Ready For More.: Cummins Tier 4 Final High-Horsepower Engines For The Mining Industry
Ready For More.: Cummins Tier 4 Final High-Horsepower Engines For The Mining Industry
Ready For More.: Cummins Tier 4 Final High-Horsepower Engines For The Mining Industry
Never before has there been such intense focus on the At Cummins, we have taken great care to understand
safe and economical production of mining products. the concerns of the mining customer, and have
Keeping energy costs down while protecting the developed the Tier 4 Final solution that delivers
environment, with no compromise to performance simplicity of operation and installation, as well as an
or reliability, is critical for the industry. For Cummins, improvement in productivity and performance. These
this represents an opportunity to demonstrate how engines demonstrate our commitment to providing
our advanced technology provides clear benefits to the highest uptime in the industry and reducing total
mining operations while maintaining performance and operating costs while simultaneously meeting new
durability. Were ready to deliver superior products to a emissions requirements.
mining industry thats ready for more.
We determined that the best solution to meet mining
Proven Performance Meets customers needs for engine uptime and reliability
Tier 4 Final. is Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). Since 2006,
Cummins has been a world leader in SCR technology,
Emissions regulations continue with U.S. Environmental meeting European on-highway emissions regulations.
Protection Agency (EPA) Tier 4 Final standards, Today, Cummins has over 400,000 engines operating
governing every engine over 751 hp (560 kW) operating with SCR around the world. The SCR system is
in nonroad applications, throughout North America. designed with the same durability as the engine and
the SCR design for high-horsepower industrial engines
Particulate Matter (PM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and has enhanced protection against the vibration and
hydrocarbon (HC) emissions have been reduced to shock loading encountered by off-road equipment.
levels 90 percent lower than those of engines produced This decision has been validated by customers in all
before the year 2000. types of mining apparatus since the launch of our
Tier 4 Final solution.
10 Tier 1 (2000)
NOx [g/kW-hr]
Tier 2 (2006)
Tier 4 Tier 4
Final Interim
(2015) (2011)
PM [g/kW-hr]
More Customer Needs. Met.
Tier 4 Final presents major changes for the mining industry. Cummins advanced technology
delivers major advantages to our customers.
More Fuel Efficiency Improved efficiency in-cylinder and the use of Cummins
SCR aftertreatment result in best-in-class fuel economy,
with up to 3 percent to 5 percent better fuel efficiency
than our Tier 2 engines.
Durability And Reliability Cummins Tier 4 Final engines utilize proven Cummins
high-horsepower components, resulting in more reliability
and improved engine life.
More Power Cummins Tier 4 Final engines not only achieve the same
horsepower output as Cummins Tier 2 engines, but the
range has been extended with the addition of the QSK95
(4200 hp/3132 kW), using proven technology to meet
Tier 4 Final emissions standards with no compromise to
engine power.
Simplicity For Integration Compared with alternate technologies, Tier 4 Final base
engines have undergone minimal change, and the SCR
units are a drop-in replacement for most current mufflers,
resulting in minimal redesign to existing equipment.
More Efficiency In Operations ummins solution has more thermal efficiency than
alternative approaches. There is no significant change in
heat rejection from Tier 2, so theres no redesign needed
to accommodate a larger cooling package. Our SCR
aftertreatment enables low emissions levels without
compromising reliability, performance, fuel efficiency
or durability.
More Fuel Efficiency.
$700,000 $10,486
Fluid Costs
Fuel Cost/Year
DEF Cost/Year
Cummins reputation for performance in the Mining OEMs, along with mining companies, require
global mining industry has been earned over decades of standardization in order to drive down costs and
punishing work in mine sites around the world. increase profitability. Cummins Tier 4 Final engines
Our full range of QSK Tier 4 Final engines, from 506 hp require little to no change to the equipment. Service
to 4200 hp (560-3132 kW), builds on a legacy of proven intervals, including those for fuel and oil filters and
performance in every possible application. Cummins coolant and oil drain intervals, are improved or remain
engineering team understands that our customers are unchanged. Minimizing change is central to our goal of
unwilling to compromise on engine power when meeting optimizing productivity and equipment availability.
tough emissions regulations worldwide.
Our compact in-cylinder solution, together with the
Cummins lineup of Tier 4 Final engines provides Cummins SCR aftertreatment performing as a silencer,
the same power output as our Tier 2 engines. By makes machine integration simpler for the equipment
optimizing the combustion cycle, Cummins engineers manufacturer. The OEM doesnt have to design new
have protected engine power output by reducing PM machines to accommodate additional cooling needs
inside the cylinder while allowing NOx emissions to or extra engine hardware. The DEF tank and lines are
be controlled by the exhaust aftertreatment. Trying integrated on the equipment to provide ready access
to control both types of emissions within the engine and long life. Minimal change supports a more robust
combustion cycle creates compromises in horsepower equipment design and the OEM's goal of having a
and torque that our customers are not willing to make. common platform for all emissions globally.
Engine Series
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
The SCR system is modular in design, and is scalable to Improved efficiency in-cylinder and the use of the SCR
the complete QSK engine lineup to ease integration and aftertreatment result in best-in-class fuel economy, with
assembly by the equipment manufacturer. Depending on a decrease in overall costs of operation, depending on
the horsepower rating, a single assembly SCR system the engine and application. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)
or a twin-assembly system SCR system may be used in utilization in our high-horsepower engines is expected
varying lengths, and matched to engine power output. to be at a rate of approximately 4 percent to 6 percent
of the fuel burned.
n Power density
n Fuel consumption
n Reliability
n Cooling package
More Customer Support. and provides the best operational advantages with
maximum productivity, improved fuel efficiency and the
Cummins high-horsepower engines are supported lowest total cost of operation. Avoiding the complex
through our network of more than 600 authorized designs and new components required by other emissions
distributors that deliver consistent, legendary, world- technology ensures that mines utilizing Cummins Tier 4
class support. Cummins-certified technicians are fully Final engines will experience the lowest cost of operation
trained and experienced at working on this type of and the maximum productivity available.
heavy-duty equipment, and they are equipped with
the latest diagnostic tools to provide fast, accurate More Answers.
service. A full inventory of Genuine Cummins parts
and swing engines are ready. And we operate our own If youd like to know more about
rebuild centers, so even when you need to rebuild an Cummins global mining support,
engine, you can be assured of Cummins quality and our rebuild centers or our high-
performance. horsepower engines, please visit or call our
Ready For More. Customer Assistance Center at
1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343-7357).
We are committed to delivering the solution that When youre ready for more, were
best drives value to the bottom lines of our mining ready to take good care of you.
customers. Cummins Tier 4 Final solution is simple,
and it protects the characteristics that matter most
to mining companies fuel economy and engine
availability. Cummins Tier 4 Final solution is reliable,
Cummins Inc.
Box 3005
Columbus, IN47202-3005
Phone: 1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343-7357)
Fax: 1-800-232-6393