Fire Alarm Circuit Using Germanium Diode
Fire Alarm Circuit Using Germanium Diode
Fire Alarm Circuit Using Germanium Diode
This is a simple fire alarm circuit using Germanium Diode and 555 timer. In this circuit
Germanium Diode play very important role in detecting the fire. This circuit is very easy
to construct, cost effective and implementable.
Here is the
simple fire alarm circuit which costs less than 100 rupees. The key component in the
circuit is DR25 (germanium diode) whose resistance will decrease with increase in
temperature. The conduction of germanium diode will start at 70 degrees. So we may
use germanium diode as a heat sensor. When the temperature is more than 70 degree,
the germanium diode will conduct and trigger the NE555 timer through a transistor. The
NE555 is configured in astable multivibrator and make the buzzer to alarm when
germanium diode conducts. So that we can get alert and act according to the alarm.
The DR25 germanium diode is heat sensor which will conduct when temperature
is increased at certain point. The DR25 is made reverse biased in the circuit. It will
conduct only when it is more than 70degree of room temperature.
The DR25 is connected to the transistor in reverse bias, which has high reverse
resistance (more than 10K ohm) and does not make the transistor to turn off
which is connected to the reset pin of 555 timer. The reset pin of 555timer will be
in ground level when the transistor is turned off. Here, the 555 timer is configured
as astable multivibrator.
We can use 3 or more diodes in reverse bias connected in parallel and placed in
different room. If there is fire accident, it will sense and make the alarm.