April 17 Calendar
April 17 Calendar
April 17 Calendar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Holy week is April
10th-14th with a
12:05pm Service at a Men in Mission at First
different church each Christian Church 6:30am
day. Lunch will Jerry Bates Memorial
follow. 10:30 am
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Adult Sunday School Mens small group
9 & 9:30am, Worship 7am, Choir
Service with Holy practice 6:30pm,
Adult small group
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Cub Scouts in Trustees 7pm Mens small group 12:05pm Service at
basement 6:30pm 7am, Choir practice St. Marys C Church 12:05pm Service at
Adult Sunday School 6:30pm, Adult small Word of Hope
9 & 9:30am, Worship 12:05pm Service at 12:05pm Service group 7pm
Service 10:30am at Ashland UMC 12:05pm Service at First Maundy Thursday Good Friday Service
Riverview CC
Christian Church service 7pm 7pm
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Mens small group All Church (not
7am, Choir just Trustees)
Adult Sunday School UMMen Meeting practice 6:30pm, Ruth Circle Clean up Day
9 & 9:30am, Worship
7pm Adult small group 10:00am 9am-3pm
Service 10:30am
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Mens small group
Adult Sunday School 7am, Choir
9 & 9:30am, Worship practice 6:30pm,
Service 10:30am Adult small group
7pm, Ad Board
Adult Sunday School
9 & 9:30am, Worship
Service 10:30am
5th Sunday potluck