My I Cece 2010 Paper
My I Cece 2010 Paper
My I Cece 2010 Paper
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Abstract Energy crisis is the most important issue in todays is presented. A prototype of automatic solar tracker ensures
world. Conventional energy resources are not only limited but feasibility of this design methodology.
also the prime culprit for environmental pollution. Renewable
energy resources are getting priorities in the whole world to II. PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGY
lessen the dependency on conventional resources. Solar energy is
rapidly gaining the focus as an important means of expanding
The most abundant and convenient source of renewable
renewable energy uses. Solar cells those convert suns energy energy is solar energy, which can be harnessed by
into electrical energy are costly and inefficient. Different photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells are the basic of the solar
mechanisms are applied to increase the efficiency of the solar system. The word photovoltaic comes from photo means
cell to reduce the cost. Solar tracking system is the most light and voltaic means producing electricity. Therefore,
appropriate technology to enhance the efficiency of the solar the photovoltaic process is producing electricity directly
cells by tracking the sun. A microcontroller based design from sunlight. The output power of a photovoltaic cell
methodology of an automatic solar tracker is presented in this depends on the amount of light projected on the cell. Time of
paper. Light dependent resistors are used as the sensors of the
the day, season, panel position and orientation are also the
solar tracker. The designed tracker has precise control
mechanism which will provide three ways of controlling system.
factors behind the output power. The current-voltage and
A small prototype of solar tracking system is also constructed to power-voltage characteristics of a photovoltaic cell are shown
implement the design methodology presented here. in Fig. 1.
Energy is the prime factor for the development of a nation.
An enormous amount of energy is extracted, distributed,
converted and consumed in the global society daily. 85% of
energy production is dependent on fossil fuels [1]. The
resources of the fossil fuels are limited and their use results in
global warming due to emission of greenhouse gases. To Fig. 1 I-V and P-V characteristics of photovoltaic cell.
provide a sustainable power production and safe world to the Photovoltaic cells are the smallest part of a solar panel.
future generation, there is a growing demand for energy from Solar panel gives maximum power output at the time when
renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal and ocean sun is directly aligned with the panel.
tidal wave.
The sun is the prime source of energy, directly or III. TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE POWER OUTPUT FROM SOLAR
indirectly, which is also the fuel for most renewable systems. PANEL
Among all renewable systems, photovoltaic system is the one Increasing the cell efficiency, maximizing the power
which has a great chance to replace the conventional energy output and employing a tracking system with solar panel are
resources. Solar panel directly converts solar radiation into three ways to increase the overall efficiency of the solar panel
electrical energy. Solar panel is mainly made from [4]. Improvement of solar cell efficiency is an ongoing
semiconductor materials. Si used as the major component of research work and people throughout the world are actively
solar panels, which is maximum 24.5% efficient [2]. Unless doing research on this. Maximizing the output power from
high efficient solar panels are invented, the only way to solar panel and integrating solar tracking system are the two
enhance the performance of a solar panel is to increase the ways where electronic design methodology can bring success.
intensity of light falling on it. Solar trackers are the most Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is the process to
appropriate and proven technology to increase the efficiency maximize the output power from solar panel by keeping the
of solar panels through keeping the panels aligned with the solar panels operation on the knee point of P-V
suns position. Solar trackers get popularized around the characteristics (Fig. 1). A number of MPPT algorithms have
world in recent days to harness solar energy in most efficient been developed and employed around the world [5]. MPPT
way. This is far more cost effective solution than purchasing technology only offers the maximum power that can be
additional solar panels [3]. received from a stationary array of solar panels at a particular
In this paper the design methodology of a microcontroller time; it cannot, however, increase the power generation when
based simple and easily programmed automatic solar tracker the sun is not aligned with the system.
2) Analog to digital converter: Among 8 analog to digital START
converter input pins ADC0 and ADC1 have been used; where STAND BY WAIT
This threshold value, set according to the photo resistor TURN OFF ANALOG
response against the solar radiation intensity, is provided,
since ADC_result alone might be insufficient for rotation of TURN ON ADC
ADC_result NO
3) Timers: Built-in timer of ATMEGA32 is utilized to COUNT=0 TURN OFF ADC
create delay. The Earth rotates on its own axis, with respect NO
initial position for the next day. When it goes to initial VII. CONCLUSION
position, power supply to the tracker will be turned off and The paper has presented a means of tracking the suns
the tracker will be in stand by till sunlight in the next morning. position with the help of microcontroller. Specially, it
demonstrates a working software solution for maximizing
solar cell output by positioning a solar panel at the point of
maximum light intensity. The prototype represents a method
for tracking the sun both in normal and bad weather condition.
Moreover, the tracker can initialize the starting position itself
which reduce the need of any more photo resistors. The
attractive feature of the designed solar tracker is simple
mechanism to control the system. The solar tracker also
provides lucrative solution for third world countries to
integrate it into their solar system with a comparatively low
cost through software based solution. Though the prototype
has limitations in hardware areas as an initial set up, still it
provides an opportunity for improvement of the design
methodology in future.
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