Hohai University College of International Education 1 Xikang Road, Nanjing 210098, China Please Complete The Form in English

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This is to be filled out by the university

HOHAI UNIVERSITY ________________________
College of International Education
1 Xikang Road, Nanjing 210098, China
Tel: +86 25 8378 6244 83787955 Fax: +86 25 8378 7958 Http //www.hhu.edu.cn E-mail [email protected]
Please complete the form in English.
1. Passport name Family name:
Given name:
2. Nationality Passport No. Photo
3. Date of birth Year Month Day
4. Place of birth Country City
5. Male Female Married Single Other
6. Native language Religion Occupation
7. Permanent address
8. Present address
9. Tel Fax E-mail
10. Language proficiency
Chinese Excellent Good Fair Poor None HSK
English Excellent Good Fair Poor None IELTS TOEFL
Other Language
I can be taught in English Yes No
11. Educational background
Institutions Years attended Fields of study Certificates obtained
(from/to) or to obtain

12. Employment record

Employer Time (from/to) Work engaged Posts held

13. Proposed study plan at Hohai University

Bachelors degree candidate Masters degree candidate Ph.D candidate
Chinese language student General scholar Senior scholar
Subject or field of study at Hohai University
Duration of study from Year Month to Year Month
Do you need elementary Chinese study prior to the degree courses
Yes from Year_________ Month_________ to Year__________ Month_________
14. Special skills or interests

15. Publication

16. Source of financial support: Governmental scholarship University scholarship

Self-supporting Other
17. Family members of the applicant
Name Age Employment
18. Information for referees
Name Organization Position Email

19. Your guarantor or emergency contact in China

Name Tel Address

20. Organization or person recommending you for this application

Name Tel Address

Your application documents will not be returned despite the admission decision.

I hereby affirm that:

1.All the information given in this form is true and correct.
2.I shall abide by the laws of China and the regulations of the school, and follow the teaching programs
arranged by the university.

Applicants signature Date

(The application is invalid without the applicants signature)

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