Homm 3
Homm 3
Homm 3
In order to enter in th efollowing cheat codes, first press Tab, then type in wh
ichever code you want for the desired effect.
Code Effect
nwctheconstruct 100,000 Gold and 100 of Every Resource
nwcthereisnospoon 999 Man and All Spells
nwczion All Buildings
nwclotsofguns All War Machines
nwcphisherprice Alternate Color Scheme
nwcagents Fill Each Slot with 10 Black Knights
nwctrinity Fill Your Army with Archangels
nwcfollowthewhiterabbit Full Luck on Your Hero
nwcmorpheus Full Morale on Hero
nwcneo Gain +1 Level for Hero
nwcignoranceisbliss Hide Full Map
nwcbluepill Instant Loss
nwcredpill Instant Win
nwcwhatisthematrix Reveal Full Map
nwcoracle Show Full Grail Map
nwcnebuchadnezzar Unlimited Movement for Hero
3333 333333333333333 33333333 3333 3333333333 333 3
333 333 333 33 333 333 333 333 333 33 33 33
33 33 33 3 33 333 333 333 33 3 333 3
33 33 33 3 33 333 333 333 33 3 3333 3
333333333 333333 3333333 333 333 333333 333333
33 33 33 3 33 333 333 333 33 3 3333
33 33 33 3 33 333 33 33 33 3 33 33
33 33 33 3 33 333 333 33 33 3 33 33
3333 333333333333333 33333 3333 3333333 3333333333 3333333
OF MIGHT AND MAGIC III memory editor
By rethrae
Copyright rethrae 2003
In this FAQ I want to show you the power of memory editing. When you are using
cheats in HoMaM3 you can have some e.g. Archangels. How many 5, 50 or maby even
500 if you keep typing the same cheat over and over again. While editing memory
you can have 5000000, 50000000 or even more of any creature (not only
Archangels) in no time. Wanna try?
The only thing that may not be correct in this FAQ are the names of creatures
and artefacts etc. 'cause I'm using the polish version of H3. OK let's get
to it.
Table of Contents:
1. What is memory editing?
2. What program do I need and where can I get it from?
3. Basic information about "mtc" and hex system.
4. Hero statistics.
5. Units: what kind and how many.
6. Artefacts: list of all + hidden ones (from Armageddon's blade and Shadow
of death)
7. Other stuff and things about me.
1. What is memory editing?
When you run any program (including games) it is opened in your computer's
memory (in RAM). It means that everything that you see on screen is in it,
every number like number of gold, creatures, resources, stats etc. The only
thing you have to do is to find the right one among millions of others. This
address of value that you're looking for is called an offset, when you find it
you change it for the value that you like and that's it.
2. What program do I need and where can I get it from?
The best program for memory editing that I've found is called Magic Trainer
Creator. You can find it e.g. on www.thiefsguild.prv.pl. If you have any other
mem-editor you can also use it but I'll be working on MTC in this FAQ so it
may be a little difficult for you to understand this document.
3. Basic information about "mtc" and hex system.
MTC may look a little complicated at start but if you look at the down-left
corner you'll see a few buttons. The second from right opens a very nice Help.
The main window of MTC contains a few mini-windows (with white borders):
a) Process ID - hit the square button next to the the mini-window's name to see
the list of all programs opened in your computer. Select and double click
the one you're interested in to open it in MTC.
b) Address - enables you to write values to specific place in memory.
c) Search mode - enables you to choose a method of searching.
d) Addresses found - shows addresses found in current search.
e) Values to write in memory - just like the "address" mini-window enables to
write addresses in memory. It also allows to keep the value unchanged e.g.
you can have 90 mana cast a spell and still have 90 mana.
f) "Begin address" and "End address" - speaks for it self. They are set
automatically after choosing an application from "Process ID" miniwindow.
g) Value to search - you enter a value that you want to find in memory.
h) Progression - progression of searching.
i) Freeze setting - enables to set the sensitivity of freeze setting that is
used in the "Values to write in memory" miniwindow.
j) Monitor - monitors memory, enables to see values around the one we found.
Our decimal system has ten digits:
The Hex system has sixteen digits:
The most popular way to mark a hex value is to add and an "h" after it. You'll
later see that in memory values are two digit groups (two digits = one byte).
This is very important so memorize it. To give you an example:
- 05h is 5
- 08h is 8
- 0Ch is 12
- 0Fh is 15
- 19h is 25
- C4h is 196
- FFh is 255 - and this is the biggest value that you can write in one byte.
4. Hero statistics.
Finding the hero statistics is the easiest thing so let's stat from it. First
run "Heroes of might and magic 3". Open a save or start a new game. Hit F4 to
minimize the window (or ALT+TAB if it doesn't work). Save your game in case
something goes wrong. Run MTC and in the Process ID miniwindow press the square
button. Select the "HEROES3.EXE" position form the list (one of the last ones)
and double click it. Between the "Addresses found" miniwindow and the "Values
to write in memory" miniwindow are 5 buttons. Hit second from left and a SEARCH
window should appear. On the bottom there are three empty edit-fields: one
long and two shorter, two are active and the third one is not active (grey).
The values I'm about to talk should be written in the middle lenght active
field. You have to write hex data of your attack, defence, power and wisdom.
Here is a table of examples. If you have:
Attack Defence Power Wisdom You should write
2 6 8 11 0206080B
1 3 4 13 0103040D
6 7 1 1 06070101
3 8 5 16 03080510
If you don't get why see the point 3. Now click the HEXA button. And a list of
addresses will appear.
TIPS: The higher you're stats are the better 'cause you'll find less addresses.
One of the addresses from the list is the one you're searching for. I can also
tell you that it'll start from 13, so check all the 13***** addresses first. To
change a value double click on the address and you'll see the list of addresses
beginnig from the one you chose. The first four bytes (8 digits) are your stats
by changing the values you'll also change you att, def, pow and wis. The max
value for every value is FFh (don't write that "h" it only means it's a
"hex value").
TIPS: Don't write too high stats because by equipping artefacts you can also
raise your stats and if the total will be more than 255 the game will
probably crash.
5. Units: what kind and how many.
Editing units isn't much different. In the game screen double click any hero
to see his properties. Units are placed in 7 windows. In memory every of these
windows has it's properties: number of units, type of units etc. Now we are
going to search for these properties.
Memorize the number of units that you have in the first window. Minimize the
game (F4). Run MTC and in the Process ID miniwindow press the square button.
Select the "HEROES3.EXE" position form the list (one of the last ones) and
double click it. Write the number of units I told you to memorize into the
field in "Value to search" miniwindow. In the "search mode" miniwindow
select normal and in the "addresses found" hit START. After a moment a number
of addresses found will show. Now go back to the game and change the number of
units in the first window (e.g. move some to other window). Go to MTC enter
the new number of units where you first entered the old value and hit CONTINUE.
Repeat this procedure (change number of units in game and MTC, hit continue)
until there will be only one address in the "addresses found" miniwindow.
Double click it and press the top-left button in the "monitor" miniwindow.
The "Editor HEXA/ASCII" window will appear. The first values will be the
number of units in first window. The value is 4 bytes. The max value is
To change the units look a little higher. To do that press the <<<<<< button
about 3 times. You'll see some 4 byte values where the last 3 bytes are zeroes.
To help you find them search for the values of specific creature (see the list
below) and change it for the one you want.
00000000 - Pikeman
01000000 - Halberdier
02000000 - Archer
03000000 - Marksman
04000000 - Griffin
05000000 - Royal griffin
06000000 - Swordsman
07000000 - Crusader
08000000 - Monk
09000000 - Zealot
0A000000 - Cavalier
0B000000 - Champion
0C000000 - Angel
0D000000 - Archangel
0E000000 - Centaur
0F000000 - Centaur capitan
10000000 - Dwarf
11000000 - Battle dwarf
12000000 - Wood elf
13000000 - Grand elf
14000000 - Pegasus
15000000 - Silver pegasus
16000000 - Dendroid guard
17000000 - Dendroid solider
18000000 - Unicorn
19000000 - War unicorn
1A000000 - Green dragon
1B000000 - Gold dragon
1C000000 - Gremlin
1D000000 - Master gremlin
1E000000 - Stone gargoyle
1F000000 - Obsidian gargoyle
20000000 - Stone golem
21000000 - Iron golem
22000000 - Mage
23000000 - Arch mage
24000000 - Genie
25000000 - Master genie
26000000 - Naga
27000000 - Naga queen
28000000 - Giant
29000000 - Titan
2A000000 - Imp
2B000000 - Familiar
2C000000 - Gog
2D000000 - Magog
2E000000 - Hell hound
2F000000 - Cerberus
30000000 - Daemon
31000000 - Horned daemon
32000000 - Pit fiend
33000000 - Pit lord
34000000 - Efreet
35000000 - Efreet sultan
36000000 - Devil
37000000 - Arch Devil
38000000 - Skeleton
39000000 - Skeleton Warrior
3A000000 - Walking dead
3B000000 - Zombie
3C000000 - Wight
3D000000 - Wraight
3E000000 - Vampire
3FD000000 - Vampire lord
40000000 - Lich
41000000 - Power Lich
42000000 - Black knight
43000000 - Dead knight
44000000 - Bone dragon
45000000 - Ghost dragon
46000000 - Tryglodyte
47000000 - Infernal tryglodyte
48000000 - Harpy
49000000 - Harpy hag
4A000000 - Beholder
4B000000 - Evil eve
4C000000 - Medusa
4D000000 - Medusa queen
4E000000 - Minotaur
4F000000 - Minotaur king
50000000 - Manticore
51000000 - Scorpicore
52000000 - Red dragon
53000000 - Black dragon
54000000 - Goblin
55000000 - Hobgoblin
56000000 - Wolf rider
57000000 - Wolf raider
58000000 - Orc
59000000 - Orc chieftain
5A000000 - Ogre
5B000000 - Ogre mage
5C000000 - Roc
5D000000 - Thunderbird
5E000000 - Cyclops
5F000000 - Cyclops king
60000000 - Behemoth
61000000 - Ancient behemoth
62000000 - Gnoll
63000000 - Gnoll marauder
64000000 - Lizardman
65000000 - Lizard warrior
66000000 - Serpent fly
67000000 - Dragonfly
68000000 - Basilisk
69000000 - Greater Basilisk
6A000000 - Gorgon
6B000000 - Mighty gorgon
6C000000 - Wyvern
6D000000 - Wyvern Monarch
6E000000 - Hydra
6F000000 - Chaos hydra
70000000 - Air elemental
71000000 - Earth elemental
72000000 - Fire elemental
73000000 - Water elemental
74000000 - Golem
75000000 - Diamond golem
6. Artefacts
Check the name of your hero and memorize it. Hit F4 to minimize the window
(or ALT+TAB if it doesn't work). Save your game in case something goes wrong.
Run MTC and in the Process ID miniwindow press the square button. Select the
"HEROES3.EXE" position form the list (one of the last ones) and double click
it. Between the "Addresses found" miniwindow and the "Values to write in memory"
miniwindow are 5 buttons. Hit second from left and a SEARCH window should
appear. In the edit field at the bottom type the name of your hero and press
ASCII button. The address you're looking for will begin with 13 (e.g. 13*****).
Double click it and you'll see the "Editor HEXA/ASCII" window. To find an
artefact you'll have to have at least one in your inventory. To get lower hit
the >>>>>> button. Hit it until you find a number of your artefact (list
bellow) and change it for one from the list.
01000000 - Spell Scroll - but I don't know how to put a spell in it
02000000 - The Grail
03000000 - Catapult - useless
04000000 - Ballist - useless
05000000 - Ammo cart - useless
06000000 - Healers tent - useless
07000000 - Centaur's axe
08000000 - Blackshard of the dead knight
09000000 - Greater Gnoll's Fail
0A000000 - Ogre's club of havoc
0B000000 - Sword of Hellfire
0C000000 - Titan's gladius
0D000000 - Shield of the dwarven lords
0E000000 - Shield of the yawning dead
0F000000 - Buckler of the gnoll king
10000000 - Targ of the rampaging ogre
11000000 - Shield of the dammed
12000000 - Sentinel's Shield
13000000 - Helm of the alabaster unicorn
14000000 - Skull helmet
15000000 - Helm of chaos
16000000 - Crown of the supreme magi
17000000 - Hellstorm helmet
18000000 - Thunder helmet
19000000 - Beastplate of petrified wood
1A000000 - Rib cage
1B000000 - Scales of the greater balilisk
1C000000 - Tunic of the cyclops king
1D000000 - Breastplate of brimstone
1E000000 - Titan's cuirass
1F000000 - Armor of wonder
20000000 - Sandals of the saint
21000000 - Celestial necklace of bliss
22000000 - Lion's shield of courage
23000000 - Sword of judgement
24000000 - Helm of hevenly enlightenment
25000000 - Quiet eye of the dragon
26000000 - Red dragon flame tongue
27000000 - Dragon scale shield
28000000 - Dragon scale armor
29000000 - Dragonbone greaves
2A000000 - Dragon wing tobard
2B000000 - Neckace of dragonteeth
2C000000 - Crown of dragontooth
2D000000 - Still eye of the dragon
2E000000 - Clover of fortune
2F000000 - Cards of prophecy
30000000 - Ladybird of luck
31000000 - Badge of courage
32000000 - Crest of valor
33000000 - Gryph of gallantry
34000000 - Speculum
35000000 - Spyglass
36000000 - Amulet of the undertaker
37000000 - Vampire's cowl
38000000 - Dead men's boots
39000000 - Garniture of interference
3A000000 - Surcoat of counterpoise
3B000000 - Boots of polarity
3C000000 - Bow of elven cherrywood
3D000000 - Bowstring of the unicorns's mane
3E000000 - Angel feather arrows
3F000000 - Bird of perception
40000000 - Stoic watchman
41000000 - Emblem of cognizance
42000000 - Statesmen's medal
43000000 - Diplomat Ring
44000000 - Ambassador's sash
45000000 - Ring of the wayfarer
46000000 - Equestrian's gloves
47000000 - Necklace of ocean guidance
48000000 - Angel wings
49000000 - Charm of mana
4A000000 - Talisman of mana
4B000000 - Mystic orb of mana
4C000000 - Collar of conjuring
4D000000 - Ring of conjuring
4E000000 - Cape of conjuring
4F000000 - Orb of firmament
50000000 - Orb of silt
51000000 - Orb of tempstuous fire
52000000 - Orb of driving rain
53000000 - Recanter's cloak
54000000 - Spirit of opression
55000000 - Hourglass of the evil hour
56000000 - Tome of fire magic
57000000 - Tome of wind magic
58000000 - Tome of water magic
59000000 - Tome of earth magic
5A000000 - Boots of levitation
5B000000 - Golden bow
5C000000 - Sphere of permanence
5D000000 - Orb of vulnerability
5E000000 - Ring of vitality
5F000000 - Ring of life
60000000 - Vail of lifeblood
61000000 - Necklace of swiftness
62000000 - Boots of speed
63000000 - Cape of velocity
64000000 - Pendant of dispassion
65000000 - Pendant of second sight
66000000 - Pendant of holiness
67000000 - Pendant of life
68000000 - Pendant of death
69000000 - Pendant of free will
6A000000 - Pendant of agitation
6B000000 - Pendant of total recall
6C000000 - Pendant of courage
6D000000 - Everflowing cristal cloak
6E000000 - Ring of infinite gems
6F000000 - Everpouring vial of mercury
70000000 - Inexhaustable cart of ore
71000000 - Eversmoking ring of sulfur
72000000 - Inexhaustable cart of lumber
73000000 - Endless sack of gold
74000000 - Endless bag of gold
75000000 - Endless purse of gold
76000000 - Legs of legion
77000000 - Loins of legion
78000000 - Torso of legion
79000000 - Arms of legion
7A000000 - Head of legion
7B000000 - Sea capitan's hat
7C000000 - Spellbinder's hat
7D000000 - Shackles of war
7E000000 - Orb of inhibition
Now artefacts that should't be here(you'll probably have different names):
7F000000 - Dragon's vial of life
80000000 - Armageddon's blade
81000000 - Sword of angelic alliace
82000000 - Cloak of undead king
83000000 - Elixir of life
84000000 - Armor of the dammed - my favourite :)
85000000 - Statue of legions
86000000 - Power of the dragon father
87000000 - Titans lightning
88000000 - Admiral's hat
89000000 - Archer's bow
8A000000 - Mag's source
8A000000 - City of wealth
7. Other stuff and things about me.
You can change everything you want with the help of MTC. There are many
specific things like mana, movement etc. I'm not going to write about them. Try
to find them yourself. Use the help file added to the MTC to help you.
If you have anything to tell me contact me via mail [email protected] or via
ICQ my is 178324695.