Comprehensive Control For Microgrid Autonomous Operation With Demand Response
Comprehensive Control For Microgrid Autonomous Operation With Demand Response
Comprehensive Control For Microgrid Autonomous Operation With Demand Response
AbstractSeveral situations in a microgrid (MG) cause unbal- while moving from interconnected to islanded mode. The
ances leading to voltage and frequency variations. Conventionally strong motivation towards demand response introduces new
MG power balance is ensured by storage battery units along challenges for smart microgrid operation. Demand response
with unscheduled load shedding. This paper presents control
and management strategies to coordinate MG resources includ- has proven to be a means for reducing peak hour stresses
ing generation, smart electric vehicles, and loads for frequency of distribution network [3], [4]. Many recent researches on
and voltage regulation to achieve optimal autonomous operation. DR provide different algorithms for residential DR which
MG control is designed in two layers of network, i.e., neigh- minimizes household electricity bill and user dissatisfaction.
bour area network (NAN) and house area network (HAN). MG A convex programming DR optimization is proposed in [5]
central controller operates at NAN layer, local load controllers
operate at HAN layer, and smart electric vehicle controllers oper- for automatic load management in a smart home. In [6]
ate at both NAN and HAN layers. Two strategiescomprehensive cost minimization problem is solved based on optimal stop-
control (CC) and vehicle aided CCare developed and imple- ping approach for residential load scheduling to participate
mented in 11/0.4 kV urban residential four-feeder distribution in DR. Optimal DR policies can be framed by integrating
system operating as MG. Both strategies enable calculative DR studies with different electricity pricing models (real-
load manipulation for demand response (DR) considering cus-
tomer load priority, thus maximizing customer satisfaction. The time pricing or day-ahead pricing models) [7], [8]. An insight
simulation results validate the proposed strategies providing fre- into the residential DR potential is presented in [9] wherein
quency regulation and DR for MG autonomous operation. The a home energy management (HEM) algorithm is developed.
proposed control and management strategy also provides an on- HEM software tool with advanced GUI controls the household
line tool for household maximum demand allocation and load power consumption.
However most of the previous work on DR is done with
Index TermsMicrogrid central controller (MGCC), smart respect to the power distribution network. DR operation seen
electric vehicle, home area network, adaptive hill climbing, from MG perspective can provide potential flexibility in its
vehicle to grid mode, household demand limit.
control and management. Hence integrating DR in MG opera-
tion introduces a new paradigm to its concept and applicability.
Issues regarding dynamic studies and economic dispatch of
I. I NTRODUCTION distributed generators (DGs) for sustainable MG operation
ICROGRIDS are independent flexible cells operating
M at low voltage distribution network with distributed
resource, mainly renewable resources, responsive and non-
are reported in [10] and [11]. Studies which focus on MG
control and coordination, report different strategies for differ-
ently designed MG networks. Two level coordination control
responsive loads, storage devices and smart electric vehicles. is designed in [12] for hybrid MG operation. Energy manage-
Smart MG operation includes two-way communication, cus- ment system (EMS) determines the operation mode of different
tomer participation and electric vehicle integration both in grid converters. Back-to-back converter tracks MPPT of wind tur-
to vehicle and vehicle to grid mode. Microgrid is required to bine generator using direct torque control (DTC) scheme
have the ability to operate interconnected with the main grid and perturbation and observation algorithm is used for PV
or isolated (which may be intentional or un-intentional), but generator. Two control strategies, namely Single master and
in both the conditions microgrid must operate autonomously multi master strategies are addressed in [13] for MG islanded
stable [1], [2]. There is a need to formulate techniques to operation. Voltage source inverter is used to provide a refer-
manage and control smart MG operation for fast frequency ence for voltage and frequency. Primary as well as secondary
and voltage regulation in case of internal disturbances or frequency regulation is possible here in the islanded MG.
Frequency responsive load control for a microgrid integrat-
Manuscript received June 26, 2015; revised July 7, 2015 and September 23,
2015; accepted December 23, 2015. Paper no. TSG-00733-2015. ing synchronous machine is presented in [14]. Decision tree
A. Nisar is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, approach is used to determine the operation mode of the con-
Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi 110025, India (e-mail: troller. Central DR strategy provides the load control however
[email protected]).
M. S. Thomas is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the it does not take into consideration the customer choice and
Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central preferences of loads. Also in the absence of synchronous
University), New Delhi 110025, India (e-mail: [email protected]). machine, MG frequency regulation will depend upon the con-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at trollable resources and storage battery response to control
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2016.2514483 signals. Selective load control strategy for emergency DR with
1949-3053 c 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
comprehensive control of the MG. Total maximum demand bands of CC and VACC is important for this type of
corresponds to Pdesired for MG steady state operation. There MG management.
may be a situation in the MG when sufficient amount of
responsive loads for manipulating (connecting/disconnecting)
are not available (e.g., sudden excessive increase or decrease IV. MG T EST S YSTEM
in wind speed or irradiance level) to achieve steady state. For The microgrid test system used in the study is based on
this kind of situation emergency dispatch from SEV is ini- 500kVA, 11/.433kV LV distribution network [17] as given
tiated. MG control system integrates SEV with controllers below in Fig. 9. Four distributed generators, namely a solar
which sense the system frequency and provide frequency photovoltaic (PV) generator, a micro-wind turbine, and two
regulation by injecting/consuming electric power. This pro- single shaft micro turbines are connected at different feeder
vides enhanced control of the MG emergency situation and nodes to be able to operate the system as autonomous MG. The
is termed as vehicle aided comprehensive control. This type detailed modeling and simulation of distributed resources are
of MG control ensures better utilisation of MG resources available in [18][20]. The overall microgrid generation and
by exploiting electric vehicle flexibility and household load loads are summarized in Table I&II. A storage battery unit of
controllability effectively. Proper setting of frequency dead 30kVA is added in the test network to prevent frequency going
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 12. Frequency, Voltage at PCC and Active load connected in the MG
with sudden increase in wind speed. Fig. 13. Frequency, voltage at PCC and load connected in the MG for sudden
increase in load demand.
C OMPARISON OF N O -C ONTROL , CC AND VACC to check the effectiveness of proposed control strategy and the
results (not presented in the paper) showed similar trends.
This paper presents the advanced control and management
strategy for smart microgrid operation. A comprehensive con-
trol of responsive loads is designed in two layer network to
enable demand response considering customer comfort and
load priorities. Microgrid scenarios under islanding and post
islanding (sudden change in MG generation/load) are evalu-
ated through dynamic simulation to demonstrate the effective-
ness of the proposed control and management strategy. The
comprehensive control (CC) provides a solution for MG fre-
quency and voltage regulation by calculative manipulation of
TABLE V responsive loads in case of variations in renewable power gen-
S UMMARY OF THE R ESULTS FOR THE T WO S TRATEGIES eration or load demand with limited storage capacity. It also
eliminates the need of unscheduled load shedding of feeders
as in no-control case. Comprehensive control complemented
with smart electric vehicles enable vehicle aided comprehen-
sive control (VACC), where the MG resilience is faster and
less amount of loads are manipulated. Thus VACC further
expand the controllability of MG to manage even extreme
emergent situations. The proposed strategy also provides an
on-line tool for household maximum demand allocation and
load management. This functionality of the tool sends maxi-
mum demand limit to each house within the microgrid. It also
enables energy management within house area network while
maintaining consumer preferences.
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