Machine Design Fayoum University 2 Year - 2016-2017 Faculty of Engineering Sheet 2 Mechanical Engineering Department
Machine Design Fayoum University 2 Year - 2016-2017 Faculty of Engineering Sheet 2 Mechanical Engineering Department
Machine Design Fayoum University 2 Year - 2016-2017 Faculty of Engineering Sheet 2 Mechanical Engineering Department
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A vertical screw with single start square threads of 50 mm mean diameter and12.5 mm pitch is raised against a load of 10 kN by means
of a hand wheel, the boss of which is threaded to act as a nut. The axial load is taken up by a thrust collar which supports the wheel boss
and has a mean diameter of 60 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.15 for the screw and 0.18 for the collar. If the tangential force applied
by each hand to the wheel is 100 N, find suitable diameter of the hand wheel.
A vertical two start square threaded screw of a 100 mm mean diameter and 20 mm pitch supports a vertical load of 18 kN. The axial
thrust on the screw is taken by a collar bearing of 250 mm outside diameter and 100 mm inside diameter. Find the force required at the
end of a lever which is 400 mm long in order to lift and lower the load. The coefficient of friction for the vertical screw and nut is 0.15
and that for collar bearing is 0.20.
A square threaded bolt of mean diameter 24 mm and pitch 5 mm is tightened by screwing a nut whose
mean diameter of bearing surface is 50 mm. If the coefficient of friction for the nut and bolt is 0.1 and
for the nut and bearing surfaces 0.16, find the force required at the end of a spanner 0.5 m long when
the load on the bolt is 10 kN.
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