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Behavior and Design of Single Plate Shear Connections

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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141


Behavior and design of single plate shear

A. Astaneh-Asl a, , J. Liu b, K.M. McMullin c
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 721 Davis Hall, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-1710, USA
School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1284, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192,

Received 15 June 2001; received in revised form 25 September 2001; accepted 29 November 2001


Steel shear connections are primarily used to transfer the reaction of a simply supported
beam to its support, normally a column or a beam. Currently, the most common shear connec-
tion in North America is a single plate connection consisting of a plate fillet welded to a
supporting column or girder and bolted to the web of a simply supported beam. A shear
connection should be strong enough to be able to transfer the shear force, yet, it should be
sufficiently flexible and ductile to allow the end of simply supported beam to rotate with ease
and accommodate the rotation demand of the beam. This paper summarizes a number of
research and development projects conducted at the University of California, Berkeley to study
behavior of single plate shear (shear tab) connections and to develop design procedures and
guidelines, both for gravity and lateral load (seismic and wind) effects. The connections were
sufficiently ductile to accommodate end rotation demands of simply supported beams under
gravity load and drift rotations under lateral load effects. Design procedures developed and
proposed and currently used in design of single plate connections are strength-based procedures
that ensure occurrence of ductile and more desirable failure modes, such as yielding of the
steel plate prior to occurrence of brittle and less desirable failure modes such as fracture of
bolts and welds. 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Steel; Connections; Shear tab; Gravity loads; Cyclic tests; Bolts; Design

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-510-642-4528; fax: +1-510-643-5258.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Astaneh-Asl).

0143-974X/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

PII: S 0 1 4 3 - 9 7 4 X ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 0 1 - 8
1122 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

A Cross-sectional area;
Ab Nominal body area of a fastener;
Ae Effective net area;
Fu Specified minimum tensile strength of steel;
Fy Specified minimum yield stress;
L Length of connection in the direction of loading;
Le Distance along the line of force from the edge to the center of the
M Moment in the connection;
Mb Moment at the weld line;
Mp beam Plastic bending moment capacity of a beam or girder;
Mp plate Plastic bending moment capacity of shear tab;
Mw Moment at the bolt line;
R Actuator controlling rotation of beam for gravity load tests;
Rn Nominal strength;
S Actuator providing shear force for gravity load tests;
V Shear force in the connection;
a distance from bolt line to weld line;
d diameter of bolt;
e eccentricity of shear force relative to connection support;
eb Eccentricity of shear force to bolt line;
ew Eccentricity of shear force to weld line;
n Number of bolts in connection;
t Thickness of shear tab;
f Resistance factor.

1. Introduction

Shear connections are used in almost all modern steel building structures to trans-
fer the reaction of a beam to its support. The supporting member is usually a flange
or web of a column or web of a girder. One of the most common types of shear
connections in US is the single plate shear connection, often called a shear tab.
Typical use of this connection is shown in Fig. 1. In general, the connection consists
of a plate welded to the supporting member and bolted to the web of the simply
supported beam. This paper summarizes a number of studies that were conducted at
the University of California Berkeley on behavior of shear tab connections under
gravity load and cyclic lateral seismic or wind effects. Fifteen full-scale tests of
connection assemblies under monotonic gravity loads and ten tests of beam-to col-
umn-floor slab assemblies under gravity combined with cyclic lateral drifts were
A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141 1123

Fig. 1. Single plate shear connections studied.

conducted. The studies resulted in establishment of failure modes and development

of design recommendations and procedures for design of these connections. The
design procedures for gravity loads are currently included in the American Institute
of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual [1]. In the following sections a summary of
these studies, significant results and design recommendations is provided.

2. Studies of behavior of shear tabs under gravity load

Unlike moment connections where moment is dominant and moment-rotation

curves usually are the most important characteristics of the behavior, in shear connec-
tions, shear force is the dominant force while rotation capacity of the connection
still has a major role in its performance. The goal of the tests was to simulate the
combination of shear, moment and rotation that a connection would experience under
gravity effects when it is used to support a simply supported beam. The first step
in studying shear connections was to investigate the prevailing relationship among
shear force, bending moment and rotation imposed on the connection by end rotation
of simply supported beam. These studies are reported in an earlier paper in this
journal [2]. In the studies, all rolled beam sections tabulated in the AISC Manual
[1] with spans of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 m were subjected, analytically, to distributed
load until a plastic hinge formed at mid-span, the beam strain hardened and finally
collapsed. The relationship between shear and rotation was established as a tri-linear
1124 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

curve. Fig. 2 shows a curve that was selected to be a good representation of the
curves that relate beam reaction shear and rotation at the end of the beam. From
this representative curve, a loading protocol was developed and was used in testing
shear tab shear connections [35], tee shear connections [6] and double angle shear
connections [710].
For a safe and economical design, the predicted yielding of the shear connection
due to shear forces was intended to occur at the same time as plastic collapse of the
beam (end rotation of the beam equal to 0.03 radians) or thereafter. This point is
shown as point c in Fig. 2. Likewise, the connection shear when the beam starts
yielding at mid-span, point b, was expected to occur at 0.02 radians. A third point,
point d, was defined as being when the cross-section has fully strain-hardened, and
this point was expected at a rotation of 0.06 radians. With these three points, the
tri-linear shear-rotation relationship shown in Fig. 2 was defined.

2.1. Tests of shear tab connections under gravity effects

To simulate the shear-rotation relationship shown in Fig. 2 in the connection dur-

ing testing, a test set-up, shown schematically in Fig. 3, was constructed. The system
initially had two actuators, indicated as R and S in the figure, attached to a cantil-
ever beam. With one actuator, S, located near the support and the other, R, at the
tip of the cantilever, any combination of shear and rotation of beam end could be
applied to the connection. Manual control of the actuators R and S allowed the testing
of shear tab connections to follow the desired shear-rotation loading protocol of Fig.
2. Using the test set-up shown in Fig. 3, a series of 15 tests, as listed in Table 1,
were conducted [35]. The main objectives were to: determine the rotation capacity
for monotonic loading, define limit states, and evaluate the influence of geometric
and material parameters. The shear rotation loading history applied to specimens
was discussed in the previous section and shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Standardized shear rotation relationship in shear connections.

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Fig. 3. Test set-up used to apply shear and rotation protocol.

2.2. Results of tests of shear tabs under gravity loads only

During testing the influence of shear, distortion of the plate, and deformation of
the bolts was evident. Table 2 lists the failure mode and the magnitude of forces
and deformations for each connection. Fig. 4 shows a typical five-bolt specimen at
the initiation of yielding of the plate and after fracture of the bolts. In addition, edge
tear-out of the lower bolt is visible. This latter failure mode was very rare and only
occurred in this specimen.
Fig. 5 shows the moment rotation curve of four representative test specimens. The
plastic bending strength of the shear plate, MpPL, in each specimen has been used to
normalize the moment values for that specimen. The behavior of all specimens was
quite similar, especially below rotations of 0.02 radians. All connections showed
relatively stiff behavior at rotations less than 0.002 radians and then a softening of
the connection in rotation as the plate began to yield in shear.
The relationship between shear and moment did not remain constant throughout
the testing. Fig. 5 and Table 2 show that the maximum moment usually did not
occur at the time of failure when shear was maximum. Instead, maximum moment
was reached at rotations approximately 80% of the largest rotation achieved.
As Fig. 5 indicates, these connections did not behave as perfect pin connections
but developed some bending moments. The moment developed in the connection,
although relatively small compared to moment in a moment connection, when com-
bined with the force can result in reducing the capacity of the connection. Therefore,
it was important to establish maximum moment that could be developed in these
shear connections. In order to establish the moment with relative ease and sufficient
Table 1

A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Properties of specimens tested under monotonic (gravity) load

Spec. No. of Dia. Bolt spacing Type of Type of Plate dimensions Steel yield Size of Supporting Reference
No. bolts ofbolts (mm) bolts holes (mmmmmm) stress weldsc element document
(mm) (MPa) (mm)

1 7 19 76 A325-Na Round 5339.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [3]

2 5 19 76 A325-N Round 3819.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [3]
3 3 19 76 A325-N Round 2299.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [3]
4 5 19 76 A490-Na Round 3629.5105 345 5.6 Col. fl. [3]
5 3 19 76 A490-N Round 2109.5105 345 5.6 Col. fl. [3]
6 9 19 76 A325-SCb Slotted 6679,6108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [4]
7 7 19 76 A490-SCb Slotted 5149.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [4]
8 5 19 76 A490-SC Slotted 3629.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [4]
9 3 19 76 A325-SC Slotted 2109.5108 248 6.4 Col. fl. [4]
10 6 19 76 A490-N Round 4579.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]
11 4 19 76 A490-N Round 3059.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]
12 6 19 76 A490-N Round 4579.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]
13 4 19 76 A490-N Round 3059.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]
14 4 19 76 A490-N Round 3059.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]
15 4 19 76 A490-N Round 3059.5114 248 7.1 Girder web [5]

A325-N and A490-N are designations for ASTM A325 and ASTM A490 high strength bolts, respectively, installed with threads included in shear
A325-SC and A490-SC are designations for ASTM A325 and ASTM A490 high strength bolts, respectively, designed as Slip-Critical bolts following
AISC Specifications [1].
E7018 or equivalent weld electrode was used in all welds.
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Table 2
Significant results of specimens tested under monotonic (gravity) load

Spec. No. of Failure Mode At point of failure: Maximumac Reference

No. bolts moment document
during test
Shearb force Rotation Moment
(kN) of beam (kN-m)

1 7 Bolt shear fracture 712 0.026 84.2 116.2 [3]

2 5 Bolt shear fracture 609 0.054 78.1 82.9 [3]
3 3 Bolt shear fracture 418 0.056 31.5 39.6 [3]
4 5 Bolt shear fracture 578 0.053 71.3 77.5 [3]
5 3 Bolt and weld 351 0.061 19.2 26.8 [3]
6 9 Bolt shear fracture 858 0.103 90.9 100.5 [4]
7 7 Bolt shear fracture 841 0.030 76.5 93.6 [4]
8 5 Bolt shear fracture 676 0.038 59.8 62.9 [4]
9 3 Bolt fracture and 410 0.057 19.3 23.8 [4]
bearing failure
10 6 Weld fracture 1116 0.035 151.2 153.0 [5]
11 4 Weld fracture 658 0.029 33.7 56.3 [5]
12 6 Weld fracture 543 0.062 17.6 23.6 [5]
13 4 Weld fracture with 801 0.058 40.7 46.7 [5]
14 4 Bolt and weld 592 0.078 19.5 20.6 [5]
fracture with LTBd
15 4 Yielding of girder 614 0.079 43.7 56.7 [5]

Moments determined at weld line (face of column flange or girder web).
Due to dual-actuator loading apparatus, the shear and moment are not linear.
Maximum moment resisted occurred at rotations less than the failure.
LTB is Lateral Torsional Buckling of the beam.

accuracy, one can establish the location of the point of inflection of the beam and,
with the assumption that the shear force does not change along the length of the
beam between point of inflection and the connection, calculate the moment in the
connection as shear force times the eccentricity.
Fig. 6 shows the calculated location of the point of inflection in the beam for
several different tests. Other specimens also had similar curves. The location is calcu-
lated using forces measured in the two actuators R and S in Fig. 3. At very low
values of shear, the location of point of inflection was far from the face of the
support, but as the load increased and the connection plate started yielding and
softening, the point of inflection quickly moved toward the end of the beam. At
loads of 50% of the maximum connection strength, the eccentricity of this point can
be accurately predicted based upon n, the number of bolts in the connection.
The number of bolts (directly representing depth of connection) and the type of
1128 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Fig. 4. A typical specimen at yield point of shear connection (left) and after failure (right).

Fig. 5. Typical momentrotation curves for four specimens.

support (whether rigid or flexible in rotation) were the two primary factors on the
connection behavior. For the last six specimens, the use of a girder to support the
beam, rather than a column, allowed large rotations to be achieved, mostly due to
the torsional flexibility and out-of-plane bending of the web of the girder. In fact,
when a girder was used for the support, final failure modes often were influenced
by whether the beam flange had come in contact with the web of the girder. When
this contact did not occur, rotations over 0.1 radians were sometimes achieved.
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Fig. 6. Eccentricity of point of inflection of the beam.

3. Strength-based design philosophy for shear connections

One objective of the studies summarized here was to identify all possible failure
modes of this type of connection. Then, predictive formulas were adapted from the
AISC Manual for a particular failure mode, or new formulas were proposed. Six
failure modes were established for these connections as follows:

1. Yielding of gross area of plate

2. Bearing yielding of bolt holes in the plate and beam web
3. Fracture of edge distance of bolts
4. Shear fracture of net area of plate
5. Fracture of bolts
6. Fracture of welds

4. Design of shear tabs under gravity load

The main goal of the studies was to develop rational procedures for design of safe
and economical single plate connections. In order to develop the procedures, the
above failure modes were divided into two groups of ductile and brittle failure
modes, and design procedures were developed such that the ductile failure modes
will precede the brittle ones. In the above list, failure modes 1 and 2 are ductile,
involving unrestrained yielding of steel, and failure modes 3,4,5 and 6 are brittle,
involving fracture of steel. The failure modes were then placed in a hierarchical order
as shown in Fig. 7. Design equations were then developed such that if connections are
designed following these procedures and design equations, as loading increases, duc-
tile failure modes will occur first, followed by more brittle modes.
The six failure modes and design equations that can be used to predict capacity
1130 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Fig. 7. Hierarchy of failure modes from yielding to fracture.

of shear tab connections for each of the six failure modes are shown in Fig. 8. These
equations were used to develop design tables for design of shear tab connections
currently in the AISC Manual [1].

5. Studies of behavior of shear tabs under combined gravity and lateral

cyclic loads

The behavior of welded steel moment frame buildings in the Northridge Earth-
quake suggested that the contribution of the shear connections, such as shear tabs,
in the frames designed solely for carrying the gravity loads, contributed to the overall
stability of these structures. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the presence of
the floor slab had a significant impact on the moment-rotation behavior of the simple
connections. In an effort to quantify the contribution of the simple connections to
the lateral resistance of steel structures, as well as define the role of the floor slab,
an experimental study was undertaken [1113] as part of a multi-disciplinary and
coordinated research effort by SAC Steel Project [14]. SAC was a joint venture
between the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC), the Applied
Technology Council (ATC), and the Consortium of Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering (CUREE). In this study, sixteen full-scale cyclic tests of
steel beam-column connection assemblies were conducted; ten of these tests were
on typical shear tabs. Following sections provide a summary of these cyclic tests
and observed cyclic behavior. These tests not only demonstrated the effects of the
floor slab and the contribution of shear tabs, but also verified the ductile design
procedures set forth from the previous study [3]. For more detailed information, the
reader is referred to the final report of the project [13].
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Fig. 8. Failure modes of single plate shear connections.

5.1. Cyclic test specimens

Ten typical shear tab specimens were tested. Parameters that varied in the speci-
mens included the number of bolts, type of concrete, and level of reinforcement in
the floor slab. As is the case in design offices, these connections were designed for
1132 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

gravity loads only. Each specimen was constructed as if it were from a prototype
building with W1490 columns at 7.62 m spacing, and W1835 beams framing into
W2455 girders. These sizes were used since they represented typical construction
[11]. The W-shapes were A572 Grade 50 steel (with specified yield stress of 345
MPa); the connection plates were typically A36 steel (with specified yield stress of
248 MPa). The welds were flux-cored arc welds with E70T-7 electrodes (with weld
strength of 483 MPa). 22 mm diameter, A325N tension-control high strength bolts
were used.
The floor slab was a 158 mm concrete slab on metal decking. The ribs of the
deck were oriented perpendicular to the W18 beams. The concrete had a specified
compressive strength of 20.7 MPa. Reinforcement for the floor slab for most speci-
mens was nominal, limited to welded wire mesh for temperature and shrinkage con-
trol and nominal reinforcement across the girders for crack control. This welded wire
mesh was a 153 mm grid of nominal 3.4 mm wire. There was also nominal reinforce-
ment across the W2455 girders for crack control under gravity loads. This consisted
of D10 reinforcing bars at 305 mm spacing, with a concrete cover of 19 mm.
The number of shear studs was also nominal and based on current practice in
California. While the intent behind the use of shear studs was to help control deflec-
tions and to transfer seismic forces from the floor slab to the beam, the end result
was that the beams and girders were 2030% partially composite. Shear stud spacings
of 610 and 305 mm were used for the W1835 beams and W2455 girders, respect-
ively. These shear studs were 19 mm diameter137 mm, made from AISI Grade C-
1015 steel with a nominal yield stress of 345 MPa.
The specimen was a section of the prototype building, extending from mid-height
to mid-height of column and mid-span to mid-span of beam, with a slab width of
2.44 m. The column measured 3.05 m from pin to pin, and the beam measured 7.62
m pin to pin. Two specimens, one 4-bolt shear tab for the W1835 beam and one
6-bolt shear tab for the W245 girder, were tested without the floor slab. Four-bolt
and 6-bolt shear tabs were also tested with lightweight concrete slabs, with normal-
weight concrete slabs, and with slabs with additional reinforcement at the column.
A 6-bolt shear tab with slab specimen was also tested with no concrete in the web
cavity. An 8-bolt shear tab connection for a W33118 girder with a normal-weight
concrete slab was also tested. Fig. 9 shows elevation and plan views for a typical
specimen for cyclic testing, and Table 3 gives properties of the specimens. Fig. 10
shows connection details of shear tab specimens with slab. Typical material proper-
ties are given in Table 4.

5.2. Test set-up for cyclic tests

The test set-up for cyclic tests of single plate connections is shown in Fig. 11.
The test set-up was designed so that lateral cyclic drift displacement and vertical
gravity loads could be applied simultaneously. The boundary conditions were pinned
reactions at the top and bottom of the column and at the ends of the beams. The
beams were supported vertically by pin-ended struts, which were also instrumented
to act as load cells. Out-of-plane restraint was provided mainly by the vertical legs
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Fig. 9. Elevation and plan of typical specimen with slab.

Table 3
Properties of specimens tested under cyclic lateral drift and vertical constant (gravity) load

Spec No. Dia. of Beam or girder Sheara studs Slab Type of

No. of bolts connected reinforcement concretebc
bolts (mm)

1A 4 22 W1835 None None None

2A 6 22 W2455 None None None
3A 4 22 W1835 19 mm @ 610 mm o.c. Nominal LW
4A 4 22 W1835 19 mm @ 610 mm o.c.. D16 bars LW
6A 6 22 W2455 19 mm @ 305 mm o.c. Nominal LW
7A 6 22 W2455 19 mm @ 305 mm o.c. Nominal LW(none in
the column
3B 4 22 W1835 19 mm @ 610 mm o.c.. Nominal NW
4B 6 22 W2455 19 mm @ 305 mm o.c. D13 bars NW
6B 6 22 W2455 19 mm @ 305 mm o.c. Nominal NW
7B 8 22 W33118 19 mm @ 203 mm o.c. Nominal NW

o.c.=on center
LW=lightweight concrete
NW=normal-weight concrete.
1134 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Fig. 10. Details of shear tab specimens with slabs.

Table 4
Typical material properties of specimens for cyclic testsa

Member Grade Nominal Yield Strength (MPa) Ultimate Strength (MPa)

Yield (MPa)

mill values coupon tests mill values coupon tests

Beam A572 Gr.50 345 379 359 490 469

Column A572 Gr.50 345 359 355 469 470
Shear tab A36 248 317 317 469 455
Reinforcing A 615 Gr. 60 414 462 524 703 827

Concrete 20.7 Mpa specified, 35.9 MPa at 28 days, 42.7 MPa on day of testing, 3.45 MPa split
tensile strength

of the reaction frame, as well as the bracing mechanism symmetrically located on

the opposite side.
The lateral load was applied as a cyclic drift displacement at the top of the column
according to SAC protocol [15]. The drift angle was measured as the displacement
at the top of the column divided by the height of the column, pin to pin. This
displacement started at very small values of interstory drift and increased gradually
until failure of the specimen, or as in some cases, the limit of the testing equipment,
typically 0.15 radians.
The earlier research on shear tab connections under gravity load, as summarized
earlier, had indicated that the initial shear and rotation on the connection due to the
gravity loads would have a significant effect on the response [2]. While some load
was present in the system due to the self-weight of the specimen, it was necessary
to apply additional load in order to represent the initial gravity load seen in the
theoretical structure. The choice of gravity loads followed the philosophy of ATC-
33 [16], which states that 25% of the unreduced live load, but not less than the real
live load, can be used for the analysis of buildings under seismic loads. As a best
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Fig. 11. Test set-up for cyclic testing.

approximation, two actuators on each beam, each located at 1.67 m from the center-
line of the column, were used to create the appropriate shear and rotation at the joint.
The actuator loads were applied monotonically and held constant for the duration of
the cyclic test. Later analysis of the test results would show that the initial gravity
moments in the connections averaged 2025% of the maximum moment experienced
during cyclic loading.

5.3. Results of cyclic tests

5.3.1. Behavior of bare-steel shear tab connections

The cyclic behavior of the bare steel shear tab specimens (1A, 2A) was marked
by slip and yielding of the shear tab, followed by elongation of the bolt holes and
some out-of-plane deformation of the shear tabs and beam webs. At large rotations
(0.07 radians for 2A), the beam flange or web would bear or bind on the column
or stiffener plates in the column, causing an increase in stiffness of the connection.
This was typically followed by fracture of the shear tabs at the top, near the weld;
these fractures would then propagate through the depth of the tab in successive
cycles. In the case of the strong-axis shear tab, Specimen 2A, binding of the beam
was followed by a brittle fracture in the bottom edge distance, just below the bolt,
of one of the connections.
The bare steel specimens demonstrated that these flexible, theoretically pinned
connections have some rotational stiffness and moment capacity even without the
floor slab being present. The 4-bolt and 6-bolt shear tabs developed, on average, 16
and 22% of the plastic moment capacity of the beam (Mpbeam) respectively. The
1136 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Fig. 12. Moment-rotation backbone curves for 4- and 6-bolt tabs with and without slabs.

momentrotation behavior for these connections was generally symmetric, as shown

by momentrotation backbone curves for these two specimens in Fig. 12. The con-
nections also showed very ductile behavior up to large drift rotations. The ultimate
drift for the 4-bolt and 6-bolt shear tab specimens was 0.14 and 0.09 radians respect-
ively. Table 5 gives values of average maximum shear, and average positive moment
and rotation at ultimate drift for all shear tab specimens. When compared to values
of maximum shear and moment listed in Table 2, it would appear that, in general, the
cyclic test specimens were subject to less shear force and larger bending moments.
Regardless, the ductile design procedure developed as a result of the first study is

Table 5
Summary of cyclic test results

Spec. Maximum shear At maximum positive moment: Rotation

No. force reached (radiants)

Maximum positive Rotation at Moment (kN-m)

moment reached maximum moment
(kN-m) (radians)

1A 68 66 0.12 50 0.14
2A 170 148 0.04 67 0.09
3A 114 180 0.04 82 0.15
4A 66 149 0.04 82 0.13
6A 238 467 0.03 139 0.11
7A 213 330 0.03 72 0.11
3B 55 234 0.04 98 0.15
4B 246 402 0.03 114 0.11
6B 239 411 0.03 11 0.11
7B 318 606 0.03 154 0.08
A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141 1137

reflected well in the order of events in the second study, with slip, yielding, and
bearing deformation consistently occurring before fracture.

5.3.2. Contribution of the floor slab

The contribution of the floor slab was significant to the cyclic behavior of the
shear tab connections. The addition of the floor slab resulted in roughly twice the
maximum lateral load resistance for the test subassembly. This was the result of a
combination of increases in both positive and negative bending moment capacities,
as shown by a comparison of averaged moment-rotation backbone curves, Fig. 12.
The contribution of the concrete slab in compression literally tripled the positive
moment capacity for the 6-bolt shear tab specimens. By 0.04 radians drift, however,
the composite action was essentially lost due to damage to the concrete, along with
some local buckling of and damage to the metal deck. Some small fractures appeared
below the bottom bolts in the 6-bolt shear tab specimens. At this point, however,
the specimen with the floor slab would typically revert towards the behavior of the
bare steel specimen, although with slightly higher capacities due to the presence of
the concrete slab and metal deck. The average maximum capacity was at roughly
30% Mpbeam for the W1835 shear tab with slab, and 60% Mpbeam for the W2455
shear tab with slab.
The presence of the slab did not adversely affect the rotation capacity of the
connection. The ultimate drifts were 0.15 radians for the 4-bolt shear tab specimen
and 0.11 radians for the 6-bolt shear tab specimen. These drifts were comparable to
those seen for the bare-steel specimens. This was to be expected, since, at large
rotations, the connections were acting somewhat independently of the slab.
Meanwhile, other parameters did not significantly affect behavior. The maximum
load capacity and cyclic behavior was roughly equivalent for specimens with normal-
weight (3B, 6B) and lightweight concrete (3A, 6A). Figs. 13 and 14 show the con-
dition of the connection and floor slab for Specimen 6B at a level of 0.08 radians
The addition of a grid of reinforcement (4A, 4B) was successful in limiting the
overall, visible damage to the slab, but not in significantly increasing the lateral
resistance of the test subassembly or prolonging the contribution of the floor slab.
Local damage seemed to control the behavior of the connections. In both cases, the
reinforcement did increase the negative bending moment capacities of the connec-
tions. However, composite action of the slab was still lost at around 0.04 radians,
and the lateral resistance was generally comparable to, although in some cases
slightly higher than, that of the unreinforced specimens.
Finally, the absence of concrete in the web cavity (Specimen 7A) reduced the
maximum lateral load capacity of the specimen by almost 20%, but otherwise, the
cyclic behavior of 7A was familiar, with slip, yielding in the shear tab and beam web,
bolt hole deformation, binding of the beam or girder on the column and fractures in
the shear tabs. It should be mentioned that in Specimen 7A the floor area within the
column did not have concrete. This is a current practice that enables passage of pipes
and other electrical or mechanical lines through the floor within the web cavity of
the column. Composite action was again effectively lost by 0.04 radians.
1138 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

Fig. 13. Bolt slip, yielding, bolt-hole deformation and fracture of net area at 0.08 radians of drift for 6-
bolt shear tab with slab.

Fig. 14. Cracking of concrete floor slab at 0.08 radians of drift for 6-bolt shear tab with slab.

5.3.3. Trends in cyclic behavior of shear tabs with slab (4-, 6-, 8-bolt tabs)
Results from tests on 4-, 6- and 8-bolt shear tab connections with slabs showed
some trends in behavior. Slip and yielding of the shear tab began early in the test,
at levels of 0.005 and 0.01 radians, primarily towards the bottom of the shear tab.
Moderate panel zone yielding was also noted at these levels for the strong-axis shear
tab specimens with slabs. For all shear tab specimens, 0.04 radians typically marked
A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141 1139

the loss of the composite action of the slab, with a significant drop in load capacity.
As the tests continued, the behavior and capacity of each specimen tended to
resemble that of the bare-steel specimens, with continued yielding, elongation of bolt
holes, and small fractures in the shear tabs. Fractures occurred at 0.04 and 0.05
radians for the 6-bolt shear tab specimens, starting at the bottoms of the tabs, directly
below the bolts. Small fractures also appeared at 0.05 radians at the bottoms of the
tabs, near the welds, for the 8-bolt shear tab specimen. The 4-bolt specimens did
not see fractures until much later, near the end of the test, at rotations of 0.12 to
0.14 radians.
In the 6-bolt and 8-bolt specimens, binding of the beam flanges on the columns
would occur next at large drift rotations. This preceded both a significant increase
in stiffness and higher demands on the shear tabs and bolts, leading to more fracture.
The drift angle at which binding occurred was inversely proportional to the depth
of tab and beam: 0.08 radians for the 6-bolt specimen and 0.06 radians for the 8-
bolt specimen. (In both cases, the depth of the shear tab was roughly 70% of the
depth of the beam, and the location of the shear tab on the beam was similar.) For
the 6-bolt specimen, this binding occurred first at the bottom flange, causing fractures
at the tops of the tabs and leading eventually to fractures through much of the depth
of the shear tab. For the 8-bolt specimen, binding also occurred first at the bottom
beam flange and led to fracture of the bolts, beginning with the top bolts. By the
end of the test, all but three bolts on each shear tab had fractured. The occurrence
of bolt fracture as opposed to plate fracture appeared to be due to the relative thick-
nesses and strengths of the beam webs and shear tabs. In the 4-bolt and 6- bolt
specimens, the beam web, as well as the shear tab, experienced much yielding and
bolt hole deformation, allowing for more ductile deformation. The deformation in
the relatively thick web of the W33118, meanwhile, was minimal, thus forcing
more demand into the bolts.
All specimens initially experienced ductile behavior, with slip and yielding. Loss
of composite action occurred by about 0.04 radians. The behavior of the connection
following the loss of the contribution from the floor slab was related to the depth
of the shear tab and beam, and the thickness of the beam web. This behavior included
binding of the beam on the column, and fractures of the tab and of the bolts at
very large rotations. The relative ductility of the connection seemed to be inversely
proportional to the depth of the connection for these shear tab specimens with slabs.
Regardless of failure mode, all specimens still supported the applied gravity load at
the end of the test. Furthermore, all specimens followed the designed hierarchy of
failure modes, from yielding to fracture, shown in Fig. 7.

6. Summary and conclusions

Based upon the experimental testing the following conclusions were determined.
1140 A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141

6.1. Conclusions on shear tab connections under gravity load

1. Single plate connections supported gravity load at maximum rotations varying

from 0.026 to 0.103 radians. When the support was a column, the maximum
rotation achieved increased as the number of bolts in the connection decreased.
2. Shear deformation and distortion contributed significantly to the behavior of the
connection, especially above expected service level loading.
3. Limit states of single-plate shear connections were established as: plate yielding,
bearing yielding, edge distance failure, net-section fracture of plate, bolt fracture,
and weld fracture.

6.2. Conclusions on shear tab connections under combined gravity and cyclic

1. Slip and yielding of the shear tab began at low levels of drift, primarily towards
the bottom of the shear tabs for conections with floor slabs. The shear tabs exhib-
ited ductile behavior to large levels of drift.
2. Bending moment capacity of typical shear tab connections with slabs was on the
order of 3060% Mpbeam.
3. All shear tab specimens typically lost the composite action of the slab after reach-
ing 0.04 radians drift, with a significant drop in load capacity, almost to that of
the equivalent bare steel specimens.
4. Rotation capacity of the shear tabs, defined by binding of the beam on the column
and the onset of fractures, was inversely proportional to depth of connection.
5. Hierarchy of failure modes in design procedure also applied to the combination
of gravity and cyclic lateral load.


The studies of shear tabs under gravity load were supported by the American
Institute of Steel Construction, American Iron and Steel Institute, Research Council
on Structural Connections, University of California, Berkeley and W & W Steel
Company. The studies of shear tabs under combined gravity and cyclic loads were
supported by the SAC Joint Venture/US Federal Emergency Management Agency
and the University of California, Berkeley. The support of Robert O. Disque
(formerly of AISC) for the gravity studies and James O. Malley of the SAC Joint
Venture for the seismic studies is sincerely appreciated. Former graduate students
Steven Call, Keith Porter, Alison Shaw and Justin Moresco and undergraduate stu-
dents Kai Wang and Elizabeth Sheldon participated in conducting research reported
herein. Their contributions were invaluable and are acknowledged with appreciation.
A. Astaneh-Asl et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 11211141 1141


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