Fenced in

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Fundraiser for victims family 5

Tuesday September 30 2014

Leader Senior sparks up stroke survivors 13


Robin Brown stands in an Annacis Island parking lot where she was kept locked in a car for 16 nights while her boyfriend worked. Brown is sharing her story with the hope it will help
other women recognize the signs of abuse and seek assistance. EVAN SEAL

KEVIN DIAKIW going to escape, or whether she would Nineteen years younger than Brown, he trolling already, she says softly.
even live to try. was good looking, charming, smart and At the start, Recknagel insisted she text
Both eyes badly blackened and lacerated More than once, suicide seemed like the made her laugh. He was a body builder him all day, and accused her of lying
from his punches, she lay crouched in only solution. and mixed martial artist and Brown be- particularly about any dealings she had
the car in the fenced-in parking lot on I thought that was my only way out, gan training with him. with other men, including her clients.
Annacis Island. says Robin Brown, now 48, who often felt In September 2013, they went out for On Oct. 17, 2013 she told him she was
As darkness fell, the temperature in death would be better than what she was coffee on a date and started seeing each going on a business trip with her boss at
the car dropped, and her body and mind going through. other. the vitamin company where she worked.
became numb. The only sound she could Brown, a weightlifter and amateur box- However, Brown soon sensed something He forbade it, but she insisted.
hear was the incessant thrum of nearby er, had met Matthew Recknagel in 2011 was amiss.
refrigerator trucks. at the gym where she worked out. I could tell he was starting to be con- continued on page 8
She once again wondered how she was
8 The Surrey-Nor th Delta Leader Tuesday S eptember 30 2014

Dating and domestic violence not uncommon

MAJORITY OF SURREY WOMENS CENTRE CLIENTS HAVE suffered by Brown, a woman who was kept
confined in a car for more than two weeks.
She felt completely trapped. The more ex-
treme cases usually follow that pattern. They
SUFFERRED ABUSE DURING SHORT-TERM RELATIONSHIPS There are many things that keep women in
these types of relationships, Arthur says.
start with those elimination of freedoms.
Arthur encourages people in situations simi-
It can be as simple as feelings of love for lar to Browns to call for help quietly.
KEVIN DIAKIW Dating violence presents its own unique or responsibility for someone, or it can be One of the biggest things women need to
challenges, but often has many of the same as complicated as children and their safety. know is when they contact Surrey Womens
Robin Brown felt helpless and alone while hallmarks as abusive long-term relationships. Money becomes a main controlling factor. Centre is to keep it to themselves, Arthur
being abused by a man she was seeing, but At the end of the day, it still comes down to One of the first things that happens in a says. In fact, limit everybody that might
the Surrey Womens Centre (SWC) deals with power, control and lots of beliefs about him- controlling relationship is that the abuser know. Dont be telling his sister, or your
high volumes of women who are exposed to self and about women that theyre not to takes control of the finances, Arthur says. mother-in-law. That gets back to him and
dating violence. be trusted and need a heavy hand and usually That in and of itself can be the factor that thats when things can escalate.
More than half of the people who call SWC violence to keep them in line, Arthur says. doesnt have people moving forward. Surrey Womens Centre is well-equipped to
fall within that category, says Special Pro- (Women are also responsible for relationship Many people will understandably ask, why help women get out of abusive relationships.
grams Manager Corrine Arthur. The SWC abuse, but the majority of offenders are men). didnt Brown just leave the relationship? Help can be reached any time by calling 604-
receives 4,000 calls in Surrey per year. She was not surprised by the experience Arthur says its not that easy. 583-1295.


from page 1 computer, her purse, He pulled her back if she tried to the through her system. mark remorse phase, that I went through
and wrote an email to into the car and police, shed be dead, This was her one and in which the abuser this, because I saw the
her boss saying she punched her in the she recalls. only chance. promises to reform his signs. I tried to get
He punched her in quit. He then deleted face. He called in sick from She grabbed the cab ways, Carey says. out, but obviously I
her left eye, blacken- her email and Face- Still serving a term his delivery dispatch and went straight to Nonetheless, Brown didnt.
ing it badly. book accounts. in the community for job for several days to the police. felt trapped. Shes sharing her sto-
Days later she sent Brown now felt uttering threats and keep tabs on her. Reckna- Its as ry with The Leader in
Recknagel a text mes- completely isolated, assault of another When he returned gel was much a hopes that this wont
sage: Were done. paralyzed with fear, woman in Nanaimo, to his night shift at arrested I thought psycho- happen to any other
He initially agreed, and thought refusing Recknagel kept Brown work, he took Brown shortly logical women.
but he came to her he would never
his demands could be close to him around with him. after and limit as a
house, let himself in fatal. the clock at his moth- He told her she had was sent let me go. Im physical
with a key she had Raising
On Oct. 24, 2013, ers Langley home to stay in the front to jail to embarrassed limit,
given him and told her while Recknagel and where he was serv- seat of his car hidden finish his says awareness
she could not break Brown were driving to ing his sentence. He under a white wool previous that I went Carey,
up with him. He then dinner, he began beat- sneaked Brown into blanket. Recknagel sentence. who has October is National
punched her in her ing her about the back the home while his had taken Browns He also
through this, 30 years Domestic Violence
right eye, splitting and shoulders. She mother was sleeping, wallet, identification faced new because I saw of expe- Awareness Month,
her head open at the rolled down the win- but Brown believes and keys; he had charges rience which was created in
temple. dow, called for help, the mother must have everything that be- including
the signs. I treating 1995 when several
While there, he took and tried to jump out known she was there. longed to her. unlawful tried to get out, people organizations joined
her cellphone, her of the moving vehicle. Recknagel told Brown She was told the car confine- who have forces to draw atten-
door was alarmed and ment or
but obviously I suffered tion to the problem.
if she tried to escape, impris- didnt. trauma. While men also suffer
Recknagel said hed onment, The violence in intimate
ROBIN BROWN relationships, the
know before she could uttering fear is so
Back to navigate her way
around the eight-foot
barbed wire fence. He
and six
counts of assault
great, you
get the
majority of victims are
Some facts of vio-

School would catch her, she

remembers him say-
ing, and he would beat
involving Brown and
another woman.
He made a plea
reaction. So its not
possible to walk away.
Its much the same,
lence against women:
Half of all women in
Canada have expe-

Specials! her senseless.

Brown learned quick-
ly not to eat or drink
bargain and pleaded
guilty to uttering
threats and two
Carey says, as a childs
inability to walk away
from a bad parent.
rienced at least one
incident of physical or
sexual violence since
the age of 16
before the nightly 10 counts of assault. He The fact that Brown
On average, every
hours of confinement, was sentenced to sev- didnt run away from
as there was nowhere en-and-a-half-months Recknagel was actually six days, a woman is
to relieve herself. As in jail. a very well-honed killed by her intimate

OF FRAMES a result, she lost 30 He had an opportu- sense of self-preserva- partner.

pounds. nity for early release tion, Carey says. On any given day in
Court documents on Sept. 9 of this Court documents say Canada, 3,300 women

FOR ANY BUDGET show Recknagel kept

Brown confined in his
year, but opted not to
Recknagel is con-
sidered a moderate
(and 3,000 children)
are forced to live in
shelters to escape
Chrysler 300 at his Today Brown still risk for assaultive
domestic violence.
Childrens Packages place of work for 16
struggles with
feelings of guilt and
behaviour towards an
intimate partner and Each year, there are
Available Dr. Susy On Nov. 28, she
overheard him receive
embarrassment that
she didnt act more
if hes taking steroids,
that risk climbs to
40,000 arrests result-
ing from domestic
Pierazzo a call that he would quickly to get out of high. violence.
Comprehensive Eye Exams have to drive delivery, the relationship. His full jail term is Each year, Cana-
dians spend $7.4
meaning he would be But things happened complete on Feb. 9,
for the whole family billion to deal with the

n Optometry Clinic
away from the car. so fast. 2015.
The following day was Brown often thought When Brown looks aftermath of domestic
80% of Learning is done Dr. Riley her opportunity pos- the only way to be back on the experi- violence
through the eyes Hanberg
sibly her only chance
for escape.
completely free from
her abuser would be
ence, she says its hard
not to tally the loss. Source: Canadian Womens
TRUST YOUR She had been gather- by consuming a bottle Ive lost my job, Ive Foundation
ing loose change for
some time, and had
of sleeping pills.
I thought he would
lost my livelihood,
she says, adding shes How to get help:
Appointment EYE HEALTH
accumulated a total of
never let me go.
She lives in fear of
also lost her sense of
security. Now I live Domestic Violence
Today! TO OUR Dr. Kevin That day she saw a seeing him again. having to look over my Helpline: 1-800-563-
cab pull up to drop Browns therapist, shoulder all the time 0808
PROFESSIONALS! someone off outside
the gate. If there was
Pauline Carey, said
Browns experience
I still have anxiety
when I see the types
Surrey Womens
Centre: 604-583-1295
any time to go, it was is similar to battered of vehicles he used to Surrey RCMP Vic-
S E R V I N G YO U R CO M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 9
then. womans syndrome, drive. tims Services Unit:
She opened the door, but at an accelerated Worse, shes lost 604-599-7600
Newton Optometry Clinic the alarm screamed,
and she ran, feeling
The cycle of violence
some respect for
#120B-13745 72nd Ave, Surrey 604-597-8636 adrenaline course didnt include the hall- Im embarrassed linkbc.ca

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