Energy Management in Smart Grids Using Embedded System & IOT

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 8 164 - 168

Energy Management in smart Grids using Embedded System & IOT

Jyoti Prakash Pansare Dr. S. S. Sonavane

Dept. Electronics and Telecommunication Director
Dr. DY. Patil School of Engineering Dr. DY. Patil School of Engineering
Pune, India Pune, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Smart home consist of two words that are home controlling and energy monitoring network. In smart home to monitor the home it
requires something physical quantity which can be monitor like temperature, moisture, gas leakage, humidity etc so for it requires sensor which
can measure the physical quantity can convert it into electrical quantity. The web page can monitor the data .Web of things i n which the network
are interconnected on the web by adding IP address the data can be access which is called web page. To control the devices it also requires the
web page by which it can be controlled as well as by an GSM module the system can be controlled. Here comes a energy sources which are of
two type but one of it is getting depleted and that one is non renewable sources. It also pollutes the environment which affects the human beings.
So sun is the best form of energy resources which is the example of renewable energy sources. This form of energy is unlimited and can be used
in great amount. Smart grid is the electrical network in which self testing monitoring and analyzing is done and reported to the system because of
this method the term automated is being introduced. The rapidly growing population over the past decades has resulted in increasing demands of
electricity usage. The main objective of the system is to control the system as well as monitor the system by using web page and to save the
electricity by using renewable energy sources.

Keywords- GSM, smart grid, renewable energy sources, WOT, home automation, smart home.

device. The sensor can also be used for controlling the on off of
I. INTRODUCTION the devices by a threshold value. The solar energy is used
Web of things is in which the networks are interconnected which provides the energy with the help of the battery. The
on the web providing an IP address so as to access the data GSM module is used to control the device by an SMS. The
which is to be required. Now a day the use of web is increasing authentication is done by GSM module. The controller is used
in great amount so as to get the information. In similar fashion to control all the commands and perform the required action.
we can even control the home appliances with the help of web The web page has the device overall power consumption along
as well as we can monitor the devices. The web is considered with the device controlling. With the help of energy meter the
the helper in day today life. The web it provides the page which system display the overall power consumption. The advantage
is to be access with the help of the IP address. of the system is the bill of the electricity is reduced
In earlier days the supply of power was one way automatically the use of non renewable energy resources is
communication so if there is any problem regarding to the reduce hence the cost is reduced.
electricity it was difficult. But now a day the word smart grid is
playing an important role. Smart grid it provide us a two way II. LITERAT URE REVIEW
communication and it is an electrical network in which self H. Kumarage, et al. has explained secure data analytic for
testing as well as monitoring is done and reported to the cloud-integrated internet of things applications. The article
system. Because of this method the automated word is being explores the unique problems and issues within this context of
introduced. The rapidly growing population over the past enabling secure cloud-based data analytic for the IoT. Three
decades has resulted number of houses as well as the use of main applications based on the use of fully homomorphic
electricity is increase. Supply from the smart grid is unable to encryption systems to achieve data security and privacy over
match the demand of electricity. cloud based analytical phases [1].
The electricity is generated from the non renewable energy Z. Guo, et al. has derived home appliance load modeling from
source which is fossil fuel it is drastically getting depleted. It aggregated smart meter Data. The model, named Explicit-
also pollutes the environment and human life. The fossil fuel Duration Hidden Markov Model with differential observations
leaves behind the carbon footprint which pollutes the society. (EDHMM-diff), for detecting and calculating individual home
Typically the energy sources are of two types i.e. renewable appliance devices from aggregated power signals collected by
and non renewable. The renewable energy sources is eco- ordinary smart meters [2].
friendly and easily available for example sun. Sun this is G. Oriti, A. L. et al. has derived power-electronics-based
readily available and can be used to great extend. The inverters energy management system with storage. The EMS includes
can be used to convert the energy it can be stored in battery for batteries and a controlled single-phase voltage source inverter
the use. digitally, which can be controlled as a current source or a
In todays world the mobile plays an important role .Each voltage source the status of the ac grid depends on it and the
and every one is having an android phone. By the use of user's preference. It also accomplishes peak power control by
android the system can control the on off of the devices. Hence battery power supplied to the local loads while they are
the system becomes automated as well as even a non technical powered by the ac grid if the loads get large [3].
person can control as well as monitor its home devices. The M. Collotta and G. Pau the paper explains a novel energy
main aim of this paper is to control as well as monitor the management approach for smart homes that combines a
IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 164 - 168
wireless network, based on Bluetooth low energy, for system can be done over a wireless LAN by authorized users
communication among home appliances, with a home energy using an Android based device on which the implemented GUI
management (HEM) scheme. The approach addresses the software is running [11].
impact of standby appliances and high-power rating loads in N. Datta, T describes a project in which an electrical
peak hours to the energy consumption charges of consumers circuit is developed by which an user can turn on or off any
[4]. electrical devices i.e. fans, lights and can lock or unlock
J. Kim,et al has demonstrates a home appliance control windows, doors etc. of the house or office through sending
framework based on a smart TV set-top box. As a core message using a custom built android application to a specific
component, is installed on the smart TV set-top box as a home phone number connected to the microcontroller. In the system
gateway software module. And the home gateway module an android application is used to send instruction through
architecture is designed so that a home appliance control driver message. At the receiving end, a GSM module receives the
is installed only when necessary. From any place using a Web- message and sends the particular hexadecimal codes to a
based application or browser the user can control the device. microcontroller. Then the code is read by microcontroller and
Both IP-based and serial communication based home sends the signals to relays for performing action according to
appliances can be included in the demonstration system [5]. the specified logic [12].
P. Visconti,et al. demonstrated monitoring system of thermo- Xin Liu et al. explained , a real-time household load priority
solar plant based on touch screen interface locally by PC and scheduling based on prediction of renewable source availability
remotely by Android devices. The paper describes a is explained to maximize the benefits of renewable sources and
programmable electronic unit for the environmental parameters the total cost of consumption of grid energy for given
controlling and the electrical functions is managed of a consumers is minimized comfort constraints [13].
civil/industrial thermo-solar plant. The unit which to be control Zipperer et al. presents a discussion of the state of the art in
acquires data from analog sensors, processes these information managing the electricity in smart homes, the various enabling
and external actuation devices with dedicated relay outputs by technologies that can accelerate this concept, and topics around
sending the command, allowing the optimization of plant consumer behavior with respect to energy usage [14].
performances in order to maximize efficiency and energy Saha, M. Kuzlu et al. explained demonstration of a home
saving [6]. energy management system with thermostat control. The paper
S. Xu, Y. Qian and R. Q. Hu explained a reliability of smart presents a hardware architecture that allows control of an air
grid neighborhood area networks. In the paper, they present a conditioning unit by varying the thermostat set point [15].
comprehensive survey of reliability issues posted by the smart
grid with a focus on communications in support of III. METHODOLOGY
neighborhood area networks (NAN). Specifically, they focus
on network architecture, reliability requirements and challenges
of communication networks and systems, secure
countermeasures, and case studies in smart grid NAN [7].
T. Strasser et al. a review of architectures and concepts for
intelligence in electric energy systems in future. The paper
recent developments enabling higher intelligence in future
smart grids with an overview. The combination of renewable
sources and storage systems into the power grids is analyzed
Y. E. Wu and K. C. Huang presents the design of a smart
household illumination dimming-control. The control can be
operated using either an Android application or a computer
using either Zigbee or through Wi-fi to connect to a Database
Management System (DBMS). In the paper, a linear dimming
scheme was used to reduce the light gleaming. In order to
achieve variations in the illumination environment, a LED with
highly efficient three color was used as the light source. The
paper covers the designs of six environment illumination for
users control who can deliver the control states to the central
controller and mobile phone [9].
Figure 1.Block Diagram of Energy Management in smart Grids using
Mohanty, S.; Panda, B.N.; Pattnaik B.S. derived the Embedded System & IOT
implementation of a WOT based smart grid to monitor and
control renewable energy sources. The integration of Web of The block diagram as shown above explains the overall
Things with existing power grid architecture will provide us system. In which the power supply is being used which
various opportunities for improvements in our energy saving include filter, transformer, IC7805 as well as diodes. The step
techniques [10]. up transformer step down the voltage i.e. 230V to 9V.Then
M. Mentesoglu, A. Kavak, M. Yakut, A. Tangel, S. Sahin and next rectification is done by an diode. The filter removes the
H. Ozcan proposed mobile device controlled smart home unwanted noise and IC 7805 converts 9V into 5V.the power
management system to design and implement using supply provides the supply to the microcontroller i.e.
communication protocol. A handshaking mechanism between a Raspberry pi. The raspberry pi it acts as a mini computer in
mobile device and control unit and for messaging packet which ARM 11 controller is being used. The ADC circuit is
structure is used between control unit and sensors/actuators are being used so as to convert the analog value into digital value.
explained. With the system, the controlling of smart home
IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 164 - 168
The two sensors is being used temperature sensor as well (5)Temperature, light, total power rating will be displayed on
as LDR. .The threshold value is being set the role of monitor.
temperature sensor is when the temperature exceed the fan (6)Connect GSM module to the UART of controller.
should turn on.LDR the role of these sensor depends on light
(7)The values displayed on monitor will be given through GSM
intensity higher the light intensity the bulb will remain off.
The output of this signal is given to the ADC circuit and then module.
to the controller. The bulb is on when the light intensity is less. (8)GSM/GPRS module will transferred this value on server
The GSM module is used along with RS 232 for TTL system.
compatibility.GSM and GPRS uses sim900n module for (9)If temperature value exceeds 50 degree then turn on the fan
communicating. The use of GSM module is to control the on and go to the step 4 and step 13.
off of the motor with the help of single message. The (10)If temperature value is below 50 fan will be off .
command is being sent to the microcontroller and then the
(11)If light intensity is less than 40 then turn on the led and go
required action is being performed. In this led on/off as well as
motor on off can be done through a message. Relay is to the step 4 and step 13.
provided so as to perform the action. (12)If light intensity is exceed value 40 then led will be off.
Energy meter is used along with the optocoupler .It is (13)WEB page will be created & it can be monitor.
provided so as to provide the isolation to the system. As the (14)Switch to solar panel.
energy meter has very high voltage and current and there are (15)Stop.
the chances that system might get damage so to provide
isolation the optocoupler IC is used .The role of web of things
is to create an web page with a IP address by which V. RESULTS
controlling as well as monitoring can be done. The web page
will include the number of devices along with the controlling
action whether to turn on/off the devices. The web page will
also have the values of sensor as well as the total power
consumption i.e. in voltage and in current format. The web
page is very useful to know how much power is drawn by the
loads. The whole system uses solar energy as power supply.
The solar power can store the charge up to 1.2KW. The
solar power is provided with the battery the whole energy is
stored in battery. Due to the use of this energy source the
system requires very less electricity which is generated from
non renewable energy sources .Smart home mainly consist of
two parts controlling of the system as well as monitoring of
the system. The monitoring is done through web page which
provide us the total power consumption (voltage and current)
as well as the web page can monitor the sensor value. The Figure 2..Node section of Energy Management in smart Grids using
microcontroller used is ARM11 which is present in raspberry Embedded System & IOT
Pi. The advantage of the raspberry pi is it act as a In above circuit diagram used LDR for light measurement.
minicomputer as well as it is provided with an memory card in Here 10K resistor is used as base resistor for transistor it limits
which the various program folders can be saved. The raspberry the current & allows 2ma Current to flow through LDR. It also
pi supports python language as well cpp. used 10K variable resistor using this resistor the value is
The overall system cost is very less as well as o non technician varied LDR using this.BC547 is used for amplification. The
can also use this system. The system also saves lots of energy analog output from sensor is given to the ADC MCP 3008 pin
ultimately the electricity bills get reduces. The microcontroller no3 i.e. ch3 which converts i.e. analog signal to digital .Output
requires very less voltage to operate i.e. 5V.The voltage of ADC is then given to the raspberry Pi GPIO9.Power supply
transformer as well as current transformer is used. The system required is 5v Dc supply voltage.
is eco-friendly. The data can also be saved in PC. The IP Thermistor is used along with the 10k resistor to limit the
address can also be access by an mobile device. There is two current along with the BC547 transistor to amplify the signal.
way communication due to which if any problem persist the The analog output from sensor is given to the ADC MCP 3008
system is able to display. It can be used in various field like as pin no3 i.e. ch3 which converts the analog signal to digital
security purpose as well as in hospital near patient just .Output of ADC is then given to the raspberry Pi
according to application the system can be changed. This GPIO17.Power supply required is 5v.
system is energy efficient. AC Bulb is made on by using the relay circuit which is
IV. ALGORITHM connected to mains supply .freewheeling diode is used
1N4007 for reducing the back emf current. To avoid surge
(1)Start current we used the relay circuit. The input B to the transistor
(2)Connect the main supply to the system is coming from the raspberry Pi. Current sensing circuit uses
(3)Connect the 12v dc supply to arm board from battery half wave rectifier circuit. Voltage divider is used as voltage
(4)The system will initialize &message will be send to monitor sensing circuit.

IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 164 - 168

Figure 5.Web page displaying sensor values with total power consumption

Figure 3 Bulb on by an LDR sensor

When the value of the LDR goes below the threshold value the
bulb is on. The above figure 3 represents the output of the
The figure 4 it shows the output window which is present in
Linux window. It is the main window by which the whole
system is initialized and the system executes the required
command by performing the action.

Figure 6.Controlling the device by an SMS

The figure 6 in which the command is sent to the

microcontroller in this format once the command is send the
microcontroller will perform the required action depending on
the command. The GSM module is used in which an SMS is
send to particular number which is present in the GSM module
this command is send to the microcontroller to do the specific

Figure 4.Output main window

The figure 5 displays the output on the web page which shows
the temperature sensor value as well as LDR value. The
overall power consumption in terms of voltage and current
along with how much units the power is consumed is
displayed so as to compare the previous data with the present
data. By entering the IP address the web page will be opened
which will display the values as well the device can be
controlled through web page as shown in figure 7.

Figure 7.Device control on web page

IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 164 - 168
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IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @

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