Forgotten Transvaginal Cervical Cerclage Stitch in First Pregnancy Benefits Reaped Till The Second Pregnancy

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Forgotten Transvaginal Cervical Cerclage Stitch in First Pregnancy Benefits reaped till the Second Pregnancy

Forgotten Transvaginal Cervical Cerclage Stitch in First

Pregnancy Benefits reaped till the Second Pregnancy
Aniket Kakade, 2Yashwant Kulkarni, 3Anmol Mehra

ABSTRACT intact cervical stitch was seen, knot was anterior with
The cervical stitch is universally removed at 37 completed weeks Prolene no. 1. The cervix appeared short on per vaginal
or earlier if the patient goes in labor. The patient described was examination. On careful history, the patient denied any
a rare incidence where the cervical stitch in the first pregnancy removal of the cervical stitch after the previous cesarean
was forgotten and it was diagnosed in the second pregnancy. section. She did not have any vaginal infection or dys-
Since the patient did have a short cervical length in second
pregnancy, the stitch was left in situ and was removed at term. pareunia in the interpregnancy interval. She was using
A rare case is presented here where the cervical stitch in the barrier contraception and did not have any postpartum
first pregnancy benefited the second pregnancy. visits to the hospital.
Keywords: Cervical cerclage, Removal of cervical stitch, Ultrasonography revealed the cervical length to be
Transvaginal cerclage. 3 cm and internal os was closed. The patient was
How to cite this article: Kakade A, Kulkarni Y, Mehra A. For- explained about the persistent forgotten cervical stitch.
gotten Transvaginal Cervical Cerclage Stitch in First Pregnancy In view of the present cervical changes, an informed
Benefits reaped till the Second Pregnancy. J South Asian Feder decision was taken to keep the stitch in situ. All risks and
Obst Gynae 2017;9(2):141-142.
complications were explained to the patient. The need
Source of support: Nil of elective cesarean was explained in view of expected
Conflict of interest: None cervical fibrosis due to persistent cervical stitch.
Date of received: 10 December 2016 Pregnancy continued till 37 weeks when patient
Date of acceptance: 21 January 2017 developed premature rupture of membranes. On exami-
Date of publication: March 2017 nation, the fetal heart sounds were normal and cervix
was 1 cm dilated. Membranes were absent. The cervi-
cal stitch was removed. There was dense fibrosis of the
CASE REPORT cervix with a very poor Bishops score. Cesarean section
A 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1, living 1 with 24 weeks of was performed; female baby was 2.4 kg; patient had no
pregnancy presented to the antenatal clinic for examina- complications and was discharged on day 7.
tion. The first pregnancy was a full-term elective cesarean
section done for severe oligohydramnios, female baby DISCUSSION
2.5 kg, with no complications. There was history of cervi- Cervical cerclage remains a commonly performed pro-
cal cerclage done in the first pregnancy for short cervix phylactic intervention used by most obstetricians, despite
and no other details were available. the absence of a well-defined population for whom there
On routine examination, her pulse was 75 beats/ is clear evidence of benefit. The incidence of clinical cervi-
minute, blood pressure was normal, and she had mild cal cerclage based on the clinical findings is on the rise,
pallor. On per abdomen examination, the uterus was and overall incidence in our tertiary care referral center
24 weeks size, external ballotement present, fetal heart is 3 to 5% of live births.
sounds were heard, and a healthy scar of previous cesar- A transvaginal cervical cerclage stitch should be
ean section was seen. On per speculum examination, an removed before labor, usually between 36 and 37 weeks
of gestation, unless delivery by elective cesarean section,
1,2 in which case suture removal could be delayed until this
Associate Professor, 3Senior Resident
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bharati
In the absence of preterm labor, elective removal at
Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College; Bharati
Hospital & Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India 36 to 37 weeks of gestation is advisable owing to the
potential risk of cervical injury in labor and the minimal
Corresponding Author: Aniket Kakade, Associate Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bharati Vidyapeeth risk to a neonate born at this gestation.1
Deemed University Medical College; Bharati Hospital & Research We present a very rare case in which the transvaginal
Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India, Phone: 020-45555555, ext-623 cervical cerclage stitch of the first pregnancy was not
e-mail: [email protected]
removed and the stitch was detected in the subsequent
Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, April-June 2017;9(2):141-142 141
Aniket Kakade et al

pregnancy. The stitch was left in situ for the present preg- shown to the patient in the recovery room. The practice
nancy in view of cervical length of 3 cm on ultrasound of performing per speculum and per vaginal examination
and a clinically short cervix. The persistent stitch was during booking visits is also encouraged to help diagnose
diagnosed during the booking visit as performing per such untoward incidents.
speculum and per vaginal examination is a protocol in This reported case also enhances the fact that cervical
our institute. Dense cervical fibrosis was a result of the cerclage increases the incidence of cervical fibrosis.
persistent suture and hence, a repeat cesarean section Several adverse outcomes have been reported in
was performed. patients receiving cerclage including preterm prema-
The patient did not complain any dyspareunia nor ture rupture of membranes, infectious complications,
vaginal infection during the interpregnancy interval. The postpartum endometritis, increased uterine contractions
cervical stitch did not cause any ascending infection nor requiring tocolysis, and cesarean delivery secondary to
did it lead to infertility or any menstrual disturbances due cervical stenosis.2
to mechanical blockage of the cervical canal. There was Most obstetricians suggest removal of cerclage
no cervical erosion found on examination. electively once a gestational age of approximately 36 to
A general practice in rural areas and some urban 38 weeks is achieved.
population is to remove the stitch at the time of elective
cesarean section under anesthesia. The timing is usually
after the surgery is over, just after vaginal toileting. Hence,
there is a theoretical risk of forgetting to remove the suture. 1. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Green-top
Guideline No. 60 Cervical Cerclage, May 2011. p. 1-21.
We recommend a practice of elective removal of cer-
2. Odibo AO, Farrell C, Macones GA, Berghella V. Develop-
vical cerclage suture in the outpatient department and ment of a scoring system for predicting the risk of preterm
showing the removed suture to the patient. If the suture birth in women receiving cervical cerclage. J Perinatol 2003
is removed in the operation theater, then the stitch is Dec;23(8):664-667.


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