Trane Zn523

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Zone Controller

TracerTM ZN 523


TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller is a microprocessor-based direct digital

controller that is dedicated to the control and the optimization of chilled
water terminal units.
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller is designed to provide improved comfort with
a minimum energy consumption.
It uses the measured space temperature, as well as discharge air
temperature (in cascade control mode), and a control algorithm maintains
space temperature at the active cooling setpoint (in cooling mode) or the
active heating setpoint (in heating mode), while driving fan at as low speed
as possible.
LonMark HVAC Space Comfort Controller profile 8501.
Up to 3 speed fan motor control capability.
Supports various configurations: 2-pipes cooling only, 2 pipes heating
only, 2 pipes change over, 2 pipes cooling + electric heat, 2-pipe change
over + electric heat, 4-pipes, chilled beam.
Cascade Proportional Integral control loop space / supply air
temperature, or single PI control loop for low profile applications.
Intelligent 3-speed fan control for acoustic comfort.
Pre engineered Master / Slave capability for easy wall, floor arrangement
Automatic diagnostics control: sensor failure, freeze protection,
condensate overflow, dirty filter.
Designed for field and factory installation.
Support of hot wax or 3 floating points valves actuators.
Direct connection to fan.
Direct control of electric heater (embedded relay with capacity of up
to 2 kW).
Capability of driving an external solid state relay for electric heater.
Multiple mode of operation for occupancy conditions.
(occupied / unoccupied / standby).
PWM control of hot wax valves actuators.
PWM control of electric heater.
Automatic change over.
Entering water temperature sampling in 2 way valves applications types.
230 Vac power supply.
When provided as factory installed controller, Trane ZN 523 controller is
setup and tested during assembly process and is ready to run when
delivered to the customer's site.

2 BAS-PRC018-E4

Introduction 2
Inputs and outputs chartacteristics 4
Normal operations 8
Advanced operations 22
Special functions 24
Diagnostics 28
Characteristics and specifications 30
Installation 37
Troubleshooting 39

BAS-PRC018-E4 3
Inputs and outputs characteristics

TracerTM ZN 523 inputs and outputs include:

Binary inputs
The TracerTM ZN 523 controller has three available binary inputs. These
inputs are designed for the following functions:

Binary input 1: Occupancy

Binary input 2: Window contact

Occupancy input
Occupancy input is used for two functions:
Standalone controllers (Units not connected to a BMS over LonTalk):
The occupancy binary input determines the room occupancy. This input
is typically connected to a motion sensor or clock. Occupied and
unoccupied modes are supported in that case.
Communicating controllers connected to a BMS over LonTalk:
The BMS sends requests for occupied / unoccupied mode. When in
occupied mode, Trane ZN 523 controller monitors the occupancy binary
input as to select between occupied mode (Occupied is requested by the
BMS AND there is somebody in the area) or occupied standby mode
(Occupied is requested by the BMS, but there is nobody in the area =
Occupied, economy mode).

Table 1 - Normally Open Hardwired Occupancy Input Configuration

Description Communicated request Hardwired state Result

Standalone N/A Open = Occupied Occupied
Standalone N/A Closed = Unoccupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Open = Occupied Occupied
Communicating Unoccupied Open = Occupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Standby Open = Occupied Occupied Standby
Communicating Occupied Closed = Unoccupied Occupied Standby
Communicating Unoccupied Closed = Unoccupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Standby Closed = Unoccupied Occupied Standby

Table 2 - Normally Closed Hardwired Occupancy Input Configuration

Description Communicated request Hardwired state Result

Standalone N/A Closed = Occupied Occupied
Standalone N/A Open = Unoccupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Closed = Occupied Occupied
Communicating Unoccupied Closed = Occupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Standby Closed = Occupied Occupied Standby
Communicating Occupied Open = Unoccupied Occupied Standby
Communicating Unoccupied Open = Unoccupied Unoccupied
Communicating Occupied Standby Open = Unoccupied Occupied Standby

4 BAS-PRC018-E4
Inputs and outputs characteristics

Window contact input

When the input indicates an opened windows, the controller will disable fan
operation, close all unit water valves and turn off any electric heat (when

Table 3 - Binary input configurations

Controller operations
Binary input Description Configuration Contact close Contact open
BI 1 Occupancy Normally Open Unoccupied Occupied
Normally Close Occupied Unoccupied
BI 2 Window contact Normally Open Diagnostic* Normal
Normally Close Normal Diagnostic*
*: see table 4

Table 4 - TracerTM ZN 523 controller diagnostics

Controller operations
Binary input Description Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat Diagnostic Diagnostic type
BI 1 Occupancy - - - - - -
Window Window
BI 2 Off Close Close Off Informational
contact contact

BAS-PRC018-E4 5
Inputs and outputs characteristics

Binary outputs
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller has eight available binary outputs:
3 for fan motor speed control
2 for cooling valve actuator control
2 for heating valves actuator control
1 for electric heater control
See following table for output assignments:

Table 5 - ZN 523 output assignment.

Chilled beam (cooling only + electric heat)

2-pipe change over + electric heat (relay)

2-pipe change over + electric heat (triac)

2-pipe cooling + electric heat (relay)

2-pipe cooling + electric heat (triac)

Chilled beam (cooling only)

2-pipe heating only
2-pipe cooling only

2-pipe change over




Fan high TB2-1 x x x x x x x x

Fan Fan medium TB2-2 x x x x x x x x
Fan low TB2-3 x x x x x x x x
Fan neutral TB2-4 x x x x x x x x
Cool open TB2-5 x x x x x x x x x
Cool valve Cool neutral TB2-6 x x x x x x x x x
3-wire Cool close TB2-7 x x x x x x x x x
Heat open TB2-8 x x
Heat valve Heat neutral TB2-9 x x
3-wire Heat close TB2-10 x x
Cool valve Cool open TB2-5 x x x x x x x
Hot wax Cool neutral TB2-6 x x x x x x x
Heat valve Heat open TB2-8 x x
Hot wax Heat neutral TB2-9 x x
Electric heat Electric heat TB2-11 x x x
Relay Electric heat neutral TB2-12 x x x
Electric heat Electric heat TB2-8 x x x
Triac Electric heat neutral TB2-9 x x x

6 BAS-PRC018-E4
Inputs and outputs characteristics

Analog inputs
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller has three analog inputs:

Return air temperature / Local zone temperature (RAT)/ (ZT)

TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller needs a valid space temperature value for
running its temperature control algorithms. When configured for using local
zone temperature, the RAT/ZT analog input measures space temperature
with a 10 k thermistor.

Entering water temperature (EWT)

TracerTM ZN 523 can be configured for using EWT to take changeover
decision or to reporte EWT information to the BMS.
In either case, EWT analog input must be wired up to a 10 k thermistor.

Discharge air temperature (DAT)

TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller measures DAT with a 10 k thermistor. This
sensor is typically located down stream from the cooling/heating hydronic
coils. DAT is used for maintaining discharge air temperature within comfort
limits (discharge air tempering function).

Condensate overflow input

A condensate overflow signal will disable fan operation, close all unit water
valves and turn off any electric heat (when present).
Condensate overflow diagnostic and discharge air temperature failure
diagnostic are merged in the same diagnostic: Discharge air temperature
failure. This contact in wired in parallel of the discharge air temperature
sensor. When the condensate overflow is closed, the controllers detect a
short circuit on the discharge air temperature sensor input and generates a
discharge air temperature failure diagnostic.

Table 6 - Analog outputs characteristics

Analog input Description Sensor type Range Accuracy Diagnostic

Space temperature
AI1 RAT / ZT NTC 10 k 0 C to 100 C +/- 0.2 C
AI2 EWT NTC 10 k 0 C to 100 C +/- 0.2 C N/A
Discharge air
AI3 DAT NTC 10 k 0 C to 100 C +/- 0.2 C
temperature failure

BAS-PRC018-E4 7
Normal operations

TracerTM ZN 523 is an optimized controller for water terminal unit control

It focuses on maintaining comfortable room conditions for both
temperature and sound level. It uses a unique control algorithm for fan
control, maintaining fan motor to the lowest speed as possible.

Occupancy modes
Occupancy modes can be indicated to Trane ZN 523 via the occupancy
binary input or communicated from a building management system,
4 occupancy modes are controlled:

Occupied mode (or Comfort)

This is the normal operating mode for occupied spaces or daytime
operation. This mode uses the occupied cooling and heating setpoints. The
controller is selecting automatically (if auto) the lowest fan speed, the valve
(cooling / heating) or the electric heater (if present) are modulating in order
to maintain the requested setpoint.

Unoccupied mode (or Antifreeze)

Normal operating mode for unoccupied spaces or night time, the controller
attempts to maintain the space temperature at the unoccupied heating or
cooling setpoint.

Occupied standby mode (or Economy)

Mode used to reduce the heating and cooling operation during the occupied
hours when the space is vacant or unoccupied. Setpoints are widened thus
reducing energy consumption. This mode is only available in network +
Building Management System configuration.

Occupied bypass mode (or Night Override)

Mode used for timed override conditions. In occupied bypass mode, the
controller is using the occupied cooling and heating setpoints for
120 minutes (factory setting). This mode is selected when the
communication request is 'unoccupied' or 'standby' and an occupant
indicates its presence in the space controlled by the unit, either through a
local zone sensor, or via a time override request from the BMS.

8 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Figure 1- TracerTM ZN 523 occupancy setpoints

3 6

1 2 4 7 8

1. Unoccupied heating setpoint

2. Occupied standby heating setpoint
3. Occupied heating setpoint
4. Dead band
5. Local setpoint
6. Occupied cooling setpoint
7. Occupied standby cooling setpoint
8. Unoccupied cooling setpoint

Benefits for owner

Reduces energy consumption: Comfort level set according to real zone
occupancy status.

Benefits for end user

Comfort at the right time.
Timed override capability for 'extra hours' comfort control.

Benefits for operation manager

Energy savings offered when building is not occupied.

BAS-PRC018-E4 9
Normal operations

Heating and cooling logic

TracerTM ZN 523 automatically determines whether heating or cooling is
needed based on space and system conditions to maintain comfort levels.
The controller measures the space temperature and reads the temperature
setpoint to determine the required unit's heating or cooling capacity
(0-100%), drive the fan speed (if 'auto') and the valve position accordingly.
Smooth transition from Cooling to Heating and vice versa for avoiding
modes 'flickering'.

Figure 2 - Normal operating mode

100 %

2 3 4 7 8 9

1. Control output
2. Unoccupied heating setpoint
3. Occupied standby heating setpoint
4. Occupied heating setpoint
5. Dead band
6. Local setpoint
7. Occupied cooling setpoint
8. Occupied standby cooling setpoint
9. Unoccupied cooling setpoint

Benefits for end user

The right mode to maintain ideal comfort conditions.
Intelligent control algorithm which maintains as low as possible sound

Benefits for operation manager

Optimized for energy savings.
Smooth transition from heating to cooling and vice versa, for ease of
hot/cold water production control.

10 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Electric heat operation

The TracerTM ZN 523 controller supports 1-stage electric heat. Relay and triac
outputs are available to control the electric heat (configurable).
To maintain the space temperature, electric heat is cycled to control the
discharge air temperature. The electric heat output is driven as the heat
modulating valve (0 to 100 %) by the cascade control algorithm. A specific
pulse width modulation (PWM) control algorithm converts capacity
percentage to pulse width modulation.
2-pipe changeover units with electric heat will use the electric heater in
addition to the hydronic heating when heating valve actuator is fully open,
but heating not sufficient to deliver capacity to building thermal load.
Electric heat must stop on demand limiting request. The nviAuxHeatEnable
allows the building management system to enable or disable electric heat

Benefits for end user

Ensures ideal comfort conditions for occupants.

BAS-PRC018-E4 11
Normal operations

Modulating/Cascade control

Modulating control
TracerTM ZN 523 provides comfort through hydronic valve and fan speed
modulation proportional-integral control algorithm. Two modes can be used
with Trane ZN 523:

Cascade control
When configured for cascade control the unit controls the discharge air
temperature to control the zone temperature.

Figure 3 - Cascade control block diagram

3 5 3
+ +
1 4 7 8
- -

2 6

1. Active setpoint
2. Measured space temperature
3. Delta
4. Space temperature control
5. Calculated discharge air temperature setpoint
6. Measured discharge air temperature
7. Discharge air temperature control
8. Heat/cool capacity

Benefits for end user

Occupants do not feel cold/warm air flow thanks to discharge air
temperature limitation control.

12 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Zone temperature Control

The zone temperature control algorithm compares the active setpoint
(depending on the heat/cool mode) to the measured space temperature to
produce a control error. The controller uses the control error in a
proportional/integral control algorithm to calculate a unit heat/cool capacity
accordingly. The end devices (valves and electric heat) operate based on the
unit heat/cool capacity (heat or cool mode, 0 to 100%).

Figure 4 - Zone temperature control block diagram

1 4 5

1. Active setpoint
2. Measured space temperature
3. Delta
4. Space temperature control
5. Heat/cool capacity

Benefits for end user

Still minimum fan speed control takes place for maintaining as low
acoustic level as possible.

Benefits for operation manager

Energy savings thanks to accurate adaptation of the delivered capacity
according to the building needs.

BAS-PRC018-E4 13
Normal operations

Fan operation
TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller supports 1, 2, or 3 speed fans.
For chilled beam application, controller is set up for 1 speed fan control.
Continuous or cycling fan operation are supported.
The controller, when in occupied mode, can control the fan speed
automatically, if 'auto' is enabled either from the local zone sensor, or the
If 'off' mode is selected, the controller shuts down fan speed, closes valves
and waits for command to return to either fan speed, or 'auto'.
Fan speed override that takes place at Zone sensor level can be
automatically reset from the BMS. If, for example, an occupant forces fan to
low speed during a meeting, the fan speed can be reverted to 'auto'
position through a command sent by the BMS, which will cancel the local
zone sensor fan speed override.

Fan control
When in 'auto' mode and when setup for 3 fan speed control, TracerTM
ZN 523 intelligent control algorithm uses low fan speed for delivering up to
65% of total capacity.

Figure 5 - Fan control

1 2

100 % 100 %

77 %

65 %

0% 0%

1. Valve position
2. Unit capacity

14 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Figure 6 - Fan and valves actuator control

7 8

100 %


100 %


1 2 3 4 3 2 1

1. Fan high speed

2. Fan medium speed
3. Fan low speed
4. Fan off
5. Unit capacity
6. Valve position
7. Heating valve position
8. Cooling valve position
9. Fan speed

Benefits for end user

Aeraulic noises eliminated due to intelligent fan speed control.
Protection against unit overheat.

Continuous fan operation

The continuous fan operation is required for the discharge air temperature
During occupied and occupied standby modes, the fan normally is on. For
multiple speed fan applications, the fan normally operates at the selected or
default speed (off, high, medium, or low). When fan mode is auto, the fan
operates at the default fan speed.
During unoccupied mode, the controller controls the fan off. While
unoccupied, the controller heats and cools to maintain the unoccupied
heating and cooling setpoints. In unoccupied mode, the fan runs only when
heating or cooling are required.
The unit fan is always off during occupied, occupied standby, and
unoccupied modes when the unit is off due to a diagnostic or when the unit
is in off mode due to the local zone sensor module, a communicated
request, or the default fan speed (off).
If both a zone sensor module and communicated request exist, the
communicated request has priority.

BAS-PRC018-E4 15
Normal operations

Cycling fan operation

The cycling fan operation does not support the discharge air temperature
control (cascade control algorithm). Selecting cycling fan operation implies
using the zone temperature control (single PI control algorithm) only and
not using discharge air temperature control.
The fan cycles between off and the default fan speed during unoccupied,
occupied, occupied standby, and occupied bypass operation.
The unit fan is always off during occupied, occupied standby, and
unoccupied modes when the unit is off due to a diagnostic or when the unit
is in off mode due to the local zone sensor module, a communicated
request, or the default fan speed (off).
If both a zone sensor module and communicated request exist, the
communicated request has priority.

Benefits for end user

Cascade Control: occupants do not feel cold/warm air flow thanks to
discharge air temperature limitation control.
Still minimum fan speed control takes place for maintaining as low
acoustic level as possible.

Fan off delay

When any heating source is turned from on to off state, TracerTM ZN 523
controller holds the fan on for additional seconds (adjustable from 0 to
600 sec, default value 30 sec).

Benefits for operation manager

Security thanks to the delay that gives the fan time to blow off any
residual heat from the heating source.

Fan start on high speed

On a transition from off to any other fan speed, the TracerTM ZN 523
controller automatically starts the fan on high speed and runs the fan at
high speed for 0.5 seconds.

Benefits for operation manager

Ensures starting of all fan motors from off position to any other, even
after a long period of inactivity.

16 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Trane communicating zone sensor module (ZSM)

Trane communicating zone sensor module is a human Interface for building
user's, where water terminal units are used. Innovative in its design and
function set, this interface offers user friendly comfort control, as well as
occupant unique features.

Space temperature measurement

The zone sensors can display either its local space temperature or the
return air temperature given by the controller sensor. The zone sensor sends
the space temperature on change of 0.1C and every 10 minutes.

Temperature setpoint adjustment

TracerTM ZN 523 zone sensor provides two temperature setpoint adjustment

Absolute setpoint
Zone sensor allows the occupant to adjust the space temperature
setpoint within a specified range.

Relative setpoint
Zone sensor allows the occupant to shift the space temperature
setpoint up and down.

Zone sensors synchronization

In an installation with several zone sensors, TracerTM ZN 523 can share the
same variables (active operator temperature setpoint, fan speed request,
timed override on and cancel requests) with every zone sensors. Occupants
can adjust the room temperature setpoint from any zone sensors in the
room, the 'modified' setpoint is, then, send to every zone sensors.

Fan speed adjustment

The zone sensor fan switch provides the controller with an occupied (and
occupied standby) fan request signal (Off, Low, Med, High, Auto). If the fan
control request is communicated to the controller, the controller ignores the
zone sensor fan switch input and uses the communicated value.
The zone sensor fan switch input can be enabled or disabled through
configuration, using the service tool plug-in. If the zone sensor switch is
disabled, the controller will resort to its stored configuration default fan
speeds for heating and cooling, unless the controller receives a
communicated fan input.
When the fan switch is placed in the Off position the controller does not
control any unit capacity. The unit remains powered, all outputs are driven
to closed position.

BAS-PRC018-E4 17
Normal operations

Occupancy button and status

Momentarily pressing the occupancy button during unoccupied mode
places the controller in occupied bypass mode for 120 minutes (Number of
minutes adjustable by using the service tool). The controller remains in
occupied bypass mode until the override time expires or until you press the
occupancy button for at least 5 seconds.
The zone sensor displays controller occupancy status (occupied, occupied
bypass, occupied stand-by and unoccupied).

Window contact display

When the zone sensor receives the status of the window contact switch
wired to TracerTM ZN 523 controller it displays an open window icon on the
zone sensor screen. User knows why unit is off.

Occupant call
Following a pre-defined keys sequence, the occupant can generate a call to
the building management system. The occupant call is similar to the nurse
call in hospitals. Once the pre-defined keys sequence done, the zone sensor
sends to the TracerTM ZN 523 the occupant call request. The TracerTM ZN 523
controller sets the dedicated network variable output to ON and generates
an Occupant call diagnostic. Re-pressing the pre-defined keys sequence
resets the occupant call.

Table 7 - Trane zone sensor for TracerTM ZN523 characteristics

Main features Description

Large push buttons: Setpoint adjustment (increase / decrease), fan speed (auto/off/low speed/medium
Push buttons
speed / high speed, timed override, + various combinations.

LCD display Logos: fan, occupancy, temperature, window open, fault

Absolute temperature, current absolute or relative setpoint, occupancy status, controller fault status, active
occupant call status, window open status, maintenance call

Included in the wall interface

Zone sensor Measures temperature between +5C and 30 C, accuracy of 0.2 C
Sensor is automatically disabled when remote controller uses 'return air'

Connexion to controller RJ 9 connector

18 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Benefits for contractor

Ease of installation: the wall sensor is powered by the controller to which
it is attached.

Benefits for owner

Floor layout be modified when the layout changes without wiring

Benefits for end user

Ease of use: it offers an intuitive interface for occupants.

Benefits for operation manager

Ease of maintenance: it allows for simple diagnostic interface for
building maintenance people.

BAS-PRC018-E4 19
Normal operations

For optimal system performance, fan coil units can operate as part of a
BMS. TracerTM ZN 523 unit controllers are linked directly via a twisted
unshielded pair cable to the Tracer Summit building control unit which
acts as a communication server.

Peer-to-peer communication
TracerTM ZN 523 unit uses LON communication interface type FTT - 10A. It
allows peer-to-peer (also referred to as master/slave) data communication.
To simplify setting up "master/slave" applications, the controller provides
information that groups all necessary shared data into one communication
variable. This master/slave variable includes the following information which
gets communicated from the master to the slave to ensure similar unit
Effective setpoint.
Heating/cooling mode.
Fan speed.
Space temperature.

Partial master/slave mode

Master impose to slave:
Effective setpoint.
Heating/cooling mode.
Fan speed.
Each slave control its valves and fan speed to adjust local heat/cool load.

Benefits end user

Comfort thanks to local adjustment of heat/cool load.

Benefits for operation manager

Savings thanks to same setpoint and occupancy mode sharing.

20 BAS-PRC018-E4
Normal operations

Full master/slave mode

Master impose to slave:
Effective setpoint.
Heating/cooling mode.
Fan speed.
Valves/Electric heat position.
Each slave is a mirror image of the master.

Benefits end user

Homogeneous acoustic level in the open spaces.

TracerTM ZN 523 conforms to the LonMark Space Comfort Controller (SCC)
profile and communicates via the LonTalk protocol.

Benefits for contractor

Reduced wiring through use of software links.
Full compatibility with other Lon controllers (from Trane or other

Benefits for owner

Can be integrated into any control systems that support LonTalk and the
SCC profile.
All flexibility for building changes: master/slave interactions can be
modified when floor layout change with very little specific engineering
Compatible with Trane user interfaces (Communicating zone sensor,
Trane's BMS: touch screen on a BCU or Tracer SummitTM software,
standard web browser).

Benefits for operation manager

Multiple units serving a large space operate more efficiently when
sharing properties such as heating/cooling mode and setpoints, avoiding
waste of energy and occupant complaints.

For futher detail, refer to the official documentation LonWorks FTT-10A free
topology transceiver user's guide and to the official LonWorks guidelines
LonMark layer 1-6 interoperability guidelines version 3.3.

BAS-PRC018-E4 21
Advanced operations

Space low temperature

Space low temperature is used as low ambient temperature protection and
can be invoked anytime.
The controller enters the space low temperature mode when the space
temperature is below the space low temperature avoidance setpoint
(configurable). The controller disables space low temperature when the
space temperature rises 2C above the space low temperature setpoint.
When the controller has generated a space low temperature diagnostic:
All water valves are driven open to allow water to flow through the coil.
Fan will be off.
Electric heat (when present) will be off.

Benefits for operation manager

Security: the controller spreads out an alarm that immediately warns the
maintenance team.

Freeze protection
Freeze protection operation is invoked whenever the discharge air
temperature falls below the discharge air temperature low limit. During
freeze protection operation the controller increases the heating capacity or
decreases the cooling capacity in order to raise the discharge air
temperature above the limit.
If the discharge air temperature remains below the limit for eight minutes
the controller generates a Discharge air temp low limit diagnostic.
When the controller has generated a Discharge air temp low limit
All water valves are driven open to allow water to flow through the coil.
Fan will be off.
Electric heat (when present) will be off.

Benefits for operation manager

Security: the controller drives all of the valves open to help prevent the
coil from freezing.

Condensate overflow input

The condensate overflow switch is physically connected in // to a discharge
air temperature sensor input. A condensate overflow signal will generate a
diagnostic which overrides the fan at low speed, close all unit water valves
(when present) and turn off any electric heat (when present). Although the
actual condensate overflow switch automatically resets when the
condensation returns to a normal level.

Benefits for operation manager

Security: Shut down the unit and spread out an alarm at the right time.

22 BAS-PRC018-E4
Advanced operations

Window contact management

In case of open window, the unit has to close valves, fan and electric heater.
In a room with several units, it is recommended to stop all units if at least
one of the room window is open. The function implemented in the
TracerTM ZN 523 performs the following actions:
Stops the unit where the window is open.
Generates a Window contact diagnostic (diagnostic is cleared when
condition is OFF).
Informs other units of the same room that a window is open.
This function is associated with the following binding scheme:

Figure 7 - Window contact management

nviEnergyHoldOff nviEnergyHoldOff nviEnergyHoldOff

nvoEnergyHoldOff nvoEnergyHoldOff nvoEnergyHoldOff

nviLoopWind nviLoopWind nviLoopWind


Energy Hold Off Input - nviEnergyHoldOff:

This input is used to stop heating and cooling while allowing the unit to
protect the space from extreme temperature. This input is usually associated
with a device such as a window contact sensor. If a physical sensor is
connected and the network variable is present, either input can initiate
Energy Hold Off. (Energy Hold Off = HVAC-OFF)
Window Contact Loop Input - nviLoopWind:
This input is used to loop the window contact when several units share the
same room.

Benefits for operation manager

Energy savings are met by disabling the cooling or heating sources and
fan of the units when the room window is opened.

BAS-PRC018-E4 23
Special functions

Entering water temperature sampling

In 2-way valve application, when the water temperature is not suitable for
delivering capacity in accordance to the need, the valves closed. The
controller will periodically check water temperature by opening up the valve
for a couples of minutes, allowing water flow to establish and accurate
water temperature measure to be done. If so measured water temperature
is higher than actual space temperature, controller assumes it is capable of
delivering heating capacity to the space. If water temperature is lower than
actual space temperature, cooling capacity is expected. If cooling is required
and cooling capacity availability has been determinated, controller resumes
to normal operation. Same occurs for heating demand. If coil capacity is
opposite the need, the controller closes the valves for 60 minutes after
which it does a capacity determination process again.

Benefits for end user

Ensures inaccurate readings of the entering water temperature, leading
to comfort problems.
Allows standalone units to work properly on 2-pipe change over / 2-way
valves applications.

Benefits for operation manager

Provides smooth and reliable heating and cooling control.

24 BAS-PRC018-E4
Special functions

Filter maintenance status / Run hours

The controller's filter status is based on the unit fan's cumulative run hours.
The controller compares the fan run time against an adjustable fan run
hours limit. Once the setpoint limit is exceeded, the controller generates a
Maintenance Required diagnostic.
You can use the service tool to:
Modify the maintenance required setpoint time.
Clear the maintenance required setpoint time: the controller disables the
diagnostic feature, resets the fan runtime to zero and begins
accumulating fan runtime hours again.

Benefits for operation manager

Ease of preventative maintenance: the controller automatically warn
operation people when the unit has ran for more than a pre-set amount
of time.

Electric heater run hours

The controller supports an electric heater's cumulative run hours counter
that can be reset at a specified value.
Electric heater run hours are stored in EEPROM twice a day.

Benefits for operation manager

This function makes it possible to do power metering.
It allows for easy building optimization.

BAS-PRC018-E4 25
Special functions

Demand limiting
The building management system sends a demand limiting request to the
controller. In this case the ZN 523 will disable its electric heater.

Benefits for operation manager

Energy savings: Turning off the electric heater reduces a facility's peak
electrical-demand charge for air-conditioning by transferring load to off-
peak hours. Demand limiting reduces the amount of electricity used
during utility peak hours, thus reducing electrical-demand charges and
electrical utility bill.

Output overrides
The controller includes the capability to have the binary outputs overridden
(typically for test and commissioning) from Trane service tool software.

Field output test (nviTraneVar1401)

The controller includes a field output test function which allows the user to
manually exercise the outputs in a predefined sequence. Field output test is
terminated by advancing completely through the test sequence. The
controller will time out and reset if the unit remains in a single step for one
hour. Contact types (NO/NC) are not used in this test.
Table 8 - TracerTM ZN 523 controller output states.

Electric Heat valve Heat valve Cool valve Cool valve Fan Fan
Fan high
Heat Relay close open close open low medium
1 - Off 1
Off On Off On Off Off Off Off
2 - Fan high Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On
3 - Fan medium 2
Off Off Off Off Off Off On Off
4 - Fan low3 Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off
5 - Cool triac open Off Off Off Off On Off Off On
6 - Cool triac close Off Off Off On Off Off Off On
7 - Heat triac open Off Off On Off Off Off Off On
8 - Heat triac close Off On Off Off Off Off Off On
9 - Heat relay On Off Off Off Off Off Off On
10 - Exit 4

Note 1: Upon entering field output test mode, the controller turns off all fan and electric heat outputs and drives all valves closed.
Note 2: If the unit is configured for a 2-speed fan, the fan remains on high speed at step 3.
Note 3: If the unit is configured for a 2-speed fan, the low fan speed output energizes at step 4. If the unit is configured for a 1-speed fan, the fan remains on high speed at
step 4.
Note 4: After step 9, the test sequence performs an exit. This initiates a reset and attempts to return the controller to normal operation.

Benefits for contractor

Ease of installation for test and commissioning.

26 BAS-PRC018-E4
Special functions

Water valves override at power-up

The controller includes a water valves override at power-up function. This
feature allows on easy water balancing of the system. At the first power-up,
the controller fully opens water valves for a factory-configured period of
time (typically 4 hours). Water valves will remain open until this period of
time elapsed. After 4 hours have elapsed , the controller resets and start
normal operation.

Benefits for contractor

Ease of installation: typically for test and commissioning, by using
Trane's Tracer SummitTM building automation system or Rover service
tool. This function reduces drastically the time required for balancing the
water distribution system.

BAS-PRC018-E4 27

Diagnostics could be of different types:

Non-latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and

automatically restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is
cleared when the input is present and valid.

Latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and automatically

restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is maintained
until a controller reset occurs.

Informational diagnostics automatically disappear when the condition does

not exist anymore.

28 BAS-PRC018-E4

Table 9 - TracerTM ZN 523 controller diagnostics

Diagnostic Diag. # Fan Cool Valve Heat Valve Electric Heat Diag.Type

Space Temperature Failure 1 Off Closed Closed Off Non-latching

Entering Water Temp Failure (note 1) 2 Enabled Closed Enabled Enabled Non-latching

Discharge Air Temp Failure (note 2) 3 Low speed Closed Closed Off Non-latching

Discharge Air Temp Low Limit 4 Off Open Open Off Latching

Space Low Temperature 5 Off Open Open Off Latching

Zone Sensor Failure (note 3) 6 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Non-latching

Maintenance Required 7 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Informational

Window Contact 8 Off Closed Closed Off Informational

Occupant Call 9 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Informational

Maintenance Ping 10 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Informational

Manual Output Test (note 2) 11 Off Closed Closed Off Informational

Valves Override At PowerUp 12 Off Open Open Off Informational

Spare 13

Spare 14

Normal Power Up 15 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Informational

Note 1: When the entering water temperature is required but not present, the TracerTM ZN 523 controller generates a diagnostic to indicate the sensor loss condition. The
controller automatically clears the diagnostic once a valid entering water temperature value is present (non-latching diagnostic). When the entering water temperature
sensor fails, the controller prohibits all cooling operation, but allows the delivery of heat when heating is required. In the Cool mode, all cooling is locked-out, but
normal fan operation is permitted.
Note 2: During manual output test mode, normal operation is frozen, all outputs are in their off-state. The manual output test mode energizes output following a pre-defined
sequence. The test sequence must be completed to allow the controller to switch to normal operation.
Note 3: This diagnostic occurs when the zone sensor space temperature is not anymore updated since 15 minutes.
Note 4: Discharge air temp failure diagnostic can occur when the discharge air temperature sensor is failed (open or short circuit) or when the condensate overflow input is
shorted (creates a short circuit on the discharge air temperature sensor).

BAS-PRC018-E4 29
Characteristics and specifications

The TracerTM ZN 523 dimensions are shown in the figure just below.

Figure 7 - ZN 523 Dimensions

TB1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RS/IR Service Pin

107 mm

TB2 12 11 10 N 8 7 N 5 N 3 2 1 TB3 L GND N

132 mm 56 mm

117 mm

30 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications


Table 10 - TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller specifications

Board dimensions 107 mm height x 132 mm width x 56 mm depth

Temperature: from 0 to 60C

Operating environment Relative Humidity: from 5% to 95% non-condensing
Dust protection: pollution level 1

Temperature: from 40 to 85C

Storage environment
Relative Humidity: from 5% to 95% non-condensing

230 VAC (+10%/-15%)

Power requirements 50 or 60 Hz
3 A maximum (all outputs utilized)

89/336/EEC European directive for electromagnetic compatibility:

Immunity: 61000-6-1
Emission: 61000-6-3
73/23/EEC European directive for low voltage electrical equipment:
EN 60335-1
EN 60335-2-40

Protection class IP 20

Diagnosis interface 3 LEDs 1 Service Pin push button

LonTalk protocol SCC 8501 profile

Network type FTT 10A

BAS-PRC018-E4 31
Characteristics and specifications

Network architecture
TracerTM zone controllers, shown in the figure below can operate on a Tracer
SummitTM building automation system, on a peer-to-peer network or as
stand-alone devices.

Figure 8 - TracerTM zone controller ZN 523 network architecture

LAN (Ethernet or ARCNET)
BACnet protocol



LonWorks - LonTalk protocol

FTT 10A topology


1. Tracer SummitTM Building Control Unit.

2. Terminal unit + ZN 523.
3 Trane communicating zone sensor module.
M.TracerTM ZN 523 controller with zone sensor
S. TracerTM ZN 523 controller without zone sensor
Z. Zone.

32 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications

Figure 9 - TracerTM zone controller ZN 523 peer-to-peer architecture

LonWorks - LonTalk protocol FTT 10A topology


1. Terminal unit + ZN 523.

2 Trane communicating zone sensor module.
M.TracerTM ZN 523 controller with zone sensor
S. TracerTM ZN 523 controller without zone sensor

BAS-PRC018-E4 33
Characteristics and specifications

The TRANE Rover service tool allows to monitor, configure and test the
TracerTM ZN 523 via a connection to the communication link or directly to the
controller (when stand-alone).
Figure 10 - Rover service tool - Unit required configuration

Unit Configuration

Unit Description Cabinet Style

2-Pipe Changeover and Electric Heat (Relay) Horizontal Concealed

Unit Options Cooling Valve Type

Enable Entering Water Sampling 3-Wire

Zone Temperature Source Hot Wax

Wall Sensor
Heating Valve Type
Return Air Sensor
Temperature Control Method Hot Wax

Zone-Discharge Cascade

34 BAS-PRC018-E4
Characteristics and specifications

Figure 11 - Rover service tool - Unit setpoints configuration

BAS-PRC018-E4 35
Characteristics and specifications

ZN 523 network variables list

Table 11 - ZN 523 Network variable list

NV Name NV type Description

nciDevMajVer SCPTdevMajVer Device Major Version
nciDevMinVer SCPTdevMinVer Device Minor Version
nciBypassTime SCPTBypassTime Local Bypass Time
nciMinOutTm SCPTminSendTime Minimum Send Time
nciRcvHrtBt SCPTmaxRcvTime Receive Heartbeat
nciSndHrtBt SCPTmaxSendTime Send Heartbeat
nciLocation SCPTlocation Location Label
nciSetpoints SCPTlocation Occupancy Setpoints

nviRequest SNVT_obj_request Status request

nviSpaceTemp SNVT_temp_p Space Temperature Input
nviSetpoint SNVT_temp_p Temperature Setpoint Input (absolute)
nviOccSchedule SNVT_tod_event Occupancy Scheduler Input
nviOccManCmd SNVT_occupancy Occupancy Override Input
nviOccSensor SNVT_occupancy Occupancy Sensor Input
nviApplicMode SNVT_hvac_mode Application Mode Input
nviHeatCool SNVT_hvac_mode Heat/Cool Mode Input
nviFanSpeedCmd SNVT_switch Fan Speed Command Input
nviAuxHeatEnable SNVT_switch Auxiliary Heat Enable Input
nviValveOverride SNVT_hvac_overid Water valve override control
nviSourceTemp SNVT_temp_p Source Temperature Input
nviEnergyHoldOff SNVT_switch Energy Hold Off Input
nviMstrSlv4 UNVT_MstrSlv4 Master slave control
nviLoopWind SNVT_switch Window contact loop input

nvoStatus SNVT_obj_status Status request

nvoFileDirectory SNVT_address Memory address of file (data table)
nvoAlarmMessage SNVT_str_asc Diagnostic Message structure
nvoSpaceTemp SNVT_temp_p Effective Space Temperature Output
nvoUnitStatus SNVT_hvac_status Unit Status Output
nvoEffectSetpt SNVT_temp_p Effective Setpoint Output
nvoEffectOccup SNVT_occupancy Effective Occupancy Output
nvoHeatCool SNVT_hvac_mode Effective Heat/Cool Output
nvoSetpoint SNVT_temp_p Local Setpoint Output
nvoFanSpeed SNVT_switch Effective Fan Speed
nvoDischAirTemp SNVT_temp_p Discharge Air Temperature Output
nvoTerminalLoad SNVT_lev_percent Terminal Load Output
nvoEnergyHoldOff SNVT_switch Energy Hold Off Output
nvoEnterWaterTmp SNVT_temp_p Entering Water Temp
nvoMstSlvStat UNVT_mstslv Master slave status

36 BAS-PRC018-E4

Mounting and wiring

Direct 230 Vac power supply.
Clearly labelled screw terminals.
Compact enclosure design.
Easy Lon network connection.
Simple phone type cable with RJ9 quick connexion for cabling between
Trane ZN 523 and Zone sensor.
Supports any type of water terminal unit configuration.

Benefits for contractor

Commissioning time/cost reduced
No additional power supply transformer
Quick cabling of zone sensor
Removable screw terminals for ease of maintenance
Screw terminals for high quality connexions
Reduced foot print on units
No additional relay for electric heaters of power <=2 kW
Only one controller whatever the water terminal application type.

Benefits for owner

High flexibility for building changes.

BAS-PRC018-E4 37

The controller is applied to fan coil configurations supporting 3-wire
modulating valves, thermal (hotwax) modulating valves and 1 stage electric
heater. It also supports 1, 2, and 3 speed fan.

Table 12 - Typical applications supported

Configurations Type of valve Type of electric heat

Triac for external solid

3-wire modulating Thermal modulating Relay
state relay driving

2-pipe cooling only

2-pipe heating only X X
2-pipe changeover X X
2-pipe cooling only +
electric heat

2-pipe changeover +
electric heat
4-pipe X X

Benefits for contractor

Simplified installation, the same controller for all applications.

38 BAS-PRC018-E4

Led operation
Red Service LED
Table 13 - Red Service LED activity

Red LED Activity Description

LED is Off continuously after power is applied to the controller. Normal operation.

LED is On continuously, even when power is first applied to the

Someone is pressing the Service push button or controller has failed.

Wink mode :
LED blinks (1/4 second on, 1/4 second off for 10 seconds). Identify a device
Verify that the controller is communicating on the link

Uninstall (normal controller mode). Use service tool to restore the unit
LED flashes about once every second.
to normal operation.

Service push button

The Service push button, located at the top right corner of the controller,
can be used (one of several methods) to install the TracerTM ZN 523 unit
controller in a communication network.

Green Status LED

The green LED is normally used to indicate whether or not the controller is
powered on.

BAS-PRC018-E4 39

Diagnostics could be of different types:
Latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and automatically
restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is maintained
until a controller reset occurs.
Non-latching diagnostics perform a controller Fallback mode and
automatically restart when the input is present and valid. The diagnostic is
cleared when the input is present and valid.
Informational diagnostics automatically disappear when the condition does
not exist anymore.
There are many ways to reset unit diagnostics:
Automatically by the controller: The TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller
includes an automatic diagnostic reset function. This function attempts to
automatically recover a unit when a non-latching diagnostic occurs. The
automatic diagnostic reset function clears the non-latching diagnostic
and attempts to restore the controller to normal operation. The controller
resumes normal operation until another diagnostic occurs.
By cycling power to the controller: When someone turns off the
controller's power, then re-applies power, the unit cycles through a
power up sequence. By default, the controller will attempt to reset all
diagnostics at power up. Diagnostics present at power up and those that
occur after power up will be handled according to the defined unit
diagnostics sequences.
By using any communicating device able to access the controller's
diagnostic reset input: Any device that can communicate network
variable nviRequest (enumeration "clear_alarm") can reset diagnostics in
the TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller.
By sending a controller reset command from the zone sensor: If the user
initiates (via pre-defined key sequence) a reset command from the zone
sensor, the controller resets all diagnostics. Diagnostics may recur
immediately if the problem still exists.

40 BAS-PRC018-E4

The LATCHING diagnostics are:

Freeze Protection: is invoked whenever the discharge air temperature
falls below the discharge air temperature low limit.
If the discharge air temperature remains below the limit for eight
minutes the controller generates a Discharge air temp low limit
diagnostic, then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Open Open Off

Space low temperature: is used as low ambient temperature protection

and can be invoked anytime. The controller enters the space low
temperature mode when the space temperature is below the space low
temperature avoidance setpoint (configurable).
When the controller has generated a space low temperature diagnostic

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Open Open Off

The controller disables space low temperature when the space

temperature rises 2C above the space low temperature setpoint.

The NON-LATCHING diagnostics are:

Return air temperature / Local zone temperature: The TracerTM ZN 523

unit controller receives the space temperature from either the zone
sensor or communicated value (from a building management system) or
a wired local sensor (return air temperature). When none of those space
temperature sources is present, the TracerTM ZN 523 unit generates a
Space Temperature Failure diagnostic.
When the controller has generated a space temperature failure
diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Closed Closed Off

BAS-PRC018-E4 41

Entering water temperature: When the entering water temperature is

required but not present, the TracerTM ZN 523 controller generates a
diagnostic to indicate the sensor loss condition. The controller
automatically clears the diagnostic once a valid entering water
temperature value is present (non-latching diagnostic). When the
entering water temperature sensor fails, the controller prohibits all
cooling operation, but allows the delivery of heat when heating is
required. In the Cool mode, all cooling is locked-out, but normal fan
operation is permitted.
When the controller has generated a entering water temperature
diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Enabled Closed Enabled Enabled

Discharge Air Temperature Failure: The discharge air temperature is used

as a control input to the controller for discharge air temperature
tempering. Once a valid discharge air temperature signal has been
established by a thermistor and the value is no longer present, the
controller generates a Discharge Temperature Failure diagnostic and
performs a unit shutdown, then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Low speed Closed Closed Off

When the sensor returns to a valid input, the controller will automatically
allow the unit to resume operation.
Warning: A condensate overflow contact can be wired in parallel of the
discharge air temperature sensor. When this contact is closed, the input
is shorted and the controller considers the discharge air temperature
sensor as failed.

Zone sensor communication loss: Zone sensor sends its space

temperature at least every 10 minutes. If the controller does not receive
any update during 15 minutes, the communication with the zone sensor
is lost. The controller switches to the local space temperature and
switches to default fan speed and generates a Zone sensor failure
When the controller has generated a zone sensor failure diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

42 BAS-PRC018-E4

The INFORMATIONAL diagnostics are:

Filter Maintenance status / Run hours: For ease of maintenance the
TracerTM ZN 523 Unit controller has a built-in timer that when it reaches
zero can initiate an alarm notification. The controller's filter status is
based on the unit fan's cumulative run hours. The controller compares
the fan run time against an adjustable fan run hours limit (default value
is 600 hours) and recommends unit maintenance as required. Once the
setpoint limit is exceeded, the controller generates a maintenance
required diagnostic.
When the controller has generated a filter maintenance diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

You can use service tool to clear maintenance required diagnostic, once
the diagnostic is cleared, the controller resets the fan runtime to zero and
begins accumulating fan run hours again.

Window contact input: the window contact switch is physically

connected to a binary input of the controller (BI2). When the windows is
opened, the binary input detects the diagnostic condition. The window
contact can be configured as normally open (NO) or normally closed
When the controller has generated a window contact diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Closed Closed Off

Although the actual window contact switch automatically resets when

the window is closed and the diagnostic is automatically cleared.

Occupant call: Following a pre-defined keys sequence, the occupant can

generate a call to the building management system, once thepre-defined
keys sequence done, the zone sensor sends to the
TracerTM ZN 523 the occupant call request. The TracerTM ZN 523 controller
generates an Occupant call diagnostic.
When the controller has generated a occupant call diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Re-pressing the pre-defined keys sequence resets the occupant call.

BAS-PRC018-E4 43

Maintenance request: Following a pre-defined keys sequence, the

maintenance people can generate a 'request' to the building
management system and then identify the unit where the maintenance
request has been initiated. Once the pre-defined keys sequence done,
the zone sensor sends to the TracerTM ZN 523 the maintenance request
request. The TracerTM ZN 523 controller generates a Maintenance request
When the controller has generated a maintenance request diagnostic

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

The maintenance ping resets (OFF) automatically after 60 minutes.

Output overrides: The TracerTM ZN 523 unit controller includes a manual

output test function. This function can be initiated via communications
using the manual test variable. Use this feature to manually exercise the
outputs in a defined sequence.
When the controller has generated a output overrides diagnostic then:

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Closed Closed Off

During manual output test mode, normal operation is frozen, all outputs
are in their off-state. The manual output test mode energizes output
following a pre-defined sequence.
The test sequence must be completed to allow the controller to switch to
normal operation.

Water valves override at power-up: The controller includes a water valves

override at power-up function. This function drives all water valves in
every unit fully open simultaneously.

Fan Cool valve Heat valve Electric heat

Off Open Open Off

This feature allows on easy water balancing of the system. At the first
power-up, the controller fully opens water valves for a factory-configured
period of time (4 hours). Water valves will remain open until this period of
time elapsed.
After 4 hours, the controller resets and start normal operation.

44 BAS-PRC018-E4

BAS-PRC018-E4 45

46 BAS-PRC018-E4

BAS-PRC018-E4 47
Literature Order Number BAS-PRC018-E4
Date 0606
Supersedes BAS-PRC018-E4_0405

Stocking Location Europe

Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
change design and specifications without notice. Only qualified technicians should perform the installation and servicing of equipment referred to in this publication.
For more information, contact your local American Standard Europe BVBA
district office or e-mail us at [email protected] Registered Office: 1789 Chausse de Wavre, 1160 Brussels - Belgium

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