Profiles: Prospects For Coal and Clean Coal Technologies in Indonesia
Profiles: Prospects For Coal and Clean Coal Technologies in Indonesia
Profiles: Prospects For Coal and Clean Coal Technologies in Indonesia
PF 09-05 Profiles
Prospects for coal and clean coal
technologies in Indonesia
Estimates for 2008 could 7000 Mt will be mined Clean coal technologies
see exports reaching between 2005 and 2025, are not yet mainstream
211 Mt equivalent to current
This report is the first in a series of geographical location all form steam coal trade, mainly with Asian
country reports on the Far East that important facets of the countrys coal importers, now surpasses every other
looks at the domestic coal markets and industry, making it one of the most steam coal exporter in the world.
the possibilities for clean coal power successful exporters of steam coal. Exports grew fivefold in the ten years
technologies. A series of chapters provides an between 1995 and 2005 rising from
The report introduces the country, its overview of the structure of the coal 30 Mt/y to more than 150 Mt/y. By
unique geography and briefly looks at industry and the major players. 2007, steam coal exports were
the turbulent socio-political history of Indonesias policy of encouraging estimated to have reached around
the economy. The report then discusses private sector investment has meant that 194 Mt while annualised estimates for
the importance of biomass in the energy large energy companies such as Adaro, 2008 could see exports reaching
economy, and why its displacement as a Bumi resources, Kideco, and many 211 Mt.
fuel is not as straightforward as some others, have emerged. While many of Indonesia consumes around 20% of
might think. these companies are geared towards the the countrys coal output for power
The countrys energy resources are export market, the domestic market generation and industry the remaining
examined, looking at the demise of oil, particularly the power generating 80% is exported. The growing demand
the prominence of natural gas and, in sector is increasing in importance. for electricity means that the prospects
greater detail, the countrys coal Indonesian coal production has for domestic steam coal are good. One
reserves. Coal qualities, geology and grown at an astonishing rate and its of the central tenets of the countrys
450 others
400 metallurgical, pulp, textiles, briquettes
350 electricity generation
Coal, Mt
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2015 2020 2025