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ASME/ANSI B1.8-1988 wa8 adopted on 17 February 1989and is approved for use by .

the Federal agencies. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

prepared t h i s documentwhich was approved by the ,American National Standards
I n s t i t u t e (ANSI) a s an American NationalStandard. Both ASME and ANSI have
furnishedclearancesrequired by existing regulations. Copies of t h i s document
are stocked by the DoD Single Stock. Point, Naval Publications and Forma Center,
5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 13120-5099, for issue to DoD activities
only. A l l otherrequestors must obtain documents from:
TheAmerican Society of.Mechanica1 Engineers
United Engineering Center
345 E. 47th St.
New York, NY 10017-2330
The American National Standards I n s t i t u t e
New York, NY 10018-3308

T i t l e of Document: S t u b Acme Screw Threads

Date of SpecificIssue Adopted: 1 1 January 1988

Releasing Non-Government Standards Body:TheAmerican Society of Mechanical


NOTE: Use of t h i s standard subject to a l l requirements and liwitatlons of


FED-STD-H28/ 13,Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services Section 13

Stub Acme Threads.

Custodips: Civil Agency Coordinating Activities:

Amy AR -- GSA
Navy AS
Air Force - 99 Military Coordinating Activity:
Review Act iyity: DLA - IS
.' Navy EC' - (Project THE-0074 1



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(REVISION OF ANSI 61.8-1 977)

The American Society of

Mechanical Engineers

345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 -

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Date of Issuance: April 30,1988

This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.
There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard
issued to this edition.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for

American National Standards. The ConsensusCommittee that approved the code or standard was
balanced t o assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had opportunity
t o participate. The proposed code or standardwas made available for public review and comment
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ASME does not take any position with respect t o the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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(This Foreword is not part of ASMEiANSl B1.8-1988.)

The Standards Committee on the Standardization Unification

and of ScrewThreads, B1,
was organized in June 1921 with the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American
Society of Mechanical Engineersas jointsponsors under the procedures of the American
Standards Association (ASA), now the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
This Committee was reorganized in May 1929, and its work was divided among five sub-
committees as follows:
No. 1 - Scope and Arrangement of American Standard
No. 2 - Terminology and Form Threads,Except Gages
No. 3 - Special Threads and Twelve Pitch Series, Except Gages
No. 4 - Acme Threads, ExceptGages
No. 5 - Screw Thread Gages
National standardization of Acme screw threads in the United States began in1932 when
Subcommittee No.4 on Acme Threads of Sectional Committee B1 held its first meetingin
New York. A reportwas presented on thetypes of Acme threads and the range sizes of and
pitches in use in this country. Itwas prepared byC. W . Bettcher with the assistance of F. L.
Woodcock. This report developed into a draft standard.When it was finally approved as an
American Standard with the designation ASA B1.3-1941, it contained a section of introduc-
tory notes and tables covering general purpose screws and general purpose nuts, basic di-
mensionsof general purpose Acme threads with special and standard pitches, basic
dimensions of29 deg. stub threads, measurements over three wires for Acme threads, basic
dimensions of 60 deg. stub threads, and basic proportions for modified squarethreads.
In December 1942, to meet the war emergency,the National Aircraft Standards Commit-
tee of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce requested the ASA to consider establishing
an American warstandard forspecial Acme screw threads foruse in aircraft construction.
Recognizing the vital importance of aircraft production to the war effort, theASA at once
initiated this project and organized a special committee to develop the standard. At the
London Conferenceon theunification of screw threads held in the summer of 1944, it was
proposed that a war standard on Stub Acme threads also be drawn up. Early in March 1945,
therefore, thework on this proposed standard was begun and a draft prepared as a result of
the discussion with the British and Canadianexperts at the OttawaConference in October
1945. This draft was dated March 1946 and was submitted to theASA War Committeeon
Acme Threads and the ASA War Committee on Threads in April1946 for approval
by letter ballot. However, a Stub Acme warstandard was never issued.
In April 1946, the Subcommittees of Standards Committee B1 were reorganized to in-
clude the responsibility of the ASA War Committee. Subcommittee No. 2 on Acme and
Stub Acme Threads revised the March 1946 draft on Stub Acme screw threads and on
March 3 1, 1948, distributed the January1948 draft to industry for criticism and comment.
The final draftof the proposed standard on StubAcme screw threads was completed in
June 1951 and was submitted to Sectional Committee B1 for letter ballot on September
17, 1951; it was approved with minor amendments. Following approval by the sponsor



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organizations, the proposed standardwas submitted to theASA for approvaland designa-
tion as an American Standard. Thiswas granted on May7, 1952.
The next revisions were approvedby ANSI as American National Standardson May 14,
1973, and May 11, 1977, respectively. Revisions were minor.
On September 2,1981, the B1 Committee was reorganized as an ASME Standards Com-
mittee. The B1 .S Subcommittee developed thisedition, which was subsequently approved
by the ASMEB1 Committee, submitted to ANSI, and adoptedas an American National
Standard on January 11, 1988.


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Standardization andUnification of Screw Threads

(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time ofapproval of this Standard.)


D. J. Emanuelli, Chairman
H. W. Ellison, Vice Chairman
C. E. Lynch, Secretary

G. G. Gerber, McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, Missouri
H. Borrman. Alternate, Sperry Defense Electronics, Great Neck, New York


R. Dodge, Pennoyer-Dodge Co., Glendale, California
C. W. Jatho, Alternate, American Measuring Tool Manufacturers Association, Birmingham, Michigan


W. C. Farrell, JI., Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama


E. Schwartz, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
F. S. Ciccarone, Alternate, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
G. A. Russ, Cummins Engine Co., Columbus, Indiana


R. M. Harris, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Lebanon, Pennsylvania
K. E. McCullough, SPS Technologies, Inc., Newton, Pennsylvania
J. C. McMurray, Russell, Burdsall &Ward Corp., Cleveland, Ohio
J. A. Trilling, Holo-Krome Co., West Hartford, Connecticut
C. J. Wilson, Industrial Fasteners Institute, Cleveland, Ohio


W. C. Farrell, JI., Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama


N. F. Nau, UnionlButterfield Division, Litton Industrial Products, Athol, Massachusetts
A. D.Shepherd, Jr.,Alternate, UnionlButterfield Division, Litton Industrial Products, Derby Line, Vermont


J. B. Levy, General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York
F. F. Weingruber, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
T. A. Farkas, Alternate, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Washington, D.C.


J. F. Sullivan, Accurate Fasteners, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts

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R. J. Sabatos, The Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, Ohio
B. V. Shook, Teledyne Landis Machine Co., Waynesboro, Pennsylvania


R. Zahniser, Alternate, National Screw Products Association, Brecksville, Ohio


H. W. Ellison, General Motors Corp., Warren, Michigan


D. M. Davidson, Lone Star Grinding Co., Southfield, Michigan
L. E. Gibson, Alternate, Lone Star Grinding Co., Houston, Texas


R. M. Byrne, Trade Association Management Inc., Tarrytown, New York


R. S. LaNier, U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, New York
M. E. Taylor, U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, Dover, New Jersey
F. L. Jones, Alternate, U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama


E. Schwartz, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


C. T. Gustafson, Metrology Laboratory, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

J. E. Boehnlein, PMC Industries, Wickliffe, Ohio
A. R. Breed, Lakewood, Ohio
R. Browning, Southern Gage Co., Erin, Tennessee
A. Butovich, Air Industries Corp., Garden Grove, California
R. S. Chamerda, The Johnson Gage Co., Bloomfield, Connecticut
P. H. Drake, Hudson, Massachusetts
D. J. Emanuelli, Greenfield Tap & Die, Greenfield, Massachusetts
C. G. Erickson, Sterling Die Operation, West Hartford, Connecticut
J. O. Heize, Regal Beloit Corp., South Beloit, Illinois
S. P. Johnson, The Johnson Gage Co., Bloomfield, Connecticut
S. 1. Kanter, The Hanson-Whitney Co., Hartford, Connecticut
M. M. Schuster, Hi-Shear Corp., Torrance, California
R. E. Seppey, AlliedlBendix Aerospace Corp., South Bend, Indiana
A. G. Strang, Boyds, Maryland
R. L. Tennis, Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Illinois
A. F. Thibodeau, Swanson Tool Manufacturing, Inc., West Hartford, Connecticut


D. Davidson, Chairman, Lone Star Grinding Co., Southfield, Michigan
A. G. Strang, Secretary, Boyds, Maryland
J. E. Boehlein, PMC Industries, Wickliffe, Ohio
R. Chamerda, The Johnson Gage Co., Bloomfield, Connecticut
D. J. Emanuelli, Greenfield Tap %i Die, Greenfield, Massachusetts
G. A. Flannery, Mercury Gage Co., Detroit, Michigan
S. 1. Kanter, The Hanson-Whitney Co., Hartford, Connecticut
P. Scheren, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division, East Hartford, Connecticut


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Foreword ............................................................... iii

Standards Committee Roster .............................................. V

General and Historical ...................................................

1 Specifications forStubAcmeThreads .................................
2 Gages forStub Acme Screw Threads ..................................

1StubAcmeFormofThread .......................................... 2
2 Disposition of Allowances, Tolerances, and Crest Clearances
for Stub AcmeThreads ............................................ 3

1 Tolerances on Major and Minor Diameters of External and
Internal Threads .................................................. 4
2 Stub Acme Screw Thread Form, Design Dimensions ..................... 8
3 Stub Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Basic Dimensions ............ 9
4 Tolerances and Allowances for Major and Minor Diameters,
Stub Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series ........................... 10
5 Pitch Diameter Allowances for Stub Acme Screw Threads ................ 11
6 Pitch Diameter Tolerances for Stub Acme Screw Threads ................. 12

7 Limiting Dimensions and Tolerances, Stub Acme Screw Threads,
Standard Series ................................................... 13
8 Plain GageTolerances ............................................... 15
9 Tolerances for GO and NOT GO Thread Working and
Setting Gages, Stub Acme Screw Threads ............................ 15
10 Pitch Diameter Compensation for Adjusted Lengths of
GO Ring Gages ................................................... 16

A Alternative Stub Acme Threads, lModified Form 1 and
Modified Form 2 ................................................. 17
B Three-Wire Method of Measurement of Pitch Diameter of
29 deg. Stub Acme Threads ........................................ 21

A l Modified Stub Acme Thread With Basic Height of 0 . 3 7 5 ~(Form 1) ........ 18
A2 Modified Stub Acme Thread With Basic Height of 0.250~(Form 2) ........ 18
B1 Basis of Lead Angle Correction for External Thread ..................... 28

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A l Modified Stub Acme ThreadForm, Design Dimensions (Form 1) .......... 19
A2 Modified Stub Acme ThreadForm, Design Dimensions (Form 2) .......... 20
B1 Wire Sizes and Constants, Single-Start Stub Acme Threads
(29 deg.) ......................................................... 22
B2 Values for Wire Measurements of Single-Start Standard Stub
Acme Threads (29 deg.) ............................................ 23
B3 Values of (1 + cosec (Y ') for (Y = 14 deg. 30 min and Lead
Angles From O deg. to 5 deg. ....................................... 24
B4 Best-Wire Diameters and Constants for Large Lead Angles, 1 in.
Axial Pitch Stub Acme Threads (29 deg.) ............................. 26



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ASMElANSl 61.8-1988


GENERAL AND HISTORICAL 1.4 Thickness of Thread

When formulated prior to 1895, regular Acme The basic thickness of the thread at a diameter
screw threads were intended to replace square threads smaller than thebasic major diameter (ix., the basic
and avariety of threadsof other formsused chieflyfor pitch diameter) by 0.3 pitch shall be equal to one-half
the purpose of producing traversing motions on ma- the pitch.
chines, tools, etc. For current information on Acme
threads, see the latest edition of ASME/ANSI B1.5.
The Stub Acme thread came into being early in the 1.5 Allowance (Minimum Clearance) at Major and
1900s. Its use has been generally confined to those Minor Diameters
unusual applications where a coarse-pitch thread of
shallow depthis required due tomechanical or metal- A minimum diametral clearance is provided at the
lurgical considerations. minor diameterof all Stub Acme thread assemblies by
Federal Government Use. When this Standard is establishing the maximum minor diameter of external
approved by the Department of Defense and Federal threads 0.020 in. below the basic minor diameter on
Agencies and is incorporated into FED-STD H28/13, threads 10 pitch and coarser, and0.010 in. below the
Screw Thread Standards forFederal Services, Section basic minor diameter for finer pitches.
13, the use of this Standard by the Federal Govern- A minimum diametral clearance at the major
ment is subject to all therequirements and limitations diameter is obtained by establishing the minimum ma-
of FED-STD H28/13. jor diameter of the internal thread 0.020 in. above the
basic major diameterfor threads10 pitch and coarser,
and 0.010 in. above thebasic major diameter for finer
1.1 Angle of Thread
The included angle between the flanks of the thread 1.6 Basic Thread Form Dimensions
measured inan axial plane shall be 29 deg. The line bi- The basic dimensions of the StubAcme thread form
secting this 29 deg. angle shall be perpendicular to the for the mostgenerally used pitches are given in Table
axis of the screw thread. 2. The basic thread form is symmetrical and is illus-
trated in Fig. l .
1.2 Pitch of Thread
The pitch of a thread is the distance, measured 1.7 Stub Acme Screw Thread Series
parallel to its axis, between corresponding points on
adjacent thread forms. The series of diameters and associated pitches of
Stub Acme threads listed in Table3 are recommended
as preferred. These diameters and pitches have been
carefully selected to meet the present needs with the
1.3 Height of Thread fewest number of items in order toreduce to a mini-
The basic height of the standard Stub Acme thread mum the inventory of both tools and gages. If other
shall be equal to 0.3 pitch. When design requirements combinations of diameterand pitch are required, cal-
necessitate use of a lesser or greater thread height, the culate thread dimensions in accordancewith the for-
data should be obtained from Appendix A. mulas in Fig. 2.

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Max. minor (Basic)

min. minor
diam. of diam.

2a = 29 deg.
a = 14 deg. 30 min
P = pitch
n = number of threadslin.
N = number of turnslin.
h = 0.3P, basic thread height
FCn = 0.4224P, basic width of flat of crest of internal thread
F,, = 0.4224P - 0.259 x (pitch diameter allowance on external thread)
F, = 0.4224P - 0.259 x (major diameter allowance of internal thread)
F, = 0.4224P - 0.259 x (minor diameter allowance on external thread - pitch diameter allow-
ance on external thread)



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Formulas for Determining Diameters

External Threads (Screws)

(Basic) max. major diam. = nominal size or diameter D

min. major diam. = external max. major diam. minus tolerance from Table 1, column 1
max. pitch diam. = internal min. pitch diam. minus allowance from Table 5, column 3
min. pitch diam. = external max. pitch diam. minus tolerance from Table 6
max. minor diam. = internal min. minor diam. minus allowance from para. 1.6
min. minor diam. = external max. minor diam. minus tolerance from Table 1, column 3

Internal Threads (Nuts)

min. major diam. = external max. major diam. plus allowance from para. 1.5
max. major diam. = internal min. major diam. plus tolerance from Table 1, column 2
(Basic) min. pitch diam. = external max. major diam. minus basic thread height from Table 3,
column 8
max. pitch diam. = internal min. pitch diam. plus tolerance from Table 6
(Basic) min. minor diam. = external max. major diam. minus2 x basic threadheight from Table 2,
column 3
max. minor diam. = internal min. minor diam. plus tolerance from Table 1, column 4

p = pitch
h = basic thread height



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1.8 ClassificationandTolerances, StubAcme TABLE 1 TOLERANCES ON MAJOR AND MINOR

Only one class of thread for general usage is estab-
lished herein. This class corresponds to Class 2G (gen- Major Diameter Minor Diameter
eral purpose) of theAmerican National Standard on Tolerance Tolerance
Acme Threads, ASME/ANSIB1.5. If a fit having less Internal
External Internal
backlash is required, the tolerances and allowances ThreadThread ThreadThread

for general purpose threadClass 3G or 4G of ASME/

ANSI B1.5 may be used to determine the limiting 1 2 3 4
~~ ~ ~~ ~~

dimensions for mating threads. 1.0 x pitch 1.0 X pitch

diameter 0.05~
tolerance (1) tolerance (1)

1.9 BasicDiameters NOTE:

(1) Pitch diameter tolerances for various practicable combina-
The maximum major diameter of the external tions of diameter and pitch are given in Table 6.
thread is basic and is the nominal size for all classes.
The minimum pitch diameter of the internal threadis
basic and equal to the basic major diameter minus the
basic thread height h. The basic minor diameter is the
minimum minor diameter of the internal thread. It is
equal to the basic major diameter minus twice the 1.12 Allowances (Minimum Clearances)
basic thread height 2h.
Allowances applied to the pitch diameter of the ex-
ternal threadare based on the major diameter andare
given in Table 5 .
1.IO Length of Engagement When the product has a length of engagement
The tolerances specified herein are applicable to greater than the standardlength of the threadgage as
lengths of engagement not exceeding twice the nomi- shown in Table 10, column 3, and lead variations not
nal major diameter. exceeding values shown in the notesto thattable, and
when GO thread gages of these lengths are to be used,
the maximum pitch diameter of the external thread
shall be decreased by the amount shown in Table 10,
1.1 1 Tolerances column 5 . If the lead variations in the product are
The tolerances on diameters of internal threads are greater than indicated, the allowance for the gage
plus, being applied from the minimum sizes to above stated in column 5 should be increased proportionally.
the minimum sizes. The tolerances on diameters of ex- However, if methods of gaging the external thread
ternal threadsare minus, being applied from themaxi- that will detect angle variation and cumulative lead
mumsizes to belowthemaximumsizes.The variation are used, the pitch diameter of the thread
tolerances on the major and minor diameters of exter- shall bebelow the tabularmaximum pitch diameter by
nal and internal threads are based upon the data in an amount sufficient to compensate for themeasured
Table 1 . variations.
The pitch diameter tolerances for anexternal or in- An increase of 10'70 in the allowance is recom-
ternal thread arethe same (see Table 6). Pitch diame- mended for each inch, or fraction thereof, that the
ter tolerance includes the effects of all variations in length of engagement exceeds two diameters.
thread form and profile including lead (helix), flank
angle, taper, and roundness. When gaged with GO/
NOT GO gaging in accordancewith this Standard, the
functional diameter/size is controlled within these 1.13 LimitingDimensions
limits over the standard GO gage length. Product Limiting dimensions for StubAcme threads of the
pitch diameter size, lead (helix), flank angle, taper, preferred series of diameters and pitches are given in
and roundness per the above are not individually Table 7. The application of these limits is illustrated in
controlled. Fig. 2.

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l . 14 Thread Designations IT IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT NO

The following designations are recommended for THREADEDPLUGS AND RINGS OVER
use on drawings and in specifications, and on tools OTHER AVAILABLE ATTRIBUTE TYPE
and gages; right-hand threads are assumed unless LH GAGES,SUCHAS

Thread series
Both GO and NOT GO gages, which represent the
Number of threadslin. product limits or adequate gaging instruments for
Nominal size thread elements, are necessary for the proper inspec-
tion of Stub Acme threads. The dimensions of GO and
NOT GOgages should be in accordance with the fol-
Example lowing principles:
1.750-0.250P-0.5L-Stub Acme-3G-LH (u) the GO gage should check simultaneously as
many elements as possible, and a NOT GO gage can
effectively check but one element;
Pitch (b) permissible variations in the gages be kept
Lead, double-start thread
Stub Acme thread form
within the extreme product limits.
Class 3G (see para. 1.8)

2.1 GageTolerances
Tolerances for thethread elements of GO andNOT
GO gages for StubAcme threads are given in Table 9.
(u) Tolerunces on Pitch Diumefer. The pitch
SPECIAL NO TE: diameter tolerances for gages for external and internal
Work is in progress to write an ASME/ANSI B1 threads are given in Table 9, column 2.
standard forscrew thread gaging systems suitable for (b) Tolerunces on Major und Minor Diumeters.
determining the acceptability of Acme/Stub Acme The major and minor diameter tolerances for Stub
screw threads on external and internal threaded prod- Acme thread gages are given in Table 9, column 3.
ucts. The draftof ASME B1.24, Gages and Gaging for (c) Tolerunces on Leud. The variation inlead of all
General PurposeAcme, Centralizing Acme, and Stub Stub Acme thread gages shall not exceed 0.0003in. be-
Acme Threads, uses the guidelines as noted in ANSI/ tween any two threads not farther apart than l in.
ASME B1.3M, which have been established for uni- However, the cumulative variation in lead shall not
form inch and metric screw threads. exceed the following:
This standardwill establish the criteria for product ( I ) 0.0004 in., for gages with a length over 1 in.
screw thread acceptance when a specified gaging sys- to 3 in., inclusive;
tem is used for both in-process control and final di- (2) 0.0005 in., for gages with a length over 3 in.
mensional conformance. The format for this standard to 5 in., inclusive;
will follow that already established by ANSVASME (3) 0.0007 in., for gages with a length over 5 in.
B1.3M, Unified Inch and Metric Screw Threads. to 10 in., inclusive.
A screw thread gaging system for externaMnterna1 For multiple threads, thecumulative tolerance for any
Acme/Stub Acme screw threads comprises a listing of length of gage shall be obtainedby multiplying by 1.5
those screw thread characteristics that must be in- the above tolerance applicable to thatlength.
spected for each specified system and thegage, gages, (dj Tolerunces on Angle of Gage Threads. The tol-
or gaging systems which shall be used when inspecting erances on angle of thread, as specified in Table 9,
those characteristics. column 4 for the various pitches, are tolerances on
In the interim, until this standard has been com- one-half of the included angle. This ensures that the
pleted and released, the following clarifying statement bisector of the included angle will be perpendicular
shall apply. to the axis of the thread within proper limits. The

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deviation from the true thread form caused by such ir- P.D. size shall be used for the minordiameter with the
regularities as convex or concave flanks of the thread, tolerance minus.
or slight projections on the thread form, should not (4) Length. The length shall approximate three
exceed the tolerances permitted on the angleof thread. pitches except that, for multiple threads, the length
shall provide at least one full turn of thread (see para.
2.1.1 GagesforExternalThreads . (6) Minimum-Material Thread Setting Plug for
(a) GO Thread Ring, Thread Snap, or Indicating NOT GO Thread Gage
Gage (1) Major Diameter. The major diameter of the
(1) Major Diameter. The major diameter of the minimum-material-limit thread setting plug shall be
GO thread ring, thread snap, orindicating gage shall the sameas the maximum major diameter of the exter-
clear a diameter greater than the maximum major nal thread. The gage tolerance shall be plus.
diameter of the external thread by 0.01 in. (2) Pitch Diameter. The pitch diameter shall be
(2)Pitch Diameter.The size of a GO thread gage the sameas the minimum pitch diameter of the exter-
is determined by its fit or setting on the maximum- nal thread with the tolerance plus.
material-limit thread setting plug gage. (3) MinorDiameter. The minor diameter shall be
(3) MinorDiameter. The minordiameter shall be cleared below the minimum minor diameter of the
the sameas the maximum minor diameter of the exter- NOT GO thread gage.
nal thread plus 0.005 in. for pitches finer than 10 (4) Length. The length shall be at least equal to
threaddin., and plus 0.010 in. for 10 threaddin. and the length of the NOT GO thread gage (see ASME/
coarser. The tolerance shall be minus. ANSI B47.1).
(4)Length. The length shall approximate the (e) GO Plain Ring, Snup, or Indicating Gage for
length of engagement, but shall notexceed the length Major Diameter. The diameter of the GO plain ring
specified in Table 10, column 3. gage or the gaging dimension of the GO plain snap
(b) Maximum-Material-LimitThread Setting Plug gage shall be the sameas the maximum major diame-
for GO Thread Ring, Thread Snap, orIndicnting ter of the external thread. Tolerances are shown in
Guges Table 8 and shall be minus.
(I) Major Diameter. The major diameter of the u> NOT GO PlainRing, Snap, or Indicating Gage
maximum-material-limit thread setting plug shall be for Major Diameter. The gaging dimension of the
the same asthe maximum major diameter of the exter- NOT GO plain snap gage shall be the same as the mini-
nal thread. The gage tolerance shall be plus. mum major diameter of the external thread. Toler-
(2) Pitch Diameter. The pitch diameter shall be ances are shown in Table 8 and shall be plus.
the sameas the maximum pitch diameter of the exter-
nal thread, except when modified in accordance with
Table 10. The tolerance shall be minus.
(3) MinorDiameter. The minor diameter shall be 2.1.2 Gages for Internal Thread
cleared below the minimum minor diameter of the GO (a) GO Thread Plug or Indicating Gage
thread ring, thread snap, orindicating gage, ( I ) Major Diameter. The major diameter of the
(4) Length. The length should approximate the GO thread plug gage or indicating gage shall be equal
length of the GO gage. See ASME/ANSI B47. l . . to the minimum major diameter of the internal thread
(c) NOTGO Thread Ring, Thread Snap, or Indica- minus 0.005 in. for pitches finer than 10 threaddin.,
ting Gage and minus 0.010 in. for 10 threaddin. and coarser.
(1) Major Diameter. The major diameter of the The tolerance shall be plus.
NOT GO thread ring, thread snap,or indicating gage (2) Pitch Diameter. The pitch diameter shall be
shall clear a diametergreater than the maximum equal to the minimum (basic) pitch diameter of the in-
major diameter of the external thread by 0.010 in. ternal thread with the tolerance plus.
(2) Pitch Diameter. The size of a NOT GO (3) Minor Diameter. The minor diameter shall
thread gage shall be determined by its fit or setting on clear a diameter smaller than the minimum minor
the minimum-material-limit thread setting plug gage. diameter of the internal thread by 0.010 in.
(3) MinorDiameter. The minordiameter shall be (4) Length. The length shall approximate the
the basic minor diameter of the internal thread plus length of engagement (see notes to Table 10) but shall
0 . 1 5 ~with tolerance plus. If this results in a minor not exceed twice the nominal major diameter unless
diameter greater than the gage P.D. size, the gage otherwise specified.


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(b) NOT GO Threucl Plug or Indicnting Guge external or internal thread is required, the method of
( I ) Major Diutneter. The major diameter of the checking this characteristic must be determined re-
NOT GO thread pluggage or indicating gage shall be gardless of feature size for each individual application
equal to the maximum (basic) major diameter of the (see ANSI Y14.5M).
external thread minus O. 15p with the tolerance minus.
If this results in a major diameter smaller than the
gage P.D. size, the gage P.D. size shall be used for the 2.1.4 Gage Dimensions. It is recommended that
major diameter with the gage tolerance plus. wherever possible the general dimensions of the gages
(2) Pitch Diutneter. The pitch diameter shall be be in accordance with ASMEIANSI B47. l .
the same as the maximum pitch diameter of the inter-
nal thread with the tolerance minus.
(3) Minor Diutneter. The minor diameter shall 2.1.5 Other Gaging.Section 2 outlines the usage of
clear a diameter less than theminimum minor diame- GO and NOT GO thread plugs and thread ring or
ter of the internal thread by 0.01 in. thread snap or indicating gages and their associated
(4) Length. The length should approximatethree setting thread plug gages. It also covers the usage of
pitches except that, for multiple threads, the length plain plug gages for checking the minor diameter of
shall provide at least one fullturn of thread (see para. internal threaded product.
2.1.4). While these types of limit gages are generally used to
(c) GO Pluin Plug or Inclicuting Cuge for Minor ensure assembleability of product, they may not pro-
Diutneter of Internal Thread. The diameter of the GO vide enough informationto ensure that all of the ele-
plain plug gage shall be the same as theminimum mi- ments of the mating threaded products conform to the
nor diameter of the internal thread. The gage toler- tabulated limits of size, etc.
ance shall be plus (see Table 8). The gage shall be in When complete details of thread elements are re-
accordance with ASMEIANSI B47.1. quired, it will be necessary to use other comnlerciallg
((4 NOT GO Plain Plug or Indicuting Guge for available types of gaging or inspection equipment to
Minor Diatneter of Internal Threud. The diameter of obtain this data.
the NOT GO plain plug gage shall be the same as the
maximum minor diameter of the internal thread. The 2.1.6 Wire Measurementof Stub Acme Threads.
gage tolerance shall be minus (see Table 8). The gage Refer to Appendix B for details of wire sizesand mea-
length shall be in accordance with ASMEIANSI surement of 29 deg. included angle threads. Because
B47. l.
of the shallow depth of Stub Acme threads, it may be
2.1.3 Runout. When a special check of the runout necessary to grind a flat on measuring wires to clear
between the major, pitch, and minordiameters of an the root of the threads when best size wires are used.


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T Width of Flat

Root of
Total Crest of . Internal
Height of Height of Thread Internal Thread
Thread Thread Thickness Thread F,,, = 0.4224~ -
Pitch (Basic) h,=h+ (Basic) (Basic) 0.259 x
Threadslin. P h = 0.3~ 1 h Allowance (11 t = pl2 Fcn = 0.4224~ Allowance (11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16 0.06250 0.01 875 0.0238 0.031 25 0.0264 0.0238

14 0.07143 0.021 43 0.0264 0.03571 0.0302 0.0276
12 0.08333 0.02500 0.0300 0.041 67 0.0352 0.0326
10 o. 1O000 0.03000 0.0400 0.05000 0.0422 0.0370
9 0.11111 0.03333 0.0433 0.05556 0.0469 0.041 7
8 O. 1 2500 0.03750 0.0475 0.06250 0.0528 0.0476

7 O. 14268 0.04285 0.0529 0.07 143 0.0603 0.0551

6 O. 16667 0.05000 0.0600 0.08333 0.0704 0.0652
5 0.20000 0.06000 0.0700 o. 1O000 0.0845 0.0793
4 0.25000 0.07500 0.0850 O. 1 2500 O. 1056 O. 1004
3% 0.28571 0.08571 0.0957 O. 14286 O. 1207 0.1 155
3 0.33333 o. 1O000 0.1 100 O. 1 6667 O. 1408 O. 1356

212 0.40000 o. 12000 O. 1300 0.20000 O. 1690 0.1 638

2 O. 50000 O. 15000 O. 1600 0.25000 0.21 12 0.2060
1I2 0.66667 0.20000 0.2100 0.33333 0.2816 0.2764
113 0.75000 0.22500 0.2350 0.37500 0.3168 0.31 16
1 1.ooooo 0.30000 0.3100 0.50000 0.4224 0.41 72

(1) Allowance shown in Table 4, column 3.

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r Basic Diameters T Thread Data

.ead Angle
at Basic
Thread Basic Pitch
Pitch Minor Thickness Basic Width Diameter
Major Diameter Diameter at Pitch Thread of x
rhreadslin. Diameter D2 = D1 = Pitch Line Height Flat F
Nominal Sizes n D D - h D -
2h P t = pl2 h = 0 . 3 ~ 0 . 4 2 2 4 ~ leg. min

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO

0.2500 '14 16 0.2500 0.2312 0.21 25 0.06250 0.031 250.01875 0.0264 4 54

0.31 25 %6 14 0.31 25 0.2911 0.2696 0.071 43
0.03572 0.02143 0.0302 4 28
0.3750 3% 12 0.3750 0.3500 0.3250 0.08333 0.04167 0.02500 0.0352 4 20
0.4375 'I16 12 0.4375 0.4125 0.3875 0.08333 0.041 670.02500 0.0352 3 41
0.5000 V2 10 0.5000 0.4700 0.4400 0.1 O000 0.05000 0.03000 0.0422 3 52

0.6250 Va a 0.6250 0.5875 0.5500 0.1 2500 0.06250 0.03750 0.0528 3 52

0.7500 314 6 0.7500 0.7000 0.6500 O.16667 0.08333 0.05000 0.0704 4 20
0.8750 Va 6 0.8750 0.8250 0.7750 O.16667 0.08333 0.05000 0.0704 3 41
1.0000 1 5 1 .o000 0.9400 0.8800 0.20000 o. 1 O000 0.06000 0.0845 3 52

1 .I 250 1 5 1.1250 1.0650 1 .O050 0.20000 o. 1 O000 0.06000 0.0845 3 25

1.2500 1% 5 1.2500 1 .I 900 1.1300 0.20000 o. 1 O000 0.06000 0.0845 3 4
1.3750 1% 4 1.3750 1.3000 1.2250 0.25000 O.12500 0.07500 0.1056 3 30
1.5000 'Il/2 4 1.5000 1.4250 1.3500 0.25000 0.1 25000.07500 O.1056 3 12

1.7500 13/4 4 1.7500 1.6750 1.6000 0.25000 0.12500 0.07500 O. 1056 2 43

2.0000 2 4 2.0000 1.9250 1.8500 0.25000 0.12500 0.07500 O.1056 2 22
2.2500 2% 3 2.2500 2.I 500 2.0500 0.33333 0.16667 o. 1 O000 o. I 408 2 50
2.5000 2'12 3 2.5000 2.4000 2.3000 0.33333 O.16667 o. 1 O000 o. I 408 2 32

2.7500 2314 3 2.7500 2.6500 2.5500 0.33333 0.16667 o. 1 O000 O.1408 2 18

3.0000 3 2 3.0000 2.8500 2.7000 O.50000 0.25000 O.1 5000 0.21 12 3 12
3.5000 3% 2 3.5000 3.3500 3.2000 0.50000 0.25000 O.1 5000 0.21 12 2 43
4.0000 4 2 4.0000 3.8500 3.7000 0.50000 0.25000 O.1 5000 0.21 12 2 22
4.5000 4'12 2 4.5000 4.3500 4.2000 0.50000 0.25000 O.1 5000 0.21 12 2 6
5.0000 5 2 5.0000 4.8500 4.7000 0.50000 0.25000 O.1 5000 0.21 12 1 53

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Allowances From
Basic Major and Tolerance (1) on
Minor Diameters Tolerance Tolerance Major Diameter
on Minor on Major All Internal
Major (2) Minor (3) Diameter Diameter Threads (Plus)
Diameter Diameter All Internal All External and
All Internal All External Threads Threads Minor Diameter
Threads Threads (Plus) (Minus) All External
(Plus) (Minus) 0.05~ 0.05~ Threads (Minus)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0.2500 '14 16 0.01 o 0.01 o 0.0031 0.0031 0.0105

0.31 25 5/16 14 0.010 0.01 o 0.0036 0.0036 0.01 14
$3 0.3750
12 0.010 0.01 o 0.0042 0.0042 0.01 23
0.4375 'I16 12 0.01 o 0.01 o 0.0042 0.0042 0.01 26
0.5000 l/2 10 0.020 0.020 0.0050 0.0050 0.01 37

0.6250 =/a 8 0.020 0.020 0.0062 0.0062 0.01 54

0.7500 314 6 0.020 0.020 0.0083 0.0083 0.01 74
0.8750 '/a 6 0.020 0.020 0.0083 0.0083 0.01 79
1.0000 1 5 0.020 0.020 0.01 O0 0.01 O0 0.01 94
1.I 250 1l/a 5 0.020 0.020 0.01 O0 0.01 O 0 0.01 98

1.2500 1l/4 5 0.020 0.020 0.0100 0.0100 0.0201

I. mo 131~ 4 0.020 0.020 0.01 25 0.01 25 0.0220
1.5000 Ill2 4 0.020 0.020 0.01 25 0.01 25 0.0223
1% 4 0.020 0.020 0.01 25 0.01 25 0.0229
2 4 0.020 0.020 0.01 25 0.01 25 0.0235

2% 3 0.020 0.020 0.01 67 0.01 67 0.0263
2.5000 2112 3 0.020 0.020 0.01 67 0.01 67 0.0268
2% 3 0.020 0.020 0.01 67 0.01 67 0.0273
3.0000 3 2 0.020 0.020 0.0250 0.0250 0.031 6

3% 2 0.020 0.020 0.0250 0.0250 0.0324
4.0000 4 2 0.020 0.020 0.0250 0.0250 0.0332
4.5000 4% 2 0.020 0.020 0.0250 0.0250 0.0339
5.0000 5 2 0.020 0.020 0.0250 0.0250 0.0346

Pitch diameter tolerances for various practicable combinations of diameter and pitch are given in
Table 6.

(1) The values in this column were developed by the following formula:

2G tolerance = pitch increment ( 0 . 0 3 0 m ) + diameter increment (0.006$?)

This formula reduces t o

0.006 ( f i + 5&)
These values equal the P.D. tolerance.
(2) The minimum clearance at themajor diameterbetween theinternal and external threadsis equal
t o values in column 3.
(3) The minimum clearance at theminor diameterbetween the internal and external threads
is equal
t o the values in column 4.


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Nominal Size Range Allowances on

External Threads (1)
Above Including
To and 0.008@

1 2 3
O O. 1875 0.0024
0.1875 0.31 25 0.0040
0.31 25 0.4375 0.0049
0.4375 0.5625 0.0057
0.5625 0.6875 0.0063

0.6875 0.8125 0.0069

0.81 25 0.9375 0.0075
0.9375 1.O625 0.0080
1.O625 1.1 875 0.0085
1.1875 1.31 25 0.0089

1.31 25 1.4375 0.0094

1.4375 1.5625 0.0098
1.5625 1.8750 0.01 05
1.8750 2.1250 0.01 13

2.1 250 2.3750 0.01 20

2.3750 2.6250 0.01 26
2.6250 2.8750 0.01 33
2.8750 3.2500 0.0140

3.2500 3.7500 0.01 50

3.7500 4.2500 0.0160
4.2500 4.7500 0.01 70
4.7500 5.5000 0.0181

(1) The valuesin this column are to be usedfor any nominal size
within the range shown in columns 1 and 2. These values
are calculated from the mean of the range. I t is recom-
mended that the nominal sizes given in Table 3 be used
whenever possible.


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~~ ~

ASME B3.8 88 W 0757670 0543632 237 W



Pitch Nominal Diameter(1)

Threadslin. Increment
n 0.030fi 7116 'h 710

16 0.00750 0.0105 0.0109 0.01 12 0.0115 0.0117 0.0122 0.0127 *..

14 0.00802 ... 0.01 14 0.01 17 0.01 200.01 23 0.01 28 0.01 320.01 36
12 0.00866 ... ... 0.0123 0.01 26 0.01 29 0.01 340.0139 0.0143
10 0.00949 ... ... 0.01 320.0135 0.0137 0.0142 0.0147 0.0151
8 0.01061 ... ... ... ... 0.01 480.0154 0.0158 0.0162

6 0.01 225 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.0174 0.0179
5 0.01 342 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.0190

Diameter Increment
0.006@ c 0.00300 0.00335 0.00367 0.00397 0.00424 0.00474 0.00520 0.00561

Pitch Nominal Diamefer(11

Threadslin. Increment
1 '14 2%

n 0.030fi 1 1 'I0

14 0.00802 0.0140 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 0.00866 0.0147 0.0150 0.0154 ... ... ... ... ...
10 0.00949 0.0155 0.0158 0.0162 0.0165 0.0168 0.0174 ... ...
8 0.01061 0.0166 0.0170 0.0173 0.01 76 0.0180 0.0185 0.01 91 . . .
6 0.01225 0.0182 0.0186 0.0190 0.0193 0.0196 0.0207 0.021

5 0.01 342 0.0194 0.0198 0.0201 0.0205 0.0208 0.0214 0.0219 0.0224
4 0.01 500 . . . 0.0214 0.0217 0.0220 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235 0.0240
3 0.01732 ... ... ... ... 0.0247 0.0253 0.0258 0.0263
2'12 0.01897 ... ... ... ... ... 0.0269 0.0275 0.0280
2 0.02121 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.0297 0.0302

Diameter Increment
0.006@ 0.00600 0.00636 0.00671
0.00704 0.00735 0.00794 0.00849 0.00900

Pitch Nominal Diameter(11

n 0.030fi 2'12 2% 3 3% 4 4% 5

5 0.01342 0.0229 ... ... ... *.. ... ...

4 0.01500 0.0245 0.0249 0.0254 0.0262 0.0270 ... ...
3 0.01732 0.0268 0.0273 0.0277 0.0285 0.0293 0.0300 0.0307
2'I2 0.01897 0.0285 0.0289 0.0294 0.0302 0.0310 0.0317 0.0324
2 0.02121 0.0307 0.0312 0.0316 0.0324 0.0332 0.0339 0.0346

1' h 0.02449 ... *.. 0.0349 0.0357 0.0365 0.0372 0.0379

1 '13 0.02598 ... ... 0.0364 0.0372 0.0380 0.0387 0.0394
1 0.03000 ... ... ... 0.0412 0.0420 0.0427 0.0434

Diameter Increment
0.00995 0.01 0390.01122 0.01200 0.01273 0.01342

(a) The equivalent tolerance on thread thickness is 0.259 times the pitch diameter tolerance.
(b) The pitch diametertolerances shown in this Table equal
the sum of the pitch incrementin the sec-
ond column and the diameter incrementin the last line, which reduces to 0.006 ($ + 5$).
(1) For an intermediatenominal diameter, apply the pitch diameter tolerance
for the nextlarger nomi-
nal diametergiven in this Table.


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Nominal Diameter D

I4 %.s 310 11G I2 $3 314 V8 1 1 I8 1 I4 1313

Limiting Diameters
and Tolerances 16 14 12 12 10 8 6 6 5 5 5 4

External Threads
Max. D 0.2500 0.3125 0.3750 0.4375 0.5000 0.6250 0.7500 0.8750 1 .oooo 1.1250 1.2500 1.3750
Major Diam. Min. 0.2469 0.3089 0.3708 0.4333 0.4950 0.6188 0.7417 0.8667 0.9900 1.1150 1.2400 1.3625
l TOI. 0.0031 0.0036 0.0042 0.0042 0.0050 0.0062 0.0083 0.0083 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0125

Max. 0.2272 0.2871 0.3451 0.4076 0.4643 0.5812 0.6931 0.8175 0.9320 1.0565 1.1811 1.2906
Pitch Diam. Min. 0.2167 0.2757 0.3328 0.3950 0.4506 0.5658 0.6757 0.7996 0.9126 1.0367 1.1610 1.2686
{ Tol. 0.0105 0.0114 0.0123 0.0126 0.0137 0.0154 0.0174 0.0179 0.0194 0.0198 0.0201 0.0220

Max. 0.2024 0.2597 0.3150 0.3775 0.4200 0.5300 0.6300 0.7550 0.8600 0.9850 1.1100 1.2050
Minor Diam. Min. 0.1919 0.2483 0.3027 0.3649 0.4063 0.5146 0.6126 0.7371 0.8406 0.9652 1.0899 1.1830
Tol. 0.0105 0.0114 0.0123 0.0126 0.0137 0.0154 0.0174 0.0179 0.0194 0.0198 0.0201 0.0220

Internal Threads
Min. 0.2600 0.3225 0.3850 0.4475 0.5200 0.6450 0.7700 0.8950 1.0200 1.1450 1.2700 1.3950
Major Diam. Max. 0.2705 0.3339 0.3973 0.4601 0.5337 0.6604 0.7874 0.9129 1.0394 1.1648 1.2901 1.4170
l Tol. 0.0105 0.0114 0.0123 0.0126 0.0137 0.0154 0.0174 0.0179 0.0194 0.0198 0.0201 0.0220

Min. 0.2312 0.2911 0.3500 0.4125 0.4700 0.5875 0.7000 0.8250 0.9400 1.0650 1.1900 1.3000
Pitch Diam. Max. 0.2417 0.3025 0.3623 0.4251 0.4837 0.6029 0.7174 0.8429 0.9594 1.0848 1.2101 1.3220
1 Tol. 0.0105 0.0114 0.0123 0.0126 0.0137 0.0154 0.0174 0.0179 0.0194 0.0198 0.0201 0.0220

Min. 0.2125 0.2696 0.3250 0.3875 0.4400 0.5500 0.6500 0.7750 0.8800 1.0050 1.1300 1.2250
Minor Diam. Max. 0.2156 0.2732 0.3292 0.3917 0.4450 0.5562 0.6583 0.7833 0.8900 1.0150 1.1400 1.2375
Tol. 0.0031 0.0036 0.0042 0.0042 0.0050 0.0062 0.0083 0.0083 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0125

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Nominal Diameter D

1 I2 1314 2 2% 212 2=h 3 3% 4 4h 5

Limiting Diameters
and Tolerances 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2

External Threads
Max. D 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 2.2500 2.5000 2.7500 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000
Major Diam. Min. 1.4875 1.7375 1.9875 2.2333 2.4833 2.7333 2.9750 3.4750 3.9750 4.4750 4.9750

Tol. 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0167 0.0167 0.0167 0.0250 0.0250 0.0250 0.0250 0.0250

Max. 1.4152 1.6645 1.9137 2.1380 2.3874 2.6367 2.8360 3.3350 3.8340 4.3330 4.8319
Pitch Diam. Min. 1.3929 1.6416 1.8902 2.1117 2.3606 2.6094 2.8044 3.3026 3.8008 4.2991 4.7973
Tol. 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235 0.0263 0.0268 0.0273 0.0316 0.0324 0.0332 0.0339 0.0346

Max. 1.3300 1.5800 1.8300 2.0300 2.2800 2.5300 2.6800 3.1800 3.6800 4.1800 4.6800
Major Diam. Min. 1.3077 1.5571 1.8065 2.0037 2.2532 2.5027 2.6484 3.1476 3.6468 4.1461 4.6454
i Tol. 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235 0.0263 0.0268 0.0273 0.0316 0.0324 0.0332 0.0339 0.0346

Internal Threads
Min. 1.5200 1.7700 2.0200 2.2700 2.5200 2.7700 3.0200 3.5200 4.0200 4.5200 5.0200
Major Diam. Max. 1.5423 1.7929 2.0435 2.2963 2.5468 2.7973 3.0516 3.5524 4.0532 4.5539 5.0546
Tol. 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235 0.0263 0.0268 0.0273 0.0316 0.0324 0.0332 0.0339 0.0346

Min. 1.4250 1.6750 1.9250 2.1500 2.4000 2.6500 2.8500 3.3500 3.8500 4.3500 4.8500
Pitch Diam. Max. 1.4473 1.6979 1.9485 2.1763 2.4268 2.6773 2.8816 3.3824 3.8832 4.3839 4.8846
1 Tol. 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235 0.0263 0.0268 0.0273 0.0316 0.0324 0.0332 0.0339 0.0346

Min. 1.3500 1.6000 1.8500 2.0500 2.3000 2.5500 2.7000 3.2000 3.7000 4.2000 4.7000 F
Minor Diam. Max. 1.3625 1.6125 1.8625 2.0667 2.3167 2.5667 2.7250 3.2250 3.7250 4.2250
Tol. 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0167 0.0167 0.0167 0.0250 0.0250 4.7250 !
0.0250 0.0250 0.0250


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Size Range

To and Tolerances for

Above PlainIncluding Gages

1 2 3
0.500 0.825 0.00010
0.825 1.510 0.0001 2
1.510 2.510 0.00016
2.510 4.510 0.00020
4.510 5.000 0.00025



Tolerance on
Half Angle
Tolerances Tolerance on of
on Major and Thread
Pitch Minor
Threadslin. Diameters (1) Diameters deg. min

1 2 3 4

16 0.0006 0.001 O 10
14 0.0006 0.001 O 10
12 0.0006 0.001 O 10
10 0.0007 0.002 O 10
9 0.0008 0.002 O 10
8 0.0008 0.002 O 8

7 0.0009 0.002 O 8
6 0.0009 0.002 O 8
5 0.0010 0,002 O 8
4 0.001 1 0.002 O 8
3 '12 0.001 3 0.002 O 8
3 0.0013 0.002 O 6

2' i 2 0.0014 0.002 O 6

2 0.001 5 0.002 O 6
1' i 2 0.001 8 0.002 O 5
1'13 0.001 8 0.002 O 5
1 0.0021 0.002 O 5

Intermediate pitchestake the tolerance of the next coarser pitch
listed in this Table.

(1) These pitch diameter tolerances for thread gages are not
cumulative, that is, they do not include toleranceson lead
and half-angle.


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Maximum Amount
Pitch Diameter
Maximum Amount of GO Ring
Nominal Major Diameter Two Diameters Shall Be Less Than
of External Thread Length of Length of Maximum Pitch (2)
GO Ring Gage, Engagement Exceeds Diameter External
Above To and Including in. (1) Length of Gage Thread

1 2 J 4 5
O 1.o00 2 diameters O O
1,000 1.125 2.000 0.250 0.001 2
1.125 1.250 2.000 0.500 0.0012
1.250 1.375 2.000 0.750 0.001 5
1.375 1.500 2.000 1.o00 0.0015
1.500 1.750 2.000 1.500 0.001 5
1.750 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.001 9

2.000 2.250 2.500 2.000 0.001 9

2.250 2.500 2.500 2.500 0.001 9
2.500 2.750 2.500 3.000 0.0019

2.750 3.000 3,000 3.000 0.001 9

3.000 4.000 3.000 5.000 0.0027
4.000 5.000 3.000 7.000 0.0039

Unless otherwise indicated, dimensions are in inches.

(1) This compensationis based on a length of engagement not exceeding two diameters and a lead variation
in the product not exceed-
ing thefollowing, in inches:
0.0003 in length of l/z in. or less
0.0004 in length over l/z in. - 1l/z in.
0.0005 in length over 1l / z in. - 3 in.
0.0007 in length over 3 in. - 6 in.
0.001 O in length over 6 in. - 1O in.
(a) The principles have been established in therequirements of thisTable that GO gages should approximate the length of engage-
ment and NOT GO gages should be three pitches long. For reasonsof economy orlimitations in gage manufacture or use, it may
be desirable t o modify these principles as follows:

(1) take advantage of the economies of using standard blanks, aslisted in ASMElANSIB47.1, wherever they may be utilized
(2) avoid too cumbersome ring gages, aswell as excessively expensivegages, by limiting thelength of GO thread ring gages t o
maximum lengths given in column 3 of thisTable;
(3) avoid excessively cumbersomethread plug gages by limiting maximum length to twodiameters wherever possible;
(4) take full advantage of modern equipmentfor producing and checking accurate leads, particularly where long engagements
are involved,thus permitting the use of standard or moderate length thread plug, thread ring, or thread snap gages. Alter-
natively, of course, instruments may be usedfor checking diameters and angles independently.
(b) Should aGO gage shorterthan the length of engagement be chosen, independent means should be t o used
measure lead varia-
tion in the product. If thelead variationAp in the length of engagement L, so determined, exceeds 0.259es (where es is the
product pitch diameter allowance),the maximum metal condition must be reducedt o ensure free assembly of product. The re-
quired amount of change in pitch diameter Ad2 of the product (minus on external thread, plus on internalthread) accordingly, is:

Ad2 = 3.867 ( 1 - LG/LE) Ap

LG = gage length
L = engagement length

(c) When instruments are used for checking diameter, it is a simple matter t o make this allowance. When thread plug and ring
gages are used,the allowance is sometimes increased by a fixed amount, asoutlined in this Table. This arbitrarily changes
tolerance on pitch diameter.
(2) Seepara. 2.1.1(a)(4).


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(This Appendix is not part of ASME/ANSI B I .S-1988,

and is included for information purposes only.)

Recognizing the fact that one Stub Acme thread thread, the pitch and minor diameters will be smaller
form may not provide a generally acceptable thread than similar values for the standard form; and for
system to meet the requirements of all applications, Modified Form 2 thepitch and minor diameters will
basic data fortwo of the other commonlyused forms be larger than those dimensions for the standard
(shown in Figs. A l and A2) are tabulatedin Tables A l forms.
and A2.Whereverpracticable, the standard Stub For gaging these modified Stub Acme threads, the
Acme thread form should be used. principles of gaging outlined in Section 2 (para. 2.1.3)
In applying the foregoing data to special designs, of this Standard will apply.
the allowances and tolerances can be taken directly The dimensions of gages can be calculated from the
from Tables 4, 5 , and 6 for standard Stub Acme data in Section 2 (paras.2. l. 1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.4).
threads. Therefore, the major diameter and basic The gage tolerances should be taken from para.2.1
thread thicknessat pitch linefor bothexternal and in- and Tables 8, 9, and 10.
ternal threads will be the same as for the standard These threads should be designatedon drawings as
form, asshown in Tables 3 and 7. The pitch diameter described in para. 1.14with the insertion after
and minor diameter will vary from the data shown in Acmeof Ml for the Modified Form 1 and
Tables 3 and 7. For the Modified Form 1 StubAcme M2 for the Modified Form 2.


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Min.majordiam. of nut Max.majordiam. of screw

Internal Thread

External Thread

Max. minordiam. of Screw Min.minordiam. of nut


(FORM 1)

Min. majordiam. of nut Max.majordiam. of screw

Internal Thread

O. 1 2 5 ~ c

F = 0.4353~
. 5 ~ ~ 3

diam. of nut
External %

Max. minordiam. of screw Min. minordiam. of nut


(FORM 2)


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Total Width of Flat

Height of Height of Thread at Crest of
Thread Thread Thickness Internal Thread
(Basic) h,=h+ (Basic) (Basic)
Threadslin. Pitch p h = 0.375~ 1 h Allowance (11 t = pl2 F = 0.4030~
L 3 4 5 6
16 0.06250 0.02344 0.0284 0.031 25 0.0252
14 0.07143 0.02679 0.0318 0.03572 0.0288
12 0.08333 0.031 25 0.0363 0.041 67 0.0336
10 o. 1 O000 0.03750 0.0475 0.05000 0.0403
9 0.11111 0.041 67 0.0517 0.05556 0.0448
a 0.12500 0.04688 0.0569 0.06250 0.0504

7 o. I 4286 0.05357 0.0636 0.071 43 0.0576

6 0.16667 0.06250 0.0725 0.08333 0.0672
5 0.20000 0.07500 0.0850 o. 1 O000 0.0806
4 0.25000 0.09375 o. 1038 O.12500 o. 1 ooa
3% 0.28571 0.10714 0.1171 o. I 4286 0.1151
3 0.33333 O. 12500 O.1350 O.16667 O. 1343

2'12 0.40000 O.1 5000 O.1 600 0.20000 0.1612

2 0.50000 o. 18750 O.1975 0.25000 0.2015
1 '12 0.66667 0.25000 0.2600 0.33333 0.2687
1 '13 0.75000 0.28125 0.2913 0.37500 0.3023
1 1 .ooooo 0.37500 0.3850 0.50000 0.4030

(1) Allowance shown in Table 4,column 3.


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Total Width of Flat

Height of Height of Thread at Crest of
Thread Thread Thickness Internal Thread
(Basic) h,=h+ (Basic) (Basic)
Threadslin. Pitch p h = 0.250~ 112 Allowance (11 t = pl2 F = 0.4353~

1 2 3 4 5 6

16 0.06250 0.01563 0.0206 0.031 25 0.0272

14 0.07143 0.01786 0.0229 0.03571 0.0311
12 0.08333 0.02083 0.0258 0.04167 0.0363
10 o.1 O000 0.02500 0.0350 0.05000 0.0435
9 0.11111 0.02778 0.0378 0.05556 0.0484
8 O.12500 0.031 25 0.0413 0.06250 0.0544

7 O.14286 0.03571 0.0457 0.07 143 0.0622

6 0.16667 0.041 67 0.0517 0.08333 0.0726
5 0.20000 0.05000 0.0600 o.1 O000 0.0871
4 0.25000 0.06250 0.0725 0.12500 O.1088
3% 0.28571 0.07143 0.0814 0.14286 O.1244
3 0.33333 0.08333 0.0933 0.16667 O.1451

2112 0.40000 o.1 O000 0.1100 0.20000 0.1741

2' O.50000 0.12500 O.1350 0.25000 0.2177
1 'I2 0.66667 O.1 6667 O.1767 0.33333 0.2902
1 l/3 0.75000 O.18750 0.1975 0.37500 0.3265
1 1 .ooooo 0.25000 0.2600 0.50000 0.4353

(1) Allowance shown in Table 4,column 3.


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(This Appendix is not part of ASMElANSl B I .8-1988, and is included for information purposes only.)

B I THREADWIRESPECIFICATIONS,CALIBRA- diameter measurements on 8 t h r e a d s h . and finer be

TION, AND USE made at 1 lb. For coarser pitches and larger wires the
deformation of wires and threadsis lessthan forfiner
The computed value for the pitch diameter of a pitches. Furthermore, the coarser pitches are used on
screw thread gage obtained from readings over wires larger and heavier products, on which the pitch diame-
will depend upon the accuracy of the measuring in- ter tolerance is greater and a larger measuring load
strument used, the contact load, and the value of the may be required to make satisfactory measurements.
diameter of the wires usedin the computations.In or- It is,therefore, recommended that for threadshn.
der to measure the pitch diameter of a screw thread coarser than 8, the pitch diameter be measured at 2%
gage to anaccuracy of 0.0001 in. by means of wires, it lb.
is necessary to know the wire diameters to 0.00002 in. The standard specification for wires and standard
Accordingly, it is necessary to use a measuring instru- practice in themeasurement of 60 deg. wires stated in
ment that reads accurately to 0.00001 in. ANSUASME B1.2 are applicable to wires for Stub
Variations in diameter around the wire should be Acme threads, with the above-stated exceptions as to
determined by rotating thewire between a measuring angle of V-groove and limit on roundness.
contact and ananvil having the formof a V-groove cut
on a cylinder and having the same flank angles, 14
deg. 30 min, as the thread to be measured. As thus
measured, the limit on roundness deviation shall be


To avoid a permanent deformation of the material DIAMETER OF STUB ACME THREADS (29
of the wires and gages it is necessary to limit the con- deg.1
tact load, and for consistent results a standard prac-
tice as to contact loadin making wire measurements of B2.1 LeadAngle
hardened screw thread gages is necessary. The combination of small flank angle and large lead
In the case of Stub Acme threads, the wire presses angle that is characteristic of Stub Acme threads
against the sides of the thread with a pressure of ap- results in arelatively large lead angle correction to be
proximately twice that of the measuring instrument. applied in wire measurements of pitch diameter of
This would indicate that the diameter of the wires such threads. In thecase of multiple-start threads, the
should be measured against a hardened cylinder hav- geometry is such that it is no longer feasible to make
ing a radius equal to the radius of curvature of the heli- the usual simplifying assumptions as to the positions
cal surfaceof the threadat the pointof contact, using of contact of the wire in the thread.Accordingly, mea-
approximately twice the load to be used in making surement of single-start Stub Acme threads (with lead
pitch diameter readings. As with 60 deg. threads it is angles less than 5 deg.) is treated similar to the mea-
not practical to use such a variety of sizes, and itis rec- surement of 60 deg. threads when the value for the
ommended that themeasurements of wirediameter be term
made between a flat contact anda 0.750 in. hardened
and accurately finished steel cylinder. To limit the ten-
dency of the wires to wedge in anddeform thesides of (r! tan2 X cos a cot a
a Stub Acme thread, it is recommended that pitch 2


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is 0.00015 in. orsmaller (see ANSVASME B1 -2). For TABLE B I WIRESIZES AND CONSTANTS,
threads having lead angles greater than 5 deg., the nec- SINGLE-START STUB ACME THREADS (29 deg.)
essary refinements in the calculations are presented. -
Wire Sizes(11
Best Maximum Minimum
p = -1
B2.2 Single-Start External Threads Threadslin. n 0.516450~ 3.650013~ 3.487263~
The general formula is 1 2 3 4 5
in. in. In. In.
cot a
cl2 = M,,, + -- w(1
+ cosec a ) (1) 16
0.071 43
12 0.08333 0.04304 0.0541 7 0.04061
10 O. 1O000 0.051 64 0.06500 0.04873
cl2 = pitch diameter 9 0.1 11 11 0.05738 0.07222 0.0541 4
M,,, = measurement over wires 8 0.1 2500 0.06456 0.081 25 0.06091
CY = half-angle of thread 7 0.1 4286 0.07378 0.09286 0.06961
rt = threaddin. = l/pitch 6 O. 16667 0.08608 O. 10834 0.08121
W = wire diameter
5 0.20000 0.10329 O. 1 3000 0.09745
a I = tan (tan CY cos X) 4 0.25000 O. 1291 1 0.1 6250 0.12182
X = lead angle at pitch diameter 3% 0.28571 0.14756 0.18572 O. 13922
For a half-angle of 14 deg. 30 min, Eq. (1) takes the 3 0.33333 O. 17215 0.21 667 O. 16242
form 212 0.40000 0.20658 0.26001 O. 19491
2 0.50000 0.25822 0.32501 0.24363
1I2 0.66667 0.34430 0.43334 0.32484
cl2 = M, + n
357 - w(1 + cosec al) (2) 1 13 0.75000 0.38734 0.48751 0.36545
1 1.O0000 0.51 645 0.65001 0.48726
The diameter W of the wires used should be as close NOTE:
as practicable to thesize that will contact the flanks
of (1) Based on zero lead angle.
the thread at the pitch line to minimize errors caused
by deviations of the flankangle from nominal value.
The best-size wire, to be applied only where the lead where
angle does not exceed approximately 5 deg., may be dzl = M,,, - column 7
taken as
If the measured wire diameter W differs slightly
sec a 0.516 450 (not morethan 0.0003 in.) from thebest size W shown
= -- (3) in column 4, then
2n n
d2 = M,,, - column 7 - 5 (W - W)
for which values are tabulated inTable B1.
For standarddiameter-pitch combinations of Stub
- 100 (column 3 - cl2,) column 8 (6)
Acme threads, andwhere the best-size wire isused, the
computations are simplified by the use of Table B2.
However, the correction derived from column8 is sel-
dom significant in amount for standard diameter-
pitch combinations.
cl2 = M,,, - column 7 (4) Values of the term(1 + cosec CY I ) are given in Table
B3 for use when threads of other than standard
or, if cl2 differs appreciably from thebasic value given diameter-pitch combinations are to be measured. Val-
in column 3 ues for intermediate lead angles may be determined by

d2 = M,,, - column 7 - 100 (column 3 - dzl) The three-wire measurement of Stub Acme threads
corresponds to that of 29 deg. Acme threads. How-
x column 8 (5) ever, because of the shallower root on the StubAcme

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ACME THREADS (29 deg.)

Change in
Columns 6
and 7 per
0.01 in.
Best-Size Change in
Basic Wire Column 6 Pitch
Pitch u =
0.516450 cot 14 deg. 30 min w(l + Minus Diameter
Sizes Threadslin. Diameter n 2n cosec a') Column 5 (1) (Column 3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

in. in. in. in. in. in.

0.250 16 0.231 2 0.03228 0.1 20835 0.161422 0.040587 0.000044
0.31 25 14 0.291 1 0.03689 O. 138097 O.184647 0.046550 0.000031

0.375 12 0.3500 0.04304 0.161113 0.21 5407 0.054294 0.000025

0.4375 12 0.4125 0.04304 0.161113 0.21 5477 0.054364 0.00001 8
0.500 10 0.4700 0.051 64 O. 193336 0.258329 0.064993 0.000021

0.625 8 0.5875 0.06456 0.241 670 0.322961 0.018291 0.000021

0.750 6 0.7000 0.08608 0.322226 0.430800 O. 108574 0.000030
0.875 6 0.8250 0.08608 0.322226 0.430542 0.108316 0.00001 9
1.o00 5 0.9400 O. 10329 0.386671 0.516707 0.1 30036 0.000021

1.125 5 1.O650 O. 10329 0.386671 0.516620 0.219949 0.000014

1.250 5 1.1900 O. 10329 0.386671 0.516356 O. 1 29685 0.00001 4
1.375 4 1.3000 0.12911 0.483339 0.645669 O. 1 62330 0.000014
1.500 4 1.4250 0.12911 0.483339 0.64551 8 O. 1 621
79 0.000012

1.750 4 1.6750 0.12911 0.483339 0.645310 0.161971 0.000007

2.000 4 1.9250 0.12911 0.483339 0.6451 78 0.161839 0.000005
2.250 3 2.1 500 0.17215 0.644452 0.860533 0.216081 0.000004
2.500 3 2.4000 0.17215 0.644452 0.860332 0.21 5880 0.000005
2.750 3 2.6500 0.17215 0.644452 0.86021 8 0.215766 0.000004

3.000 2 2.8500 0.25822 0.966678 1.291035 0.324357 0.00001 1

3.500 2 3.3500 0.25822 0.966678 1.290620 0.323942 0.000007
4.000 2 3.8500 0.25822 0.966678 1.290356 0.323678 0.000004
4.500 2 4.3500 0.25822 0.966678 1.2901 76 0.323498 0.000003
5.000 2 4.8500 0.25822 0.966678 1.290049 0.323371 0.000003

(11 Given to six decimal places for purposes of computation. After subtracting from M , the final
result should be roundedto four places.


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TABLE B3 VALUES OF (I+ cosec a') FOR a = 14 deg. 30 min AND

Lead Angle X

deg. min 1 + cosec 01' 1 + cosec 01' Difference

1 2 2 3

O O 4.99393 30 4.99748
5 393 O 35 772 24
10 394 1 40 797 25
15 396 2 45 823 26
20 399 3 50 850 27
25 403 4 55 877 27
4 28
O 905
30 407 5 934 29
35 41 2 5 10 964 30
40 41 8 6 15 995 31
45 425 7 20 5.00026 31
50 432 7 25 058 32
55 440 8 33
9 30 o9 1
35 125 34
1 O 449 40 160 35
5 459 10 45 195 35
10 470 11 50 23 1 36
15 48 1 11 55 268 37
20 493 12 38
25 506 13 O 306
14 5 345 39
30 520 10 384 39
35 535 15 15 424 40
40 550 15 20 465 41
45 566 16 25 507 42
50 583 17 43
55 60 1 18 30 550
19 35 593 43
40 637 44
2 O 620 45 682 45
5 639 19 50 728 46
10 659 20 55 775 47
15 680 21 48
20 702 22 O 823
25 725 23 5 87 1 48
23 10 920 49


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threads, no smaller wire thanthe best-sizewiregiven To evaluate c
in TableB2 shall be used. There can be instances when

do not
the best-size wire will touch the thread root. Hence,
check should always be made to ensure that the wires
OP = -i cos a cos +
(k sin
+ y sin a cos p
1) (1

B2.3 Multiple-Start External Threads
OQ = R + - cosec a

Multiple-start threads commonly have lead angles

greater than 5 deg. In thoseexceptional cases that have where
smaller lead angles, the procedures described above y = distance from contact pointA to a pointL on
may be applied. For larger lead angles there are two the thread axis, measured parallel to an ele-

procedures available that give almost identical results; ment of the thread flank, in the axial plane
that is, the discrepancy between the values obtained containing L A
for the lead angle correction c is well within the possi- /3 = (designated the key angle by Vogel) angle
ble observational error inmaking the measurement of in a plane perpendicular to the threadaxis be-
pitch diameter. The methods are those of Marriner tween lines connecting the point O on the
and Wood [4], based on the analytical approach of thread axis to the axis of the wire (or center of
Gary [3] and Vogel [2]. the ball) and to the point of contact of the
It is necessary to determine the best-size wirefor the wire and thread flank, respectively
individual thread, as thesize isdependent on the lead The values of and Y are determined by:
angle of the thread. This determination is simplified
by extracting from TableB4 the wire diameter (inter- - tan o( sin
polating if necessary) for a 1 in. axial pitch screw and
dividing by the threaddin. Thus sin = (13)

W = w,/n (7)

These are simultaneous equations in /3 and -i which

where cannot be solved directly but can be solved by itera-
cl2 = pitch diameter
tion. Letting /3 = O, the first approximation for y is
M, = measurement over wires
C = w(1 + cosec (Y)- (cot cu)/2n (9)
= 4.993 929w - 1.933 357/n yo = R sec a + -W2 cot a (15)
c = 2(0P - OQ)of Fig. B1 (10)
Tabular values for (C + c)~for a 1 in. axial pitch This approximatevalue of y is entered in theright-
screw, which should bedivided by the threaddin. for hand side of Eq. (13) to obtain a new value = &.
a given case, are also given in Table B4 and [2]. Then this new value of is entered in the right-hand
In Fig. B1 the actual points of contact of the wire side of Eq. (14), together with the first approximation
with the thread flanks areat A and B . Under certain of y, to obtain a new value of y = yl. Then *iland
conditions awire may contactone flank two at points, are entered in Eq. (13) to obtain a new /3 = pz. This
in which case it is advisable to use a ball, equal in process is repeated until the values of and y repeat
diameter to the wire. The value of c is the same for a themselves to therequired degree of accuracy. Their
ball as for a wire. The conditions determining single or final values are then entered in Eqs. (11) and (12) to
double contact are dealt with below. obtain the lead angle correction given by Eq. (10).

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Angle X,
I-Start Threads, in.

W1 (C + c),
r 2-Start Threads, in.

W1 (C + c),
Angle X,
r 2-Start Threads, in.

W1 (C + c),
r 3-Start Threads, in.

W1 (C + c),

1 2 3 4 5 1 4 5 6 7

5.0 0.51450 0.6431 1 0.51443 0.64290 10.0 0.50864 0.6351 8 0.50847 0.63463
5.1 0.51442 0.64301 0.51435 0.64279 10.1 0.50849 0.63498 0.50831 0.63442
5.2 0.51435 0.64291 0.51427 0.64268 10.2 0.50834 0.63478 0.5081 5 0.63420
5.3 0.51427 0.64282 0.51 41 8 0.64256 10.3 0.50818 0.63457 0.50800 0.63399
5.4 0.51419 0.64272 0.51410 0.64245 10.4 0.50802 0.63436 0.50784 0.63378
5.5 0.5141 1 0.64261 0.51401 0.64233 10.5 0.50786 0.6341 6 0.50768 0.63356
5.6 0.51403 0.64251 0.51393 0.64221 10.6 0.50771 0.63395 0.50751 0.63333
5.7 0.51395 0.64240 0.51384 0.64209 10.7 0.50755 0.63375 0.50735 0.6331 1
5.8 0.51386 0.64229 0.51375 0.641 96 10.8 0.50739 0.63354 0.50718 0.63288
5.9 0.51377 0.642 18 0.51366 0.641 84 10.9 0.50723 0.63333 0.50701 0.63265
6.0 0.51368 0.64207 0.51356 0.641 71 11.0 0.50707 0.6331 3 0.50684 0.63242
6.1 0.51359 0.641 95 0.51346 0.641 57 11.1 0.50691 0.63292 0.50667 0.63219
6.2 0.51350 0.641 84 0.51 336 0.64144 11.2 0.50674 0.63271 0.50649 0.631 95
6.3 0.51340 0.641 72 0.51 327 0.64131 11.3 0.50658 0.63250 0.50632 0.631 72
6.4 0.51 330 0.641 60 0.51 317 0.641 17 11.4 0.50641 0.63228 0.50615 0.63149
6.5 0.51 320 0.64147 0.51306 0.64103 11.5 0.50623 0.63206 0.50597 0.631 26
6.6 0.51310 0.641 34 0.51296 0.64089 11.6 0.50606 0.63184 0.50579 0.63102
6.7 O. 5 1 300 0.641 22 0.51285 0.64075 11.7 0.50589 0.631 62 0.50561 0.63078
6.8 0.51290 0.641 10 0.51275 0.64061 11.8 0.50571 0.63 140 0.50544 0.63055
6.9 0.51280 0.64097 0.51264 0.64046 11.9 0.50553 0.631 17 0.50526 0.63031
7.0 0.51 270 0.64085 0.51 254 0.64032 12.0 0.50535 0.63095 0.50507 0.63006
7.1 0.51 259 0.64072 0.51 243 0.6401 7 12.1 0.50517 0.63072 0.50488 0.62981
7.2 0.51 249 0.64060 0.51 232 0.64002 12.2 0.50500 0.63050 0.50470 0.62956
7.3 0.51 238 0.64047 0.51 221 0.63987 12.3 0.50482 0.63027 0.50451 0.62931
7.4 0.51 227 0.64034 0.51 209 0.63972 12.4 0.50464 0.63004 0.50432 0.62906
7.5 0.51 21 7 0.64021 0.51 198 0.63957 12.5 0.50445 0.62981 0.50413 0.62881
7.6 0.51 206 0.64008 0.51 186 0.63941 12.6 0.50427 0.62958 0.50394 0.62856
7.7 0.51 196 0.63996 0.51 174 0.63925 12.7 0.50408 0.62934 0.50375 0.62830
7.8 0.51 186 0.63983 0.51 162 0.63909 12.8 0.50389 0.6291 1 0.50356 0.62805
7.9 0.51 175 0.63970 0.51 150 0.63892 12.9 0.50371 0.62888 0.50336 0.62779

8.0 0.51 164 0.63957 0.51 138 0.63876 13.0 0.50352 0.62865 0.50316 0.62752
8.1 0.51 153 0.63944 0.51 125 0.63859 13.1 0.50333 0.62841 0.50295 0.62725
8.2 0.51 142 0.63930 0.51 113 0.63843 13.2 0.50313 0.6281 7 0.50275 0.62699
8.3 0.51 130 0.6391 6 0.51 101 0.63827 13.3 0.50293 0.62792 0.50255 0.62672
8.4 0.51 118 0.63902 0.51088 0.63810 13.4 0.50274 0.62768 0.50235 0.62646
8.5 0.51 105 0.63887 0.51075 0.63793 13.5 0.50254 0.62743 0.50214 0.6261 9
8.6 0.51093 0.63873 0.51062 0.63775 13.6 0.50234 0.62718 0.50194 0.62592
8.7 0.51081 0.63859 0.51049 0.63758 13.7 0.5021 5 0.62694 0.501 73 0.62564
8.8 0.51069 0.63845 0.51035 0.63740 13.8 0.50195 0.62670 0.501 52 0.62537
8.9 0.51057 0.63831 0.51022 0.63722 13.9 0.50175 0.62645 0.50131 0.62509
9.0 0.51044 0.6381 7 0.51008 0.63704 14.0 0.501 55 0.62621 0.501 10 0.62481
9.1 0.51032 0.63802 0.50993 0.63685 14.1 0.501 35 0.62596 0.50089 0.62453
9.2 0.51019 0.63788 0.50979 0.63667 14.2 0.501 15 0.62571 0.50068 0.62425
9.3 0.51006 0.63774 0.50965 0.63649 14.3 0.50094 0.62546 0.50046 0.62397
9.4 0.50993 0.63759 0.50951 0.63630 14.4 0.50073 0.62520 0.50024 0.62368
9.5 0.50981 0.63744 0.50937 0.6361 2 14.5 0.50051 0.62494 0.50003 0.62340
9.6 0.50968 0.63730 0.50922 0.63593 14.6 0.50030 0.62468 0.49981 0.6231 2
9.7 0.50955 0.6371 5 0.50908 0.63574 14.7 0.50009 0.62442 0.49959 0.62283
9.8 0.50941 0.63700 0.50893 0.63555 14.8 0.49988 0.6241 7 0.49936 0.62253
9.9 0.50927 0.63685 0.50879 0.63537 14.9 0.49966 0.62391 0.49914 0.62224
10.0 0.5091 3 0.63670 0.50864 15.0 0.49945 0.62365 0.49891 0.621 95

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Angle X.
T 3-Start Threads, in. T 3-Start Threads, in. T 4-Start Threads, in.

deg. W1 (C + cl1 W1 (C + C)? deg. W1 (C + cl1 W1 (C + c),

1 6 7 a 9 1 6 7 a 9

13.0 0.50316 0.62752 0.50297 0.62694 18.0 0.491 540.61250 0.491 O9 0.61 109
13.1 0.50295 0.62725 0.50277 0.62667 18.1 0.491 270.61216 0.49082 0.61073
13.2 0.50275 0.62699 0.50256 0.62639 18.2 0.49101 0.61 182 0.49054 0.61037
13.3 0.50255 0.62672 0.50235 0.62611 18.3 0.49074 0.61 1480.49027 0.61001
13.4 0.50235 0.62646 0.50215 0.62583 18.4 0.49047 0.61 1140.48999 0.60964
13.5 0.50214 0.62619 0.50194 0.62555 18.5 0.49020 0.61080 0.48971 0.60928
13.6 0.50194 0.62592 0.50173 0.62526 18.6 0.48992 0.61045 0.48943 0.60891
13.7 0.501 730.62564 0.501 520.62498 18.7 0.48965 0.61011 0.48915 0.60854
13.8 0.50152 0.62537 0.50131 0.62469 18.8 0.48938 0.60976 0.48887 0.60817
13.9 0.50131 0.62509 0.50109 0.62440 18.9 0.4891O 0.60941 0.48859 0.60780
14.0 0.50110 0.62481 0.50087 0.62411 19.0 0.48882 0.60906 0.48830 0.60742
14.1 0.50089 0.62453 0.50065 0.62381 19.1 0.48854 0.60871 0.48800 0.60704
14.2 0.50068 0.62425 0.50043 0.62351 19.2 0.48825 0.60835 0.48771 0.60666
14.3 0.50046 0.62397 0.50021 0.62321 19.3 0.48797 0.60799 0.48742 0.60628
14.4 0.50024 0.62368 0.49999 0.62291 19.4 0.48769 0.60764 0.487 130.60590
14.5 0.50003 0.62340 0.49977 0.62262 19.5 0.48741 0.60729 0.48684 0.60552
14.6 0.49981 0.62312 0.49955 0.62232 19.6 0.48712 0.60693 0.48655 0.60514
14.7 0.49959 0.62283 0.49932 0.62202 19.7 0.48683 0.60657 0.48625 0.60475
14.8 0.49936 0.62253 0.4991O 0.62172 19.8 0.48655 0.60621 0.48596 0.60437
14.9 0.49914 0.62224 0.49887 0.62141 19.9 0.48626 0.60585 0.48566 0.60398
15.0 0.49891 0.62195 0.49864 0.62110 20.0 0.48597 0.60549 0.48536 0.60359
15.1 0.49869 0.621 660.49842 0.62080 20.1 ... ... 0.48506 0.60320
15.2 0.49846 0.621 370.49819 0.62049 20.2 ... ... 0.48476 0.60281
15.3 0.49824 0.621 080.49795 0.62017 20.3 ... ... 0.48445 0.60241
15.4 0.49801 0.62078 0.49771 0.61985 20.4 ... ... 0.48415 0.60202
15.5 0.49778 0.62048 0.49747 0.61953 20.5 ... ... 0.48384 0.60162
15.6 0.49754 0.62017 0.49723 0.61 921 20.6 ... ... 0.48354 0.601 23
15.7 0.49731 0.61987 0.49699 0.61889 20.7 ... ... 0.48323 0.60083
15.8 0.49707 0.61956 0.49675 0.61857 20.8 ... ... 0.48292 0.60042
15.9 0.49683 0.61926 0.49651 0.61 825 20.9 ... ... 0.48261 0.60002
16.0 0.49659 0.61 8950.49627 0.61 793 21 .o ... 0.48230 0.59961
. L .

16.1 0.49635 0.61864 0.49602 0.61760 21 .I ... ... 0.48198 0.59920

16.2 0.49611 0.61833 0.49577 0.61727 21.2 ... ... 0.481 660.59879
26.3 0.49586 0.61801 0.49552 0.61694 21.3 ... ... 0.481 340.59838
16.4 0.49562 0.61770 0.49527 0.61661 21.4 ... ... 0.48 1030.59797
16.5 0.49537 0.61738 0.49502 0.61628 21.5 ... ... 0.48701 0.59756
16.6 0.49512 0.61 7060.49476 0.61 594 21.6 ... ... 0.48040 0.59715
16.7 0.49488 0.61675 0.49451 0.61560 21.7 ... . .. 0.48008 0.59674
16.8 0.49463 0.61643 0.49425 0.61 526 21.8 ... ... 0.47975 0.59632
16.9 0.49438 0.61611 0.49400 0.61492 21.9 ... ... 0.47943 0.59590
17.0 0.49414 0.61 5800.49375 0.61458 22.0 ... ... 0.47910 0.59548
17.1 0.49389 0.61 5480.49349 0.61424 22.1 ... ... 0.47878 0.59507
17.2 0.49363 0.6151 5 0.49322 0.61 389 22.2 ... . .. 0.47845 0.59465
17.3 0.49337 0.61482 0.49296 0.61354 22.3 ... ... 0.47812 0.59422
17.4 0.49311 0.61449 0.49269 0.61319 22.4 ... ... 0.47778 0.59379
17.5 0.49285 0.61416 0.49243 0.61284 22.5 *.. ... 0.47745 0.59336
17.6 0.49259 0.61383 0.49217 0.61250 22.6 ... ... 0.47711 0.59293
17.7 0.49233 0.61 3500.49191 0.61 215 22.7 ... ... 0.47677 0.59250
... ...

17.8 0.49206 0.61 3160.491 64 0.61 180 22.8 0.47643 0.59207

17.9 0.49 1800.61 2830.491 370.61 144 22.9 ... ... 0.47610 0.59164
... ... ... ... ... 23.0 ... ... 0.47577 0.59121
GENERAL NOTE: This Table is courtesy of the Van Keuren Co.


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Wire position Y
with no lead


Axis of with lead Y


xy- plane with lead
yz - plane (with no lead, p = O )
7 = LA (with lead)
7 = LA' (with no lead)

sin (radian) cos Y

0.54486 847 0.02337 088 0.02337 301 0.99972 686 0.52978 325
0.54444 355 0.02226 331 0.02226 51 5 0.99975 214 0.52934 621
0.54446 650 0.02232 617 0.02232 833 0.99975 073 0.52936 984
0,54446 524 0.02232 298 0.02332 483 0.99975 081 0.52936 853
0.54446 530 0.02232 317 0.02232 502 0.99975 081 0.52936 860
0.54446 530 0.02232 316 0.02232 501 0.99975 081 0.52936 860

OP = 0.52843 3962
00 = 0.519260196
C = 0.011148
20P 1.04966 79 = nominal measurement between centers of wires
M, 20P + W = l.
= 149 868 in. = nominal measurement over wires
M, 1.1 49 868 = actual measurement over wires
d2 1.149 868 - (C + c ) [see Eqs. (8)and(911
C = 4.993 929 X 0.100 20 - 1.933 37515 = 0.1 13 720
C + C = 0.113 720 + 0.011 148 = 0.124 868
d2 = 1.149 868 - 0.124 868 = 1.025 O00 (as measured)


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The following calculation exemplifies the process, mulas. As this discrepancy is small compared with the
and theresult may be comparedwith that obtained for possible error inmeasurement of M,,,, either set of for-
the sameexample by the Vogel method [2] or the Van mulas is applicable. Also, thediscrepancy between the
Keuren method [1, 21. value of (C + c) by the Marriner andWood formulas
lys in. - 5 , 4 start 29 deg. Acme screw thread is only 0.000 018 in.
d2 = 1.025 basic
z = 0.800
p = 0.200
X = 13.95 1927 deg.
B2.4 Limitations on Three-Wire Measurement of
W = 0.10020 (from Table B4) [ l , 21
External Threads
(Y = 14.5 deg.

sin a = 0.25038 00041 When the lead angle and diameter of a thread are
COS a = 0.96814 76404 such that double contact of the measuring wires oc-
tan (Y = 0.25861 75844 curs, itwill be necessary to check the pitch diameter by
cot (Y = 3.86671 30949 means of balls rather than wires.
sec a = 1.03290 03122 For accurate measurement with wires, single con-
cosec a = 3.99392 91629 tact on each flank must occur. Measuring wires can be
U n = 0.31830 98862 used if the following formula from[4] is satisfied for a
R = 0.31916 43455 specific thread.
1/2n = 0.12732 39545
( Z / ~ T )=~ 0.01621 13939
N(2n sin a) = 0.50852 28550
1/(2n COS (Y)= O. 13151 29523
R/COS(Y = 0.32966 49520
tan a > -
-I- - cos a cot a)2 - 4/D2 (18)

= 0.27393 42429
If the Marriner and Wood equations applied
are in- (Y half-angle of thread in an axial plane
stead of those of Vogel, we have I lead
R distance from thread axis to sharp root (see
cot2 X Fig. B1)
v-= (16)
tan a W = diameter for measuring wires
cot - -
tan X D = major diameter of thread
If best-size wires are used so that contact is near the
pitch line, the condition for single contact simplifies to
N, = number of starts
X = lead angle at pitch line
(Y = half-angle of thread in axial plane
Due to the approximate natureof the above formu-
This equation may likewise be solved for P by itera- las, double contact does not necessarily occur when
tion, butvarious shortcuts arepresented in [2],includ- these formulas are not satisfied. If this is not satisfac-
ing a short, highly accurate, and nontranscendent tory, the following formula can be used for a more
formula for P. The value of P in the above example, precise determination.
which satisfies this equation, is 0.02232 480 radian, as
compared with 0.02232 501 obtained with the Mar-
riner and Wood formulas. The measurement to the D I
- tan a - */A sin a +- - (PA - pl
center of the wires is given bythe Vogel formula 2 27i

2 0 P = d2 tan2 X (a - ) cosec = 1.0496 522 in. (17) */A sin a sin A -

which is 0.0000 157 smallerthanthevalue

(1 .O496 679) obtained by the Marriner and Wood

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ASME B 3 - B B B m 0759670 0543630 234 m

where B2.5 References

= final value for y in the correction calculation [I] H. L. Van Keuren, Tables for Precise Measurement of
Screws, Catalog and Handbook No. 34, The Van Keuren Co.
(0.52936 8598) would be the yA for sample (1948).
calculation, the results of which are shown [2] Werner F. Vogel, New Thread Measuring Formulas, Cata-
above log and Handbook No. 36, Appendix D, The Van Keuren Co.
A = final value for in the correctioncalculation (1955).
PP = c0s-l (2yA cos a cos A / D )and is a negative [3] M. Gary,Berechnung
Die Gewinde-
angle Braunschweig, 21, No. 4 (1955).
[4] R. S. Marriner and Mrs. J. G . Wood, Rake Correction in
If the formula is satisfied, double contact does not the Measurement of Parallel External and Internal Screw Threads,
occur. Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London (July 1958).


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(Published by The American Societyof Mechanical Engineers)


Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) ................................. B1.1-1982
Gages and Gaging for Unified Inch Screw Threads ....................................... B1.2-1983
Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional
Acceptability - Inch and Metric Screw Threads (UN, UNR. UNJ, M. and MJ) . . . . . . . . . . . B1.3M-1986

Acme Screw Threads ................................................................. B I .5-1977

Nomenclature, Definitions, and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads ...................... B1.7M-1984
Stub Acme Screw Threads ............................................................ B1.8-1988
Buttress Inch Screw Threads 7"/45" Form With 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of
Thread Engagement .......................................................... B1.9-1973(R1985)
Unified Miniature Screw Threads ......................................................
Microscope Objective Thread .................................................. B1.11-1958(R1978)
Class 5 Interference-Fit Thread ........................................................ B I -12-1987
Metric Screw Threads -
M Profile .................................................. B1.13M-1983
Gages and Gaging for Metric M Screw Threads ....................................... B1.16M-1984
Metric Screw Threads for Commercial Mechanical
Fasteners - Boundary Profile Defined ...................................... B1.18M-I982(R1987)
Gages for Metric ScrewThreads for Commercial Mechanical
Fasteners - Boundary Profile Defined ............................................. B1.19M-1984
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) ................................................ B1.20.1-1983
Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) .................................................. B1.20.3-1976(R1982)
Dryseal Pipe Threads (Metric Translation of B1.20.3-1976) ...................... B1.20.4-1976(R1982)
Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) .............................................. B1.20.5-1978
Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Metric Translation
O f B1.20.5-1978) ............................................................... B1.20.6M-1984
Hose Coupling Screw Threads ............................................... B1.20.7-1966(R1983)
Metric Screw Threads - MJ Profile ................................................. B1.21M-1978
Gages and Gaging for MJ Series Metric Screw Threads ............................... B1.22M-1985

The ASME Publications Catalog shows a complete listof all the Standards published by the Society.
The catalog and binders for holding these Standards are available upon request.

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