Utopia Case Study - Paper 1
Utopia Case Study - Paper 1
Utopia Case Study - Paper 1
2. Ethics are the moral principles that guide decision making and
strategy. Morals, are concerned with what is consider to be right
or wrong from societys point of view. For example, in the case
study we can see the ethical objective the business has
because they do not pollute the air, or even though damage the
environment by cutting many trees. This is a double edge
source, on one hand they help to increase the corporate image
and it improve the customers loyalty, because the business
does not act immorally. The limitations are that they can have
lower costs and profits.
On the other hand, CSR are those that act morally towards their
stakeholders such as their employees and the local community.
For example, the donations the business had made to charities
are a moral action towards the stakeholders.