Trane Zn523
Trane Zn523
Trane Zn523
TracerTM ZN 523
2 BAS-PRC018-E4
Introduction 2
Inputs and outputs chartacteristics 4
Normal operations 8
Advanced operations 22
Special functions 24
Diagnostics 28
Characteristics and specifications 30
Installation 37
Troubleshooting 39
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Inputs and outputs characteristics
Binary inputs
The TracerTM ZN 523 controller has three available binary inputs. These
inputs are designed for the following functions:
Occupancy input
Occupancy input is used for two functions:
Standalone controllers (Units not connected to a BMS over LonTalk):
The occupancy binary input determines the room occupancy. This input
is typically connected to a motion sensor or clock. Occupied and
unoccupied modes are supported in that case.
Communicating controllers connected to a BMS over LonTalk:
The BMS sends requests for occupied / unoccupied mode. When in
occupied mode, Trane ZN 523 controller monitors the occupancy binary
input as to select between occupied mode (Occupied is requested by the
BMS AND there is somebody in the area) or occupied standby mode
(Occupied is requested by the BMS, but there is nobody in the area =
Occupied, economy mode).
4 BAS-PRC018-E4
Inputs and outputs characteristics
Controller operations
Binary input Description Configuration Contact close Contact open
BI 1 Occupancy Normally Open Unoccupied Occupied
Normally Close Occupied Unoccupied
BI 2 Window contact Normally Open Diagnostic* Normal
Normally Close Normal Diagnostic*
*: see table 4
Controller operations
Binary input Description Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat Diagnostic Diagnostic type
BI 1 Occupancy - - - - - -
Window Window
BI 2 Off Close Close Off Informational
contact contact
BAS-PRC018-E4 5
Inputs and outputs characteristics
Binary outputs
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller has eight available binary outputs:
3 for fan motor speed control
2 for cooling valve actuator control
2 for heating valves actuator control
1 for electric heater control
See following table for output assignments:
6 BAS-PRC018-E4
Inputs and outputs characteristics
Analog inputs
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller has three analog inputs:
BAS-PRC018-E4 7
Normal operations
Occupancy modes
Occupancy modes can be indicated to Trane ZN 523 via the occupancy
binary input or communicated from a building management system,
4 occupancy modes are controlled:
8 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
3 6
1 2 4 7 8
BAS-PRC018-E4 9
Normal operations
100 %
2 3 4 7 8 9
1. Control output
2. Unoccupied heating setpoint
3. Occupied standby heating setpoint
4. Occupied heating setpoint
5. Dead band
6. Local setpoint
7. Occupied cooling setpoint
8. Occupied standby cooling setpoint
9. Unoccupied cooling setpoint
10 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
BAS-PRC018-E4 11
Normal operations
Modulating/Cascade control
Modulating control
TracerTM ZN 523 provides comfort through hydronic valve and fan speed
modulation proportional-integral control algorithm. Two modes can be used
with Trane ZN 523:
Cascade control
When configured for cascade control the unit controls the discharge air
temperature to control the zone temperature.
3 5 3
+ +
1 4 7 8
- -
2 6
1. Active setpoint
2. Measured space temperature
3. Delta
4. Space temperature control
5. Calculated discharge air temperature setpoint
6. Measured discharge air temperature
7. Discharge air temperature control
8. Heat/cool capacity
12 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
1 4 5
1. Active setpoint
2. Measured space temperature
3. Delta
4. Space temperature control
5. Heat/cool capacity
BAS-PRC018-E4 13
Normal operations
Fan operation
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller supports 1, 2, or 3 speed fans.
For chilled beam application, controller is set up for 1 speed fan control.
Continuous or cycling fan operation are supported.
The controller, when in occupied mode, can control the fan speed
automatically, if 'auto' is enabled either from the local zone sensor, or the
If 'off' mode is selected, the controller shuts down fan speed, closes valves
and waits for command to return to either fan speed, or 'auto'.
Fan speed override that takes place at Zone sensor level can be
automatically reset from the BMS. If, for example, an occupant forces fan to
low speed during a meeting, the fan speed can be reverted to 'auto'
position through a command sent by the BMS, which will cancel the local
zone sensor fan speed override.
Fan control
When in 'auto' mode and when setup for 3 fan speed control, TracerTM
ZN 523 intelligent control algorithm uses low fan speed for delivering up to
65% of total capacity.
1 2
100 % 100 %
77 %
65 %
0% 0%
1. Valve position
2. Unit capacity
14 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
7 8
100 %
100 %
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
BAS-PRC018-E4 15
Normal operations
16 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
Absolute setpoint
Zone sensor allows the occupant to adjust the space temperature
setpoint within a specified range.
Relative setpoint
Zone sensor allows the occupant to shift the space temperature
setpoint up and down.
BAS-PRC018-E4 17
Normal operations
Occupant call
Following a pre-defined keys sequence, the occupant can generate a call to
the building management system. The occupant call is similar to the nurse
call in hospitals. Once the pre-defined keys sequence done, the zone sensor
sends to the TracerTM ZN 523 the occupant call request. The TracerTM ZN 523
controller sets the dedicated network variable output to ON and generates
an Occupant call diagnostic. Re-pressing the pre-defined keys sequence
resets the occupant call.
Large push buttons: Setpoint adjustment (increase / decrease), fan speed (auto/off/low speed/medium
Push buttons
speed / high speed, timed override, + various combinations.
Absolute temperature, current absolute or relative setpoint, occupancy status, controller fault status, active
occupant call status, window open status, maintenance call
18 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
BAS-PRC018-E4 19
Normal operations
For optimal system performance, fan coil units can operate as part of a
BMS. TracerTM ZN 523 unit controllers are linked directly via a twisted
unshielded pair cable to the Tracer Summit building control unit which
acts as a communication server.
Peer-to-peer communication
TracerTM ZN 523 unit uses LON communication interface type FTT - 10A. It
allows peer-to-peer (also referred to as master/slave) data communication.
To simplify setting up "master/slave" applications, the controller provides
information that groups all necessary shared data into one communication
variable. This master/slave variable includes the following information which
gets communicated from the master to the slave to ensure similar unit
Effective setpoint.
Heating/cooling mode.
Fan speed.
Space temperature.
20 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations
TracerTM ZN 523 conforms to the LonMark Space Comfort Controller (SCC)
profile and communicates via the LonTalk protocol.
For futher detail, refer to the official documentation LonWorks FTT-10A free
topology transceiver user's guide and to the official LonWorks guidelines
LonMark layer 1-6 interoperability guidelines version 3.3.
BAS-PRC018-E4 21
Advanced operations
Freeze protection
Freeze protection operation is invoked whenever the discharge air
temperature falls below the discharge air temperature low limit. During
freeze protection operation the controller increases the heating capacity or
decreases the cooling capacity in order to raise the discharge air
temperature above the limit.
If the discharge air temperature remains below the limit for eight minutes
the controller generates a Discharge air temp low limit diagnostic.
When the controller has generated a Discharge air temp low limit
All water valves are driven open to allow water to flow through the coil.
Fan will be off.
Electric heat (when present) will be off.
22 BAS-PRC018-E4
Advanced operations
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Special functions
24 BAS-PRC018-E4
Special functions
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Special functions
Demand limiting
The building management system sends a demand limiting request to the
controller. In this case the ZN 523 will disable its electric heater.
Output overrides
The controller includes the capability to have the binary outputs overridden
(typically for test and commissioning) from Trane service tool software.
Electric Heat valve Heat valve Cool valve Cool valve Fan Fan
Fan high
Heat Relay close open close open low medium
1 - Off 1
Off On Off On Off Off Off Off
2 - Fan high Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On
3 - Fan medium 2
Off Off Off Off Off Off On Off
4 - Fan low3 Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off
5 - Cool triac open Off Off Off Off On Off Off On
6 - Cool triac close Off Off Off On Off Off Off On
7 - Heat triac open Off Off On Off Off Off Off On
8 - Heat triac close Off On Off Off Off Off Off On
9 - Heat relay On Off Off Off Off Off Off On
10 - Exit 4
Note 1: Upon entering field output test mode, the controller turns off all fan and electric heat outputs and drives all valves closed.
Note 2: If the unit is configured for a 2-speed fan, the fan remains on high speed at step 3.
Note 3: If the unit is configured for a 2-speed fan, the low fan speed output energizes at step 4. If the unit is configured for a 1-speed fan, the fan remains on high speed at
step 4.
Note 4: After step 9, the test sequence performs an exit. This initiates a reset and attempts to return the controller to normal operation.
26 BAS-PRC018-E4
Special functions
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28 BAS-PRC018-E4
Diagnostic Diag. # Fan Cool Valve Heat Valve Electric Heat Diag.Type
Entering Water Temp Failure (note 1) 2 Enabled Closed Enabled Enabled Non-latching
Discharge Air Temp Failure (note 2) 3 Low speed Closed Closed Off Non-latching
Discharge Air Temp Low Limit 4 Off Open Open Off Latching
Spare 13
Spare 14
Note 1: When the entering water temperature is required but not present, the TracerTM ZN 523 controller generates a diagnostic to indicate the sensor loss condition. The
controller automatically clears the diagnostic once a valid entering water temperature value is present (non-latching diagnostic). When the entering water temperature
sensor fails, the controller prohibits all cooling operation, but allows the delivery of heat when heating is required. In the Cool mode, all cooling is locked-out, but
normal fan operation is permitted.
Note 2: During manual output test mode, normal operation is frozen, all outputs are in their off-state. The manual output test mode energizes output following a pre-defined
sequence. The test sequence must be completed to allow the controller to switch to normal operation.
Note 3: This diagnostic occurs when the zone sensor space temperature is not anymore updated since 15 minutes.
Note 4: Discharge air temp failure diagnostic can occur when the discharge air temperature sensor is failed (open or short circuit) or when the condensate overflow input is
shorted (creates a short circuit on the discharge air temperature sensor).
BAS-PRC018-E4 29
Characteristics and specifications
The TracerTM ZN 523 dimensions are shown in the figure just below.
107 mm
132 mm 56 mm
117 mm
30 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications
Protection class IP 20
BAS-PRC018-E4 31
Characteristics and specifications
Network architecture
TracerTM zone controllers, shown in the figure below can operate on a Tracer
SummitTM building automation system, on a peer-to-peer network or as
stand-alone devices.
LAN (Ethernet or ARCNET)
BACnet protocol
LonWorks - LonTalk protocol
FTT 10A topology
32 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications
BAS-PRC018-E4 33
Characteristics and specifications
The TRANE Rover service tool allows to monitor, configure and test the
TracerTM ZN 523 via a connection to the communication link or directly to the
controller (when stand-alone).
Figure 10 - Rover service tool - Unit required configuration
Unit Configuration
Wall Sensor
Heating Valve Type
Return Air Sensor
Temperature Control Method Hot Wax
Zone-Discharge Cascade
34 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications
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Characteristics and specifications
36 BAS-PRC018-E4
BAS-PRC018-E4 37
The controller is applied to fan coil configurations supporting 3-wire
modulating valves, thermal (hotwax) modulating valves and 1 stage electric
heater. It also supports 1, 2, and 3 speed fan.
2-pipe changeover +
electric heat
4-pipe X X
38 BAS-PRC018-E4
Led operation
Red Service LED
Table 13 - Red Service LED activity
LED is Off continuously after power is applied to the controller. Normal operation.
Wink mode :
LED blinks (1/4 second on, 1/4 second off for 10 seconds). Identify a device
Verify that the controller is communicating on the link
Uninstall (normal controller mode). Use service tool to restore the unit
LED flashes about once every second.
to normal operation.
BAS-PRC018-E4 39
Diagnostics could be of different types:
Latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and automatically
restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is maintained
until a controller reset occurs.
Non-latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and
automatically restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is
cleared when the input is present and valid.
Informational diagnostics automatically disappear when the condition does
not exist anymore.
There are many ways to reset unit diagnostics:
Automatically by the controller: The TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller
includes an automatic diagnostic reset function. This function attempts to
automatically recover a unit when a non-latching diagnostic occurs. The
automatic diagnostic reset function clears the non-latching diagnostic
and attempts to restore the controller to normal operation. The controller
resumes normal operation until another diagnostic occurs.
By cycling power to the controller: When someone turns off the
controller's power, then re-applies power, the unit cycles through a
power up sequence. By default, the controller will attempt to reset all
diagnostics at power up. Diagnostics present at power up and those that
occur after power up will be handled according to the defined unit
diagnostics sequences.
By using any communicating device able to access the controller's
diagnostic reset input: Any device that can communicate network
variable nviRequest (enumeration "clear_alarm") can reset diagnostics in
the TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller.
By sending a controller reset command from the zone sensor: If the user
initiates (via pre-defined key sequence) a reset command from the zone
sensor, the controller resets all diagnostics. Diagnostics may recur
immediately if the problem still exists.
40 BAS-PRC018-E4
BAS-PRC018-E4 41
When the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller will automatically
allow the unit to resume operation.
Warning: A condensate overflow contact can be wired in parallel of the
discharge air temperature sensor. When this contact is closed, the input
is shorted and the controller considers the discharge air temperature
sensor as failed.
42 BAS-PRC018-E4
You can use service tool to clear maintenance required diagnostic, once
the diagnostic is cleared, the controller resets the fan runtime to zero and
begins accumulating fan run hours again.
BAS-PRC018-E4 43
During manual output test mode, normal operation is frozen, all outputs
are in their off-state. The manual output test mode energizes output
following a pre-defined sequence.
The test sequence must be completed to allow the controller to switch to
normal operation.
This feature allows on easy water balancing of the system. At the first
power-up, the controller fully opens water valves for a factory-configured
period of time (4 hours). Water valves will remain open until this period of
time elapsed.
After 4 hours, the controller resets and start normal operation.
44 BAS-PRC018-E4
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46 BAS-PRC018-E4
BAS-PRC018-E4 47
Literature Order Number BAS-PRC018-E4
Date 0606
Supersedes BAS-PRC018-E4_0405
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
change design and specifications without notice. Only qualified technicians should perform the installation and servicing of equipment referred to in this publication.
For more information, contact your local American Standard Europe BVBA
district office or e-mail us at [email protected] Registered Office: 1789 Chausse de Wavre, 1160 Brussels - Belgium