Merck & Co Inc (MRK US) - As Reported

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Merck & Co Inc (MRK US) - As Reported

In Millions of USD except Per Share FY 2007 FY 2008

12 Months Ending 12/31/2007 12/31/2008
Cash Flow
Cash From Operating Activities
Change In Other Liabilites 26.2 -108.0
Other Non-Cash Items 1,997.2 -1,491.0
Change in Inventories -40.7 -452.1
Change in Accounts Payable 117.7
Change in Accounts Receivable -290.7 -889.4
Equity In Earnings Of Affiliates/JV-CF -490.9 1,729.0
Acquired In-Process R&D -CF 325.1
Change in Accrued Expenses 451.1 -1,710.9
Change in Income Taxes Payable (Receivable) 987.2 -465.3
Total Cash Flows From Operations 6,999.2 6,571.7
Gain/(Loss) On Early Extinguishment of Debt
Gain (Loss) On Sale of Investments and Mkt Sec
Change In Other Assets And Liabilities 105.1 -358.3
Change in Other Current Assets and Liabilities
Net Income - CF 3,275.4 7,808.4
Depreciation And Amortization - CF 1,988.2 1,631.2
Deferred Income Taxes - CF -1,781.9 530.1
Stock Based Compensation 330.2 348.0
Cash From Investing Activities
Purchases of Investments -10,132.7 -11,967.3
Divestiture of Business
Acquisition of Business -1,135.9
Capital Expenditures -1,011.0 -1,298.3
Proceeds From Investments 10,860.2 11,065.8
Other Investing Activities -1,390.6 365.4
Proceeds From Short-Term Investments
Total Cash Flows From Investing -2,810.0 -1,834.4
Cash from Financing Activities
Dividends Paid -3,307.3 -3,278.5
Increase (Decrease) Short-Term Borrowings -Net 11.4 1,859.9
Increase In Long-Term Borrowings
Decrease In Long-Term Borrowings -1,195.3 -1,392.0
Increase (Decrease) Long-Term Borrowings - Net
Effect of Exchange Rates On Cash 98.3 -182.6
Debt Financing/Issuance Costs
Other Financing Activities 156.2 -89.2
Cash Paid For Taxes 1,800.0
Cash Paid For Interest 247.0
Exercise of Stock Options 898.6 102.3
Net Change In Cash -578.6 -967.8
Purchase of Treasury Stock -1,429.7 -2,725.0
Cash and Cash Equivalents (End of Period) 5,336.1 4,368.3
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Beg of Period) 5,914.7 5,336.1
Total Cash Flows From Financing -4,866.1 -5,522.5
Reference Items
Cash Paid For Taxes 3,500.0 1,800.0
Cash Paid For Interest 406.4 247.0
Source: Bloomberg
FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013
12/31/2009 12/31/2010 12/31/2011 12/31/2012 12/31/2013

231.3 -98.0 -7.0 -1,747.0 -132.0

-11,226.3 -226.0 323.0 28.0 399.0
1,211.3 1,990.0 -678.0 -482.0 -365.0
-45.2 124.0 182.0 -302.0 522.0
165.2 -1,089.0 -1,168.0 349.0 436.0
-510.7 -263.0 -394.0 -351.0 -167.0

-4,003.5 35.0 1,444.0 -717.0 -397.0
-364.8 128.0 -277.0 -34.0 -1,421.0
2,441.0 705.0 200.0 765.0
3,392.0 10,822.0 12,383.0 10,022.0 11,654.0

-136.0 0.0 0.0
-262.0 -1,203.0 563.0
13,024.2 982.0 6,392.0 6,299.0 4,517.0
2,576.0 7,381.0 7,427.0 6,978.0 6,988.0
1,820.2 -1,092.0 -1,537.0 669.0 -330.0
415.5 509.0 369.0 335.0 276.0

-3,070.8 -7,197.0 -7,325.0 -12,841.0 -17,991.0

323.0 0.0 46.0
-12,972.6 -256.0 -373.0 0.0 -246.0
-1,460.6 -1,678.0 -1,723.0 -1,954.0 -1,548.0
10,941.9 4,561.0 6,149.0 7,783.0 16,298.0
9,718.1 1,073.0 -116.0 207.0 293.0
175.0 0.0 0.0
3,156.0 -3,497.0 -2,890.0 -6,805.0 -3,148.0

-3,479.1 -4,853.0 -4,811.0 -5,236.0 -5,277.0

-2,422.0 90.0 1,076.0 624.0 -159.0

-25.3 -1,341.0 -1,547.0 -22.0 -1,775.0
4,228.0 1,999.0
33.4 -295.0 42.0 -30.0 -346.0
2,562.0 6,467.0
-126.3 -106.0 -22.0 86.0 60.0

186.4 363.0 321.0 1,310.0 1,210.0
4,943.1 1,589.0 2,631.0 -80.0 2,170.0
-1,593.0 -1,921.0 -2,591.0 -6,516.0
9,311.4 10,900.0 13,531.0 13,451.0 15,621.0
4,368.3 9,311.0 10,900.0 13,531.0 13,451.0
-1,638.3 -5,441.0 -6,904.0 -3,267.0 -5,990.0

957.5 1,600.0 2,700.0 2,500.0 2,300.0

351.4 763.0 600.0 898.0 922.0
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016
12/31/2014 12/31/2015 12/31/2016

190.0 -277.0
-12,045.0 2,313.0
79.0 805.0
593.0 -37.0
-554.0 -480.0
-72.0 -155.0

1,635.0 -8.0
-21.0 -266.0
1,222.0 162.0
7,860.0 12,421.0
628.0 0.0

-98.0 -5.0
11,934.0 4,459.0 5,691.0
6,691.0 6,375.0
-2,600.0 -764.0
278.0 299.0

-24,944.0 -16,681.0
15,120.0 316.0
-4,881.0 -7,744.0
-1,317.0 -1,283.0
15,114.0 20,413.0
534.0 221.0

-374.0 -4,758.0

-5,247.0 -5,117.0
-460.0 -1,540.0
3,146.0 7,938.0
-6,617.0 -2,906.0

-553.0 -1,310.0

208.0 56.0

1,560.0 485.0
-8,180.0 1,083.0
-7,703.0 -4,186.0
7,441.0 8,524.0
15,621.0 7,441.0
-15,113.0 -5,270.0

7,900.0 1,800.0
852.0 653.0

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