Tocolytic Treatment in Pregnancy

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Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Directorate of Strategy and Clinical Care
Health Service Executive

Version 1.0 Date of publication: April 2013

Guideline No.22 Revision date: April 2015


Table of Contents

Key Recommendations ...................................................................... 3

1. Purpose and Scope ....................................................................... 4
2. Background and Introduction ......................................................... 4
3. Methodology ................................................................................ 6
4. Clinical Guideline on Tocolytic Treatment in Pregnancy ...................... 7
4.1 Diagnosis of PTL/ Threatened PTL ................................................. 7
4.2 Indications for use of Tocolytic therapy .......................................... 8
4.3 Contraindications to Tocolytic therapy ........................................... 8
4.4 Relative contraindications to tocolysis: .......................................... 8
4.5 Choice of Tocolytic ...................................................................... 9
4.5.1: Atosiban (Tractocile): .............................................................. 9
4.5.2: Calcium Channel Blockers: ..................................................... 10
4.5.3: Other Tocolytics: .................................................................. 12
4.6 Observations recommended during tocolytic treatment .................. 13
4.7 Maintenance therapy/ Multiple Tocolytics ..................................... 13
4.8 Tocolytics in Multiple pregnancy .................................................. 13
5. References ................................................................................. 14
6. Implementation Strategy ............................................................. 18
7. Key Performance Indicators for Consideration ................................ 18
8. Qualifying Statement .................................................................. 19
Appendix 1 .................................................................................... 20
Appendix 2 .................................................................................... 21


Key Recommendations

1. Antenatal corticosteroids significantly reduce the incidence and severity

of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and are recommended as a
single course in women at risk of delivery between 24 and 34 weeks
gestation. Therefore, they should be used in the setting of preterm
labour (PTL).

2. No particular tocolytic agent has been proven optimal for PTL. Tocolytic
agents have not been proven to reduce perinatal or neonatal mortality;
therefore it is also reasonable not to use tocolytics in the setting of

3. The oxytocin receptor antagonist Atosiban has been specifically

designed to treat PTL with women incurring fewer side effects than the
previously popular beta agonists.

4. Both calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine) and Atosiban have similar

efficacy in delaying pregnancy for up to 7 days but nifedipine may be
more likely to delay delivery for 48 hours.

5. Maintenance treatment with tocolytic drugs or repeat tocolytic

treatment does not appear to improve perinatal outcome and therefore
is not recommended.

6. Use of multiple tocolytic agents should be avoided due to the risk of

increasing adverse effects. Particular caution should be exercised if
tocolytics are considered in multiple gestations due to the increased
risk of adverse effects. Particular caution should also be exercised if
nifedipine is used in combination with magnesium sulphate, either in
the setting of tocolysis, or if magnesium is being used for

7. When managing a woman with PTL at a smaller maternity unit, if the

woman is stable and not imminently delivering, consideration should
be given to transfer of the woman to a tertiary referral centre with
appropriate neonatal facilities.

8. Senior medical staff should be involved in the decision as to when and

whether to transfer a woman with suspected PTL.


1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this guideline is to describe the role of tocolytic

medications in the setting of preterm labour (PTL).

These guidelines are intended for healthcare professionals, particularly

those in training, who are working in HSE-funded obstetric and
gynaecological services. They are designed to guide clinical judgment but
not replace it. In individual cases a healthcare professional may, after
careful consideration, decide not to follow a guideline if it is deemed to be
in the best interests of the woman.

2. Background and Introduction

Premature (or preterm) birth, defined as birth at less than 37+0 weeks
gestation, is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in
economically advantaged countries. The incidence of preterm birth in
Ireland is 4.4%, compared with 12% in the United States. Premature
birth is responsible for between 75 and 90% of neonatal mortalities, not
due to congenital anomalies, and is also responsible for up to 50% of
cases of neurodevelopmental disability (Hack and Fanaroff, 1999). The
majority of cases of adverse outcome occur in those cases under 34
weeks gestation. There is now growing evidence that the moderately
preterm group (delivered between 32+0 to 37+0) are also at increased
risk of infant death (Moser et al, 2007; Kramer et al, 2000).

Identifying those women with PTL who will actually go on to preterm

delivery is very difficult. PTL may resolve spontaneously in up to 30% of
cases (Lewit et al, 1995), with less than 10% of women delivering within
7 days of an initial diagnosis of PTL (Fuchs et al, 2004).

Where there may be benefit in delaying delivery (e.g. at a very preterm

gestational age), and where there is no obstetric indication to expedite
delivery in a pregnancy < 34 weeks gestation, the primary objective of
delaying delivery with tocolytics is to optimise fetal lung maturation using
antenatal corticosteroids. The other main objective of tocolytic use in this
setting is to arrange for maternal transfer from a regional to a tertiary
level medical centre with appropriate neonatal care facilities.

The aetiology of PTL is diverse, including infection, antepartum

haemorrhage, and multiple pregnancy, although in many cases there is no
clinically obvious cause. Preterm delivery may be inevitable in some cases
of PTL, owing to the multifactorial array of possible pathologies. However
recognizing the symptoms and signs of PTL (secondary prevention) is key
to prompt the administration of corticosteroids, administration of
magnesium sulphate for fetal neuroprotection, and enable maternal
transport to a tertiary referral centre if required (tertiary prevention).


Primary prevention of those at high risk of PTL, (such as shortened cervix

after LLETZ), is outside the scope of this guideline. Ideally a clinical test
with a high positive predictive value to determine those women with PTL
who are highly likely to deliver preterm, would enable more streamlined
care for those women at risk (Honest et al, 2009), thereby preventing
over-treatment with tocolytic agents. Fetal fibronectin testing and
measurements of cervical length have been evaluated for this indication;
however their positive predictive values are poor, while their strong
negative predictive values may be helpful in avoiding unnecessary
interventions (Mathews and Mac Dorman, 2010; Mac Dorman et al, 2007).

The diagnosis of PTL is based on clinical criteria of regular uterine

contractions, together with documented cervical dilatation, with or without
rupture of the fetal membranes after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks of
pregnancy (WHO, 1977). The term threatened PTL is often used for
uterine contractions but without cervical change. Previous conservative
treatments such as bed rest and pelvic rest have not proven to be
effective in avoiding progression of PTL to actual preterm delivery (Sosa
et al, 2004).

Pharmacological agents- namely tocolytics (from the Greek tokos,

childbirth, and lytic, capable of dissolving) were first recognised for their
ability to suppress uterine contractions in 1959, when Hall et al observed
the tocolytic effects of magnesium sulphate (Hall et al, 1959). Following
this in 1961, the beta-agonist isoxuprine was described as a first-line
tocolytic (Bishop and Woutersz, 1961). The wide range of tocolytics for
use in clinical practice reflects the lack of a single ideal agent available.
Five classes of tocolytic agents have been described:

calcium channel blockers
oxytocin receptor antagonists
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
magnesium sulphate

There is no reliable national data on current use of each particular

tocolytic class; however it is likely that oxytocin receptor antagonists
(Atosiban) specifically developed for use as a tocolytic, and calcium
channel blockers (Nifedipine) are the most widely used in clinical practice.

Rationale for Tocolytics

There have been significant improvements in the care of the premature

infant, with neonatal survival rates ranging from 8% at 23 weeks to
74% at 26 weeks gestation. Infants outborn of a tertiary center and
subsequently transferred have a significantly greater risk of death due
to severe intraventricular hemorrhage, respiratory distress syndrome,
patent ductus arteriosus, and nosocomial infection than infants inborn
in tertiary care centers (Chien et al, 2001) . A recent retrospective
population based cohort study (Paediatrics August 2012) concluded


that neonatal mortality was significantly reduced when high-risk

premature infants are born in hospitals with high-level neonatal
intensive care units (NICU) than in other hospital settings (Lorch et al,
2012). Delaying immediate delivery to subsequently facilitate transport
to appropriate high-level care centers is therefore likely to improve
neonatal outcomes.

The administration of antenatal corticosteroids to a woman at risk of

imminent preterm birth is associated with a significant reduction in
perinatal morbidity and mortality (Crowley, 1995; Crowther et al,
2002; Crowther et al, 2011), with a significant reduction in respiratory
distress syndrome (relative risk [RR] 0.66; 95% confidence interval
[CI] 0.59-0.73), intracranial haemorrhage (RR 0.54; 95% CI 0.43-
0.69), necrotising enterocolitis (RR 0.46; 95% CI 0.29-0.74), and
death (RR 0.69; 95% CI 0.58-0.81) in pregnancies delivering between
48 hours and 7 days (Roberts and Dalziel, 2006).

Tocolytic agents are effective for up to 48 hours and may prolong

pregnancy for up to 7 days, but this has not been equated to a
significant reduction in perinatal morbidity or mortality (Anotayanonth
et al, 2004). Therefore it is considered clinically reasonable both to use
or not to use tocolytics, depending on the clinical scenario. It is
reasonable to administer tocolytics to optimize time in-utero, so as to
allow for the administration of corticosteroids and to facilitate transfer
of the patient to a tertiary referral centre.

Careful selection of those women in PTL, where it is suitable and safe to

consider tocolytic treatment, is the responsibility of the health care team,
as for some women (e.g. those with chorioamnionitis or placental
abruption), prolonging the pregnancy may be contraindicated.

Other proposed interventions to prolong pregnancy and improve neonatal

outcome, such as antibiotics to treat intrauterine bacterial infection, or
cervical cerclage for short cervix, are outside the scope of this guideline.
It is essential that any potential underlying cause for PTL be excluded by
careful evaluation of the woman and fetus before appropriate treatment
options are considered (Appendix 1).

3. Methodology

Medline, EMBASE and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were

searched using terms relating to preterm labour, preterm labour,
tocolysis, antenatal corticosteroids, beta-agonist and preterm labour,
calcium-channel blocker and preterm labour, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatories and preterm labour, magnesium sulphate and preterm
labour, oxytocin receptor antagonist and preterm labour.

Searches were limited to humans and restricted to the titles of English

language articles published between 1999 to 2012. Relevant meta-
analyses, systematic reviews, intervention and observational studies were


reviewed. Guidelines reviewed included RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 1b

Tocolysis for Women in Preterm Labour, Feb 2011; ACOG Practice Bulletin
No. 127 on Management of Preterm Labor June 2012.

The principal guideline developers were Dr. Siglinde Mullers and Prof.
Fergal Malone.

The guideline was peer-reviewed by: Dr. Paul Hughes, Dr. Alan Finan, and
Prof. Louise Kenny. Finally, the guideline was reviewed and endorsed by
the Programmes Clinical Advisory Group and National Working Party.

4. Clinical Guideline on Tocolytic Treatment in


4.1 Diagnosis of PTL/ Threatened PTL

The diagnosis of preterm labour (PTL) is based on clinical criteria of

documented regular uterine contractions, together with cervical dilatation,
with or without rupture of fetal membranes (20 weeks to 37 weeks
gestation) (WHO, 1977).

Women presenting at less than 37 weeks gestation with PTL

should be triaged as a priority and evaluated by careful clinical
assessment by an experienced clinician to outrule possible
underlying causes of PTL. Streamlined medical care and decisions
on appropriate management is therefore crucial.

Intrauterine infection, placental abruption, and preterm premature rupture

of membranes should be considered before a decision to begin tocolytic
therapy is made. In some circumstances delaying delivery may be
harmful to both mother and fetus, whereas expediting delivery may be
more appropriate. A cardiotocograph is typically performed on admission,
as abnormalities of fetal heart rate patterns in the setting of PTL will
usually contraindicate subsequent tocolytic therapy (Raybum et al, 1987).

The term Threatened PTL (TPTL) is often reserved in the clinical setting
for documented uterine contractions but without cervical change. Women
with TPTL generally do not require tocolysis (Crowther et al, 2011).
However it reasonable to offer hospital admission and consideration of
corticosteroid therapy if suspicion of progression to true PTL is high.

The decision to administer a tocolytic agent for PTL should be

discussed with a senior obstetrician.


4.2 Indications for use of Tocolytic therapy

Tocolytic therapy may be considered for women with confirmed PTL

between 24 and 34 weeks gestation, where there is no contraindication to
their use, and where a delay in delivery of the newborn is likely to
improve neonatal outcome. Those most likely to benefit are those in very
early PTL (less than 28 weeks gestation), where it may be prudent to
gain time to allow for completion of corticosteroids, and to allow for safe
in-utero transfer from a regional to tertiary-level hospitals with
appropriate NICU facilities (Lorch et al, 2012).

4.3 Contraindications to Tocolytic therapy

Tocolytic agents are contraindicated where prolonging the pregnancy

could cause harm to mother or fetus. The aetiology of PTL is diverse, and
in select cases, expediting delivery may be justified (e.g.
chorioamnionitis). Contraindications to tocolysis include:

Chorioamnionitis/ sepsis
Significant antepartum haemorrhage, such as placental abruption/
active vaginal bleeding
Advanced cervical dilatation
Abnormal CTG suggesting non-reassuring fetal status
Placental insufficiency
Pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia
Lethal congenital/chromosomal malformation
Intrauterine fetal demise
Maternal allergy to specific tocolytic agents, or where tocolytics are
contraindicated with specific co-morbidities (e.g. beta-agonists should
not be given in case of cardiac disease)
Gestational ages < 24 weeks or > 33+6 weeks

4.4 Relative contraindications to tocolysis:

In some circumstances, relative contraindications to tocolytic use may be

present, but it may still be reasonable to administer tocolytics. The risk-
benefit balance in such select cases should be carefully considered by a
senior obstetrician prior to the decision to proceed with tocolysis. Below
are some circumstances where treatment with tocolysis may proceed with

Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) in the absence

of intrauterine infection. However, it should be noted that it can be
very difficult to confidently exclude the presence of co-existing
intrauterine infection. Often, the only clinical feature of intrauterine
infection in the setting of PPROM may be contractions.
Mild antepartum haemorrhage secondary to placenta praevia.


Intrauterine growth restriction

Multiple pregnancy. Tocolytics should be used with caution in any
clinical setting in which pulmonary oedema is likely.
Liver or renal disease.

4.5 Choice of Tocolytic

4.5.1: Atosiban (Tractocile):

Atosiban was specifically developed as a tocolytic and is a modified form

of oxytocin that competitively blocks uterine oxytocin receptors, therefore
halting uterine contractions. Studies have suggested a statistically
significant increase in the number of women with an ongoing pregnancy
within 7 days of commencing atosiban treatment (Gyetvai et al, 1999;
Romero et al, 2000). Its use is widespread due to its low incidence of
maternal and fetal adverse effects. Fewer maternal drug reactions have
been associated with atosiban when compared with other tocolytics
(Papatsonis et al, 2005). It is licensed for use as a tocolytic between 24
0/7 and 33 6/7 weeks gestation, and is given as an initial intravenous
bolus followed by maintenance intravenous therapy (see dose regimes
below), for a total of 48 hours.

However, a recent Cochrane review (Papatsonis et al, 2005) did not

demonstrate any superiority of atosiban over beta-agonists or placebo in
terms of tocolytic efficacy or infant outcomes. Compared with beta-
agonists, there were more atosiban-exposed infants with birth weights
under 1500 gms (RR 1.96; 95% CI 1.15 to 3.35, 2 trials, 575 infants),
and no overall clear benefit on in perinatal or neonatal outcomes. In one
trial of 583 infants atosiban was associated with an increase in infant
deaths at 12 months of age compared with placebo (RR 6.15; 95% CI
1.39 to 27.22), however there was an imbalance of groups at
randomisation; with more women at lower gestational ages (P = 0.008)
and more advanced labour in the atosiban group (Romero et al, 2000).
Given the lack of clear overall clinical benefit with atosiban, it is also
considered reasonable not to use atosiban in clinical practice.


Recommended atosiban dosage regime

Atosiban is given intravenously in three successive stages:

Initial intravenous injection of 6.75mg in 0.9ml slowly

injected over one minute

A continuous infusion at a rate of 24 ml/hr up to 3 hours

A continuous infusion at a rate of 8ml/hr up to 45 hours

Total duration of the treatment should not exceed more than 48 hours.
Further cycles of treatment can be used should contractions recur, and no
more than three retreatments are recommended during a pregnancy.
However, given that the principal benefit of tocolytic use is to allow for
corticosteroid administration and transfer of the mother to a tertiary-level
centre, the role of repeat cycles of treatment becomes increasingly
difficult to justify.

Atosiban Side Effects:

Common side effects (affecting less than 1 in 10):

o Headache, dizziness, hot flushes, vomiting, tachycardia,
hypotension, reaction at site of injection, hyperglycaemia

Uncommon side effects (affecting less than 1 in 100 people)

o Fever, insomnia, itching, rash

Rare side effects (affecting less than 1 in 1,000 people)

o Postpartum haemorrhage
o Serious allergic reactions

4.5.2: Calcium Channel Blockers:

Calcium channel blockers reduce intra-cellular calcium by blocking trans-

membrane calcium transport. While its use for PTL is unlicensed (British
National Formulary), it is commonly used due to ease of oral
administration and low cost. A review of ten trials, including 1,029
women, comparing oral nifedipine with the beta agonist ritodrine,
nifedipine appeared to be more effective in delaying delivery before 34


weeks gestation and for at least 7 days until delivery (RCOG 25, 26) with
a lower side effect profile than beta agonists.

A Cochrane review (King et al, 2003) suggested that calcium channel

blockers (nifedipine) are associated with statistically and clinically
significant better neonatal outcome and fewer maternal side-effects than
any other tocolytic. However, a randomised comparison of nifedipine with
atosiban is not available. Calcium channel blockers should be used with
caution in women with cardiovascular disease due to the risk of cardiac

Nifedipine has been used in select clinical settings before viability to

inhibit uterine contractions, such as intra-abdominal surgery. These
interventions have not been proven to be effective (Allen et al, 1989;
Hunt et al, 1989).

Relative contraindications to use of nifedipine include concurrent use of

beta-agonists and magnesium sulphate due to the risk of hypotension.
Particular caution should therefore be exercised if magnesium sulphate is
administered at the same time as nifedipine, either when magnesium is
being used for neuroprotection or as a second tocolytic.

Recommended nifedipine dosage regime:

Initial dose of 20mg

Followed by three further doses of 20mg every 30 minutes if

contractions continue.

Maintenance dose is 20-40mg orally four hourly for 48 hours (no

more than 160mg/24 hours).

o Caution with doses > 60mg (refer to text)

The suggested initial nifedipine dose regime is an initial dose of 20mg,

followed by three further doses of 20mg every 30 minutes if contractions
continue. Maintenance dose is 20-40mg orally four hourly for 48 hours (no
more than 160mg/24 hours). The dose may be titrated against tocolytic
effect. However, doses over 60mg have a three to four fold increase in
serious side effects (hypotension) and therefore should be used with
caution (Khan et al, 2010).


Nifedipine side effects:

The following side effects have been reported in at least 1% of patients:

o Constipation, diarrhea, dizziness or lightheadedness,
Flushing, headache, nausea.

Uncommon side effects:

o altered cardiac conduction, cutaneous vasodilation, drug-

induced hepatitis, fluid retention, hypocalcaemia,
hypoglycaemia, hypotension, tachycardia, altered
uteroplacental blood flow, tachycardia.

4.5.3: Other Tocolytics:

Beta-agonists, such as ritodrine, reduce the sensitivity to calcium, and

total intracellular calcium concentrations, thereby causing myometrial
relaxation. Although beta-agonists have been licensed to treat PTL, they
are rarely used today due to their adverse side effect profile - palpitations,
tremor, tachycardia, pulmonary oedema, myocardial ischaemia, and
hyperglycaemia (Anotayanonth et al, 2004; De Heus et al, 2009).
Compared to placebo, beta-agonists have been shown to reduce the
incidence of delivery within 48 hours (Anotayanonth et al, 2004) but they
have not been proven to be superior to other tocolytics in preventing
actual preterm birth (King et al, 2003; Crowther et al, 2002). The beta-2-
receptor agonist Terbutaline is now not recommended for use in PTL due
to these serious side effects (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2011).
However, terbutaline is still used for emergency treatment of intrapartum
uterine hyperstimulation to aid resuscitation of a fetal bradycardia.

Evidence is lacking to support the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories

drugs (NSAIDs), such as indomethacin, to prevent preterm birth (King et
al, 2005; Koren et al, 2006; Borna and Saeidi, 2007; McWhorter et al,
2004; Groom et al, 2005). Concerns exist regarding premature ductal
closure, oligohydramnios, necrotizing enterocolitis, and intraventricular
hemorrhage when NSAIDs are administered during the third trimester
(Koren et al, 2006; Sood et al, 2011; Soraisham et al, 2010).

Transdermal nitroglycerine (a nitric oxide donor) has been suggested for

use in PTL in one randomized trial, with similar efficacy to ritodrine.
However limited data are available to determine side effect profile (Smith
et al, 2007).

Magnesium sulphate theoretically has a role as a tocolytic due to inhibition

of myometrial contractions, and its use has been widespread in North
America for this indication. However there are little data demonstrating a
significant reduction in preterm delivery or perinatal outcome (Doyle et al,
2009). Therefore magnesium sulphate is generally not used as a tocolytic
in Europe. In contrast, there is now convincing evidence confirming pre-


delivery administration of magnesium sulphate before 32 weeks gestation

confers significant fetal neuroprotection. This has resulted in a reduced
incidence and severity of cerebral palsy.

4.6 Observations recommended during tocolytic

Hourly maternal vital sign monitoring, including temperature, pulse,
blood pressure and respiratory rate for the first 4 hours.
4 hourly temperature, pulse and blood pressure during nifedipine
Continuous CTG monitoring, while contractions continue.

4.7 Maintenance therapy/ Multiple Tocolytics

Maintenance therapy with atosiban (continuous subcutaneous infusion to

36 completed weeks' gestation) was shown to prolong pregnancy when
compared to placebo in one study (Valenzuela et al, 2000). However
overall there is insufficient evidence to justify maintenance tocolytic
therapy following stabilization of an initial bout of PTL. Additionally, the
principal goal of tocolytic therapy is to enable corticosteroid administration
and transfer to a tertiary-level centre, rather than to continuously
suppress contractions. Therefore maintenance tocolytic therapy is
generally not recommended (De Heus et al, 2009).

Additionally, the use of multiple tocolytic agents is not recommended due

to the risk of adverse effects, and also because of the increasing likelihood
of a significant underlying pathologic cause of PTL (De Heus et al, 2009).

4.8 Tocolytics in Multiple pregnancy

There is no clear guidance on tocolytic agents to inhibit labour in multiple

pregnancies, and they have not been shown to reduce the risk of preterm
birth or improve neonatal outcomes (Cetrulo and Freeman, 1976; OLeary,
1986; Yamasmit et al, 2005). The use of tocolytic agents in such cases
has shown an increase in adverse events most notably pulmonary oedema
(Ashworth et al, 1990).


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Management of Preterm Labor. (2012) ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 127.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol

6. Implementation Strategy

Distribution of guideline to all members of the Institute and to all

maternity units.
Implementation through HSE Obstetrics and Gynaecology
programme local implementation boards.
Distribution to other interested parties and professional bodies.

7. Key Performance Indicators for Consideration

Number of women diagnosed with PTL/ TPTL.

Number of women admitted to hospital who are observed only for
PTL/ TPTL and where labour resolves.
Overall obstetric and neonatal outcomes for women with a history
of PTL/TPTL who were admitted to hospital during the course of
their pregnancy.
Number of women who were administered a Tocolytic agent for
Choice of Tocolytic, duration of treatment and time of
commencement of treatment from time of admission to hospital.
Number of women in PTL who remained undelivered at 48 hours
and 7 days after commencing treatment with tocolytics.
Number of women receiving multiple tocolytics or maintenance
Number of women who did not receive antenatal corticosteroids
before 34 weeks gestation and delivered, as well as neonatal
Number of women in advancing PTL who did/did not receive
magnesium sulphate in PTL before 32 weeks gestation and neonatal
Number of women who received rescue steroids.
Documented adverse effects during tocolytic treatment and number
of women where tocolytics were discontinued before prescription
was completed secondary to adverse effects.
Involvement of Senior Obstetrician/ Consultant in decision
regarding tocolytic treatment in PTL.


Involvement of multidisciplinary team of neonatologists,

obstetricians, labour ward staff, anaesthetists where applicable.
Auditing hospital guideline on Tocolytic Treatment in Pregnancy.
Regional auditing of interhospital transfer of patients whether due
to need for transfer to tertiary centre with high risk neonatal
services or need to transfer patients within high-risk centers due
to lack of space, and any morbidity incurred as a result of transfer.
Outcomes when Atosiban is used for PTL alongside Magnesium
Sulphate for fetal neuroprotection when delivery is imminent
(particularly if both are given in a 24 hour period).

8. Qualifying Statement

These guidelines have been prepared to promote and facilitate

standardisation and consistency of practice, using a multidisciplinary
approach. Clinical material offered in this guideline does not replace or
remove clinical judgment or the professional care and duty necessary for
each pregnant woman. Clinical care carried out in accordance with this
guideline should be provided within the context of locally available
resources and expertise.

This Guideline does not address all elements of standard practice and
assumes that individual clinicians are responsible for:

Discussing care with women in an environment that is appropriate

and which enables respectful confidential discussion.
Advising women of their choices and ensure informed consent is
Meeting all legislative requirements and maintaining standards of
professional conduct.
Applying standard precautions and additional precautions, as
necessary, when delivering care.
Documenting all care in accordance with local and mandatory


Appendix 1 Table No 1: Tocolytic agents and side effect profile:

Maternal Side Effects Fetal or Neonatal Contraindications
Adverse effects
Dizziness, flushing, Altered Uteroplacental Hypotension and pre-load-dependent
Calcium hypotension; suppression blood flow, tachycardia cardiac lesions, eg aortic insuffuciency
channel of heart rate, contractility,
blockers and left ventricular systolic
pressure when used with
magnesium sulphate; and
elevation of hepatic

Headache, dizziness, hot Chorioamnionitis/ sepsis, significant

Oxytocin flushes, vomiting, antepartum haemorrhage, such as
Receptor tachycardia, hypotension, placental abruption/ active vaginal
antagonists reaction at site of bleeding; advanced cervical dilatation,
(Atosiban) injection, hyperglycaemia, abnormal CTG suggesting non-reassuring
fever, insomnia, itching, fetal status, placental insufficiency,
rash, postpartum pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia, lethal
haemorrhage, serious Congenital/chromosomal malformation,
allergic reactions intrauterine fetal demise, maternal
allergy to specific tocolytic agents, or
where tocolytics are contraindicated with
specific co-morbidities (e.g. beta-agonists
should not be given in case of cardiac
disease), gestational ages < 24 weeks or
> 33+6 week.
Nausea, oespophageal In utero constriction of Platelet dysfunction or bleeding disorder,
Nonsteroidal reflux, gastritis. ductus arteriosus, hepatic dysfunction, ulcerative colitis,
anti- oligohydramnios, renal disease, asthma
inflammatories necrotizing enterocolitis in
preterm newborns, and
patent ductus arteriosus in
Tachycardia, hypotension, Fetal tachycardia Tachycardia-sensitive maternal cardiac
Beta- tremor, palpitations, disease and poorly controlled diabetes
adrenergic shortness of breath, chest
receptor discomfort, pulmonary
agonists oedema, hypokalaemia
and hyperglycaemia

Flushing, diaphoresis, Neonatal depression Myasthenia Gravis

Magnesium nausea, loos of deep
sulphate tendon reflexes,
respiratory depression,
cardiac arrest, suppresses
heart rate, contractility
and left ventricular systolic
pressure when used with
calcium channel blockers;
and produces
neuromuscular blockade
when used with calcium
channel blockers
Table No.1 modified from Management of Preterm Labor. ACOG Practice
Bulletin No.127. Obstet Gynecol. June 2012 (48)


Appendix 2:
Assess for Signs and Symptoms of Preterm
Lower abdominal cramping
Pelvic pressure
Lower back pain
Vaginal bleeding or show
Regular uterine activity

Review history/ Current pregnancy Physical Examination

precipitating factors Vital signs (temp, HR,
Confirm gestation, singleton etc BP)
Medical Ultrasound- EFW, BPP, Amniotic
fluid, position of placenta,
Surgical examination (for
engagement of presenting part
Obstetric where appropriate placental abruption/
Fetal abnormality Vaginal exam to assess cervical chorioamnionitis
Bleeding status MSU
Infection FBC,
Multiple pregnancy CTG
Membrane rupture

At very early Sterile speculum

gestations < 24 examination
weeks discussion Outrule PPROM
with parents HVS if indicated Low vaginal/
regarding anorectal GBS swab

Advancing Labour
Corticosteroids Actual PTL diagnosed and at risk
Inform senior Obstetrician/ Offer admission
of delivery within 7 days, and no
Labour ward/ NICU Observe for 24
contraindication to Tocolysis:
Magnesium sulphate bolus hours
If cephalic presentation aim Corticosteroids at
Consider transfer to tertiary
for vaginal delivery with clinician discretion
centre (inform NICU, bed
caesarean for normal obstetric Contracting but
manager) and liaise with
indications irregularly-
senior obstetrician
Continuous CTG reassess VE in 2
Administer corticosteroids
Instrumental delivery only for hours, if no change
Atosiban or nifedipine (see
standard obstetric indications and settling
text for dose regimes) can be
Experienced paediatrician in consider discharge
administered on prenatal
attendance and follow up ANC
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