

The distribution of seats that are reverted back from the All
India Quota will be as per the state allotment policy. The course wise
distribution will be decided after these seats are reverted back. The
college wise distribution statement will be furnished by the DME.
A candidate who has taken admission under All India
Quota will not be considered for admission to State Quota after
the last date announced by DGHS for surrender of AIQ seat to

12. Liquidated Damages and Execution of Bond

12- 1. General Terms:

The candidates selected for PG Degree and Diploma courses
will have to execute two bonds in stamped paper (all pages of the
bond should be in stamped paper) of the total value of Rs.200/- of
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Kerala stamp paper each at the time of joining the course to the effect

12- 1.(a) : He / she shall not discontinue the P.G course that
has been allotted to him/her after the Spot allotment Process is
12- 1.(b) : All the General merit candidates including AIQ
candidates admitted to Medical Postgraduate Courses in Kerala shall
serve the Government of Kerala in Medical Education Services as
Senior Resident as decided by the DME/Principals of Colleges for
a continues period of not less than three years immediately after
the completion of the course without break. Terms and conditions
including remuneration will be decided by the Government of
Kerala.In case the doctor gets selected for Super Specialities he/she
shall be relieved to join the same when he/she will be expected to
complete 3 years of Super Speciality service. The total service
rendered by him/her shall be including obligations of speciality and
super-speciality course (ie, there shall not be separate obligations for
both). The total service rendered by him/her shall not exceed 3 years.
This facility of relieving should be made available only for Super
Speciality degree service courses and not for observership,
fellowship or any other courses. The service in Central or any other
State Government or other Public Sector Undertakings (except
Defence Service) will not count for relaxation of the compulsory
services. They shall be relieved only after 3 years and such service
should be done without any break immediately after the course. The
Principals of the Colleges where they complete the courses shall
retain the certificates till such time as proof of the satisfactory
completion of the courses given by the competent authorities ie,
DMO/Principal of the college where bond posting is given as the
case may be.

12- 2 : Conditions

12- 2.1 : If a Post Graduate student discontinues the P.G course

after the final Centralised Allotment Process he/she shall have to pay
a sum of Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty lakhs only) as Liquidated
Damages to the Government of Kerala and also refund the stipend/
Salary already received.
12- 2.2 : A candidate leaving one course to join another,
before or during the final Centralised Allotment Process shall not be
liable to pay the Liquidated Damages.
12- 2.3 : TheLiquidated Damages will not be recovered from
students coming from All India Quota to State quota and vice versa,
provided the admission relates to the same year and before the final
Centralized Allotment
12- 2.4 : If candidates violate the terms mentioned in Clause
12-1. (b) Above, it will be construed as Professional Misconduct and
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the fact reported to the T.C Medical Council for suitable action
including cancellation of Registration by the Council. A sum of
Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) (in addition to the
stipend/salary drawn during the period of the course and the amount
spent by Government for their studies with interest as fixed by
Government) will be levied as liquidated damages from those who fail
to do the Government service as stipulated.
12- 2.5 : No Admission shall be valid without getting the
bond as detailed above executed at the time of joining or within 7
days from the date of admission at the discretion of the Principal.
Any lapse in this regard will be treated as the liability of the Principal
concerned. After 7 days the admission is liable to be cancelled.
Candidates getting admission in the final allotment will have to
execute the bond within 7 days. Otherwise their admission shall be
cancelled and they are bound to pay the liquidated damages as
mentioned in clause 13-2.4(i).The original certificates after due
verification will be kept in the safe custody of the Principal concerned
till the completion of the Senior Residency. The candidates will not
be eligible for stipend/salaryuntil the execution of bonds. Format
of Bond available in the office of Principal of the Medical College
concerned only will be accepted. A copy of the same is also annexed
as IX & X.
12- 2.6 : The parents/guardians shall stand as sureties for non-
service candidates. The signatures of the candidate and the sureties
have to be attested by a Gazetted officer of State/Central Government
or Grama/ Block/ District/ Panchayath President/ Municipal
Chairperson/ Mayor or MLA / MP, by countersigning in the bond
agreement as a witness.
12- 2.7 : The certificates which are to be submitted in the
colleges at the time of admission will be released only after the
completion of compulsory bonded service or in the case of bond
violation, the liquidated damages are paid.
12- 2.8 : If Govt. is not in a position to offer job either under
Medical Education Services or Health Services to fulfill the
Compulsory Government Service as per the bonded obligation within
one year after completion of the course, the candidates will be
absolved of the bonded obligation. Government have power to use
their services (if required) through recruitment boards (e.g. KPSC) or
by direct recruitment on contract basis whichever is deemed fit as per
the circumstances prevailing at the time.
12- 2.9 : Liquidated Damages and Execution of Bond:
In the case of Service Quota Candidates, he / she
shall serve the Government for a period of 10 years or up to
superannuation out of which 2 years should be in Difficult and Remote
area as defined by the State Government to be served immediately
after the completion of the course. The DMO of the district in which
the candidates is posted will retain the Original Certificates of all the
service candidates till completion of the bond.
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If a Service Quota candidate discontinues the P.G

course after the final Centralised Allotment Process he/she shall have
to pay a sum of Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fift y Lakhs only) as
Liquidated Damages to the Government of Kerala and also refund the
stipend/ Salary already received. A candidate leaving one course to
join another, before or during the final Centralised Allotment Process
shall not be liable to pay the Liquidated Damages.
The Liquidated Damages will not be recovered
from students coming from All India Quota to State quota and vice
versa, provided the admission relates to the same year and before the
final Centralized Allotment.
If Service quota candidates violate the terms
mentioned in Clause 12-2.9. above, it will b construed as Professional
Misconduct and the fact reported to the T.C Medical Council for
suitable action including cancellation of Registration by the Council. A
sum of Rs.50,00,000/-(Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) from PG Diploma
specialty candidates (in addition to the stipend/salary drawn during the
period of the course and the amount spent by Government for their
studies with interest as fixed by Government) will be levied as
liquidated damages from those who fail to do the Government service
as stipulated. The Service Quota candidates will not be eligible for
Leave With-out Allowance for taking employment elsewhere during
the period of bonded obligation.
No Admission shall be valid without getting
the bond as detailed above executed at the time of joining or within 7
days from the date of admission at the discretion of the Principal. Any
lapse in this regard will be treated as the liability of the Principal
concerned. After 7 days the admission is liable to be cancelled.
Candidates getting admission in the final allotment will have to
execute the bond within 7 days. Otherwise their admission shall be
cancelled and they are bound to pay the liquidated damages as
mentioned in clause 12-2.9.The original certificates after due
verification will be kept in the safe custody of the
Principal/DMO/DHS concerned. The candidates will not be eligible
for stipend/salary until the execution of bonds. There shall be two
separate Bondsone for the Service Quota Candidates and another for
non-service Quota candidates including AIQ candidates. Format of
Bond available in the office of Principal of the Medical College
concerned only will be accepted

13. Validity of the list :

The validity of the rank list will be up to 31- 05- 2017 or
the final date of admission announced by the NBE/Apex
court/Government of India, whichever is later.
The records of the PG Entrance Examinations will be
preserved only till 01/06/2017.or the day after the final date of
admission announced by the NBE/Apex court/Government of India,
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whichever is later.

14 : Transfer of candidate:
No transfer/mutual transfer will be allowed from one
college to another after the allotment of seat on spot admission. Re-
allotment will be considered only through counseling before the
closing of allotment process as per the Guidelines/directions of the
Medical Council of India/ Supreme Court of India.

Note : No allotment, admission or transfer will be done after the cut

off date specified as per MCI regulations and judgment of the
Honorable Supreme Court in Mridul Dhar Vs Union of India
(2005) 2 SCC65, Asha V.Pt. BD Sharma University of Health
Sciences, [2012] 7 SCC 389 & Priya Gupta Vs. state of Chattisgarh,
[2012] 7 SCC 433.

15 : Duration, Date of joining:

The duration of the Post -Graduate Degree & Diploma
courses including University Examination is three years and two years
respectively. For the purpose of reckoning the duration of the course,
any candidate will be deemed to have joined the course on the date on
which the candidate actually commences the academic programme as
certified by the Principal concerned. This date should be given as the
date of joining in the Post Graduate register maintained by the
Residents shall acquire a minimum of 80%
attendance each year for promotion to next year. A candidate
acquiring 80% attendance separately for each year (no cumulative
effect) only will be eligible for appearing for the University
examination. Extension of leave taken over and above the eligible
leave shall be done in the respective year itself. He/she will have to
complete the total duration of the course before being given the
course certificate.

16.Residency System

Residency Programme has been introduced in the five

Government Medical Colleges in the State as per
G.O.(Ms)No.20/09/H&FWD dated, 13.01.2009 and Government
Medical College,Ernakulam under which all the Postgraduate Students
including Service Quota candidates have been designated as Junior

16- 1 : The Junior Residents have to undertake academic,

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teaching and clinical duties as assigned to them under Residency

Programme. The Junior Residents in Government Medical Colleges
are to be paid stipend as applicable during the duration of the course.
The service conditions of Postgraduate students/Junior Residents in
six Government Medical Colleges are governed by the rules and
regulations elaborated in Residency Manual Annexured to G.O.
(Ms)No.20/09/H&FWD dated, 13.01.2009 and its amendments from
time to time.

16- 2: The Junior Residents/Postgraduate Students should have

a minimum percentage of attendance as stipulated by the Universities.
All the 365 days of the year areworking days for post graduate
students/Junior Residents. However, they will be permitted to
avail casual leave for 20 days, but not more than 7 days including
holidays at a stretch. Any other leave will entail extension of the
course. Those who take leave without prior sanction are liable to be
considered to be on unauthorized absence. If the Junior
Resident/Postgraduate Student is unauthorisedly absent for more
than 10 days, he / she will be terminated from the course and
liquidated damages will be levied.

16- 3: All PG students/Junior Residents are eligible for weekly

off for one day. This will be allowed by the Head of the Department
concerned without affecting the routine functioning of the Department.
Weekly off cannot be accumulated.

16- 4 : Female postgraduate students are entitled to avail stipend

during maternityleave and its extension only once during the entire
course of study including Senior Residence- ship.

16- 5 : CMEs, workshops and other academic programmes

conducted by recognised academic bodies are essential aspects of
PG training programme. All PG students may be permitted to attend
such programmes without affecting the routine working of the
Departments concerned. The Heads of Departments shall sanction
special casual leave to PG students subject to a maximum of 15 days
per year provided they apply prior to the CME programme and the
Head of Department is convinced about the genuineness of the
programme and utility for the particular course. The student on
returning from the programme should submit attendance certificate to
the Head of the Department.

16- 6 : No Post Graduate student/Junior Residents shall leave

the country without prior sanction of the Director of Medical
Education. Any violation will be viewed seriously warranting
termination of the candidate from the course.

16- 7 : All leave (other than eligible leave and maternity leave)
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exceeding 30 days shall be granted by DME as the case may be.

17. Private Practice

Post Graduate students/Junior Residents including service
quota candidates shall not engage in private practice of any sort
during the course of study.

18. General
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Prospectus, the
Government may at any time, on their own volition or otherwise after
calling the records of the case, revise any order passed by a
subordinate authority. This Prospectus is subject to
modification/addition as may be considered necessary by the
Government and issued as executive orders/notification.
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[Vide G. O. (P) 208/1966/Edn. dated 02-5-1966,G. O. (Ms)
dt.06.10.2008 & G.O.(Ms) No.58/2012/ SCSTDD dt.16.04.2012),
G. O (Ms) No. 10/2014/BCDD dated 23.05.2014]

I. Ezhavas including Ezhavas, Thiyyas, Ishuvan, Izhuvan, Illuvan and

II. Muslims (all sections following Islam)
III. Latin Catholics other than Anglo- Indians
IV. Other Backward Christians
(a) SIUC
(b) Converts from Scheduled Castes to Christianity
V. Kudumbi
VI. Other Backward Hindus, i.e.
1. Agasa
2. Arayas including Valan, Mukkuvan, Mukaya, Mogayan,
Arayan, Bovies, Kharvi, Nulayan, and Arayavathi
3. Aremahrati
4. Arya including Dheevara/Dheevaran Atagara, Devanga,
Kaikolan, (Sengunthar) Pattarya,Pattariyas, Saliyas
(Padmasali, Pattusali, Thogatta, Karanibhakatula,
Senapathula, Sali, Sale, Karikalabhakulu, Chaliya,
Chaliyan) Sourashtra, Khatri, Patnukaran, Illathu Pillai,
Illa Vellalar, Illathar
5. Bestha
6. Bhandari or Bhondari
7. Boya
8. Boyan
9. Chavalakkaran
10. Chakkala (Chakkala Nair)
11. Devadiga
12. Ezhavathi (Vathi)
13. Ezhuthachan, Kadupattan
14. Gudigara
15. Galada Konkani
16. Ganjam Reddies
17. Gatti
18. Gowda
19. Ganika including Nagavamsom
20. Hegde
21. Hindu Nadar
22. Idiga including Settibalija
23. Jangam
24. Jogi
25. Jhetty
26. Kanisu or Kaniyar-Panicker, Kaniyan, Kanisan or
Kamnan, Kannian or Kani, Ganaka
27. xxx
28. Kalarikurup or Kalari Panicker
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29. Kerala Muthali, Kerala Mudalis

30. Kusavan including Kulala, Kumbaran, Odan, Oudan
(Donga) Odda (Vodde or Vadde or Veddai) Velaan,
Velaans,Velaar, Andhra Nair, Anthuru Nair
31. Kalavanthula
32. Kallan including Isanattu Kallar
33. Kabera
34. Korachas
35. Kammalas including Viswakarmala, Karuvan, Kamsalas,
Viswakarmas, Pandikammala, Malayal-Kammala, Kannan,
Moosari, Kalthachan, Kallasari, Perumkollen, Kollan,
Thattan, Pandithattan, Thachan, Asari, Villasan, Vilkurup,
Viswabrahmins, Kitara, Chaptegara.
36. Kannadiyans
37. Kavuthiyan
38. Kavudiyaru
39. Kelasi or Kalasi Panicker
40. Koppala Velamas
41. Krishnanvaka
42. Kuruba
43. Kurumba
44. Maravan (Maravar)
45. Madivala
46. Maruthuvar
47. Mahratta (Non-Brahman)
48. Melakudi (Kudiyan)
49. Mogaveera
50. Moili
51. Mukhari
52. Modibanda
53. Moovari
54. Moniagar
55. Naicken including Tholuva Naicker and Vettilakkara
Naicker, Naikkans
56. Padyachi (Villayankuppam)
57. Palli
58. Panniyar or Pannayar
59. Parkavakulam (Surithiman, Malayaman, Nathaman,
Moopanar and Nainar)
60. Rajapuri
61. Sakravar (Kavathi)
62. Senaithalaivar, Elavania, Senaikudayam
63. Chetty/Chetties including Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties,
Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties, Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel
Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties, Telugu Chetties,
Udiyankulangara Chetties, Peroorkada Chetties,Sadhu
24 Mana Chetties, Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties
and 24 Mana Telugu Chetties
64. Tholkolan
65. Thottiyan, Thottian
66. Uppara (Sagara)
67. Ural Goundan
68. Valaiyan
69. Vada Balija
70. Vakkaliga
71. Vaduvan(Vadugan), Vaduka, Vadukan, Vadugar
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72. Veera Saivas (Pandaram, Vairavi, Vairagi, Yogeeswar,

Yogeeswara, Poopandram, Malapandaram, Pandaran,
Matapathi and Yogi)
73. Veluthedathu Nair including Vannathan, Veluthedan
and Rajaka
74. Vilakkithala Nair including Vilakkathalavan, Ambattan
Pranopakari, Pandithar and Nusuvan
75. Vaniya including Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vaisya Chetty,
Vanibha Chetty, Ayiravar Nagarathar, Vaniyan, Vaniya
Chetty, Vaniar
76. Yadava including Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani, Eruman,
Iruman, Erumakkar, Golla and Kolaries
77. Chakkamar
78. Mogers of Kasaragod Taluk
79. xxx
80. Paravans of Malabar area excluding Kasaragod Taluk
81. Peruvannan (Varnavar)
82. Reddiars (throughout the State except in Malabar Area)
83. Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar
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Annexure VII



Certified that Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an applicant

for admission to PG Medical courses 2017 is the son/daughter of

an Int er-cast e married couple, and his/her father Shri. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . belongs to. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . community and his/he mother Smt. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . belongs to. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . community.



Signature of Tahasildar:

Name of Tahasildar:
Name of Taluk & District:
(Office Seal)
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

Annexure -VIII BOND

(Total value of Rs.200/-KeralaStampPaper*)

To be executed by all candidates admitted to Postgraduate

Medical Courses in the State Medical Colleges
We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Residing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . herein after
called the Bounden (which expression shall unless excluded by or
repugnant to the context include his heirs, executors, Administrators
and legal representatives) and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . herein after
called the first surety and second surety respectively (which expression
shall unless excluded by repugnant to the context include their
respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives)
bind ourselves jointly and severally to pay the Governor of Kerala(
herein after called the Government)on demand without demur a sum of
Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . the probable amount that Government may have to spend for
paying stipend/salary and further sum of``Rs . Rs.50,00,000/-
(Rupees fift y lakhs only) as liquidated damages.

Signed this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .day the year

Two thousand and Fifteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .by the
Bounden Shri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Full address).

In the presence of witnesses:(Name &Official Address is

compulsory ) 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
WHEREAS the Bounden has been under the rules, which will form
part of this deed as if incorporated herein, herein after called the Rules,
selected to undergo the course of study. Government will give the
monthly stipend to the Bounden (admissible as per rules) for the study
of-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [here enter the name of the course of
study ] in Government Medical College, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of college) condition of his executing a bond supported by two
sureties in the terms appearing herein after which the Bounden has
agreed to do.

Now the condition of the above written obligation is that in the

event of the Bounden not conforming to or observing the rules and
conditions, regarding the progress of his study or interrupting or
discontinuing his course, at any time after the final centralized allotment
process or participating in a strike or leave the training course on
account indiscipline or misconduct on his part, or for other reasons not
considered valid and satisfactory by the Secretary to Government of
Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department whose decision in this
behalf shall be final, the Bounden and the sureties shall jointly and
severally pay and refund to the Government on demand and without
demurral the amount spent on the Bounden on account of the said
course of studies, together with the liquidated damages of ``
Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees fift y lakhs only) if the bounden
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

discontinues the course after the final Centralised Allotment Process

(CAP). This decision of the Secretary to Government of Kerala, Health
and Family Welfare Department as to the commission of a breachor as
to any indiscipline or misconduct on the part of the Bounden as also the
amount of compensation payable and as to whether the Bounden has or
has not performed and observed the conditions and Bounden obligations
under these presents shall be final and binding on the Bounden and the
It is further agreed and declared that in the event of the Bounden
being unsuccessful in any of the qualifying examinations conducted in the
said Institute, the Government may at their discretion, with hold the
payment of stipend for the continuance of further studies and the
decision of the Secretary to Government of Kerala, Health and Family
Welfare Department in this behalf shall be final and binding.
Provided further that the Bounden and the Sureties do hereby
agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of
this bond may be recovered jointly and severally from them and their
prospective movable and immovable as if such sums were arrears of
land revenue under the provisions of the
Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force or in such other manner
as to the Government may deem fit.
It is agreed that the liability of the sureties here under shall not
be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or any for
bearance, act or omission of the Government (whether with or without
the knowledge or consent of the sureties) in respect or in relation to
the several obligations and conditions to be performed or discharged by
the Bounden or by any other matter or thing what so ever which, under
the law relating the sureties, shall but for this provision have the effect
of releasing the sureties from such liability not shall it be necessary for
the Government, to sue the Bounden before doing either of the sureties
for amounts due here under.

It is agreed that the expense of Stamp duty to this document shall be

borne by the Bounden

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the Bounden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .and. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

Sureties have put their respective hands the day and year herein above
written Signed by the Bounden in the presence of witnesses:

(Signature of the Bounden)

File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

Signed by .

(Signature of the sureties) (Residential Address of the

sure ties is compulsory)

Signed by .
(Signature of the witness)

(Official Address & Residential Address of the witness is compulsory)


Witness must be a person as mentioned in the clause 13-2.6 of the

Remember : The Originals of the uploaded documents

will have to be furnished before the admitting authority as
and when required.
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

(Total value of`Rs. 200/-KeralaStampPaper*)


We Shri/Smt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . son/ daughter/ wife of. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .(herein after called the
Bounden) and
(1) Shri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................ .................. ....
(2) Shri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................ .................. .....
(here enter name and address) (herein after called Sureties) do here
by bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our heirs, executors
and administrators jointly and severally to pay the Governor of Kerala
(here in after called the Government) on demand a sum of`..
(the total amount of salary/ stipend drawn during the period
of study) and the amount spend by Government for their studies with
interest as fixed by Government and`** in addition to the stipend/
salary towards Liquidated damages/ penalty for violation of the
conditions in clause13 of the Medical PG Prospectus2017.

Signed this. Day of .. in the year by the bounden



In the presence of witnesses:

1. .......... ........
Signed by Shri/Smt. .. (Residential Address is compulsory)

WHEREAS the Bounden Shri/Smt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.has been selected to undergo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
......... ........ (here enter the name of the course of study) in
Government Medical College, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Name of College), Kerala for a period of two/three years.

AND WHEREAS the Government have agreed to pay the Bounden

during the period of the said course of study his/her pay and allowance
which he would have drawn but for his undergoing the said course of
study and to treat the period of the course of study as duty. (only for
service candidates)
ANDWHERE AS the Government have agreed to incur the said
expenses on condition that after successful completion of the course of
study within the prescribed period the bounden shall serve the
Government for a period of Ten or twelve or till superannuation
whichever is earlier/one*** and also subject to the terms and conditions
here in after appearing and the bounden and the sureties have agreed
to the same.
NOW the condition of the above written obligation is that in the
event the Bounden after successful completion of the Post Graduate
course of study to which he was selected, fails to serve the Government
for a period of Ten or twelve or till superannuation whichever is
earlier/one***, the Bounden and shall forthwith pay to the Government
on demand the sum of Rs.(the total amount of
salary/stipend Drawn during the period of Study) and **in addition to the
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

salary/stipend Drawn during the period of Study) and **in addition to the
amount spend by government for their studies with interest as fixed by
Government towards liquidated damages for violation of the conditions
in clause XIII of the Medical PG Prospectus 2014. In them atter of
deciding what moneys are to be paid by the Bounden and the sureties
and decision of the Government shall be final and legally binding on the
bounden and suretiesanduponthe payment of such sum the above
written obligation shall be void and of no effect t otherwise this shall be
remaining full force and effect.
PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby
agree that if the Bounden fails to serve the Government for a period of
Ten or twelve or till superannuation whichever is earlier/one*** years, it
may be construed as professional misconduct and the fact reported to
the T.C Medical Council for suitable action including cancellation of
Registration by the council.
PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby
agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of
this bond may be recovered jointly and severely from them and their
properties movable and immovable as if such dues were arrears of land
revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time
being force or in such other manner as the Government may deem fit.
THE liabilities of the sureties under this Bond is Co-existent with
that of the Bounden and shall not be affected by the Government giving
time or any other indigence to the bounden or by the Government
varying of the terms and conditions here in contained,

It is agreed that the certificates submitted at the time of

admission will be released by the Principal only after satisfactorily
completing the bonded obligation.

Signed by the Bounden..

In the presence of witnesses:

(residential Address of the

sureties and the official address of the witnesses is compulsory)
Signed by the Surety



In the presence of witnesses:


Not e:
*All pages should be in stamped paper
* * St rike out which is not applicable-Bond amount to be

a) For all candidates ` Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fift y Lakhs

*No. of years to be served -for all candidates 1 year
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

Annexure - X
List of Remot e & Difficult Areas


1. Tribal Mobile Medical Unit-I
2. Mobile Medical Unit-II(Kuttichal)NRHM(Tribal)


1. PHC, Achenkovil
2. PHC, Aryankavu


1. PHC, Angamoozhy
2. PHC, Seethathode


1. PHC, Perumpalam
2. PHC, Cheruthana


1. PHC, Moonilavu


1. PHC Kanthalloor
2. Mobile Medical Unit, Adimaly (Munnar)
3. PHC, Senapathy
4. PHC, Mankulam
5. PHC, Vattavada
6. PHC, Marayoor
7. PHC, Chinnakkana
8. PHC, Rajakumari
9. PHC, BisonValley
10. Mobile Medical Unit,Karikkode.


1. PHC, Pizhala
2. PHC, Valanthacaud
3. PHC, Kuttampuzha


1. PHC,Thonoorkkara
2. PHC,Mundathikode
3. PHC,Elanad
4. PHC,Vettilappara
5. PHC,Varandrappally


1. PHC,Anakatti,Attappadi
2. MobileMedicalUnit1(Tribal)
3. MobileMedicalUnitII(Tribal)
4. PHC,Agali,Attappadi
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

5. PHC,Pudur
6. PHC,Sholayar
7. PHC,Parambikulam
8. PHC,Siruvani
9. Tribal Speciality Hospital, Kottathara, Attappadi
10. PHC,Nelliyampathy


1. MobileDispensary,Nilambur
2. PHC,Chokkad
3. PHC,Moothadam(TribalColony)
4. PHC,Chathalloor
5. CHC,Urangattiri
6. PHC,Amarambalam


1. PHCPannikottur(S)
2. PHC, Thiruvallur
3. PHC,Velam
4. PHC,Kunduthode(TSP)


1. Tribal Mobile Unit attached to District Hospital,
2. Tribal Mobile Unit attached to Taluk Head Quarters,
3. Tribal Mobile Unit attached to Taluk Hospital, Sulthan
4. Tribal Mobile Unit attached to Government Hospital,
5. CHC, Meppady
6. Government Tribal Hospital, Nallurnad
7. PHC, Padinjarathara
8. PHC, Sugandhagiri
9. PHC, Pakkom
10. PHC, Noolpuzha
11. Tribal Mobile Unit attached to Ambalavayal
12. R. M. M CHC, Periya
13. PHC, Mullankolly
14. PHC,Appappara
15. PHC,Thondarnad(SCP)
16. PHC,Cheeral.


1. PHC,Angadikadavu
2. PHC,Peruva
3. GRD,Malappattam
4. PHC,Karikottakari (SCP)
5. PHC,Kudiyanmala
6. PHC,Alakkode-Manakadavu
7. PHC,Peravur (Tribal Mobile Unit)
8. Tribal Mobile Unit,Aralam
9. PHC,Pulingome
10. PHC, Kanichar
11. PHC ,Kelakom
12. PHC, Kottiyoor
13. PHC Eruvessy
14. PHC, Oorathoor
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

15. PHC, Chandanakkampara

16. PHC, Udayagiri
17. PHC, Vallithodu
18. PHC, Ulikkal


1. PHC, Vaninagar
2. Mobile Medical Unit-Tribal
3. PHC, Puthigue
4. PHC, Mednja
5. PHC,Valiyaparamba
6. PHC, Adoor
7. PHC, Bellur (TSP)
8. PHC, Beyar (STP)
9. PHC, Angadimogru
10. PHC, Maukode
11. PHC, Bandaka
12. PHC, Narkilanadu
13. PHC, Perla
14. PHC, KUmbadge
15. PHC, Konnakkad
16. PHC, Vorkady
17. PHC, Chittarikkal.
18. PHC, Ennappara.
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

[As Amended by The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second
Amendment) Act, 2002 [Act 61 of 2002) Vide Part VIII Kerala -
Schedule 1 Notified in the Gazette of India dated 18.12.2002, The
Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act
2007,G.O(P)No.13/2009/P&ARD dated 30.09.2009(Kerala Gazatte
Notification Vol.54 dated 15.10 2009), The Constitution(Scheduled
Castes) Order (Amendment) Act2016 No.24 of 2016 dated 06.05.2016 ]

1 Adi Andhra
2 Adi Dravida
3 Adi Karnataka
4 Ajila
5 Arunthathiyar
6 Ayyanavar
7 Baira
8 Bakuda
9 xxx
10 Bathada
11 xxx
12 Bharathar (Other than Parathar),
13 xxx
14 Chakkiliyan
15 Chamar, Muchi
16 Chandala
17 Cheruman
18 Domban
19 xxx
20 xxx
21 xxx
22 Gosangi
23 Hasla
24 Holeya
25 Kadaiyan
26 Kakkalan, Kakkan
27 Kalladi
28 Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan
29 xxx
30 Kavara (other than Telugu speaking or
Tamil speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara,
Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Balija Naidu,
Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty)

31 Koosa
32 Kootan, Koodan
33 Kudumban
34 Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava,
35 Maila
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

36 Malayan [In the areas comprising the

Kannur, Kasargode, Kozhikode and
Wayanad districts].
37 Mannan (am), Pathiyan, Perumannan,
Peruvannan, Vannan, Velan
38 xxx
39 Moger (other than Mogeyar)
40 Mundala
41 Nalakeyava
42 Nalkadaya
43 Nayadi
44 xxx
45 Pallan
46 Pulluvan, Palluvan
47 Pambada
48 Panan
49 xxx
50 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar,
Sambavan, Sambava, Paraya, Paraiya,

51 xxx
52 xxx
53 xxx
54 Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar,
Cherama, Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan,
Wayanadan Pulayan, Matha, Matha
55 xxx
56 Puthirai Vannan
57 Raneyar
58 Samagara
59 Samban
60 Semman, Chemman, Chemmar
61 Thandan(excluding Ezhuvas and Thiyyas
who are known as Thandan, in the
erstwhile Cochin and Malabar areas) and
(Carpenters who are known as Thachan,
in the erstwhile Cochin and Travancore
State) and Thachar (other than

62 Thoti
63 Vallon
64 Valluvan
65 xxx
66 xxx
67 Vetan
68 Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (in the areas
of erstwhile Cochin State only).
69 Nerian
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

[As Amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders
(Amendment) Act, 2002 (Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second
Schedule Notified in the Gazette of India dated 8. [As Amended by The
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
(Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second Schedule Notified in the
Gazette of India dated 8.1.2003, G.O(MS)No.06/2014/SCSTDD.dated

1 Adiyan
2 Arandan [Arandanan]
3 Eravallan
4 Hill Pulaya, Mala Pulayan, Kurumba
Pulayan, Kuravazhi Pulayan,
Pamba Pulayan
5 Irular, Irulan
6 Kadar [Wayanad Kadar]
7 xxx
8 Kanikkaran, Kanikkar
9 Kattunayakan
10 [Kochuvelan]
11 xxx
12 xxx
13 Koraga
14 xxx
15 Kudiya, Melakudi
16 Kurichchan [Kurichiyan]
17 Kurumans, Mullu Kuruman, Mulla
Kuruman, Mala Kuruman
18 Kurumbas, [Kurumbar, Kurumban]
19 Maha Malasar
20 Malai Arayan [Mala Arayan]
21 Malai Pandaram
22 Malai Vedan [Malavedan]
23 Malakkuravan
24 Malasar
25 [Malayan, Nattu Malayan, Konga
Malayan (excluding the areas
comprising the Kasaragod, Kannur,
Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts)
26 Malayarayar
27 Mannan (am)
28 xxx
29 Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan
30 Palleyan, Palliyan, Palliyar, Paliyan
31 xxx
32 xxx
33 Paniyan
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

34 Ulladan, [Ullatan]
35 Uraly
36 Mala Vettuvan(in Kasaragod &
Kannur districts)
37 Ten Kurumban, Jenu Kurumban
38 Thachanadan, Thachanadan
39 Cholanaickan
40 Mavilan
41 Karimpalan
42 Vetta Kuruman
43 Mala Panikkar
44 Maratis of Hosdurg Taluk and

Kasaragod Taluk in Kasaragod

File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

[G.O.(Ms)No.10/2014/BCDD dated.23.05.2014] [See Clause 3

1 Vaniya (Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vanibha Chetty, Vaniya Chetty, Ayiravar,

Nagarathar and Vaniyan
2 Veluthedathu Nair (Veluthedan and Vannathan)
3 Chetty/Chetties (Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal
Chetties, Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties, Telugu
Chetties, Udiyankulangara Chetties, Peroorkada Chetties, Sadhu Chetties,
24 Mana Chetties, Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties and 24 Mana
Telugu Chetties
4 Ezhavathi (Vathy)
5 Ganika
6 Kanisu or Kaniyar Panicker, Kani or Kaniyan (Ganaka) or Kanisan or Kamnan,
Kalari Kurup/Kalari Panicker
7 Vilkurup, Perumkollan
8 Yadavas (Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani and Iruman), Erumakkar
9 Devanga
10 Pattariyas
11 Saliyas (Chaliya, Chaliyan)
12 Pandithar
13 Vaniar
14 Ezhuthachan
15 Chakkala/Chakkala Nair
16 Reddiars (throughout the State except in Malabar Area)
17 Kavuthiya
18 Veerasaiva (Yogi, Yogeeswara, Poopandram, Malapandaram, Jangam,
Matapathi, Pandaram, Pandaran, Vairavi, Vairagi)
19 Vilakkithala Nair Vilakkithalavan
20 Vaduka Vadukan, Vadugar, Vaduka, Vaduvan
21 Chavalakkaran
22 Agasa
23 Kaikolan
24 Kannadiyans
25 Kerala Mudalis
26 Madivala
27 Naikkans
28 Tholkolans
29 Thottian
30 Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH







I request that a certificate in respect of reservation for Socially

and Educationally Backward Classes in admission to Professional Degree
Courses in Educational Institutions under Government of Kerala be
granted to me.

I. Give below the necessary particulars.

1. Full name of the applicant :

(in block letters)

2. Date of Birth :

3. Complete residential address

a. Present :

b. Permanent :

4. Religion :

5. Caste :

6. Sub Caste :

7. Occupational Group :

8. Serial Number of the SEBC Caste/OEC in

the Annexures concerned in the
PG Medical/Dental Prospectus. :

9. Name of Father :

10. Name of Mother :

File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

11. Status of Parent(s) Father Mother

A. Constitutional Posts
(i) Designation :

B. Government Service Father


(i) Service (Central/States) :

(ii) Designation :
(iii) Scale of Pay including Classification,
if any :
(iv) Date of appointment to the post :
(v) Age at the time of promotion to
Class I post (if applicable) :
II Employment in International Organisation e.g. U N., UNICRF,WHO

(i) Name of Organisation :

(ii) Designation :

(iii) Period of Service

(indicate date from .. to .) :

III Death/Permanent incapacitation (omit if not applicable)

(i) Date of death/Permanent

Incapacitation putting an :
Officer out of service

(ii) Details of permanent

Incapacitation :
C. Employment in Public Sector Undertakings etc.

(i) Name of Organisation :

(ii) Designation :

(iii) Date of appointment to the post :

D. Armed Forces including Para Military Forces (this will not

include persons
Holding Civil Posts)

(i) Designation :

(ii) Scale of Pay :

E. Professional Class (other than those covered in items Nos. B &

C) and
Those engaged in Trade, Business and Industry.

F. Property Owners
(i) Agricultural Holdings and Son (s) Daughter (s) of
P l a n t a t i o n s
Persons/Persons/Family having
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH

5 hectares or more
of Agricultural


(ii) Vacant land and /or Criteria specified in

Buildings in urban areas VI below will apply.
Or Urban Agglomeration
Explanation:- Building
may be
Used for residential,
and commercial
purposes and the like
or two or more such

G. Income/Wealth

(i) Annual income of Parents from all sources (excluding

And income from agricultural lands)

(ii) Whether Tax payer (Yes/No)

(If Yes a copy of the last three years return be furnished)
(iii) Whether covered in Wealth Tax Act (Yes/No)
(If yes furnish details)

H. Any other remarks

I. I, . Certify that the above

said particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that
I do not belong to the Creamy Layer of SEBCs and am eligible to be
considered for seats reserved for SEBCs. In the event of any
information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected
before or after admission, understand that my candidature/admission is
liable to be cancelled and I shall be liable to such further action as may
be provided under the law and/or rules.

P l a c e :
Yours faithfully
Date: Signature of
the Candidate
File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH




This is to certify that


Son/daughter of

Of village

In the State of Kerala belongs to


Community which is designated as a Socially and Educationally

Backward Class (SEBC) /Other Eligible Communities(OEC)

as serial No. the PG Medical/Dental Prospectus Annexure


2. This is also to certify that the above Shri/Smt.


does not belong to the category of Creamy layer in the light of the
guidelines dated

.. and the schedule prescribed there under to exclude


Creamy Layer among the designated Socially and Educationally

Backward Classes

(SEBCs) in the State of Kerala .


Place: Name:

Date: Designation :

File No.HEALTH-S3/694/2016-HEALTH
Annexures I to V (j) of the Prospectus for the Post-Graduate Medical
Degree/Diploma Courses for the Academic year 2017-18
Annexure I
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV
Annexure V(a)
Annexure V(b)
Annexure V(c)
Annexure V(d)
Annexure V(e)
Annexure V(f)
Annexure V(g)
Annexure V(h)
Annexure V(i)
Annexure V(j)

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