P21 Math Map PDF
P21 Math Map PDF
P21 Math Map PDF
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills The Partnership advocates for the integration of 21st Century Skills into K-12
(P21) has forged alliances with key
national organizations representing
education so that students can advance their learning in core academic subjects.
the core academic subjects, including
Social Studies, English, Math, Science, Developed through a year-long collaborative process, this map reflects the collective effort of Mathematics professors,
Geography, World Languages and the teachers and thought leaders, and illustrates the integration of Mathematics and 21st Century Skills. It will provide educators,
Arts. These collaborations have resulted administrators and policymakers with concrete examples of how 21st Century Skills can be integrated into core subjects, and
in the development of 21st Century
how other subject areas can link successfully with mathematics.
Skills Maps that illustrate the essential
intersection between core subjects and
21st Century Skills.
A 21st Century
B Skill Definition
C Interdisciplinary Theme
D Sample Student
An example from the Math Skills
Map illustrates sample outcomes
for teaching Communication and
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Employers and educators agree that Learning and Innovation Skills
changes in the global economy require
Learning and innovation skills are increasingly recognized as those that distinguish students who are prepared for more complex
that students entering college and the
life and work environments in the 21st century from those who are not. A focus on the 4Cs of Creativity, Critical thinking,
workforce leave the K-12 education
Communication and Collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.
system with an advanced level of
proficiency in mathematics and a Creativity and Innovation: Students use a wide range of techniques to create new and worthwhile ideas, elaborate,
mastery of key mathematics concepts. refine, analyze and evaluate their own ideas in order to improve and maximize creative efforts, and demonstrate originality and
inventiveness, in both an individual as well as group settings.
P21 believes that one of the most important ways
to enable students to achieve this mastery is to fuse Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students reason effectively, use systems thinking and understand how parts of
mathematical content and mathematical practices with a whole interact with each other. They make judgments, decisions and solve problems in both conventional and innovative ways.
the 21st Century Skills outlined in P21s Framework for
21st Century Learning. Communication and Collaboration: Students know how to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written
and nonverbal communication. They listen effectively to decipher meaning, such as knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions, and
Fusing a core subject like mathematics with 21st Century
use communication for a wide range of purposes in diverse teams and environments.
Skills makes teaching and learning more engaging,
more relevant and more rigorous, ensuring that a
greater number of students have an advanced level of
understanding and ability in mathematics.
The working group that developed learning outcomes and
instructional examples for this project identified learning P21 has created the Common Core Toolkit to align the P21 Framework with the
expectations for grades 4, 8 and 12. These outcomes and Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a state led initiative to establish college
examples are organized and grouped according to the and career standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts. The CCSS
P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning and explained support the integration of 21st Century Skills as part of mathematics pedagogy and can offer creative ways to deepen
in greater detail in this section. student content knowledge and support individualized learning. Where appropriate, this document highlights connections
between these examples and the CCSS. For more information on the 21st Century Skills and the Common Core, please
visit http://www.p21.org/tools-and-resources/publications/p21-common-core-toolkit.
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Introduction (continued)
Information, Media and Technology Skills Life & Career Skills
In the 21st century, we live in a technology and media-suffused environment, Todays life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content knowledge alone.
marked by: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2) rapid changes The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the globally competitive information age
in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing the following life and career skills.
contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st century,
citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical Flexibility and Adaptability: Expertise in adapting to change in varied roles, jobs responsibilities,
thinking skills related to information, media and technology. schedules and contexts and work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities, exhibiting
flexibility when negotiating and balancing diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions.
Information Literacy: Students are able to access and evaluate information
effectively and use and manage that information purposefully for the issue or Initiative and Self-Direction: The capability to set and manage goals and time, and work
problem at hand. They exhibit awareness and application of knowledge on the independently. The capacity to be a self-directed learner going beyond basic mastery of skills and/or
ethical/legal issues surrounding the use of information. curriculum to explore and expand ones own learning and opportunities.
Media Literacy: Understanding how, why, and for what purposes, media Social and Cross-Cultural Skills: Interacting effectively with others in a respectable, professional
messages are constructed, and how individuals interpret messages differently. manner, and leveraging social and cultural differences to create new ideas and increase innovation and work
Students create media utilizing the most appropriate media creation tools, quality.
characteristics and conventions in diverse, multi-cultural environments.
Productivity and Accountability: The ability to set and meet goals, in the face of obstacles and
Information, Communications, and Technology Literacy: competing pressures, to achieve intended result. Demonstrate additional attributes of high quality work,
Students use digital technologies to manage, integrate, evaluate and create including collaborating and cooperating effectively and respectfully with diverse teams, multi-tasking, and
information, and to apply technology effectively, using it as a tool to research, being accountable for results.
organize, evaluate and communicate.
Leadership: Utilizing ones own influence and problem-solving skills to work with others towards
a shared goal, inspiring others and leveraging their strengths, while demonstrating integrity and ethical
The value of math education can be found not only in its ability to help contribute to students college and career readiness, it can also help develop
individuals as thought leaders who can understand the world better because of their mathematics capabilities. Mathematics is a common language that
can help students unlock complex problems and a lens of understanding by which to make applied and important connections to other fields, professions
and disciplines. This project has been developed in order to give educational leaders in and out of the classroom additional tools to help more students
recognize this common language so that all students develop skills to lead in the 21st century.
P21 thanks the Mathematical Association of America and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for their assistance in developing this Map.
Civic Literacy. Study in the field of mathematics provides a context for exploring the rights and
obligations of citizenship at the local, state, national and international level, as well as the implications of
ethical and civic decisions. Mathematics provide an opportunity for students to become aware of the interplay
between governing laws, mathematics problems, and public policy challenges locally, nationally and globally.
Health Literacy. Use of math to calculate nutritional content and assess physical and mental
practices can help students develop new tools for monitoring and improving their overall health, as
well as understanding habits of healthy behavior.
Environmental Literacy. Students with mathematics skills can become stewards of the
Earth when they utilize methods of measuring their impact on the planet and hone their ability to improve
environmental conditions. Students may explore environmental issues through math simulations that explore
environmental challenges locally, nationally and globally.
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Outcomes for P21 Math Skills Map
Creativity and Innovation c. Students work efficiently and respectfully in diverse teams, Flexibility and Adaptability
articulating mathematical thoughts and ideas effectively.
a. Students compare different ways of approaching traditional a. Students work in pairs and small groups to address
They use oral, written and nonverbal communication skills,
mathematical problems and find innovative solutions, using mathematical challenges that involve varied roles and
demonstrating how mathematics is used to model problems of
practical examples where appropriate. responsibilities, and require working effectively in a climate of
broad interest to society.
b. Students listen to and evaluate others reasoning and offer ambiguity and changing priorities.
improvements and corrections, with supporting arguments.
Information Literacy
They listen to others feedback and modify their own Initiative and Self-Direction
arguments as needed. They learn from mistakes, and make a. Students identify sources of data, access data, critically evaluate
a. Students monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks
repeated attempts at solving problems. it, and then use it to explore significant questions about our
independently while balancing tactical and strategic goals to
c. Students look for patterns that suggest creative shortcuts or world.
solve mathematical problems.
simplifying frames of reference. They make generalizations from b. Students explore new areas of mathematics and its
b. Students reflect critically on past experiences solving
patterns they observe in repeated calculations. applications, and share what they have learned with others.
mathematical problems and connections among mathematical
d. By discovering fresh insights and communicating them to c. Students learn about mathematics from reliable websites and representations in order to inform future problem solving
others, students come to understand that mathematics is a share their knowledge with others. endeavors.
creative endeavor that builds on previous knowledge.
Media Literacy Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving a. Students understand how statistics, probabilities, and media a. Students learn about the use of mathematics in other cultures.
a. Students look for a logical structure in addressing messages are constructed for social purposes and how They recognize the contributions to mathematics from a
mathematical challenges. They are able to make complex individuals interpret messages differently. They examine the variety of cultures and the practical needs that led to those
choices and construct viable arguments to defend their purposes of statistical messages, the tools, characteristics, and contributions.
choices. conventions used, and how media can influence beliefs and
b. Students apply tools of mathematics, such as statistical analysis,
b. Students identify and ask significant questions about behaviors.
to understanding cross-cultural problems and issues.
mathematics and engage in analyzing each others answers. b. Students gain a fundamental understanding of the legal and
c. Students make sense of applied mathematical problems ethical issues surrounding the access, use, and potential
Productivity and Accountability
through analysis and synthesis of evidence, and persevere in distortion of mathematical information, terms, and concepts.
solving problems. They recognize the common tendency to treat quantitative a. Students set goals, establish priorities and schedules, and meet
data as truth and to infer patterns where none exist. goals to complete a project.
d. Students analyze how parts of a whole interact with each
other in mathematical systems. c. Students present statistical information in ways that support a
particular view or help others understand the information. Leadership and Responsibility
Communication & Collaboration a. Students use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to
Information, Communications, and leverage strengths of peers and solve mathematical problems
a. Students articulate mathematical thoughts and ideas using
Technology (ICT) Literacy important to their community.
oral and written communication skills. Using abstract and
quantitative reasoning with attention to precision, they a. Students use tools such as graphing calculators, spreadsheets, b. Students consider the ethical implications of mathematically-
construct viable arguments and analyze others reasoning. computer graphing, computer algebra systems, GPS devices, based decisions.
b. Students listen effectively to the reasoning of peers. and online resources appropriately and strategically.
They rephrase another students explanation or engage b. Students use technology to communicate mathematical insights
in questioning in order to decipher a peers solution to a by constructing appropriate graphical representations of
mathematical problem. functions and of data.
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OUTCOME: Students look for patterns that suggest creative shortcuts or simplifying frames of reference. They make generalizations from patterns they
observe in repeated calculations. CCSS alignment: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
EXAMPLE: Students skip count from a variety of EXAMPLE: Each student EXAMPLE: Students use a computer algebra
different starting numbers. They identify patterns is given a square piece of system to factor completely the polynomial
and explain the patterns they observe. For example, cardboard with a hole in xn 1 for positive integer values of n. They
when skip counting by 5, they see that the last digit the middle and a drawn line conjecture a relationship between n and the
repeats every second time; when skip counting by segment connecting two number of factors and post their conjecture on
7, the last digit repeats every 10 times. Students sides of the square. The line a class website. Students review each others
create skip counting patterns with cycles of segment may connect any two conjectures, and then each student revises or
different lengths. They also identify skip counting sides at any point as long as it refines his or her own conjecture.
patterns in which the last digit repeats at varying does not pass through the middle of the square.
intervals. They investigate and record what sorts of Students spin the square on the tip of a pencil
cycle lengths and patterns are possible. and observe the optical illusion of a circle created
by the drawn line segment. Students come up
with a conjecture to identify where the illusionary
radius is. Then they translate their square to a
Cartesian coordinate plane and discuss the curve
tangent to the locus of the line segments as they
rotate about the center.
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OUTCOME: By discovering fresh insights and communicating them to others, students come to understand that mathematics is a creative endeavor that
builds on previous knowledge.
EXAMPLE: Students explore Mayan mathematics EXAMPLE: Working in small groups, each team EXAMPLE: Working in teams,
(www.hanksville.org/yucatan/mayamath.html). of students explores a different numeral system students study examples of
They compare and contrast how numbers are and prepares a report for the rest of the class Kolams from Southern India
represented in our Arabic system and in the Mayan explaining how numbers are represented in the or Sona from Angola and Zaire
system. They practice writing Mayan numerals and system, how to do arithmetic operations, and the and explore the mathematics in
create addition and subtraction problems in the significance of the system. For example, binary these complex geometric art forms.
Mayan system for one another to solve (http:// (base 2) is the basis for electronic computing; They explore Kolam designs based on Fibonacci
mathforum.org/k12/mayan.math/index.html). duodecimal (base 12) is more convenient for numbers (http://vindhiya.com/Naranan/Fibonacci-
adding fractions than our decimal (base 10) Kolams/) and examine how an array of dots can
system is; and sexagesimal (base 60) was used by give rise to a one-line sona (www.beloit.edu/
the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. computerscience/faculty/chavey/sona/). Using
the concepts they have learned, students try to
create their own Kolams or Sona.
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OUTCOME: Students identify and ask significant questions about mathematics and engage in analyzing each others answers.
EXAMPLE: Each student creates a Mbius band EXAMPLE: The class divides into two groups. EXAMPLE: Students explore the napkin ring
by starting with a long, thin strip of paper, giving In one group, students use a piece of string and problem: if a hole of height h is drilled through
one end a half-twist, and taping the two ends a ruler to measure the circumference (c) and the center of a sphere, the volume of the portion
together. Students draw a line along the center of diameter (d) of circular objects, such as the lid of of the sphere that remains does not depend on
their band and discover that the line ends where it a jar, the face of a clock, or a pie plate. For each the size of the original sphere; it depends only on
began, confirming that the band has only one side. object measured, they calculate c/d. Then they h. They share and critique their insights into why
calculate the average of each result to come up this is so. Then students explore mathematician
Students view with an approximate value for pi. Keith Devlins 2008 discussion of the problem at
pictures of the www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_04_08.html, where
standard recycling In the other group, students use the method Devlin provides the full computation and explains
symbol and recognize developed by Archimedes, using inscribed and why some solutions posted online are incorrect.
that it represents a Standard Symbol Alternative Symbol circumscribed polygons. Students explore solutions currently appearing
Mbius band. The online and assess which solutions are accurate
class discusses why Students compare the two groups results. They and which are not.
this one-sided figure recognize that pi is an irrational number, so it
seems appropriate cannot be measured precisely. Then they research
for use as a recycling Standard Band Alternative Band how people in different cultures have tried to
symbol. Then students calculate pi from ancient to modern times.
look for recycling symbols in the community. By
studying the symbols carefully, they may discover
that sometimes the standard symbol appears, but
sometimes a slightly different symbol is used.
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OUTCOME: Students make sense of applied mathematical problems through analysis and synthesis of evidence, and persevere in solving problems.
EXAMPLE: Students work in small groups to EXAMPLE: Students choose three meals from EXAMPLE: Students read about the
design a parking lot. Given a flat, rectangular space a fast food restaurantbreakfast, lunch, and mathematics of three-dimensional maps that a
with set dimensions, each group arranges rows dinnerand obtain nutrition information from team of researchers has designed for measuring
of parking spaces to be easily accessible while the restaurant or from its website. They add up the environmental value of open space areas with
allowing for a maximum number of cars to park. the calories for each meal and compute the total no roads (www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/
Students may visit an actual parking lot to assess calories that one would consume in a day from id/8519/title/Math_Trek__Miles_from_Nowhere).
and measure parking space width and angles. Each the three meals.
group creates a drawing of its design and presents Students then explore current
it to the class. To analyze their totals, students refer to policies pertaining to conserving
the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans roadless areas, such as the
(http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2010/ controversial Roadless Rule
DietaryGuidelines2010.pdf). They use the and determine how the
table on page 14 of the Guidelines mathematical maps could be used
to estimate their caloric needs to improve policies for conserving
based on age, gender, and physical open space. They craft a letter to
activity level. their congressional representative
or another policymaker explaining
Students also add up the protein, fat, their analysis.
sodium, and carbohydrates for the three meals
they selected, list the percentage for each item,
and compare it with the Guidelines.
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OUTCOME: Students analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other in mathematical systems.
EXAMPLE: Students learn about different EXAMPLE: Students debate the merits of ranked- EXAMPLE: Students examine college rankings
calendar systems and come to realize that the choice voting and its recent use in several local from U.S. News and other sources, addressing
movements of the earth, moon, sun, and solar elections (http://io9.com/5857724/ranked-choice- such questions as: Why do people pay so much
system interact with each other and affect how we voting-does-a-mathematical-algorithm-make-for-better- attention to these numbers? Are they based on
elections). To compare ranked-choice voting with
mark time. a solid algorithm, or is the algorithm flawed? In
traditional voting systems, the class conducts a mock
The Gregorian (Western) calendar is based on what ways can colleges manipulate the rankings
election with three to five candidates. The candidates
Earths orbit around the sun. Since one year may be actual persons, fictional characters, favorite by trying to improve their scores in key parts of
(365.25 days) is slightly longer than Earths songs, or other choices. Instead of voting for just one the algorithm to end up with a higher ranking?
current orbit, three days are skipped every four candidate, students rank their top three choices.
In tabulating results, students initially count only
The Muslim calendar is based each voters first choice. If no candidate
on lunar cycles in which the receives more than 50 percent of the vote,
beginning date for each month students take three different approaches for
is based on when the new moon determining the winner:
can be observed. The beginning
of the month varies among different Muslim 1. Simply declare the candidate with the most
countries, and western Muslim countries are first-choice votes to be the winner.
likely to observe the beginning of the month a 2. Hold a run-off election between the two candidates
day earlier than eastern Muslim countries. who received the most first-choice votes.
The Chinese calendar is based on 60-year cycles 3. Tabulate voters ranked choices: First, the candidate
and uses the phases of the moon to determine with the lowest number of first-choice votes is
dates for each New Year. eliminated, and the second and third choices of that
candidates supporters are added to the counts of
The Hebrew calendar uses lunar cycles and adds the other candidates. The votes are tabulated again,
an extra month every two or three years to and candidates are eliminated until one candidate
adjust to the solar year. receives a majority of the eligible votes.
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OUTCOME: Students listen effectively to the reasoning of peers. They rephrase another students explanation or engage in questioning in order to
decipher a peers solution to a mathematical problem.
EXAMPLE: A soccer team is planning an end-of- EXAMPLE: Students work in groups to create EXAMPLE: Students play the role of teacher for
season party. There are 4 tables in the party room, graphical representations of common, well-known a short, specific mathematics lesson. In advance
and the players have 36 balloons to decorate the functional relationships. For example, one group of the class, they study the material, plan what
tables: 12 red balloons, 12 yellow, and 12 blue. might examine the number of people standing supportive materials or manipulatives to use,
There are 14 players on the soccer team. How in line at the post office at various hours of the and develop a lesson plan. Then the students
many balloons should each table have? What is the day; another group might consider the amount of teach the class and assign follow-up work to
best way to divide up the colors? And how many business at a local coffee shop at various hours; assess what their peers learned. The students
players should sit at each table? a third group might compare different school in the class are encouraged to pose challenging
lunchroom menus with the number of students questions that could possibly stump their student
Students work in small groups. In each group, who bought lunch that day. teacher and lead to further discussion or
one student presents a plan and explains why investigation of the topics under study.
its the best way to distribute the balloons and In each group, students select a title for their
the seating. A second student repeats the first graph and provide that title to the teacher only.
students explanation in his or her own words. The teacher compiles a list of titles. Students post
Then the other students in the group ask about each groups graph around the classroom, and
the explanation to help make sure its a good plan then each student tries to figure out which title
and that it is clear to everyone. Then each group is associated with each graph. Once everyone
presents its plan to the whole class. has matched each graph with a title, students
share their reasoning for each match. When
varied opinions regarding titles come up, students
discuss the qualitative aspects of the function that
has been graphed. The discussion also provides
avenues for students to question peers regarding
their explanation and reasoning.
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OUTCOME: Students work efficiently and respectfully in diverse teams, articulating mathematical thoughts and ideas effectively. They use oral, written and
nonverbal communication skills, demonstrating how mathematics is used to model problems of broad interest to society.
EXAMPLE: Students work in groups to design EXAMPLE: Students form EXAMPLE: Students form teams to engage in a
a bedroom. One student in the group plays the investigative teams. Each team is modeling project similar to problems presented
role of client, and the others act as the design asked to investigate the crime rate in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling run
team. The design team is given building constraints in a particular city, represented each year by COMAP. For example, the following
on floor area, wall area, and minimum number of by the variable x. Each team problem is adapted from the 2009 competition:
windows. The design team interviews the client then formulates a question about
for preferences regarding: window and door a possible causal variable y. For example, a team Many cities and communities have traffic circles.
placement; size and placement of bed, desk, and might ask if crime rates are lower in cities with a Some traffic circles are large and have many
closets; and size and locations for any wall posters larger police force, or higher in cities with higher lanes, such as at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and
or other decorative items that the client asks to poverty rates. The team then chooses 30 to 40 the Victory Monument in Bangkok. Some have
have included. The design team produces a scale other cities with which to compare their citys only one or two lanes in the circle. Some traffic
drawing of the room with an explanation of why crime rate. By searching on the Internet, they circles position a stop sign or a yield sign on
it satisfies the constraints and the wishes of the collect data on x and y. If team members find their every incoming road that gives priority to traffic
client. The client checks the design and sends it data too difficult to access, they consider revising already in the circle. Others post yield signs in
back for more work if necessary. the question. For example, if they are not finding the circle at each incoming road to give priority
suitable data on poverty rates, team members to incoming traffic. Still others have a traffic light
might decide to investigate the size of the police where each incoming road meets the circle (with
force in each city instead. Team members analyze no right turn allowed on a red light). Other
the data they have collected, define the relationship designs may also be possible.
between x and y, and discuss questions such as
the reliability of the data, its statistical significance, Students form teams, and teach team develops
and the validity of the sources. Each team prepares a model for creating a traffic circle in their own
a presentation, explaining the findings and team community or in a nearby city (or modifying an
members conclusions. existing traffic circle).
1. First, team members discuss how many lanes
should be in the circle and the rate of traffic
flow. If feasible, they may collect actual traffic
2. Team members outline alternatives for the
placement of stop signs or yield signs and
other design factors. Then they work together
(continued on next page)
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Information Literacy
Common Core State 4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade
Standards Alignment:
As noted in the P21 Common
Core Toolkit, Information Literacy OUTCOME: Students identify sources of data, access data, critically evaluate it, and then use it to explore significant questions about our world.
skills are most explicitly aligned
with the following Common Core
State Standards mathematical EXAMPLE: Students work in teams EXAMPLE: Students use the 2010 census EXAMPLE: Students use the Department of
practices: using the U.S. Census Bureau State website (http://2010.census.gov/2010census/ Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.
Construct viable arguments and and County Quick Facts (http:// data/) to access the 2010 Census Brief, The bls.gov/) to investigate regional U.S. employment
critique the reasoning of others quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index. Hispanic Population: 2010. Each student selects data. Each student focuses on two states in
html) to look up population facts a U.S. Hispanic population category identified by different parts of the country. For each state, the
Attend to precision for five states in different parts country of origin (Mexican, Dominican, Puerto student constructs: (1) a graph showing
Look for and express regularity in of the country. The site shows each Rican, etc.) and investigates data associated with unemployment rate trends over
repeated reasoning states population in 2000 and in 2010, and the that population group: the number of residents the past 10 years; (2) a graph
percent change. Students create a table listing from the selected country of origin in 2000 and comparing unemployment trends
this information for each of the five states and 2010 and the percent change over those 10 years. within three different job sectors;
for the total U.S. population. Then students Students then use the Internet to research the and (3) a graph or table comparing
estimate the 2020 population for each of the population and average annual income unemployment trends in the state
five states and for the U.S. as a whole. Groups for the selected country of origin. as a whole with trends in a particular city within
share their tables with the class, and students Students look for correlations the state. Based on the data collected, students
talk about which areas of the country show the between immigration numbers and identify a good place to relocate and look for a
most population growth and possible reasons to the population and income levels job. Students present their findings to the class
explain population growth or decline. for the country of origin. Students and share their thoughts about the extent to
share their results with the class. In a which data might influence their own future
SAMPLE: group discussion, students analyze the influence decisions about where to live or what sort of
of income levels in Latin American countries on career to pursue.
State Population Population % Change Forecast rates of emigration to the United States.
in 2000 in 2010 20002010 for 2020
South Carolina
U.S. Total
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OUTCOME: Students explore new areas of mathematics and its applications, and share what they have learned with others.
EXAMPLE: Students explore the topic of fractals EXAMPLE: Students analyze a set of sports EXAMPLE: Students explore knot theory
on an age-appropriate website, such as http://math. statistics, such as baseball box scores, college and its role in genetics (www.oglethorpe.edu/
rice.edu/~lanius/frac/, which explains what fractals basketball data, tennis rankings, or college faculty/~j_nardo/knots/history.htm). They learn
are, why we study them, how people use them football standings. They examine how winners how the DNA in every cell of our bodies is made
to solve real-world problems, and how to make are chosen and explore possible alternatives up of long, coiled strands that get mathematically
various types of fractals. Using information found for ranking players or teams in ways that are knotted in ways that lead to chemical changes
online, each student creates a fractal, shares it with accurate and fair. in the DNA. Using string, rope, or even tangled
the class, and explains how it works. audio headphone chords, students create several
types of knots, such as those shown at www.
mathedpage.org/pcmi/knot-theory.pdf. Then
students examine each others knots and identify
them by type: unknot, trefoil, figure eight, five-star,
one of the sixs, etc. Students photograph and
label the knots and display them by creating a
poster or posting them to a photo gallery on a
class website.
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OUTCOME: Students learn about mathematics from reliable websites and share their knowledge with others.
EXAMPLE: Students investigate the topic of EXAMPLE: Students work in groups to EXAMPLE: Students work in groups to
mathematical tessellation by reading articles about investigate a field of modern mathematics investigate the history of a topic within the
it. Then they experiment with ways of tiling a floor research, such as the four-color map theorem, classs current field of study, using websites such
or creating a geometric pattern for a quilt by fractals, buckeyballs, or the mathematics of as the MacTutor History of Mathematics (http://
building a tessellation using an interactive online DNA structure. Each group presents its findings www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/). For example, if
tool such as: to the class. the class is studying algebra, each group explores
the history of an algebra topic, such as quadratic
NCTMs Illuminations website (http://illuminations. equations, group theory, or set theory. Each
nctm.org/ActivitySearch.aspx), or the National group creates a wiki entry based on its findings.
Library of Virtual Manipulatives (http://nlvm.usu.
edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html). Students then work in
small groups to share their results. The group
identifies shapes that fit together to form a
tessellation and shapes that do not.
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Media Literacy
Common Core State 4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade
Standards Alignment:
As noted in the P21 Common
Core Toolkit, Media Literacy skills OUTCOME: Students understand how statistics, probabilities, and media messages are constructed for social purposes and how individuals interpret
are most explicitly aligned with the messages differently. They examine purposes of statistical messages, the tools, characteristics, and conventions used, and how media can influence beliefs
Common Core State Standards and behaviors.
mathematical practice calling for
students to use appropriate tools
in a strategic way. In addition, the EXAMPLE: Students make a list of all the media EXAMPLE: Students study how the U.S. Bureau EXAMPLE: Students read articles
examples below provide students messages they encounter one morning before of Labor Statistics (BLS) uses the Consumer Price about the Centers for Disease
with an opportunity to develop school. For example, they might see a health Index (CPI) to measure inflation. Then students Control (CDC) 2004 report
expertise in the following Common claim on a cereal box, hear news headlines on examine how the European Union measures claiming obesity was responsible
Core State Standards mathematical TV or radio, spot an ad on the side of a local bus, inflation using the Harmonized for 400,000 deaths each year
practice: and notice posters for a local election campaign. Index of Consumer Prices. After and the ensuing outcry leading
Construct viable arguments and Then they use a spreadsheet to categorize the comparing the two approaches, to the reduction of this figure in
critique the reasoning of others purposes of each message, the tools used, and students read media articles about the following years report to 24,000. They
other characteristics. For example, a student might the CPI and inflation and discuss discuss how correlations are formed and the
Model with mathematics decide to track which messages are food-related, how the governments way of importance of confounding factors related to
which ones are health-related, which ones are measuring the CPI affects public spurious relationships.
trying to get them to buy something, which ones policy decisions.
use electronic media, and which messages are
aimed at children. Students tally the number of
messages in each category.
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OUTCOME: Students gain a fundamental understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding the access, use, and potential distortion of
mathematical information, terms, and concepts. They recognize the common tendency to treat quantitative data as truth and to infer patterns where
none exist.
EXAMPLE: Students examine the EXAMPLE: Student teams create questions for EXAMPLE: Students read
numbers on food labels. Each a student survey to determine whether or not to articles about the so-called
student lists the serving size introduce Meatless Mondays in the Climategate scandal of 2009,
on a bag of chips, the amount school cafeteria. Each team creates in which critics charged that
of fat per serving, and the daily survey questions and polls 30 some scientists had manipulated
value percentage. Then the student students in the school. Each team data to overstate global
estimates the number of servings he or she would then compiles descriptive statistics warming trends. They also read
actually eat, and recalculates fat per serving and on the findings such as gender and about more recent studies
daily value based on the number of servings (see grade levels of the students polled, confirming or refuting earlier
sample below). Students do a similar estimation the percentage of students who like data on the impact of global
and calculation for cereal, cookies, salad dressing, to eat meat every day, percentage warming. Based on an analysis of relevant data
milk, or other foods. Students can also calculate who never eat meat, percentage and charts, students break into groups to argue
estimates for saturated fat, sugar, or sodium. who sometimes eat meat, and comments for both sides of this issue to explain global warming
Students talk about their findings and discuss the and against Meatless Mondays. Students then and how it relates to climate change.
fact that (as footnoted on food labels) daily value compare the different teams findings and discuss
is based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day dietand margin of error in relation to the findings and the
some people need more than 2,000 calories per role of random representative samples.
day while others need less.
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OUTCOME: Students present statistical information in ways that support a particular view or help others understand information.
EXAMPLE: The entire class creates EXAMPLE: Students research statistics about EXAMPLE: Students work in
a list of state(s) or countries where the population of a particular country, including small groups, and each group
each students parents were born. the total population, the number of people researches a country in the
Students then work in small groups in each ethnic group, population percentages developing world. Each student
to present the information in a way associated with particular religions, the total within a group researches
that will make it easier to understand. For workforce, and the percentage of workers economic development in
example, one group might create a table listing in specific sectors, such as agriculture and a particular region of the
the total number of parents from Texas, the total government service. Students analyze the data groups assigned country and
number from other U.S. states, the number from and write a country fact sheet that aims to collects statistics about that
Mexico, etc. Another group might create a chart attract visitors to the country they have studied. region, such as per capita income,
using different colors of dots to show how many They create a chart, graph, or table to present access to safe water, number of cell phones,
parents came from each state or country, and the data discussed in their write-up. infant mortality rate, etc. Each member of the
students might experiment with different ways The fact sheet may also include group creates a table based on the information
of arranging the dots. Another group might begin attractive photos or other images he or she has collected, and then the group
with a map and mark each state or country with from the country. publishes its tables online and writes a short
stick figures or other symbols to show how many report comparing and contrasting data from the
parents were born there. countrys different regions.
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OUTCOME: Students use technology to communicate mathematical insights by constructing appropriate graphical representations of functions and of data.
EXAMPLE: Students are given a pretend $20 to EXAMPLE: Students use statistical software EXAMPLE: Students use
spend and a list of foods for purchase. such as Tinkerplots or Fathom to compare the graphing calculators, computer
They look up prices using an variables associated with different passenger algebra systems, or both, to
online grocery store or other vehicles. Students identify miles-per-gallon and assist in examining patterns in
source, trying to make wise price for each vehicle. They create a scatter population growth or decline
choices with their limited funds. plot to show the relationship between the two of a particular animal species
They record the name, cost, variables for the different vehicles. Then students using data from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
quantity and total amount they look for patterns that might or another source. For example, students might
would spend for each item. Using online tools, indicate a relationship between study the changes in the population of Canada
they create a pie chart comparing the amount to the two variables and create an geese by building functions and examining
be spent on breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. equation to model the behavior graphs to answer problems regarding long-term
They describe each portion as a fraction and as a of the relationship. trends. Students can share their findings with a
percentage and discuss the relationship between school biology class by developing a lesson on
these two representations of rational numbers. the use of mathematics in examining biological
They also convert the pie chart to a graph and developments.
compare these two ways of depicting the data.
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OUTCOME: Students reflect critically on past experiences solving mathematical problems and make connections among mathematical representations in
order to inform future problem solving endeavors.
EXAMPLE: Students use their understanding EXAMPLE: Students compare a cell phone EXAMPLE: Students review the algebraic
of models for multiplication (equal-sized groups, plan costing $29.99 per month plus $0.10 per formula for exponential growth and use the
arrays, area models), place value, and properties of text message with a plan costing $39.99 and formula to solve a basic problem
operations (especially the distributive property) to $0.02 per text message by calculating how many involving the spread of a viral
develop efficient, accurate methods of computing text messages would need to be sent disease: If 100 people are currently
the products of multi-digit whole numbers. Then, and received each month in order infected, and the number of people
students work in small groups to discuss their new for the second plan to be less infected doubles every twelve
methods and make sure that each method can be expensive than the first. Students hours, how many people will be
generalized to apply to all whole numbers. then create an algebraic formula infected after one week?
for computing the total cost of any
cell phone plan based on per month The class discusses the
and text message costs. Next, students draw exponential spread of infections
connections among tables, graphs, and algebraic and identifies other relevant
solutions for such problems. They recognize examples of exponential growth,
how such connections can form a basis for such as: bacteria growth; human
solving future linear and non-linear problems in population growth; the growth
multiple ways. of atmospheric carbon dioxide; and,
in finance, the compounding of interest. Then
students work in groups: each group poses a
question involving exponential growth and gives
it to another group to answer. Each group shares
its results with the class.
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OUTCOME: Students apply tools of mathematics, such as statistical analysis, to understanding cross-cultural problems and issues.
EXAMPLE: Students talk with EXAMPLE: Students collect EXAMPLE: Students make a
members of the community who statistics on per capita energy use timeline covering the history of
depend on local bus service to get in India and in the United States to different currencies and work
to work and find out how well the discover that Indians use a lot less out conversions for current
bus schedule and bus routes support energy per capita than Americans. values using proportionality
their need to get to work or to meet They research lifestyles in India and and linear functions. They study
their children after school. Students then share the identify reasons why people use less energy. inflation in terms of exponential
community members feedback with one another, Students then research population growth rates growth and use the Cost
look at local bus schedules and routes, and analyze to discover that Indias population is growing Performance Index to set up ratios
the situation mathematically. Students prepare much faster than the U.S.. Students create and determine the real value of money.
a written report to share with the community a mathematical formula based on per capita Students read news articles from around the
and other appropriate parties, such as local energy use and population growth to compute world about currency trading and identify its
government officials. each countrys rate of increase in total energy effects on inflation in various countries.
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EXAMPLE: Students work in small groups in EXAMPLE: Students investigate EXAMPLE: Students examine
which each team represents a company that the equal proportions method situations involving systemic
derives its profits from the extraction or use of currently used to determine how riskin which a company,
natural resources. For example, one group might U.S. congressional districts are a government, or other
act as a large farm in an arid area of the Southwest allocated. They examine how the organization has grown too
that uses scarce water resources for irrigation. number of congressional districts (and big to fail because its failure
Another might be a real estate developer in a hence, the number of U.S. Representatives) in a would cause other companies or
fragile coastal area, or an oil company that drills state can increase or decrease as districts are organizations to face hardship
beneath the deep sea. Each group plays the role reapportioned after each decennial census. or collapse, or would cause too
of the companys board of directors and tries many people to panic. Students
to come up with ethical policies for balancing Then, students look at the mathematics of how look at how leaders of large companies such
profit and operation costs with social equity and states redraw the boundaries between federal as investment banks have taken advantage
environmental sustainability. Each group presents congressional districts in a process that occurs of such a situation by taking risks that bring
its policy proposals to the class. after the number of districts in the state rises or financial gain to the company even if those
falls. This process is known as redistricting. risks undermine the security of the community,
the country, or the world economy. Students
Next, students look at how their own states propose ways to limit systemic risk.
total number of federal congressional districts
has been determined, based on U.S. Census
data, and changes based on the 2010 Census.
Students examine how U.S. congressional
district boundaries are drawn in their state.
Working in small groups, students identify legal
or ethical issues that have arisen. For example, a
redistricting plan might have affected the voting
representation of a particular minority population.
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C O N T R I B U TO R S : P 2 1 P RO J E C T M A N A G E R S :
P21 wishes to thank the following individuals for their Timothy J. Magner,
significant contributions in creating, drafting, and reviewing Executive Director, P21
this document:
Joseph Bishop, PhD,
Director of Strategic Initiatives, P21
Susan Saltrick
Founder, Proteus Consulting Tatyana Varshavsky,
Media & Communications Coordinator, P21
Roxana Hadad
Director of Math, Science, and Technology at Northeastern
Illinois University's Chicago Teacher's Center
Michael Pearson
Executive Director, MAA
Charles Fadel
Founder and chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign
Bob Regan
Director of Product Development, Common Core,
Pearson Foundation
Jim Wynn
Chief Learning Officer, Promethean
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