Resume 2017 Portfolio

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BURR Address: Brighton, MI

Email: [email protected]
Online Portfolio:


Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI May 2017

College of Education
Masters of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum
GPA: 4.0

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI May 2013

College of Education
Secondary Teaching Certification
GPA: 4.0

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI January 2011 - May 2013

College of Arts and Letters/ College of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, English; Minor: History
GPA: 3.78/4.00

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI September 2010 - December 2010

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
GPA: 3.7

Brighton High School, Brighton, MI September 2006 - June 2010

GPA: 3.99, Salutatorian 2010

English Endorsement BA May 2014
History Endorsement CC

Brighton High School, Brighton, MI August 2014 - Present
English Teacher
British Literature 11; World Literature 12; Focus British Literature
th th
! Designed and executed lessons for 11 grade British Literature and 12 grade World Literature featuring rigorous,
classics-based curriculum and writing intensive units
! Engaged students with various writing genres, including narrative, poetry, research, persuasive, reflective, analytical, and
digital writing
! Performed research with Michigan State University regarding utilization of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
! Completed experimental research in promoting students identity formation and engagement with social issues via
utilization of spoken-word poetry and protest songs (
! Analyzed data from Illuminate / district assessments to pinpoint areas of student growth and methods for improvement
! Encouraged students to think critically about social justice and essential questions of being an active citizen and
improving society, specifically with social activism projects
! Promoted student choice, voice, and agency in student-driven discussions and presentations
! Collaborated with PLC in order to revise curriculum to promote social relevancy, modern texts, and student-engagement
! Utilized differentiated instruction, technology, and multimedia approaches in order to enhance effectiveness of material
and reach students of different learning styles
! Built and maintained meaningful and supportive relationships with students, parents, and staff
! Worked in focus class for lower-achieving students, adapting my teaching to strive for equity
! Proctored SAT, ACT, and MME tests
Novi High School, Novi, MI August 2013 - April 2014
Student Teacher Yearlong Internship
English 10; World History 11
! Designed and executed lessons for tenth grade English and eleventh grade World History for two semesters
! Planned skills-based curriculum to meet state standards each day, including assessments, activities, and units
! Maintained consistent focus on formative assessments of common core standards, leading to summative assessments of
those standards, leading to summarize assessments and offering students chances to practice and build proficiency
! Worked with other content-area teachers in order to ensure commonality and collaborated on assessments in various
PLC groups (professional learning community)
! Instructed student-driven discussion with literature circles, building student agency and reading comprehension
! Worked with ESL and special education students and their coordinating support-staff in order to create a
supportive and successful learning environment
! Instructed critical reading of primary sources from various historical documents
! Completed training for Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association and judged forensics and debate tournaments.


Michigan State University: Pre-College-Writing, East Lansing, MI Jan. 2013 - April 2013
! Planned / taught lessons for a Michigan State University pre-college writing class for ELL international students
! Engaged in multi-cultural instruction of international students to create a culturally-inclusive environment of valued
personal backgrounds, facilitating group discussion to bridge cultural backgrounds
! Worked with students in one-on-one writing workshop/conferencing

Bath Middle School, Bath, MI Sep. 2012 - Dec. 2012

Pre-Student Teacher
! Worked with coordinating 7th grade English teacher to plan and carry out lessons and grammar-based activities

Everett High School & Eastern High School, Lansing, MI Sep. 2011 - June 2012
Service Learning Intern / Teaching Assistant
! Observed the daily routines of a 12th grade U.S. History grade classroom and a 10th grade English classroom
! Worked effectively with supporting teacher to aid in the needs of the classroom, assisted individual students with
comprehensive final projects in computer lab
! Worked for Advance Path Academics with students from grades 9-12 who struggled to succeed in traditional
classrooms, in order to help them achieve high school credit by studying and completing computer based tests.

Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Research with Erik Skogsberg Spring 2015-Present
Michigan State University
! Worked with a Michigan State University PhD candidate to perform research regarding implementation of Culturally
Sustaining Pedagogy in my classroom
! Analyzed student work in order to assess effects of C.S.P.
! Revised units and curriculum in order to sustain student cultures
! Met monthly with other researcher to discuss success, challenges, etc.

Novi High School Debate Club & Forensics Association Fall 2013 Spring 2013
! Completed training for judging debates and MIFA tournaments and judged various public speaking events

Tutoring Spring 2014 - Summer 2014

Tutored middle school student twice a week for reading comprehension, while adhering to parent requests
Worked on strengthening discussion, literary analysis, vocabulary, writing, and multiple choice skills

Brighton High School Gay-Straight Alliance Fall 2014 - Present

! Co-Advised GSA in order to promote safety and inclusion for LGBTQ+ students

Brighton High School Enrichment Committee Winter 2015-Present

! Worked with district administrators to analyze data and trends regarding growth of high-achieving students

! Experience working in PLCs

! District-assigned workshops regarding creation of common assessments, alignment of standards, and analysis of data
! Trained for ACT & SAT Proctoring
! Assessment Literacy Training Washtenaw ISD
! Writing Collaborative Three Day Workshop Washtenaw ISD
! Mixing Sources, Amplifying Voices: Crafting Digital Writing Washtenaw ISD
! Writing Collaborative: SAT Edition Washtenaw ISD
! A Silent Crisis: Creating Safe Schools for Sexual Minority Youth Eaton RESA
! Planning For Action: Next Steps in Creating Safe Schools for Sexual Minority Youth Washtenaw ISD
! Research Writing Rewired Dr. Droy Hicks Washtenaw ISD
! Reading Apprenticeship Training Washtenaw ISD


! The English Journal Springsteen, Spoken Word, and Social Justice: Engaging Student in Activism Through Songs and
Poetry Anticipated publication date: July 2017


! Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, Prezi & PowerPoint

! Trained in Reading Apprenticeship
! Experienced with using Google Classroom as a class website for announcements, discussions, assignments, etc.
! Proficient in analyzing data with Illuminate assessments
! Experienced with GoogleDocs, MISTAR, Weebly, Wikispaces,, Rubisatar, Socrative, Google Polls, and
other web technology
! Experienced with digital writing conferencing via Google Docs
! Proficient with ELMO projector, SMART board


Erik Skogsberg Hattie Maguire

Research Coordinator & Instructor Mentor Teacher
Michigan State University Novi High School
Phone: (253) 370-5575 English Content Area Leader
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Anna Wells Janine Certo

English Teacher Professor
Brighton High School MATC Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected] Michigan State University
Email: [email protected]
Todd Day
English Teacher
Brighton High School
Email: [email protected]

Kim Davis
Teacher & Co-Sponsor of GSA
Brighton High School
Email: [email protected]

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