The Smuggler
The Smuggler
The Smuggler
Corsicans are people of simple tastes- they make a wide range of liqueurs and have a
particular fondness for chestnuts and wild boar.
The Smuggler does not care much for the wars on the continent- all he cares about is who
levies what taxes, and which port is in need of what. The Smuggler does not necessarily see
himself as a criminal, just an entrepreneur who is trying to get around unjust and punitive tax
regimes. Smugglers prefer fast, small ships, and quick, quiet business.
The Smuggler is adept at deceit and subterfuge, a crafty fellow who's under-the-table acts
are greatly appreciated in the ports he calls at. Some, however, are more than prepared to
cover up their illicit dealings with a violent murder. Smuggling may lead to piracy, but many a
pirate secretly envies the more sedate life of the simple, honest Smuggler.
The Smuggler is a man of simple business- he provides and the buyer pays what is agreed.
Corsicans are sticklers for debt- if they are owed money they will not be settled until that
debt is paid. Likewise, a Corsican will not let anything he owes lie; save a Corsicans life and
he is your companion through thick and thin until that favour is repaid, and probably beyond.
As such, a Corsican Smuggler is not someone to be fobbed off.
Nevertheless, the Smuggler is a man who is willing to put his life on the line for the right
price. A large enough payday is worth a proportional amount of risk.
Your character has been tasked with smuggling some unusual cargo- a man- from the
Genoa to Marseille. He has paid a little gold in advance, and promised far more if he gets to
to a rendezvous in Le Canard dOr tavern. He is clearly
Marseille undetected and brought
some form of aristocrat, but hides his accent and guards his mannerisms. An odd job, but a
lucrative one.
Your character would not let a debt owed to him go unless absolutely necessary;
likewise he would not allow a deed done for him go unpaid. He would be extremely
tempted by any venture that promised a good financial return- even if it was
General Information-