ZVC Power Resonator

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RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.


ZVS Power Resonator

Ultra Compact Self Resonating Power Oscillator
Features and Specifications
Automatic Resonance, no tuning needed
Wide supply voltage range (12V 30V)
ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching)
Current up to 10A continuous*, 70A peak
Over Voltage, Current, & Temperature
Optional modulation input
Flat base for mounting directly to metal
High quality double layer PTH, 2oz Copper
Ultra-compact size: L50 x W50 x H8*** mm
* Max current varies with operating frequency.
** Electrical isolation required using thermal interface material
*** Excluding Heatsink.

The CRO-SM1 is a type of collector resonance oscillator circuit which will automatically
drive low impedance reactive circuits at their resonant frequency. This is ideal for making a
DIY Induction Heater or Solid State Tesla Coil. It is designed to drive a parallel LC circuit (a
coil and capacitor connected in parallel). It can be connected in numerous configurations and
is also able to work with loads that have a centre tapped coil.

The circuit will automatically drive at resonance even if the resonant frequency changes
such as when a metal object is placed inside an induction heater.

The circuit is designed to work with a wide range of parallel LC (inductor capacitor) circuits
which have a relatively low inductance and a large capacitance. For example an induction
heater with a few turns on the coil and a large capacitor bank. While this circuit has been
designed to be as versatile as possible, there may be certain LC combinations that will not be
driven to resonance by the circuit.

It is important to read ALL these instructions carefully to ensure that the circuit will
operate properly. If there is anything you are not sure about, please contact us for

Example Applications
Induction Heating
Solid State Tesla Coils
DC-AC and DC-DC Power Inverters
3D Printers
Metal Casting
Resonant Energy Experiments
Wireless Power Transmission
And more

RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

NB: Figures may vary under different loading conditions and environments.
Symbol Parameter Min Max
Vin Input Supply Voltage 12V 1 30 V

Vpower Load Supply Voltage 0V 30 V

Isup Supply Current (no load) 20 mA 50 mA

Iout Continuous Output Current 0A 10 A 3

Ipulse Pulse Current 2 - 70 A

Tlimit Thermal Protection Threshold 90 C 100 C

Vlimit Voltage Protection Threshold 80 V 85 V

Ilimit Current Protection Threshold 8A 12 A

Table 1: Electrical Characteristics
12V is absolute minimum. 14 to 24V recommended. 2 Pulse current is transistors max rated DC current at 25C.
Max current depends on cooling and operating frequency.

Cooling Options
To switch more power, the circuit must be kept cool. Below you can see three typical
configurations. The heatsink required will vary depending on various factors such as ambient
air temperature and the operating frequency.

PCB Only Small Heatsink Large Heatsink

Figure 0: Various Heatsinks

The CRO-SM1 circuit can be powered from a 12V to 30V supply, while the load device its self
can be powered form a separate lower voltage supply if desired. Typically the circuit and load
will both be connected to the same supply for simplicity.

Connections are made by soldering directly to the solder pads provided on the PCB.

The output power is controlled using the connection pad marked DIS. This is used to activate
and deactivate the circuit. DIS is held high internally when powered on which will prevent the
power output from activating. To activate the output, DIS should be pulled low (connected to
GND) via a switch or using another logic device such as a microcontroller or PWM circuit. The
pad marked with the white border is the connection for logic, while the adjacent pad is GND.

If the circuit output is required to operate whenever there is power to the circuit, then DIS can
be connected to ground by making a small solder bridge between the pads.

Power to the load must be delivered via a suitable power inductor or choke. A typical choke
could be 85uH and rated for enough current to suit your application. The inductance value of
the choke is not critical but should be sufficiently high as to prevent high frequency currents
working back into your PSU.

RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

The load supply (Vpower) should be connected to a suitable DC power supply which is rated
for at least 10A (preferably more). While batteries can be used it is generally not
recommended as when the battery is low, there may be insufficient voltage at V+ for the
protection circuits to work properly. This is also true if the PSU used is not able to deliver
enough current as the voltage at V+ could drop below that required to operate properly.

Figure 1: Connection diagram for standard coils Figure 1b: Connection diagram for centre tapped coils

Connection Description
V+ Circuit positive supply input 12V to 30V DC
GND Circuit ground or negative supply input
Vpower Load positive supply input to choke (can be connected to V+ for single supply use)
T1, T2 Connection for load
DIS / Switch Digital on/off control
Choke Use suitable inductor with current rated for your application recommended >50uH
Capacitor Tank capacitor(s) to form part of the resonant circuit. Must be polypropylene or equivalent
Coil Load coil such as transformer primary or induction coil

The output connections are labelled T1 and T2. These are connections for the ends of a load
coil and capacitor. Note that the output terminals do not themselves supply any voltage. The
voltage for the load must be provided via a choke (inductor) to T1 or the centre connection of
a centre tapped coil. Figure 2 below shows a typical setup used for experimenting. Terminal
blocks are added for ease of connecting different loads. The choke and startup capacitor are
also soldered in place. Note that the cables for the load are kept short.

Figure 2: Typical connections for experimenting

The coil to be resonated should also have suitable capacitors in parallel with it. It is the
inductance of your coil and the total capacitance that will determine the operating frequency.
When connecting to a resonant load such as an induction heater or DRSSTC, the coil and
capacitors should be connected to each other as close as is practically possible and should

RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

also connect very close to the circuit. Long wires can cause problems with oscillations starting
up or poorly shaped waveforms. If it is not practical to connect the load close to the circuit, a
startup capacitor (such as a 330nF 400V polypropylene) should be fitted directly between the
T1 and T2 connections on the PCB. When using low impedance loads such as induction
heater coils, it is also recommended to solder a capacitor directly to the PCB at T1 and T2 as
this will aid in starting proper oscillations.

The image below shows a typical setup where the CRO-SM1 is used to make an induction
heater. The parts used can be found in the related products section below.

Figure 3: Example Water Cooled Induction Heater Setup

In the example above, the induction coil is water cooled. This is essential due to the very high
currents oscillating between the coil and capacitors. However the drive circuit only requires a
small heatsink in this setup.

You can find more details and support for a DIY Induction Heater on our website.

Output Load Considerations

The current oscillating between the coil and capacitor bank will be much higher than the input
current to the circuit (V+ or Vpower) and therefore the coil must be made of very thick wire or
copper pipe and may need to be water cooled if it is of low inductance.

It is important to use good quality polypropylene (or equivalent) capacitors that are capable of
withstanding large currents and show good temperature stability. Using low quality capacitors
will result in no resonance, or possible circuit damage.

Induction Coil Shapes and Sizes

The size of the coil used will determine its inductance. Larger coils have more inductance for
the same number of turns. The example in the photo above is about 4cm in diameter and is
about the smallest size that will work with only 4 turns. This had an inductance value of

RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

around 700nH. If a smaller diameter is required, then a larger number of turns will be needed
to keep the inductance high enough. If the inductance is too low, then the circuit will fail to
oscillate and the built in current limiter will activate.

Protection Circuits

The CRO-SM1 has a range of built in protection systems to prevent accidental damage and to
provide reliable operation. However consideration needs to be given for all operating
conditions including when in protection mode. Proper system design is essential for long term
reliable operation. It is not recommended to operate the circuit continuously when protection
modes are activating as more heating in the circuit may occur. The protection circuits should
only be considered as backup as failure to operate the circuit within specifications could
cause the transistors to fail.

When the protection circuits activate and deactivate, modulation of the output will occur
briefly. This may be accompanied by a buzzing sound and dimming of the Active LED.
When the circuit is modulated in this way, one of the output transistors may see significantly
more current than the other and therefore get hotter. If a significant temperature difference
between the two output transistors arises, then normal operation may become less stable.
If the voltage input to V+ falls below 12V the effectiveness of the protection circuits will be
compromised. Therefore it is essential that an adequate supply is used, or that V+ and
Vpower are connected to independent PSUs.

Thermal Protection
A built in temperature sensor will disable the power output while the temperature exceeds the
threshold. The power output will automatically re-activate once the device has cooled below
the threshold temperature. If the load is continuously causing a thermal overload, the circuit
should be given longer periods to cool as continuous operation at the thermal limit will
significantly reduce the lifespan of the circuit. Note that the PCB must be mounted on a
heatsink for the temperature sensor to work correctly. It is also important to consider that
some components (such as the output transistors) may heat up very quickly in high load
conditions and could therefore fail before the temperature sensor has warmed up.

Current Protection
The power output will be briefly disabled whenever the current exceeds the threshold. Within
a fraction of a second the output will then re-activate and continue oscillating if operating
within limits. It is common for the initial startup current to be quite high which will cause the
current protection to activate briefly while resonance is established.

Voltage Protection
Resonating and pulsed coils can create voltage rises that are higher than the supply voltage.
If the voltage at T1 exceeds the threshold, the output will momentarily be deactivated. Once
the voltage falls, the output will be enabled again. The voltage protection circuit has a limited
response time and may not be able to protect from very large fast transients.

Important Usage Notes

Use a current limited power supply to protect from accidental short circuit ,
overload or failed oscillation.
Always use a fuse when used with PSUs rated above 10A. A 10A quick blow
fuse is typical.
At high power levels take care to only power the load for short periods and
leave time for the CRO-SM1 to cool otherwise the transistors could fail. The
hotter the device is running, the less power it can handle safely.
The PSU must be able to deliver enough current to suit your LC load. If it is not
sufficient, this could prevent proper operation and damage the circuit. Adding a large
electrolytic capacitor between V+ and GND can help to stabilise the supply from any
voltage dips caused by start-up currents.

RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

Adding a startup capacitor directly between T1 and T2 may be essential for some
devices to resonate.
Keep the wires between the circuit and load as short as possible (<10cm) when used
in induction heater circuits such as our CT-400
The heat generated in the switching transistors will vary with your loading conditions
and the operating frequency. Higher frequencies will produce more heat.
The transistor/heatsink, copper surface, and LC load may rise to a higher voltage
than the input supply when in use. This will typically be 3.142 times the input voltage.
Do not touch the PCB, heatsinks, or your load coil when powered.
The output coil should typically be a small number of turns (<1000).
To drive more current into coils with more turns, you may need to use an impedance
matching transformer.
It is highly recommended to use a bench top PSU or add a voltage/current meter
when using the circuit with unfamiliar loads. This will allow you to see if the voltage
drops, or the current rises too high while you are familiarising yourself with the
When mounting on a heatsink, thermal interface material must be used to isolate the
PCB from the metal surface. Do not use thermal pastes as the circuit could short out
on the metal heatsink.

Power Modulation
It is possible to vary the average power output of the circuit by using a modulation signal
provided by an external PWM circuit such our PWM-OCm or PWM-OCX v2. This is ideal for
controlling the temperature of an induction heater. Modulation can only be done at a very low
frequency such as <1 Hz. Frequencies higher than this will be filtered by the circuit and the
output will simply remain high or low depending on the duty cycle of the modulation signal.
Note that when modulating the output, each time the output activates, one transistor will see a
large peak current before resonance is established. If the CRO-SM1 is running hot, large
current pulses may damage the circuit.

Typical Application

The example in figure 4 shows the CRO-SM1 driving an induction heater coil CT-400, while
being modulated with a PWM-OCm pulse width modulation circuit.

Connect both the CRO-SM1 and the PWM circuit to the same power supply so that they
share a common ground connection then connect "DIS" on the CRO-SM1 to "L-" on the PWM
(see figure 4 below). When the PWM output is on, it will connect DIS to ground and therefore
enable the power output of the resonator. By setting the PWM to a very low frequency like
1Hz or lower, you can then adjust the duty setting to give a proportional adjustment in output

Figure 4: Connections to PWM and CT-400 for Modulated Induction Heating (not to scale)


RMCybernetics CRO-SM1 www.rmcybernetics.com

If your setup fails to oscillate or has other problems, there are a number of possible causes
that will be discussed below.

Insufficient PSU
If the power supply used cannot deliver enough current, then this will cause a large voltage
drop on start-up which could prevent oscillation from starting. The only way to remedy this is
to use a larger PSU rated for more current.

Wires Too Long

Long wires between the tank circuit (load) and the CRO-SM1 may prevent proper resonance
or cause it to oscillate at an excessively high frequency. The wires from the circuit to load
should be as short as practically possible and less than 10cm. If you need longer wires, then
capacitors will need to be added directly between the T1 and T2 terminals.

Very Low Inductance or Resistance Coil

If the coil has too little inductance and/or resistance, this may prevent oscillation. You can
remedy this by increasing the size of your coil. Even a tiny bit of additional inductance or
resistance can make the difference between no oscillation and a working system. Just simply
bending the connecting wires into a single loop between the coil and CRO-SM1 can
sometimes add enough extra inductance to get the system running.

Too Much Inductance or Resistance

If the coil is made from too many turns, the inductance and resistance may be too large to
support oscillation with this circuit.

Too Little Capacitance, or Poor Quality Capacitors

If there is not enough capacitance parallel with the coil, the oscillation frequency could be very
high. This would cause significantly more heating in the transistors in the circuit.
Small, or cheap capacitors may also heat up quickly in use. By using more capacitors the
frequency is reduced and the current flow is shared between them.

Extra capacitor needed between T1 & T2

In some systems it will be necessary to add a good quality capacitor between T1 and T2.
Without this, some systems will just fail to resonate and cause the current limiter to repeatedly

If a MOSFET is blown from overheating, the DIS connection will no-longer be able to
deactivate power to the load coil. The typical symptoms of this would be that your PSU
voltage drops due to it being shorted through the coil via the bad transistor. You would need
to replace these MOSFETs to get the circuit running again. To test for a blown MOSFET,
remove all connecting wires, and use a multimeter to check for conductivity between T1 and
GND or T2 and GND. Whichever one shows conduction needs to be replaced. The transistors
used are STP60NF10, but you can use almost any MOSFET with similar ratings.

Related Products
Product MPN
Induction Heater Coil CT-400
Water Cooling Kit IHWK-4M
12V, 30A PSU 12V30ASMPS
Polypropylene Capacitor CAPPOLYP400V330NF
Choke See Website
Heatsinks See Website
Thermal Interface Material TIM-100

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