Pgm2017 Pros
Pgm2017 Pros
Pgm2017 Pros
Government of Kerala
1, Preface
3, Fee Structure
4- 3 : Age:
4- 4. Qualifying Criteria:
All candidates seeking admission to Post Graduate
Medical Degree/Diploma courses in the State of Kerala for
the academic year 2017-18 shall have to qualify the National
Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Post-Graduate Courses
(NEET PG-2017) conducted by the National Board of
Examination, New Delhi. In order to be eligible for admission
in any Post Graduate Medical course in 2017-18, it shall be
necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of marks at 50th
percentile in the NEET PG 2017. However in respect of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled
Tribes (ST), Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
(SEBC), the minimum marks shall be at 40th percentile. In
respect of candidates with locomotory disability of lower
limbs, the minimum marks shall be at 45th percentile. (Refer
Clause 6)
5. Distribution of Seats :
The distribution of seats under State Quota for
Medical PG Degree courses in various Medical Colleges for 2017-
18 academic year is given in Annexure I and that of Medical PG
Diploma seats is given in Annexure II. The distribution of seats under
various categories for Medical PG-Degree courses is furnished in
Annexure III and that of Medical PG Diploma courses in Annexure
IV. The college-wise distribution of seats for different categories for
Degree and Diploma is given in Annexure V. The course-wise and
college-wise distribution of the available seats in Self Financing
Medical Colleges for different categories will be furnished later
before the commencement of allotment process. The details regarding
recognized/permitted seats are available in the website of MCI.
Hence the candidates are requested to visit the website for the same.
Note: Allotment of seats from the rank list for all courses in Self
Financing Colleges will be made in accordance with the orders
of the Honble Supreme Court of India/ Honble High Court of
Kerala or the orders of the Government of Kerala/Government
of India as per the law in existence at the time of the Centralised
Allotment Process (CAP).
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case no qualified candidates are available
under PD category, the seats will go to General Merit. Seats
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The names of castes and communities are given in Annexure XII & XIII.
Community Certificate from Tahsildar XE "Tahasildar" is to be obtained in
the prescribed format and uploaded during the online application process.
6- 4.1(6). WARNING
Those who produce false SC/ST certificate for
claiming reservation under SC/ST quota shall be liable for the
penalties stipulated in section 15 of the act referred to in the clause 6-
4.1(3). Candidates and their guardians who make such applications are
warned that in addition to prosecution they will have to suffer the
following consequences in case the SC/ST certificate produced is
found to be false and the candidate does not belong to any SC/ST
Communities under Section 16 of the Act: Benefits secured on the
basis of false community certificates to be withdrawn.
1. Ezhava (EZ) - 3%
2. Muslim (MU) - 2%
3. Other Backward Hndu (BH) - 1%
4. Latin Catholic (LC) - 1%
5. Other Backward Christian (BX) - 1%
6. Kudumbi (KU) - 1%
6.5.12 (a) : The eligibility criteria for the service quota are
the same as laid down in Clause 4. The applicants under Service Quota
should have completed a minimum period of 3 years on duty under
regular appointment in the concerned Department to become eligible
to apply. Provisional service if any, before the regular appointment
will not be considered.
1. The candidates who are applying only for Service quota need not
attach the certificates/documents mentioned in clause 7-4.4 and 7-
4.9 above.
2. Documents / Certificates furnished after the submission of the
application, will not be entertained under any circumstances. No
opportunity will be given to incorporate any details after the
submission of the application form.
3. Applicants claiming service quota should forward a copy of the
application to the Head of the Department (DHS).
4. If there is any doubt regarding the authenticity of any certificate
furnished by the candidates, such certificates will be accepted only
if found correct on further verification.
5. Admission even if given will be cancelled if it is found later that
false certificates have been produced or that the admission has been
secured by fraudulent means.
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7. How to apply:
Online Payment:
The Application fee can be paid through online payment.
Those having an Internet banking account, Credit card or Debit card
can make use of this feature. Candidates availing this facility should
read and follow each of the instructions given in the website carefully
in order to ensure that the payment is successful. On successful
payment, the candidate will be guided back to the home page wherein
he/she will find the Payment tab at the top turned green and the
candidate can take printout of the application. If the payment
transaction was unsuccessful, a message to that effect will be
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Upload Documents/Certificates
* The uploaded document should be in PDF format.
* The file size must notexceed300 KB.
* The document should be clear enough to read.
reservation benefits.
1. Declaration (in original) to the effect that she/he has not undergone
PG Degree Course under Service Quota.
10- 1.1 : The allotment to all the courses for all categories will be
made through a Centralized Allotment Process which is a Single
Window System (SWS) of Allotment to give allotments to the PG
Medical seats in the Medical Colleges based on the options submitted
online by the candidates who have been included in the Rank list
prepared by the CEE based on the NEET PG-2017 examination. The
Centralized Allotment is a simple and transparent process of allotment
to the courses and it gives the candidate opportunity to exercise
his/her options for colleges of his/her choice conveniently in the
order of his/her preference considering all those available to be
chosen from. The allotments will be strictly based on the options
exercised, the rank obtained and eligible reservations of the candidate.
Candidates should register options only to those courses and colleges
which they are sure to join on allotment. If the candidate fails to remit
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fee/join the college, he/she will not be eligible for any further
allotment to any course/college.
10- 1.2 : The Single Window System of Admission for the state
quota seats of PG Medical Courses 2017-18 will be done by the
Commissioner for Entrance Examination (CEE), Kerala, with the
technical support of the National Informatics Centre (NIC).
10- 1.3 : The Courses and the Seats in the Medical Colleges to be
allotted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will be
included in the SWS and will be done as per the provisions of
10- 1.5 : Time schedule for registering options: The facility for
registering of options will be available only during the period
specified in the notifications to be issued by the CEE. Wide publicity
will be given through electronic and print media regarding the
schedule and related matters. The facility will be withdrawn once the
time period is over and candidate will not have access to this facility
after the specified time. A candidate, not registering his/her options as
per the time schedule announced, will not be considered for
allotments against any of the seats available then, even if his/her is
included in the Rank List. No extension of time for Registering
Options will be granted under any circumstances.
10- 1.8 : Accessing the website: The candidate can access the
website from any computer having internet
facility. The platform can be Windows-based or Linux-based and
browser can be Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox (version 7 and
10- 1.14 : Viewing and Printing of the Option List based on the
options registered: Once the candidate completes the option entry,
he/she can view his/her options by clicking on the link provided. An
option list will be generated and the candidate can take a printout of
the same and keep it for future reference. If the candidate wants to
change his/her options already registered, he/she may revise the
options as desired and ensure that the option list has come as per
his/her preferences.
10- 1.15 : Loging off from the Home page: Once the candidate is
satisfied with the options registered, he/she should Log offthe
system by c licking on "logout" link. The process of Registration of
Optionsis complete when the candidate logs off. This action is
compulsory for preventing the misuse of his/her Home Page by
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10- 1.16 (2) : Remittance of Fee: The prescribed tuition fee for
the course will have to be remitted by the candidate by online payment
or to the CEE Account in specified branches of State Bank of
Travancore to be notified by the CEE, as per the time schedule
prescribed. After the candidate remits the fee in the first allotment, a
fee receipt will be issued by the bank as token of allotment and
remittance of fee.
10- 1.16 (5) : After each allotment, the options below the
allotted oneof the candidate will automatically be removed from the
option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered
10 options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 5th option, all options
from 6 to 10 will be removed from the option list. Since the 5th option
is the allotted one, it will not be seen in the option list. Options from 1
to 4 only will remain valid and will be considered for future allotments.
10- 1.18 : Spot Allotment: This does not form the part of CAP. On
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Kerala stamp paper each at the time of joining the course to the effect
12- 1.(a) : He / she shall not discontinue the P.G course that
has been allotted to him/her after the Spot allotment Process is
12- 1.(b) : All the General merit candidates including AIQ
candidates admitted to Medical Postgraduate Courses in Kerala shall
serve the Government of Kerala in Medical Education Services as
Senior Resident as decided by the DME/Principals of Colleges for
a continues period of not less than three years immediately after
the completion of the course without break. Terms and conditions
including remuneration will be decided by the Government of
Kerala.In case the doctor gets selected for Super Specialities he/she
shall be relieved to join the same when he/she will be expected to
complete 3 years of Super Speciality service. The total service
rendered by him/her shall be including obligations of speciality and
super-speciality course (ie, there shall not be separate obligations for
both). The total service rendered by him/her shall not exceed 3 years.
This facility of relieving should be made available only for Super
Speciality degree service courses and not for observership,
fellowship or any other courses. The service in Central or any other
State Government or other Public Sector Undertakings (except
Defence Service) will not count for relaxation of the compulsory
services. They shall be relieved only after 3 years and such service
should be done without any break immediately after the course. The
Principals of the Colleges where they complete the courses shall
retain the certificates till such time as proof of the satisfactory
completion of the courses given by the competent authorities ie,
DMO/Principal of the college where bond posting is given as the
case may be.
12- 2 : Conditions
the fact reported to the T.C Medical Council for suitable action
including cancellation of Registration by the Council. A sum of
Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) (in addition to the
stipend/salary drawn during the period of the course and the amount
spent by Government for their studies with interest as fixed by
Government) will be levied as liquidated damages from those who fail
to do the Government service as stipulated.
12- 2.5 : No Admission shall be valid without getting the
bond as detailed above executed at the time of joining or within 7
days from the date of admission at the discretion of the Principal.
Any lapse in this regard will be treated as the liability of the Principal
concerned. After 7 days the admission is liable to be cancelled.
Candidates getting admission in the final allotment will have to
execute the bond within 7 days. Otherwise their admission shall be
cancelled and they are bound to pay the liquidated damages as
mentioned in clause 13-2.4(i).The original certificates after due
verification will be kept in the safe custody of the Principal concerned
till the completion of the Senior Residency. The candidates will not
be eligible for stipend/salaryuntil the execution of bonds. Format
of Bond available in the office of Principal of the Medical College
concerned only will be accepted. A copy of the same is also annexed
as IX & X.
12- 2.6 : The parents/guardians shall stand as sureties for non-
service candidates. The signatures of the candidate and the sureties
have to be attested by a Gazetted officer of State/Central Government
or Grama/ Block/ District/ Panchayath President/ Municipal
Chairperson/ Mayor or MLA / MP, by countersigning in the bond
agreement as a witness.
12- 2.7 : The certificates which are to be submitted in the
colleges at the time of admission will be released only after the
completion of compulsory bonded service or in the case of bond
violation, the liquidated damages are paid.
12- 2.8 : If Govt. is not in a position to offer job either under
Medical Education Services or Health Services to fulfill the
Compulsory Government Service as per the bonded obligation within
one year after completion of the course, the candidates will be
absolved of the bonded obligation. Government have power to use
their services (if required) through recruitment boards (e.g. KPSC) or
by direct recruitment on contract basis whichever is deemed fit as per
the circumstances prevailing at the time.
12- 2.9 : Liquidated Damages and Execution of Bond:
In the case of Service Quota Candidates, he / she
shall serve the Government for a period of 10 years or up to
superannuation out of which 2 years should be in Difficult and Remote
area as defined by the State Government to be served immediately
after the completion of the course. The DMO of the district in which
the candidates is posted will retain the Original Certificates of all the
service candidates till completion of the bond.
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whichever is later.
14 : Transfer of candidate:
No transfer/mutual transfer will be allowed from one
college to another after the allotment of seat on spot admission. Re-
allotment will be considered only through counseling before the
closing of allotment process as per the Guidelines/directions of the
Medical Council of India/ Supreme Court of India.
16.Residency System
16- 7 : All leave (other than eligible leave and maternity leave)
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18. General
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Prospectus, the
Government may at any time, on their own volition or otherwise after
calling the records of the case, revise any order passed by a
subordinate authority. This Prospectus is subject to
modification/addition as may be considered necessary by the
Government and issued as executive orders/notification.
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[Vide G. O. (P) 208/1966/Edn. dated 02-5-1966,G. O. (Ms)
dt.06.10.2008 & G.O.(Ms) No.58/2012/ SCSTDD dt.16.04.2012),
G. O (Ms) No. 10/2014/BCDD dated 23.05.2014]
Annexure VII
. . . . . . . . . . . . community.
Signature of Tahasildar:
Name of Tahasildar:
Name of Taluk & District:
(Office Seal)
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Sureties have put their respective hands the day and year herein above
written Signed by the Bounden in the presence of witnesses:
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Signed by .
Signed by .
(Signature of the witness)
Witness must be a person as mentioned in the clause 13-2.6 of the
(Total value of`Rs. 200/-KeralaStampPaper*)
salary/stipend Drawn during the period of Study) and **in addition to the
amount spend by government for their studies with interest as fixed by
Government towards liquidated damages for violation of the conditions
in clause XIII of the Medical PG Prospectus 2014. In them atter of
deciding what moneys are to be paid by the Bounden and the sureties
and decision of the Government shall be final and legally binding on the
bounden and suretiesanduponthe payment of such sum the above
written obligation shall be void and of no effect t otherwise this shall be
remaining full force and effect.
PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby
agree that if the Bounden fails to serve the Government for a period of
Ten or twelve or till superannuation whichever is earlier/one*** years, it
may be construed as professional misconduct and the fact reported to
the T.C Medical Council for suitable action including cancellation of
Registration by the council.
PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby
agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of
this bond may be recovered jointly and severely from them and their
properties movable and immovable as if such dues were arrears of land
revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time
being force or in such other manner as the Government may deem fit.
THE liabilities of the sureties under this Bond is Co-existent with
that of the Bounden and shall not be affected by the Government giving
time or any other indigence to the bounden or by the Government
varying of the terms and conditions here in contained,
Not e:
*All pages should be in stamped paper
* * St rike out which is not applicable-Bond amount to be
Annexure - X
List of Remot e & Difficult Areas
1. PHC,Thonoorkkara
2. PHC,Mundathikode
3. PHC,Elanad
4. PHC,Vettilappara
5. PHC,Varandrappally
5. PHC,Pudur
6. PHC,Sholayar
7. PHC,Parambikulam
8. PHC,Siruvani
9. Tribal Speciality Hospital, Kottathara, Attappadi
10. PHC,Nelliyampathy
1. PHC, Vaninagar
2. Mobile Medical Unit-Tribal
3. PHC, Puthigue
4. PHC, Mednja
5. PHC,Valiyaparamba
6. PHC, Adoor
7. PHC, Bellur (TSP)
8. PHC, Beyar (STP)
9. PHC, Angadimogru
10. PHC, Maukode
11. PHC, Bandaka
12. PHC, Narkilanadu
13. PHC, Perla
14. PHC, KUmbadge
15. PHC, Konnakkad
16. PHC, Vorkady
17. PHC, Chittarikkal.
18. PHC, Ennappara.
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[As Amended by The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second
Amendment) Act, 2002 [Act 61 of 2002) Vide Part VIII Kerala -
Schedule 1 Notified in the Gazette of India dated 18.12.2002, The
Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act
2007,G.O(P)No.13/2009/P&ARD dated 30.09.2009(Kerala Gazatte
Notification Vol.54 dated 15.10 2009), The Constitution(Scheduled
Castes) Order (Amendment) Act2016 No.24 of 2016 dated 06.05.2016 ]
1 Adi Andhra
2 Adi Dravida
3 Adi Karnataka
4 Ajila
5 Arunthathiyar
6 Ayyanavar
7 Baira
8 Bakuda
9 xxx
10 Bathada
11 xxx
12 Bharathar (Other than Parathar),
13 xxx
14 Chakkiliyan
15 Chamar, Muchi
16 Chandala
17 Cheruman
18 Domban
19 xxx
20 xxx
21 xxx
22 Gosangi
23 Hasla
24 Holeya
25 Kadaiyan
26 Kakkalan, Kakkan
27 Kalladi
28 Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan
29 xxx
30 Kavara (other than Telugu speaking or
Tamil speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara,
Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Balija Naidu,
Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty)
31 Koosa
32 Kootan, Koodan
33 Kudumban
34 Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava,
35 Maila
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51 xxx
52 xxx
53 xxx
54 Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar,
Cherama, Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan,
Wayanadan Pulayan, Matha, Matha
55 xxx
56 Puthirai Vannan
57 Raneyar
58 Samagara
59 Samban
60 Semman, Chemman, Chemmar
61 Thandan(excluding Ezhuvas and Thiyyas
who are known as Thandan, in the
erstwhile Cochin and Malabar areas) and
(Carpenters who are known as Thachan,
in the erstwhile Cochin and Travancore
State) and Thachar (other than
62 Thoti
63 Vallon
64 Valluvan
65 xxx
66 xxx
67 Vetan
68 Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (in the areas
of erstwhile Cochin State only).
69 Nerian
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[As Amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders
(Amendment) Act, 2002 (Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second
Schedule Notified in the Gazette of India dated 8. [As Amended by The
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
(Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second Schedule Notified in the
Gazette of India dated 8.1.2003, G.O(MS)No.06/2014/SCSTDD.dated
1 Adiyan
2 Arandan [Arandanan]
3 Eravallan
4 Hill Pulaya, Mala Pulayan, Kurumba
Pulayan, Kuravazhi Pulayan,
Pamba Pulayan
5 Irular, Irulan
6 Kadar [Wayanad Kadar]
7 xxx
8 Kanikkaran, Kanikkar
9 Kattunayakan
10 [Kochuvelan]
11 xxx
12 xxx
13 Koraga
14 xxx
15 Kudiya, Melakudi
16 Kurichchan [Kurichiyan]
17 Kurumans, Mullu Kuruman, Mulla
Kuruman, Mala Kuruman
18 Kurumbas, [Kurumbar, Kurumban]
19 Maha Malasar
20 Malai Arayan [Mala Arayan]
21 Malai Pandaram
22 Malai Vedan [Malavedan]
23 Malakkuravan
24 Malasar
25 [Malayan, Nattu Malayan, Konga
Malayan (excluding the areas
comprising the Kasaragod, Kannur,
Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts)
26 Malayarayar
27 Mannan (am)
28 xxx
29 Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan
30 Palleyan, Palliyan, Palliyar, Paliyan
31 xxx
32 xxx
33 Paniyan
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34 Ulladan, [Ullatan]
35 Uraly
36 Mala Vettuvan(in Kasaragod &
Kannur districts)
37 Ten Kurumban, Jenu Kurumban
38 Thachanadan, Thachanadan
39 Cholanaickan
40 Mavilan
41 Karimpalan
42 Vetta Kuruman
43 Mala Panikkar
44 Maratis of Hosdurg Taluk and
[G.O.(Ms)No.10/2014/BCDD dated.23.05.2014] [See Clause 3
2. Date of Birth :
a. Present :
b. Permanent :
4. Religion :
5. Caste :
6. Sub Caste :
7. Occupational Group :
9. Name of Father :
A. Constitutional Posts
(i) Designation :
(ii) Designation :
(iii) Scale of Pay including Classification,
if any :
(iv) Date of appointment to the post :
(v) Age at the time of promotion to
Class I post (if applicable) :
II Employment in International Organisation e.g. U N., UNICRF,WHO
(ii) Designation :
(ii) Designation :
(i) Designation :
F. Property Owners
(i) Agricultural Holdings and Son (s) Daughter (s) of
P l a n t a t i o n s
Persons/Persons/Family having
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5 hectares or more
of Agricultural
G. Income/Wealth
P l a c e :
Yours faithfully
Date: Signature of
the Candidate
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Son/daughter of
Of village
does not belong to the category of Creamy layer in the light of the
guidelines dated
Place: Name:
Date: Designation :
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Annexures I to V (j) of the Prospectus for the Post-Graduate Medical
Degree/Diploma Courses for the Academic year 2017-18
Annexure I
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV
Annexure V(a)
Annexure V(b)
Annexure V(c)
Annexure V(d)
Annexure V(e)
Annexure V(f)
Annexure V(g)
Annexure V(h)
Annexure V(i)
Annexure V(j)