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Architectural precast concrete is a unique subcategory of concrete Chapter 3Forms of contracts, p. 533.1R-4
construction that involves the same basic entities as other construction. 3.1Negotiated versus competitive bid
This document outlines the responsibilities for various parties of the
3.2Single-source responsibility
design/con struction team for architectural precast-concrete projects.
Keywords: Architect; architectural concrete; construction; design; design
responsibility; general contractor; precast concrete. Chapter 4Conclusion, p. 533.1R-5
roles was Quality in the Constructed Project, published by Local regulatory authorities should be consulted for their
the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 1990 specific requirements. Contract documents often require that
(ASCE 1990). structural design be the responsibility of a professional
In 1987, ACI organized a standing board committee on engineer, regardless of government mandate.
Responsibility in Concrete Construction. The document, Guide-
lines for Authorities and Responsibilities in Concrete Design CHAPTER 2GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES
and Construction, was published by the committee (ACI 2.1Architect
Committee on Responsibility in Concrete Construction 1995). The architect develops the design concept, overall structure
One of the basic principles of the construction industry is geometry, selects the cladding material for appearance,
that responsibility and authority should go hand in hand. provides details for weatherproofing, selects tolerances for
Another principle is that every entity should be responsible proper interfacing with other materials, and specifies perfor-
for its own work. These principles are frequently violated. mance and quality characteristics and inspection and testing
For example, an architect/engineer (A/E) can require that requirements in the project specifications.
certain tasks not be undertaken by the contractor without the The architect and EOR should have responsibility for all
A/Es approval, but the A/E may not wish to accept respon- aspects of the precast-concrete design. The architect can
sibility for problems that develop resulting from requiring specify in the contract documents that design services for
those tasks. This is a case of requiring compliance without portions of the work are to be provided by the precaster.
accepting responsibility. There have also been cases where Such design services should be performed for the precaster
owners have sued architects and engineers for approving by a licensed precast engineer who can be an employee of the
poor-quality construction but gave them no contract to precaster or an independent structural engineer. The architect
monitor the work as it progressed. Safety enforcement and EOR should review these designs, including structural
agencies and plaintiffs lawyers have often charged engineers calculations. This review does not relieve the precaster and the
or architects with the responsibility for construction accidents. specialty engineer of their design responsibility. The contract
These last two situations typically are cases of responsibility and the design documents should state clearly the scope of both
without authority, although there could be instances where a the precast design and review responsibilities, and the responsi-
design professionals work can affect jobsite safety. If the bilities of others providing design services.
designers are involved with construction-management The contract drawings prepared by the architect/engineer
functions, they could be making decisions affecting worker should provide the overall geometry of the structure and
safety as well as quality of construction. typical connection concepts to permit design, estimating,
Construction has reached a level of complexity today where and bidding. Frequently, the architects drawings will only
it is essential to have design input from the subcontractors. This show joints, reveals, or panel articulation. This lets the
input, whether submitted as value engineering proposals, in precaster determine panel sizes. In the prebid process, the
response to performance requirements, or simply offered as precaster and erector should discuss their approach to panelize
design alternatives, has a legitimate place in construction. and subsequently connect the units to the building frame
Panels are designed for stripping, handling, and installation within the architectural and structural concepts of the project.
loads, usually by the panel manufacturer. Service loads are In addition, the contract documents (design drawings and
set by the governing building code and are multiplied by the specifications) also should provide the general performance
appropriate load factor. Minimum load factors are set by the criteria, including concrete strength requirements for loading,
governing building code. deflection requirements, temperature considerations, and
Panel design should consider dead, live, and environ- any tolerance or clearance requirements for proper interfacing
mental loads including wind, earthquake (if applicable), with other parts of the structure.
temperature, and moisture effects. Service loads set by The contract documents should clearly define:
the governing building code should be considered only as Precast-concrete components that are the design
minimum requirements. responsibility of the precaster (who takes responsibility
Frequently, a precaster wants to change some items in the for elements at interfaces with other parts of the structure,
design to make a fabrication or erection operation easier or such as the secondary steel bracing to prevent rotation of
more economical. In approving the changes, the A/E still has beams or panels);
responsibility for proper interfacing with other materials in Details or concepts of supports, connections, and
contact with precast concrete. This notion of responsibility is clearances that are part of the structure designed by
presented in the ASCE document (ASCE 1990) and in the
the architect and that will interface with the precast-
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institutes guidelines (PCI Ad-Hoc
Committee for Responsibility for Design of Precast-Concrete concrete components; and
Structures 1998). Permissible load transfer points and indicate connection
The engineer of record (EOR) always has to take overall types to avoid having the precaster make assumptions on
responsibility for the structural design of the complete structure. connection types and piece counts during bidding.
Often, certain aspects of the design are delegated to specialty The architect and EOR should review designs, calculations,
engineers working for the material suppliers or subcontractors. and shop drawings submitted for conformance with design
When any of this structural design work for that portion of criteria, loading requirements, and design concepts as specified
the structure involves engineering (as opposed to simply in the design documents. This review, however, does not
detailing), then the design work should be under the control relieve the precaster and the precast engineer of their design
of a professional engineer licensed in the same state as the responsibilities.
project who takes responsibility for the work done. One Key design issues for the architect Buildings using
state, Florida, has formal legal procedures for this process. architectural precast panels are becoming increasingly
complex. The architect should understand the issues that the units have returns, the same size return should app ear
affect a precasters bid and make sure the contract documents in the sample panels.
address these items clearly. For preparation of shop drawings,
all items interfacing with other materials should be defined. 2.2Engineer of record
Contract documents that lack detail generally require numerous The EOR has responsibility for describing loading on precast
requests for information. While such documents are easier element inserts and loading criteria (combinations, wind,
and less expensive to produce, they may ultimately result in seismic) for the structural design of the complete structure
disputes, delays, and additional costs. and the effects of the precast erection sequences on individual
The contract drawings developed by the architect should structural members, for example, steel spandrel beams when
provide a clear interpretation of the configurations and numerous concentrated panel loads are placed on them. The
dimensions of individual units and their relationship to the EOR should anticipate these loadings and provide means to
structure as a whole. To do this, the contract documents support them. Responsibility for the precast-concrete design
should supply the following data: can be delegated to someone else, such as the precaster or
Elevations, wall sections, and dimensions necessary to precast engineer. The EOR should consider the consequences
define the sizes and shapes of each different type of of the weight and eccentricity of the panels when designing
wall panel; the supporting structure. The EOR should also determine
where, when, and what type of loading is to be assigned to
Locations and sizes of all joints, both real (functional)
the panels and the structure. The EOR has the responsibility
and false (aesthetic). Joints between units should be
of reviewing the delegated design work for compatibility
completely detailed; with the overall structural design. This does not, however,
Required materials and finishes for all surfaces, with a relieve the preparer of the design work of the responsibility
clear indication of which surfaces are to be exposed to for doing it correctly.
view when in place; Panels typically span column to column and are supported
Corner details; on or near the column. The EOR should determine and show
Details for jointing and interfacing with other materials on the contract documents the locations for supporting the
gravity and lateral loads, including midpoint lateral (tie-back)
(coordinated with the general contractor);
connections, if necessary. The panel loads are routinely provided
Details for special or unusual conditions, including fire by the precaster to the EOR. The EOR determines during
requirements; assembly (erection) drawing review whether or not the
Governing building code and design loads; structure is adequate, within defined deflection limitations, to
Deflection limitations; and resist the loads and forces. The EOR should also provide
Specified dimensional tolerances for the precast concrete sufficient information on seismic detailing. It is important that
and the supporting structure, location tolerances for the preliminary meeting(s) with the architect, EOR, and precasters
be held before structural members are ordered, fabricated, or
contractors hardware, clearance requirements, and
both, so that panel sizes, shapes, and basic connections, as well
erection tolerances for the precast concrete. Any as their locations can be established (refer to the Appendix).
exceptions to industry tolerances specified in the contract The EOR will know whether or not a spandrel panel is
documents are not recommended. designed to transfer load to the columns, but the exact location of
Lack of detail will extend shop drawing time and potentially the load transfer can vary from precaster to precaster. For
lead to disputes over work scope, schedule delays, or both. example, spandrel panel loads can be transferred from near the
Also, lack of detail can lead to unanticipated changes that panel bottom or from near the top. The gravity supports of
will impact cost. Poor detailing of panel cross sections within precast-concrete panels are almost always eccentric to the
the contract documents will often lead to disputes. centerline of the supporting steel or concrete member. A
Ideally, the assembly (or erection) drawing process should concrete member is generally stiff and strong enough in
be as simple as submitting elevations showing panel sizes, torsion so that this is not a problem. Because the precaster
surface features, and panel relationships; detail sheets showing does not design the columns or beams, the EOR should
panel cross sections and special edge conditions, and feature design to prevent excessive deflection and rotation of the
details; and connections showing mechanisms and locations supporting structure during and after erection of the precast
of force transfer to the supporting structure. The review of concrete, as well as determine the need for diagonal bracing
shop drawings by the architect should be performed within or web stiffening (CASE National Guidelines Committee
the time specified in the contract documents. These drawings 1994; CASE Task Group on Specialty Engineering 1996).
should be reviewed and any minor revisions made so that The contract documents should address the issue of reimburse-
production can start. Verification of minor dimensional and ments to the EOR for engineering the bracing or reinforcement
detailing revisions is anticipated. When major shop drawing of the structure if the precasters panelization changes the
revisions are required, however, it can indicate a lack of EORs designed connection locations. In some areas, the
planning or detailing within the contract documents. precaster is responsible for designing the bracing and may
It is the architects responsibility to establish the standards also supply the secondary steel. These responsibilities
of acceptability for surface finish, color range, and remedial should be clearly addressed in the contract documents and
procedures for defects and damage. This can be best accom- discussed in a prebid meeting.
plished by the precaster producing at least three sample panels
a minimum of 4 x 4 ft before the initial production to establish 2.3General contractor
the range of acceptability with respect to color and texture The general contractor (GC) typically has responsibility
variations, surface blemishes, and overall appearance. When and authority for implementing the design intent of the
contract documents, which includes furnishing materials, or items associated with the precasters methods of handling,
equipment, labor, maintaining specified quality require- storing, shipping, and erecting precast-concrete units. If
ments, and coordinating all trades. The GC is responsible for necessary, this also includes an erection and bracing sequence
construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and developed in conjunction with the erector, EOR, and GC to
construction procedures. Also, the GC should initiate, maintain stability of the structure during erection.
maintain, and supervise all safety procedures and programs Any additional design responsibility vested with the
on the construction site. Site access to the structure for precast-concrete manufacturer should be defined clearly in
erection of the precast elements can become a problem. the contract documents prepared by the architect. Most
The re sponsibility to provide and maintain access roads precast-concrete work is covered in Option II, Table 1. Option I
should be clearly stated in the contract documents. in Table 1 has considerable liability for the architect and EOR.
The GC has no design responsibility. The GC, however,
does have considerable impact on the design process through 2.5Erector
its coordination role. The GC receives the different shop The responsibility for erection of architectural precast
drawing submittals from the various trades and puts them concrete is usually determined by the GC. The contract
together to form the completed design. The GC is normally documents rarely require that the erection be part of the
responsible for project schedule, grid dimensions (which precast-concrete manufacturers work, be performed by
include control points, benchmarks, and lines on the building), the precasters workers, or be subcontracted to specialized
quantities, and dimensional interfacing of the precast erection firms. Fabrication and erection included into one
concrete with other trades, and maintenance of specified contract is preferred by some precasters because this improves
tolerances of the structure to ensure proper fit. During shop coordination and reduces vulnerability to backcharges.
drawing review, the GC should notify the precaster when The GC, however, may choose to issue separate contracts
as-built conditions (dimensions) vary beyond tolerances for fabrication and erection.
on the contract drawings. In particular, dimensional tolerances Erectors and precasters coordinate development of efficient
between interfacing materials, such as precast concrete and connections for each project based on their equipment and
glazing, should be considered. expertise.
The GC should be a party to direct communication between
the precaster, EOR, and the architect. Communication 2.6Inspection
channels should be established among the parties. The GC Quality control for product manufacturing will be provided
needs to be informed in writing, particularly if decisions by the precaster according to provisions contained in a
affect the GCs activities. comprehensive quality system manual developed by the
Typically, the GC is responsible for placing embedments in precaster. The quality system manual will be available to the
cast-in-place concrete and coordinating steel attachments with owner and EOR for review.
the steel fabricator. In most instances, the most economical Quality assurance will be provided through the precasters
approach is to have gravity haunch connection hardware participation in a recognized industry quality certification
attached to steel columns by the steel fabricator. This necessi- program. One such program is the PCI Plant Certification
tates awarding the precast-concrete contract in a timely manner. Program. Additional inspections may be required, by specifica-
tion, through the owners quality-assurance agency.
2.4Precaster (manufacturer) Installation quality assurance will be provided by adherence
To achieve practical and economical construction, the to industry standards such as the PCI Erectors Manual.
precaster first designs panelization and then connections. Additional quality assurance can be provided by requiring
Ideally, a precaster performs value engineering as early as installation by an industry-qualified erector.
during preliminary design (in a partnering relationship) to
improve economics, structural soundness, and performance. CHAPTER 3FORMS OF CONTRACTS
The precaster should request clarification of ambiguities, in 3.1Negotiated versus competitive bid
writing from the architect, through contractual channels on The price of architectural precast concrete is a relatively small
special conditions not clearly defined in the contract documents. percentage of the total building cost (usually less than 10%).
When the construction schedule demands a rapid turnaround Therefore, the possible difference in the price between the lowest
time for review of drawing submittals, the precaster should precast bidder and the precaster who is ultimately awarded the
notify all concerned of their obligations to review and return contract will have a minor impact on the overall cost.
submitted drawings within the requested time period. At that In a negotiated project, the precaster can become part of
time, the architects and EORs cooperation is needed to expe- the building team at the very early design stage and be more
ditiously review submitted documents. effective in providing valuable expertise on panel design,
The precaster or precasters specialty engineer prepares performance, and economics (refer to Appendix).
detailed assembly, or erection drawings and design calcu-
lations that are usually signed and sealed. These drawings, 3.2Single-source responsibility
calculations, or both, should show all design criteria, The architect or owner sometimes prefers single-source
identify each material, show how precast panels interface responsibility for wall cladding (which includes windows,
with each other and the structure, and indicate the magnitude precast, and all related sealants) responsibility for the following
and location of all design loads imparted to the structure reasons: to enhance technical and aesthetic coordination
by the connections. between building systems; to establish a single-source
The precaster or specialty engineer designs the precast warranty; to centralize control for erection and problem-
panels for the specified loads and is responsible for selecting, solving issues; and generally, to provide for a single source
designing, and locating hardware, and panel reinforcement of knowledge and total understanding of the entire system. In
single-source responsibility, detailing issues are delegated to usually occurs at the window to precast-concrete inter-
the contractor and material suppliers of the wall. face, the details need to be examined and modified. The
Single-source responsibility usually puts the precaster in a contract documents should require that the same sealant
position of a broker/contractor without having the management contractor seal both the precast-to-precast panel joints
and engineering skills to work out interfacing details for the and the window interface to avoid sealant incompatibility.
window system, insulation, interior finishes, and sealants. A
more logical entity for single-source responsibility is the CHAPTER 4CONCLUSION
GC. In some cases, the GC may prefer that single-source A successful precast-concrete project requires teamwork.
responsibilities be separated for greater profit potential. This means close cooperation between and coordination of
Generally, the precast-concrete industry tends to avoid all participants, including the owner, architect, engineer,
single-source responsibility, not only because of technical precast-concrete manufacturer, erector, general contractor or
concerns regarding materials whose quality they do not control construction manager, and all trades. The precast work scope
directly but also due to economics. It can be uneconomical to and the responsibilities of each party (usually defined by the
package everything under the precasters construction umbrella contract documents) should be established at an early stage
because this additional responsibility requires additional in the development of a project to achieve the desired results
compensation. The notion of a single-source responsibility and schedule (refer to Table 1). Each party has the responsi-
for exterior enclosure can break down if that single source is not bility for communicating with all other parties through the
clearly defined. GC/CM to achieve optimum efficiency during construction,
and quality in the completed structure. When authority and
3.3Mockups responsibility roles are correctly and properly defined by
Panel-to-panel joint design is necessary to prevent air and the contract documents and communicated, responsibility
water infiltration, and to properly seal windows and other issues are easily resolved.
openings. The architect is responsible for these designs.
Because precast concrete is inherently watertight and imperme- CHAPTER 5REFERENCES
able, the panel joints and interfacing performance become the 5.1Referenced standards and reports
primary concerns. If testing is desired, it should be specified in ACI Committee on Responsibility in Concrete Construction,
the contract documents. Shipping a full-scale mockup to a 1995, Guidelines for Authorities and Responsibilities in
testing lab for a wind-driven rain test, although costly and Concrete Design and Construction, Concrete International,
time consuming, is one way to satisfy these concerns. Also, V. 17, No. 9, Sept., pp. 66-69.
aesthetics can be refined during this process. The cost of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1990,
these tests needs to be identified in the bid docum ents and Quality in the Constructed Project, Manuals and Reports on
included in the precast budget. Engineering Practice No. 73, American Society of Civil
A mockup will help determine how the total facade is Engineers, New York, N.Y.
assembled. Also, it will help in establishing the actual CASE National Guidelines Committee, 1994 National
field-construction techniques. If a leak develops, which Practice Guidelines for the Structural Engineer of Record,