Society Unit 2 - Mcmurtry

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Understanding By Design Unit Template

Society 9
Title of Unit Grade Level
Social Studies Appox. 11, 60 min. lessons
Subject Time Frame
Leah McMurtry
Developed By

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning

How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

This unit will enable students to become life long learners because they will gain knowledge about their place in
a community and society, and how they are an essential unit in the development of critical understandings, and
making their society, community, and world a better place.
Students will become engaged citizens throughout this unit because as they gain knowledge about what a
society is, they will become more confident and competent in the ability to shape positive change for the benefit
of all.

Cross curricular Competencies

How will this unit promote the CCC?

Students will learn about different worldviews and how they shape the way we view society. They will understand
that everyone sees the world through a different lens, and therefore has a different perspective on issues. They
will understand what constitutes a society, and how depend on our environment to sustain our lifestyles. They
will gain appreciation for our cultural heritage and be able to engage in productive conversation about our
nations history.
Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)

IN9.1 Explain what constitutes a society

IN9.2 Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language,
religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are desired? What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the
(what you want students to understand & be able to use content? (open-ended questions that stimulate
several years from now) thought and inquiry linked to the content of the
What misunderstandings are predictable? enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific.
A society is a complex system that is filled with diversity. How does a society function?
They will understand how a society operates, and how it What are the benefits of different types of societies
often does not benefit all who take part in the and communities?
community. How can we encourage change and equity within

Related misconceptions FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular

Students may think that the government provides This unit will be focused around treaties in particular.
certain societies with more than they actually do. They We will study how treaties have shaped out society,
might not know much about other societies within and how they are still influencing us today.
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this What skills will students acquire as a result of this
unit? This content knowledge may come from the unit? List the skills and/or behaviours that students
indicators, or might also address pre-requisite will be able to exhibit as a result of their work in this
knowledge that students will need for this unit. unit. These will come from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to

What attributes a society has, and the issues or Find reliable and credible sources
concerns that arise within one. Read information critically and analytically
How to work cooperatively within a group Understand communication and responsibility with
IN9.1 a: Relate functions and services of institutions of and within peer groups
the community Gain empathy for different people
IN9.1 b: know the roles and responsibilities of individuals Become engaged citizens
within institutions in a society
IN0.1 g: know the effects of ethnocentrism on
Indigenous peoples

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge,
and skills? (describes the learning activity in story form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation
that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation.
Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G Goal Students will be able to explain with evidence what constitutes a society. They will
What should students accomplish by be analyzing a new society that has emerged in Canada, and reporting if they
completing this task?
believe it to be a complete society or not. They will then be split into two groups:
R Role
What role (perspective) will your
one group who will argue the society is valid, and the other arguing that this group
students be taking? of people are not a society. They will then, using their notes already made,
A Audience engage in a debate. They will have to back up their arguments with evidence that
Who is the relevant audience? they have researched on their own, or with information they have learned in class.
S Situation
The context or challenge provided to
the student.
P Product, Performance
What product/performance will the
S Standards & Criteria for
Success Attach rubric to Unit Plan
Create the rubric for the Performance
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence (work samples, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their
observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means) learning?
will students demonstrate achievement of the desired
results? Formative and summative assessments used
throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
The students will keep a journal, and be asked one Students will be provided with a self-evaluation at the
critical question at either the start or end of each end of the unit after listening to all presentations. They
lesson. will be given a KWL chart at the beginning of the unit
They will be working on creating their own society and then revisit it at the end. They will be able to see
throughout the unit to show their understanding of how what they have learned throughout the unit.
a society works. Throughout the unit students will be given chances to
By taking in individual entrance/exit slips and evaluate their findings and research based on their
beginning engaged conversations within the class, I will effort in class. By giving the students exit slips,
be able to observe their progress and their ability to journaling prompts, and entrance slips they will be able
think critically and analytically. to explain, reflect and assess their own learning from
each lesson.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students
know where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been
ascertained? Have the learners been part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do
you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be
arranged to enhance learning?
By the end of this unit students will be able to define what a society is. They will be able to differentiate between
what makes a society strong, and what makes a society weak. They will be conscious of imbalances of power in
societies and power struggles specifically in Canada. We will need desks in pods to enhance communication
between the students.
The students will be able to know how to work creatively and respectfully as a group for this unit. They will have
learned about sourcing (differentiating between good sources and bad) and know how to get their ideas across.

How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

The students will be given their example society from the beginning. They will know what the end goal of the unit
is, and be reminded to think about and refer back to this society during each lesson. They will be given a chart
split into two columns of legitimate society and non-legitimate society and can fill it out throughout their
learning to create a outline for their argument during their performance task.

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential
questions in the unit? How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Lesson Activities CCCs Resourc
Title es
1 What is a This lesson will be inquiry and previous knowledge based DT Paper,
Society? (10 min) Quick Write: What is a society? What makes up a society? What writing
does an ideal society look like to you? utensils,
(20 min) Discuss answers, write on board Final
(10 min) Final assignment will be handed out for them to begin thinking assignme
about and discuss what they think they should be graded on/what nt and
elements should be apparent in the rubric. Have them split into groups of rubric
4 and make the important parts of the rubric. Take pictures of each groups
rubric and design one with what they think is important in mind.
(20 min) Set up a blog (use wix) together where they can answer their exit
slips, entrance slips, and journal on.

2 What does IN9.1 a. Relate the functions and services of institutions in the community (e.g., schools, churches, local DT Pictures
governments, parents, Elders, traditional knowledge keepers) to the needs of the people in that community.
a (10 min) prep the computers, have the coggle up and ready to go on each! DSR of
community (15 min) Split into groups, given different community to look at for 2 communi
look like? minutes each (one community like their own, a rural community, a larger ties
community, reserve community). After 2 min, rotate to new community Compute
and write about the next one. How does this community function? How do rs
they survive with the institutions in the community? Remind them to Coggle
focus on function and institutions in the community Link
Students will rotate to each computer filling up as much space as they can
with their group without repeating anything a group has said previously.
Set up 4 coggles (this may take 5 minutes for each group to begin the
(15 min) Go over bigger questions as a class about the needs of each
community, how/if theyre being met etc, how do their needs differ, how do
we decide who gets funding?
(10 min) Go over the different types of institutions we have in society,
which institutions are in which community, how do they serve the
communities etc.
(10 min) Think, Pair, Share: on the blog answer: Do all communities
benefit the same from what our Canadian institutions have to offer?
3 What are IN9.1 b. Investigate the roles of individuals in the institutions of the local community, including the DT Compute
the roles of expectations attached to those roles (e.g., school: student, principal, teacher, caretaker, secretary; hospital: DI rs
doctor, nurse, traditional healer, receptionist, paramedic, medical technician, patient).
individuals Write Indicator on the board. Paper
in a (10 min) Bring out their large sheets from last time with the different types from last
community of institutions. As a group, fill in the types of people who contribute to class
? these. With the use of padlet to brainstorm Assignme password: social9 nt and
(30-45 min) In pairs, pick one role to research. They will then make a brief rubric for
summary of this persons expectations/responsibilities and share with Create
others in the class as if they are this person (JIGSAW) your own
(10 min) Closing of the lesson: Exit Slip: (using blog) Pick one person you Society
know and discuss their role in our community. How does what they do
effect your life? How does it effect the lives of other people? How does it
affect our society? Our world?
(10 min) End of lesson: Split into Society Project groups: go over who will
be doing which part. See attached assignment & rubric for more details.
4 Uncovering IN9.1 c. Research a list of characteristics and attributes that formulate a definition of a society. DT Compute
Society (10 min) Quick Write: What are five things that would allow a group of DI rs
people to be characterized as a society? share with a partner Handout
(10 min) As a class: how are communities related to society? How does the
concept of worldview tie into society?
(40 min) Students will then, in their pairings be given a society to research.
They will be looking for attributes that make this group of people a society
eg: shared culture, traditions, government, language, geography etc. (Give
them handout to fill out)

5 Lesson 4 (15 min) Groups of 2 will make groups of 4 and compare their societies DL Handout
continued they researched. from
(10 min) Quick Write: How do you rank one society as better than class
another? Exit Slips
(15 min) End of Lesson: bring rough draft of section to have peer edited
and handed in to teacher of Society Project
(5 min) Exit Slip: What is worldview?
6 Worldview IN9.2 b. Define the concept of worldview DT
(10 min) Begin by asking the class, what is world view? May begin as a DI
very broad answer, make it more specific (its the glasses we view the DL news/can
world through)how we view right from wrong etc., explain different kinds of ada/sask
lenses. Explain: Each of us has adopted onewhether we realize it or not. atchewa
Principles and precepts shape the way we view the world around us. Those principles n/first-
are imprinted upon us through what we have learned, heard and experienced. Once a teen-
worldview is established we interpret everything around us dependent on what has told-not-
shaped on our lenses. Unlike optical lenses, however, our worldview impacts not only to-wear-
what we see but also what we hear and experience. Everything that enters our mind got-land-
for consideration enters through the lens of our worldview and we will respond
accordingly. ( 1.249700
which-lens-are-you-looking-through-11595738.html) 9
(20 min) Brainstorm: After defining, ask what shapes our worldview?
What institutions in our society shape the way we think? What affects how
you think? (record on blog post Worldview)
Add anything that might have been missed (time and place, culture, socio-
economics, education, language, religion, gender identity)
(30 min) Have all students read the attached article that some people
found offensive. Have them discuss the article in small groups (2-3),
must say why they feel a certain way (teacher can discuss their stance on
the story to get conversation going) have groups write down their thoughts
(10 min) Closing: how did your worldview affect the way you read the
story? Why do you think some people might have been offended?
Bring forward ideas of treaties What do we know about treaties? We are all
treaty people. We all benefit differently from treaties. The Indian act
(bringing to light the fact that treaty signing was meant to be mutually
beneficial, but it was very one sided)

7 Exploring IN9.1 g. Analyse the effects of ethnocentrism on indigenous peoples. DSR Argume
Ethnocentri (10-20 min) Students will be given 2 articles to read, putting checks beside DT nt for
sm points they agree with/want to remember, exes beside things they dont DI Ethnocen
agree with, and question marks beside things they want to learn more trism by
about. Craig
(20 min) After reading: think, pair, share: what is ethnocentrism? How do Storti &
you think we connect to these articles here in Canada?
Do you think there are different kinds of ethnocentrism? Define subtle and w.asahik
overt and give examples (WWII Nazis, Canadian government and First awakita.h
Nations peoples) okkaido-
(10 min) Contribute your ideas to the blog at the end of the lesson under
Ethnocentrism tapage/s
8 Worldview IN9.1 g. Analyse the effects of ethnocentrism on indigenous peoples. Shi Shi Et
& IN9.2d.Construct a comparison of the worldviews of the societies studied. Co
Ethnocentri (5 min) Opening: discuss the definition of ethnocentrism (judging another Children
sm culture solely by the values and standards of ones own culture). Explain s book
that ethnocentrism can lead to stereotypes (not a lot of minorities in power questions
(5 min) In groups of 3-4 think of examples of ethnocentrism they have seen
or experienced
(30 min) Split into new groups 2-3 and each have a childrens book, and
have them answer the questions attached.
Each group will present their answers about their book, and guiding
questions can be asked of the class
(10 min) Exit Slip: How are ethnocentrism and worldview related? Record
on Blog
9 Create (30 min) Revisit assignment sheet and rubric. Look over the initial rubric Handout
your own and discuss any changes we should make considering their new found for layout
society knowledge of society and worldview. Highlight deadlines for rough draft of project
and final project. & rubric
They will have to create their own island & society. Large
Begin by having them map their island: how big is it? What shape is it? piece of
What is the terrain like? What is the weather like (seasons)? Are there paper
cities/is the island developed? Art
Main focus of the project: the civilization living on their island, and the supplies
issues that arise from their society
Remind them that they will have to explain why their society functions well,
how it is different from our society, how it is similar to our society, how we
could learn from this new society, why they have chosen every aspect that
they have and how they think it would be beneficial to run things that
way/who it would benefit etc.

10 (55 min) Students will continue working on their society. DT Exit Slips
Creating (5 min) Exit Slip (for the group) Blog: What different kinds of
your own worldviews might be present in your society? Do they all look the same, or
Society are some of them different?

11 Groups will present their society to the class. They can make posters or Projector
Presentatio use prezi etc. s,
ns See attached Rubric Compute
They will be given self and peer evaluations to fill out. rs
n sheets








Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: Each lesson is directly related to the main outcome I am trying to
Is there alignment between outcomes, achieve. Within this unit I am looking for depth of comprehension,
performance assessment and learning rather than amount of information covered, therefore we will be
experiences? hitting each indicator directly.

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to In many of my lessons the students have the opportunity to work
the curriculum content (not outcomes), together. This will allow me to observe which students work well
instructional practices, and/or the learning together and pair them accordingly. Pairing them by academic
environment to meet the learning needs skill likeness will allow me to
and diversities of all my students? Many of the assignments they have in this unit can be presented
in numerous ways giving each student an opportunity to show
their understanding in a variety of ways.

For students who need a challenge:

By allowing the students to be catalysts in their own learning, the
depth at which they research and understand the topics is entirely
up to them. By having exit and entrance slips, and daily mini-
assignments, I will be able to observe their understanding, and
see if I can push them further, and ask deeper questions.
Instructional Approaches: I have used visuals, written work, research and video. By using
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and many modes of instruction I can target different kinds of learners.
student centered instructional By keeping my instruction period short and having the students
approaches? self-guide through most of their learning they will gain a sense of
independence and responsibility of their own learning. I have also
included teacher prompts in each lesson, as well as student-lead
research periods. Each lesson will depend on student interaction
with the subject.
By allowing the students to learn in groups and have active roles
in their own path of learning they will gain a more in depth
understanding of how societies function well and how societies
can improve.
By adding in a technological approach (blogging, padlet, research,
coggle) allows students to use their phones, computers, iPads etc.
for educational purposes.

Resource Based Learning: The students will have resources from online, text, books, etc.
Do the students have access to various throughout the unit. They will have the opportunity to be artistic,
resources on an ongoing basis? analytical, and creative. They will also be keeping a journal via
class blog made on Wix. This will help me keep track of their
learning and allow them to track their own growth.

FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender By observing culture, society, and community each student will
Equity/Multicultural Education: feel as though they have a place in the daily conversation. By
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity showing the students many different forms of society and the
while honoring each childs identity? benefits and drawbacks of different types, they will learn to have
empathy for different cultures, languages, religions, genders,
education, government etc.
Showing the students diversity and creating dynamic, trusting
relationships, they will feel important and responsible in their own
society. They will understand the importance of equity versus
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-
313-8 (pbk)
Storti, C Argument for Ethnocentrism

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