Critically Stressed Fractures Flyer TFG

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Critically Stressed Fractures

Sets of fractures favorably oriented to fail in shear Near-Borehole Geomechanical Model

under the present-day stress field are said to be
Determination of formation pressure, followed by
critically stressed. These fractures exhibit very
collection and interpretation of any and all drilling
good fluid flow characteristics. Consequently, their
events, measurements, and indicators related to
identification is essential for optimal development
the present-day stress field. The Integration of
during all stages of wellbore construction, from
these data results in a constrained geomechanical
trajectory planning and wellbore placement, to
model composed of in situ stresses and mechanical
stimulation strategy.
Task Fronterra offers a comprehensive
multidisciplinary analysis that starts with the
identification of geological structures and stress
direction, continues with the derivation of the near- GAS MW SHMax
borehole geomechanical model, and concludes PORE PRESSURE
with the combination of these results to determine ECD
the fractures that are critically stressed.

Structural Characterization and Stress Direction
The first stage consists of thorough identification of
fractures and faults, as well as determination of
stress direction from geomechanical features. The
large variety of data sources that our experts may PORE PRESSURE
use during this step include: borehole images, core
description, caliper logs, cross-dipole sonic logs,


Analysis of drilling events and borehole measurements enables the

derivation of the constrained stress model, consisting of overburden
(OVB), fracture gradient (FG), maximum horizontal stress (SHMax),
and pore pressure.

Critically Stressed Fractures Identification

Image logs are one of the sources that can be used for interpretation The decomposition of the stress field on the
of structural features. In addition, geomechanical indicators such as fracture planes allows the identification of fractures
drilling induced fractures and breakouts are used to determine the that are critically stressed. The Mohr diagram is
stress field direction. utilized to identify and visualize both critically and
non-critically stressed fractures. Additionally, the
categorized fractures may be represented in dip
and strike stereonets.

Aberdeen Abu Dhabi Bogota Cairo Denver Houston Midland Oklahoma City Perth Tulsa Vienna
can be optimized to target these or other
Critically Stressed reservoir volumes with lesser connectivity to
fractures the wellbore.
Identification of critically stressed fractures
in shallow formations is important to prevent
gas show events (underbalance drilling) or
circulation losses (overbalance drilling).

The data required for critically stressed fracture
analysis are:
Borehole image logs: Identification of
breakouts and drilling induced tensile
Input data to complete the near borehole
The Mohr diagram (top) is a graphic representation of the effective geomechanical model, except mechanical
stress field on the fracture planes. Comparison with a failure criterion properties information (see Geomechanical
(red line) enables identification of critically stressed fractures, which Modeling/Stress Analysis section).
are plotted on a conventional stereographic projection (bottom).
Logs: Gamma ray, density, resistivity,
Our critically stressed fracture analysis includes: DTc/DTs, caliper.
Drilling reports: drilling events,
Characterization of the orientation of the
LOT/XLOT/FIT curves, minifrac values, mud
natural fractures, faults and geomechanical
program, casing depths.
features from borehole images.
Mechanical test results: lab measured
Derivation of the in-situ stress field acting in
dynamic/static deformability and strength
the reservoir. parameters, strength envelope.
Evaluation of traction vectors acting on the
Stratigraphic column.
fracture planes.
Structural maps.
Identification of fractures whose traction
components exceed a Mohr-Coulomb
criterion; these constitute the critically Optional data, if available:
stressed fractures. Stratigraphical, structural reports.
Representation of the critically stressed Fracturing, minifracs.
fractures poles on a stereographic
Neutron porosity log.
Cross dipole log, stress anisotropy
The benefits of the critically stressed fracture
Oriented (4-6 arm) caliper data.
analysis are:
The poles depicted on the stereographic
projection represent well trajectories that will Task Fronterra Geoscience is a global
intersect the largest density of critically independent provider of industry
stressed fractures. leading, integrated geoscience
Intervals with higher occurrence of critically solutions, from single well analysis to
stressed fractures represent more complete reservoir studies.
productive zones. Thus, stimulation stages

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