The Filipino Colonial State Reading Notes
The Filipino Colonial State Reading Notes
The Filipino Colonial State Reading Notes
Amid battle against American governers, Quezon and Osmena fought each other for control of
the legislature and Nacionalistasaka control of the state.
Example of squirmish under the Jones Law: Osmenas proposal for quasi-parliamentary government.
- Osmena wanted to be sec of interior while speaker of assembly with this close pa rin sa
American exec but withstanding Fil rivals.
- Quezon did not support.
- Quezon thwarts Osmena by criticizing him publicly for monopolizing power.
1922 Quezon accused Osmena of Authoritarianism and split the Nacionalistas creating his
own Colectivista part for the upcoming elections.
- his party won.
- Short-lved because he again worked with Osmena against woods reassertion of exec.
Prerogative (1921-1926)
- Party structures subordinated to short-term political interest.
After Wood, Fil leaders lobbied Washington to hasten self-govt and Washington responded with
Tydings-Mcduffie Act.
1934 Tydings-Mcduffie Act/ Philippine Independence Act of 1934
- Pres.Washington
- Creation of transitional 10 year Commonwealth of the PH with independence
scheduled for 1946 and con-con to prepare for both.
- Put an end to nacionalista in-fighting as they reunited again to control the con-con.
1935 Commonwealth Constitution
- The existing executive legislative configuration was retained with a single chamber
National Assembly and a popularly elected pres and vp .
Popular Insurgncy
- Nacionalistas claim they are for the people of the people but they paid little attention to
landlessness, wages and other urban and rural poor problems in first two decades of colonial
- 1916 suffrage was widened to include men literate in native languages, but
property qualification still excluded most rural Filipinos
- changed when 1935 Commonwealth Constitution removed property qualifications and
a plebiscite two years later confirmed female suffrage. Literacy still a qualitfication
excluded half of population.
- Filipino de facto control of colonial state and independence around the corner.
- 1937 women suffrage
Small Millenarian movements promise to end landlord rule and deliver independene and rural
- smalls groups attacked constabulary troops, easily repulsed
- rural revolts worried the Americans
- Surge in Popular Protest in 1920s and 1930s due to inadequacy of the evolving
state as to the poverty of the countryside and cities.
o Productivity and diversification did not keep pace.
Municipal officials restricted Sakdal political meetings through arrest, deanial to assemble,
- they responded with rallies and protests
- Sakdalistas vs Constabulary 1935 May
1935 Elections for Commonwealthy President, VP and National Assembly were held.
- Aguinaldo vs Quezon
- 68% - Quezon
- disunity of poor majority to the uncompromising elite.
Commonwealth of the RP
Origins of the PH Authoritarianism:
- Quezon used Sakdal uprising and PKP to justify centralization of state power under
his term.
- Quezon; dispensation of patronage and spoils not enough. Wield and epand powers of
June 1940 referendum amended the consti to re-create a Senate and House of RP.