Biogas Production From Anaerobic Digestion of Different Biodegradable Materials

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Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13, No.

2 (2012) 123-128

Biogas Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Different

Biodegradable Materials
Tika Sapkota1, Jagannath Aryal1, Samir Thapa2 and Amrit B. Karki3
Central Department of Environmental Science
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Government of Nepal
Khumaltar, Lalitpur
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
Khumaltar, Laltipur
e-mail: [email protected]

This study presents the feasibility of different biodegradable materials such as kitchen wastes, water hyacinth
(Eichhornia sp.), green garden grass, banana (Musa acuminate) bases, Banmara (Eupatorium adenophorum) and
cabbage leaves (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) for biogas production. The experiment was conducted using 0.05
m3 anaerobic bioreactor of ARTI model compact biogas technology under ambient temperature condition in
Kathmandu. The minimum and maximum temperature recorded during the study period (March 1 to July 1, 2009)
was ranged from10oC to 33oC. Total solid was found maximum (39.72 percent) in kitchen waste and minimum in
cabbage leaves (8.36 percent). Volatile solid was more than 75 percent in all substrates. Organic matter ranged from
34.85 to 68.11 %. Similarly, C/N ratio was found maximum (22.57:1) in kitchen waste. Variations were observed in pH
values. It was recorded between 5.7 and 6.8 in the first month but above 7 after second month of the plant
installation. Burning of gas was detected after 42 days in cow dung, 52 days in water hyacinth, 80 days in kitchen
waste and 70 days in banana base, Banmara, garden grass and cabbage leaves. Similarly, methane concentration
after 105 days of plant installation was found to be 53 percent in cow dung, 48.8 percent in kitchen waste, 49.4
percent in water hyacinth, 24.5 percent in banana base, 38.5 percent in Banmara and 41.5 percent in garden grass.
Total gas production in four months was found maximum in water hyacinth (45 l/kg TS) and minimum in cabbage
(25.78 l/kg TS). The gas production in cow dung, Banana base, Banmara, garden grass and kitchen waste was
therefore 41.12 l, 31.14 l, 34.02 l, 27.78 l and 32.12 l per kg of TS respectively. The purpose of designing this micro
ARTI model plant was to test the feasibility of selected biodegradable materials for biogas production to be
relevant in household level.

Key words: anaerobic digestion, alternative energy resources, biodegradable materials, compact biogas technology

Introduction (Economic Survey of Nepal 2007/08). Huge use of

Energy is the fundamental necessity for human life for conventional resources in the world increases the
physiological, mechanical, technological and green house gases (GHGs) emission, which is the major
economical development. Utilization of energy cause of global warming and climate change.
resources is considered as prime indicator for initiation
of human civilization and development. The world Biogas energy is obtained by anaerobic digestion of
energy consumption has been increased by 49 percent biodegradable materials due to the activities of
(1.4 percent per year) from 495 quadrillion Btu in 2007 methanogenic bacteria. Anaerobic decomposition is
to 739 quadrillion Btu by 2035 (U.S Energy Information generally considered to proceed in three sequential
Administration 2010). Energy consumption ratio by stages: hydrolysis or solubilization phase,
fuel type in Nepal reveals that major proportion of acidogenesis or acid producing phase and
energy comes from traditional fuels and less than one methanogenesis or methane producing phase (Chawal
percent is contributed by renewable energy resources 1986). Biogas generally composes of methane 50-70%,

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13, No. 2 (2012) 123-128

carbon dioxide 30-40%, hydrogen 5-10%, nitrogen 0.3% respectively. As shown in Fig 1, the top of a 50 l drum
and hydrogen sulphide in traces (Karki & Dixit 1984). was cut and the lid of 30 l drum was opened and
The factors such as nature of raw materials, inverted over the 50 l drum. A hole of 5 cm diameter in
temperature inside and outside biodigester, toxicity, the upper side and another of the same diameter at
food to microorganism ratio, etc. influence microbial lower end were made in the 50 l drum for inlet and
process and biogas production. ARTI model compact outlet of the substrates. The gas outlet was made at
biogas plant is a biogas technology developed by Dr. the base of the inverted gas holder and fitted with
Ananda Karve in 2003 in India. It is a floating type of elbow, nipple, main valve and gas exit pipe. All the
plant consisting of generally of 1.0 m3 bio-digester joints were made air tight.
and 0.75 m3 gas holder and is made of High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) water tank.

Alternative energy is essential to fulfill the demand of

energy for industrial and domestic purposes. Many
biodegradable materials like kitchen wastes, water
hyacinth, vegetable wastes, green garden grass, etc
are available in household premises. Utilization of
such waste materials plays a vital role to improve the
environmental conditions. Most of the biogas plants
installed utilize cattle dung with or without human feces
as input materials. Hence to increase the scope of
biogas technology it necessitates using other
alternative feeding materials in biogas plants. Use of
the above mentioned materials in biogas plant reduces
the environmental problems in one side and in the
other side it fulfills the current energy demand of the
nation. The main objective of the study is to assess
the feasibility of different biodegradable materials for
biogas generation.
Fig.1. Diagram of 0.5 m3 ARTI model bioreactor used in the
Study site study
The study was carried out in Swoyambhu, Kathmandu
Metropolitan-15 which lies at a mean elevation of Laboratory analysis: The physico-chemical parameters
about 1300 m from the sea level. The temperature such as total solid, volatile solid, pH, organic matter,
generally ranges from 19 to 27 C in summer and 2 to nitrogen and phosphorus were determined at the
20 C in winter. laboratory of the Central Department of Environmental
Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur by adopting
Methodology standard methods.
Collection of materials: The feeding materials for the
biogas plant were collected from different places of Measurement of temperature: Outside and inside
Kathmandu valley. Cow dung and kitchen wastes were temperature of the bioreactor was measured using
collected from Jagadal Gand, Chhauni; water hyacinth laboratory thermometer thrice a day (6:00 am, 12:00
from Balkumari, Lalitpur; green grasses from noon and 8:00 pm).
Swoyambhu, cabbage leaves from vegetables markets
in Kalimati, and Pseudo-banana stem from Chhauni, Gas burning test: Gas burning test was done by means
Kathmandu. of biogas burner fitted in gas outlet.

Design and construction of plant: The bioreactor was Determination of methane content: The content of
designed based on ARTI model. Capacities of methane and carbon-dioxide in the biogas was
bioreactor and gas holder were 0.050 m3 and 0.030 m3 determined by Biogas Analyzer Gas Board-3200P.

Tika Sapkota et al./Biogas Production from.........

Measurement of volume of gas: Volume of the newly March 1 to July 1, 2012 of study period. The temperature
produced gas was determined by measuring the height of experimental site in a day ranged from 12-23-
of the gas holder at an interval of ten days. 22oC to 17-28-26oC in first two months and 19-32-31oC
to 26-33-29oC in last two months. It is known that
Results and Discussion optimum gas production takes place in the mesophilic
Temperature records: The temperature of experimental range between 25C to 30C (CMS/FAO, 1996) but the
site ranged from 10oC to 26oC at 6:00 am and 23oC to temperature during the study period was found to be
33oC at 12:00 noon and 22oC to 29oC at 8:00 pm during less for the optimum amount of gas production
(Table 1).
Table 1. Temperature inside and outside the bio- digester
Date At 6:00 am At 2:00 pm At 8:00 pm
Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside
digester digester digester digester digester digester

1st March 2009 100C 120C 270C 240C 240C 230C

1st April 2009 140C 150C 290C 270C 270C 250C
1st May 2009 240C 220C 320C 300C 300C 290C
1st June 2009 240C 240C 310C 300C 290C 28.50C
1st July 2009 260C 240C 300C 290C 290C 280C

Little difference was observed in temperature inside Nitrogen was detected high in all feeding materials
and outside the bioreactor. On an average, because they were collected from polluted areas.
temperature inside the bioreactor at 6:00 am was found Nature of the substrates had been considered the main
1- 2oC more which is nearly equal in day and less by 1- factor affecting microbial activities and biogas
2oC at 8:00 pm in the evening. As methanogens are production. In the anaerobic digestion,
very sensitive to temperature changes (Bitton 1994), microorganisms commonly use carbon as a source of
this sudden change in a day affects microbial activities energy for their growth and nitrogen to build their cell
and bio-gas production (Garba 1996). The thinner wall structures.
of the bioreactor is the main reason for the fluctuating
temperature inside it. Organic matter: It was found maximum (68.1%) in
kitchen waste and minimum (34.85%) in water hyacinth.
Total and volatile solid: The total solid (TS) was found Organic matter content(O.M%) in cow dung, banana
to be 30.32% in garden grass, 20% in cow dung, base, Banmara, garden grass and cabbage leaves was
8.36 % in cabbage leaves and in the range of 10-20% in found to be 48.60%, 51.22%, 47.94%, 54.47% and
kitchen waste, banana base, water hyacinth and 49.58% respectively. Maximum amount of organic
Banmara. An attempt was made to maintain the total matter in kitchen waste might be due to the presence
solid of each feedstock within the appropriate range of high glucose.
(7-10 %) by adding corresponding required amount of
water. Volatile solids (VS) in water hyacinth, banana C/N ratio: The carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) was
base, garden grass, Banmara and cabbage were found found to be 22.57:1 in kitchen waste, 5.24:1 in water
to be 81%, 90%, 89%, 84.5% and 90% respectively. hyacinth and 4.26:1 in Banmara. Optimum C: N ratio
Volatile solid content in feedstock revealed that all wasconsidered to be 20- 30:1 in approx. (Anunputtikul
selected materials used in this experiment were feasible 2004). In this experiment, C: N ratio was found to be
and suitable for biogas production. comparatively less than the optimum range of 20-30:1
in all feeding materials. This was attributed to higher
Carbon and nitrogen content: Carbon was found at nitrogen content in input materials. Low value of C: N
27.3%, 39.49%, 20.22%, 29.71%, 27.81%, 31.60% and ratio may affect the microbial growth and biogas
28.76% in cow dung, kitchen waste, water hyacinth, production.
banana base, Banmara, garden grass and cabbage
respectively. Nitrogen content was found maximum in Phosphorous: Phosphorus content was found to be
Banmara (6.52) and minimum in kitchen waste (1.75). 23.5, 18.0, 14.0, 12.1 and 20.0 ppm in hyacinth, banana

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13, No. 2 (2012) 123-128

base, Banmara, garden grass and cabbage respectively. might be due to the organic pollution at its collection
Maximum amount of phosphorus in water hyacinth site (i.e, a putrefied pond).

pH: In the first month, the pH was found maximum production of carbon dioxide than methane, decreased
(6.88) in cow dung and minimum (5.72) in kitchen waste. temperature of experimental site and the nature of
In the second month, the pH of all feedstock was different biodegradable capacities of feeding materials
increased. However, in the third month, the pH in cow were some causes for delayed methane production.
dung, water hyacinth and Banmara were found to Plant residue takes longer period for fermentation than
decrease from 7.02 to 6.45, 7.25 to 6.92 and 7.64 to 7.14 animal dung as it contains complex organic matter like
but in the kitchen waste, banana base, garden grass cellulose and lignin (Hobson & Shaw 1971). Naturally
and cabbage leaves, it increased from 6.24 to 7.12, 6.32 cow dung harbors suitable microorganisms for
to 7.2, 6.94 to 7.24 and 6.28 to 7.38 respectively. In first fermentation but the plant wastes take more time for
month, the pH of all the feedstock was found less than the growth of microorganisms. This was the main
7 due to acidogenesis process, i.e., conversion of reason for earlier production of gas in cow dung plant
watery slurry into acetic acid, carbon dioxide and than in other plants. Cold climatic condition was
hydrogen gas. After second and third month it was another important reason for delayed gas production
increased due to conversion of H2, CO2 and acetic acid because the growth and activities of methanogenic
into methane by methanogenic bacteria. Neutrality of bacteria would be low in such situation. The particle
pH in cow dung in early period proved that microbial size of water hyacinth, Banana base, cabbage and
activities had been completed earlier in the cow dung garden grass cause slow microbial activities.
than in other feeding materials. The pH value more
than 7 in all plants after third month indicated the Methane content in biogas: Methane content in the
completion of methanogenic process. biogas was measured twice during the research period.
It was found maximum in cow dung and minimum in
Burning of gas: Burning of gas took place after 42 garden grass when first measured. It was 52 % in cow
days of installation in cow dung, followed by water dung and 1.2 % only in green grasses. In kitchen waste,
hyacinth in 52 days. In banana base, banmara, garden water hyacinth, banana base, Banmara and cabbage it
grass and cabbage, the burning of the gas was was 24%, 47.5%, 15%, 30% and 14.1 % respectively.
observed after 70 days of installation. In kitchen waste, After one month of the first measurement, methane
burning of gas started only after 80 days of installation. was found to be increased in all plants. In cow dung,
Biogas mainly consist of carbon dioxide which is non- there was small increment (52 to 53 %) whereas in
combustible and methane which is combustible. kitchen waste, it was 24 to 8.8 %. The amount of
Burning of gas therefore depends upon the amount of methane in a biogas depends on the microbial process
methane production. Initially degradation of wastes for degradation of the substrates. The first step is
produces carbon dioxide, hydrogen and organic acid hydrolysis in which hydrolytic fermentative bacteria
because of conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and break the organic polymers into organic acid and
lipids by hydrolytic fermentative bacteria. More alcohol; second step is acidogenesis in which

Tika Sapkota et al./Biogas Production from.........

facultative anaerobic and hydrogen producing than cow dung which may be due to the presence of
acidogenic bacteria convert the simpler organic lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose resulting in the
materials into acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide longer period of fermentation than animal manure
and the last step is methanogenesis in which (Hobson & Shaw 1971). Increment of methane content
methanogens convert acetic acid, hydrogen and after 75 to 105 days of installation indicated that
carbon-dioxide into methane (Chawal 1986). The retention time was still incomplete in kitchen waste,
content of methane (52%) in cow dung after 75 days banana base, Banmara, garden grass and cabbage.
of plant installation and less in other materials indicated There might be accumulation of more gas if the study
the early microbial completion in cow dung plant. would be pursued for long period of time. Low
However, in other plants, hydrolysis and acidogenesis temperatures of experimental site, large pieces of
processes were ongoing in initial step. Increment in feeding materials, less carbon to nitrogen ratio were
methane content in all plants after the third month of the main causes for less gas production. Plant residue
installation indicated the completion of hydrolysis and requires longer period of fermentation than animal
acidogenesis process. So, acetic acid, carbon dioxide dung. This was the main cause of slower gas
and hydrogen had been converted into methane by production in all plant stations than in that of cow
methanogens. However, methane was found dung. There was four centimeter difference in the
comparatively less than similar studies in all plants. radius of bio digester and gasholder and nearly 32%
This might be due to the slow microbial process, low of the surface area of the digester was exposed to
temperature of experimental site and amount of atmosphere which caused nearly 32% reductions in
nutrients like organic matter and nitrogen contents in total gas accumulation. Moreover, there was leakage
feeding materials. of gas through the wall of gas holder and gas outlet
joints. The above mentioned factors were the main
Amount of biogas production: After 120 days of plant reasons for less gas production in all plants although
installation, biogas production in cow dung, kitchen the total gas production in all feeding materials were
waste, water hyacinth, banana base, Banmara, garden less than those observed in similar studies before.
grass and cabbage were 41.12 l/kg, 32.12 l/kg, 45 l/kg, However, it can still be claimed that materials like water
31.14 l/kg, 34.02 l/kg, 27.78 l/kg, and 25.78 l/kg of total hyacinth, Banmara, banana base, garden grass, kitchen
solids (TS) respectively. Among the seven plants, wastes and cabbage leaves are feasible and suitable
water hyacinth generated maximum and cabbage for biogas production because they produced nearly
produced minimum amount of biogas. equal amount of biogas compared to cow dung plant.

Feasibility of micro size of ARTI model: According to

the promoters of ARTI model, it required more than
four kg of kitchen waste to produce 700 l gas in a day.
For an average household it is not possible to avail
more than 4 kg of kitchen waste per day for biogas
production. This study was carried in reduced size of
ARTI model bioreactor which was 95% smaller than
the standard model that required less than one
kilogram of kitchen waste for daily feeding and the
Fig.2. Gas production after 120 days in different plants gas could used only for experimental purpose.

Kitchen waste produced more gas than cow dung due Role in environmental conservation: Abruptly
to easily degradable materials like carbohydrates, increasing human population is responsible to generate
proteins, fats than cellulose and hemicellulose (Yeole various types of organic wastes that pollute
1984, cited in Dhital 2004). In this study, however, the environment in an alarming rate in one hand and in
result is reverse. This might be due to longer period of other hand energy scarcity has also been rapidly
fermentation in kitchen waste than cow dung. Similarly increasing. Under these circumstances, biogas would
other plant residues such as water hyacinth, Banana be an environment friendly effective sustainable
base, garden grass and cabbage produced less biogas solution for the management of such wastes at

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13, No. 2 (2012) 123-128

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Acknowledgements 2008/09. Published by Ministry of Finance,
Government of Nepal.
The authors would like to thank Alternative Energy U.S Energy Information Administration/International Energy
Promotion Center, Ministry of Environment, Outlook. 2010. World energy demand and economic
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and Central Department of Environmental Science, U.S Energy Information Administration Independent
Statistics and Analysis. 2010. Projections in the annual
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