BrainVision PyCorder UM PDF
BrainVision PyCorder UM PDF
BrainVision PyCorder UM PDF
User Manual
Software Version 1.0.8*
Any trademarks mentioned in this User Manual are the protected property of their rightful own-
All rights reserved, including the right to translate the document.
The content of the manual is the intellectual property of Brain Products GmbH. No part of the
manual may be reproduced or distributed in any form (by printing, photocopying or any other
method) without the express written permission of Brain Products GmbH.
Subject to change without notice.
2014 Brain Products GmbH
Blank page
Contents ................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 15
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
4.2 Errors that are trapped and handled by the program ................................................................... 66
List of figures
2-13 Error message displayed when no further reserved storage space is available 33
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
viii List of figures
A-1 Overview of the PyCorder application: basic modules, basic functions and communication paths
B-3 Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/1 kHz 77
B-4 Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/2 kHz 77
B-5 Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/5 kHz 78
B-6 Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 50 kHz/25 kHz 78
List of tables
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
x List of tables
Important information
Support forum
PyCorder is an Open Source software that is provided by Brain Products free of charge. It con-
tains all the basic functionalities to perform EEG recordings with actiCHamp. For support and
questions about PyCorder, please contact your local dealer.
Unlike our licensed software, PyCorder is not continuously developed. Software fixes will be
made available as updates. With the relevant Python programming skills you can add or
adapt functionalities to your needs. If you find any errors in the software, we would like to
ask you to report them to us through your dealer or the support forum:
This platform also allows you to communicate with other users, publish your own program
extensions or ask questions about PyCorder. Please always contact your local dealer first,
since they can usually offer quick solutions.
Besides PyCorder we offer our standard software BrainVision Recorder, which is constantly
developed and updated. Brain Products has installed a free personal support for Recorder
by email. If PyCorder is not the preferred solution for your needs, please contact your local
dealer for a trial version of Recorder.
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
PyCorder is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-
POSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
if not, see
The manual provides you with an overview of the basic functions of PyCorder, its GUI and its
tools. In addition, the manual will teach you all that you need to know in order to create your
own modules for PyCorder quickly and simply. A range of programming examples will help
you to find your way round in a simple way. The source code for our examples is available on
the supplied Application Suite DVD.
Remember that this manual is not a general guide to programming in Python. On the con-
trary, it assumes that you already have advanced Python programming skills.
Chapter 1 describes the installation of all the software components that you need to run
PyCorder and provides you with notes on configuring the Windows operating system
for recording data.
Chapter 2 deals with the functions of the PyCorder and how it is operated.
In Chapter 3, a number of examples will show you how to program your own modules for
The PyCorder User Manual is aimed at users from the fields of psychophysiological and neu-
rological research who have advanced Python programming skills.
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
14 About this manual
The manual also uses the following symbols to help you find your way around:
Stop: This symbol indicates that you should not carry out a particular action.
New: This symbol indicates that the Operating Instructions have been
changed or that new material has been added at this point.
What is PyCorder?
PyCorder is based on the Python programming language and the software is open source. It
is freely configurable and you are able to extend it by adding modules you have written your-
PyCorder is used together with the actiCHamp EEG amplifier. In combination with active elec-
trodes, sensors or a PC, it permits the recording of ExG signals (e.g. EEG, ECG, EOG and EMG
signals) and sensor data. The acquired data is stored on a computer as digitized raw data.
PyCorder provides you with unrestricted control over the processes running in the software.
You can intervene in the recording and storage process at any point to configure PyCorder to
suit your research requirements. You can modify the basic modules supplied as well as inte-
grate your own modules in PyCorder.
Intended use: What can PyCorder be used for and what can it not
be used for?
PyCorder is not a medical product and is therefore not subject to the regulations set out in
EU Directive 93/42/EEC. It is expressly forbidden to use the product for medical diagnosis or
therapy of any kind.
Brain Products GmbH accepts no liability for incorrect use or misuse of PyCorder and/or ac-
tiCHamp. The use of the products beyond the boundaries of pure scientific research is
deemed to be incorrect use or misuse.
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
Min. computer configuration: - Intel Core 2 Quad processor, 2.4 GHz or similar
- 3 GB of RAM
- Graphics adapter with 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution
and min. 512 MB internal memory
- Windows Experience Index > 5.0
You will need a number of different software packages: Python, the six Python libraries and,
of course, PyCorder itself. The installation procedure is simplified with the installation
Insert the supplied Application Suite into the DVD drive of your computer. When the welcome
dialog opens, click on Install BrainVision PyCorder to open the PyCorder installation dialog
(Figure 1-1).
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
18 Chapter 1 PyCorder under Windows 7 and Windows 8
Proceed as follows:
1 Choose Install Python & libraries for your operating system version (32-bit or 64-bit).
Note: If you wish to extend PyCorder with your own modules or modules of other
users, we recommend to install the 32-bit version, even if you have a 64-bit op-
erating system. This will facilitate the extension, since some Python libraries
can only be installed in their 32-bit version.
2 Then run all the files from the Python & Libraries dialog (Figure 1-2), i.e. first Python (Py-
thon interpreter) and then the six Python libraries required in the specified sequence
(numerical, scientific, GUI, plot, XML, PyWin 32).
Figure 1-2. Python & Libraries installation dialog for Windows 64-bit
3 Now return to the previous dialog (see Figure 1-1) and click on Install BrainVision Py-
Corder to install PyCorder.
4 The PyCorder application is then copied into a PyCorder folder in the Windows program
If you wish to program your own modules or work with the programming examples, simply
copy the entire folder to a different folder on your hard disk and then work with this copy.
You will find instructions for programming your own modules in Chapter 3 as of page 43.
Installing the actiCHamp drivers 19
It is possible that the Windows firewall may block a number of the functions of the PyCord-
er. If you receive a message to this effect, make the necessary settings to avoid this in the
You must install the necessary drivers in order to be able to operate the actiCHamp. You can
install the drivers independently of the PyCorder, but must do so before you use the acti-
CHamp for the first time.
You will find the drivers on the supplied Application Suite DVD. In the PyCorder installation
menu of the DVD (see Figure 1-1), simply click Install actiCHamp USB device driver. The ap-
propriate drivers for your operating system version (32/64-bit) will be installed.
You will find instructions for connecting the actiCHamp to your computer in the Operating In-
structions for the amplifier.
To ensure that data is recorded without errors, you should disable the following Windows
functions before recording:
Sleep mode
Windows Update
Windows Defender
Automatic defragmentation.
You can, of course, reactivate any services and functions that have been deactivated once
you have finished recording data.
Refer to your Microsoft user documentation for detailed information on configuring your Win-
dows operating system.
20 Chapter 1 PyCorder under Windows 7 and Windows 8
Start the program by double-clicking the PyCorder icon that is placed on your desktop
during installation. Alternatively, you can start the program by choosing BrainVision PyCord-
er under All Programs > BrainVision > BrainVision PyCorder in the Windows start menu.
If you have created a copy of the program folder in order to write your own modules or work
with the programming examples, start PyCorder by double-clicking the main program file located in the source code folder (src) (Figure 2-1).
Note on the PyCorder GUI (see Figure 2-2): The data sent by the amplifier is displayed in the
raw signal pane. The controls are located on the right of the window. In the Amplifier (1)
group you select the mode. The Data Storage (2) group allows you to control the recording of
data and view the recording status; and the Display (3) group allows you to change the rep-
resentation of the data.
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
22 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
Any changes to the states of the signal lines at the trigger input and output of the actiCHamp are shown as markers at the bottom
of the interface (see Figure 2-3). The eight signal lines of the trigger input are acquired in two groups: The first group (D0 through
D3) is designated S nn and the second (D4 through D7) is designated R nn. The decimal value nn (between 1 and 15) corresponds
to the states of the signal lines in one of these two groups. All eight signal lines of the trigger output (D0 through D7) are desig-
nated TOnnn. The decimal value nn (between 1 and 255) corresponds to the states of these signal lines.
Figure 2-3. Display of the digital trigger inputs and trigger outputs
Starting the program and GUI 23
Table 2-1 contains the designations of all the markers used by default in PyCorder.
The status bar at the bottom of the window (see Figure 2-4) contains the following informa- Status bar
1 Status field (indicates, for example, program status and error messages)
2 Sampling rate
yellow: critical range (between 5.6 V and 5.3 V). You should charge or change the bat-
tery pack as soon as possible
6 Program utilization in percent. This value helps you to assess the performance of a (user-
defined) module.
1 2 3 4 5 6
24 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
To start displaying the data received from the amplifier, click the Default Mode button. Alter-
natively, sine waves are displayed if you are simulating data display (see Section 2.2.5).
If you wish to measure the impedance values of the active electrodes, click Impedance
Mode. In the Impedance window, the impedances of all the electrodes are shown color-cod-
ed in a grid (see Figure 2-5).
Show Values allows you to show the impedance values of the electrodes. You can adjust the
color scale using the drop-down list box.
Data display: Overview of the PyCorder modes 25
During acquisition, the impedance values are also displayed by the LEDs which are built into
the active electrodes. When using active electrodes, an impedance of 25 kOhm is completely
sufficient in order to achieve outstanding data quality.
LED test mode can be used to check the LEDs of the active electrodes and EP-PreAmps. This
makes it possible, for example, to identify defects or malfunctions. During the LED test, Py-
Corder cyclically activates the LEDs of the data electrodes and also, with a time delay, the
GND electrode (green, red, off).
Test mode allows you to check whether the EEG electrodes are working properly. Place all
electrodes including the reference electrode and GND electrode in a saline bath (approx. 3
tablespoons of salt to 1 liter of water in a plastic bowl). Then launch test mode on the PyCord-
er. If the electrodes are operating correctly, you will see a square-wave signal in PyCorder
(see Figure 2-6). If, during configuration, you have selected one channel as the reference
channel then this channel is displayed as a normal EEG channel in test mode.
26 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
You will find detailed infor- Figure 2-6. Square-wave signal in test mode
mation on performing tests
and checking correct oper-
ation of the electrodes in
the actiCHamp Operating
If you wish to create and test your own modules without having an amplifier connected, you
can use demo mode.
To activate demo mode, choose the number of amplifier modules from the configuration set-
tings (Configuration... button) depending on the number of channels you wish to simulate
(see Figure 2-7). You can simulate up to five amplifier modules or up to 160 EEG channels.
Data display: Overview of the PyCorder modes 27
If you click Default Mode then sine waves are displayed (see Figure 2-8). In Test Mode, by
contrast, square-wave signals are displayed.
28 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
To record data, switch the PyCorder to Default Mode and then click Start Recording.
You can also record the test signal: To do this, switch PyCorder to Test Mode and start the
In the Save dialog box that opens, you can specify a name for the data set and the location
at which it is to be stored.
After you have started recording, the name, length and path for the data set and the remain-
ing hard disk space are displayed under Data Storage (see Figure 2-9).
Configuring the data display 29
You can change the interval shown on the time axis under Timebase (displayed interval
from 0.1 through 50 seconds).
Channels allows you to select how many channels and which channels (EEG, AUX, EPP1,
BIP2) or which channel groups (1 through 32, 33 through 64, ) are displayed.
Under Baseline, you can perform a baseline correction and display the baseline at any
given time (Baseline Correction Now).
Click Configuration to change the user settings. Some modules (Amplifier, Recording Mon-
tage, Data Storage, Filter, ) have a tab in the Configuration dialog box that allows you to
make the necessary settings.
You can make the basic settings for the amplifier on the Amplifier tab (see Figure 2-10):
1. EPP = EP-PreAmp
30 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
Simulation: For selection of demo mode. Select the number of modules to be simulated
from the drop-down list ( see also Section 2.2 as of page 24).
Optional Input Devices: For selection of additional input devices such as, for example,
EP-PreAmp and BIP2AUX Adapter.
For more detailed informa- EP-PreAmp: Select the EEG module for the connection of the EP-PreAmp and define the
tion on the settings for EP- individual gains for the EP-PreAmp in the drop-down lists.
PreAmp modules, refer to
the EP-PreAmp Operating BIP2AUX: Specify the AUX channel to which you have connected the BIP2AUX Adapter.
Figure 2-10. Configuring the amplifier settings
On the Recording Montage tab, you can define the settings for the EEG and AUX channels.
You can specify one or more reference channels for the EEG channels.
Configuring the user settings 31
Please note here that the signals are acquired with actiCHamp without the use of a phys-
ical reference electrode and that the amplifier internally forms a virtual ground point as
the reference system for the acquisition ( see also the actiCHamp Operating Instruc-
If you select a single reference channel in PyCorder then, for every data point, the pro-
gram calculates the difference between one of the other acquired channels and the ref-
erence channel. If you select multiple reference channels then the arithmetic mean of
these channels is used for the difference calculation.
You can enable/disable and edit the AUX and EP-PreAmp channels.
The Other channels list contains the AUX channels and the channels for the optional in-
put devices (for instance EP-PreAmp). This list only shows the odd-numbered channels,
because an EP-PreAmp always occupies two channels. The corresponding even-num-
bered channels are selected automatically. Please note that only EP-PreAmps that you
have not set to OFF are displayed.
32 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
You can configure the storage options on the Storage tab (see Figure 2-12). Here you can
specify the folder in which your recording data is to be stored. You can also generate auto-
matic file names and specify a minimum amount of hard disk space required for recording.
Configuring the user settings 33
On the basis of the reserved storage space, PyCorder calculates the approximate number of
minutes of recording time available. This value is displayed in the Data Storage area of the
raw data pane (see Figure 2-2 on page 22). If the reserved storage space is completely filled
during acquisition then recording stops and an error message is displayed in the status bar.
Figure 2-13. Error message displayed when no further reserved storage space is available
You can make filter settings globally for all EEG channels and separately for each AUX chan-
nel on the Filter tab (see Figure 2-14): You can enable or disable the high-cutoff filter, the
low-cutoff filter and the notch filter and select the filter frequencies.
34 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
To facilitate working with different configurations and switching between these configura-
tions, you can save different user settings in separate files and read them in again subse-
quently. The relevant functions are available from the File menu (see Figure 2-15).
RDA client 35
When you install PyCorder, the RDA client is installed at the same time. You can start the pro-
gram by choosing BrainVision PyCorder RDA-Client under All Programs > BrainVision in the
Windows start menu (see Figure 2-16).
The RDA client allows you to monitor data acquisition from a remote computer in the net-
work. In this event, the PyCorder running on the computer used for recording the data acts
as the server. To establish the connection to the server, enter its address (IP address or
name) in the text box and click Connect (see Figure 2-17).
36 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
Remote control of PyCorder is possible using various stimulus presentation programs (e.g.
E-Prime or Presentation). No additional communications interface is required since Py-
Corder possesses an integrated TCP/IP server which can receive commands via port 6700.
The remote control function is disabled by default. To enable this function, it is necessary to
enter a command in the command line.
6 Move the cursor to the end of the line and enter -oR.
If you now start PyCorder via this desktop shortcut, the remote control function is enabled.
Only use this shortcut to start PyCorder if you are also using remote control!
2.8.2 Initialization
You must create a configuration file before you can use the PyCorder remote control capabil-
ity. Both the path and file name of the configuration file are required for initialization.
First of all, you must enter the IP address and port (6700) of the PC used for recording in the
stimulus presentation software. If the same PC is used for recording and to run the stimulus
presentation software, enter localhost as IP address. The connection is established via
Name: PyCorder
Port: 6700
Each of the initialization commands consists of a number and a string (Table 2-20 presents Initialization commands
an overview). These commands must be executed in sequence and it is necessary to wait for
approximately 1 second between each command in order to ensure that PyCorder is initial-
ized correctly. There must be NO SPACES between the command number and the string.
String Function
In this example, the resulting EEG file is saved as 2131_AAB.eeg in the folder speci-
fied under Data File Folder in the configuration. If an EEG file with this name already ex-
ists then a sequential number is appended to the specified name.
The PyCorder's status bar indicates that a connection has been established to the client soft-
ware (e.g. stimulus presentation software) and shows you which commands have been re-
ceived (Figure 2-20).
40 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
2.8.3 Commands
1 Mode commands
Both impedance and default mode are available for the remote control of PyCorder. You
can start these using the following commands.
String Function
I Impedance mode
M Default mode (monitoring)
2 Recording commands
You can control the recording of the data using the following commands.
String Function
S Starts recording.
Q Stops recording.
X Stops recording and exits the mode (impedance/default)
Remote control using stimulus presentation software 41
3 Feedback
You can use the following commands to enable and disable the feedback function in or-
der to obtain feedback on the transmitted commands:
String Function
F0 Feedback: Off
F1 Feedback: On
The called command with the suffix OK is returned as feedback (e.g. MOK or XOK, etc.).
If a command cannot be executed then FAILED is returned (e.g. XFAILED etc.).
It is not necessary to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase when entering the com-
Remote control is only possible after you have accepted the disclaimer displayed on program
start-up! The commands I, M, S, X, Q are not available during a manually started recording.
42 Chapter 2 Getting started and handling the program
The following sections refer to PyCorder Version 1.0.0. New features in the development en-
vironment or in PyCorder are not taken into account here.
We recommend that you install a separate Python development environment comprising the
following components:
1 When you first start Eclipse, you are prompted to create a folder for your projects (see You will find instructions
Figure 3-1). Under Workspace, choose a folder and check the option Use this as the de- for installing Eclipse un-
fault (...). Close the dialog box by clicking OK.
Figure 3-1. Creating a project folder in Eclipse Eclipse/Installation (En-
glish) or http://
tion.htm (German).
2 At the top of the Welcome screen, right-click on Workbench to switch to the actual work-
3 Choose Window > Preferences from the menu to add the PyDev add-on to the list of avail-
able software sites (see Figure 3-2). On the left, under Install/Update, select Available
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
44 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
Software Sites and add PyDev as a new site by clicking Add. The address of the site is
Figure 3-2. Adding the PyDev site to the list of available sites
4 Then install the add-on by choosing Help > Install New Software from the menu (see
Figure 3-3). Confirm all the dialog boxes that follow and restart Eclipse when prompted
to do so.
Installing a Python development environment 45
Once installation is complete, you must configure the Python interpreter. This is done as fol-
1 Open the configuration dialog box by choosing Window > Preferences from the menu. You will also find instruc-
tions for configuring the in-
2 On the left, select Pydev > Interpreter - Python (see Figure 3-4 f.) and click New to create terpreter under:
this interpreter entry. Confirm all the dialog boxes that follow by clicking OK.
46 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
3 Click Apply to create the new entries (see Figure 3-6). You can then close the configura-
tion dialog box by clicking OK.
Installing a Python development environment 47
4 To be able to work with the Python projects, you must select the appropriate Eclipse per-
spective by choosing Window > Open Perspective > Other from the menu. Select Pydev
and confirm your choice with OK (see Figure 3-7).
48 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
After you have configured the Python interpreter, import your PyCorder project into the
Eclipse workspace as follows:
1 First create a new Python project by choosing File > New > Pydev Project from the menu
and selecting a project name (e.g. MyPyCorder). The following settings should be made
for the new project (see Figure 3-8):
Installing a Python development environment 49
2 Right-click the new project in the Pydev Package Explorer and choose Import from the
context menu. Specify General > File System as the import source in the dialog box that
3 Now choose the folder in which the PyCorder sources are located (on a default installa-
tion, this is C:\Program Files\PyCorder) and choose the option Create selected folders
only (see Figure 3-9).
50 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
5 Once the project has been imported, select the file and start the PyCorder by
choosing Run > Run As > Python Run from the menu.
The basic Python application uses Qt from Trolltech and Nokia as its application framework
and graphical user interface. This is linked in with PyQt. The user interface was designed with
the Qt Designer and compiled to various Python modules using the PyQt compiler.
The application itself has only a few functions of its own. Instead, it provides a framework for
the PyCorder modules. This framework is in essence made up of three parts in which the Py-
Corder modules provide signal displays, controls and configuration elements.
The basic framework 51
MainWindow class
Main window of the application including the menu, status bar and module management fa-
Instantiation and initialization of the GUI objects.
Links for the menu items and controls for the class functions.
Linkage of the PyCorder modules.
Embedding of the signal displays and controls from the modules in the GUI.
Loading of the most recently used configuration.
Functions for the Configuration... button.
Creating and calling the global configuration dialog box in which every PyCorder
module can incorporate a page.
Reset Configuration menu
Reset all PyCorder module parameters to default values.
Load Configuration menu
Load a configuration from an XML file and pass this configuration data to all Py-
Corder modules. Each module selects its own data from this configuration.
Save Configuration menu
Read the configuration of each individual PyCorder module and write the entire
configuration to an XML file.
processEvent(self, event)
Termination point of all events sent by the PyCorder modules. These are evalu-
ated here and passed to the status bar for display or registration.
DlgConfiguration class
class DlgConfiguration(Qt.QDialog,
Global configuration dialog box in which the various configuration pages for the PyCorder
modules are incorporated in the form of tabs.
52 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
StatusBarWidget class
class StatusBarWidget(Qt.QWidget,
Status bar of the application with various fields that can be populated by the modules using
Display all events of the type LOGMESSAGE, MESSAGE or ERROR
Display the sampling rate (event type STATUS, field Rate)
Number of selected amplifier channels (event type STATUS, field Channels)
Display the current configuration file (event type STATUS, field Workspace)
The utilization value (event type STATUS, field Utilization) provides a reference
point for the time required to process the data block in relation to the time re-
quired to record this block. If this value exceeds 100%, processing would take
more time than is available, resulting in data loss. In order to avoid this, it is nec-
essary either to optimize processing or to reduce the sampling rate or the num-
ber of channels.
DlgLogView class
Dialog box for displaying all module events to date of the type LOGMESSAGE or ERROR.
InstantiateModules() function
This function instantiates the PyCorder modules and passes them to the application in a list.
The application then links the modules. The position in the list specifies the sequence in
which data is processed. The data source (amplifier) is always the first item in the list and
sends its data packages to the next module in the list.
You will find an overview of the PyCorder application, its basic modules, basic functions and
communication paths in Appendix A on page 71.
The basic framework 53
res (package)
Run this script to create form definitions from Qt Designer files (.ui)
Run this Windows batch file in order to compile resources into a Python source file
tutorial (package)
PyCorder modules are used to process or present data block by block. When they are linked
together, they define the total range of functions of the application. All the basic functions of
a module are already contained in the base class ModuleBase. Modules derived from this
class therefore simply have to implement those functions that they actually require. The
process_input and process_output functions are an exception in this respect, be-
cause they always have to be implemented ( see TUT_0 in Section 3.4.1 as of page 55).
You will find block dia- A module is divided into three functional areas:
grams for the three func-
tional areas in Appendix A Execution control and communication (see TUT_1, Section 3.4.2 as of page 56 and
as of page 71. TUT_4, Section 3.4.5 as of page 62)
Before you create your own modules or work with the programming examples (TUT_*), you
should create a working copy of the entire PyCorder folder. If you do not do this, you will lose
your changes when you update to a more recent version or uninstall the current version.
How do I create and use my own modules? 55
The functionality implemented in the examples has been kept very simple and is intended
only to illustrate the principles involved.
The TUT_0 module is the simplest of the modules described by us since only the functions
that are absolutely necessary are implemented in it: The module simply receives data and
then forwards this unchanged. You can, for example, use this module as a template for your
own modules. This is how the module is created:
In order to ensure that basic functions and user-defined functions are clearly separated, we
recommend that you create a new Python package (folder) below the source code folder src.
In our example we have used src\tutorial.
You should create a separate file for each new module class. In our example we have used
Because all modules are derived from the base class ModuleBase, we must import this first:
from modbase import * By specifying * in the import, we are also able to access other
libraries which may be useful to us at a later stage and that have already been imported by
Now we create the class that is derived from ModulBase - class TUT_0(ModuleBase)
- and implement the minimum functions required:
Now all we have to do is to incorporate it into the module chain of the application as follows:
The file src\ contains the section IMPORT AND INSTANTIATE RECORDING MOD-
ULES. Only two entries are required here in order to incorporate an additional module:
We have now created our first module and incorporated it in the application.
There are three communication paths in the module chain. Two of these run from top to bot-
tom, i.e. from the data source (amplifier) to the data sink (display), and one runs from bottom
to top, beyond the data source into the application.
Data path
The data objects EEG_DataBlock created in the amplifier are passed from top to bot-
tom on this path. In the module, process_input() accepts the data object and pro-
cess_output() forwards it to the next module.
This is always called if the channel configuration of the data object has changed and be-
fore every process_start().
If a module wishes to make changes to the channel configuration (e.g. change the num-
ber of channels or the channel names), it must pass this changed data object to the
downstream modules at this point using return params and ensure that the pro-
cess_output function passes a data object with the same structure.
Events pass through the module chain from bottom to top, finishing up in the applica-
tion, where they are evaluated or displayed in the status bar.
If a module is interested in events from downstream modules, it can evaluate these using
the process_event() function. Conversely, events can be sent to all upstream mod-
How do I create and use my own modules? 57
ules or to the application using the send_event() function. Those functions communi-
cate the event with a ModuleEvent object specifying the message.
Errors in the form of exceptions that occur in the derived functions process_* are au-
tomatically passed to the application via an event, where they are displayed in the status
bar and written to the log file. The status bar shows the module name, the line number
and a description of the error.
Events of the type MESSAGE or LOGMESSAGE can be used to display information in the
status bar of the application at runtime.
Console output
When creating a new module, it can be useful to display interim results or progress mes-
sages in the Python console from time to time using the print() command.
3.4.3 TUT_2 What data do I receive and how can I use it?
In TUT_2 we show how to select channels using masks and how to process these efficiently
using NumPy-Array functions.
You should not use any for loops inside the process_input and process_output data
processing functions to access the individual values of the data arrays, as this will inevitably
lead to a dramatic reduction in performance.
If you wish to see the difference for yourself, insert the text _loop into any channel name. If
you do this, a simple calculation is performed in a for loop for all channels.
In this example we also show how to create marker objects and insert them into the data
stream. Markers describe any type of event and determine the time of that event in the data
stream. The storage module writes them to the marker file (.vmkr). In order to do this, of
course, the module that creates the markers must be located before the storage module.
In order to work with this example, you must create a configuration with the channel names
used in the example and a sampling rate of 10 kHz:
Channel 1: Ch1_x2
Channel 3: Ch3_x2
Channel 4: Ch4_x2
Channel 6: Ch6_x2
58 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
A selection mask is created in process_update for the channels listed here, and this is
then used in process_input to multiply the values of the selected channels by 2.0.
Let us now have a look at the data passed to the process_input function. We receive an
object of the class EEG_DataBlock with the following fields:
The module TUT_3 is somewhat more complex than the previous examples. It illustrates the
options available for visualizing data and for configuring module parameters during record-
ing and within the framework of the global settings using the example of a simple FFT analy-
The purpose of the module is to display the FFT for selected channels in a signal pane and to
configure the frequency range shown and the size of the data blocks during recording. It
should be possible to set the maximum number of channels shown using the global config-
uration dialog box. Channels are selected by clicking the channel names in the raw signal
pane. Clicking once on a channel adds it to the selection and clicking on the same channel
again removes it. If the maximum number of channels that can be selected is exceeded, the
oldest selection is canceled.
The three parameters frequency range, chunk size and plot items illustrate how to store
module settings in the configuration file and how to read them in again.
After you have integrated the module into the application, the selected channels (in our ex-
ample, these are Ch4 and Ch8, see Figure 3-10) are shown to the left of the raw data pane.
The controls (on the right of the interface) have been extended to include the FFT group con-
taining two drop-down lists for configuring the frequency range and chunk size parameters
(see Figure 3-11).
The configuration dialog box has been extended to include the tab FFT, in which you can con-
figure the plot items parameter (see Figure 3-12).
Now let us have a look at the required objects and functions in the visualization, data pro-
cessing and communication area.
You must derive all classes for these objects from Qt.QFrame in order to be able to incorpo-
rate them in the application interface. The objects are passed to the application using the
How do I create and use my own modules? 61
There are two ways of designing graphical objects: You can do so manually as we have done
in this example. Alternatively, you can use the Qt Designer that allows you to design objects
using WYSIWYG methods. You must then compile the XML files created by the Designer (*.ui)
using the Qt compiler. You will find examples of this method in the basic modules of the ap-
plication. The call to the compiler is contained in the file in the folder res.
The controller object _OnlineCfgPane contains only a frame and two combo boxes for set-
ting the parameters frequency range and chunk size. The module uses the functions set-
CurrentValues and getCurrentValues to set or read the parameters. The Qt.SIGNAL
mechanism informs the module of any changes to the settings. The connection to the rele-
vant events is established in the constructor of the module.
The signal display _SignalPane provides the framework for the actual FFT objects to be
represented, which it manages in a list and provides with channel data packets at runtime.
A queue object is used to transport the data from the module to the signal display in order to
guarantee thread safety. The data is read in a timer function and distributed to the FFT repre-
sentation objects.
The FFT widgets are derived from the class QwtPlot, which is responsible for all of the tasks You will find detailed infor-
involved in drawing the signals, the axes and the axis labels. mation on the program-
ming facilities and the
Once we have created the visual components, it is of course necessary to provide them with configuration of the Qwt-
data. To do this, we first choose the channels to be displayed. This is done using an event Plot class in the Qwt doc-
sent by the display module when one of the channel names is clicked. Events are accepted
by the process_event function, and at this point we filter out the event ChannelSe-
lected. This event gives us the name of the selected channel, which is added to a FIFO buf-
fer of the size plot_items or deleted from the buffer if the buffer already contains this
channel. The channel mask is then recalculated in the updateSignalPane() function and
the signal display is updated.
The same function is used if a new channel configuration is received via process_up-
Now, everything has been prepared to allow us to use the process_input() function to
receive data and pass it to the signal pane. The data packets that we receive via pro-
cess_input() always have different sizes depending on the sampling rate and the pro-
62 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
cessing times. However, because we need blocks of a defined size for the FFT, the data is
initially cached and only passed for FFT display when the cache contains at least one block
of the required size. The FFT module is now completely operational.
We now want to make some settings to allow the three module parameters that can be set to
be written to and read from a configuration file.
The application manages all module parameters in an XML file containing one node for each
module. A module node is identified by its name and the two attributes module and in-
stance. Each module can arrange its parameters in any way it chooses below the module
name. The lxml library is used for writing and reading, which considerably facilitates creating
and reading complete XML trees.
When the configuration file is created, the application calls the getXML() function of each
module and builds the file from the returned module nodes. When the configuration file is
read in, the entire XML tree is passed to the modules using setXML(). Each module then
finds its own node and reads its own parameters.
In order to be prepared for structural changes to the XML parameters, we recommend that
you write a version number into the module node as an attribute and evaluate this when the
file is read.
3.4.5 TUT_4 Setting the trigger output and reading the My Button
The actiCHamp has eight digital outputs, whose states can be set by the application. It is,
however, only possible to use the trigger output when recording data. An event of the type
COMMAND with info=TriggerOut and cmd_value=value is sent to the amplifier
module to send a binary value to the trigger output. Each bit in the value sent corresponds to
the state of one output line (bit0=D0, bit1=D1, bit2=D2, etc.). The _OnlineCfgPane con-
trol of this module contains eight check boxes, that can be used to set or reset each output
individually. There are also two buttons that allow you to set or reset all the outputs together
(see Figure 3-13).
All the elements of the control are enabled in the process_start() function when data
recording starts and disabled again in process_stop() when data recording stops. The
module TUT_4 is notified of every change to the check boxes, and the module initiates a
TriggerOut event, which sets the trigger outputs directly on the amplifier.
On the front of the actiCHamp, there is a control button labeled MY-Button to which you
can assign your own individual function. The state of the MY button is also distributed by
means of an event. Modules that have an interest in the state of the button can evaluate this
event of the type COMMAND with info=MyButton in the function process_event()
and react accordingly. The value of cmd_value is either pressed or released and
indicates the current state change. TUT_4 uses this information to show the state of the but-
ton in the control object.
64 Chapter 3 Creating and implementing your own modules
You will find detailed information on performing hardware tests and checking correct opera-
tion of the electrodes in the Operating Instructions for the actiCHamp.
Your local dealer or our support forum is also available to provide assistance (see page 11).
When the program is started, the system checks whether the required Python libraries exist
and what version they are. If there are any discrepancies, the following message appears in
the console window: PyCorder: The following libraries are missing or have the wrong ver-
If one library is missing, it is not possible to continue working and the application is termi-
An incorrect version of the library means that we have not tested this version. It is, howev-
er, possible that you will be able to work with this version. You must test for yourself whether
it is possible to continue working without errors.
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
66 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting: What to do if
All errors that occur and are trapped during program execution are displayed in the status bar
and can thus also be stored in a log file.
You can display the complete sequence of all messages and errors either by choosing File >
Show Log from the menu or by clicking on the status bar. The Log History dialog box then pro-
vides you with the option of storing the contents of the log file.
Error messages are displayed and handled differently depending on their severity:
Errors of this type are highlighted in yellow when they are displayed. They are for infor-
mation only and have no effect on the execution of the program.
These errors are shown in red. They generally lead to data loss and must be eliminated.
Recording, however, continues.
These are serious errors that cause recording to be aborted. Errors of this type remain in
the status bar either until they are overwritten by a further error of this type or until they
are deleted by calling Show Log.
Possible error messages and their causes 67
Amplifier actiChamp: failed STOP It is not possible to access the Win- Check that the library with the file
to open library ('lib- dows library ActiChamp_x86.dll name libname is located in the
name') or ActiChamp_x64.dll for the ampli- same folder as the file acti-
fier, because it is missing or faulty.
actiChamp: hard- STOP No amplifier was found at the USB Check that the amplifier is con-
ware not available port. nected and is shown in the Win-
dows Device Manager under the
name ActiChamp EEG amplifier.
actiChamp: failed STOP An amplifier was found, but it was Check the power supply of the
to open device not possible to initialize it. amplifier. Disconnect the amplifier
from the USB bus, reconnect it and
restart the application.
actiChamp: device STOP This error and the errors below indi- If you have made changes to the
not open cated by 'error' = Invalid handle or standard modules, check whether
Invalid function parameter(s) only this error also occurs with the origi-
occur when the control functions of nal installation. If so, contact your
the amplifier have been called with- local dealer or the support forum
out having been initialized success- ( see also page 11).
fully beforehand or when the
parameters passed to one of the
library functions lie outside the valid
If 'error' has the value Function fail
(internal error), this indicates a
problem communicating with the
actiChamp: failed STOP See above
to setup device ->
actiChamp: failed STOP See above
to get device prop-
erties -> 'error'
actiChamp: failed STOP See above
to start device ->
actiChamp: failed STOP See above
to stop device ->
actiChamp: failed STOP See above
to read data from
device -> 'error'
68 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting: What to do if
Load Configura- NOTIFY An attempt has been made to read a Configuration files created with a
tion: 'filename' configuration file with a higher pro- later program version cannot be
wrong version 'vf' > gram version number than the ver- read by older program versions.
'va' sion currently implemented.
Save Configura- NOTIFY An error has occurred on saving the 'error' indicates the cause of the
tion: 'error' -> 'file- configuration file filename. error, e.g. write-protected, insuffi-
name' cient permissions or insufficient
storage space.
PyCorder: Failed to NOTIFY An error has occurred on saving the 'error' indicates the cause of the
write log file 'file- log file filename. error, e.g. write-protected, insuffi-
name' -> 'error' cient permissions or insufficient
storage space.
RDA Client XML Configuration: NOTIFY See 'Amplifier'
wrong version
RDA Server XML Configuration: NOTIFY See 'Amplifier'
wrong version
Input queue FULL, NOTIFY See 'Display'
RDA Client input NOTIFY The connected RDA client or the The only remedy here is a faster net-
queue FULL, over- TCP/IP connection is not able to pro- work connection or a reduction in
run! cess the incoming data quickly the sampling rate or the number of
enough, resulting in an overflow in channels.
the input queue.
Storage XML Configuration: NOTIFY See 'Amplifier'
wrong version
Input queue FULL, NOTIFY See 'Display'
out of disk space NOTIFY The selected storage medium does Choose a different storage medium
('minspace'GB) on not have enough free storage space. or reduce the space required using
'path' the configuration dialog box.
out of disk space NOTIFY The free storage space available fell
(<'minspace'GB), below the required threshold during
recording stopped recording, and storage was aborted.
failed to create 'file- STOP It was not possible to create the file 'error' indicates the cause of the
name' -> 'error' filename. error, e.g. write-protected, insuffi-
cient permissions/storage space.
write to file 'file- NOTIFY A write error occurred on the speci- See above
name' failed fied file during recording.
70 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting: What to do if
'n' samples miss- NOTIFY A discontinuity was detected when This error generally occurs in combi-
ing (device errors = checking the constant data counter. nation with Input queue FULL. If
'd') 'n' indicates the number of lost data the device error counter > 0, it may
points. Device errors indicates be that other CPU processes with
whether the data was lost in the higher priority such as defragmenta-
amplifier hardware or during USB tion, Windows Update or Win-
data transfer. dows Defender are interfering with
the USB data transfer ( see also
Section 1.4 on page 19).
Signal Pane
Status Bar Display
Module Chain
Config Online Signal Config Online Signal Config Online Signal Config Online Signal Config Online Signal Config Online Signal
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane Pane
Amplifier Module Filter Module Trigger Module Storage Module Impedance Module Display Module
Data Path Data Path Data Path Data Path Data Path Data Path
Command / Event Interface Command / Event Interface Command / Event Interface Command / Event Interface Command / Event Interface Command / Event Interface
IN XML Configuration XML Configuration XML Configuration OUT XML Configuration OUT XML Configuration XML Configuration
EEG Data Files Configuration File
Appendix A Module-based structure of the PyCorder
Figure A-1. Overview of the PyCorder application: basic modules, basic functions and communication paths
72 Appendix A Module-based structure of the PyCorder
XML Configuration
call start
start on all attached
Worker Thread
call stop
on all attached
Worker Thread
Parent Module
Child Modules
call update_receivers
update_receivers on all attached
Parameter Update
call query
on all attached
Command Acceptance
to parent module Event Handler
XML Configuration
process_input process_output
Parent Module
Child Modules
_transmit_data to all attached
Queue Worker Thread
XML Configuration
To provide for the hardware sampling rates of 100 kHz, 50 kHz and 10 kHz supplied by the
actiCHamp amplifier, a 20 kHz (-3 dB) anti-aliasing filter (actiCHamp Rev. 01) or an 8 kHz (-
3 dB) anti-aliasing filter (as of actiCHamp Rev. 02) is installed in the hardware ahead of the
Sigma-Delta A/D converter. The decimators contain appropriate high-cutoff filters ( see
also Appendix E of the actiCHamp Operating Instructions).
In addition, at these sampling rates, the signals pass through an FIR filter in the actiCHamp
library with the Z-transform H(z) = 0.5 + 0.5 * z-1.
The other sampling rates required by the PyCorder application are not supplied directly by
the amplifier hardware but are generated by the software in the actiCHamp library. In this
case, the signals pass through a four or three-stage CIC (Cascaded Integrator-Comb) anti-
aliasing filter prior to the decimation of the sampling rates.
100 kHz 100 kHz 1 FIR filter 15.2 kHz 7.5 kHz
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
76 Appendix B Anti-aliasing filter
Figure B-1. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/200 Hz
Figure B-2. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/500 Hz
Anti-aliasing filter 77
Figure B-3. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/1 kHz
Figure B-4. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/2 kHz
78 Appendix B Anti-aliasing filter
Figure B-5. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 10 kHz/5 kHz
Figure B-6. Frequency response of the anti-aliasing filter, sampling rate 50 kHz/25 kHz
The header file describes the setup and is configured as an ASCII file. It will normally be given
the same base name as the raw data EEG that is described in it. The header file is stored in
the raw data folder of the workspace.
The format of the header file is based on the Windows INI format and both this file and the
marker file can be opened and edited using the Windows Notepad. It consists of various
named sections containing keywords/values. Below is an extract from a header file by way
of an example:
[Common Infos]
[Binary Infos]
BrainVision PyCorder User Manual | Software Version 1.0.8 | September 29, 2014
80 Appendix C EEG file formats
[Channel Infos]
EEG file formats 81
PyCorder V1.0.6
A semicolon at the beginning of a line identifies a free-text comment. This line is ignored.
Blank lines are also ignored. A section is identified by a line with a heading enclosed in
square brackets. The header extract above, for example, contains the Common Infos sec-
tion. A header file can contain an unlimited number of sections.
82 Appendix C EEG file formats
The following lines contain keywords for the corresponding section and the associated values. A keyword may only occur once in
a section. Its meaning depends on the section in which it occurs. There must not be a space before or after the equals sign. Most
of the predefined keywords have specific values that are used by the Generic Data Reader.
The various predefined sections with keywords, their meanings and default values are listed below.
DataFile Name of the EEG file. If the name does not contain a path, it is assumed that None,
the EEG file is in the same folder as the header file. The placeholder $b can a value must be spec-
be used in the file name. It is replaced by the base name of the header file ified.
when the file is read in. Example: If the name of the header file is Test.vhdr,
the entry DataFile=$b-EEG.dat is interpreted as DataFile=Test-
MarkerFile Optional marker file. The marker file contains a list of markers assigned to the -
EEG. If no path is specified explicitly, the marker file is searched for in the
folder containing the header file. The format of the marker file is explained on
page 85. The placeholder $b can be used in the file name.
DataFormat Data format: BINARY
DataOrientation Data orientation. Possible values: MULTIPLEXED
The file begins with all the data points of the first channel, followed by all the
data points of the second channel, and so on.
All the channels come one after the other for every data point. In other words,
the data structure is multiplexed.
DataType Data type. Possible values: TIMEDOMAIN
The data is in the time domain.
The data is in the frequency domain.
NumberOfChannels Number of channels in the EEG file. None,
a value must be spec-
SamplingInterval Sampling interval. The interval is specified in s in the time domain and in None,
hertz in the frequency domain. a value must be spec-
EEG file formats 83
Averaged This indicates whether the data set to be read in has been averaged. It is par- NO
ticularly relevant to the enabling and disabling of transforms in the Ana-
lyzer's Transformations menu.
Possible values are:
YES Yes, the data set represents data that has been averaged.
NO - No, the data set represents data that has not been averaged.
AveragedSegments Number of segments included in averaging. This value is only evaluated 0
when Averaged=YES is set.
SegmentData- If the data is segmented evenly, the number of data points per segment can 0
Points be specified at this point.
SegmentationType Segmentation type. Like Averaged, this variable is relevant to the enabling NOTSEGMENTED
and disabling of transforms in the Analyzer's Transformations menu.
Possible values are:
The data set has not been segmented.
The data set has been segmented on the basis of one or more marker posi-
tions. All segments have the same length.
Segmentation was based on fixed times. All segments have the same length.
DataPoints Number of data points in the EEG file. If no predefined value has been speci- 0
fied, the data is read in up to the end of the file. In the case of binary data,
the TrailerSize parameter in the [Binary Infos] section can be set as an
Codepage Codepage used in the header file. Possible values: UTF-8, ANSI ANSI
This section is only relevant if ASCII is set for DataFormat in the Common Infos section.
DecimalSymbol Decimal character used in the EEG file. This symbol can be either a point or a Point (.)
comma. In the header file, the decimal symbol is always a point.
SkipLines Number of header lines to be skipped
SkipColumns Number of columns to be skipped at the beginning of a line.
84 Appendix C EEG file formats
Channel information. This section lists the individual channels and their properties.
Ch<x>. x stands for the Individual properties for the channel are specified separated by commas:
channel number. In <channel name>,<reference channel name>,
other words, the key- <resolution in unit>,[<unit>]
word for the first chan- Example:
nel is Ch1, for the Ch1=Fp1,,1
second channel Ch2, The first channel has the channel name Fp1. The common reference channel
etc. is taken as the reference channel because no entry has been made. The reso-
lution is 1 V. The resolution is the value by which the value of the data point
is multiplied to convert it to V or to the selected unit.
This section is only relevant if BINARY is set for DataFormat in the Common Infos section.
The marker file is based on the same principle of sections and keywords as the header file. The first line identifies the marker file,
as follows:
The various predefined sections with keywords, their meanings and default values are listed below.
DataFile Name of the EEG file. If the name does not contain a path, it is assumed that -
the EEG file is in the same folder as the marker file. This information is not
evaluated by the Generic Data Reader.
Marker information. The individual markers and their properties are listed in this section.
Mk<x> x stands for Individual properties for the channel are specified separated by commas: -
the marker number. In <type>,<description>,<position>,<points>,<channel number>,<date>
other words, the key- Example:
word for the first Mk1=Time 0,,26,1,0
marker is Mk1, for the The first marker in this example has the type Time 0, no description, its
second marker Mk2, position is at data point 26, its length is 1 data point, and the channel num-
etc. ber is 0, which means that this marker applies to all channels.
The date is optional. It is only evaluated if the marker type is New Segment.
The date has the following format:
4 digits = year
2 digits = month
2 digits = day
2 digits = hour (24-hour system)
2 digits = minute
2 digits = second
6 digits = microsecond
The result is a time resolution of a microsecond.
Specifying a date
means 11 March 1999, 14:03:12.000000
86 Appendix C EEG file formats