Eurobat1 Sustenergy Final
Eurobat1 Sustenergy Final
Eurobat1 Sustenergy Final
The strong impetus of the European Union for Sustainable Development induces challenges on major issues
and industry input for the future, especially related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increased
renewable energy storage, importance of security of energy supply and growing demand for hybrid and full
electric vehicles.
Within that perspective, electricity is becoming a key energy carrier that requires mandatory storage
systems to match the requirements for easy availability at the point of use.
The industry is committed to produce sustainable batteries in Europe for the European and world markets, in
order to contribute to the objectives of the EU climate protection policy. The European Commissions
Green sustainable development strategies have made significant changes compulsory to policies in several
sectors, directly related to the battery/energy storage industry, such as:
For this reason, batteries are key technologies for many The industry has proven its excellent environmental
European strategic industrial sectors, in which social responsibility through the high quality of production and
welfare and employment are very important issues. outstanding level of recycling of batteries and their
The ability to continue or further increase research and
deployment of the new technologies is highly dependent The value of materials in the end-of-life automotive and
on a strong manufacturing base for batteries in Europe. industrial batteries is sufficiently high to cover all the
Such a sustainable industrial base is a requirement for costs of collection & recycling. There is an existing
continued research and development efforts by companies European industry for batteries and metals recycling.
in Europe, which in turn supports the competitiveness of Moreover, several battery producers are operating their
much wider industry sectors with real benefits to own recycling facilities for the lead acid and nickel-
European employees and consumers. cadmium automotive and industrial batteries.
B a t t e r i e s a n d S u s t a i n a b l e E n e r g y Po l i c i e s
Intermittent nature The EU has set a target that in 2020, 20% of the total
of Renewable energy consumption should be from renewable
Energy Systems, resources. The Green paper towards a European
Strategy for the security of energy supply
Power quality emphasises the balance of energy needs and the
management, dependency on external energy supply sources.
energy efficiency. Improvement of loading stations offers new
batteries an increase running time and faster current delivery to
enhance truck availability. Battery storage systems are recognized
as a key component to optimise the power management in order to
reduce fuel consumption.
Wind and Photovoltaic Power Plant in Pulau Perhentian Island
A combined renewable energy power Generation: Photovoltaic array with max power output of 100 kW;
plant, with eolic and photovoltaic Wind Generator 2 x 100 kW; Diesel Generator Set 2 x 200 kW, 1 x
generation, has been in operation in 100 kW
Pulau Perhentian Island, Malaysia since
Conversion: DC/AC bi-directional power inverter max power 90 kVA
2008. The purpose of the renewable
sources is to minimize the operation of
the existing diesel generator sets to
Energy Storage: European Lead-acid battery: 120 x LM 2000 cells, 2
V - 2000 Ah capacity, 480 kWh W
provide power the entire island. Load: Load profile: 70 kW average
Malaysia remote hybrid generation power plants S
Typically a power plant (Fig. 1)
is structured as follows:
About thirty remote hybrid generation
power plants (photovoltaic energy and
generation set) have been deployed in
Generation: Photovoltaic
array with max power Malaysia since 2007. The plants are
output of 10 kW; located in three areas of Malaysia: the
Generation Set with a
power of 45 kW
Sabah area, Palau Tinggi Island and the
Peroh-Tanah Amang area. A
Conversion: DC/AC
converter max power 50
Energy Storage: European Fig. 1 - Power Plant in Balang area
Lead-acid battery: 120 x
LM 1200 cells, 2V - 1200
Ah capacity, 280 kWh
Load: Load profile: 5 kW
with 25 kW peaks
System Controller:
The European
Developed by Tanaga, the Fig. 2 - Battery Room, 120 cells, 1200 Ah
Battery Industry is
Logged data on power flows and several on-site inspections reveal that: ready to talk to
The actual photovoltaic (PV) energy generation is significantly lower than expected from a standard calculation European and
based on local irradiation data and PV cell nominal efficiency. Weather condition (clouds, showers), actual international
operating temperature of the PV cells, shadowing (trees, hills) reduce the actual energy output;
a g e n c i e s ,
As a consequence batteries are called to deliver much more energy than expected, with two daily discharges,
institutions and
even though with a limited depth of discharge.
governments in
order to stimulate
European batteries for advanced PV systems in Guadeloupe
Battery manufacturing joined forces with solar energy producers and power utility on a two year project to test the New battery
technical and economic feasibility of using Li-ion battery storage with grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems for
residential and small commercial buildings. The main aim is to enhance the efficiency of future PV solutions.
15 systems, 10 sites energy
Start operation April 2008 storage
System: PV Panels: ~2 kWp / Inverter: 2.5 kW, efficiency
150/400V / Li-ion Battery: 10 kWh, 210V/280V increase,
Controlled injection of 4 kWh to grid every day Creation of
(During peak periods, upon utility demand )
more jobs in
Simulating substitution of fuel powered generators
Sponsored by Guadeloupe Region and ADEME
Site in Guadeloupe
Eurobat is the Association of European Storage Battery Manufacturers
and supply industry. It is the unified voice of the industry in policy
discussions involving the industry and the European Institutions and
national governments and: Contact:
Works to enhance relations between the industry and the
European institutions, especially the European Parliament and the Alfons Westgeest
European Commission EUROBAT Secretary General
Avenue Jules Bordet 142
Develops collective solutions towards issues of common concern B-1140 Brussels
to the industry, the regulators and the consumers Phone: +32 2 761 16 53
Fax: +32 2 761 16 99
Co-ordinates the exchange of information on European battery E-mail: [email protected]
issues to the European Institutions, the media and the public Website:
Automotive Batteries Committee: tackles policy issues, market trends and non-competitive
standardization related to automotive road applications.
Committee for Industrial Batteries: tackles policy issues, market trends and non-competitive
standardization related to industrial batteries.
Committee for Environmental Matters: coordinates Eurobat advocacy activities on various policy issues
Research & Technical Development Committee: monitors and contributes to several RTD funding
programs of the European Commission; its areas of interests expand from automotive applications,
industrial applications, renewable energy systems, to fuel cells and hydrogen as well as complementary
energy storage systems.