Celgene Responsibility
Celgene Responsibility
Celgene Responsibility
About This Report disclosures from these guidelines that apply to our
business in a meaningful and material manner.
and some activities that occur outside of Celgene,
such as in portions of our supply chain. Site
The complete list of the GRI general and specific specific data are provided for the facilities
Celgene Corporation is a multinational, publicly standard disclosures is provided in the GRI Index included in our organization boundary, shown on
owned biopharmaceutical company committed at the end of this report. the map below.
to improving the lives of patients worldwide. We
For a full explanation of the GRI guidelines, visit The reporting boundary has been expanded
are committed to responsible transparency and
http://www.globalreporting.org. in 2014 to include 22 facilities selected based
engagement with our stakeholders.
on an operational control approach, of which
The boundary of our Corporate Responsibility
We are continuing to use the Global Celgene owns either the facility or significant
reporting includes activities within Celgene at the
Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 In Accordance emission-emitting equipment and where data
corporate, firm-wide level, such as philanthropy
Core guidelines in our fourth Corporate are readily available to support a proper and
and global health, site-specific activities in selected
ResponsibilityReport. concise inventory. All subsidiaries are wholly
Reporting Statistics
Period Covered: 20102014 (calendar years) and important and impactful events from the first half of 2015
Most Recent Report: December 2014
Periodicity of Corporate Responsibility Reporting: Annual
Contact: Celgene welcomes thoughts and comments on this report through email at [email protected]. Your comments support our
progress on accurate and transparent reporting about our environmental, social, economic and governance performance.
Importance to Stakeholders
involvement, labor relations and other material Outreach to
Researchers and
Impacts of
aspects are presented throughout this report Climate Change Healthcare
on Human Health Professionals
to show the broad Corporate Responsibility
framework that exists at Celgene. Carbon Emission Pharmaceuticals in Drug Agency
Ethics and
Reduction the Environment Compliance
These aspects are a priority to our stakeholders,
including shareholders, employees, patients Relevant Significant
and the communities where Celgene operates.
Energy Efficiency Product
The aspects are also spread across the Five Water Efficiency
Sustainability Manufacturing
Drug Safety
and Supply Chain
Pillars of Corporate Responsibility. Additional Management
stakeholders were identified as having a bearing Procurement
on business operations in some fashion, either Waste
externally or internally. Our current materiality Minimization Employee Health
and Safety
assessment allows us to determine issues
deemed as most material and impactful to our Recruitment,
Development and
company and our stakeholder populations and Engagement
these issues are presented in the materiality
matrix across the different areas that rank Property
material priority. In the future, we will use
a more in-depth materiality assessment that
involves stakeholder surveys and discussions Importance to Celgene
aimed to deepen our understanding of priority
issues and enhance our focus on thesepriorities. Environment & Sustainability Global Health Commitment to Safety
Patients & Communities Governance
announced several Phase III combination studies Psoriatic Arthritis For the treatment of active PsA in
in non-squamous and squamous lung cancer adult patients who have had an
Nearly 253 million people worldwide have an
with ABRAXANE and its immuno-oncology inadequateresponse.
immune disorder and our Inflammation and
therapy, atezolizumab. Our collaboration with Additional new drug application and marketing
Immunology (I&I) Franchise is fully engaged and
OncoMed Pharmaceuticals also continues authorization application submissions for the
committed to bringing the clinical benefits of our
to expand as they evaluate demcizumab in PsA and psoriasis indications are ongoing or
rich pipeline of assets to this patient population.
combination with ABRAXANE in pancreatic are planned in several other countries/regions,
The continued growth of the I&I Franchise is
cancer and in lung cancer in combination with including Japan, South East Asia and Russia.
driven by our focus to develop, bring to market
other chemotherapies.
and provide widespread patient access to our OTEZLA also has potential for other underserved
transformational therapies for underserved patient populations. For example, new indications
patients with immune-inflammatory disorders. and opportunities under investigation include
Our growth trajectory in the I&I area through Phase II trials in atopic dermatitis and ulcerative
2020 is strong with great expansion potential colitis, the enrollment of patients in a Phase
expected from existing and pipeline products that III trial for Behets disease and the regulatory
we believe will ensure our long-term success. submission of data in Turkey (the country with
the highest prevalence of Behets disease) based
on the Phase II data.
Future Brand 2015
For the first time, Celgene was added to the 1,500
2015 Future Brand Index, ranking #9 among 25%
the top 100 global companies. A future brand 20%
is described as one that is likely to succeed in 15%
the future and balance strong perceptions of 10%
its purpose and the experience it delivers. This
recognition is a tribute to the growing public
perception of Celgene on a global level. 0 0%
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Therapy Clinical Regulatory Innovator
Discovery Trials Clinical Trials Review Exclusivity Generic
10,000 250 5
Compounds ONE
Phase III
Phase II
Phase I
Source: Paul S, Mytelka D, Dunwiddie C, et al. "How to Improve R&D Productivity: The Pharmaceutical Industrys Grand Challenge." Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
March 2010; available from: doi:10.1038/nrd3078. Accessed June 24, 2014.
Note: Length of time at each stage is approximate.
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (TCSDD). R&D Cost Study Briefing; November 18, 2014.
Celgene monitors, tracks and routinely reports Comply with environmental, health
on the companys health and safety performance, and safety laws, regulations, standards
and continually reviews risks to better protect and ordinances in each of the countries
our people. This is particularly important for in which we do business.
personnel who are involved in occupational Educate employees with respect
activities where there is a high incidence or risk to environmental, health and safety
of diseases, such as laboratory staff that handle Act responsibly and communicate openly
performance and provide training
a myriad of chemicals and biological material with our customers, neighbors, employees,
to assist employees in performing
and facility personnel that perform various government officials and other stakeholders
operations throughout the facilities that could relative to the safety profile of our products
involve harmful material and substances. For Strive for an injury-free and and operations.
these employees, there are educational, counseling, environmentally sustainable workplace by
Foster environmental, health and safety
prevention and risk training, and, if necessary, building on the belief that incidents, injuries
ethics among management by setting
treatment programs available with a focus on and environmental releases are potentially
management performance targets into our
potential seriousdiseases. preventable and by implementing
business strategies.
appropriate risk controlmeasures.
100 Employees
Quantity per
training and accident/ incident management Injury & Illness Rate
and follow up.
Occup. Disease Rate
Biosafety Focus on biosafety in the
manufacturing arena and cultivate a proactive 0.20 Lost Day Case Rate
view to mitigating risk. 0.10
Health and Safety Training Provide required 0.00
training cross-functionally on a global basis. 2011 2012 2013 2014
Continue to heighten EHS awareness with
programs that fit the needs of the business
based on identified risks.
US Safety Metrics 2011 2012 2013 2014
Injury/Illness/Incident Management
Proactively manage risk. Conduct root cause Injury and Illness Rate1 (Per 100 Employees) 0.54 0.44 0.62 0.56
analysis. Encourage reporting and correction
of near misses. Occupational Disease Rate (Per 100 Employees) 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.02
Lost Day Case Rate2 (Per 100 Employees) 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.14
Ergonomics Provide a global program
while focusing on regional requirements and Ergonomic Injury Cases 13 9 19 3
regulations and risk management.
Fatalities 0 0 0 0
Data is from all US manufacturing, R&D, warehouse, distribution centers, office buildings and field employees
The data do not include any international (Europe and Japan) data.
Injury and illnesses beyond first aid
Rate is based on number of injury and illness cases with days away from work
The Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) soccer tournament was a sporting initiative
that promoted bothwellness and charitable giving (see Global Health chapter)
PASSION FOR THE PATIENT We share a belief that what we do matters to the worldthat it is essential to the advancement
of healthcare. And that how we do it is what sets us apart from those who have come before us. Our Sustainability and
Environmental policies support our commitment to helping the planet as we help patients.
COURAGE TO FACE OUR CHALLENGES AND THE UNKNOWN We face the challenges of the past and the
uncertainties of the future. We embrace the unknown, pioneering new science and new ways of doing business. Our willingness to
Our challenge the status quo and take on risk is what enables us to create new standards in medicine and the broader world of human
Values health. Climate change and other uncertainties face the world and our business. Our Risk Management policy and environmental
The qualities reporting explain what we are doing as we look towards the future.
we look for TRUST IN OUR WORDS AND OUR ACTIONS We assume the best in each otherin terms of capability and intention
in our people and we treat each other with dignity and respect as we work together to always do whats best for Celgene. We value each
individual for the integrity they bring to their work and their relationships, both internal and external. We trust one another and
build trusting relationships with the communities where we work.
EXCELLENCE IN DELIVERING EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS We hold our work to the highest of standardsquality,
scientific and ethical. We also hold each other to equally high standards in the way we work, encouraging creativity and simplicity
in problem solving, transparency in communicating and results that are data driven. Our facilities and operations are managed for
resource efficiency and state-of-the-art performance.
WE ASSUME THE BEST We start from a place of inquiry, seeking to understand each other and giving everyone a chance to be
heard. We honor diverse points of view from our stakeholders, patients, investors and communities.
WE DEBATE OPENLY, HONESTLY AND COMPLETELY We share our views and disagreements in conversations
to encourage the best ideas to emerge. As we choose what initiatives to undertake, we collaborate with employees and other
stakeholders about our impacts and opportunities.
Behaviors WE MAKE DECISIONS OBJECTIVELY AND TRANSPARENTLY We are clear about our roles, include the right people
How we treat in the conversation, consider the facts and share our reasoning. We pledge to objectively and transparently communicate the results
each other of our sustainability initiatives through our various disclosures.
WE ALIGN AND FOLLOW THROUGH We carry out the decisions we make as a team and agree to a process for
changing and communicating them. By consistently measuring our work year over year, we assess our progress against our
Changing the course of human health We bravely pursue the path of possibility, and we openly questionand
through bold pursuits in science, challengeevery assumption, standard and convention that gets in our
and apromise to always put patients first.
Purpose We do whatever it takes to deliver our products in a manner that is safe
Why we come and accessible to those who need them most.
to work every day
Number of Employees
unmet medical needs in cancer and inflammatory Italy
diseases. They are a varied group of talented Germany
people, including PhD bench scientists, sales 3,000
representatives, manufacturing engineers, 2,500
information technology professionals, clinical France
research physicians, lab technicians, marketing Japan
professionals, regulatory experts, accounting and UK
finance personnel, clinical coordinators, senior 1,000
executives, human resource managers, nurses and 500
pharmacists. US
2012 2013 2014
As different as each of these positions and the
individuals who hold them are, they are united in
their commitment to discover, develop and market
life-enhancing drugs that make a measurable Workforce by Workforce
2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014
difference in the lives of millions of people. Our Country Statistics
employees are in the right place, at the right time, Male 1,525 1,773 2,035
Canada 38 43 77
doing the right things, to build on the companys Gender
Italy 67 79 96 Female 1,723 1,932 2,183
scientific and commercialachievements.
Germany 67 78 98 North
By the end of 2014, Celgene had 6,379 employees 2,216 2,584 2,868
worldwide with a diverse range of roles and Spain 81 80 108 Region
responsibilities and a focused goal of achieving Europe 891 955 1,177
optimal yields and performance for our patients France 81 82 113
Japan 141 166 173
and for the company. The workforce data and Japan 141 166 173 Full-Time 3,193 3,647 4,144
charts presented within this section apply only Type
UK 136 140 185 Part-Time 55 58 74
to the 4,218 employees in the 22 facilities within
the reporting scope and not to the entire Celgene Switzerland 459 496 577 North America Region includes US and Canada
Europe Region includes Switzerland, Spain, France, UK,
employee population.
US 2,178 2,541 2,791 Italy and Germany
benefits packages consider local legal requirements or a maximum permitted by law. Celgene also
-200 and local pharmaceutical market practice, all of sponsors defined contribution plans in certain
which align to Celgenes global philosophy of international locations. Participation in these
-400 total rewards. plans is subject to the laws in effect for each
North America Europe country and may include statutorily imposed
Japan Net Hires minimum contributions.
Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB) Celgene had business relations with 254 SBA Celgene is a member of the Supplier Diversity
suppliers in 2014, which represents about 3.8 Pharmaceutical Forum, a sub-committee of the
Historically Underutilized Business
percent of the suppliers used through US general Pharmaceutical Forum of the Institute for Supply
Zone Businesses
sourcing. This also represents approximately 2.1 Management. The Forum is a collaborative
Veteran and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned percent of the spend through US general sourcing group of supply chain professionals with the
Businesses (Small/Large) (this does not include products and services goals of expanding supply base diversity in
related to our therapeutic manufacturing and the pharmaceutical industry, developing best
development activities). Many of these suppliers and next practices in supplier diversity and
represent more than one type of SBA category and professionaldevelopment.
further assist our goal of developing our business
partnerships with diverse suppliers.
$1,000 $15
$600 $0
Within 10 Miles of Facility Between 10-50 Miles from Facility More than 50 Miles from Facility
$300 $40
$150 $0
Within 10 Miles of Facility Between 10-50 Miles from Facility More than 50 Miles from Facility
Waste management efforts throughout the 533
312 333
company in 2014 focused on more efficient and 1,000 20%
streamlined efforts to redirect non-hazardous 240
solid waste (trash) to recoverable waste streams,
such as recycling and organic waste collection. 500 994 952 10%
Particular attention was paid to the education and
motivation of employees, as they are the final line
0 0%
in diverting recoverable waste from solid waste
streams. 2012 2013 2014
Recycling streams are now available in the Incineration Landfill Recycling Organic
majority of our facilities; these recycling
streams focus on common waste types (plastics,
paper, metals, etc.). Collection of organic (or
biodegradable) waste has been incorporated at the Biodiversity There are plans in place to include consideration
of facility impact on biodiversity and land in
Summit and Boudry facilities, with more facilities As we look to expand our operations worldwide, the design of new buildings and the renovation
expected to integrate similar programs by 2020, Celgene will hold itself to protecting and of existing facilities in the future. Some of these
depending upon availability. The employees at preserving biodiversity and respecting nature on plansinclude:
these two facilities have embraced the organics and around our facilities. This includes evaluating
program that collects food waste and paper our operations to comply with international, The Stormwater Pollution Prevention
products from the cafeteria areas. Additional national and local regulations concerning Plan that establishes and communicates
waste diversion has occurred through donation preservation of natural places, promoting awareness of appropriate practices associated
of old or obsolete items from our information open spaces where possible and assessing land with pollution prevention techniques and
technology department, such as computers, usecompliance. materials to divert or prevent stormwater
printers, scanners, etc. contamination.
Number of Sessions
The 24-acre Summit campus is adjacent to several are one example of how Celgene has embraced
areas of biodiversity such as Hidden Valley Park such technology. The use of these stations 1,200
and the Houdaille Quarry, both along the border by our employees decreases fossil fuel 489 476
between the City of Summit and the Township of consumption, reduces commuting emissions 800
Springfield. and provides the employees a monetary
The San Diego and San Francisco facilities are savings incentive for utilization of both the 14
stations and these types of vehicles. By the end 400 780 803
not within or adjacent to any areas of high 625
biodiversity value, but it is located within the of 2014 there were a total of 11 stations at
California Floristic Province. This area is home Celgene facilities that were used 1,874 times 0
to a number of threatened endemic species, by employees and the Security department, a 2012 2013 2014
according to Conservation International. rate of 156 sessions per month. The charging
Summit Warren San Diego
station program surpassed both the 3,000 and
In the future, we plan to pursue detailed
4,000 cumulative sessions milestones in 2014,
assessments of our operational impacts on local
logging a grand total of 4,365 sessions since the
and regional biodiversity as well as the impact Celgene provides free shuttle transportation for
programs inception in 2011.
within our supply chains. its employees between its New Jersey facilities
The carpooling program has continued at the and the local mass transportation hub in
New Jersey facilities with participation varying Summit. Employees have the option of using
between 20 to 30 active groups in 2014 due to company-provided shuttle services that run daily
changes in departmental locations throughout at varying intervals. It is the aim of this shuttle
the year. Similar to the charging station program, service to increase mass transportation use for
this program is aimed at reducing traveling employees that may have longer commutes,
emissions while providing carpool groups a thereby further decreasing emissions attributed to
monthly monetary incentive and overall decrease employeecommuting.
in commuting expenses.
40 from scoped facilities were determined from business travel. Future investigations could focus
5.7 the annual commuting survey, which asked on initiatives to buy carbon offsets from air
30 the type of vehicle employees typically use and travel, partnering with airlines that use alternative
44 47 the average commuting distance. Results from fuels or fuel efficient airplanes or increasing
31 the survey were extrapolated to represent the alternatives to long-distance travel, such as
10 entire population of the scoped facilities as well teleconferencingcapabilities when possible.
0 as estimate commuting statistics for previous
2012 2013 2014
Car Truck/SUV Train Bus Air Travel (million miles) 2012 2013 2014
Short Haul (<300 miles) 0.16 0.14 0.03
Annual Employee Travel
Medium Haul (300-2,300 miles) 11.6 11.8 3.96
Commuting Distance, 2012 2013 2014 Distance
All Modes (thousand miles) Long Haul (>2,300 miles) 35.8 43.2 70.7
Canada 582 806 1,149 Canada 0.96 1.25 2.49
France 181 199 242 France 1.26 1.58 1.74
Germany 775 936 1,064 Germany 0.96 1.58 3.29
Italy 451 471 673 Italy 1.06 1.45 1.07
Japan 1,528 1,899 1,899 Japan 0.05 0.05 0.02
Spain 544 578 757 Spain 1.08 1.37 1.10
Switzerland 8,023 8,527 9,918 Switzerland 8.08 9.50 10.5
UK 2,436 3,618 3,313 UK 3.74 3.48 3.54
US 27,412 40,952 43,060 US 30.4 34.8 51.0
Total 41,931 57,986 62,075 Total 47.6 55.1 74.7
value chains using methods from the Greenhouse 1,500
Gas Protocols Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) 546 10,000
423 452 1,921
Accounting and Reporting Standard. As of 2015, 1,000
the operations we include for energy, resource and 325 8,000 1,903
emission performance assessment within our value 500 917 879 13,629
665 6,000
chains include:
0 4,000 8,325
Trash disposal of municipal solid waste (see 2012 2013 2014 6,902
Waste and Recycling section for quantities). 2,000
Incineration Landfill Avoided
Employee commuting (see Transportation 0
section for quantities). 2012 2013 2014
Employee commuting levels of the Scope 3 Emissions from Airline Medium-Haul
local shuttle services in New Jersey and
Switzerland. Employee Commuting Airline Long-Haul
Values for emissions from shuttle services and airline
Business travel of the regional shuttle service 25,000 short-haul travel are less than 50 metric tons CO2e each.
in New Jersey. 687
20,000 4,390
Environmental Footprint
The table provides an overview of the quantitative
performance of the companys scoped facilities
over the past three years. We aspire to enhance
the quality of the data we regularly report on in
order to provide a transparent perspective on our
company and the environmental elements we seek
to improve upon year over year.
Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization about the Message from the Chairman and Chief
G4-1 2-3
relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy Executive Officer
About Our Company, Patients and
Description of the organizations key impacts on sustainability and effects on
Communities, Commitment to Safety,
G4-2 stakeholders and the impact of sustainability trends, risks and opportunities All
Governance, Global Health, Environment
on the organization
and Sustainability
G4-6 Number and names of countries where the organization operates 4 About This Report
G4-32 GRI content index and in accordance option 80-87 GRI Index
Policy for external assurance and scope and basis for external assurance There is no external assurance provided for
G4-33 N/A
provided this report
DMA Management approach overview 58-60 Supply Chain
EN3 Energy consumption within the organization 71 Energy
EN8 Total water withdrawal by source 72 Water
Emissions EN15 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) 76-77 Carbon Footprint
EN18 GHG emissions intensity 77 Carbon Footprint
Effluents and EN23 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method 73 Waste and Recycling
EN24 Total number and volume of significant spills 79 Compliance
Workforce, Professional
DMA Management approach overview 49-51
LA1 Total number and rates of new employee hires 50 Workforce
DMA Management approach overview 47 Business Conduct and Ethics
DMA Management approach overview 34-36 Patient Safety
Route De Perreux 1
2017 Boudry
CELGENE Switzerland
CORPORATE 41 32 729 85 00