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Development A Feeding Mechanism of Chopper For Chopping Sugarcane Bagasse

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Misr J. Ag. Eng.



S.A. Marey* A.M. Drees** I.F. Sayed-Ahmed * A.A. El-Keway*
The aim of this study is to develop a feeding mechanism for the chopped to
avoid vibrations as a result of load variation. Vibration may decreases
expected chopper life, productivity and cutting efficiency as well as
efficiency. The feeding mechanism was modified using two drums and
elevator chaine to feed residuals to cutting mechanism. This may and
distribute the dynamic load, reduce the vibrations and increase the machine
stability. The modified machine was tested for chopping sugarcane bagasse.
The experiments were conducted at four sugarcane bagasse moisture content
of 10.33, 13.20, 16.40 and 20.0%. Three different number of knives on the
chopper cutterhead of 2, 4 and 8 knives as well as three speed ratio
(cutterhead speed to feeding mechanism speed) of 20.14, 24.10 and 31.30.
The cutting length and efficiency, productivity, chopper efficiency, energy
consumed, silage quality and operating costs were studied. The obtained
results summarized as follows:
Increasing both number of knives and speed ratio tends to increase the
percentage of short pieces (< 25 mm). While the moisture content of 10.33
gave the highest values of percentage of short pieces. The highest values of
cutting and chopper efficiency were obtained at sugarcane bagasse moisture
content of 10.33 and speed ratio of 31.3 when using 8 knives. While the
maximum chopper productivity recorded at moisture content of 10.33 and
speed ratio of 21.14 under 8 knives. The minimum energy requirements of
7.02 kW.h/ton was obtained at moisture content of 10.52 and speed ratio of
20.14 with 2 knives. Decreasing moisture content, increment number of
knives and speed ratio gave more fine bagasse which represent suitable
media of fermentation for high quality silage.
The minimum values of chopping cost were 8.75 L.E/ton when chopping
sugarcane bagasse at speed ratio of 31.3 and moisture content of 10.33
using 8 cutterhead knives.

* Researcher, Ag. Eng. Res., Inst., (AEnRI),El-Giza, Egypt.

** Agric. Eng. Dept., Fac. Agric. Assiut Branch, Al-Azhar Univ., Egypt.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 299


ugarcane is the principle cash crops grown in upper Egypt.
Huge quantities of cane bagasse produced during sugarcane
production. Bagas has been used to produce energy by direct
compustion. Biliting sugarcane bagasse is of very low quality due to
its low nitrogen and high fiber content, hence it has poor digestibility
(Khan et al., 1992). It can be used as a low cost sources of roughage
with applying some processing techniques (Reddy et al., 1993). One
of these processing techniques is to preserve it as a silage treated with
urea. This may partially contribute insolving the problem of green
feed shortage during the summer season. Singh et al., (1999) revealed
that, addition of urea above 1% to sugarcane bagasse during instilling
processes produced a silage having NH3-N as % of total nitrogen,
more than 85% at all studied levels of urea addition due to buffering
effect of urea.
The second processing method is the addition of yeast culture to feeds,
which associated with increasing the rumen propionic acid
concentrations (Newbold et al., 1990). Successful chopping reduces
the length sugarcane bagasse increase and increase the activities of
biological breakdown of the sugarcane bagasse through making
Barrington (1971) reported that the theoretical length of cut is
defined as amount of advance of the feed mechanism between the cuts
of successive knives. The theoretical length is adjusted by changing
the speed of feed mechanism or number of knives on the cutterhead. A
third possible variable, the cutterhead speed, is usually not adjustable
on present day field choppers. However, the actual length of cut will
approximate the theoretical length only when stalks feed straight, as
with row crops such as corn.
Aly et al., (1988) stated that a mechanical treatment of residues by
cutting, crushing and grinding to suitable length raised the nutritive
value of roughages by 5%. Crop residues had gained great efforts
from investigators in their different fields because its presence in large

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 300

Habib et al., (2002) categorized the different parameters affecting the
performance of cutting process into four predominant groups, namely:
cutting tool, plant, machine and a mixed croup. They showed that the
main parameter of cutting tool is the knife edge angle, and that of the
plant material is the moisture content, whereas, for machine working
performance, the main parameter is the cutting rotational speed. They
finally mentioned that the cutting energy consumed in the harvesting
process is much lower than the energy consumed in the crushing
process due to the effect of moisture content.
Arif (1999) mentioned that the primary step in the compost processing
is the mechanical treatment of the residue for size reduction, which
can be accomplished by cutting or grinding the residues. The small
particles of the residues after being cut represent the form of
agricultural residues, which are suitable for further steps of compost
processing. He also added that the cut length of residues depends on
the feeding drum speed moisture content and knives clearance.
Metwelli et al., (1995) investigated the effect of moisture content on
the performance of different mechanical methods for cutting and
chopping cotton stalks. They concluded that by increasing the
moisture content, the cutting efficiency, could be increased, which
means decreasing of the power requirement.
Kepner et al., (1982) stated that energy is related to the length of cut.
The chopping energy was inversely proportional to the length of cut
for short cuts. While the relationship become inaccurate as the length
of cut was increased beyond 1.0 to 1.5 inches (2.54 to 3.81 cm).
Klenin et al., (1985) stated that the speed of cutting forage stalks
affects both the quality of cutting and power required for the
operation. At low speeds (less than 0.3 m/s), the stalks become
flattened of crushed and the cutting process is accompanied by large
resistive forces. With an increase of the cutting speed from 0.6 to 0.8
m/s, the stalks are cut without flattening or crushing and the resistive
forces decrease.
Abdel El-Hafez et al., (1997) found that rams fed sugarcane bagasse
treated with 1% urea and 10 gm live yeast had higher daily body

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 301

weight gain than those fed wheat straw as roughage diet. They also
observed that, treating sugarcane tops or bagasse with urea increased
nutrients digestion coefficients as well as the feeding values.
The objective of the present study is to develop the feeding
mechanism of chopping machine to cut different crop residual and to
evaluate the performance of chopping machine in case of sugarcane
The experimental work was carried out during summer season 2006 at
Rowina Village, Kafer El-Sheikh Gavernorat. A local stationary
chopper (Altic-chopper), was developed to feed residuals
mechanically. Mechanical feeding may obtain uniform feeding,
reduce vibrations, increase stability and uniform cutting. The
mechanism fabricated was in private workshop in Kafer El-Sheikh
City. The modified feeding mechanism is shown in Fig (1).

Fig. 1: The modified feeding mechanism.

The main parts of feeding mechanism includes two steed drums
(driver and driven) and chain elevator for 12 spike plats fixed to feed
the residuals towards the cutting mechanism. The developed unit is
powered from down feed roller shaft through out two gears and two
pulleys. Three pulleys with different diameters were used to obtain
different feeding mechanism speeds. The schematic diagram showing
Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 302
the main components of chopper after modification as shown in
Figures (2). The chopper was powered by a 65 hp Nasr tractor (48.5
kW). The chopper after development tested in case of sugarcane
bagasse at the following variables:
1. Three feeding mechanism speed levels of (0.9, 1.17 and 1.40
2. Four sugarcane bagasse moisture content levels (10.33, 13.2, 16.4
and 20%.
3. Number of knives on the chopping drum ( 2, 4 and 8 knives).
Feeding mechanism speeds were determined to achieve speed ratios
(cutterhead speed to feeding mechanism speed) of 20.14, 24.1 and
Silage making:
Sugarcane bagasse which was chopped by the chopper ensiled in
laboratory silos, holding about 1 kg and run duplicates. Silage was
fermented for 60 days at room temperature. When the silos were
opened, colour and odour were examined. Representative samples
were taken from each silage material after ensiling placed in
polyethylene bags and frozen until used for chemical analysis.
Water soluble extracts were prepared by extracting 20 g of silage in
blender with 100 ml of distilled water and filtered through filter paper
No. 40 and stored in polyethylene bottles in the freezer unit analyzed
for ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) by magnesium oxide (MgO)
distillation (A.O.A.C., 1984) while, pH was determined using
Beckman pH meter.
Digital vernier, weighing balance, electric oven, stop watch were
The following items were measured and estimated during evaluating
the forage chopper under the studied parameters:

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 303


Dimensions in cm.

Fig. 2: Chopper machine (Altic-Flywheel).

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 304

Theoretical and actual lengths of cut:
The theoretical lengths of cut Lth was calculated using the following
equation according to Srivastava et al., (1995).
60000 Vf
Lth ------------------------------------------------ (1)
k n c
Lth = Length of cut, cm;
Vf = Feed velocity, m/s (peripheral speed of feeding mechanism);
nc = Cutterhead rotational speed, rpm, and
k = Number of knives on the cutterhead.
After each chopping treatment, random samples (1 kg each) were
taken from chopped material to the laboratory and separated by sieves
into three categories (<25, 25-50, and 750 mm) to determine the actual
mean of cutting length (Lac). Each cutting length in the sample was
weighed and calculated as a percentage in proportional to the total
weight of sample.
Cutting efficiency:
The cutting efficiency could be calculated as to follows:
c th 100 ------------------------------------------------- (2)
L ac
= Cutting efficiency;
Lac = Actual length, (mm) and
Lth = Theoretical length, (mm).
Chopper capacity:
The theoretical capacity Tth , in ton per hour, may be expressed by the
following relationship:
A L n
Tth f t c 8 k c ------------------------------------------- (3)
6 10
Tth = Theoretical capacity, kg/s;
f = Density of forage in the thereat, in kg/m3;
At = Thereat area, in cm2;
Lc = Theoretical length of cut in mm;
k = Number of knives on cutterhead, and
nc = Speed of cutterhead, rpm.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 305

Power consumption:
The fuel consumption was measured using especial device consist of 3
liter graduated cylinder was connected to fuel pump. The reduction of
fuel in tube after executing each treatment was recorded.
Power consumption was calculated according the principles and
assumption of Hunt (1983) following equation following equation
(Embaby 1985):
FC r L.C.V 427 m th
EP , kW ------------------ (4)
3600 75 1.36
EP = Power requirements consumption during the harvesting
operation, kW;
FC = Fuel consumption, l/h;
f = Density of the fuel, 850 kg/m3;
L.C.V = Lower calorific value of fuel, 10000 kcal/kg;
427 = Thermo mechanical equivalent, kg.m/kcal;
m = Mechanical efficiency of engine, 80% and
th = Thermal efficiency of the engine, (considered to be about
35 for diesel engine).
Cost analysis: The costs of cutting machaine for crop residues were
estimated according to Kepner et al. (1980).
The hourly cost of operating tractor was estimated according
to Awady (1988) by using the following equation:
C = p/h (l/y + + t + r) + (0.9w.s.f) + m/144 (L.E./h) -------------- (5)
C = Hourly cast (L.E/h);
p = Price of tractor (L.E.);
h = Yearly operating hours (h/ yr);
y = Life-expectancy of tractor (yr);
i = Interest rate (%/yr);
t = Taxes and overhead ratios (%/yr);
r = Repairs and maintenance ratio (%/ yr);
0.9 = A factor accounting for lubrication;
w = Power (kW);
s = Specific of fuel consumption (kg/kW h);

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 306

f = Fuel price (L.E/kg);
m = Operator monthly salary (L.E/mo) and
144 = Monthly average hours (h/mo).
1- Cutting length:
The fineness of final production is an important parameter to evaluate
chopper performance. The cutting length suitable to produce compost
and animal organic is Lc 50 mm, (Metwally et al., 2006).
The effect of sugarcane bagasse moisture content, speed ratio and
number of knives on the cutting length was illustrated in Table 1 and
Fig. 3. the general trend is that decreasing sugarcane bagasse moisture
content and speed ratio increasing the percentages of cut length of less
than 25 mm, while reducing the percentages of cut length from 25 to
50 mm and more than 50 mm. On the other hand, decreasing the
number of knives lead to reducing the cut length less than 25 mm,
while increasing the percentages of cut length from 25 to 50 mm and
more than 50 mm. This may be due to the decrease in the amount of
stalks to be cut by decreasing feeding speed and increasing the
number of cuts per unit time which reduce the cut length below less
than 25 mm.
Table 1: The mean values of cutting lengths (mm) and efficiency
(%), chopper productivity (ton/h) and efficiency (%), fuel
consumption (l/h), power requirement (kW) energy
requirement (kWh/ton) and operating cost (L.E/ton)
Moisture content No. of knives Speed ratio
1033 13.2 16.4 20 2 4 8 20.14 24.1 31.3
<25 54.18 51.21 48.32 46.20 48.20 50.07 51.67 46.92 50.09 52.93

25-50 32.09 33.74 35.27 36.07 35.43 34.28 33.16 36.33 34.23 32.31
>50 13.90 15.03 16.19 17.73 16.28 15.69 15.18 16.50 15.80 14.84
Cutting efficiency 87.37 83.57 81.28 79.39 81.53 82.80 84.38 81.48 83.05 84.18
Productivity 1.75 1.72 1.70 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.72 2.43 1.53 1.18
Chopper efficiency 77.77 76.35 74.91 73.67 74.56 75.77 76.70 73.77 75.64 77.62
Fuel consumption 5.09 5.82 6.53 6.91 5.91 6.09 6.27 6.64 6.06 5.57
Power requir. 16.08 18.39 20.63 21.82 18.67 19.24 19.78 20.98 19.13 17.58
Energy requir 9.19 10.69 12.14 12.99 10.98 11.25 11.50 8.63 12.50 14.90

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 307

Fig. 3: Effect of moisture content, number of knives and speed ratio
on cutting lengths (mm).

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 308

The results also indicated a negative correlation between moisture
content and cut length. Increasing sugarcane bagasse moisture content
from 10.33 to 20% decreased the percentage of cut length less than 25
mm with 14.73%. The percent of cut length from 25-50 mm and more
than 50 mm increased by 12.40 and 27.55 %.
It could be noticed that increasing the number of knives on the
chopper cutterhead increased the distribution percentages of short
pieces (< 25 mm) and decreased the percentages of long pieces 25-50
and more than 50 mm.
2- Cutting efficiency:
Table 1 and Fig. 4 shows the cutting efficiency of developed chopper
as affected by sugarcane bagasse moisture content and number of
knives on chopper cutterhead under three different speed ratios
(cutterhead speed to feeding mechanism speed). Data show that the
increment in moisture content from 10.33 to 20% tends to decrease the
mean values of cutting efficiency from 87.37 to 79.39%. While, the
increase of number of knives from 2 to 8 knives tends to increase
cutting efficiency from 81.53 to 84.38%.
3- Productivity and efficiency of chopper:
The results of chopper productivity (ton/h), and efficiency (%) are
summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 4.
From these results it is clear that, number of knives bagasse moisture
content had a little effect on chopper productivity. Speed ratio
considerably affected chopping productivity and efficiency. Increased
moisture content from 10.33 to 20% mean value of chopping
productivity and efficiency decreased by 4% and 5.27% respectively.
Also the results indicated that, the chopper efficiency strongly
decreased at the speed ratio of 20.14. This may be due to the increase
of bagasse fed to the chopper due to increase feeding mechanism
speed and increasing clogging times which decrease chopper
efficiency. Increasing the speed ratio from 20.14 to 31.3 the chopper
productivity decreased from 2.43 to 1.18 ton/h.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 309

Fig. 4: Effect of moisture content, number of knives and speed ratio
on cutting efficiency, actual capacity and chopper efficiency.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 310

The results also indicated that at any cane bagasse moisture content
and speeds ratio, the maximum chopper productivity was achieved
using of 8 knives compared to other treatments.
4- Fuel, power consumption and energy requirements:
The influence of sugarcane bagasse moisture content, speed ratio as
well as number of knives on fuel, power consumption and energy
requirement presented in Table 1 and Fig 5.
From these results it is clear that, increasing sugarcane bagasse
moisture content and number of knives tends to increase the fuel and
power consumption. On the other hand, the energy required was
decreased by decreasing the speed ratio, bagasse moisture content and
number of knives. The maximum values of power consumption of
24.3 kW was obtained using 8 knives at speed ratio of 20.14 and
moisture content 20%.

Fig. 5: Effect of moisture content, number of knives and speed ratio

on energy requirement.
However, minimum value of 14.2 kW was obtained using 2 knives at
speed ratio of 31.3 and bagasse moisture content of 10.33%.
Maximum energy requirement of 17.83 kW.h/ton was obtained at
speed ratio of 31.3 and bagasse moisture content of 20% using 8
knives on cutterhead. Minimum energy requirement of 7.02 kW.h/ton
was obtained at speed ratio of 20.14 and bagasse moisture content of
10.33 using 2 knives on cutterhead.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 311

5-Silage quality:
Table 2 illustrates the ultimate analysis of constituents of sugarcane
bagasse silage based on CP, pH and NH3-N as % of total N.
It was evident that, the increment in moisture content during chopping
operation tends to increase pH value and NH3-N as % of total N. Mean
while the crud protein content (CP) decreased by increasing moisture
content during chopping operation. This data obtained from the chemical
analysis agree in general with Kholif et al. (1998).
Table 2: Effect of moisture content, number of knives and speed ratio
on silage quality (pH, NH3-N and CP)

Speed ratio, ( feeding mechanism speed to cutterhead speed)


No. of

20.14 24.1 31.3

NH3- NH3- NH3-
2 4.05 9.35 4.52 3.82 8.80 4.86 3.60 8.20 5.08

4 3.85 7.87 4.89 3.68 7.60 5.03 3.50 7.50 5.28

8 3.70 7.48 5.37 3.65 7.20 5.50 3.42 7.28 5.60
2 4.15 9.79 4.08 4.08 9.25 4.50 3.95 8.86 4.84

4 3.98 8.45 4.50 3.90 8.18 4.91 3.75 8.09 5.10

8 3.80 8.20 5.08 3.68 7.80 5.40 3.55 7.54 5.52
2 4.50 11.95 4.01 4.42 11.38 4.28 4.35 11.06 4.50

4 4.38 10.92 4.19 4.30 10.61 4.52 4.22 10.33 4.73

8 4.25 10.40 4.52 4.15 10.06 4.89 4.05 9.91 5.10
2 5.15 13.70 3.80 4.95 12.95 3.96 4.80 12.4 4.09
4 4.82 12.98 3.98 4.74 12.35 4.24 4.65 12.04 4.35

8 4.50 11.86 4.32 4.35 11.50 4.51 4.30 11.27 4.70

Also, from these Table, 8 knives on the chopper cutterhead give

highest percentages of small pieces, consequently it give the lowest
values of pH and NH3-N as % of total N. compared to the other
number of knives. But it give the highest values of crud protein
content compared with 2 and 4 knives. Also, the data presented in
Table 2 indicated that, there was appositive effect of speed ratio
(cutterhead speed to feed mechanism) on pH and NH3-N as % of total
N. In the same manner, the same increment in speed ratio decreases (CP).

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 312

Generally, the decrease of bagasse moisture content and increase in
number of knives on the chopper cutterhead and speed ratio gave
small pieces of chopped sugarcane bagasse that, make a suitable
media of fermentation which produces a good quality silage.
6- Estimation of chopping cost:
The chopping cost was estimated at different speed ratio and
sugarcane bagasse moisture contents. Using different number of
knives (2, 4 and 8) on chopper cutterhead the chopping cost per hour
was found to be 21.30 L.E. The results summarized in Table 3, cleare
that the lowest values of 8.77 L.E/ton chopping cost was obtained
with speed ratio of 20.14. While, the highest value of 18.52 L.E/ton
chopping cost was obtained with speed ratio of 31.3.
It was observed that the moisture content had few effect on chopping
costs. That may be due to the moisture content had very small effect
on chopping productivity.
Table 3: Effect of moisture content, number of knives and speed ratio
on operating cost, L.E/ton
Operating cost L.E/ton
Speed ratio, ( feeding mechanism speed to cutterhead speed)
20.14 24.1 31.3
10.33 8.77 13.40 17.18
13.20 8.77 13.65 17.46
16.40 8.77 14.01 18.21
20.00 8.77 14.20 18.52

7- Comparing between cost of fodder sugarcane bagasse

production and price of wheat straw:
Cost of chopper sugarcane bagasse using the developed equipment in
addition to cost of transportation and instilling process was compared
with the price of wheat straw (traditional animal feed). Firstly the
average costs of chopped 1.0 ton sugarcane bagasse by the developed
equipment is as 13.4 LE, in addition to 40 L.E/ton for transportation
and 70 L.E/ton for instilling price. Hence, the total cost of produce 1.0
ton from fodder sugarcane bagasse was 123.40 L.E.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 313

Secondary the price of 1.0 ton wheat straw 280 L.E the estimated
according to the surveying and personal communications. Comparing
the above mentioned cost data of produce one ton of fodder sugarcane
bagasse and price of wheat straw as a traditional animal feeding, it can
be concluded the two following notations: (1) Produce one ton from
fodder sugarcane bagasse save the cost by 127% compared to price of
wheat straw. (2) Reduce environmental pollution.
From this study it could be conducted that
1- Increasing both number of knives and speed ratio tends to increase
the percentage of short pieces (< 25 mm) and decrease the
percentage of long pieces (from 25-50 mm and more than 50 mm).
While the moisture content 10.33 gave with highest values of
percentage of short pieces compared with others number (2 and 4).
2- The highest values of cutting and chopper efficiency were obtained
at sugarcane bagasse moisture content of 10.33 and speed ratio of
31.3 when using 8 knives. While the maximum chopper
productivity recorded at moisture content of 10.33 and speed ratio
of 21.14 under 8 knives.
3- The minimum energy requirement of 7.02 kW.h/ton was obtainer
under moisture content of 10.52 and speed ratio of 20.14 with 2
4- Decrement in moisture content, increment in number of knives and
speed ratio gave small pieces of chopped sugarcane bagasse that,
make a suitable media of fermentation which produces a good
quality silage.
5- The minimum values of chopping cost were 8.75 L.E/ton when
chopping sugarcane bagasse under speed ratio of 31.3 and
moisture content of 10.33 with 2 cutterhead knives.
6- It is recommended to use the modified machine at moisture content
of 10.33%, speed ratio of 24.1 and number of knives of 8.
7- Produce 1.0 Ton from fodder sugarcane bagasse save the cost by
127% compared to price of wheat straw and minimize size
reduction of environmental pollution.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 314

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* * **




. - - **

Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 316

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. . .
. .
( . . . . /
. .
. . .
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. .
. . .
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Misr J. Ag. Eng., April 2007 317

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