Annual Report 15 16
Annual Report 15 16
Annual Report 15 16
|vx E : 10, . j. . h, EEi - 700 001
Head Office : 10, B. T. M. Sarani, Kolkata - 700 001
E |inx - 2015-16
Annual Report - 2015-16
n / Item {` . / Page No. n / Item {` . / Page No.
l vE Exp J{IE l ix-{j 2015-16
Statutory Central Auditors 02 Balance Sheet 2015-16 64-67
l xnE b l -x J
Board of Directors 03
l E + `E i Sx B ES Profit & Loss A/c 68-79
Notice for AGM and Agenda 04-09 l J vi +xS / Schedule to Accounts 80-120
l |v xnE B J E{E +vE E vx l i E ]{i E J{IE E {]
Managing Director & CEO's Statement 10-12
Auditors Report to the President of India 121-123
l xnE E {]
Directors Report 13-37 l xEn | h / Cash Flow Statement 124-125
l k ]iB l -III |E]Eh / Basel-III Disclosures 126-193
Financial Highlights 38 l {I / Proxy Form 194-195
l E{] +x v {] l ={li {S / Attendance Slip 196
Report on Corporate Governance 39-59
l E{] +x E +xMxE
Annexures to Corporate Governance 60-63
E + `E 2015-16 E iJ,
B `E-l
Date, time & of Annual <x ], V..B.
General Meeting 2015-16 |i: 11.00 A.M. bx Bx, EEi - 700046
. M xxn Bb E. . B. Sn Bb E. . x{ Bb BB]
xn JE xn JE xn JE
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
. +. {. MM Bb E. i iV V Bb {
xn JE xn JE
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
vE +Eix V] E xxJi E {E E Ei
The Shareholders may also contact the following offices of the Registrar in case of need.
|v xnE B J
E{E +vE
Managing Director & CEO
Sh V. h +
E{E xnE
SHRI CHARAN SINGH Executive Director
Executive Director
v {< b. +n
xnE xnE
Director Director
|. B. E. . qx +
xnE xnE
Director Director
|vx E : 10, . j. . h, EEi - 700 001
Head Office : 10, B. T. M. Sarani, Kolkata - 700 001
Binu Sx n Vi E E E E vE E 13 NOTICE is hereby given that the 13th Annual General Meeting
E + `E v, nxE 29 Vx, 2016 E {x 11.00 of the Shareholders of UCO Bank will be held on Wednesday,
29th June, 2016 at 11.00 A.M. at Mini Auditorium, Science City,
V x +b], <x ], V..B. bx Bx, J.B.S Haldane Avenue, Kolkata - 700046 to transact the following
EEi - 700046 +Vi E VBM V xxJi n business:-
{ E E VBM:
nxE 31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j, = iJ To discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet as at 31st
E {i E B E E + x J, J E +v E March 2016, Profit and Loss Account of the Bank for the year
ended 31st March, 2016, the Report of the Board of Directors on
B E E GE{ { xnE b E {] il ix-{j the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by
B J E v J{IE E {] { SS Ex B =x the Accounts and Auditors' Report on the Balance Sheet and
+MEi Ex i. Accounts.
x] Notes
E Jin E |Vxl M, nxE 23 Vx, 2015 The Registrar of Shareholders and the Transfer Books of the
v, nxE 29 Vx, 2016 (nx nx i) iE vE E Bank will remain closed from Thursday, 23rd June, 2016 to
Wednesday, 29th June, 2016 (both days inclusive) for the
V] B E E +ih n M* purpose of Annual Book Closure.
EE E{x (={G E +Vx + +ih) +vx 1970 E As per section 10B of Banking Companies (Acquisition and
v 10J E +x n E< +nk Ji +ii E Transfer of Undertaking) Act 1970 any money which is transferred
Vi + B +ih E iJ i E +v iE +nk/ to unpaid dividend account and remains unpaid/unclaimed for a
+nEi i i = E{x +vx 1956 E v 205 (1) period of seven years from the date of such transfer shall be
transferred to "Investor Education and Protection Fund"
E ii l{i xE I B Ih xv +ii E established under section 205C(1) of the Companies Act 1956.
Shareholders who have not claimed their dividend upto the
Vx vE x k 2014-15 iE E n x
financial year 2014-15 are requested to lodge valid claim(s) with
E , =x +xv E V] B +ih BV] . E Registrar and Transfer Agent M/s Karvy Computershare Private
E{] |<] ]b E { v n () |ii E* Limited.
<C] xE { vh Ex ivE E Beneficial owners holding shares in electronic form , are requested
to update the address, Bank details i.e. Name of Bank, Name of
+xv E +{x xI{M Mn E { {i, E E h Branch, Account Number, ECS Mandate, e-mail addresses etc.
x E E x, J E x, Ji J, <B +vn, <- are duly updated with their Depository Participant.
{i +n +tii E*
+ih J E l |h-{j E E V] B Share Certificates along with transfer deeds should be forwarded
+ih BV], E E{] |<] ]b, x] E to Bank's Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, M/S Karvy
E, E x ] , {] 31-32, MS, <x Computershare Private Limited Unit : UCO BANK, Karvy
Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District,
b]C], xxGMb, nn - 500 032 E V VB* Nanakramguda, Hyderabad - 500 032
E E +E VxE |i E n V EU |h{j Few of the share certificates issued after the Bank's Initial Public
vE E +nx {j =Ji +v bE {i B n Offer returned undelivered to our Registrar & Share Transfer
Agents on account of improper address mentioned in the
{ii {i E V V] B +ih BV] E { application forms and subsequent change in addresses of the
{ ] +B* E E B E + vE/E shareholders. Bank is yet to receive claim/request from the
n/+xv |{i x + * Sr E E +x E B bonafide shareholders/owners of such shares. As per the Listing
E +iEi Pi EM VxE n + vE/ Agreement, the Bank is required to dematerialize the shares which
E u |ii x E M * remained unclaimed by the bonafide shareholders/owners of such
nxE 31.03.2016 iE +nEi E h xx|E : Following are details of the shares unclaimed as on 31.03.2016 :
G . h vE
Sl. Particulars No. of No. of shares
No. shareholders involved
i. nxE 01.04.2015 E li E
+x +nEi
Shares unclaimed as on 01.04.2015 205 28300
ii. 2015-16 E n x n EB MB +
ivE E Ji +ii /
Shares claimed and transferred to
Beneficiary account during the year 2015-16 NIL NIL
+nEi E E u n x EB Vx iE The voting rights in respect of the unclaimed shares will remain
ivE +r J VBM* frozen till the claim by the rightful owner.
E{x (|vx B |x) x, 2014 E l {`i Pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
(SEh ni B |E]x +{IB) xx, 2015 E x 44 Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, it is
E +xh E E vE E +vh + `E <C] xE mandatory to extend to the shareholders of the Bank, the facility
vx (] <-inx) u inx Ex E v nx vE to vote at the Annual General Meeting by electronic means
* (remote e-voting).
E E vE `E E Sx xi VxE E +x ] Shareholders of the Bank can transact on the item of the business
through remote e-voting system as contained in the Notice of
<-inx |h E VB Sh n { i n Ei * the Meeting.
E x i Vi, |C]M, E{x S E VSEi E { The Bank has appointed Ms. Savitha Jyothi, Practising, Company
xH E V +SU + {n iE ] <-inx Secretary, as Scrutinizer who will oversee the conduct of the
|G E Sx E nJ-J EM* remote e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.
5. + +{ {b nx {V { {S VBM* V +{E 5. You will reach the Password change menu wherein you
{b +x { nx {cM* xB {b E are required to mandatorily change your password. The
E 8 +I M Vx E E BE +{ E (A-Z), BE new password shall comprise of minimum 8 characters
with at least one upper case (A-Z), one lower case (e-z),
+ E (a-z), BE J (0-9) + BE Sx (@, one numeric value (0-9) and a special character. The
#, $ +n) M* ] u {b nx il { system will prompt you to change your password and
M-<x Ex { +{x E {E h, V < x, update any contact details like mobile, email etc. on first
<- +n E +{b] Ex E B E VBM* +{ M{i |x login. You may also enter the secret question and answer
of your choice to retrieve your password in case you forget
VE +{x x E =k nV E Ei V n +{ it. It is strongly recommended not to share your password
{b VB i = {x: |{i E E* +{E Si E with any other person and take utmost care to keep your
password confidential.
Vi E E +x H E l +{x {b Z x E
B = M{x Jx i { vx i*
6. +{E xB h E l M<x Ex M* 6. You need to login again with the new credentials.
7. M <x x { ] +{E <] x E E 7. On successful login, the system will prompt you to select
E Sx Ex E B EM* the EVENT i.e., UCO Bank.
11. BE E{ { +{x i n nx { n = {x: vi 11. Once the vote on the resolution is cast by the shareholder,
Ex E E x n VBM* he/she shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.
12. {] 26.06.2016 E 9.00 V E 28.06.2016 12. The Portal will be open for voting from: 9 a.m. on 26.06.2016
E 5.00 V iE J M* to 5 p.m. on 28.06.2016.
13. < v E VxE E B +{ vE i 13. In case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently Asked
+C { U Vx |x ( BBC ) il https:// Questions (FAQs) for shareholders and e-voting User
Manual for shareholders available at the download section E b=xb Cx vE E <-
of or contact Karvy
]M x+ E E{] |.. {E E Ei Computershare Pvt. Ltd.
] <-inx E +, inx =xE B +Vi E Apart from remote e-voting, the voting shall also be conducted
VBM Vxx ] <-inx E +{x E{ x * inx for those who have not exercised their option of remote e-voting.
The voting will commence immediately after an announcement
E +i < + E Ph E ii n E n VBM + i in this regard is made and the number of votes will be equivalent
E J vE u +i iJ x 22.06.2016 E vi to the number of shares held by them as on the Cut-off Date i.e.
E J E +i M* 22.06.2016.
] <-inx E xiV E l xi inx E O {h The Results of the voting at the meeting aggregated with the
E E <] { |ni E VBM il ]E BCSV, x results of remote e-voting will be hosted on Bank's website and
BxB< B B< B <-]M BV ( E E{] (|.) shall also be informed to the stock exchanges i.e., NSE & BSE
and the e-voting agency (M/s. Karvy Computershare (P) Limited).
.) E Si E VBM*
vE +xv E Vi E +{x {VEi {i +x Shareholders are requested to intimate changes, if any, in their
E |E E h {ix vi Sx, n E< , registered address or any other particulars through their
b] E +{x xI{M M E v B Depository Participant in case of DEMAT shares and directly in
case of physical shares to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent
|iI E v E E V] B +ih BV] of the Bank at the following address :
E xxJi {i { n:
E E{] |<] ]b M/S Karvy Computershare Private Limited
x]: E E Unit : UCO BANK,
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli,
E x ] , {] 31-323, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad - 500 032
MS,<x b]C], Tel : (040) 67161500; Fax : (040)23420814
xxGMb, nn 500 032
n: (040) 67161500 C: (040) 23420814
vE E ii B i |nx Ex E B E x +{x In order to facilitate quick and efficient service to the shareholders,
the Bank has set up Investors Grievance Cell at its Head Office,
|vx E, EEi xE Ei EI E l{x E * Kolkata, Shareholders and investor may contact this Cell at the
vE B xE E |E E i E B xxJi under mentioned address for any assistance :
{i { < EI {E E Ei :
Bx. {h Sp , E{x S, +xM B xE Ei Shri N Purna Chandra Rao, Company Secretary, Share
Section & Investors Grievance Cell, UCO Bank, Head
EI, E E, |vx E: 2, <b BCSV {(i i), Office : 2, India Exchange Place (3rd Floor), Kolkata - 700 001,
EEi- 700 001 Telephone : 033-44557227, Fax : (033) - 22485625
n: 033-44557227/033-22485625
|v xnE B J E{E +vE E vx
Managing Director & CEO's Statement
E E < 13 E x `E +{ E Mi Ei I feel great pleasure to welcome you to the 13th Annual General
B + +{E I k 2015-16 E E Ex{nx E Meeting of our bank, and to place before you, the bank's
performance for the financial year 2015-16. Achievements
|ii Ei B Z n |xxi * E nx E E and initiatives of the bank during the period are enclosed in
C ={v ; E x C xB En =`B, <E ii the report elaborately. I would just provide an overview of the
h Mx {] n M * +i: < + { E E bank's performance and its intended future course of action
Ex{nx E EU i +{E x JM + to realise the bank's vision of becoming the most trusted
Financial Institution.
+vE x k l E { |i`i x E E E
{x E E Ex E B +M nx EB Vx ={
E I{ SS E M*
+ll : Economy:
k 2015-16 E nx +xSi hVE E (B) The performance of the SCBs (Scheduled Commercial Banks)
E Ex{nx M] V * V B +O E remained subdued during FY 2015-16. Rising NPA levels posed
a threat to the asset quality of the banks, resulting in
r n E +<* Bx{B i E gx E E +i unprecedented levels of GNPA. UCO Bank too had to operate
Mhk { E] =i{xx M VE Eh E +xVE in this turbulent phase.
+i E i +{I +vE r < * E E
E < =i-Sg E n E x Ei B +M gx
+ll E <x EiE Ih E nJi B, E E Given these positive signals about our economy, UCO Bank is
<x U{ x+ E +vEi =`x il +{x all set to capitalize on these prospects and continue its
meaningful symbiotic relationship with all its stakeholders.
ivE E l lE i V Jx E B EiE{ *
E E Ex{nx: Bank's Performance:
S 2016 iE E E OE J 10% g + z The bank's clientele rose by 10% to reach 2.86 crore
2.86 Ec iE {S <* by Mar'16.
k 2015-16 E nx =`B MB En :- Initiatives during FY 2015-16:
+{E E x n E {l { +O x E B xiMi Your bank has invested its resources to build strategic
business advantages for beginning a sustainable business
E E Ex E =q +{x vx E x trajectory. For delivering augmented value to the customers
E * OE + xE iE g < k E {S x E and investors, bank has put in place some initiatives on
B E x EU iExE { E , V < |E : - technological front, as mentioned below.
x< + =xxi E] E B-EM B{ + 10 xx Ij l New and upgraded m-banking app is now available in
+ ={v * 10 different regional languages.
k 2016-17 xiMi vx =xJi (]] VE The FY 2016-17 will be the year of "Strategic Resource
B<x]) E M + +{x i{h x vx, |tMEMi Alignment", and all efforts will be dedicated towards
fine-tuning the banks key resources viz. its Human resources,
B Yx vx E I Vx { {h { E vx Expi Technological resources and knowledge resources to achieve
Ei B E V Vx | EM iE l { its vision of emerging into the most preferred financial services
+Vi Ex Vi b E l{i Ex E l- brand, along with establishing robust business models to
l E k + E {nn b E { =x E generate profits sustainably.
+{x {x { E E*
=H {x E i Ex E B E B ] E The focus on increasing CASA, Retail business, improving
Asset quality and expediting NPA recovery will be retained to
gx, +i Mhk og Ex il Bx{B Vn | Ex facilitate the above aspirations. The bank will also continue its
{ +vE vx n Vi M* k x + |lEi|{i emphasis on financial inclusion and PS advances.
Ij E @h { E { E i ni M*
E +{x {+B Ex E |G + + E The bank is in the process of launching its POS business, and
Vi E E E E r { <E EiE | {cM* this is expected to impact the bank's CASA growth positively.
Ij Mhk gx E B iExE E |M E The bank, which is using technology to add value in all spheres,
E |n iE k x E E Ex E |tMEMi will also actualize its business potential at the bottom of the
pyramid, through technological innovations to achieve, financial
|ix E VB +{x E E V E xn iE iE inclusion profitably.
J E EM E +x j Vx l E It is heartening for me to invite you to collaborate with us in
+M gx E B +{E +ji Ei B Z nE |xxi the journey of creating an experience of "Happy UCO Banking!".
(+ E ]CE) (R K Takkar)
|v xnE B J E{E +vE Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
xnE b E {]
: 2015-16
E +lE {o { iE +xSii E n UB The global economic outlook has remained under clouds of
V lc-lc +i { k V =l-{l + uncertainty for long, with periodic financial market turbulence and
heightened risk aversion. The global economy is expected to
VJ x E |i +xSU E =SS |k tx * +ll
grow at 2.9% in 2016-17 and 3.1% in 2017-18. The US economy
2016-17 E nx 2.9% + 2017-18 E nx 3.1% E r slowed in the second half of 2015 as the Private sector has cut
+{Ii * 2015 E n U B E +ll l back capital investment in the face of an inventory glut. Industrial
{c VE Eh i-]E E E {h{ xV Ij production remained in contraction mode in Q1 of 2016. In the
E {V x E]i E nx * +tME =i{nx 2016 E Euro area, growth decelerated in Q4 of 2015 due to sagging
{ i ESi |E E * 2015 E Sl i exports, though private consumption was boosted by low oil prices
E Ij xi E M] E Si r E Mi f {c M< and favourable financing conditions. Growth in the Japanese
economy suffered a setback in Q4 of 2015 with the fall in private
E i E i Ei + +xE k li xV consumption. The UK economy picked up in Q4 of 2015, driven
J{i E g * 2015 E Sl i xV J{i + by its service sector. In Emerging Market Economies (EMEs),
M] E l V{x E +ll E r E Z]E M* the overall macroeconomic environment remains challenging with
< Sl i Ij E i x E E +ll growth having weakened further in recent quarter. The Chinese
Mi +<* <B< (=i < V +llB) E E economy recorded lowest quarterly expansion in Q4 of 2015 since
]-+lE ih Sxi V E i r 2009, with downside risk looming large in terms of weak external
+ EV {c M<* Sx E +ll 2009 E Sl i demand, factory overcapacity, slowing investment and high debt
E + iE E li i |Mi nV E M<, V
EV M, EJx E +iH Ii, v x + =SS
E i E Si xS E + E VJ x { +Ji
Global inflation pressure was contained by weak global growth
E iE n EV +lE gi + J{i i+ E and continuing softness in commodity prices. Monetary policy
Ei Ei E Si xji * pE xi E |Vx stances have been diverging across both AEs (Advanced
B< + <B< nx +ll+ +M-+M J +{xi Economies) and EMEs. In Dec 2015, the Fed raised its policy
* n, 2015 b x +{x xiMi n > S E* {x rate. The European Central Bank (ECB) reduced the deposit rate
further into negative and cut its policy rate to zero. The Bank of
] E (<) x +{x V n E + E EE @ hiE
Japan (BOJ) while maintaining its quantitative and qualitative
E + +{x xiMi n x iE E E]i E* E + easing program introduced a negative deposit rate. China has
V{x (+V) x +{x MhiE + {hiE Eh E aggressively cut deposit and lending rates.
EG E Si B xEiE V n E +i E* Sx x
+{x V + @h n E E *
vx E p i, Oh Vn E r B xxi lx increases - have similarly remained muted. CPI inflation for the
E gi - xG x * S, 2016 E {+< March 2016 stood at 4.83%. The WPI inflation has been in
p i 4.83% { * x, 2014 b{+< p i negative territory since Nov 2014which is attributed to large falls
in international commodity prices, especially crude oil. WPI
xEiE + , VE Si +i] J{i-i+ E remained at (-)0.85% during the year 2015-16.
Ei , JE ESS i E Ei M] +<*
2015-16 E nx b{+< (-) 0.85% { x *
2015-16 E nx i E xi + +i G: $ 261.14 During the year 2015-16, India's exports and imports stood at $
x + $ 379.60 x * E nx i E xi 261.14 billion and $ 379.60 billion respectively.India's exports
declined by about 15.85% and imports by 15.28% during
15.85% + +i 15.28% E E +* n x
2015-16.The foreign exchange reserves have risen to $360.2
+Ii xv 2014-15 E $ 341.6 x gE billion in 2015-16 from $341.6 billion in 2014-15. Net FDI inflows
2015-16 $ 360.2 x M<* x] Bb+< +M have grown from $21.9 billion in April-Dec 2014-15 to $ 27.7
2014-15 E +|-n +v E $21.9 x gE billion in the same period of 2015-16. The nominal value of the
2014-15 E < +v $27.7 x { {S M* b E rupee, has declined against the dollar. The CAD (Current Account
E { E +Ei P] M * 2015 E +|- Deficit) narrowed to 1.4% of GDP in April- Dec 2015 from 1.7%
n +v Bb (S J P] ) E E Vb{ E 1.4% in the corresponding period of 2014-15, on the back of the
contraction in the trade deficit. Fiscal deficit in RE (Revised
{ + M V 2014-15 E < +v 1.7% l, VE Estimates) 2015-16 & BE (Budget Estimates) 2016-17 are
Eh { P] E ESi x * +< (vi +xx) retained at 3.9% and 3.5% respectively in the union Budget.
2015-16 + < (V] +xx) 2016-17 E P V]
k P] G: 3.9% + 3.5% { x + *
xb E V E |ii(V-B<B) { +nx, V In the bond market, yields on govt securities (G-Secs) which had
pE xi Mi SG E +i { +xE x M l, started to ease ahead of the monetary policy easing cycle, got
gi G {lE i M< + 2015-16 E n U increasingly disconnected and firmed up through the second half
of 2015-16. After the Union budget, 10 year generic yield declined
l M<* P V] E n 10 l x < x by about 16bps on Feb 29, 2016. G-Sec yield edged up in the
+nx 29 , 2016 E MM 16 {B iE P] M<* V- first half of March 2016 on profit booking by market participants.
B< E +nx S 2016 E { U v-v v V Liquidity conditions generally tightened in the second half of the
V E Mn x E EM E J E* +C] v year beginning from mid Oct as the pace of government
x E n U pE ii E li expenditure slowed and the seasonal increase in currency
xi: iM CE E E E Mi v {c + demand for the festival season took hold.
i E +v p E M +l { gi <*
E x 2015-16 E nx 57 JB JE +{x +J i The Bank has strengthened its pan India network by opening 57
branches during the year 2015-16.
x]E E Vi E * {U {S E nx J E x]E
< |E :
VxJ h J+ E MEh xS n M :
The population category-wise break-up of domestic branches is given below.
P J+ U: }M{ E{] JB, 15 b-E{] The domestic branches include 6 Flagship Corporate Branches,
JB, 7 +i |vx JB, 23 JB + BE BEEi E 15 Mid Corporate Branches, 7 Asset Management branches,
23 Service Branches and 1 Integrated Treasury Branch.
|vx J *
n |J xM J+ Vc 29 ] x , 2 BB< 29 Retail Loan Hubs, 2 SME Hubs and 72 City Back Offices are
also functioni ng across the country attached to the major city
B 78 ] E E E E * branches.
2.3 2011-12 E nx E x < EM + E , 2.3. Bank has introduced Mobile Banking services during the
V OE < x E VB +{x EM x-nx Ex year 2011-12, whereby customers can take advantage of
conducting their banking transactions through mobile
E =` Ei * < < EM v E v phones. Through the mobile banking facility, customers are
OE + BBB/V{+B ExCx b E ={M EE now performing banking activities like balance enquiry,
+{x b] {UiU, Ji h, < SV, account statement, mobile recharge, intra & inter-bank funds
+i:E B +iE xv +ih V EM Miv E transfer with their mobile handset using SMS/GPRS modes
* 31.03.2015 E E 70534 B-EM ={MEi+ E of connection. M-banking users as on 31.03.2016 are 272969
as against 70534 as on 31.03.2015 recording an increase
J 31.03.2016 E gE 272969 M<* -n- 287% of 287% Y-o-Y.
E r nV E M<*
k 2015-16 E nx E x-nx E 35.45% x-nx During FY 2015-16; 35.45% of the total transactions have
E{E ih P B VE ix k taken place through alternate delivery channels as against
2014-15 E nx B x-nx E 29.27% B l* 29.27% in FY 2014-15.
E E E/
(` Ec / in Cr.)
3.3 E: 3.3 CASA:
S 2016 E E S B Si (E) V `60466 Ec Current and Saving (CASA) deposits of the bank stood at
E V 5.93% E r nV E M<* E P V ` 60466 cr as of March 2016. The bank's CASA deposit to
E E E V 31.68% * E E Si V S, 2016 domestic deposits constituted 31.68% . Saving deposit rose
`40438 Ec M< V 11.63% E r <* S V by 11.63% to ` 40438 cr as at March 2016.Current deposit
stood at ` 20028 cr as of Mar'2016 as against ` 26149 cr in
S, 2015 E ` 26149 Ec E ix S, 2016
` 20028 Ec E *
E nx E E E OE J S 2015 E 2.60 Ec During the year, Bank's total clientele increased from 2.60
gE S 2016 2.86 Ec M< * cr in March, 2015 to 2.86 cr in March, 2016.
E/CASA (` Ec / in Cr.)
E E V JS S 2015 E `13797 Ec W- P]E S The bank's interest expenses marginally declined to `13713cr
2016 `13713 Ec M* E E E JS S, 2016 E for March 2016 from `13797 cr in March 2015.Bank's total
expenses stood at ` 16554 cr as on Mar'16 against ` 16452 cr as
`16452 Ec E E S 16 `16554 Ec E * E E
of March, 2015. The Bank's cost of deposit declined to 6.11%
V Mi 6.11% P] M< + +O + gE 10.17% M< and yield on advances increased to 10.17% as at March 2016
VE S 15 6.35% 9.92% l* +-Mi +x{i 37.74% from 6.35% and 9.92% respectively in Mar'15. Cost to income
gE 47.19% +* ratio increased to 47.19% from 37.74%.
4. {V: 4. Capital :
2015-16 E {i k E nx E E x] {U Net worth of the Bank has decreased to ` 9720 crore during the
E ` 11585 Ec P]E `9720 Ec M* 2015-16 financial year ending 2015-16 from ` 11585 crore of the
nxE 30.03.2016 E i E x <C] E +vxi corresponding previous year. In 2015-16 , Govt. of India infused
` 935 cr capital in the bank by way of preferential allotment of
+]x E u E ` 935 Ec E {V x] E V Equity Shares on 30.3.2016 which was maintained in the "Share
B{Ex x Ji J M* (nxE 10.05.2016 E E x Application Money Account". (On 10.05.2016, Bank allotted
+<b+ x, 2009 E +x `935 Ec E {V 22,54,64,190 equity shares to the Government of India on
+nx { i E E +vxi +v { |i `41.47 preferential basis at an issue price of ` 41.47 per share determined
E xM { 22,54,64,190 <C] +]i EB*) in accordance with SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009 against the
capital contribution of ` 935 crore.)
nxE 31.03.2015 E - III Sx E +x E E {V As per Basel III framework, the Bank's Capital Adequacy Ratio
of 9.63 % as at 31.03.2016 was higher than the regulatory
{{ii +x{i 9.63% V 9% E xE +Ei requirement of 9%. Details of Capital Adequacy under Basel-III
Vn l* - III Sx E +x {V {{ii E xS framework are shown as under.
n V *
(` Ec / in ` crore)
h/Particular 31.03.2015 31.03.2016
+B+ (%) / CRAR(%) /Amount +B+ (%) / CRAR(%) /Amount
]-I/Tier- I 9.05 11431.59 7.63 9915.83
]-II/Tier- II 3.12 3944.71 2.00 2598.98
E {V/Total Capital 12.17 15376.29 9.63 12514.81
VJ +i/Risk Weight assets 126380.39 - 129949.10
i W E u - { V xE nxn il Bank has been performing its Treasury & Investment Operations
by keeping track of the macroeconomic scenario and market
xnE b u +xni E E E{] x xi E +x{ developments in accordance with the regulatory guidelines issued
G-<ExE {o B V E Mi En En i by Reserve Bank of India from time to time as also the Bank's
B E +{x E B x E {Sx Ei + * n B Corporate Investment Policy approved by the Board of Directors.
{o , V +ivxE iExE E B VJ |vx E In the changed scenario, where state of the art technology is
vn x , | B I iE vx E +vEi providing cutting edge in Treasury & Risk Management, Bank
has also embarked upon a globally deployable Integrated
<i Ex + x B ]bM { + E +vEi gx E Treasury Management Solution for an effective and efficient way
B E x BE E i { ={M Ei E |vx |h to optimize resource utilization and maximize returns on
E +i E * investment and trading.
2015-16 E nx E E E x (E) 30.84% E The global investments (Gross) of the Bank during the year 2015-
16 grew by 30.84% from `64594 crore as on 31.03.2015 to
r < + 31.03.2015 E `69231 Ec gE 31.03.2016
`84512 crore as on 31.03.2016. The domestic investment grew
E `84512 Ec M* P x 31.26% E r < + by 31.26 % from `62749 crore as on 31.03.2015 to `82361 crore
31.03.2015 E .62749 Ec gE 31.03.2016 E `82361 as on 31.03.2016. SLR investment registered a growth of 25.90%
Ec M* BB+ x x 2015-16 E nx 25.90% during the year 2015-16 touching the level of `69706 crore
E r nV Ei B `69706 Ec E i { {S M, VE compared to `55368 crore in March 2015. Non SLR investment
S 2015 `55368 Ec l* M-BB+ x (P) (domestic) grew by71.46% to reach `12655 crore from `7381
71.46% E r < + `7381 Ec 2015-16 crore in 2015-16 due to increased investment in Govt UDAY Bond.
`12655 Ec { {S M VE Eh E E =n xb The yield on domestic investment decreased marginally from
g + x l* P x +, V 31.03.2015 E li E 8.08% as on 31.03.2015 to 8.04% as on 31.03.2016. Total
+x 8.08% l, = +E E +< + 31.03.2016 E investment income for 2015-16 stood at `6370 crore as against
8.04% nV E M<* E x + 2014-15 E `5947 Ec E Rs.5947 crore in 2014-15.
ix 2015-16 `6370 Ec l*
6.1 xi k{h: 6.1. Export Finance:
i li 74 h E J+ E l E E G With 74 'B' Category Branches across India, UCO Bank is
{ xiE E V i { Ex E B E]r * S, 2016 committed to actively cater to the needs of its Exporters. Total
E {i k E nx E E E Sx] E `65,640 Merchant Turnover of the Bank during the Financial Year ended
March, 2016 stood at ` 65,640 crore which is 41.00 % lower than
Ec E l V {U E ix 41.00% E * 31 S, previous year. Bank's Export credit outstanding during 31st March,
2016 E li E E xi @ h E ` 2347.29 Ec 2016 is ` 2,347.29 crore, registering a decline of 13.29% over
E , V 31 S, 2015 E li E +{I 13.29% E M] 31st March, 2015.
nV E M< *
E E i E EB Vx <x E i xi E B +<Bx+ 'UCO Bank,' is the sole Bank to facilitate bi-lateral trade with Iran
Mix |{i Ex { i E <x E l u{I { by agreeing to receive payment in INR for Iranian oil exports to
Ex BEj E * l < { Mix |h E India. Simultaneously, to boost exports under this Rupee Payment
mechanism, 'UCO BANK' negotiated 381export bills amounting
ii xi E g nx E B E E x +|, 2015 S, to `1,221 crore cumulative from April, 2015 to March, 2016. The
2016 iE S { `1221 Ec E E 381 xi Export Credit outstanding as of 31st March, 2016 on account of
E {Gh E* 31 S, 2016 E li <x E l { Iran Trade is `146 crore.
E xi @ h E `146 Ec *
E EU |lEi|{i Ij E =v nx i{h E The Bank has been showing significant performance in lending
to Priority Sector over the years and has been effectively servicing
|ni Ei + +{x Oh B +v- J+ E the priority sector and agriculture sector with its vast network of
x]E E u |lEi|{i Ij B E Ij E | fM rural and semi-urban branches.
B ni *
As on 31.03.2016, the Priority Sector Advances of the Bank stood
nxE 31.03.2016 E E E |lEi|{i Ij E nB MB +O at ` 55948 crore constituting 38.70% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit
`55948 Ec E V Vi x] E @ h (BBx) E (ANBC).
38.70% l*
E n E +lE E BBB< E i{h E il n Bank recognizes the important role of MSME in the economic
WM + E =i{xx Ex = x M E development of the Country which is also supporting in generating
employment opportunities in the Country. The advances under
Ei * nxE 31.03.2016 E I B P =t(BB<) E Micro& Small Enterprises (MSE) as on 31.03.2016 stood at
ii +O ` 22772 Ec il 31 S, 2016 E I, P B ` 22772 crore and under Micro, Small & Medium
Z =t (BBB<) E ii +O `25935 Ec E * Enterprises (MSME), the advances are ` 25935 crore as of 31st
March, 2016.
nxE 31.03.2016 E E E E +{JE n +O `8416 Total Minority Community Advances of the Bank as on 31.03.2016
stood at `8416 crore constituting 15.04% of Priority Sector
Ec V |lEi|{i Ij +O E 15.04% * Advances.
7.2. Unique Schemes:
7.2 +x` VxB
The Bank has two unique schemes - (1) "UCO Uthaan" for
E E n +x` VxB (1) E =ilx M J upliftment of BPL families of adopted villages & (2) "UCO
xS E { E =ilx E B il (2) E O Oh E SamagraGraminVikasYojna" - Adoption of villages for all-round
Vx O E E B M E Mn x* development.
E x <x M i k Ii +Vi EB + Bank has conducted several financial literacy camps in these
E M J xS E { E +{x +VE i villages and has provided financial assistance particularly to BPL
families to improve their livelihood, to generate more income so
xx, +{x + gx E B k i |nx E iE that they come above poverty line.
M J >{ =` E*
<x | B 21 M E 2141 M J xS E { By these efforts, 2141 BPL families, in these 21 adopted villages,
{U 3 E nx E u |nk @ h i E u i fM have been provided with credit assistance by Bank to uplift their
livelihood in better way during last 3 years. These BPL families
+{x +VE +Vi E M J > { =` SE * are generating their income by adopting several activities like
M J xS E { b , E {x, {x E dairy farming, goat farming, betel leaf cultivation, vegetable
Ji, E V =Mx, <E i, Vi x, Sx, growing, cycle repairing, shoe mending, fruit vending, grocery
Ex nEx, S E ] Mx, c xx, ] Sx, j shop, tea stall, beedi making, trolley plying, mason jobs etc.
E E +n V xx Miv E +{xE + +Vx E
7.2.2 E O Oh E Vx M E O E E 7.2.2. UCO Samagragramin Vikas Yojna : For all-round
B development of villages
E x 6 V, MVi, S |n, +b, E, =k |n The Bank has adopted 10 villages in 6 states i.e. Gujarat,
+ {S M 10 M E =xE O E E B E Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal
O Oh E Vx E ii +{x * for its all-round development under UCO Samagragramin Vikas
l E @h |nx EB * E< U] { x E @h E activities, Bank has given Ceiling Fans, Water purifiers to different
i Jn E E E n * E{] VE schools, Steel Almirahs, Books for school library, School uniform
for school going children, installation of hand pumps for drinking
=kni u E +iMi E x xx E E M {J, ] water in the villages, installation of Solar street lights in the
{, E E {iE E B ] E +, Ei, villages, construction of metallic road.
E tl E E x nB , M {x E {x E
B b {{ Mx, M cE { <] Mx, {CE
cE xx E E EB *
<x Miv +{xB MB M Oi: E + By these activities, there is an all-round development in the
O E { * adopted villages and the villagers are very much benefitted.
v +E E E |ix{E Vx E B k l Best Bank for Promotional Scheme under Mid Sized Bank-
E Vi
v +E E E k x E B k E l Best Bank for Financial Inclusion under Mid Sized Bank -
Runner Up
={ Vi
E E E n +] +x +{x =Jx Mnx E UCO Bank was awarded 3rd Prize in the All India Competition
B vi E h E +J i |iMi ii under Medium Bank category in recognition of its remarkable
Contribution to RSETI movement in the country on the auspicious
{E |nx E M* {E nxE 15.07.2015 E i occasion of RSETI Diwas on 15.07.2015 organized by Ministry
E, Oh E j u +Vi +] n E of Rural Development, Government of India.
+ { |nx E M*
8.1 <G B]B - E l E +i 8.1 Launching of Micro ATM - UCO SARATHI
{BV< E +iMi 478051 xEx EB MB Vx E E Under PMJBY scheme, there are 478051 enrolments, resulting
in earning commission of ` 171.04lac to the bank. Under
` 171.04 J E Ex +Vi < * {BB< E
PMSBY scheme, there are 1059506 enrolments, resulting in
+iMi 1059506 xEx EB MB Vx E E `19.40 J E earning a commission of `19.40 lac to the bank. During the year
Ex +Vi < * E +iMi E 258 n {BV< a total of 258 claims were settled under PMJBY and 67 under
E +iMi + {BB< E +iMi 67 n x{]B MB* PMSBY.
E +iMi +] {x Vx E ii E 31,172 xEx EB Total subscribers under Atal Pension Yojna during the year is
31,172.Through APY and DBTL bank has earned a commission
MB * B{< + b]B E VB E E G: ` 16.67 J of ` 16.67 lac and ` 63.76 lac respectively.
+ ` 63.76 J E Ex +Vi + *
9. ] EM
9.1 VxMi ] @ h ih
Bank had launched new facility for Home Loan Borrowers namely
E x + @ h =vEi+ E B E {-+xni + UCO Pre-approved Home Loan scheme, a facility for providing
@ h Vx E x< v E E, BE B v V + in-principle sanction of Home loan limit based on entitlement as
E +x {ji { +vi + @ h E riE Ei per income where property has not been identified/finalized by
|nx Ei , V E +nE u {k E {Sx/+i { the applicants. Several otherasset products were modified in
line with market requirements.
Sx x E M * V V i E +x E< +i =i{n
vx E M*
U: ] @h Vx+ E +iMi @h Ei Ex E B BB{B LAPS processing has been made mandatory for sanctioning loan
|M E +x E n M * E x BE x I @h under six retail loan schemes. The bank has tied up with Vidhya
Lakshmi portal, an initiative for uniform education loan application
B{Ex E { t I {] E l M`Vc EE E and the same has been integrated with LAPS.
+ < BB{B E l BEEi E M *
M-Vx {]x E l E |G E BEEh E By integrating the business process with our non-life
bancassurance partner, bank has successfully made the trial run
u E x +{x OE E B { E +x<x Vxx for online generation of insurance policies for our customers
E ] x i{E { E V | E enabling them to get non-life insurance policies from branches,
Mix EB Vi ii J+ M-Vx { |{i immediately on payment of premium and this will be made live
VBM* < Vn S E n VBM* shortly.
{U ix-S EM =tM +xVE +i (Bx{B) The increasing trend of NPAs in the Banking Industry over last
E gi Sx E Sii * E Bx{B i S , two years has become a concern for the bank. Gross NPA level
of our bank has inflated from 6.76% in March 2015 to 15.43% in
2015 E 6.76% i Vn gE S, 2016 15.43%
iE {S M + < |E VBx{B E j G: March 2016 and the quantum of GNPAs has increased from
`10265.05 Ec gE `20907.73 Ec M< * VE ` 10265.05 crore to ` 20907.73 crore respectively on account of
Eh i V E E BC+ I * BxBx{B AQR review by RBI. The NNPA percentage rose to 9.09% from
4.30% of previous year.
{U E 4.30% gE < 9.09% M*
k 2015-16 E nx E `14942.35 Ec E x< Bx{B During the FY 2015-16 the bank has witnessed fresh slippages
M] E I * xEn {U E E P]E of ` 14942.35 crore. The overall cash recovery and upgradation
in NPA accounts during the year is `2727 crore against `2506
`1368.58 Ec E <* E nx Oi: Bx{B Ji xEn
crore in FY 2014-15. Considering the surge in the GNPA and
B +{Obx k 2014-15 E `2506 Ec E NNPA levels, maintaining Bank's asset quality and recovery of
ix `2727 Ec E * VBx{B B BxBx{B E i bad debts are the prime concern for the bank.
+B < =U E nJi B E E +i Mhk E xB
Jx + J B Ji Ex E E |J Si
10.1 Ex{nx: 10.1. Recovery Performance:
M`x E i { vi Zi x{]x Vx, Bank's recovery mechanism has also been geared up at all levels
of the organization to take advantage of Modified Compromise
+vx, b+] B E +ni +n E =`x E B E
Settlement Scheme, SARFAESI Act, DRTs and LokAdalats.
E ij { i i E M * n{ i { c Country-wide mega recovery camps, MAO campaigns, Mega
E{, BB+ +x, k{i x E b i { E-auction of financed vehicles etc. were organized for speedy
<-x +n u iV x E | EB MB* +S recovery. All other strategies and action of setting up call centers
E i { E ] E M`x il +x Exi E at Zonal Offices have also strengthened the follow up mechanism
in stressed accounts.
{ E]Oi Ji E l +xi E< Vi +< *
Particulars 31.03.2014 31.03.2015 31.03.2016
xEn /Cash Recovery 2015 1629 1369
E] =xxx/Up gradation 1032 877 1358
E /Total 3047 2506 2727
V xMi +i (BB B iExE
{ ^ Ji b MB Ji)
of which Recovery in Loss Assets
(ML & Tech W/off accounts) (295) (189) (131)
31 S, 2015 E {i k E ` 2506 Ec E ix 31 The total cash recovery plus upgradation for the year ended 31st
S, 2016 E {i k E xEn + +{Obx March, 2016 is ` 2727 crores as against ` 2506 crores for the
year ended 31st March, 2015. The recovery in written off accounts
`2727 Ec E * x +i(^ Ji b MB Ji) is `131 crores for the year ending March, 2016 compared to
{U E `189 Ec E ix S, 2016 E {i `189 crore for the previous year.
k `131 Ec E < *
x +i x |ni { =E v + {ci Recovery in loss assets has a direct bearing on the profitability
and the bank is giving priority in monitoring / follow-up for recovery
+ < nJi B E B Ji E B <E xMx/ in such accounts. A separate vertical in the bank is monitoring
+xi E< E |lEi n * x +i E l-l consistently for recovery in loss assets including technically written
iExE { ^-Ji b MB Ji E B E +M off accounts. However, recovery in loss assets is low during FY
|E` Mi x]M E * Ei, k 2015-16 E 2015-16.
nx x +i E < *
10.2 {: 10.2. Some Recovery initiatives:
Bx{B E xxi { Vx E B Bx{B M E B ABC Analysis of NPA Portfolio is done to minimize NPAs. Efforts
were also made to recover & upgrade NPAs, particularly focusing
h E Vi * Bx{B E + =E +{Ob Ex E on freshly generated NPAs wherein immediate scope of recovery
| EB MB, J i { xB =i{xx Bx{B { vx n M is better. Recovery camps were conducted to improve bank's
Vx iiE E MV< i i * E E E- recovery performance. Modified Compromise Scheme for loans
x{nx i xx E B +Vi EB MB* with balance outstanding up to `10.00 lacs and a special
` 10.00 J iE E E @ h E B vi Zi compromise scheme for loans up to ` 2 lac have been approved
with borrower friendly features. Mega e-auction of properties
Vx + . 2 J iE E @ h E B Zi Vx E pertaining to West Bengal and a pan-India e-auction were
+xni E M V =vEi +xE iB * {S conducted on 29/1/16 and 23/2/16 respectively. High value NPA
M vi {k E M <-+Cx + BE i E <- accounts were assigned to top executives, for close monitoring
+Cx G: 29/1/16 + 23/2/16 E E M* =SS E of recovery process. Zonal level dedicated recovery teams are
Bx{B Ji E{E E {n EB MB iE |G E visiting high NPA branches and conducting Recovery camps so
as to facilitate borrowers/guarantors for early settlement.
E xMx E V E* +S E E {i ]
=SS Bx{B J+ + n Ei iE Vn
Zi Ex E B =vEi+/M]Ei+ E vB n V
11. @ h x]M
+l-Ij Mi S +li + +xSii E li x "Continued volatility and uncertainty in the economic situation
has accentuated upsurge of bad loans in the banking industry.
EM =tM J @ h E c inn = n * < li However bank has geared up in tackling the situation by initiating
x{]x E B E xxEi En =`B : measures as under.
1) E x @ h vJvc x{]x E fS { i V E 1) Bank has put in place framework for identification of Red
Flagged Accounts (RFA) based on the 45 triggers known as
E nxn E +x Ji E +i Ih- { 45 Early Warning Signals as per the RBI guidelines on
]M { +vi b Mb Ji (+BB) E {Sx E fS "Framework for dealing with loan frauds" leading to the
E +{x * < Ji E +BB E { +Ei EB identification of the account as fraud or not within the period
Vx E iJ U: E +v {Sx Vi E of six months from date of marking the account as RFA.
Ji E{] + x*
2) +xi + +xVE (Bx{B) =v Ji E i |vx E 2) For better management of irregular & Non Performing (NPA)
B bM +x +{x x nx E B |iVi |vE borrowal accounts, revision in Delegated Authority for
allowing "Holding on Operation" has been effected.
vx E M *
={H E + i i { xMx E E E + i Apart from the above, some of the other initiatives taken by the
xx E B M u E M< { : bank to improve the functioning at the grass root level include:
1) xnE b +xnx E nxE @ h xMx xi 1) Revision and updation of Credit Monitoring Policy has been
vx + +tix EE = 01.12.2015 M E M put in place w.e.f 01.12.2015 after obtaining approval of the
2) 24.08.2015 J {j E x| Ex + E M] E 2) Change in accounting procedure has been brought about in
n Ex E v JEx |G {ix EB MB * respect of devolved LC and invoked BG w.e.f 24.08.2015.
4) nOi E{] =vEi+ E l =SS |vx E `E 4) Meeting of the Corporate Borrowers under stress are being
+Vi E Vi * arranged with Top Management.
E x k 2015-16 E nx VJ |vx E Ij E M< Risk management initiatives of the bank, during the year 2015-
{ : E u . BE Ec iE E ], BB< 16 include, customization of in-house developed score card
B E @h E B M u Ei E Eb b E { models for Retail, MSE and Agriculture loans up to `1.00 crore,
as well as rating models for large advances and these models
nx B c +O E B ]M b +{xx* @ h |i E can be accessed online by branches, while processing credit
|M E J+ u < b E +x<x ={v proposals. Further,in the process of implementing advanced
E V Ei * <E l , {Sx VJ E Zx E approaches to operational risk, majority of the branches were
+vE Ei E-i E Exi Ex E |G +vE brought under RCSA (Risk and Control Self-Assessment). KRIs
J+ E +BB (VJ B xjh Ex) E +iMi (Key Risk Indicators) to be used for risk monitoring were identified.
Workshops were conducted at all circles, to train risk officers
M l* VJ xMx ={M EB Vx E B E++< and select branch heads on RCSA, Score cards and Capital
(i{h VJ EiE) E {Sx E M< l* +BB, E optimization strategies. Systems for data exchange with CORDEx,
Eb + {V +xEx xi { VJ +vE + Sxi including uploading of loss data to the CORDEx platform, were
J |J E |Ii Ex E B E E put in place. Bank has worked out benchmark reference rate
+Vi E M< l* EbC {] { x +Ec +{b based on Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) for
pricing of loans and advances effective from 1st Apr, 2016.
Ex i EbC E l b] x E |h E +{x
M* E x 01 +|, 2016 @ h + +O E xvh E
B xv +vi =v n(BB+) E i Mi { +vi
SE n n E +Ex E *
13. Ij Oh E (++)
E E u n Ij Oh E E |Vi E , UCO bank has sponsored two RRBs namely, Bihar Gramin Bank
Oh E (V) VE J M, B (BGB), head quartered at Begusarai, Bihar and Paschim Banga
Gramin Bank (PBGB) head quartered at Howrah, West Bengal
{S M Oh E({V), VE J c, {S with four regional offices each. The RRBs have a total of 594
M * |iE E E S Ij E * nxE 31.03.2016 branches as on 31.03.2016.
E nx Ij Oh E E E 594 JB Vn *
nxE 31.03.2015 E +x {S M Oh E E E {V The total capital composition of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank
Sx`154.51 Ec (i E), `108.16 Ec (E) + as on 31.03.2015 stood at ` 154.51 Cr (Govt. of India), `108.16
Cr (UCO) & ` 46.35 Cr (West Bengal State Govt.). Similarly, for
`46.35 Ec ({S M V E) E * < |E,
Bihar Gramin Bank, it stood at `109.08 Cr (Govt. of India), `76.35
Oh E `109.08 Ec (i E), `76.35 Cr (UCO) & ` 32.72 Cr (Bihar State Govt.)
Ec (E) + `32.72 Ec ( V E) *
13.2. Performance of RRBs ( As per Unaudited results for
13.2 I.O.E E Ex{nx (M-J{Ii) 31.03.2016)
i{h E {] E ii Ex{nx 31.03.2016 E In respect of performance under key business parameters, total
E u |Vi <x Ij Oh E E E V `7766.79 deposit of RRBs sponsored by the Bank stood at ` 7766.79 crore
Ec E l V 14.26 |ii E r nV E M<* 31.03.2016 as on 31.03.2016, registering growth of 14.26 percent. Total
E E +O `4782.32 Ec E Vx E r 16.62 advance reached a level of ` 4782.32 crore with an annual growth
|ii E <* 31.03.2016 E li Ij Oh E E b of 16.62 percent as of 31.03.16. CD ratio of RRBs improved
+x{i 60.33% gE 61.57% M* from 60.33 to 61.57 as on 31.03.16.
<x Ij Oh E E E +xVE +i nxE 31.03.2015 The gross NPA of the RRBs stood at ` 330.36 crore as on 31.03.16
E `170.57 Ec E ix nxE 31.03.2016 E `330.36 vis--vis ` 170.57 crore as on 31.03.2015. Gross NPA to Gross
Ec E * E +O { E +xVE +i 31.03.2015 Advance increased from 4.16 percent as on 31.03.2015 to 6.91
E 4.16 |ii gE 31.03.2016 E 6.91 |ii M<* percent as on 31.03.2016. The net NPA ratio of the RRBs has
Ij Oh E E x +xVE +i +x{i 31.03.2015 also increased from 3.30 % as on 31.03.2015 to 5.70% as on
E 3.30% gE 31.03.2016 E 5.70% M* 31.03.2016.
Oh E x 31.03.15 E ` 75.52 Ec E ix 31.03.2016 Bihar Gramin Bank has recorded a net profit of ` 34.17 crore as
E `34.17 Ec E r nV E* {S M Oh E x on 31.03.2016 as compared to ` 75.52 crore as on 31.03.15 and
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank has also reported a net profit of
31.03.2016 E ` 7.85 Ec E r nV E V ` 7.85 crore as on 31.03.16, thereby reducing accumulated
S x nxE 31.03.2015 E ` 89.33 Ec P]E nxE loss from ` 89.33 crore as on 31.03.2015 to ` 81.48 crore as on
31.03.2016 E ` 81.48 Ec M<* 31.03.2016.
E x {] { BE J E B <]bB B{Ex ( Bank has successfully integrated ETDS application (Saral TDS)
]bB) E ] <] i{E BEEh E n * BE with TRACES website for one branch on pilot basis.
vi M J v i b] |{i x E n
J+ E BEEh E V Ei *
14.3 n Ji E +x{x +vx (BB]B): 14.3. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
xxE +Ei+ E +x ] + E{] OE E As per the regulatory requirements, FATCA details have been
B xE BB]B h E i{E Exi E implemented successfully in FINACLE for retail and corporate
customers. Further, a reporting software for FATCA/ CRS is being
M * l BB]B/+B E B BE {]M }] developed.
Ei E V *
14.4 Yx |vx ] (EB]): 14.4. Knowledge Management Tool (KMT).
E x Yx |vx ] (EB]) E Exi E V i Bank has implemented Knowledge Management Tool (KMT),
xxE + vE Sx ({{j/x/x/{/I which is a comprehensive repository of all Regulatory and
statutory information (circular /rules /regulations /policies /reviews
+n) E BE {E b * <+ B Bb, <b, VB B etc.). KMT is available on (internet platform) for MD
bVB {nvE E B EB] (+iE {]) & CEO, EDs', GMs', DGMs'.
{ ={v *
14.5. Access of CBS application in branches through Internet
14.5 <]x] b] Eb E v J+ B B{Ex
Data Card.
B Ex :
M x x]E Si +v E nx J+ E ExC]] Department has allowed access of CBS application in branches
|nx Ex E B <]x] b] Eb E v J+ B through Internet Data Card to provide connectivity to branches
B{Ex B Ex E v E< * B E nx during network dislocation. The access of CBS through internet
<]x] E E VB B E B E E xMx E link is closely monitored during the access and necessary
authenticating steps have been put in place for the same
Vi + <E B +E |hEh E Sh +{xB MB *
14.6 : x]E b=x]< E q E xMx E B x] B] 14.6. Net Assist software to monitor Network downtime
}]: issues.
|iE J, +S E, E E, |vx E +n E Online module to monitor the downtime network issues for each
b=x]< x]E E q E xMx E B E x +x<x b and every branch, ZO, CO, HO etc. has been developed by the
Ei E * |iE x]E b=x ]E] E nV E Vi + bank. Each network down ticket is registered and NOC team
resolves the issue by following with the concerned service provider
vi |ni E l +xi E< EE Bx+ ] q E and ensures restoration of the network link.
Zi + x]E E E {x: ={vi xSi Ei *
14.7 : ]B Exx: 14.7. CTS Implementation
ix Ob (=k Ob 4 Exp, nIh Ob 23 Exp + {S A total of 37 centres were brought under CTS under the three
grids (Northern grid - 4 centres, Southern grid - 23 centres &
Ob 10 Exp) E +iMi E 37 Exp ]B E ii B MB* Western grid - 10 centres).
14.8 : |vxj I B Vx E B +x<x 14.8. Online module for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha and Bima
This module facilitates customers of the Bank for premium
|vxj I Vx B |vxj Vx Vi Vx E payment for Pradhan mantri Suraksha BimaYojana and Pradhan
B | Mix i E OE E < b E v n M< Mantri Jeevan Jyoti BimaYojana.
14.9 : ES VM Ei VS (<B]): 14.9. Employee Awareness Test(EAT):
E E v =i{n, xxi { +n { ES E Yxv E An on-line examination portal to test and upgrade employees'
VS + =E +tix E B H { Sx |tME M knowledge base on various Bank products, latest initiatives etc
B Exi +Vx M E ] u +x<x {I {] has been jointly developed by DIT and Strategic Planning
Department Teams. Each test consists of ten random questions
x M * |iE VS n +xi |x i + =k nV and on submission ; the result is displayed along with the
Ex { +Vi |ii + Mi =k E V E l percentage scored and answers to incorrect attempts.
{h |ni Vi *
E x <xEM }] V E V B] Vx E v Bank has started the facility of sending SMS alerts of all incoming
SWIFT messages to the mobile numbers of the respective Branch
| E * B] vi J |J + vi B Heads and also to the email ids of the respective B & C category
h E J+ E <- +<b { S Vi * branches.
xB b E ={M EE E S Ji h OE Using our new module, monthly current account statements can
E Si iE <- E V Ei * V+ { Mi be emailed to customers automatically. In order to avoid incorrect
preferential rates on deposits,auto-population of preferential
+vxi n Mx Sx E B ` xME E Vx iJ interest rate, based on date of birth of senior citizens has been
{ +vi +vxi V n E -Mhx Exi E M< * implemented. As per the directions of RBI/NPCI all the ECS debit
i W E/Bx{+< E xn { + Ei B 05.02.2016 mandates were migrated to NACH platform with effect from 05/
<B b] b] E BxBBS {] E +x{ {ii 02/2016 and are now centrally processed by CBO, Mumbai.
E M * + =x +, < u ExpEi { |
E Vi *
Printing of random bar code number on passbook in place of
Ji J E n{M E Ex E B =E lx { OE E customer's account number to restrict misuse of account number
{-E +xi Eb J E |]M Exi E M< * implemented.
OE u Ei BBB +vi ]]M E Customer can hot-list his card instantly using our newly developed
={M EE iiE +{x Eb E ]-] E Ei * SMS based hot-listing service.
l +xn E B Ei xB x E ={M EE OE <- Using the new menu developed for standing instructions,
customer can manage his standing instructions through
EM E VB +{x l +xn E |vx E Ei * n e-banking. An extra layer of security has been added using OTP
OE {U M-<x E +{I E +x +<{ Bb M-<x if the customer logs in from an IP address different from the
Ei i +]{ ={M E BE +iH I {i E Vc M previous login. Voice OTP facility, has been implemented, which
* ES E B <-EM E B x]E { n n M * auto-initiates when OTP could not be delivered within 60 seconds.
vx +]{ v Exi E M V +]{ E 60 Eb E
i x {S {x E li Si { G Vi *
SE i W E x E E <]x] EM x-nx E ]- As RBI has mandated all the banks to implement PKI (Public
C] |hEh E B {E+< (VxE E +v-Sx) Key Infrastructure)solution for two factor authentication of internet
banking transactions, the bank has implemented the same
x E Exi Ex +x E n , E u < whereby the customers can authenticate their internet banking
Exi E n M VE <i OE +{x bV] transactions using their digital signature.
iI +{x <]x] EM x-nx E |hEi E Ei *
BE E-bb |{b ] x V E =] E EV, It is a co-branded prepaid wallet solution presently live exclusively
at Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, based on contactless CHIP
M G { V {Ei BS+<{ ]CxV { technology, by which students can pay library fees, mess bill
+vi VE ={M tl {iE E, +n etc.
E Mix E Ei *
{BBB (VxE k |vx |h) E +i E M< PFMS (Public Financial Management System) has been launched
through which Direct Benefit Transfer and acknowledgement
VE VB |iI +ih + {i |G E Si process has been automatized. In order to enhance the facility
x M * E E Ji iE n +iE x-nx E ii of foreign inward transactions in UCO Bank accounts, UCO Bank
Ex E B E E < v E i ni B M i has gone on board with NPCI extending the facility which allows
Bx{+< E l Vc M , V +<B{B E v the receipt of money from abroad in NRI accounts through IMPS.
n Bx++< Ji vx-|{i E v n Vi *
E< E +x{x k 2014-15 E {i { Vn
KYC compliance improved to 99.29% as of Mar'16 from 98.60%
98.60% gE S16 99.29% M * ]{ OE
at the close of FY 2014-15. Multiple customer Ids have been
+<b i E Ei B =xE E {Si OE +<b E drastically reduced to a mere 0.28% of total operative customer
j 0.28% iE + M * Ids.
B]+ E | VS E xSi Ex E B ExpEi "Centralized AML Cell" has been established to ensure effective
BBB l{i E M + , 2016 iE scrutiny of STRs and all STRs upto Feb'16 have been scrutinized
and removed. Call Centre agent strength has been increased by
B]+ E VS EE =xE ]x E E E M* E BV]
63% to ensure all customer calls are attended 24x7. Standardized
E J 63% E r E M< iE OE E S P]
x V E* xEEi Vx Ei xh |h (B{V+B) Public Grievance Redress System (SPGRS) has been
E Si-ni E M V Ei E x{]x iV x streamlined, resulting in quick disposal of complaints. As against
7447complaints received (other than ATM related), only 79 are
M* 7447 |{i Ei (B]B vi Ei E +) pending as of 31.3.2016.
31.03.2016 iE j 79 Ei i *
E x xx |], +=]b + bV] b, l Bank is doing publicity of its products and services, through print,
Miv il |Vx M x E VB +{x |S E E outdoor and digital media, as well as participating in outdoor
activities and sponsorships. The stake-holders and public at large
* vE B {E { Vxvh E E E l] are provided information about Bank through press meets, press
SxB nni x, | Y{i B H: |iI Sx E releases, and one to one communication. Publicity Campaigns
v |nx E Vi * xx {{k B ni =i{n E for various assets & liability products, information on various
B |S +x, EM +x E r Ex i E u E M< technology initiatives taken by the Bank to enhance banking
experience has been the essence of countrywide publicity during
v |tMEMi { { SxB nx, 2015-16 E
nx n{ |S-| E BE + n *
E E xb E {Sx nx E B S i E nx The other means of brand recognition deployed during the current
+{xB MB +x vx - @h Mn E { |S financial year are publicity campaigns by way of participating in
loan fairs, through wall paintings in rural area, banner
+x, Oh <E n { +Ex, <] { x u advertisement on website, Bank's caller tune, on line
Y{x, E E E ]x, +x<x Y{x, @ h E +Vx, advertisement, organizing Loan melas, besides organizing a road
+ <xE + 73 l{x n E { b E show to mark the celebration of 73rd foundation day. Bank has
+Vx* E x E{] VE =kni E Miv also participated in the corporate social responsibility activities
Mn E * + =E ii MM ` 4.23 Ec E E making donations to the tune of ` 4.23 crore under CSR.
nx E *
E +{x v Miv E ES E VM E xB Bank has been regularly publishing the in-house magazine "UCO
TOWER" to make aware the employees about the various
Jx E B xi { M {jE E ] E |Ex E activities of the bank.
E E Ex <] :- E 1998 +{x <] S Bank's Official Website: - Bank has been maintaining bank's
* SE E E <] E B Sx E KbE E E E website since 1998. As the bank's website is a window of
, <E Mi xMx + +tix E Vi * E +{x information to the world, the website is constantly monitored and
updated. Bank is in the process of revamping the whole website
<] E {hi {xli Ex E E E iE < to make it more interactive and responsive.
+ +vE {{E + |iG x V E*
18.1 VxH 18.1. Manpower
nxE 31 S 2016 E li E +x E ] J 24724 The total Staff strength as on 31st March, 2016 stood at 24724,
V n J+ E Ex +vE * <x including employees serving overseas. The total staff strength
comprises of 12084 Officers, 8254 Clerks, 4386 Subordinate staff.
BC{]B] +vE * n li J+/E E Ei The percentage of Scheduled Castes (5159) and Scheduled
] J 12084 +vE, 8254 CE il 4386 +vxl Tribes (1867) taken together in the total domestic staff strength
ES * +xSi Vi (5159) il +xSi VxVi (1867) is 28.42%. Besides, there are 3190 OBC employees in the service
E |ii i { n li J+/E E B of Bank at the end of March, 2016. The strengh of employees
28.42% * <E +iCi S 2016 E +i 3190 + also comprises of 1449 employees belonging to Minority
Communities, Women employees (5271) constitutes 21.32% of
ES * +{JE n E ] n E J 1449 * total work force as of March, 2016.
S 2016 E li E +x E ES (5271)
E 21.32 % *
18.3 | M |vx E E +Ih 18.3. Reservation Cell of Head office, HRM Department
+xSi Vi, +xSi VxVi, +CiVx il i{ xE E Bank has been implementing reservation policy guidelines with
regard to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Persons with
v +Ih xi nxn E Exx E Ei * B Disabilities and Ex-servicemen employees. Reservation and
ES E B ={v +Ih il =xH E |vx E concessions available to such employees are strictly adhered to
+x Ec< +x{x i * nxE 31.3.2016 E {i as per the provisions. In the FY ending 31.03.2016 five Pre-
E nx E x {{nxxi |Ih E {S EG EB V 1499 Promotion Training Programs were conducted by the Bank in
ES (+V 625, +VV 276, + 598) x M * < which 1499 employees from different cadres (SC-625, ST-276 &
E] E ES |{i < Ei E iiE x{] M* OBC-598) took part. Complaints received from such category of
employees were immediately addressed. Further, regular
<E +iCi < M E ES E Eh M`x xi
Quarterly Meetings with welfare association of such category of
{ i `E SS i { il +S E i { (V employees were conducted at Apex level as well as Zonal Office
Vx ] J Vi ) +Vi E M<* <x E] E ES level (where Reservation Rosters are maintained). The grievance
E {n E `E x M il =E n E E xi of such category of employees is heard in such meetings and
nxn E +x =xE vx E M* subsequently addressed as per Bank's policy guidelines.
+vE, 1500 CE + 30 +<] +vE E i Ex V 2015-16, of which 176 are SC's, 80 are ST's, 202 are OBC's,
* 226 are females and 62 belong to minority community and 19
are Persons with Disabilities. Bank has also initiated the process
of recruitment of 525 Probationary Officers &1500 clerks and 30
IT Officers for the Financial Year 2016-17.
Oh k{h { vx nx E B E x 225 E Ij In order to focus on rural lending, bank has finalized the
recruitment of 225 Agricultre Field officers to be posted across
+vE E xH E +i { n Vx n li the country at potential rural branches of the bank.
E E xH Oh J+ {nl{i E VBM*
18.5 |Ih 18.5. TRAINING Cell
BE +ii MiiE =tM E +M x E xi M`x E ii Our organization, being a part of one of the most dynamic
industries, has to keep up with the constantly changing
{ii ih E l i `x E o] +{x environment by continuously updating its workforce with various
E E vi |Ih EG E v +tix Training programmes in the concerned field. Bank has reviewed
Jx E +Ei {ci * E x ={M vx E l +{x Training Policy with value additions. During Financial Year 2015-
|Ih xi E {xIh E * ii 2015-16 E nx 16, emphasis was given for imparting Training to all sections of
ES E M E |Ii Ex { il Ex il E{ employees and organizing Locational and Camp Based Training
Programs which are organized at Zonal Office level. 5225 Officers,
+vi |Ih EG +Vi Ex { V n M l* 3805 clerks and 69 sub-staffs were trained using Location
+S E E i { Ex il E{ +vi EG program at ZO Level across the country. 6211 Officers, 3749
+Vi EB MB* E 5225 +vE, 3805 CE il 69 +vxl Clerks and 229 Sub-staff were Trained under in-house training
ES E n li +S E E i { +Vi programs in CSC, Kolkata and Seven (7) RTCs of the Bank.
E x EG |Ii E M* +{x |Ih EG
E +iMi 6211 +vE, 3749 CE il 229 +vxl ES
E B, EEi il i +] |Ii E*
x l @ h Ex, BxB |vx, |lEi|{i Ij Apart from general topics viz Credit Appraisal, NPA Management,
@hnx, BB{B, xEb, B,I v , |vx Priority Sector Lending, LAPS, Unicode, CBS, Security Aspects,
Managerial Skills, Operation in Finacle, Leadership Development
E, xE {Sx, xii E +n E + ] etc, special topics viz Soft skills, Documentation, ADC, KYC, HR
l }] E, |JEh, { i EB MB Issues etc. have been introduced in Training System. Specially
}] E |Ih EG B/+] ixx III iE designed Soft Skill Training has been introduced for Officers up
E +vE il +b ] E B + EB MB* to Scale III and Award Staffs at CSC/RTCs.
E x Bx+<B, {h, E, {h, +<+<B, M], +<+b, Bank has nominated 378 Officers/Executives to outside Training
Jx> +<b+], nn + +x +xE lx 378 Institutes like NIBM PUNE, CAB PUNE, IIBM Guwahati, BIRD
Lucknow, IIBF Mumbai, IDRBT Hyderabad and many other
+vE/E{E E |Ih E B xi E* }] Institutes for External Training. Specially designed Training
E, C, @ h |vx, VJ |vx, E-ii{h +n { Programmes on Soft Skills, Forex, Credit Management, Risk
{ xB MB EG Bx+<]]<, h{ M, +<Ex, Management, Agri-financing etc. were conducted with External
Bx+<B V lx EB MB* +vE E xx Ij Training Institutes viz. NITTE, Manipal Global, ICON, NIBM etc.
where Officers were trained to create a competency pool in various
E{] { xx E B EG +Vi EB MB* BE areas. Overseas Training was also given to one of our Top
=SS E{E E n EG xi E M* |Ih Executives. A system has also been designed for better capacity
t E Ii E i Vx E B BE {ri i E utilization of Training colleges. Bank has given utmost importance
M< * E |Ih E B Si Mi H E xi Ex for nomination of right persons in Training. Of late, Bank has
E i i ni * E x +{x |Ih t E completed selection process of 6 new Faculty Members for
Training Colleges.
B U: E] E Sx |G { E *
<E +iCi ixx III ixx IV 195 +vE ixx In addition, 195 officers in Scale-III have been promoted to Scale-
II ixx III 282 +vE il ixx I ixx II IV, 282 officers in Scale-II to Scale-III and 1212 officers in Scale-
1212 +vE {nxxi EB MB* I to Scale-II.
E nx {nxxi |G E +iMi 392 CE +vE (E| During the year, through promotion process, 392 clerks have
been promoted to the post of Officer (JMGS-I).
ixx I) {nxxi B*
18.7. Heartfulness Meditation Programme for Staff
18.7 ES E B n vx EG
Sp x n E iivx 17 n vx EG E Under the aegis of Shriramchandra Mission Team, 17 heartfulness
meditation programmes covering 770 staff were organised. In
+Vi E M Vx 770 ES E E M* each training programme at Central Staff College, Kolkata, the
] ] EV,EEi +Vi B |iE |Ih EG meditation programme is conducted in the morning time for one
ix nx E B |i:E BE P] E vx EG J Vi hour for three days, The participants have very much appreciated
* EG M x x <x EG E { x E * these programmes.
{] + V + E E <xB] +M] E{x A compendium "Petals of Vigilance- A UCO Bank initiative against
corruption" has been launched to increase awareness towards
xE -O |Ei E M iE E{] +x E |i proper Corporate Governance.
VM Ei g< V E*
16 +S E Ei B VS |G { VS +vE/ Two days Workshop for Enquiry Officers/Presenting
Officers on investigation procedure has been organized covering
|ii +vE E B n n E E +Vx E 16 Zones.
xx Exp { iEi VMEi EG +Vi EB MB* <x Vigilance Awareness Programs were organized at different
: bB b E, nM{ n-n |iMi, +i] centers, including Debate Competitions at DAV Model School,
Durgapur and International Management Institute, Kolkata.
|vx lx, EEi n-n |iMi, E]{c E Awareness Programme was also conducted at Kotalipara
], BxV+, i, {S M E l VMEi EG Development Society, an NGO,Barasat, West Bengal to inculcate
iE =i x< {g iEi VMEi E +ni f V E* the vigilance awareness for the upcoming generation.
V +vx, 1963 il i E E V xi E To implement the provisions of Official Languages Act,1963 and
|vx E +x{x i E x E E EEV n E Official language policy of Government of India, Bank has given
preferred attention towards use of Hindi in official work. 56
|M r { vx n * 56 EB +Vi E M< workshops were organised involving 1120 officers/employees for
Vx xEb B M.E E |M +Mi Ex j i training them on official language usage which includes a session
V EEV { 1120 +vE/ ES E |Ii to get the trainees acquainted in using UNICODE or 'Lingua.Bank'.
E M* I +v E nx i n M {jE +xMV During the review period, editions of Quarterly Hindi Magazine
E +E E l-l xx E/+S E u 6 n <- "Anugoonj" were published and 6 Hindi E-magazines were
published by different Circle/Zonal Offices. Bank has organised
{jE+ E |Ex E M* E u xx xM V several competitions with various Town Official Languages
Exx i E iivx +xE |iMi+ E +Vx Committees (TOLIC) and also assisted other banks in organising
EB MB il +x E E n E+ E +Vx Hindi workshops. Several seminars were organized by zonal
i |nx E M<* +S E u i E, ii offices on the subject titled as "Aapsi Samvad - Sarthak Disha"
j, ii B M E xnx +{ n lE as per directions of Department of Financial Services, Finance
Ministry, Govt. of India. A famous drama named "Jamunka Ped"
n { E< M` +Vi E M<* { E n was staged by H.O. youth group.
E nx v +Vx EB MB* |vx E E b u
|r x]E Vx E {c E Sx E M* EEi E
] ] EV +J i E E V +vE
x 2015-16 E +Vx E M*
+xE | { / |S O / |G {iE+, vE E E Various forms / publicity materials / procedural booklets and report
+ E |inx, +xn {iE+, xx b i E of Annual General meeting of Shareholders, Manual of
Instructions, Minutes of various Board Committees were prepared
`E E Eii +n E u x M* E E <] in bilingual form. Hindi text of the materials for our Bank's Website
E O E n {` i E M* was also prepared.
{+, l +xxE E<, +vx, 2002 E Bank has issued 25 circulars on various legal aspects such as
ii |vEi +vE E E + Vn, Mh +tME Disciplinary proceedings, Roles & responsibilities of an authorized
officer under SARFAESI Act, 2002, The sick industrial companies
E{x( |vx) +vx, 1985 +n { 25 {{j V (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 etc., to make field level
EB iE EIj G EE E <x Ij xxi functionaries conversant with the latest developments in those
n i +Mi E V E* E E r xx areas. The claim lodged against the Bank before various fora of
vE S { n EB MB n E E |in E M law are being defended by the Bank meticulously. Further, in
* <E +iH E E gx E B SEEi =vEi+/ order to augment Bank's recovery, cases filed before various
M]Ei+ E r b+] n xx E E DRTs against defaulting borrowers/guarantors are closely followed
up by the Bank. The review of performance of Bank's Advocates
vx +xi E< E * E E E E nJ-J
is also done for expeditious disposal of cases handled by them.
S E Vn x{]x E B =xE Ex{nx E I
E M< *
24. E Vx: 24. FUTURE PLAN:
k 2015-16 S EM =tM E B BE Sxi FY 2015-16 had been a litmus journey for the entire banking
, V =l-{l E S +{x Vi E E Jx industry. Our bank left no stone unturned in effort to stay strong
E x E< E x Uc* xiMi ExpxJi E l through the turbulence. Bank has invested the year in upgrading
its resources with strategic focus. Bank will continue its emphasis
+{x vx E +tix Ex E x { VqVn E * E
on retail business, mobilization of CASA, and NPA recovery.
+{x ] E, E V V]x + Bx{B { ni
B +{x | V JM*
E |lEi|{i Ij +{x E E Mi E H { xB Bank will maintain its momentum in priority sector advances.
JM* k x BE EIj V |lEi n VBM Financial Inclusion would also be another preferred area to bring
iE EM E {S Si Vx E =E n V in the people who are so far away from the banking fold.
2016-17 E xiMi vx =xJi E { xi E The year 2016-17 will be termed the year of "Strategic Resource
VBM* {nn k |ni xb xx E +{x iEI Alignment". The bank will fine-tune its resources to meet its
I E { Ex E B E +{x vx E E VS visionary ambition of becoming the most preferred financial
services brand and to generate business models for generating
{J EM* < {x E E Ex E B E xxEi profit. Towards accomplishing the same, UCO will focus on the
i{h ={nx { vx Expi EM: following key assets:
(E) +{x x vx: E E o] E +xE +{x {viEi a) Its Human resources: Upgrading their competencies to suit
E =xxi Ex* bank's vision.
(J) +{x iExE vx: E{E v + =i{n |ix E b) Its Technological resources: Promoting channel and product
|ii Ex*
(M) +{x Yx{E vx: M`xiE J E +{xx + Z c) Its Knowledge resources: Capturing and sharing
organizational learning.
E +{x {Ei M`xiE I E +x{ i E |G Bank invites its stakeholders to contribute in the process of getting
in line with the broader organizational objectives.
+{x ivE E Mnx Ex E B +ji Ei *
25.1 E{] +x: 25.1. Corporate Governance
E ` E{] +x {h x` Ji il = +{x Bank firmly believes in and has consistently practised good
EIj +{x * +x E E {ni, EnIi corporate governance woven around its core values of
+ Vn E i E u Vi i * +{x V transparency, professionalism and accountability. By constantly
focusing on these aspects in its day-to-day operations, the Bank
E {Sx <x {+ { xi vx ni B E vE E strives to enhance shareholders' value. The Bank being
ii gx E | Ei * SE E ` +x E |i committed to the principles of good governance, its Board of
Sxr , E E xnE b x E E E |iE { { Directors has formed various committees of the Board to monitor
xMx Jx E B E< b i M`i E * E E |h every aspect of Bank's business. The systems and business
B E |G+ E EV Ij, n E< , E {Sxx B =x processes of the Bank are continuously reviewed at various levels
Vi Ex i xx i { =xE xi I E Vi * E for identifying and strengthening areas of weaknesses, if any.
E xnE b E E ` +x OE, E The Directors of the Bank believe that good governance is the
M, ES B xE E , x` B J +Vi key to earn trust, loyalty and goodwill of clients, business
associates, employees and investors and also to have
Ex E il {E i { V E +n {x E j * respectable position in the society at large.
l +h E +vI B |v xnE E { nxE l Shri Arun Kaul served as Chairman and Managing
01.09.2010 31.08.2015 iE xnE b * Director in the Board from 01.09.2010 to 31.08.2015.
l V. E. MM E{E xnE E { 05.08.2013 l Shri J. K. Garg served as Executive Director in the Board
31.01.2016 iE xnE b * from 05.08.2013 to 31.01.2016.
l +. E. ]CE |v xnE B J E{E +vE l Shri R. K. Takkar has been appointed as Managing
E { nxE 02.11.2015 xH EB MB * Director and Chief Executive Officer with effect from
l V. h + E{E xnE E { nxE l Shri G. Subramania Iyer has been appointed as Executive
01.02.2016 xH EB MB * Director with effect from 01.02.2016.
ii 2015-16 E nx E E xnE b E 10 `E <* During the financial year 2015-16, Bank had 10 meetings of the
2015-16 E nx xnE b E +x +xE i E Board of Directors. The number of meetings of various other
committees of the Board held during the year 2015-16 is given
`E E J xS n V : below:
G . i E x < `E E J
Sl.No Name of the Committee No. of meetings held
25.4 xnE E =kni E H: 25.4. Statement of Directors' Responsibilities
xnEMh {] Ei E 31 S, 2016 E {i E The Board of Directors confirm that in the preparation of the annual
E J iiEE Sx , n E< , vi ={H accounts for the year ended March 31, 2016, the applicable
accounting standards have been followed along with proper
{]Eh i |V J-|h xE E |M E M * explanation relating to material departures, if any. The accounting
i W E E nxn E +x x< M< J xi E policies framed in accordance with the guidelines of Reserve
BE{i M E M * =Si + Ei xh + Bank of India, were consistently applied. Reasonable and prudent
|CEx EB MB iE k E +i E E E E li judgements and estimates were made so as to give a true and
il nxE 31 S, 2016 E {i E E E SS + fair view of the state of affairs of the Bank at the end of the
financial year and of the profit of the Bank for the year ended
U = E* i E E E i Ex |V v March 31, 2016. Proper and sufficient care was taken for the
E ={v E +x {{i J +J E J-J E + maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with
Si B {{i vx n M; + J ii +v { i the provisions of applicable laws governing banks in India; and
EB MB * E E li xSi Ex E B E the accounts have been prepared on an on-going basis.
u +i] k xjh M EB MB * International financial controls have been laid down by the bank
for ensuring orderly conduct of business.
xnE b b E S- E +{x Mnx nx i The Board of Directors places on record its deep appreciation of
xix xnE xi: +h E, V. E. MM, |h the contributions made to the deliberations of the Board by
, .B..B.B , b.Bx. `E B {l Sn outgoing Directors namely, Shri Arun Kaul, Shri J. K. Garg, Shri
Pravin Rawal, Shri V. L.V. S. S. Subba Rao, Shri D. N. Thakur
E - | Ei * b xB xnE E Mi Ei il and Shri Partha Chanda. The Board would like to welcome the
E E r =xE Z E |i Ei * xnEMh new Directors and looks forward to their valuable inputs towards
i E, i W E il +x xE |vEh E |i growth of the Bank. The Directors remain thankful to the
=xE lx + Mnx E B EiY * xnE b Government of India, Reserve Bank of India and other regulatory
+x k l+ il {E E E =xE { M E B authorities for their support and valuable guidance. The Board
also thanks other Financial Institutions and correspondent banks
vxn Y{i Ei * for their cooperation.
xnEMh x`x OE E + Vxx E { +l The Board of Directors expresses their gratitude to the loyal
J + = Mi Ih n* b E E ] xx/ customers for their trust and continuous patronage of the Bank.
BBx il E E vE E lx E B =x The Board also thanks the Staff Unions/Associations and
shareholders of the Bank for the support extended by them. The
vxn Y{i Ei * xnEMh E E |iE ES E Directors place on record their deep appreciation of the dedication
{i x E nE x Ei VE V E E< shown by each employee of the Bank due to which the Bank
Eix l{i E E* could achieve many milestones.
nxE 31.03.2016 E {i 7 E +v E i{h Ex{nx E iE
(` Ec / ` in Crore)
1. E E E{ ] +x nx:
: 1. Corporate Governance Philosophy of the Bank :
xnE b E M`x EM xx +vx 1949, EM E{x The constitution of the Board of Directors is governed by the
(={G E +Vx + +ih) +vx 1970, ]Ei E (|v provisions of the Banking Regulation Act 1949, Banking
+ v ={v) Vx 1970 il EM E{x (+Vx + +ih) Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970,
+ ii l v (vx) +vx 2006 E ={v u Nationalised Banks (Management & Misc. Provisions) Scheme
1970 and The Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer) &
i i * E{ ] +x v +Ei+ E, V E
Financial Institutions Laws (Amendment) Act 2006. The
]E BCSV E l SEh E n M , <x v requirements of Corporate Governance as envisaged in the Listing
E l {g VB* Agreement with the Stock Exchanges are to be read along with
these statutes.
E E xnE +x il =x E E ={Ci n |nx Ex The Directors are experienced and have requisite expertise in
B E E E|h { | xjh Jx i EM, ii + the field of Banking, Finance, and Management so as to provide
|vx +n E Ij +E Yi * appropriate directions and exercise effective control in the
functioning of the Bank.
2.1 |v xnE B J E{E +vE + n E{E 2.1.0 Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and two
xnE i E u xCi {hEE xnE VE +x Executive Directors are the whole time directors appointed by
xnE E EM E{x (={G E +Vx + +ih) +vx the Govt. of India while the other Directors are appointed/
1970 E (V < <E {Si +vx E M ) 9(3) (E) nominated under different sections of 9(3) (a) to 9(3) (h) of the
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings)
9 (3) (V) iE E xx v+ E +iMi xCi /xEi E
Act 1970 (hereinafter referred as Act). Besides, under Section
Vi * <E +iCi, =Ci +vx E v 9(3) (Z) E +vx 9(3) (i) of the same Act, the shareholders of the Bank are entitled
vE +{x n xnE E xSx (Exp E xx) to elect two directors (other than the Central Government) from
E Ei * among themselves.
G xnE E x B EOh Ex E E E xnE b +x E{x nxE 31.03.2016 E li
. {nx E iJ E V i (Vx xnE {n E +x xnE u vi
i) n E E E
=xE J
Sl. Name & Designation of Date of joining No. of Membership in Directorship Holding of
No. the Director the office Board Committee(s) in other UCO Bank shares by the
of UCO Bank Companies Directors as on 31.03.2016
|v xnE B J
E{E +vE
Mr. R. K. Takkar, 02.11.2015 6 - 100
Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer
2. Sh
E{E xnE
Mr. Charan Singh 10.03.2015 10 - -
Executive Director
3. V.h +
E{E xnE
Mr. G. Subramania Iyer 01.02.2016 9
Executive Director
4. v {< <b <
E E xi xnE E. .
Ms. Sindhu Pillai United India
Govt. Nominee Director 30.12.2015 9 Insurance -
Co. Ltd.
5. b.+n
i V E E xi xnE
Dr. Arvind Sharma
RBI Nominee Director 23.02.2015 4 - -
6. x E
+EE M E xnE
Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari
Part time Non-Official Director 21.06.2013 9 - -
7. . qx +
+EE M E xnE
Mr. Salahuddin Ansari
Part-time Non Official Director 26.06.2013 10 - -
2.2.1 xnE b B xB xnE E I{i Ek: 2.2.1 Brief Profiles of the new directors joined on the Board:
+. E. ]CE, |v xnE B J E{E +vE Shri R. K. Takkar, MD & CEO
Ex ]CE x nxE 02.11.2015 E E E E |v Shri Ravi Krishan Takkar has joined UCO Bank as MD & CEO
xnE B J E{E +vE E { {n Oh E* with effect from 02.11.2015. Shri Takkar [B.Com (Hons.) CAIIB,
LLB, PGDIBM from NIBM] is a commerce graduate from Shri
]CE [.E (+x) B+<+<, BB, Bx+<B Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi. He is also a
{Vb+<B] EV + E, n t graduate in Law from Delhi University. Shri Takkar was Executive
hV xiE * n t v E xiE * Director of Dena Bank, prior to this posting. He joined the Oriental
< {nl{x E { ]CE nx E E E{E xnE l* Bank of Commerce in May-1979 as Probationary Officer. During
=xx <, 1979 {Ivx +vE E { +] E his more than 36 years' of service, he held many important
+ E EOh n* +{x 36 +vE E E positions. Shri Takkar served as General Manager of OBC and
also in different capacities at various Branches, Regional offices,
nx E< i{h {n { * ]CE + E |vE and Head office of the Oriental Bank of Commerce. During his
il =xx +] E + E E xx J+, Ij tenure in Oriental Bank of Commerce Shri Takkar was the
E il |vx E xx Ii+ E E* Regional Head of Hyderabad, Agra, Karnal, Bhopal, and Field
+] E + E x E nx ]CE nn, General Manager at Hyderabad. He was also the General
+M, Ex B { E Ij |J il nn E Ij Manager, in-charge of Credit Monitoring and Mid Corporate Credit
|vE * +] E + E E |vx E E Deptt. at Head office in Oriental Bank of Commerce.
@h xMx il b E{] @h M E |vE *
He represented the Oriental Bank of Commerce in various
=xx BB E EM +Vi xx +i] M`
international seminars conducted at Kellogs in USA and
il x/n 2013 EE B VEi BB+BB u Leadership Program conducted by CAFRAL in Nov./Dec. 2013
+Vi b{ EG +] E + E E |ixvi at Bangkok & Jakarta.
V. h + E nxE 01 , 2016 E E E Shri G. Subramania Iyer has been appointed as Executive Director
E{E xnE E { xH E M * E E E of the Bank on 1st February, 2016. Prior to his appointment as
Executive Director of UCO Bank, he was General Manager at
E{E xnE E { xH x { Ex E Canara Bank.
|vE l*
nxE 10 +|, 1958 E Vx V. h + E xiEk Born on 10th April, 1958, Shri G. Subramania Iyer is a Master of
Science (Agri). He occupied several distinguished positions in
(E) bO |{i * Ex E E +{x 34 E +{x EE
his career spanning around 34 years at Canara Bank. Shri G.
=xx E< i{h {n i EB * V. h + x Subramania Iyer has worked extensively throughout the country
{E { n E E + =x E{] @h, ] with varied exposure to Corporate Credit, Retail Credit,
@h, |vx Sx, , {hx, +Vx B E E n Management Information, Recovery, Marketing, Planning &
+x * Development.
nxE 21 <, 1974 E Vx v {< +<{B +vE Born on 21st May 1974, Ms. Sindhu Pillai, is an IPS Officer and
+ +lj xiEk bO |{i * ix v {< a Post graduate in Economics. Ms. Sindhu Pillai is presently
xnE, k B M, k j, i E + =x Director, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance,
Government of India and joined the Board of UCO Bank on
E E xi xnE E { nxE 30 n, 2015 E E 30th December, 2015 as Government Nominee Director.
E E xnE b E M *
2.2.2 31.03.2016 E {i E nx xk/iM-{j nx 2.2.2 Directors who retired/resigned during the year
xnE: ended on 31.03.2016
2. V.E.MM
Mr. J. K. Garg 05.08.2013 31.01.2016 11
3. .B..B.B.
Mr. V. L. V. S. S. Subba Rao 15.06.2015 29.12.2015 10
4. |h
Mr. Pravin Rawal 01.12.2011 14.06.2015 10
5. b.Bx.`E
Mr. D. N. Thakur 13.12.2012 12.12.2015 5
6. {l Sn
Mr. Partha Chanda 15.02.2013 14.02.2016 6
Ivx +v E nx ]Ei E (|vx B v ={v) During the period of review 10 Board Meetings were held on
Vx 1970 E Jb 12 E +iMi xvi xxi 6 `E il following dates, as against minimum of 6 prescribed under Clause
12 of Nationalised Banks (Management & Miscellaneous
(SEh ni B |E]Eh +EiB) x, 2015
Provisions) Scheme 1970 and minimum of four meetings
xvi xxi S `E E ix xxJi iJ E stipulated under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
xnE b E 10 `E +Vi E M< : Requirements) Regulations, 2015
3.1.0 xnE b E J{I i (B) : 3.1.0 Audit Committee of the Board (ACB):
As per directives of RBI, the Bank constituted the Audit Committee
i V E E xnx E x xnE b E
of the Board with four directors as against minimum of three
J{I i E M`x E V ]E BCSV E l directors stipulated in Clause 18 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
x{ni (SEh ni B |E]Eh +EiB) x, Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 entered with Stock
2015 E Jb 18 xvi xxi ix xnE E VM S Exchanges. All the Directors in the committee are financially
xnE * i E xnE ii { Ii * literate.
3.1.1 |lE =q: 3.1.1. Primary objectives:
BE Ci |vE l E { J{I B xIh E It oversees reviews and provides directions to the internal audit/
|i E xSi Ex + gx i E E +iE J{I/ inspection function in the Bank in order to ensure and enhance
the effectiveness of the audit and inspection function as a strong
xIh E E Ih, I Ei B xn ni * +iE management tool. In respect of internal audit, the Audit Committee
J{I E v xnE b E J{I i <x =q of the Board reviews the internal inspection/audit function of the
E +x E E +iE xIh/J{I v E - =E Bank - the system, its quality and effectiveness in terms of the
|h, Mhii B |i E I Ei * V iE objectives. As regards external audit, the committee reviews all
J{I E v , i M +b] {] =`B MB the issues raised in the Long Form Audit Report. Besides, it
interacts with the external auditors before finalization of reviewed/
q E I Ei * <E +iCi J{I {] E audited accounts with special reference to change in accounting
n JEx xi, i, +i+ {ix il JEx policies, practices, qualification in the draft audit report and
xE E +x{x E n IEi /J{Ii J E compliance with the accounting standards. It also addresses all
+i { nB Vx E { J{IE E l S- issues/concerns raised in inspection report of RBI. The committee
Ei * i V E E xIh {] =`B MB also reviews the internal control system, the areas of
housekeeping, reconciliation, fraud and other related matters.
q/+ E v E< Ei * i +iE
xjh |h, +iE J-E, vx, E{] B +x vi
E I Ei *
3.1.2 ix xnE b E J{I i +EE 3.1.2. The Audit Committee of the Board, at present, comprises
of Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari, Part time non official director
M-E xnE B i E +vI x E , and the Chairman of the committee and Mr. Charan Singh,
E E E{E xnE Sh , i W E E xi Executive Director, Dr. Arvind Sharma, RBI nominee director,
xnE b. +n , E u xi xnE v Ms. Sindhu Pillai, Govt nominee director as members of the
{< n E { * E{E xnE V. h Committee. Mr. G. Subramania Iyer, Executive Director is invitee
+ i +ji * Ivx E nx (SEh of the Committee. During the year under review, 9 (Nine) meetings
of the Committee were held vis-a-vis minimum of four meetings
ni B |E]Eh +EiB) x, 2015 E Jb 18
in a year, stipulated in Clause 18 of SEBI (Listing Obligations
xvi xxi S `E E ix < i E 9 `E and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
+Vi E M<*
3.1.3. The meetings were held on the dates 28.04.2015,
3.1.3 < i E `E <x iJ E +Vi E M< : 28.04.2015,
11.05.2015 & 12.05.2015, 08.08.2015, 16.10.2015, 07.11.2015,
11.05.2015, 12.05.2015, 08.08.2015, 16.10.2015, 07.11.2015, 30.11.2015, 13.02.2016, 07.03.2016, 28.03.2016.
30.11.2015, 13.02.2016, 07.03.2016, 28.03.2016
3.2.0 xnE b E |v i (B): 3.2.0. Management Committee of the Board (MCB) :
i E M`x ]Ei E (|v + v ={v) Vx 1970 The Committee is constituted as per Provisions of Nationalised
E ={v E +x E M * <E n : |v xnE B Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provision) Scheme 1970.
Its members are Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer,
J E{E +vE, E{E xnEMh, EM E{x (={G
Executive Directors, Directors referred in (c) of sub section (3) of
E +Vx + +ih) +vx, 1970 E v 9 E ={v (3) E Section 9 of Banking companies (Acquisition & Transfer of
Jb (M) xn] xnE il EM E{x (={G E +Vx + Undertaking) Act 1970., and two Directors nominated by the Board
+ih) +vx, 1970 E v 9(3) E Jb (R), (S), (V) B (Z) from amongst the Directors referred to Clauses (e), (f), (h) and
xn] xnE xnE b u xi n xnE* (i) of Section 9(3) of the Banking companies (Acquisition &
xnE b u xi xnE BE U x +vE Transfer of Undertaking) Act 1970. The Directors nominated by
the Board shall hold office for not more than six months at a
iE {n { x M* |v xnE B J E{E +vE time. The Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer is the
B E +vI * Chairman of MCB.
3.2.1 i E =q xxJi { S Ex + =x +xni 3.2.1 The objectives of the committee are to consider and
Ex : approve: -
i) +vE E =v/@ h, Zi + ^ Ji bx E i) High value credit/loan, compromise and write off proposals.
|i* ii) High value proposals for capital and revenue expenditure
and those relating to acquisition and hiring of premises
ii) {V Mi + V i il { E +vOh + including deviation from prescribed norms for acquisition/
EB { x vi c E |i, V { E hiring of premises.
+vOh/EB { x E xnb Sx * iii) Proposal for high value investments in Govt. and other
iii) E{x E /bS x i E il +x approved securities including investment in shares/
+xni |ii +vE E x Ex E |i debentures of companies as well as high value proposals
+ n, nx nx v +vE E |i, + of underwriting, making donations and
iv) xnE b u - { =E { V MB < iv) Any other matter of similar nature referred to it by the Board
|E E E< +x * from time to time.
3.2.2 ix xnE b E |v i i E +vI E 3.2.2. The Management Committee of the Board, at present,
{ |v xnE B J E{E +vE +. E. ]CE, comprises of Mr. R. K. Takkar, Managing Director & Chief
E E E{E xnEMh Sh B V. h Executive Officer as the Chairman of the Committee and Mr.
Charan Singh, Executive Director, Mr. G. Subramania Iyer,
+, i W E E xi xnE b. +n + Executive Director, Dr. Arvind Sharma, RBI nominee director
+EE M-E xnE qx + n E { and Mr. Salahuddin Ansari, Part time Non official director as
* members of the Committee.
3.2.3 Ivx +v E nx xnE b E |v i E 3.2.3. During the period under review 13 meetings of MCB were
`E <x iJ E +Vi E M< : 11.05.2015, 20.06.2015, held on the dates 11.05.2015, 20.06.2015, 27.06.2015,
27.06.2015, 07.08.2015, 27.08.2015, 19.09.2015, 15.10.2015, 07.08.2015, 27.08.2015, 19.09.2015, 15.10.2015, 30.11.2015,
30.11.2015, 04.12.2015, 30.01.2016, 13.02.2016, 07.03.2016 B 04.12.2015, 30.01.2016, 13.02.2016, 07.03.2016 & 28.03.2016.
3.3.0 xnE b E VJ |v i (+B) : 3.3.0. Risk Management Committee of the Board (RMCB)
3.4.0 xnE b E ivE v i (BBS+): 3.4.0. Stake Holders' Relationship Committee of the Board
3.4.1 vE/xE E Ei, l - vx { +n, 3.4.1. The Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship
|h{j, ] +n |{i x x E v =Si of the Non-executive Director for speedy redressal of shareholder/
vx Ji B il EiEi E i] E +x{ Ei E investors' complaints/grievances, like, non receipt of refund
orders, share certificate, dividend warrant etc., with due care and
ii xh Ex E B M-E{E xnE E +vIi < to the satisfaction of the complainants. All the complaints received
i E M`x E M* E nx |{i Ei E during the year were redressed.
xh E n M *
3.4.2 ix vE v i i E +vI |. x 3.4.2. The Stake Holders' Relationship Committee, at present,
E il E E E{E xnEMh Sh B comprises of Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari, Chairman of the
V. h + n E { * committee and Mr. Charan Singh and Mr. G. Subramania Iyer,
Executive Directors of the Bank, as members of the Committee.
3.4.3 {U k E nx BBS+ E 2 `E nxE 3.4.3. During the previous financial year 2 meetings of SHRCB
18.09.2015 B 07.03.2016 E +Vi E M<: were held on 18.09.2015 & 07.03.2016.
3.5.0 xnE b E +ih i (B]) : 3.5.0. Share Transfer Committee of the Board (STCB) :
3.5.1 i i { vi E E E +ih/|h/ 3.5.1. The committee has been constituted to approve and effect
lxih +n +xni B | Ex il J MB/M MB/ transfer/transmission/transposition etc. of Bank's shares, held in
physical form, as also approval on the requests/proposals for
S MB E n b{E] V Ex E |i/ issuance of duplicate shares in lieu of originals lost/misplaced/
+xv E +xnx Ex E B M`i E M< * stolen.
3.5.2 ix +ih i E E E{E xnEMh 3.5.2. The Share Transfer Committee of the Board , at present,
Sh B V. h + il +EE M-E comprises of Mr. Charan Singh and Mr. G. Subramania Iyer,
Executive Directors of the Bank, Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari
xnEMh |. x E B qx + n and Mr. Salahuddin Ansari, Part time non official directors as
E { * members of the Committee.
3.5.3 {U k E nx B] E 3 `E nxE 3.5.3. During the previous financial year 3 meetings of STCB
18.09.2015, 30.11.2015 B 12.02.2016 E +Vi E M<* were held on the dates 18.09.2015, 30.11.2015 & 12.02.2016.
3.6.1 E E {hEE xnE, l +vI B |v xnE il 3.6.1. The whole time directors of the Bank i.e. the Chairman &
E{E xnE E i E u xB MB x E +x Managing Director and the Executive Directors are being paid
remuneration and provided reimbursement of traveling and halting
{E E Mix E Vi B j ii + ii E expenses as per rules framed by Govt. of India but none of them
|i{i E Vi , {i =x E E xnE b E `E are paid sitting fees for attending the Board meetings and other
xnE b E +x i E `E ={li x E B committee meetings of the Board.
E `E E E Mix x E Vi *
3.6.2 E nx ii j, i E E xn E +x{x 3.6.2. In compliance with the directives of Ministry of Finance,
xnE b E {E i(+) E M`x E M Government of India, Remuneration Committee of the Board
(RCB) was formed during the year for the sole purpose of
VE BEj =q E +v { Ex{nx Ci |ix evaluation of the performances of the whole time directors of the
E Mix E B E E {hEE xnE E Ex{nx E Bank for payment of "Performance Linked Incentives", annually.
Ex Ex *
3.6.3 ix xnE b E {E i E u 3.6.3. The Remuneration Committee of the Board, at present,
xi xnE v {<, i W E E xi xnE comprises Ms. Sindhu Pillai, Govt nominee director, Dr. Arvind
Sharma, RBI Nominee director, Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari
b. +n , +EE M-E xnEMh |. x E
and Mr. Salahuddin Ansari, Part time non official directors as
B qx + n E { * members.
3.6.4 E nx BE `E 07.03.2016 E +Vi E M< l* 3.6.4. During the year, one meeting was held on 07.03.2016.
3.7.0 +vE E E{] E xMx i i 3.7.0. Special Committee for Monitoring of Large Value
(BBBB) Frauds (SMLVF)
3.7.3 {U k 2015-16 E nx < i E n `E 3.7.3. During the previous financial year, 2015-16, two meetings
of the Committee were held on the dates 18.09.2015 &
nxE 18.09.2015 + 30.11.2015 E +Vi E M<*
3.8.0 xnE b E xEx i (Bx) : 3.8.0. Nomination Committee of the Board (NCB) :
3.8.1 i V E u V xn E +x{x tx 3.8.1. In compliance with the directives of Reserve Bank of India,
xSi xnE/EM E{x (={G E +Vx + +ih) +vx, Nomination committee of the Board (NCB) was constituted so
1970 E v 9(3) (i) E +vx xnE E { xSi EB as to undertake the exercise of 'due diligence' for determining 'fit
Vx H E =Si B li +vi Ex E B and proper' status of the existing elected directors / persons to
Si vx i Vx E E Ex i xnE b E be elected as director under Section 9(3)(i) of Banking Companies
(Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970.
xEx i E M`x E M*
3.8.2 ix < i E u xi xnE v 3.8.2. At present the committee comprises of Ms. Sindhu Pillai,
{<, +EE M-E xnEMh |. x E Govt nominee Director, Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari and Mr.
Salahuddin Ansari, Part time non official directors as members.
B qx + n E { *
3.8.3 Ivx +v E nx < i E 2 `E 20.06.2015 3.8.3. During the period under review 2 meetings of the committee
B 15.10.2015 E +Vi E M<* were held on the dates 20.06.2015 & 15.10.2015
3.9.0 xnE b E OE i (B) 3.9.0. Customer Service Committee of the Board (CSCB):
3.9.1. In compliance with the directives issued by Reserve Bank
3.9.1 xnE b E OE i E M`x i V E
of India, Customer Service Committee of the Board has been
u V Mn ri E +x{x E M constituted:
3.9.3 Ivx +v E nx < i E 4 `E G: nxE 3.9.3. During the period under review, 4 meetings of the committee
20.07.2015,18.09.2015, 30.11.2015 + 30.01.2016 E +Vi were held on the dates 20.07.2015, 18.09.2015, 30.11.2015 and
E M<* 30.01.2016.
E Ij E E ({B) E B |vE iii v i In the light of the directive of Govt. of India on Managerial
Autonomy to the Public Sector Banks (PSB), the Board of
E E xn E +E E E xnE b E iji
Directors of the Bank is granted with freedom and responsibility
n M< B =iini { M E E xi E for deciding on managerial issues within the broad framework of
{E fS E i |vE q { xh * iii vi the Government policies. One of the areas of autonomy relates
BE Ij E v x vx vi xi B Gv E to framing of HR policies and procedures.
xh *
3.10.1 i E =q : 3.10.1. Objective of the Committee:
i) ] fS, i, {nl{x, lxih, |Ih, {nxxi, {x i) to decide all Human Resource issues relating to the Bank
+n i E vi x vx v q E including staffing pattern, recruitment, placement, transfer,
training, promotions, pensions etc.
xh Ex
ii) {ji xnb, Sx E {ri, | E i +n i i ii) to frame HR policies and procedures for recruitment
including eligibility criteria, mode of selection, levels of entry
E B x vx v xi B Gv xx etc.
iii) +vE B ] E {E B Ii{i E xh
iii) to take decisions on remuneration and compensation of
x officers and staff
iv) E E {nv E Vn + Vn vi xi
iv) to lay down policy of accountability and responsibility of
xvi Ex
Bank officials
v) J+ E MEh E B xnb i Ex
v) to prescribe standards for categorization of branches
3.10.2 ix < i , i E +vI E { |v 3.10.2. At present, the committee comprises of Mr. R.K. Takkar,
xnE B J E{E +vE +. E. ]CE, E E Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer as the Chairman of
E{E xnEMh Sh B V. h +, the Committee and Mr. Charan Singh & Mr. G. Subramania Iyer,
Executive Directors of the Bank, Ms. Sindhu Pillai, Govt Nominee
E u xi xnE v {<, +EE M-E Director, Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari, Mr. Salahuddin Ansari,
xnEMh |. x E B qx + n Part time Non official directors as members of the Committee.
E { *
3.10.3 {U k E nx S `E nxE 14.07.2015, 3.10.3. During the previous financial year four meetings were
08.08.2015, 15.10.2015 B 30.01.2016. E +Vi E M< : held on the dates 14.07.2015, 08.08.2015, 15.10.2015 and
3.11.0 xnE b E .|. Exi i (+<]B) 3.11.0. IT Strategy Committee of the Board (ITSCB)
3.11.1 |tME =xxx B +x Sx |tME { vi 3.11.1. The Committee has been constituted to formulate
{ Exi xx i < i E M`x E M * strategies in the matters relating to technology upgradation and
other IT initiatives.
3.11.2 ix < i , i E +vI E { +EE 3.11.2. At present, the committee comprises of Prof. Sunil Kumar
M-E xnE |. x E , E E E{E Maheshwari, Part time non official director as the Chairman of
xnEMh Sh B V. h +, E u the Committee, Mr. Charan Singh & Mr. G. Subramania Iyer,
Executive Directors of the Bank, Ms. Sindhu Pillai, Govt Nominee
xi xnE v {<, +EE M-E xnE Director, Mr. Salahuddin Ansari, Part time Non official directors
qx + n E { * as members of the Committee.
3.11.3 Ivx +v E nx i E 5 `E nxE 3.11.3. During the period under review 5 meetings of the
28.04.2015, 20.07.2015, 30.11.2015, 12.02.2016 B 28.03.2016 committee were held on 28.04.2015, 20.07.2015, 30.11.2015,
12.02.2016 & 28.03.2016.
E +Vi E M<*
3.12.0. Board Level Committee for Monitoring of Recovery
3.12.0 Bx{B E xMx E B xnE b i i
in NPAs accounts(BLCRNPA)
3.12.3 Ivx +v E nx i E 2 `E 16.10.2015 B 3.12.3. During the period under review two meetings of the
30.01.2016 E +Vi E M<* committee were held on 16.10.2015 & 30.01.2016.
3.13.3 {U E nx i E ix `E 16.10.2015, 3.13.3. During the previous year the committee met three times
30.01.2016 B 07.03.2016 E +Vi E M<* on 16.10.2015, 30.01.2016 and 07.03.2016.
3.13.4 xnE b E xx i E n E 3.13.4. The details of the attendance by the members of
={li E :
: various Committees of the Board are as under:
+.E. ]CE
(02.11.2015 E EOh)
Mr. R. K. Takkar
(Joined on 02.11.2015) 5 5 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Mr. Charan Singh 10 10 13 13 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 2
(01.02.2016 E EOh)
Mr. G. S. Iyer
(joined on 01.02.2016) 2 2 3 3 - - 1 1 - - - -
v {<
(30.12.2015 E EOh) M x M x M x M x
Ms. Sindhu Pillai
(joined on 30.12.2015) 2 1 NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1
b.+n M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x
Dr. Arvind Sharma 10 9 13 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
|.x E M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x
Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari 10 10 9 9@ 4 3 NA NA 4 3 NA NA
. qx + M x M x M x M x
Mr. Salahuddin Ansari 10 10 4 4@ 4 4 3 3 4 4 NA NA
+ h E
Sri Arun Kaul 4 4 5 5 1 1 - - 2 2 - -
Mr. Jai Kumar Garg 8 8 10 10 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2
|h M x M x M x M x
Mr. Pravin Rawal 2 0 NA NA NA NA - - - - - -
B. M x M x M x M x
Mr. V. L.V. S. S. Subba Rao 6 3 NA NA NA NA 2 1 3 3 1 1
b.Bx.`E M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x
Mr. D. N. Thakur 7 6 NA NA 3 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA
{l Sn M x M x M x M x
Mr. Partha Chanda 9 9 11 11 4 4 2 2 NA NA NA NA
xnE E x +vE E E{] xnE b E xnE b E xnE b E xnE b E
E xMx i J{I i +<] Exi i ivE v i +ih i
Name of Director Special Audit Committee IT Strategy Stake holders' Share Transfer
Committee of the Board Committee of the Relationship Committee of the
for Monitoring Board Committee of the Board
Large Board
Value Frauds
+Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li
Held* Attended Held* Attended Held* Attended Held* Attended Held* Attended
(02.11.2015 E EOh) M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x
Mr. R. K. Takkar
(joined on 02.11.2015) 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Mr. Charan Singh 2 1 7 7 5 5 2 1 3 3
(+ji { )
V.B.+ (as invitee)
(01.02.2016 E EOh)
Mr. G. S. Iyer
(Joined on 01.02.2016) - - 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
(+ji { )
v {< (as invitee)
(30.12.2015 E EOh)
Ms. Sindhu Pillai
(Joined on 30.12.2015) - - 3 2 2 0 NA NA NA NA
b.+n M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x M x
Dr. Arvind Sharma NA NA 9 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA
|.x E
Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari NA NA 3* 3* 5 5 2 2 3 3
. qx + M x M x
Mr. Salahuddin Ansari 2 2 6* 6* 5 5 NA NA 3 3
The following are details of the attendance of directors who were on the Board prior to 31.03.2016
31.03.2016 { xnE b xnE E ={li E xxx :
+ h E M x M x M x M x M x M x
Mr. Arun Kaul - - NA NA NA NA - - NA NA
Mr. Jai Kumar Garg 2 2 6 6 3 3 1 1 2 2
|h M x M x
Mr. Pravin Rawal - - 2 0 1 0 NA NA - -
.B..B.B. M x M x
Mr. V. L.V. S. S. Subba Rao 2 0 4 3 2 0 NA NA 2 0
b.Bx.`E M x M x M x M x M x M x
Mr. D. N. Thakur NA NA NA NA 3 3 1 1 NA NA
{l Sn M x M x M x M x
Mr.Partha Chanda 2 2 NA NA 4 4 1 1 NA NA
* 01.04.2015 31.03.2016 +v xnE E EE E * The meetings held in the tenure of director during the period
nx +Vi `E 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016.
* qx + 24.12.2015 iE B |. x E * Mr. Salhuddin Ansari, Director was on Audit Committee upto
25.12.2015 J{I i l* 24.12.2015. Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari, director on Audit
Committee from 25.12.2015 onwards.
M x i E n x* NA- Not a member of the committee.
xnE b E xnE b E +{ E
xnE E x
{E i xEx i x{]x E i
Name of Director Remuneration Nomination Committee for disposal
Committee of the Board Committee of the Board of Appeal Cases
+Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li +Vi* ={li
Held* Attended Held* Attended Held* Attended
v {<
(30.12.2015 E EOh)
Ms. Sindhu Pillai
(Joined on 30.12.2015) 1 1 - - 2 2
b.+n M x M x
Dr. Arvind Sharma 1 1 NA NA 3 3
|.x E
Prof. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari 1 1 2 2 3 2
qx +
Mr. Salahuddin Ansari 1 1 2 2 3 3
The following are details of the attendance of directors who was on the Board prior to 31.03.2016
31.03.2016 { xnE b xnE E ={li E xxx :
Mr. Pravin Rawal - - - - - -
Mr. V. L.V. S. S. Subba Rao - - 2 2 1 1
4.0 {U ix E nx +Vi vE E `E / Shareholders Meetings held during the last three years :
{U ix E nx +Vi vE E + `E E < |E
The details of the General Meetings of the Shareholders held during the last 3 years :
`E E x iJ B nx lx
Name of the meeting Date and Day Time Venue
`E E x iJ B nx lx
Name of the meeting Date and Day Time Venue
4.1.1 {U E + `E xnE E ={li: 4.1.1. Attendance of the Directors in the last Annual General
Meeting :
{U E + `E 29 Vx, 2015 E xx < +b], The last Annual General Meeting was held on 29th June, 2015
b b, +{, EEi -700027 {xx < l* at National Library Auditorium, Belvedere Road, Alipore, Kolkata
700 027. Shri Arun Kaul, Chairman & Managing Director, Shri
+ h E, +vI B |v xnE, Sh , E{E xnE, Charan Singh, Executive Director, Shri J K Garg, Executive
V. E. MM, E{E xnE `E ={li l* Director attended the meeting.
i) nxE 23 S, 2012 E +Vi vE E +vh i) In the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders
held on 23rd March, 2012, a special resolution was passed
+ `E BE E{ {i E M VE i in terms of which the shareholders of the Bank accorded
E +x E E vE x xnE b u +x i their approval to the Board enabling it, interalia, to issue
E l-l, +vx +v { i E E 6,06,13,407 and allot upto 6,06,13,407 equity shares to Government
+xvE il Vx xM E 3,13,75,874 +xvE of India and 3,13,75,874 equity shares to Life Insurance
Corporation of India on preferential basis. Bank had
<C] xMi B +]i EB Vx E +xnx E allotted 58,18,887 equity shares to Government of India
+ I x* E x +<b+ xx, 2009 E and 3,13,75,874 equity shares to LIC of India on 30.03.2012
x 76(1) E +x 82.49 |i { nxE at an issue price of Rs.82.49 per share determined in
30.03.2012 E 58,18,887 i E E il accordance with Regulations 76 (1) of SEBI ICDR
3,13,75,874 Vx xM E +]i EB* Regulations, 2009.
ii) nxE 4 S, 2013 E +Vi vE E +vh ii) In the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders
+ `E BE E{ {i E M VE i held on 4th March, 2013 a special resolution was passed
in terms of which the shareholders of the Bank accorded
E +x E E vE x xnE b u +x i their approval to the Board enabling it, interalia, to issue
E l-l, +vx +v { i E E /b+ and allot of 8,79,16,343 equity shares to Government of
E x, 2009 E x 76(1) E +x 77.46 ` |i India on preferential basis at an issue price of Rs.77.46
{ 8,79,16,343 <C] +]i EB Vx per share determined in accordance with Regulations 76
(1) of SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009.
E +xnx E + I x*
iii) nxE 11 , 2014 E +Vi vE E +vh iii) In the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders
held on 11th February, 2014, a special resolution was
+ `E BE E{ {i E M VE i passed in terms of which the shareholders of the Bank
E +x E E vE x xnE b u +x i accorded their approval to the Board enabling it, interalia,
E l-l, /b+ E x, 2009 E x 76(1) to issue and allot (i) 2,59,10,092 equity shares of Rs.10/-
E +x (i) 77.19 . |i { +vx +v { each to Government of India against contribution of Rs.200
i E E . 200 Ec E +nx E B `10 E crore and (ii) 23,61,70,488 equity shares of Rs.10/- upon
conversion of Perpetual Non Cumulative Preference
2,59,10,092 <C] + (ii) i E u vi
Shares (PNCPS) held by Government of India aggregating
{{S+ xx C] +vx ({Bx{B) E n to Rs.1823 crore to Government of India, on preferential
. 10 E 23,61,70,488 <C] xMi B +]i basis at an issue price of Rs.77.19 per share determined
Ex E +xnx E + I x* in accordance with Regulations 76 (1) of SEBI ICDR
Regulations, 2009.
(iv) nxE 20 S, 2015 E +Vi vE E +vh iv) In the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders
+ `E BE E{ {i E M VE i held on 20th March, 2015 a special resolution was passed
in terms of which the shareholders of the Bank accorded
E +x E E vE x xnE b u +x i their approval to the Board enabling it, interalia, to issue
E l-l, +vx +v { i Vx xM E and allot of 6,08,82,550 equity shares to Life Insurance
/b+ E x, 2009 E x 76(1) E +x Corporation of India on preferential basis at an issue price
70.21 . |i { 6,08,82,550 <C] +]i of Rs.70.21 per share determined in accordance with
EB Vx E +xnx E + I x* Regulations 76 (1) of SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009.
E, EM xx +vx 1949, EM E{x (={G E +Vx The Bank is governed under the Banking Regulations Act 1949,
Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertaking) Act
+ +ih) +vx 1970, ]Ei E (|v + v ={v) 1970, Nationalised Banks (Management & Miscellaneous
Vx 1970 il EM E{x (+Vx + +ih) + ii l Provisions) Scheme 1970 and The Banking Companies
v (vx) +vx 2006 u i i * E xn E (Acquisition & Transfer) & Financial Institutions Laws
+x Sr E Ij E E { M SEh E E (Amendment) Act 2006. In terms of SEBI directives, the
|vx = iE M M E =x { M vi Exx provisions of the Listing Agreement will apply for Listed Public
B < v i E/i V E u - { Sector Banks, only to the extent that it does not violate the relative
V Mn ri E +iGh x Ei * statutes applicable to them and the guidelines issued by
Government of India/Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
{hEE xnE E n =i{nEi Vc |ix E Other than "Productivity Linked Incentives" payable to the whole
+iCi |v xnE B J E{E +vE + E{E time directors, the remuneration of the Managing Director & CEO
xnE E {E Ep E u i E Vi * E and Executive Director is fixed by the Central Government. The
+EE xnE E xxEi n { `E E E +iCi Bank does not pay any remuneration to the part time directors
except sitting fees at the following rates.
E< {E |nx x Ei :
xnE b E `E E B : |i `E ` 20,000/- For Board Meeting : ` 20,000/- per sitting
i E `E E B : |i `E ` 10,000/-
For Committee Meeting : ` 10,000/- per sitting
5.2 iE xnx il +lE v E |E]Eh : 5.2. Disclosure of Material Transactions and Pecuniary
EM E E x +xG E +iCi E x +{x |iE, Other than those in the normal course of banking business, the
xnE |vx +n E l E< B iiE =Jx xnx Bank has not entered into any materially significant transaction
x E V E E {E i { i E] {n E E* with its promoters, directors or the management etc. that may
have potential conflict with the interest of the Bank at large. There
E nx E E {|I M-E{E xnE E E< +lE was no pecuniary relationship or transactions of the non-executive
v xnx x l* director vis--vis the Bank during the year.
E E xnE il ` |vx E B +S i E +x{x In compliance of the Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior
xnEMh, xnE b =E ={i E =x `E Management of the Bank, Directors do not take part in the
x S- M x i Vx xnEMh =xE deliberations of the Board and its sub-committees when the
xin vi { SS E Vi * matters relating to them or their relatives are discussed.
nxE 31 S, 2016 E {i ii E nx E x VxE/ During the financial year ended on 31st March, 2016, the Bank
+vE xM E { <C] x V EB* did not raise any Equity Shares by way of Public/Right Issue.
5.4 E x i E P u {Si n E +x xnE 5.4. The Bank has formulated a Code of Conduct for the Board
b B ` |vx E B +Sh i i E * =E of Directors and Senior Management on the lines of draft
{` E E <] { ={v * xnE circulated by Indian Bank's Association. The text of the same is
B ` |vx x Ivx +v E nx +S i E available on the website of the Bank All the
+x{x E {] E * Directors and Senior Management have affirmed their compliance
of Code of Conduct during the period under review.
5.5 E E vi {] xnx E |E]Eh 31.03.2016 E ix- 5.5. The related party transactions of the Bank are disclosed in
the Note to accounts of the Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2016.
{j E J { x] E M * vi {] xnx vi The Policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions placed on
xi E E <] E ii us website of the Bank under us /
/Policies and Guidelines/Related Party Transaction Policy { Policies and Guidelines/Related Party Transaction Policy.
n M< *
6.0. Compliance to Mandatory/ Non- Mandatory
6.0 +x/M +x +{I+ E +x{x : Requirements :
E xnx E B bE i-{j E v |i
bE i-{j Jx E E< +Ei x {c*
The business transacted did not require any special resolution
Postal Ballot be put through postal ballot.
7.0 S E vx: 7.0. Means of Communication :
7.1 E E |ii E Sr Jx ]E BCSV E E 7.1. The information about the operational and financial
performance of the Bank are communicated to the Stock
E {Sx + k Ex{nx E v = iJ E Exchanges, where the securities of the Bank are listed
Si E n Vi V nx E E k h E +xnx/ immediately on the date of Board meeting approving/reviewing
I Ex xnE b E `E i * <E +iCi E the financial statements of the Bank, besides posting of quarterly/
E i /U E ii {h E E <] half-yearly/annual financial results in Bank's website
( { |ni E Vi * E E B {h (www.ucobank,com). Such results are also made public through
E | Y{i/Y{x E v VxE Ex E l press releases/advertisements as well as by presentation made
to the representatives from print and electronic media and other
|] B <C] xE b E |ixv B +x S x H interested members of the public.
E I |ii E Vi *
7.2 ]E BCSV E l SEh E E +x 30.06.2015, 7.2. As per the Listing Agreement with the stock exchanges
Unaudited but Reviewed financial results of the Bank for the
30.09.2015 B 31.12.2015 E {i i E E E M-J{Ii
quarters ended on 30.06.2015, 30.09.2015 & 31.12.2015 were
Ei Ii ii {h xvi E i {E published within the prescribed time limit in widely circulated
i { {Si S-{j |Ei EB MB* dailies.
8.0 vh vE E B Sx : 8.0. General Shareholders Information:
8.1.0 vE E E + `E (BVB) : 8.1.0. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Shareholders :
S E |E VxE |i { E E E <C] {V Before the Initial Public Offer, as the entire Equity Capital of the
i E u vi l, +i: 2002-03 iE E< E + Bank was held by the Govt. of India, no Annual General Meeting
`E +Vi x E M<* |E VxE |i E n E was held till 2002-03. Subsequent to IPO, the Bank has been
holding Annual General Meetings of the shareholders every year,
v li + xvi - E i |i vE as prescribed in the statute and within the stipulated time limit.
E E + `E +Vi E * vE E {U ix The details of last three general meetings of the shareholders
+ `E E ii h n . 4.0 E +iMi nB MB * have been indicated under point no.4.0
xx ]E BCSV + <b . E E
1. National Stock Exchange of India Limited UCO BANK 09.10.2003
< ]E BCSV .
2. Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 532505 09.10.2003
8.3.0 E E E V- +Ec/ E li : 8.3.0 Market price data/price performance of Banks share:
x}] E ix E =i-Sg
E E E G-G nxE 9.10.2003 E +* ii The trading of the Bank's shares commenced on 09.10.2003.
2015-16 E nx n xx ]E BESV + <b . The monthly high/low quotations and volume of the share trad-
(BxB<) < ]E BCSV . (B<) G-G EB MB ing in The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE), Bombay
Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) during the financial year 2015-16
E E =SS/xx + {h xxx : were as follows
Month < ]E BCSV/B.S.E xx ]E BCSV/N.S.E
=SS xx {h* =SS xx {h*
High(`) Low(`) Volume* High(`) Low(`) Volume*
+|/Apr-15 71.20 62.75 0.32 71.20 62.65 2.93
h vE E J E J %vi
Particulars No. of Shareholders No. of Shares % Shareholding
i/Physical 74429 11623556 1.08
BxBbB/NSDL 170439 253587663 23.58
bBB/CDSL 74129 810380493 75.34
M/Total 318997 1075591712 100.00
8.5.3 E +{x b.Bx. b J, < E VB ] |ii 8.5.3.The Bank is functioning as a Depository Participant (D.P)
xI{M ]b (BxBbB) E xI{M M (b.{) E { of National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) through D.N. Road
Branch, Mumbai. The D.P. Services have since been extended
E E * b.{ xxJi Sxn J+, l-<b to cover wide range of customers through select branches namely,
BCSV { J, EEi, + b J, +nn, n India Exchange Place Branch, Kolkata, Ashram Road Branch,
M J, x< n, E.V. b J, M, Sxx (J) J, Ahmedabad, Parliament Street Branch, New Delhi and KG Road
il V J, nn ={v E< M< V Branch, Bangalore, Chennai (Main) Branch and Banjara Hills
Branch, Hyderabad.
+vEvE OE =E =` E*
8.5.4 E x Ivx +v E nx E< Vb+/Bb+/] 8.5.4. The Bank has not issued any GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or
any convertible instruments during the period under review.
E< {ix Ji V x E *
8.6.0 E{ ] / {{ 8.6.0. Corporate Benefits/Dividend History
|i `)
(` |i `)
Year `)
Dividend Per Share (` Year `)
Dividend Per Share (`
2003-04 0.80 2009-10 1.50
2004-05 1.00 2010-11 3.00
2005-06 - 2011-12 3.00
2006-07 1.00 2012-13 1.60
EM E{x (={G E +Vx + +ih) +vx, 1970 E v As per Section 10 (B) (1) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition
10 ()(1) E +x V +n Ji and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, the dividend amounts
+ii EB Vx E iJ i E +v iE +nk +n which remain unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years
i =x Exp E u l{i x I B Ih xv from the date of transfer to unclaimed dividend accounts, shall
be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
(+<<{ B) +ii E n VBM* <x |vx E +x{x
(IEPF) established by Central Government. In pursuant to the
Ei B E x 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06B 2007-08 E above provisions, Bank transferred unclaimed dividend for the
+nk +<<{ B E +ii E* years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2006-07 and 2007-08 to IEPF.
The Bank takes every care to ensure that all valid requests for
E xSi Ex E B i E vx ii E Transfer of Shares are duly complied within the period of 15 days
E +ih E B v +xv E x{]x {h { from the date of lodgement of the completed forms. The Board
E V EB Vx E iJ 15 nx E i vi E of Directors has constituted the Share Transfer Committee to
n VB* xnE b x E +ih/|h B b{E] consider Transfer/Transmission and requests for issuance of
V Ex E +xv { S Ex E B +ih i E duplicate Shares.
M`x E * 8.8. M/s. Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad has been
8.8 E u E E{] |.. nn E +{x appointed by the Bank as its Registrars and Share Transfer Agent.
V] + +ih BV] xCi E M * {i {ix, All communications regarding change of address, change of
+vn {ix, E +ih +n vi {jS mandate, transfer of shares etc. may be addressed to them in
=x xxJi {i { EB VB: their following address:
E x vE E Ei B =x vi E li E The Bank has also constituted Shareholders Grievance
I Ex E B vE Ei xh i E M`x Redressal Committee to review the status of redressal of
Shareholders grievances and related matters.
E *
nxE 31.03.2016 E li E +x vE E Ei E The status of Shareholder Complaints as on 31.03.2016 is as
h xxx : under:
1. 1 +| 2015 E li E +x i Ei/
Pending complaints as on 1st April, 2015 x/Nil
2. 31.3.2016 E {i E nx |{i Ei/
Complaints received during the year ended on 31.03.2016 1631
3. 31.3.2016 E {i E nx x{]< M< Ei/
Complaints disposed off during the year ended on 31.03.2016 1631
4. 31.3.2016 E li E +x i Ei/
Complaints pending as on 31.03.2016 x/Nil
vE E h vE E . vi E J <C] E%
Category of Shareholders No. of holders No. of shares held % of equity
A. Promoter/Promoter Group
i E / Govt. of India 1 783333288 72.83
+. VxE vi / B. Public Shareholding
1. lB / Institutions
E/a. S+ b / Mutual Funds 2 53380 0.02
J/b.k lB/E /Financial Institutions/Banks 15 1419596 0.13
M/c. E{x / Insurance Companies 15 156388166 14.54
P/d.n lMi xE / Foreign Institutional Investors 58 30584975 2.84
2. M-lB / Non-Institutions
E/a. E{ ] xE / Bodies Corporate 1629 12249458 1.14
J/b. HE vi / Individuals holding
i. 2 J iE E iE {V
nominal share capital upto `2 lac 315476 82076904 7.63
ii. 2 J ` +vE E iE {V
nominal share capital above `2 lac 137 6278879 0.58
NBFC registered with RBI 6 27209 0.00
P/d. x / Trust 18 148123 0.01
R/e. vx n / Clearing Members 192 621968 0.06
R/f. +x i /Non-Resident Indians 1448 2409766 0.22
31.03.2016 E vi E ih/Distribution of Shareholding as on 31.03.2016
vE E . E vE E % E E . E E %
h( ` )/Category (Amt. in `) No. of Share % of the total No. of Total % of
/From iE/To Holders Shareholders Shares the total
1 5000 317356 99.49 74737523 6.95
5001 10000 965 0.30 7000578 0.65
10001 20000 366 0.11 5298399 0.49
20001 30000 103 0.03 2579402 0.24
30001 40000 44 0.01 1566617 0.15
40001 50000 39 0.01 1789457 0.17
50001 100000 55 0.02 3968677 0.37
100001 + +vE/And above 69 0.02 978651059 90.99
E/TOTAL 318997 100.00 1075591712 100.00
E{ ] +x vi J{IE E |h{j
xnE b,
E E,
|vx E,
10, .j.. h
i M xxn Bb E. i B. Sn Bb E. i x{ Bb BB]
xn JE xn JE xn JE
{VEh . 302039E {VEh . 001307C {VEh . 323575E
i +. {. MM Bb E. i iV V Bb {
xn JE
xn JE {VEh . 304124<
{VEh . 001194N
(B . MMV)
(B x E. M{i) Mn
Mn ni G. 07605
ni G. 097191
Annexure - I
The Board of Directors,
UCO Bank
Head Office,
10, B.T. M. Sarani
Kolkata 700 001
We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by UCO Bank for the year ended 31st March 2016, as
stipulated in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.
The compliance of the conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our examination was limited to
procedures and implementation thereof adopted by the Bank for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of Corporate Governance.
It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion of the Financial Statements of the Bank.
On the basis of our review of records and documents maintained by the Bank and the information and explanations given us, in our
opinion and to the best of our information and according to explanations given to us, we certify that the Bank has complied with the
conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Regulations to the extent these do not violate RBI guide-
We state that no investor grievance is pending for a period exceeding one month as on 31st March 2016 against the Bank as per the
records maintained by the Stake Holders Relationship Committee.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Bank nor the efficiency or effectiveness
with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Bank.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Registration No. 302039E Registration No. 001307C Registration No. 323575E
Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 051221 Membership No. 074977 Membership No. 006197
xnE b
|vx E
: 2015-16 E B <+/B+ E |h {j
(SEh vi B |E]Eh +EiB) x, 2015 E +x{x xx |E |hi Ei :
E) x E E 2015-16 E k h il xEn | h E I E + k VxE B E
i. <x h E< iiE +i h +i] x E iiE il E Uc x M E< E h
+i] x ,
ii. nx h E E GE{ E B =Si {o |ii Ei + tx JEx xE, M v B
x E +x{x *
J) k VxE B E +x 2015-16 E nx E u B E< xnx x E M V E{]{h,
+xi E E +S i E +iGh Ei *
M) k {]M i +iE xjh l{i Ex B xB Jx E =kni E Ei il x k {]M
vi E E +iE xjh |h E |i{nEi E Ex E * <E l x J{IE B J{I
i E B +iE xjh E B {J + {Sx v E, n , E |E]Eh E VxE {i S
+ <x E E n Ex E B =`B MB |ii En E n *
P) x J{IE + J{I i E xxJi +Mi E :
i. 2015-16 E nx k {]M { +iE xjh =Jx {ix
ii. E nx JEx xi =Jx {ix il =E |E]Eh k h vi x] E M ; +
iii. VxE +B =Jx E{] E + = k {]M { |vx E E +iE xjh |h
=Jx E +n Ex E ES E,n E< , +iOii*
({. V. V) +.
. E. ]CE
|vE (k) |v xnE B
lx: x< n, (J k +vE) (J E{E +vE)
nxE : 13 < 2016,
vE Ox { E ii +{
V vE b] E { vh EB =x +xv E +{x VEi E { +{x <- +<b nV EB* V vE
+{x iE { vh EB B =x +xv E V] B +ih BV], E E{] |. . E xx |{ +{x
+xi V :
E E{] |<] ]b
x] : E E, E x ] , {] 31-32, MS,
<x b]C], xxGMb, M{, nn - 500 032
n : (040) 67161500; C : (040)23420814
/________________________________, V iE { E E________________ vh EB
B /, xS nB MB <- +<b { x], E {] i Sx-{j |{i Ex E <SUE /E <SUE :
x.__________________ <- +<b__________________
|l vE E iI
The Board of Directors
UCO Bank
Head Office
Yours faithfully,
The Shareholders holding shares in demat form are requested to register their e-mail id with their Depository. Shareholders holding
shares in physical form are requested to send their consent to our Registrar and Transfer Agent, Karvy Computershare Pvt Ltd. on
the follwing format.
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
{V B niB +xS 31.3.2016 31.3.2015
E li E li
31.3.2016 31.3.2015
` `
{V /Capital 1 1075 59 17 1075 59 17
+Ii xv + +v
Reserves & Surplus 2 10511 36 16 11473 36 36
M< M<
Share Application Money 935 00 00
V / Deposits 3 207118 24 15 214336 70 79
=v Borrowings 4 17240 43 58 10252 54 00
+x niB + |vx
Other Liabilities & Provisions 5 8001 90 08 8778 70 65
i M xxn Bb E. i B. Sn Bb E. i x{ Bb BB]
xn JE xn JE xn JE
{VEh . 302039E {VEh . 001307C {VEh . 323575E
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Registration No. 302039E Registration No. 001307C Registration No. 323575E
i +. {. MM Bb E. i iV V Bb {
xn JE
xn JE {VEh . 304124<
{VEh . 001194N For TEJ RAJ & PAL
For O.P.GARG & CO. Chartered Accountants
Chartered Accountants Registration No. 304124E
Registration No. 001194N
(B . MMV)
(B x E. M{i) Mn
Mn ni G. 07605
ni G. 097191 (CA B. GANGARAJU )
Partner Membership No. 07605
Membership No. 097191
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j (sthe)
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
+i +xS 31.3.2016 31.3.2015
E li E li
ASSETS Schedule As on As on
31.3.2016 31.3.2015
` `
xEn + i W E +v
Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 7949 95 59 8267 52 21
E +v + M B +{ Sx { r;=ug htrN
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 7 10609 27 66 13901 44 66
x/Investments 8 83974 20 44 64223 04 75
+O/Advances 9 125905 36 77 147350 86 57
+S +i/Fixed Assets 10 2884 63 74 1113 99 90
+x +i/Other Assets 11 13559 08 94 11060 02 88
. E. ]CE
|v xnE B <=
Managing Director & CEO
Sh V. h + v {< b. +n
E{E xnE xnE
Executive Director Director
Executive Director Director
. qx + |. B. E. {. BC. B. Sn {. V. V
xnE xnE E |vE |vE
Director Asst. General Manager General Manager
31 S, 2016 E {i E B + x J
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
E M V / Interest Expended 15 13712 95 08 13796 53 90
{Sx / Operating Expenses 16 2840 94 30 2655 77 84
|vx + +EE / Provisions & Contingencies 6402 64 34 3772 41 96
M/TOTAL 22956 53 72 20224 73 70
i M xxn Bb E. i B. Sn Bb E. i x{ Bb BB]
xn JE xn JE xn JE
{VEh . 302039E {VEh . 001307C {VEh . 323575E
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Registration No. 302039E Registration No. 001307C Registration No. 323575E
i +. {. MM Bb E. i iV V Bb {
xn JE
xn JE {VEh . 304124<
{VEh . 001194N For TEJ RAJ & PAL
For O.P.GARG & CO. Chartered Accountants
Chartered Accountants Registration No. 304124E
Registration No. 001194N
(B . MMV)
(B x E. M{i) Mn
Mn ni G. 07605
ni G. 097191 (CA B. GANGARAJU )
Partner Membership No. 07605
Membership No. 097191
lx/Place: x< n /New Delhi
nxE/Dated : 13th </May, 2016
31 S, 2016 E {i E B + x J (sthe)
2016 (CONTD.) (000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
vE +Ii xv +ih / Transfer to Statutory Reserves 284 44 98
{V +Ii xv +ih / Transfer to Capital Reserves 43 39 07 32 07 62
x +Ii xv +ih / Transfer from Investment Reserve - 57 74 19
|ii / Proposed Dividend 215 11 83
|ii { E / Tax on Proposed Dividend 43 01 08
ix{j +M < M<
Balance Carried over to Balance Sheet 728 17 52 3513 08 14
M /TOTAL 713 82 40 4087 73 65
J J xi / Principal Accounting Policies 17
. E. ]CE
|v xnE B <=
Managing Director & CEO
Sh V. h + v {< b. +n
E{E xnE xnE
Executive Director Director
Executive Director
. qx + |. B. E. {. BC. B. Sn {. V. V
xnE xnE E |vE |vE
Director Asst. General Manager General Manager
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 1 ---- {V
Schedule 1 CAPITAL
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` ` ` `
|vEi {V / Authorised Capital
|iE ` 10/- E 300,00,00,000 <C]
300,00,00,000 Equity Shares
of ` 10/- each 3000 00 00 3000 00 00
|iE ` 1,00,000/- E 225,000 n +S +vx
225,000 Perpetual Non-Cumulative
Preference Shares of `1,00,000/- each 2250 00 00 5250 00 00 2250 00 00 5250 00 00
xMi, +nk |nk {V
Subscribed, Issued and Paid up Capital
|iE ` 10/- E 107,55,91,712
Equity Shares of ` 10/- each 1075 59 17 1075 59 17
[Exp E u vi 78,33,33,288
(78,33,33,288) < ]
[ includes 78,33,33,288 shares
held by Central Govt.]
1075 59 17 1075 59 17
(Entirely Held by Central Govt.)
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 2 ---- +Ii xv + +v
(000 E Uc n M )
Schedule 2 RESERVES & SURPLUS (000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` ` ` `
J/b)x/Investment :
|E /Opening Balance 351 67 97 319 60 35
+ x J +ih/
Transfer from Profit & Loss Account 43 39 07 32 07 62
395 07 04 351 67 97
395 07 04 351 67 97
M) +S +i E {x x :
c) Revaluation of Fixed Assets :
|E /Opening Balance 764 23 12 737 08 25
E n x {vx
Addition during the year 1736 79 55 41 49 80
E {i { Vn n { 2501 02 67 778 58 05
n J+ vi Vx
Adjustment on account of Foreign
branches at rates as at year end. 28 49 68 -13 98 26
2529 52 35 764 59 79
{ E G { E]i /
Deduction on sale of premises 4 70 52 36 67
2524 81 83 764 23 12
E {i iE {x x E Eh
vx E Si Vx
Adjustment on account of incremental
depreciation upto year end
due to revaluation 159 16 20 154 50 39
2365 65 63 609 72 73
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` ` ` `
III. |/ Share Premium
|E / Opening Balance 3892 04 42 3525 47 04
E n x {vx/ Addition during the year 366 57 38
3892 04 42 3892 04 42
IV. V B +x +Ii xv/
Revenue & Other Reserves
E/a ) x +Ii xv/ General Reserve :
|E / Opening Balance 399 73 03 399 73 03
+ x J +ih/
Transfer from Profit & Loss Account - -
399 73 03 399 73 03
399 73 03 399 73 03
J) n p +ih +Ii xv/
b) Foreign Currency Translation Reserve
|E /Opening Balance 354 64 46 354 00 27
Vc : x =Si J +ih/
Add: Transfer from Exchange Suspense A/c 81 32 64 64 19
E n x {vx/Addition during the year - -
435 97 10 354 64 46
E n x E]i / Deduction during the year - -
435 97 10 354 64 46
M) x +Ii xv
c) Investment Reserve
|E /Opening Balance 86 71 97 94 14 84
+ x J +ih/
Transfer to Profit & Loss Account -57 74 19 - 7 42 87
28 97 78 86 71 97
V. -/Balance of Profit
|E /Opening Balance 3513 08 14 2949 93 70
+ x J +ih/
Transfer from Profit & Loss Account -2784 90 62 563 14 44
728 17 52 3513 08 14
M ( I ViE) / TOTAL(I to V) 10511 36 16 11473 36 36
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 3 ---- V
(000 E Uc n M )
Schedule 3 DEPOSITS (000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
+/A. I. M V/Demand Deposits
i) E /From Banks 12060 24 53 17931 31 80
ii) +x /From Others 8342 00 29 8672 11 60
II. Si E V/Savings Bank Deposits 40523 80 33 36304 23 04
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. n /Bills Payable 93 36 38 115 44 27
II. +i-E Vx (x)/
Inter Office Adjustments (Net) 225 67 07 386 12 12
III. |ni V/Interest Accrued 784 27 70 939 95 57
IV. * +x (< |vx )/
* Others(including provisions) 6898 58 93 7337 18 69
M /TOTAL 8001 90 08 8778 70 65
*< /* Includes
xE +i fuU YJs |vx/Provision on Standard Assets 681 49 68 971 07 09
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. l-xEn (< n E x] i )/
Cash in hand(including Foreign 583 80 33 536 48 28
Currency Notes)
II. i V E V/
Balances with Reserve Bank of India
i) S Ji /In Current Accounts 7366 15 26 7731 03 93
ii) +x Ji /In Other Accounts - -
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
31.3.2016E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. i /In India
i) E V/Balances with Banks
E) S Ji /
a) In Current Accounts 33 79 45 46 50 01
J) +x V Ji /
b) In Other Deposit Accounts 2124 63 75 1087 30 45
ii) M B +{ Sx { |in /
Money at Call and Short Notice
E) E E {/
a) With Banks 2265 00 00 4300 00 00
J) +x l+ E {/
b) With Other Institutions
iii) M B +{ Sx { |in /
Money at Call and Short Notice 2249 79 36 2727 97 83
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 8 ---- x (000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. i xxJi x/ Investments in India in
i) E |ii/Government Securities 70465 32 39 55728 65 30
ii) +x +xni |ii/ Other Approved Securities 55 79 52 54 85 26
iii) /Shares 414 23 47 305 25 88
iv) bS + v{j/Debentures and Bonds 9382 33 91 4542 52 88
v) +xM +/ H =t/
Subsidiaries and/or Joint Ventures 184 50 96 184 50 96
vi) +x (<n E {j, S+ b,
+ +< b B, . {. B. +. Bx. +n/
Others (Indira Vikas Patra, Mutual Fund, 1383 78 29 1605 23 98
RIDF, C.P. FRN etc.)
M/TOTAL 81885 98 54 62421 04 26
II. i E E xxJi x/
Investments outside India in
i) E |ii (<x lx |vEh )/
Government Securities (including Local Authorities) 1906 42 04 1593 18 42
ii) +x/Others
E/a) /Shares - -
J/b) bS/Debentures - -
M/c) +x x (B + Bx +n)/ Other Investments (FRN etc.) 181 79 86 208 82 07
M/TOTAL 2088 21 90 1802 00 49
E M(I B II)*/GRAND TOTAL(I & II)* 83974 20 44 64223 04 75
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
x E / x E / x
|vx ** |vx **
INVESTMENTS Gross Value Depreciation/ Net Value Gross Value Depreciation/ Net Value
Provision ** Provision **
` ` ` ` ` `
I. i / In India 82361 13 13 475 14 59 81885 98 54 62748 66 97 327 62 71 62421 04 26
II. i E
Outside India 2151 09 96 62 88 06 2088 21 90 1845 56 96 43 56 47 1802 00 49
** x { /+xVE x i |vx /
** Depreciation on Investments / Provision for Non-Performing Investments
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 9 ---- +O
Schedule 9 ADVANCES
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
+/A. (i) Jn + xB MB /
Bills Purchased and Discounted 19522 57 30 30967 33 67
(ii) xEn @h, +b}] + M { n @h /
Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans
repayable on demand 38933 58 90 36093 90 63
(iii) n @h/Term Loans 67449 20 57 80289 62 27
M/TOTAL 125905 36 77 147350 86 57
+/B. (i) i +i u |ii/
( @h E BV +O i)/
Secured by Tangible Assets 106828 14 69 122423 27 20
(includes advances against book debts)
(ii) E/E M] u Ii/
Covered by Bank/Govt. Guarantees 13539 28 45 13219 78 78
(iii) +|ii/Unsecured 5537 93 63 11707 80 59
M/TOTAL 125905 36 77 147350 86 57
</C. I. i +O/Advances in India -
(i) |lEi Ij/Priority Sectors 45032 70 17 47932 53 78
(ii) VxE Ij/Public Sector 8522 43 12 18647 24 88
(iii) E/Banks 264 52 51 70 69 69
(iv) +x/Others 55853 08 40 66058 70 33
M/TOTAL 109672 74 20 132709 18 68
II. i E +O/Advances outside India -
(i) E |{/ Due from Banks - -
(ii) +x |{/Due from Others
(E) Jn + xB MB
(a) Bills Purchased and Discounted 8968 04 68 9214 64 58
(J) E =v
(b) Syndicated loans 1631 82 81 890 10 50
(M) +x
(c) Others 5632 75 08 4536 92 81
M/TOTAL 16232 62 57 14641 67 89
E M (<-I B <- II)/GRAND TOTAL (C.I & C.II) 125905 36 77 147350 86 57
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 10 ---- +S +i/Schedule 10 FIXED ASSETS
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. {/ Premises
{i E 31 S E li E +x Mi {
At cost as on 31st March of the preceding year 203 18 35 206 84 96
E +i |Si n { n li J+ vi
+Ec {ix E Eh Vx
Adjustment on account of conversion of figures
relating to Foreign branches at rates as at year end 10 54 35 - 5 40 56
213 72 70 201 44 40
E n x {vx/Vx
Additions/adjustments during the year 47 26 89 1 75 08
260 99 59 203 19 48
E n x E]i /Deduction during the year 10 1 13
260 99 49 203 18 35
+V E iJ iE {x x E Eh {vx-{x x +Ii xv
Additions to date on account of revaluation
credited to Revaluation Reserve 2524 81 83 764 23 12
2785 81 32 967 41 47
x{]x i vi +i +ih
Transferred to Assets Held for Disposal -
2785 81 32 967 41 47
+tix /Depreciation to date 254 62 31 238 87 22 *
M/ TOTAL 2531 19 01 728 54 25
II. +x +S +i (<x xS + CS )
{ i E +i E li E +x Mi {
Other Fixed Assets(including Furniture & Fixtures)
At cost as on 31st March of the preceding year 1324 12 30 1158 07 57
E +i E li E +x |Si n { n li
J+ vi +Ec {ix E Eh Vx
Adjustment on account of conversion of figures
relating to Foreign branches at rates as at year end 4 28 73 - 1 71 42
1328 41 03 1156 36 15
E n x {vx/Additions during the year 142 94 37 170 45 25
1471 35 40 1326 81 40
E n x E]i /Deductions during the year 3 87 10 2 69 10
1467 48 30 1324 12 30
+tix /Depreciation to date 1120 41 96 986 39 24 *
M/ TOTAL 347 06 34 337 73 06
III. x{]x i vi +i/Assets Held for Disposal
x x M {, <x V E
At Net Book Value or Net Realisable Value whichever is less
+/A. {/Premises - -
+/B. +x +S +i/Other Fixed Assets - -
IV. S {V E/Capital Work in Progress 6 38 39 47 72 59
M/TOTAL 6 38 39 47 72 59
E M (I,II + III+IV)/GRAND TOTAL (I,II & III+IV) 2884 63 74 1113 99 90
31 S, 2016 E li E +x ix-{j
+xS 11 ---- +x +i
(000 E Uc n M )
Schedule 11 OTHER ASSETS (000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. +i-E Vx (x)/
Inter-Office Adjustments (Net) -
II. |ni V/Interest Accrued 1864 21 89 1575 00 81
III. +O { nk E/ji { E] M E
Tax paid in advance/Tax deducted 2566 59 58 2240 87 70
at source
IV. Jx O + ]{ /Stationery and Stamps 6 53 52 4 92 52
V. n E i] |{i E M< M-EE +i
Non-Banking Assets acquired in
satisfaction of claims - -
VI. +lMi E +i/Deferred Tax Assets 2013 21 00 332 27 00
VII. +x/Others 7108 52 95 6906 94 85
M/TOTAL 13559 08 94 11060 02 88
31.3.2016 E li E +x 31.3.2015 E li E +x
As on 31.3.2016 As on 31.3.2015
` `
I. E E r n Vx @h E
{ E x E M
Claims Against the Bank 1725 46 28 202 25 64
not Acknowledged as Debts
II. +i: |nk x E B ni
Liability for partly paid investments 4 82 50 5 28 50
III. E n x n+ E i ni
Liability on account of outstanding 38580 67 76 46443 26 99
Forward Exchange Contracts
IV. OE E + n M< M]/
Guarantees Given on behalf of Constituents -
E) i
A) In India 6391 91 94 11177 57 85
J) i E
B) Outside India 66 73 56 79 69 61
V. Ei, {`E x + +x ni
Acceptances, Endorsements 11635 21 39 15573 31 53
and other Obligations
VI. +x n VxE B E +EE { n
Other Items for which the bank is 935 62 18 1344 70 71
contingently liable
M/ TOTAL 59340 45 61 74826 10 83
31 S, 2016 E {i E B + x J
31ST MARCH, 2016
+xS 13 ---- +Vi V / Schedule 13 INTEREST EARNED
(000 E Uc n M )/(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E {i 31.3.2015 E {i
Year ended 31.3.2016 Year ended 31.3.2015
` `
I. +O/ { V/^/Interest/Discount on Advances/Bills 12293 44 79 13900 57 79
II. x { +/Income on Investments 5662 93 97 4952 88 31
III. i V E E { V + +x
+i-E xv { V
Interest on Balances with Reserve Bank
of India and other Inter-Bank Funds 236 46 35 195 06 41
IV. +x/Others 368 12 31 310 46 74
M/TOTAL 18560 97 42 19358 99 25
+xS 14 ---- +x +
Schedule 14 OTHER INCOME (000 E Uc n M )/(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E {i 31.3.2015 E {i
Year ended 31.3.2016 Year ended 31.3.2015
` `
I. Ex, x + n (x)
Commission, Exchange
and Brokerage (Net) 142 87 91 265 62 78
II. x E G
Profit on Sale of Investments 721 04 00 996 77 90
P]B : x E G x
Less: Loss on Sale of Investments 13 79 56 707 24 44 3 02 22 993 75 68
III. , x + +x +i E G
Profit on Sale of Land,
Buildings and Other Assets 1 08 06 76 37
P]B : , x + +x +i E G x
Less: Loss on Sale of Land,
Buildings and Other Assets 10 63 97 43 2 80 73 57
IV. n p {
Profit on Exchange Transactions 314 81 86 338 73 55
P]B : n p n { x
Less: Loss on Exchange
Transactions 7 49 95 307 31 91 85 43 18 253 30 37
V. i/n l{i +xM/E{x +/
H =t +n E { +Vi +
Income earned by way of Dividends, etc. from
Subsidiaries/Companies and/or
Joint Ventures abroad/in India 12 80 37 8 69 94
VI. v +/ Miscellaneous Income 425 08 50 481 42 06
M/TOTAL 1596 30 56 2003 54 40
31 S, 2016 E {i E B + x J
+xS 15 ---- E M V
(000 E Uc n M )/(000s omitted)
31.3.2016 E {i 31.3.2015 E {i
Year ended 31.3.2016 Year ended 31.3.2015
` `
+xS 17 - J J xi
1. x / GENERAL
1.1 k h, V +xl Eli E M =E , E E l E E{x { {{Mi Mi +v {
i EB Vi + i W E (..E) E xn i xi: i Ei J ri, |Si {ri il
vE ={v E +x{ i *
The financial statements are prepared under 'going concern' concept on historical cost basis, except as otherwise stated, and
conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in India, the prevailing practices and statutory provisions including
directives of Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
i) n p xnx E iJ E {]M p + n p E S x n M EE {]M p |E {Sx { n p
xnx Eb EB Vi *
Foreign currency transactions are recorded on initial recognition in the reporting currency by applying to the foreign currency
amount the exchange rate between the reporting currency and the foreign currency on the date of transaction.
ii) n p pE n E {] i n p { P (B<bB+<) E n / V n E ={M EE E Vi *
Foreign currency monetary items are reported using the Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) closing/spot
iii) n p M-pE n E, V {{Mi Mi +v G E B ={v E< Vi , {] xnx E iJ E x n E ={M
EE E Vi *
Foreign currency non-monetary items, which are carried in terms at historical cost, are reported using the exchange rate at
the date of the transaction.
iv) n p Ei +EE ni+ E {] i n p { P E n V n E ={M EE E Vi *
Contingent Liabilities denominated in foreign currency are reported using the FEDAI closing spot rates.
v) pE n E x{]x { B n { =i{xx x +i E, V | Eb E M< n xx , = +v + x Vi
V =i{xx i *
Exchange differences arising on settlement of monetary items at rates different from those at which they were initially
recorded are recognised as income or as expense in the period in which they arise.
vi) E n p n B E {x x i n p { P E n E +x E Vi + {h /x E |iE
E +i V V Vi *
Outstanding foreign exchange contracts and bills are revalued as per FEDAI Rates and the resultant gain/loss is taken to
revenue at the end of each month.
vii) V n x { { E B vi x EB Vi =x Cb ] E] x E Vi * B { { +n |{i |, {
E xi +v { JS E { {vi +l + E { Oh EB Vi *
The foreign exchange swaps which are not held for trading are not marked to market. The premium paid or received on such
swaps are amortized as expense or accreted as income over the life of the swap.
E E n li J+ + |ixv E E M-Ei {Sx E { MEi E M *
Foreign Branches and representative offices of the Bank have been classified as Non-integral Operations.
i) pE B M-pE n p {{k B ni+ il M-Ei n {Sx E +EE ni+ E ix-{j E iJ E
i n p { P u +vSi n x n { {hi E Vi *
Both monetary and non-monetary foreign currency assets and liabilities including contingent liabilities of non-integral foreign
operations are translated at closing exchange rates notified by FEDAI at the balance sheet date.
ii) M-Ei n {Sx v + B E i +i n n { {hi E Vi *
Income and expenditure of non-integral foreign operations are translated at quarterly average closing rates.
iii) M-Ei n {Sx x x { =i{xx x +i E x x E x{]x iE n p {hi +Ii
Si E Vi *
Exchange differences arising on net investment in non-integral foreign operations are accumulated in Foreign Currency
Translation Reserve until the disposal of the net investment.
3.1 x E ix h MEi E Vi , l {{Ci iE vi, G i ={v B G-G E B vi il =E n
=x E |ii, +x +xni |ii, , bS B b, +xM B H =t + +x x E +iMi MEi
E Vi *
Investments are classified into three categories viz. Held to Maturity, Available for Sale and Held for Trading and are further
classified into Investments in Government Securities, Other Approved Securities, Shares, Debentures & Bonds, Subsidiaries and
Joint Ventures and Others.
3.2 (i) {{Ci iE vi E { MEi x E Mi +v { +M V Vi * V Mi +Ei +vE i
| E {{Ci E +v iE E B | V n {ri E +x {vi E Vi * G B E
{ -x J Vi + =E n E il vE +Ii xv +ii E Vx E UcE =E
xVx {V +Ii xv J E Vi * G < x E -x J { i E Vi *
Investments classified as Held to Maturity are carried at cost. Wherever the cost is higher than the face value, the premium
is amortised over the remaining period of maturity as per effective interest rate method. Profit on sale is initially taken to Profit
and Loss Account and then appropriated to Capital Reserve Account net of taxes and amount required to be transferred to
Statutory Reserve. Loss on sale is charged to the Profit and Loss Account.
(ii) G i ={v E { MEi x E V E { +Ei E Vi * |iE MEh i r /
E SSx G{ E Vi * E |iE MEh vi r E -x J { i E Vi , {i
E MEh vi r r E xV+nV E Vi * <x x E ix-{j P]E n Vi *
Investments classified as Available for Sale, are marked to market. Scrip-wise appreciation/depreciation is aggregated for
each classification. While net depreciation in respect of each classification is charged to Profit & Loss Account, net appreciation
in respect of any classification is ignored. These investments are shown, net of depreciation, in the Balance Sheet.
(iii) G-G E B vi E { MEi x E V E { +Ei E Vi * r / E SSx
G{ E Vi * E |iE MEh vi r E -x J { i E Vi , {i E
MEh vi r r E xV+nV E Vi * <x x E ix-{j P]E n Vi *
Investments classified as Held for Trading are marked to market. Scrip-wise appreciation/depreciation is aggregated for each
classification. While net depreciation in respect of each classification is charged to Profit & Loss Account, net appreciation in
respect of any classification is ignored. These investments are shown, net of depreciation, in the Balance Sheet.
3.3 ={H ix h E B |ii E , V V / vx 90 nx +vE +v E B E , +
E {Sx x E Vi + x E { E{h xnb E +x Si |vx E Vi *
In respect of securities, included in any of the above three categories where interest/ principal is in arrears for more than 90 days,
income is not recognized and appropriate provision on the value of such Investments is made as per prudential norms.
3.4 Ij Oh E, hVE {j il ]V rlJuNt E x J-Mi { E Vi *
Investments in Regional Rural Banks, Commercial Papers and Treasury Bills are valued at carrying cost.
3.5 G-G / xn] x E v V ]E BCSV ={v xn] Vi * E |ii E
x V { xvi + p V ytih i{z mkD (B+<BBbB) B i |lE { P ({bB+<) u
H { Pi { E Vi *
In respect of traded/quoted Investments, Market price is taken from the quotes available in the stock exchanges. Government
securities are valued at Market price or price declared by Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) jointly with Fixed Income
Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA).
3.6 @h Ji { Jbi +v E B |nk/ |{i V E V / + E { x Vi + < Mi / G |i
+{Vi E Vi *
Broken period interest paid/received on debt instruments is treated as interest expense/income and is excluded from cost/sale
3.7 E u |iiEh / {xxh E{x E S MRo k {{k E i |iiEh / {xxh E{x u V |ii n
E x |ii n E Sx + k {{k E x xxi { E Vi * x E ={H {
lxvi { +M V Vi + G/ E, n E< , x P] Vi il x n
Vi *
Security receipts issued by securitisation / reconstruction company (SC/RC) in respect of financial assets sold by the Bank to the
SC/RC are valued at the lower of the redemption value of the security receipt and the Net Book Value of the financial assets. The
Investment is carried in the books at the price determined as above and the sale / realization if any, is reduced from Investment
and the net book value is shown.
i W E u i M-vE Sxv +x{i rlJuNt rlJuN { M , MEh B +x xnb |iiEh /
{xxh E{x u V |ii n E E rlJuN { M EY Vi *
The value, classification and other norms applicable to investment in non-SLR Investments prescribed by RBI are applied to
Bank's investment in Security Receipts issued by SC/RC.
4.1 S l E B EB MB V n { x-nx E Mhx ={S +v { E Vi il G-G v x-nx E V
E +Ei E Vi il x E B, n E< , |vx E Vi , VE r E, n , xV+nV
E Vi *
The Interest Rate Swap transactions undertaken for hedging are accounted for on accrual basis and transactions for trading are
marked to market and net depreciation, if any, is provided for, whereas appreciation, if any, is ignored.
4.2 S l E B EB MB {i V n { { x E +lMi J Vi + =E {Sx { E nMi
+v +l +i =ug;t E +v, <x V E , E Vi *
Gain or loss on terminated interest rate swap transactions undertaken for hedging is deferred and recognized over the shorter of
the remaining contractual life of the swap or remaining life of the asset or liability.
4.3 G-G { vi + + E {Sx x{]x E iJ E E Vi *
Income and expenses relating to the trading swaps are recognized on the settlement date.
4.4 G-G { E {i { B x E ;f tt + E { Eb E Vi *
Gain or losses on the termination of the trading swaps are recorded as income or expense immediately.
E n n p n+ E {x x E +i E +x |iE n i E {{Ci E iJ { +vi M
b< (YVURozeYytRo) n { E Vi B =E { B /x E |iE E +i B x V Vi *
Outstanding forward exchange contracts are revalued every month as per month end FEDAI rates applicable based on maturity
date of the forward contracts and the resultant gain/loss is taken to profit and loss at the end of the each month.
6.1 @ h B +O E +VE B +xVE +i E { MEh i W E u V Mn ri E +v { E Vi *
i +xVE +O E xvh E{h xnb E +x E Vi + i xi @ h M] xM (Rmeseme) |{i /
|{ htrNgt { S Ex E n =x +xE, nMv B x +i MEi EE |vx EB Vi il +O E =J
|vx E P]x E n E Vi *
Loans and advances are classified as performing and non-performing based on the guidelines issued by the RBI. Non-performing
advances in India are ascertained as per the Prudential Norms and Provisions are made upon classifying the same into 'Sub-
Standard', 'Doubtful', and 'Loss' assets after considering the claims Received / Receivable from ECGC and advances are stated
after netting of provisions.
6.2 n li J+ E +xVE +O E B |vx lx +{I+ i W E E Mn ri E, <x V +vE
, +x E Vi *
Provision on Non-performing advances of foreign branches is made on the basis of local requirements or RBI guidelines whichever
is higher.
6.3 xE ytr;gt E B x |vx i W E E EMi xnb E +x E {] +v { E Vi *
A general provision on Standard Assets is made on global portfolio basis as per Prudential norms of RBI.
6.4 +b E v Exp E E M] u li @h v+ E E i Bx{B x V Ei V E +{x M] E
M EB Vx { <E E*
The credit facilities backed by the guarantee of the Central Government though overdue is treated as NPA only when Government
repudiates its guarantee when invoked
6.5 Zi B x{]x v |i E {h E n ^ Ji b Vi *
In respect of Compromise and Settlement Proposals, write-off is done on complete realisation.
6.6 Ji E +i: E{h ^ Ji bx E E I |vE E +xnx E n -n- +v { +|ii + E B
E Vi *
Partial prudential write-off of accounts is done upto unsecured portion level on a case to case basis on approval by the Competent
6.7 |iiEi E{x (B)/ {xSx E{x (+) E k +i E G ++< E nxn E +x{ xvi b +xni
xi E +v { E Vi *
Sale of Financial asset to Securitised Company (SC) / Reconstruction Company (RC) is done on the basis of Board approved
Policy in line with the RBI guidelines.
7.1 +S +i E xvh {{Mi Mi +v { / {x i Si E P]E E Vi * {x x |{i
+v E {x x +Ii xv V E Vi *
Fixed assets are stated at historical cost/revalued amount less accumulated depreciation. Surplus arising on revaluation is
credited to Revaluation Reserve.
7.2 +S +i E +Oh i EB MB +O Mix / +E Mix +x +i EB Vi *
Advance payments made towards acquisition of fixed assets are included under other Assets.
7.3 i li l {{k E v |vx u =Si x M< +x E n il = i Ex E {ri xxx :-
The rates of depreciation and method of charging depreciation as considered appropriate by the management in respect of
fixed assets situated in India are as below:-
{{k E h / CATEGORY OF ASSET +x E n % |i
7.8 +x E |vx 30 i iE E M< i+ { {h n il =E n E M< i+ { +v n E M *
Depreciation is provided at full rate on additions made upto 30th September and at half the rate on additions made thereafter.
8.1 +{v ES i / Short Term Employee Benefits
ES u |nx E M< E BV 12 E v E nx ES E SEi v, +EE U^ +n +{v
ES i +n / V E Vi *
The short-term employee benefits, such as medical benefits, casual leave etc. which are paid/credited in exchange for the
services rendered by employees are recognised during the 12 month period when the employee renders the service.
8.2 nPv ES i / Long Term Employee Benefits
{i i/Post Employment Benefits
+/A) xvi +nx Vx/Defined Contribution Plan
E/a) xv V xvi +nx Vx +nx E -x J { i E Vi * Vx ES x {x i
E E{ x =xE xv +nx E u Si ]] E E Vi *
Contributions to Defined Contribution Schemes such as NPS, Provident Fund etc., are charged to the Profit & Loss Account
as and when incurred. In respect of certain employees who have not opted for Pension Benefits, Provident Fund Contributions
are made to a Trust administered by the Bank.
J/b) 1 +|, 2010 =E n E EB Vx ES E BE xvi +n {x Vx E Vi
V ES ix E 10% B bB E +nx Ei il E =ix +nx Ei * Vx Exp E E
ES i 01 Vx, 2004 | E M< +n {x Vx E |vx E +vx il - { vi E Vi
The employees joining the services of the bank on or after 1st April 2010 are covered by a defined contributory pension
scheme where the employees contribute 10% of pay plus DA and the bank makes a matching contribution. The scheme is
governed by the provisions of the contributory pension scheme introduced for the employees of central government w.e.f
1st January 2004 and modified from time to time.
+)/B) xvi i Vx/Defined Benefit Plan
E xvi i Vxyt E +iMi ={nx B {x Vx att;t *
The bank operates gratuity and pension schemes which are defined benefit plans.
E {j ES E ={nx |nx Ei * <E +iMi =x ES E xk {, xE E nx i {, xE
E {i { BEi /BEM Mix < |E E Vi i) `10,00,000 E +vEi E +vvx E |iE {h
E B 15 nx E ix ( + bB) ii) E |iE {h E B 15 nx E ix (E ix), <x V +vE
* {S / n E (l |V) { Ex E ={i |nx E Vi * xi +i { EB MB ij
EE u Ex E +v { E x u Si xv E +nx Ei *
The Bank provides for gratuity to all eligible employees. The benefit is in the form of lump sum/one time payment to vested
employees on retirement, on death while in employment, or on termination of employment, for an amount equivalent to i) 15 days
salary (Basic+DA) payable for each completed year of service, subject to a maximum amount of Rs.10,00,000 or ii) 15 days
salary (Basic only) for each completed year of service ,whichever is higher. Vesting occurs upon completion of five years/ ten
years (as applicable) of service. The Bank makes annual contributions to a fund administered by Trustees based on an independent
external actuarial valuation carried out at regular intervals.
E {j ES E B {x E |vx Ei * xx {j ES E xk {, xE E nx i
{ xE E {i {, V E < x |vx , E Mix E { n Vi * xx xx i {
|nx E Vi * ix E 10% |i E n +nx E + xi +i { EB MB ij EE u
Ex E +v { E x u Si xv +iH E +nx Ei *
The Bank provides for pension to all eligible employees. The benefit is in the form of monthly payments as per rules and regular
payments to vested employees on retirement, on death while in employment, or on termination of employment as provided under
regulation. Vesting occurs at different stages as per rules. The Bank makes additional annual contributions to funds administered
by trustees based on an independent external actuarial valuation carried out at regular intervals besides monthly contribution
@ 10% of pay per month.
xvi |v |nx EB Vx Mi E +vh EE Ex u |VC]b x] Gb] lb +v { E Vi V
vhi ix-{j E iJ E E Vi * x ni E +lMi x E Vi + = iiE -x h xi
n Vi *
The cost of providing defined benefits is determined by actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method which is
normally carried out on quarterly basis. Net liabilities are immediately recognised in the statement of profit and loss and are not
</C) +x nPv ES i/Other Long Term Employee benefits
E/a. E E {j ES |i{E +x{li B U^ j i E En * < |E E nPv ES i Mi E xv
E u +iE { |nx E Vi *
All eligible employees of the bank are entitled to compensated absences; leave travel concession. The costs of such long term
employee benefits are internally funded by the Bank.
J/b.< |E E +x xvi nPv i |nx Ex E Mi E +vh EE Ex u |VC]b x] Gb] lb +v
{ E Vi V vhi ix-{j E iJ E E Vi * {S Mi E +lMi x E Vi + = iiE
-x J xi n Vi *
The cost of providing these other long term benefits is determined by actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method
which is normally carried out on quarterly basis. Past service cost is immediately recognised in the statement of profit and loss
and is not deferred.
M/c. {hEE xnE E xk E {Si {i SEi v E { SEi v |nx E Vi * Mi E +Ex B
xvh EE Ex u |VC]b x] Gb] lb +v { E Vi + B Ex xk E l-l fUtgoh;
{hEE xnE E B ix-{j E iJ E E Vi * < ni E iiE -x h xi n Vi + <
+lMi x J Vi *
Medical benefits are extended to full time Directors, after their retirement as post retirement medical benefits. The cost is
ascertained and determined by actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method and such valuation is carried out on
quarterly basis for retired as well as in service full time Directors. The liability is immediately recognized in the statement of profit
& loss and not deferred.
9.1 +xl Eli E + B E n E ={S +v { Vi *
Items of Income and Expenditure are accounted for on accrual basis, except as otherwise stated.
9.2 i V E E Mn ri E +x +xVE +i + E {Sx +v { E Vi :
Income from non-performing assets in terms of RBI guidelines is recognised on realization basis.
S E E xvh E E M + E i n E E { E Vi + inx xxi E{ E i E E
B |vx E Vi *
Current tax is determined on the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income for the year and accordingly provision for tax
is made including Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT).
+vSi J xE 22 E i E +x +lMi E +i ni E {Sx ix-{j E iJ iE |ni iii: |ni
E E n E |M EE E Vi * +lMi E +i / nxn E I E nx < Miv E +v { |iE
ix-{j E iJ E E Vi *
The deferred tax asset or liability is recognised using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance
Sheet date, in terms of notified Accounting Standard 22. Deferred Tax Assets/Liabilities are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date
based on developments during the year.
V E P]x+ li B {ix E Eh B M E E +i E J-J E x Ei , i
+xVEi E +Ex i +S +i E I E Vi * vi + ={M E Vx +i E Mi E +Ex
E +i E J-J E ix +i u =i{xx x +M x ^Ei xEn | EE E Vi * n
B +i E +xVE x Vi i =E +xVEi E +Ex +i E J-J E = E Vi V +i E
=Si +vE i *
Fixed Assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances warrant that the carrying amount of an
asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount
of an asset to future net discounted cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered to be
impaired, the impairment, to be recognized, is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the
fair value of the asset.
E BB 20 '|i +Vx', E +x |i + xxEi +Vx E {] Ei * |i +Vx E xvh E
{Si x il +vx { E E <C] E +i i M nE E Vi *
The Bank reports basic and diluted earnings per share in accordance with AS 20 - 'Earnings per Share'. Basic earnings per share
computed by dividing the net profit after tax and dividend on preferential shares by weighted average number of equity shares
outstanding for the year.
|i +Vx E = E E |E] Ei V E nx |ii <C] V Ex i +x n V
{ii Ex { i * |i +Vx E E xvh E +i E <C] E +i i J + E x
<C] E ={M E E Vi *
Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue equity shares were
exercised or converted during the year. Diluted earnings per share are computed using the weighted average number of equity
shares and dilutive potential equity shares outstanding at year end.
1. {V / Capital
2.0 x 2.0 Investments
2.1 E E x B x { -/+xVE x E |i EB 2.1 The Details of investments and the movement of provisions
held towards depreciation on the investments/Non
MB |vx E =i-Sg E xxx : Performing Investments of the Bank is given below:
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
n/Items 31.03.16 E li 31.03.15 E li
As on 31.03.16 As on 31.03.15
(1) x E /Value of Investments
(i) x E E /Gross Value of Investments
(a) i /In India 82361.13 67385.05
(b) i E / Outside India 2151.10 1845.57
(ii) /Bx{+< i |vx/Provisions for Depreciation/NPI
(a) i /In India 475.15 327.63
(b) i E /Outside India 62.88 43.56
(iii) x E x /Net Value of Investments
(a) i /In India 81885.98 67057.42
(b) i E /Outside India 2088.22 1802.01
(2) x { /Bx{+< E |i EB MB |vx E =i-Sg
Movement of provisions held towards depreciation on investments/NPI.
(i) |E / Opening balance 371.19 393.94
(ii) Vc : E nx EB MB |vx
Add : Provisions made during the year 196.20 125.52
: x +i E VB
: By Exchange Difference 3.70 -0.32
(iii) P]B : E nx ^ Ji zttu dY / {xEi EB MB
+iCi |vx
Less: Write-off/ write-back of excess provisions during the year 33.07 147.95
(iv) +i /Closing balance 538.02 371.19
E nx E nx E nx 31 S 2016
xxi E +vEi E nxE +i E E
Minimum Maximum Daily Outstanding
outstanding outstanding Average as on 31st
during the year during the year outstanding March 2016
during the year
{ E +iMi S M< |iigt
Securities sold under Repos
i) E |iigt/Government securities 0.00 17518.00 3441.62 9179.00
ii) E{]
@h |iigt/
Corporate debt securities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
{ E +iMi Jn M< |iigt
Securities purchased under reverse Repos
i) E |iigt/Government securities 0.00 5500.00 394.25 2265.00
ii) E{]
@h |iigt/
Corporate debt securities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.3 M vE Sxv +x{i x M/Non-SLR Investment Portfolio
(i) M vE Sxv +x{i x E VEi+ E Sx/ Issuer composition of Non SLR investments
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
(ii) +xVE M-vE Sxv +x{i x / Non performing Non-SLR investments ( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
xnE b E +xnx E u M< |ii E BEM exceeded 5% of the book value of investments held in HTM
category at the beginning of the year.
+ih x *
i) { E E +xxE vx
The notional principal of swap agreements 882.81 1334.04
ii) E E +iMi E=] {] u +{x
ni E { Ex SE EB Vx { =`< Vx x
Losses which would be incurred if counter parties failed to
fulfill their obligations under the agreements 1.58 2.35
iii) { x { E u +{Ii {E
Collateral required by the bank upon entering into swaps 0.00 0.00
iv) { =i{z @ h VJ E Eph
Concentration of credit risk arising from the swaps 0.00 0.00
v) { E =Si
The fair value of the swap book -0.43 -0.36
E . h
S.No. Particulars 2015-16 2014-15
(i) E nx | EB MB x { V n i{z E +xxE
Notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate derivatives
undertaken during the year (instrument-wise) 0.00 0.00
E) \ a)
J) \ b)
M) \ c)
(ii) nxE 31 S 2016 E li E +x E x { V n i{z E
+xxE (Ji)
Notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate derivatives
outstanding as on 31st March 2016 (instrument-wise) 0.00 0.00
E) \ a)
J) \ b)
M) \ c)
(iii) B x { V n i{z E +xxE (Ji) V E
{i "+ii |" x
Notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate derivatives 0.00 0.00
outstanding and not "highly effective" (instrument-wise)
E) \ a)
J) \ b)
M) \ c)
(iv) B x { V n i{z E nxE V (Ji) V E
{i "+ii |" x
Mark-to-market value of exchange traded interest rate derivatives
outstanding and not highly effective (instrument-wise) 0.00 0.00
E) \ a)
J) \ b)
M) \ c)
3.3 i{xx @h VJ E |E]Eh 3.3 Disclosures on risk exposure in derivatives
E) MhiE |E]Eh a) Qualitative Disclosures
i) i{xx xnx VJ |v E Sx + M`x:
i) The Structure and organization for management of risk
in derivatives trading.
M`xiE fS E +iMi E{] i { x Ev The organization structure consists of Investment Wing
V E{E xnEMh + +vI B |v xnE at the Corporate level which report to the Executive
il +ii: xnE b E {] Ei * xnx E Directors, Managing Director & CEO and ultimately to
=xE VJ |vx M E Si E the Board. Risk Management Department is informed
Vi * of the transactions as and when they take place.
J)/b) |jiE |E]Eh/Quantitative Disclosures ( Ec ` ) / (Amount in ` Crore)
G.. h
Sl.No.Particulars 2015-16 2014-15
p i{z V n i{z p i{z V n i{z
Currency Interest rate Currency Interest rate
Derivatives derivatives Derivatives derivatives
1 i{z (+xxE vx )
Derivatives (Notional Principal Amount) 43291.83 1334.04
E)/a) S E B / For hedging 34803.56 332.81 43291.83 462.98
J)/b) G-E E B /For trading 0.00 550.00 0.00 871.06
2 Cb xq E] li /
Marked to Market Positions
E)/a) +i (+) / Asset (+) 75.17 0.05 30.37 0.00
J)/b) ni (-) \ Liability (-) 5.59 -0.39 26.17 0.26
3 @h BC{V \ Credit Exposure 923.15 6.54 904.23 13.34
4 V n BE |ii {ix E i | (100*{01)
Likely impact of one percentage change
in Interest rate (100*PV01)
E)\ a) S i{z { \ on hedging derivatives
+vEi \ Maximum NA 3.37 NA 4.16
xxi \ Minimum NA -3.37 NA -7.09
J)\b) G-E i{z { \ on trading derivatives
+vEi \Maximum NA -0.05 NA -4.18
xxi \ Minimum NA -0.78 NA 3.46
5 E nx 100*{01 E +vEi + xxi xxJi { {B MB
Maximum and Minimum of 100*PV01 observed during the year
S-l {- \ on hedging
+vEi \ Maximum NA 6.74 NA 7.32
xxi \ Minimum NA 3.36 NA 4.92
G-E { \ on trading
+vEi \ Maximum NA -0.08 NA -7.37
xxi \ Minimum NA -0.41 NA -1.64
) V n { E B +x |E]x c) Other Disclosures for Interest Rate Swaps
E xi {{k + ni+ { l +l + The Bank has undertaken fixed to floating and floating to
+l l V n i{xx B * n E=] {] x fixed interest rate swaps on underlying assets and liabilities.
+{x ni { x EB i ={H V n { { `1.58 The loss of income on the above IRS will be Rs.1.58
Crores, in case counter-parties fail to fulfill their obligations.
Ec E xEx M* V n { E v EB MB There is no concentration of credit risk arising from IRS
xnx @h VJ E E xph x + CE E=] transactions undertaken as the counter-parties are banks
{] E + BC{V +xi E i * and the exposure is within the exposure limit permitted.
4.0 ytr; Mhii / Asset Quality
4.1 +xVE ytr; / Non-Performing Asset ( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
4.2 {xSi Ji E h
nxE 31.03.2016 iE {x Si Ji E |E]Eh
E E x : E E
vwlmhalt fUt fUth mezeyth Ktte fuU ykk;do; YmYbRo }K vwlmkohalt Ktte fuU yk;do; yg fwUt (Ec ` )
btk yr; JdeofUhK
fU btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt
W"thfU;toyt 45 18 2 0 65 203 102 1 0 306 6816 59 0 0 6875 7064 179 3 0 7246
ii E fUe mkgt
+| E li
cfUtgt 5718.99 1069.24 45.52 0.00 6833.75 232.58 83.15 3.41 0.00 319.14 4844.21 394.00 0.00 0.00 5238.21 10795.78 1546.39 48.93 0.00 12391.10
1 E {xSi
Ji (|E htrN
+E c)
tJ"tl 280.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 280.23 11.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.40 214.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 214.99 506.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 506.62
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -5 0 0 0 5 -5 0 0 0
fUe mkgt
rJteg JMo
3 fuU =tihtl cfUtgt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.73 -28.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.73 -28.73 0.00 0.00 0.00
vwlmhra; htrN
btlfU uKe
b Wtgl tJ"tl
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 -1.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 -1.41 0.00 0.00 0.00
fUe mkgt
vwlmhra; -3 0 0 0 -3 -134 0 0 0 -134 -2388 0 0 0 -2388 -2525 0 0 0 -2525
btlfU yrd{b rsl
vh rJteg JMo fuU
yk; b Wa;h
tJ"tl / sturFb
4 Cth ln hFt cfUtgt -207.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 -207.11 -43.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 -43.88 -281.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 -281.29 -532.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -532.28
dgt y;& ydtu htrN
rJteg JMo fuU
thkC b Wn
vwlmhra; btlfU
yrd{b fuU v b
r=Ftlu fUe
sh; ln n
tJ"tl -10.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10.36 -2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.55
nxE 31.03.2016 iE {x Si Ji E |E]Eh
E E x : E E
vwlmhalt fUt fUth mezeyth Ktte fuU ykhdo; YmYbRo }K vwlmkohalt Ktte fuU yk;do; yg fwUt (Ec ` )
btk yr; JdeofUhK
fU btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt btlfU yJbtlfU mkr=" ntrl fwUt
cfUtgt -3690.83 3163.17 527.66 0.00 0.00 -133.34 122.26 9.48 1.60 0.00 -2294.64 1789.37 505.27 0.00 0.00 -6118.81 5074.80 1042.41 1.60 0.00
rJteg JMo fuU
5 vwlmhra;
Ft; fUe
tJ"tl -184.54 158.16 26.38 0.00 0.00 -6.53 5.99 0.46 0.08 0.00 -112.44 87.68 24.76 0.00 0.00 -303.51 251.83 51.60 0.08 0.00
0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fUe mkgt
fUe mkgt
tJ"tl 111.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 111.89 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.72 152.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 152.92 267.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 267.53
4.2 Particulars of Accounts Restructured
Disclosure of Restructured Accounts as on 31-03-2016
Type of Restructuring Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism Others Total
(` in Crore)
Fresh Amount
2 restructuring outstan- 318.19 10.65 0.00 0.00 328.84 1.68 2.25 0.00 0.00 3.93 567.33 2.45 0.00 0.00 569.78 887.20 15.35 0.00 0.00 902.55
during the year ding
15.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.91 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 27.80 0.12 0.00 0.00 27.92 43.79 0.12 0.00 0.00 43.91
No. of
borrowers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -5 0 0 0 5 -5 0 0 0
Upgradations to
3 restructured Amount
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.73 -28.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.73 -28.73 0.00 0.00 0.00
standard category outstan-
during the FY ding
thereon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 -1.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 -1.41 0.00 0.00 0.00
No. of
s t a n d a r d
borrowers -3 0 0 0 -3 -134 0 0 0 -134 -2388 0 0 0 -2388 -2525 0 0 0 -2525
advances which
cease to attract
h i g h e r
and / or
4 additional risk Amount
-207.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 -207.11 -43.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 -43.88 -281.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 -281.29 -532.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -532.28
weight at the outstan-
end of the FY ding
and hence need
not be shown as
s t a n d a r d
advances at the
beginning of the
next FY
Provision -10.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10.36 -2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.55
Disclosure of Restructured Accounts as on 31-03-2016
Type of Restructuring
Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism Others Total (` in Crore)
Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-
Asset Classification
Sl Standard Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Standard Doubtful Loss Total
No Details
No. of
-26 19 7 0 0 -14 9 4 1 0.00 -4100 4068 32 0 0 -4140 4096 43 1 0
Downgradations Amount -3690.83 3163.17 527.66 0.00 0.00 -133.34 122.26 9.48 1.60 0.00 -2294.64 1789.37 505.27 0.00 0.00 -6118.81 5074.80 1042.41 1.60 0.00
of restructured outstan-
accounts ding
during the FY
-184.54 158.16 26.38 0.00 0.00 -6.53 5.99 0.46 0.08 0.00 -112.44 87.68 24.76 0.00 0.00 -303.51 251.83 51.60 0.08 0.00
No. of
borrowers 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-offs of
accounts during
the FY
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
No. of
Accounts as on Amount 2237.77 4243.06 573.18 0.00 7054.01 54.37 207.66 12.89 1.60 276.52 3058.30 2157.09 505.27 0.00 5720.66 5350.44 6607.81 1091.34 1.60 13051.19
March 31 of the outstan-
FY (closing ding
Provision 111.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 111.89 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.72 152.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 152.92 267.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 267.53
*Excluding the figures of Standard Restructured Advances which do not attract higher provisioning or risk weight (if applicable).
4.3 +i {xSx E B |iiEh/{xSx E{x E S M< k +i E
Details of financial assets sold to Securitization / Reconstruction Companies for Asset Reconstruction
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
b= / Item 2015-2016 2014-15
(i) Ji E J / No. of accounts 10 51
(ii) E E
Aggregate Balance Outstanding 542.52 483.77
(iii) E |vx / Aggregate Provision 175.08 265.89
(iv) B/+ E S MB Ji E E (|vx E Uc E)
Aggregate value (net of provisions) of accounts sold to SC/RC (II-III-FITL*) 282.95 217.88
(v) E |i / Aggregate consideration 253.05 409.45
(vi) { E +ii Ji E i MB +iCi |i
Additional consideration realized in respect of accounts transferred in earlier years 55.97 141.19
VII. x +vE E / x
Aggregate gain/(loss) over net book Value # (41.20) 191.57
* S 16 E G E B B+<]B `84.49 Ec *
* FITL balance is ` 84.49 crores for Mar'16 sale.
4.4Jn M</S M< +xVE k +i E / Details of Non performing financial assets purchased/sold
+/A. Jn M< +xVE k +i E /Details of Non performing financial assets purchased:
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
h / Particulars 2015-16 2014-15
1. (E) E nx Jn MB Ji E J
(a) No. of accounts purchased during the year x/Nil x/Nil
(J)/(b) E E/Aggregate Outstanding - -
2. (E) ={H E nx {xSi Ji E J /
(a) Of these, number of accounts restructured during the year - -
(J)/(b) E E/Aggregate Outstanding -
4.5 |ii |{i x E /Details of Investment in Security Receipts:
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
E u G EB MB Bx{B M-EM E{x E u G EB
u xS nB +x li MB Bx{B u xS nB +x li
Particulars Backed by NPAs sold Backed by NPAs sold by other banks/ Total
h by the bank as underlying financial institutions/non banking
financial companies as underlying
Mi S Mi S Mi S
Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year
Book Value of
Investment in
1254.53 1402.56 0.00 0.00 1254.53 1402.56
Security Receipts
V/Deposits 429.27 3,551.27 3,492.21 5,230.18 27,216.06 33,019.39 40,078.58 38,081.12 10,460.52 45,559.65 2,07,118.24
+O E
/ Advances Gross 2,080.06 1,525.48 3,621.32 2,909.26 13,280.00 9,841.82 10,046.97 10,695.50 11,716.35 69,791.38 1,35,508.13
x E
Investments Gross 4.79 175.91 283.68 469.30 1,374.66 2,273.06 2,131.55 9,675.20 6,625.58 61,498.50 84,512.22
=v/Borrowings 91.81 7,163.28 2,762.64 331.28 861.04 902.54 801.89 367.60 1,341.58 2,616.78 17,240.44
n p
Foreign 2457.01 826.60 338.39 733.43 5433.61 6318.19 5603.85 2,262.46 1,226.13 2,166.54 27366.21
n p
Foreign Currency
Liabilities 901.11 925.18 466.62 1,631.23 6,346.36 3,537.08 6,696.73 5,445.16 1,538.95 3,937.26 31,425.67
7.0 BC{V/Exposure:
7.1 l-{n Ij E @h/Exposure to Real Estate Sector ( Ec ` /Amount in ` Crore)
h/Category 2015-16 2014-15
E/a) |iI BC{V / Direct exposure
(i) + {k vE - B + {k E vE JE nB MB {hi: |ii =v V =vEi
E nJ M V EB { n M< (|lEi|{i Ij +O Ex M
HE + @ h ytd mu =NtoY stYk)
Residential Mortgages 14160.43 11946.72
Lending fully secured by mortgages on residential property 7581.79 6475.49
that is or will be occupied by the borrower or that is rented;
(Individual housing loans eligible for inclusion
in priority sector advances may be shown separately );
(ii) JtrKrgfU :tJh mkv=t hVE l {n E (E x, Fw=ht fUthtucth fUt :tl,
-=q hVE {, -{ + x, -EB hVE {, =tM
= E Y J lx, +vOh, E B xh, +n) vE JE nB MB |ii
=v* BC{V M-xv +vi (BxB) *
Commercial Real Estate 854.27 965.07
Lending secured by mortgages on commercial
real estate's (office buildings, retail space, multi-purpose commercial
premises, multi-family residential buildings, multi-tenanted commercial
premises, industrial or warehouse space, land acquisition, development
and construction, etc.). Exposure would also include non-fund based (NFB) limits;
7.2 {V V E BC{V/Exposure to Capital Market ( Ec `. / Amount in ` Crore)
7.3 VJ h E] BC{V / Risk Category wise Country Exposure
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
nxE 31.03.2016 E li E +x E E E +i E Based on the total assets of the Bank as on 31.03.2016, the
+v { E] BC{V E n |vx x * E x 31 S, provision requirement on account of Country Exposure is ` Nil.
The Bank has taken a stock of its exposure in countries other
2016 E li E +x +{x n xx n nB MB @h E than the home country as on 31st March, 2016. The Banks net
VS E * |iE n E E x xvE BC{V =E funded exposure in each country is below 1% of its assets.
+i E 1% E *
7.4 E u +iGi BE =vEi @h (BB), 7.4 Details of Single Borrower Limit (SBL), Group Borrower
=vEi @h (VB) E Limit (GBL) exceeded by the bank.
(+) E u +iGi BE =vEi @h - x A. Single Borrower Limit exceeded by the Bank:- Nil
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
E E E +|ii +O
Total Unsecured Advances of the Bank 8150.29
J) B +i |ii E +xxE
b) The estimated value of such intangible securities 0.00
8. v 8. Miscellaneous
8.1 +E E B EB MB |vx E 8.1 Amount of Provision made for Income Tax
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
i V E x EM xx +vx, 1949 E v Reserve Bank of India has not imposed any penalty on the
46(4) E +vx E { E< i +v{i x E * Bank u/s 46(4) of the Banking regulation Act, 1949
|E B +i ni- E x : / Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of obligations:
( Ec ` / ` in Crore)
|E ni
Opening Obligation 5293.58 802.29 363.40 30.53 10.93 0.48
S Mi
Current Service Cost 499.65 39.42 66.31 0.00 2.45 0.00
V Mi
Interest Cost 393.86 56.38 29.07 2.44 0.87 0.04
|nii i
Benefit Paid (740.57) (195.09) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EE x/()
Actuarial Loss/(Gain) 856.09 80.22 (83.17) (1.07) (2.23) 0.21
+i ni
Closing Obligation 6302.61 783.22 375.61 31.90 12.02 0.73
{x/Pension ={nx/Gratuity
Vx +i E |E
Opening Value of Plan Assets 5162.62 800.29
Vx +i { |ii |i
Expected Return on Plan Assets 462.05 71.23
Contributions 1004.67 85.21
|nii i
Benefits Paid (740.57) (195.09)
EE /(x)
Actuarial Gain/(Loss) (158.56) (6.77)
Vx +i E +i
Closing Value of Plan Assets 5730.21 754.87
vxEi EE /x/Actuarial Gain/Loss Reconciled
( Ec ` / ` in Crore)
b EE x/
()- ni
Actuarial Loss/(Gain)
for the Year - Obligation 856.09 80.22 (83.17) (1.07) (2.23) 0.21
b EE /
(x) - Vx +i
Actuarial Gain/(Loss)
for the Year - Plan Asset (158.56) (6.77) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
b E x/()
Total Loss /(Gain) for the Year 1014.65 86.99 (83.17) (1.07) (2.23) 0.21
EE x/()
xi |{i
Actuarial Loss/(Gain)
Recognised in the Year 1014.65 86.99 (83.17) (1.07) (2.23) 0.21
ix--{j xi |{i /Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet
( Ec ` / ` in Crore)
x E : Investment Details:
E) ={nx xv E B i Vx xM x - 100% a) Investment with LIC of India for Gratuity Fund - 100%
J) {x xv E i =Si E |ii E { Vx +i b) Major Categories of Plan assets as percentage of Fair Value
E |J h in respect of Pension Fund
<C] /Equities 0%
xi + B @h |ii
Fixed income & debt securities 20.00%
V Special Deposit 0%
+x +i Bx] E] C]
Other Assets / Annuity contractor 80.00%
E/Total 100.00%
9.4 M] {]M / Segment Reporting (AS- 17)
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
M] ]V E{] / EM ] EM +x EM {Sx M
Business Treasury Corporate/Wholesale Retail Banking Other Banking Total
Segment Banking Operations
h S {U S {U S {U S {U S {U
Particulars Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Revenue 7296.64 6714.59 8032.30 9633.94 4778.52 4967.2 49.82 46.82 21362.54
Result 1422.09 2084.08 1367.14 1809.91 764.34 969.41 49.82 46.82 4910.22
Unallocated 0.00
Profit 4910.22
Income Tax 444.06
Extraordinary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Profit 1137.80
+x Sx
Segment 112913.65 94111.98 82364.01 100469.03 49604.87 51335.9 0.00 0.00 245916.91
Unallocated 0.00
E +i
Total Assets 245916.91
Segment 95508.97 72941.6 93226.57 114480.21 56146.99 58495.1 0.00 0.00 245916.91
Unallocated 0.00
E niB
Total 245916.91
M-+ : ME M] / Part B: Geographic segment
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
|J |vx EE +v n
Key Management Period Items Amount
. E. ]CE 02.11.2015 / to {E,
|v xnE B <= 31.03.2016 {v B |ix
Shri R. K. Takkar Remuneration, 8.16
MD & CEO perquisites & Incentive
V/Deposits 1.09
E E E Nught x
Investments in UCO Shares 0.01
|{i V /Interest Received 0.03
=v/Borrowings x/Nil
+ h E 01.04.2015 /to {E,
+vI B |v xnE 31.08.2015 {v B |ix
Shri Arun Kaul Remuneration, 15.00
CMD perquisites & Incentive
V/Deposits 88.99
E E E Nught x
Investments in UCO Shares x/Nil
|{i V /Interest Received 2.06
=v/Borrowings x/Nil
Sh 01.04.2015 /to {E,
E{E xnE 31.03.2016 {v B |ix
Shri Charan Singh Remuneration,
ED perquisites & Incentive 17.37
V/Deposits 10.70
E E E Nught x
Investments in UCO Shares x/Nil
|{i V /Interest Received 0.25
=v/Borrowings 7.50
( J ` )/ (Amount in ` lakh)
|J |vx EE +v n
Key Management Period Items Amount
V. h + 01.02.2016 / to {E,
E{E xnE 31.03.2016 {v B |ix
Shri G. Subramania Iyer Remuneration,
ED perquisites & Incentive 2.85
V/Deposits 0.29
E E E Nught x
Investments in UCO Shares x/Nil
|{i V /Interest Received x/Nil
=v/Borrowings x/Nil
V. E. MM 01.04.2015/ to {E,
E{E xnE 31.01.2016 {v B |ix
Shri J. K. Garg Remuneration,
ED perquisites & Incentive 14.97
V/Deposits 17.76
E E E Nught x
Investments in UCO Shares x/Nil
|{i V /Interest Received 1.31
=v/Borrowings x/Nil
|vx u l Ei B |hi / As compiled and certified by the management
c) Associates
M) M Regional Rural Banks (RRB) sponsored by the Bank are as under:
E u |Vi Ij Oh E xxx :
i) Oh E i) Bihar Gramin Bank
ii) {S M Oh E ii) Paschim Banga Gramin Bank
P) Ij Oh E E l x-nx E |E]x BB-18, vi d) The transactions with RRB have not been disclosed in view
of Para -9 of the AS-18, Related Party Disclosure which
{] |E]x E {-9 E qxV x E M CE = exempts State Controlled Enterprises from making any
V xji =t E B +x vi {] E l,V disclosures pertaining to their transactions with other related
V xji =t ,EB Vx x-nx v |E]x parties, which are also State Controlled Enterprises
Ex U] n M< *
9.6. |i +Vx (<{B): (BB -20) 9.6 . EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS)- (AS-20):
31.3.2016 31.3.2015
<C] vE E B ={v E
E n x (Ec ` )
Net profit after tax
available for equity shareholders (` in crore) -2799.25 1137.80
<C] E J
Number of equity shares 107,55,91,712 107,55,91,712
VJvi <C] E J
Weighted Number of equity shares 107,55,91,712 101,55,43,171
|i E iE (
` )
Nominal Value per Share (Amount in `) 10.00 10.00
|i E B ztRgwxuz +Vx (
` )
Basic & Diluted Earnings per Share (Amount in `) -26.03 11.20
9.7 S E M/Ci =t E E M xjE 9.7 As the Bank does not have Subsidiaries or controlling
i x , +i: +<B+< u V Ei ii h interest in Associates/Joint Ventures, AS 21- Consolidated
Financial Statements, AS 23 - Accounting for Investments
BB 21, Ei ii h M x E in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements, AS-
J BB 23, +ii {Sx-BB 24 +i ii {]M- 24 - Discontinuing Operations, AS-25 - Interim Financial
BB 25 + Ci =t i E ii {]M BB 27 Reporting and AS 27 - Financial Reporting of Interest in
E { M x * Joint Ventures issued by the ICAI are not applicable to the
9.8 Accounting for Taxes on Income (AS-22):
9.8 + { E E JEx (B-22)
a) During the year net amount of Rs.1680.94 Crore (Rs. 154.82
E) E nx J xE BB-22 E +x `1680.94 Ec Crore) has been recognized as Deferred Tax Assets as per
(`154.82 Ec) E x E {Sx bb ]C B] E accounting standard AS-22.
{ E M< *
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
9.9 +i +i (BB-26) : 9.9 Intangible assets (AS-26):
+S +i E{] }] V +<B+< Fixed Assets include computer software, which has been
u V BB-26 E +x +i +i x M * considered as intangible assets as per AS-26 issued by
}] +i E P]-g xS n M< : the ICAI. The movement in software asset is given below:
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
E | E E
Gross Block at the beginning of the year 45.24 24.08
P]B: +{x x
Less: Impairment Loss 0.00 0.00
E +i x E
Net Block at the end of the year 18.77 16.14
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
P]B: Si +i { xVx/
Less: Appropriation on assets retired 25.20 6.20
10.0 +iCi |E]x : / Additional disclosures:
10.1 |vx B +EEiB / Provisions & Contingencies ( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
-x J E +vx ni S {U
|vx B +EEi+' E h
Break up of 'Provisions and Contingencies shown under Current Previous
the head Expenditure in Profit and Loss Account Year Year
10.5 Ei E |E]Eh 10.5 Disclosure of Complaints
+) OE-Ei : A) Customer Complaints:
S {U
Current Year Previous Year
E E | i Ei E J
A No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year 54 142
J E nx |{i Ei E J
B No. of complaints received during the year 9049 8484
M E nx x{]< M< Ei E J
C No. of complaints redressed during the year 9024 8572
P E +i i Ei E J
D No. of complaints pending at the end of the year 79 54
x` : OE Ei B]B Ei
Note : Number of customer complaints also includes ATM complaints.
30 nx iE 31 nx E 3 +vE 6 +vE iE M
3 iE E 6 iE
Upto 30 days 31 days to > 3 months to > 6 months Total
3 months 6 months
79 0 0 0 79
S {U
Current Year Previous Year
E E | Exi x EB MB +b E J
a No. of unimplemented awards at the beginning of the year 1 3
J E nx EM E{ u {i +b E J
b No. of Awards passed by the Banking Ombudsman during the year 0 9
M E nx Exi +b E J
c No. of Awards implemented during the year 1 11
P E +i Exi x EB MB +b E J
d No. of unimplemented Awards at the end of the year 0 1
S {U
Current Year Previous Year
E E | Exi x EB MB +b E J
a No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year 0 0
J E nx |{i Ei E J
b No. of complaints received during the year 1602 2182
M E nx x{]< M< Ei E J
c No. of complaints redressed during the year 1598 2182
P E +i i Ei E J
d No. of complaints pending at the end of the year 4 0
10.6 SEi +x {j E |E]Eh 10.6 Disclosure of Letter of Comforts
The Bank issues Letter of Comforts on behalf of its various
E +{x xx OE E + =xE Ei @h constituents against the credit limits sanctioned to them. In
E |i SEi +x {j V Ei * |vx E the opinion of Management, no significant financial impact
E u { B S E nx V EB MB + and cumulative financial obligations have been assessed
E SEi +x {j E +vx E iiE ii under LOCs issued by the Bank in the past, during the
current year and still outstanding. Brief details of LOCs
| il S ii vi E +xx x E M * issued by the Bank are as follows:
E u V EB MB SEi +x {j E I{i
xxx :
( Ec ` )/Amount in ` Crore)
1 2015-16 E nx V EB MB SEi +x {j
Letter of Comforts issued during the year 2015-16 4137.37
2 2015-16 E nx {{C / q EB MB SEi +x {j
Letter of Comforts matured/cancelled during the year 2015-16 9160.97
3 nxE 31.03.2016 E li E +x E SEi +x {j
Letter of Comforts outstanding as on 31.03.2016 1818.45
10.7 |vxEh EV +x{i 10.7 Provisioning Coverage Ratio
E E |E S {U
Type of Business Current Year Previous Year
< E / Life Business 6.02 7.31
xx-< E / Non Life Business 4.39 5.00
E) V E E ph a) Concentration of Deposits
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
S {U
Current Year Previous Year
M) @ h E E ph c) Concentration of Exposures
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
S {U
Current Year Previous Year
+ivE c =vEi+/OE E nB MB E @h
Total exposure to twenty largest borrowers/customers 22632.70 29321.18
E E =vEi+/OE E nB MB E @h E ix
+ivE c =vEi+/OE E nB MB @h E |ii
Percentage of exposures to twenty largest borrowers/customers to total
exposure of the Bank on borrowers/customers 13.51% 15.28 %
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
S c +xVE +i Ji E E @ h
Total Exposure to top four NPA accounts 3205.92 1654.84
10.12 +xVE +i E P]--g 10.12 Movement of NPAs
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
E) nxE
01.04.2015 E li E +x E +xVE +i (|E ) 10265.05 6621.37
a) Gross NPAs as on 01.04.2015 (Opening Balance)
J) E nx {vx
(x< +xVE +i) x +i VcE
b) Additions (Fresh NPAs) during the year 14913.80 7537.18
plus Exchange Difference 28.55 14.13
={ M (+)/Sub Total (A) 25207.40 14172.68
M/c) P]B:/Less:
(i) Ob =xxx/Upgradations 1357.86 877.44
(ii) (Ob gB MB Ji E M< E UcE)
Recoveries (excluding recoveries
made from upgraded accounts) 1368.58 1629.05
(iii) iExE / E{h ^ Ji bx
Technical/PrudentialWrite-offs 1283.19 1255.52
(iv) =H (iii) E +vx E Uc
E ^ Ji bx
Write-Off other than those under (iii) above 290.04 145.62
31 S, 2016 E li E +x E +xVE +i (+i ) (+-+)
Gross NPAs as on 31st March 2016 (Closing Balance) (A-B) 20907.73 10265.05
( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
iExE / E{h ^ Ji b MB Ji E / Details of Technical/Prudential Written-Off Accounts:
10.13 n li +i, +xVE +i + V /Overseas Assets, NPAs and Revenue ( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
10.15 x 10.15 Reconciliation:
EpEi EM vx (B) E Exx +vE Most of the inter branch transactions are reconciled
+i J xnx E vx +{x +{ Vi * +i automatically with implementation of Centralized Banking
Solution (CBS). Very few entries under inter branch
J J B +i-E J J i E E |] account & inter bank account requires reconciliation which
E vx E +Ei i V ii +v { is done on ongoing basis.
E Vi *
Reconciliation of entries outstanding has been drawn upto
nxE 31.03.2016 iE +i-J J + +i-E 31.03.2016 in case of Inter-Branch Accounts and in Inter-
J E E |] E x E M * Bank Accounts. Elimination of entries outstanding in Inter-
i V E, i ]] E, E x] J +n Bank Accounts including Reserve Bank of India, State
i +i-E J + b}], =Si J, J Vx, Bank of India, NOSTRO Accounts etc. and in Inter-Branch
vx v x-nx, xv +ih, i +ih, +i Accounts viz. drafts, suspense, branch adjustment,
E +vOh i |nii +O vi , v xn clearing transactions, fund transfers, telegraphic transfers,
V +i-J J E |] E x E E balances pertaining to advances paid for acquisition of
|Mi { * |vx E V/+i/ni+ { assets, sundry creditors etc. is in progress. In the opinion
of the management, consequential effect of the above on
=E E< iiE | x {cM* the revenue/assets/liabilities will not be material.
10.16 VEi I B VMEi xv (b<BB) +ih 10.16 Transfer to Depositor Education and Awareness Fund
(DEAF) ( Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
h/Particulars S /Current Year {U / Previous Year
b<BB E +ii E |E
Opening balance of amounts transferred to DEAF 21.17 0
Vc : E n x b<BB E +ii
Add: Amount transferred to DEAF during the year 72.38 21.17
P]B : n i b<BB u |i{i
Less: Amount reimbursed by DEAF towards claims 0.20 0
b<BB E +ii E +i
Closing balance of amounts transferred to DEAF 93.35 21.17
++< E nxn E +x, E x BB< B E{] In terms of RBI Guidelines, our Bank has framed a policy on
i =vEi+ E +Ii n p BC{W { xi M`i E 'Unhedged Foreign Exchange Exposure by borrowers including
SMEs and Corporates duly approved by the Board. The policy
V xnE b u vi +xni E M * < xi inter-alia provides for:
+x i E + xx |vx :
l BB< i OE E +Ii n p BC{W l Monitoring and review of Unhedged Foreign Currency
(B<) E xMx B I* Exposure (UFCE) of all customers including SMEs.
l +Ii n p BC{W H xE E BC{W E l Incremental capital and provisioning requirements for ex-
10.18 SxvEV +x{i (B+) 10.18 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR):
B+ b] E Mhk Ex B {h Qualitative Assessment of LCR data and Result:
B+ E xvE ii: Driver of LCR:
Ivx +v E nx B+ E iVxE i E B E The bank main driver of satisfactory level of LCR during the period
E xvE ii have been
l S {{k E =SS Mhk V E |ii x l High quality of Liquid Asset such as investment in
Government securities
l +{v {{k x Vx Q E +Mx i l Investment in short term assets resulting in quick inflows.
l l ni+ { l Reliance on Stable liabilities.
=SS Mhk E S {{k (BSCBB): BSCBB High Quality liquid Assets (HQLA): Our HQLA comprises of
xxEi :
i 1 E {{k l Level 1 Assets
1. ={v i xEn, V ++ E +iE Vn xEn 1. Cash in hand including Cash Reserve in excess of
l n V l Term Deposit
E< E xE x il BE i { Sxv E |vx We do not have any group entities and liquidity at solo level is
being managed centrally.
ExpEi { E Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh/Quantitative Disclosure: (+E Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
S /Current Year * {U / Previous Year**
E +i E i E +i E i
(+i) (+i) (+i) (+i)
Total Unweighted Total Weighted Total Unweighted Total Weighted
Value (Average) Value (Average ) Value (Average) Value (Average )
( ) E x { +{x { E {x x E l il ij (i) Bank had revalued its premises in the past and further
+i|{i EE E VB {x: 31.03.2016 E li E revalued the same as at 31.03.2016, by independent
qualified valuers. The excess of fair market value over
v {x x E l* { Si V the book value is credited to revaluation reserve. As on
+iE E {x x +Ii xv V E M l* date aggregate amount of revaluation reserve (net of
+V E iJ {x x +Ii xv E (G E M< revaluation relating to assets disposed of) is Rs. 2524.82
+i vi {x x E UcE) E `2524.82 crore (Rs.764.23 crore) and depreciation on the revalued
Ec (`764.23 Ec) + {xx +Ii xv E portion charged against revaluation reserve is Rs. 159.16
lx { i {x i + { `159.16 Ec crore (Rs.154.50 crore).
(`154.50 Ec) * (ii) Depreciation is charged on computer and computer
(ii) i V E u xvi n E +x E{] }] peripherals including computer software as per RBI
i E{] il E{] E ={Eh { prescribed rates. Other assets are depreciated as per
M E M * E{x +vx 1956 E {U +xS management prescribed rates which are based upon
XIV { +vi, |vx u xi n E +x +x erstwhile schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956.
Incremental depreciation consequent upon revaluation
+i E P] M * { E {x x E of premises shall be charged prospectively after
{ r S-ZE i E VBM* determining appropriate rates by the management
E {{k E +] +v i xx P]E considering various factors, including its residual life of
E vx Ji B |vx u ={H n xvi Ex E the assets.
n E VBM*
10.20 Break up of provision held against non-performing
10.20 +xVE +O E v, |ii B Ij |vx
advances into facility-wise, security-wise and sector-wise
E MEh xvi x * V E ix-{j E +xS- is not ascertained. The same is deducted on estimated
9 E M , z M E E +O +xxE basis from gross advances in the various categories to
+v { =E E]i E Vi iE x +O arrive at the balance of net advances as stated in
|{i E V E* Schedule 9 of the Balance Sheet.
10.21 ix {j E iJ E n x P]x+ E B {{k 10.21 Assets and liabilities have been suitably adjusted for
events occurring after the balance sheet date that provide
B ni+ E ={H |E Vi E M * < additional evidence to assist the estimation of amounts
ix-{j E iJ E Vn li vi E relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
+xx Ex E B +iH I ={v i *
11. Disclosure on Frauds
11. vJvc E |E]Eh
G../ S.No.
1. n. 31.06.2016 E {i E n x {] EB MB vJvc E J*
No. of frauds reported during the year ended 31.03.2016 61
2. / Amount involved ` 248.15 Ec/crores
3. i V E E vJvc {] Ex E n E M< *
Recovery made after reporting the fraud to RBI `1.04 Ec/crores
4. E /Balance outstanding `247.11Ec/crores
5. EB MB |vx E j/Quantum of Provision made `247.11Ec/crores
6. '+x +Ii xv' x E M< +{vi |vx E j
Quantum of unamortized provision debited from 'other reserves' x/Nil
12. Bb+ E |E]Eh 12) Disclosure on SDR
xiMi @ h {xSx Vx E +iMi +vOi V {V Shares acquired under Strategic Debt Restructuring scheme
V BC{W { M xi +/|iv,{ EM Miv exempted from regularity ceilings/restrictions on Capital Market
Exposures, investments in Para Banking activities and intra group
x il +i- BC{W U] |{i * exposure:
(+E Ec ` / Amount in ` Crore)
Ji E x E |E +Ei `
No. of accounts Types of shares Face Value Book Value
3 Equity 82.02 93.77
13. E`E nB MB +Ec {U E +Ec E + E i Ei * 13. The bracketed figures indicate previous year's figures.
Previous year's figures have been re-grouped /re-arranged/
{U E +Ec E,V +E Z M , MEi /
re-casted wherever considered necessary.
li/xvi E M *
J-{IE E ij {]
i E ]{i
The President of India
k h { {]
Report On The Financial Statements
k h E B |vx E ni
Managements Responsibility for the Financial Statements
4. J{I + |E]Eh E I |{i Ex E Ex{nE {ri xi * Sxi {ri vE J{IE
E { x Ei , Vx k h E Mi Elx, S E{] E Eh j] E, VJ E xvh *
=x VJ xvh E B ={H {li E +x J{I {ri E bV<x Ex E B J{IE k h E
=Si |iiEh il E E i r +iE xjh { S Ei {i <E =n l E +iE xjh E
|i { +{x H Ex x * J{I |H J-xi E ={Hi E Ex il |vx u EB MB J
+xx E iEEi + k h E O |iiEh E Ex *
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of
the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control
relevant to the Bank's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on effectiveness of the entity's internal control.
An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
+x vE B xE +{I+ { {]
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
7. ix-{j B + x Ji EE xx +vx,
1949 E v 29 E +x{ i EB MB *
The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in accordance with Section 29 of the Banking Regulation
8. ={H +xSUn 1 5 =Ji J{I E + E +vvx il EE E{x (={G E +Vx B +ih) +vx,
1970 u l+{Ii B =x +{Ii |E]Eh E + E +vvx {] Ei E:
Subject to the limitations of the audit indicated in paragraph 1 to 5 above and as required by the Banking Companies (Acquisition
and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, and subject also to the limitations of disclosure required therein, we report that:
(J) E E V xnx V VxE +B , E E H E +iMi *
(b) The transactions of the Bank, which have come to our notice, have been within the powers of the Bank; and
9. {] Ei E :
9. We further report that:
i M xxn Bb E. i B. Sn Bb E. i x{ Bb BB]
xn JE xn JE xn JE
{VEh . 302039< {VEh . 001307 {VEh . 323575<
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Registration No. 302039E Registration No. 001307C Registration No. 323575E
i +. {. MM Bb E. i iV V Bb {
xn JE
xn JE {VEh . 304124<
{VEh . 001194Bx For TEJ RAJ & PAL
For O.P.GARG & CO. Chartered Accountants
Chartered Accountants Registration No. 304124E
Registration No. 001194N
(B . MMV)
(B x E. M{i) Mn
Mn ni G. 07605
ni G. 097191 (CA B. GANGARAJU )
Partner Membership No. 07605
Membership No. 097191
31 S, 2016 E {i E xEn | h
(000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31 S, 2016 E {i E xEn | h (V)
ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2016 (Contd.) (000 E Uc n M )
(000s omitted)
31.03.2016 E li E +x E E E
III { 3 |E]Eh
iE bB - 1:
|Vi E E-i
EM E |J E x V { SxMi fS |V : E E
(i) MhiE |E]Eh:
xE E x/ C xE Ex E C xE Ex E Ex E n Ex E
V n Ex E Ev E Ex E Ev E Ev +i EIj BE
JEx EIj xxE Sx E E Eh E E ii Ex E
Sx E
EIj Sx E M i <E Eh
(/x) E Sx E
i x M x x M x M x M x
E. Ex E B Oh EB MB xE E S - M x.
J. JEx B xxE nx EIj E +iMi Ex E B Oh x EB MB xE E S
xE E x/ xE E |J E ix {j <C] (vE E <C] E xE E {V Ji E ix {j <C]
V n Miv xE E JEx ix {j E vi E % E E x E (vE xE E
E =J +x) xxE ={S JEx ix {j E
=J +x)
M x M x M x M x M x M x
(ii) |jiE |E]Eh :
M. Ex E B Oh EB MB xE E S
xE E x/V n xE E |J Miv E ix {j <C] E ix {j +i (vE
(={H (i) E. (vE xE E JEx xE E JEx ix {j E
E +x) ix {j E =J =J +x)
M x M x M x M x
P. +xM {VMi E E O , V Ex E xxE EIj x E Vi, x VE E]i E
Vi :
+xM E x/V n xE E |J E ix {j <C] E <C] E E {V E E
Miv (vE xE E JEx vi E %
ix {j E =J +x)
M x M x M x M x M x
R. xE E E E i E O (=nh S ), V VJ i :
xE E x/V xE E |J E ix {j <C] E <C]/i nx E xxE {V {
n Miv (vE xE E JEx H E +x{i E |jiE |, VJ
ix {j E =J +x) E vi E % nx E Ev x {h
E]i Ev E ={M
M x M x M x M x M x
S. EM E n xv xxE {V E +ih |iv +v: M x
Table DF - 1:
Scope of Application
Name of the head of the banking group to which the framework applies UCO BANK.
Name of the Whether the Explain the Whether the Explain the Explain the Explain the
entity / Country entity is method of entity is included method of reasons for reasons if
included under under regulatory consolidation difference in the consolidated
of incorporation accounting consolidation
scope of scope of method of under only one of
consolidation consolidation consolidation the scopes of
(yes / no) (yes / no) consolidation
d. The aggregate amount of capital deficiencies in all subsidiaries which are not included in the regulatory scope of consoli-
dation i.e. that are deducted:
Name of the subsidiaries / Principle Total balance sheet equity % of banks holding Capital deficiencies
country of incorporation activity of the (as stated in the account- in the total equity
entity ing balance sheet of the
legal entity)
e. The aggregate amounts (e.g. current book value) of the banks total interests in insurance entities, which are risk-
Name of the insurance Principle Total balance sheet equity % of banks holding in Quantitative impact on
entities / country of activity of the (as stated in the account- the total equity / pro- regulatory capital of using
incorporation entity ing balance sheet of the portion of voting power risk weighting method
versus using the full
legal entity) deduction method
f. Any restrictions or impediments on transfer of funds or regulatory capital within the banking group: Not applicable
iE b B - 2
{V {{ii
MhiE |E]Eh
(E) tx GE{ B GE{ E lx Ex i +{Ii xx {V Mi Ji E V Ex E B E E Vx
xnE b E - { +Mi E Vi * xnE b u <E +vE I E Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh (Ec ` )
(J) @h VJ E B {V Mi +Ei&
xEEi o]Eh E +vvx {] 8826.10
|iiEh BC{V x
(M) V VJ E B {V Mi +Ei&
xEEi +v o]Eh 1534.32
V n VJ 1457.19
n p VJ (h i) 2.25
<C] VJ 74.88
xEEi o]Eh (n M )
(R) x <C] ] 1, ] 1 B E {V +x{i :
x <C] ] 1 7.52%
] 1 7.63%
E {V +x{i 9.63%
l Ei E B M x
i{h E +xM i (]b +x M x
={-Ei, V < { x EM E
E E i M E M *)
Table DF - 2
Capital Adequacy
Qualitative Disclosures
(a) Board is apprised periodically of Banks plan for raising different Capital instruments needed for supporting current activities
and future activities. This is also reviewed periodically by the Board.
Quantitative Disclosures (` in crore)
iE bB - 3
@h VJ : E i x |E]Eh
MhiE |E]Eh
E) {U E B +xVE Ji (JEx |Vx i)
xnE b u vi +xni E E +xVE +i |v xi E +x E +i E xxEi li {U E/+xVE
+i x Vi
i. n @h E V +/ vx E Ei 90 nx +vE iE E i *
ii. +b}]/xEn @h (+b/) E , xS nB MB { E +x Ji 90 nx +vE iE +=] + +b i *
iii. Jn MB B xB MB E , 90 nx +vE iE E i *
iv. +{v E E B vx E Ei = { V n E iE E i *
v. nPv E E B vx E Ei = { V BE E iE E i *
E Ji E +xi x Vi V
i. E Mi Ei -+h +vE +vE x i , i Ji E +xi x Vi *
ii. E Mi Ei -+h +vE E i Ei Mi 90 nx iE E< V x E Vi V E
M< x EB MB V E B { x i *
J) E E @h VJ |v xi
E E @h VJ |v {ri xnE b u vi +xni xiMi xn { +vi , Vx +x i E l-l xxJi
i. @h VJ +vOh Exi B xi
ii. @h +xnx |G
iii. @h VJ xMx |G
iv. @h VJ xjh |G
@h VJ E |v E Vn xnE b E i + xnE b E VJ |v i @h VJ |v B {]M i
nxn xvi Ex E B =kn + xi E +x{ @h VJ |v |G, E{h E xvh il =E -
{ I B VJ E {E E ogi xSi Ei * @h VJ |v i @h xi B |G vi q E x{]x
il { E E +v { @h VJ E xMx il xjh E h i =kn *
E E @h VJ |v M E u xvi VJ xnb + E{h @h M Ex + =E +x{x E xMx Ei
* M VJ Ex {ri E xvh il @h M E Mhk E xMx, + E {Sx il j] E v +
M Ex i < |Vx i B+<B E E Ei * @h VJ |v M E @h vx B @h xMx M
+M BE ij k *
@h VJ Ex u-+ @h ]M |h E VB + BE {Ji fM @h E xh x E B E Vi * E B BB<
@h E @h ]M |h `25 J +vE B `1 Ec iE E E @h + @h Ji { M E V *
E h xvh <Ox E vx Ji il =x h xvh E B +iE SE n Ei E * SE n B @h
|i @h EM b E VB Ex E +vx B Vi V @h ]M |h E +iMi x +i *
E, V E + +{Ii i , ={H {E M]Ei+ E v @h Ji Vc VJ E E Ex E
E Ei * <E +iH Vx i B xvx E +vx @h Ei EB Vi , @h Vc VJ E E Ex E
i * VJ E E Ex Ji E xi xMx B xjh E i * VJ E E Ex E B E x I B P
=t E B xi @h M] xM B @h M] xv x M Ji E +E E *
MhiE |E]Eh ( +Ec ` Ec )
|jiE |E]Eh ( Ec ) ih
xv +vi M xv +vi
(E) E E @h BC{V 135508.13 18093.87
(J) @h E ME ih
n 118790.55 11649.41
n 16717.58 6444.46
=vM E x ih (` Ec )
M) @h E =tM ih xv +vi M xv +vi
E. Jnx + =iJxx (E.1 + E.2) 969.97 46.46
E.1 E 254.83 24.65
E.2 +x 715.14 21.81
J. Jt |Eh (J.1 J5) 2,932.08 180.08
J.1 Sx 521.95 76.11
J.2 Jt i B x{i 293.43 69.20
J.3 S 461.75 6.02
J.4 E 0.00 0.00
J.5 +x 1,654.95 28.75
M. nE { (S E UcE) B iE 5.13 18.16
V iE + iE =i{n 5.13 18.16
P. j (E S iE) 1,892.09 221.31
E. i j 937.54 192.14
J. V] 7.96 4.20
M. lEP/Jn (M |lE) 0.00 0.00
P. E 0.00 0.00
R. >x 0.00 0.00
S. +x 946.59 24.97
P (+li E jtM) Ei< E 102.00 0.00
R. S B S =i{n 67.51 0.31
S. Ec B Ec =i{n 109.76 0.00
U. EMV B EMV =i{n 407.43 20.90
V. {] (M-|lE), E =i{n (M-Jxx) + +hE >V 963.52 1,198.88
Z. x B x =i{n (M, M{ +n) (1.1 1.4) 1,002.64 103.28
Z.1 =E 55058 5.03
Z.2 +v B ]E 430.21 23.84
Z.3 {] - EE (xn fSMi UcE) 24.02 0.00
Z.4 +x 492.83 74.41
\. c, {]E B =xE =i{n 200.46 28.05
]. ES B ES E x 185.48 3.54
` ] B ] =i{n 185.48 3.84
b. vi B vi =i{n (b. 1 + b.2) 260.07 97.70
b.1 B <{i 9,533.75 441.41
b.2 +x vi B vi =i{n 8,597.98 232.69
h. i <VxM (h.1 + h.2 935.77 208.72
h.1 <C]xC 2,072.06 892.27
h.2 +x 948.19 48.42
i. ]x, x E E{V + ii ={Eh 1,123.87 843.85
l. ix B V 757.85 17.27
n. xh 728.36 20.72
v. +v Sx Ij (E P) 1,254.89 599.53
E. ii (E.1 E.6) 23,703.61 1,557.39
E.1 {l B { xh 5,575.93 313.65
E.2 nM 4,464.93 313.65
E.3 +in V{l 0.00 0.00
E.4 <+d 0.00 0.00
E.5 {l, M , bC], { 0.00 0.00
E.6 VxE ii
( {l ii E M ]E E UcE) 281.00 0.00
=vM E x ih
xv +vi M xv +vi
J. >V (J.1 J.6) 14,142.57 690.01
J.1 V (=i{nx) 11,733.77 689.07
J.1.1 Ep E E ={G 2,154.73 504.95
J.1.2 V E E ={G (.. b i) 3,206.34 184.12
J.1.3 xV Ij 6,372.70 0.00
J.2 V (Sh) 169.06 0.94
J.2.1 Ep E E ={G 0.00 0.00
J.2.2 V E E ={G (.. b i) 169.06 0.94
J.2.3 xV Ij 0.00 0.00
J.3 V (ih) 2,242.74 0.00
J.3.1 Ep E E ={G 0.00 0.00
J.3.2 V E E ={G (.. b i) 2,242.74 0.00
J.3.3 xV Ij 0.00 0.00
J.4 i {<{<x 0.00 0.00
J.5 i/M/iEi |EiE M (BBxV) bh v 0.00 0.00
J.6 M {<{<x 0.00 0.00
M. V B < E |v (M.1 M.6) 620.90 0.00
M.1 ` +{] |v 620.00 0.00
M.2 V-+{i {<{<x 0.00 0.00
M.3 Vvx j 0.90 0.00
M.4 +{] Oh, vx B x{]x |h 0.00 0.00
M.5 S< (v, x, i]v +n) 0.00 0.00
M.6 g V xE |h 0.00 0.00
P. S (P.1 P.2) 1,780.96 262.96
P.1 nS (xi x]E) 265.00 112.37
P.2 nS ] 1,515.96 150.59
R VE B E xn vB (R.1 <.9) 1,580.25 290.77
R.1 Ih lB ({V ]E) 161.05 5.29
R.2 +{i ({V ]E) 30.98 12.03
R.3 1 J +vE +n xM E li ix 104.00 105.00
i MEi ]
R.4 +tME {E, B<Vb {]x v B E V E 1,238.66 136.72
B x xn vB
R.5 =E ({V x) 0.00 0.00
R.6 Mx B E =i{n E bh E B E]< E n 37.56 31.73
Eb ]V i bhMi xn vB
R.7 +i V 8.00 0.00
R.8 ^ {Ih 0.00 0.00
R.9 i bh E J 0.00 0.00
x. +x =vM 8,682.58 1,003.13
i =tM (E x iE) 55,729.24 6,450.69
P) +i E E nMi {{Ci E Jb (` Ec )
h 1 nx 2 8 14 15 28 29 nx 3 6 1 3 5 M
7 nx nx nx 3 iE +vE {i +vE {i +vE {i +vE
iE 6 iE 1 iE 3 iE {i 5 +vE
iE iE iE
V 429.27 3,551.27 3,492.21 5,230.18 27,216.06 33,019.39 40,078.58 38,081.12 10,460.52 45,559.65 2,07,118.24
E +O 2,080.06 1,525.48 3,621.32 2,909.26 13,280.00 9,841.82 10,046.97 10,695.50 11,716.35 69,791.38 1,35,508.13
x 4.79 175.91 283.68 469.30 1,374.66 2,273.06 2,131.55 9,675.20 6,625.58 61,498.50 84,512.22
@ h 91.81 7,163.28 2,762.64 331.28 861.04 902.54 801.89 367.60 1,341.58 2,616.78 17,240.44
n p
+i 2457.01 826.60 338.39 733.43 5433.61 6318.19 5603.85 2262.46 1226.13 2166.54 27,366.21
n p
niB 901.11 925.18 466.62 1,631.23 6,346.36 3,537.08 6,696.73 5,445.16 1,538.95 3,937.26 31,425.67
f) =tM Bx{B B |vx (` Ec )
G. B
. =tM E x Bx{B x |vx
1 Jnx + =iJxx 125.47 25.30
2 Jt |Eh 256.68 62.61
3 j 1,139.99 423.80
4 S B S =i{n 3.93 1.82
5 Ec B Ec =i{n 74.01 67.08
6 EMV B EMV =i{n 218.45 199.07
7 {] (M-|lE), E =i{n (M-Jxx) + +hE <vx 78.07 36.51
8 x B x =i{n 382.59 206.76
9 c, {]E B =xE =i{n 14.38 2.28
10 ES B ES E x 80.33 79.64
11 ] B ] =i{n 104.98 42.18
12 vi B vi =i{n 5,729.83 1,933.15
13 i <VxM 467.30 295.04
14 ]x, x E E{V + ii ={Eh 252.75 89.55
15 ix B +h 160.85 42.96
16 xh 667.59 190.90
17 +v Sx 5,439.80 2,277.38
h) M- Bx{B B |vx ( ` Ec )
h P n E
E Bx{B 20105.95 801.78 20907.73
Bx{B E B |vx 7477.42 524.65 8002.07
xE +O E |vx 655.09 26.41 681.50
Table DF - 3
Credit Risk: General Disclosures for All Banks
Qualitative Disclosure
Quantitative disclosures
(All figures in ` in Crores)
Quantitative Disclosures
Fund Based Non Fund Based
a) Total Gross Credit Exposure 135508.13 18093.87
b) Geographical Distribution of Exposure
Domestic 118790.55 11649.41
Overseas 16717.58 6444.46
c) Industry type distribution of Exposures
Industry Name Exposure (`in Cr)
Funded Non-Funded
A. Mining and Quarrying (A.1 + A.2) 969.97 46.46
A.1 Coal 254.83 24.65
A.2 Others 715.14 21.81
B. Food Processing (B.1 to B.5) 2,932.08 180.08
B.1 Sugar 521.95 76.11
B.2 Edible Oils and Vanaspati 293.43 69.20
B.3 Tea 461.75 6.02
B.4 Coffee 0.00 0.00
B.5 Others 1,654.95 28.75
C. Beverages (excluding Tea & Coffee) and Tobacco 5.13 18.16
of which Tobacco and tobacco products 5.13 18.16
D. Textiles (a to f) 1,892.09 221.31
a. Cotton 937.54 192.14
b. Jute 7.96 4.20
c. Handicraft/Khadi (Non Priority) 0.00 0.00
d. Silk 0.00 0.00
e. Woolen 0.00 0.00
f. Others 946.59 24.97
Out of D (i.e., Total Textiles) to Spinning Mills 102.00 0.00
E. Leather and Leather products 67.51 0.31
F. Wood and Wood Products 109.76 0.00
G. Paper and Paper Products 407.43 20.90
H. Petroleum (non-infra), Coal Products (non-mining) and Nuclear Fuels 963.52 1,198.88
I. Chemicals and Chemical Products (Dyes, Paints, etc.) (I.1 to I.4) 1,002.64 103.28
I.1 Fertilizers 55.58 5.03
I.2 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 430.21 23.84
I.3 Petro-chemicals (excluding under Infrastructure) 24.02 0.00
I.4 Others 492.83 74.41
J. Rubber, Plastic and their Products 200.46 28.05
K. Glass & Glassware 185.48 3.84
L. Cement and Cement Products 260.07 97.70
M. Basic Metal and Metal Products (M.1 + M.2) 9,533.75 441.41
M.1 Iron and Steel 8,597.98 232.69
M.2 Other Metal and Metal Products 935.77 208.72
N. All Engineering (N.1 + N.2) 2,072.06 892.27
N.1 Electronics 948.19 48.42
N.2 Others 1,123.87 843.85
O. Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Transport Equipments 757.85 17.27
P. Gems and Jewellery 728.36 20.72
Q. Construction 1,254.89 599.53
S. Infrastructure (a to d) 23,703.61 1,557.39
a. Transport (a.1 to a.6) 5,575.93 313.65
a.1 Roads and Bridges 4,464.93 313.65
a.2 Ports 0.00 0.00
a.3 Inland Waterways 0.00 0.00
a.4 Airport 0.00 0.00
a.5 Railway Track, tunnels, viaducts, bridges 830.00 0.00
a.6 Urban Public Transport
(except rolling stock in case of urban road transport) 281.00 0.00
Industry Name Exposure (`in Cr)
Funded Non-Funded
b. Energy (b.1 to b.6) 14,145.57 690.01
b.1 Electricity (Generation) 11,733.77 689.07
b.1.1 Central Govt PSUs 2,154.73 504.95
b.1.2 State Govt PSUs (incl. SEBs) 3,206.34 184.12
b.1.3 Private Sector 6,372.70 0.00
b.2 Electricity (Transmission) 169.06 0.94
b.2.1 Central Govt PSUs 0.00 0.00
b.2.2 State Govt PSUs (incl. SEBs) 169.06 0.94
b.2.3 Private Sector 0.00 0.00
b.3 Electricity (Distribution) 2,242.74 0.00
b.3.1 Central Govt PSUs 0.00 0.00
b.3.2 State Govt PSUs (incl. SEBs) 2,242.74 0.00
b.3.3 Private Sector 0.00 0.00
b.4 Oil pipelines 0.00 0.00
b.5 Oil/Gas/Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage facility 0.00 0.00
b.6 Gas pipelines 0.00 0.00
c. Water and Sanitation (c.1 to c.6) 620.90 0.00
c.1 Solid Waste Management 620.00 0.00
c.2 Water supply pipelines 0.00 0.00
c.3 Water treatment plants 0.90 0.00
c.4 Sewage collection, treatment and disposal system 0.00 0.00
c.5 Irrigation (dams, channels, embankments etc) 0.00 0.00
c.6 Storm Water Drainage System 0.00 0.00
d. Communication (d.1 to d.2) 1,780.96 262.96
d.1 Telecommunication (Fixed network) 265.00 112.37
d.2 Telecommunication towers 1,515.96 150.59
e. Social and Commercial Infrastructure (e.1 to e.9) 1,580.25 290.77
e.1 Education Institutions (capital stock) 161.05 5.29
e.2 Hospitals (capital stock) 30.98 12.03
e.3 Three-star or higher category classified hotels located
outside cities with population of more than 1 million 104.00 105.00
e.4 Common infrastructure for industrial parks, SEZ,
tourism facilities and agriculture markets 1,238.66 136.72
e.5 Fertilizer (Capital investment) 0.00 0.00
e.6 Post harvest storage infrastructure for agriculture
and horticultural produce including cold storage 37.56 31.73
e.7 Terminal markets 8.00 0.00
e.8 Soil-testing laboratories 0.00 0.00
e.9 Cold Chain 0.00 0.00
T. Other Industries 8,682.58 1,003.13
All Industries (A to T) 55,729.24 6,450.69
` in Cr)
d) Residual contractual maturity breakdown of assets (`
Particulars 1 Day 2 to 8 to 14 15 to 28 29 days Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 3 Over 5 Total
7 Days Days days and upto months and months year and year and years
upto and upto upto upto 5
3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years years
Deposits 429.27 3,551.27 3,492.21 5,230.18 27,216.06 33,019.39 40,078.58 38,081.12 10,460.52 45,559.65 2,07,118.24
Advance Gross 2,080.06 1,525.48 3,621.32 2,909.26 13,280.00 9,841.82 10,046.97 10,695.50 11,716.35 69,791.38 1,35,508.13
Investment 4.79 175.91 283.68 469.30 1,374.66 2,273.06 2,131.55 9,675.20 6,625.58 61,498.50 84,512.22
Borrowing 91.81 7,163.28 2,762.64 331.28 861.04 902.54 801.89 367.60 1,341.58 2,616.78 17,240.44
Foreign Currency
-Asset 2457.01 826.60 338.39 733.43 5433.61 6318.19 5603.85 2262.46 1226.13 2166.54 27,366.21
Foreign Currency
-Liabality 901.11 925.18 466.62 1,631.23 6,346.36 3,537.08 6,696.73 5,445.16 1,538.95 3,937.26 31,425.67
Write offs that have been booked directly to the income statement
Recoveries (in written-off) that have been booked directly to the income statement `126.25 crore
n) Industry wise NPA and provisions (` in Cr.)
Specific and
Sl. Industry Name NPA General
1 Mining and Quarrying 125.47 25.30
2 Food Processing 256.68 62.61
3 Textiles 1,139.99 423.80
4 Leather and Leather products 3.93 1.82
5 Wood and Wood Products 74.01 67.08
6 Paper and Paper Products 218.45 199.07
7 Petroleum (non-infra), Coal Products (non-mining) and Nuclear Fuels 78.07 36.51
8 Chemicals and Chemical Products 382.59 206.76
9 Rubber, Plastic and their Products 14.38 2.28
10 Glass & Glassware 80.33 79.64
11 Cement and Cement Products 104.98 42.18
12 Basic Metal and Metal Products 5,729.83 1,933.15
13 All Engineering 467.30 295.04
14 Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Transport Equipments 252.75 89.55
15 Gems and Jewellery 160.85 42.96
16 Construction 667.59 190.90
17 Infrastructure 5,439.80 2,277.38
iE bB - 4
@h VJ : xE o]Eh E +vvx M i |E]Eh
MhiE |E]Eh :
xxJi h xvE BV u EB MB @h h-xvh E ={M, xE o]Eh E +vx @h Ji E VJ -
xvh i E Vi :
1) B+<
2) ++<B+<B
3) B+<]BS
4) +<+B
5) GE
6) BB<+B
(+En G S`)
z h-xvE BV x E{ ] BC{V E h-xvh E *
z >{ =Ji h xvE BV u |nii VxE xM E h { +vi Ji E h-xvh Ex E
x i V E E nxn E {x E *
|jiE |E]Eh :
xE o]Eh VJ E E Ex E n BC{V
1) 100% E E VJ - `137332.72 Ec
2) 100% VJ - `34179.59 Ec
M - `190780.57Ec
Table DF - 4
Qualitative disclosure:
Credit rating accorded by the following credit rating agencies has been used in assigning risk weights to our credit accounts under
standardized approach:
5) Brickwork
(Listed in alphabetical order)
4) Deduction - `0.00 Cr
iE bB - 5
@h VJ |x : xEEi o]Eh i |E]Eh
MhiE |E]Eh :
(+) ix {j + =E <i E Vx E ={M V iE E u E Vi =E SE il =E B
xi B |G
@h VJ |x iExE - ix {j E Vx v
E < i E +vvx x @h BC{V E +v { {V +Ei E Mhx Ei E
i) E E { xE xEx E BE xSi vE +v E S E=] {] n +l vx +I +l x, |iE
Mi IjvE x]M +]M E |ix *
ii) E E = E=]{] E @h/+O B V E xvi E Ei V x]M l E +vvx *
iii) E x +v { Mi BC{V { xMx Ji + =x{ xjh Ei , @h + +O E BC{V E { x
Vi + V E {E |ii E { x Vi *
@h VJ |x iExE- M]
i) M] E |iI, {], +{ix B ii x SB*
ii) |il{x l M E VBM* < |E E=]{] E ix E VJ E{x u V M] {V E
M CE E=]{] BC{V E Ii + M]Ei E VJ xn i VE +Ii + E=]{]
E VJ |ivi *
iii) M] E B {Sx +{IB + { E Vx SB*
iv) M M]Ei+ (E=] M]Ei+) E h
xxJi l u nB MB @h Ih E xi n VBM:
E) E, E E{x (+<B, +<BB, {x ] E, Bb, BV + V]BB<) E
B E=]{] E ix E VJ |lE {;
J) BB = i ]M +x E{x : < , E B r E{x u n M M] E
= li M, V =xE VJ viv E *
v) Ii + Ih |ni E VJ xn i *
(+) {E Ex B |v E B {ri B |G
n {k E G E B |ii E Vi i BE E E { {k E = V E vx Ji , VE
=n Gi E Vi * Ex +i Ex {ri u E Vi , V |ii E { Vx i +i
E V E vx Ji *
xx |E E |ii E Ex E {ri
(i) B x E Ex
E E S S {VEi EE u -{k E Ex E VB* E +M M VBM
+ xM{E xE i E |vEh u nV Ex =E ix E VBM* = { EB MB xh
E E Ex +M E VBM il = {k E Ex { MB MB =E ix E VBM*
xxJi n E vx J VBM :
i) xh E |Ei
ii) x E + il =E tx Vi
iii) E x +
iv) xvi /|nii E E
v) B x E Ij
vi) xh E Mi
vii) VM E
(ii) VM {k E Ex
o]vEi /M J M< +i E Ex Ei Ex E +v VE nB MB V E, <x
V E , vx J VB*
(iii) E Ex :
V E {Ex xx |E E Vi :
(E) E Vn V
(J) {U 52 {i E nx |ii E =SSi B xxi V E =E +i* S+ b E x] E
(+xni S E ] E E M ) x +i (BxB)/{xG Ei V V
E , E VB*
(iv) B +< { E Ex
{ E ix {h
V |ii Vi , < i E vx J VB E = {{i { |i E M + +E vE
+{SEiB { E M< iE +{i li {n x { = x E E`x< E V E* <E +iCi +O
E tx x iE |ii { Mi xMx Jx V *
(M) E u B Vx |J {E xxJi :
(i) B x V l {k E E vE/V]Ei vE
(ii) j B x, xS/Vcx V VM +i E o]vx
(iii) /bS/ <C]/S+ b x] E M Jx
(iv) B+< { E xn x
(v) E E +{x v V n { OhvE
(vi) BxB/E{ E M Jx
(P) |J |E E M]Ei E=]{] B =xE @h vIi
xi: E xxJi |E E M]Ei E=]{] x i +xv Ei :
i) Mn/M-{ xnE/+x {IE E HE M]
ii) E{ ] M]
iii) V E E M]
E +{x E /vE E{x = li M] |{i E Ei V @h v = E =vEi x]
E |nx E Vi *
V HE M] M Vi i H E +xxi +lIi E +Si{h +x{i E vx J VB*
(R) |x E i @h VJ E ph E Sx :
@h VJ E E Ex i BC{V E {hi: +i: xEn, |ii = E=]{] V, E ii {I
E M] u ExpEi E Vi *
V =i-Sg E Eh V VJ =i{xx i , V G n, ={Ci E ii{h, { Jn i
B j] E E v E E Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh:
xE o]Eh E +vx Vx E M Ex E n M ii {E u E `25,197.79 Ec E BC{V E
Ii E M*
iE bB - 6
|iiEh BC{V : xEEi o]Eh i |E]Eh
Table DF - 5
(iv) Valuation of LIC Policy:
Present surrender value of the policy.
Whatever security is obtained, care should be taken to see that it is adequately charged and all necessary legal formalities are
completed so that it can be realized without any difficulty, whenever an emergency arises. Moreover, during the lifetime of an
advance constant watch over the security is necessary.
(c) Main types of collateral taken by Bank are
i) Equitable Mortgage/ Registered Mortgage of immovable properties like land and building.
ii) Hypothecation of movable fixed assets like plant & machinery furniture/fixtures.
iii) Pledge of shares/debentures/equities/units of Mutual Funds
iv) Assignment of LIC Policies
v) Lien over Banks own Fixed Deposit receipts
vi) Pledge of NSCs/KVPs
(d) The main types of guarantor counterparty and their credit worthiness
Normally Bank insists on following types of guarantor counterparty-
i) Personal guarantee of partners/non-professional directors/third parties,
ii) Corporate Guarantee
iii) Guarantees of State Government
The bank may also obtain guarantees at its discretion from parent/holding Company when credit facilities are extended to
borrowing units in the same group.
When personal guarantees are warranted, they should bear reasonable proportion to the estimated worth of the person.
(e) Information about credit risk concentrations within the mitigation taken
In order to mitigate the credit risks, exposures are collateralized in whole or in part by cash, securities, deposits from the same
counterparty, guarantee of a third party.
Market risks arise from movements in market prices which are mitigated through sales contacts, consumer financing, buy back
clause and deficiency agreement.
Quantitative disclosure:
Total exposure covered by eligible financial collaterals after application of haircut under standardized approach- ` 25197.79 Cr.
Table DF - 6
iE bB - 7
MhiE |E]Eh :
1. =q B xi:
x + n p Ji V VJ E i Ex i* <E B E x n + n J+ i b u +xni
xi +{x< *
2. Exi B |G:
xi BC{V { xx + E |vx Ei * n li Exp E B +xni xi E +x n li Exp
E lx BB+ i Exi + |G { vx ni *
3. vi VJ |vx E E Sx B M`x&
x vi xh E{ ] x i u B Vi * < i E{E xnE }M{ E{ ] @h,,
b E{ ] , ii B E J,, < E |vEMh * n li Ep { Ep E J E{E E +vx
lx i xnE b u +xni Mn ri E +x xh i * E E` EiE +M i
] +,, b + B E + Ei * VJ |vx M,, |vx E O M E B b
+ E { E Ei *
4. VJ E {]M +/ { {ri E EIj B {
n B n J+ u nB MB E @ h E { h - { |vx E E V Vi * VJ E
Ex E l i +v { {]M E Vi * E u i E M< xx E{h B +x + E
i E Sx E Sx +E +xnx i |vx E E n Vi *
5. VJ S +/ = E Ex E B xi B S/E E +xi |Ei { xMx Jx i
Exi B |GB :
E E xi E n p MM x li xB J VB* il{, vi E nxi, i V xx
+ il O { E E i { i E Ci li E xvh E M + =E xMx
- { E Vx {]M E +v { E Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh :
xxJi E B {V E +Ei (Ec ` )
V n VJ 1457.19
<C] li VJ 74.88
n p VJ 2.25
Qualitative Disclosure:
1. Objective & Policies:
To limit the market risk in Investment and Forex instruments. For this the Bank adopted policies approved by the Board for
Domestic as well as Overseas Branches.
2. Strategies and Processes:
Policy provides various limits on exposures. Local ALCO Committee of overseas centers takes care of strategies and
processes as per approved policy for overseas centers.
3. Structure and organization of the relevant risk management function:
Investment decisions are taken by Corporate Investment Committee comprising of Executive Director, General Managers
of Flagship Corporate Credit, Mid Corporate, Finance and Treasury Branch, Mumbai. At overseas centers local committee
under Chief Executives of the centers takes decision as per guidelines approved by the Board. The Bank has front office,
mid office and back office for strict functional segregation. Risk Management Department at Head Office performs the
function of mid office for overall portfolio.
4. The scope and nature of risk reporting and/or measurement system:
Periodic Reporting of full details of Banks exposure undertaken by the domestic and overseas branches are sent to Head
Office. Quarterly reporting with evaluation of risks are also made. Any breaches from various prudential and other limits
fixed by the Bank are also referred to H.O for necessary approval.
5. Policies for hedging and/or mitigating risk and strategies and processes for monitoring the continuing effectiveness
of hedge/s militants:
The Banks policy is to maintain near square position in Forex. However various limits like daylight, overnight in respective
currencies as well as overnight open position limit in Indian rupees for the Bank as a whole have been fixed and the same
is monitored through periodic reporting.
Quantitative Disclosures:
(` in crore)
Capital requirements for :
Interest Rate Risk 1457.19
Equity Position Risk 74.88
Foreign Exchange Risk 2.25
iE bB - 8
{SxMi VJ
MhiE |E]Eh
E x xxJi E B {ri, |G B xMx l E E
z i{h =i{n, GE{, |G+ + {ri tx {SxMi VJ E {Sx il Ex
z {SxMi VJ |< il x E {|I i{h BC{V { xMx Jx il ` |vx B xnE b
E +E SxB |nx Ex
z i{h {SxMi VJ E xji Ex il E Ex i xi, |G+ B E|h E xh Ex
{SxMi VJ |vx E B M`xiE fS xx |E
z xnE b
z xnE b E VJ |vx i (+B)
z {SxMi VJ |vx i(++B)
z {SxMi VJ |vx EI (++B)
z E {SxMi VJ |vx (++B)
z {SxMi VJ |vx Y(++BB)
z VJ |vx M
xnE b =i{n, GE{, |G+ B {ri {SxMi VJ E |v i {SxMi VJ |v fS + =E
Exx B xi, |G+ B E|h E +xnx Ei *
VJ E Sx +/ { {ri E EIj B {
E E l{i xi B |G+ E {{ii E ij Ex B +x{x i xi xMx E +M E { {{i +iE
J{I E Vi * xnE b E J{I i J{I EG E EIj B +vEi xSi Ei * xIh M
+iE E E E B {Ih Ei *
Table DF 8
Operational Risk
Qualitative disclosure:
The Bank has put in place systems, processes and monitoring mechanism for -
z Identification and assessment of operational Risks inherent in all material products, activities, processes and systems,
z Monitoring operational risk profiles and material exposure to losses and reporting pertinent information to Senior
Management and Board of Directors.
z Framing policies, processes and procedures to control and mitigate material operational risk.
Board of Directors approves Operational Risk Management framework, implementation and policies, processes and procedures for
managing operational risk in all products, activities, processes and systems.
In order to provide independent assessment of adequacy of and compliance with, banks established policies and procedures
adequate internal audit coverage is in place as a part of ongoing monitoring. The Audit committee of the Board ensures the scope
and frequency of the audit programme. The Inspection department develops and oversees the internal function.
All financial departments/business units have been informed to keep the RMD fully informed of new developments, initiatives,
products and operational changes to identify all associated risks at an early stage.
The Bank has been collecting the relevant operational risk loss data loss event types and business lines wise to meet the requirement
of Advanced Measurement Approaches. Bank has obtained membership of CORDEx for accessing the external loss data.
As per RBI directives, the bank has been maintaining capital for operational risk under Basic Indicator approach (BIA). The capital
requirement as per BIA is Rs.1143.21 crores as on 31.03.2016.
iE bB - 9
EM V n VJ (+<++)
MhiE |E]Eh
E x +{x +i ni |v xi i E V EM E V n VJ vi q E x{]x Ei * E S ii
E +v + l BE E +v E B VJ { +Vx (<B+) E |Vx B +Ex i i V E u nB
MB nxn E +x V n +li E |iE h i Ei * E, i V E u < |Vx i nB
MB nxn E +x vi +v E h |iE x i Ei + <C] {ix E +Ex Ei * nx
h E I E E xnE b E +i ni |vx i/VJ |vx i u E Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh
Table DF-9
Qualitative disclosure:
Bank has in place Asset Liability Management policy that addresses issues related to Interest rate risk in Banking Books. Bank
draws every month statement of Interest Rate sensitivity in accordance with the guidelines given by Reserve Bank of India for the
purpose and estimates of Earnings at Risk (EaR) for the remaining period of the current financial year and as well as over one year
horizon. Bank also draws every month statement of modified duration in accordance with the guidelines given for this purpose by
Reserve bank of India and estimates Equity Var. Both the statements are reviewed by Banks Asset Liability Management Committee/
Risk management Committee of the Board.
Quantitative disclosure :
iE bB-10
E=]{] @h VJ vi BC{V E x |E]Eh
MhiE |E]Eh
i) b] E VJ |vx E Sx B M`x::
SxMi fS E{] i { x Ev xi V E{E xnE + +vI B |v xnE il +ii:
xnE b E {] Ei * VJ |vx M E, V < |E E x-nx EB Vi , =xE Si
E Vi *
ii) VJ |vx, VJ {]M B VJ xMx |h E EIj B |Ei::
E) E u {xx EB Vx V n { (+<+B), S B E E |Vx * =i{n E { b] E {E
++< xnb E +x OE E E Vi * B x-nx ++< E nxn E +v { x< M< E xi E
+x{ {xx EB Vi *
J) V n { n+ E +v E SE V n E =i-Sg E +x V n b] x-nx VJ E {
E Vi * VJ E {x E |Vx V n b] x-nx E E Vi * VJ +Ex EE |{i
{] E |inx +vI B |v xnE / E{E xnE il xi +v xnE b E I J Vi * V n
b] x-nx E E ] E] li { VJ E xMx +vi E Vi *
iii) VJ S +/ |x E xi il S/|E E xi G |i E xMx i Exi B
|GB :
+<+B E iE V {, V +i niB +ixi i , +Ei E Vi * xx B S E
{{Ci , xxi +i/ni E B {{Ci +vE x i * VJ E xMx E V n { n+ E
E ] E] +v { E Vi il inx S E |i E xvh E Vi * +<+B | E B {E
E Vi x * {V Mi +Ei+ E xvh Ex i +<+B E xx E Mh |ME {ix P]E B
E=]{] E vi VJ EE Vi *
|jiE |E]Eh::
E=]{] @h VJ E BC{V:
` Ec
n+ E E EiE 0.00
x]M 0.00
x]b S @h BC{V 0.00
vi {E 0.00
r b] @h BC{V 0.00
` Ec
n xx 31.03.2016 E li E
+x S @h BC{V
G < V n { 0.00 0.00
+OM n E 38580.68 268.92
BE < V n { 882.81 1.62
V n 0.00 0.00
@h b] { 0.00 0.00
E 39463.49 270.54
Table DF-10
Qualitative Disclosures
i) The Structure and organization for management of risk in derivatives trading:
The organization structure consists of Investment Wing at the Corporate level which report to the Executive Directors and
Chairman & Managing Director and ultimately to the Board. Risk Management Department is informed of the transactions as
and when they take place.
ii) The scope and nature of risk measurement, risk reporting and risk monitoring systems:
a) The Interest Rate Swap (IRS) transactions undertaken by the Bank are for hedging and trading purposes. Derivative as
a product is also offered to the customer as per RBI norms. Such transactions are undertaken as per policies of the bank
formulated based on RBI guidelines.
b) The risk is measured in the interest rate derivative transactions depending on the movement of benchmark interest rates
for the remaining life of the interest rate swap contracts. All interest rate derivative transactions are included for the
purpose of risk measurement. The risk is evaluated and reports are placed to the CMD / ED daily and Board periodically.
Risk is monitored based on the mark to market position of the interest rate derivative transactions.
(iii) Policies for hedging and /or mitigating risk and strategies and processes for monitoring the continuing effectiveness of hedges/
IRS is undertaken on the actual interest bearing underlying assets or liabilities. The notional principal amount and maturity of
the hedge does not exceed the value and maturity of underlying asset/liability. The risk is monitored on the mark to market basis
of the outstanding interest rate swap contracts and accordingly the effectiveness of the hedge is determined. Collateral re-
quired upon entering into IRS is Nil. Notional principal amount of IRS multiplied by the relevant conversion factor and the
respective risk weight of the counter party has been taken into account for determining the capital requirements.
Quantitative Disclosure:
iE bB - 11
{V E Sx
M - II: 31 S, 2017 { ={M E Vx |{
(x - III xxE Vx E Gh +v E nx)
(` x )
xxE Vx E Gh E nx ={M E Vx - III - III { ={S E n
x |E]Eh |{ (x 1 +| 2013 31 n, 2017 iE) +vx
x <C] ] 1 {V : Ji B +Ii xv
1 v V E vh {W + vi
]E +vC ( |) 103,547
2 |ivi ={Vx 7,282
3 Si +x {E + (B +x +Ii xv)
4 <]1 Shr {i E +vx v V E M< {V
(E H ]E E{x { |V)
VxE Ij E {V | 1 Vx 2018 iE Ii
5 E u V B +x {] u vi x {V
( <]1 +xi )
6 x <C] ] 1 {V xxE Vx { 110,829
x <C] ] 1 {V : xxE Vx
7 E{h Ex Vx
8 x (vi E ni E UcE)
9 vE SEi +vE E + +i iB (vi E ni E UcE)
10 +lMi E +i 13050
11 xEn | S +Ii xv
12 +{Ii x E |vx E
13 G { |iiEh
14 =Si Ei ni+ { E @h VJ {ix E
Eh B x
15 xvi- {x xv x +i
16 E x (n {] EB MB ix {j { { |nk {V
+M x E M )
17 x <C] {{E |ivi
18 EM, k B xE E {V x V xxE Ex E
Ij , {j E E li E UcE , V E V E
M< {V E 10% Vn E x ( 10% |E Vn)
19 EM, k B xE E x ]E i{h x V
xxE Ex E Ij , {j E E li E UcE
( 10% |E Vn)
20 vE SEi +vE ( 10% |E Vn)
21 +l +i =i{xx +lMi E +i
( 10% |E Vn, vi E ni E UcE)
22 15% |E +vE
23 V : k xE E x ]E i{h x
24 V : vE SEi +vE
25 V : +l +i =i{xx +lMi E +i
26 ] ] xxE Vx (26E + 26J + 26M + 26P)
26E V : +Ei E E <C] {V x
26J V : +Ei M-k E E <C] {V x
26M V : |vx { vEi k xE E <C] {V
E V E E l Ei x E M *
26P V : +{vi {x xv
III { ={S E +vx E v x
<C] ] 1 { M xxE Vx
V : [Vx n E< ]
V : [Vx n E< ]
V : [Vx n E< ]
27 E]i E { Ex +{{i +iH ] 1 B ] 2 E Eh x
<C] ] 1 { M xxE Vx
28 x <C] ] 1E E xxE Vx
29 x <C] ] 1 {V (<]+<) 97,778
+iH ] 1 {V : Ji
30 v V E +iH ] 1 Ji E l vi ]E +vC (31+32)
31 V : |V JEx xE E ii <C] E { MEi
(l +S +vx ) -
32 V : |V JEx xE E ii ni+ E { MEi (l @h Ji) 1,380
33 +iH ] 1 Shr {i E +vx v V {V Ji
34 E u V B +x {] u vi +iH ] 1 Ji
(B +<] 1 Ji V {H 5 x ) B]1 +xi
35 V : Shr {i E +vx E u V Ji
36 +iH ] 1 {V xxE Vx { 1,380
+iH ] 1 {V : xxE Vx
37 E +iH ] 1 Ji x
38 +iH ] 1 Ji {{E |ivi
39 EM, k B xE E {V x V xxE Ex E
Ij , {j E E li E UcE , V E V E
M< {V E 10% Vn E x ( 10% |E Vn)
40 EM, k B xE E {V i{h x V xxE
Ex E Ij , {j E E li E UcE ( 10%
|E Vn)
41 ] ] xxE Vx (41E +41J)
41E +Ei E E +iH ] 1 {V x
41J |vx { vEi, k xE E +iH ] 1 {V E
V E E l Ei x E M *
-III { ={S E +vx E v +iH ] 1 { M
xxE Vx -
V : [Vx n E< =nh b]B]
V : [Vx n E< , =nh ix Vx V ] 1
50% { E] MB ]
V : [Vx n E< ]
42 E]i E { Ex +{{i ] 2 E Eh +iH ] 1 { M
xxE Vx
43 +iH ] 1 {V E E xxE Vx -
44 +iH ] 1 {V (B]1) 1,380
44E {V {{ii E B xvi +iH ] 1 {V 1,380
45 ] 1 {V (]1 <] 1 + B]1) (29 + 44E) 99,158
] 2 {V : Ji B |vx
46 v V E +iH ] 2 Ji E l vi ]E +vC
47 ] 2 Shr {i E +vx v V {V Ji 19,440
48 E u V B +x {] u vi ] 2 Ji(B <]+< B B]1
Ji V {H 5 34 x ) ] 2 +xi
49 V : Shr {i E +vx E u V Ji
50 |vx 7,815
51 ] 2 {V xxE Vx { 27,225
] 2 {V : xxE Vx
52 E ] 2 Ji x 138
53 ] 2 Ji {{E |ivi
54 EM, k B xE E {V x V xxE Ex E Ij
, {j E E li E UcE , V E V E M< {V E
10% Vn E x ( 10% |E Vn)
55 EM, k B xE E {V i{h x V xxE Ex
E Ij ({j E E li E UcE)
56 ] ] xxE Vx (56E +56J)
56E V : |vx { vEi, k xE E ] 2 {V
E V E E l Ei x E M *
-III { ={S E +vx E v ] 2 { M xxE Vx
V : [Vx n E< =nh ix Vx V ] 2 50% { E] MB ]
V : [Vx n E< ]
57 ] 2 {V E E xxE Vx
58 ] 2 {V (]2) 27,117
58E {V {{ii E B xvi ] 2 {V 25,990
] 2 E { M< +vE +iH ] 1 {V -
58J {V
58M {V {{ii i E E ] 2 {V (58E + 58J) 25,990
59 E {V (] ]1 + ]2) (45 + 58M) 125,148
-III { ={S E +vx E v VJ i +i
V : [Vx n E< ]
V : (n E< )
60 E VJ i +i (60E + 60J + 60M) 1,299,491
60E V : E @h VJ i +i 980,678
60J V : E V VJ i +i 191,790
60M V : E {Sx VJ i +i 127,023
{V +x{i
61 x <C] ] 1 (VJ i +i E |ii E { ) 7.52%
62 ]1 (VJ i +i E |ii E { ) 7.63%
63 E {V (VJ i +i E |ii E { ) 9.63%
64 l ] +iH +Ei (xxi <]1
+Ei E l {V Ih B |iSG +iH +Ei, VJ
i +i E |ii E { H)
65 V : {V Ih E +iH +Ei
66 V : E ] |iSG +iH +Ei
67 V : V-B+< +iH +Ei
] xxi (n III xx )
69 ] x <C] ] 1 xxi +x{i (n III E xxi xx )
70 ] ] 1 xxi +x{i (n III E xxi xx )
71 ] E {V xxi +x{i (n III E xxi xx )
E]i E B |E E (VJ -xvh {)
72 +x k xE E {V M-i{h x
73 k xE E x ]E i{h x
74 vE SEi +vE (vi E ni E UcE)
75 +l +i =i{xx +lMi E +i (vi E ni E UcE)
] 2 E |vx E x { |V +vEi B
76 xEEi o]Eh E +vx @h VJ E v ] 2 Ex E M
|vx (+vEi M x {)
77 xEEi o]Eh E ii ] 2 E |vx E Ex { M +vEi
78 +iE h-xvh +vi o]Eh E +vx @h VJ E v ] 2
Ex M |vx (+vEi M x {)
79 +iE h-xvh +vi o]Eh E ii ] 2 E |vx E
Ex { M +vEi
Table DF - 11
Composition of Capital
Part II: Template to be used before March 31, 2017
(i.e. during the transition period of Basel III regulatory adjustments)
` in million)
Basel III common disclosure template to be used during the Amounts Subject Ref No.
transition of regulatory adjustments to Pre-Basel III
(i.e. from April 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017) Treatment
22 Amount exceeding the 15% threshold
23 of which: significant investments in the common stock of financial entities
24 of which: mortgage servicing rights
25 of which: deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences
26 National specific regulatory adjustments (26a+26b+26c+26d)
26a of which: Investments in the equity capital of the unconsolidated insurance
26b of which: Investments in the equity capital of unconsolidated non-financial
26c of which: Shortfall in the equity capital of majority owned financial entities
which have not been consolidated with the bank
26d of which: Unamortised pension funds expenditures -
Regulatory Adjustments Applied to Common Equity Tier 1 in respect of
Amounts Subject to Pre-Basel III Treatment
27 Regulatory adjustments applied to Common Equity Tier 1 due to insufficient
Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 to cover deductions
28 Total regulatory adjustments to Common equity Tier 1
29 Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) 97,778
Additional Tier 1 capital: instruments
30 Directly issued qualifying Additional Tier 1 instruments plus related stock
surplus (31+32)
31 of which: classified as equity under applicable accounting standards
(Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference Shares) -
32 of which: classified as liabilities under applicable accounting standards
(Perpetual debt Instruments) 1,380
33 Directly issued capital instruments subject to phase out from Additional Tier 1
34 Additional Tier 1 instruments (and CET1 instruments not
included in row 5) issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties amount
allowed in group AT1
35 of which: instruments issued by subsidiaries subject to
phase out
36 Additional Tier 1 capital before regulatory adjustments 1,380
Additional Tier 1 capital: regulatory adjustments
37 Investments in own Additional Tier 1 instruments
38 Reciprocal cross-holdings in Additional Tier 1 instruments
39 Investments in the capital of banking, financial and insurance entities that are
outside the scope of regulatory consolidation, net of eligible short positions,
where the bank does not own more than 10% of the issued common share
capital of the entity (amount above 10% threshold)
40 Significant investments in the capital of banking, financial and insurance
entities that are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation (net of eligible
short positions)
41 National specific regulatory adjustments (41a+41b)
41a Investments in the Additional Tier 1 capital of unconsolidated insurance
41b Shortfall in the Additional Tier 1 capital of majority owned financial entities
which have not been consolidated with the bank
Regulatory Adjustments Applied to Additional Tier 1 in -
respect of Amounts Subject to Pre-Basel III Treatment
of which: [ADJUSTMENT IF ANY e.g. DTAs]
of which: [ADJUSTMENT IF ANY e.g. existing adjustments which are
deducted from Tier 1 at 50%]
42 Regulatory adjustments applied to Additional Tier 1 due to insufficient Tier 2 to cover deductions
43 Total regulatory adjustments to Additional Tier 1 capital -
44 Additional Tier 1 capital (AT1) 1,380
44a Additional Tier 1 capital reckoned for capital adequacy 1,380
45 Tier 1 capital (T1 = CETI + AT1) (29 + 44a) 99,158
Tier 2 capital: instruments and provisions
46 Directly issued qualifying Tier 2 instruments plus related
stock surplus
47 Directly issued capital instruments subject to phase out from Tier 2 19,440
48 Tier 2 instruments (and CETI and AT1 instruments not
included in rows 5 or 34) issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties
(amount allowed in group Tier 2)
49 of which: instruments issued by subsidiaries subject to phase out
50 Provisions 7,815
51 Tier 2 capital before regulatory adjustments 27,255
Tier 2 capital: regulatory adjustments
52 Investments in own Tier 2 instruments 138
53 Reciprocal cross-holdings in Tier 2 instruments
54 Investments in the capital of banking, financial and insurance entities that
are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation, net of eligible short
positions, where the bank does not own more than 10% of the issued
common share capital of the entity (amount above the 10% threshold)
55 Significant investments in the capital banking, financial and insurance
entities that are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation (net of eligible
short positions)
56 National specific regulatory adjustments (56a+56b)
56b of which: Shortfall in the Tier 2 capital of majority owned financial entities
which have not been consolidated with the bank
Regulatory Adjustments applied to Tier 2 in respect of amounts Subject
to Pre-Basel III Treatment
of which: [ADJUSTMENT IF ANY e.g. existing adjustments which are
deducted from Tier 2 at 50%]
57 Total regulatory adjustments to Tier 2 capital
58 Tier 2 capital (T2) 27,117
58a Tier 2 capital reckoned for capital adequacy 25,990
58b Excess Additional Tier 1 capital reckoned as Tier 2 -
58c Total Tier 2 capital admissible for capital adequacy (58a + 58b) 25,990
59 Total capital (TC = T1 + T2) (45 + 58c) 125,148
Risk Weighted Assets in respect of Amounts Subject to Pre- Basel III Treatment
of which: ( If Any)
60 Total Risk weighted assets (60a + 60b + 60c) 1,299,491
60a of which: total credit risk weighted assets 980,678
60b of which: total market risk weighted assets 191,790
60c of which: total operational risk weighted assets 127,023
Capital Ratios
61 Common Equity Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk weighted assets) 7.52%
62 Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk weighted assets) 7.63%
63 Total capital (as a percentage of risk weighted assets) 9.63%
64 Institution specific buffer requirement (minimum CET1
requirement plus capital conservation and countercyclical buffer requirements,
expressed as a percentage of risk weighted assets)
65 of which: capital conservation buffer requirement
66 of which: bank specific countercyclical buffer requirement
67 of which: G-SIB buffer requirement
National minima (if different from Basel III)
69 National Common Equity Tier 1 minimum ratio (if different from Basel III minimum)
70 National Tier 1 minimum ratio (if different from Basel III minimum)
71 National total capital minimum ratio (if different from Basel III minimum)
Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (before risk weighting)
72 Non-significant investments in the capital of other financial entities
73 Significant investments in the common stock of financial entities
74 Mortgage servicing rights (net of related tax liability)
75 Deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences (net of related tax liability)
Applicable caps on the inclusion of provisions in Tier 2
76 Provisions eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 in respect of exposures subject to
standardised approach (prior to application of cap)
77 Cap on inclusion of provisions in Tier 2 under standardised approach
78 Provisions eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 in respect of exposures subject to
internal ratings-based approach (prior to application of cap)
79 Cap for inclusion of provisions in Tier 2 under internal ratings-based approach
iE bB 12
{V E Sx --- vx E +{IB
Sh - 1
(` x )
{]M iJ E li {]M iJ E li E
E +x k h +x Ex E
l{ ix-{j xE i E +iMi
E {V B niB
i |nk {V 10755.92
+Ii B +vE xv 105113.62
+{ J V
B{Ex 9350.00
E {V 125219.53
ii V
V : E V 282251.42
V : OE V 1788930.99
V : +x V (E{ =J E)
iii =v
V : .. E 91790.00
V : E 21534.92
V : +x BV B l+ 18970.59
V : +x (i ) 358.85
V : {V Mi Ji 39750.00
iv +x niB B |vx 80019.00
E 2448825.31
J +i
i i V E E { xEn B 79499.56
+{ Sx + M { + E E { 106092.77
ii x :
V : E |ii 723717.44
V : +x +xni |ii 557.95
V : 4142.35
V : @h{j B b 93823.39
V : E E{x / H =t / E 1845.10
V : +x (hVE {j, S b +n) 15655.82
iii @h B +O
V : E E @h B +O
V : OE E @h B +O 1259053.68
iv +S +i 28846.37
v +x +i
V : J B +i +i
V : +lMi E +i 20132.10
V : +x 115458.79
vi Ex { J
vii + B Ji x
E +i 2448825.31
(` x )
{]M iJ E li E {]M iJ E li E
+x k h +x Ex E xE
l{ ix-{j i E +iMi ix-{j
E {V B niB
i |nk {V
V : <] 1 E B {j 10755.92
V : B] 1 E B {j 0.00
+Ii B +vE xv 105113.62
B{Ex 9350.00
+{J V
E {V 125219.53
ii V
V : E V 282251.42
V : OE V 1788930.99
V : +x V (E{ =J E)
iii =v
V : .. E 91790.00
V : E 21534.92
V : +x l+ 18970.59
V : +x (E{ =J E) 358.85
V : {V Mi Ji 39750.00
x <C] ] 1 {V : Ji B +Ii xv
(` x )
E u {] E Sh 2 xE
M< xE {V E i E +iMi ix-
P]E {j E {j/n {
+vi i
Table DF 12
Composition of Capital Reconciliation Requirements
Step - 1
` in million)
Balance sheet as Balance sheet under
in financial regulatory scope of
statements As on consolidation As on
reporting date reporting date
A Capital & Liabilities
i Paid-up Capital 10755.92
Reserves & Surplus 105113.62
Minority Interest
Share Application Money 9350.00
Total Capital 125219.53
ii Deposits
of which: Deposits from banks 282251.42
of which: Customer deposits 1788930.99
of which: Other deposits (pl. specify)
iii Borrowings
of which: From RBI 91790.00
of which: From banks 21534.92
of which: From other institutions & agencies 18970.59
of which: Others (Outside India) 358.85
of which: Capital instruments 39750.00
iv Other liabilities & provisions 80019.00
Total 2448825.31
B Assets
i Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 79499.56
Balance with banks and money at call and short notice 106092.77
ii Investments:
of which: Government securities 723717.44
of which: Other approved securities 557.95
of which: Shares 4142.35
of which: Debentures & Bonds 93823.39
of which: Subsidiaries / Joint Ventures / Associates 1845.10
of which: Others (Commercial Papers, Mutual Funds etc.) 15655.82
iii Loans and advances
of which: Loans and advances to banks
of which: Loans and advances to customers 1259053.68
iv Fixed assets 28846.37
v Other assets
of which: Goodwill and intangible assets
of which: Deferred tax assets 20132.10
of which: Others 115458.79
vi Goodwill on consolidation
vii Debit balance in Profit & Loss account
Total Assets 2448825.31
` in million)
Balance sheet as Balance sheet under
in financial regulatory scope of
statements As on consolidation As on
reporting date reporting date
A Capital & Liabilities
i Paid-up Capital 10755.92
of which: Amount eligible for CET1 10755.92
of which: Amount eligible for AT1 0.00
Reserves & Surplus 105113.62
Share Application Money 9350.00
Minority Interest
Total Capital 125219.53
ii Deposits
of which: Deposits from banks 282251.42
of which: Customer deposits 1788930.99
of which: Other deposits (pl. specify)
iii Borrowings
of which: From RBI 91790.00
of which: From banks 21534.92
of which: From other institutions 18970.59
& agencies
of which: Others (pl. specify) 358.85
of which: Capital instruments 39750.00
iv Other liabilities & provisions 80019.00
of which: DTLs related to goodwill
of which: DTLs related to intangible assets
Total 2448825.31
B Assets
i Cash and balances with 79499.56
Reserve Bank of India
Balance with banks and money 106092.77
at call and short notice
ii Investments
of which: Government securities 723717.44
of which: Other approved securities 557.95
of which: Shares 4142.35
of which: Debentures & Bonds 93823.39
of which: Subsidiaries / Joint 1845.10
Ventures / Associates
of which: Others (Commercial 15655.82
Papers, Mutual Funds etc.)
iii Loans and advances 1259053.68
of which: Loans and advances
to banks
of which: Loans and advances
to customers
iv Fixed assets 28846.37
v Other assets
of which: Goodwill and
intangible assets
Out of which:
Other intangibles (excluding MSRs) 115458.79
Deferred tax assets 20132.10
vi Goodwill on consolidation
vii Debit balance in Profit & Loss account
Total Assets 2448825.31
Common Equity Tier 1 capital: instruments and reserves
`in million)
Component of Source based on
regulatory capital reference numbers/
reported by bank letters of the balance
sheet under the
regulatory scope of
consolidation from
step 2
iE bB - 13
xxE {V Ji E |J iB
xxE {V Ji E |J i+ E |E]Eh fS
Ji : <C]
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{. +<Bx<691B01018
+<+<Bx O)
3 Ji E i Ex x |V i v B
xxE ={S xxE +EiB
4 G III x Ex <C] ] 1
5 {S-G III x Ex <C] ] 1
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E <C] Ex
8 xxE {V E B xvi ( xE] E {]M
iJ E, . x ) 10,755.92
9 Ji E `10/- |i Ex
10 JEx MEh <C] {V
11 V Ex E iJ n 1969 B =E n
E v iJ
12 l { iJ { l
13 i {{Ci il M x
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M M x
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx M x
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb bbb
17 xi S bbb/E{x S bbb
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE M x
19 bbb vE E +ii M x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x {hi Ex
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM M x
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix M x
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji
|E E =J E) +x nxn E +vxl
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji : |ixE l @h Ji 9.35% J II
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bx<691B09102
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x i xx +vx ,1949
xxE ={S
4 G III x +iH ] 1
5 {S-G III x +iH ] 1
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E |ixE l @h Ji
8 xxE {V E B xvi 1,380.00
( xE] E {]M iJ E, . x )
9 Ji E ` 10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 01.06.2006
12 l { iJ { l
13 i {{Ci il {{Ci x
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx 01.06.2016
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 9.35%
19 bbb vE E +ii
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +i: Ex
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM x
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji <x Ji xE E n <C] E
|E E =J E) <C] x Ex xE ` M
il E E VEi+, x nxn +
+vxl @h E n E +vxl M
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl +{ ] -II b 9.35% J III
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bx<691B09136
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G II x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl
+{ ] -II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi 1,920.00
( xE] E {]M iJ E, . x )
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 22.12.2007
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 22.12.2022
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M +]x E x iJ 10 E +i
{ (++< E { +xi )
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx 22.12.2017
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 0
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji <x Ji xE E n <C] E
|E E =J E) <C] x Ex xE ] M
<x Ji xE E n <C] E <C] il +x nxn E n E
x Ex xE ` M il +x nxn +vxl M *
E n E +vxl M*
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl +{ ] -II b 8.90% J IV
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bx<691B09177
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl +{
] -II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi ( xE] E {]M
iJ E, ` x ) 3,000.00
9 Ji E ` 10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 25.03.2010
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 25.03.2025
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M +]x E x iJ 10 E +i
{ (++< E { +xi )
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx 25.03.2020
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 8.90%
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li <x Ji xE E n <C]
(+M GE ` Ji |E E =J E) E <C] x Ex xE
` M il +x nxn E n E
+vxl M*
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl +{ ] -II b 9.28% J II
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bx<691B09110
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl
+{ ] -II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi ( xE] E {]M 3,000.00
iJ E, . x )
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 03.07.2006
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 03.07.2021
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M +]x E x iJ 10 E +i
{ (++< E { +xi )
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx 03.07.2016
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 9.28%
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji <x Ji xE E n <C] E
|E E =J E) <C] x Ex xE ` M
il +x nxn E n E +vxl M*
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix ] -II b 9.50% J IX
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<+<Bx +<Bx< 691B09144
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl
+{ ] -II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi ( xE] E {]M
iJ E, ` x ) 360.00
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 31.03.2008
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 30.04.2018
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M x
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx M x
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 9.50%
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li <x Ji xE E n <C]
(+M GE ` Ji |E E =J E) E <C] x Ex xE `
M il +x nxn E n E +vxl
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix ] -II b 9.75% J X
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bxx<691B09151
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl
+{ ] - II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi
( xE] E {]M iJ E, ` x ) 1,320.00
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 22.12.2008
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 22.04.2019
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M x
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx M x
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb 9.75%
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE M x
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji |E <x Ji xE E n <C]
E =J E) E <C] x Ex xE `
M il +x nxn E n E
+vxl M*
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix ] -II b 8.92% J XI
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{, +<Bxx< 691B 09169
+<+<Bx M)
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix
+vxl +{ ] -II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi 3,840.00
( xE] E {]M iJ E, ` x )
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 08.03.2010
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 08.03.2020
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M x
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx M x
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 8.92%
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji |E <x Ji xE E n <C]
E =J E) E <C] x Ex
xE ` M il +x
nxn E n E +vxl M*
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Ji: +|ii |inx M +{ix ] -II b 9.00% J XII
1 VEi E E
2 xE {SxEi (=n. xV {] E B B+<{,
+<+<Bx M) +<Bx< 691B09185
3 Ji E i Ex x ++<
xxE ={S
4 G III x ] - II
5 {S-G III x ] - II
6 BE// B BE E {j BE
7 Ji E |E +|ii |inx M +{ix
+vxl +{ ]-II b
8 xxE {V E B xvi ( xE] E {]M 6,000.00
iJ E, ` x )
9 Ji E `10,00,000/-
10 JEx MEh =v
11 V Ex E iJ 28.12.2012
12 l { iJ { iJ {
13 i {{Ci il 28.12.2022
14 { {I +xnx E +vx VEi u M x
15 E{E M il, +EE M il B |inx M x
16 {i M il, n M M x
E{x/bbb E{x
17 xi S bbb/E{x xi
18 E{x E n E< vi SEE 9.00%
19 bbb vE E +ii x
20 {hi Ex, +i: Ex +x +x
21 |inx i r +x |ix E VnM
22 +S S +S
23 {ix +{ix +{ix
24 n {ix i {ix E/E =i|E M x
25 n {ix i {hi: +i: M x
26 n {ix i {ix E n M x
27 n {ix i +x E{E {ix M x
28 n {ix i Ji E |E iB V {ix M x
29 n {ix i V Ji {ii =E VEi M x
30 -P] E ={vi x
31 n -P] i =E =i|E M x
32 n -P] i {hi: +i: M x
33 n -P] i l +l M x
34 n +l -P] i gx E |h E h M x
35 {{x +vxli h li (+M GE ` Ji <x Ji xE E n
|E E =J E) Ex xE ` M il
<C] E <C] x
+x nxn E n E +vxl
36 M-+x{E Gi Ih M x
37 n i M-+x{E Ih E =J E M x
Table DF-13
INSTRUMENT: Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments 9.35% Series II
1 Issuer UCO Bank
2 Unique identifier (e.g. CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier for
private placement) INE691A09102
3 Governing law(s) of the instrument The Banking Regulation Act,1949
Regulatory treatment
4 Transitional Basel III rules Additional Tier 1
5 Post-transitional Basel III rules Additional Tier 1
6 Eligible at solo/group/ group & solo Solo
7 Instrument type Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments
8 Amount recognised in regulatory capital
(` in million, as of most recent reporting date) 1,380.00
9 Par value of instrument `10,00,000/-
10 Accounting classification Borrowings
11 Original date of issuance 01.06.2006
12 Perpetual or dated Perpetual
13 Original maturity date No maturity.
14 Issuer call subject to prior supervisory approval Yes
15 Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount 01.06.2016
16 Subsequent call dates, if applicable Not Applicable
Coupons / dividends Coupon
17 Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Fixed
18 Coupon rate and any related index 9.35%
19 Existence of a dividend stopper Yes
20 Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory Partial Discretionary
21 Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem No
22 Noncumulative or cumulative Non-cumulative
23 Convertible or non-convertible Non Convertible
24 If convertible, conversion trigger(s) Not Applicable
25 If convertible, fully or partially Not Applicable
26 If convertible, conversion rate Not Applicable
27 If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion Not Applicable
28 If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into Not Applicable
29 If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into Not Applicable
30 Write-down feature No.
31 If write-down, write-down trigger(s) Not Applicable
32 If write-down, full or partial Not Applicable
33 If write-down, permanent or temporary Not Applicable
34 If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Not Applicable
35 Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify The claim of investors in these instruments
instrument type immediately senior to instrument) shall be superior to the claims of investors in
the equity in the equity shares and
subordinated to the
claims of depositors, general
creditors and subordinated debt of the bank.
36 Non-compliant transitioned features Not Applicable
37 If yes, specify non-compliant features Not Applicable
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Upper Tier-II Bonds 9.35%
Series III
1 Issuer UCO Bank
2 Unique identifier (e.g. CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier for
private placement) INE691A09136
3 Governing law(s) of the instrument RBI
Regulatory treatment
4 Transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
5 Post-transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
6 Eligible at solo/group/ group & solo Solo
7 Instrument type Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible
Subordinated Upper Tier-II Bonds
8 Amount recognised in regulatory capital (` in million,
as of most recent reporting date) 1,920,00
9 Par value of instrument `10,00,000/-
10 Accounting classification Borrowings
11 Original date of issuance 22.12.2007
12 Perpetual or dated Dated
13 Original maturity date 22.12.2022
14 Issuer call subject to prior supervisory approval At par at the end of 10th year from deemed
date of allotment (with the prior permission
of RBI)
15 Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount 22.12.2017
16 Subsequent call dates, if applicable Not Applicable
Coupons / dividends Coupon
17 Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Fixed
18 Coupon rate and any related index 0
19 Existence of a dividend stopper No
20 Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory Mandatory
21 Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem Yes
22 Noncumulative or cumulative Non-cumulative
23 Convertible or non-convertible Non Convertible
24 If convertible, conversion trigger(s) Not Applicable
25 If convertible, fully or partially Not Applicable
26 If convertible, conversion rate Not Applicable
27 If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion Not Applicable
28 If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into Not Applicable
29 If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into Not Applicable
30 Write-down feature No.
31 If write-down, write-down trigger(s) Not Applicable
32 If write-down, full or partial Not Applicable
33 If write-down, permanent or temporary Not Applicable
34 If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Not Applicable
35 Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify The claim of investors in these instruments
instrument type immediately senior to instrument) shall be superior to the claims of investors in
the equity in the equity shares and subordi-
nate to the claim of all other creditors.
36 Non-compliant transitioned features Not Applicable
37 If yes, specify non-compliant features Not Applicable
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Upper Tier-II Bonds 8.90%
Series IV
1 Issuer UCO Bank
2 Unique identifier (e.g. CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier
for private placement) INE691A09177
3 Governing law(s) of the instrument RBI
Regulatory treatment
4 Transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
5 Post-transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
6 Eligible at solo/group/ group & solo Solo
7 Instrument type Unsecured Redeemable Non-
Convertible Subordinated Upper
Tier-II Bonds
8 Amount recognised in regulatory capital (` in million,
as of most recent reporting date) 3,000.00
9 Par value of instrument `10,00,000/-
10 Accounting classification Borrowings
11 Original date of issuance 25.03.2010
12 Perpetual or dated Dated
13 Original maturity date 25.03.2025
14 Issuer call subject to prior supervisory approval At par at the end of 10th year from
deemed date of allotment
(with the prior permission of RBI)
15 Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount 25.03.2020
16 Subsequent call dates, if applicable Not Applicable
Coupons / dividends Coupon
17 Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Fixed
18 Coupon rate and any related index 8.90%
19 Existence of a dividend stopper No
20 Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory Mandatory
21 Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem Yes
22 Noncumulative or cumulative Non-cumulative
23 Convertible or non-convertible Non Convertible
24 If convertible, conversion trigger(s) Not Applicable
25 If convertible, fully or partially Not Applicable
26 If convertible, conversion rate Not Applicable
27 If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion Not Applicable
28 If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into Not Applicable
29 If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into Not Applicable
30 Write-down feature No.
31 If write-down, write-down trigger(s) Not Applicable
32 If write-down, full or partial Not Applicable
33 If write-down, permanent or temporary Not Applicable
34 If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Not Applicable
35 Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify
instrument type immediately senior to instrument) The claim of investors in these
instruments shall be superior to the
claims of investors in the equity in
the equity shares and subordinate
to the claim of all other
36 Non-compliant transitioned features Not Applicable
37 If yes, specify non-compliant features Not Applicable
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Upper Tier-II Bonds 9.28%
Series II
1 Issuer UCO Bank
2 Unique identifier (e.g. CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier for private placement) INE691A09110
3 Governing law(s) of the instrument RBI
Regulatory treatment
4 Transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
5 Post-transitional Basel III rules Tier - II
6 Eligible at solo/group/ group & solo Solo
7 Instrument type Unsecured Redeemable Non-
Convertible Subordinated Upper
Tier-II Bonds
8 Amount recognised in regulatory capital (` in million, as of most recent
reporting date) 3,000.00
9 Par value of instrument `10,00,000/-
10 Accounting classification Borrowings
11 Original date of issuance 03.07.2006
12 Perpetual or dated Dated
13 Original maturity date 03.07.2021
14 Issuer call subject to prior supervisory approval At par at the end of 10th year from
deemed date of allotment
(with the prior permission of RBI)
15 Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount 03.07.2016
16 Subsequent call dates, if applicable Not Applicable
Coupons / dividends Coupon
17 Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Fixed
18 Coupon rate and any related index 9.28%
19 Existence of a dividend stopper No
20 Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory Mandatory
21 Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem Yes
22 Noncumulative or cumulative Non-cumulative
23 Convertible or non-convertible Non Convertible
24 If convertible, conversion trigger(s) Not Applicable
25 If convertible, fully or partially Not Applicable
26 If convertible, conversion rate Not Applicable
27 If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion Not Applicable
28 If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into Not Applicable
29 If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into Not Applicable
30 Write-down feature No.
31 If write-down, write-down trigger(s) Not Applicable
32 If write-down, full or partial Not Applicable
33 If write-down, permanent or temporary Not Applicable
34 If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Not Applicable
35 Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify instrument type The claim of investors in these
immediately senior to instrument) instruments shall be superior to
the claims of investors in the
equity in the equity shares and
subordinate to the claim of all
other creditors.
36 Non-compliant transitioned features Not Applicable
37 If yes, specify non-compliant features Not Applicable
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Tier-II Bonds 9.50% Series
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Tier-II Bonds 9.75% Series X
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Tier-II Bonds 8.92% Series
INSTRUMENT: Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Tier-II Bonds 9.00% Series XII
iE bB - 14
xxE {V +Ei+ E {h x B i
G.. Ji {h x B i
1 <C]
(+<Bx<691B01018) vh : +S
3 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `320 Ec, +]x E iJ: 22.12.2007, |inx E
+{ ] -II b 9.35% J III iJ: 22.12.2022, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E
(+<Bx<691B09136) E{ E iJ 22.12.2017. V n + +k:9.35%, 22 Vx B 22
n. SEh: BxB< E { Sr, +iE { *
4 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `500 Ec, +]x E iJ: 25.03.2010, |inx E
+{ ] -II b 8.90% J IV iJ: 25.03.2025, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E
(+<Bx<691B09177) E{ E iJ 25.03.2020. V n + +k:8.90%, 25 S B
25 i. SEh: BxB< E { Sr, +iE { *
5 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `500 Ec, +]x E iJ: 03.07.2006, |inx E
+{ ] -II b 9.28% J II iJ: 03.07.2021, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E
(+<Bx<691B09110) E{ E iJ 03.07.2016. V n + +k:9.28%, 3 V< B
3 Vx. SEh: BxB< E { Sr, +iE { *
6 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `250 Ec, +]x E iJ: 07.08.2006, |inx E iJ:
] -II b 9.25% J VIII 07.04.2016, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E E{ E
(+<Bx<691B09128) iJ : M x. V n + +k: 9.25%, 7 B 7 +Mi.
SEh: BxB< E { Sr, +iE { *
7 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `100 Ec, +]x E iJ: 31.03.2008, |inx E iJ:
] -II b 9.50% J IX 30.04.2018, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E E{ E
(+<Bx<691B09144) iJ : M x. V n + +k:9.50%, 31 S B 30 i. SEh:
BxB< E { Sr, +iE { *
8 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: ` 275 Ec, +]x E iJ: 22.12.2008, |inx E iJ:
] -II b 9.75% J X 22.04.2019, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E E{ E
(+<Bx<691B09151) iJ: M x . V n + +k: 9.75%, 22 n. SEh: BxB<
E { Sr, +iE { *
9 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `800 Ec, +]x E iJ: 08.03.2010, |inx E iJ:
] -II b 8.92% J XI 08.03.2020, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E E{ E
(+<Bx<691B09169) iJ: M x. V n + +k:8.92%, 8 S. SEh: BxB< E
{ Sr, +iE { *
10 +|ii |inx M +{ix +vxl V |j: `1000 Ec, +]x E iJ: 28.12.2012, |inx E iJ:
]-II b 9.00% J XII 28.12.2022, : `1 x, {] Bb E E{: E E{ E
(+<Bx<691B09185) iJ: M x. V n + +k:9.00%, 28 n. SEh: BxB<
E { Sr, +iE { *
Table DF - 14
Full Terms and Conditions of Regulatory Capital Instruments
No. Instruments Full Terms and Conditions
1 Equity Shares
Ordinary Shares, non-cumulative.
2 Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments Issue Size: `230 Crore, Date of Allotment: 01.06.2006, Date of Redemption:
9.35% Series II Perpetual, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date
(INE691A09102) 01.06.2016. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.35%, 1st June and 1st
December. Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
3 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `320 Crore, Date of Allotment: 22.12.2007, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Upper 22.12.2022, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date
Tier-II Bonds 9.35% Series III 22.12.2017. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.35%, 22nd June and 22nd
(INE691A09136) December. Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
4 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `500 Crore, Date of Allotment: 25.03.2010, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Upper 25.03.2025, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date
Tier-II Bonds 8.90% Series IV 25.03.2020. Rate of Interest and frequency:8.90%, 25th March and 25th
(INE691A09177) September. Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
5 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `500 Crore, Date of Allotment: 03.07.2006, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Upper 03.07.2021, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date
Tier-II Bonds 9.28% Series II 03..07.2016. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.28%, 3rd July and 3rd January.
(INE691A09110) Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
6 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `250 Crore, Date of Allotment: 07.08.2006, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Tier-II 07.04.2016, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date Not
Bonds 9.25% Series VIII applicable. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.25%, 7th February & 7th August.
(INE691A09128) Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
7 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Con Issue Size: `100 Crore, Date of Allotment: 31.03.2008, Date of Redemption:
vertible Subordinated Tier-II Bonds 30.04.2018, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date Not
9.50% Series IX applicable. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.50%, 31st March & 30th
(INE691A09144) September. Listing: Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
8 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `275 Crore, Date of Allotment: 22.12.2008, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Tier-II 22.04.2019, Par Value:`1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date Not
Bonds 9.75% Series X applicable. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.75%, 22nd December. Listing:
(INE691A09151) Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
9 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `800 Crore, Date of Allotment: 08.03.2010, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Tier-II 08.03.2020, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date Not
Bonds 8.92% Series XI applicable. Rate of Interest and frequency:8.92%, 8th March. Listing: Listed
(INE691A09169) with NSE, All in Dematerialised form.
10 Unsecured Redeemable Non- Issue Size: `1000 Crore, Date of Allotment: 28.12.2012, Date of Redemption:
Convertible Subordinated Tier-II 28.12.2022, Par Value: `1 Million, Put and Call Option: Call option date Not
Bonds 9.00% Series XII
applicable. Rate of Interest and frequency:9.00%, 28th December. Listing:
Listed with NSE, All in Dematerialised form. @ 250%
iE bB - 15
{E E |E]Eh +EiB
]Ei E { M x *
Table DF - 15
Disclosure Requirements for Remuneration
Not applicable to Nationalised Banks.
iE bB-16:
MhiE |E]Eh <C] - EM li E |E]Eh
z x MEh + Ex { i W E E nxn E +x x E Jn E iJ E E E B vi
(BSB]), G i ={v (BBB) + {{Ci E B vi(BS]B) E h MEi E Vi * Vx x E E
{{Ci iE vi Ex Si =x BS]B |ii E { MEi E Vi * i W E E nxn E +x
BS]B h E +iMi vi <C] x E {V {{ii E =q EM E { MEi E Vi *
z i W E E nxn E +x E B H =t E BC] x E BS]B h E +iMi MEi Ex E
V i i * <xE E =q v E Ex E xiMi =q vi E Vi *
z BS]B h E +iMi vi x E Cb-]-E] x {i =xE +vOh Mi { x E Vi * +l E + <C]
x E +x E xxi E B |vx E Vi * BS]B h E +iMi x G < E x E -
x h H E Vi * BS]B h E +iMi x G B E -x h H EE, i W E E
nxn E +x, E B vE +Ii xv E UcE {V +Ii xv xVi E Vi *
MhiE |E]Eh ( ` Ec )
x ix {j E +x =Si J |ii
+xri 190.72 190.72 M x
=ri x/NIL x/NIL M x
J. x E |E + |Ei ( ` Ec )
x + E xV { vi
E, M B H =t (++ E B) 184.50
VxE Ij E ={G/E{] E +x ,V 6.22
2 i, 2004 E li E E Vn
l + i W E E nxn E +x
=x = { vi E V Ei *
M. /x h ( ` Ec )
Ivx +v E nx G + {{x =i{xx S { |{i (x) -
E +|{i (x) -
E +H {x Ex (x) -
{V xi +|{i (x) -
{V xi +H {x Ex (x) -
( ` Ec )
P. EM E B {V +Ei
<C] x III E ii {V +Ei
E xxE {V E]i
M B H =t i VJ n /@ 250% 41.51
VxE Ij E ={G/E{] E +x ,
V 2 i,2004 E li E E
Vn l + i W E E nxn
E +x =x = { vi E V Ei * i VJ n /@ 150% 0.84
Table DF - 16
Investments Value as per Balance Fair Value Publicly Quoted Share Values (if
Sheet materially different from fair value)
(` in crore)
B. Types and Nature of Investments
Investments Publicly traded Privately held
Subsidiary, Associate and Joint Ventures (for RRBs) 184.50
Other shares of PSU/Corporate, which were in the books of the Bank
under HTM category as on 2nd September 2004 and as per
RBI guidelines, can be retained as such. 6.22
(` in crore)
D. Capital Requirement for Banking Book
Equity grouping Treatment under Basel III Capital Requirement
Subsidiary Deducted from Regulatory capital
Associate and Joint Ventures Risk weighted @ 250% 41.51
Other shares of PSU/Corporate, which were in the
books of the Bank under HTM category as on
2nd September 2004 and as per RBI guidelines,
can be retained as such. Risk weighted @ 150% 0.84
bB-- 17:
JEx {{k + V +x{i BC{V E ix
G.. x ` x
1 |Ei k h E +x E Ei +i 2448825.31
V +x{i x |E]Eh xx
G.. n ` x
ix {j H BC{W
1. ix {j H n (i{xx + BB] x, Ex {E i) 2448825.31
i{xx BC{W
4. i{xx xnx E l Vc |il{x Mi(x xEn Sx Vx E UcE) 2705.50
G.. n ` x
9. Ji @h i{xx E Vi | xx 0.00
ix {j <i +x BC{W
17. E xx { ix-{j <i BC{W 270761.66
20. ] 1 {V 99158.30
V +x{i
Table DF - 17
Sr No Particulars ` in Millions)
Amount (`
1 Total consolidated assets as per published financial Statements 2448825.31
2 Adjustment for investments in banking, financial, insurance or commercial
entities that are consolidated for accounting purposes but outside the scope
of regulatory consolidation -
3 Adjustment for fiduciary assets recognised on the balance sheet pursuant to
the operative accounting framework but excluded from the
leverage ratio exposure measure -
4 Adjustments for derivative financial instruments 10314.55
5 Adjustment for securities financing transactions
(i.e. repos and similar secured lending) 0.00
6 Adjustment for off-balance sheet items
(i.e. conversion to credit equivalent amounts of off- balance sheet exposures) 100304.92
7 Other adjustments (13050.30)
8 Leverage ratio exposure 3.90%
Table DF - 18
Sr No Item ` in Millions)
Amount (`
1. On-balance sheet items (excluding derivatives and SFTs, but including collateral) 2448825.31
3. Total on-balance sheet exposures (excluding derivatives and SFTs) (sum of lines 1 and 2) 2435775.01
Derivative exposure
5. Add-on amounts for PFE associated with all derivatives Transactions 7609.05
Sr No Item ` in Millions)
Amount (`
10. (Adjusted effective notional offsets and add-on deductions for written credit derivatives) 0.00
12. Gross SFT assets (with no recognition of netting), after adjusting for
sale accounting transactions 0.00
13. (Netted amounts of cash payables and cash receivables of gross SFT assets 0.00
16. Total securities financing transaction exposures (sum of lines 12 to 15) 0.00
Leverage ratio
|vx E : 10, . j. . h, EEi - 700001
(Nugh"thfU tht Chu YJk n;tGrh; rfUY stlu nu;w)
13 E + `E
nxE 29 Vx, 2016
hrsx[ef]U; VUturtgtu mk.
(gr= ybq;eof]U; ln ni)
ze. ve. vnatl mk.
d{tnfU fUe vnatl mk.
(gr= ybq;eof]U; ni)
b/nb, ______________________, rlJtme_____________________, rstt___________,htg____________,
stu gqfUtu cfU fUt/fuU Nugh"thfU nq / n, Y;=Ttht e/eb;e ________________________________________________,
rlJtme __________________________, rstt ____________, htg_____________, fUtu gt WlfUe ylwvr:r; b
e/eb;e ______________________, rlJtme _____________, rstt ___________, htg ______________
fUtu v, r=ltkfU 29 Vx, 2016 fUtu 11.00 csu vqJtonTl b x +b] , x ], V..B. bx Bx=, EEi - 700 046
b gt WmfuU c=tu rfUme yg :tl vh ytgturs; fUe stluJtte gqfUtu cfU fuU Nugh"thfUt fUe 13 JtrMofU ytb ciXfU b buhu/nbthu rtY ytih buhe/
nbthe ytuh mu b;=tl fUhlu nu;w yvlt vhtuGe rlgwU fUh;t/fUh;e/nq /fUh;u n>
` 1 /- fUt
JMo 2016 fUu fUe ;theF fUtu n;tGh rfUY dY hme=e
vhtuGe fUu n;tGh
ltb &
v;t &
v{:b ltrb;/YfUbtt Nugh"thfU fUu n;tGh
vhtuGe VUtbo n;tGrh; fUhlu ytih sbt fUhlu nu;w ylw=uN&
1. fUtuRo vhtuGe rtF; ;c ;fU Ji" ln ntude sc ;fU Jn&
(fU)rfUme grfU Nugh"thfU fuU btbtu b WmfuU gt WmfuU Yumu yxleo tht n;tGrh; ln rsmu rtrF; v b mgfU v mu tr"f]U; rfUgt dgt ntu;
(F) mkgwU "thfU fuU btbtu b hrsxh b :b ltrb; Nugh"thfU gt WmfuU Yumu yxleo tht n;tGrh; ln ntu rsmu rtrF; v b mgfU v
mu tr"f]U; rfUgt dgt ntu;
(d) rfUme rldrb; rlfUtg fuU btbtu b WmfuU yr"fUthe gt WmfuU Yumu yxleo tht n;tGrh; ln ntu rsmu rtrF; v b mgfUT v mu tr"f]U;
rfUgt dgt ntu>
2. fUtuRo vhtuGe rtF; rfUme Yumu Nugh"thfU tht vgto; v mu n;tGrh; mbSe stYde stu rfUme fUthK mu yvlt ltb rtFlu b yGb ni gr= WmfUt ranTl Wmvh
ykrfU; rfUgt st;t ni ;:t Wmu rfUme gtgt"eN, =kztr"fUthe, cebt hrsx[th gt Wv-hrsx[th gt yg mhfUthe htsvrt; yr"fUthe gt gqfUtu cfU fuU rfUme yr"fUthe
tht ylwbtrK; rfUgt st;t ni>
3. vhtuGe VUtbo ytih
(fU) bw;thltbt gt tr"fUth (gr= fUtuRo ntu) rsmfuU y"el Jn n;tGrh; rfUgt dgt ni, y:Jt
(F) bw;thltbt gt tr"fUth fUe YfU Yume r; stu rfUme ltuxhe vrtfU gt =kztr"fUthe tht btrK; ntu, gqfUtu cfU, "tl fUtgtotg, rJt rJCtd
(Nugh ylwCtd) 2, <b BCSV {, ;];eg ;t, fUtutfUt;t-700 001 fuU vtm JtrMofU ytb ciXfU fUe ;theF mu fUb mu fUb ath r=l vqJo gtle G,
nxE 24 Vx, 2016 fUu fUtgo-mbg fUe mbtrt vh gt WmfUu vntu sbt fUe stY>
4. fUtuR Ce vhtuGe rtF; ;c ;fU Ji" lnek ntude sc;fU fuU ylwmth ytih mgfU v mu xtkrv; l ntu>
5. cifU fuU vtm sbt fUe dRo vhtuGe rtF; yr;mknhKeg YJk ykr;b ntude>
6. rJfUv;& =tu +vEO fUu vG buk =tl fUe dRo vhtuGe rtF; fuU btbtu b YfU mu ylr"fU VUtbo rlvtr=; rfUgt stYdt>
7. rsm NughtthfU lu vhtuGe Ji rlvtr=; fUe ni Jn Wm JtrMofU + `E bku grUd; v mu b;=tl fUhlu fUt nfU=th ln ntudt rsmmu Jn rtF; mkcrt;
8. fUtuRo Ce Yumt grU mgf v mu trtf]U; r;rlrt gt vhtuGe fuU v b rlgwU ln rfUgt stYdt stu gqfUtu ckifU fUt yrtfUthe gt fUboathe ni>
Form "B"
UCO Bank
Head Office : 10, B. T. M, Sarani Kolkata - 700 001
Proxy Form
(To be filled in and signed by the Shareholder)
13th Annual General Meeting
Dated June 29th, 2016
` 1/-
Signed this day of 2016 Stamp
Signature of Proxy
Name : Signature of first named / sole Shareholder
Address :
Instructions for Signing the Proxy form:
1. No instruments of proxy shall be valid unless,
(a) In the case of an individual shareholder, it is signed by him/her or his/her attorney, duly authorised in writing;
(b) In the case of joint holder, it is signed by the shareholder first named in the register or his/her attorney, duly authorised in writing;
(c) In the case of a body corporate signed by its officer or an attorney duly authorised in writing,
2. An instrument of proxy shall be sufficiently signed by any shareholder, who is, for any reason, unable to write his/her name, if his/her mark
is affixed thereto, and attested by a judge, Magistrate, Registar or Sub-Registrar of Assurance or other Government Gazetted Officer or an
Officer of UCO Bank.
3. The proxy together with
(a) the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or
(b) a copy of the power of attorney or authority, certified by a Notary Public or a Magistrate, should be deposited at the Head Office
of UCO Bank, Finance Dept. (Share Section), 2, India Exchange Place, 3rd floor, Kolkata-700 001 not less than FOUR DAYS
before the date of the Annual General Meeting i.e., on or before the closing hours of Friday, the 24th June, 2016.
4. No instrument of Proxy shall be valid unless it is as per Form "B" and is duly stamped.
5. An instrument of Proxy deposited with the Bank shall be irrevocable and final.
6. In the case of an instrument of proxy granted in favour of two grantees in the alternative, not more than one form shall be executed.
7. The shareholder who has executed an instrument of proxy shall not be entitled to vote in person at the Annual General Meeting to which
such instrument relates.
8. No person shall be appointed duly authorised representative or a proxy who is an officer or an employee of UCO Bank.
E E / UCO Bank
|vx E : 10, . j. . h, EEi - 700001
B.. TT.. M. Sarani K
Head Office : 10, B olkata - 700 001
Wvr:r; vaeo / Attendance Slip
(JuN fUh;u mbg sbt fUh) / (To be surrendered at the time of entry)
nxE : v, 29 Vx 2016, {x 11.00 V
lx : x +b] , x ], V..B. bx Bx=, EEi - 700 046
Date : Wednesday, 29th June, 2016 at 11.00 a.m.
Venue : Mini Auditorium, Science City, J.B.S. Haldane Avenue, Kolkata - 700 046
Binu E E 13 E + `E +{x ={li nV Ei *
I hereby record my presence at the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Bank
vE/vhtuGe/Wvr:; E J iI
{VEi VUturtgtu/zeveytRoze / OE
r;rlr" E x {Sx J Number of Shares Signature
Name of the Shareholder/ Regd. Folio / DPID/Client ID No.
Proxy/Representative present
Nugh"thfUt/vhtuGe, r;rlr"gt mu ylwhtu" rfUgt st;t ni rfU Ju mCt-CJl b JuN nu;w Rm Wvr:r; vaeo-mn-JuN vaeo vh n;tGh fUh ;w; fUh> JuN vt Jttu
ykN fUtu Nugh"thfUt/vhtuGe/r;rlr"gt fUtu Jtvm fUh r=gt stYdt rsmu Ju ciXfU atlu ;fU yvlu vtm hF> rVUh Ce ytJgfU;t mbSu stlu vh yr;rhU mgtvl/
stka fuU Wvht; JuN fUe ylwbr; =e stYde> rfUme Ce vrhr:r; b mCt-CJl fuU JuNth vh fUtuRo zwrtfuUx Wvr:r; vaeo-mn-JuN vaeo sthe ln rfUgt stYde>
Shareholders/Proxy representatives are requested to produce this Attendance Slip-cum-Entry Pass signed, for admission to meeting
hall. The Entry Pass portion will be handed back to the shareholders/proxy/representatives, who should retain it till the conclusion of
the meeting. The admission may, however, be subject to further verification/checks, as may be deemed necessary. Under no
circumstances, will any duplicate Attendance Slip-cum-Entry Pass be issued at the entrance to the meeting hall.