The Ten Twenty Electrode System of The International Federation (G.H. Klem, H.O. Lüders, H.H. Jasper, and C. Elger) PDF
The Ten Twenty Electrode System of The International Federation (G.H. Klem, H.O. Lüders, H.H. Jasper, and C. Elger) PDF
The Ten Twenty Electrode System of The International Federation (G.H. Klem, H.O. Lüders, H.H. Jasper, and C. Elger) PDF
Chapter 1.1
George H. Klem* (USA), Hans Otto Luders (USA), H.H. Jasper (Canada)
and C. Elger (Germany)
During the First International EEG Congress, 4. Finally, anatomical studies would be carried out
London in 1947, it was recommended that Dr. which would provide additional documentation
Herbert H. Jasper study methods to standardize correlating the electrode placement with the
the placement of electrodes used in EEG (Jasper cortical areas which they record from.
1958). A report with recommendations was to be
presented to the Second International Congress in
Paris in 1949. The electrode placement systems in Technique of measurement
use at various centers were found to be similar, with
only minor differences, although their designations, The measurement technique is based on standard
letters and numbers were entirely different. landmarks of the skull. Namely, the nasion, inion,
Dr. Jasper established some guidelines which and the left and right preauricular points. The
would be established in recommending a specic preauricular points are felt as depressions at the
system to the federation and these are listed below. root of the zygoma, just anterior to the tragus.
The rst measurement is in the anterior-posterior
1. The position of electrodes placed should be based plane through the vertex, taken from the nasion to
on specic measurements of standard skull land-
the inion. This measurement is divided into 5 sepa-
marks. The measurements should be proportional
to the size and shape of the skull.
rate areas (see Fig. 1). The rst mark is placed at
2. Adequate coverage of all parts of the head should 10% of the total measurement and labeled Fp. The
be provided with standard electrode placement. second, third, fourth and fth marks are placed at
3. Electrode designations would be expressed in 20% intervals of the total measurement and labeled
terms of brain areas covered rather than only in F, C, P, and O. Note that the O mark would be
numbers. This would make communications more located at 10% of the measurement above the
meaningful to the non-specialist, as well as inion. The expression Fp, F, C, P and O represent
workers in other laboratories. the fronto polar, frontal, central, parietal and occi-
pital areas, respectively.
Lateral measurement of the central coronal plane
starts at the left preauricular point through the C
* Correspondence to: George H. Klem, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, EEG Section (S-51), 9500 Euclid Avenue,
vertex mark to the right preauricular point (Fig.
Cleveland, OH 44195 (USA). 2). A mark is placed at 10% of this measurement
Deceased. over the preauricular points and labeled T. The
Fig. 4. The lateral view of left and right hemispheres showing all standard electrode positions, omitting intermediate positions
(such as C5 and C6) which are used only for special studies with more closely spaced electrodes. These drawings were made
from a series of X-ray projections with true lateral views. The location of principal ssures was determined by silver clips
placed at operation and by other anatomical studies described in the text. The location of pharyngeal electrodes (Pg1 and Pg2)
was also obtained from X-ray studies with these electrodes in place.
P position and this is also divided into 25% the central sulcus. A numbering system was added
segments and marks are labeled left lateral P, to differentiate between left and right homologous
midline P and right lateral P (Fig. 4). regions, odd numbers for the left hemisphere, Fp1,
These measurements provided for the location of F3, F7, C3, T3, P3, T5, and O1. Even numbers for
19 of the 21 electrodes used in the 1020 electrode the right hemisphere, Fp2, F4, F8, C4, T4, P4, T6,
system (Fig. 5). The remaining two electrodes were and O2. The original recommendation called the F,
placed on the ear lobes and labeled auricular elec- C, and P vertex electrodes F0, C0, and P0, but later
trodes. The electrode positions were named in changed to Fz, Cz, and Pz (z for zero). The numbers
anatomical terms for the cortical areas recorded, selected allowed for additional electrodes to be
with the exception of the ``C'' electrodes which placed in the coronal plane and have suitable desig-
were termed central since they were located over nations (e.g. F2 placed between Fz and F4, and F6
Fig. 5. Frontal superior and posterior views showing all the standard electrode positions as described in the text.
Fig. 6. A single plane projection of the head, showing all Fig. 7. Modied combinatorial nomenclature.
standard positions and the location of the rolandic and
sylvian ssures. The outer circle was drawn at the level of International Federation in Paris in 1949. A variety
the nasion and inion. The inner circle represents the
temporal line of electrodes. This diagram provides a useful
of systems have been employed by others to include
stamp for the indication of electrode placements in routine additional electrodes in the AP plane. Recently the
recording. American Electroencephalographic Society (Amer-
ican Electroencephalographic Society 1999a,b)
proposed and adopted Guideline 13: guidelines
placed between F4 and F8). Other additional elec- for standard electrode position nomenclature. This
trodes included pharyngeal and cerebellar elec- provided terminology for the use of additional elec-
trodes which were termed Pg1, Pg2, Cb1 and trodes placed in the sagittal plane. The location of
Cb2, respectively. these electrodes is shown in Fig. 7. Electrode
nomenclature is also described in the latest IFCN
Anatomical studies standards (Nuwer et al. 1998).