Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
April 2017
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Table of Contents
Background of the Study..
Statement of the Problem.... 3
Specific Objectives....
Conceptual Framework.........................................................................
Theoretical Framework.
Significance of the Study...................................................................... 10
Scope and Delimitations ..
Definition of Terms
Research Design....
Research Method...
Locale of the Study.
Respondents of the Study.
Sampling Technique.. 25
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Sampling Size.
Research Instrument.
Data Gathering Procedure...
Data Analysis.. 26
Methodological Limitations
Ethical Considerations
Chapter 1
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The only bill directly concerning the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) community in the Philippines is the Anti-Discrimination Act.
This bill seeks that all persons regardless of sex or sexual orientation must be
treated the same as everyone else, wherein conditions do not differ in the
privileges granted and the liabilities enforced.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
1. What are the situations that put lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) individuals to discrimination?
2. What are the different types of discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals?
3. What are the effects of discrimination in the self-worth of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals?
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework for the study The Effects of
Discrimination in the Self-worth of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
(LGBT) Individuals. The conceptual framework displays the relationship between
the independent, intervening, and dependent variables on how discrimination
affect the self-worth of lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
It was evident that there were limited research studies regarding the
effects of discrimination in the self-worth of lesbians, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals. Therefore, this study was imperative to
determine if the effects are alarming and if necessary actions are needed to be
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Conceptual Framework
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School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Theoretical Framework
Labelling Theory1
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is seen to apply to some rather than others. It may be seen to be enforced more
strongly on those with lowest status in society and applied more liberally to those
in higher social positions.
So the central questions for understanding the labelling process are how
individuals become labelled as deviant and the consequences for that person of
being so labelled. In addition, we need to understand how certain acts come to
be defined as deviant in the first place. Although labelling theory (unlike Marxism)
does not have a coherent theory of power to explain why some groups are more
successful than others in getting laws passed, Becker saw the poor and
powerless, whose behavior is most likely to be labelled as deviant, as
'underdogs'. Becker gives the example of how 'moral entrepreneurs' managed to
get cannabis outlawed in the USA in 1937. A campaign by the Federal Bureau
supported by Readers Digest magazine adopted a 'moral crusade' that 'plugged
in' to values commonly held in society that drug-taking was wrong.
Becker noted that deviance can easily become the 'master status' of an
individual. Past and present actions become defined in terms of the deviant label
that is a major feature of a person's identity. The significance of master status is
that this can be internalized by the individual as their key defining characteristic
too. When this happens there is a danger of an individual embarking upon a
'deviant career' whereby deviance is central to their experiences.
This theory explains how the individuals behavior influenced by the terms
use to describe or classify them. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
individuals are often labelled as gay, faggot or homo, these labels along with
harsh remarks may affect how are they going to behave in the society. If LGBT
individuals took it as negative and start to live with it, it will affect their lives and
can lead to mental health problems.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Tajfel and Turners social identity theory explains that part of a persons
concept of self comes from the groups to which that person belongs. An
individual does not just have a personal selfhood, but multiple selves and
identities associated with their affiliated groups. A person might act differently in
varying social contexts according to the groups they belong to, which might
include a sports team they follow, their family, their country of nationality, and the
neighborhood they live in, among many other possibilities.
2 Turner, J. C., & Tajfel, H. (1986). The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. Psychology of intergroup relations, 7-24.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
This study can benefit not just the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) individuals but many personalities and organization as well
LGBT individuals. The results of this study will give them awareness
about the discrimination they received and they themselves would know what
appropriate actions they will take to cope with discrimination.
LGBTs families. It will give them awareness about how their LGBT family
member is doing. With that, they will going to have an understanding and be
more sensitive about them.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University. With this study and data gathered, it will help the
school to become aware of the effects of discrimination in the self-worth of LGBT
individuals and with that they can make necessary action if discrimination is
present in the campus. And also it will help them to make a discrimination-free
Office of the Students Affairs. The data gathered in this study may help
them to become aware of the discrimination experienced by LGBT individuals
and thus they can help by making the institution a discrimination-free campus.
BSN Program. This study could serve as a baseline data for future studies
and reference in guiding related future researches.
BSN Students. The nursing students will be able to gain knowledge on the
effects of discrimination in the self-worth of LGBT individuals and will serve as a
reference in conducting studies related to this research.
Future Researchers. This study will benefit students who would conduct
future thesis about this research. The knowledge that they will be able to extract
will serve as a foundation for their study.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Definition of Terms
Bisexual. A man or a woman who is sexually attracted to both men and women
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1998)
Coming out. In this study, it refers to the process which an LGBT person accepts
their gender identity as part of their overall identity
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Indirect sex discrimination. In this study, it refers to the policy or practice which
someone of a particular sex is less likely to be able to meet than
and this places them at a disadvantage to the opposite sex
Social isolation. In this study it refers to any act of avoidance of any social
Transgender. A person who identifies with a gender identity that differs from the
one which corresponds to the persons sex at birth (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary, 1998)
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Chapter 2
Through the review of related literature and related studies, researcher was
provided the knowledge and background on the topic or subject being studied.
Reading these literatures and studies will help the researchers determine what
has been done in the past and will give the researchers pointers on how to
develop or make some progress on the status of its study.
Coming Out
Coming out refers to the process which an LGBT person accepts their
gender identity as part of their overall identity.
LGB people may be prevented from coming out by fears about career
progression; lack of visible senior LGB staff; temporary employment status;
previous negative experiences of discrimination and harassment; desiring
privacy; macho or religious attitudes/behaviors of coworkers (Wright et. al.,
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
is still a significant problem and therefore universities are not perceived nor
experienced by LGBT students as safe spaces in which to be open about sexual
orientation/gender identity (Ellis, 2009).
Same-sex relationship
According to the study of Russell et. al. (2001), youths with both-sex
attractions were at a somewhat higher risk for substance use and abuse than
were heterosexual youths.
In the study of Gilman et. al. (2001), a total of 2.1% of men and 1.5% of
women reported 1 or more same-sex sexual partners in the past 5 years. These
respondents had higher 12-month prevalence of anxiety, mood, and substance
use disorders and of suicidal thoughts and plans than did respondents with
opposite-sex partners only.
Data from interviews and focus groups with young LGBT participants
suggest a strong link between homophobia and selfdestructive behaviors
(McDermott et. al., 2008).
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
In the study of Diaz et. al. (2001), where it assessed the relation between
experiences of social discrimination (homophobia, racism, and financial hardship)
and symptoms of psychological distress (anxiety, depression, and suicidal
ideation) among self-identified gay and bisexual Latino men in the United States.
The study showed high prevalence rates of psychological symptoms of distress
in the population of gay Latino men during the 6 months before the interview,
including suicidal ideation (17% prevalence), anxiety (44%), and depressed
mood (80%).
According to the study of Wilson and Yoshikawa (2016), Asian and Pacific
Islander (A&PI) gay men experience types of discrimination across a variety of
contexts. Homophobia and anti-immigrant discrimination were linked to
confrontation and social network-based responses whereas discrimination based
in stereotypes of passivity / submission were linked with self-attribution.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
In the study of Hariss (2008) among gay and lesbian adults, results
indicated that : (1) levels of religious commitment did not predict positive
adjustment and did not appear to interact with the other religious variables
assessed; (2) scriptural literalism (i.e., interpreting Biblical scripture with
comparatively little attention to historical context) was not related to internalized
homophobia or sexual identity development; and (3) higher levels of
postconventional religious reasoning (i.e., making religious decisions
independently rather than in deference to other authorities) predicted lower levels
of internalized homophobia and higher levels of sexual identity development.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Data drawn from a survey of a diverse sample of 5,730 LGBT youths who
had attended secondary schools in the United States showed that victimization
contributed to lower academic outcomes and lower self-esteem; however,
school-based supports contributed to lower victimization and better academic
outcomes (Kosciw et. al., 2012).
The sample consisted of 488 subjects older than 18 years (M = 25.1), who
were interviewed during the 2007 LGBT Pride Parade in Santiago, Chile showed
that approximately three fourths of respondents reported experiencing ridicule
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
In the study of Tilcsik (2011), two main findings have emerged. First, in
some but not all states, there was a significant discrimination against the fictitious
applicants who appeared to be gay. Second, employers who emphasized the
importance of stereotypically male heterosexual traits were particularly likely to
discriminate against openly gay men.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
In the study of Nadal (2010), results suggest that lesbian, gay, and
bisexual (LGB) individuals experience both conscious and unconscious
microaggressions from heterosexuals and support that microaggressions
negatively impact LGB individual's mental health.
Suicidal thoughts
Social isolation
In the study of Nelson et. al. (2009), the findings were: cultural barriers
limiting disclosure of sexuality to family and wider social networks; experiences of
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Empirical data from the Institute for the Protection of Lesbian and Gay
Youth, Inc. in New York City suggests that isolation, family violence, educational
issues, emotional stresses, shelter, and sexual abuse are the main concerns of
youth entering the program (Hetrick and Martin, 2010).
Low self-esteem
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Chapter 3
Research Design
Research Method
This study will be conducted among the selected working lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals of selected municipalities of Aklan.
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The respondent of the study will consist of the selected working lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals of selected municipalities of Aklan
who experienced discrimination.
The criteria for selecting the respondents would be: (1) a lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, (2) working lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and (3) a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who experienced discrimination.
Sampling Technique
Sampling Size
The respondents for this study will be selected lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals of selected municipalities of Aklan. This study will
involve 15 respondents who experienced discrimination in their everyday life,
particularly in their workplace.
Research Instrument
After a set of instructions and reminders, the researcher will interview the
respondents. The questions will be asked according to the level of understanding
of the respondents. Revision of the questionnaire will be done after pre-testing to
improve the choice of words and sentence construction, check the validity and
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Data Analysis
The data that will be gathered will be handled properly through the
identification of ideas from the respondents responses. Prevailing possibilities
will be developed neighboring each ideas. In these, very appropriate text-based
data will be encoded. The data will be consolidated based on categories of the
research and the content will be analyzed. The element of analysis for this
qualitative method will be the individuals but generalization can be made out of
15 respondents.
Methodological Limitations
Since this research is a subtle topic, some respondents may not open up,
because they feel afraid. Repression may occur upon interview that may lead to
the respondents feeling of unease and will give only limited information.
Schedule of interview may also be affected for some of the respondents are busy
in their workplace.
Ethical Considerations
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bostwick, W. B., Boyd, C. J., Hughes, T. L., West, B. T., & McCabe, S. E. (2016).
Discrimination and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults
in the United States. Retrieved November 20, 2016, from APA:
Burgess, D., Lee, R., Tran, A., & Ryn, M. (2008, October 11). Effects of
Perceived Discrimination on Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Utilization Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Persons.
Retrieved November 20, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:
David, E. (2015). Transgender Workers and Queer Value at Global Call Centers
in the Philippines. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from Sage Journals:
Doyle, D., & Molix, L. (2011). Perceived discrimination and well-being in gay
men: the protective role of behavioural identification. Retrieved November
20, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jackson, N., Johnson, M., & Roberts, R. (2008). The Potential Impact of
Discrimination Fears of Older Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender
Individuals Living in Small- to Moderate-Sized Cities on Long-Term Health
Care. Retrieved November 20, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:
McKeown, E., Nelson, S., Anderson, J., Low, N., & Jonathan, E. (2010, June 07).
Disclosure, discrimination and desire: experiences of Black and South
Asian gay men in Britain. Retrieved November 2010, 2016, from
Nadal, K. (2013). Transgender Women and the Sex Work Industry: Roots in
Systemic, Institutional, and Interpersonal Discrimination. Retrieved
November 20, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:
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School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Tan, M. (2008). Tita Aida and Emerging Communities of Gay Men: Two Case
Studies from Metro Manila, the Philippines. Retrieved December 4, 2016,
from Taylor & Francis Online:
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Date: _____________
Dear respondents,
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School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Date: ___________
Validators Name
Please be informed that you are one of the chosen expert validator of my
study The Effects of Discrimination in the Self-worth of Lesbians, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Individuals.
It would also be better help for the researcher if you can write comments,
suggestions and recommendations that will help improve the above-mentioned
questionnaire. I believed that your valuable observations and experiences will
help along the way in the improvement of knowledge in the academe.
Thank you very much for your kind consideration and valuable contribution
in this respect.
Sincerely yours,
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Noted by:
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Occupation: _____________
Position: ________________
Income: _________________
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School of Arts and Sciences
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Educational Background:
Aklan State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing