Islamic Banking in The Middle-East and North-Africa (MENA) Region
Islamic Banking in The Middle-East and North-Africa (MENA) Region
Islamic Banking in The Middle-East and North-Africa (MENA) Region
This paper addresses this gap and explores how the structure of the Islamic
banking sector has been evolving in the MENA region in recent years, and
how it is growing in terms of assets, liabilities, financing and funding
structures within the region and across different countries. It also provides
an exploratory analysis of relative importance of the various factors
responsible for the growth of Islamic banking in the region. The financial
crisis provided us with a natural experiment to evaluate the contribution of
Islamic banking towards resilience and inclusiveness of financial sector by
analyzing the performance of these banks during this period.
This paper was prepared for World Bank MENA Region Flagship Finance Report and has also been
issued earlier by World Bank MENA Region Office and can also be accessed from this link:
I am grateful to Abdirahman Hasan Sheikh and Azzam Aijazi for their able research assistance and
to IBIS staff for making the data available. I am also thankful to Ms. Zsofia Arvai and Zamir Iqbal of
World Bank for helpful comments. Zsofia Arvai also provided data on the conventional banks.
2 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
1. Introduction
Islamic finance in the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has
now become an important element in their societies development agendas and it is
also gaining ground in the financial landscape of the region as well as in the
individual countries. It is also a growing business as it caters to the financial needs
of the people without conflicting with their social and religious values. Despite this
reality, little systematic and consistent analysis exists in the literature on the asset
and liability structure of Islamic banks in the region and across different countries.
Even lesser is known on what drives Islamic banking growth. Except for some
sweeping statements that appear in popular press no systematic analysis of the
driving factors exist to our knowledge. Similarly, what has been the contribution of
Islamic banking to the financial sector in terms of resilience and access are
unexplored questions.
This paper explores these issues. In particular it sheds light on how the structure
of Islamic banking sector has evolved in the MENA region in recent years. How it
is growing in terms of assets, liabilities, financing and funding structures in the
region and across different countries. It also provides an exploratory analysis of
relative importance of various possible factors responsible for the growth of
Islamic banking in the region. The financial crisis provided us with a natural
experiment to evaluate the contribution of Islamic banking towards resilience and
inclusiveness of financial sector by analyzing the performance of these banks
during this period.
The Islamic banks were among the first categories of financial institutions that
emerged in Islamic financial services industry. As this industry expanded, and as
the conventional financial sector in MENA countries diversified into capital
markets and other segments, many other non-banking financial institutions and
services also emerged in Islamic finance. Now Islamic financial services industry
not only comprises of Islamic banks but also includes investment and mutual
funds, project finance companies, and tak ful institutions. New instruments of
financing and capital market products have also emerged. This study however
focuses on Islamic banking segment only.
An initial simple model of Islamic banking that was proposed in 1960s was a
two tier mu rabah arrangement.3 Whereby the bank collects funds on the basis of
agency relationship from savers/depositors and invests them as their agent on the
condition that the bank will get a pre-agreed proportion of profit from this
investment. This agency agreement in return for a defined proportion of share in
profit is called a mu rabah arrangement that the bank has on its funding side with
Other features of Islamic banking include avoidance of un-necessary uncertainty, attention to moral
values and wellbeing of society.
Initial full model appears in Siddiqis book published in 1966 in Urdu language entitled Bila Soodi
Bankari. This was translated and published in English as Siddiqi (1986).
4 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
the savers/depositors. In order to invest the funds that have been pooled from the
savers/depositors and earn a return for them the bank uses a second tier of
mu rabah arrangement, this time it is between the bank and the financed party.
Whereby, the financed party utilizes the funds in its commercial enterprise and
agrees to share with the bank a proportion of the profit. This is the two tier
mu rabah model. It has the advantage that liability side fully adjusts to
fluctuation in the asset side, bank solvency is not an issue, and a broader level of
risk sharing is achieved in the society. Risk sharing at all levels of business
enterprise leads to lower levels of premature bankruptcies of business, and rarer
event of sudden closure of banks. These characteristics have very positive
implications for the financial as well as economic stability.
However, this is not the most practicable model for every situation. For
example, it has high informational requirements for calculation and verification of
revenues, costs and hence profit or loss. The existence of information asymmetry
between the contracting parties gives rise to the problems of moral hazard and
adverse selection which may result in no contract if these costs are high. Similarly,
there may be informational externalities because of which one party may not be
willing to reveal a piece of information that is vital for the agency contract to hold
between the two parties. Hence, agency may not remain suitable. A less
information intensive contract in such situations is mur ba ah contract. Whereby,
the bank buys, from spot market and in its own name, the plant or the equipment or
the raw material that is needed by the entrepreneur and then sells it to him on
deferred payment with a marked up price.
This gave rise to a second model of Islamic banking. In this model, which is
more prevalent in practice, the funding side of the bank is on mu rabah (agency
contract) with savers/depositors but on the financing side the bank uses both
mu rabah (agency contract) and mur ba ah (marked up price sale contract) as
and when appropriate. Thus this model is applicable for wider set of activities,
hence when proportions of both types of financing are high it retains the stability
feature and adds accessibility. In addition to mu rabah (profit sharing) and
mur ba ah (fixed return) contracts, ij rah (leasing) and other contracts are also
used by Islamic banks on their financing side which further adds to menu of
choices and applications. Further details of asset and liability sides of Islamic
banks will be discussed in coming sections.
An important point to note in all models of Islamic banking, and also for
Islamic finance in general, is that finance is always tied to real economic activity or
investment. There is no untied credit that earns a return. Income earning credit
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 5
comes into being only by value adding real economic transaction be it in the form
of mur ba ah or leasing or other such contracts. This in itself is a source of
stability for the overall financial system. Moreover, the profit sharing that takes
place between individual bank and savers/depositors works to stabilize the bank,
increase its monitoring, and in turn have positive systemic stability implications as
In the MENA region majority of Islamic banks are in private sector. They exist
along with the conventional banking and financial institutions with the exception of
Iran which classifies all its banks as Islamic and majority of them are state owned.
Among the MENA countries, most developed Islamic banking sectors are found in
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The nature of
funding and operations of Islamic banks are somewhat different from that of
conventional banks. In these countries Islamic banks raise depositor funds mainly
under three categories:
6 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
(i) Demand Deposits do not give any returns to the depositor and can be
withdrawn by the depositor at any time. For these deposits the relationship
between the bank and the depositor is that of debtor and creditor. Thus the
amounts in this category of deposits are a liability in the accounting books
of the bank. Safekeeping and payments facilitation are the primary motives
of the individuals and businesses in keeping such accounts with the banks.
Thus these deposits are similar to current accounts in conventional banking
(ii) Unrestricted Investment Accounts raise funds which are utilized by the
bank in its general investment and financing activities based on their own
judgment, and the profits or losses from the overall business of the bank
are shared between the bank and the holders of such account. The account
holders do not have a voice in instructing the banks on how, where, and for
what period to invest. Except that the investment avenues and methods
should not be against Shar ah a fiduciary responsibility of Islamic banks.
Thus the contractual relationship between the bank and the depositor in
this account is that of unrestricted mu rabah, with bank acting as
mu rib. Moreover, the account holders are also allowed to withdraw their
funds any time; however such early withdrawal will reduce the proportion
of profit share that they will get. This combination of non-voting equity
like features (i.e., sharing in profit and losses by depositors and free hand
to bank in investment decisions) with debt like feature (i.e., possibility of
withdrawal) makes these accounts like quasi equity. This also gives rise to
a corporate governance issue that how to keep investment risk and return
preference of the bank aligned to that of the unrestricted account holders.
(iii) Restricted Investment Accounts (also called special investment accounts)
raise funds which are invested by the bank only in the specific projects and
sectors pre-agreed between the account holders and the bank. Bank shares
in profits from the specific investments with these account holders who are
expected to keep the investment account up to the end of its maturity. The
contractual relationship between the depositor and the bank is that of
restricted mu rabah. Given these features, these accounts are not
liabilities of the bank, rather a kind of equity contribution to the bank but
with a proviso that the shareholders do not have full voting rights. This last
feature gives rise to corporate governance issue of how to protect the
interests of the depositors or how to keep the investment and risk
preference of the bank and the depositors in alignment with each other.
The closest counterparts of such arrangement in conventional finance are
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 7
collective investment schemes or the closed end mutual funds. The issues
of governance, disclosure and protection that arise therein are also relevant
here. The specificity of investment avenues and restriction on premature
withdrawal of funds create higher risk for the depositors in restricted
investment accounts but such investments can also bring higher returns.
Generally the minimum investment requirements in these accounts are
higher than that in unrestricted investment accounts and these are offered
for wealthy or sophisticated investors.
Both categories of the operations will increase the profit for the bank as well as
for its stake holders, i.e., the shareholders as well as the restricted and unrestricted
investment account holders. As can be seen, the above classification of activities is
different from the one used in conventional banking i.e., banking book (financing
only) and trading book (portfolio only) transactions.
See Statement of Financial Accounting No. 2 and Financial Accounting Standard No. 1 in AAOIFI
(2008) Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions 1429H
To make our empirical analysis consistent across different reporting methods followed in different
countries we have treated all kinds of deposits as items on the balance sheet.
8 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
For the analysis of Islamic banking data in the MENA region we selected a
sample of 30 banks. The sample is well representative of the banking sector in the
region, excluding Iran. It consists of those financial institutions that are classified
as banks, i.e., those which accept deposits from customers or thus defined by the
respective national central banks. These include retail as well as investment banks,
but exclude investment companies, mutual funds and the likes. For the detailed
balance sheet data we relied on IBIS (Islamic Banks Information System) which
has been developed and made available on-line by Islamic Research and Training
Institute (IRTI).6 Our unit of analysis is average bank in each of the selected
For our data set we relied on IBIS as explained above. In IBIS the major items
of assets side of the banks balance sheet are classified as (i) Cash and its
Equivalents, (ii) Financing extended using Islamic Modes of Finance, (iii) Portfolio
Investment, and (iv) Total Investment.
The details of the breakdown of each major item are given in Table 1. The item
(i), cash and its equivalents is obvious. The difference between items (ii) and (iii)
above is that the item (ii) represents output of the bank in extending finance to
other businesses, individuals and organizations. Whereas, the item (iii) represents
portfolio investments in securities ( uk k and shares), direct investment in
companies, and real estate all that is in the nature of treasury operations and
investment holding.
Banks are businesses that cater to the needs of their clients as well as they are
the guardians of the wealth of their share holders and of their various account
holders. Financing operations are initiated in response to the demands of clients
with a view to maximize profits for the bank. The investment operations are
primarily bank initiated and utilize the available investment opportunities. Both
financing (item ii) and investment (item iii) may involve ownership of the real
asset by the bank.
IBIS Islamic Banks Information System is an online database as well as information and research
network that can be accessed from its website The database uses published
annual reports as primary source of data for individual banks augmented by its own questionnaire
survey to present data in consistent way across banks and countries.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 9
Assets Breakdown of Major Items
The analysis in this section is based on a sample of 30 Islamic banks (see Table 2)
covering 9 countries of the MENA that have significant Islamic financial
institutions. The data covers three years 2006, 2007, 2008.
10 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Sample Distribution Across Countries
The Islamic banking assets in the MENA region have been growing
exponentially over the last several years. For example, in 2004 the proportion of
Islamic banking assets of the Middle Eastern banks was only about 29 percent of
the worldwide Islamic banking assets, which grew to 50 percent of the world wide
share in 2008.7 Not only the aggregate but the average asset per bank also has
increased in the Middle East. Most of this growth was taking place in the GCC
countries but recently the non-GCC countries are also witnessing growth of Islamic
This is based on calculations using IBIS data for the year 2004 and 2008. The data in IBIS is based
on published annual reports of the banks. In these annual reports each banks assets and liabilities are
measured as per policy of that banks regulator which forms the basis of financial reporting by the
bank. The general accounting practice is to classify measurement of financial assets into two
categories: those that are measured at fair value, those that are measured at amortized cost. The
classification is made at the initial recognition of asset and depends on the business model of the
financial entity. Debt like instruments or where the objective is only to collect the cash flows are
measured at amortized cost. Equity type instruments are measured at fair value.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 11
Key factors behind this high growth have not been fully explored. Increasing
demand for Islamic system along with the opportunities for its expression in
Islamic finance, successful track record of Islamic banks which increased publics
trust in them, and economic growth in the region all may have contributed to the
sustained development of Islamic finance over the years. However in the recent
past, the outflow of funds from the US banks and financial markets to the Middle
East and elsewhere after the hostile and uncertain environment created by the US
government policies in the wake of September 11 incident; rising oil prices during
2004 to 2007 resulting in higher investable surplus; and the booming real estate
market in many GCC countries during the same period all may have enhanced the
growth of financial sector and Islamic banking in the MENA region.9
This growth however slightly slowed down in 2008 compared to 2007. For our
sample of 30 banks of the MENA region the total assets were 196,569 billion US
dollars in 2008. This was only 24 percent higher from the previous year compared
to a 34 percent increase in 2007. Analyzing the composition of asset structure, the
component of financing in the asset structure of Islamic banks has always been
largest proportion followed by that of portfolio investment and cash equivalent
components. During 2008, for the overall MENA region these components
comprised of 65 percent, 16 percent and 15 percent respectively. Between the
period 2006 and 2007 the total assets grew at a rate of 34 percent which slowed
down to 24 percent in 2007-2008. The reduction in asset growth rate between the
two periods was mainly in two components of asset side, namely portfolio
investments and cash equivalents whose growth rates came down substantially.
Whereas the financing component of asset side saw a substantial rise in the growth
rate from 33 percent a year before to 45 percent in 2007-2008.
Islamic banking sector is not of similar size and scope across MENA countries.
Figure 1 shows the asset size distribution for various countries while Table 3 gives
asset growth rates from 2006 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2008. The assets have been
growing in all countries with the highest growth shown by Qatar of 48 percent and
lowest by Egypt of 10 percent. Lebanon with an asset growth of 145 percent is an
Islamic banks were started in Syria, and forthcoming in Libya, Tunis, and Morocco.
For example, during the period of 2002 to 2008 the Islamic banking assets experienced an average
growth rate of 72 percent per year. This is in contrast to a figure of 56 percent average per annum
growth of Islamic banking assets worldwide.
12 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
exception as Islamic banks opened in the country only in 2006 and it is starting
from a very small base. Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait stand out as giants in terms
of aggregate assets of Islamic banks while Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and Lebanon
constitute the lower tail with Qatar and Bahrain in between (see Figure 1).
Growth Rates of Assets and Deposits across Countries
Banking Assets
The above chart shows aggregate assets of 30 Islamic banks (our sample) distributed by
countries and for each year 2006, 2007 and 2008. The number of sampled banks in each
country varies but remains constant across years. The sample distribution is described in
Table 2.
Average Assets Per Bank
The above chart shows average assets of Islamic banks (in our sample) in each country for
each year 2006, 2007 and 2008. That is, aggregate assets of sampled Islamic banks in each
country divided by number of banks sampled from that country. The process is repeated for
each sample year. The sample distribution is described in Table 2.
14 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
These aggregate figures however do not reveal the average size of Islamic banks
and the level of concentration. Figure 2 shows average assets of Islamic banks in
each country for each year from 2006 to 2008. It reveals that the average assets
have been growing throughout this period in all the sampled countries in the
MENA region. It also reveals that the average size of Islamic banks (by asset) have
been largest in Kuwait, followed by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan,
Bahrain, Yemen, and Lebanon respectively. In fact the size of Islamic banks in
MENA region has been growing for the past many years. In our sample the average
asset of Islamic banks in 2008 came out to be USD 6635 million per bank which is
nine times larger than the average bank size of USD 727 million in 1996 in the
Middle East.10
Figure 3 shows average asset size (along y-axis) and customer funds per Islamic
bank (along x-axis) in millions of US dollars for each of the 9 selected counties for
the year 2008. The same figure also shows relative equity per bank (by size of the
bubble) in each country compared to the sum of average equity per bank for the
entire region.11 It reveals the fact that on the average the banks in Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait have larger asset size and larger customer deposit base along with very
high equity compared to the banks in rest of the MENA countries making them
potentially more stable. It also shows that Bahrain, a country with relatively well
developed Islamic financial sector, is in the same league as Jordan and Yemen in
terms of average banking assets and deposit base. However, these lower averages
for Bahrain are because of more competition and larger number of Islamic banks
there than in any other country. Despite this competition, the relative equity of the
banks in Bahrain is larger than the banks in Jordan, Yemen and even those of
Egypt. The banks in Kuwait and UAE lie in between, in terms of average assets
and average deposit base, among the range of 9 countries under consideration with
UAE on a higher side than Kuwait. However, in terms of relative equity the banks
in these two countries are quite similar having moderately high equity.
The average assets of Islamic banks in the Middle East have been calculated using data from Table-
1 and Table-2 of Iqbal et al (1998). The comparison is in terms of nominal US Dollar values.
Relative equity per bank for a country = average Islamic bank equity in that country / the sum of
average equity in all countries of MENA region.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 15
Relative Equity vs. Average Assets and Deposits
The above chart compares three variables for each country for the year 2008. (i) Along x-
axis: Average deposits of Islamic banks (in our sample) in each country. (ii) Along y-axis:
Average assets of Islamic banks (in our sample) in each country. (iii) Equity per bank in
each country relative to the sum of average equity for all countries in the MENA region
(relative equity is represented by the size of the balls in the chart).
Total assets can be decomposed into the three categories of (i) Cash and its
Equivalents; (ii) Financing extended using Islamic Modes of Finance; and (iii)
Portfolio Investment which have been described in the earlier section. Figure 4
shows asset composition of Islamic banks (aggregated for each country) by these
three categories for each of the nine countries for each year over 2006, 2007, and
2008. Several interesting facts can be gleaned from this figure. First, that in most
countries the financing proportion of asset was larger than portfolio investment
followed by cash and cash-equivalent assets. Second, while assets increased in all
countries the asset composition did not change in similar ways across each country
and across each year. Thus the sources and therefore the causes of asset growth
were not homogenous across countries. In Saudi Arabia the financing component
expanded fast from 2007 to 2008 (showing expansion in credit) while portfolio
investment declined significantly. The decline in portfolio investment by banks
may be due to subdued financial markets. In UAE, all the three components of
assets increased proportionally between 2006 and 2007. However, in 2008 the
16 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
financing component of total assets increased faster than portfolio investment while
cash and cash-equivalent component in fact declined signifying expansion in credit
and strained liquidity situation. Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar showed proportional
growth of all components of assets; however the expansion in total assets in Qatar
was much faster. Lebanon is an outlier case in our analysis. As the only Islamic
bank there is new, majority of its assets were in liquid form in 2006 which
gradually increased and diversified into other asset categories by 2008.
Further analysis of the financing component of assets shows that while a variety
of Islamic financing modes are used by the banks and the composition of their use
vary across countries, mur ba ah financing is the dominant mode used by Islamic
banks in all countries of MENA region. In some countries mur ba ah constitutes
more than 90 percent of financing in others it is just less than 50 percent. On the
average, for overall MENA region, the proportion of mur ba ah in total financing
is 75 percent. Leasing (or hire-purchase) is the second most used mode in Bahrain,
Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Qatar.
Mu rabah financing is the second largest mode in Saudi Arabia but of lesser
importance in other countries. Isti n is third most used mode in MENA region
countries. Al-Qar Al- asan (or zero returns benevolent loan) in any significant
amount is used only in Jordan. Figure 5 gives use composition of various modes of
financing across different countries for the year 2008.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 17
Asset Composition of Islamic Banks in Selected Countries
The above chart shows asset composition of Islamic banking sector in nine countries (using
the sample of 30 banks) and provides a comparison for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008.
18 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Composition of Financing Modes in Islamic Banking Sectors, 2008
The above chart shows the percentage composition of various modes of financing across
different countries for the year 2008.
Major items on the liabilities side include (i) customer funds comprising of
various kinds of deposits; (ii) funds due to other creditors; and (iii) other liabilities.
A definitional breakdown of these items is given in Table 4. A country-wise
composition of the major items in 2008 is given in Figure 6. This comparison
indicates that in each of these countries the bulk of liabilities comprised of
customer funds (or customer deposits).
Composition of Liabilities
Composition of Accounts by Type
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 21
The source of existence and growth of Islamic banking and finance is Islam
itself and the extent and willingness of its followers to live according to their
faith.12 This does not imply that a number of other economic and social factors are
of no importance, all the other factors have indeed contributed to its growth but
they in themselves were not the reason for existence of Islamic finance. At present,
Islamic finance is a demand driven industry whose customers are not only from
among the Muslim population but in many countries a large number of non-
Muslims are also among its customers by choice.13 What factors drive the high
growth of Islamic banking; and to what extent they can explain the differing levels
of its growth among various countries of MENA region are important questions.
Answering them can provide help in formulating policies for financial sector
growth at national, regional as well as global level. However, a rigorous analysis of
these issues will require extensive micro and macro data on social, behavioral,
economic, and financial variables which are not currently available. Therefore the
analysis in this section on the driving factors behind the growth of Islamic banking
in the MENA region is only of preliminary nature.
To set up the framework for analysis we start with several observations. First, it
has been observed in the world that the countries where Islamic finance is growing
are those that are also witnessing overall development of their financial sectors in
general or they already have a developed financial sector. Thus the factors that are
important for overall growth of the financial sector may also contribute to the
growth of Islamic banking and finance. However, this is not an unqualified
statement as there are many distinctive features of Islamic banking that are not
possible to come into play under the conventional banking setup, i.e., conventional
banking regulations and its supportive institutional architecture, which are based on
pure financial intermediation philosophy. Thus, we see that countries where
regulatory support exists for Islamic banking (such as in the form of separate
licensing and regulatory requirements, avoidance of double taxation, permission
Islam prohibits interest, encourages trade and shuns gambling. It also provides detailed principles
of contracts that curtail financial speculation, protect the rights of all parties, and promote social
It has been documented that a large portion of Islamic banking and finance customers in Malaysia
are from ethnic Chinese and Indian population who are not Muslims. Malaysia is multiracial country
and both Islamic and conventional banking options are equally available to all. Composition of
customer of Islamic financial institutions operating in the West which include non-Muslims as well as
the large proportion of Western conventional financial institutions who bought uk k in the
international markets indicates that the demand is not restricted from Muslim customers only.
22 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
for the Islamic banks to get involved in trading and direct investment etc.) and
where a level playing field is provided, Islamic banking is developing faster. This
is our second observation. Third, to make a change in the regulatory environment a
strong political will of the government is an important factor. Hence, it is likely
that the countries where the governments (or political system) are proactive to
make a change towards Islamic finance the Islamic banking will grow faster than in
the countries where the government is indifferent to the concept or where it is
discouraging it.14 Fourth, Islamic banking is growing because of its demand by the
society. This demand also contributes to influencing the political will. The demand
in economic sense is the ability and willingness of the individuals and the corporate
firms for utilizing Islamic banking services. The demand for Islamic banking in a
country cannot simply be measured by the proportion of Muslim population in total
population of that country. Considering MENA region countries for example, each
one of these countries have a very high proportion of Muslim population yet
differing levels of willingness.
For our analysis of drivers of Islamic finance in the MENA region we combined
the second and third factors into one and performed a regression analysis using
three factors, namely, general financial sector development, regulatory support and
political will, and demand for Islamic finance. We operationalize these with some
proxy variables and estimated a parsimonious model given the limited amount of
data at hand. This model is used only to find the relative importance of the above
three factors for Islamic banking growth in the region, but not in individual
countries, by pooling the time-series and the cross-section data.15
Recent literature recognizes importance of political will as the real driver of financial sector
development to the extent that this is more important than the law because the laws and regulations
get implemented through political and social will. See an important article in this direction by
Malmendier, Ulrike (2009), Law and Finance at the Origin, Journal of Economic Literature,
Volume 47, Number 4, December 2009 , pp. 1076-1108(33).
We have data on 9 countries of MENA region for 3 years on each of them, this makes a total of 27
data points in the pool.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 23
Among the independent variables, the ratio of broad money (M2) to GDP is
used to proxy for general financial sector growth. Demand for Islamic finance is
measured by GDP per capita multiplied by Islamic finance awareness which is
measured by the ratio of number of news items pertaining to Islamic finance to
total number of news items on finance in general.16 The data on the number of
news items were gathered using Google News search engine. This method excludes
advertisements but relies on news count, not on analysis of the news content.17 The
regulator support is measured by a dummy variable which can take values +1, 0,
and -1 to signify the jurisdictions where Islamic finance is actively supported,
indifferently looked upon, and discouraged respectively.
To be exact the Islamic finance awareness index was created by calculating following hit-ratio: the
Google News was searched for the terms Islamic finance, Islamic banking, and Islamic
hedging. The sum total of hits from these three searches were divided by the sum total of hits from
the terms finance, banking and hedging. Each of these searches was made restricting the
domains by each individual country so as to produce country specific results.
Other methods of measuring awareness can also be devised such as number of books, articles, and
features published in a given year within a country; number of teaching and training programs
running in a country, etc. However, each of these will have their own limitations. We chose our
variables for which data are easy to get, consistent, and which show sufficient variability over our
limited period of analysis.
24 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Summary of Variables
Variable Operational Definition Explanation
of Variable
Dependent Variable
Some proxy for growth of Islamic
Either AAIBtGDP = Assets of Captures increase in financing and
average Islamic Bank / investment operations of Islamic banks.
Or DAIBtGDP = Deposits Captures increase in ability of Islamic banks
of average Islamic Bank to mobilize funds.
Independent Variables (to find
drivers of growth)
A) Growth of financial sector
in general
1. M2tGDP = Borad Higher the number higher the level of
Money (M2) /GDP development of financial sector
2. CCtGDP = Currency This highlights the use of cash money in
in Circulation/GDP transactions. It is expected to be negatively
related to financial sector growth.
B) Demand for Islamic
3. DIF = (GDP per To measure ability and willingness to use
CAPITA) x Islamic banking services. Expected to be
(HITRATIO, which positively related with demand for Islamic
is the ratio of Finance.
Islamic finance
news to total
finance news). Data
on news items was
collected using
C) Regulatory Support
The Regression results are reported in Table 6 Panels A and B. The Panel-A
shows the relative importance of (the above mentioned) three factors in driving the
average assets of Islamic banks in the MENA region controlled for differences in
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 25
the GDP across countries. The regression results inform us that regulatory support
is the most important factor followed by general financial sector development for
expansion of assets of Islamic banks. The constant term is also large signifying that
there are some other important factors not captured by our analysis. Interestingly,
contrary to expectation the coefficient of the proxy variable to represent demand
for Islamic banking is very small and has a negative sign. All three factors and the
constant term turn out to be statistically significant. The model as a whole is also
statistically significant but suffers from serial correlation as evidenced by the
Durbin-Watson statistic. The Panel-B shows the relative importance of the three
driving factors behind average deposits of Islamic banks in the MENA region
controlled for differences in the GDP across countries. In this case too, the
regulatory support was found to be much important followed by the general
financial sector development followed by demand variable which was least
important and negative. This time the constant term was relatively larger than all
coefficients, indicating that some important determining factors are left out. All
individual coefficients as well as the overall model are found to be statistically
26 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Regression Results Drivers of Islamic Banking in the MENA Region
DAIBtGDP = C + b1 (M2tGDP) + b2 (HITRATIO) + b3 (GDP per CAPITA) + b4 (RSPW-
Dummy) + e.
Per capita GDP is also not a good predictor of conventional banking growth. As a test case we used
GDP per capita along with other financial sector development variables to predict conventional
deposit corporations assets in the MENA region and found very small and statistically insignificant
coefficient. Similar results are found when we tried to predict conventional deposit corporation
liabilities using GDP per capital as an explanatory variable.
28 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Regression Results Refined Model
6. Performance
Islamic banking in the MENA region has been a fast growing sector. As
evidenced by data in Table 3 the assets, deposits, and financing all grew fast in the
region during 2006-2007. However, the growth rate tapered off in 2007-2008
period, which may be due to the knock on affect of the financial crisis. Even with
this moderation affect the performance of Islamic banking sector had been much
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 29
better than conventional banks during that period. The adverse affect of the crisis
spilled over to Islamic banks only in 2009.
The return to equity (ROE) as measured by net profit to total equity varied
significantly across Islamic banks in our sample but in general remained high even
during the global financial crisis when the conventional banking sector globally
was severely affected. For example, for an average Islamic bank in UAE during
2008 the ROE was above 15 percent, highest in the region compared to other
countries. During the same year ROE for an average Islamic bank in Bahrain was
7.2 percent, in Egypt about 0.1 percent, Jordan 14.4 percent, Kuwait 8.2 percent,
Lebanon negative 9 percent, Qatar 11.9 percent, Saudi Arabia 10.7 percent, and
Yemen 7 percent. The figures for Lebanon are an outlier in our sample as the only
Islamic bank there came into being in 2006 and it is undergoing a developmental
phase. However, the situation changed in the MENA region during 2009 when
ROE of Islamic banks declined in most countries.
Figure 8 shows historical data on ROE, as measured by the ratio of net profit to
total equity, for the years 2006 to 2008 for eight countries in the sample and up to
2009 for five of them where data was available. The ROE in the MENA region
shows a converging pattern from 2006 to 2008 across countries. This may be due
to the moderating affect of the financial crisis or it may reflect increasing
integration and competition across the countries. However, between 2008 and 2009
a diverging trend is quite apparent with banks performing very differently across
countries. Bahrain and Kuwait displayed highly negative ROE. While ROE figures
also declined in other countries however they remained positive. On the contrary
Islamic banks in Qatar witnessed an increase in ROE. Why the Islamic banking
sector performed so differently across various countries during the stressful time in
2009 while they were converging in performance earlier? This is a highly
important research question that can shed light on importance of various aspects for
stability and growth of Islamic banking which requires a full-fledged research in
future. Based on a-priori information, negative ROE in Bahrain can be attributed to
30 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
large number of small banks with relatively low capital base that reduce their
capacity to diversify as well as lower their capacity to absorb credit losses from
soured mur ba ah and ij rah transactions. In case of Kuwait the negative ROE,
despite high capitalization of banks, may be attributable to lax regulation as well as
to the limited domestic investment opportunities that led banks to invest in foreign
markets and over exposure to real estate sector. The better performance of UAE in
2009 compared to Bahrain and Kuwait may be due to strong liquidity support
provided by the Central Bank of UAE to its banking sector including the Islamic
banks during the crisis.
Average Return on Equity for Islamic Banks
The chart shows Return on Equity averaged for all Islamic banks by each country for each
year since 2006. Data for Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE goes up to 2009,
while it goes only up to 2008 for Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen.
Return on assets (ROA) for average Islamic bank in every country of MENA
region had declined in 2008 compared to 2007 but remained in the range of 2.3
percent to -0.06 percent. The trend in ROA had been downwards in most of the
countries since 2006 with the exception of Jordan, Qatar and UAE where it had
edged up during 2007 before coming down in 2008 (see Figure 9). However, in
2009 ROA declined sharply in most countries but in very divergent ways. The
ROA declined to negative 7 percent in Bahrain and negative 2.1 percent in Kuwait.
It declined but remained at positive 1.7 percent in UAE and at less than one percent
in Saudi Arabia. But it increased to more than 4 percent in Qatar during the same
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 31
Average Return on Assets for Islamic Banks
The chart shows Return on Assets (ROA) averaged for all Islamic banks by each country for
each year since 2006. Data for Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE goes up to
2009, while it goes only up to 2008 for Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen.
Asset utilization, as defined by the ratio of total investment to total asset, had
been high and gradually increasing each year in most of our sampled countries
during 2006 to 2008. Figure 10 compares asset utilization for average Islamic
banks in different countries and across three years 2006, 2007 and 2008 for the full
sample, and also for 2009 for five countries where data is available. The average
asset utilization ratio for MENA region had been 62 percent in 2008 with highest
being in UAE (87.6 percent) and lowest in Saudi Arabia (53.5 percent) excluding
Lebanon. The higher asset utilization ratio is a direct result of the profit sharing
nature of the deposit contract between Islamic banks and their depositors
(mu rabah based accounts). The mu rabah based deposit accounts make it more
imperative for the banks to keep the funds invested in real economic activity in
order to generate returns for themselves and their depositors.
The asset utilization ratio still increased in 2009 in most countries however its
pattern of growth changed. It increased sharply in Saudi Arabia (75.6 percent) and
Bahrain (73 percent) but decreased significantly in the UAE (68 percent). Cautious
stance of the Islamic banks in the face of real estate market collapse, their
eagerness to increase the proportion of liquid assets and the diminished overall
demand for credit all contributed to decline in asset utilization by Islamic banks in
32 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
the UAE. Whereas the spike in asset utilization along with an increase in the
proportion of liquid assets of banks in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain points to a
growing demand for finance and a growing banking sector in the two countries.
Asset Utilization Ratio
The chart shows Asset Utilization Ratio as defined by Investment/Total Assets averaged for
all Islamic banks by each country for each year since 2006. Data for Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, and UAE goes up to 2009, while it goes only up to 2008 for Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, and Yemen.
The ratio of net operating income to total assets for average Islamic bank was
quite variable across countries and across time. The data is shown in Figure 11 by
country and year from 2006 to 2009. Average Islamic banks in Saudi Arabia stand
out to have the lowest operating income to asset ratio throughout the period
compared with average banks in other countries of the region. Another striking
feature is a sharp decline in this ratio for average Islamic banks in Bahrain in 2009
compared to historical values from previous three years.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 33
Net Operating Income/Total Assets
The chart shows ratio of Net Operating Income to Total Assets averaged for all Islamic
banks by each country for each year since 2006. Data for Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, and UAE goes up to 2009, while it goes only up to 2008 for Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,
and Yemen. Net Operating Income is defined as operating income after paying for the
depositors share.
The Proportion of net operating income in total income was highest for Saudi
Arabia and lowest for Bahrain among the examined countries. The operational
expenses as percentage of income were highest in Bahrain and lowest in Saudi
Arabia. This may be due to economies of scale resulting from generally larger size
Islamic banks in Saudi Arabia as opposed to smaller sized but numerous Islamic
banks in Bahrain. As for the provisions, these were the largest percentage of
income in UAE and smallest in Bahrain. These structures of income and expenses
have implications for profits. The before tax profits as percent of income, on the
average, were highest in Saudi Arabia and lowest in UAE.
34 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Structure of Income and Expenses
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 35
The first graph (moving clockwise from upper left corner) in the panel Figure
13 shows the returns on assets (ROA) for average Islamic bank against that for
average conventional bank in the selected MENA countries for the years 2007 and
2008. The data show that ROA across these two categories of banks are positively
correlated. During 2007 the returns on assets (ROA) for average conventional
banks were higher than average Islamic banks in four countries, were about equal
in two countries, and lower in other two countries. Moreover, there was much
diversity in returns on assets among countries in 2007. However, this variation
narrowed in 2008 both across countries and between Islamic and conventional
banks that they fall tightly around the 45 degree line.
Moving clock-wise, the second graph in the panel compares return on equity
(ROE) for average Islamic bank vis--vis average conventional bank in each
country for the years 2007 and 2008. During 2007 the ROE for averaged Islamic
bank was higher than ROE for averaged conventional bank in two out of the nine
sampled countries. This number increased to four out of nine countries in 2008.
Moreover, the cross country variation in ROE of conventional banking increased in
2008 as compared to 2007 while it decreased for Islamic banking.
Moving clock-wise, the third graph in the panel compares the ratio of operating
income to assets for average Islamic bank vis--vis average conventional bank in
each country for the years 2007 and 2008. This ratio had been higher for
conventional banking as compared to Islamic banking in 2007 and it remained
higher in 2008. However, for this ratio, the difference between Islamic and
conventional banking narrowed in 2008 as compared to the previous year.
The fourth graph in the panel compares deployment to asset ratio for average
Islamic bank vis--vis average conventional bank in each country for the years
2007 and 2008. The deployment to asset ratio (which is same as asset utilization
The data for conventional banks in this section are calculated based on the BankScope data for
conventional banks for the countries in our sample.
36 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
ratio) was considerably higher in Islamic banking than the conventional banking in
many countries during 2007 and it remained so in 2008.
Figure 13
Performance Indicators
8. Impact of Crisis
Why Islamic banks remained stable during the early part of the crisis?
To the extent Islamic banks try to emulate the conventional banks in the design
of their financing products they expose themselves to similar credit, liquidity and
solvency risks leading to similar systemic instability as experienced by
conventional banking. The drive towards similarity with conventional banks is less
by volition than a result of the current operating and regulatory environment which
does not provide all the necessary support and infrastructure institutions that are
needed for a well-functioning Islamic banking industry. Greater reliance by Islamic
banks on credit type financing (mur ba ah and ij rah) at the expense of
participatory financing is also a partial consequence of this. These factors translate
into financial fragility similar to that of conventional banks.
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 37
Focusing on the actual practice rather than the theory and examining the factors
that provided stability to the Islamic banks and financial markets during the crisis
we find three factors stand out for their stability in the wake of crisis.
First, Islamic banks financing activities are more tied to real economic activities
than their conventional counterparts. Though profit and loss sharing modes of
mush rakah and mu rabah provide better risk sharing along with maintaining a
strong link with the real sector, they are used minimally for various reasons. Most
of the financing activity is being done through mur ba ah and ij rah modes
followed by that through isti n financing. For example, of the total financing
activity of Islamic banks in the GCC region, during 2007 mur ba ah comprised of
65.4 percent, ij rah 12.78 percent and isti n 3.83 percent.20 In our sample of 30
banks from 9 countries discussed above, mur ba ah constituted more than 90
percent of financing activity in Kuwait, UAE and Yemen; just less than 50 percent
in Bahrain; and between 60 to 80 percent in rest of the countries during the year
2008.21 On the average, for overall MENA region, the proportion of mur ba ah in
total financing was 75 percent during the same year.
Mur ba ah and ij rah transactions require Islamic banks to know the clients
purpose and use of finance. These modes also require ownership of the asset by the
bank, albeit for shorter duration in case of mur ba ah and longer duration in case
of ij rah finance. This increases the likelihood (or ensures) that the funds are used
for their stated purposes. Thus, it keeps credit tied to real economic activity for
each transaction and throughout the tenor of contract. In the conventional bank
financing the client is not required to disclose the use of funds as long as the client
is believed creditworthy or can post suitable collateral.
Whether this ownership by the bank of the financed asset helps the bank in
credit risk mitigation is a different but related issue. To the extent banks own the
assets in their names their first lien on collateral is established. The extent they can
actually perform foreclosure in the event of default depends on the strength of
protection of property rights in the law, efficiency of the legal system and social
sensitivities involved impacting the credit risk of Islamic banks.
Data from Council of Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI). 2007. Islamic Finance in
the GCC, CIBAFI Second Report.
Mur ba ah as percent of total assets was highest in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (more than 78
percent) and lowest in Lebanon and Yemen (less than 30 percent) during 2008.
38 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
Second, Islamic banks avoided direct exposure to exotic and toxic financial
derivative products. Because of Shar ah prohibition against rib and gharar the
asset portfolio of Islamic banks did not include any CDOs, CMBSs, CDSs and the
like which turned out to be highly toxic for conventional banks and amplifying
factor for the crisis. These derivative products, initially created in the name of
hedging needs became device for highly speculative investments among the
conventional financial institutions. In such products fortunes are made or lost on
occurrence of trigger events with no time for the institutions to strategize and
amend their business strategies. Unavailability of hedging instruments for Islamic
financial institutions was used to be cited as a hurdle in the growth of these
institutions, but during the crisis this perceived weakness became a strengthening
factor for Islamic financial institutions. However, exposure to other investment
risks stemming from equity markets, uk k, real-estate and ownership stakes in
other businesses remain a source of concern when overdone or undertaken purely
for speculative gains. Such investments at global level also bring in currency risk
into the market risk. However, this is of lesser concern to banks in GCC where the
currency is pegged to US dollar than to Islamic banks in the other countries of the
MENA region and in other parts of the world.
Third, large amount of liquidity. Islamic banks in general have kept a larger
proportion of their assets in liquid form than their conventional counterparts. The
high liquidity existed for two reasons: (1) Given that there is no lender of last resort
(LOLR) facility available to Islamic banks, and given that they do not have access
to market liquidity in the form of interbank market therefore high liquidity was
maintained purposefully by Islamic banks for risk management purpose. (2) Excess
liquidity prevailed also due to lack of interest-free short-term investment
opportunities as real economic investments require some gestation period. In some
parts of the world such as the GCC region the liquidity position of Islamic banks
had been quite high. For example, the ratio of liquid assets to total assets was 21.14
Salman Syed Ali: Islamic Banking in the MENA Region 39
percent for Islamic banks in the GCC during 2007.22 Moreover, the Islamic
commercial banks in the GCC region enjoy a large liquidity buffer in the form of
high reliance on retail depositor base, a large part of these deposits consist of non-
remunerative current accounts. While Islamic investment banks are exposed to
whole sale funding and private funds.
Why did Islamic banks and financial institutions start getting affected at a later
stage of the crisis?
Figure 14 summarizes the different channels through which Islamic banks are
getting affected by the crisis. As the global financial crisis became a global
economic crisis it has started to affect Islamic banks and financial institutions in an
indirect manner. The business model of many Islamic banks that relied on
mur ba ah financing and predominantly invested only in the real estate sector and
in the previously growing equity markets is now facing higher risks.
The financial crisis has triggered a chain reaction whereby the slowdown in the
real economies of the developed countries has started to affect economic growth
and investment activities in export driven economies of the developing countries
through decreased trade in goods and services as well as through the declining
commodity prices including that of oil. The economic downturn is not only
affecting the investment and financing activities of financial institutions including
those of Islamic banks, it is also decreasing the funding of these banks through
reduced personal savings and declining corporate profits. It may be noted that most
of the Islamic banking industry comprises of commercial banks whose major
funding source are retail deposits, investment banking constitutes only a small
portion of the industry.
Islamic banks in some regions may face risk on their financing and investment
side of the balance sheet due to the crisis induced volatility of equity markets
where these banks have large positions. Down-turn in the real estate markets where
these banks have large direct and indirect exposures is also another source of risk.
Similarly, the changing wealth position of their high net worth (HNW) clients who
also hold financial exposure in the hard hit conventional financial sector of the
West and therefore are now putting aside any investment plans is also a factor. The
Data from CIBAFI. 2007. Islamic Finance in the GCC, CIBAFI Second Report. Liquid assets are
defined here as cash and cash equivalent assets. Beck et al. (2010) also ascribe the better performance
of Islamic banks during the recent crisis to their higher liquidity reserves and larger capital to asset
40 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
relative importance of each of these factors varies by the region. For example, the
banks in the GCC region and particularly in UAE are more exposed to real estate
market risk, followed by risk of international equity markets. For the banks in Asia
their investments in domestic and international equity markets are a source of
concern as equity markets are showing higher volatility. In some of the countries
the existing fiscal imbalance which has widened after the crisis is also a factor in
the increased volatility of the markets.
Channels of Impact of Fianncial Crisis on Islamic Banks
Speculative Assets
Prohibited Type
and Financing
Commodity Mur ba ah
Speculative Assets
Reduced Personal Savings (Shar ah Prohibited
and Reduced Corporate
Derivative Products
Volatile Equity Markets
Concentration in Real-
Estate Financing:
Direct investment
and financing
Indirect exposure
through personal
9. Conclusions
This paper analyzed the state of Islamic banking in the Middle East and North
Africa (MENA) region. It explored the major Islamic banking models that are in
practice along with the explanation and analysis of major balance sheet items on
the asset and the liability sides of these banks. The paper also modeled and
analyzed the key drivers of Islamic banking along with an assessment of their
relative importance; evaluated the performance of Islamic banking and compared it
with the conventional banking in the region; and lastly it evaluated the affect of
financial crisis on Islamic banks along with an explanation of possible channels of
its impact. Throughout the paper, the analysis is coined in terms of average Islamic
bank within each country while utilizing a sample of 30 banks across 9 selected
countries of the region.
The study finds that the Islamic banking sector has been growing in the region.
This was true before, during and even after the crisis. The rate of deposit growth
was slightly faster than the asset growth before the crisis which reversed in the post
crisis period. Moreover, the size and growth of assets have varied considerably
among the countries. Bahrain is more known center for Islamic banking in the
region with largest number of Islamic banks, however, in terms of assets per bank,
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have on the average large size Islamic banks followed by
UAE, Qatar and other countries. In terms of shareholders equity also banks in
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have highest equity per bank followed by UAE, Qatar,
Bahrain, and other countries.
On the liability side customer deposits (in the form of unrestricted and restricted
investment accounts as well as current accounts) are the major source of funds
followed by funds due to other creditors such as financial institutions. The
composition of customer funds is however changing with time with rise in the
42 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
share of current and savings accounts that are not based on mu rabah and hence
do not share in profit. The changing structure of bank funding assets will have
profitability as well as stability implications in future.
The paper also investigates the factors that drive the growth of Islamic banking
and the extent they can explain the differing growth of Islamic banking among the
countries of the region. We used proxy variables to reflect three factors: (i) general
growth of conventional financial sector, (ii) regulatory support and political will of
the government for Islamic banking, and (iii) demand for Islamic finance. We
found that while the overall growth of conventional financial sector is an important
determinant of growth of Islamic banking, implying there are some common
factors that are important in the growth of both the conventional and Islamic
finance. It is the strong regulatory support and political will that stands out even
higher than demand for Islamic finance for the growth of Islamic banking in the
MENA region. We have used very simple econometric models in this analysis
while there is room for more refinement and extensive research in this area.
larger size Islamic banks resulting in lower average cost and hence higher
proportion of net operating income to total income.
The Islamic banking sector has demonstrated more resilience against the
financial crisis mainly due to avoidance of interest. The requirement to abstain
from interest made their financing activities more tied to real economy and also
required them to avoid exposure to toxic financial derivatives. The commercial risk
associated with Islamic banking activities and the non-availability of lender of last
resort facility to these banks also forced them to hold liquid assets in greater
proportion than their conventional counterparts. All these factors helped them
during the crisis. The impact of the crisis came to these banks late and indirectly
through slowdown in the real economy. Some banks were affected due to their
asset concentration in real estate sector. However, there was no case of failure of
Islamic bank in the region.
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44 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 20 No. 1
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