ACI 421.1R-99: Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 421
ACI 421.1R-99: Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 421
ACI 421.1R-99: Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 421
Tests have established that punching shear in slabs can be effectively Chapter 2Role of shear reinforcement, p.
resisted by reinforcement consisting of vertical rods mechanically anchored 421.1R-3
at top and bottom of slabs. ACI 318 sets out the principles of design for
slab shear reinforcement and makes specific reference to stirrups and shear Chapter 3Design procedure, p. 421.1R-3
heads. This report reviews other available types and makes recommenda- 3.1Strength requirement
tions for their design. The application of these recommendations is illus-
3.2Calculation of factored shear stress vu
trated through a numerical example.
3.3Calculation of shear strength vn
Keywords: column-slab junction; concrete design; design; moment trans-
3.4Design procedure
fer; prestressed concrete; punching shear; shearheads; shear stresses; shear
studs; slabs; two-way floors. Chapter 4Prestressed slabs, p. 421.1R-6
4.1Nominal shear strength
Notation, p. 421.1R-2 Chapter 5Suggested higher allowable values for
vc , vn , s, and fyv , p. 421.1R-6
Chapter 1Introduction, p. 421.1R-2
5.2Value for vc
5.3Upper limit for vn
5.4Upper limit for s
1.3Evolution of the practice 5.5Upper limit for fyv
but need not approach closer than d/2 to the outermost pe-
ripheral line of shear studs.
V vx M ux y vy M uy x
v u = -----u- + -------------------
- + -------------------- (3.2)
Ac Jx Jy
in which
Ac = area of concrete of assumed critical section
x, y = coordinate of the point at which vu is maximum
with respect to the centroidal principal axes x
and y of the assumed critical section
Mux , Muy = factored unbalanced moments transferred
between the slab and the column about the centroidal
axes x and y of the assumed critical section,
ux, uy = fraction of moment between slab and column
that is considered transferred by eccentricity of
shear about the axes x and y of the assumed
critical section. The coefficients ux and uy are
given by:
vx = 1 ---------------------------------- ; (3.3)
1 + --- l y1 l x1
vy = 1 ----------------------------------
1+ l l
3 x1 y1
where lx1 and ly1 are lengths of the sides in the x and y direc-
Fig. 3.1Critical sections for shear in slab in vicinity of tions of the critical section at d/2 from column face (Fig. 3.1a).
interior column.
Jx , Jy = property of assumed critical section, analogous to
polar amount of inertia about the axes x and y, respectively.
the equivalent of one vertical leg of a stirrup. The equations
In the vicinity of an interior column, Jy for a critical section
of Section 3.3.2 apply when conventional stirrups are used.
at d/2 from column face (Fig. 3.1a) is given by:
The shear studs shown in Fig. 1.2 can also represent individ-
ual legs of stirrups.
3 2 3
Design of critical slab sections perpendicular to the plane l x1 l y1 l x1 l x1 d
J y = d -------- + --------------- + -----------
- (3.4)
of a slab should be based upon 6 2 6
Fig. 3.2Typical arrangement of shear studs and critical sections outside shear-reinforced
section at d/2 from column face where shear reinforcement A v f yv
is not provided should be the smallest of: v s = --------------
- (3.11)
bo s
a) v n = 2 + ----
4 f
- (3.5) where Av is the cross-sectional area of the shear studs on one
c peripheral line parallel to the perimeter of the column sec-
tion; s is the spacing between peripheral lines of studs.
where c is the ratio of long side to short side of the column The distance so between the first peripheral line of shear
cross section. studs and the column face should not be smaller than 0.35d.
The upper limits of so and the spacing s between the periph-
eral lines should be:
s d
b) v n = --------
- + 2 f c (3.6)
o s o 0.4d (3.12)
section needs to be checked, and s is to be maintained con- Further, use of the shear device such as shown in Fig. 1.1
stant. Select the distance between the column face and the demonstrated a higher shear capacity. Other researchers, as
outermost peripheral line of studs to be (d - d/2). briefly mentioned in Appendix A, successfully applied other
The position of the critical section can be determined by configurations. Based on these results, following additions1
selection of nx and ny (Fig. 3.2), in which nx and ny are num- to ACI 318 are proposed to apply when the shear reinforce-
bers of studs per line running in x and y directions, respec- ment is composed of studs with mechanical anchorage capa-
tively. For example, the distance in the x direction between ble of developing the yield strength of the rod; the values
the column face and the critical section is equal to so + (nx - given in Section 5.2 through 5.5 may be used.
1) s + d/2. The two numbers nx and ny need not be equal; but
each must be 2. 5.2Value for vc
5. Arrange studs to satisfy the detailing requirements de- The nominal shear strength provided by the concrete in the
scribed in Appendix A. presence of shear studs, using Eq. (3.9), can be taken as vc =
The trial calculations involved in the above steps are suit- 3 f c instead of 2 f c . Discussion on the design value of vc
able for computer use.14 is given in Appendix C.
where p is the smaller of 3.5 and (s d/bo + 1.5); fpc is the av- v
erage value of compressive stress in the two directions (after s 0.75d when ----u- 6 f c (5.1)
allowance for all prestress losses) at centroid of cross sec-
tion; Vp is the vertical component of all effective prestress
forces crossing the critical section. Eq. (4.1) is applicable v
s 0.5d when ----u- > 6 f c (5.2)
only if the following are satisfied:
a) No portion of the column cross section is closer to a dis-
continuous edge than four times the slab thickness; When stirrups are used, ACI 318 limits s to d/2. The higher
b) fc in Eq. (4.1) is not taken greater than 5000 psi; and limit for s given by Eq. (5.1) for stud spacing is again justi-
c) fpc in each direction is not less than 125 psi, nor taken fied by tests (see Appendix C).
greater than 500 psi. As mentioned earlier in Chapter 2, a vertical branch of a
If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the slab stirrup is less effective than a stud in controlling shear cracks
should be treated as non-prestressed and Eq. (3.5) to (3.8) ap- for two reasons: a) The stud stem is straight over its full
ply. Within the shear-reinforced zone, vn is to be calculated length, whereas the ends of the stirrup branch are curved; and
by Eq. (3.9). b) The anchor plates at the top and bottom of the stud ensure
In thin slabs, the slope of the tendon profile is hard to con- that the specified yield strength is provided at all sections of
trol. Special care should be exercised in computing Vp in Eq. the stem. In a stirrup, the specified yield strength can be de-
(4.1), due to the sensitivity of its value to the as-built tendon veloped only over the middle portion of the vertical legs
profile. When it is uncertain that the actual construction will when they are sufficiently long.
match design assumption, a reduced or zero value for Vp
should be used in Eq. (4.1). 5.5Upper limit for fyv
Section 11.5.2 of ACI 318 limits the design yield strength
for stirrups as shear reinforcement to 60,000 psi. Research15-17
CHAPTER 5SUGGESTED HIGHER ALLOWABLE has indicated that the performance of higher-strength studs
VALUES FOR vc , vn , s, AND fyv as shear reinforcement in slabs is satisfactory. In this exper-
5.1Justification imental work, the stud shear reinforcement in slab-column
Section 11.5.3 of ACI 318 requires that stirrups and other connections reached yield stress higher than 72,000 psi,
bars or wires used as shear reinforcement shall extend to a dis- without excessive reduction of shear resistance of concrete.
tance d from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored Thus, when studs are used, fyv can be as high as 72,000 psi.
at both ends according to Section 12.13 to develop the design
yield strength of reinforcement. Test results1-6 show that CHAPTER 6TOLERANCES
studs with anchor heads of area equal to 10 times the cross Shear reinforcement, in the form of stirrups or studs, can be
section area of the stem clearly satisfied that requirement. ineffective if the specified distances so and s are not controlled
v n = 2 f c = 126 psi
24.8 24.8
= ---------- = ---------- = 4.4
d 5.62
vu = 125 psi
v n = 2 f c = 126 psi
-----v = 10 ( 0.11 )- = 0.4 in.
This value is greater than 0.32 in., indicating that the choice Connections of columns with flat plates should not be con-
of studs and their spacing is adequate. sidered in design as part of the system resisting lateral forces.
Step 4Properties of critical section at 4d from column However, due to the lateral movement of the structure in an
face [Fig. 3.1(b)]: earthquake, the slab-column connections transfer vertical
= 4.0; d = 4(5.62) = 22.5 in.; shearing force V combined with reversal of moment M.
lx1 = 14.3 in.; ly1 = 22.3 in.; Experiments21-23 were conducted on slab-column connec-
lx2 = 57.0 in.; ly2 = 65.0 in.; tions to simulate the effect of interstorey drift in a flat-slab
l = 30.2 in.; bo = 194.0 in.; structure. In these tests, the column was transferring a con-
Ac = 1090 in.2; Jy = 449.5 103 in.4. stant shearing force V and cyclic moment reversal with in-
The maximum shear stress in the critical section occurs on creasing magnitude. The experiments showed that, when the
line AB at: slab is provided with stud shear reinforcement the connections
behave in a ductile fashion. They can withstand, without fail-
x = 57/2 = 28.5 in.; Eq. (3.2) gives: ure, drift ratios varying between 3 and 7%, depending upon
the magnitude of V. The drift ratio is defined as the difference 5. Mortin, J., and Ghali, A., Connection of Flat Plates to Edge Col-
between the lateral displacements of two successive floors umns, ACI Structural Journal, V. 88, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1991, pp. 191-198.
6. Dilger, W. H., and Shatila, M., Shear Strength of Prestressed Con-
divided by the floor height. For a given value Vu , the slab can crete Edge Slab-Columns Connections with and without Stud Shear Rein-
resist a moment Mu , which can be determined by the proce- forcement, Concrete Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 16, No. 6, 1989, pp.
dure and equations given in Chapters 3 and 5; but the value 807-819.
of vc should be limited to: 7. U.S. patent No. 4406103. Licensee: Deha, represented by Decon,
Medford, NJ, and Brampton, Ontario.
8. Zulassungsbescheid Nr. Z-4.6-70, Kopfbolzen-Dbbelleisten als
v c = 1.5 f c (8.1) Schubbewehrung im Sttzenbereich punkfrmig gesttzter Platten (Authoriza-
tion No. Z-4.6-70, (Stud Rails as Shear Reinforcement in the Support Zones of
Slabs with Point Supports), Berlin, Institut fur Bautechnik, July 1980.
This reduced value of vc is based on the same experiments, 9. Regan, P. E., Shear Combs, Reinforcement against Punching, The
which indicate that the concrete contribution to the shear re- Structural Engineer, V. 63B, No. 4, Dec. 1985, London, pp. 76-84.
10. Marti, P., Design of Concrete Slabs for Transverse Shear, ACI
sistance is diminished by the moment reversals. This reduc- Structural Journal, V. 87, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1990, pp. 180-190.
tion is analogous to the reduction of vc to 0 by Section 11. ASCE-ACI Committee 426, The Shear Strength of Reinforced Con- of ACI 318 for framed members. crete Members-Slabs, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, V. 100,
No. ST8, Aug. 1974, pp. 1543-1591.
12. Hawkins, N. M., Shear Strength of Slabs with Shear Reinforce-
CHAPTER 9REFERENCES ment, Shear in Reinforced Concrete, SP-42, American Concrete Institute,
9.1Recommended references Farmington Hills, Mich., 1974, pp. 785-815.
The documents of the various standards-producing orga- 13. Hawkins, N. M.; Mitchell, D.; and Hanna, S. H., The Effects of
nizations referred to in this document are listed below with Shear Reinforcement on Reversed Cyclic Loading Behavior of Flat Plate
their serial designation. Structures, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 2, No. 4, Dec.
American Concrete Institute 1975, pp. 572-582.
14. Decon, STDESIGN, Computer Program for Design of Shear Rein-
318/318R Building Code Requirements for Structural forcement for Slabs, 1996, Decon, Brampton, Ontario.
Concrete and Commentary 15. Otto-Graf-Institut, Durchstanzversuche an Stahlbetonplatten
(Punching Shear Research on Concrete Slabs), Report No. 21-21634,
British Standards Institution Stuttgart, Germany, July 1996.
16. Regan, P. E., Double Headed Studs as Shear ReinforcementTests
BS 8110 Structural Use of Concrete of Slabs and Anchorages, University of Westminster, London, Aug. 1996.
17. Bericht ber Versuche an punktgesttzten Platten bewehrt mit
Canadian Standards Association DEHA Doppelkopfbolzen und mit Dbelleisten (Test Report on Point Sup-
CSA-A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings ported Slabs Reinforced with DEHA Double Head Studs and Studrails),
Institut fr Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, UniversittStuttgart, Report No.
AF 96/6 - 402/1, DEHA 1996, 81 pp.
The above publications may be obtained from the follow- 18. Elgabry, A. A., and Ghali, A., Design of Stud Shear Reinforcement for
ing organizations: Slabs, ACI Structural Journal, V. 87, No. 3, May-June 1990, pp. 350-361.
19. Rice, P. F.; Hoffman, E. S.; Gustafson, D. P.; and Gouwens, A. I.,
Structural Design Guide to the ACI Building Code, 3rd Edition, Van Nos-
American Concrete Institute trand Reinhold, New York.
P.O. Box 9094 20. Park, R., and Gamble, W. L., Reinforced Concrete Slabs, J. Wiley &
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094 Sons, New York, 1980, 618 pp.
21. Brown, S. and Dilger, W. H., Seismic Response of Flat-Plate Col-
umn Connections, Proceedings, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
British Standards Institution Conference, V. 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1994, pp. 388-397.
2 Park Street 22. Cao, H., Seismic Design of Slab-Column Connections, MSc thesis,
London W1A 2BS University of Calgary, 1993, 188 pp.
England 23. Megally, S. H., Punching Shear Resistance of Concrete Slabs to
Gravity and Earthquake Forces, PhD dissertation, University of Calgary,
1998, 468 pp.
Canadian Standards Association 24. Dyken T., and Kepp, B., Properties of T-Headed Reinforcing Bars in
178 Rexdale Blvd. High-Strength Concrete, Publication No. 7, Nordic Concrete Research,
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3 Norske Betongforening, Oslo, Norway, Dec. 1988.
25. Hoff, G. C., High-Strength Lightweight Aggregate ConcreteCurrent
Canada Status and Future Needs, Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Uti-
lization of High-Strength Concrete, Berkeley, Calif., May 1990, pp. 20-23.
9.2Cited references 26. McLean, D.; Phan, L. T.; Lew, H. S.; and White, R. N., Punching
1. Dilger, W. H., and Ghali, A., Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Shear Behavior of Lightweight Concrete Slabs and Shells, ACI Structural
Slabs, Proceedings, ASCE, V.107, ST12, Dec. 1981, pp. 2403-2420. Journal, V. 87, No. 4, July-Aug. 1990, pp. 386-392.
2. Andr, H. P., Strength of Flat Slabs Reinforced with Stud Rails in the 27. Muller, F. X.; Muttoni, A.; and Thurlimann, B., Durchstanz Ver-
Vicinity of the Supports (Zum Tragverhalten von Flachdecken mit Dbel- suche an Flachdecken mit Aussparungen (Punching Tests on Slabs with
leisten-Bewehrung im Auflagerbereich), Beton und Stahlbetonbau, Berlin, Openings), ETH Zurich, Research Report No. 7305-5, Birkhauser Verlag,
V. 76, No. 3, Mar. 1981, pp. 53-57, and No. 4, Apr. 1981, pp. 100-104. Basel and Stuttgart, 1984.
3. Mokhtar, A. S.; Ghali, A.; and Dilger, W. H., Stud Shear Reinforce- 28. Mart, P.; Parlong, J.; and Thurlimann, B., Schubversuche and Stahl-
ment for Flat Concrete Plates, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 82, No. 5, beton-Platten, Institut fur Baustatik aund Konstruktion, ETH Zurich, Ber-
Sept.-Oct. 1985, pp. 676-683. icht Nr. 7305-2, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart, 1977.
4. Elgabry, A. A., and Ghali, A., Tests on Concrete Slab-Column Con- 29. Ghali, A.; Sargious, M. A.; and Huizer, A., Vertical Prestressing of
nections with Stud Shear Reinforcement Subjected to Shear-Moment Trans- Flat Plates around Columns, Shear in Reinforced Concrete, SP-42, Farm-
fer, ACI Structural Journal, V. 84, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1987, pp. 433-442. ington Hills, Mich., 1974, pp. 905-920.
Fig. A1Shear reinforcement types (a) to (e) are from ACI 318 and cited References 24,
26, 27, and 29, respectively.
30. Elgabry, A. A., and Ghali, A., Moment Transfer by Shear in Slab- 39. Seible, F.; Ghali, A.; and Dilger, W., Preassembled Shear Reinforc-
Column Connections, ACI Structural Journal, V. 93, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. ing Units for Flat Plates, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 77, No. 1, Jan.-
1996, pp. 187-196. Feb. 1980, pp. 28-35.
31. Megally, S., and Ghali, A., Nonlinear Analysis of Moment Transfer
between Columns and Slabs, Proceedings, V. IIa, Canadian Society for Civil APPENDIX ADETAILS OF SHEAR STUDS
Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1996, pp. 321-332.
A.1Geometry of stud shear reinforcement
32. Leonhardt, F., and Walter, R., Welded Wire Mesh as Stirrup Rein-
forcement: Shear on T-Beams and Anchorage Tests, Bautechnik, V. 42,
Several types and configurations of shear studs have been
Oct. 1965. (in German) reported in the literature. Shear studs mounted on a continu-
33. Andr, H.-P., Zum Verhalten von Flachdecken mit Dbelleisten ous steel strip, as discussed in the main text of this report, have
Bewehrung im Auglagerbereich (On the Behavior of Flat Slabs with Stud- been developed and investigated.1-6 Headed reinforcing bars
rail Reinforcement in the Support Region), Beton und Stahlbetonbau 76, were developed and applied in Norway24 for high-strength
No. 3, pp. 53-57, and No. 4, pp. 100-104, 1981.
34. Durchstanzversuche an Stahlbetonplatten mit Rippendbeln und
concrete structures, and it was reported that such applications
Vorgefertigten Gross-flchentafeln (Punching Shear Tests on Concrete improved the structural performance significantly.25 Another
Slabs with Deformed Studs and Large Precast Slabs), Report No. 21- type of headed shear reinforcement was implemented for in-
21634, Otto-Graf-Institut, University of Stuttgart, July 1996. creasing the punching shear strength of lightweight concrete
35. Regan, P. E., Punching Test of Slabs with Shear Reinforcement,
slabs and shells.26 Several other approaches for mechanical
University of Westminster, London, Nov. 1996.
36. Sherif, A., Behavior of R.C. Flat Slabs, PhD dissertation, Univer-
anchorage in shear reinforcement can be used.10, 27-29 Sever-
sity of Calgary, 1996, 397 pp. al types are depicted in Fig. A1; the figure also shows the re-
37. Van der Voet, F.; Dilger, W.; and Ghali, A., Concrete Flat Plates quired details of stirrups when used in slabs according to
with Well-Anchored Shear Reinforcement Elements, Canadian Journal of ACI 318R.
Civil Engineering, V. 9, 1982, pp. 107-114.
The anchors should be in the form of circular or rectangu-
38. Elgabry, A., and Ghali, A., Tests on Concrete Slab-Column Connec-
tions with Stud-Shear Reinforcement Subjected to Shear Moment Transfer, lar plates, and their area must be sufficient to develop the
ACI Structural Journal, V. 84, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1987, pp. 433-442. specified yield strength of studs fyv . It is recommended that
A.2Stud arrangements
Shear studs in the vicinity of rectangular columns should
be arranged on peripheral lines. The term peripheral line is
used in this report to mean a line running parallel to and at
constant distance from the sides of the column cross section.
Fig. 3.2 shows a typical arrangement of stud shear reinforce-
ment in the vicinity of a rectangular interior, edge, and corner
columns. Tests1 showed that studs are most effective near
column corners. For this reason, shear studs in Fig. 3.2(a),
(b), and (c) are aligned with column faces. In the direction
parallel to a column face, the distance g between lines of
shear studs should not exceed 2d, where d is the effective
depth of the slab. When stirrups are used, the same limit for
g should be observed [Fig. A1(a)].
The stud arrangements for circular columns are shown in Fig.
A2. The minimum number of peripheral lines of shear studs, in
the vicinity of rectangular and circular columns, is two.
A.3Stud length
The studs are most effective when their anchors are as close
as possible to the top and bottom surfaces of the slab. Unless
otherwise protected, the minimum concrete cover of the an-
chors should be as required by Section 7.7 of ACI 318. The cov-
er of the anchors should not exceed the minimum cover plus one
half bar diameter of flexural reinforcement (Fig. 7.1). The me-
chanical anchors should be placed in the forms above reinforce-
ment supports, which insure the specified concrete cover.
Fig. B2Equations for vx and vy applicable for critical sections at d/2 from column face
and outside shear-reinforced zone. Note: l x and l y are projections of critical sections on
directions of principal x and y axes.
Table C2Slabs with stud shear reinforcement failing within shear-reinforced zone
capacities Maximum
Square M at critical
column Vu , Mu , section centroid, shear stress
Experiment size, in. fc, in. d, in. s/d kip kip-in. kip-in. vu, psi fyv Av, in.2 Vtest /Vcode Remarks
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
20 7.87 5660 6.30 0.75 214 0 0 599 64.1 1.402 1.00 Interior column
21 9.84 4100 4.49 0.70 47.4 651 491 528 55.1 0.66 1.14 Edge column
22 9.84 4030 4.49 0.70 52.8 730 552 590 55.1 0.66 1.28 Edge column
23 9.84 4080 4.49 0.70 26.0 798 708 641 55.1 0.66 1.39 Edge column
24 9.84 4470 4.49 0.70 27.2 847 755 693 55.1 0.66 1.48 Edge column
26 9.84 4890 4.49 0.75 34 1434 1434 570 66.7 1.570 1.02 Interior column
27 9.84 5660 4.49 0.75 67 1257 1257 641 66.7 1.570 1.06 Interior column
0.5 and
28 9.84 5920 4.49 0.95 67 1328 1328 665 66.7 0.880 1.08 Interior column
0.5 and
29 9.84 6610 4.49 101 929 929 673 66.7 0.880 1.03 Interior column
30* 9.84 5470 4.49 0.75 117 0 0 454 40.3 1.320 1.02 Interior column
39 9.84 4210 4.45 0.88 113 0 0 444 47.1 0.460 1.52 Interior column
Mean 1.18
Coefficient of variation 0.17
*Semi-lightweight concrete; f c is replaced in calculation by fct /6.7; fct is average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete; fct used here = 377 psi, determined
Table C3Experiments with maximum shear stress vu at critical section of d/2 from column face
exceeding 8 f c (slabs with stud shear reinforcement)
Tested capacities M at critical Maximum
Column size, section centroid, shear stress vu,
fc, psi 8 f c , psi vu /8 f c
Experiment in.* V, kip M, kip-in. d, in. kip-in. psi
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 11.81 sq. 6020 621 476 0 9.06 0 629 1.07
2 11.81 sq. 5550 589 428 0 8.86 0 585 1.00
3 11.81 sq. 3250 456 346 0 8.66 0 488 1.07
4 19.68 cr. 5550 589 665 0 10.51 0 667 1.13
5 14.57 sq. 6620 651 790 0 11.22 0 682 1.05
6 12.60 cr. 5870 613 600 0 9.33 0 934 1.52
7 12.60 cr. 6020 621 620 0 9.33 0 965 1.55
8 10.23 sq. 3120 447 271 0 8.07 0 459 1.03
9 10.23 sq. 3270 457 343 0 8.07 0 582 1.27
10 7.48 cr. 3310 460 142 0 5.83 0 582 1.26
11 7.48 cr. 3260 456 350 0 9.60 0 679 1.48
12 7.48 cr. 4610 543 159 0 6.02 0 623 1.14
13 7.48 cr. 3050 441 128 0 5.91 0 516 1.17
14 7.48 cr. 3340 462 278 0 9.72 0 530 1.14
15 7.48 cr. 3160 449 255 0 9.76 0 482 1.07
16 9.25 cr. 4630 544 207 0 5.94 0 728 1.34
17 9.25 cr. 5250 580 216 0 6.14 0 725 1.25
18 9.25 cr. 5290 582 234 0 6.50 0 725 1.24
19 7.87 sq. 5060 569 236 0 6.30 0 661 1.16
20 7.87 sq. 5660 601 214 0 6.30 0 599 1.00
21 9.84 sq. 4100 513 47.4 651 4.49 491 528 1.03
22 9.84 sq. 4030 508 52.8 730 4.49 552 590 1.16
23 9.84 sq. 4080 511 26.9 798 4.49 708 641 1.25
24 9.84 sq. 4470 535 27.2 847 4.49 755 693 1.29
25 9.84 sq. 4280 523 135 0 4.45 0 532 1.02
26 9.84 sq. 4890 559 33.7 1434 4.49 1434 570 1.02
27 9.84 sq. 5660 602 67.4 1257 4.49 1257 641 1.06
28 9.84 sq. 5920 615 67.4 1328 4.49 1328 665 1.08
29 9.84 sq. 6610 651 101 929 4.49 924 673 1.03
Mean 1.17
Coefficient of variation 0.13
*Column 2 gives side dimension of square (sq.) columns or diameter of circular (cr.) columns.
Edge slab-column connections. Other experiments are on interior slab-column connections.
be approximated by the second moments of area Ix and Iy giv- where xi , yi , xj , and yj are coordinates of Points I and j at the
en in Eq. (B-2) and (B-3). The coefficients vx and vy are giv- extremities of the segment whose length is l (Fig. B1).
en in Fig. B2, which is based on finite element studies.30,31 When the maximum vu occurs at a single point on the crit-
The critical section perimeter is generally composed of ical section, rather than on a side, the peak value of vu does
straight segments. The values of Ac , Ix , and Iy can be deter- not govern the strength due to stress redistribution.21 In this
mined by summation of the contribution of the segments case, vu may be investigated at a point located at a distance
(Fig. 3.2): 0.4d from the peak point. This will give a reduced vu value
compared with the peak value; the reduction should not be
Ac = d l (B-1) allowed to exceed 15%.
Table C4Slabs with stud shear reinforcement having s approximately equal to or greater than 0.75d
capacities Maximum
M at critical
Column fc, V, M, section centroid, shear stress (vu)outside,||
Experiment size, in. psi d, in. s/d kip kip-in. kip-in. vu, psi fyv Av, in2 psi Vtest /Vcode**
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
0.55 and
3 11.81 sq. 3250 8.66 0.73 346 0 0 488 47.9 ? 214 1.77
12 7.48 cr. 4610 6.02 0.75 159 0 0 623 67.6 1.09 195 1.42
13 7.48 cr. 3050 5.91 0.77 128 0 0 517 67.6 1.09 160 1.43
16 9.25 cr. 4630 5.94 0.66 207 0 0 728 72.5 1.46 182 1.34
17 9.25 cr. 5250 6.14 0.65 216 0 0 725 72.5 1.46 180 1.26
18 9.25 cr. 5290 6.50 0.61 234 0 0 725 42.5 1.46 181 1.26
19 7.87 sq. 5060 6.30 0.75 236 0 0 661 54.1 1.40 165 1.08
21 9.84 sq. 4100 4.49 0.70 47.4 651 491 528 55.1 0.66 1.07
22 9.84 sq. 4030 4.49 0.70 52.8 730 552 590 55.1 0.66 1.20
23 9.84 sq. 4080 4.49 0.70 26.9 798 708 641 55.1 0.66 1.30
24 9.84 sq. 4470 4.49 0.70 27.2 847 755 693 55.1 0.66 1.38
26 9.84 sq. 4890 4.49 0.75 33.7 1434 1434 570 66.7 1.57 1.02
27 9.84 sq. 5660 4.49 0.75 67.4 1257 1257 641 66.7 1.57 1.06
30* 9.84 sq. 5470 4.49 0.75 117 0 0 454 40.3 1.32 1.02
31 9.84 sq. 3340 4.49 0.75 123 0 0 476 40.3 1.32 136 1.18
32 9.84 sq. 5950 4.49 0.75 131 0 0 509 70.9 1.32 145 0.94
33 9.84 sq. 5800 4.49 0.75 131 0 0 509 40.3 1.32 145 0.95
34 9.84 sq. 4210 4.49 0.75 122 0 0 473 70.9 1.32 166 1.28
35 9.84 sq. 5080 4.49 0.75 and 129 0 0 500 40.3 1.32 143 1.00
36 9.84 sq. 4350 4.49 0.75 114 0 0 444 70.9 1.32 178 1.35
38 9.84 sq. 4790 4.49 0.70 48 637 476 522 55.1 0.66 1.03
39 9.84 sq. 4210 4.45 0.88 113 0 0 444 47.1 0.46 1.52
40 9.84 sq. 4240 4.45 1.00 125 0 0 492 52.3 1.74 253 1.94
41 9.84 sq. 5300 4.45 0.88 133 0 0 523 49.2 0.99 221 1.52
42 9.84 sq. 5380 4.45 0.88 133 0 0 523 49.2 1.48 273 1.86
43 12.0 sq. 4880 4.76 1.00 134 0 0 419 73.0 1.54 270 1.93
Mean 1.31
Coefficient of variation 0.23
Slab 30 is semi-lightweight. Concrete f c replaced in calculations by fct /6.7; fct average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete; fct used here = 377 psi, determined
Column 2 gives side dimension of square (sq.) columns, or diameter of circular (cr.) columns.
For cube strengths, concrete cylinder strength in Column 3 calculated using fc = 0.83fcube .
Column 9 is maximum shear stress at failure in critical section at
d/2 from column face.
(vu)outside in Column 12 is maximum shear stress at failure in critical section at d/2 outside outermost studs; (vu)outside not given for slabs that failed within stud zone.
vcode is value allowed by ACI 318 combined with proposed equations in Chapter 5. vcode calculated at d/2 from column face when failure is within stud zone and at section at d/2
from outermost studs when failure is outside shear-reinforced zone.
reinforcement is the almost slip-free anchorage of the studs. shear resistance equations, refinement of the shear failure
In structural elements reinforced with conventional stirrups, model is required. The empirical equation vn = vc + vs , adopt-
the anchorage by hooks or 90-deg bends is subject to slip, ed in almost all codes, is not the ideal approach to solve the
which can be as high as 0.04 in. when the stress in the stirrup shear design problem. A mechanics-based model that is ac-
leg approaches its yield strength.32 This slip is detrimental to ceptable for codes is not presently available. There is, how-
the effectiveness of stirrups in slabs because of their relative ever, enough experimental evidence that use of the empirical
small depth compared with beams. The influence of the slip equation vn = vc + vs with vc = 3 f c gives a safe design for
is manifold: slabs with stud shear reinforcement. This approach is adopt-
Increase in width of the shear crack; ed in Canadian code (CSA 23.3).
Extension of the shear crack into the compression zone; Numerous test slab-column connections reinforced with
Reduction of the shear resistance of the compression shear studs are reported in the literature (Table C1). In the
zone; and majority of these, the failure is at sections outside the shear-
Reduction of the shear friction across the crack. reinforced zone. Table C2 lists only the tests in which the
All of these effects reduce the shear capacity of the con- failure occurred within the shear-reinforced zone. Column
crete in slabs with stirrups. To reflect the stirrup slip in the 12 of Table C2 gives the ratio vtest/vcode; where vcode is the
value allowed by ACI 318, but with vc = 3 f c (instead of greater or close to the upper limit given by Eq. (5.1). In Table
2 f c ). The values of vtest/vcode being greater than 1.0 indi- C4, vcode is the nominal shear stress calculated by ACI 318,
cate there is safety of design with v c = 3 f c . combined with the provisions suggested in Chapter 5. The
Table C3 summarizes experimental data of numerous value vcode is calculated at d/2 from column face when failure
slabs in which the maximum shear stress vu obtained in test, is within the shear-reinforced zone, or at a section at d/2 from
at the critical section at d/2 from column face, reaches or ex- the outermost studs when failure occurs outside the shear-re-
ceeds 8 f c . Table C3 indicates that vn can be safely taken inforced zone. The ratio vtest/vcode being greater than 1.0 in-
equal to 8 f c (Section 5.3). dicates that it is safe to use studs spaced at the upper limit set
Table C4 gives the experimental results of slabs having by Eq. (5.1) and calculate the strength according to ACI 318
stud shear reinforcement with the spacing between studs combined with the provisions in Chapter 5.