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NUJHS Vol. 3, No.

4, December 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Short Communication


Sharma S.M.1, Krishnan Shalini 2 & Anchan Akshari 3
Professor & HOD, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 3Junior resident,
A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Nitte University, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018, India
Correspondence :
S.M. Sharma
Professor and HOD, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences
Nitte University, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018
Mobile : +91 98453 48515 E-mail : [email protected]
Abstract :
Identity is a characteristic that is unique to every individual. It is an important factor in cases of theft, criminal investigations of the dead
or missing, mass disasters both by natural causes and by criminal intent with this as our day to day reality, the establishment and
verification of human identity has become extremely important. DNA and fingerprints are clearly the favored methods of identification,
but, they require a prior record and verifiable baseline for comparison. When these tools cannot be used it is necessary to employ those
biological factors with higher variation and lower diagnostic probability. Chelioscopy is one among them.
Keywords : Cheilioscopy, forensic odontology, lip prints

Introduction : identification has been utilized in court in isolated cases,

Every person is born with certain bodily features that more research needs to be conducted in this field2,3.
makes him unique and one of a kind. For a long time
In a crime scene investigation, lip prints can link a subject to
forensics have been using Fingerprints, DNA and Retina
a specific location if found on clothes or other objects, such
Pattern for identification of a person. With advancement in
as glasses, cups or even cigarette butts. Lip prints in the
technology many innovations have come across for the
form of lipstick smears are frequently encountered in
help of forensics. The external surface of the lip has many
forensic science laboratories as one of the most important
elevations and depressions forming a characteristic
forms of transfer evidence.4
pattern called lip prints, which are unique to an individual
like finger prints. Lip prints are unique and do not change during the life of a
person. The lip prints undergo alterations with minor
Identity is the establishment of a person's individuality
trauma, inflammation and diseases like herpes, following
which is a set of physical characteristics, functional or
which it recovers. The form of furrows does not vary with
psychic, normal or pathological. Identification of an
environmental factors. However, major trauma to the lips
individual is a pre-requisite for certification of death and
may lead to scarring, pathosis, and the surgical treatment
for personal, social and legal reasons.2 Establishing this
rendered to correct the pathosis may affect the size and
identity is a challenging task.
shape of the lip, thereby altering the pattern and
Traditional methods of personal identification include morphology of grooves .
Access this article online Analyzing the variations in lip patterns among the two
d a c t y l o s c o p y, D N A
Quick Response Code genders will aid in forensic investigation and also
fingerprinting, sex
standardize gender identification Lip print recording is
determination, estimation
helpful in forensic investigation that deals with humans,
of age, measurement of
based on lip traces. A lip print may be revealed as a surface
height, post mortem reports
with visible elements of lines representing the furrows.
and differentiation by blood
This characteristic pattern helps to identify the individuals
groups. Although lip print

Keywords: Cheilioscopy, forensic odontology, lip prints 74

- S.M. Sharma
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.4, December 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

since it is unique for each and every individual excluding the applied lipstick evenly. The lip prints were then
identical twin. When the lines are not clear (Only the shape obtained on a simple bond paper, and were coded based on
of printed, individual identification of human beings based the name and sex of the individuals.
on the trace is extremely difficult unless the trace contains
Sample Size:
more individual characteristics like scars, clefts etc, and
The study involved 100 patients reporting to the department.
often identification ends with group identification1.
They were selected randomly after obtaining a written
. Lip prints are genotypically determined and are unique informed consent. The participants were divided into 2
and stable. At the site of crime, lip prints can either be groups of 50 each. Group A-those hailing from North Kerala
visible or latent .Traditional lipsticks produce a lip print that and Group B- those hailing from South Canara. Each group
can be easily studied that is visible lip print. Lipstick is an comprised of 25 males and 25 females. Each subject will be
easily available and cost effective. It is thus used for the given a code number to hide the actual sex from the analyzer.
study. Prints obtained from non lipstick coated lips are
All the lip prints were compiled, analyzed and interpreted
considered latent prints. In criminal identification, latent
by researcher-2, using Suzuki's classification, to study the
prints are considered the key in solving a crime. It has been
variations in the lip prints in the two population groups.
documented that these latent lip prints could be developed
The data was then subjected to statistical analysis.
successfully for study purpose using various dyes. Also, lip
prints can be used as a DNA source because epithelial cells Statistical Analysis:
could be retrieved from the print, so as to double its The data was compiled and analyzed using the Chi-square
identifying value . The lip prints of parents and children test.
and those of siblings have shown some similarities.
Results :
Variations in the lip patterns are seen among males and
The following conclusions were arrived at;
females and this has been used in determination of the sex
of the individual.7, The most common lip prints in the individuals hailing from
North Kerala as well as South Canara is the branching 'y'
Aims and Objectives:
pattern. Therefore, this indicates that lip prints do not vary
To study the lip patterns, it's role as an indicator of sex of an
according to the geographical location.
individual and to identify the variations and the most
common lip patterns in two population groups. When the lip is divided into four quadrants symmetrically,
in males, only two opposite quadrants show similar
Materials :
grooves whereas in females at least three quadrants show
Simple bond paper and Lipstick
similar pattern of grooves. This can be used as a major
Methodology: property in the indication of sex of an individual.
This study was carried out in the department of Oral and
A new pattern of grooves which comprises of the mixed
Maxillofacial Surgery, A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute Of
type of 'branching y' along with 'complete vertical fissure'
Dental Sciences, Mangalore.
was observed. This is an addition to the existing Suzuki's
The study involved two researchers. Researcher-1 took the classification
lip prints and recorded the patient details and researcher-2
Thus, we conclude that along with other traditional
analyzed and interpreted the imprints. This was done to
methods, Cheilosopy can also serve as a very important
avoid bias. Lip prints were taken by applying lipstick evenly
tool in the identification of a person, based on the
to the vermilion border of the subject with a single stroke.
characteristic arrangement of lines in the red part of the lip
The patient was then asked to rub both the lips to spread

Keywords: Cheilioscopy, forensic odontology, lip prints 75

- S.M. Sharma
NUJHS Vol. 3, No.4, December 2013, ISSN 2249-7110

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Age group Diagnosed Diagnosed P-Value R2 Future Directions:

Correct Wrong
n Although used in a few selected cases. More research is
Males 47 3
Females 48 2 0.893 0.0002 required for increasingly simpler, more sensitive and
Total 95 5 effective methods of sample collection and
standardizing the techniques
Overall Accuracy
Males Females Acknowledgements :
47 48 We humbly thank ICMR for granting studentship and
accepting the study, A.B. Shetty Memorial institute Of
Dental Sciences in general and also Dr. Ramanand Shetty-
Vice Chancellor, Nitte University, for the encouragement in

carrying on the study.

Diagnosed Correct
Diagnosed Wrong

Fig. 1 - TYPE 1 Fig.2 - TYPE 2

Fig. 3 - TYPE 3 Fig.4 - TYPE 4

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- S.M. Sharma
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Nitte University Journal of Health Science

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Keywords: Cheilioscopy, forensic odontology, lip prints 77

- S.M. Sharma

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