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Management of Multiple Pregnancy

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Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Directorate of Strategy and Clinical Care,
Health Service Executive

Version 1.0 Date of publication: June 2012

Guideline No. 14 Revision date: June 2014

Table of Contents
Key Recommendations ................................................................................... 3
1. Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................... 5
2. Background and Introduction....................................................................... 5
3. Methodology.............................................................................................. 5
4. Clinical Guidelines ...................................................................................... 6
4.1 Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy ................................................................. 6
4.2 Delivery of Antenatal and Perinatal Care ..................................................... 6
4.3 Preterm Delivery ...................................................................................... 6
4.4 Indications for referral to a tertiary-level Fetal Medicine Unit ......................... 7
4.5 Ultrasound surveillance ............................................................................. 8
4.6 Twin-twin transfusion syndrome................................................................. 9
4.7 Timing of Delivery .................................................................................... 9
4.8 Mode of Delivery .................................................................................... 10
5. References .............................................................................................. 11
6. Implementation Strategy .......................................................................... 14
7. Key Performance Indicators....................................................................... 14
8. Qualifying Statement ................................................................................ 14


Key Recommendations
1. Where multiple gestation is identified on ultrasound examination, chorionicity
should be assigned at the earliest opportunity. This is best achieved before 14
weeks gestation.

2. A record should be retained of the ultrasound image that supports assignment of

chorionicity and a second opinion should be sought if there is uncertainty.

3. If chorionicity cannot be determined, monochorionicity should be assumed until

proven otherwise, and a strategy of prenatal surveillance that includes screening
for twin-twin transfusion syndrome should be adopted accordingly.

4. Prenatal and perinatal care should be hospital-based for all multiple gestations,
coordinated by an obstetrician experienced in the management of multiple

4.1. Indications for referral to a tertiary level Fetal Medicine Unit:

4.2. Suspected monoamnionicity
4.3. Suspected twin-twin transfusion syndrome
4.4. Fetal structural abnormality
4.5. Suspected intertwin growth-discordance >18%
4.6. Higher-order multiple gestation
4.7. Single fetal demise in a monochorionic twin gestation

5. Monochorionic twin gestation should be regarded as high-risk and merits

ultrasound examination every 2 - 3 weeks from 16 weeks gestation as a means
of screening for twin-twin transfusion syndrome and fetal growth restriction.

6. Pregnancies complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome prior to 26 weeks

gestation should be considered for laser ablation of communicating placental
vessels as such therapy yields better perinatal outcomes than management by
serial amnioreduction.

7. In the case of uncomplicated dichorionic twin gestation, serial growth evaluation

should be performed at least every 4 weeks from 24 weeks gestation.

8. Although mid-trimester determination of cervical length may predict preterm

birth in twins, such evaluation is not recommended, on the basis that there is no
preventative intervention that has been shown to reduce the risk of spontaneous
preterm twin birth. Specifically, there is no evidence to support bed rest, elective
placement of cervical cerclage, ultrasound-indicated cerclage, prophylactic
tocolytic therapy or progesterone for the purpose of prevention of preterm twin

9. A course of antenatal corticosteroid therapy should be prescribed in the event of

anticipated preterm delivery prior to 34 weeks gestation, accepting that the
benefit of antenatal corticosteroids in the prevention of respiratory morbidity
may be less than that observed in singleton pregnancies. Corticosteroid therapy


should be administered in a timed rather than in an untargeted (routine)

10. Applying a strategy of close fetal surveillance, perinatal morbidity can be
minimised by allowing uncomplicated monochorionic twin pregnancies continue
to 37 weeks gestation and dichorionic twins to 38 weeks. Among
monochorionic twins, it must be acknowledged that this approach is balanced
against a 1.5% risk of late in-utero death.

11. Mode of twin delivery should be considered on the basis of individual case
characteristics to include comorbidity, gestational age, availability of expertise
in the management of vaginal twin birth, and patient preference.

12. Where no contraindications exist, monochorionic or dichorionic twins may be

considered for vaginal birth. Women should be informed that where the first
twin delivers by the vaginal route, the prospect of requiring a caesarean section
for delivery of the second twin is approximately 4%.

13. An obstetrician experienced in vaginal twin birth should be immediately

available in the event of twin labour.


1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this guideline is to improve and standardize the management of
multiple pregnancy in obstetric units in Ireland.

These guidelines are intended for healthcare professionals, particularly those in

training, who are working in HSE-funded obstetric and gynaecological services.
They are designed to guide clinical judgement but not replace it. In individual cases
a healthcare professional may, after careful consideration, decide not to follow a
guideline if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the woman.

2. Background and Introduction

Multiple gestation is increasingly common, owing in part to advances in
reproductive technology. Twin births currently represent approximately 1.8% of all
births in Ireland, an increase from 0.8% in 1989 (Smith et al, 2010). Multiple
pregnancy is known to confer increased perinatal risk, including mortality, preterm
birth, congenital abnormalities, fetal growth restriction and twin-twin transfusion
syndrome. Twins are four times more likely than singletons to develop cerebral
palsy (Donovan et al, 1998).

Intrauterine growth restriction affects at least one twin in 14 25% of twin

pregnancies (Jewell and Yip, 1995). Furthermore, many maternal obstetric
morbidities, such as haemorrhage, proteinuric hypertension and gestational
diabetes, are observed more commonly in the setting of multiple gestation. Optimal
perinatal management is aimed at reducing such morbidity. To this end, prenatal
and perinatal care of multiple pregnancy should comprise a hospital-based model,
to include frequent maternal and fetal surveillance and formulation of an
individualised delivery plan.

3. Methodology
Medline, EMBASE and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched
using terms relating to multiple gestation, twin pregnancy, prenatal care, labour
and delivery complications, higher order multiple gestation. Searches were limited
to humans and restricted to the titles of English language articles published
between 1982 and 2012.

Relevant meta-analyses, systematic reviews, intervention and observational studies

were reviewed. Particularly pertinent in the Irish setting are the data gleaned from
the large prospective ESPRiT Study (Evaluation of Sonographic Predictors of
Restricted growth In Twins) conducted between 2007 and 2009, which offers
contemporaneous twin data from eight tertiary referral obstetric units in Ireland.

Guidelines reviewed included NICE guideline on Multiple Pregnancy (September

2011), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on Management
of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy (Guideline No 51; December 2008), American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin No 56: Multiple
Gestation: Complicated Twin, Triplet, and High-Order Multifetal Pregnancy (October

2004) and Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists guideline on Management of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy (C-Obs
42; March 2011).

The principal guideline developer was Dr Fionnuala Breathnach, Consultant

Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist at the Rotunda Hospital and Senior Lecturer in Maternal
Fetal Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. The guideline was peer-
reviewed by Dr Liz Dunn (Wexford), Professor Sean Daly (Coombe), Dr Michael
Gannon (Mullingar), the Institutes Clinical Advisory Group.

4. Clinical Guidelines

4.1 Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy

Perinatal outcome in multiple pregnancy is largely driven by chorionicity, the
accurate assignment of which is therefore of critical importance. Where multiple
pregnancy is identified on ultrasound examination, the chorionicity and amnionicity
of the pregnancy should be determined at the earliest opportunity. This is best
achieved before 14 weeks gestational age, by determining the number of
placental masses, the lambda or T-sign and thickness of the intertwin membrane.
If in doubt, a second opinion should be sought.

This differentiation becomes more difficult later in gestation and, in the setting of
concordant fetal gender, it may not be possible to confidently assign chorionicity.
Under such circumstances, the pregnancy should be described as of undetermined
chorionicity and monochorionicity should be assumed until proven otherwise.
When chorionicity is assigned, a photographic record of the ultrasound
image that supports that assignment should be kept in the womans

4.2 Delivery of Antenatal and Perinatal Care

Antenatal and perinatal care of multiple pregnancies should be hospital-
based, delivered by a team that includes obstetricians, ultrasonographers,
neonatologists and midwives, all experienced in the management of multiple
gestation. A clear pathway should be in place for referral in the case of suspected
complications (see 5.4).

4.3 Preterm Delivery

The median gestational age for delivery of twins in Ireland is 37.1 weeks, with 20%
of monochorionic twins and 7% of dichorionic twins delivering prior to 32 weeks
gestation. The ESPRiT Study (Evaluation of Sonographic Predictors of Restricted
growth In Utero), a prospective multicenter observational study of twin pregnancy
in Ireland, reported that in the interval between 24 and 28 weeks gestation, 5% of
monochorionic and 1.5% of dichorionic twins were delivered (Breathnach et al,


Identification of a shortened cervical length may be predictive of spontaneous

preterm labour in twins; Guzman et al (2000) have shown that 50% of twin
gestations with a cervical length <20mm identified at 15-24 weeks gestation
delivered before 32 weeks. A further study showed that a cervical length of <25mm
at 24 weeks was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth before 32, 35
and 37 weeks gestation (Goldenberg et al, 1996). However, until such time as
an intervention is identified that reduces the risk of preterm birth in twins,
cervical length measurements are rendered unhelpful and not

Specifically, the following interventions aimed at reducing the risk of preterm birth
in multiple pregnancy have been studied and are considered not to reduce the risk
of preterm labour in twins: bed rest (Crowther, 2010), prophylactic cervical
cerclage (Dor et al, 1982), ultrasound-indicated cervical cerclage (Berghella et al,
2005), vaginal progesterone therapy (Norman et al, 2009), intramuscular
progesterone (Combs et al, 2011; Durnwald et al, 2010) and tocolytic therapy
(Yamasmit et al, 2005).

A course of antenatal corticosteroids may reduce the risk of respiratory morbidity,

necrotising enterocolitis and intraventricular haemorrhage in multiple pregnancy,
but such preventative therapy should be timed and not given in an untargeted
(routine) manner. Furthermore, it should be acknowledged that the efficacy data
for antenatal corticosteroids in multiple gestations are not as robust as those
reported for singleton populations (Roberts et al, 2006).

4.4 Indications for referral to a tertiary-level Fetal

Medicine Unit
At the discretion of a consultant obstetrician the following criteria should be
considered to merit referral to a tertiary level Fetal Medicine Unit, for which a clear
pathway should be in place in every obstetric unit that manages multiple gestation:

Suspected monoamnionicity
If monoamnionicity is confirmed, the pregnancy should be managed by the Fetal
Medicine team.

Suspected feto-fetal transfusion syndrome

In the case of suspected feto-fetal transfusion syndrome, referral to a Fetal
Medicine Unit should be made on an urgent basis.

Fetal structural abnormality

Fetal structural abnormality occurs more commonly among monochorionic twin
gestations than among singleton pregnancies. This scenario can present a
challenging management dilemma, in particular when the abnormality is associated
with polyhydramnios, thus carrying the potential for preterm delivery. In addition,
in-utero demise may occur, with consequent risk of severe hypotension and its
attendant sequelae for the normal co-twin. Evaluation of such risks merits referral
to a Fetal Medicine Centre.


Suspected intertwin growth-discordance >18%

Placental pathology commonly accounts for growth-discrepancy within a multiple
pregnancy. Discordant fetal growth is usually defined as a 15-25% reduction in the
estimated fetal weight of the smallest fetus compared to the largest (Talbot et al,
1997). Most published studies focus on discordant growth within twin pairs and
have demonstrated an association with structural malformations, perinatal
mortality, fetal growth restriction, preterm delivery, caesarean delivery for
nonreassuring fetal status, umbilical arterial acidaemia, NICU admission and
respiratory morbidity (Breathnach et al, 2011, Roberts et al, 2006, Powers et al,
1994, Donovan et al, 1998). The prospective ESPRiT Study conducted in Ireland
established that the threshold for significant birth weight discordance, i.e. that
associated with an increase in perinatal morbidity, is 18% both for dichorionic twins
and for monochorionic twins without twin-twin transfusion syndrome (Breathnach
et al 2011). An anticipated difference of 18% or more between co-twin weights
should therefore prompt more intensive fetal monitoring and merits consultation
with a Fetal Medicine Specialist particularly before term.

Higher-order multiple gestation

Where more than two fetuses are identified on ultrasound examination, the woman
should be referred to a Fetal Medicine Centre. Referral at the earliest opportunity
will facilitate accurate assignment of chorionicity.

Single fetal demise in a monochorionic twin gestation

In the event of in-utero demise of one twin in a monochorionic twin gestation,
neurological injury may occur in the surviving twin. This has been reported to occur
as early as 12 weeks gestation (Weiss et al, 2004). Adverse neurological outcomes,
such as multicystic encephalomalacia, are reported to occur in approximately 18%
of surviving twins after the death of a co-twin (Ong et al, 2006).

In addition, in-utero fetal demise in one twin of a monochorionic pair confers a risk
of co-twin demise that is approximately 12% (Ong et al, 2006), such that the
cumulative risk of either co-twin death or severe neurological injury in a surviving
co-twin is 30%. Such sequelae exist as a consequence of shared placental
vasculature in a monochorionic gestation and are thought to result from severe
hypotension in the co-twin which occurs at the time of demise of one twin.

In the event of suspected imminent single twin demise in a monochorionic

gestation, such risks must be balanced against the risks of prematurity associated
with iatrogenic delivery. At a very preterm gestation, the decision to manage such a
pregnancy expectantly or to consider preterm delivery can be challenging, and
merits input from a specialist Fetal Medicine service.

4.5 Ultrasound surveillance

For uncomplicated monochorionic twin pregnancy, the frequency of
antenatal hospital visits should be every 2-3 weeks from 16 weeks
gestation until delivery (RCOG 2008, ACOG 2004, RANZCOG 2011) to include an
ultrasound examination that includes formal fetal weight estimation and screening
for ultrasound stigmata of twin-twin transfusion syndrome at each visit.


In the case of uncomplicated dichorionic twin gestation, prenatal

consultations should coincide with ultrasound examinations with
scheduled visits at least every 4 weeks from 24 weeks gestation until 36
weeks gestation and weekly thereafter (NICE 2011).
Twins with identified fetal growth restriction, reduced amniotic fluid volume in one
or more amniotic sacs, or maternal complications such as preeclampsia should
undergo more intensive fetal surveillance.

4.6 Twin-twin transfusion syndrome

Where possible, twin-twin transfusion syndrome presenting before 26
weeks gestation should be treated by selective laser photocoagulation of
placental anastomoses rather than by amnioreduction. The randomised
Eurofetus trial (Senat et al, 2006) reported fewer perinatal deaths and more babies
alive at 6 months without neurologic morbidity in the laser group compared to
those managed with serial amnioreduction.

4.7 Timing of Delivery

Several retrospective studies examining the risk and consequences of single twin
death in a monochorionic pair and have led to an argument for apparently
uncomplicated monochorionic twin pairs to be electively delivered once the
sequelae of preterm delivery are perceived to be low, such as delivery at 32
(Barigye et al, 2005), 34 (Lee et al, 2008) or 36 weeks of gestation (Simoes et al,
2006, Hack et al, 2008). Other factors may have to be taken into account, for
example, previous laser ablation or access to a Neonatal Intensive Care cot.
Elective preterm delivery of uncomplicated monochorionic twins is aimed at
minimising the risk of unanticipated in utero fetal demise at a later gestational age.
However, the above-listed retrospective series have not examined the neonatal
consequences of this strategy.

The large prospective ESPRiT study sought to identify the optimum gestational age
for elective delivery of uncomplicated monochorionic and dichorionic twin
pregnancies by determining the neonatal risk associated with elective delivery at
each gestational age in the late third trimester and to ascertain the prospective risk
of death or severe perinatal morbidity in ongoing pregnancies (Breathnach et al,

ESPRiT quantified the risk of subsequent in-utero fetal demise among

monochorionic twin pregnancies at 1.5% at 34 weeks or 1.7% at 35 weeks
gestation. While elective delivery at 34 or 35 weeks gestation abolishes that
specific risk, that decision incurs a cost of neonatal morbidity that translates into an
88% NICU admission rate at 34 weeks, falling to 9% at 38 weeks. Neonatal
morbidity among such elective preterm deliveries was predominantly respiratory
and transient, but the potential for such morbidity should be discussed with parents
when the timing of elective twin delivery is being considered.

In the case of dichorionic twins, the risk of in-utero fetal death in the third trimester
is much lower (there were no deaths among dichorionic twins after 33 weeks in the
ESPRiT cohort). Furthermore, the absence of interdependence of placental
vasculature confers a lesser threat to the pregnancy in its entirety. A composite

measure of perinatal morbidity in the ESPRiT dichorionic cohort fell from 7% at 36

weeks to 1% at 38 weeks gestation. The decision, therefore, to proceed with
elective preterm delivery of an appropriately grown concordant dichorionic twin
pregnancy before 38 weeks should be taken only after consideration of these
neonatal morbidity risks.

Applying a strategy of close fetal surveillance, perinatal morbidity can be

minimised by allowing uncomplicated monochorionic twin pregnancies
continue to 37 weeks gestation and dichorionic twins to 38 weeks. Among
monochorionic twins, it must be acknowledged that this approach is
balanced against a 1.5% risk of late in-utero death. If elective preterm
delivery is offered prior to these suggested gestational ages, a timed
course of antenatal corticosteroids should be administered.

4.8 Mode of Delivery

Neonatal outcomes following vaginal birth of twins versus caesarean delivery have
been the subject of several retrospective series (Gocke et al 1989, Adam 1991,
Grisaru 2000, Schmitz 2008, Fox 2010) and meta-analyses (Hogle 2003, Crowther
2000) as well as one small randomised trial (Rabinovici 1987). These studies have
not provided evidence to support cesarean in favour of vaginal delivery, yet large
population-based studies (Smith 2002; Wen 2004; Yang 2005; Smith 2005; Smith
2007; Armson 2006) have demonstrated an increased risk for neonatal morbidity
and mortality of the second twin undergoing vaginal delivery.

In an Irish setting, prospective ascertainment of neonatal outcome data for the

ESPRiT study did not demonstrate an increase in delivery-related morbidity or
mortality among twins exposed to a trial of labour (Breathnach et al 2011). This
experience may be a consequence of very low overall levels of mortality or serious
morbidity in this cohort of 1728 infants. Where trial of labour was considered, the
successful vaginal delivery rate was 77%. When the presenting twin delivered
by the vaginal route, the prospect of requiring a caesarean delivery for the
non-presenting twin was 4%.

Mode of twin delivery should therefore be considered on the basis of

individual case characteristics to include comorbidity, gestational age,
availability of expertise in the management of vaginal twin birth, and the
womans preference.


5. References
Adam C, Allen AC, Baskett TF. Twin delivery: influence of the presentation and
method of delivery on the second twin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;165:23-7.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Multiple Gestation: Complicated Twin, Triplet, and High-order Multifetal Pregnancy.
Practice Bulletin Number 56, October 2004

Armson BA, OConnell C, Persad V, Joseph KS, Young DC, Baskett TF. Determinants
of perinatal mortality and serious perinatal morbidity in the second twin. Obstet
Gynecol 2006;108:556-64.

Barigye O, Pasquini L, Galea P et al. High risk of unexpected late fetal death in
monochorionic twins despite intensive ultrasound surveillance: a cohort study. PLoS
Med 2005;2:e 172.

Berghella V, Odibo A, To M, Rust O, Althuisius S. Cerclage for short cervix on

ultrasound meta-analysis of trials using individual patient-level data. Obstet
Gynecol 2005;106:181-9.

Breathnach FM, McAuliffe FM, Geary M, Daly S, Higgins JR, Dornan J et al.
Definition of intertwine birth weight discordance. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 118(1) 94-

Breathnach FM, McAuliffe FM, Geary M, Daly S, Higgins JR, Dornan J et al. Optimum
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pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol 2012;119(1):50-9.

Combs CA, Garite T, Maurel K, Das A, Porto M. 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate

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Crowther CA, Hans S. Hospitalisation and bed rest for multiple pregnancy. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2010 Jul 7;(7):CD000110.

Donovan EF, Ehrenkranz RA, Shankaran S, Stevenson DK, Wright LL, Younes N et
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January 1993 through December 1994. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179;742-749.

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Durnwald CP, Momirova V, Peaceman AM, Scisione A, Rouse DJ, Caritis SN et al for
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Fox NS, Silverstein M, Bender S, et al. Active second-stage management in twin

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Weiss JL, Cleary-Goldman J, Tanji K, Budorick N, DAlton ME. 2004. Multicystic

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twins. Am J Obstet Gynecol 190:563-565.

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6. Implementation Strategy

Distribution of guideline to all members of the Institute and to all maternity

Implementation through HSE Obstetrics and Gynaecology programme local
implementation boards.
Distribution to other interested parties and professional bodies.

7. Key Performance Indicators

Accuracy of assignment of chorionicity ascertained through correlation with

placental pathology findings.
Number of cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome and perinatal outcome,
including timing of diagnosis and therapy.
Gestational age at delivery of monochorionic and dichorionic twins.
Vaginal delivery rate among twin pregnancies undergoing trial of labour.
Combined vaginal-caesarean delivery rate (i.e. caesarean delivery for second
Incidence of fetal growth restriction and growth discordance at birth, both
anticipated and unanticipated.

8. Qualifying Statement

These guidelines have been prepared to promote and facilitate standardisation and
consistency of practice, using a multidisciplinary approach. Clinical material offered
in this guideline does not replace or remove clinical judgement or the professional
care and duty necessary for each pregnant woman. Clinical care carried out in
accordance with this guideline should be provided within the context of locally
available resources and expertise.

This Guideline does not address all elements of standard practice and assumes that
individual clinicians are responsible for:

Discussing care with women in an environment that is appropriate and which

enables respectful confidential discussion.
Advising women of their choices and ensure informed consent is obtained.
Meeting all legislative requirements and maintaining standards of professional
Applying standard precautions and additional precautions, as necessary, when
delivering care.
Documenting all care in accordance with local and mandatory requirements.


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